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Jennifer Winter 6/8/2023

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educator (TIU3)
The Effective Teacher as a person…

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Addresses students by name Practices self-reflection for improvement
Invests time before and after school Conducts 1:1 conversations with students
Dresses appropriately for position Models ethical/respectful behavior in all

Core Values (TIU3)

Preparedness – narrowed down from Caring – narrowed down from family,
collaboration, accountability, commitment, honesty, kindness, and ethics/morals
and dependability.

Preparedness and caring as my core values will impact me positively as a teacher. As a

teacher I will come to class prepared with lesson plans, engaging activities, and useful tools. I
Additional Notes:
will teach my students to be prepared: they will be held responsible for their actions and
behavior, they will be held accountable for their work, and they will understand the
consequences otherwise. I want to make sure they know I care about them, sharing in their
growth and successes, and working through their mistakes and failures. We will learn
Psychology 101 Review (TIU5)
Behaviorism Cognitivism Constructivists Humanism

Learning is a change Learning involves a Learner brings their Learner focuses on

in behavior caused by change in knowledge own past experiences human freedom,
external stimulus. stored in memory, not and cultural factors to dignity, and potential
Reward – encourages just a change in every situation. to study the person as
Punish – discourages behavior. Focuses on a whole. Deals with
Brief mental processes and Instruction should the social-emotional
Description: Bonus points – making associations. encourage students to side of learning.
incentive to do more discover principles for
work Analogies, themselves and Show and tell
Verbal reinforcement Mnemonics, linking curriculum should Counseling and social
concepts, imagery build upon prior work support
knowledge Taking care of basic
. human needs
Research projects, Learn best if fed, safe,
brainstorming, and supported at home
simulations and school.

Ivan Pavlov – classical Jean Piaget – reinforces Lev Vygotsky – Social Abraham Harold
conditioning, stimulus that nurturance (comfort) Interaction (nature vs. Maslow – Motivated
triggers an involuntary is suitable for the child and nurture) and Zone of by our basic need of
response adolescent’s stage of Proximal Development physical survival.
Theorists B.F. Skinner – operant thinking. If a child’s tasks (ZPD) zone btwn independent
conditioning, modify are too difficult they will vs. collaborative ability to Physiological Needs
behavior using positive not succeed which may perform a task Safety Needs
and negative affect them negatively, John Dewey – learning by Social Needs
reinforcement, psychologically, and doing to develop problem Esteem Needs
practiced extinction, emotionally. Four stages solving skills Self-Actualization
practiced intermittent to master to reach full Erik Erikson – personality Needs
reinforcement. potential. developed in 8 stages (Freud)
Albert Bandura – ppl go to notes
learn from one another Sensorimotor 0-2 Benjamin Bloom – classify
by observation, Preoperational 2-7 educational learning
imitation, and modeling Concrete operational 7-11 objectives into levels of
Attention, memory, and Formal operational 12+ complexity and specificity
motivation. Howard Gardner –
Bridge between knowledge measured in the
behaviorism and form of an IQ, multiple
cognitivism. intelligences.
Jerome Bruner – learning by
Notes: discovery, drawing on past
experience to discover new

Erik Erikson – Constructivist

Birth-18mos = Trust vs. Mistrust
18mos-3yrs = Autonomy vs. Shame
4-6yrs = Initiative vs. Guilt
7-12yrs = Industry vs. Inferiority
13-17yrs = Identity vs. Role Confusion
18-35yrs = Intimacy and Solidarity vs. Isolation and Love
35-55/65yrs = Generativity vs. Self-absorption or Stagnation
55/65yrs-death = Integrity vs. Despair
IGNITE the Brain for Learning – The Neuro Nine (TIU6)

Relationships – affirm and take Retrieval – access prior Re-exposing – how we order the
1. personal interest in student 4. knowledge, ask questions, 7. info for student learning until they
visual maps learn the concept
Rigor – best learning is just beyond
2. 5. Routing – the delivery of 8. Rehearsing – students practice
the grasp of learner, challenging instruction by the teacher
2. w/o or with minimal supervision
3. Relevance – what Ss know before 6. Retaining – process of moving 9. Reflection – data and feedback for
teaching new skill begins info from short to long term teacher to determine level of
memory learning success

