APRIL 2023 MI e Publication Final Spreads Web
APRIL 2023 MI e Publication Final Spreads Web
APRIL 2023 MI e Publication Final Spreads Web
ear Knights of the Im- parish church just before dawn. death and burial. This is a very
maculata, The floats can weigh up to seven dark day and a time to recall the
Maria! The most sacred thousand pounds and take up to suffering Jesus Christ endured for
week in the liturgical 12 hours to reach the Cathedral our sins. There is no Mass and no
year, Holy Week, be- and return home. It is a spectacle celebration of the Eucharist on
gins with the commemoration of worth seeing. Good Friday. Holy Communion is
Christ’s triumphal entry into Jeru- This is an important time for all distributed using the Sacred Hosts
salem on Palm Sunday. Holy Week Christians throughout the world. consecrated on Holy Thursday.
draws large crowds and many The Church celebrates Holy Week The church bells are silent and the
countries have different traditions, honoring four special events of altar left bare. This marks the end
from special services in memory Christ’s Passion: His entrance into of the Lent season and takes us
of the Lord’s Passion, floats, sculp- Jerusalem, where palm branches to the Mass of the Resurrection of
tures or live enactments of Christ’s were laid down on the path he the Lord on Saturday evening, the
life, His arrest and crucifixion. The traveled; the Last Supper on Holy Easter Vigil, when we celebrate the
live stations of the cross are always Thursday followed by His arrest; Resurrection of the Lord.
worth watching. The Passion of His crucifixion on Good Friday, and Holy Saturday remembers the day
Christ is the basis and foundation Holy Saturday when His body was Jesus spent in the grave resting,
for our faith. in the tomb. from the ninth hour, 3 pm, on
In Seville, Spain, since the 16th Palm Sunday recalls when Jesus Good Friday until just before dawn
century, each of the 115-plus arrived in Jerusalem, riding a don- on Sunday morning. The Easter
churches has a brotherhood, (Her- key and all the people placed palm Vigil takes place after sunset be-
mandad), associated with it. They branches along His path, a sign of cause the new liturgical day begins
organize and make a pilgrimage respect and paying Him homage. at sunset. The vigil begins outside
through the city carrying large They praised Him as He entered. the church, where an Easter fire is
“pasos,” extravagant floats, that This was a customary practice for lit and the Paschal candle is bless-
are carried in a procession, led by people that were highly respected. ed and lit. The Paschal candle will
are over 300 years old. They are liturgical time of the Church, the nerals. It is a reminder that Christ is
an artistic representation of some Easter Triduum, from the evening our life and light. The water of the
part of the story of the passion, im- of Holy Thursday to the evening of baptismal font is blessed. On Good
ages of some passage of the Bible, Easter Sunday. Though three days, Friday and Holy Saturday many
either of Jesus or Mary. The floats they are liturgically one day un- churches cover the statues and
PAGE 3 are carried on the shoulders of up
to 66 men, “Costaleros,” named
folding for us the unity of Christ’s
Paschal Mystery.
cross with purple or black cloth.
Holy water is removed from the
because of the white protective On Holy Thursday, we celebrate church and the bells remain silent
The Knights at the Foot of the Cross - Page 15 They can’t see out from the float
and therefore they listen to the
washing of the feet is reenacted
during the Mass of the Lord’s
first week being Easter week. The
resurrection is the basis for our
command of the “Capataz” as they Supper and Holy Oils are blessed faith. Without the Resurrection,
process through the narrow streets during the Mass. the Christian faith is nothing but
at night to the Cathedral before On Good Friday we remember a false ideology and all in vain.
returning home to their local Jesus’s arrest, trial, crucifixion, The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
fter Jesus had been Lord? One the supposition of an a complete summary of all that
laid in the tomb, Mary “omission,” this silence could be happened during the 40 days after
“alone remains to keep attributed to the fact that what is Easter. St. Paul recalls that He ap-
alive the flame of faith, necessary for our saving knowl- peared “to more than 500 brethren
preparing to receive the edge was entrusted to the word at one time” (1 Cor 15:6). How do
joyful and astonishing announce- of those “chosen by God as wit- we explain the fact that an excep-
ment of the Resurrection” (Address nesses” (Acts 10:41), that is, the tional event known to so many is
at the General Audience, 3 April Apostles, who gave their testimony not mentioned by the Evangelists?
