BKD Project Share

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True felicity comes from giving. As the
season of Love and Generosity approaches,
QNHS-BKD started their first community service
to lend their hands to fellow young people outside
the school.

As one of the newest school organizations,

QNHS-Barkada Kontra Droga strives to conduct
and provide activities that promote awareness and
intervention in drug abuse and related issues.
Furthermore, it encourages students to make
productive use of their time and to participate in
alternative activities that advocate a healthy and
drug-free lifestyle.

Through Division Memorandum No. 770

Series of 2022, developing a project will no longer
be difficult. The School Governance and
Operations Division—Youth Formation Section
informed all secondary schools about the
recommended Barkada Kontra Droga (BKD)
chapters' programs, projects, and activities (PPAs)
for the school year 2022-2023.

To this end, the QNHS-Barkada Kontra

Droga (BKD) conducted a community outreach
program that included not only gift-giving for
needy young people but also a brief seminar on
the negative effects of illegal drugs and ways to
prevent drug misuse. This is one of the
recommended activities or projects selected by
this organization because it is perfectly suited for
their advocacy and the upcoming Christmas or
holiday seasons.
However, a meeting was held on
December 12, 2022, before the outreach program
began, and it was headed by the BKD adviser, BKD
officers, and some of its members who played
significant roles in this event.

Moreover, the BKD Christmas caroling was

one of the things agreed to be done before the
community service in order to raise additional funds
apart from the personal donations of the BKD
adviser. After two days of caroling around the
school campus, it was successfully accomplished
with the support of QNHS students and our

On December 19, the PROJECT SHARE

(Sharing Hands and Rejoicing in Enlightenment)
was held at 3 C’s Hall of St. Ferdinand Cathedral.
The QNHS adviser facilitated the event along with
the officers and our resource speaker, Mrs. Vimyr
E. Efondo, QNHS guidance counselor. We believed
that her expertise on the ill effects of drugs and drug
prevention would enlighten the minds of the
precious young people who would benefit from our

The following were the project share


1. to develop leadership skills by educating

and enlightening other young people about a
drug-free and healthy lifestyle
2. to appreciate the importance of
volunteerism in helping and serving others
3. to instill a sense of community
responsibility and sensitivity
Using questioning techniques, an offline
games, and collaborative activities

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