Finding Contextual Meaning (15:2)

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Text 1

In another study, conducted in Russia, a drug made from garlic extract was given to workers in
industrial plants who were suffering from cgronic lead poisoning. The daily doses of garlic improved the
symptoms of chronic lead poisoning and lowered the high porphyrin levels in the urine. The preparation
also normalized the elevated blood pressure in the majority of workers. Russian researchers believe that
the efficacy of the garlic preparation is due to garlic’s high content of sulfur compounds.

1. The word “efficacy” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to which of the following?

(A) effectiveness
(B) use
(C) consumption
(D) result
(E) strength

Text 2

Because halitosis originates in the mouth, it is virtually undetectable by your own sense of smell.
You may notice a bitter, sour taste in your mouth or a whitish coating on the back of your tongue, but you
generally find out there is a problem when a family member, friend or co-worker brings it to your attention.
At that point, you need an effective, long-lasting and easy-to-use method of eliminating the problem.
Without proper treatment, chronic bad breath can lead to a loss of confidence and self-esteem, and it can
even result in depression. The problem can adversely affect your marriage, social life. career and
relationship with family members. What is needed is a quick and effective treatment that works naturally
with no side effects.

As a dentist with a degree in bacteriology, Dr. Katz has been keenly aware of the widespread nature
of this problem. It was not until his daughter came to him about her halitosis, however, that he began to
research the problem in earnest. His studies led him to an amazing discovery about the source of bad breath:
it does not originate in the digestive system, and the food you eat has no direct effect on your breath.

Certain foods, however, contribute to the production of sulfurous gases in the back of the mouth.
Acids in coffee and proteins in dairy products exacerbate the problem. Mints and mouthwashes intended to
mask or prevent bad breath actually worsen the condition because sugar and alcohol dries out the mouth.
Many common medications for everything from high blood pressure to depression have the same drying
effect, resulting in the formation of odorous gases. Mucous from postnasal drip contains dense proteins that
are full of sulfur. Some treatments for halitosis contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, which can cause canker sores.
The only effective means of eliminating the sulfur gas production is to introduce oxygen to the bacteria,
causing them to produce tasteless, odorless sulfates.

2. The word "nature" in paragraph 2 is 3. The word "amazing' in paragraph 4 is

closest in meaning to which of the closest meaning to which of the following?
following? (A) well-known
(A) characteristic (B) outstanding
(B) existence (C) striking
(C) quality (D) surprising
(D) state (E) unusual
(E) kind

4. The word "exacerbate" in paragraph 5 is
closest in meaning to which of the

(A) exaggerate
(B) evoke
(C) worsen
(D) cause
(E) irritate

Text 3

Taking advantage from a high birth rate and the enormous potential of stem cell research, India's
biotechnology firms are coaxing more parents to bank blood from their newly born's umbilical cord from
which the blood cells are frozen and to be revived if and when there is a scientific breakthrough. Blood
which is extracted from the baby's umbilical cord and placenta discarded after birth are loaded with stem
cells. They are master cells from which the body's immune and blood system originate and which can
develop into cells of any organ. Doctors harvest the blood cells once the umbilical cord is clamped and cut,
using a collection kit. The blood is then packaged in a special shipping material provided. The company
officials then ship the package to the laboratory where the stem cells are processed and tested for various

These cells can help cure more than 75 serious ailments, according to Nalini Khrisnan, a medical
advisor of LifeCell, a firm which deals in preserving cord blood. She further says that collecting and
preserving the baby's cord blood stem cells is a security blanket for the baby itself and its immediate family
members. It is effective in the treatment of leukemia, anaemia, inherited disorders and several other
deficiencies of the immune system. Even lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, liver disorders and heart
ailments and infectious diseases such as hepatitis, HIV and malaria can also be treated with stem cells.

5. The word "discarded" in paragraph 1 is 6. The word "disorders" in paragraph 2 can

closest in meaning to best be replaced by ...
(A) thrown away (A) abnormalities
(B) taken from (B) troubles
(C) collected from (C) disturbances
(D) pulled out (D) difficulties
(E) put into (E) irregularities

Text 5

"Your biggest enemy is yourself." This idea is being explored by teachers as they and their students
deal with the issue of bullying. The hardest thing is to control our own emotions because some teachers,
like myself, are used to the stern approach in disciplining students," vice principal of SMAN 103 state high
school in East Jakarta, Budi Muntoro, told The Jakarta Post on Wednesday. Most people do not realize that
at some stage, adults - parents and teachers – unconsciously teach bullying to children, especially in the way
they use violence in education. "About 50 percent of teachers might be guilty of bullying at some point," said
Budi. SMAN 103 is one of three public high schools in Jakarta taking part in a pilot project on bullying

