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CSC13002 - Class Review

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Instructor: Nguyen Van Vu


1. Software process models

a. What is software process? What, who, when, why?
b. What is software process model?
c. Models
i. Waterfall model: traditional approach
1. Sequential
2. Making sure one stage completed before doing the next
3. Suitable for projects having stable requirements: it is
eliminating the waste of projects.
4. Stages: requirements definition, design & analysis,
implementation, testing, deployment, maintenance & operation.
ii. RUP: traditional approach
1. Iterative: doing things repeatedly, incrementally
2. Phases: Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and Transition
3. Iterations = cycle
a. One iteration is like one cycle of waterfall
4. Detailed process to do things
5. Detailed roles of team members
6. Many documents to be written
7. Use-case driven development
iii. Agile methods
1. Four value propositions of Agile methods
2. Scrum
a. Sprint, time-boxed iteration
b. Backlog (product backlog, sprint backlog, impediment
c. Roles
d. Activities
i. Daily scrum
ii. Sprint review
iii. Sprint planning
iv. Release planning
3. XP
a. Philosophy: take down good practices into extreme
b. Key practices
i. Pair programming
ii. Small release
iii. Coding standard
iv. ….
2. Software project management
a. Goals
b. Roles
i. PM
ii. TA
iii. BA
iv. Tester
v. Maintainer
c. Activities
i. Planning
1. Estimation
2. Scheduling
3. Task assignment
ii. Team building
iii. Human management
iv. Controlling and monitoring
1. Report
2. Problem resolving
v. Customer collaboration
vi. Risk management
3. Software requirements & requirements engineering
a. Software requirements
i. User requirements (concepts of operation) & system requirements
1. User requirements
2. System requirements
a. Use-case
b. User story
ii. Functional requirements & non-functional requirements
iii. Domain requirements (functional & non-functional)
b. Requirements engineering
i. Requirement gathering
1. Techniques
a. Interview
b. Survey
c. Observe
d. Record
ii. Requirement analysis and documentation
1. Use case model
iii. Requirement validation
1. Inspection
2. TDD – Test-driven development (test generation)
3. Prototyping (PoC)
iv. Requirement management
v. Question: why do we need to do requirements validation? Why
requirement inspection/review is effective?
4. Software Analysis and Design
a. Software architecture
i. Question: why do we need to detail/form an architecture for the
software? (Log4j)
ii. Scalability -> horizontal scale vs. vertical scale
iii. Architectural critical requirements
b. Architectural design (architectural design)
i. Based on requirements to form the architecture
ii. Question: how does architecture affect the performance of the
iii. Loosely coupled vs. tightly coupled?
iv. Fine-grained vs. coarse-grained components?
c. Detailed design (low-level design)
i. High-level design vs. detailed design?
ii. Class diagram
iii. Sequence diagram
5. Software Verification and Validation
a. Verification vs. Validation
i. Why do we need both?
b. Techniques
i. Static inspection
1. Review (artifacts, work products)
2. Analysis (code analysis)
ii. Dynamic
1. Testing
2. Analysis
iii. Test-driven development
iv. Model-driven development
v. …
6. Software testing
a. Levels of testing
i. Unit testing
ii. System testing
1. Integration
2. Release testing
iii. Acceptance testing
b. Types of testing
i. Functional testing
ii. Non-functional
1. Performance
2. Load
3. Usability
4. Security
c. Techniques
i. Regression testing
ii. Ad-hoc testing
iii. Smoke testing
iv. ….
d. Concepts
i. Test case
ii. Test steps
iii. Test data
iv. Test results
v. Defects
vi. Test coverage
1. Code coverage
2. Function coverage
3. UI coverage
4. Path coverage
e. Techniques
i. Requirement-based → test cases
ii. Equivalence partition → test cases
1. Ex. Generating test cases for testing the registration function
with username having at least 8 characters and a special
iii. Path testing
1. Given a snippet of code, write test cases to cover all paths
iv. Ad-hoc testing
v. Smoke testing
7. Test automation (not included in the final exam)
a. Goals
b. Approaches of test automation
c. Levels
i. Unit testing
ii. Integration testing
iii. System testing
d. Tools
i. Selenium
ii. Appium
iii. Katalon
8. User interface design (not included in the final exam)
a. Principles of UI design

9. Software reuse (not included in the final exam)

a. Techniques

• Two-sided "cheatsheet": students are allowed to have one two-sided "cheatsheet" to
summarize whatever they like.
• Condition
o No discussion, sharing allowed
o No phrases, sentences taken from the Internet
• Time: 90 minutes

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