1996; L’Osservatore Romano English of the Lord Jesus’ Resurrection It is an obvious sign that other
edition, 10 April 1996, p. 7). The “with great power” (cf. Acts 4:33). appearances of the Risen One were
expectation felt on Holy Saturday Before appearing to them, the not recorded, although they were
is one of the loftiest moments of Risen One had appeared to several among the well-known events that
faith for the Mother of the Lord: faithful women because of their occurred.
in the darkness that envelops the ecclesial function: “Go and tell How could the Blessed Virgin,
world, she entrusts herself fully to my brethren to go to Galilee, and present in the first community of
the God of life, and thinking back there they will see me” (Mt 28: 10). disciples (cf. Acts 1: 14), be exclud-
to the words of her Son, she hopes If the authors of the New Testa- ed from those who met her divine
in the fulfilment of the divine ment do not speak of the Mother’s Son after He had risen from the On Holy Saturday,
in the darkness that
promises. The Gospels mention encounter with her risen Son, this dead?
various appearances of the risen can perhaps be attributed to the
Christ, but not a meeting between
Jesus and His Mother. This silence
fact that such a witness would
have been considered too biased WAS SHE THE FIRST envelops the world,
must not lead to the conclusion by those who denied the Lord’s
TO MEET HIM? the Mother of the
Lord entrusts herself
that after the Resurrection Christ Resurrection, and therefore not
did not appear to Mary; rather worthy of belief.
it invites us to seek the reasons
why the Evangelists made such a Furthermore, the Gospels report a Indeed, it is legitimate to think fully to the God of
choice. How could Mary not be
among those who met the risen
small number of appearances by
the risen Jesus and certainly not
that the Mother was probably the
first person to whom the risen
3 THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 78 © Militia of the Immaculata © Militia of the Immaculata THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 77 4
Invite Friends to Be
Consecrated to Our Lady!
Bathed in the
der to become the herald of His
glorious coming. Thus, bathed in
Mary anticipates
Mary, as the image and model of venas companion may be used individually
the Church which waits for the or as a group activity (in a home or parish
5 THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 78 © Militia of the Immaculata © Militia of the Immaculata THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 78 6
he Lord preached many 10th NATIONAL
words throughout
His public ministry to
great effect on hillsides,
in synagogues and
marketplaces, and in people’s
homes. His message from the
Cross, as He was dying, spending
His Precious Blood for us, remain
as an enduring testimony to July 17-21, 2024
His love and compassion, the
summation of His entire preaching.
Indianapolis, Indiana
They In Luke’s Gospel, we hear: “When “An encounter with the living
they came to the place called the
Skull, they crucified Him and the Jesus Christ renewing our
Jesus said,
The 10th National Eucharistic
the Cross, the
forgiveness and love of enemies
throughout His life. In the Sermon Our angry, violent world today needs to embrace the radical forgiveness Congress in 2024 will be a pivotal,
‘Father, forgive on the Mount, Jesus commands
us to love our enemies and to sacrifice of true and compassion exemplified in the crucified Christ. In a culture where
road rage, law suits, shootings, anarchic destruction of property, and
unifying, and transformative
them, they do
moment for the Church in the
pray for our persecutors. The
love, the gift of constant conflict are the norm, we need to kneel at the foot of the United States. Sign up for updates.
not know what surrender, the
Gospels narrate how often Christ Cross and listen once again to “Father, forgive them…” As Christians, we
Plan to attend and witness the Holy
forgave sinners and reconciled must be ambassadors of the Gospel, ministers of reconciliation, those
Spirit do something amazing!
they do.’” those estranged from God and the
community. Pardon and mercy are mercy of Jesus— rare souls who are the first to reach out to resolve an argument, offer
words of contrition and pardon, seek to reconcile enemies. In our harsh
(Lk 23:33-34) the hallmarks of the Lord’s life and
ministry. This theme reaches its these are the culture, such compassion may appear as weakness, but it is actually the
greatest of strengths. The power of the Cross, the sacrifice of true love,
dramatic climax when the Jesus is mysteries which the gift of surrender, the mercy of Jesus—these are the mysteries which
7 THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 78 © Militia of the Immaculata © Militia of the Immaculata THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 78 8
ather Kolbe and nine other Mary, to whom he was so passion-
men were placed in an ately devoted.
