حل اختبار 2

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Answers of questions No. 41-50

(address), package, envelope, box

(again), prior, before, previously
(Alaska), Algeria, Libya, Egypt
(animal), dog, cat, fish
(arrive), leave, go, depart
(bandage), wound, sprain, bruise
(barbecue), house, apartment, flat
(bicycle), automobile, car, truck
(Brazil), Asia, Europe, Africa
(building), harbour, port, pier
(buy), log, record, register
(calendar), year, decade, century
(calm), hurricane, gale, storm
(car), subway, underground, metro
(cargo), bale, chest, sack
(cargo), oil, petrol, gas
(carton), litre, pint, gallon
(chain), chain, chain, chain
(chain), diamond, emerald, ruby
(cheese), wood, metal, plastic
(coffee), dinner, breakfast, lunch
(colour), yellow, orange, purple
(commence), finish, end, stop
(compass), timer, clock, watch
(computer), butcher, plumber, builder
(container), cable, rope, hoist
(correction), mistake, fault, error
(crane), wheat, cotton, rice
(crew), helmsman, engineer, cadet
(cup), knife, fork, spoon
(cup), tea, juice, coffee
(currency), dollar, pound, yen
(damage), fix, repair, mend
(dead), rescued, recovered, saved
(destroy), clean, polish, tidy
(difficulty), aid, help, support
(distract), highlight, indicate, mark
(dock), hull, mast, deck
(drop), hoist, lift, raise
(eighth), eighty, eighteen, eight
(engine room), mess, galley, cold store
(engine), telephone, radio, telex
(engineer), dentist, doctor, surgeon
(entry), voyage, journey, trip
(face), bone, skeleton, skull
(fail), expect, anticipate, hope
(failing), operating, functioning, working
(familiar), different, strange, foreign
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Answers of questions No. 41-50

(far), early, late, soon

(fence), area, space, zone
(finish), begin, start, go
(fire), water, extinguisher, blankets
(garage), road, lane, highway
(garden), kitchen, bathroom, bedroom
(gloves), boots, shoes, sandals
(ground), plant, tree, flower
(group), couple, pair, twins
(hand), mouth, eye, nose
(hate), enjoy, like, admire
(heavy), high, wide, long
(help), prohibit, deny, ban
(hide), find, seek, locate
(holiday), week, month, day
(hospital), jail, prison, cell
(hurt), bandage, gauze, plaster
(individual), crew, team, group
(jacket), leather, cotton, polyester
(job), salary, wage, payment
(job), session, meeting, class
(join), cut, divide, slice
(joy), distress, grief, upset
(kite), boat, ship, yacht
(lake), hill, mountain, cliff
(land), ocean, sea, lake
(letter), number, fraction, digit
(lifeguard), lifebuoy, lifeboat, lifejacket
(light), green, brown, yellow
(lighthouse), coastguard, surveyor, pilot
(listen), speak, shout, talk
(local), back, aft, rear
(lose), hire, buy, rent
(maintain), change, modify, alter
(manual), television, radio, computer
(market), park, garden, field
(mat), plate, bowl, saucer
(meat), water, milk, juice
(medication), sickness, illness, disease
(metre), week, day, second
(milk), cow, goat, sheep
(nicenice), small, tiny, little
(none), either, two, both
(ocean), sky, atmosphere, air
(open), close, near, beside
(package), sugar, grain, rice
(pair), individual, person, adult
(paper), copper, steel, iron
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Answers of questions No. 41-50

(patient), doctor, medic, nurse

(pencil), folder, binder, manual
(pill), cut, bruise, break
(pipe), window, glass, mirror
(place), circle, square, triangle
(plate), floor, ceiling, wall
(previously), now, presently, currently
(propeller), whistle, alarm, bell
(purple), soft, hard, smooth
(refrigerator), radiator, boiler, heater
(refuse), order, command, instruct
(road), office, hotel, house
(rudder), port, starboard, aft
(safety), emergency, disaster, accident
(sail), engine, motor, turbine
(sausage), lamb, chicken, fish
(school), restaurant, bar, cafe
(sea), beach, shore, sand
(seagull), fly, insect, bug
(send), get, receive, obtain
(send), haul, tow, drag
(signature), note, letter, message
(silence), chat, discuss, gossip
(sink), torrent, gush, flow
(sister), nephew, uncle, brother
(size), large, big, huge
(sock), cap, hat, helmet
(son), mother, aunt, niece
(soup), wine, beer, whisky
(sport), tennis, basketball, volleyball
(square), height, weight, width
(stand), walk, jog, run
(starboard), margin, border, perimeter
(stone), wood, timber, tree
(stop), navigate, steer, direct
(street), city, town, village
(sun), forest, jungle, desert
(sun), lamp, torch, flashlight
(sunny), overcast, cloudy, foggy
(talking), football, basketball, swimming
(television), book, magazine, newspaper
(tired), timid, shy, quiet
(tune), paragraph, word, sentence
(twelve), tenth, third, twentieth
(ugly), handsome, beautiful, pretty
(umbrella), trousers, jacket, shirt
(unite), divide, split, separate
(wave), snow, rain, sleet
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Answers of questions No. 41-50

