Scroor'Eac, E''S: Xavter'S Block Test
Scroor'Eac, E''S: Xavter'S Block Test
Scroor'Eac, E''S: Xavter'S Block Test
Ql. write an essay on any one of the following topics (about 300 words) 25 marks
(a) My first day at the BtG school.
(b)A classmate whom I like very much.
(c) Autobiography of a rat that lives inside the cupboard in a classroom.
The nursery was a wide, low structure with bamboo walls and a.roof of thinly spread thatch, One
section contained small earthen beds while another housed thousands of small bags, each containing a
tea sapling.
Questions. (5x2=10)
a) Why did the visitors have to go in a jeep?
til Describe the nursery.
c) Why is Nitrogen irnportant for tea plants?
d) How do tea plpnters have to act as doctors?
q)" Why do tea plants need a lot of care?
Find words from the text that mean the following. (5X1=5)
a)' Chemical to improve the soil.
b) Small plant.
c) To find out what is wrong.
d) 'Suitable.
e) Roof of straw.
GLAMMAR,(30 Marksl
q4 (1x4=4)
Write complete sentences by Filling in The Blanks with either ARTICLES or PREPOS|T|ONS
(a) The ferocious sailor was terribly afraid of
--one-legged man !
(b) MV sister studied for --- M.BA degree.
(c) They were caught talking ------examination.
(d) The murderer begged-*-mercy, but none of the judges would listen to him.
Q5 (1x4 =4)
Write complete sentences by using the type of Adjective given in the bracket.
(a) My uncle is an ---policeman. (Use Adjective of QUAL|TY)
(b)There is:-money in my wallet. (Use Adjective of QUANTTW)
(c) Chaitra is the ----month of the lndian National Calendar. (Use Adjeaive of NUMBER)
(d) ----- copy-book is this? (Use lnterrogative Adjective)
q6 (1X4 =4)
write complete sentences by using the type of Adverb givenin the bracket.
(a) The soldiers fought (Adverb of MANNER).
(b) The Doctor spoke to the patient. (Adverb of MANNER).
(c) I met her ----(Adverb of T|ME)
(d) You must reach home by --*- (Adverb of T|ME)
q.7 (1x4=4)
Write complete sentences by using appropriate conjunctions.
(a)Are you free now ----- do you have some urgent work pending?
(b) lt is raining heavily now, ----- take my umbrella and return it when you come next.
(c)--- --
Sita Gita wanted to marrythe same man!
(d) My brother is good --- in studies ---.. in sports.
q8. (tX4=41
The statements printed are incorrect. Do not copy the wrong sentences, but write down the corrected
version only.
(a) Neither I nor my brother are arriving today.
(b) A play station and a bicycle is the gifts I got from my mother on my birthday!
(c) Neither of them are available to speak right now.
(dlTide and time waits for none.
Q9 .Change into lndirect Speech (Do not copy the questions) {1x5 =5}
(aJfhe boy said, "The flowers are very cotourful."
(b) MV friends say, "Your grandmother is a great cook! ".
(c)The Government has said,."There will be a tax-increase in the month of.April" !
(d)The class teacher said, "All the students have passed.".
(e) Rohan said, "We will play foirtballtomorrow."
Q10. Change the following sentences into active or passive'voice. Do not copy questions. {1x5=5}
(a) The goal keeper caught the ball
(b) The cat chased the rat .
(c) The injection was given by the doctor.
(d)The boy was beaten by his friends
(e) The brave boy was awarded 'Bir Chakra' by the Prime Minister.
rdffiUrn's coPY
St. Xavier's Collegiate School
Second Semester Block Test
Class : 6, English Literature F.M :- 80
Date :08-03-2017 Time:2 hours
Ports of the same auestion must be in order.
Q7. (a) 'My life is but weavlng, between my God and me....,,
(i) Name the poem. Who is designing our life ?
' (ii) what does the poet mean by dark threads and gold or silver threads ? (3)
(b) KUNJA - 'What brings you here , my good man ?,
(i) Name the play and the aurhor.
. (ii) Why had Bashambad gone to Kunja ? What answer did Kunja give ? (3)
QA' Mark and name the following with appropriate symbols in the given
map (Australia).
l. Gulf of Carpentaria 6. L. Eyre
2. Western Australia 7. Great Barrier Reef
3. Tasmania 8. R. Murray
4. A region of China type of climate 9. Torres St.
5. Coral sea 10. Cape York Peninsula
QD. fi[ in the blanks: (Copy the sentences) 10x1 =10
l. The upper layer of the Earth is known as
2. The longitudinal extension of Australia is , .
3. The atnospheric pressure at sea level is approximately
4. Plateaus that are broken by deep valleys are known as
5. Paid workers on a sheep station are known as
6. New castle is also known as
7. The mostunusual creature offi,
8. The extension of ionosphere is
QE. Mention the difference of the following according to the topic given in the bracket:
I Jackaroos (meaning) Homestead
2 Continental plateau (deJinition and one example) Intermonte plateau
3 Monsoon type of climate (condition of climate) Mediterranean t1rye of
4 Sial @ornposition) Sima
5 Plains (Any 2 uses) Mountains
QF. Answer the following questions in fuil sentences.(Do not copy the question)
l. What is meant by extensive agriculture?