underground cell without
Only by food or water. In those This holy season, we can go to con-
letting in
horrible circumstances, fession, pardon a grievance, reach
prisoners often lost their senses, out to an estranged relative or
experience that
laughter. When the Nazi guards to live in harmony and love with all
came in to look in on them, Father people. In very small ways, we can
bids us to share
and mercy spooked the guards. Our society bleeds and hurts with
They could handle hatred and so much violence and anger. Only
ment of adoration, like singing the
To fittingly observe the Feast of Mercy, we should: Tantum Ergo or reciting the Divine Give us the eyes of faith to
1. Celebrate the Feast on the Sunday after Easter Praises at the end. recognize His presence in our
(or its Vigil). The parents who started it believe brothers and sisters, especially
2. Sincerely repent of all our sins. It’s no secret that bringing young that the children’s adoration pro- in the face of the poor and the
3. Place our complete trust in Jesus. children to church can be challeng- gram could be replicated at other suffering.
4. Go to Confession, preferably before the Feast. ing. St. Mary’s Parish in Blacksburg, parishes, as long as there are a few
5. Receive Holy Communion on the day of the Virginia, is aiming to help young families willing to commit to par- Nourished by the Eucharist, send
Feast (or its Vigil). families overcome obstacles by ticipating and permission from the us forth to walk faithfully as
6. Venerate the Image of The Divine Mercy. making Eucharistic adoration ac- pastor. The most important thing is missionary disciples, proclaiming
7. Be merciful to others, through our actions, cessible for even its youngest pa- that little kids get to see Jesus! the Gospel to every heart and
words, and prayers on their behalf. rishioners. extending Your kingdom to every
To receive the Extraordinary Graces of this Feast, On Saturday mornings, the parish FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THIS WON- land.
the only condition is to receive Holy Communion hosts a monthly half-hour of ad- DERFUL INITIATIVE AND TAKE INSPI-
worthily on Divine Mercy Sunday (or the Vigil oration specifically for families of RATION ON HOW TO BRING IT TO YOUR We ask this through Christ our
celebration) by making a good confession before- young children, after which the PARISH! Lord.
hand and staying in the state of grace and trusting families spend time together on Amen.
in His Divine Mercy. A Plenary Indulgence can be a local playground. With Gospel https://www.pillarcatholic.com/childrens-
obtained by fulfilling the usual conditions. readings, reflections, songs and adoration-offers-young-families-a- by Most Reverend José H. Gomez
crayons, the event offers a space chance-for-prayer-community/ Archbishop of Los Angeles
where noise is okay, but prayer is ~
9 THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 78 © Militia of the Immaculata © Militia of the Immaculata THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 78 10
See and Share
the MI Film!
This important
short film beautifully
and eloquently
The Definitive English Edition! captures the essence of the
• Wear and carry the Miraculous Medal: you will be The Martyr of Charity, St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe (1894- MI: total consecration
surprised how many opportunities you will have to 1941), before his death in the Auschwitz concentration to the Immaculata
start a conversation. camp, had a full and fruitful life. The Polish-born Franciscan
Friar had spent the previous twenty-three years as a priest, in the evangelical spirit
• Wear an MI T-shirt: it will spark a question or two...! evangelizer, media mogul, social commentator, missionary of St. Maximilian Kolbe.
and religious reformer. His life’s work cut short at age 47, St.
• Keep MI introductory brochures in your purse or
in your car: do not hesitate to share one with a friend
Kolbe nonetheless left behind an impressive body of writings. "Simply excellent!"
In the 1950s the English-speaking world first began reading
asking the simple question: “Have you ever heard of bits and pieces of those writings translated from the original "Inspirational!"