(wet), loud, quiet, noisy

(window), bed, table, chair
(wire), silk, wool, cotton
(yoghurt), apple, lemon, orange

Answers of questions No. 51-60

After seven months at sea, Im looking forward to going (on)…

All essential supplies need to arrive (by) …
Are the dangerous goods (on) fire?
Are there any warnings (down) operation?
Are you (on) an even keel?
Ask the Chief (for) the protective gear.
Because of the storm, we were (behind) …
Brief all crew members (on) tropical …
Can you get the fire (under) control?
Check (in) the operations manual.
Check the containers (for) any damage.
Coffee is exported (from) Brazil.
Containers are stored above and (below) deck.
Do a security check (before) departing.
Do not enter the space (without) …
Dont lean (against) the wall.
Examine the fuel pipe (for) leakages.
Go (through) the galley to get to the cold store.
Go (to) the hospital, youre ill!
Has the radar been switched (on)?
Have a rescue team (on) standby.
Have fire patrols ready (in) all areas.
He spent it all (on) video equipment.
He works (on) reefer vessels.
How does this vessel compare (with)…
How long have the Superintendents been (on)…
I advise you change (to) a larger range scale.
I am (in) danger of capsizing.
I am heaving (up) the anchor.
I am not making way (through) the water.
I am on watch (until) 0800 hours.
I expect to refloat (with) tug assistance.
I plan to be (at) sea for at least four months.
I went aground (at) high water.
Im tired (of) these six month contracts.
Is extra power available (in) an emergency?
Is the engine (on) bridge control?
Is there a doctor (on) board?
It is dangerous to anchor (in) your …
It seems to rain most of the time (in) England.
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Answers of questions No. 51-60

It took over an hour to get (out of) the port.

Jump (into) the water and board the liferaft.
Keep a look (out) for wreckage.
Keep going (until) the two lights are in line.
Keep the pilot boat (on) the port side.
Keep the wind (on) the port quarter.
Lower the derrick (over) the pier.
Maintain radio contact (on) VHF channel 15.
Make sure the log book is available (for) …
Make sure you have a lifeline (between) …
Meet (at) the muster station.
Passengers and crew!Follow the lifeboatmen (to) …
Please repeat your position (for) identification.
Prepare to cast (off) the tow line.
Proceed (with) caution.
Pump (out) the ballast water.
Put (down) the receiver when you finish the call.
Put (on) your warm clothing.
Put the safety instructions (on) the wall.
Put the windlass (in) gear.
Replace the liferaft (in) the next port.
Report the time (of) the accident.
Rotterdam (to) Singapore takes about three weeks.
Smoke is coming (from) the engine room.
Stand (by) to receive the towing line.
Store the rope (in) coils.
Switch (off) the fire alarms.
Switch (on) the anchor lights.
The bad weather was coming straight (towards) …
The berth is (opposite) the breakwater.
The boat moved (through) the canal locks.
The bonus was shared evenly (among) the ….
The cabin measures three metres (by) four.
The cargo is loaded (by) cranes.
The Chief Engineer lives (in) Holland.
The city centre is not far (from) the port.
The cook serves lunch (at) 12 noon.
The crew ate chicken (for) lunch.
The crew was (on) shore for most of the day.
The cruise ship set sail (in) heavy seas.
The Customs Officer will be waiting for you (at) …
The direction of the tidal current will change (in) …
The documents are (in) the top drawer.
The engine failed 12 miles (from) port.
The engineering course finishes (in) two weeks.
The First Aid equipment is (behind) the door.
The laundry is located (between) the hospital …
The lifebuoys are (on) the deck railings.
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Answers of questions No. 51-60

