Relection Report 1 - Hegina

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Submitted to the Office of Student Internship Program

College of Engineering and Geosciences
Caraga State University

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering

January 2022

First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to God, the

Almighty, for showering me with blessings throughout my on-the-job

training (OJT), allowing me to complete my work completely.

I'd like to express my heartfelt appreciation to my on-the-job

training (OJT) adviser, Engr. Marie Claire Virtudazo, Professor of

Engineering and Geosciences at Caraga State University, for allowing

me to complete my on-the-job training (OJT) and for providing

invaluable guidance throughout the training and lecture series.

I would also like to express my deep and sincere appreciation to

Philsaga Mining Corporation (PMC), which is based in Rosario, Agusan

del Sur, for collaborating with our school, Caraga State University, on

the lecture series that is held during our on-the-job training (OJT).

I am extremely grateful to my parents and family for their love,

prayers, care, and sacrifices in educating and preparing me for my

future, and a special thanks to those who assisted me and showed a

keen interest in completing this on-the-job training (OJT) successfully.


I'd like to dedicate this training journey to our all-powerful God,

who is always there for us. To my parents and family, thank you for

doing everything they can to provide me with whatever I require and

for always being there for me no matter what. I also dedicate this on-

the-job training (OJT) journey to all of my professors and the Philsaga

Mining Corporation for never tiring of teaching and sharing their

knowledge with us in order for us to become good and professional

engineers someday. To everyone who has helped me in any way, big

or small. I dedicate this also to those who believe in me and believe

that I can overcome all of the problems that I am currently facing and

will face in the future.


Critical Reflections Report of the MINE AND PLANT PRACTICE at PHILSAGA MINING

CORPORATION, under OJT Alternative Program 1, prepared and submitted by JOHN PAUL

A. HEGINA, in partial fulfilment of requirements for the Degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN

MINING ENGINEERING(BSEM) is hereby recommended for acceptance.


OJT Faculty Supervisor, DEM OJT Coordinator, CEGS

_____________________ _____________________
Date Signed Date Signed

Accepted as partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF



Chairperson, DEM

Date Signed



Date Signed

MINE AND PLANT PRACTICE ........................................................ 1

ON-THE-JOB TRAINING (OJT) ...................................................... 1

Acknowledgement ...................................................................... 2

Dedication................................................................................. 3

APPROVAL SHEET....................................................................... 4

Table of Contents ....................................................................... 5

1. CRiTICAL REFLECTIONS ....................................................... 7

1.1 Virtual Lecture Series No. 1 .................................................. 7

1.1.1. Background of the Virtual Lecture Series No. 1 ................... 7

1.1.2 Background of Virtual Lecture Series No. 2 ........................... 12 Mine Safety (Best Practices) ............................................ 13 Mine Ventilation: Key Elements and Introduction to Ventsim . 14 Mine Surveying .............................................................. 15 Mine Planning and Design ................................................ 16 Introduction to Drilling and Blasting .................................. 17 Mine Production and Development .................................... 18

1.1.3 Background of Virtual Lecture Series No. 3 ........................... 19 Ore Milling Process ......................................................... 20

1.1.4 Background of Lecture Series No. 4 ..................................... 21 Commitment to the Environment: The Mining Ways ............ 22 Responsible Mining: In-Depth with sdmp ........................... 23

2. TRAINING MANAGEMENT ........................................................ 24

2.1 Problems Encountered and Proposed Solution .......................... 24

2.2 Conclusions ........................................................................ 25

2.3 Recommendations ............................................................... 25

3. APPENDICES ..................................................................... 28

3.1 Attendance and Evaluation Sheets.......................................... 28

3.3 Documentation of the Events ................................................. 28


1.1 Virtual Lecture Series No. 1

As a mining engineering student, I practiced to a mining

company for an online internship program, specifically the Philsaga

Mining Corporation. I've always wanted to learn new skills from

different specializations in mining engineering, and I'm hoping to do so

in the mining industry.

