ESFB Customer Compensation Policy 09 November 2020

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Customer Compensation Policy

History of Revisions

Version Summary of Revisions Date of Approval

1.5 Annual Review 09-Nov-20
1.4 Regulatory Change 07-Nov-19

1.3 Annual Review 31-Jan-19

1.2 Annual Review 30-Jan-18

1.1 Policy Formulation 04-Sep-16

Table of Contents
1. Preamble ...............................................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Objective of the Policy ..................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Scope of the Policy ..............................................................................................................................................3
2. Regulatory Framework Applicable Regulations.....................................................................................................3
2.1 RBI Master Circular on Customer Service in Banks dated July 1, 2015 ..............................................................3
2.2 RBI Circular – Harmonization of Turnaround Time (TAT) and Customer Compensation for Failed Transactions
using Authorized Payment Systems dated September 20, 2019 ...............................................................................4
2.3 RBI Notification – Customer Protection – Limited Liability of Customers in Unauthorized Electronic Banking
Transactions ..............................................................................................................................................................5
3. ESFB Policy framework.........................................................................................................................................6
3.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................................6
3.2 Unauthorized / Erroneous Debit ..........................................................................................................................7
3.3 ECS direct debits/ Standing Instructions /Other Debits to accounts ....................................................................7
3.4 Payment of Cheques after Stop Payment Instructions ........................................................................................8
3.5 Foreign Exchange Services .................................................................................................................................8
3.6 Payment of Interest for delayed Collection of Outstation Cheques......................................................................8
3.7 Compensation for Loss of Instrument in Transit. .................................................................................................9
3.8 Issue of Duplicate Draft and Compensation for delays ........................................................................................9
3.9 Violation of the Code by Banks agent ..................................................................................................................9
3.10 Transaction of “At Par instruments” of Co-operative Banks by Commercial Banks ................................... 10109
3.11 Lenders Liability: Commitments to Borrowers .................................................................................................10
3.12 Failed Transactions ....................................................................................................................................10
3.13 Erroneous Debits Arising on account of Fraudulent or Other Transactions ........................................ 131312
3.14 Mis-selling of third party products ...............................................................................................................14
3.15 Force Majeure ............................................................................................................................................14
4. Provisions in policy over and above but in consonance with RBI guide lines ......................................................14
5. Changes to the Policy .........................................................................................................................................14
6. Periodicity of Review of the Policy .............................................................................................................. 151514

1. Preamble

1.1 Objective of the Policy

The objective of this Policy is to establish a system, which will enable the Equitas Small Finance Bank to
compensate the customer for any direct financial loss the customer might have incurred due to deficiency in
services on the part of the Bank or any act of omission or commission directly attributable to the Bank.

1.2 Scope of the Policy

This policy covers only compensation for actual financial loss, if any, which customer might incur due to
deficiency in the services offered by the Bank, which can be measured directly. The commitments under this
policy are without prejudice to any right the Bank will have in defending its position before any forum duly
constituted to adjudicate banker-customer disputes.

2. Regulatory Framework Applicable Regulations

2.1 RBI Master Circular on Customer Service in Banks dated July 1, 2015

2.1.1 Bank to have a Board approved policy in place for compensating its customers. Bank policy should,
incorporate the following aspects

a. Erroneous Debits arising on fraudulent or other transactions

b. Payment of interest for delays in collection
c. Payment of interest for delay in issue of duplicate draft
d. Other unauthorised actions of the bank leading to a financial loss to customer.(Clause 3.3 of Circular)

2.1.2 Issue of Duplicate Demand Draft

Banks should issue duplicate Demand Draft to the customer within a fortnight from the receipt of such request.
Further, for the delay beyond this stipulated period, bank pay interest at the rate applicable for fixed deposit of
corresponding maturity in order to compensate the customer for such delay. (Clause 12.2.3 of Circular)