Teachers and principals from the school participated in a workshop on bullying hosted by the Semai
Jiwa Amini Foundation in September. The workshop was attended by 57 SMAN 103 teachers. "Previously, I
thought bullying was only physical violence. But now I realize that it also involves psychological aspects,"
said Budi who teaches geography. "So, the violence is not just physical but it can also be in the form of verbal
and non-verbal expressions," said the 43 year-old teacher. Budi, who has been teaching for 23 years, now
tries to watch his words. "I never thought before that calling students by their nicknames was bullying," he
said. Budi, describing himself as a former "killer" teacher, said he used to regard slapping and pinching as
common in disciplining students. "Now, we give priority to counseling rather than just punishing
problematic students," Budi said, referring to consultation hours provided once a week for students.

SMAN 103 currently-has four teachers who have counseling hours, with five intern teachers
assisting them. Those teachers rarely helped students with counseling before, but lately they provide more
time on a weekly basis for the activity, which is a good thing," said 15-year-old Sari, one of 840 students at
SMAN 103. Asked about the benefit of the counseling, second year student Sari acknowledged she was not
used to sharing her private thoughts with others, including teachers, but the service was helpful for some
of her troubled friends. dBudi said he has been trying for years to change his rather militaristic approach in
the classroom. "Now, I don’t want to have obedient students just because they are afraid of me." However,
he said some students tended to do as they pleased if they were not punished harshly. "I'm still looking for
a solution, but of course I don't want to go back to my old ways of teaching."

7. Which of the following is closest in 9. In paragraph 2, the word "regard" could

meaning to "stern" in paragraph 1? best be replaced by
(A) uncompromising (A) consider
(B) strict (B) ignore
(C) frightening (C) doubt
(D) lenient (D) conclude
(E) ruthless (E) presume

8. According to the passage, which of the 10. Which of the following has the same
following best describes the word meaning as the word "acknowledged" in
"bullying" in paragraph 1? paragraph 3?
(A) nuisance (A) denied
(B) unfairness (B) allowed
(C) intimidation (C) knew
(D) verbal abuse (D) recognized
(E) insults (E) admitted

Text 5

In today's fast-paced, cyber-linked world, it would be hard to imagine working without the internet.
Most of us would probably feel, pretty desperate. Well, how about trying to live a day without water, a real
every-day nightmare for some people. I know how it feels. After suffering from one-day emergency
shutdown of my local water supply, which prevented me from getting a single drop of water from the tap,
let alone, showering or just flushing the toilet, I started to think how ironic it is that on a planet where water
covers 71 percent of its surface, I suddenly had no.

But when I learned that just over 2 percent of the total volume of water in the global cycle is fresh
water, and that most of that is locked up as polar ice caps and in glaciers, I became horrified. Yes, horrified
at the thought of more than 6 billion people sharing this small amount of water that is available. It made me
wonder: is there anything I can do to use this precious resource more wisely? That question leads me to one
of my favorite lines from the movie Evan Almighty. “How do we change the world? By doing one act of
random kindness at a time". It's a message that applies to all aspects of life, including in conserving water.

So, to begin with, I started to list some of my water-consuming activities. And from various sources,
I found out that taking a bath is the biggest water consumer (about 45 percent of the total daily
consumption), followed by toilet flushing (25 percent) and kitchen activities (15 percent).
A survey conducted in 2006 by the Directorate of Water Development of the Public Works Ministry
showed that the average daily use of fresh water in Indonesia was 144 liters per person. Based on that
figure, bathing, flushing and kitchen activities represent 65, 36, and 21.5 liters respectively or 122.5 liters
in total. Assuming the Indonesian population represents around 230 million people, all having equal access
to 122.5 liters per day, can you imagine what happens to that 2% of global fresh water? You do the math!

Those numbers have given me a stronger urge to be more efficient with my personal consumption
of fresh water. So, I started off with my bathroom. First, I readjusted the showerhead to a low-flow version
and took shorter showers, less than 5 minutes long, since that could already reduce my water use
approximately by half. Second, I tried a simple trick suggested by a friend to save water in the toilet tank,
by placing a one-liter plastic bottle filled with water in the tank. This way, I save one liter of fresh water
every time I flush the toilet. If the toilet is used 10 times a day,

I have already saved 10 liters of fresh water. And since I am not really a kitchen type of person, I
believe my water spending in that department wouldn't exceed 10 liters per day. So in total, I could save
around 56.6 liters per day from bathroom and kitchen activities. Not bad for a start, as there are still more
things that can be done to efficiently use water.

