Law On Advanced Corporate Contracts
Law On Advanced Corporate Contracts
Law On Advanced Corporate Contracts
Intellectual Property can be defined as inventions of the mind, innovations, literary and artistic
work, symbols, names and images used in commerce. The objective of intellectual property
protection is to encourage the creativity of the human mind for the benefit of all and to ensure
that the benefits arising from exploiting a creation benefit the creator. This will encourage
creative activity and give investors a reasonable return on their investment in research and
IP empowers individuals, enterprises, or other entities to exclude others from the use of their
creations. Intellectual Property empowers individuals, enterprises, or other entities to exclude
others from the use of their creations without their consent.
1. Earlier only goods and services covered was by the way of registration, but in this Act
the infringement has broaden the meaning as it also includes unauthorised use of
similar mark or confusingly similar mark where the goods and services which are very
similar and create confusion or chance of confusion stands.
2. Even though where the unauthorised use of trademark is made of any well known
trademark of India and the interest of the owner is any way infringed, the action of
infringement can be taken against the same.
3. Further, it gave more power to police by authorising them to seize infringing material
without any warrant issued.
1. definition of the terms “article”, “design” has been given vide scope.
2. the scope is given to the term “prior publication”.
3. Introduction of provision for delegation of powers of the Controller to other officers
and stipulating statutory duties of examiners.
4. Provision of identification of non-registrable designs.
5. Provision for substitution of applicant before registration of a design.
6. Substitution of Indian classification by internationally followed system of classification.
7. Provision for inclusion of a register to be maintained on computer as a Register of
8. Provision for restoration of lapsed designs.
9. Provisions for appeal against orders of the Controller before the High Court instead of
Central Government.
10. Revoking of period of secrecy of two years of a registered design.
11. Providing for compulsory registration of any document for transfer of right in the
registered design.
12. Introduction of additional grounds in cancellation proceedings and provision for
initiating the cancellation proceedings before the Controller in place of High Court.
13. Enhancement of quantum of penalty imposed for infringement of a registered design.
14. Provision for grounds of cancellation to be taken as defence in the infringement
proceedings to be in any court not below the Court of District Judge.
15. Enhancing initial period of registration from 5 to 10 years, to be followed by a further
extension of five years.
16. Provision for allowance of priority to other convention countries and countries
belonging to the group of countries or inter-governmental organizations apart from
United Kingdom and other Commonwealth Countries.
17. Provision for avoidance of certain restrictive conditions for the control of
anticompetitive practices in contractual licenses.
Trade Secrets:
A confidential business information that provides a business an edge to a competition can be
considered as Trade Secret. Such information can be both manufacturing and commercial secret.
A trade secret can be protected for an unlimited period of time but a substantial element of
secrecy must exist so that, except by the use of improper means, there would be difficulty in
acquiring the information. Considering the vast availability of traditional knowledge in the
country, the protection under this will be very crucial in reaping benefits from such type of
Utility Models:
A utility model is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which allows the right holder to
prevent others from commercially using the protected invention, without his authorization for a
limited period of time. In its basic definition, which may vary from one country (where such
protection is available) to another, a utility model is similar to a patent. In fact, utility models are
sometimes referred to as “petty patents” or “innovation patents.”
Only a small but significant number of countries and regions provide the option of utility model
protection. At present, India does not have legislation on Utility models.
The main differences between utility models and patents are the following:
The requirements for acquiring a utility model are less stringent than for patents. While the
requirement of “novelty” is always to be met, that of “inventive step” or “non-obviousness” may
be much lower or absent altogether. In practice, protection for utility models is often sought for
innovations of a rather incremental character which may not meet the patentability criteria.
The term of protection for utility models is shorter than for patents and varies from country to
country (usually between 7 and 10 years without the possibility of extension or renewal).
In most countries where utility model protection is available, patent offices do not examine
applications as to substance prior to registration. This means that the registration process is
often significantly simpler and faster, taking on an average six months.
Utility models are much cheaper to obtain and to maintain. In some countries, utility model
protection can only be obtained for certain fields of technology, and only for products but not for
Utility models are considered suitable particularly for SMEs that make “minor” improvements to,
and adaptations of, existing products. Utility models are primarily used for mechanical
The “Innovation patent,” launched in Australia some time back was introduced as a result of
extensive research into the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises, with the aim of
providing a “low-cost entry point into the intellectual property system.”
