A Literature Review: Extensible Network Model Architecture
A Literature Review: Extensible Network Model Architecture
A Literature Review: Extensible Network Model Architecture
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- In today’s modern educational institutions the requirement of educational network model, to design and
continuous aiming to enhance scalability and develop this type of model must go throughout the following
adaptability to meet the growing demands of digital study and research of current availability in market and what
education. In this research paper reviewed the I can give them new.
literatures which is for extensible network model
development, in this literature review paper focused on What is Network? How to design and utilize?
network architecture into educational institutions. In Understandability of IP address and packets (Hardware
research I required to learn and generate the based and Software based)
architecture or a model for the network which helps me Security and firewall utilization
to extend the research which is required for the Network Services and Network Monitoring and
development of network model. Here research paper Management Tools
learned for the network architecture, IP addressing, IP Computer System Configuration and Monitoring itself
addressing lookup, IPv4 and IPv6 implementations, Understandability of Computer Operating Systems
packet sending and receiving and packet generations Accessibility of Operating System files and directories
which gives the idea to get or pass the information or a
signal to get accessibility of the system informations from In some of the educational institutions there is the
the centralized systems or from the particular system. large infrastructure and a wide area and they are utilizing the
computer system into currently growing Information &
Keywords:- IP Addressing, Network Model, Networking Technology, to manage and maintain all this they must
Architecture, IP Lookup, Packet, Protocols, Packet establish the powerful extensible network model for the
Switching, Security, Firewall. controlling and monitoring from the centralized or from the
particular system. To study all this must learn some basic
I. INTRODUCTION topics which I have been listed above.
In modern education system good networking For the full research I must go through the all point to
infrastructure is play major role to grow up educational create model right now here I am discussing about the
institution and to facilitate the continuous communication, network, network architecture and the IP address [1] and
collaboration, and an accessibility of resources from the packets accessibility how they are working in a network and
anywhere any department can maintain their resources and how all those things are helped me to create efficient and
get the informations. effective network architecture.
And also must understand the IP addressing and its
When the technologies are continuously growing utilization how to assign into extensible network
updatable, educational institutes must update themselves, architecture model, and also must understand the packet
there is a need for extensible network model that can adapt utilization and classification [2] how they are passing
to evolving demands and provide a robust foundation for throughout the network architecture using certain devices
various activities are held throughout the computer network over network.
What is Network? How to design and develop network
To make extensible network model for educational Architecture?
institution must learn and study some basic things which are This section provides an overview of the fundamental
helpful to make extensible network model powerful and network and network infrastructure components typically
provide the better security, utilization of proper resources found in educational institutions. It explores concepts such
and also they must build strong network management for the as local area networks (LANs), wide area networks
computer system from the specific authorization. (WANs), wireless networks, wired networks and their
respective architectures.
To study this type of research I must go through the
different division of the study which are not fixed it may
take changes during the research when it requires and as per