1.1.1. Background of the Virtual Lecture Series No. 1

The first Virtual Lecture Series in Mine Geology took place on

November 20, 2021. Joana Marie R. Diente, Geologist Resource from

Philsaga Mining Corporation, discussed drilling, resource, production,

and grade control in the first part of the Mine Geology lecture. Grecio

Paul C. Gallardo, Geotechnical Geologist, discussed production and

grade control in the second part of the virtual lecture series number
one under Mine Geology. Jestoni A. Gencianos, Mine Geologist,

discusses the Co-O Mine Mineral Resources in Philsaga Mining

Corporation in the final part of the first virtual lecture series. Underground Prospecting and Exploration

I learned about the importance of mine geologists in an

underground mine from this first topic in this online internship

program. Mine geologists are responsible for determining the location

of veins and providing their dimensions and grade, underground

mapping, resource estimation, sampling, grade control, drilling, and

geotechnical engineering. The geology, planning, operation, grade

control, and the mill are the five components of mine production at

Philsaga Mining Corporation. One of the most important details

discussed in prospecting and exploration was underground drilling,

which is responsible for extracting solid core from depth for surface

examination and core retrieval was one of the critical stage of

underground drilling. Following the underground drilling process, the

Philsaga Mining Corporation moves on to detailed core logging, which

consists of four stages: first, mineral identification using scriber,

second, mineral identification using magnet, third, mineral

identification using HCI, and finally, noting of geologic and

geotechnical features on log sheet. Core photography, core cutting,

drill core sampling, inter-laboratory checking and dry bulk density are

also part of identifying the minerals that is present in the area that the

underground drilling has been performed. Sampling Techniques

The second virtual lecture series topic focuses on production and

grade control, which includes sampling techniques, sampling theory,

underground mapping & sampling, and sample chain custody. The

Philsaga Mining Corporation collects samples on a regular basis to aid

in decision making, whether for exploration, resource estimation,

grade control, or plant design balances, and poorly designed sampling

protocols can result in increased project risk by increasing variability.

In this company, three types of sampling techniques are used: face

sampling (Chip), mine car sampling (Grab/Bulk), and stockpile

sampling (Grab/Bulk). In a Coo mine, the production geology is in

charge of the ore management system, as well as stope and

development monitoring, whereas the grade control geology is in

charge of stockpile management and local resource estimation.

Underground mapping at Philsaga Mining Corporation is

responsible for providing a working map for mine planning and

scheduling, as well as horizontal and vertical development drives and

stopes. While the underground sampling is responsible to provide a

longitudinal assay section for mine planning and mine scheduling.

Underground face sampling requires eight steps: first, measuring the

actual advance, second, washing the current face with water, third,

zone segregation, fourth, sampling with a sample pick, fifth, reducing

sample size, sixth coning and quartering, seventh, placing sample

bags, and finally, washing the materials used with water. Finally, it

was discussed in the grade control that Philsaga Mining Corporsation's

grade control determines the proper mix of ore to be sent to the mill in

order to achieve the target ounces of gold. Resource Geology

The final virtual lecture series number one topic focuses on Co

Mine Resource in Philsaga Mining Corporation, with the main subject

being resource estimation methodology. Underground maps, drilling

databases, underground samples, mined out areas, and basic statistics

are all required information for mineral resources. Accuracy and

precision play an important role in computing mineral resource in an

area in resource estimation methodology, which includes drill database

quality assurance and quality control tests. Certified reference

material, which is one or more parameters that have been certified by

a technically valid and recognized procedure and for which a certificate

or other valid documentation has been issued by a certifying body, is

used in inter-laboratory testing.

1.1.2 Background of Virtual Lecture Series No. 2

The second virtual lecture series took place from November 27

to November 28, 2021 and December 4 to 5, 2021. The first session

topic was mine safety (best practices), which Engr. Clement M. Chiu,

and the second virtual lecture series' second topic was mine

ventilation: key elements and an introduction to ventsim, which was

discussed by Engr. Dotdot George. The second session’s first topic was

mine surveying that was discussed by Engr. Synfor B. Taray and the

second topic was mine planning and design that was discussed by

Engr. Eduardo C. Bagunu Jr. The third session's topic was an

introduction to the drilling and blasting program, which was discussed

by Engr. Edwin B. Batal, and the final session of the virtual lecture

series number two was mine production and development, which was

discussed by Engr. Nestor D. Opena Jr. Mine Safety (Best Practices)

