HSL - LM1001745X - CC 02

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inst OF MANPOWER, SaIGAPORE WORKPLACE SAFETY ANO HEALTH ACT 2008 WORKPLACE SAFETY ANO HEALTH (REGISTRATION AND OTHER | Workplace No, ‘SERVICES FEES AND FORMS) REGULATIONS. ‘CERTINCATE OF TEST/THOROUGH VISUAL EXAMINATION (OF UFTING EQUIPMENT (LEP ‘Srna of ig Ear Fac Ossi nd Loman of ing Eason SL GROUND ENGINEERING PTE.LTO. ‘ao PEIAURU RoRD siotiseraigerws ibohnlln Faas a F : Des | EW geome oa Rd Pee a enim caapmen’ | SAME EI. imme Danitins ncn aT cpm ee Doctors mar So fesse Eg Fes eps Sab — ano a Ve ar Hs on 8m oa ee a ‘eee Pn oa Da REE sag oa eae ca a aa Teta t= tr Ss wong) [se 4 Inspected at Paya Lebar, Gai 2 Curent comguratn,acom lath 3m, rain block wth 8 pet ines and au hook, §:Gar'& 2 man biock Col’ & Ave hook ‘Data logger ntalod and in working conctons ity satel dvies cay wat on 21072022 eis eqdpment osc ths caieta was examined hrouhy by me, a a 368s ‘anntton poms nates Cos repe oy oxo, | furercrify tht he tg equipment compos na espect th he rcuterntsprtaring to tng eavomen as ‘ting cane Sy anes (Sorer Povo) Resons on ek epdas ass acnet nom PRR [PRREEY [Ammonis naw | Smylie sae A) anaes | svn aver non Eo tte Si ges nm nn tnt nea "Secreta Nt nb it i eve mck = WE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS PTE LTD mrs HSL GROUND ENGINEERING PTE LTD seateciton “ievarions eaons ame prone ae Coactiac ES 2 C nuts Epa imeem [Eve ila Tae | (IRE aT vunoorzesx | sawyscossoa | 2502022 | sgaize] \__EC TAN aie) 4023, ican o% wr ta TRA — Ra Ne ‘cure ogy. - Bom ecru 16 wow vo vp tet ing at may oa | ‘wurdaro nosness gama. E Pre connaing arr sd 8 HS WH By ekg paw ¥ ‘Shaves ae fe vay cles a ayes Del seven a ¥ Ra edie psa ee cog vos Hob wit coy WE, ook bo and eras acinar wees Won wearans | —Y "| Vt porn oe iw ng ae He om GAT BS Way ST sun near arco . [Deana aos Fa dos warn ‘arene is Fo die rd or i 7 | Wie a ase Sees ake 2E | Naber of log rps ed A os BG = wse proressionat ENGINEERS PTE LTD i ee a gg ERT, ‘Seung syson scp of aes or | moar wen ret. Tes nr pil EH STNG A orig a led goad wong cin aie Ta Seer eens india hd ca The gate wat ru lou srs oo tax Sen Ue essa ina Load enon, ‘Byer Meanie Sym ‘Opratrs eg as dena octet We ne oul aPSIGN SAT Eira ete aby Sean, ‘RO Nome Oe Ona) Sa sn por 5) __ Sem acezear noo od beta Mian ea or he me ae isbn cy eres (er tar wg eta SS feria 8 Testa mt Nae marc a ne anna eens

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