Scroor'Eac, E''S: Xavter'S Block Test

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sr. XAVTER'S GoLLEGTATE scroor'EAc,E''s

Second Sernester Block Test - 2017
Class - 6, English I (Language) Time- 2 Hrs
Date- 28/A2/2Afi Full Marks - 80
Do Not write anvthine on the question paper.

Ql. write an essay on any one of the following topics (about 300 words) 25 marks
(a) My first day at the BtG school.
(b)A classmate whom I like very much.
(c) Autobiography of a rat that lives inside the cupboard in a classroom.

Q2. Letter Writing (any one) (About120 words) 10 marks

(a) A new boy has joined your school and has become your close friend. \Alrite a letter to your uncte,
describing how you b.ecame friends.
(bi Write a letter to your friend, describing what you plan to do after the exams are over.

Q3. Comprehension 15 marks

ln the afternoon, Mr Barua took Rajiv on a tour of the tea garden. Dhekiabari was a big garden of over
800 acres. So they had to go in Mr Barua's jeep.
"We'd better start with the nursery where the tea saplings are," Mr. Barua suggested.
Astheydrove along Mr Barua explained,'Tea plants need a lotof care. Fertilizers such as nitrogen,
potash and phosphate have to be added regularly to the soil to keep the tea plants strong and healthy.
"Of these, nitrogen is the most important. With tea, unlike other plants, the leaves and not the
fruit- are plucked. Leaves being the kitchens of plants, a constant supply of nitrogen is necessary for the
plants to grow."
Plants fall illtoo, sometimes, you know," He added, "With diseases such as red-rust, blister-blight
and black rot. Then we have to act as doctors, diagnose the disease ind prescribe appropriate
medicines." '

The nursery was a wide, low structure with bamboo walls and a.roof of thinly spread thatch, One
section contained small earthen beds while another housed thousands of small bags, each containing a
tea sapling.

Questions. (5x2=10)
a) Why did the visitors have to go in a jeep?
til Describe the nursery.
c) Why is Nitrogen irnportant for tea plants?
d) How do tea plpnters have to act as doctors?
q)" Why do tea plants need a lot of care?

Find words from the text that mean the following. (5X1=5)
a)' Chemical to improve the soil.
b) Small plant.
c) To find out what is wrong.
d) 'Suitable.
e) Roof of straw.
GLAMMAR,(30 Marksl
q4 (1x4=4)
Write complete sentences by Filling in The Blanks with either ARTICLES or PREPOS|T|ONS
(a) The ferocious sailor was terribly afraid of
--one-legged man !
(b) MV sister studied for --- M.BA degree.
(c) They were caught talking ------examination.
(d) The murderer begged-*-mercy, but none of the judges would listen to him.

Q5 (1x4 =4)
Write complete sentences by using the type of Adjective given in the bracket.
(a) My uncle is an ---policeman. (Use Adjective of QUAL|TY)
(b)There is:-money in my wallet. (Use Adjective of QUANTTW)
(c) Chaitra is the ----month of the lndian National Calendar. (Use Adjeaive of NUMBER)
(d) ----- copy-book is this? (Use lnterrogative Adjective)

q6 (1X4 =4)
write complete sentences by using the type of Adverb givenin the bracket.
(a) The soldiers fought (Adverb of MANNER).
(b) The Doctor spoke to the patient. (Adverb of MANNER).
(c) I met her ----(Adverb of T|ME)
(d) You must reach home by --*- (Adverb of T|ME)

q.7 (1x4=4)
Write complete sentences by using appropriate conjunctions.
(a)Are you free now ----- do you have some urgent work pending?
(b) lt is raining heavily now, ----- take my umbrella and return it when you come next.
(c)--- --
Sita Gita wanted to marrythe same man!
(d) My brother is good --- in studies ---.. in sports.

q8. (tX4=41
The statements printed are incorrect. Do not copy the wrong sentences, but write down the corrected
version only.
(a) Neither I nor my brother are arriving today.
(b) A play station and a bicycle is the gifts I got from my mother on my birthday!
(c) Neither of them are available to speak right now.
(dlTide and time waits for none.