To conclude, the various modifications and amendments to earlier Intellectual Property Laws are
an indication of India’s move towards new IPR regime so as to prepare ourselves for the global
trade competition.
1. Transfer of Copyrights
All the matters relating to copyrights are governed by the Copyrights Act, 1957. The act recognizes the
transfer of copyrights through both the modes i.e. License and Assignment.
1.1 License
· According to Section 30 of the act enables the owner of the work to grant any interest in the right by
license in writing. The same section also provides that the prospective owner can also transfer rights of
future work, but the licence shall take effect only when the work comes into existence.
· It must be in writing and duly signed in order to be valid and it must specify the duration, nature of the
work, and its geographical extent.
· Non Exclusive license can be granted to one or more persons.
1.2 Assignment
· Section 18 of the Copyrights Act, 1957 allows the first owner and the original creator of the work to
assign the IP right to somebody else either wholly or partly and he can also transfer rights of future
work, but the assignment shall take effect only when the work comes into existence.
· Going by Section 19, it is mandatory for the agreement to be writing and duly signed in order to be
valid. The assignment must specify the duration and territorial limits of the assignment. If the period
and territorial limits of the assignment are not stated, the period shall be deemed to be five years from
the date of the assignment and the territorial extent should be presumed within India.
· Moral rights are independent of the author’s copyright and shall remain with the author even if he has
assigned his copyright. He has right to claim damages if his original work is distorted, mutilated or
modified and when his goodwill is being harmed.
Recently, Hon’ble Bombay High court in Piyush Subashbhai Ranipa v. The State of Maharashtra,
anticipatory bail application No 336 of 2021 while rejecting the bail applicant has decided this
issue. The Hon’ble court opined that the offences under Section 63 of the Copyright Act and
under SE 103 of the Trademark Act are non-bailable. It has considered the relevant provisions
under copyright law and trademark law which clearly prescribes punishment up to three years.
That means the possibility of imposing a sentence of exactly three years is there. And therefore,
such offences would be non-bailable. Accordingly, the Court held that the offences under Section
63 of the Copyright Act and 103 of the Trade Marks Act are non-bailable and cognizable.
Criminal procedures
Being cognizable category of offences, an offence under the Trade Marks Act, 1999 and the
Copyright Act, 1957 can be investigated and inquired by the police by mere registration of an FIR
without the adjudication by the Magistrate upon the issue. Further under Section 115(4) of the
Trade Marks Act, 1999, an opinion from the registrar of TradeMarks is compulsory for a criminal
action with regard to trademarks. But the same involves several procedures. Thus, instead of
filing an FIR before a police officer, a direct criminal complaint before the magistrate would be a
more effective option wherein the prerequisite of obtaining an opinion from the Registrar of
TradeMarks can be waived off. Further, under Section 93 and Section 94 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure, 1973 one can request for initiation of a search and seizure proceedings against
known and unknown persons.
Arbitration is like a court procedure because the parties submit evidence similar to a trial
where the third party hear the entire situation and give his decision which is binding upon
the parties. In the case of Collins v Collin, the Court held that “An arbitration is a
reference to the decision of one or more persons, either with or without an umpire, of
some matter or matters in difference between the parties.” an arbitrator listens to the
evidence which is brought by both parties and makes a decision which is generally
binding upon both parties. Arbitration means getting an arbitral award on an ongoing
conflict, by the arbitrator. In the process of arbitration, the cause is heard and determined
between the parties in a dispute before the person selected by the parties or appointed
under statutory authority i.e., The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The objective of
Arbitration is to settle the dispute which arose between the parties by one or more
arbitrators appointed by them by going through the documents and evidences. According
to Kurt Brenn “The objective of arbitration is not compromise but adjudication through the
parties are at liberty to comprise.” A wise arbitrator would certainly promote such
agreement, but as a rule there is no zest, if there is compromise in arbitral awards. While
taking a decision in arbitral matter, the arbitrator must consider the fact that the decision
imparted by him must be in the interest of principle of natural justice.