The Master was (in) the engine room when …

The next training session is (about) fire fighting.
The ratings messroom is (on) the second deck.
The sea trial was held (off) the coast of Florida.
The storm passed (over) us last night.
The supervisor sat (between) the two engineers.
The tanker was (in) good condition.
The tide is (against) you.
The typhoon is heading (from) the east.
The vessel was in dry dock (for) two weeks.
The vessel will arrive (at) 1300 hours local time.
The vessel will be in Hong Kong (in) three days.
There are fourteen vessels (at) anchor.
There are grab rails all (around) the lifeboat.
There are nets (with) buoys in this area.
There are nine vessels (behind) us in the convoy.
There are no dangerous targets (on) the radar.
There are small fishing boats, in the area (around) ….
There are twenty-five crew members (on) board.
There is something wrong (with) the radar.
They are visiting the agents office (on) …
They are working (under) difficult circumstances.
They continued east until they were (near) …
They do not have enough food (for) the voyage.
They have cut the line (in) half.
They need to pick up the supplies (at) ….
They sell the charts (at) the store.
They showed the training video (in) …
They went (into) town for supplies.
They were able to secure the line (at) time.
They will be leaving (in) two hours.
Theyll be (at) home tomorrow.
This training record book is (for) the Bosun.
Transfer the person to my vessel (by) boat.
Transit will begin (at) 0700 hours.
Turn hard to starboard (at) the first buoy.
Use breathing apparatus (in) the holds.
Use light signals (for) communication.
Visibility is reduced (by) fog.
We arrived (in) Singapore yesterday.
We go (through) the Panama Canal tomorrow.
We have finished (with) the engines.
We have no engine power (at) the moment.
We must meet (by) the lifeboat.
We must sail (around) the buoy.
We need to leave the berth (in) …
We will be in the Pacific (for) five days.
Were going to muster (on) deck at …
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Answers of questions No. 51-60

Were going to the airport (with) the agent.

Weve been at sea (for) three weeks.
Weve been instructed to proceed (into) …
What can you say (about) the incident?
What do you think (about) the proposed route?
What is the anchor position (for) me?
What is the latest information (at) the storm?
What time does the plane (for) London leave?
Which cabin is the Pilot (in) ?
You are (at) anchor in the wrong position.
You are heading (towards) fishing gear.
You are not complying (with) traffic regulations.
You are proceeding (at) a dangerous speed.
You are running (into) danger.There is ….
You must anchor (until) the pilot arrives.
You should check (with) the Master first!

Answers of questions No. 61-70

10.5 litres spilled on deck. (ten and a half)

542 people were on the cruise. (Five hundred and forty-two)
Advance to 2.5 nautical miles …. (two and a half)
Advise you make course 150. (one five zero)
Assistance will arrive within 15 minutes. (a quarter of an hour)
At noon GMT its 0700 hours … (oh seven hundred)
Be ready to go at 9.45 tomorrow morning. (quarter to ten)
Check that the consignment includes 305 … (three hundred and five)
Check that the revolutions per …2,000. (two thousand)
Columbus Day is on 12/10. (October the twelfth)
Columbus landed in America in 1492. (fourteen ninety-two)
Dial 021 on Inmarsat A! (oh two one)
DSC frequency 2187.5 is switched on. (two one eight seven point five)
Each barrel weighs 250 kilos. (two hundred and fifty)
Fire drill is at 11.00 every morning. (eleven o'clock)
For the latest satellite …417305. (four one seven three zero five)
He began his watch at 1600 hours. (sixteen hundred)
He started the company in 1985. (nineteen eighty-five)
He was born in Moscow in 1939. (nineteen thirty-nine)
He won 100,000. (one hundred thousand dollars)
He worked on reefers for three years…. (1988 to 1991)
His contract begins on 4/10. (October the fourth)
His contract runs from 2/10 to 1/4. (October second to April first)
I first sailed in 1951. (nineteen fifty-one)
I was at sea for six months… (February to July)
I was on tankers from 1962 until 1989. (twenty-seven years)
Ill be on watch at 1200 hours. (twelve noon)
Ill meet you in 30 minutes. Ill meet you in (half an hour)
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Answers of questions No. 61-70

Im 47 years old. (forty-seven)