Stages of Development (TIU7)

Social Emotional Physical Mental Characteristics /
Manage feelings, friends Mature motor control, can jump Self-sufficient in many routines, Ideas for activities: sorting, I-spy,
important, fear of dark & injury, with feet together, ball skills tells stories, copies complex obstacle courses, chores, relay races,
shares and cooperates, imaginary improve, ready to learn to ride a shapes, threads beads on a string, drawing pictures, cutting with
2 -4 yr olds friend, competitive, needs bike age 4 or 5, cuts with scissors can do 2-3 things at once, sorts scissors. Age 2 speak 50 words, by
structure to feel safe, develops on a line, stronger, longer, and objects by size and type, learning age 5 may use thousands of words to
understanding of rules, but taking leaner. letters, counting, and colors, learn carry on conversations and tell
turns still difficult. by playing, stating to think and stories. Age 2 walk upstairs and kick
reason. a ball, by 5 can dress/undress and
Out of home into friend group, Growth rate is now slow and write upper/lower case letters.
self=centered but interested in steady, muscle coordination is Can group in categories, logical
group activities, make believe uneven and incomplete, large thinking abut behavior, difficulty Briefly work on small muscle skills
stories, release tension thru muscles are easier to control than making choices and decisions, then return to larger more skilled
physical activity, more realistic small muscles, intense activity simple reasoning, learning to write muscles, learns best if physically
fears about school, social may bring temporary exhaustion, letters and numbers, read and write active, interested in the process of
relationships, family, loss of need 10-12 hrs of sleep, still – not skilled at 5, more self assured the project, involve both sexes in
5- 8 yr olds income, try out new behaviors, developing small muscle motor by 8, understand value and use of activities, thinking is concrete – use
positive attitude about school, see skills – writing, tying shoes money, think thru actions and the senses to experience things,
teachers as authority. situations, very curious, 20 min eager to try something new, sensitive
attention span. to criticism, strong desire for
Peer groups more important, loud, Range of height and weight affection, seek adult approval.
rude, moody, and sensitive with greater, girls becoming more Beginning to think abstractly, can
extremes in emotion, sibling critical of their physical plan for several weeks, can Emphasize active and group learning
rivalry, want to be more appearance, as coordinated as insightfully evaluate behavior, experiences, need short and
independent of adults, attitude adults but may have awkward attention span increases from straightforward directions, need
change regarding school. lapses, children may become 30min to several hours, developing guidance from adults to stay on task,
Growing independence and overstimulated when competing in sense of morals, need to know the do not answer all questions, let them
9-11 yr olds disobedience, sense of humor competitive physical activities. “WHY?”, act cooperatively with find answers on their own, recognize
develops, concepts of right and friends and strangers. and praise in front of peers and
wrong still building, strong parents, provide achievable
attachment to their own sex, activities, need adult support for
success improves self-image. decision making ability.
Abstract thinkers, enjoy cognitive
Want security provided by adults Rapid growth, uneasy feelings for activities, they need to be allowed Involve youth in deciding on group
while desiring to be independent those who have delayed puberty, to find solutions to their problems, rules, be willing to talk about
and free to be themselves, cope with ungainly bodies, learn from their mistakes, test physical change, accept the feelings
comfortable away from home. develop a new sense of physical ideas, and form opinions, still need they have, ease anxiety associated
Leadership experiences valuable – self, growth spurts, girls support and guidance from adullts. with a developing body, encourage
help with decision making skills, traditionally before boys. youth to work with older teens and
12-14 yr olds family is vital anchor, seek parent adults, discuss values and morals,
counsel, success is essential, Intense questioning and have group/peers encourage
comparison difficult. uncertainty, increased individuals, relate life skills to career
accountability for finances, choices.
Transition detaching from parents, Coordination and strength employment, relationships,
want to be adult, but not the skills, increase, rapid growth may cause sarcastic, arguing and reasoning Emphasize guidance and counseling
peer approval over adult approval, clumsiness and lack of skills improve, realize that current from adult leaders rather than
feelings of insecurity, anger, and coordination, self- conscious as actions can affect the future, able directions, emphasis on personal
frustration begin, close body changes – voice changes, to anticipate the consequences of development, in depth projects,
relationships with same gender, body hair, odor, acne,, large different options, evaluate establish a climate that is conducive
intense interest in opposite sex, appetites, more sleep, sweating, credibility of various sources of to encouragement, life planning
15-18 yr olds group acceptance. sexual desires, and fantasies info, challenge assumptions and guidance, consumer and financial
increase. solutions presented by adults. management, allow them to identify
their beliefs.
Hattie’s most effective influences on instruction (throughout SS)
Collective teacher efficacy
Self-reported grades
Teacher estimates of achievement
Cognitive task analysis
Response to intervention
Piagetian programs
Jigsaw method
Conceptual change programs
Prior ability
Strategy to integrate with prior knowledge
Teacher credibility
Micro-teaching video review of lessons
Transfer strategies
Classroom discussion