This topic primarily focuses on mine safety and health in Philsaga

Mining Corporation, with emphasis on the two most important safety

and health principles, hierarchy of control, key elements of a safety

safety program, and PMC safety statistics-performance indicators. In

the incident prevention on PMC includes hazard identification which

planned inspections is present, the second is the job hazard analysis

and lastly the incident investigation. One of the hazards that PMC

faces is occupational hazard, which is divided into five categories:

physical hazard, chemical hazard, ergomic hazard, biological hazard,

and psychosocial hazard. This is why PMC established the safety and

health department to ensure that their employees are not injured or

sick at work. The two most important health and safety principles are

incident prevention and emergency preparedness, and according to

one study, 98 percent of incidents are preventable and only 2 percent

are not. The most important aspect of preventing an accident is

adhering to the hierarchy of control, which includes elimination,

substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls, and

personal protective equipment (PPE). Mine Ventilation: Key Elements and Introduction to

The key part of the topic in this lecture was the mine ventilation

section of Philsaga Mining Corporation and it includes mine ventilation

method, mine ventilation circuits, airflow requirements, and simulation

& data analysis. There are two types of mine ventilation: natural

ventilation and mechanical ventilation. The PMC uses mechanical

ventilation because it is more than 300 meters from the cooler of the

shaft and is required by mining law they use axial fans and centrifugal

fans. The development drive circuit, which is a combination of blowing

and suction via auxiliary fans, directs the flow of air to the

development drive face while the contaminated air from the working

area is thrown back to the adjacent main line and in order to control

device they uses ventilation control devices specifically strip curtain,

brattices, barricade with door and regulators. In simulation and data

analyses the Philsaga Mining Corporation uses Ventsim Visual Software

in designing every level airways in air inlets and air outlets. Mine Surveying

Engr. Taray discussed mine surveying in PMC, which is the

measurement of horizontal and vertical distances between objects, the

measurement of angles between lines, the determination of line

direction, and the establishment of points using predetermined angular

and linear measurements. They use land surveying, engineering

surveying, hydrographic surveying, geodetic surveying, mining

surveying, and photogrammetry and remote sensing as surveying

methods. In mining aspect, mining survey is a branch of mining

science and technology that includes all measurements, calculations,

and mapping that serve the purpose of ascertaining and documenting

information at all stages of prospecting, exploitation, and utilization of

mineral deposits by surface and underground working. It is also

involved in the development and construction of mining operations and

can generally be found above and underground taking measurements

to determine volumes and setting out new excavations and tunneling.

Mine surveyors are responsible for accurately measuring and recording

mine workings; they are essential to the design, planning, and safety

of surface and underground mining activities, which must be

accurately represented on mine plans. They are the practice of

determining the relative position of points on or beneath the earth's

surface by measuring distance, direction, and elevation directly or

indirectly. Tunnels are driven in an underground transportation system

to connect inclined or vertical shafts whose relative locations are

determined by surface surveys. As a result, the underground control

networks must be linked and aligned with the surface networks in the

same coordinate system. Mine Planning and Design

This lecture focuses on Philsaga Mining Corporation’s mine

operation, role of planning engineer, current hoisting arrangement, it’s

mining method, heading design-development and production, it’s

stope design, long term scheduling and short term scheduling. A

planning engineer's role in PMC is to produce short-term mining plans,

interact with geologists on a daily basis to maintain a solid

understanding of the tonnes and grades being extracted, and interact

with surveyors to ensure mine plans are understood and marked up on

time. Also, planning engineers assist in 3D modelling of ore bodies and

weekly production reports to monitor the status of every level. In mine

operation we all know that PMC is a Co-O mine ore consist of narrow

quartz veins and its ore is mined using selective hand-held mining

methods and track haulage, during our mine tour in Philsaga Mining
Corporation in 2018 we have observed three active shafts. Philsaga

Mining Corporation employs an underground mining method,

specifically shrinkage, which halts the process of extracting vein

material from above each development level. It is an overhand mining

method that relies on broken ore being left in the stope to be used as

the platform of workers and to support the walls. They also use room

and pillar method which is used on the numerous low angle veins

where it is difficult to control the dilution from the hanging wall or roof.

Philsaga Mining Corporation’s long term schedule/plan the company

set three to five years schedule in the future plan of available

resources and in short term mine schedule is reforecasting of a one

year schedule to make sure that the monthly targets will be attain. Introduction to Drilling and Blasting

