FYN Plant Selection Guide 2015
FYN Plant Selection Guide 2015
FYN Plant Selection Guide 2015
A F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G T M P U B L I C AT I O N
A F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G T M P U B L I C AT I O N
The FloridaSelection
A F L O R I DFriendly
& Landscape Guide
A - F R I E N D L Y L A Landscaping™
N D S C A P I N G P U B L I C AT I OGuide
N to
Plant Selection&&Landscape
Landscape Design
A F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G T M P U B L I C AT I O N
A F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G T M P U B L I C AT I O N
A F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G T M P U B L I C AT I O N
A F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G T M P U B L I C AT I O N
Florida-Friendly Landscapes protect Florida’s unique natural resources by conserving water, reducing waste and pollution,
creating wildlife habitat, and preventing erosion. Any landscape can be Florida-Friendly if it is designed and cared for
according to the nine Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM principles, which encourage individual expression of landscape
beauty. In 2009, the Florida Legislature found that the use of Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM and other water use and
pollution prevention measures to conserve or protect the state’s water resources serves a compelling public interest and
that the participation of homeowners’ associations and local governments is essential to the state’s efforts in water conser-
vation and water quality protection and restoration. Make your landscape a Florida-Friendly Landscape — do your part to
create a more sustainable Florida!
Florida Yards & Neighborhoods is brought to Floridians by the University of Florida/IFAS Extension Service and the Florida
Department of Environmental Protection, in cooperation with the five Water Management Districts. UF/IFAS Extension
offers the public the following services in every county in the state at either no charge or for a minimal fee:
The program also offers online resources, including numerous publications, a tutorial for custom landscape design, and a
plant database.
F L O R I D A - F R I E N D LY L A N D S C A P I N G T M P R O G R A M O F F I C E
Adrian Hunsberger David Sandrock Gary Knox Kim Gabel Stephen Brown
Alison Fox Dean Rusk Georgia Gelmis Larry Williams Sydney Park Brown
Angela Maraj Doug Caldwell Glenn Acomb Marguerite Beckford Sylvia Durrell
Barbra Larson Ed Gilman Heather Ritchie Mary Duryea Teresa Watkins
Bart Schutzman Eileen Tramontana Jane Morse Michael Scheinkman Terril Nell
Brian Niemann Emily Eubanks Jessica Sullivan Michael Thomas Terry DelValle
Chris Dewey Erick Smith Jim Moll Patty Connolly Tom MacCubbin
Claudia Larsen Erin Alvarez Joan Dusky Rick Schoellhorn Tom Wichman
Crysta Gantz Esen Momol Jyotsna Sharma Sandy Wilson Wendy Wilber
Dan Culbert Gail Hansen Kathy Malone Sarah Graddy
DISCLAIMER: The mention of a specific product or company is for information purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement of that product or company.
F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G TM G U I D E T O P L A N T S E L E C T I O N A N D L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N • 2 0 1 5
A Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Publication
F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G TM G U I D E T O P L A N T S E L E C T I O N A N D L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N • 2015
Florida-Friendly Landscapes are all based on the same The Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program has a num-
nine principles. But Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ ber of “success stories” which highlight water and costs
encourages individual expression of beauty. As long as savings for communities that adopt Florida-Friendly
you apply the principles described in The Florida Yards & Landscaping™ and maintenance practices. Visit the Web
Neighborhoods Handbook, your landscape can be Florida- site at http://fyn.ifas.ufl.edu/.
Friendly and as individual as you want.
WHAT IF I LIVE IN A PLANNED COMMUNITY? The following eight design scenarios represent select
Check with your homeowner association before you make areas of your home landscape—front entry, under win-
changes to your landscape. HOAs, usually have a land- dows, utility boxes, etc. Each of these scenarios was cho-
scape review board and can regulate the appearance and sen because of common landscape design issues that con-
types of plantings in your yard, as long as they do not front a homeowner in these areas.
prohibit you from installing and maintaining Florida-
Friendly Landscapes. In each scenario, you will be shown a challenging land-
scape situation and learn what could be done to design a
If you live in a community with codes, covenants and solution in a more Florida-Friendly manner. Be aware
restrictions that could be more Florida-Friendly, encour- that the graphics show the improved landscapes at an
age your association to adopt all or part of the model early stage after plant installation. The plants will grow
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ restrictions, found at and eventually fill in more of the mulched area.
A Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Publication
• Colorful
• Bold forms
• Simple growth habit
Design Solutions:
• Use small trees to provide a sense of
scale and visual interest
Existing Landscape
F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G TM G U I D E T O P L A N T S E L E C T I O N A N D L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N • 2015
House House
Tall shrub
Interesting plants at
natural view points
Turf Colorful plants
Sidewalk Sidewalk
A Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Publication
• Soft/fine texture
• Loose foliage
• Flexible branches
Design Solutions:
Existing Landscape
F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G TM G U I D E T O P L A N T S E L E C T I O N A N D L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N • 2015
House House
Tall shrub
Small tree
Turf Fence Fence
A Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Publication
• Low growing
Design Solutions:
Existing Landscape
F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G TM G U I D E T O P L A N T S E L E C T I O N A N D L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N • 2015
Fence Fence
Turf Turf
House House groundcover
4' Turf strip
Sidewalk Sidewalk
Small tree
A Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Publication
• Medium height
• Loose foliage
• Flexible branches
Design Solutions:
Existing Landscape
F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G TM G U I D E T O P L A N T S E L E C T I O N A N D L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N • 2015
Medium height shrub
Open shrub
Low shrubs
Turf Turf
House House
Sidewalk Sidewalk
A Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Publication
• Dense foliage
• Upright form
• Evergreen
• Fast growing
• Vining
Design Solutions:
Existing Landscape
F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G TM G U I D E T O P L A N T S E L E C T I O N A N D L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N • 2015
With Partial Screening
Evergreen tree
With Full Screening
Evergreen tree
A Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Publication
• Shade tolerant
• Shallow roots
Design Solutions:
Existing Landscape
F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G TM G U I D E T O P L A N T S E L E C T I O N A N D L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N • 2015
Low shrubs
House House
Turf Turf
Sidewalk Sidewalk
A Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Publication
• Low/medium shrubs
• Soft foliage
• No flowers/bees
• No thorns
Design Solutions:
• Consider the mail carrier and meter
reader when selecting plants, avoid
plants that attract stinging insects and
plants with thorns
Existing Landscape
F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G TM G U I D E T O P L A N T S E L E C T I O N A N D L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N • 2015
Low shrubs
Medium height shrubs
Sidewalk Sidewalk
A Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Publication
• Compacted soil
Design Solutions:
Rain Garden
Water flow
Rock lining
Water flow
F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G TM G U I D E T O P L A N T S E L E C T I O N A N D L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N • 2015
A Florida-Friendly Landscape is ecologically sound and • Composition: Group and arrange plants in overlapping
cost effective. If you get the chance to design a landscape masses based on the size, form, color, and growing
from scratch, you can go Florida-Friendly all at once. But requirements.
sometimes it is not practical for a homeowner with an
established landscape to make the changeover to a • Emphasis: Use dramatically different plants as focal
Florida-Friendly design immediately. Converting an estab- points to attract attention.
lished yard to a Florida-Friendly Landscape can be done
most effectively in about three years and seven steps. THE SEVEN STEPS
The seven-steps described below illustrate the phased
OVERVIEW OF THE STEP-BY-STEP PROCESS process of converting a landscape, including the addition
First, develop a master plan on paper. Second, install any of new hardscape, trees, and Florida-Friendly plant mate-
patios, walkways, or decks (hardscapes). Heavy equipment rial to a typical development landscape. If all steps are
and materials used in the construction of hardscapes should followed, the final product will be a Florida-Friendly
be used before planting to avoid crushing the plants. Third, Landscape created over a three-year period.
prepare areas to plant trees. Trees should be planted before
other plants because they require more time to reach a size STEP 1: DEVELOP A MASTER PLAN
that will provide shade and mulch (leaf litter). The final Include some of the following elements in your Florida-
steps in the conversion involve working in small sections Friendly Master Landscape Plan:
and installing plant beds and mulch in phases.
• Turf areas, plant beds, and mulch areas
Whether you are designing a landscape from scratch or • Entertainment and circulation areas such as pathways,
converting to a Florida-Friendly Landscape, create a decks, and patios
Florida-Friendly Master Landscape Plan. This is a com-
plete plan for your yard that includes all elements in pre- • Trees and shrubs (placed for energy efficiency and as
cise locations and takes into account the nine Florida- screens/buffers for views)
Friendly Landscaping ™ principles.
• Plantings to screen A/C units & utilities
To create the master plan, you may find it helpful to use
the Landscape Planning Worksheet provided in this guide • Concealed work/trash area
or a similar form. Conduct a site inventory and analysis
to determine the opportunities and constraints of your • Wildlife habitat plantings
yard. Pay attention to soil type, existing vegetation, shade
patterns, drainage patterns, views, and utility locations. • Garden shed/compost bin
Homeowners should also consider their needs and wants.
• Cisterns/rain barrels (located by downspouts)
Draw the master plan to scale, including property bound-
aries from a certified survey, the location of the house and • Rainwater collection areas (low spots or rain gardens)
any existing hardscape, and the location of any trees or
plants to remain on site. Complete the master plan by STEP 2: INSTALL HARDSCAPES
adding all proposed plants, hardscapes, and specified con- (PATIOS, WALKWAYS, DECKS, POOLS, ETC.)
struction materials. If applicable, check with your HOA • Call before you dig. State law requires that you call
before beginning the design process, and be sure to the free Utility Locator Service at 811 at least
obtain final approval from the responsible committee. two full business days before you dig.
Use the nine FFL principles, design elements, and funda-
mentals of design described in this guide to create outdoor • Install all new hardscapes at the same time to save
“rooms” by using pathways, hardscapes, and plants to money by not destroying plants later.
divide and organize spaces. Also consider the following:
• Use porous pavers, concrete or gravel, to allow
• Proportion: Keep the size of the plants proportional to stormwater drainage.
the house and yard.
• Use durable materials and, whenever possible, use
• Variety: Make the yard interesting by having variation in reclaimed, reprocessed, or recycled-content materials
plant sizes (especially heights), color, texture, and shape. (EDIS pub 1110/EP374).
A Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Publication
STEP 5: PREPARE (PHASE I) PLANT BEDS • You may want to choose less visible areas for the last
• Consult the master plan to decide where to install the phase(s).
first planted area. Your choice will be determined by
your needs. • Again, follow the procedure used in previous phases
I and II to prepare and install additional beds.
• Remember to leave clear access to the backyard if you
do the front yard first. • Remember the plants in later phases will be smaller
than the plants in the earlier phases, but they will also
• Use boundaries such as walkways, fences, or house cor- quickly catch up.
ners to determine the extent of the planted area.
• Maintain the yard with Florida-Friendly Landscaping™
STEP 6: INSTALL (PHASE I) PLANT BEDS principles described in The Florida Yards & Neighborhoods
• Relocate existing plants as indicated on the master plan Handbook and in this publication. If you are not main-
and space relocated and new plants accordingly. taining the landscape, hire a landscape contractor who is
certified in the GI-BMPs.
• Use proper installation practices for planting (EDIS pub
F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G TM G U I D E T O P L A N T S E L E C T I O N A N D L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N • 2015
Florida-Friendly Landscape design combines art and sci- cannot escape, the intake air temperature rises, causing
ence to create functional, attractive, and ecologically the unit to operate less efficiently.
sound surroundings that complement a home or other
structure. But Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ guidelines THE LOWDOWN ON TURFGRASS
need not restrict your choices of color, texture, and style. Healthy lawns cool and clean the air by absorbing carbon
Here are some tips to bear in mind when planning your dioxide, releasing oxygen, and collecting dust and dirt.
landscape. They filter stormwater runoff and reduce erosion, glare,
and noise. But the many benefits of grass are only realized
FORM FOLLOWS FUNCTION when it’s cared for and used properly. Grass thrives in
Landscape designers often recommend grouping plants sunny areas, but most types do not grow well in dense
into masses to unify the design of plant beds. Groups of shade. In shady spots, plant shade-tolerant groundcovers
plants are visually pleasing, and this technique also pro- instead of turf.
vides environmental benefits. Trees planted in groups pro-
vide more atmospheric cooling than the same number of NATIVES VERSUS NON-NATIVES
evenly spaced, isolated trees and are much better protect- A common misconception is that Florida-Friendly
ed in high winds. In addition, trees planted in combina- Landscaping™ principles dictate the use of only plant
tion with appropriate shrubs and groundcovers form effec- species native to Florida. In fact, the FFL Program encour-
tive windbreaks and wildlife habitat. ages a mix of natives and non-natives, depending on what
plants are right for that particular location. “Right Plant,
PLANT MATCHMAKING Right Place” governs the selection of plants, bearing in
Turfgrasses and landscape plants have different water, fer- mind the soil, light, water, wind, and other conditions at
tilizer, and maintenance needs. Group plants in beds that site. Do not forget to consider plant colors, textures,
according to water requirements to conserve water and and bloom times. See the IFAS Assessment of Non-native
make maintenance easier. Plants in Florida’s Natural Areas (http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/
assessment/conclusions.html) for a list of invasive species
WET VERSUS DRY that should be removed where possible and never planted.
Many drought-tolerant plants thrive in elevated dry spots
or in windy areas but can quickly succumb to root dis- SOIL CONDITIONS
eases and pest problems if planted in areas that tend to It is important to know your soil type before selecting
stay wet. Drought-tolerant plants do well in exposed areas plants for the site. Your landscape may have different soil
and along the unshaded southern or western walls of types in different areas. A soil test can tell you the pH of
buildings, but you should place plants adapted to wet soils your soil and what amendments may be used, such as
in low spots, along waterways, and in areas with poor compost or manure, to improve or alter your soil condi-
drainage. tions. If your soil is compacted, as is frequently the case
on new home sites, you should loosen and amend your
WIND-WISE PLANTINGS soil as you add planting beds for optimum root health.
