Review 01

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Current Trends in Pharmaceutical Research, 2022 Vol 8 Issue 2

© Dibrugarh University ISSN: 2319-4820 (Print)

2582-4783 (Online)

Review article



Atanu Konwar

Center for Studies in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Dibrugarh University


Background: Fermented alcoholic beverages prepared from various traditional beers and fruits
are on high demands nowadays. These alcoholic beverages are rich in vitamins and minerals
essential to our health. So it very essential to find out measures for its preservation, value
addition and shelf life extension Objective: The review study focuses on the fermentation
various fruit beer and traditional alcoholic beverages and also reviewing the ways for
preservation and value addition. Result and discussion: The fruit beers passed by the process of
fermentation and aging. Fermentation of fruit wine releases amino acid and other nutrients from
the yeast that enhances the nutritive value of the beer product. Several microorganisms are
involved in the spoilage, preservation and shelf life extension of the beer. Conclusion: Beers has
its own aroma and under suitable condition and by using appropriate method and
microorganisms it can be preserve and its value can be enhanced and commercialize.

Keywords: Fermented, alcoholic beverages, preservation, shelf life, value.


The prevalence of traditional alcoholic beverages in the south Asian countries is from the ancient
times. These alcoholic beverages are prepared from rice and its name by different names such as
Lao- Chao in China, sake in Japan, Tapuy in phillipines, Chongju and Takju in Korea , Brem bali
and Tape- Ketan in Indonesia, Khao mak in Thailand, Rou Nep Than in Vietnam and Tapai pulul
in Malayasia. Various communities of Northeast India consume their alcoholic beverages it has a
great influence in social rituals such as festivals, marriages and even death [1].

*Corresponding author’s E-mail:

Konwar et al.

Fruit wine from various seasonal fruits such as pineapple, oranges, banana, cucumber,
watermelon, guava, plum, cherries, and strawberry has been prepared at home which works in
the conversion of sugar in the fruit juice to alcohol and organic acids[2].

According to Jagtap and Bapat, many tropical, subtropical and temperate fruits have not only
nutritional value, but also consumer health benefits as well. Such benefits are related to the
antioxidant activity of the phenolic compounds .Combined with a pleasant taste, fruit wines have
been shown to be a source of a variety of phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity [3].

Beer fermentation industries are trying to upgrade the production process by enhancing its
quality and preservation processes. They are also developing new products that focus on flavors
and valued addition by the use of several nontraditional yeast and also the combination of these
yeast strains with traditional brewer’s yeast at different fermentation Saccharomyces
boulardii, non-traditional yeast that enhances the nutritional value of low-alcohol beers [4].

Fruits Beers can prepare from various fruits some of are as follows

Jambolan beer

Jamun or jambolan (Syzygium cumini L) is a seasonal tropical fruit belonging to the family
Myrtaceae. S. cumini, is widely known for several therapeutic and curative properties such as
stomachic, carminative, diuretic and digestive. Syzygium cumini fruits are difficult to transport
over along distance due to its highly perishable nature. So, it can be preserved by processing into
various non- alcoholic and alcoholic beverages [5].

Jackfruit beer

The jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam., of Family – Moraceae, is a fruit available

throughout the tropics and subtropics. The jackfruit is commonly known as poor man’s food’ due
to its low price and high availability during season. It is also widely edible fruit in entire
Southeast asia. The jackfruit posses a good antioxidant property and rich source of secondary
metabolites such as phenolics and flavonoids. However, due to inadequate storage facilities
following maturity and harvest, huge quantities of ripe jackfruits get wasted for rapidly
deterioration. Therefore wine fermentation techniques can be applied for processing and
preserving underutilized ripe jackfruits in commercial prospects [6].

Mango beer

Mango of the family (Mangifera indica L) is a attractive tropical fruit one of the popular fruit of
India. It has sweet pleasant taste aromatic flavor and high nutritive value. It possesses many
organoleptic properties, and antioxidants like carotene. In India there are about 25 different
mango cultivars available. Ripe mango are utilized to produce commercially valuable product

Review on fermented alcoholic beverages

such as wine from the excess fruit during the peak season in order to recover the surplus
production from loss [7, 8].