Here are some more suggestions on how to share St. Maximilian Kolbe and his Militia of the Immaculata Polish, Italian and Latin. Now devotees and scholars alike can
movement?” find the entire wide-ranging array of those writings collected Share the link
your love for Our Lady and to invite family and
together in a two-volume compendium, published by Nerbini https://militiaoftheimmaculata.
friends to be part of our MI Family. • Approach your pastor and ask permission to post
International. com/mi-movie/
• Pay attention to the persons you meet: listen MI literature at your church, to submt a column on with your family and friends
with an open heart, especially if they share their your parish bulletin, to show the MI FILM or to host At long last the complete works of St. Maximilian M. and promote the new film
Kolbe in English: accurate, readable and with explanatory
concerns and sufferings. Don’t be too quick to give an informative meeting about Marian consecra- introduction and footnotes. Both scholars and general by posting on your favorite
advice. We are just to be an open road to His Heart tion: keep in mind that the MI Film is a powerful way readers will find this edition of the Writings of St. Maximilian social media platform!
Kolbe an inspiring practical aid for learning what this Franciscan saint
for them. He is the One who can satisfy every need. to introduce the MI to people! The MI National Center
has contributed to the study of Mariology and living the consecration Let's reach
is more than happy to send you a supply of brochures to Mary’s Immaculate Heart. May the translators’ work contribute to a
• Tell your story: virtually nothing is more effective renewal of Kolbean studies in the English speaking world. as many people
and sample bulletin articles.
than the simple authentic testimony of one’s per- — Fr. Peter D. Fehlner, OFM Conv. as possible
sonal experience of Our Lady’s maternal presence • MI speakers are available to travel and to assist you to win the world for Christ through
and guidance. in planning and giving an MI presentation. Write to The hardcover edition may be ordered from the Immaculata!
find out more: MINational@MissionImmaculata.com MarytownGiftShop.com - Click Here
• Invite questions: sometimes people have unspo-
Enjoy reading them on your computer, phone or ipad
ken questions about the Faith or devotion to Our • Volunteer to represent the MI at Catholic events in
Order e-books online at
Lady. A friendly conversation often can help to your area: Find out if they allow you to have a booth Amazon.com or BarnesandNoble.com
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Follow the online series “Dive in Search of Pearls:
ature. There might be other MI members in your area
“Repetita iuvant” - Repeating does good! So, recon- Introduction to The Writings of St. Maximilian Kolbe”
who could help. Reach out and share the gift you have Subscribe to the MI YouTube channel.
sider the following tips from last month: received!
11 THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 78 © Militia of the Immaculata © Militia of the Immaculata THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 78 10
For he has a Mother given to him Immaculate to Jesus”: that is our
by God, a mother who watches watchword. ... When He appeared
his every action, every word, and to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Je-
every thought with a benevolent sus pointed to the person who was
heart. She is not concerned with probably the first to raise an altar
whether or not he is worthy of to the Immaculata in Italy (Rovigo),
the grace of mercy. She just is the a person whose spiritual children
Mother of mercy, so she rushes have celebrated, proclaimed, and
to aid, even if she is not invoked, defended the privilege of the
wherever misery of souls is most Immaculate Conception ever since
severe. Indeed, the more a soul is the beginning of their Order: Jesus
disfigured by sin, the more Divine pointed to St. Francis, and said:
in fact embodies—manifests
“Here is the saint closest to my
divine Heart.” Yes, the more you
MOTIVE THAT SPURS US TO BIND AS MANY AS POSSIBLE, AS CLOSELY Itself. We therefore strive to give the spread veneration and love for the
Immaculata complete sway over Immaculata, the more souls you
AS POSSIBLE TO HIM THROUGH THE IMMACULATA.” (KW 1094). every soul. For if she only manages win over to her, and, through her,
to enter a soul—even though that to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
soul is still wretched or debased who loved us unto death on the
hat is the ultimate goal growth in holiness.” And how does Heart of Jesus, burning with love into sin and vice—she cannot cross. You also give proof of utmost
we strive to achieve. It is such power come to her? “Since it for us, who are guilty, has found to possibly allow it to be lost. Rather, love, because it is an active love
stated explicitly also in is through your hands that all graces this end a means most worthy of she swiftly obtains the grace of toward that Most Sacred Heart,
the act of consecration to come to us from the Most Sacred divine wisdom. He gives to us His enlightenment for its intelligence, and thus unite yourself to Him to
the Blessed Immaculate Heart of Jesus,” we conclude. Yes, own dear and beloved Mother as and the grace of strength for its the highest degree.