What is Academic Language? (SS1)

Academic Language is the oral, visual, and written language that students need in order to:
Understand (read, listen, think)
Communicate (listen, speak, write, connect)
Perform (think, read, write, listen, speak, create)

Strategies to teach the Vocabulary (SS1)

1. Using the Frayer Model 3. Games – Wheel of Fortune or Password

2. Word Walls/Interactive Word Walls 4. Repetitive exposure to words

Tomlinson’s Strategies for Differentiation (note at least 4) (SS2)

Flexible Grouping – Purposeful collaborative groups that allow teachers to match students to
necessary tasks and skill levels. Homogenous or heterogenous grouping based on the activity.

Tiered Instruction – Identify skills and lessons, then categorize lesson aspects into 3
tiers/groups based on knowledge 1) struggling students, 2) students who just need practice, and
3) advanced students

Effective Feedback – Process of teachers responding to student performance. Must be timely,

not critical, not harsh, not judgmental. Should be brief, to the point, and geared to help students

Anchor Activities – Independent, ongoing activities that students work on after completing
primary assignments. These activities help with classroom management and promote learning.
Marzano’s Strategies for Success (SS4 – SS9) – Provide 2 examples of each

Rally Robin – partner ping pong Think – Pair – Share questions to think
Round Table – scribe, map, moderator about, partner to discuss, share with class

Mind Maps/Concept Maps/Brainstorming Webs Anchor Charts – Concept in center, students add ideas,
linking skills, details, examples and clarifying info.

Venn Diagrams – connect new material to KWL Chart – what you Know, what you Wonder or
prior knowledge Want to learn, and what you Learned

Compare, classify, analogy, metaphor Contrast, T-chart

“Give me Five”, 5 fingers/5 words or Cornell notes – method of notetaking focus on

less/5 miutes, 3-2-1 Summary notes, comments/questions, and summarization.

Questions allow students to access

Cues are hints about the lesson content that help
previously learned information
keep all classrooms on track and focused. Signals.

Bloom’s Verbs and Technology Apps (SS9 and SS11)

