The Escape and Evade Tables

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Attempting to ESCAPE from a POW Camp or City Prison

Roll of the die 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Use


You have less Shot! Shot! Capture Captured Escape Escape N/A N/A
than 6 Equipment d
and Resources

You have Shot! Captured Capture Escape Escape Escape Escap Escape
collected all 6 d e
Equipment and
Resources Cards.

You have Shot! Captured Escape Escape Escape Escape Escap Escape
collected all 6 e
Equipment and
Resources Cards
and you have
activated the
specific country
Escape capability.


1. Once you have escaped a POW Camp or City Prison you can now Evade (use the
Evade Table below!). Agents can be used only in the EVADE phase not in the
ESCAPE phase.
2. Shot Personnel are returned to the respective player’s Shot! Table. Remember,
you have only 20 Personnel to complete your Mission and to get 10 Personnel
safely back to the UK.
3. Captured Personnel remain in the POW Camp or City Prison from which they
attempted Escape and cannot attempt another Escape until the player’s next
Turn in the next Round. A player may alternatively elect to spin (1-18) or RNG
(1-18) to relocate the POW to a different POW Camp – this applies only after
capture during a failed escape. A player might use this option to try to relocate
to a more useful POW Camp!
Attempting to Evade Using Cities, Towns, Borders and Escape Line Nodes

Roll of the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Use

die this

Country NOT Shot! Shot! Capture Capture Proceed Procee N/A N/A 1d6
activated for d d d

Country Shot! Capture Capture Proceed Proceed Procee Proceed Proceed 1d8
activated for d d d

Country Captured Capture Proceed Proceed Proceed Procee Proceed Proceed 1d8
Activated for d d
EVADE and you
have an AGENT

You have Captured Proceed Proceed Proceed Proceed Procee Proceed Proceed 1d8
activated an d
Escape Line and
have an AGENT


1. Players wishing to Evade must nominate the Evader and the direction of evasion.
The next nearest town in the direction required must be selected – no ‘jumping’
over towns! Border crossings are made on a direct line between the Evaders
starting location and nominated end location. Players may, if they wish, put
Evaders ‘Into Hiding’ at border crossings just as they can in cities, towns and
villages. This comes into play if countries on either side of the border have
different activation status.
2. Border status is considered the same as the country from which you are
COMING. If a player has activated EVADE in the country from which the Evader
is coming from then the border has the same status.
3. Shot Personnel are returned to the Shot! Table. Remember, you have only 20
Personnel to complete your Mission and get 10 Personnel safely back to the UK!
4. Captured Personnel are sent to a POW Camp selected by spin or RNG (1-18) and
cannot attempt another Escape until the player’s next Turn in the next Round.
5. Players can only use Agents in countries which have been activated for EVADE or
on Escape Lines.
6. Agents are used only in the EVADE phase; not in the ESCAPE phase.
7. Reduce your Agent tally by 1 for each city, town, border or Escape Line you use
whether you successfully proceed onwards or not.
8. Only one Agent is required for an entire Escape Line; however, if the Escape Line
crosses a border you need an additional Agent. A roll of the 1d8 is required at
each Node and border crossing of the Escape Line.

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