2.1.3 Payment of penal interest for delayed credit /refunds of NEFT transactions

In case of delay in crediting the beneficiary customer’s account or in returning the uncredited amount to the
remitter in case of NEFT, bank should pay penal interest. Under the extant guidelines, bank is required to pay
penal interest at the current RBI LAF Repo Rate plus two percent for the period of delay / until the date of refund
as the case may be to the affected customer’s suo moto, without waiting for claim from customers. (Clause
12.3.2 of Circular)

2.1.4 Delays in Cheques Clearing

Bank to comply with the final order on 'timeframe for collection of outstation cheques passed by the National
Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission in case no. 82 of 2006.Further, bank to comply with
a. Timeframe for collection of cheques drawn on State Capitals / major cities / other locations to be 7/10/14
days respectively. If there is any delay in collection beyond this period, interest at the rate specified in the
CCP of the bank, should be paid. (Clause 14.1.2 of Circular)

2.1.5 Bills for collection

a. Payment of interest for Delays in collection of bills

The lodger's bank should pay interest to the lodger for the delayed period in respect of collection of bills at the
rate of 2% p.a. above the rate of interest payable on balances of Savings Bank accounts. (Clause 14.3.1 of

2.1.6 Erroneous Debits arising on fraudulent or other transactions Vigilance by banks

Bank should remain vigilant in opening deposit accounts in the name/s similar to already established concern/s
resulting in erroneous and unwanted debit of drawers’ accounts to avoid such lapses (Clause 17.1 of circular) Compensating the customer

Banks to restore funds promptly to customers even in bona-fide cases as below

a. In case of any fraud, if the branch is convinced that an irregularity / fraud has been committed by
its staff towards any constituent, the branch should at once acknowledge its liability and pay the
just claim,
b. in cases where bank is at fault, the bank should compensate customers without demur, and
c. in cases where neither the bank is at fault nor the customer is at fault but the fault lies elsewhere
in the system, then also the banks should compensate the customers (up to a limit) as part of a
Board approved policy. (Clause 17.2 of circular)

2.2 RBI Circular – Harmonization of Turnaround Time (TAT) and Customer Compensation for Failed
Transactions using Authorized Payment Systems dated September 20, 2019

2.2.1 A large number of customer complaints emanate on account of unsuccessful or 'failed' transactions.
Failure could be on account of various factors not directly attributable to the customer such as disruption of
communication links, non-availability of cash in ATMs, time-out of sessions, noncredit to beneficiary's account
due to various causes, etc. Rectification / Compensation paid to the customer for these 'failed' transactions is not

2.2.2 The framework for TAT for failed transactions and compensation therefore has been finalized which will
result in customer confidence and bring in uniformity in processing of the failed transactions.

2.2.3 The TAT prescribed is the outer limit for resolution of failed transactions and the banks and other
operators / system participants should endeavor towards quicker resolution of such failed transactions.

2.2.4 Wherever financial compensation is involved, the same should be effected to the customer's account suo
moto, without waiting for a complaint or claim from the customer.

2.2.5 Customers who do not get the benefit of redress of the failure as defined in the TAT can register a
complaint to the Banking Ombudsman of Reserve Bank of India.

2.3 RBI Notification – Customer Protection – Limited Liability of Customers in Unauthorized Electronic
Banking Transactions dated July 06, 2017

2.3.1 Strengthening of systems and procedures

The electronic banking transactions can be divided into two categories:

a. Remote/ Online Payment Transactions
b. Face to Face/ proximity payment transactions

2.3.2 Reporting of unauthorized transactions by Customers to Banks

Banks must ask their customers to mandatorily register for SMS alerts and wherever available register for e-mail
alerts, for electronic banking transactions. The SMS alerts should mandatorily be sent to the customers, while
email alerts may be sent, wherever registered. The customers must be advised to notify their bank of any
unauthorized electronic banking transaction at the earliest after the occurrence of such transaction, and informed
that the longer the time taken to notify the bank, the higher will be the risk of loss to the bank / customer. To
facilitate this, banks must provide customers with 24x7 access through multiple channels (at a minimum, via
website, phone banking, SMS, e-mail, IVR, a dedicated toll-free helpline, reporting to home branch, etc.) for
reporting unauthorized transactions that have taken place and / or loss or theft of payment instrument such as
card, etc.