It drifted for 20 miles, or 32.187 km. (around 32 miles)
It takes 60 seconds from … (sixty)
It was 37 degrees Celsius in Madrid last week. (thirty-seven)
It was a good engine, 12,500 HP. (twelve and a half thousand)
It was loaded at the rate of (120 gallons per minute)
It was small, only 1/8 . (an eighth of an inch)
Look at page 90 in the safety … (ninety)
Maintain speed of 15 knots. (fifteen)
More than 1300 seafarers applied …. (thirteen hundred)
Mount Marcy is approximately 750 …. (seven hundred and fifty)
My appointment is scheduled for 12.15 pm. (quarter past twelve)
My birthday is 19/5. Whats … (the ninth of May)
My draft is 12.6 metres. Do not overtake. (twelve point six)
My first job as a deck cadet was in nineteen seventy-six. (1976)
My last vessel was 78,500 … (about eighty thousand tonnes)
My phone number is 99040. (double nine oh four oh)
Next weather report is at 1355 local time. (thirteen fifty-five)
One litre equals 1.76 pints. (one point seven six)
Our contract will end in Rotterdam on the 15/6. (fifteenth of June)
Phone the agent on 63444 when …. (six three treble four)
Report to the bridge at 1.10. (ten past one)
Sunrise will occur at 6.45 am. (quarter to seven)
The 2nd Officer is 33 years old. (thirty-three)
The AB was born in 1961. (nineteen sixty-one)
The accident occurred yesterday …5.30. (five thirty)
The affected area covers 100m. (one hundred square metres)
The application is due on 10/9. (the tenth of September)
The area code is 8617. (eight six one seven)
The barge will be alongside at 10.00 am. (ten o'clock)
The Bosun and the Pumpman were born in 1956. (nineteen fifty-six)
The captain ordered us to be on board by 1400. (two o'clock)
The car cost 23,600. (twenty-three thousand six hundred dollars)
The cargo on board weighs 5500 …. (fifty-five hundred)
The chart indicated 26 metres of water. (twenty-six)
The Chief Officer is 46 tomorrow. (forty-six)
The company employed over 1,250 … (twelve hundred and fifty)
The company was started in 1909. (nineteen oh nine)
The cook has ordered 16 kilos of fish. (sixteen)
The cost of replacing …1145. (one thousand one hundred and forty-five dollars)
The door frame is 1.9m high. (almost two metres)
The e-mail was sent at 0755. (seven fifty-five)
The equipment operates at 220 volts. (two hundred and twenty)
The Evening Watch is 1600 - 2000. (sixteen hundred hours)
The exchange rate at the …1.55. (one point five five)
The ferry can carry 75 vehicles. (seventy-five)
The flight from Barcelona arrives at 9.20. (twenty past nine)
The interest on the loan is 6.7 APR. (six point seven per cent)
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Answers of questions No. 61-70

The interest rate dropped to 6.5 … (six point five percent)

The list shows 133 barrels of oil. (one hundred and thirty-three)
The machinery operates at 125 … (one hundred and twenty-five)
The Masters birthday is on June the 7th. (seventh)
The maximum speed is 100km/hr. (one hundred)
The meeting will take place in 45 minutes. (forty-five)
The navigation light is 45 degrees to port. (forty-five)
The next full moon is on 8/8. (August the eighth)
The nitrogen level is 41.4. (forty-one point four per cent)
The overall length …158.45m. (one hundred and fifty-eight point four five metres)
The phone number is Geneva 55403. (double five four oh three)
The pilot boats bearing is 215 degrees true from you. (two one five)
The pilot instructed the …175. (one seven five)
The serial number for the engine part ended in six digits. (871130)
The ship ran aground 0.75 kms …. (three quarters of a kilometre)
The ship was built in the early 60s. (sixties)
The shipment includes 565 drums … (five hundred and sixty-five)
The ships computer has 520 …. (five hundred and twenty)
The site of the new …1,850 (one thousand eight hundred and fifty)
The tanker arrived at 1630. (half past four)
The temperature is -10 degrees Celsius. (minus ten)
The temperature reached 81 degrees … (eighty-one)
The temperatures in the Baltic …-25. (minus twenty-five)
The ticket cost 189 dollars. (one hundred and eighty-nine)
The tide turns at 8.00 pm. (eight o'clock this evening)
The total cost of the …2,500,000. (two and a half million dollars)
The train for Geneva departs at 1800. (6 o'clock in the evening)
The training video will be shown at 9.40. (twenty to ten)
The tugs have been delayed by one hour. …2.50. (ten to three)
The vessel must complete the 60-60 Turn. (sixty sixty)
The video lasts approximately 90 minutes. (ninety)
The volume is measured in cm . (cubic centimetres)
Their contract begins on August 20. (twentieth)
There are 1,500 seafarers currently … (one thousand five hundred)
There are about 40,000,000 people in Spain. (forty million)
There have been 472 applicants… (four hundred and seventy-two)
They drove for 512 miles. (over five hundred)
They have loaded 195 cars already. (one hundred and ninety-five)
They have worked 40 hours overtime this month. (forty)
They left for the airport at 2300. (11 o'clock last night)
They traded by sea in the 1700s. (seventeen hundreds)
They were waiting for 45 minutes. (three quarters of an hour)
They will disembark on the 26th. (twenty-sixth)
This diskette holds 1.44 megabytes. (one point four four)
This is the 18th accident this year. (eighteenth)
This vessel was delivered in October 1996. (nineteen ninety-six)
Three months of …4,609 kilos. ("four thousand six hundred and nine)
Time and number (half past twelve)
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Answers of questions No. 61-70