Florida winter winds tend to blow from the north or
northwest. A solid fence or a row of evergreens on the PLANT SELECTION
north side of a house forms a barrier against cold winter The choice of plants determines how much maintenance a
winds, which can dry and damage plants. In the summer, landscape requires and also how long it lasts. Use these
winds typically originate in the south, so allow cooling steps as a guide to selecting the right plants for the right
breezes in your outdoor living spaces by keeping tall bar- places in your Florida-Friendly yard.
riers away from the southern edge of your landscape.
Since Florida is frequently in the path of hurricanes, • Choose low-maintenance plants suited to your site.
choose trees that are known for sturdiness in high winds.
• Welcome wildlife.
Position trees and shrubs strategically to help cool or heat • Group high-maintenance plants together for greater
your home. Plant deciduous shade trees on the south, visual impact and easier care.
east, and west sides of a house to cast shade in summer
and allow warming in winter. Tree shade can significantly • Eliminate invasive plants.
reduce air conditioning costs. An air-conditioning system’s
outdoor compressor/condenser unit uses less energy when • Buy quality plants.
it is shaded from direct sun during the day, but be careful
not to block the unit’s airflow. If the warm discharge air • Consider the mature size of the plant.
A Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Publication
F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G TM G U I D E T O P L A N T S E L E C T I O N A N D L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N • 2015
This worksheet can be used for both new and established landscapes. By following these steps, you will be on your way to a
thriving, low-maintenance landscape suited to your climate and needs.
Before you begin, think about how you will use your landscape. Write down as many ideas as possible. It is much easier to
remove elements from your plan than it is to add them down the line.
pH: __________________________________________
Any exceptions? (For example, the place where you want to put a planting bed may have more acidic soil than other areas in the
Draw your house and existing trees, shrubs, and other plants you want to keep. If you already have an irrigation system, be sure
to note its location and various zones. Include permanent features such as utilities, hardscapes like the driveway, and water
sources like spigots. See the sample site plan provided for guidance.
A Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Publication
F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G TM G U I D E T O P L A N T S E L E C T I O N A N D L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N • 2015
Now that you have a plan, you can choose plants suited for the conditions in your landscape using the Florida-Friendly
Landscaping™ Plant List beginning on page 29.
A Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Publication
F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G TM G U I D E T O P L A N T S E L E C T I O N A N D L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N • 2015
The plants on this Florida-Friendly Plant List are considered by UF/IFAS horticulture specialists to be well adapted
to growing in Florida landscapes. The plants on this list are not the only plants that can be used in Florida. Contact
your county’s UF/IFAS Extension office to determine if a plant not on the list is suitable for your region.
When planted under appropriate soil, light, and climatic conditions, most plants on the list generally require little
maintenance compared with other plants. Each plant’s preferred growing conditions (soil pH, soil texture, relative
drought tolerance, soil drainage/moisture, light range, light optimum, and salt tolerance) are included here as a
guide to choosing plants for your specific site conditions. Additional information is given on growth rate, mature
height and spread, flowering color and season, value to wildlife, wind resistance and other characteristics helpful
for plant selection and maintenance.
Many plants listed as Annuals are considered Perennials in some areas of the state and vice versa. The microcli-
mate and the amount of care given to the plants will ultimately determine their staying power in the landscape.
See the key to symbols and abbreviations used in the tables for details. Remember to always put the right plant in
the right place by matching each plant’s needs with the environmental conditions found at the site. There may be
variation in some characteristics, especially in the region (north, central or south) of Florida in which plants will
grow. Check with your county’s UF/IFAS Extension office to confirm the appropriateness of specific plants (look in
the government pages of your phone book or see http://solutionsforyourlife.ufl.edu/map for your county’s contact
USE THE LIST TO CHOOSE PLANTS BASED ON YOUR listed. (Take samples and obtain a soil test through
SITE CONDITIONS, FOLLOWING THESE STEPS: your county’s Extension office.)
1. Find out and write down the conditions of the bed or • Soil moisture (Is it in a high, dry area or a low area
other area you want to plant: where water frequently accumulates? To check
drainage, dig a small hole, add water and see how
• The region of the state you live in. (Check the map quickly the water drains – if water stands for more
on page 2 and remember that if you live close to than 24 hours, consider it a wet site.)
the border of a region, all of the plants listed for
that region may not do well in your area and some • Exposure to salt spray or salty irrigation water.
of the plants that do well in the next region may do
well in your area.) • Size of area for plants. (Are there height restrictions
such as a window nearby or power lines above? Is
• The amount of light the site receives. (Check at the width of the area limited?)
various times throughout the day and through the
seasons.) 2. Determine the type of plant you want (tree, shrub,
etc.) and go to that category on the list.
• Soil pH and texture. The pH ranges given in the
legend are not absolute, but rather for guidance as 3. Narrow down the list by choosing plants that match
to the optimum pH conditions. Some plants may do the region, light, soil conditions and moisture at the
well if the pH is slightly higher or lower than those site.
A Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Publication
For further assistance, contact the Florida Yards & For additional information and fact sheets on many of the
Neighborhoods or horticulture program at your county’s plants on this list, see also http://hort.ifas.ufl.edu/woody/.
UF/IFAS Extension office.
F L O R I D A - F R I E N D L Y L A N D S C A P I N G TM G U I D E T O P L A N T S E L E C T I O N A N D L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N • 2015
Yes = Florida native No = Not a Florida native Var. = Native status depends on species selection
C/L = clay loam S/L = sandy loam S = sandy S/C = sandy clay any = any texture
= well drained = wet = medium drained to wet
High, Medium, Low, or None
(Note: Both drought tolerance and soil moisture tolerance should be considered, and they are not the same. For example, a plant may toler-
ate wet soils and also have high drought tolerance, and another plant may prefer well drained soils but have low drought tolerance.)
H = High M = Medium L-N = Low to None U = Unknown
= Attracts butterflies = Attracts hummingbirds = Attracts other birds
A Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Publication
also known as Acer saccharum red, winter through spring flow- needs soil space for root white, spring flowers; messy
ssp. floridanum; green, spring ers; red fall foliage; susceptible expansion; grows best with fruit and leaves; medium-low
flowers; susceptible to aphids to aphids, cottony maple scale, high soil moisture; chlorosis wind resistance; susceptible to
and cottony maple scale and gall mites; shallow-rooted; develops in alkaline soil; toler- pests; caution - may be invasive
does best in rich, organic soils; ates periodic flooding but not in South Florida
good for wet sites; medium to long periods of drought; medi-
low wind resistance um to high wind resistance
edible fruit (C. illinoinensis); rapid grower first few years; white/cream, spring flowers; not for small areas; spreading
white/yellow, spring flowers; deciduous, pink/white, five- susceptible to pests; high wind canopy shades parks, large yards;
high wind resistance for C. petaled fall through winter flow- resistance; provides cover and may start as epiphyte, killing host
tree (often encircling cabbage
floridana, medium to high for ers; large roots form at base nesting for wildlife
palm); fallen fruits may be messy;
C. glabra and C. tomentosa, just beneath soil medium-low wind resistance, can
low for C. illinoinensis; be difficult to distinguish from inva-
susceptible to pests sive species; susceptible to pests
tolerates occasionally wet soil; good plant for retention ponds, good for shaded areas; white, spring through summer
does not tolerate compacted swales and canal banks; does medium to low wind resistance; flowers; good for retention
soil; susceptible to ash borer, best in rich, organic soils susceptible to pests; does best pond edges; can tolerate
cankers, and leaf spots; medi- in rich, organic soils full sun only with sufficient
um-high wind resistance moisture; does best in rich,
organic soils; susceptible to
showy, white, spring flowers; very similar to Juniperus many cultivars; provides food yellow/orange, spring through
yellow fall foliage with attrac- silicicola but branches for wildlife; medium to high summer flowers; susceptible
tive yellow fruit; understory tree straighter; provides food for wind resistance pests and diseases; newly
that does best in rich, organic wildlife transplanted trees susceptible
soil; water during drought and to leaf yellowing and drop
avoid compacted soils w/o enough moisture; low
wind resistance
Scientific Litchi chinensis Lysiloma latisiliquum Magnolia grandiflora and cvs. Magnolia virginiana and cvs.
Common Lychee Wild Tamarind, Southern Magnolia Sweet Bay Magnolia
Bahama Lysiloma
Reg/Native S 10a-11 No S 10b-11 Yes N C 8-9 Yes N C 8-9 Yes
G, H, S Fast 20-30 20-30 Fast 40-60 30-45 40-80 15-40 40-60 20-50
Soil pH, Txt Any Any Any Any
Soil Mst, Drgt Medium High Medium None
small, yellow, early spring small, white/pink, spring white/cream, fragrant, summer white, spring flowers; small red
flowers; edible fruit in June through summer flowers; flowers; attractive red seeds seeds provide food for wildlife;
and July; susceptible to scales medium to high wind provide food for wildlife; tolerates medium-high wind resistance
occasionally wet soil; high wind
resistance; leaves and fruit
require frequent cleanup; attrac-
tive pyramidal growth habit;
susceptible to scale
Scientific Nyssa sylvatica Persea americana Pinus clausa Pinus elliottii var. densa
Common Tupelo, Black Gum Avocado Sand Pine Southern Slash Pine
showy fall color; white, many cultivars for edible fruit; flammable - in wildfire prone flammable - in wildfire prone
inconspicuous spring flowers; low wind resistance; susceptible areas, plant minimum 30' from areas, plant minimum 30' from
medium to high wind resistance to pests buildings; trunk is rarely buildings; medium to low wind
resistance; seeds provide food for
straight; makes a nice accent in
wildlife; tolerates occasionally wet
a large scale landscape; seeds soil; declines if roots and surround-
provide food for wildlife ing areas are compacted or dis-
turbed; susceptible to pests
flammable – in wildfire prone flammable - in wildfire prone flammable - in wildfire prone flammable - in wildfire prone
areas, plant minimum 30' from areas, plant minimum 30' from areas, plant minimum 30' from areas, plant minimum 30' from
buildings; medium to low wind buildings; low wind resistance; buildings; medium to low wind buildings; fast growing; 3-6"
resistance; seeds provide food for
declines if roots and surround- resistance; susceptible to pests; cones; susceptible to pests and
wildlife; tolerates occasionally wet
soil; declines if roots and surround- ing areas are compacted or resistant to fusiform rust; toler- diseases
ing areas are compacted or dis- disturbed ates occasionally wet soil
turbed; susceptible to pests
deciduous; lavender/white needs space; sheds continually; provides food for wildlife; toler- provides food for wildlife; not
flowers; all parts are poisonous; leaves scorch if insufficient ates occasionally wet soil adapted to dry areas; does best
provides food for wildlife water; susceptible to mites, lace in rich, organic soil; medium to
bugs, and anthracnose; good high wind resistance
for erosion control on stream
banks; medium to low wind
provides food for wildlife; low wind resistance; provides provides food for wildlife; tolerates provides food for wildlife;
underused tree that is well food for wildlife occasionally wet soils; in wet soils tolerates occasionally wet soil
adapted to Florida rot may be a problem; best in full
sun but tolerates shade when
young; tolerant of urban condi-
tions; medium to high wind resist-
ance; may slow growth of under-
story plants
provides food for wildlife; provides food for wildlife; not yellow, summer flowers; medium to high wind resist-
tolerates occasionally wet soil; for small lots; susceptible to medium to high wind ance; tolerates occasionally wet
medium to high wind resistance caterpillars, root rot and insect resistance; don't plant near soil; susceptible to webworms
galls; tolerates occasionally wet sidewalks and driveways
soil; high wind resistance (surface roots)
flammable plant - in wildfire susceptible to Dutch elm long-lived; susceptible to susceptible to Dutch elm
prone areas, plant minimum disease; medium to high wind Dutch elm disease; medium disease and powdery mildew
30' from buildings; wetland resistance to low wind resistance
plant & adapts to dry sites;
deciduous; yellow-brown fall
color; small seeds provide food
for wildlife; high wind resistance
Scientific Avicennia germinans Bursera simaruba Caesalpinia spp. and cvs. Carpentaria acuminata
Common Black Mangrove Gumbo Limbo Poinciana Carpentaria Palm
white, year-round flowers susceptible to pests if stressed; choose species adapted to white/cream, spring
attract bees; very good for high wind resistance region; do not confuse with through fall flowers; tolerates
salty shorelines with full sun; Delonix regia; flowers vary occasionally wet soil; can
produces pneumatophores cause skin irritation
(breathing roots) that protrude
around base of tree
orange/yellow, spring flowers; yellow, summer flowers; showy cultivars provide variety of fragrant flowers; provides food
small enough to plant under blooms; low wind resistance foliage and flower color; spring for wildlife; edible fruit; medium
powerlines; seeds and catkins flowers; susceptible to pests; to high wind resistance
provide food for wildlife; excel- beans provide food for wildlife;
lent understory tree; medium to medium to high wind resistance
high wind resistance
white, summer flowers; edible tolerant of salt or brackish provides food and cover for evergreen; green foliage with
fruit; susceptible to weevils; water; orange, year-round wildlife; flowers vary; best for silver/gray shimmer; good as
provides food for wildlife; flowers; foliage may be North Florida; many species specimen or windbreak
compact crown makes it good damaged by geiger beetles; and cultivars
for small areas; medium to high damaged by severe freezes;
wind resistance; bark peels high wind resistance
and becomes showy with age
Delonix regia Elaeocarpus decipiens Ficus citrifolia Ilex Xattenuata and cvs.