Arbitration can be done by voluntary or compulsory method. In Voluntary arbitration, if a
dispute arose between the two Parties and they are unable to resolve their differences by
themselves, thereby the parties agreeing to present their Dispute to the fair authority and
the decision will be binding upon both parties. Whereas Compulsory arbitration, is the
method where the parties are required to accept arbitration without any willingness on
their part. When one party in any industrial dispute feels aggrieved by the act of the other
party, it may approach the appropriate government to refer the dispute to any
organization of adjudication for the settlement. The arbitrator or arbitral tribunal consists
of a neutral person or persons responsible for resolving the dispute that the parties have
submitted before them.
Conciliation means settling disputes without litigation. It is an informal process in which
conciliator i.e. third party tries to bring the disputants to agreement. He overcomes the
disputable issues by lowering the tension, improvement in communication, interpreting
issues, providing technical assistance, exploring potential solutions and bringing the
negotiated settlement before the parties. Conciliator adopts his own method to resolve
the dispute and the steps taken by him are not strict and legal. There is no need of
agreement like arbitration agreement. The acceptance of settlement is needed by both of
the parties.
Part III of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 deals with conciliation. it is a
voluntary proceeding where parties in dispute agree to resolve their dispute through
conciliation. It is a flexible process which allows the parties to decide the time and place
for conciliation, structure, content and terms of negotiations. In Conciliation, the
conciliators are trained and qualified neutral person who help the conflicting parties to
make them understand the issues in dispute and their interest to reach mutually accepted
agreements. The conciliation process includes the discussion between the parties which
is made with the participation of the conciliator. It covers many disputes like industrial
disputes, marriage disputes, family disputes etc. This allows the parties to control the
output of their dispute. The result is also likely to be satisfactory.
Conciliator is the third party who is involved in settling the dispute of the parties.
Generally, there is one conciliator for the settlement but there can be more than one
conciliator, if the parties have requested for the same. If there is more than one
conciliator then they will act jointly in the matter. Section 64 deals with the appointment of
conciliator which states that if there is more than one conciliator then the third conciliator
will act as the Presiding Conciliator.
Kinds of Conciliation
1. Voluntary Conciliation- In this method parties can voluntarily participate in the
process of conciliation for resolving their dispute.
2. Compulsory Conciliation- If parties do not want to take the opportunity of
voluntary conciliation then they can go for compulsory conciliation. In this
method, if the parties do not want to meet the other party to resolve the dispute
then the process is said to be compulsory. This method is commonly used in
labour cases.
Mediation is one of the alternative dispute resolutions which are voluntary and informal
process for resolution of disputes. Mediation is a process which is under the control of
the parties. The mediator acts as a middle person who helps to come on a negotiated
common point of their dispute. They are trained professionals or sometimes attorneys
who assist the parties in dispute to meet at a common place where they can discuss their
issues and can try to negotiate to reach at a common output. A mediator uses special
kind of conversation and communication to resolve the parties dispute.
The parties can appoint the mediators themselves with mutual consent or the court may
appoint the arbitrators in pending litigation. In Mediation, the parties are the decision
makers. Mediators don’t decide what is right or wrong or what is fair or unfair. Mediator
can’t impose his opinion upon the parties but he can suggest and help the parties to
reach a mutual accepted agreement. Mediators may hold joint meetings or can meet with
the disputed parties together or separately and can suggest some possible solutions,
provide options to compromise, or provide advice and guidance but they cannot impose
their opinion or try to solve the dispute forcefully. In mediation, both parties are
responsible for reaching the outcome. The role of the parties in mediation is not to
convince the mediator but to come up with a common solution which is acceptable by
both the parties.
Mediation is an informal method of settling disputes, while it consists of basic rules or
procedures. The decision of the mediation is non-binding upon the parties. If the disputed
parties have agreed for the process of mediation then it is not binding upon them to
agree upon the proposed opinion of the Mediator. The mediator can suggest, give
opinions and can tell what to do or what not but he can’t force the parties to attend the
mediation if they are not interested to continue.
Mediation can be divided into two categories which is commonly followed in India:
1. Court referred mediation
The court may refer the pending case to a mediator for mediation if they think there is
possibility for the settlement of the case. The act of referring cases is given in Section 89
of the civil procedure code, 1908. These kinds of mediation are used in matters like
divorce cases or cases which deals under Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881.
2. Private mediation
In this kind of mediation, the professional and trained person works as Mediator. The
general public, government authorities, personnel from corporate sector or anyone from
court can approach them for settling their dispute through mediation.