Today is Monday. They will depart in two days on . (Tuesday)

Today is Wednesday the fifth, yesterday was. (Tuesday the fourth)
Transit speed is twelve knots. (12)
Tropical storm warning for West Florida at 1430 …. (fourteen thirty)
VHF DSC channel 70 is switched on. (seventy)
We are approximately 200 metres from the shore. (two hundred)
We are in Lagos for four days, from . (Tuesday until Friday)
We are scheduled to arrive on 1/3. (the first of March)
We expect the vessel to depart on June the 15th. (fifteenth)
We have to move 300 metres ahead. (three hundred)
We have training at 2.00 pm every day. (two o'clock)
We loaded 500 tonnes …1200 in total. (twelve hundred)
We must return to the vessel by 7.30 pm. (half past seven in the evening)
We should arrive on the 30th of November. (thirtieth)
We unloaded 4,700 tonnes of steel. (four thousand seven hundred)
We were in convoy for 12.5 hours. (twelve and a half)
We worked at the weekend, both . (Saturday and Sunday)
We worked for nearly 36 hours. (thirty-six)
When we crossed the equator, it was 111… (one hundred and eleven)
Winds are expected to exceed 95 km/hr. (ninety-five)
Winds of 50-80 miles per …. (fifty to eighty)
Yesterday was Tuesday, today is . (Wednesday)
Your hotel number is 2947. (twenty-nine forty-seven)
Your station in convoy will be number 4. (four)
Zero degrees Farenheit -18 C. (Minus eighteen degrees Celsius)

Answers of questions No. 71-75

(Are you altered) underway?

(Are you leaving) tomorrow or Friday?
(Are you ready) for the Pilots arrival?
(Are you ready) to order the supplies?
(Are) the engines ready?
(Are) the temperature recorders in the holds operational?
(Can you understand) whats being said?
(Can) we connect the loading arm?
(Can) you fix it before departure?
(Can) you repair the damage?
(Did you forget) to carry a spare face mask?
(Did you report) the damage immediately?
(Did you speak) to the Superintendent about the pumps?
(Did you) practise the fire drill yesterday?
(Do you carry) any dangerous goods?
Do you know (the destination)?
(Do you need) a bandage for that cut?
(Do you understand) the standing orders?
(Do you want) fish or chicken?
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Answers of questions No. 71-75

(Do you want) navigational assistance?

(Does) the fire party have breathing apparatus?
(Does) the helmsman understand English?
(Has he met) the Training Manager before?
(Has he) charted the route yet?
(Has) everybody got a training record book?
(Have you altered) course?
(Have you located) the fire extinguishers nearest your cabin?
(Have you locked) the door to the ships hospital?
(Have you read) the companys safety manual?
(Have) they had the propeller fixed yet?
(How are you feeling) today?
(How did) the engineer break his arm?
(How did) they travel to Singapore?
(How far is it) to Rotterdam?
(How far) is it from Paris to London?
(How is) the cable leading?
(How long) does it take to get to Stockholm?
(How long) does it take to take to change the engine from ahead to astern?
(How long) have you lived in Odessa?
How many containers (are there)?
How many crew members (are there)?
(How many) fire extinguishers are in the galley?
(How many) of the crew have been sick this month?
(How many) passengers are on board?
(How many) reefer plugs does the vessel have?
(How many) shackles are left?
(How many) tonnes of oil can you take?
(How many) tonnes of steel are booked?
(How many) tonnes were loaded?
How much (does it cost)?
(How much time) will you need to finish loading?
(How much) ballast can the vessel take?
(How much) cable is out?
(How much) do they need for expenses?
(How much) water is in your vessel?
(How near) is the airport to the oil terminal?
(How) did you travel?
(How) do I adjust the range?
(How) do I get from the terminal to the airport?
(How) long will it take to send the spares to Japan?
(How) was your position obtained?
I (May) I have your manoeuvring data?
(Is everything in order)?
(Is it necessary) to report this incident?
(Is there anyone) still on board?
(Is there) extra power available in an emergency?
(Is there) sufficient depth of water?
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Answers of questions No. 71-75

(Is your vessel equipped) for GMDSS?