2.3.3 Limited Liability of Customer Zero Liability of a Customer

A customer's entitlement to zero liability should arise where the unauthorized transaction occurs in the following
a. Contributory fraud / negligence / deficiency on the part of the bank (irrespective of whether or not the
transaction is reported by the customer).
b. Third party breach where the deficiency lies neither with the bank nor with the customer but lies
elsewhere in the system, and the customer notifies the bank within three working days of receiving the
communication from the bank regarding the unauthorized transaction. Limited Liability of a Customer

A customer should be liable for the loss occurring due to unauthorized transactions in the following cases:
a. In cases where the loss is due to negligence by a customer, such as where he has shared the payment
credentials, the customer will bear the entire loss until he reports the unauthorized transaction to the
bank. Any loss occurring after the reporting of the unauthorized transaction should be borne by the
b. In cases where the responsibility for the unauthorized electronic banking transaction lies neither with
the bank nor with the customer, but lies elsewhere in the system and when there is a delay (of four to
seven working days after receiving the communication from the bank) on the part of the customer in
notifying the bank of such a transaction, the per transaction liability of the customer should be limited to
the transaction value or the amount mentioned in regulations, whichever is lower. Reversal Timeline for Zero Liability / Limited Liability of customer

On being notified by the customer, the bank should credit (shadow reversal) the amount involved in the
unauthorized electronic transaction to the customer's account within 10 working days from the date of such
notification by the customer (without waiting for settlement of insurance claim, if any). Banks may also at their
discretion decide to waive off any customer liability in case of unauthorized electronic banking transactions even
in cases of customer negligence. The credit should be value dated to be as of the date of the unauthorized

Further, banks should ensure that:

a. a complaint is resolved and liability of the customer, if any, established within such time, as may be
specified in the bank's Board approved policy, but not exceeding 90 days from the date of receipt of the
complaint, and the customer is compensated as per provisions as above;
b. where it is unable to resolve the complaint or determine the customer liability, if any, within 90 days, the
compensation as prescribed in paragraphs 6 to 9 is paid to the customer; and
c. in case of debit card / bank account, the customer does not suffer loss of interest, and in case of credit card,
the customer does not bear any additional burden of interest. of Proof

The burden of proving customer liability in case of unauthorized electronic banking transactions should lie on the

2.3.4 The banks should put in place a suitable mechanism and structure for the reporting of the customer liability
cases to the Board or one of its Committees.

2.3.5 The reporting should, inter alia, include volume / number of cases and the aggregate value involved and
distribution across various categories of cases viz., card present transactions, card not present transactions,
internet banking, mobile banking, ATM transactions, etc.

2.3.6 The Standing Committee on Customer Service in each bank should periodically review the unauthorized
electronic banking transactions reported by customers or otherwise, as also the action taken thereon, the
functioning of the grievance redress mechanism and take appropriate measures to improve the systems and
procedures. All such transactions should be reviewed by the bank's internal auditors.

3. ESFB Policy framework

3.1 Introduction

In the present day scenario of competitive Banking, it will be the Bank’s endeavor to offer services to its
Customers with best possible utilization of its technology infrastructure and branch network. Bank has
undertaken technological initiatives in payment and settlement systems and qualitative proactive measures in
operational systems and processes to have optimum efficiencies in providing excellent products and services to
the customers. However, at times, inadvertently the Bank may be unable to meet the service levels committed in
the dealings with individual Customers. This policy has been designed to compensate the customers in the
unlikely event of such situations. The policy is based on principles of transparency and fairness in the treatment
of Customers.

The policy covers only compensation for financial loss suffered by way of interest loss/ payment of charges by
customers, in the unlikely event of deficiency in the services offered by the Bank, whichcan be measureddirectly.

The Bank will not be liable for any intangible and/or notional loss or loss of reputation or indirect and
consequential losses arising from the Bank’s failure in service etc.