Salient features of Arbitration and Conciliation Act
1. Replacement of three old statutes: The Act is a consolidation of three laws of arbitration
previously in force – viz, the Arbitration Act, 1940, the Arbitration (Protocol and Convention) Act,
1937, and the Foreign Awards (Recognition and Enforcement) Act, 1961 into one enactment.
Though the three Acts have been consolidated the provisions regarding each of the acts have been
kept distinct within the 1996 Act.
2. Necessity of Arbitration Agreement: The Act emphasizes the importance of the Arbitration
agreement without which arbitration proceedings cannot be instituted. The arbitration agreement is a
clause in a contract or an agreement between parties stating that any dispute will be referred to
arbitration proceedings. The Act mentions that the arbitration agreement or arbitration clause must
contain the following information - the subject matter of dispute, the timing of dispute
(past/present/future), number of arbitrators, qualifications of arbitrators, jurisdiction, and composition
of the tribunal.
3. Application to Domestic and International Arbitration: The Act provides the procedure not only
for domestic arbitration but also includes International Commercial Arbitration. The 1996 Act is a law
that relates to the enforcement of foreign Arbitration awards and ensures greater autonomy in the
process of arbitration and puts a limit on the intervention of the judiciary.
4. Procedural Advantage: Arbitral Tribunal has full powers to decide the procedure to
be followed unless parties agree on the procedure to be followed. The Tribunal also has
powers to determine the admissibility, relevance, materiality, and weight of any
evidence. The place of arbitration will be decided by mutual agreement. However, if the
parties do not agree to the place, the same will be decided by a tribunal. Similarly,
language to be used in arbitral proceedings can be mutually agreed upon. Otherwise,
Arbitral Tribunal can decide. The Act allows parties to choose the substantive law to be
applied by the arbitration tribunal and this must also be mentioned in the arbitration
5. Party Autonomy: The concept of party autonomy is the central theme of the Act. The
expressions used in the Act – 'unless otherwise agreed by the parties', 'with the
agreement of parties”, if the parties in dispute have expressly authorized' etc.,
strengthens the idea of party autonomy.
6. Minimal Interference by Judiciary: One of the major defects of earlier arbitration law
was that the party could access court almost at every stage of arbitration – right from the
appointment of an arbitrator to implementation of the final award. Thus, the defending
party could approach the court at various stages and stall the proceedings. Now, the
approach to court has been drastically curtailed. In some cases, if an objection is raised
by the party, the decision on that objection can be given by Arbitral Tribunal itself. After
the decision, the arbitration proceedings are continued and the aggrieved party can
approach Court only after Arbitral Award is made.
8. Reasoned Award: The award must be in writing and signed by the members of the
Arbitral Tribunal. It must state the reasons for the award unless the parties have agreed
that no reason for the award is to be given. Previous to this Act reasoning of the award
by the arbitrator was not mandatory. CD
9. Enforceability of Award: Under this Act, every final arbitral award is enforceable as a decree
of the court of law and not required to be made a “rule of court”.
10. Over-Riding Effect of the Act: Section 5 of the Act clarifies that notwithstanding anything
contained in any other law for the time being in force, in matters governed by the Act, the judicial
authority can intervene only as provided in this Act and not under any other Act.
11. Applicability of the Limitation Act: For this purpose, the date on which the aggrieved party
requests another party to refer the matter to arbitration shall be considered. If on that date, the
claim is barred under Limitation Act, the arbitration cannot continue. If the Arbitration award is
set aside by Court, time spent in arbitration will be excluded for purpose of the Limitation Act.
12. Aligning Procedure with the UNCITRAL Model Law: The Act has been enacted taking
into account the United Nation's Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Model
Law and UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules. This promotes unification and harmonization of
International Tarde Law by harmonizing concepts of Arbitration and Conciliation of the legal
system of the world. .