Cashew beer

Cashew belonging to the family Annacardium occidantale Linn. is one of the most valuable
grown crops in India, Nigeria ,Brazil, and Vietnam .Cashew apple is known as “false fruit”and
the cashew nut or true fruit is attached below to it. It found in 8 states India such as Kerala,
Maharastra, Tamil nadu, Goa, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Northeastern states.
Cashew apple has high nutritive value and processed for preparation of jam, jelly , pectin,
vinegar non- alcoholic and alcoholic beverages as well. Cashew apple have been used to prepare
a popular locally available wine brand called “Fenny” in Goa having 40% alcohol content with
fovaourable taste, aroma, color, flavor. Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. bayanus strain is applied
in the fermentation process[9, 10].

Watermelon beer

Watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris) is tropical fruit largely available fruits in India throughout the
year. It highly produces during summer season and occupies 6-7% of the total fruit production.
Edible part of the watermelon is the red colored fleshy part which is sweet in taste and the left
out white skin part is considered to be waste. Yeast immobilization in wine fermentation by
Saccharomyces cerevisae strain 101 was observed in the watermelon pieces(the white epicarp
portion of watermelon named as watermelon piece) and observed a better stability and enhanced

Pineapple beer

Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is a subtropical fruit popular for its attractive flavor and
rejuvenating sugar acid balance cultivated and consumed subtropical fruits due to its attractive
flavor and refreshing sugar-acid balance. Pineapples are composed of high amounts of essential
nutrients and juice content that can be easily processed for wine making [12, 13].

Some traditional alcoholic beverages of northeast India:

Xaj- Pani

From ancient times till to date, various communities in northeast india have been producing
alcoholic beverages prepared from rice such as Lao-pani or Xaj pani by the Tai Ahom ethnic
community of Assam. In Tai Ahom culture Xaj pani is associated in religious and social belief
system. In Production of Xaj pani firstly the rice wass boiled followed by the introduction of
the starter cake “Xaj pitha”. Then the process of fermentation is caused by several microbes
grown in the culture such as fungi, yeast, and lactic acid bacteria [14].

Konwar et al.

Poro apong

Poro apong, a famous traditional alcoholic beverages of Mishing Tribe of upper Assam, India.
Color of Poro Apong is blackish to reddish brown. It is transparent in nature with aromatic flavor
and taste.its preparation undergoes mixing of burn ash of rice husk and straw. Homely prepared
yeast culture (epop in Mishing dialect) is used as starter material. Various ailments such as
dysentery and body pain can be relived by Poro Apong drinks [15].


Zutho or zhuchu prepared from rice, is a popular ethnic alcoholic beverages of the Mao
is prepared by soaking the rice overnight, drained off, pounded into flour, pour into a big
bamboo bucket with boiling water and mix well and kept for cooling. Khekrii powder, a locally
available amylolytic starter material is added to the culture and kept for 6-8 hours for brewing in
a big earthen jar. After 3- 4 days of fermentation a whitish color zutho beer produced with sweet
taste and acidic flavor [16].


Jou is a traditional alcoholic beverages of Bodo community. Cooked rice and the traditional
yeast starter culture “Amao” is used in the preparation process. Mashing, fermentation, boiling
and preservation processes are involved in the brewing method. The starter cake “Amao” is the
composition mixture of pre-soaked rice and medicinal plants such as Clerodendrum viscosum
vent., Scoparia dulcis L., Artocarpus heterophyllus, Musa balbisina, Saccharun officinarum and
Scoparia dulcis L. After two to three days of fermentation a whitish colored rice beer drink is
produced from the blend. The shelf life of the beer enhanced up to 15 months by underground
airtight storage [17].