(Is) a medical examination required?
(Is) damage control material available?
(Is) the certificate of survey available and complete?
(Is) the engine diesel or turbine?
(Is) the VHF signal strong?
(Is) the wind expected to change?
Its an interesting place, (isn't it?)
(Must I take a pilot)?
(Was he) on duty last night?
(Was there) a problem with the engine earlier?
What (does the signal mean)?
What (is) your full speed?
(What are located) my berthing instructions?
(What are) the maximum revolutions astern?
(What is your draught)?
(What is) on fire?
(What is) the air change rate of the ventilators?
(What is) the hold capacity of your vessel?
(What is) the local time?
(What is) the maximum manoeuvring power ahead?
(What is) the nature of the sea bottom?
(What is) the number of casualties?
(What is) the size of the leak?
(What is) the weather like in the Baltic today?
(What is) wrong with the pilot ladder?
(What is) your latest gale warning?
(What is) your position?
What kind of assistance (do you require)?
What time (did the accident occur)?
(What time are you duty?) on duty?
(What time does) the flight leave?
(What time) did he start his watch?
(What time) did the accident happen?
(What) cargo are you carrying?
(What) course do you advise?
(What) part of your vessel is aground?
(What) safety equipment do you need to inspect?
(What) safety gear do you need?
(What) signals are used in an emergency?
(What) type of wine do you like?
(What's) the heading now?
(When did) the rudder get fixed?
(When did) the storm hit last night?
(When is) the next safety training session?
(When is) your birthday?
(When was) the last man-overboard drill?
(When was) the last safety training session?
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Answers of questions No. 71-75

(When was) the last time you visited New Orleans?

(When will the pilot arrive)?
(When will) you arrive at the distress position?
(When) are you due to depart?
(When) does the flight leave for Dubai?
(When) will crude oil washing start?
(When) will the assistance arrive?
(When) will the pilot embark?
(Where are you from)?
(Where are) the explosives stored?
(Where do you expect) to go next?
(Where has) your vessel come from?
(Where is) the hospital on board?
(Where is) the officers messroom?
(Where's) the Chief Engineer?
(Which is) your favourite country?
(Which) safety manual should I refer to?
(Who do you think) will get the job?
(Who was) on watch yesterday at 1030?
(Who) has contacted the pilot?
(Who) has painted the mast?
(Who) needs medical first aid?
(Who) sent us that e-mail?
(Who) will provide slings?
Why (are the lights flashing)?
(Why were) you late for your watch this morning?
(Would you get) that chart for me, please?
(Would you) make sure the radio room is locked?
You were with another crew on your last contract, (weren't you)?

Answers of questions No. 76-85

(aches), chest, chief, reach

(anchor), winching, beaches, launches
(anchorage), searching, church, such
(any), station, taking, daily
(are), spare, fair, wear
(back), lake, drain, crane
(barge), fare, hair, dare
(bear), east, tree, sea
(bill), mile, style, while
(blow), crew, blue, few
(bone), lock, bond, knock
(bought), loud, round, south
(bought), safe, rough, off
(bread), break, steak, great
(break), screen, seem, beam
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Answers of questions No. 76-85

(busy), summer, butter, bunker

(calm), salad, told, mild
(can), change, same, rain
(cancel), locker, speaker, anchor
(cell), cube, case, call
(cent), current, carry, cool
(channel), chain, chemical, cheese
(chlorine), check, choose, chair
(chrome), change, child, chip
(climb), Bosun, below, above
(cloth), soak, clothes, boat
(cod), load, code, hose
(cold), cereal, sent, central
(cold), should, wood, could
(comb), boiler, combine, cab
(comb), fruit, rude, cool
(course), halt, haul, cough
(crane), mass, fat, clan
(cylinder), coal, cargo, container
(danger), master, harness, carbon
(death), team, cream, breathe
(deck), tea, be, fee
(done), foam, bone, dome
(drip), fight, bite, sight
(drop), move, lose, choose
(dull), full, book, cook
(dune), drum, fun, son
(easy), pleasant, question, messroom
(eye), deck, let, next
(far), air, pear, care
(far), storm, war, form
(file), fill, will, silt
(flare), mark, sharp, far
(food), flood, crude, rude
(good), mud, flood, blood
(half), halt, plan, slow
(height), eight, paint, weight
(hold), stop, taught, yacht
(honest), head, hospital, hurt
(hour), hold, harbour, hand
(hour), ounce, drown, hoist
(hourly), higher, heavy, hatches
(hull), foot, put, pull
(June), sunk, monk, junk
(keel), knew, knot, net
(knee), back, coke, crew
(knife), kind, keep, kick
(knot), keel, king, key
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Answers of questions No. 76-85