Q9 .Change into lndirect Speech (Do not copy the questions) {1x5 =5}
(aJfhe boy said, "The flowers are very cotourful."
(b) MV friends say, "Your grandmother is a great cook! ".
(c)The Government has said,."There will be a tax-increase in the month of.April" !
(d)The class teacher said, "All the students have passed.".
(e) Rohan said, "We will play foirtballtomorrow."

Q10. Change the following sentences into active or passive'voice. Do not copy questions. {1x5=5}
(a) The goal keeper caught the ball
(b) The cat chased the rat .
(c) The injection was given by the doctor.
(d)The boy was beaten by his friends
(e) The brave boy was awarded 'Bir Chakra' by the Prime Minister.
rdffiUrn's coPY
St. Xavier's Collegiate School
Second Semester Block Test
Class : 6, English Literature F.M :- 80
Date :08-03-2017 Time:2 hours
Ports of the same auestion must be in order.

Ql.. "l was about nine or ten when I decided to be an artist.,,

(a) who said this ? Name the story from where this line is taken. (2)
(b) Who was author's elder brother ? Name the autobiography written by his elder brother . (2)
(c) write about 3 qualities that the author's mother possessed . (3)
(d) What description the author has given of the Dusshera festival in Mysore ? (3)

Q2. 'The sun was shining on the sea,

Shining with allhis might;,,
(a) Name the poem and the poet.
(b) What was seen in the sky in the middle of the nlght? (2)
(c) How did the Walrus beseech to the Oysters? (3)
(d) what did the eldest oyster do? what lesson do you derive from the poem? (3)
Q3. 'That will be fine'said the boy.
(a) What was the name of the boy? What did he try to snatch?
(b) How did the boy look ? (2)
(c) What food did Mrs. Luella give to the boy ? (3)
(d) what kind of woman was Mrs. Luella ? Do you learn any lesson from her character ? (3)

Q4. 'Stop this folly !' lsaid,'where is my boy?,

(a) Name the story and the author". (2)
(b) what is the boy's name ? what kind of egg did the boy dab a finger in the shop ? (2)
(c) What did the magician take out from the autho/s hat ? (3)
(d) What were in the parcels which the magician gave to the boy ? (3)

Q5. 'Have you watched kids

On a merry-go-round ?' I

(a) Name the poem . What does ,on

the fly, mean? (2)
(b) Write two questions which the poet asks ln the first stanza . (2)
{c) What does the poet think we might be doing at night when we lie in our bed ? (3)
(d) what advice does the poet give us through the chorus of the poem ? (3)

Q5. 'Finished offyour daughter? your own ,Meyel,

(a) Who speaks this line ? Who ls the author of this play ? (21
(b) which examination did chaturbhuj pass ? what kind of pet he has ? (2)
(c) What does the speaker of these lines want to tell Chaturbhuj ? (3)
(d) What does the speaker tell about the pet of Chaturbhuj ? (3)

Q7. (a) 'My life is but weavlng, between my God and me....,,
(i) Name the poem. Who is designing our life ?
' (ii) what does the poet mean by dark threads and gold or silver threads ? (3)
(b) KUNJA - 'What brings you here , my good man ?,
(i) Name the play and the aurhor.
. (ii) Why had Bashambad gone to Kunja ? What answer did Kunja give ? (3)

Q8. Answer any two .