Royal poinciana Japanese Blueberry Shortleaf Fig, East Palatka Holly
Wild Banyan Tree
S 10b-11 No N C S 8b-10b No S 10b-11 Yes N C S 8-10 Yes
Fast 35-40 40-60 30-40 30-40 Fast 25-50 30-40 30-45 10-15
Any Any Any Any
High High High Medium
orange/red, summer flowers; evergreen; pink/white, edible fruit; lacks aerial roots, may have severe disease
medium to low wind resistance; spring through summer flowers; but still requires adequate room problems in central parts of the
needs large area; caution - provides food for wildlife for root development; don’t state; provides pollen for bees
may be invasive in South plant in drainfields due to
Florida aggressive roots; can be diffi-
cult to distinguish from invasive
Scientific Ilex cassine and cvs. Ilex opaca Ilex rotunda Jacaranda mimosifolia
Common Dahoon Holly American Holly Round Holly, Roundleaf Jacaranda
Holly, Rotund Holly
Reg/Native N C S 8-10 Yes N C 8-9b Yes N C S 8-11 No C S 9b-11 No
G, H, S 20-30 15-20 35-50 15-25 Slow 20-30 20-30 Fast 25-40 45-60
Soil pH, Txt Any Any Any Any
Soil Mst, Drgt Medium High Medium High
white, spring flowers; provides male and female flowers white, spring flowers provide lavender/blue, spring through
pollen for bees and berries for appear on separate trees, both pollen for bees; provides food summer flowers; messy when
variety of wildlife; does best in sexes must be in same neigh- for wildlife leaves and flowers drop; soft
rich, organic soils; high wind borhood for production of wood, breaks easily; low wind
resistance berries on female plants resistance
Scientific Juniperus silicicola Lagerstroemia indica, Lagerstroemia Ostrya virginiana Persea borbonia
Common Southern Red Cedar indica Xfauriei, Lagerstroemia fauriei American Hophornbeam, Red Bay,
Crapemyrtle American Hornbeam Bay Oak
Reg/Native N C S 8a-10b Yes N C S 8-10b No N C 8-9a Yes N C S 8b-11 Yes
G, H, S Fast 30-45 20-30 Fast 10-30 15-30 Slow 30-40 25-30 30-50 30-50
Soil pH, Txt Any Any Any Any
Soil Mst, Drgt High High High High
branches drooping; low wind form, size, disease resistance, fall color; nuts provide food larval food plant for swallowtail
resistance; provides food, cover, bloom season, flower and bark for wildlife; medium to high butterflies; insect galls can
and nesting for birds; good for color vary with cultivar; plant for wind resistance distort leaves; medium to low
dunes; susceptible to pests such good air circulation; high wind wind resistance
as juniper blight and mites resistance; susceptible to aphids
and sooty mold; bark peels and
becomes showy with age
purple fruit; good wetland plant grows slower in full shade; tolerates occasionally wet soil; yellow, year-round flowers
high wind resistance provides food for wildlife
yellow, spring flowers; pink/white, spring through showy, pinkish-purple, spring deciduous; spines; host plant
medium to low wind resistance summer flowers; medium to low flowers; medium to low wind for Giant Swallowtail butterfly;
wind resistance; susceptible to resistance white, spring flowers
also known as Acacia smallii; attractive bark; red, spring also known as Angelica fragrant, white, year-round
yellow, year-round flowers; flowers; tolerates occasionally spinosa; small, white, spring flowers; attractive foliage;
thorny; tolerates occasionally wet soil; poisonous seeds through summer flowers; round purple fruit provide food
wet soil; provides food and purplish berries provide food for wildlife mostly in fall and
cover for birds and insects; for wildlife; sharp thorns; winter; good for screens and
don't plant next to sidewalk tolerates occasionally wet soil; hedges
can sucker to produce a thicket
Scientific Arenga engleri Baccharis halimifolia Butia capitata Calliandra spp. and cvs.
Common Formosa Palm, Groundsel Bush, Pindo Palm, Powderpuff
Dwarf Sugar Palm Sea Myrtle, Salt-bush Jelly Palm
Reg/Native C S 9a-11 No N C S 8-10 Yes N C S 8b-11 No C S 9b-11 No
G, H, S Slow 6-10 10-16 8-12 6-12 Slow 15-25 15-25 Fast 10-15 8-15
Soil pH, Txt Any Any Any Any
Soil Mst, Drgt None Medium High High
red/orange/green, spring feathery, white, fall flowers; edible fruit used for jelly; pink/white, fall through spring
flowers; grows in clusters poisonous seeds; useful for wet provides food for wildlife; looks flowers; only Calliandra
sites such as retention ponds best in full sun; white flowers; haematocephala assessed as
and ditches; can spread from susceptible to pests; high wind not a problem
seed resistance
red, spring through summer many cvs. with a variety of some groundcover cvs. purple, summer flowers
flowers; medium to low wind flower colors; up to 6 inches, in available; fall through winter
resistance; attracts beneficial winter through spring; suscepti- flowers, colors vary; susceptible
insects; only C. citrinus, C. ble to scales, aphids, chewing to scales, mites, aphids and
rigidus, C. viminalis assessed insects and fungus; requires chewing insects; requires acid
as not a problem acid soil and has problems if soil and has problems if pH is
pH is too high too high
purple/white, spring flowers flammable plant - in wildfire dark green foliage; suitable for clumping palm; yellow, summer
prone areas, plant minimum 30' use as a hedge or specimen flowers; pest sensitive; very cold
from buildings; attracts insects; plant hardy; low maintenance com-
white, spring flowers; good for pared to other palms; petioles
retention ponds/swales/canal with sharp teeth
banks; well adapted to disturbed
white, spring through summer showy, white, spring flowers; also known as Citharexylum deciduous with continual leaf
flowers; grows very slowly, flowers best in sun; pest fruticosum; white, fragrant flow- drop; fragrant, white, spring
usually 4 to 10 inches per year, sensitive; tolerates occasionally ers all year; provides food for flowers; provides food for large
but can grow a foot per year wet soil; medium to high wind wildlife; useful as a tall hedge wildlife; susceptible to weevils;
if given rich, moist soil and resistance grows as shrub on coastal
appropriate fertilization dunes and as tree inland;
medium to high wind resistance
white, year-round flowers white, spring flowers; blue prefers deep, rich, well–drained white, spring through summer
berries provide food for sandy or clay soils and has a flowers; wetland plant; good
wildlife; larval food plant for moderately long life; roots rot for edges of retention ponds;
spring azure butterfly; in soils without adequate attractive to bees
susceptible to borers drainage; susceptible to pests
and disease
yellow, summer through fall white, fall through winter flowers vary; needs little atten- semi-evergreen to evergreen;
flowers; showy, colorful fruit flowers; medium to low wind tion once established; natives yellow, early spring flowers;
resistance; susceptible to pests; are E. axillaris, E. foetida, E. great hedge plant; provides
caution - may be invasive in rhombea, and E. confusa; E. food for wildlife; flowers attract
Central and South Florida axiliaris, E. confusa, E. foetida insects
have high wind resistance
Ilex X‘Mary Nell’ Ilex X‘Nellie R. Stevens’ Ilex cornuta and cvs. Ilex decidua
Mary Nell Holly Nellie R. Stevens Holly Chinese Holly, Possumhaw
Horned Holly
N C 8-9 Yes N C 8-9 Yes N C 8-9 No N 8-9a Yes
10-20 10-15 15-25 10-12 8-25 8-25 Slow 10-15 10-15
S/C S/C Any Any
Medium Medium High High
white; spring flowers; important white, spring flowers; susceptible to tea scale, espe- small, white, spring flowers;
source of pollen for bees important source of pollen for cially in cool, shady areas; pro- small orange/red fruit provide
bees; provides food for wildlife vides food for wildlife; many food for wildlife; be sure to
cultivars available; important purchase female trees for fruit
source of pollen for bees production
Scientific Ilex glabra Ilex vomitoria and cvs. Illicium spp. Jatropha integerrima
Common Gallberry Yaupon Holly Star Anise Peregrina
flammable plant - in wildfire flammable, in wildfire prone areas, evergreen, yellowish–white or scarlet, year-round flowers;
prone areas, plant minimum plant minimum 30' from buildings; greenish–white flowers poisonous; susceptible to pests
30' from buildings; white, white, spring through summer flow- and disease; sensitive to frost
ers; red fruit on female plants pro-
spring flowers; black fruit pro-
vides food for wildlife in late fall and
vides food for wildlife in late winter; ‘Pendula’ - FNGLA Plant of
fall and winter; good for wet- the Year, 2005; high wind resistance;
land/pine areas; high wind can sucker to produce a thicket
Scientific Ligustrum japonicum and cvs. Magnolia Xsoulangiana Magnolia figo Musa spp.
Common Ligustrum, and cvs. Banana Shrub Banana
Japanese Privet Saucer Magnolia
Reg/Native N C S 8-10b No N C 8-9a No N C 8-10 Yes C S 9b-11 No
G, H, S 8-12 15-25 20-25 15-25 10-20 6-15 Fast 7-30 10-15
Soil pH, Txt Any Any Any Any
Soil Mst, Drgt Medium Low Medium Low
white, summer flowers; suscepti- many cultivars; pink/white/ also known as Michelia figo; edible fruit; showy purple
ble to pests and diseases; used lavender, fragrant, winter light-yellow, spring through early or orange flowers; needs
as hedge; thins at bottom unless through spring flowers; summer flowers; fragrance simi- regular watering; susceptible
in full sun susceptible to pests; medium lar to ripening cantaloupes or to disease, pests, and frost
to high wind resistance bananas; generally used as
specimen plant; susceptible to
scale and mushroom root rot
edible fruit; white, fragrant, edible, black fruit; white flammable, in wildfire prone makes a great landscape plant;
year-round flowers; red berries flowers, time of flowering areas, plant minimum 30' from requires a pollinator to fruit
provide food for wildlife; depends on cultivar buildings; silver berries found on
female plants only; susceptible to
tolerates occasionally wet soil;
disease; good hedge plant; pro-
needs little attention once vides food and cover for wildlife;
established medium to low wind resistance,
can sucker to produce a thicket
white, fragrant, spring flowers; fragrant, showy, spring through dark green, evergreen leaves;
provides food for wildlife fall flowers; susceptible to small, purple, fruit on females
frangipani caterpillar; needs provide food for wildlife; high
cold-protected spot if grown in wind resistance; mildly suscepti-
central Florida ble to pests and diseases; some
magnesium deficiency on sandy
white, winter flowers; reddish small pink, late winter flowers; white, spring flowers; purple high wind resistance; good in
plums provide food for wildlife; small fruit provides food for plums provide food for wildlife; dune areas; provides food for
medium to high wind resist- wildlife; susceptible to tent edible fruits, ranging from very wildlife; FNGLA Plant of the
ance; can sucker to produce a caterpillar tart to sweet; susceptible to tent Year 2008
thicket caterpillars; can sucker to pro-
duce a thicket
Scientific Raphiolepis spp. and cvs. Senna polyphylla Sideroxylon spp. (natives only) Sophora tomentosa
Common Indian Hawthorn Desert Cassia Buckthorn Necklace Pod
flowers vary; provides food for yellow, summer flowers; should good coastal or dune plant; evergreen shrub; weeping
wildlife; use disease-resistant not be confused with Senna select species based on region, shape; yellow, year-round
cvs., plant in full sun; suscepti- pendula soil texture, and drainage; flow- flowers; seeds are poisonous;
ble to disease ers vary provides food for wildlife
yellow, winter through spring evergreen; bell-shaped, white, winter through spring white, spring flowers;
flowers; flowers emerge after fragrant, yellow summer flowers; small black fruit pro- susceptible pests and disease;
leaves drop; not wind resistant through winter flowers; vides food for wildlife; provides often grown as a hedge; thins
produces non-edible brown nesting cover for wildlife; can in shaded sites
fruit; FNGLA Plant of the sucker to produce a thicket;
Year, 2005 dwarf cvs. are 2' to 4' tall
fine textured, semi-evergreen; also known as Acacia smallii; provides continuous color in the also known as Feijoa sellowiana;
red-tinged leaves; pink/white, yellow, year-round flowers; landscape; heart-shaped leaves red/white, spring flowers; often
spring through fall flowers; thorny; tolerates occasionally in varying mottled combinations used as a hedge; provides
doesn’t flower in the shade wet soil; provides food and of colors; susceptible to pests food/cover/nesting for wildlife
cover for birds and insects;
don’t plant next to sidewalk
large fern; good for wet evergreen, creamy white, dramatic foliage and form; bright yellow, trumpet-shaped,
sites in shaded landscape; fragrant spring flowers evergreen, silver/gray to year-round flowers; bleeds
prolonged sunlight, especially blue-green foliage; showy, white milky sap if stems are
in the summer, can burn foliage green-brown fruit; sharp spines; broken; makes an open hedge;
choose species adapted to attractive to birds and butter-
climate flies
evergreen; white, fragrant, sum- also known as Angelica fragrant, white, year-round deciduous; species needs vary,
mer through fall flowers spinosa; small white, spring flowers; attractive foliage; choose based on conditions;
through summer flowers; round, purple fruits provide flowers vary; larval food plant
purplish berries provide food food for wildlife, mostly in fall for zebra swallowtail butterfly;
for wildlife; spiny stems; toler- and winter; good for screens does not transplant well
ates occasionally wet soil and hedges
feathery, white, fall flowers; choose species adapted to evergreen shrub with upright evergreen; yellow, winter
poisonous seeds; useful for wet conditions; bamboo grows growth that terminates in through spring flowers; red fruit;
sites such as retention ponds aggressively; should not be flattish spikes that produce adaptable to a wide range of
and ditches; can spread by planted near lakefronts or lobed, bright, yellow flowers; soil conditions but does best in
suckers from roots streams provides food for wildlife rich, organic soil; requires prun-
ing to maintain best form; spiny;
good hedge or barrier plant
Now color; white, spring
considered flowers;
invasive flowers hang from stems and white/purple, spring through deciduous, non-fragrant,
and should
good hedgenotor be usedplant;
barrier in a branches and drape the plant fall flowers purple/violet flowers; excellent
persistent landscape.
red fruit; susceptible with color; good specimen tree; for butterflies; aggressive
to disease susceptible to pests and dis- suckering and spreads through
eases runners
possible cold damage from deciduous; purple/light purple red spring though summer good screen; red, spring
freezing temperatures; large spring through fall flowers; flowers; medium to low wind through summer flowers with
fragrant flower blooms during attracts wildlife; small purplish resistance; attracts beneficial strawberry-like fragrance; does
warm months; susceptible to fruits provide food for wildlife insects; check with your local best in rich, organic soil
pests in late winter; need to prune Extension office before final
old wood since flowers and fruit species selection
are produced on new growth
many cultivars; flowers up to some groundcover cultivars purple/white, spring flowers also known as Carissa
6 inches, in winter through available; fall through winter grandiflora; edible fruit; white,
spring, color variable; flowers, color variable; suscepti- fragrant year-round flowers
susceptible to pests and ble to pests; requires acidic soil
diseases; requires acidic soil and has problems if pH is too
and has problems if pH high
is too high
flammable, in wildfire prone dark green foliage; suitable for yellow/orange, spring through white, year-round flowers;
areas, plant minimum 30' from use as a hedge or specimen summer flowers edible fruit; good hedge or
buildings; attracts insects; white, plant screen plant; purple “plums”
spring through summer flowers; provide food for wildlife; high
grows well in wet areas such as wind resistance
detention ponds or drainage ditch-
es; well adapted to disturbed soils
also known as Citharexylum white, fragrant, summer deciduous with continual leaf spreading growth habit; yellow
fruticosum; white, fragrant, flowers; attracts bees and other drop; fragrant, white, spring flowers
year-round flowers; provides wildlife; grows well in wet areas flowers; provides food for large
food for wildlife; useful as a tall wildlife; susceptible to weevils;
hedge grows as shrub on coastal
dunes and as tree inland; medi-
um to high wind resistance
Scientific Codiaeum variegatum Conocarpus erectus Cordyline spp. & cvs. except Crataegus spp.