This policy of the Bank will not be taken as unfettered and is being formulated without prejudice to its rights to
reject any claim which in its opinion is untenable as against the Bank, and will be without prejudice to the rights
of the Bank under any law for the time being in force and/or against any other person liable for the act.

3.2 Unauthorized / Erroneous Debit

3.2.1If the Bank has raised an unauthorized /erroneous direct debit to an account; the entry will be reversed
immediately on being informed of the erroneous debit, after verifying the position. In the event the
unauthorized/erroneous debit has resulted in a financial loss for the customer by way of reduction in the
minimum balance applicable for payment of interest on savings bank deposit or payment of additional interest to
the Bank in a loan account, the Bank will compensate the customer for such loss. Further, if the customer has
suffered any financial incidental to return of a cheque or failure of direct debit instructions due to insufficiency of
balance on account of the unauthorized/erroneous debit, the Bank will compensate the customer to the extent of
such financial loss.

3.2.2 In case verification of the entry reported to be erroneous by the customer does not involve a third party, the
Bank will arrange to complete the process of verification within a maximum period of 7 working days from the
date of reporting of erroneous debit. In case, the verification involves a third party, the Bank will complete the
verification process within a maximum period of one month from the date of reporting of erroneous transaction
by the customer. However, this is subject to such third party providing information as required from their end in
time to the Bank.

3.2.3Erroneous/unauthorized transaction reported by customers in respect of Credit/Debit card operations, which

require reference to a merchant establishment, will be handled as per rules laid down by card association.

3.3 ECS direct debits/ Standing Instructions /Other Debits to accounts

3.3.1 The Bank will undertake to carry out direct debit/ ECS debit instructions of customers in time subject to

a. Customer having already provided valid and complete mandate to accept any debit received from ECS
b. Direct debit / ECS received is complete and correct.
c. Failure to carry out the instruction subject to clause (a) and (b) as above and for reasons directly
attributable to the Bank, the customer will be compensated at the prevailing fixed deposit interest rate
for the period between the due date of direct / ECS debit and the date of actual debit carried out by the
Bank. Direct / ECS debits, which are towards payments of an Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI), the
Bank, will reimburse the customer, penal interest, late payment charges, if any levied upon producing
evidence of the same. Electronic payments such as RTGS / EFT / NEFT instructions will be governed
by the applicable terms and conditions communicated to the customer.

The bank will debit the customer’s account with any applicable service charge as per the schedule of
charges notified by the bank. In the event the bank levies any charge in violation of the arrangement, the
bank will reverse the charges with value when pointed out by the customer subject to scrutiny of agreed
terms and conditions and such other terms and conditions as may be communicated from time to time.

3.3.2 Delay in Credit and / or Return of transactions

In the event of any delayed credit to beneficiaries' account, the destination bank will be held liable to pay
penal interest.

NECS/ECS-Credit: Destination bank will be held liable to pay penal interest at the current RBI liquidity
adjustment facility (LAF) repo rate plus 2 per cent from the due date of credit till the date of actual credit for any
delayed credit to the beneficiaries’ account. Penal interest will be credited to the beneficiary's account even if no
claim is lodged.

NEFT: In the event of any delay or loss on account of error, negligence or fraud on the part of an employee of
the destination bank in the completion of funds transfer pursuant to receipt of payment instruction by the
destination bank leading to delayed payment to the beneficiary, the destination bank will pay compensation at
current RBI LAF repo rate plus 2 per cent for the period of delay. In the event of delay, in return of the funds
transfer instruction for any reason whatsoever, the destination bank will refund the amount together with interest
at the current RBI LAF repo rate plus two per cent till the date of refund.

3.4 Payment of Cheques after Stop Payment Instructions

In case a cheque has been paid after stop payment instruction is properly submitted and acknowledged by the
Bank, the Bank will reverse the transaction and give value-dated credit to protect the interest of the customer.
Any consequential financial loss to the customer will be compensated to the extent of direct financial loss that
the customer might have incurred, after the customer providing sufficient proof to the satisfaction of the Bank.
Such debits will be reversed within 2working days of the customer intimating the transaction to the Bank.