This lecture covers six major topics: the purpose of drilling and

blasting, how to perform drilling and blasting, drilling patterns,

machine and tools used in drilling, explosives and their applications,

and finally loading and connecting. The distinction between

underground and surface blasting is that underground blasting, for

example, necessitates more fragmentation than surface blasting due

to the size of the equipment available and the difficulty of access. PMC

uses conventional drilling for blasting, and the equipment they use is a

bormax handheld rock drill with a pneumatic jackleg. To perform

drilling and blasting correctly, you should first check the area, then

prepare the machines and tools, third determine the drilling pattern to

be used, then prepare the explosives to be used and proper loading

and connecting, then blasting, and finally the post blast review. The

Philsaga Mining Corporation employs two main drilling patterns: burn

cut and staggered. Mine Production and Development

This lecture focuses on the Philsaga Mining Corporation's mine

production department, and their responsibilities include decision

making, bottleneck, shaft capacity, management, and efficient and

effective mine production. In order for PMC to produce run of mine

ore, the in-situ mass rock containing desired grade for production shall

undergo the following: removal of unwanted material from useful

mineral then concentrating mineral to become a metal. The PMC

production cycle has two components: the first is rock breakage, which
includes drilling and blasting, and the second is material handling,

which includes loading, hauling, hoisting, and dumping. In the

standard operating procedure for drifts/crosscuts the level geologist

shall provide the location and direction of the working place to be

driven. The standard operating procedure for raises is after developing

horizontal development with good grades, a vertical development will

now be driven to explore the vertical extent and viability of the ore

body. The standard operating procedure for stope preparation is the

sublevel should be about five meters from the back of the drift from

the blocking raise and the sublevel will be driven parallel to the drift

connecting both of the blocking raises.

1.1.3 Background of Virtual Lecture Series No. 3

The third virtual lecture series is the shortest compared to the

others because it only consists of one lecture titled Ore Milling Process

that took place on December 11, 2021 and was discussed by Engr.

Albertini Buca from Philsaga Mining Corporation. Ore Milling Process

This lecture focuses on mineral processing and refining

corporation in Philsaga Mining Corporation. In PMC’s process plant/mill

the 2500-TPD processing plant uses conventional cyanidation with pre-

gravity concentration process in the extraction of gold from ore. The

processing includes the following: crushing and grinding circuit, gravity

concentration, leaching, tails thickening and detoxification circuit,

carbon and gold refinery, lastly the reagents and water system and

tailings storage facility. Gravity concentration is one of the metal

extraction processes in which one of the eight cyclone underflow

streams is routed to a gravity scalping screen with 3mm aperture size

screen panels. Then, gravity concentrate is produced and flushed out

of the concentrator every hour at approximately 80-100 kilograms

weight and is collected into the ILR feed cone. The load solids, reagent

addition, leaching, clarify, pregnant solution transfer, and finally empty

solids are the ILR sequence and parameters. The leaching and CIL

tanks are arranged in series, with three leach tanks and eight CIL

tanks, each with a bypass provision to the two downstream tanks. In

carbon harvest and stripping the first stage of the stripping process

commence with acid washing of the carbon batch and a 3% solution

hydrochloric acid is injected. In gold smelting the elution circuit

produces pregnant eluate which is stored in the eluate tank then the

gold sludge produce form electro-wining cells are harvested every two

carbon stripping batches. The sludge is then, filtered and mixed with

appropriate amount of fluxes. Lastly, melt is poured into the mold

forming gold bullion.

1.1.4 Background of Lecture Series No. 4

The fourth virtual lecture series was the final component of this

online internship program, which concluded on December 12, 2021.

There are two lectures first the commitment to the environment: the

mining ways that is discussed by Engr. Evangeline Salvana and the

second lecture was responsible mining: in-depth with SDMP that was

discussed by Mr. Clyde Macascas. Commitment to the Environment: The Mining Ways

This lecture discusses Philsaga Mining Corporation's commitment

to the environment, as well as a background check, PMC is located in

Rosario and Bunawan, Agusan del Sur, and its commodity is gold ore,

with a shrinkage stopping mining method. PMC’s commitment to the

environment means the company are also committed to follow the

environmental rules and regulations implemented by the DENR and its

attached agencies. This lecture focuses on mining laws that protect the

environment, such as the toxic substances and hazardous and nuclear

waste act of 1990, the ecological solid waste management act of 2000,

the Philippine clean water act of 2004, and many other environmental

laws. Setting up of mine environmental protection and enhancement

office, and environmental monitoring and audit was also discussed.