Create generate, plan, produce, conclude, justify, decide

Canva (newsletters), Slides, PowerPoint, You Tube

critique, judge, revise, formulate, categorize, reorganize
Weebly (website creation), Google Chrome, Miro (online whiteboard)
break down, calculate, model, illustrate, correlate, infer
Sheets, Popplet (structuring), Google Photos
apply, predict, produce, provide, solve, choose, modify, discover, diagram, show, use
Sketchbook, Google Earth, Google Maps
explain, classify, estimate, summarize, infer, paraphrase, discuss
Keep, Voicethread
arrange, describe, order, name, memorize, define
Quizlet (Recalling), One Note, Bookmark
Components of a social emotional learning program (SS12)
Self-Awareness – ability to identify your emotions, tie thoughts and feelings to behaviors. Effect of their words and emotions on
other people. Conflict mediation, make different choice next time.
Self-Management – ability to self-motivate, self-control, regulate one’s emotions. Breathing exercises, brain breaks. Tool that
helps them deal with anger or resolve conflict in a less stressful way.
Social Awareness – about embracing diversity, showing empathy for others. Service projects, addressing social justice issues,
role playing.
Relationship Skills – important in project-based leaning, ability to work cooperatively with others to resolve conflict and handle
Responsible Decision-Making – considering the well-being for self and others. Evaluating the consequences for various
behaviors or actions. Shared agreements, one to one problem solving, students debate an issue.

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Teachers (SS13)

The Effective Teacher implements instruction that……

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Communicates clearly to engage students Incorporates technology to facilitate instruction
Provides a variety of feedback Has lesson plans that are learner-centered
Incorporates higher order thinking questions for Provides a variety of methods for learning:
deeper learning visual, auditory, kinesthetic.

Create a welcoming space (CBM3)

1. I will be standing outside the classroom door introducing myself and welcoming in the students. I will also ask
them to have out their class schedule to double check class and period.

2. I will have the desks labelled and a seating chart posted on the front white board with their names in alphabetical
order. As the students enter, I will invite them to find their names on the chart and find their desks.

3. I will have a PowerPoint ready with details about me as a person to explain who I am and ask them to think
about who they are and what they would like to share with me and the class for our “Who Am I” worksheet.

4. I will pass out the syllabus with a general outline of what we will be doing this year, what supplies are needed
for class, and what documents need to be filled out, signed, and returned.

5. We will spend a good amount of time going over the rules and procedures of class: expectations, kindness, and
respect for one another. We will also talk about the grading system.

6. Then we will end the class with a name remembering game. The students will gather in a circle and the students
will toss the soft foam ball to a classmate who must say their name when they catch the ball. We will continue until
everyone has had a chance to speak.
Lemov’s techniques to “Teach like a Champion” (CBM4)
1. Setting High Academic Expectations – Stretch It asking Ss to add depth to their answers, to “give more.”
Format Matters – Ss must answer in complete sentences using correct grammar

2. Planning that Ensures Academic Achievement – Post It making sure Ss know the objective for the day by posting it on
the board. Draw the Map controlling the environment by wisely grouping students through the seating chart.

Structuring and Delivering Your Lessons – I will implement The Hook, Name the Steps, Board = Paper, Circulate, and
3. Exit Ticket in my classroom.
Format Matters

4. Engaging Students in your Lesson – Cold Calls teacher asks someone unsuspecting for an answer, keeping the Ss on their

Creating a Strong Classroom Culture – Tight Transitions, SLANT (Sit Up, Listen, Ask Questions, Nod, Track the
5. Speaker), and Props.

Building and Maintaining High Behavioral Expectations – Do It Again a negative consequence when Ss don’t meet
6. standards, Threshold greeting students at the door, and No Warnings responding early before behavior becomes a problem

Building Character and Trust – Warm and Strict at the same time, Normalize Error make the Ss understand that errors
7. are an opportunity to learn and are OKAY

Four Questions to redirect behavior (CBM7)

1. What are you doing?

2. What are you supposed to be doing?

3. Are you doing what you are supposed to be doing?

4. What are you going to do about it?

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educators (CBM10)

The Effective Teacher establishes classroom management and organization that…

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Maintains a clean and orderly classroom. Displays consistency with rules and consequences

Has make-up work ready for absentees Sets clear, firm behavioral expectations

Maintains an up-to-date seating chart Establishes smooth transitions between activities

Categories of Disabilities in SPED (E4)
Characteristics Impact on Classroom
Autism Neurological disorder, cognitively Difficulty: sharing, noise, visual stimuli, non-verbal
range from gifted to delayed, id by age cues, volume control. Fidget, rock, flap, stimulate, or
3, 4:1 male to female ratio. echo. Struggle with abstract concepts and transitions.