3.5 Foreign Exchange Services

3.5.1 The Bank will not compensate the customer for delays in collection of cheques designated in foreign
currencies sent to foreign countries, as the Bank will not be able to ensure timely credit from overseas banks.

For collection of cheques designated in foreign currencies, the Bank will compensate the customer for any
undue delay in affording credit after the cheque proceeds are received in the account of the Bank. The
compensation in such cases will be worked out as follows

a. Interest for the delay in crediting proceeds as indicated in the cheque collection policy of the Bank.
b. Compensation for any possible loss on account of adverse movement in foreign exchange rate

3.6 Payment of Interest for delayed Collection of Outstation Cheques

3.6.1 The Bank will pay interest to its customer on the amount of collection instruments in case there is delay in
giving credit beyond the time period mentioned as per the Cheque Collection Policy. Such interest will be paid
without any demand from customers in all types of accounts. There will be no distinction between the
instruments drawn on the Bank’s own branches or on other banks for the purpose of payment of interest on
delayed collection.

Interest for delayed collection will be paid at the following rates

a. Savings Bank rate for the period of delay beyond 7/10/14 days as the case may be in collection of
outstation cheques.

b. Where the delay is beyond 14 days, interest will be paid at the rate applicable for term deposit for the
corresponding period or Saving Bank rate, whichever is higher.

c. In case of extraordinary delay, i.e. delays exceeding 90 days’ interest will be paid at the rate of 2%
above the corresponding term deposit rate.

d. In the event of proceeds of cheque under collection was to be credited to an overdraft / loan account
of the customer, interest will be paid at the rate applicable to the loan account. For extraordinary delays,
interest will be paid at the rate of 2% above the rate applicable to the loan account.

It may be noted that interest payment as given above will be applicable only for instruments sent for collection
within India

3.7 Compensation for Loss of Instrument in Transit.

The compensation on account of loss suffered by customers due to loss of instrument after it has been
handedover to the Bank for collection will be as indicated in the Banks Policy on Collection of cheques.

3.7.1 Cheques / Instruments lost in transit / in clearing process or at paying Bank’s branch

In the event a cheque or an instrument accepted for collection is lost in transit or in the clearing process or at the
paying Bank’s branch, the Bank will immediately on coming to know of the loss, bring the same to the notice of
the accountholder so that the accountholder can inform the drawer to record stop payment and also take care
that cheques, if any, issued by him / her are not dishonored due to non-credit of the amount of the lost cheques /
instruments. The Bank will provide all assistance to the customer to obtain a duplicate instrument from the
drawer of the cheque.

In line with the compensation, policy of the Bank the Bank will compensate the accountholder in respect of
instruments lost in transit in the following way

a. In case intimation regarding loss of instrument is conveyed to the customer beyond the time limit
stipulated for collection (7/10/14 days as the case may be) interest will be paid for the period exceeding
the stipulated collection period at the rates specified above.
b. In addition, Bank will pay interest on the amount of the cheque for a further period of 15 days at
Savings Bank rate to provide for likely further delay in obtaining duplicate cheque/instrument and
collection thereof.
c. The Bank will also compensate the customer for any reasonable charges he/she incurs in getting
duplicate cheque/instrument upon production of receipt, in the event the instrument is to be obtained
from a Bank/ institution who will charge a fee for issue of duplicate instrument.

3.8 Issue of Duplicate Draft and Compensation for delays

Duplicate draft will be issued within a fortnight from the receipt of on basis of adequate indemnity on stamp
paper and request from the purchaser or beneficiary. For any delay caused by the Bank in issuing duplicate draft
beyond the above stipulated period, the Bank will pay interest at the rate applicable for fixed deposit of
corresponding maturity in order to compensate the customer for such a delay. This will be applicable only in
cases where the request for duplicate draft drawn on the Bank is made by the purchaser and will not be
applicable in the case of third party endorsements.