(5x2 =10)
(a) why was Sir Richarcl ,nibl. to pay forthe meal hosted by Robin Hoocl?
(b) How did the Abbot cheat Sir Richard ?
(c) What promise did the Sheriff make Robin Hood? Was he happy to make
the promise ?
St. Xavier's Collegiate School TEACHER'$ C0FY
Second Semester Block Test
Class 6, History
Time: 2 hours
Date: t4-03-2017 Marks: 80
H$TO|Y @ntwer oll questions)
L. Fill in the blanks (Copy the sentences)
a) The region of seven rivers is called
b) _ means the land of the Aryans.
c) The word means knowledge.
d)-The word dhamma is derived from the Sanskrit word
e);13__ were barbarian hordes who invaded tndia.
f) Buddha preached in
g) Many customs crept into Hindu society.
h) _ means conqueror of the self.
2. Answer in a single sentence 8x1=8
a) Who or what was a Grihapati?
b) What were Kumaras?
c) Who wrote tr4eghadut/a?
d) Who was the Aryan C'oO of fire in the early Vedic period?
e) Who was lndra?
f) What was a Mahamatra?
g) Name the capital city of the Mauryan empire.
h) Why were Gupta kings called Vaishnavas?
3. Short questions 4x2=8
a) Give 2 reasons why Buddhism declined in lndia.
b) What were the 4 classes of Varnas in Aryan society?
c) What were the 2 sects of Jainism?
d) What were the 4 stages of an Aryans life called?
4. Long Answer Questions 6x6=36
a) Who inspired Ashoka's idea of Dhamma? What were the main principles of Dhamma?
b) write a note on the position of women during the early Vedic period.
c) when and where was Gautam Buddha born? what were the 4 noble truths?
d) what were the reasons for the decline of the Mauryan empire? Name the last Mauryan king and
who killed him.
e) Write a note on the Gurukul system of education.
f) write a note on the economlc condition of the Gupta period.
C|VICS (Answer all questions)
5.' Short ansurer questions. ,
a) How do regional communities in lndia differ from each other?
b) who builds and maintains pubric property? To whom does it belong to?
c) Why is it important to protect and preserve hospitals?
d) Name any 4 linguistic communities in india.
6. Long answer questions
a) Write a note on the importance of public property.
b) write a note on the changes that have taken place in community life.
St. Xavier's Collegiate School IEACHEB'9 COPr
II Semester Block Test
Class 6 Geography
Total Marls: 80
Time:2 hrs
Attempt all questions in serial order

QA' Mark and name the following with appropriate symbols in the given
map (Australia).
l. Gulf of Carpentaria 6. L. Eyre
2. Western Australia 7. Great Barrier Reef
3. Tasmania 8. R. Murray
4. A region of China type of climate 9. Torres St.
5. Coral sea 10. Cape York Peninsula

QB. Name the following @o not copy the questions) 10x1=10

l. The other name of temperate grasslands.
2. A narrow stretch of land joining2largeland masses.
3. The longest mountain range in the world.
4. The condition formed due to lack of oxygen.
5. The other name of Frozen continent.
6. The most important crop of Australia.
7. The bird that mimic the call of other birds.
8. The 'roof of the world,
9. The wool ofa sheep.
10. Important latitude that crosses through the middle of Australia.

QC. Match the following: 10x1=10

I Wool market Eucalyptus
2 Tanning oil Salt water
3 Mt. Everest Europe
4 Extensive farming Respiration
5 School ofAir Wireless communication
6 Pacific Ocean Wind
7 Jura Mountain Deepest Ocean
8 Air pressure Temperate grassland
9 Oxygen Himalayas
l0 Lake Eyre Sydney

QD. fi[ in the blanks: (Copy the sentences) 10x1 =10
l. The upper layer of the Earth is known as
2. The longitudinal extension of Australia is , .
3. The atnospheric pressure at sea level is approximately
4. Plateaus that are broken by deep valleys are known as
5. Paid workers on a sheep station are known as
6. New castle is also known as
7. The mostunusual creature offi,
8. The extension of ionosphere is

QE. Mention the difference of the following according to the topic given in the bracket:
I Jackaroos (meaning) Homestead
2 Continental plateau (deJinition and one example) Intermonte plateau
3 Monsoon type of climate (condition of climate) Mediterranean t1rye of
4 Sial @ornposition) Sima
5 Plains (Any 2 uses) Mountains

QF. Answer the following questions in fuil sentences.(Do not copy the question)
l. What is meant by extensive agriculture?
2. Mention the importance of air pressure.
3. Why the plains are thickly populated?
4. What is meant by ecosystem?
5. Why is the Eastem Highlands known as the Great Dividing Range?
6. What is meant by agro based industry? Mentionany Zexamples.
7. Mention arry 2 features of artesian well.