Any combination of vision and Require info to be introduced systematically and

Deaf/Blindness hearing loss – not necessarily deliberately. Utilize the service of s specialized
completely deaf or blind. Wide range of Support Service Provider (SSP)
cognitive and developmental abilities.
Special seating, written supplements, eye contact,
Deafness ASL may be 1st language, English difficulty in articulation, social, emotional,
2 . Difficulty with speech, reading, and interpersonal skills lacking, frustration leading to
writing. Lip reading, hearing aids, or behavioral issues.
amplification system
Inappropriate behavior under ordinary
Emotional Disturbance Hyperactivity, aggression or self- circumstances, manifestation of physical symptoms or
injury, withdrawal, immaturity, fears, not able to maintain relationships
learning difficulties.

Articulation difficulties and Read lips or use ASL, wear hearing aids or FM
Hearing Impairment language delays, frustration, difficulty systems, need slower rate of speech and clear
with oral expression and enunciation, needs quiet environment and visuals
social/emotional skills.

Struggles with overall academics, Not working on grade level materials, not
Intellectual Disability attention, memory, making understand social norms, struggle with problem solving
generalizations, trouble interacting across all areas (academic and functional living skills)

Hampered speech and May require multiple services, use alternate

Multiple Disabilities communication skills, mobility communication methods, and require alternate
challenges, everyday task assistance, curriculum materials.
and medical needs.

Orthopedic Impairment Hard to generalize. Spinal cord May have no cognitive concerns, may be integrated
injury could have one side of body into general education setting all the time, may use
immobile or cerebral palsy may have assistive technology
movement but needs a wheelchair.

Other Health Impairment Chronic or acute health problems Having limited strength, vitality, or alertness,
such as asthma, ADD/ADHD, diabetes, including a heightened alertness to environmental
epilepsy, heart condition, hemophillia, stimuli results in limited alertness with academics.
leukemia, Touette syndrome, all can
adverly affect child’s education
Specific Learning Disability A disorger in one or more of the Slower reading rate, frequent spelling errors,
basic psychological processes may difficulty copying, memorizing basic facts, describing
impact reading, writing, oral language, events, and interpreting subtle messages.
math and study skills.

Speech or Language Impairment Articulation disorder, abnormal Have difficulties with comprehension, being
voice, fluency disorder, language understood, expressing needs, ideas, or info, struggle
disorder with social interactions, emerge at a young age, work
closely with speech pathologist
Concerns with memory and
Traumatic Brain Injury attention, social skills, emotional Struggle to process visual info, to follow multi-step
regulation, speech and language and directions, to communicate, with grade-level work, and
physical logic, problem-solving, and reasoning skills.

Visual Impairment Inc Blindness Spatial positioning, sensitivity to Struggle with short attention span, poor academic
bright light, poor hand eye coordination performance
ARD Timeline Activity (E5)

#1 Response to Intervention

Initial Referral
#2 Notice and Consent or Refusal to Provide
Initial Evaluation
Prior Written Notice Within 60
#3 Full Individual and Initial Evaluation

#4 Notice of ARD Meeting

#5 ARD/IEP Meeting
Prior Written Notice


#6 Annual ARD/IEP Review

Prior Written Notice

Notice and Consent for Reevaluation

#7 Must be notified 5 school days before evaluation
Three-Year Reevaluation

#8 Dismissal/Graduation
Prior Written Notice
Modifications and Accommodations (E6)
Quantity Time Level of Support
Definition Definition Definition
Adapt the number of items that the learner Adapt the time allotted and allowed for Increase amount of personal assistance to keep the
is expected to learn or number of student on task or to reinforce or prompt use of
activities student will complete prior to learning, task completion, or testing.
specific skills. Enhance adult-student relationship;
assessment for mastery. use physical space and environmental structure.

Example Example Example

These students may choose a task that These students may have more time in These students may be in a smaller group with
has fewer multi-action steps to class to work on their graphic organizer direct adult assistance guiding them instead of
incorporate in their demonstration. and their presentation. general monitoring of progress.