Virgin, which conveys the essence because, humanly speaking, the mother and protectress, the holiest will, so that the soul may repent
of the Militia of the Immaculata.
In it we address the Immaculata
Divine Heart is like the heart of a
good father. If a child is guilty of
The more a soul is creature among saints and angels,
to whom nothing can be denied,
and rise up again. “Through Mary Rycerz Niepokalanej
with this petition: “If it pleases you, something, the father must punish disfigured by sin, because she is the worthiest and
world.’ Let me be a fit instrument pain to his child, even though the earth or neglect to worry about patience and loving faith.” (KW 987)
in your immaculate and merciful child deserves it, and would like the salvation and sanctification
manifests itself.”
hands for introducing and increas- to find any legitimate reason not of every man. There lies a bridge “As a convert to Catholicism, I haven’t
ing your glory to the maximum in to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. understood Mary’s role in my life as
to inflict punishment. Forgiveness
a Catholic. Through the daily emails
all the many strayed and indifferent without an adequate reason would What about the one who falls
souls, and thus help extend as far be tantamount to encouraging into sin, sinks into vice, scorns Click Here to Receive I receive from the MI, I have come to
know and love our Mother. I pray I
as possible the blessed kingdom of impudence in his guilty child. Yet divine graces, disregards the good will continue to grow and understand
the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.” But the father would want someone to example of others, slights healthy how she helps us on our journey and
why through the Immaculata? “For intercede in favor of his child and inspirations, and makes himself how to truly honor her in a way that
wherever you enter,” we add, “you thereby mete out justice as well as unworthy to receive more graces? pleases Jesus.” - A Subscriber
obtain the grace of conversion and affectionate love. Well, the Divine Should he perhaps despair? Never!
13 THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 78 © Militia of the Immaculata © Militia of the Immaculata THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 78 14
“Among the countless number of God. No other creature can ever
possible beings that reflect His exceed that amazing fact. It is
diverse perfections, God also saw, quite interesting that Scripture
from all eternity, a Being perfect in does not name the first woman
all respects, unsullied by stain of until Genesis 3:20, which was after
sin, who reflected His divine attrib- the fall of man. Before her fall, she
utes in the most faithful way possi- is merely called woman. When
ble in a created being. He rejoiced Jesus speaks to His mother Mary
at this prospect and decided, from at Cana in the second chapter
eternity, to call such a Being into of John, He calls her woman. In
existence at a given time. the nineteenth chapter of John’s
After creating the angels, God gospel, when Jesus was on the
willed that, in full consciousness cross, He also calls Mary woman.
and will, they should give proof St. John, who took Mary into his
that they would always and in home at Jesus’ command, thus
everything desire to accomplish makes it quite clear that Jesus
His Will. He showed them the called Mary woman before the first
mystery of the Incarnation, that is of His signs, and with some of the
to say, that He would call into ex- last words He spoke before His
istence a human being, with body death. In the beginning, and at the
would have to venerate her as what may have happened in Eden.
