CERC 22july

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1. Aim of the study

1.1 To provide assistance to the Commission in reviewing the provisions of
existing RE Tariff Regulations taking into account of the developments in the

1.2 Study and evaluate the fuel cost in biomass and bagasse based power

1.3 Study and recommend benchmarking norms for Municipal Solid Waste
based power plants, Solar Thermal;

1.4 Study and analyse the challenges in the renewable energy sector
considering various policy changes and emerging technologies;

1.5 To assist the Commission in framing RE Tariff Regulations for next control
period; analysing comments and suggestions received from stakeholders
during various stages of consultation process; and

1.6 To prepare Tariff Order for the first year of the control period.
2. Scope of work
2.1 The scope of the assignment also includes specific assistance on
following aspects:

A. Study and evaluate the cost of fuel for Biomass and Bagasse based Power
B. Benchmarking technical and operational parameters for RE technologies
such as MSW based Power projects, Solar Thermal Power Projects,
Offshore-Wind Projects in addition to the RE technologies covered in existing
RE Regulations etc;
C. Analysis and study on various alternatives and approaches for determining
the tariff principles and Regulatory options for RE technologies;
D. Assistance in framing the terms and conditions for tariff determination from
RE sources as RE Tariff Regulations;
E. Assistance in preparing tariff order for first year control period of RE Tariff
Regulations including preparation of tariff models for each of the RE

A. Study and evaluate the cost of fuel for biomass and bagasse-based power

i. Compilation and analysis of primary and secondary information/data

from published reports/studies/ literatures on cost of fuel for biomass and
bagasse-based power projects in India;
ii. Recommendations on fuel cost, Calorific value, plant load factor,
auxiliary consumption to be used in determination of tariff for biomass and
bagasse based RE projects.

B. Benchmarking Technical and Operational parameters for RE Technologies

such as MSW Projects, Solar Thermal, off-shore wind:

i. Study the policies and review the operational/ performance parameters

and financial norms pertaining to Waste to Energy, Solar Thermal,
Offshore-Wind based Power Projects in India and globally;
ii. Suggest benchmark costs and norms for operational and technical
parameters for MSW based Projects, Solar Thermal , Off -shore Wind
Power Projects.

C. Analysis and study on various alternatives and approaches for determining the
tariff principles and Regulatory options for RE technologies

i. Review the existing tariff designs and tariff structures for renewable
generating stations considering the current market scenario.
ii. Collection of relevant details and information including but not limited to
capital cost, interest on loan, interest on working capital, Operation &
Maintenance (O&M), return on equity, depreciation, sourcing and cost of
fuel, land requirements and cost, cost of equipment and balance of plant,
operation and maintenance expenses, comparison of competitive bids
and tariff discovered for renewable energy projects at Central and State
level, auxiliary consumption, fuel calorific value and other fuel related
specifications for renewable projects;
iii. Review of the efficacy of the normative approach for allowing two-part
tariff for renewable generating stations.

D. Assistance in framing the terms and conditions for tariff determination

from RE sources as RE Tariff Regulations

i. To collate comments received from the stakeholders and to evaluate the data
collected from different institutions and studies undertaken above.
ii. To develop and recommend appropriate Tariff Structure, Tariff Design, control
Period and Financial norms for RE based Power Projects.
iii. To assist in formulation of draft Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination
from Renewable Energy Sources Regulations 2023 (hereinafter referred as
the “Draft Regulations”) along with Explanatory Memorandum;
iv. To assist in formulation of Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination from
Renewable Energy Sources Regulations 2023 (hereinafter referred to as the
“Final Regulations”) along with Statement of Reasons taking into
consideration the comments and suggestions received on the Draft
Regulations and views expressed during Public Hearing(s).
E. Assistance in preparing tariff order for first year control period of RE Tariff
Regulations including preparation of tariff models for each RE technologies

i. To assist in preparation of tariff models for each renewable

technology and scenarios and prepare Final Tariff Order for the first year of the
control period by taking into consideration the comments and suggestions
received on the Draft Tariff Order and views expressed during Public

ii. To assist in preparation of tariff models for each renewable technology

and scenarios based on the Final Regulations and Draft Tariff Order for the first
year of the control period.

2.2 While providing assistance in preparing the Draft Regulations and explanatory
memorandum, the consultant shall keep in view the following.

i. The Electricity Act, 2003, National Electricity Policy, Tariff Policy and rules
and guidelines issued by Government of India (GoI) under the Electricity Act,
ii. Various judgments pronounced by Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL),
Hon’ble Supreme Court and other judicial pronouncements which may have a
bearing on the new Regulations;
iii. Deliberations during public hearings;
iv. Comments and suggestions received on the Draft Regulations;
v. Data furnished by various stakeholders; and
vi. Commission’s viewpoint.
Annexure -II
Profile of the Consultant

i. The applicant should have personnel with professional qualifications of

finance, engineering, economic and law along with relevant experience
of tariff determination. The applicant should be a firm or LLP company
registered in India. Consortium of consultants, not being think tank/
Academic Institutions or researchers, will not be considered.
ii. The professionals deployed should have knowledge of relevant Acts,
Policies, Regulations as well as operational and commercial aspects of
renewable generating stations;
iii. Each member of the team deployed for the said assignment shall be a
full-time employee or contractual staff on full time basis of the applicant.
iv. The applicant should have in-depth knowledge of CERC RE Tariff
Regulations and practices followed by other regulators. The applicant
should submit documentary evidence (eg. Completion Certificates etc.)
of having handled similar projects, if any.
v. The bidder is expected to have complete knowledge of Electricity Act,
2003 as well as policies, Rules, Regulations and guidelines issued under
the Act.
Annexure – III

Qualification Criteria

1. The consultant should have completed at least five assignments in the last ten
years which shall include:

i. Assistance to SERC/JERC//CERC in the field of tariff determination in respect

of thermal/hydro or renewable generation projects
ii. Assistance to SERC/JERC/CERC/FOR/MNRE for Renewable Energy in
preparation of Regulations/Procedures/Study related to renewable energy or
advising on renewable energy issues

2. The bidding consultant should not have been blacklisted/debarred by the Ministry
of Finance or the Ministry of Power (MOP), organizations under the jurisdiction of
MOP, or CERC or any SERC/ JERC. An undertaking in this regard shall be given by
the consultant.