QG. Explain thefollowing: 2x3 = 6

l. Atmosphere has life supporting properties.
2. Mountains are thinly populated
3. The east coast of Aushalia receives more rain than western region.

QH. Draw a neat labetled dlagram of the following: s+z!+zl

l. Artesian well
2. lnside the Earth
3. Layers of the atmosphere


St. Xavier's Collegiate School ,IEACHER,S COpy
Second Semester Block Test
Time:2 hrs
Class:6, Mathematics
Full Marks:80
Date: O6l0,3l2AL7
SectionA (40Marks)
Attempt all auestions.

1. An alloy consists of Zinc and Copper in the ratio of 3:4. How much Copper is ther:e in 28 kg of alloy' t2l
costs Rs'
Z. Find the ratio of the price of coffee to that of tea, when coffee costs Rs. 24 per 100 gm and tea
8o per kg.
3. Ashish is 165 cm tall. His sister Annu is 8% shorter than him. what is Annu's height? t2l

4. One of the acute angles of a right angled triangle is 37o' Find the other angle' t2l

5. Find an angle which is equal to twice its supplement' 12)

6. A grocer buys L08 eggs at Rs. 25 per dozen and sells them at Rs. 2'50 each. Find his gain
percent' t3l

7. Find the value of 2x3 + 7xz - 8x * 9 when r = -3' t3l

8. Group the like terms together: 3xzyz,rllxlzz,lyzxz,gxzy',-1"*r'-'[5yzx2 ' t3]

g. subtract 7p-?q- 5rfromthesumof 5p* 2q*3r *7and3p-4r-3' t3l

lf so, write their degrees'
10. ldentify which of the folowing algebraic expressions are polynomials.
(i) ?mzna + ,l1mn3 - X*' *9mz *3mn*2,
(it) Zxzy + ./3 , (ttt) +a3b2 -3ab4 + sah +f, t3l
- fi+ 5y3
11. The perimeter of a square field is 152 m. Find the area of the field.
12. simplify: (i) 20 t-9 -{16 + (3 of 6 36)}l
- -
(ii) 35.8 - -
703.323 7.94 + 97,!28
{iiil (7ax3yz + Bx2y3 - 22xya) + (-Lxyz)
13. ln the given figure, AB is a straight line. Find the value of x' Hence ,
find IAAC'

Section-B (+o wlarks)

Attemot anv fo.ur questions.
t. (a) By using ruler and compass construct an angle of 1350'
of the
(b) A square and a rectangle have equal area. lf a side of the square is 24 cm and the length
the square'
rectangle is 32 cm, find (i) the breadth of the rectangle, (ii) the perimeter of

') (a) A dealer buys 200 quintals of rice at Rs. 1200 a quintal. He spends Rs. 10000 on transportation and

storage. Then he sells the rice,at Rs. 1-3 a kg. Find l5jrl'fit "'l::s percent' i
(b) simplify :72 - zl3(x - iy> - 4{22 - (3x - zv-6'11,
3. {a) Draw a line segment AB = 7 cm. Now draw a circle with AB as diameter. ln this circle draw a chord
of length 5 cm. Now shade the minor segment of the circle.
(b) For x =3 andy - -2,verifythat (x -/)3 = x3 -y3 -3xy(x *y). (s+s)

4. (a) Solve : 5x - 2lx - 3(x * 5)l = 6 and verify your answer.

(b) ln the given figure, lines l, m and n are parallel lines. Calculate the values of x,y and z. Hence, find
{i) obtuse angle ABC, (ii) reflex angle ABC. (5+5)

5. (a) On a particular day,96% of the students were present in a,school. lf the number of absentees on that
day was 154, find the total strength of the school.
(b) ln the given figure, AB is a straight line. Calculate LCOE.