Historical account of alcoholic beverages

Earliest evidence wine fermentation from domesticated grapes had been found from Iran dated
somewhere between 5400 and 5000 B.C.E [18]. In ancient India, the pre - vedic Harappan
people in the Indus valley (ca. 2300 BCE) were familiar with the alcoholic drink production.
Several archeological evidence of distillated and fermented beverages obtained from fruits
flowers, grains etc [19]. The different traditional alcoholic beverages from Ayurveda. He
mentioned about the sugar, fruit and cereal based beer preparation and reported several
therapeutic properties. (Cures parasitic infection, promotes digestion, anemia, pulmonary
tuberculosis, urine disorder, diabetes etc [20].

Spoilage of beer

Review on fermented alcoholic beverages

Beer spoilage References

For brewing industry, beer spoilage bacteria have been problematic Sakamoto, et al. (2003)
for centuries. They include some lactic acid bacteria such as
Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus lindneri and Pediococcus
damnosus, and some Gram-negative bacteria such as Pectinatus
cerevisiiphilus, Pectinatus frisingensis and Megasphaera
cerevisiae. They can spoil beer by turbidity, acidity and the
production of unfavorable smell such as diacetyl or hydrogen
sulfide [21].
Hop bitter acids play a major role in enhancing the microbiological Suzuki, et al.(2006)
stability of beer. However, beer spoilage lactic acid bacteria (LAB)
are able to grow in beer by exhibiting strong hop resistance [22].
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are the most frequently encountered Deng, et al.(2013)
beer-spoilage bacteria, and they can render beer undrinkable owing
to the production of lactic acid, diacetyl and turbidity [23].
The study reported Bacillus cereus strain 3012 is a food borne Wang, et al.(2016)
pathogen with strong beer-spoilage ability. It and possessed the
beer-spoilage characteristics, such as rendering beer turbid and
producing acids and bioamines and showed strong growth in beer
supplemented with different hop concentrations It could change the
flavor of beer by metabolizing the flavor substances produced [24].
MALDITOF MS is well-suited for the rapid, high-throughput and Wieme, et al. (2014)
accurate identification of bacteria isolated from spoiled beer and
brewery samples, which makes the technique appropriate for
routine microbial quality control in the brewing industry [25].
Staphylococcus xylolus strain B7 is a beer spoilage strain isolated Yu, et al. (2019)
from craft beer shows high beer spoilage ability at low temperature
(4 degree celcius) and low (pH 4) and high ethanol content 7%[26].
The study reported that bacteriophages against Pediococcus and Kelly, et al.(2011)
Lactobacillus strains that cause spoilage in brewing processes. A
number of beer-spoilage bacteria were isolated from breweries and
characterized by 16S rRNA typing. Five distinct P. damnosus
phages and four Lactobacillus phages, which lysed both L. brevis
and L. paraplantarum, were isolated from municipal sewage and
farmyard slurries [27].

Konwar et al.

Breweries could potentially use Chitoologosaccharide in the wort Zhao, et al. (2015)
as an edible antibacterial material to avoid beer spoilage caused by
lactic acid bacteria, without any change in the fermentation profile.
Its rather increases the cell viability of the brewer’s yeast [28].

The potential growth of the spoilage bacteria was investigated over Michael, et al. (2020)
56 consecutive days. A comparison of the results shows a strong
inhibition of growth of all spoilage bacteria at 25 mg/L of
tetrahydro-iso-α-acids closely followed by α-acids as the second
most inhibitory substance. The results showed a high resistance
of Lactobacillus brevis to all hop compounds as well as an
inhibition of Lactobacillus coryniformis and Lactobacillus
buchneri at low concentrations of most hop components [29].

In breweries Saccharomy cescerevisiae var. diastaticus produces Stulikova, et al. (2021)

contaminant causing super-attenuation and deterioration in the
quality of beer. Changes in concentrations of contaminant were
observed in beers stored at 23°C. Spoilage contamination
by Saccharomyces cerevisiae delayed in cold storage at 8°C [30].

Lactobacillus nagelii ABBC668 strain, isolated from spoiled Umegatani, et al.(2020)

pilsner-type beer, was investigated, as L. nagelii has been poorly
characterized as a beer spoiler. The beer spoilage ability and hop
resistance genes of L. nagelii ABBC668 were examined. Results
showed that L. nagelii ABBC668 harbored hop resistance
gene horA and exhibited beer spoilage ability [31].