3. The applicant must have minimum annual financial turnover of Rs. 1 Crore during
the last three years (2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23). Documentary evidence to this
effect duly attested by a Chartered Accountant should be submitted along with the bid.

4. The bidders who fulfil all of the above criteria shall be termed as eligible bidder

Note: The consultant must provide necessary document(s) for proof of successful
completion of the assignments from the respective client(s) without which such
assignment(s) shall not be considered for evaluation

Annexure – IV
Payment Terms

1. 10% of the professional fee as advance of the total fee of the study at
the time of signing agreement, subject to submission of an irrevocable
Bank Guarantee for equal amount. If advance is not requested by the
Consultant, 10% of the fee can be claimed at the end of the contract
period on submission of the final report.
2. 20% of the professional fee on the submission of the inception report of
the Study;
3. 20% of the professional fee on submission of first Draft Regulation along
with explanatory memorandum;
4. 20% of the professional fee on submission of Final Regulation along
with Statement of Objects and Reasons (including all intermediate
reports/ analyses) of the study;
5. 30% of the professional fee on successful completion and acceptance
of the Final Regulation, at the end of the contract period.
6. The Consultant shall provide an irrevocable Performance Bank
Guarantee of 10% of amount stipulated in the agreement at the time of
signing the agreement to be valid till 3 (three) months after the expiry of
the agreement. In the event of extension of assignment/ Contract, the
Performance Bank Guarantee shall be suitably extended by the
consultant at its own cost and extended Performance Bank Guarantee
shall be made available to CERC within 7 days of receipt of such
extension Information. Performance Bank Guarantee will be kept as
performance security and can be invoked to appropriate against breach
of any terms of this Agreement or for non-performance.
7. The stage payment shall not be released in case of unsatisfactory work
and decision of CERC in this aspect shall be final.
Annexure – V




1. Title of the Proposed Study:

2. Name and address of the Organization/ Institution:
3. Name & Designation of the Key Person:
4. Contact address of the Key Person (email/fax/telephone):
5. Turnover of the Organization/ Institution:
6. Certificate of authorization in case of Institutes/other organizations (Format
enclosed at Annexure - VI).


Amount of Fee proposed for conducting the study:

Amount (Rs)


Consultant Charges (Amount in Words Rupees__________________________
(Inclusive of taxes)
_ _

Signature of the Authorised

Annexure – VI

Criteria for Technical Evaluation

The technical performance of bidder meeting minimum qualifying criteria shall be

evaluated based on the following criteria:

S. Maximum
Criteria for Technical Evaluation
No. Marks

The Consultant’s relevant experience for the

1 30

Experience in regulatory assignments on matters

involving Tariff Model, Tariff order, Tariff Regulation for
Renewable Energy Technologies in India in the last ten
(a) Max 30 marks
i) 20 marks for 5 completed assignment in last 10
ii) 2 marks for each additional assignment in the last
10 years

Understanding of the issues and approach to be


(The marks would be awarded by the Consultancy

2 30
Evaluation Committee based on the understanding,
approach and methodology presented by the Consultant
during the presentation)

The Qualification and experience of the key staff (who

3 40
would actually be working on the proposed project)

Project Manager

(a) Qualification Criteria - B. Tech with MBA / Chartered/ Cost Max 10 marks
& Management Accountant with 10 years or more
experience in handling of various Acts/Regulations,
technical, financial & commercial matters etc. related to
regulatory framework of power sector specially in
generation/renewable segment.

< 10 years of relevant experience – 0 marks

>Between 10-15 years of relevant experience – 5 marks

> 15 years of relevant experience – 10 marks

Technical Team Member

Qualification Criteria - B. Tech with MBA / M. Tech with 5

years or more experience in generation/renewable sector
(b) regulatory matters.
Max 10 marks
< 5years’ of relevant experience – 0 marks

>Between 5-10 years of relevant experience – 5 marks

>10 years of relevant experience – 10 marks

Finance Team Member

Qualification Criteria - Chartered Accountant/ Cost and

Management Accountant/ MBA Finance with 5 years or
more experience in generation/renewable sector
(c) Max 10 marks
regulatory matters.

< 5years’ of relevant experience – 0 marks

>Between 5-10 years of relevant experience – 5 marks

>10 years of relevant experience – 10 marks

(d) Tie ups with think tanks/Academic institutes/researchers 10 Marks

(having P.hd.) with research expertise in Regulatory
Matters (Renewable Energy)
Total 100

a) Actual CV has to be submitted for each of the proposed team members.
b) Submission of competition certificate is essential. Where the applicant is
not able to furnish completion certificate, the applicant is required to submit
invoices raised, bill-wise details of payment received duly certified by the
Chartered Accountant, TDS certificate for all payments received and copy of
final / last bill paid by company in support of completion certificate.

c) Under a retainership project/ long term project/ multi-year project, tariff

petition/ tariff order assignments completed during a year shall be considered
as single assignment and can be quoted accordingly under 1(a) of the above
table “Criteria for Technical Evaluation”.

d) It is expected that the key members of the team proposed in the bid
document shall continue throughout the duration of the assignment. In the
event of any of the key members not being available for any reason, other
experts of the consulting firm with equivalent level of qualification and
experience shall be deployed. Failure to meet the criteria shall be construed
as non-compliance of the terms of assignment thereby making the consulting
firm liable for penal action as per agreement.

e) The minimum qualifying marks in the Technical Evaluation is 60% of the

total score for technical component.
3rd & 4th Floor, Chanderlok Building, 36, Janpath,
New Delhi-110001

Engagement of Consultants to provide assistance in framing the “Terms and

Conditions for Tariff determination from Renewable Energy Sources Regulations,
2023” by Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

Terms of Reference (TOR)

1. Background
1.1 The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission was constituted under the
erstwhile Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998 and subsequently
recognized as the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (hereinafter
referred as “the Commission”) under the Electricity Act, 2003 (hereinafter
referred as “the Act”). The Commission has been vested with the powers under
clause (s) of Sub-section (2) of Section 178 of the Act to make regulations on
the Terms and Conditions for Tariff determination from Renewable Energy

1.2 Further, as per Clause (a) of Section 61 of the Act, Terms and Conditions
for Tariff determination from Renewable Energy Sources Regulations
(hereinafter referred as “RE Tariff Regulations”) specified by the Commission
act as guiding principle for the State and Joint Electricity Regulatory
Commissions. The Commission has also been vested with the responsibility of
promoting market development in the power sector; to encourage competition;
and induce efficiency improvement with the larger objective to extend the fruits
of competition and efficiency to the electricity consumers.