Under PMC’s environmental protection and enhancement program are

land resource management, water resource and quality management,

noise and vibration, air quality monitoring, conservation values,

environmental research, and information education communication

campaign. The current active mining area in PMC is 79.74 hectares,

the total disturbed area is 75.415 hectares, and the total reforested

area is 1,412.13 hectares, with 721.41 hectares outside the PMC

contract area and 690.72 hectares within the PMC contract area. PMC
implemented wastewater treatment and water quality monitoring in

their water resource and quality management, which included

flocculation, settling pond de-siltation, filter cake, filtrate, mine

underground dewatering, and pH treatment. Responsible Mining: In-Depth with SDMP

The framework for the formulation of the social development and

management program in PMC begins with the identification of the host

and neighboring communities in accordance with the Philippines EIS

System, followed by the establishment of a community relations office,

the conduct of community assessments, the source of the social

development and management program, the formation and

development, credited activities or expenses, SDMP, program

management, monitoring control evaluation, and periodic reporting.

The SDMP Fund in PMC is a minimum of one and a half percent of the

company's operating costs, with three major components: ten percent

from mining technology and geosciences development, information,

education, and communication development, and 75 percent from

development of the host and neighboring communities. The

development of host and neighboring communities (DHNC) in PMC

includes programs for health, education, livelihood, public utilities, and

socio-cultural development, and expenditures for the aforementioned

P/P/As shall be credited to 75 percent of the one and half percent of

operating costs allotted to implement social management and

development program. The other programs involves in social

development and management program are public awareness and

education on mining technology and geosciences (PPAEMTG), and

development of mining technology and geosciences (DMTG).


2.1 Problems Encountered and Proposed Solution

We encountered many technical difficulties during our online

internship program in Mining Engineering at Caraga State University,

specifically during our virtual lecture series held in collaboration with

Philsaga Mining Corporation from November 20, 2021 to December 12,

2021, knowing that this is the first time that both the company and
the university conducted an online on-the-job training due to the

pandemic circumstances.

The technical difficulties that students enrolled in this online on-

the-job training face are a lack of or slow wifi or internet signals that

allow them to attend every virtual lecture series. As a result, some

students had difficulty understanding the virtual lecture series

delivered by Engineers from Philsaga Mining Corporation. The technical

difficulties that the lecturers face stem from a lack of understanding of

how to display their power point presentation on screen.

The solution to these technical difficulties that I can propose is,

first and foremost, on the part of the students. As we all know, the

schedules were given ahead of time, so students should look for a

place that has stable internet or Wi-Fi signals as well as a place that

they are comfortable with so that learning through these lectures can

be enjoyable. The solution I can think of and propose to our lecturers

is to perform rehearsals of how to properly display their presentations

on screen ahead of the given schedule.

2.2 Conclusions

This online on-the-job training served as a stepping stone

toward my ultimate goal of becoming a registered mining engineer.

This online training inspired me to be more focused and serious about

my chosen path. I was encouraged to put in more effort in my studies,

and I hope to be like them someday.

Despite the fact that this virtual lecture series was only a

few weeks long, it was a worthwhile and enjoyable experience. The

online training increased my confidence and laid the groundwork for

me to become a good employee someday. It had a significant impact

on me as a Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering student. I was

truly rejuvenated, and I learned to be diplomatic in both my actions

and my words.

This online training made me realize how important it is to know

what you're doing and enjoy it. As a student, all I can do for the time

being is learn everything I can in school, be inspired, love the path I'm

on, and do my best in everything I do with a positive attitude. I

realized that I needed to focus more in school and do everything

wholeheartedly and to the best of my ability.

My online on-the-job training has been and will continue to be

extremely beneficial to me as a fourth-year student studying Mining

Engineering. Even though it was only an online virtual lecture series, it

gave me a taste of the real world and a glimpse of what lies ahead

after I graduate.
2.3 Recommendations

On-the-job training is vital and necessary for students because

the program broadens the students' knowledge while also allowing

them to explore their skills in the actual working environment, despite

being on an online platform. OJT is the first step in a student's

knowledge-based working experience. The trainee can put the lessons

learned from years of formal education into practice and discovers that

there is still a lot more to learn from the actual working field.

Philsaga Mining Corporation was very ecstatic to collaborate with

Caraga State University's Mining Engineering Department. The topics

of discussion by the resource speakers were extremely good. They

gave thorough presentations, which aided us in quickly grasping the

material. The Department of Mining Engineering's collaboration with

the Philsaga Mining Corporation should be maintained. The company

provides an excellent opportunity for us to apply everything we have

learned in our curriculum.


3.1 Attendance and Evaluation Sheets

3.2 Evaluation Sheets

(The same with the attendance)

3.3 Documentations of the Events

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