Bacteriocin producing P. acidilactici HW01 was isolated from Ahn,et al.(2017)

malts very effective to inhibit major beer spoilage lactic acid
bacteria (P. damnosus and P. claussenii). The bacteriocin activity
was stable over a wide range of pH, detergents, solvents, and
resistant to high temperature which are often encountered during
brewing [32].

This research work reported that beer spoilage microbial strains Munford, et al.(2020)
posses different resistance against acid washing treatment of
brewer’s yeast.

Review on fermented alcoholic beverages

Lactobacillus brevis DSM 6235 demanded almost 50 min for the

first demcimal reduction at ( pH 2.0). While Pediococcus damnosus
DSM 20289 demanded almost 70 min for 4 log reductions to be
achieved and pH reduction of the acid washing from 2.0 to 1.5
allowed 4 log reduction of L. brevis DSM 6235) to be obtained in
less than 50 min, without ruining brewer's yeast viability. Therefore
contaminants potentially present in brewing yeastsinactive the most
resistant bacteria by acid washing at pH 1.5 [33].

Preservation and Shelf life of fermented alcoholic beverages:

Preservation & Extension shelf life References

Shelf life of sorghum beer may be extended by removal of the second step Kutyauripo, et al.
of malt conversion during fermentation reduces the amount of total acid (2009)
production which proportionally decreases the bacterial load to 3.3 log
cfu/ml, while the duration of spoilage was extended from 168h to 240 h in
comparison to the normal product [34].

Lysozyme as an antimicrobial enzyme posses a strong inhibitory action on Silvetti, et al.(2010)

the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) which gives stability and enhanced the self
life [35].
Marked extension in shelf life stability of “atingba” was observed with the Deka, et al. (2016)
addition of Albizia myriophylla bark and finds substantial application in the
food industry as a natural food supplement and preserving agent [36].

Mesoporous zirconium phosphate (M-Zrp), which is an inorganic nano Zhou, et al.(2014)

material with apertures in the range of 2–50 nm. It could be used as an
antibacterial agent against beer-spoilage organisms. . The results showed
that M-Zrp showed bacteriostatic activity against Saccharomyces
diastaticus, Candida albicans, Pediococcus damnosus, and Escherichia
coli [37].
The Lactobacillus plantarum strains with their probiotic properties can Behera, et al. (2018)
have great effects against harmful microflora (food borne pathogens) to
increase safety and shelf-life of fermented foods [38].

Shelf life of wine can be extent by several methods such as fining, Jackson, (2016)
filteration, disinfection, sulfur dioxide addition, Bottle Closure and

Konwar et al.

Orientation, Temperature Control etc [39].

Use of starter cultures also can increase the chances of preserving Lyumugabe, (2019)
traditional Alcoholic beverages, giving them a longer shelf life. Moreover,
Vernonia aemulans and V. amygdalina leaves can be used as hops
substitutes in the local brewing context due to their strong antimicrobial
activity imparting extended shelf life with less harmful effects, and to their
brewing properties such as bitterness and aroma precursors [40].
Two different types of rice beer undergo self life study and observed BS-2 Deka, al. (2017)
with microflora from Hamei had a better shelf life than BS-1 produced
with established culture [41].
Preservation of food for its safety and long shelf life is dependent on the Abdel-Aziz, et al.
food type and properties (pH, water activity, nutrient content, antimicrobial (2016)
constituents, etc.), initial microbial flora, and processing and storage
conditions (heating, acidification, reduced water activity, storage
atmosphere, chilled storage, etc.). The review deals with food spoilage,
microbes causing food contamination, prevention of microbial spoilage,
and preservation of foods [42].
The self life of the fermented “pito” can be extended by two days by the Djameh, et al.(2019)
application of commercial prepared starter culture of Lactobacillus
delbrueckii and active dried S. cerevisiae in comparision to the tradition
fermented “pito” [43] .
Thermosonication as an alternative method for the pasteurization of Alcantara-Zavala, et al.
pulque in order to improve its shelf life and retain its quality (2021)
parameters.The optimal conditions found for processing pulque by thermo-
sonication were at 75% for 6 and 9 min and 85% for 4 and 6 min. These
conditions allowed the survival of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts that can
develop during storage and that can preserve the quality of pulque.
Thermosonication achieves the extension of the shelf life of pulque up to
day 24 of storage at 4 °C. At the same time, sensory and physico-chemical
properties such as color, alcohol content, and acidity were conserved [44].
L.planatarum (ATCC 8014) strain produces microorganism. It can be used Kumari, et al.(2021)
as a biological preservative for pineapple wine. Bacteriocin producing
ability and antimicrobial activity of L.planatarum was detected against S.
cerevisae, E.coli, S. aureus and B.subtilis, L.acidophilus strains as indicator
This study reported that Pediococcus acidilactici K10 can be used as Kim, et al.(2016)
biological preservative. This strain can be used as a measure for
bioacidifying the mash and reducing the spoilage of the beer. The K10
strain showed antimicrobial activity against two beer spoilage LAB strains
in wort that were unable to grow in a beer environment [46].