(c) Find V?25 and {3r3+4)


6, (a) Three boys are aged 2 years, 4 years and 8 years. They want to divide Rs. 70 in the ratio of their ages.
How much money would each get?
(b) Can a triangle have
(i) three angles whose measures are 460,58o and 760?
(ii) three sides whose lengths are 3.5 cm,4.8 cm and 9.3 cm? Give reasons.
(c) Dravrl the lines of symmetry for, a square, the letter N and a kite. {3+3+4)

St. Xavier's Collegiate School THAgp1ifi,$
Second Semester Block Test
Class :6, Science F.M :- 80
Date :01-03-2017 Time:2 hours

NOTE: While answering Fill in the Blanks, for all answers must be written
COPY down the given statements
in complete sentences only, Do NOT COPY questions while answering other question.
All diagrams must be drawn in pencil. DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING ON QUESTION PAPER.

PHYSTCS (25 marks)

Ql. Blanks
Fill in the (1x6=6)
(a) Muscular energy is actually energy stored in food.
(b) Many Solar Cells are joined together to make a Solar -----
(c) A ----- is basically TWO inclined planes put together.
(d)A ---- is a nail with grooves going around it .
(e) Pin holders use the --- property of magnets.
(f) A magnetic compass is used to find the ------.

Q2. Short Answer Questions (2 x3=61

(a) When is work done by a force? State the units of work and force.
(b) What is meant by Load and Effort for a mac[rine?
(c) State any two ways in which a magnet may get demagnetized rapidly.

Q3. Long Answer Questions {3x3=9}

(a) What is Kinetic Energy? The Kinetic Energy of a body depends on what? Through an example, show
how Potential Energy contained in a body may get changed into Kinetic Energy.
(b) Describe the different classes of Levers with examples and diagrams.
(c) Why is Repulsion a surer test of magnetism than Attraction?

Q4. l2X2=41
(a) Afootballer kicks a r'esting ball of mass 500gm: the ball then moves with a'speed of 30 m / sec.
Calculate the Kinetic Energy of the football.
(b) Draw labelled diagrams of a Bar Magnet and a Horse Shoe magnet.

CHEMISTRY (25 marks)

Q5. Fill in the Blanks (1x6=6)
(a) An alloy is a ------mixture of two or more metals.
(b) Sugar Candy is made by *----.
(c) Burning is an ------reaction.
(d)The reddish brown deposit on any iron object is called ---*.
(e) -----'helps in formation of a solution.
(f)The ------ can be obtained from a solution by distillation.

Q5. Short Answer Questions {2x3=5}

{a) Define immiscible liquids. Give example.
(b) Between urban and rural areas, where would you expect a higher proportion of Carbon di Oxide in
air? Give reason.
(c) Name two water borne diseases.
Q7. Long Answer Questions
(a) Describe Sieving, giving two examples.
(b) Give three reasons to prove that air is a mixture.
(c) Write three ways to control water pollution.

q8. (0'5X 8 =4)

(a) Write down the symbols against the names of these elements------Aluminium, Bromine, lron, Lead'
(b) Write down the Formulas against the names of the compounds----Sodium Chloride, Zinc Oxide,
Ferrus $ulphide, water. i


q9. Fill in the Blanks {1x6=6}
(a) The shoot arises from the ----*of the plant embryo'
(b) Dicot seeds have two
(c) The male and the female ----------fuse together to form zygote.
(d) ----------is pollination by birds.
(e) ------*-are organisms that feed on dead and decaying organic matter.
(f) The culture of -----is Pisciculture.

Q10. Short Answer Questions
(a) Mention two functions of the stem.
{!r} Mention two functions of roots.
(c) ln what way is Gooseberry usefulto us?
(d) What are the different Trophic Layers?

Q11. Long Answer Questions
(a) write three modifications of roots, with one example of each type.
{b)What is Phyllotaxy? Give example.
(c) What are Epicarp, Mesocarp and Endocarp?
(d) What is Sericulture? How is it done?

