حل اختبار 2
حل اختبار 2
حل اختبار 2
Answers of questions No. 41-50
Answers of questions No. 51-60
Answers of questions No. 61-70
Answers of questions No. 71-75
Answers of questions No. 76-85
Answers of questions No. 86-95
1. determine the amount
2. cargo operations
3. dry material
4. all the times
5. detection of leakage
1. sufficient size
2. blanked
3. completely familiar
4. freely and safely
5. to make sure
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Answers of questions No. 96
“Vessel Security”
1. responsibility
2. brought inboard
3. at all times
4. must advise
5. around the ship
“Vessel Security”
1. when not in use
2. by ship personnel
3. limiting access
4. alongside
5. known to exist
“Vessel Security”
1. Special arrangements
2. should be scrutinised
3. before sailing
4. a problem
5. gangway
“Ship Fire”
1. discovering
2. will direct
3. assess
4. can be dealt with
5. fire hoses
“Ship Fire”
1. resulted
2. normally be the case
3. ensure that
4. to minimise the risk
5. greater risk and
1. a wide variety
2. health hazard
3. control
4. protection against
5. particularly necessary
“Chemical Fire”
1. to remain
2. put into action
3. considerations
4. in the form of
5. be available
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