(know), kilo, Kuwait, kill

(laden), spanner, hazard, travel
(lamb), verb, crab, knob
(learn), mean, team, seen
(learn), reef, feet, east
(limb), sign, climb, wine
(lonely), funny, money, sunny
(love), off, cough, soft
(major), manner, matching, massive
(many), matter, manning, happy
(me), mess, test, debt
(meaning), heading, weather, ready
(mile), nil, fill, fist
(mixing), mining, writing, riding
(much), ache, lock, track
(night), ate, freight, chase
(not), nose, load, code
(out), flew, school, loop
(paid), said, dead, fed
(palm), oil, film, hold
(panic), peace, chance, cycle
(phone), repeat, approach, passage
(photo), pilot, apple, clip
(physical), departure, captain, copper
(pick), phrase, phone, fine
(plumber), lifeboat, Brazil, timber
(pneumatic), sleep, passport, stamp
(pouch), joint, boy, soil
(pretty), sender, getting, jetty
(proud), soup, rule, blue
(prove), both, goes, those
(raft), flame, date, play
(red), we, see, feed
(repair), metre, leader, anchor
(rice), mark, sick, lock
(rise), list, miss, wrist
(round), clue, spool, group
(rush), bush, look, could
(safe), draft, graph, laugh
(said), laid, train, wait
(same), mask, plant, craft
(same), stand, land, gram
(scene), school, scare, sky
(sew), true, screw, shoot
(shallow), stalling, calling, taller
(share), gear, pier, clear
(shore), cod, squad, clock
(shot), poll, snow, whole
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Answers of questions No. 76-85

(shoulder), couple, compass, trouble

(sir), fire, right, buy
(skill), line, child, sight
(slip), type, slide, tied
(smoke), dock, rock, stop
(spare), car, bark, farm
(stamp), fail, drain, plane
(stove), fun, come, sump
(sun), glue, tool, chew
(swim), mile, dive, fly
(talk), pole, sold, bulk
(Thailand), Thursday, thirsty, thermal
(their), piece, team, fleet
(though), rough, tough, enough
(thumb), able, submarine, double
(toe), to, too, two
(tool), coin, toy, void
(tune), rub, duct, flush
(wash), bad, catch, span
(water), safe, gate, rating
(wear), leak, meet, seat
(whose), stole, rode, hope
(wild), drill, spill, build
(winch), crime, sign, blind
(would), round, mouth, out

Answers of questions No. 86-95

A (Move) the pilot ladder clear...

A stowaway (has been found)...
A tropical storm (has been hitting)...
Any changes (would) appear...
Are the sea conditions expected (to change)?
(Are there) any dangers to...
(Are you joining) us later...
(Are) the new crew members ...
As soon as I have further information I (will make)...
Attention! (Make use) of the hand...
Be careful (not to slip) on the...
Be careful! A small amount of oil (has spilled)...
Before departure all non-seagoing visitors (must leave)...
(Beware of) those bare wires...
Boarding arrangements (do not comply)...
Children (must be kept) under...
Close and (secure) the hatch...
(Do not enter) the Traffic Lane.
(Do not leave) the hatch cover open.
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Answers of questions No. 86-95

(Do not push) each other when...