Draw Longitudinal Section of a complete floyver and label its parts.
Second Semester Block Test - 2011
Class - 6, Bengali Time- z Hrs
Date-O71A312017 Full Marks - 80

5lfr1frfiv Fr{ofu T6o (116r Br rslnl qsB Rr$ fim rcoF "rm. q$F \r*qq'<Dqt v;u )o
T) qFK w"tRqg51 {) $qLT{ qqrrq"
'1) Xq.s fla{ s qR"i& x) Rn'tar*"* ?rsm fr:{m

erF fu{ ftT \St$trf rooF "r6{m rG,0 @ 'tE[ cil{

qrm rstHt q
T) {ry q{Ig rq'slq Q cretr TF[-{tr urBqw +qrt erfir-< <gro o+E orer 6o?rr
BErs Rffi r$tq u!cn< qr(6tr GBss-lr $q[ qtfic{ qEcs erE rcfm{r

rrrfinftRs q<qF "l-s qq( aqg. zmaFm EE-d n€ I (exl-u)

sITqR q&s qm TL<-{R H, dtq'oc{ nr Rrrm &R ertl ffi efffialxrflp [sl rrcqr, firri e.rq qm
frc-l qI6{{ R' Erm qfr qlH qFFN qTdiro qr{cs{ 6of qIn-{T tffi <l& Brcr \5Er FTl, qectl
<IcqT{(T E]-{t\o qr{N,-{t Fq e={T \51 Nrf e{T q"gr i5IcE qfr
"R KIT ?Ri{ mK cE? q|ir s!rs'[6f
tril't qm qmt TIF< <w-l Cqm elvlrlm Wfm <mqR "tBru fsIT T6rm[, qRI trlr Cgl qf{ +.<Cq
fim rR F rnr ?Fstv[ Tdcq, qrF <r+Er rr< m Tm <E rflm wFqt {Eqtr <FFi rst otGrs
\ilrFf{ qcr {01-r fiQr fi {fi qq <m qR qTil, sftrdr, <jr4 qc.sR <cd rqK q{ qrr qfo Evcrcer
qrrlffi ffi e qqsaf,-q qtrtr-<t qr0xtq Rffir wnFr_{pr ffi qt6 c.tE6s{t EIm rqtrie fu
q?H € rtdr q6q ,qrq\e fl5[TH nq F6rt T(r
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{) 'sr< qBIr qr{' +R-< qq' EqT [m-{? (l+l+u*c)
St. Xavier's Collegiate School
2nd Semester Block Test,2017 TEACHER'S COPY
Class 6,9- Hindi Time:2Hrs
Date : of FM:80

q. r mfurdfoqeit f; a} fufr ga' ftcr* ue Grdia fu&ers - llsl

al ow6*gem'refrar
em an&alarrs€fr-d
al ier&awg
al Bq[ - !ffirt ftn

c. z mH? M f, A ffi g€' fuTa qe cxft&rrs - t7l

mt dt fie& fre sMBrdr if nera gremre qrd qe CIw mt qar$ .r{ frfurs r

enl dr* rr{ afi anara * arn q-dra gS

q{ fr&ers r

q. a AA M quier d srTrar$sr qa-fr'? dar$ fi+ fue* qafr S cre qsrrcrdeta aqft
rrrTr#ft&B r

eruEfur arnrr srfut a rnefr-q effir6 6 arBrcnq, at& *l rreerzr

geqd ffiT s{a artr
rerprEwltarafr ft rre's-{reE"{r&qqfqaerrs+parqAAffidrq-€€rdF-fr al
<q?iqardpq fuqr r a."€Ie fu'fr6t'a1ftqrm Eiafi-qafr erarsr r &d, a1&areartfr
el r'au# *er 6', qE s44 ts-"fd fus at$ a-aa afr eenar ff r fr& * d* m'm at aft tr6,

aman fi am it, furirar ftE' qq * qq a-ra at r fufr at mm f; a*S fi-s-dr ailS e ger6r

aqeruIft il mm & d As a a-eta re nr+a qdr-{r sn fu' r&m argxr{rfi qr€t- qtft A

arrera ffiqil*mpmn m-ra-r{aQam r Etqra-qd erwdat SF'EEEr et, frile}q-&ffi

amgerrr$ d dfr a meft gr araEr * fug a'qar qqf,r ar r ryfr at ftreemrc d arryqr
* iepn uncn sn r erffro d Eer a-ffi 61 {aere * fus c-d.a €+ a&wa &en erara-eq
arafurdtn uPtuagant smterqrftara*c"{ereanfu-qr r er4* nrc.r6r ffiRUr