3.9 Violation of the Code by Banks agent

In the event of receipt of any complaint from the customer that the Bank’s representative/ courier or DSA has
engaged in any improper conduct or acted in violation of the Code of Bank’s commitment to Customers which
the Bank has adopted voluntarily, the Bank will investigate the matter and endeavor to communicate the findings
to the customer within 7 working days from the date of receipt of complaint and wherever justified, compensate
the customer for financial loss, if any, incurred by him/her on that account limited to the interest loss by the
customer subject to production of proof.

3.10 Transaction of “At Par instruments” of Co-operative Banks by Commercial Banks

“At par instruments” are only cheques drawn on accounts maintained with the Bank and are not prepaid
instruments, hence the Bank will not honor cheques drawn on current accounts maintained by other Co-
operative Banks with it unless arrangements are made for funding of cheques issued. Issuing Bank i.e.
Cooperative Banks/ Drawer of the cheque will be responsible to compensate the cheque holder for non-
payment/delayed payment of cheques in the absence of adequate funding arrangement.

3.11 Lenders Liability: Commitments to Borrowers

3.11.1 The Bank has adopted the principles of lenders liability. In terms of the guidelines for lenders liability, and
the Code of Bank’s Commitment to Customers adopted by the Bank, we will return all the securities /
documents/title deeds to mortgaged property within 15 days of the repayment of all dues agreed to or contracted
provided there are no further amounts due from the customer and the Bank does not have a lien on the same for
any dues from such customer, either in their capacity as a borrower, co-borrower, guarantor or any other. In
case of delay on the part of the Bank in returning such documents, the Bank will compensate the borrower at the
rate of Rs.100/- per week, subject to a maximum payment of Rs.500/- (per borrower). In the event of loss of title
deeds to mortgage property at the hands of the Bank, the compensation will cover out of pocket expenses at the
Registrar’s office for obtaining duplicate documents. However, in case of Force Majeure events, the Bank at its
own cost will endeavor to retrieve/recreate the title documents and no compensation will be paid in such cases.

There will be no compensation paid to the Borrower(s) / Guarantor(s) in following circumstances:

a. If there is delay on part of the Borrower(s) / Guarantor(s). For e.g. : if any of the Borrower(s) /
Guarantor(s) is not available or does not have required Identity Proof to prove that he is the same
b. If the Borrower(s) / Guarantor(s) have changed their residential / mailing address / phone numbers and
have not intimated the bank and bank is not able to contact them for collection of original title
documents. (Intimation by way of phone, letter or email to any one of the Borrower(s) / Guarantor(s) will
be deemed intimation to all Borrower(s) / Guarantor(s).

In case the Bank receives any complaint/claim/demand from the Borrowers/Guarantors, legal heirs, executors,
successors, joint owners/holders, etc. intimating the Bank about inter se disputes and/or not to hand over the title
documents or hand over the same to particular person/s, etc., Bank will direct the parties to resolve their
disputes and thereafter approach the Bank with a joint application signed by all concerned for release of such
title documents or obtain necessary direction from competent authority/court.Until such time, the Bank will not be
liable to release the title documents to the Borrowers/Guarantors (as the case may be) and will not be liable to
pay any compensation to any party.

3.12 Failed Transactions

Harmonization of Turnaround Time (TAT) and Customer Compensation for Failed Transactions using Authorized
Payment Systems

Sl.No. Description of the incident Framework for auto-reversal and compensation

1 Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) including Micro-ATMs

a Customer’s account debited but cash Pro-active reversal (R) ₹ 100/- per day of delay
not dispensed. (includes ESFB ATMs of failed transaction beyond T + 5 days, to
within a maximum of T + the credit of the account

as well as other Bank ATMs) 5 days. holder.

Card Transaction
a Card to card transfer Transaction to be ₹ 100/- per day of delay
reversed (R) latest beyond T + 1 day.
within T + 1 day, if credit
Card account debited but the is not effected to the
beneficiary card account not credited. beneficiary account.

b Point of Sale (PoS) (Card Present) Auto-reversal within T + ₹ 100/- per day of delay
including Cash at PoS 5 days. beyond T + 5 day.