Common Croton Buttonwood, Cordyline guineensis Hawthorn
Silver Buttonwood Ti plant
Reg/Native S 10b-11 No S 10b-11 Yes S 10-11 No N C 8-9 Var.
G, H, S 3-8 3-6 5-50 15-20 Fast 3-10 2-4 20-35 15-40
Soil pH, Txt Any Any Any Any
Soil Mst, Drgt Low High Varies High
wide variety of leaf color and white/cream, spring flowers; growing conditions vary by provides food and cover for
shape; white/yellow, summer silver leaved form more suscep- species; flowers vary; cold wildlife; flowers vary; best for
flowers; susceptible to pests tible to sooty mold and insect sensitive; check with your local north Florida; many species
problems; do not plant in marl Extension office before final and cultivars
soil; high wind resistance; species selection
provides cover for wildlife
white, late spring through also known as Duranta repens; scarlet, tubular, spring flowers; flowers vary; needs little atten-
summer flowers; wetland plant; showy, lavender/blue/white, flowers attractive to humming- tion once established; natives
good for edges of retention summer through fall flowers; birds; showy, pod-shaped fruit are E. axillaris, E. foetida, E.
ponds; attractive to bees poisonous fruit; susceptible to rhombea, and E. confusa; E.
pests; irritating sap; thorns; axiliaris, E. confusa, E. foetida
may spread aggressively have high wind resistance
creamy, white, winter flowers; yellow, early spring flowers evergreen shrub; yellow, also known as Gardenia
too much sun eventually kills attract insects; great hedge; fruit year-round flowers; susceptible augusta; white, fragrant spring
the plant provides food for wildlife to caterpillars and mites through summer flowers; use
only grafted varieties due to
nematode susceptibility; suscep-
tible to scales; use iron fertilizer
to keep green
deciduous tree; showy, bell- cream/yellow, fall flowers; galls orange/red, year-round evergreen; dark green foliage;
shaped, white, spring flowers form on leaves; plant suckers flowers; susceptible to pests; orange/yellow winter fruit;
freely from the base foliage usually more attractive susceptible to scale
in shade but flowers best in
sun; tolerates occasionally wet
soil; dies back in freezes but
select species based on site deciduous; white, summer white/pink/purple, spring pink, summer flowers; good
conditions; spring through fall flowers; oval, serrate, dark through summer flowers; flowering shrub for shade;
flowers, color varies; some green leaves; blooms on new susceptible to pests; tolerates tolerates occasionally wet soil
hibiscus injured by freezes in season's growth; susceptible to occasionally wet soil
North Florida; susceptible to disease
white, spring flowers; important susceptible to tea scale, flammable, in wildfire prone evergreen, yellowish–white or
source of pollen for bees especially in cool, shady areas; areas, plant minimum 30' from greenish–white flowers
fruit provides food for wildlife; buildings; white, spring through
summer flowers; red fruit provides
important source of pollen for
food for wildlife in late fall-winter;
bees ’Pendula’ was FNGLA Plant of the
Year, 2005; high wind resistance;
can sucker to produce a thicket
white, spring through summer rambling, evergreen; will white, fragrant, year-round evergreen to semi-evergreen
flowers; grows well in wet areas climb like vine if given support; flowers; dies back in freeze, vine or shrub; white, fragrant,
such as detention ponds, swales fragrant, yellow flowers; dies may come back; susceptible to spring through summer flowers
and canals back in freeze, may come back pests; sprawling form
Scientific Jatropha integerrima Juniperus chinensis and cvs. Ligustrum japonicum and cvs. Loropetalum chinense and cvs
Common Peregrina Chinese Juniper, Ligustrum, Loropetalum,
Japanese Juniper Japanese Privet Chinese Fringe Bush
Reg/Native C S 9b-11 No N C 8-9 No N C S 8-10b No N C 8-9 No
G, H, S 8-15 5-10 2-60 2-25 8-12 15-25 6-15 8-10
Soil pH, Txt Any S Any Any
Soil Mst, Drgt High High High Medium
scarlet, year-round flowers; flammable, in wildfire prone white, summer flowers; white/pink, spring flowers; size
poisonous; susceptible to pests area, plant minimum 30' from susceptible to pests and varies; susceptible to pests and
and disease; sensitive to frost buildings; does not tolerate wet diseases; used as hedge; thins diseases; in high pH soils may
feet; good pollution tolerance; at bottom unless in full sun have minor element deficiencies
susceptible to pests and dis-
ease; size and form vary with
evergreen, white/pink, spring also known as Berberis bealei; red/white, warm season white, fragrant, year-round
flowers; rusty pubescence yellow, fragrant, winter through flowers; possible cold damage flowers; good container plant;
present on all parts of the plant spring flowers; glossy in North Florida often used as a hedge; provides
grey/green leaves, holly-like food for wildlife; susceptible to
appearance; purplish-blue pests
berries provide food for wildlife
edible fruit; showy purple or edible fruit; white, fragrant, flammable, in wildfire prone good, low maintenance plant
orange flowers; needs regular year-round flowers; red areas, plant minimum 30' from for coastal areas; susceptible to
watering; susceptible to dis- berries provide food for buildings; susceptible to disease; oleander caterpillar; poisonous
ease, pests, and frost wildlife; tolerates occasionally good hedge plant; provides food
wet soil; needs little attention and cover for wildlife; medium
once established to low wind resistance, can
sucker to produce a thicket
white, fragrant, spring flowers; white, fragrant, fall through deciduous; white, spring flowers large, deeply divided,
provides food for wildlife spring flowers; susceptible to drooping leaves; green,
pests year-round flowers; susceptible
to freeze damage; tolerates
occasionally wet soil
Scientific Philodendron cvs. Pittosporum tobira cvs. Podocarpus gracilior Podocarpus macrophyllus
Common Philodendron Pittosporum Weeping Fern Pine, Weeping and cvs.
Podocarpus, Weeping Yew Podocarpus
Reg/Native N C S 8b-11 No N C S 8-11 No C S 9b-11 No N C S 8b-11 No
G, H, S Fast 1-12 2-15 8-12 12-18 30-50 25-35 Slow 30-40 20-25
Soil pH, Txt Any S/L Any S/C
Soil Mst, Drgt Medium High Medium High
select species based on site dark, glossy leaves; white, grows slowly in full shade; high dark green, evergreen leaves;
conditions; check with your fragrant, spring flowers wind resistance small, purple, fruit on females
local Extension office before provide food for wildlife; high
final species selection wind resistance; mildly suscepti-
ble to pests and diseases; some
magnesium deficiency on sandy
shiny, dark green foliage; bright green, deciduous yellow/orange, clustered spring pink/white, spring flowers;
white, spring through summer leaves, turn orange/red before flowers prefers well drained soil that
flowers; susceptible to pests; red dropping; inconspicuous, retains moisture
fruit provides food for wildlife green/white, summer flowers;
black fruits provide food for
choose species based on site blueish green, fan shaped leaves; susceptible to freeze damage yellow, summer flowers; should
conditions; flowers vary small, white flowers; black and pests; susceptible to cater- not be confused with Senna
berries provide food for wildlife pillar damage; larval food plant pendula
in fall; difficult to transplant; for various sulphur butterflies;
good understory plant; prefers should not be confused with
moist soils but tolerates drier con- Senna pendula
ditions after establishment
dense, low-branching, compact, large, banana-like leaves, evergreen, tiny, gray/green evergreen, white, ruffle-edged,
evergreen; small, oval, glossy, blue/white, year-round flowers; leaves; yellow, year-round summer flowers that are
dark green leaves; slender, susceptible to scales when air flowers; commonly found fragrant at night; susceptible to
thorny branches; small, fra- circulation is inadequate; growing in thickets, on sand pests and diseases
grant, white, spring through foliage may tear in the wind dunes, and rocky shores
summer flowers; susceptible to
freeze damage
yellow, summer through winter dense, unusually dark green purple, year-round flowers; evergreen; dark green,
Now considered velvety,
flowers; FNGLA Plant of the foliage; yellow to dark red fruit; good as a hedge and should
leaves; not year-round
purple, be used in aflow-
Year, 2005; susceptible to white, fragrant, spring flowers; Florida-Friendly
ers; FNGLA Plantlandscape.
of the Year in
freeze damage good as a hedge 2005
Scientific Tibouchina granulosa Vaccinium arboreum Viburnum obovatum and cvs. Viburnum odoratissimum
Common Purple Glory Tree Sparkleberry Walter’s Viburnum Sweet Viburnum
evergreen; dark green, velvety deciduous; white, spring flow- white, winter through spring white, spring flowers; suscepti-
leaves; purple, year-round flow- ers; showy fall color; tolerates flowers; small black fruit pro- ble to pests and disease; often
ers occasionally wet soil; provides vides food for wildlife; provides grown as a hedge; thins in
food and cover for wildlife; nesting cover for wildlife; can shaded sites
attracts pollinating insects sucker to produce a thicket;
dwarf cvs. are 2' to 4' tall
also known as Viburnum scarlet to purple fall foliage; pink/white, winter through deciduous; multi-stemmed
awabuki; fragrant, small white, clusters of small, white, spring spring flowers shrub; purple, summer flowers
spring flowers; red/black fruit flowers; small black fruit pro- provides food for wildlife
provides food for wildlife; vides food for wildlife; tolerates
takes well to pruning; used for occasionally wet soil; does not
hedges; susceptible to pests tolerate compacted soils
and disease
Yucca spp.
N C S 8-11 Var.
3-30 3-15
choose species based on site upright, course-textured shrub; slender, red branches with evergreen; fragrant, white
conditions; flowers vary; red, showy flowers during variegated foliage; good speci- flowers
susceptible to freeze damage warm months droop in cattail- men or accent shrub; red
like, pendant clusters up to berries; susceptible to pests
18 inches in length; susceptible
to pests especially in partial
Scientific Caesalpinia spp. and cvs. Calliandra emarginata Carissa macrocarpa Gamolepis spp.
Common Poinciana Pink Powderpuff Natal Plum Bush Daisy
choose species adapted to red/pink, spring through fall also known as Carissa grandi- finely-divided leaves with
region; do not confuse with flowers flora; edible fruit; white, fern-like appearance; yellow,
Delonix regia; flowers vary fragrant year-round flowers year-round flowers
dark green, glossy leaves; small, yellow, year-round semi-evergreen shrub; evergreen; white/pink spring
colorful year-round flowers flowers; susceptible to pests; white/pink/lavender/blue flowers; leaf spotting may occur
berries are poisonous flowers after summer rains;
prefers dry, hot sites; doesn't
like fertilizer or compost
Mahonia fortunei Malpighia coccigera Pyracantha coccinea Raphiolepis spp. and cvs.
