Technical Customer Support Engineer Technical Test: Tasks / Questions
Technical Customer Support Engineer Technical Test: Tasks / Questions
Technical Customer Support Engineer Technical Test: Tasks / Questions
Technical Test
There are no time restrictions on this test, but the sooner you return it, the sooner we can
progress your application! You are welcome to do some research, but please don’t get any
outside help. There are sometimes no right or wrong answers. We want to understand
how your mind works, and how you communicate your thought processes in written form.
Tasks / Questions
• Imagine your daily routine includes repetitive and manual tasks, how would you
automate these? Which tools would you use? Do you have any examples of such
tasks and real experience automating them? Tell us about that.
• If you are a website owner who wants to understand how your visitors interact
with it, which key metrics would you capture and how would you analyze them?
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Domain Name System (DNS)
SSL Certificate
• Count all the records that have the value “page_view” in the field `event` of the
’events’ table in ’atomic’ schema.
• There are 2 tables which share the same field ’id’. Select the first 100 records
from both tables, ’events’ and ’contexts’, where the values of the field
’id’ match.
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"id": "12345",
"type": "event"‚
"name": “click“,
"12345"; {
primary: true,
"url": "images/0001.jpg",
"width": 200,
"height": 200,
"url": "images/thumbnails/0001.jpg",
"width": 32,
"height": 32
"root": ''
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Scripting Languages
Using one of the scripting languages below print out the list of the cities.
• bash
• Python
• Ruby
<button>Click me</button>
• Insert the AlertifyJS library; it is used to generate dialogs and can be found at
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