Input Difficulty Output

Definition Definition Definition
Adapt the way instruction is Adapt the skill level, problem type, or Adapt how the student can respond to
delivered to learner. the rules on how the learner may instruction.
approach the work.

Example Example Example

I can use enlarged text while I perform the These students may draw pictures of Students may restate or give their multi-step
I Do and We Do. I can use visual aids and instructions to me in a one-on-one setting or act
the steps of the task instead of writing the task out instead to prove understanding.
examples as I explain the multi-step
instructions. out all the steps. HOTQ’s answered verbally or easier questions.

Participation Notes:
Definition More Modifications
Alternate Goals – Adapt the goals or outcome expectations while using the same
Adapt the extent to which a materials. When routinely utilized, this is only for students with moderate to severe
learner is actively involved in the disabilities.
task. Substitute Curriculum (Functional Curriculum) – Provide different instruction and
Example: materials to meet a learner’s individual goals. When routinely utilized, this is only
The student may act out the steps of the for students with moderate to severe disabilities.
task instead of orally restating or giving
them, depending on the learning disability.

Types of Assistive Technology (E7)

Taaaaaaaaaayaaaaaapes AAAAAA
of Visual – eyeglasses,
1. Assistive Technologymagnifiers, Braille 5. Writing – Pen/pencil grips, word processors, word
(SP7CPE) screen reading software, text to wall, alternate keyboard, proofreading programs, speech
speech systems, large print materials. recognition software, word prediction software.
2. Listening/Hearing – hearing aids, personal 6. Organization and Memory – Graphic organizers, text
listening system using wireless transmitter, to speech, audio books, apps for reminders or
closed captioning notetaking.
3. Math – Calculators, talking calcul8ators, 7. Speech Communication – Voice amplification
electronic math worksheets, pen top system, communication board.
computers. 6 8. Mobility – Wheelchair, walkers, cane, crutches,
4. Reading – Audio books and publications, scooters, inflatable seat cushion.
CDs, MP3s, reading guides, Smart phone, E
reader, word processing
Venn Diagram of 504 and IDEA (E9)


Use the letters below and type them in the appropriate box above.

A) Requires written consent.

B) Must provide impartial hearings for parents who disagree with the identification, evaluation, or
placement of the student.
C) Enforced by U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education.
D) Requires that parents have an opportunity to participate and be represented by legal counsel –
other details are left to the discretion of the school.
E) An impartial appointee selects a hearing officer.
F) Describes specific procedures.
G) A hearing officer is usually appointed by the school.
H) No "stay-put" provisions.
I) Does not require that parents are notified prior to the student's change of placement, but they still
must be notified.
J) Provides "stay-put" provision (the student's current IEP and placement continues to be
implemented until all proceedings are resolved.
K) Enforced by U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights
L) Does not require parental consent.
P) Parents must receive ten days' notice prior to any change in placement.
Suggestions for working with Students in Poverty (E12)

Boost the self-esteem of Ss that live in poverty by praising Keep your expectations for poor students high,
their school successes instead of what they own. poverty does not mean ignorance.

Listen to your disadvantaged Ss. They need a strong Have a bank of shared supplies for your Ss to borrow
relationship with a trustworthy adult if they are to succeed. when they are out of materials for class.

Act quickly to stop harassment if Ss are taunting their Explain the rationale for rules and procedures in your
disadvantaged peers. classroom. Ss who live in poverty may not always
know the correct behaviors for school situations.

Guthrie and Humenick Strategies to increase reading motivation (R4)

1. Provide content goals for reading that gives students a question or purpose for reading.

Support student autonomy – give the student choices: what to read, control over which subject to
2. pursue, and whether to work alone or with a group.

Provide interesting texts to increase motivation, comprehension, and achievement.

Increase social interactions among students related to reading, collaboration by reading together,
sharing information, maintaining accountability, and fostering a sense of classroom community.