11. Which of the following is closest in 13. Which of the following has the same
meaning to “locked up" in paragraph 1? meaning as the word “exceed” in
(A) restricted paragraph 5?
(B) kept (A) limit
(C) limited (B) rise above
(D) bordered (C) do better than
(E) secured (D) overtake
(E) go beyond
12. According to the passage, which of the

following best describes the word “urge” in
paragraph 4?
(A) want
(B) compassion
(C) desire
(D) motivation
(E) aspiration

Text 6

lndia is often the chosen land for those searching for emotional serenity or a cure for physical ills.
At. one famed Indian health institute, patients have to tough it out naturally. Think of spiritual travel and
India is synonymous with curative sojourns. From the ashrams nestled in the valley of the Himalayas to
yoga retreats on the shore of Kamataka, the subcontinent offers myriad venues of rest and retreat, for the
soul and body and for mental balance.

"Health is not something that can be purchased in a bottle," says Charakasamhita of the institute.
"Diseases are a sign of the cleansing and healing effect of nature. If you suppress the conditions by drugs or
by any other means, you are simply laying a foundation for chronic diseases. Drugging is like whipping an
already exhausted horse." The basic belief is that our bodies are our best healers. While the institute offers
some of the best massages and spa treatments in the region, the Jindal way is no stroll in the park. The
institute makes for a pretty setting with benches to view the sunset over a pristine lake and lots of greenery
infused with rare species of migratory birds. But in reality, it is less spa town and more boot camp.
14. The word "sojourns” in paragraph 1 can be (B) making an animal regain its strength
best replaced by (C) pushing an animal to keep moving
(A) treatments (D) putting a heavy load on an animal
(B) trips (E) diagnosing an animal's disease
(C) brief visits
(D) vacations 17. The word "stroll" in paragraph 2 is closest
(E) breaks in meaning to which of the following?
(A) run
15. Whai does Charakasamhita mean when (B) walk unhurriedly
saying "Diseases are a sign of the cleansing (C) laze around
and healing effect of nature” in paragraph (D) sit
4? (E) rest
(A) Your body has its own way to heal
from the disease. 18. What does the author mean by "But in
(B) Nature may heal diseases that you reality, it is less spa town and more boot
suffer from. camp" in paragraph 2?
(C) Nature contributes a lot to the (A) The institute applies a tight rule for
diseases that you mayhave.. _ the patients.
(D) Diseases can cure by themselves. (B) The institute is run by military staff, ·
(E) When you are sick, your body Is (C) The institute only treats military
cleaning itself. officers.
(D) The institute is a relaxing center.
16. The word "whipping" in paragraph 2 (E) The institute combines a relaxing
means center and a camping area.
(A) beating an animal repeatedly

Text 7

US pop and soul music legend Stevie Wonder told diplomats from nearly 200 nations on Monday to
stop squabbling over copyright and agree on a pact bringing "hope and light" to the blind people around the
globe. And the singer-musician, himself sightless since just after birth, warned negotiators at the United
Nation intellectual property and copyright agency WIPO that he would write a sad song about them if they
didn't act on his appeal. “We must declare a state of emergency and end the information deprivation that
continues to keep the visually impaired in the dark”, said Wonder, whose music has won dozens of top
awards in his 50-year career.

He told delegates on the opening day of WIPO’s annual assembly that they should agree on an action
plan that would empower the blind and near-blind by side-stepping copy-right rule and giving them access
to books and learning. And the star wrapped up his 10-minutes appeal by singing to his own accompaniment
famous lines from many of his best-loved songs including I Just Called to Say I Love You and Keep Our Love

19. From the term “a state of emergency” in paragraph 1, it can be inferred that it refers to a state where

(A) Copy-right rules are side-stepped
(B) Cross-borders copy-right rules cannot be overcome
(C) WIPO members are unable to come up with a solution
(D) Diplomats squabble over copy-right
(E) The blinds are kept in the dark

20. It can be inferred from passage that the word “light” in the phrase “hope and light” in paragraph 1
refers to ....
(A) provision of information
(B) illumination
(C) vision
(D) intellectual property
(E) Braille audio

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