Review on fermented alcoholic beverages

Application of new strain for value addition in fermented alcoholic beverages

Strain Function References

Bacillus Bacillus starter culture shows improved results in sensory Zhang, et

licheniformis appraisals which indicates that B.licheniformis was one of the al. (2012)
main species influencing the aroma characteristics of Moutai
flavoured liquor [47].

Schizosaccharom The breakdown of malic acid, production of pyruvic acid and the Benito, et
yces pombe breakdown of ethyl carbamate precursors, are of great interest in al. (2012)
modern winemaking. However, its major drawback is its strong
acetic acid production at least for the unselected strains commonly
used in wine research and finally concluded that the selection of
Schizosaccharomyces strains with high urease activity can be
developed as a new tool to assure wine safety[48].

Saccharomyces P. mahaleb fruits after fermentation with different Saccharomyces Gerardi, et

cerevisiae, cerevisiae and Lactobacillus plantarum protechnological strains. al. (2019)
Lactobacillus The adopted protocol allowed us to attain edible fruits and a new
plantarum. fermented non-dairy drink with valuable probiotic health-
promoting properties. This investigation confirmed the potential of
yeasts and lactic acid bacteria co-inoculation in the design of
starter tailored for this kind of food applications [49].

Torulaspora Enzymatic hydrolysis alcoholic fermentation (EHAF) treatment Guo, et al.

delbrueckii. could significantly improve the production of aroma compounds (2018)
and this strategy might be a useful way in fruit alcoholic beverage
fermented with Torulaspora delbrueckii [50].

Konwar et al.

Lactobacillus Lactobacillus plantarum (widespread member of the genus Behera, et

plantarum Lactobacillus) is one of the most studied species extensively used al. (2018)
in food industry as probiotic microorganism and/or microbial
starter. Lactobacillus plantarum strains with their probiotic
properties can have great effects against harmful microflora
(foodborne pathogens) to increase safety and shelf-life of
fermented foods [51].

Saccharomyces Perform analysis of experimental beers for the content of main Capece, et
cerevisiae var. volatile compounds showed that the inclusion of Saccharomyces al. (2018)
boulardii cerevisiae var. boulardii strain in mixed starter did not affect
negatively beer aroma. Moreover, the inclusion of Saccharomyces
cerevisiae var. boulardii strain in mixed starters determined an
increase in the antioxidant activity and polyphenols content, in
comparison to beers from single starter fermentations, indicating
the influence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii strain
on these parameters [52].

