ZTE Gabinetes Outdoor DWDM
ZTE Gabinetes Outdoor DWDM
ZTE Gabinetes Outdoor DWDM
Cabinet Product Description
ZXCAB DS04 (V2.0R88M30)Cabinet Product Description
V1.0 2021/1/18 Huo Wenquan Wu Donghui Not open to the third party
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5 Declaration ...................................................................................................................... 8
Fig. 1-1 Schematic diagram of the cabinet with DC air conditioners ................................... 4
1 Product Overview
This power cabinet is designed for the placement of 21” equipment. The cabinet is
applied for outdoor applications and provides a suitable environment for communication
equipment. The temperature control equipment used in this project is 3000W DC air
conditioner with 1+1 backup. The 1+1 backup ensures the equipment work more
properly and reliably. This power cabinet is easy to install and maintain. Also it has a
variety of features for outdoor applications, such as dust-proof, waterproof, heat
insulation, anti-theft, moisture proof, mildew proof, and corrosion proof.
2 Product Highlight
Standardized cabinets with compact structure, saving footprint.
Easy to maintain.
Wide application.
3 Product Configuration
This power cabinet can satisfy general outdoor environment in table 3-2. And harsh
outdoor environment can be satisfied by custom designed.
Environment environment
SN. Places as examples
Code condition
Single-compartment, none
partition, PEF insulation
Item Description
When the smoke sensor detects the smog, it sends the alarm signal to cabinet air-cons.
As soon as the air-cons receive smog alarm signal, immediately they stop working.
When one air conditioner has a problem, the other will start immediately.
If one of aircon is out of work, it does not switch to the other one until time switch is
finished. If the fault is not cleared, the other will work all the time.
5 Declaration
When the Air-con alarm signal is detected, the professional maintenance engineer
must immediately arrive and take action to diagnose and solve the problem.
This type of cabinet shall be at least 14km off the shore to avoid corrosion caused
by the salt fog. Site on the island or near the shore shall use special solution.