well. Countless legions of angelic Perhaps God told His creatures
spirits joyfully greeted the One that one day, the woman will be
whom their Creator had decided called Mother of God, Queen of
to raise so sublimely and humbly the universe, and will be exalted
paid homage to their Lady. Some above all angels and men. (These
BY RICHARD O’DONNELL, MI MEMBER of them, however, headed by
Lucifer—forgetful of the fact that
expressions about Mary are taken
from Lumen Gentium No. 59 &
all they were and possessed they No. 66). At the time God told His
had received from God, while they creatures this, they were all good,
alone were absolutely nothing— as He created them. Perhaps this
id you ever wonder why and when some because no angel had yet turned rebelled and refused to submit statement caused some of the
angels fell from heaven? St. Maximilian Kolbe away from God at the time when to God’s Will. For they considered angels to be envious, and one of
did. He pondered aspects of these questions humans were newly created. themselves superior to a human the angels decided to tempt the
in a draft for a book that he was not able to Scripture tells us why some devils being covered with flesh. Such an woman, as described in Genesis
Kolbe had
present time, some angels are evil and are called devils. Catholic Church (CCC) in section 1311 makes much sense. Our the title of devil. Its tempting was,
The first pope, St. Peter, warned all men about devils in 2539 informs us that envy refers to Lady, who is certainly a creature, of course, full of lies (Genesis 3:1-
his first letter, 1 Peter 5:8-9, “Be sober and vigilant. Your
opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion an extremely sadness at the sight of another’s
goods and the immoderate desire
and not a divine being by nature,
has goods that no other creature
5). This rightly earned the tempter
the title of father of lies, as noted in
looking for [someone] to devour. Resist him, steadfast in insightful answer to acquire them for oneself, even ever had, or ever will have. She John 8:44. If this possible scenario
to this question.”
faith, knowing that your fellow believers throughout the unjustly. The question arises: who is the Mother of God. Certainly, in Eden is correct, then the fall of
world undergo the same sufferings.” Genesis does not had goods that made some angels many saints have expounded some angels and the fall of man
record that God warned the first two humans in a similar so sad? St. Maximilian Kolbe had properly regarding many of her was essentially simultaneous. The
way. Perhaps God did give such a warning and, for some an extremely insightful answer to other qualities, but it is sufficient devil was envious of the woman,
reason, it was not written in scripture. Or, maybe God did this in KW 1311. Let’s look at what for our purposes to consider one and sinfully decided to tempt
not give such a warning because it was not appropriate, he wrote. thing only: she is the Mother of her to sin. She succumbed to the
15 THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 78 © Militia of the Immaculata © Militia of the Immaculata THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 78 16
temptation, and sinned by eat-
ing the forbidden fruit, and then
with the woman and went off to
wage war against the rest of her Then the dragon
convinced her husband to sin also. offspring, those who keep God’s became angry
with the woman
We know by faith that numerous commandments and bear witness
terrible consequences arose due to Jesus.”
these sins in Eden, committed by
angels and men. St. John, in the This passage from Revelation and went off to
twelfth chapter of Revelation de- certainly seems to tie the devils’
wage war against
the rest of her
scribes some consequences of the fall from heaven very closely to the
tempter’s sins. In an address on woman. Why else would the drag-
December 8, 2011, Pope Benedict
XVI said that, “the ‘woman’ of the
on be so angry with the woman?
Book of Revelation is Mary herself.”
Let’s recall what Revelation 12:1-
St. Maximilian Kolbe’s comments
in KW1311 seem quite prescient. It
Rev. 12:17
9,17 says came about due to the seems that God tested the angels
tempter’s sins: by means of the woman. One
angel seems to have been envious
“A great sign appeared in the of the woman, which led to its
sky, a woman clothed with the temptation of the woman it knew. with the woman. Satan tempted
sun, with the moon under her This temptation, and subsequent the woman in Genesis. Satan was
feet, and on her head a crown of sin, led to the fall of some angels angry with the woman in Rev-
twelve stars. She was with child and men. As terrible as the fall was, elation, and a war broke out in
and wailed aloud in pain as she it did, of course, have its bright heaven as a result. It’s hard to see
labored to give birth. Then an- side. CCC section 412 notes that why Satan would be envious of
other sign appeared in the sky; it “the Exsultet sings, ‘O happy fault,. Eve. In Lumen Gentium, the Church
was a huge red dragon… Its tail . . which gained for us so great a solemnly proclaimed Mary as
swept away a third of the stars in Redeemer!’” Indeed, this ultimate Mother of God, Queen of the uni-
the sky and hurled them down to victory was predicted in Genesis verse, exalted above all angels and
the earth. Then the dragon stood 3:15, as written in Lumen Gentium men. It makes sense that an angel
before the woman about to give No. 55, “the woman, Mother of the could be envious of that. One may
birth, to devour her child when Redeemer, ... is already propheti- object that Mary was not yet cre-
she gave birth. She gave birth to a cally foreshadowed in the promise ated at the time of Eden, which is
son, a male child, destined to rule of victory over the serpent which certainly true. But, as the Lord told
all the nations with an iron rod. was given to our first parents after the prophet, “Before I formed you
Her child was caught up to God their fall into sin.” in the womb, I knew you.” (Jeremi-
and his throne. The woman herself ah 1:5) All of God’s creatures are
fled into the desert where she had Let us sum up our thoughts. Just always in His mind, since He is eter-
a place prepared by God... Then as Moses wrote in Deuteronomy nal. In that sense, Our Lady was in
war broke out in heaven; Michael chapter 30, all of God’s rational Eden, even though she had not yet
and his angels battled against the creatures, once they reach the been created.
