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SECTION 418-01 Module Configuration

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418-01-1 Module Configuration 418-01-1

SECTION 418-01 Module Configuration


Module Configuration.......................................................................................................... 418-01-2
Programmable Module Installation..................................................................................... 418-01-3
418-01-2 Module Configuration 418-01-2

Module Configuration
the corresponding tire size under the "tire size"
1. The vehicles utilize a new form of module menu item.
configuration called "central module
configuration". Here, all of the necessary
configuration parameters are stored in the
generic electronic module (GEM) at the factory,
and from there they are transmitted via the CAN
bus network to the individual modules. The
Worldwide Diagnostic System (WDS) now
includes a new routine for replacing or
subsequently changing the configuration data.
This new routine is used to perform the central
module configuration. However, in this case the
data are no longer read into WDS like before -
instead, they are transmitted by the GEM to the
relevant module. WDS is only used to initiate
and monitor the process. For safety reasons all
of the configuration data which are saved in the
GEM are also backed up in the instrument
cluster. If the GEM then needs to be replaced,
this means that the required configuration data
can be read out from the instrument cluster with
the aid of WDS and then transferred to the new
GEM. The GEM checks the configuration data
for consistency and stores a WDS trouble code
(DTC) in the event of a fault. In the event of a
fault the functionality of a particular module may
be restricted. When installing a new GEM, both
the key for the radio remote control and for
PATS must be re-programmed (also see the
description "Module Controlled Functions"). The
procedure for this is the same as for current
2. NOTE: Ensure that the most up-to-date software
version is installed in WDS.
NOTE: In the case of engine running concerns,
module-reprogramming of the PCM may be
required. To do this, a revised software version
is transferred to the PCM via the GEM using
In WDS, select "Central module configuration"
from the tool box and follow the instructions.
3. NOTE: Following installation of a wheel/tire
combination, for which the tire-tread
circumference does not correspond to that of
standard tires, the tire size must be changed in
the GEM using WDS.
In WDS, select the "Central module
configuration" from the tool box and then the
"Programmable parameters" submenu and enter

2008.50 Mondeo 1/2009 G544349en

418-01-3 Module Configuration 418-01-3

Programmable Module Installation

"Programmable parameters" submenu in the
1. NOTE: In order to minimize module variations, "Module programming" menu tool box and then
different equipment levels and functionalities follow the instructions under the "GEM reset"
are incorporated in the same module. For this menu item.
reason, modules must be programmed following
replacement. For this purpose, the 5. For vehicles with anti-lock braking system and
vehicle-specific data is read out of the module electronic stability program, these must also be
to be replaced using WDS and is transferred to configured using WDS following replacement
the new module. In the process, it is also of the lateral acceleration sensor, yaw rate
possible to replace older software versions with sensor or pressure sensor. Configuration is
more up-to-date versions, for example. performed in the "Programmable parameters"
menu tool box.
NOTE: If, before replacing a module, it was not
possible to read out the vehicle-specific data
using WDS (the module to be replaced does
not respond) then, during programming of the
new module, the vehicle-specific data must be
entered manually via a selection list in WDS or
via a code which can be obtained from the
Technical Hotline.
NOTE: Ensure that the most up-to-date software
version is installed in WDS.
In order to program, select the "Install
programmable module" submenu in the "Module
programming" menu tool box and then follow
the instructions.
2. NOTE: The number of modules installed in the
vehicle can vary according to equipment level.
• The following modules must be programmed
after replacement:
• Generic electronic module (GEM)
• Powertrain control module (PCM)
• Instrument cluster (IC)
• Anti-lock braking system module (ABS)
• Restraint control module (RCM)
• Electrical parking brake (EPB)

3. NOTE: If, before replacing a PCM, it was not

possible to read out the vehicle-specific data
using WDS (the PCM to be replaced does not
respond), configuration of the PCM must be
performed following programming. For this
purpose, the vehicle-specific data must be
entered manually.
In order to configure the PCM, select the
"Programmable parameters" submenu in the
"Module programming" menu tool box and then
follow the instructions.
4. Following configuration of the GEM,
module-resetting of the GEM using WDS must
be performed. For this purpose, select the

2008.50 Mondeo 1/2009 G544350en

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