Account debited but confirmation not

received at merchant location i.e.,
charge-slip not generated.
c Card Not Present (CNP) (e-

Account debited but confirmation not

received at merchant’s system.
3 Immediate Payment System (IMPS)
a Account debited but the Beneficiary If unable to credit to ₹ 100/- per day if delay
account is not credited beneficiary account, is beyond T + 1 day.
auto reversal (R) by the
Beneficiary bank latest
on T + 1 day.

4 Unified Payments Interface (UPI)

a Account debited but the Beneficiary If unable to credit the ₹ 100/- per day if delay
account is not credited (transfer of beneficiary account, is beyond T + 1 day.
funds) auto reversal (R) by the
Beneficiary bank latest
on T + 1 day.
b Account debited but transaction Auto-reversal within T + ₹ 100/- per day if delay
confirmation not received at merchant 5 days. is beyond T + 5 day.
location (payment to merchant).

5 Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (including Aadhaar Pay)

a Account debited but transaction Acquirer to initiate ₹100/- per day if delay
confirmation not received at merchant “Credit Adjustment”

location. within T + 5 days. is beyond T + 5 days.
b Account debited but beneficiary account
not credited.
6 Aadhaar Payment Bridge System (APBS)
a Delay in crediting beneficiary’s account. Beneficiary bank to ₹100/- per day if delay
reverse the transaction is beyond T + 1 day.
within T + 1 day.
7 National Automated Clearing House (NACH)
a Delay in crediting beneficiary’s account Beneficiary bank to ₹100/- per day if delay
or reversal of amount. reverse the uncredited is beyond T + 1 day.
transaction within T + 1
b Account debited despite revocation of Customer’s bank will be
debit mandate with the bank by the responsible for such
customer. debit. Resolution to be
completed within T + 1
8 Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) – Cards / Wallets
a Off-Us transaction The transaction will ride on UPI, card network, IMPS, etc. as the case may
be. The TAT and compensation rule of respective system will apply

b On-Us transaction Reversal effected in ₹100/- per day if delay

Remitter’s account is beyond T + 1 day.
within T + 1 day.
Beneficiary’s PPI not credited.

PPI debited but transaction confirmation

not received at merchant location.

Failed Transaction: A ‘failed transaction’ is a transaction, which has not been fully completed due to any
reason not attributable to the customer such as failure in communication, links, non-availability of cash in an
ATM, time-out of sessions, etc. Failed transactions will also include the credits, which could not be effected
to the beneficiary account on account of lack of full information or lack of proper information and delay in
initiating a reversal transaction.

T: Day of Transaction and refers to the Calendar Date

R: Day on which the reversal is concluded and the funds are received by the issuer / originator. Reversal will
be effected at the issuer / originator end on the same day when the funds are received from the beneficiary

3.13 Erroneous Debits Arising on account of Fraudulent or Other Transactions

3.13.1Fraudulent Transaction

a. In case of a claim raised by any of the customers, the Bank will investigate the matter and if the Bank is
convinced that an irregularity /fraud has been committed by its staff towards any constituent, the Bank will
acknowledge its liability and pay the just claim.
b. In cases where the Bank is at fault, the Bank will compensate the customer without demur.
c. In cases where neither the Bank nor the customer is at fault, but the fault lies elsewhere in the system,
the authorized official can take a decision to reimburse the customer up to an amount of Rs 1,000/-.

3.13.2 Erroneous/Unauthorized/Fraudulent debits arising on Electronic Banking related transactions

The electronic banking transactions can be divided into two categories:

a. Remote/ online payment transactions (transactions that do not require physical payment instruments to
be presented at the point of transactions e.g. internet banking, mobile banking, card not present (CNP)
transactions), Pre-paid Payment Instruments (PPI)
b. Face-to-face/ proximity payment transactions (transactions which require the physical payment
instrument such as a card or mobile phone to be present at the point of transaction e.g. ATM, POS,
c. In case of any fraud, if Bank is convinced that its staff towards any constituent has committed an
irregularity/fraud, the Bank will at once acknowledge its liability and pay just claim. In cases where the
Bank is at fault, Bank will compensate the customer without demur.