1.3 The Commission has issued RE Tariff Regulations for the period 2009-12,
2012-17, 2017-20 and 2020-2023. Considering the developments in the sector
during the current control period, current and perceived challenges in the
renewable energy sector and need for market development, the Commission
is of the view that it is necessary to have a fresh look into the basis and
assumptions of tariff determination from Renewable Energy Sources for the
control period (FY 2023-24).

1.4 It has been decided to take assistance of consultants in order to proceed

further with a view to evaluate the fuel cost for biomass and bagasse-based
power projects, benchmarking norms for RE Technologies such as MSW
based power Projects. while formulating the Draft Regulations and the Final
2. Objectives

2.1 To provide assistance to the Commission in reviewing the provisions of

existing RE Tariff Regulations taking into account of the developments in the

2.2 Study and evaluate the fuel cost in biomass and bagasse based power

2.3 Study and recommend benchmarking norms for Municipal Solid Waste
based power plants, Solar Thermal;

2.4 Study and analyse the challenges in the renewable energy sector
considering various policy changes and emerging technologies;

2.5 To assist the Commission in framing RE Tariff Regulations for next

control period; analysing comments and suggestions received from
stakeholders during various stages of consultation process; and

2.6 To prepare Tariff Order for the first year of the control period

3. Scope of work
3.1 The scope of the assignment also includes specific assistance on
following aspects:

(A) Study and evaluate the cost of fuel for Biomass and Bagasse
based Power Projects;

(B) Benchmarking Technical and operational parameters for RE

technologies such as MSW based Power projects, Solar Thermal
Power Projects, Offshore-Wind Projects in addition to the RE
technologies covered in existing RE Regulations etc;

(C) Analysis and study on various alternatives and approaches for

determining the tariff principles and Regulatory options for RE

(D) Assistance in framing the terms and conditions for tariff

determination from RE sources as RE Tariff Regulations;

(E) Assistance in preparing tariff order for first year control period
of RE Tariff Regulations including preparation of tariff models for
each of the RE technologies.
A. Study and evaluate the cost of fuel for biomass and bagasse-based power

i) Compilation and analysis of primary and secondary information/data

from published reports/studies/ literatures on cost of fuel for biomass and
bagasse-based power projects in India;

ii) Recommendations on fuel cost, Calorific value, plant load factor,

auxiliary consumption to be used in determination of tariff for biomass and
bagasse based RE projects.

B. Benchmarking Technical and Operational parameters for RE Technologies

such as MSW Projects, Solar Thermal, off-shore wind: -

i) Study the policies and review the operational/ performance parameters and
financial norms pertaining to Waste to Energy, Solar Thermal, Offshore-Wind
based Power Projects in India and globally;

ii) Suggest benchmark costs and norms for operational and technical
parameters for MSW based Projects, Solar Thermal, Off -shore Wind Power

C. Analysis and study on various alternatives and approaches for determining

the tariff principles and Regulatory options for RE technologies

i) Review the existing tariff designs and tariff structures for renewable
generating stations considering the current market scenario.

ii) Collection of relevant details and information including but not limited to
capital cost, interest on loan, interest on working capital, Operation &
Maintenance (O&M), return on equity, depreciation, sourcing and cost of fuel,
land requirements and cost, cost of equipment and balance of plant, operation
and maintenance expenses, comparison of competitive bids and tariff
discovered for renewable energy projects at Central and State level, auxiliary
consumption, fuel calorific value and other fuel related specifications for
renewable projects;

iii) Review of the efficacy of the normative approach for allowing two-part
tariff for renewable generating stations.

D. Assistance in framing the terms and conditions for tariff determination

from RE sources as RE Tariff Regulations

i) To collate comments received from the stakeholders and to evaluate the

data collected from different institutions and studies undertaken above.

ii) To develop and recommend appropriate Tariff Structure, Tariff Design,

control Period and Financial norms for RE based Power Projects.
iii) To assist in formulation of draft Terms and Conditions for Tariff
Determination from Renewable Energy Sources Regulations 2023
(hereinafter referred as the “Draft Regulations”) along with Explanatory

iv) To assist in formulation of Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination

from Renewable Energy Sources Regulations 2023 (hereinafter referred to as
the “Final Regulations”) along with Statement of Reasons taking into
consideration the comments and suggestions received on the Draft
Regulations and views expressed during Public Hearing(s).

E. Assistance in preparing tariff order for first year control period of RE Tariff
Regulations including preparation of tariff models for each RE technologies

i. To assist in preparation of tariff models for each renewable technology and

scenarios based on the Final Regulations and Draft Tariff Order for the first
year of the control period.
ii. To assist in preparation of tariff models for each renewable technology and
scenarios and prepare Final Tariff Order for the first year of the control period
by taking into consideration the comments and suggestions received on the
Draft Tariff Order and views expressed during Public Hearing(s).

3.2 While providing assistance in preparing the Draft Regulations and

explanatory memorandum, the consultant shall keep in view the following.

(i) The Electricity Act, 2003, National Electricity Policy, Tariff Policy
and rules and guidelines issued by Government of India (GoI) under
the Electricity Act, 2003;
(ii) Various judgments pronounced by Appellate Tribunal for
Electricity (APTEL), Hon’ble Supreme Court and other judicial
pronouncements which may have a bearing on the new Regulations;
(iii) Deliberations during public hearings;
(iv) Comments and suggestions received on the Draft Regulations;
(v) Data furnished by various stakeholders; and
(vi) Commission’s viewpoint.