2. Mention the importance of air pressure.
3. Why the plains are thickly populated?
4. What is meant by ecosystem?
5. Why is the Eastem Highlands known as the Great Dividing Range?
6. What is meant by agro based industry? Mentionany Zexamples.
7. Mention arry 2 features of artesian well.
St. Xavier's Collegiate School ,IEACHER,S COpy
Second Semester Block Test
Time:2 hrs
Class:6, Mathematics
Full Marks:80
Date: O6l0,3l2AL7
SectionA (40Marks)
Attempt all auestions.
1. An alloy consists of Zinc and Copper in the ratio of 3:4. How much Copper is ther:e in 28 kg of alloy' t2l
costs Rs'
Z. Find the ratio of the price of coffee to that of tea, when coffee costs Rs. 24 per 100 gm and tea
8o per kg.
3. Ashish is 165 cm tall. His sister Annu is 8% shorter than him. what is Annu's height? t2l
4. One of the acute angles of a right angled triangle is 37o' Find the other angle' t2l
6. A grocer buys L08 eggs at Rs. 25 per dozen and sells them at Rs. 2'50 each. Find his gain
percent' t3l
') (a) A dealer buys 200 quintals of rice at Rs. 1200 a quintal. He spends Rs. 10000 on transportation and
storage. Then he sells the rice,at Rs. 1-3 a kg. Find l5jrl'fit "'l::s percent' i
(b) simplify :72 - zl3(x - iy> - 4{22 - (3x - zv-6'11,
3. {a) Draw a line segment AB = 7 cm. Now draw a circle with AB as diameter. ln this circle draw a chord
of length 5 cm. Now shade the minor segment of the circle.
(b) For x =3 andy - -2,verifythat (x -/)3 = x3 -y3 -3xy(x *y). (s+s)
5. (a) On a particular day,96% of the students were present in a,school. lf the number of absentees on that
day was 154, find the total strength of the school.
(b) ln the given figure, AB is a straight line. Calculate LCOE.
6, (a) Three boys are aged 2 years, 4 years and 8 years. They want to divide Rs. 70 in the ratio of their ages.
How much money would each get?
(b) Can a triangle have
(i) three angles whose measures are 460,58o and 760?
(ii) three sides whose lengths are 3.5 cm,4.8 cm and 9.3 cm? Give reasons.
(c) Dravrl the lines of symmetry for, a square, the letter N and a kite. {3+3+4)
St. Xavier's Collegiate School THAgp1ifi,$
Second Semester Block Test
Class :6, Science F.M :- 80
Date :01-03-2017 Time:2 hours
NOTE: While answering Fill in the Blanks, for all answers must be written
COPY down the given statements
in complete sentences only, Do NOT COPY questions while answering other question.
All diagrams must be drawn in pencil. DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING ON QUESTION PAPER.
Q4. l2X2=41
(a) Afootballer kicks a r'esting ball of mass 500gm: the ball then moves with a'speed of 30 m / sec.
Calculate the Kinetic Energy of the football.
(b) Draw labelled diagrams of a Bar Magnet and a Horse Shoe magnet.
Q10. Short Answer Questions
(a) Mention two functions of the stem.
{!r} Mention two functions of roots.
(c) ln what way is Gooseberry usefulto us?
(d) What are the different Trophic Layers?
Q11. Long Answer Questions
(a) write three modifications of roots, with one example of each type.
{b)What is Phyllotaxy? Give example.
(c) What are Epicarp, Mesocarp and Endocarp?
(d) What is Sericulture? How is it done?
Draw Longitudinal Section of a complete floyver and label its parts.