Saccharomycodes S.ludwigii strain was recognized to be good yeast species for low Frencesco,
.ludwigii, DBVPG alcohol and alcohol free beer production. Beer fermentation by et al.
3010. using S.ludwigii DBVPG 3010 it showed lowest ethanol content (2014)
(0.5% v/v) [53].

olive (Olea The effects of olive leaves addition were evaluated through Guglielmot
europaea L.) following analysis: total polyphenols content, oleuropein and 3- ti, et
leaves hydroxytyrosol content, antioxidant capacity, sensory analysis, al.(2020)
shelf-life prediction. Results confirmed that addition of olive
leaves highly increased polyphenol content of beers. Boiling time
favored hydrolysis of oleuropein to 3-hydroxytyrosol. Antioxidant
activity was not influenced by addition of olive leaves [54].

Lachancea Lachancea fermentati KBI 12.1 proved to be a suitable strain for Bellut, et
fermentati KBI brewing purposes, with promising traits with regard to al. (2019)
12.1 nonalcoholic and low alcohol beer brewing [55].

Review on fermented alcoholic beverages

G.geotrichum,K.z The study reported that fermentation capacity of wort, grape and Gutierrez,
onata,K.lactis,L. apple juice using non- Saccharomyces yeast produce pleasant et al.
Meyerae,P.kluyve aroma compounds under relevant fermentation conditions [56]. (2018)
lytica and

Lactobacillus Lactobacillus paracasei L26 a probiotic bacterium were Chan, et al.

paracasei L26, cofermented with a brewer’s yeast , Saccharomyces cerevisae S- (2019)
04, The majority of fermentable sugars were attenuated by S.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S-04 with a concomitant production of alcohols and
cerevisae S-04 esters and L.paracasei L26 produces a significant amount of lactic
acid. Therefore the result suggest the utility of lactobacilli as a
probiotic starter cultures in the beer industries[ 57].

Lachancea The study suggested that L. thermotolerance is a good choice for Domizio, et
thermotolerans producing sour beers in single fermentation step without using al. (2016)
lactic acid bacteria [58].

Torulaspora Two other strains could possibly be used for pre-fermentation as a Michel,et
delbrueckii bio-flavouring agent for beers that have been postfermented by al. (2016).
Saccharomyces strains as a consequence of their low sugar
utilization but good flavour-forming properties [59].

Torulaspora. Non-Saccharomyces yeast strains such as T. delbrueckii Prelude Toh, et al.

delbrueckii and L. thermotolerans Concerto showed a acceptable fermentative (2019)
Prelude & results. A good alcoholic fermentation performance in terms of
ethanol production and produced significantly higher amounts of
L. thermotolerans acetyl esters and long-chained ethyl esters observed in both the
Concerto strain. Conversely, T. delbrueckii Biodiva synthesise significantly

Konwar et al.

higher amounts of some favourable volatiles including isoamyl

alcohol and ethyl butanoate while being most effective in terpene
retention and release, making it a promising strain for low-alcohol
beers [60].

C.zemplinina The C. zemplinina Y.01670 strain showed a variable production of Estela-

Y.01670 ethanol when malt wort along with adjuncts was tested. The use of Escalante,
this yeast strain and the adjuncts would probably enable producing et al.
a broad variety of beers with special sensory characteristics and (2017)
variable ethanol content [61].


The review study done on several traditional rice beer and fruit beer and observed strains of
Lactobacillus(Lactobacillus brevis & Lactobacillus lindneri), Bacillus cereus strain 3012,
Staphylococcus xylolus strain B7,Saccharomy cescerevisiae var. diastaticus etc responsible for
the early spoilage of the beer. The preservation and shelf life extension processes could be
enhanced by plants leaves such as Vernonia aemulans and V. amygdalina leaves, Albizia
myriophylla bark and methods like Thermosonication as well as by various microbial strains
such as Pediococcus acidilactici K10, Lactobacillus plantarum(ATCC 8014), Lactobacillus
delbrueckii etc. On the other hand, strains like Bacillus licheniformis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
var. boulardii, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Torulaspora delbrueckii etc contribute to the
improvement of the quality and value of the product for effective commercialization.

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How to cite this article:

Konwar A. A Review on: Fermented Alcoholic Beverages; Its

Preservation, Shelf Life Extension and Value Addition, Curr Trends
Pharm Res,2022;8 (2): 54-72.


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