4. Deliverables and duration of the Assignment

4.1 The assignment shall comprise of the following items of work to be

completed as per the timeframe indicated:

Duration of the contract

4.1.1 The entire assignment shall be completed within a period of 120 days
from the date of issue of award. However, individual tasks should be completed
in a phased manner simultaneously as per time line given in subsequent

Timeline of deliverables
4.1.2 The Consultant will be required to submit reports on the following study
within 60 days from the date of award.

a) Detailed findings of the study including recommendations for

Fuels cost for biomass and bagasse-based power projects,
benchmarking norms for MSW based power projects and Solar
thermal Projects and new and innovative technologies etc.
b) Detailed findings and study including recommendations (either
in presentation form or report format as required by CERC) as
regards operational & performance parameters, approach for return
on investment in the renewable energy sector and other
infrastructure sector, treatment of depreciation and review of the
depreciation rate;
c) Analysis of Capital Costs parameters, O&M expenditure
norms, technical norms and financial norms for the proposed
d) Analysis and study on various aspects as mentioned in Section
3, collection of relevant details and information, study of alternatives
and approaches and back up analysis;
e) Recommendations and Assistance in preparation of Draft
Regulations for Terms and conditions for tariff determination from
renewable energy sources.

4.1.3 Analysis of the comments and suggestions received on the Draft

Regulations and requisite studies/ analyses as per instructions of the CERC
Secretariat to be completed within 10 days from date of public hearing on
the Draft Regulations and assist the CERC Secretariat in preparation of the
Final Regulations and Statement of Objects and Reasons thereon;

4.1.4 Development of tariff models for each renewable technology and

scenarios and preparation of draft Tariff Order for the first year of the control
period as per instructions of the CERC Secretariat to be completed within 10
days from date of notification of Final Regulations.

4.1.5 Analysis of the comments and suggestions received on the Draft

Tariff Order and requisite analyses as per instructions of the CERC
Secretariat to be completed within 10 days from date of public hearing on the
Draft Tariff Order and assist the CERC Secretariat in preparation of the Final
Tariff Order including Statement of Objects and Reasons thereon;

4.1.6 Adhere to timelines in any other analysis or submission of report/

presentation, as per the instructions of Secretary, CERC or any other
authorized representative, within the scope of the assignment.
4.2 The Consultant will be provided with following data:

a) Comments and suggestions received on the Draft Regulations.

b) Any additional information required, if already available with the

4.3 Information/ data required for the analysis of debt market, study of
various methods for rate of return etc. are to be arranged by the consultant on
their own.

4.4 The tariff models prepared by the Consultant shall be a property of t

the Commission after the completion of the assignment.

5. Payment Schedule:
5.1 10% of the professional fee as advance of the total fee of the study at the
time of signing agreement, subject to submission of an irrevocable Bank
Guarantee for equal amount. If advance is not requested by the Consultant, 10%
of the fee can be claimed at the end of the contract period on submission of the
final report.

5.2 20% of the professional fee on the submission of the inception report of the

5.3 20% of the professional fee on submission of first Draft Regulation along
with explanatory memorandum;

5.4 20% of the professional fee on submission of Final Regulation along with
Statement of Objects and Reasons (including all intermediate reports/ analyses)
of the study;

5.5 30% of the professional fee on successful completion and acceptance of

the Final Regulation, at the end of the contract period.

5.6 The Consultant shall provide an irrevocable Performance Bank Guarantee

of 10% of amount stipulated in the agreement at the time of signing the
agreement to be valid till 3 (three) months after the expiry of the agreement. In
the event of extension of assignment/ Contract, the Performance Bank
Guarantee shall be suitably extended by the consultant at its own cost and
extended Performance Bank Guarantee shall be made available to the CERC
within 7 days of receipt of such extension Information. Performance Bank
Guarantee will be kept as performance security and can be invoked to
appropriate against breach of any terms of this Agreement or for non-
5.7 The stage payment shall not be released in case of unsatisfactory work and
decision of CERC in this aspect shall be final.

6. Eligibility Criteria

6.1 The format of application is provided at Annexure – I and Annexure –

6.2 The consultant should have completed at least five completed
assignments in the last ten years which shall include:

(i) Assistance to SERC/JERC/CERC in the field of tariff determination

in respect of thermal/hydro or renewable generation projects

(ii)Assistance to SERC/JERC/CERC/FOR/MNRE for Renewable

Energgy in preparation of Regulations/Procedure/Study related to
renewable energy or advising on renewable energy issues.

6.3 The consultant must provide necessary document(s) for proof of

successful completion of the assignments from the respective client(s)
without which such assignment(s) shall not be considered for evaluation.

6.4 The bidder is expected to have complete knowledge of Electricity Act,

2003 as well as policies, Rules, Regulations and guidelines issued under the

6.5 The Consultant should have legal, regulatory and financial background.

6.6 The bidding consultant should not have been blacklisted/debarred by

the Ministry of Finance or the Ministry of Power (MOP), organizations under
the jurisdiction of MOP, or CERC or any SERC/ JERC. An undertaking in
this regard shall be given by the consultant in the format at Annexure-III

6.7 The applicant must have minimum annual financial turnover of Rs. 1
Crore during the last three years. Documentary evidence to this effect duly
attested by a Chartered Accountant should be submitted along with the bid.

6.8 The bidders who fulfil all of the above criteria shall be termed as eligible

7. Application and Evaluation Criteria

7.1 The technical bid or only the eligible bidder, decided as per clause 6 of
this TOR, shall be evaluated for selection of successful bidder.