€e* urtrerrsrrcor.rtr aqor titer rr6qrsr 4q q4 crqqfuil fud' zet eraara * dti ar
eftrffitffimrrererftq+lafu-mr '

qpl zrerffir 6,rift & fua q€ft al qe m'ei m'rsrqra fuir, eqr* fus ad-i d-a en a€lmr
aFD 6S * ft6r-4 n rdrdb aqr fuaR el ?
ou ausrdqrRr* * fus aad& aqr fu+a qarqr er ?
a) aRsra arar fu'?rfrt kclrorqr ftQ ffift ?
al rega oraia, 6 3pq*t a,*r flEran Ar6fr B? l2+l+2+2+2" :1

q. a &rrfu&il-nf, tfoa& qR * mrr fufurg * 12+2+2+21

6) 6I?€ A'AqrAA €i'?F #t q&enqr


eerl aoqrq 4 a'nq'ara fi qQarrqr

ar) qof aIa-om a aqof ala-*ra aft qQancn
Er) frA4ngarrc areqq&afasftfuS -
al rrit i aasrfoa'r apr fircror eqrq * gar ra-dara *'ra f;l I

eD garE dq cre ger mQaft r rega-*'ra f;l

E) aRa qcrq a erg** ar*er a& qRancn r

q. s m&ndqq*frtftF'dqre*a.aeftrfurs- [5x4=20]

ffi') ararEfl? q-fr fi *a m eqrTqa r furna fuer 6*ra fi wm ar ?

aro ftr *, eilaa ffih qfod Q era qp d erarqB ? E# #€ arft qffi qrBs aen cert

ryqrarerB ?
all 3i.g&am ieeri f,'*en en ? a-gnfir ga i a'& aar aq&er ftqr aerr 6et qQ ga S
al anqarR{6 eftf, en ? dar& Efg e& arRra mei *, fus dta S qra a& ?
ql eieiR * sisR m} d'd E3 fo-qi qr er6a'rB ? s-er €fuirr * ercreat ffir larEn ffiE ?

c. a fttr&'Rera e,uit
acf frrfurS {m1$ "fiiii '- 110l

Eara, aRr, 6d[Ia, Ek, ilss, desr, --{ET, geT, e6'ff, agw, ftaqr6-,
q-6, dffi, ff, eiQ,

S*r, fte, fresr, mao,r, freaer, ?rfr', *. r

si. z Euafu&rra fr * ffi a] * a-nE fufurS - [5 x 2 = 10]

6') 6ga{r6r arer a-cnt a,-a'rs qi& mr era}q"# aoia atfuS r

errl gafra i agara mr era aqa-oi' * qi'rr zrd' ator ? erqrfr & an-aeT ffi ryq-l a-aE ffi r
ar) ?ra-?rcror gG fti eiek f; qo[a, ffifuS r

x (, x
Class - 6, Bengali 3rd Language
Second Semester Block Test - z\fi
Time- 2 Hrs
Full Marks - 80
Attempt in order, the_fottowing questions. Copy out each questions before answering.
-- --g''
?.Writg thg.Ben.qali Meanins.
Blue, You, Country,suddenty , partour, Candle, Cock, Trick
.rr' E,ttg,'It
Z.Write the Enolish tue.anlng.
Meanino . g
q& (sr{, Bt($'^, ?"|."r{, rqr<F'r{, RqqlrfrT{
3.Tran.slate into.Bensali.
a) Anil is a great hero.
b) You go home now.
c) The fisherman catches fish.
d) Shaibal is a very rich boy.
e) He is a big thief.
. 0 Sonaliwill not come on Monday.
g) lron is very cosfly
h) He makes fun.
4.Translate into Enolish- I
$AH q;r qrfi r