dragon. The dragon and its angels age of reason, have free will and
fought back, but they did not must make a choice whether to How blessed we are that Our Lord
prevail and there was no longer obey God or not. This is a test we gave His Mother to us from the
any place for them in heaven. The all must take to achieve eternal Cross, to be our Mother. And, how
huge dragon, the ancient serpent, happiness in heaven. We know blessed we are to have the writings
who is called the Devil and Satan, that angels were tested in some and witness of St. Maximilian Kol-
who deceived the whole world, way and some failed the test, due be, who always urges us higher, to
was thrown down to earth, and its to envy. The first and last books of a better understanding of God and
angels were thrown down with it. the bible, Genesis and Revelation, His Immaculate Mother.
...Then the dragon became angry both associate the angel’s test ~
17 THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 78 © Militia of the Immaculata © Militia of the Immaculata THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 78 18
OF THE CROSS “Let us trust boundlessly
Immaculata. Our crosses
will then become
a reflection of His
and unite it to the cross of Jesus the heavier and more numerous a day (Prv 24:16). If God wants to the Immaculata and Knights at the for the MI-USA and all MI
for the salvation of sinners. If we will be the suffering” (St. Maxi- shorten his time in purgatory or Foot of the Cross, may we offer Members, living and deceased,
at the City of the Immaculata
want to be fully united to Jesus, we
ought to offer our crosses and par-
milian Kolbe’s Writings, KW 631).
Why do good people suffer? St. light illuminates just grant him paradise, where
will the settling of accounts take
all our pains and suffering to the
Immaculata this day, let her take
established by St. Maximilian
Kolbe near Warsaw, in Poland.
ticipate in God’s work of salvation. Maximilian Kolbe in his writings
them. It is by that place? God shows special love to them to Jesus Christ for our good
our sufferings
follow me.” He didn’t say it would suffer, while it seems the bad there is only a long and heavy mantle. feet of Our Lady and St. Maximilian
Kolbe’s first class relic:
be easy but the reward will be people do not. Where is justice? punishment. If we are willing to
too are ennobled
great. Let us pray that we may to Is God infinitely just? Maximilian accept the crosses in this world, we Ronald Rodrigues
understand why Jesus gives us the answered him that, yes, of course, merit even greater glory in heaven.
sufferings and crosses we have God is just, otherwise He wouldn’t and acquire their “God loves those whom He strikes.” For more information about the
true meaning.”
in our lives. Our Blessed Mother be God. He must reward every Therefore, bad people who enjoy Knights at the Foot of the Cross,
suffered greatly in her life as fore- good deed and punish every bad a happy life are not to be envied. please visit our website https://
seen by the prophecy of Simeon
in Luke 1:34-35. As Knights of the
deed. However, is there really any
person in the world, even the Benedict XVI They should be fearful, because
the life they have now may be
19 THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 78 © Militia of the Immaculata © Militia of the Immaculata THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 78 20
MI Resources
Act of Total
Available from the MI National Center
to the Immaculata
(Prayer composed by St. Maximilian Kolbe)
Online MI Villages
O Immaculata, Queen of Heaven
and earth, refuge of sinners and our Want to connect and pray with other
most loving Mother, God has willed MI members? Looking for support
to entrust the entire order of mercy in deepening or preparing for your
This year, the monthly reflections to come to Easter Confession.
provided by the MI International Even if one had the misfortune to
to you. I, (name), a repentant sinner, consecration? Join a virtual MI
Office on the 2023 MI Intentions in- die spiritually, even though Satan cast myself at your feet humbly Village and live out your consecration
clude: had told him he would never rise imploring you to take me with all with others. Email Moderators for
*A Scripture reading. from the dead, never again, all that I am and have, wholly to yourself information.