7.2 Technical component will carry 70% weightage and financial evaluation
will carry 30% weightage.
7. 3 The bids of the eligible bidders, determined as per Clause 6 of this TOR,
will be scrutinized by Consultancy Evaluation Committee (CEC) and shortlisted
bidders will be called for interaction with the CEC (to be supplemented with a
presentation not exceeding 6 slides). Their technical performance will be
evaluated based on the following criteria:

S No Technical Parameters Marks

1 The Consultant’s relevant experience for the assignment 30

2 Understanding of the issues and approach to be followed 30
3 The qualifications and experience of the key staff (who 40
would actually be working on the project)
Total Technical Score 100

S. Maximum
Criteria for Technical Evaluation
No. Marks
The Consultant’s relevant experience for the
1 30
Experience in regulatory assignments on matters
involving Tariff Model, Tariff order, Tariff Regulation for
Renewable Energy Technologies in India in the last ten
(a) Max 30 marks
i) 20 marks for 5 completed assignment in last 10 years.
ii) 2 marks for each additional assignment in the last 10
Understanding of the issues and approach to be

2 (The marks would be awarded by the Consultancy 30

Evaluation Committee based on the understanding,
approach and methodology presented by the Consultant
during the presentation)
The Qualification and experience of the key staff (who
3 40
would actually be working on the proposed project)
Project Manager
Qualification Criteria - B. Tech with MBA/ Chartered/ Cost
& Management Accountant with 10 years or more
(a) experience in handling of various Acts/Regulations, Max 10 marks
technical, financial & commercial matters etc. related to
regulatory framework of power sector specially in
generation/renewable segment.
< 10 years of relevant experience – 0 marks
>Between 10-15 years of relevant experience – 5 marks
> 15 years of relevant experience – 10 marks
Technical Team Member
Qualification Criteria - B. Tech with MBA / M. Tech with 5
years or more experience in generation/renewable sector
(b) regulatory matters.
< 5years’ of relevant experience – 0 marks Max 10 marks
>Between 5-10 years of relevant experience – 5 marks
>10 years of relevant experience – 10 marks
Finance Team Member
Qualification Criteria - Chartered Accountant/ Cost and
Management Accountant/ MBA Finance with 5 years or
more experience in generation/renewable sector
(c) regulatory matters. Max 10 marks
< 5years’ of relevant experience – 0 marks
>Between 5-10 years of relevant experience – 5 marks
>10 years of relevant experience – 10 marks
(d) Tie ups with think tanks/Academic institutes/researchers 10 Marks
(having P.hd.) with research expertise in Regulatory
Matters (Renewable Energy)
Total 100

a) Actual CV has to be submitted for each of the proposed team members

b) Submission of competition certificate is essential. Where the applicant is

not able to furnish completion certificate, the applicant is required to submit
invoices raised, bill-wise details of payment received duly certified by the
Chartered Accountant, TDS certificate for all payments received and copy of
final / last bill paid by company in support of completion certificate.

c) Under a retainership project/ long term project/ multi-year project, tariff

petition/ tariff order assignments completed during a year shall be considered
as single assignment and can be quoted accordingly under 1(a) of the above
table “Criteria for Technical Evaluation”.

d) It is expected that the key members of the team proposed in the bid
document shall continue throughout the duration of the assignment. In the
event of any of the key members not being available for any reason, other
experts of the consulting firm with equivalent level of qualification and
experience shall be deployed. Failure to meet the criteria shall be construed
as non-compliance of the terms of assignment thereby making the consulting
firm liable for penal action as per agreement.
e) The minimum qualifying marks in the Technical Evaluation is 60% of the
total score for technical component.

7.4 Only those bidders, who qualify technically as clause 7.3 as the case may
be, would be considered for Financial Evaluation.

7.5 Weight for Financial Proposal with the lowest quoted price will be given a
financial score of 100 and other financial proposals would be given financial
scores that are inversely proportional to their prices.

7.6 The total score will be obtained by weighting the Technical and Financial

7.7 Only successful bidder would be communicated the award of consultancy


7.8 The right to reject any or all bids rests with CERC without assigning any

7.9 No requests for extension of date for submission of bids will be

entertained unless decided so by CERC.

7.10 The CERC will have an option to terminate the contract by giving a
notice of one month. In such cases, the Consultant shall be paid fees after
taking into consideration the part of work completed prior to such foreclosure,
termination or cancellation of the engagement as may be decided by the
CERC, and the decision of the CERC shall be conclusive and binding. The
fees so fixed and paid shall be deemed to be final payment in such cases.
The consultant shall abide by the terms and conditions of the Agreement
as per Annexure – IV.




1. Title of the Proposed Study:

2. Name and address of the Organization/ Institution:
3. Name & Designation of the authorised signatory:
4. Contact address of the authorised signatory: (e-
5. Turnover of the Organization/Institution
6. PAN No. of the Organization/Institution


1. Department/ organisation
1.1. Department(s) of the organization/Institution(s) where the study will
be carried out

1.2. Other department(s), if any, which will collaborate in this study

2. Brief review of the state-of-art in the field (National and International)
3. Detailed Approach & Methodology for undertaking the assignment
4. Facilities available for the proposed work in the applicant’s

5. Previous experience of the proposer in this or related field

S No Title of Duration of Organisation for Name of PI and
Assignment assignment which the study Team members of
was undertaken the study



6. Biographical sketch of the Study Team

6.1. Name of the staff
6.2. Designation in the Bidding/ proposer organisation
6.3. Date of Birth
6.4. Years of Professional Experience
6.5. Proposed position in this assignment
6.6. Number of Man days to be spent on this assignment
6.7. Field of major interest
6.8. Additional information (if any)
6.9. Academic Qualifications of the professional
S No Degree University/ Field/ Subject(s) Year

6.10. Experience of the professional:

S No Institution Title/ Topic of Position in the study Period
the studies

7. Capacity of the bidder/ proposer to impart training/transfer of knowledge





1.Title of the Proposed Study:

2. Name and address of the Organization/ Institution:
3. Name & Designation of the Key Person:
4. Contact address of the Key Person (email/fax/telephone):
5. Turnover of the Organization/ Institution:
6. Certificate of authorization in case of Institutes/other organizations (Format
enclosed at Annexure - VI).


Amount of Fee proposed for conducting the study:

Component Amount (Rs)

(Amount in Words
Rupees________________________________________ )
(Inclusive of

Signature of the authorised signatory


Declaration/ Certification


The Secretary,
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
3rd & 4th Floor, Chanderlok Building, 36, Janpath
New Delhi - 110001


I have carefully gone through the Terms & Conditions contained in the Terms
of Reference (TOR) regarding study report on “Terms and Conditions for Tariff
determination from Renewable Energy Sources Regulations,2023”. I hereby declare
that my firm has not been debarred/blacklisted by the Ministry of Finance or the
Ministry of Power (MOP) or organizations under the jurisdiction of MOP, or CERC or
any SERC/ JERC. I further certify that I am an authorised signatory of my
company/firm and therefore competent to make this declaration.