(Do you accept) shore-based navigational...
(Don't panic!) Everything is...
Dont start until you (have received)...
Fishing gear (has) fouled...
Gale warnings (are) in operation...
(Go) to your lifeboat...
Have you (seen) the Chief...
His last contract (was) for...
Hurry! The ship (does not stay)...
I (am waiting) for clearance...
I (am) altering course...
I (have been sailing) all...
I (have collided) with an...
I (will complete) the manoeuvre ...
I (would advise) you approach ...
I (wouldn't go) that way if I were...
I always (going) ashore when...
I am (coming) to your...
I am (reversing) my engine slow...
I am ready (to receive) you.
I cannot (keep) my present course.
I do (not have) radar.
(I have located) you on my radar...
I suggest that you first (speak)...
If there is a problem, (make) sure ...
If you miss the flight, you (will miss)...
Investigators (are trying) to find...
Is the cargo ready (to load)?
(Is) the wind speed expected...
(Is) your radar working?
It (has been) five months since...
It is necessary (to pass) the safety ...
Its your job (to make sure) the gangway...
Lifejackets (are stored) in your cabins.
Only twelve people (can fit)...
Operate the lifeboat engine and0then (report)...
(Press) the red button if there...
Protective clothing (is) issued...
(Pull) the handle down to open...
(Put) the helm hard to starboard...
(Reduce) the pressure in the...
Reefer holds (must be inspected)...
Safety shoes (will be) worn ...
Safety standards (have improved) ...
Sea conditions are expected (to change).
Several vessels (were damaged) ...
Ships (are coming) to our rescue.
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Answers of questions No. 86-95

Some fires (occur) because of ...

Sound) the alarms immediately!
(Stop) in your present position...
Thanks. Your message (was received).
That route (will take) approximately...
The 2nd Officer (is steering) the...
The agent (is helping) the crew.
The agent (will be) here soon.
The anchors (have been) secured.
The Chief Engineer (has reported)...
The cook (forgot) to turn off...
The cook often (serves) soup at...
The crew (is fighting) the fire...
The damage (was caused by) a fire...
The deck (needs to be painted) as soon...
The engine room (is manned) 24 hours...
The engineers usually (meet) in the...
The ETA (was changed) to 1100...
The fire (didn't start) in the...
The fire broke out when we (started)...
The fire party (must have) breathing...
The injured man (must see) a doctor.
The lights (were) on at the pilot...
The lights are off when the ship (leaves)...
The Master and the Chief Officer (have worked)...
The pilot ladder (has)...
The pilot station (requires)...
The price of crude oil (has gone)...
The report (included) details of the accident.
The safety manuals (were issued)...
The ship will be (leaving)...
The Suez Canal (took) ten years...
The tanker (is) less than five...
The tanker entered the port after (waiting)...
The vessel (has not arrived)...
The vessel (was built) in 1989.
There (are) fenders on the berth.
There (is) a lot of weight...
These slings (do not permit) safe...
They (are spending) the night...
They (had been) at sea for ..
They (have been) unloading...
They (have driven) 400 miles...
They have (switched) on the anchor...
This (will be) a very busy day.
This vessel only (operates)...
Two ratings (have decided)...
Vessels (must avoid) this area.
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Answers of questions No. 86-95
Warning! (Do not drink) sea water.
We (are) going to an anchorage.
We (have known) each other...
We (have put) a man on lookout.
We (have) radio contact with...
We (met) last year at the...
We (received) our passes...
We (will be) in New York...
We are ready (to get) underway.
We have (to load) this cargo ...
We have located) an oil spill ...
Wear) your safety shoes on deck.
What maximum speeds (are expected)...
What precautions do they (advise)?
What problems (do you have)?
What range scale (are you using)?
When did you (starting work)...
Where did you (buy) your computer?
Why (are you checking) that cargo?
You (are approaching) a prohibited...
You (are approaching) the starboard...
You (are getting) closer to the vessel...
You (can stow) poisonous and flammable...
You (must bring) your immersion suit.
You (will) meet crossing traffic in...
You now (have) the watch.
Your actions (will be reported)...
Answers of questions No. 96
1. to eliminate
2. tensioned
3. same precautions
4. thoroughly understood
5. co-operate

1. determine the amount
2. cargo operations
3. dry material
4. all the times
5. detection of leakage

1. sufficient size
2. blanked
3. completely familiar
4. freely and safely
5. to make sure
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Answers of questions No. 96

“Vessel Security”
1. responsibility
2. brought inboard
3. at all times
4. must advise
5. around the ship

“Vessel Security”
1. when not in use
2. by ship personnel
3. limiting access
4. alongside
5. known to exist

“Vessel Security”
1. Special arrangements
2. should be scrutinised
3. before sailing
4. a problem
5. gangway

“Ship Fire”
1. discovering
2. will direct
3. assess
4. can be dealt with
5. fire hoses

“Ship Fire”
1. resulted
2. normally be the case
3. ensure that
4. to minimise the risk
5. greater risk and

1. a wide variety
2. health hazard
3. control
4. protection against
5. particularly necessary

“Chemical Fire”
1. to remain
2. put into action
3. considerations
4. in the form of
5. be available
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