13. Clear Distinction Between Arbitration and Conciliation: The provisions that relate to the
process of Arbitration are contained in Part I which includes Chapters I to IX, while the
provisions that relate to the process of Conciliation are dealt with in Part III that includes section
61 to 81. 4. Conciliation: Conciliation is the amicable settlement of disputes between the parties,
with the help of a conciliator. Part III of the Act makes provision for conciliation proceedings. In
conciliation proceedings, there is no agreement for arbitration. In fact, conciliation can be done
even if there is an arbitration agreement. The conciliator only brings parties together and tries to
solve the dispute using his good offices. The conciliator has no authority to give an award. He
only helps parties in arriving at a mutually
Appointment of arbitrators
Parties normally mention in their arbitration clause whether disputes will be adjudicated by a
sole arbitrator or by a panel consisting of an odd number of arbitrators. The default provision
is for a sole arbitrator. If the parties fail to agree on the appointment of arbitrators, they have
the option under section 11 of the Arbitration Act to have the arbitrator(s) appointed by the
Removal of arbitrators
Parties can challenge the appointment of an arbitrator under sections 12 and 13 of the
Arbitration Act, if a justifiable doubt arises as to the arbitrator's independence or impartiality
or the arbitrator(s) does not possess the necessary qualification as agreed by the parties.
Certain categories of Arbitrators have been made ineligible under the amended provisions
of the Arbitration Act. In addition, an arbitrator can be removed under section 14 if the:
Arbitrator(s) is unable to perform his functions or for other reasons.
Arbitrator fails to act without undue delay.
Arbitrator withdraws from his office.
Parties agree to terminate the arbitrator's mandate.
If an arbitrator becomes legally or practically unable to perform his function or withdraws
from his office, the court can be approached to decide on the termination of the mandate of
the arbitrator and appointment of another arbitrator (unless otherwise agreed by the
parties). However, the arbitrator's impartiality and independence must be raised in the first
instance before the arbitrators. If the arbitrators do not accept the submission, this can be a
ground for challenging the award. However, the court can also remove arbitrators if they are
found to be ineligible.
Conciliator - Appointment and qualifications
Conciliator can be appointed by the parties themselves of their own choice with
consensus i.e. both should agree upon the appointment of the conciliator. IDRC has a
Panel of Conciliators with rich experience in varied fields.
The parties follow any of the following methods.
(a) The parties themselves may name a conciliator or conciliators from IDRC Panel.
(b) Each party may appoint one conciliator from IDRC Panel & may mutually agree on
the third conciliator.
(c) The parties may enlist the assistance of a suitable institution ie IDRC in connection
with the appointment of conciliators.
In the case of family court, or labour court etc, before referring the matter to the court it is
compulsory to consult with the councilor i.e. conciliator, who are appointed by the
government for making settlement between the parties before the trial & on the report of
the councilor only, matter is put forth for trial.
Here, Conciliator should not be of a specific qualification, but he should also not be
ignorant of the subject matter. He can be a expert person of the subject matter of dispute
for e.g. if there is a dispute regarding construction cost of a building in that case a person
can be a civil engineer, who has the knowledge of building construction. The important
thing, which cannot be ignored, is that conciliation is not the person who will decide the
matter; rather he is a person who assists the parties to arrive at amicable settlement,
where the decision is of the parties themselves.
Termination of Conciliation proceedings upon settlement between the parties
As and when the parties reach an amicable settlement on the disputes which had been
referred to the conciliator, and a duly authenticated copy (by the conciliator) of the
settlement agreement is handed over to the parties, the conciliation proceedings shall
stand terminated on that date. There is no provision in the Act for review of the
settlement agreement, nor there do any provision under which any of the parties to the
settlement agreement can retrace its steps and wriggle out of the written commitments in
the form of a settlement agreement.
A conciliation proceeding comes to an end and stands terminated if any of the following
condition is fulfilled-
(i) On signing of the settlement agreement by the parties.
(ii) If no settlement of dispute is arrived at in any of the following manner:
a) By a written declaration of the conciliator that further efforts at conciliation are no more
b) By joint written declaration of the parties that the conciliation proceedings are
c) By the declaration of either party to other party & conciliator, that conciliation
proceeding is terminated. It is open to the parties to terminate conciliation proceedings at
any time before settlement.
Passing of Award
Arbitration is the process by which a dispute or difference between two or more parties
as to their mutual legal rights and liabilities is referred to and determined judicially and
with binding effect by the application of the law by one or more persons constituting the
“arbitral tribunal” instead of by a court of law. (Halsbury’s Laws of England, (4th ed.
Butterworths, 1991) paras. 332 and 601.)
The arbitrator conducts hearings with the parties and passes his decision in the form of
an award. It is analogous to a judgment given by a court and can be enforced in the
same way as a court-ordered judgment. It is final and binding upon the parties unless
challenged in accordance with Section 34 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
Drafting an award is a complex matter as the arbitrator must condense the entire
proceedings into a coherent and reasoned document. This chapter shall examine the
requirements of a valid arbitral award as per the Act.