Fortune’s Mahonia, Chinese Miniature Holly Firethorn Indian Hawthorn
Mahonia, Holly Grape
N 8b-9 No S 10b-11 No N C 8-9 No N C 8-9 No
Slow 3-5 3-5 Slow 2-5 4-6 10-15 8-12 2-10 2-6
Any Any Any Any
Medium Medium Medium High
also known as Berberis fortunei; pink, spring through summer white, showy flowers; flowers vary; provides food for
yellow year-round flowers; well flowers; red berries; sensitive to red/orange fall and winter wildlife; use disease-resistant
suited as foundation plant on pests fruit; works well as freestanding cvs., plant in full sun; suscepti-
north or east side of a building specimen plant; can be ble to disease
espaliered or trained onto a
trellis; susceptible to pests and
flowers vary; susceptible to evergreen herb with aromatic multi-branched shrub; rush-like red, summer flowers; provides
pests and diseases needle-like leaves; flowers vary stems; red year-round flowers; food for wildlife
susceptible to pests
small, white, spring through deciduous; white, spring flow- large leathery leaves are held
summer flowers; small, black ers; check with your local upright on stiff stalks;
berries in summer through fall Extension office before final orange/blue striking flowers;
provide food for wildlife; long- species selection susceptible to pests; tolerates
lived; difficult to transplant occasionally wet soil
Now yellow,invasive
considered trumpet- tender evergreen vine; also known as Ampelaster fast-growing, high-climbing
and should
shaped, not be used
year-round in a all
flowers; white/purple, summer through carolinianus, Symphyotricum vine; orange/red, trumpet-
Florida-Friendly landscape.
plant parts are poisonous winter flowers; larval food carolinianum; lavender, fall shaped, spring flowers
plant for several swallowtail flowers
evergreen, shrubby vine; brilliant orange, summer white, spring flowers dense grower; needs no
pink/yellow/orange, year- flowers support to adhere to walls,
round flowers; large spines; which may cause maintenance
susceptible to freeze damage problems; well suited for
groundcover, and hanging
basket use
Scientific Gelsemium sempervirens Hedera canariensis Hedera helix Ipomoea spp. (natives only)
Common Carolina Jessamine, Algerian Ivy, English Ivy Morning Glory
Yellow Jasmine Canary Ivy
Reg/Native N C 8-9 Yes N C S 8b-10 No N C 8-9 No N C S 8-11 Yes
G, H, S Fast 20-40 20-30 Fast 1/2 -1 1-6 Fast 1-2 2-5 Fast 10-20 10-40
Soil pH, Txt Any Any Any Any
Soil Mst, Drgt Low Medium Medium High
evergreen; yellow, tubular, distinctive, red leaf stems; bold leaves provide dark green flower color varies; can spread
winter through spring flowers; beautiful, thick, leathery mat of foliage; tenacious aerial easily; provides food for wildlife
rapid growth when established; foliage; rapid growth rate, roots guide the plant up tree
poisonous watch for aggressive spread; trunks, walls, or trellises; rapid
rich groundcover in the shade growth rate; watch for aggres-
sive spread
white, fragrant, year-round dark green, smooth leaves; twining evergreen vine; deciduous in North Florida;
flowers; dies back in freeze, red, spring through summer many cultivars; pink/white, glossy, leathery textured leaves;
may come back; susceptible to flowers; fruit provides food for year-round flowers purple, summer through fall
pests; sprawling form wildlife; susceptible to freeze flowers
evergreen; maintains an open, evergreen; pink/purple, evergreen; purple, spring 1" flowers turn from white to
fine-textured effect; 2 inch summer through fall flowers; flowers pink or pink to deep red,
wide, white, pink-throated, larval food plant of zebra blooms in spring through fall;
summer through winter flowers longwing, gulf fritillary, and good for fences, pergolas, and
variegated fritillary butterflies; small buildings; susceptible to
tolerates occasionally wet soil pests
perennial; yellow, summer white, fragrant, showy, spring lavender, fragrant, spring
flowers flowers; susceptible to diseases through summer flowers;
poisonous parts
purple/blue, spring through white, spring flowers yellow/orange, summer shiny, leathery, dark green
summer flowers; spreads quick- through fall flowers; no nitrogen leaves; pink/white, 5-petaled,
ly; many cultivars; susceptible to fertilizer needed; may spread spring flowers; small, red,
disease aggressively; withstands foot winter fruit
traffic; damaged by frost in Invasive in North Florida;
North and Central Florida caution may be invasive
Central Florida
dark, green, glossy foliage; evergreen fern; good low- dark green fern with delicate lavender, year-round flowers;
brown flowers periodically maintenance groundcover; appearance; fronds appear commonly used as groundcov-
throughout the year; tolerates susceptible to pests reddish when young; choose er; larval food plant for com-
deep shade better than most species based on growing mon Buckeye
plants conditions
small, light green, succulent creates grey/green carpet-like also known as Verbena distinctive, red leaf stems;
leaves on bright red stems; cover accented with sky blue, tampensi; purplish-pink/white, beautiful, thick, leathery
inconspicuous, pinkish, tubular spring through summer flowers summer flowers foliage; rapid growth rate,
flowers; golden berries; will die watch for aggressive spread;
if overwatered rich groundcover in the shade
Hedera helix Ipomoea spp. (natives only) Juniperus conferta and cvs. Juniperus horizontalis and cvs.
English Ivy Sweet Potato Vine, Shore Juniper Creeping Juniper,
Railroad Vine, Varies Horizontal Juniper
N C 8-9 No N C S 8-11 Yes N C 8-9 No N C 8a-9a No
Fast 1-2 2-5 Fast 10-20 10-40 Slow 1-2 6-10 1/2 -1 8-10
Any Any S Any
Medium High High High
bold leaves provide dark green flower color varies; can spread flammable - in wildfire prone plants become thin in partial
mat of foliage; tenacious aerial easily; provides food for wildlife areas, plant minimum 30' from shade; does not tolerate water-
roots guide the plant up tree buildings; must be in full sun logged conditions; susceptible
trunks, walls, or trellises; rapid and well drained soils; used for to pests and diseases
growth rate; watch for aggres- dune stabilization; susceptible
sive spread to diseases
Scientific Lantana montevidensis Liriope muscari and cvs. Mimosa strigillosa Nephrolepis biserrata
Common Trailing Lantana Liriope, Monkey Grass, Powderpuff, Giant Sword Fern
Lily Turf, Border Grass Sunshine Mimosa
Reg/Native C S 9-11 No N C 8-9 No N C S 8-11 Yes C S 9-11 Yes
G, H, S Fast 1-3 4-8 1-2 1-2 Fast 1/2 -3/4 8-10 1-4 1-4
Soil pH, Txt Any Any Any C/L
Soil Mst, Drgt Medium Medium Medium Medium
Now summer
considered invasive purple, summer flowers; forms perennial; pink powderpuff should not be confused with the
and should
through fall not be used
flowers; in a
susceptible a solid groundcover in a few flowers; FNGLA Plant of the exotic invasive fern Nephrolepis
Florida-Friendly landscape.
to pests and diseases years; variegated cultivar is Year cordifolia; may spread beyond
damaged by frost; susceptible small gardens and become
to pests difficult to control; looks best in
full shade
Scientific Nephrolepis exaltata Ophiopogon japonicus and cvs. Phyla nodiflora Rumohra adiantiformis
Common Sword Fern Mondo Grass, Dwarf Lilyturf, Turkey Tangle Fogfruit, Leatherleaf Fern,
Dwarf Liriopoe Capeweed Seven Weeks Fern
Reg/Native C S 9-11 Yes N C S 8-11 No N C S 8-11 Yes C S 9b-11 No
G, H, S 1-4 1-4 Slow 1/2 -1 1/2 -2 1/2 -1 8-10 1-3 4-5
Soil pH, Txt Any Any Any Any
Soil Mst, Drgt Medium Medium Medium Medium
should not be confused with the white, summer flowers; dark small, purplish-white flowers; evergreen fern with triangular-
exotic invasive fern Nephrolepis green, grass-like mounds; may appear dormant in shaped, dark glossy green
cordifolia; may spread beyond tolerates some foot traffic drought but comes back; leaflets
small gardens and become occasional mowing improves
difficult to control; looks best in appearance; excellent butterfly
full shade attractor; can become weedy;
larval food plant
small, pink/white, summer robust fern with graceful light small, dark green glossy leaves, white, fragrant, showy, spring
flowers; spreads by under- green foliage; may spread prominent light green veins; flowers; susceptible to diseases
ground rhizomes; suited for beyond small gardens and tolerates foot traffic; spreads
coastal areas become difficult to control aggressively; susceptible to
pests, diseases and cold
damage in low 20's
oval or heart-shaped dark small palm-like perennial plant; seeds and caudex poisonous;
green leaves; blue/purple/ Florida’s only native cycad; sole freezes in central Florida and
lavender, summer flowers; good larval food plant for atala but- can come back
for shaded, small gardens; does terfly; susceptible to pests and
Caution – may be invasive in
not tolerate hot, dry conditions cold damage in the 20's
South and Central Florida
Scientific Andropogon spp. Aristida stricta var. beyrichiana Cymbopogon citratus Chasmanthium latifolium
Common Bluestem Grass Wiregrass Lemongrass River Oats, Northern Sea Oats,
Indian Wood-oats
Reg/Native N C 8-9 Var. N C S 8-11 Yes S 10-11 No N 8-9a Yes
G, H, S Fast 3-10 3-7 Fast 2-4 2-3 Fast 4-6 4-6 Fast 2-5 2-4
Soil pH, Txt Any S Any Any
Soil Mst, Drgt High High Medium Medium
perennial bunch grass; species also known as Aristida scented leaves remain green fall color; tan/bronze, summer
need vary; check with Extension beyrichiana; tan, year-round most of the year, turning dark through fall flowers; larval
office before making final flowers; provides food and red in fall and winter; dies to food plant for Gemmed Satyr
selection; silver/white/pink, cover for wildlife; depends on the ground in winter in North butterfly
fall flowers regular summer burning to Florida
stimulate flowering and seed
tough, scaly rhizomes and rigid tan, year-round flowers, small, red/purple, year-round dies to the ground in winter in
stems; few seeds are produced; especially in fall flowers, especially in fall; North Florida; excellent
reproduction is mostly from grows best in hot, dry sites specimen plant; susceptible to
rhizomes pests and disease
pink, fall flowers; tolerates tan, summer flowers tan, summer flowers; FNGLA medium-sized bunchgrass;
extreme drought and flooding Plant of the Year lavender/blue stem; good for
restoring damaged wildland
recreation areas; provides food
and cover for wildlife
Spartina spp. Thysanolaena maxima Tripsacum dactyloides and cvs. Tripsacum floridana
Cordgrass Tiger Grass Fakahatchee Grass, Florida Gama Grass
Gamma Grass
N C 8-9 Var. N C S 8-11 No N C S 8-11 Yes N C S 8-11 Yes
Fast 3-4 3-5 Fast 6-10 6-10 4-6 4-6 2-4 4-6
S Any Any Any
High Medium Medium Medium
yellow/white, spring flowers; dark, olive-green leaves often stiff, waxy, blue- green fronds; edible fruit used for jelly;
forms dense clump so provide twist, giving a slight spiraling white/cream flowers provides food for wildlife; looks
plenty of space; susceptible to appearance; red/orange/ best in full sun; white flowers;
manganese deficiency; tolerates green, spring flowers; red to susceptible to pests; high wind
occasionally wet soil deep purple fruit resistance
white/cream, spring through multi-stemmed clumps; light sharp thorns, plant away from emergent growth on some
fall flowers; tolerates occasion- green leaflets shaped like fish’s sidewalks forms has a reddish color
ally wet soil; can cause skin tail fin; caution - may be inva-
irritation sive in South Florida
species needs vary, choose clumping palm; yellow, summer also known as Dypsis lutescens; distinctive, dark, blue-green,
based on conditions; cream, flowers; susceptible to pests; tolerates occasionally wet soil; drooping, deeply divided
spring through summer flowers; very cold-hardy; petioles with high wind resistance; suscepti- palmate leaves; white, summer
good container plant; potential sharp teeth ble to pest and K deficiency flowers; Key Deer food source;
skin irritant high wind resistance
Caution – may be invasive in
South Florida
leaflets very sharp; can tolerate white, summer flowers; suscepti- white, year-round flowers flowers vary; stately palm with
adverse conditions for periods; ble to diseases single trunk; susceptible to
susceptible to pests scales; caution - L. chinensis
may be invasive in Central and
South Florida
Scientific Nolina recurvata Phoenix spp. except Pseudophoenix sargentii Ptychosperma elegans
Common Ponytail Palm Phoenix reclinata Buccaneer Palm, Alexander Palm, Solitary
Date Palms Sargent’s Palm Palm, Solitaire Palm
Reg/Native S 10a-11 No N C S 8-11 No S 10a-11 Yes S 10a-11 No
G, H, S Slow 10-15 12-18 Slow 6-80 6-25 Slow 10-40 10-20 Slow 15-25 6-10
Soil pH, Txt Any S/L Any S/L
Soil Mst, Drgt High High High High
unique plume of long leaves yellow, summer flowers; yellow, summer flowers; white, summer flowers; resistant
atop a single trunk with a bulb- Phoenix canariensis, Phoenix produces grape-sized red fruit; to lethal yellowing; high wind
like base; susceptible to pests dactylifera and Phoenix endangered in Florida resistance; caution - may be
and diseases roebelinii have high wind invasive in South and Central
resistance; provides food for Florida
noted for multiple, slim, ringed feather-leafed with symmetrical, red, summer flowers; yellowish forms clumps of bamboo-like
grey trunks; soft green, feath- smooth, flared trunk; creamy fruit provides food for wildlife stalks topped with very dark
ery, flat, broad leaves; white, summer flowers green fan-shaped leaves;
branched flower stalks with susceptible to pests and disease
white, summer flowers; bright
red, showy sprays of fruit
slender stems; drooping leaf tall, smooth, cement gray trunk; small, white, spring through blueish green, fan shaped leaves;
segments; forms densely packed beautiful, broad, dense crown summer flowers; small, black small, white flowers; black berries
clumps; susceptible to pests of soft, gently drooping, feath- berries in summer through fall provides food for wildlife in fall;