Yours’ sincerely

Name: _______________________

Designation: ___________________

Company/ firm: __________________

Address: _______________________

On Stamp Paper of Rs 100/-)


This AGREEMENT entered into on this --------day of-------------2023 [the date of the
agreement] BETWEEN [give the Name and full address of the Consultant] hereinafter
referred to as “the Consultant” or the party of the First part AND Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission represented by its Secretary having its office at 3rd and 4th
Floor, Chanderlok Building, 36 Janpath, New Delhi -110001 (hereinafter called
"CERC") or the party of the Other part.


A. the CERC, on being satisfied that there is a need

to engage consultants to undertake various studies
and to provide assistance in framing the Terms
and Conditions for Tariff Determination from
Renewable Energy Sources Regulations, invited
quotations vide notice [here give the No and date
of the notice]
B. the Consultant responded to the above notice and
submitted its quotations vide his letter [here give
the No and date of the quotation of the consultant
C. the CERC, on scrutiny of various quotations
received in response to its above-mentioned notice
dated [here give the date of the notice inviting
quotations] including the one received from the
Consultant has decided to engage the Consultant
for the above said assignment under the
provisions of the Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Appointment of Consultants)
Regulations, 2008 as amended from time to time
D. the Consultant has agreed, to take up the above-
said assignment through unconditional acceptance
vide Letter No. --------- dated----.


That the Parties to this Agreement have agreed to terms and conditions
mentioned below:

1. Definitions:

i. “Commission” means the Chairperson and the

members of the CERC including the Ex-officio
ii. “Confidential information” means any and all
information but not limited to the information
communicated to the consultant by the CERC.
iii. “Member” means a member of the CERC including
the Chairperson and the ex-officio member.
iv. “Person” shall include any company or body
corporate or association or body of individuals,
whether incorporated or not, or artificial juridical
v. “Secretary” means the Secretary of the

2. Nature of work: The Consultant shall be engaged in the area of assignment

as mentioned under (A) above in accordance with the Terms of Reference
(vide CERC notice ---------- dated --------) attached hereto which shall be
deemed to be a part of this agreement for all intents and purposes.

3. Commencement and duration of assignment: The above assignment shall

commence with effect from [the date of this agreement] and shall be valid
for a period of 120 days or within such other date as decided by the CERC.

4. Obligations of the Consultant:

i. The Consultant shall adhere to the timelines

specified in the Terms of Reference and submit
the deliverables to the CERC.
ii. The Consultant shall make presentations before
the Commission or any other person or
organisation as required.
iii. The Consultant shall ensure that the interim and
final findings of the study and the contents of his
interim and final reports to the CERC are
confidential information and shall not disclose it to
any person.
iv. The Consultant shall provide all reports and
calculations in report format as well as digital
format as per requirements of the CERC.

5. Entitlements of the Consultant:

i. The Consultant shall be entitled to payment of

such sum of money as provided in offer letter of
ii. The Consultant shall be paid as per Clause 6 of
Terms of Reference;
iii. In appropriate cases, part or full amount payable
will be released only after approval of the
deliverables by the competent authority authorized
by the Commission;
iv. The Consultant shall not be entitled to any other
remuneration or reimbursement or perquisites or
v. The Consultant will function from the office
premises of CERC.

6. Restrictive terms:

i. The consultant further affirms and confirms that

the current assignment is not and shall not be, in
conflict with any of its present obligations to any
party with whom he/she/it has association.
ii. The Consultant further affirms that he/ she/ it shall
hold all business information including confidential
information in confidence and with the same
degree of care he/ she/ it uses to keep his/ her/ its
own similar information confidential, but in no
event shall it use less than a reasonable degree of
care; and shall not, without the prior written
consent of CERC, disclose such information to any
person for any reason at any time.
iii. The CERC shall be entitled to, without prejudice to
any other right for civil or criminal proceedings,
receive from the Consultant a compensation for
the damages for violation by him/ her/ it of any of
the terms of the agreement which shall be limited
to the total fee of the assignment.

7. Performance Guarantee
The Consultant shall furnish an irrevocable Performance Bank Guarantee of
10% of value amount stipulated in the agreement at the time of signing the
agreement and shall be kept valid for 3(three) month after the expiry of the
agreement. In the event of extension of assignment/Contract, the Performance
Bank Guarantee shall be suitably extended by the consultant. The Performance
Bank Guarantee and/or the extended Bank Guarantee shall be kept as security
for performance of the contract/work and shall if need be, invoked for breach of
any of any of the terms of this Agreement and/or for non- performance by the

8. Liquidated Damages

The timelines for deliverables as per Clause 4, above shall be strictly adhered
by the consultant. The tasks should be completed in a phased manner and
overlapping of one or more study shall not be a constraint for adherence to the
timelines specified. In case of any delay in adhering to the timelines, of
completion of study and error/variation in submitted report, liquidated damages
shall be levied in the following manner.

8.1 Liquidated Damages for delay.

In case of delay, in completion of Report/Services in each
deliverables/schedule as per Clause 4, liquidated damages not exceeding
an amount equal to 0.5% (zero point five per cent) per week of the
Agreement Value, subject to a maximum of 10% (ten per cent) of the
Agreement Value will be imposed and shall be recovered from the
payments to be made as per schedule. However, in case of delay due to
reasons beyond the control of the Consultant, suitable extension of time
with no additional financial commitment shall be granted.

In addition to the liquidated damages as specified above, warning may be

issued to the Consultant for minor deficiencies noted by CERC. In the case of
non-completion of study/ assignment within the stipulated time or extended
time, as the case may be, the Performance Bank Guarantee shall stand
forfeited . In the case of significant deficiencies in services causing adverse
effect on the Project or on the reputation of CERC, other penal action including
debarring for a specific period may also be initiated.