The customer will have zero liability if;

a. The fraud / negligence or deficiency is on the part of the bank (irrespective of transaction being reported by
the customer or not)
b. A third party breach where the neither the bank nor the customer is responsible for the deficiency but lies in
the system and the customer notifies the bank of the anomaly in the transaction within 3 days post receipt of
the transaction alert from the bank.

The liability of the customer will be limited for a third party breach where the neither the bank nor the customer is
responsible for the deficiency but lies in the system and the customer notifies the bank of the anomaly in the
transaction within 4 to 7 days post receipt of the transaction alert from the bank. The liability will be as indicated
in the table below:

Maximum Liability of a Customer
Maximum liability
Type of Account
• BSBD Accounts 5,000
• All other SB accounts
• Pre-paid Payment Instruments and Gift Cards
• Current/ Cash Credit/ Overdraft Accounts of MSMEs
• Current Accounts/ Cash Credit/ Overdraft Accounts of Individuals with annual average balance
(during 365 days preceding the incidence of fraud)/ limit up to Rs.25 lakh

• All other Current/ Cash Credit/ Overdraft Accounts

• Credit cards with limit above Rs.5 lakh

The customer will be completely liable to bear the entire loss in cases where the loss is due to the
negligence of the customer wherein he has shared the password / PIN, until the unauthorized transaction is
reported to the bank.

Liability of the customer where the delay in reporting is beyond 7 days from the date of transaction will be
waived off either partially or completely on a case-to-case basis. The reversal of the customer liability will be
at the discretion of the Bank based on the merits of the complaint lodged by the customer and with approval
at a senior level as may be defined by the management

The bank will credit (shadow reversal) the amount involved in the unauthorized electronic transaction to the
customer’s account within 10 working days from the date of such notification received from by the customer
(without waiting for settlement of insurance claim, if any).

The Bank may also decide to waive off any customer liability partly or fully in case of unauthorized electronic
banking transactions including cases of customer negligence with approval at a senior level as may be
defined by the management, on a case-to-case basis.

The Bank will ensure that a complaint is resolved within a timeframe of 90 days from the time of receipt of
complaint to ascertain customer liability if any and customer compensated appropriately.

In case the Bank is unable to resolve the complaint within the stipulated period of 90 days, the customer will
be compensated as indicated above and the customer does not suffer loss of interest in case of debit card /
bank account.

3.14 Mis-selling of third party products

In the event of Bank receiving of any complaint from the customer regarding mis-selling of the third party
products by the Bank, or about having engaged in any improper conduct or about having acted in violation
of any Code adopted by the Bank, the Bank will take appropriate steps to investigate and to handle the
complaint. In case lapses by the Bank employees are established, the Bank will compensate the customer
suitably, based on the facts and circumstances of the case.

3.15 Force Majeure

The Bank will not be liable to compensate customers due to unforeseen event (including but not limited to
civil commotion, sabotage, lockout, strike or other labor disturbances, accident, fires, natural disasters or
other “Acts of God”, war, damage to the Bank’s facilities or of its correspondent Bank(s), absence of the
usual means of communication or all types of transportation, etc. The aforementioned instances, (beyond
the control of the Bank) prevent the Bank from performing its obligations within the specified service delivery

4. Provisions in policy over and above but in consonance with RBI guide lines


5. Changes to the Policy

Not Applicable

6. Periodicity of Review of the Policy

The Board will review this policy at annual intervals and at such intervals as may be required on the regulatory
and business exigencies.

Author of the Policy CPC/ Customer Service

Reviewer of the Policy Compliance
Name of Committee which recommended to the Executive Policy Formulation Committee
Policy Formulation Committee of the Board
Date of Board Approval 09.11.2020
Date of Next Review 09.11.


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