ery fronds; fragrant, yellow, provide food for wildlife; long- difficult to transplant; good
summer flowers; high wind lived; difficult to transplant understory plant; prefers moist
resistance soils but tolerates drier conditions
after establishment
Florida state tree; white, sum- flammable - in wildfire prone green and silver fronds; small, white; summer flowers; good
mer flowers; susceptible to areas, plant minimum 30' from white, summer flowers; tolerates palm for many landscapes due
some pests and disease; high buildings; yellow/white, spring occasionally wet soil; high wind to small size; high wind resist-
wind resistance; older palms flowers; difficult to transplant; resistance ance
transplant easily; provides food grows on first dune; round
and cover for wildlife black fruits provide food for
dense, brown, hair-like fibers that too tall for most home land- pale green, arching fronds with small palm-like perennial plant;
resemble burlap wrapping; 3-foot scapes; caution – may be leaflets radiating from leaf Florida’s only native cycad; sole
wide, fan-shaped fronds; incon- invasive in South Florida stem, giving appearance of larval food plant for atala hair-
spicuous, fragrant, summer flow- bottlebrush or foxtail; white, streak butterfly; susceptible to
ers; good palm for shaded land- spring flowers; colorful clusters pests and cold damage in the
scapes; tolerates occasional sun; of red to orange/red fruit 20's
susceptible to pests and disease
Reg/Native C S 9b-11 No
G, H, S Slow 2-5 5-8
Soil pH, Txt Any
Soil Mst, Drgt High
large fern; good for wet sites in fine-textured, delicate, fern with hardy fern; forms underground evergreen fern; good low-
shaded landscape; prolonged light grey-green, soft foliage; stems, persisting for many maintenance groundcover;
sunlight, especially in the sum- tolerates occasionally wet soil years, and spreads widely susceptible to pests
mer, can burn foliage (forms dense clumps); grows in
full sun if in moist conditions
does not tolerate prolonged requires moist soil; do not let dark green fern with delicate should not be confused with the
freezing or direct sun dry out between waterings appearance; fronds appear exotic invasive fern Nephrolepis
reddish when young; choose cordifolia; may spread beyond
species based on growing small gardens and become dif-
conditions ficult to control; looks best in full
should not be confused with the deciduous, shrub-like fern; requires night temperature of fronds triangular in outline
exotic invasive fern Nephrolepis good plant for detention ponds, 45° F to stay green; susceptible
cordifolia; may spread beyond swales and canal banks to pests; may be less attractive
small gardens and become during winter dormancy
difficult to control; looks best in
full shade
evergreen fern with also known as Alsophila robust fern with graceful light
triangular-shaped, dark cooperi; single-trunked, giant green foliage; may spread
glossy green leaflets fern beyond small gardens and
become difficult to control
fine-textured, ground-hugging; large fern; good for wet sites in fine-textured, delicate, fern with purple/white, summer flowers;
forms a thick canopy of tiny, shaded landscape; prolonged light grey-green, soft foliage; deciduous
serrated leaves with bright red sunlight, especially in the sum- tolerates occasionally wet soil
flowers mer, can burn foliage
dramatic foliage and form; purple/blue, spring through species needs vary, choose green and yellow variegated
evergreen, silver/gray to summer flowers; spreads based on conditions; flowers leaves; white, fragrant flowers
blue-green foliage; showy, quickly; many cultivars; vary; injured by frost in extreme borne in drooping clusters; will
green-brown fruit; sharp spines; susceptible to disease North Florida; susceptible to not flower if freezes back
choose species adapted to caterpillars; size of plant
climate depends on species selection
grows very slowly in North white and/or blue, summer species needs vary, choose deciduous; species needs vary,
Florida; flowers vary, have a flowers; can be grown as an based on conditions; red/ choose based on conditions;
foul odor; size of plant depends annual but survives winters in yellow flowers; self-seeds each oval, edible fruits with a sweet,
on species selection zones 9 and 10 year; sap may irritate; rich taste, ripen to a brown/
susceptible to pests and black, wrinkled texture; flowers
diseases; provides food for vary; provides food for zebra
butterflies swallowtail butterfly
dark, green foliage with glossy, flowers vary; annual in North yellow, spring through fall hardy fern; forms underground
coarse-texture; brown flowers; and Central regions; susceptible flowers stems, persisting for many
tolerates deep shade better than to pests and diseases years, and spreads widely
most plants (forms dense clumps); grows in
full sun if in moist conditions
flowers, light, region vary; orange/yellow, spring through good container plant; attractive many cultivars; attractive
choose species for climate; don’t summer flowers; clumping; foliage (red/rose/pink/white/ foliage; summer flowers vary
exchange bromeliads from best used as groundcover or silver/bronze/green); leaves
areas with Mexican bromeliad container plant die back in the fall; goes
weevil; air circulation prevents dormant; susceptible to pests
scale/mealybugs; cold/ and diseases
overwatering causes crown rot
white/pink/purple, year-round blue, year-round flowers; used Florida's state wildflower; white, fragrant, summer
flowers; watch for micronutrient in beach landscaping orange/yellow, summer through fall flowers
deficiencies/disease with too flowers; may be annual or
much moisture; caution - may short-lived perennial,
be invasive in South Florida depending on species
many cultivars; fragrant, species needs vary, choose purple/white/pink, year-round pink/yellow, spring flowers
spidery, year-round flowers based on conditions; flowers flowers; susceptible to pests,
vary; poisonous; susceptible to vary; can be used as annual in diseases, and freezes
pests and diseases North and Central region
blue/yellow flowers; strappy does not tolerate prolonged requires moist soil; do not let also known as Moraea
leaves freezing or direct sun dry out between waterings iridoides and Moraea vegeta,
previously Dietes vegata; 1-2"
white/yellow/blue, spring
through summer flowers
dark green fern with delicate lavender, year-round flowers; purple, spring through summer species needs vary, choose
appearance; fronds appear commonly used as groundcover flowers; tolerates occasionally based on conditions; reseeds
reddish when young; choose wet soil readily; resprouts from base in
species based on growing spring; flowers vary
creates grey/green carpet-like showy clusters of yellow disk yellow/orange/red, summer fine-textured, vase-shaped;
cover accented with sky blue, shaped, year-round flowers; flowers; rounded clumps of soft, pink/white, spring through fall
spring through summer flowers grows in soils with poor nutrient hairy, divided leaves flowers on wand-like stalks
content; provides food for but-
yellow/orange/red, summer crimson/yellow-orange, spring also known as Scadoxus multi- white/yellow/red, spring
flowers; roots may rot from through summer flowers; grows florus; red, summer flowers flowers; thrives in boggy soils
overwatering well on trellises
perennial, yellow/brown, fall perennial; yellow/purple, year-round flowers vary evergreen; white, year-round
flowers year-round flowers; good flowers; seedlings volunteer
groundcover for beaches and readily
dune stabilization; develops
fungus if planted in wet areas
many cultivars; summer flowers large red/white, spring flowers region depends on species - annual with brilliantly marked
vary; susceptible to diseases in clusters of two to five; semi- choose species adapted to your foliage and ability to tolerate
evergreen area; white/yellow, spring great amounts of sun; flowers
through fall flowers vary
purple, spring flowers; flowers textured, light-green foliage white, summer flowers; evergreen; summer through fall
best in full sun; good for rain emerging in dense clumps; susceptible to pests and freezes flowers vary; susceptible to
gardens lavender, spring flowers; good pests, diseases, and freezes
for rain gardens
orange; summer flowers intricate foliage patterns in succulent; dark green with white, year-round flowers
colors of burgundy and bronze; scallop edged leaves; pink/
small, four-petaled, violet to red/yellow, winter through
purple flowers spring flowers
Scientific Leonotis leonurus Liatris spp. Liriope muscari and cvs. Lycoris spp.
Common Lion’s Ear Blazing Star Liriope, Monkey Grass, Hurricane Lily
Lily Turf, Border Grass
Reg/Native C S 9-11 No N C S 8-10b Var. N C 8-9 No N C 8-9 No
G, H, S Fast 4-5 2-3 3 1/2 -1 1/2 -1 1-2 11/2 1
Soil pH, Txt Any Any Any Any
Soil Mst, Drgt High Medium Medium Medium
orange/red, summer through lavender/pink/white, summer purple, summer flowers; forms flower after heavy summer
winter flowers through fall flowers a solid groundcover in a few rains; yellow/red/pink, early
years; variegated cultivar is fall flowers
damaged by frost; susceptible
to pests
edible fruit; showy purple or clumping herbaceous perennial; herbaceous perennial; red, fall deciduous, shrub-like fern;
orange flowers; needs regular white/blue, spring through fall through winter flowers good plant for retention ponds,
watering; susceptible to flowers swales and canal banks
disease, pests, and frost
Osmunda regalis Pachystachys lutea Pentas lanceolata Philodendron spp. and cvs.
Royal Fern Golden Shrimp Plant Pentas, Starflower Philodendron
requires night temperature of yellow, spring through fall many cultivars; select species based on site
45° F to stay green; susceptible flowers red/pink/white/lilac, summer conditions; check with your
to pests; may be less attractive flowers; susceptible to freeze local Extension office before
during winter dormancy damage final species selection
Scientific Phlox divaricata Plectranthus spp. Plumbago auriculata cvs. Pteridium aquilinum
Common Blue Phlox Plectranthus Plumbago Bracken Fern
purple, summer flowers flowers vary; ‘Mona Lavender’ blue/white, year-round flowers; fronds triangular in outline
was FNGLA Plant of the Year in susceptible to pests and freezes
showy, daisy-like flower; large, yellow-orange to red- flowers vary blue, spring flowers
produces masses of golden dish-orange, summer flowers;
color all summer does not tolerate prolonged,
wet weather
purple, summer flowers; many yellow, summer through fall also known as Alsophila red, spring through summer
cultivars; ‘Hurricane Louise’ was flowers; some species form cooperi; single-trunked, giant flowers
FNGLA Plant of the Year in large colonies; Solidago oduro fern
2005; susceptible to pests and is the Florida native
flowers vary blue/white, summer flowers; lavender, spring through fall white/yellow/pink/red, spring
many cultivars flowers; plant has strong garlic through fall flowers; susceptible
scent to pests
Reg/Native N C S 8-11 No
G, H, S 4-7 4-6
Soil pH, Txt Any
Soil Mst, Drgt Medium
many cultivars; purple/white, many cultivars; attractive white and/or blue, summer flowers vary; annual in North
year-round flowers foliage; inconspicuous flowers flowers and Central regions; susceptible
to pests and diseases
good container plant; attractive yellow/orange, winter through white/pink/purple, year-round many cultivars; summer flowers
foliage (red/rose/pink/white/ spring flowers flowers; susceptible to vary
silver/bronze/green); leaves micronutrient deficiencies/
die back in the fall; goes disease with too much moisture;
dormant; susceptible to pests caution - may be invasive in
and diseases South Florida
Florida’s state wildflower; yellow/orange/red, summer annual with brilliantly marked white, summer flowers;
orange/yellow, summer flow- flowers; roots may rot from foliage and ability to tolerate susceptible to pests and freezes
ers; may be annual or short- overwatering great amounts of sun; flowers
lived perennial, depending on vary
evergreen; summer through fall orange; summer flowers purple/white/pink, winter pink, summer through fall
flowers vary; susceptible to flowers; tolerates light frost flowers
pests, diseases, and freezes
yellow, spring through fall many cultivars; red/pink/ many flower colors, in fall showy, daisy-like flower;
flowers white/lilac, summer flowers; through spring; can be grown produces masses of golden
susceptible to freeze damage as perennial in South Florida; color all summer
susceptible to pests and
large, yellow-orange to red- purple, summer flowers; many flowers vary red/orange, summer flowers
dish-orange, summer flowers; cultivars; ‘Hurricane Louise’ was
does not tolerate prolonged, FNGLA Plant of the Year in
wet weather 2005; susceptible to pests and
lavender/pink/blue/white, cold hardy annual many cultivars; year-round many varieties with wide range
spring through fall flowers; flowers vary; needs regular of flower colors and sizes, year-
susceptible to pests watering in warm weather round flowering; susceptible to
pests and diseases
MOWING HT: Mowing turf below the recommended height can stress the grass and subject it to invasion by weeds.
LEAF: Fine, Medium, Coarse, Fine-Medium, Coarse-Medium (Relative measure of leaf blade width. Texture is merely a visual
MAINT. LEVEL: Low, Medium, High, Medium-High (Amount of fertilization, irrigation, and mowing required.)
SOIL pH: Any, Acid (Ideal soil pH and texture for healthy turf.)
DROUGHT TOLERANCE: Low, Medium, High (Measure of how well the turf will survive extended dry periods without irriga-
tion or rainfall after it has been properly established.)
SALT: Low, Medium, High, None (Ability to thrive when subjected to salt stress from irrigation water, saltwater intrusion, or
salt spray from the ocean.)
ESTABLISHMENT METHODS: Sod, Sprigs, Plugs, Seed (A quality lawn can be established by any method listed if the site is
properly prepared and maintained.)