9. Termination of contract:

At the option of the CERC:

i. With 1 week notice: The assignment may be

terminated by CERC, at any time, by giving 1 week
notice and after providing an opportunity to the
consultant/professional expert to offer satisfactory
explanation , if it has come to notice that the
Consultant has been convicted for an offence
involving moral turpitude or/ unethical professional
practices. In such context, Performance Bank
Guarantee amount will be invoked and encashed.
Further legal action may also be taken against
ii. With one-month notice: The assignment may be
terminated by the CERC, under any of the
following circumstance (indicated at (a), (b), (c)
and (d) below), by giving one month’s notice and
after providing an opportunity to the consultant to
offer explanation:
a. It has come to the notice of the CERC that
the Consultant or its professionals have
resorted to fraud or suppression of material
information or submission of false
information or unethical means to secure
the assignment;
b. It has come to the notice of the Commission
that there is a material change in the
circumstances of the Consultant based on
which the assignment was awarded such as
fall in the net worth criteria if any fixed for
the selection of the Consultant, cancellation
of the practioner’s license by the
professional body forming the basis of the
Consultant’s eligibility.
c. The Consultant has failed, without any valid
justification, to adhere to the timeframe
specified by the CERC in the assignment.
d. The Consultant has violated any of the
provisions of the agreement.
iii. The CERC and the Consultant have the option to
terminate the assignment on mutual consent by
giving notice of one month to the other. This is
however subject to adjustment of Liquidated
Damages imposed if any for error/variation or
delay in completion of the work schedule in that

10. Effect of termination: On pre-mature termination of the assignment

any time under the circumstances other than above mention in para 9.1 and
9.2 above, the CERC shall pay the consultant/professional expert, the
remuneration for the work performed by him/her/it till the date of termination
of the Contract subject to any Liquidated Damage imposed by CERC
as per Clause 8 of the agreement provided at Annexure – IV.

Provided that in case of any dispute as to what is the entitled remuneration

for the work the matter shall be referred to arbitration under the provisions
of this agreement.

11. Notice Any notice between the parties shall be in writing and posted to
the other party to the last known address.

12. Arbitration:

i. Any difference, dispute, claims which may arise

between the parties hereto as to the construction
or true intent and meaning of any of the terms and
conditions herein contained or as to any payment
to be made in pursuance hereof or as to any other
matter arising out or as to any other matter arising
out of or connected with or incidental to these
presents or as to the rights, duties and obligations
of any of the parties, such difference, dispute or
claim shall be mutually settled amicably by
arbitration through a sole arbitrator appointed by
the CERC.
ii. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance
with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or
any statutory amendments thereof. The venue of
such arbitration will be Delhi/ New Delhi.
iii. The Arbitration shall be in English language.

13. Jurisdiction:

In respect of any legal proceedings arising as a result of or relating to or

incidental to this agreement, the courts in Delhi/New Delhi alone shall have
exclusive jurisdiction
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties above named have executed this
Agreement of the day, month and year mentioned hereinabove.

Signed by, ……………. [Consultant or his/ her/ it Authorised Signatory] in the

presence of

Signed by,............................. on behalf of the CERC in the presence of

1. Witness
2. Witness

Annexure - V

(On Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/-)


This Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement entered into on this day

of --------2023 [here give the date of the agreement] BETWEEN [give the Name and
full address of the Consultant] hereinafter referred to as “the Consultant” or the party
of the First part AND Central Electricity Regulatory Commission represented by
(name and designation of the Officer) having its office at 3rd and 4th Floor
Chanderlok Building, 36 Janpath, New Delhi -110001 (hereinafter called "CERC") or
the party of the Other part:

A. Whereas CERC has undertaken a bidding process for

selection of a Consultant for the assignment of providing
assistance in framing the “Terms and Conditions for Tariff
determination from Renewable Energy Sources
Regulations, 2023 (hereinafter called “the assignment”)
in accordance with the provisions of the Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Appointment of Consultants)
Regulations, 2008 and its amendments thereof;
B. Whereas, CERC, after evaluation of bids, decided to
engage [name of Consultant] as the Consultant for the
said assignment and the said Consultant has agreed to
take up the above said assignment and has entered into
an contract agreement on [Insert date] for undertaking the
said assignment;
C. Whereas, CERC, desires to share business information
which inter-alia include CERC information or business
information of confidential or non-confidential nature to
the Consultant for the purpose of the assignment for
which the consultant agreed to enter into a confidential
and non-disclosure agreement;
D. Whereas, the said Consultant has agreed to enter into a
confidential and non-disclosure agreement in accordance
with Clause 9 of the Terms of Reference and Clause 6 of
the Contract Agreement dated (Insert Date of Contract
E. Whereas, CERC intends to lay down in writing the
obligations of the Consultant with respect to the handling
and disclosure of the Business Information shared with or
made known to the said Consultant by in connection with
the said assignment.


In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein,
the consultant, is legally bound and agrees as follows:

1. Definitions

a. “CERC Information or Business Information”

includes, but is not limited to, information relating
to tariff petitions, intellectual property, reply
affidavits/ rejoinders/ objections, written
submissions, technical and financial information,
sources of information, strategic decisions and
discussions, plans, data, methods and approach,
personnel and business relationships in respect of
the functioning of CERC etc.
b. “Commission” means the Chairperson and the
members of the CERC including the Ex-officio
c. “Confidential information” includes, but is not
limited to business information and includes all and
any information communicated to the said
Consultant in writing or orally by CERC:

Explanation: The Confidential Information shall not include any information

which (i) was already known to the Consultant prior to the time of disclosure
by CERC as evidenced by written records, (ii) or is available or becomes
available to the public, through any other source, other than through a
breach of this Agreement by the Consultant.

d. “Person” shall include any company or body

corporate or association or body of individuals,
whether incorporated or not, or an artificial juridical
e. “Secretary” means the Secretary of the
f. “Effective Date” means the date from which this
agreement is signed by the consultant;

2. The Consultant agrees that:

a. it shall use the business information including

confidential information or non-confidential
Information for the assignment and for no other
purpose whatsoever;
b. It shall take all necessary and appropriate steps to
keep the business information including
confidential and shall protect the confidential
Information including: (i) restricting access to all
confidential Information received, to those
employees who have a “need to know” and
advising such employees of their obligations to
handle the Confidential Information with the
highest degree of care and prudence to prevent
any violation of this Agreement; and (ii) not using,
disclosing, or allowing access to such Confidential
Information by any third party, except as
authorized by CERC in writing.
c. It shall be liable for any breach of this agreement
by any of its employees, employees of its affiliates
or subsidiaries and by any Consultant, agent, or
other third party to whom it has communicated the
said business information including confidential