*ryDgfr ,{etT nq BT T3r I

Bcq 1r $ctt <@ I

*lqfrd E,qq hoR rcr I

B)qr'fls{qhFs Q qreq I
qcnrsr65 ntfr n? r

$)gfr rqE Hn +s r

r)rfl?l fq ?F TiF r

ffi, Ts, rq'F,, € (Tm, Klq.,
s6F[, 6lFI, t]$, <[8, Vrq', TPIV,
q) {cT{-{Ist4 .......................... I
qD <& r*rrq erbt agr{ ,......................... fu eq r

O wrrRm 1t ......... qc{re I

?) ffi flrq................,......... arm r

fto rrm{ ................ r<I{ |

u) qEI6 stT ...................1

il) wm qq' TK n]q.cEl
t) \il< rqF' t< ............................ r

7. Question Answer (4x4)=15

a) What does a housewife require to prepare tea?
b) What do you normally your school bag ?
c) Mention all that you need when you take a bath.
d) What do you eat for breakfast ?
8. Write the poem '1ll[91fr, r
9. Write down the numbers 51-70 in Bbngali. io



St.Xavier' s Collegiate School

Second Semester Block Test
Class: 6, Hindi (3rd.Lang.) Time: 2 hours
Date: 02.03.2011 Full Marks: 80
Q.1 Change the gender of any ten words:- tsl
Ft{, q6r, ilfft, FIt-f,T, ErEr, rlEfi(r, .ifta, {ror, t6r.6-, gsnft, dgr, il56t, Er&
Q.2 Ctrange the number of any ten words:-
*ar, tfrr, gfriqt, rilar, errf,r, frfrar, frBtn, tg, d?Ta, dt3n, en$, wqil
Q.3 Write opposite words of any ten words given below:- t5I
3tl:-(sr, g{t$, d'Er, frT, qEn, FK, }tr6rs, laA, qrg, 3itrsR,
*9, fail
Q.4 Write the word meaning of any twenty words in Hindi:- [10]
Sr, frrTrd, fle, ;, gkfitTr, qTFIf6F', agr, m, dfrG61, EtGtr, {TFfr, tS, rtna.
ri6r, Etqr,
{e[, Tgilr, gr, tIFIr, Ht6dTr, Tffi, dtt;r, 3{rdr$l
Q.5 tvtate sentences with any five words in Hindi:- [10]
deril, Frolt, qk, g{rilt[, Erffi, ffi, mcrgr,
Q.6 Write ten lines on any one of the topics given below:-
*{r erft, frt m, ffi af, Cqr Err dat
Q.7 ritt in the blanks:- [10]
(i)frT rot eh
(ii) qd........EfiiFII ffi tl
(iii) ek * f(r fr' ...... t

(iv) 3firFrIr +) rtrim...... t

(v)6refl trg am fr r5ri......e1e1

(vi) ffi.........r{r$ rr& tr

t t
(vii)r+ri s{xhs eT 3fl* *..........qmt
(viii)9*,61 h Hrt fiT$ eflrl
(ix)Frrfr * rn+q 3qqg....qrfr df5 frFnf
(x)ffi tA fi 6rrr6,ft f ....grrldtl
Q.8 Rnswer the questions given below in Hindi: - [10]
(i) ft{q.6i we *?
(u)frU t +an tsrf
(iv) 6rtff tq Ed ullar qn
(vlT{E ar;ffi{ ffi g{A 0?
(vilefficti fi tk S Eqr ffir fi?
(vii) €{ri?r qst
5v ffir s}E ror

(viii) u{zd[er i t{ t 3{rS Err irllr ${ur ddrqr?

(ix) tllffi * ror enrtrr fr?
(xlArfr wt crsar 16r ?1?
Q.9 Correct the spelling and re write- tsl
3rrrs, qfftqil, qifr, 3rdr$, t$zuiil,gf, MI, {rt1, gs,, gfreffl
Q. 10 {a } write down i n wo rds-93,9U,Eq,ieC,b9,C o,Cb,CC,Ci,!o tsI
(b) Write down in numbers(Hindi)-Smr{A S gfO fqil lsI

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