Mw Ht/Leaf/Mnt Lv 1-2 in. F-M M-H 1.5-2 in. M Low 3-4 in. C-M Low
Soil pH/Drgt/Slt/Sh Any Medium M L Acid Medium L M Acid High N L
Estab. Methods Sod, sprigs, plugs, some seed Sod, sprigs, plugs, seed Sod, seed
adapted to entire state; medium wear adapted to North Florida and the adapted to entire state; low wear
tolerance; low nematode tolerance Panhandle; low wear tolerance; low tolerance; high nematode tolerance
nematode tolerance
Two-Wing Silverbell Halesia diptera 56 Large Shrub
Violet Viola spp. 98 Annuals
Virginia Iris Iris virginica 89 Perennial
Virginia Willow Itea virginica 57 Large Shrub
Voodoo Lily Amorphophallus spp. 84 Perennial
Walking Iris Neomarica gracilis 91 Perennial
Walter’s Viburnum Viburnum obovatum and cvs. 49 Small Tree
Walter’s Viburnum Viburnum obovatum and cvs. 62 Large Shrub
Washington Palm Washingtonia robusta 80 Palm or Palm-Like
Wax Begonia Begonia Xsemperflorens-cultorum 84 Perennial
Wax Begonia Begonia Xsemperflorens-cultorum 95 Annuals
Wax Myrtle Myrica cerifera and cvs. 47 Small Tree
Wax Myrtle Myrica cerifera and cvs. 59 Large Shrub
Weeping Fern Pine Podocarpus gracilior 41 Medium Tree
Weeping Fern Pine Podocarpus gracilior 60 Large Shrub
Weeping Lantana Lantana depressa 65 Small Shrub
West Indian Mahogany Swietenia mahagoni 36 Large Tree
White Ash Fraxinus americana 33 Large Tree
White Gaura Gaura lindheimeri 87 Perennial
White Geiger Cordia boissieri 44 Small Tree
White Oak Quercus alba 35 Large Tree
Wild Cinnamon Canella winterana 43 Small Tree
Wild Coffee Psychotria nervosa 60 Large Shrub
Wild Hydrangea Hydrangea arborescens 56 Large Shrub
Wild Olive Osmanthus americanus 47 Small Tree
Wild Olive Osmanthus americanus 59 Large Shrub
Wild Sage Lantana involucrata 90 Perennial
Wild Tamarind Lysiloma latisiliquum 34 Large Tree
Windmill Palm Trachycarpus fortunei 80 Palm or Palm-Like
Winged Elm Ulmus alata 37 Large Tree
Wintergreen Barberry Berberis julianae 51 Large Shrub
Wiregrass Aristida stricta var. beyrichiana 74 Grass
Wishbone Flower Torenia fournieri 98 Annuals
Yaupon Holly Ilex vomitoria and cvs. 46 Small Tree
Yaupon Holly Ilex vomitoria and cvs. 57 Large Shrub
Yellow Allamanda Allamanda cathartica 67 Vine
Yellow Butterfly Palm Chrysalidocarpus
Dypsis lutescens lutescens 77 Palm or Palm-Like
Yellow Elder Tecoma stans 49 Small Tree
Yellow Elder Tecoma stans 62 Large Shrub
Yellow Shrimp Plant Barleria micans 51 Large Shrub
Yellow Trumpet Tree Tabebuia chrysotricha 41 Medium Tree
Yellowtop Flaveria linearis 87 Perennial
Yesterday-Today-and-Tomorrow Brunfelsia grandiflora 52 Large Shrub
Yucca Yucca spp. 63 Large Shrub
Zebra Grass Miscanthus sinensis 74 Grass
Zinnia Zinnia hybrids 98 Annuals
Zoysiagrass Zoysia japonica 99 Turfgrass
Ceratozamia kuesteriana 76 Palm or Palm-Like
REFERENCES AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Grasses: Chasmanthium latifolium, Panicum virgatum, Paspalum quadrifarium,
Thysenolanea maxima, Tripsacum dactyloides. T
Black, R.J. and E.F. Gilman. 2004. Landscape Plants for the Black,
Palms R.J. andPlants:
and Palm-Like E.F. Gilman. 2004.
Arenga engleri, Landscape
Chamaedorea spp.,Plants
Licuala forBlack,
the R.J. and E.F. Gilman.
grandis, P
Gulf and South Atlantic Coasts. University Press of Florida, Gulf and
Ptychosperma South Atlantic
macarthurii, RhapisUniversity
Rhapis excelsa, humilis, SabalPress
etonia,of Florida,
Sabal Gulf
minor, and South Atlantic C P
Gainesville. 230 pp. Zamia pumila.
Gainesville. 230 pp. Gainesville. 230 pp. Z
Perennials: Agave spp., Aloe spp., Alpinia spp., Angelonia angustifolia, Belamcanda chi- P
nensis, Bromeliaceae genera, Bulbine frutescens, Crossandra spp., Curcuma spp., n
Broschat, T.K. and A.W. Meerow. 1999. Betrock’s Reference Guide to Broschat,
Dianella T.K.iridoides,
spp., Dietes and A.W. Meerow.
Echinacea 1999.
purpurea, Betrock’
Evolvulus Broschat,
s Reference
glomeratus, Gaura GuideT.K.
lind- to and A.W. MeD
Florida’s Landscape Plants. Betrock Information Systems, Inc., Florida’s Landscape Plants. Betrock Information Systems,
heimeri, Gloriosa spp., Hedychium spp., Helianthus debilis, Hippeastrum spp., Iris Inc.,s Landscape Plants
Florida’ h
U.S.A. 428 pp. hexagona, Justicia
U.S.A. 428 pp.spicigera, Kaempferia spp., Leonotis leonurus, Pachystachys lutea,
U.S.A. 428 pp. h
Plectranthus spp., Rudbeckia hirta, Solenostemon scuttellaroides, Stokesia laevis, P
Zephyranthes spp.
Dehgan, B. 1998. Landscape Plants for Subtropical Climates. Dehgan, B. 1998. Landscape Plants for Subtropical Dehgan,
Annuals: Amaranthus spp., Angelonia angustifolia, Calendula spp., Justicia spicigera, B. 1998. Z
University Press of Florida, Gainesville. 638 pp University
Pachystachys PressXhybrida,
lutea, Petunia of Florida, Gainesville.
Rudbeckia 638 ppscuttellaroides,
hirta, Solenostemon University Press of Florid P
Torenia fournieri, Viola spp., Zinnia hybrids. To
Floridata Plant Profiles. 2005. http://Floridata.com Floridata Plant Profiles. 2005. http://Floridata.com Floridata Plant Profiles. 200
Brown, Stephen. Bro
Small Trees: Baccharis halimifolia, Sophora tomentosa. S
Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 2008. Florida Florida
Large Shrubs:Department of Environmental
Acrostichum danaeifolium, Protection.
Allamanda nerifolia, Baccharis2008.
halmifolia, Department of Envi
Florida L
Green Industries Best Management Practices for Protection of Water Jasminum nitidum.
Green Industries Best Management Practices for Protection Green of Water
Industries Best ManJa
Resources in Florida. Groundcovers: Ernodea littoralis, Scaevola plumieri
Resources in Florida. Resources in Florida. G
Grasses: Cymbopogon citratus. G
Ferns: Acrostichum danaeifolium, Blechnum serrulatum. F
Florida Department of Environmental Protection and University of FloridaAcrostichum
Perennials: Department of Environmental
danaeifolium, Protection
Blechnum serrulatum, andangiosper-
Heliotropium Florida
of of Envi
Florida. 2009. Florida-friendly Landscape Guidance Models for Florida. 2009. Florida-friendly Landscape Guidance Models
mum, Hymenocallis spp. Florida.for 2009. Florida-frim
Ordinances, Covenants, and Restrictions. Ordinances, Covenants, and Restrictions. Ordinances, Covenants, an
Caldwell, Doug. Cal
Medium Trees: Elaeocarpus decipens. M
Florida Department of Environmental Protection and University of Florida Department of Environmental Protection andFlorida
of of Envi
Florida. 2009. Florida Yards and Neighborhoods Handbook. Davis, Jim.
Florida. 2009. Florida Yards and Neighborhoods Handbook.
Florida. 2009. FloridaDav
Perennials: Euryops spp. P
Haehle, R.G. and J. Brookwell. 2004. Native Florida Plants. Taylor Haehle, R.G. and J. Brookwell. 2004. Native Florida Plants.
R.G. and J. Brookw
Trade Publishing, New York. 400 pp. Delvalle, Terry. Del
Grasses: Publishing,
Schizachyrium New York. 400 pp.
scoparium. Trade Publishing, New Yo
Osorio, R. 2001. A Gardener’s Guide to Florida’s Native Plants. Gelmis, Georgia. Gel
Large R. 2001.
Trees: Quercus A Gardener’s Guide to Florida’s NativeOsorio,
virginiana. Plants. R. 2001. A Gardene
University Press of Florida, Gainesville. 345 pp. L
Palms University
and Palm-LikePress
Plants: of Florida,fortunei.
Trachycarpus Gainesville. 345 pp. University Press of Florid
Perennials: Sphaeropteris cooperi P
USDA, NRCS. 2005. The Plants Database, Version 3.5 USDA, NRCS. 2005. The Plants Database, Version 3.5USDA, NRCS. 2005. The Pl
(http://plants.usda.gov). Data compiled from various sources by Gillman, Ed. Gill
Large Trees: Data
Acer barbatum, Acer rubrum, compiled
Betula from
nigra, Bucida various
buceras, Carya(http://plants.usda.gov).
spp., by
Mark W. Skinner. National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge LA L
Chorisia W. Conocarpus
speciosa, Skinner. erectus,
FicusPlant Data Center,
aurea, Fraxinus americana,Baton Rouge
Fraxinus car- W.
LASkinner. NationC
70874-4490 USA. 70874-4490 USA.
oliniana, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Gordonia lasianthus, Halesia carolina, 70874-4490 USA.
Juniperus vir- ol
giniana, Liquidambar styraciflua, Liriodendron tulipifera, Litchi chinensis, Lysiloma gi
Watkins, J., T.J. Sheehan, and R.J. Black. 2005. Florida Landscape latisiliquum, Magnolia grandiflora, Magnolia virginiana, Nyssa sylvatica, Persea ameri- la
Watkins, J., T.J. Sheehan, and R.J. Black. 2005. Florida Watkins,
cana, Pinus clausa, Pinus elliottii var densa, Pinus glabra, Pinus palustris, Pinus taeda, Landscape J., T.J. Sheehan, an
Plants, Native and Exotic, 2nd Ed. University Press of Florida, PiscidiaPlants, Native
piscipula, Platanus and 2nd Ed.
Exotic, Quercus
occidentalis, University
acutissima, QuercusPress of Plants,
alba, Quercus aus- Native and Exotic,
Gainesville. 468 pp. Gainesville.
trina, Quercus 468 pp.
falcata, Quercus michauxii, Quercus nuttallii, Quercus shumardii,Gainesville. 468 pp. tr
Simarouba glauca, Swietenia mahagoni, Taxodium spp., Ulmus alata, Ulmus americana, S
University of Florida Environmental Horticulture Department, Ulmus crassifolia, Ulmus parvifolia. U
University of Florida Environmental Horticulture Department,
Medium Trees: Bursera simaruba, Caesalpinia spp, Carpentaria acuminata, Carpinus
University of Florida Enviro
Woody Ornamental Landscape pages by Ed Gilman. 2009. Woody Ornamental Landscape pages by Ed Gilman. 2009.
Woody Ornamental Land M
caroliniana, Cassia fistula, Cercis canadensis, Chrysophyllum oliviforme, Cocoloba diver- ca
http://hort.ifas.ufl.edu/woody.html sifolia,http://hort.ifas.ufl.edu/woody.html
Cordia sebestena, Crataegus spp., Cypressus arizonica var. arizonica, Ficus http://hort.ifas.ufl.edu/wo
citri- si
folia, Illex Xattenuata, Ilex cassine, Ilex opaca, Ilex rotunda, Jacaranda mimosifolia, fo
Juniperus silicicola, Lagerstroemia indica, Ostrya virginiana, Persea borbonia,
Podocarpus gracilior, Quercus lyrata, Rhizophora mangle, Tabebuia chrysotricha, PHOTO CREDITS
Bowden, Robert. Tabebuia
Bowden, heterophylla,
Robert. Tabebuia impetiginosa. Bowden, Robert. Ta
Small Trees: Arenga engleri, Magnolia figo, Prunus campanulata, Tabebuia aurea. Small Trees: Acacia farnesiana, Aesculus pavia, Aralia spinosa, Ardisia escallonoides,
Small Trees: Arenga engleri, Magnolia figo, Prunus campanulata, TabebuiaSmall Trees: Arenga engleri, Magn
aurea. S
Large Shrubs: Agarista populifolia, Agave spp., Aloysia virgata, Barleria micans, Butia capitata, Callistemon spp., Camellia japonica, Camellia sasanqua, Canella
Large Shrubs: Agarista populifolia, Agave spp., Aloysia virgata, Barleria micans, winter-
Large Shrubs: Agarista populifoliaB
Callicarpa americana, Cestrum aurantiacum, Erythrina herbacea, Galphimia glauca, ana, Capparis
americana, CestrumCephalanthus occidentalis,
aurantiacum, ErythrinaCornus florida,
herbacea, Eriobotrya
glauca,americana, Cestrum au a
Gardenia jasminoides, Malvaviscus arboreus, Philodendron selloum, Psychotria nervosa, japonica, Eugenia
Gardenia spp., Forestiera
jasminoides, segregata,
Malvaviscus Ilex X‘Nellie
arboreus, R. Stevens’,
Philodendron IlexPsychotria
selloum, cornuta, Ilex
jasminoides, Malvaviscus
Rhododendron cvs., Sabal minor, Severinia buxifolia, Tabernaemontana divaricata, decidua, Ilex vomitoria,
Rhododendron Jatropha
cvs., integerrima,
Sabal minor, Ligustrum
Severinia japonicum,
buxifolia, Xsoulan-
Tabernaemontana Rhododendron cvs., Sabal minor, dS
Thunbergia erecta, Viburnum suspensum. Musa spp., erecta,
giana, Thunbergia Myrcianthes fragrans,
Viburnum Myrica cerifera, Olea europa, Osmanthus
suspensum. amer- erecta, Viburnum suspe
Thunbergia gi
Small Shrubs: Aloe spp., Malpighia coccigera, Pyracantha coccinea, Sabal etonia, icanus,Small
Parkinsonia aculeata, Plumeria rubra, Podocarpus macrophyllus,
Shrubs: Aloe spp., Malpighia coccigera, Pyracantha coccinea, Sabal Prunus angusti-
Small Shrubs: Aloe spp., Malpigh
etonia, ic
Spiraea spp. folia, Prunus umbellata,
Spiraea spp. Quercus geminata, Raphiolepis spp., Senna polyphylla, Spiraea spp. fo
Vines: Aster carolinianus, Aristolochia spp., Bignonia capreolata, Hedera canariensis, Sideroxylon spp., Tecoma stans, Viburnum obovatum, Viburnum odoratissimum,
Vines: Aster carolinianus, Aristolochia spp., Bignonia capreolata, Hedera canariensis,
Vines: Aster carolinianus, Aristoloc
Hedera helix, Petraea volubilis, Trachelospermum jasminoides, Wisteria frutescens. Viburnum odoratissiumu var awabuki, Viburnum rufidulum.