Reading Strategies to Strengthen Literacy Skills (R8)

Before reading Helps with phonological awareness

Rhyming Games and identifying rhyme units, helps with
Small group or Whole class
reading and spelling.

Choral Reading During reading Builds fluency, self-confidence,

Small group or Whole class motivation and gives support.

Collection of vocabulary words

Before/During/After reading displayed on the classroom wall that
Word Walls Whole class students can refer to assist with
Echevarria et al.’s -Making content comprehensible for ELL students (R9)
Write at least 3 strategies / techniques that you could easily implement in your classroom for your content

1. Prepare the lesson Graphic Organizers, Outlines, Highlighted Text, Marginal Notes, Leveled Study Guides

2. Build background Content Word Wall, Personal Dictionaries, Word Sorts, Visual Vocabulary

Appropriate Speech, Step-by-Step Explanation of Academic Tasks,

3. Make verbal communication understandable and Techniques including pre-teaching vocab, scaffolding, and

4. Learning strategies (this one should be easy!) Think-Alouds, Mnemonics/Acronyms, Graphic Organizers, and
Thinking and Questioning Cube
Different Grouping Configurations: whole, small, partnering, Cooperative Learning:
5. Opportunities for interaction info gap, jigsaw, headlines, Waittime: confer with table, list of choices, express
thoughts fully.
Hands-on Materials and Manipulatives: short chunks, review often, Application of Content
6. Practice and application and Language Knowledge: personally relevant, modeling, Integration of Language Skills:
RWLS (lesson includes Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking)

7. Lesson delivery Content Objectives, Language Objectives, (both stated orally and written on the board) to provide
focus, structure, direction and evaluation, Engaged students: efficiently planned class time.

8. Review and assess Review of Key Vocabulary, Review of Key Content Concepts, Providing Feedback

Reflections on the Reading STAAR (TL4)

1. I can see how a student may get the definition of wistfully wrong. Wistfully means regretful longing. The narrator was
“wistfully watching excited festival attendees”. The answer choices did not include anything about longing. A student may
misinterpret wistful to being anxious to go to the parade, or even curious about the excited festival attendees.

2. I can see how a student may get the question about Eric’s main conflict incorrect. If the student has not been properly taught
about the difference between main conflict and minor conflicts in a story they may be confused. The student may think that
not knowing the names of the regular customers which was introduced at the beginning of the story and revisited at the end of
the story, may jump out to them as the best answer.

3. I can see how a student may misinterpret the passage that includes figurative language. The student may focus on the words
tidal wave of customers. If they do not finish reading that the tidal wave trickles to a stream, they will not answer the question
correctly. They also need to understand what the definition of manageable is to understand that answer choice.
Reflections on the Math STAAR (TL4)
1. I probably would have gotten the problem with the interquartile range incorrect if it was not for the refresher video just before
I took the sample STAAR test. Some students may get this wrong because there are multiple steps involved to get to the
answer. They need to write out each trailer’s length, separate into two evenly numbered quartiles, then find the median for
each quartile, and finally subtract Q3-Q1 to find IQR. Too many steps may confuse the student or make them question their

2. A student may get question 4 wrong if they do not understand how to find how much money the carpenter makes for one unit
(one hour) of work. Then they also need to know how to interpret tables. None of the tables show 18 hours and $720. After
finding how much the carpenter makes per hour, they need to know how to plug in different numbers to create and find the
correct table.

3. A student may get the question about an engine operating at 25% of its full power wrong if they do not know how to divide
parts of a whole to get the percentage. They need to take the time to count how many dashes are on the number line, then see
where the point is, take the point and divide it by the total dashes on that line for each of the possible answers. Some students
may just look at where the point is and guess or estimate instead of working the problem.