3. Disclosure of information
3.1 If the Consultant becomes legally required to disclose business information
including confidential Information, or any part thereof, the Consultant will give
CERC prompt notice of such requirement. Upon such notice or request, CERC
shall either waive compliance to any of the terms of this agreement or if CERC is
unable to obtain any order prohibiting disclosure of such business information and
made known to the consultant, only then the Consultant shall disclose that portion
of the Confidential Information, which are necessary to ensure compliance of such
legal requirement.
3.2 Any business information including confidential Information that is disclosed
pursuant to a legal obligation as above shall maintain its confidential or restrictive
access character if the disclosure does not result in the information becoming
generally known or available to third parties, without restrictions on further
disclosure. The Consultant shall have the responsibility to show that the
information remains confidential based on the foregoing exceptions and must
inform CERC within forty eight hours from the date/ time of disclosure upon such

4. Rights on Information
4.1 The Consultant agrees that business information including confidential
Information is and will remain the property of CERC and all such Information in
tangible form and copies thereof will be returned promptly to CERC upon request
of officer in charge or at the end of the assignment. In case, the Consultant is
required to hold on to the confidential information in furtherance of the assignment,
such copy shall be maintained in a safe and secure location by the Consultant. No
use of such business information including confidential information is permitted
except as provided in this agreement, and the Consultant agrees not to rely upon,
in any manner, the said confidential information, except as authorized by this
agreement. No grant of any of the CERC's intellectual property rights, including
any license implied or otherwise, is given or intended to be given.
4.2 Any additional information provided by CERC to the Consultant for its
evaluation, together with the tariff petitions and the information obtained by the
Consultant as a result of the scrutiny and examination thereof shall also be deemed
to be confidential information and is subject to this agreement. The interim report
or analysis or deliverables made therefrom shall be returned or disposed of as
directed by CERC.

5. Effective date and termination of the Agreement:

5.1 This Agreement will be effective as on the Effective date of (Insert Date) and
will cover all the business information including Confidential Information disclosed
to the Consultant by CERC subsequent to such date. This agreement shall remain
valid for 2 years from date of final publication of RE Tariff Regulations and Tariff
5.2 The expiry of the agreement dated (Insert Date) does not give liberty to
Consultant to disclose any information shared/ disclosed by CERC and available
with the Consultant and/ or their employees and the Consultant shall indemnify
CERC to the extent of the breach of confidentiality and affecting the interests of
6. The Consultant acknowledges and agrees that the unauthorized
disclosure or any other violation, or any perceived violation of this agreement by
the Consultant will cause irreparable damage to CERC. The Consultant agrees
that CERC has the authority to prohibit the Consultant from any such disclosure,
attempted disclosure, violation or perceived violation without the necessity of
proving damage of its interests. The Consultant hereby agrees and indemnifies
and holds the CERC harmless from and against all or any damage, losses and
costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) resulting from any such actual,
attempted or threatened disclosure or perceived violation.
7. Neither this agreement nor anything disclosed or provided pursuant to
this agreement shall create or should be construed to create, in any manner, any
obligation to enter into any contract or business arrangement nor does it obligate
either Party to purchase any service or item from the other or offer for sale any
products using or incorporating Confidential Information.
8. The Consultant agrees and acknowledges that neither CERC nor its
officers, employees, assigns or advisors make any representation or warranty
(express or implied) as to the accuracy and completeness of Confidential
Information except as may be expressly represented or warranted in any
subsequent agreement concluded between the Parties.
9. This Agreement may not be amended or modified, nor may any right
or remedy of any Party be waived, except in writing and signed by such Party. The
waiver by any Party of the breach of any term or provision hereof by any other
Party will not be construed as a waiver of any other subsequent breach.
10. The rights and obligations of the parties pursuant to this Agreement
shall be in addition to and shall not derogate from either party’s obligations under
any other agreement between them. In the event of any conflict between any
provision(s) of this Agreement and those of any other agreement between them,
the more restrictive provision(s) shall apply and the interpretation of CERC in this
regard shall be final.

11. The Consultant affirms that the individual(s) executing this agreement
on behalf of the said consultant has the authority to bind the Consultant to the
terms hereof.
12. The Consultant acknowledges and agrees that each and every term of
this agreement is of the essence. If any one or more of the provisions contained in
this agreement should be declared invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect,
the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained in this
Agreement shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby so long as the
commercial, economic and legal substance of the transaction contemplated
hereby are not affected in any manner materially adverse to any Party. Upon such
a declaration, the Parties shall modify this Agreement so as to carry out the original
intent of the Parties as closely as possible in an acceptable manner so that the
purposes contemplated hereby are consummated as originally contemplated to
the fullest extent possible. However, the decision of CERC shall be final.

13. Arbitration:

13.1 Any difference, dispute, claims which may arise between the parties
hereto as to the construction or true intent and meaning of any of the terms
and conditions herein contained or as to any payment to be made in
pursuance hereof or as to any other matter arising out or as to any other
matter arising out of or connected with or incidental to these presents or as
to the rights, duties and obligations of any of the parties, such difference,
dispute or claim shall be mutually settled amicably by arbitration through a
sole arbitrator to be appointed by CERC.
13.2 The Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Arbitration
and Conciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory amendments thereof. The
venue of such arbitration will be Delhi/ New Delhi.

13.3 Arbitration shall be in English language.

14. Jurisdiction: In respect of any legal proceedings arising as a result of or

relating to or incidental to this agreement, the courts in Delhi/ New Delhi
alone shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties above named have executed this

Agreement on the day and month of the year mentioned hereinabove.

Signed by, ……………. [the Consultant] for on behalf of ……..] in the

presence of Witness


Signed by,................................ for on behalf of CERC in the presence of Witness

Annexure - VI


(Wherever applicable)

The undersigned agree to abide by the conditions of the grants and certify that
available facilities for proposed work shall be extended to the investigator/study team.

[Signature of Executive Authority [Signature of the


Investigator/of the Organisation] Head of the

Study Team]

(Name and Designation Date) (Name and

Designation Date)

Signature of Co-investigator Official stamp of


(Name and Designation)


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