Definition of award:
The Act does not give a concrete definition of the term ‘arbitral award’. Section 2(1)(c)
merely states that for the purposes of Part I of the Act, the term includes an interim award
within its meaning.
Types of awards:
The type of award is generally stated in its title. There are four distinct types of awards
defined under the Act, each of them fulfilling specific purposes:
Interim award:
It is an award that affects the rights of the parties but is not a final award. An arbitral
tribunal may at any time during the arbitral proceedings make an interim arbitral award on
any matter with respect to which it may make a final arbitral award.
Additional award:
Such an award is made upon application by a party when a claim or claims are presented
in the arbitral proceedings but omitted from the arbitral award.
As per the Act, such a request for an additional award must be made within thirty days
from the receipt of the arbitral award. Notice of the same must also be given to the other
Settlement award:
If during the arbitral proceedings, the parties settle the dispute, the arbitral tribunal shall
terminate the proceedings and, if requested by the parties and not objected to by the
arbitral tribunal, record the settlement in the form of an arbitral award on agreed terms.
An arbitral award on agreed terms shall be made in accordance with Section 31 and shall
state that it is an arbitral award.
An arbitral award on agreed terms shall have the same status and effect as any other
arbitral award on the substance of the dispute.
Final award:
It is an award that brings finality to the arbitral proceedings. The final award is passed
after the disputes have been adjudicated by the arbitrator based on all the pleadings and
evidence led by the parties. It has the effect of terminating the arbitration proceedings.
This Article Does Not Intend To Hurt The Sentiments Of Any Individual Community, Sect,
Or Religion Etcetera. This Article Is Based Purely On The Authors Personal Views And
Opinions In The Exercise Of The Fundamental Right Guaranteed Under Article 19(1)(A)
And Other Related Laws Being Force In India, For The Time Being.
Arbitral Award
Definition of award:
Types of award:
Section 89 of CPC
Section 89 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 gives power to the court to refer the
matter to the alternate dispute resolution methods when it appears to the court that there
exists an element of settlement which may be acceptable to the parties then the court
may formulate such settlement or propose a tentative settlement and refer the parties to
an alternate means of setting the dispute such as arbitration, conciliation, Lok Adalat or
The intention behind section 89 was quite apparent, as most of the developed countries
had already adopted the alternate dispute resolution methods and the methods adopted
by them were proved to be successful to the extent that over 90 per cent of the cases
were being settled out of court. It had been inserted to provide justice in spite of the law’s
delays and the limited number of judges available. Parties can prevent themself from
indulging into litigation and go for dispute resolution methods for resolving their dispute.
[89. Settlement of disputes outisde the Court.--(1) Where it appears to the Court that
there exist elements of a settlement which may be acceptable to the parties, the Court
shall formulate the terms of settlement and give them to the parties for their observations
and after receiving the observations of the parties, the Court may reformulate the terms
of a possible settlement and refer the same for:--
(a) arbitration;
(b) conciliation;
(d) mediation.
(a) for arbitration or conciliation, the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act,
1996 (26 of 1996) shall apply as if the proceedings for arbitration or conciliation were
referred for settlement under the provisions of that Act;
(b) to Lok Adalat, the Court shall refer the same to the Lok Adalat in accordance with the
provisions of sub-section (1) of section 20 of the Legal Services Authority Act, 1987 (39
of 1987) and all other provisions of that Act shall .apply in respect of the dispute so
referred to the Lok Adalat;
(c) for judicial settlement, the Court shall refer the same to a suitable institution or person
and such institution or person shall be deemed to be a Lok Adalat and all the provisions
of the Legal Services Authority Act, 1987 (39 of 1987) shall apply as if the dispute were
referred to a Lok Adalat under the provisions of that Act;
(d) for mediation, the Court shall effect a compromise between the parties and shall follow such
procedure as may be prescribed.]
11. Who are competent to contract.—Every person is competent to contract who is of the age of
majority according to the law to which he is subject,1 and who is of sound mind and is not
disqualified from contracting by any law to which he is subject. —Every person is competent to
contract who is of the age of majority according to the law to which he is subject,1 and who is of
sound mind and is not disqualified from contracting by any law to which he is subject."