Hedera helix, Petraea volubilis, Trachelospermum jasminoides, Wisteria frutescens. Hedera helix, Petraea volubilis, Tra
Groundcovers: Anthericum sanderii, Arachis glabrata, Evolvulus glomeratus, Hedera Large Shrubs: Abelia Xgrandiflora,
Groundcovers: Acacia farnesia,
Anthericum sanderii, Acca sellowiana,
Arachis glabrata, EvolvulusAralia spinosa,
glomeratus, Hedera Anthericum sanderL
canariensis, Hedera helix, Juniperus conferta, Trachelospermum asiaticum, Ardisiacanariensis,
Hedera helix,spp.,
Asimina Juniperus conferta,Xcandida,
Brugmansia Brunfelsiaasiaticum,
Trachelospermum grandiflora,
canariensis, Hedera helix, Juniperu
Trachelospermum jasminoides, Zamia pumila. Buddleia
Buddleja lindleyana, Calliandra
Trachelospermum haematocephala,
jasminoides, Zamia pumila. Camellia japonica, Camellia sasanqua,
Trachelospermum jasminoides, Zam B
2003. Florida’ s Best Native Landscape Plants. University
• Plantings to screen A/C units & utilities
Friday, Theresa. Friday, Theresa.
Florida, Gainesville. To create
Perennials: pp. the master
plan, you may find it helpful to use
Perennials: Neomarica gracilis.
the Landscape Planning Worksheet provided in this guide • Concealed work/trash area
2001. A Gardener’ Gelmis, sor Georgia.
a similar
Guide to Florida’ form. Conduct
s Native Plants.a site inventory Gelmis,
and analysisGeorgia.
Large Trees: Quercus virginiana. Large Trees: Quercus virginiana.
ty Press of Florida, PalmstoGainesville.
and 345
Palm-Like Plants: thepp. opportunities
Trachycarpus fortunei. and constraints Palmsof andyour • Wildlife
Palm-Like Plants: Trachycarpus fortunei. habitat plantings
yard. Sphaeropteris
Perennials: Pay attention cooperi to soil type, existing vegetation, shade cooperi
Perennials: Sphaeropteris
CS. 2005. The Plants Database,
patterns, Version patterns,
by Gillman, Ed. drainage
Data compiled from various sources by
views, and utility Gillman,locations.
Ed. • Garden shed/compost bin
ASkinner. National
Trees: Acer barbatum, should also
Acer rubrum,
Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge LA
Betula their
nigra, Bucida needs
buceras, Large
Carya andspp.,wants.
Trees: Acer barbatum, Acer rubrum, Betula nigra, Bucida buceras, Carya spp.,
Chorisia speciosa, Conocarpus erectus, Ficus aurea, Fraxinus americana, Chorisia Fraxinusspeciosa,
car- Conocarpus erectus, Ficus aurea, Fraxinus americana, Fraxinus car-
490 USA. oliniana, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Gordonia lasianthus, Halesia carolina, oliniana, JuniperusFraxinus
• Cisterns/rain barrels (located by downspouts)
pennsylvanica, Gordonia lasianthus, Halesia carolina, Juniperus vir-
giniana, the master
Liquidambar plan
styraciflua, to scale,
Liriodendron including
tulipifera, property
Litchi chinensis,giniana,
Lysiloma bound- styraciflua, Liriodendron tulipifera, Litchi chinensis, Lysiloma
pe, T.J. Sheehan, and aries
latisiliquum, from
R.J. Black.Magnolia a2005.
Florida survey,
Magnolia the location
Landscape of latisiliquum,
Nyssa sylvatica, the
Perseahouseameri- and grandiflora, Magnolia
Magnolia • Rainwater
Nyssa sylvatica,areas (low spots or rain gardens)
Persea ameri-
cana, Pinus clausa, Pinus elliottii var densa, Pinus glabra, Pinus palustris,cana, PinusPinus
taeda, clausa, Pinus elliottii var densa, Pinus glabra, Pinus palustris, Pinus taeda,
Native and Exotic,Piscidia 2nd Ed.
anypiscipula, University
existing Press
hardscape, of Florida,
and the location
Platanus occidentalis, Quercus acutissima, Quercus alba, of any
Piscidia trees
Quercus piscipula,or
aus- Platanus occidentalis, Quercus acutissima, Quercus alba, Quercus aus-
lle. 468 pp. plants
trina, Quercusto remain
falcata, Quercuson site. Quercus
michauxii, Complete nuttallii,the master
Quercus trina,plan
shumardii, Quercus STEPQuercus
byfalcata, Quercus michauxii, 2: INSTALL HARDSCAPES
nuttallii, Quercus shumardii,
Simarouba glauca, Swietenia mahagoni, Taxodium spp., Ulmus alata, Ulmus
Ulmus crassifolia,
all proposed
Ulmus parvifolia.
plants, hardscapes, and Simarouba
specified con-
Ulmus crassifolia, Ulmus parvifolia.
glauca, Swietenia mahagoni, Taxodium spp., Ulmus alata, Ulmus americana,
of Florida Environmental Horticulture Department,
Medium materials.
Trees: Bursera
Ornamental Landscape pages by Ed Gilman. 2009.
If applicable,
simaruba, Caesalpinia check
spp, Carpentaria with your
acuminata, Carpinus HOA
Trees: • Call
Bursera simaruba, Caesalpinia before you
spp, Carpentaria dig. State
acuminata, law requires that you call
before Cassia fistula, Cercis
beginning thecanadensis,
design Chrysophyllum
process, oliviforme,
and be caroliniana,
sure to diver-
Cassia fistula, Cercis canadensis,
the Chrysophyllum
free Utility oliviforme,
Locator Cocoloba
Servicediver- at 811 at least
sifolia, Cordia sebestena, Crataegus spp., Cypressus arizonica var. arizonica, sifolia, Cordia
Ficus citri-sebestena, Crataegus spp., Cypressus arizonica var. arizonica, Ficus citri-
folia, final approval
Illex Xattenuata, Ilex cassine, Ilexfrom
opaca,the responsible
Ilex rotunda, Jacaranda committee.
folia, Illex Xattenuata, Ilex cassine, Ilex two
mimosifolia, opaca, full business
Ilex rotunda, days
Jacaranda before you dig.
Juniperus silicicola, Lagerstroemia indica, Ostrya virginiana, Persea borbonia, Juniperus silicicola, Lagerstroemia indica, http://www.callsunshine.com/
Ostrya virginiana, Persea borbonia,
O CREDITS Podocarpus gracilior, Quercus lyrata, Rhizophora mangle, Tabebuia chrysotricha,
Use the nine FFL principles, design elements, Podocarpus gracilior, Quercus lyrata, Rhizophora mangle, Tabebuia chrysotricha,
and funda-
obert. Tabebuia heterophylla, Tabebuia impetiginosa. Tabebuia heterophylla, Tabebuia impetiginosa.
: Arenga engleri, Magnolia
Trees:Prunus ofcampanulata,
Acacia design described
farnesiana, aurea.in
Tabebuia pavia,
Aesculus this
Aralia guide
spinosa, toescallonoides,
Ardisia create
Small Trees:outdoor
Acacia farnesiana, Aesculus• Install all spinosa,
pavia, Aralia new hardscapes at the same time to save
Ardisia escallonoides,
bs: Agarista populifolia, Agave
Butia“rooms” spp., Aloysia
capitata, by usingvirgata,
Callistemon Barleria
spp., Camellia
japonica, Camellia sasanqua,
hardscapes, andButia
plants capitata, to Callistemon spp., Camellia
winter- japonica,by
money Camellia sasanqua, Canellaplants
not destroying winter- later.
americana, Cestrum aurantiacum,
ana, CapparisErythrina herbacea, Cephalanthus
cynophallophora, Galphimia glauca,occidentalis, Cornus florida, ana,Eriobotrya
Capparis cynophallophora, Cephalanthus occidentalis, Cornus florida, Eriobotrya
sminoides, Malvaviscus divide
japonica, andspp.,
Eugenia organize spaces.Ilex
selloum, Psychotria
Forestiera segregata, Also
nervosa, consider
X‘Nellie R. Stevens’,the following:
Ilex cornuta, Ilex spp., Forestiera segregata, Ilex X‘Nellie R. Stevens’, Ilex cornuta, Ilex
on cvs., Sabal minor, decidua,
SeveriniaIlexbuxifolia, Tabernaemontana
vomitoria, divaricata,
Jatropha integerrima, Ligustrum japonicum, Magnolia decidua, Xsoulan- • Use Ligustrum
Ilex vomitoria, Jatropha integerrima, porousjaponicum,
Xsoulan-or gravel, to allow
erecta, Viburnum suspensum.
giana, Musa spp., Myrcianthes fragrans, Myrica cerifera, Olea europa, Osmanthus giana, Musa spp., Myrcianthes fragrans, Myrica cerifera, Olea europa, Osmanthus amer-
bs: Aloe spp., Malpighia • Proportion:
icanus, Pyracantha
Parkinsonia Keep
aculeata,coccinea, the
PlumeriaSabal size of
rubra, the plants proportional
Podocarpus macrophyllus, icanus,
Prunus Parkinsonia
angusti- to stormwater drainage.
aculeata, Plumeria rubra, Podocarpus macrophyllus, Prunus angusti-
p. the house
folia, Prunus umbellata,and Quercusyard.
geminata, Raphiolepis spp., Senna polyphylla, folia, Prunus umbellata, Quercus geminata, Raphiolepis spp., Senna polyphylla,
r carolinianus, Aristolochia spp., Bignonia
Sideroxylon spp., Tecomacapreolata,
stans, Hedera
Viburnum canariensis,
obovatum, Viburnum odoratissimum, Sideroxylon spp., Tecoma stans, Viburnum obovatum, Viburnum odoratissimum,
x, Petraea volubilis, Trachelospermum
Viburnum odoratissiumujasminoides, Wisteria frutescens.
var awabuki, Viburnum rufidulum.
• Use durable materials and, whenever possible, use
Viburnum odoratissiumu var awabuki, Viburnum rufidulum.
ers: Anthericum sanderii,
Large Variety:
Shrubs: AbeliaMake
glabrata, Evolvulus the
Xgrandiflora, yard
Acacia interesting
glomeratus, by having
Hedera Acca sellowiana,
farnesia, Large
Aralia variation
Shrubs: Abelia
spinosa, in Xgrandiflora, Acacia reclaimed,
farnesia, Accareprocessed, or recycled-content materials
sellowiana, Aralia spinosa,
Hedera helix, Juniperus plant
Ardisia sizesAsimina
escallonioides, (especially
asiaticum, heights),
spp., Brugmansia color,
Xcandida, texture,
Brunfelsia and
Ardisia shape. Asimina spp., Brugmansia
escallonioides, (EDIS Xcandida,
pub 1110/EP374).
Brunfelsia grandiflora,
rmum jasminoides, Zamia pumila.
Buddleia lindleyana, Calliandra haematocephala, Camellia japonica, Camellia
lindleyana, Calliandra haematocephala, Camellia japonica, Camellia sasanqua,
U I D•E 2T 0
O1 0
PLANT SELECTION AND LANDSCAPE DESIGN • 2010 A Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Publication
to Landscape Palms. BetrockA.W. 1999. Betrock’
Durr,s Audrey.
Guide to Landscape Palms. Betrock Durr, Audrey.
Information Systems. Hollywood, FL.
Medium Trees: 138 pp.
Avicennia germinans. Medium Trees: Avicennia germinans.
FL. 138 pp. Ferns: Sphaeropteris cooperi.
Ferns: Sphaeropteris cooperi.
ve Landscape Plants. G. 2003. Florida’s Best Native Landscape Plants. University
University Friday, Theresa.
Friday, Theresa.
pp. Press of Florida, Gainesville. 411 pp.
Perennials: Neomarica gracilis. Perennials: Neomarica gracilis.
D E2 T0O
1 0P L A N T S E L E C T I O N A N D L A N D S C A P E D E S I G N • 2 0 1 5
We are proud to note that the Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Guide to Plant Selection & Landscape Design is printed on
Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC®)-certified paper, is printed with soy based inks and is produced in Florida.
Yards and landscapes can be a positive asset to Florida. You can design and maintain your own Florida-
Friendly Landscape by following the simple practices in this book. You will learn the basics of designing a
landscape featuring carefully selected plants suited to Florida’s unique climate, natural conditions, and
Yards and landscapes can be a positive asset to Florida. You can design and maintain your own Florida-
We offerLandscape
Friendly you cost-saving tips that,
by following theif simple
implemented properly,
practices will help
in this book. Youyou
willreduce water,
learn the fertilizer,
basics and pesti-
of designing a
cide use. There
landscape is also
featuring a helpful
carefully sectionplants
selected for waterfront homeowners
suited to Florida’s addressing
unique the special
climate, natural concernsand
conditions, of shore-
line landscape management.
We offer you
you are starting tips
cost-saving fromthat,
scratch with a new properly,
if implemented landscapewill
or help
considering changes
you reduce to fertilizer,
water, an existing yard,
and the
cide use.Yards
There& isNeighborhoods Handbook
also a helpful section offers helpful
for waterfront concepts, tools,
homeowners and techniques
addressing the specialfor creatingofyour
concerns shore-
own landscape
line Florida-Friendly yard. We hope you enjoy the publication and look forward to assisting you in creating
an aesthetically pleasing landscape that will also help to protect Florida’s natural resources.
Whether you are starting from scratch with a new landscape or considering changes to an existing yard, the
Florida Yards & Neighborhoods Handbook offers helpful concepts, tools, and techniques for creating your
own Florida-Friendly yard. We hope you enjoy the publication and look forward to assisting you in creating
an aesthetically pleasing landscape that will also help to protect Florida’s natural resources.
Yards and landscapes can be a positive asset to Florida. You can design and maintain your own Florida-
Friendly Landscape by following the simple practices in this book. You will learn the basics of designing a
landscape featuring carefully selected plants suited to Florida’s unique climate, natural conditions, and