Jimmy’s Report Card (TL6)

(Complete the calculations in all the colored boxes)

Mathematics NAME: Jimmy

Teacher Grades
Unit Test scores Benchmark
9 wks 1 grading Period Standards Percent Absences
average Grade

Unit 1 8.2 76 75 62 0
unit 2 8.3 86 83 75 1
Unit 3a 8.4 92 94 95 0
Unit 3b 8.5 68 71 55 4
Average Percent 80.5 80.75 71.75
Weighted Average
30% = 0.3
Value 40%= 0.4 30%= 0.3
Weighted Percent 24.15 32.3 21.53

Final Percent 77.98

C10 + D10 +
Final Letter Grade C+ E10
Three professional goals for my classroom (TL8)
1. I will attend training sessions, attend continuing education classes, and collaborate with other faculty to
improve my abilities and increase my expertise as a teacher. (Teacher Development)

2. I will develop critical thinking in students by incorporating high-yield instructional strategies in my

lessons. I will utilize cooperative learning, advanced organizers, content objectives, and integrate
technology to assist in promoting the students higher order thinking skills.

3. I will learn to create both formative and summative assessments that accurately measure the knowledge
and skills taught in each lesson, that will provide feedback on student retention and help me reflect on
lesson success.

Vision of an Educator (TL11)

Reflect on the 5 elements posted in the assignment to create your Vison statement:
Marzano’s high yield instructional, research-based strategies will be implemented in my classroom:
cooperative learning, advance organizers, summarizing and notetaking. I will also start class with clear
objectives and challenge the students by asking higher order thinking questions.
The technology used in my classroom will be the one-to-one personal laptop computer, the Smartboard,
and I will also utilize game learning. The students will learn to use the personal computer to create Word
documents and Power Points, they will research topics utilizing the internet, and work on Canvas, which is a
web-based learning management system. The Smartboard is an interactive white board that can project
lessons, graphic organizers, and video to aid students in comprehension, notetaking, and learning. I will
apply game learning such as Gimkit, Kahoots, Quizlet, and Blooket to enhance learning in a fun and
enjoyable manner.
Student success will be achieved by following Madeline Hunter’s lesson cycle: 1)Purpose/Objective,
2)Anticipatory Set, applying background knowledge, 3)Input, vocabulary and skills, 4)Modeling, the “I do”,
5)Guided Practice, the “We do”, 6)Check for Understanding, 7)Independent Practice, the “You do”, and
8)Closure, review.
Behavior Management will be attained by creating a contract between the students and myself on the
expectations desired in my classroom. I will also involve parents/guardians in my expectations regarding
rules, procedures, grading, etc., and have that document signed by parent/guardian and student. The non-
negotiables will be treating each other with respect and be kind to one another - to promote a positive
environment, be prepared for class, use class time wisely, and always do your best.
To ensure that all students have and equal opportunity to master learning, I will set achievable goals,
give the students choices, I will encourage an inclusive environment, and accommodate for differentiation in
learning styles and disabilities.
Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educators (TL12)
The Effective Teacher as a professional…..

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Collaborates with the dept, parents, and admin. Designs and implements quality lessons
Maintains an up-to-date calendar Submits required reports and paperwork on time
Is prepared for emergencies in the classroom Maintains a positive attitude in difficult situations
Is available for tutoring, before and after school Conducts parent meetings in a proactive manner

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educators (TL12)

The Effective Teacher monitors student progress and potential by…

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Displaying consistency in grades – no extremes Collecting, reviewing, and analyzing student data
Distributing student progress reports in a Using data to inform short- and long-term learning
professional manner goals
Conducting assessment after each lesson Implementing formal and informal assessments


A. List 14 approved CTE Programs of Study (also known as Career Clusters) from the TEA CTE page.
B. List a CTSO for each Career Cluster from the Texas CTE page.

1. A. 2. A. 3. A.

B. B. B.

4. A. 5. A. 6. A.

B. B. B.

7. A. 8. A. 9. A.

B. B. B.

10. A. 11. A. 12. A.

B. B. B.

13. A. 14. A.

B. B.

15. Who is the state contact for your specific career cluster? Include career cluster, Name and email:

16. List at least three Industry based certifications that students could achieve in your specific career

17. While on the Texas CTE website, in the Career Cluster pages for your specific cluster, list at least
three resources that are housed here for teachers.

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