People Planet-Side (NPC Tables)

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People among the stars

I'm working on a space fantasy supplement for use with Into The Odd (which you can buy here:
This table is meant to help creat an on-the-fly NPC for a space port or planet. It is slanted slightly
towards 'interesting' (you're just as likely to meet a dragon hunter as you are a baker). It does not supply
stats, but I find that this is easy to do while running a game.

1d100 Occupation Physical trait Condition

1-6 Peace Keeper Aggressively plain All business
(city guard, gendarme etc)
7-8 Beggar/crippled veteran Armed to the gills Trying to rip you off
9 Apothecary Beautiful Devoutly religious
10 Acrobat Ugly Looking for a missing
11-13 Able spaceman Compelling voice Looking for libation and
pleasant company
14-16 Day laborer Very long hair Drunk
17 Hangman Brand (thief, slave, blasphemer) Sells lotus powder
18 Alchemist Third eye Angry
19 Baker Fur and blubber Sad
20 Barrister Hare lip Jolly
21-23 Messenger Alabaster skin Curmudgeonly
24-26 Imperial official Bleary-eyed Argumentative
27-29 Asphodel coalition bureaucrat Metal man Picking a fight
30-32 Soldier/warrior Wild beard Running from a fight
33-34 Barkeep Well-manicured beard Can hardly contain a
scandalous rumor
35-36 Fake beard Looking for group to
Pirate send on quest
37-38 Sports mystical tattoos Looking for partners for
a treasure-hunting
Toad God holy person venture
39 Shipbuilder Emerald skin Looking for redemption
40 Carpenter Wears encounter suit Don't want no trouble
41 Engineer Disheveled Chasing a pickpocket
42 Smith In their finest dress Chasing a lover
43 Sail-maker Surrounded by a dark halo Secretly an assassin
44-45 Obsidian skin Will do anything for
Farmer or Forester liquor/lotus powder
46-47 Extravagantly pierced Trying to drum up
Thief business for a tavern
48 Ritual scars Student of the Unseen
Cartographer Architects
49 Spy (roll again for cover) Dreadlocks Preying on the weak
50 Bald Sycophantic and
Scribe gossipy.
51-53 Fisherman Clothes are colorful rags Stoic and fatalistic
54 Laundry worker Bestial traits (squid) A long-lost relation of a
55 Pilgrim Bestial traits (bird) Suicidal
56 Tailor Bestial traits (reptile) A god in disguise
57 Thug Bestial traits (fish) Nice but dim
58-59 Bestial traits (mammal) Deeply in love with (roll
again) and that's
Merchant unsuitable!
60 Ship's pilot Bestial traits (seabear) Berserk!
61 Ship's captain Dragon scales Owes money
62 Doctor/medic Insectile Running riot
63 Cook Wealthy On the way to court,
clapped in irons
64-65 Food vendor Hungry On the lam
66 Grifter Incongruously dressed Trying to stow away
67 Barber Lustful
68 Rube Mouths on the abdomen A friend of a PC
69 Aristocrat/chieftain Many-limbed A former lover of a PC
70 Town crier Lightly feathered Trying to incite a riot
71 Diplomat Toad-like An old enemy of the PC
72 Glass-blower Literally petrified Figuratively petrified
73 Hair of fire Trying to press-gang
people into service on
Dyer hir ship
74 Herbalist Secretly carrying a bomb! Trying to hide
contagious disease
75 Dragon hunter Driving a cart Hiding towering
76 Mason Selling illicit goods Hiding secret insight
77 Chocolatier Singing a rude song Someone who ought to
be dead
78 Miner Carries stolen goods Serial killer
79 Minstrel Alarmingly fat Crushing bore
80 Moneylender Disturbingly skinny Insultingly casual
81 Has mean dog The Iron Princess's last
jester. There's a bounty
Holy person (not Toad God) on his head
82 Revolutionary Has nice dog Annoyingly formal
83 Vermin catcher Has cat Looking for a spouse
84-85 Servant Has talking parrot or imp Young and naive
86 Has arachnid A hungry monstrosity
Thief-taker/bounty hunter hiding in a stolen skin
87 Looks disturbingly like a PC Language is a sexually
Prostitute transmitted disease
88 Vapid fop Ancient like the snow on
the mountains and the
Butcher tolling of bells
89 Insightful fop Looking for a suitable
Armorer/gun smith sacrifice
90 Wizard Huge! Hiding social status
91 Tiny Mistakes a PC for a
family member that
never came home from
Gravedigger the war
92 Azure-furred ape Child-like
Architect inquisitiveness
93 Corpse-like Stumbles out of a
Celebrity (roll again to see what kind of nondescript building,
celebrity) mortally wounded
94 Surprisingly unarmed An Arcanum lodged in
Jeweler the brain calls the shots
95-96 Secretly carries an Arcanum Impressionable and just
waiting to be part of an
Opportunistic criminal outraged mob
97 Carries an Arcanum openly Has incurred the wrath
Scryer of the Toad God!
98 Sleepwalking Agitator, denying the
Charcoal burner divinity of the Toad God.
99 Bailiff Crippled Cannibal
100 Carrying something which will Roll once more on both
get comically destroyed during a Physical trait and
Villain (What kind? Roll again!) chase condition column

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