Second Semester Block Test - 2011
Class - 6, Bengali Time- z Hrs
Date-O71A312017 Full Marks - 80
5lfr1frfiv Fr{ofu T6o (116r Br rslnl qsB Rr$ fim rcoF "rm. q$F \r*qq'<Dqt v;u )o
T) qFK w"tRqg51 {) $qLT{ qqrrq"
'1) Xq.s fla{ s qR"i& x) Rn'tar*"* ?rsm fr:{m
q. a AA M quier d srTrar$sr qa-fr'? dar$ fi+ fue* qafr S cre qsrrcrdeta aqft
rrrTr#ft&B r
aman fi am it, furirar ftE' qq * qq a-ra at r fufr at mm f; a*S fi-s-dr ailS e ger6r
aqeruIft il mm & d As a a-eta re nr+a qdr-{r sn fu' r&m argxr{rfi qr€t- qtft A
amgerrr$ d dfr a meft gr araEr * fug a'qar qqf,r ar r ryfr at ftreemrc d arryqr
* iepn uncn sn r erffro d Eer a-ffi 61 {aere * fus c-d.a €+ a&wa &en erara-eq
arafurdtn uPtuagant smterqrftara*c"{ereanfu-qr r er4* nrc.r6r ffiRUr
€e* urtrerrsrrcor.rtr aqor titer rr6qrsr 4q q4 crqqfuil fud' zet eraara * dti ar
eftrffitffimrrererftq+lafu-mr '
qpl zrerffir 6,rift & fua q€ft al qe m'ei m'rsrqra fuir, eqr* fus ad-i d-a en a€lmr
aFD 6S * ft6r-4 n rdrdb aqr fuaR el ?
ou ausrdqrRr* * fus aad& aqr fu+a qarqr er ?
a) aRsra arar fu'?rfrt kclrorqr ftQ ffift ?
al rega oraia, 6 3pq*t a,*r flEran Ar6fr B? l2+l+2+2+2" :1
q. a &rrfu&il-nf, tfoa& qR * mrr fufurg * 12+2+2+21
q. s m&ndqq*frtftF'dqre*a.aeftrfurs- [5x4=20]
ryqrarerB ?
all 3i.g&am ieeri f,'*en en ? a-gnfir ga i a'& aar aq&er ftqr aerr 6et qQ ga S
al anqarR{6 eftf, en ? dar& Efg e& arRra mei *, fus dta S qra a& ?
ql eieiR * sisR m} d'd E3 fo-qi qr er6a'rB ? s-er €fuirr * ercreat ffir larEn ffiE ?
c. a fttr&'Rera e,uit
acf frrfurS {m1$ "fiiii '- 110l
Eara, aRr, 6d[Ia, Ek, ilss, desr, --{ET, geT, e6'ff, agw, ftaqr6-,
q-6, dffi, ff, eiQ,
errl gafra i agara mr era aqa-oi' * qi'rr zrd' ator ? erqrfr & an-aeT ffi ryq-l a-aE ffi r
ar) ?ra-?rcror gG fti eiek f; qo[a, ffifuS r
x (, x
Class - 6, Bengali 3rd Language
Second Semester Block Test - z\fi
Time- 2 Hrs
Full Marks - 80
Attempt in order, the_fottowing questions. Copy out each questions before answering.
-- --g''
?.Writg thg.Ben.qali Meanins.
Blue, You, Country,suddenty , partour, Candle, Cock, Trick
.rr' E,ttg,'It
Z.Write the Enolish tue.anlng.
Meanino . g
q& (sr{, Bt($'^, ?"|."r{, rqr<F'r{, RqqlrfrT{
3.Tran.slate into.Bensali.
a) Anil is a great hero.
b) You go home now.
c) The fisherman catches fish.
d) Shaibal is a very rich boy.
e) He is a big thief.
. 0 Sonaliwill not come on Monday.
g) lron is very cosfly
h) He makes fun.
4.Translate into Enolish- I
$AH q;r qrfi r
B)qr'fls{qhFs Q qreq I
qcnrsr65 ntfr n? r
$)gfr rqE Hn +s r
r)rfl?l fq ?F TiF r
ffi, Ts, rq'F,, € (Tm, Klq.,
s6F[, 6lFI, t]$, <[8, Vrq', TPIV,
q) {cT{-{Ist4 .......................... I
qD <& r*rrq erbt agr{ ,......................... fu eq r
fto rrm{ ................ r<I{ |
t t
(vii)r+ri s{xhs eT 3fl* *..........qmt
(viii)9*,61 h Hrt fiT$ eflrl
(ix)Frrfr * rn+q 3qqg....qrfr df5 frFnf
(x)ffi tA fi 6rrr6,ft f ....grrldtl
Q.8 Rnswer the questions given below in Hindi: - [10]
(i) ft{q.6i we *?
(u)frU t +an tsrf
(iv) 6rtff tq Ed ullar qn
(vlT{E ar;ffi{ ffi g{A 0?
(vilefficti fi tk S Eqr ffir fi?
(vii) €{ri?r qst
5v ffir s}E ror
****rf ***