*A text from St. Maximilian Kolbe’s one needs is sincerely to appeal as your possession and property.
Writings. to the Mediatrix of all graces, to **Moderator: Scott Richard
Please make of me, of all my powers
*A brief commentary by Fr. Sidifredo the Immaculata, not only to ob- Email: Virtual.MI.Village@gmail.com
De La Cruz, OFM Conv., Colombia. tain the grace of resurrection, but of soul and body, of my whole life,
Mtg Day: Friday (Last Friday of each month)
also to reach the high steps, very death and eternity, whatever most Mtg Time: 8:00pm CST
high indeed, of holiness. The clos- pleases you. Weekly Consecration Renewal & Virtual
April er one approaches her, the more If it pleases you, use all that I am Village Rosary Tuesdays @ 8:30pm CST
abundantly one draws from the and have without reserve, wholly
O Immaculata, graces of knowledge and of love, Disseminate the Miraculous Medal and introduce Our Lady
to accomplish what was said of you: **Moderator: Douglas Eschbach
please intercede… of a generous love toward God,
That the newness of Easter may Who for our sake mounted the “She will crush your head,” and, “You and the MI to others! Email: MI.village.marytown@gmail.com
alone have destroyed all heresies in Miraculous Medals and various MI resources can be requested from the Mtg Day: Sunday (3rd Sunday of each month)
open us to the experience of Cross.
communicating the Risen Lord’s the world.” MI National Office Mtg Time: 5:00pm CST
New Life and of discovering His Reflection - Overcoming error Let me be a fit instrument in your via email: MINational@MissionImmaculata.com
presence in every reality and sin is the work of a lifetime **Moderator: Donna
immaculate and merciful hands
and encounter with others. but, thanks to the Lord’s death Knights at the Foot of the Cross (KFC)
for introducing and increasing
and Resurrection and Our Lady’s Village of the Immaculata
Lk 24:5-7 - “Why do you seek the intercession, we have the certain your glory to the maximum in all
Check the MI website E-mail: miutah.stmary@gmail.com
living one among the dead? He is hope that we can achieve it and the many strayed and indifferent
MilitiaoftheImmaculata.com Mtg Day: Every Friday evening
not here, but He has been raised. become saints. souls, and thus help extend as far Mtg Time: 8:00pm-9:00pm MST
Remember what He said to you
often for updates and follow us on
If we have risen with Christ, as MI as possible the blessed Kingdom
while He was still in Galilee, that Knights we should strive to give of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus. **Moderator: Bill Bielawski
the Son of Man must be handed witness to the power of His Res- Email: william.bielawski@gmail.com
For wherever you enter, you obtain
over to sinners and be crucified, urrection. May the Easter season
the grace of conversion and growth Mtg Day: Sunday (3rd Sunday of each month)
and rise on the third day.” be the fitting time for proclaiming
in holiness, since it is through your Mtg Time: 7:00pm CST
the joy of our encounter with the
KW 1230 - The Lord is risen: Risen Lord to everyone we meet. hands that all graces come to us
hundreds of mouths repeat today. May our smile, actions, and words ** Moderator: Lisa Fulgenzi
from the most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
“We too must rise again,” an- reflect the work of grace in our Email: drlisafmi@gmail.com
nounces an Easter hymn, but not lives and radiate His presence. Write to request Google Meet join info
only after death, because every V. Allow me to praise you, O sacred Virgin. “Through Mary Immaculate to Jesus: that is our watchword. The more you spread Mtg Day: Wednesdays
year the holy Church invites the Prayer - Act of Total Consecra- R. Give me strength against your enemies. veneration and love for the Immaculata the more souls you win over to her, and, through Mtg Time: 8-00-9:00pm EST
faithful to rise again, urging them tion to the Immaculata her, to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, who loved us unto death on the Cross.”
– St. Maximilian Kolbe
21 THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 78 © Militia of the Immaculata © Militia of the Immaculata THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA - ISSUE 78 22