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4.1 INTRODUCTION A complete diagram of a power system representing all the three phases becomes too complicated for a system of practical size, so much so that it may no longer convey the information it is intended to convey. It is much more practical to represent a power system by means of simple symbdls for each component resulting in what is called a one-line diagram. Per unit system leads to great simplification of three-phase networks involving transformers. An impedance diagram drawn on a per unit basis does not require ideal transformers to be included in it. An important element of a power system is the synchronous machine, which greatly influences the system behaviour during both steady state and transient conditions. The synchronous machine model in steady state is presented in this chapter. The transient model of the machine will be presented in Chapter 9. 4.2 Single-Phase Solution of Balanced Three-Phase Networks The solution of a three-phase network under balanced conditions is easily carried out by solving the single-phase network corresponding to the reference phase. Figure 4.1 shows a simple, balanced three-phase network. The generator and load neutrals are therefore at the same potential, so that J, = 0. Thus the neutral impedance Z, does not affect network behaviour. For the reference phase a E,= (Zg+ Zh, (4.1) The currents and voltages in the other phases have the same magnitude but are progressively shifted in phase by 120°. Equation (4.1) corresponds to the single-phase network of Fig. 4.2 whose solution completely determines the solution of the three-phase network. Scanned with CamScannerFig. 41. Balanced tweeghace network 4 »(] a! ig, 42 Singlsheso equvalent ofa balanced tree shasenamwork a Fig. 44 Consider now the case where a dee pase transformer forms prt of & ‘tee-phasespsem Ith ransformee is HIV connected as shown i Fig. 43a, inthe single-phase equivalent of the thee phase crit it ean be obviously "epesried by a sngespase wansformer (sin Fi. 410) with pemay tnd Secondary prsning to phase a of he tie-phase transformer (Sneha ent gate WY tomer Fig. 43 ct Powe Sten Components | pF te wansformer is VA connected a Fig. 4, the dla side ha 0 be replaced by an equivalent star conaection as shown doted so ast obtain the Single-phase cqualeat of Fig. 4. An imporant fact hae, however, 10 be ‘observed here. On the dela side the vlage to eu Vy and line cent Jy have a cera pase angle hi from th str side vale Va and 1, (9" fot the phase labeling shown). In the saglephase equivalent (Va) ate respectively in phase wih (VJ) Since both pha voltage aod ine cient Shift the same phase Spe from taro desde, he transfrme pet pus impedance and power flow are preserved inthe single phase equivalent Tn mest analytical studies, we ae mee iter in the mognitode of volages and currents so that he single-phase eqivaleat of Fig. 4. san ccepnble proposition, Wherever proper pace angle of cents and voltages ae needed, ‘appli aler obtining the sltion thro single: phate transformer equivalent of the type of connection, the the sme a he intone aston rato. Se Seton 103, Scanned with CamScanner+ ONE-LINE DIAGRAM AND IMPEDANCE OR REACTANCE DIAGRAM A ce darn of pnct sem sows tema comecions an arangemenss of components Ay pater component may or may nt be stow depending on te ination required in ystems. cet treakers nec note wn na loa oe stay bat sa mst fora pein sty. Power spslem networks are represented by oven tas as Suitable symbols for genet, motors tnstermers nd fois. Ii Convenient cc way af network representation eben dasing the cial teat dngum wich my Indl te que cmbesome and tenting for practi ste power network, Genera andionromet onecons—sr ei, and ae rounding eet ye rn ty'the side ofthe rpeentaion f these denen Cheat Wesker are ‘opened tectgaar Bc Figure 43 shows the onetime Sapa of Spl oer ye: Te eats he ene ae gentle he Sagem Bo jwry pra@rnn 4 vw » lo@r i vo |O-@ry ror use P1548. One eposentaton ofa singe power system Snort. 1:S0UVA. 0 A¥. = « Stnowlea 2: feMA SBS Serato. 3-s5Mna ete Osos $antome pase) 'SHVA 2st 8.2 che perpasecn igh ein lo ‘instore 7 Bare) sMvh 362 WiX- 1 fs pacecahigteson os Ttenenon ine Senna. “ Lowa fst 09 tppg pert eed 8M O8NV-0esloggrg pve atr "Nol: Genemir oe speciean ves pase MVA neo vtap anor phase roaciance(eguion sealers oe sped ve phan VK Ieee ‘artormaton to, np paae (aun a once on os Coa ae ‘Seatogn tee pase ous ano yap nd owe oe Fig. 48. impesanc Gagan othe power eye of Fi. 45 epasenaugy ut rune oye vs t “The impedance diagram on single-phase basis for use under balanced operating Calis ean Be easily drawn fromthe oneline diagram. For the system of Fig 4.5 the impedance diagram is drawn in Fig. 46, Singlesphase ransformee Cauivlents ste shown 2 ideal transformers with wansformer impedances Indicated on the appropiate wide. Magoativing reactances ofthe transformers Ihave been neglected. The fly good approximation for ost power system dies The generators ae repeeseted a ola sources With serie eine fd inductive eactane (synchronous machine ic wil be discussed in See. $3) The tonsmision line is represented by a -odel (tobe discussed in {Chapter 8). Loads ar sue ta be pasive (et ivolving rotaing machines) Sidvare represented by resistance and inctivereiclance in series. Neural founding impedances dn not appear ithe diagram as balanced conons ae sumed. “Te voltage levels (66, {1 and 38 RVD ave presen inthis system. The analysis would proceed by transformig all volages ad impedances t0 any Selected voltage level, sy that of the wansmisson line (33 kV). The voltages ‘of pencttors re unformed inte ati of wansfomnation and al impedances bythe square of rato of transformation. This is very cumbersome procedre fora lage network with several voltage evel. The per unit method discussed Telow isthe mont convenient for power system analysis and wil be wsed ‘rougher tis book, 44° PER UNIT (PU) SYSTEM 1 is usu to expres voltage, cumen, volamperes and impedance of an clectcal cts in per uit (or percentage) of hve or reference values of these (ganitis, The per wnt value of any quay defined as he acta ale ny nis “ease or reference vale in he same was “The per unit method is paicolrly eoaveniet in power systems 8 the varoas Sections of 2 power spaen ate connected though tansformers and have ‘ferent votage levels Consider fs single phase system. Let ‘Base volamperes = (Vy VA. ase vollage= Vi V ‘Tren ae caret = ADH. am Per et value pret vale x 10 er eat va i conve fr we a8 he Gt f 10 has be eat Scanned with CamScannerModer Power Systam Analysis Base impedance Z,= Hm "ots (420) tn Ny ete actual impedance i Z (ohms), sper unit va is given by aa) For a power system, practi choice of base valves ae Base mepavokamperes = (MVA)y Base kilovoamperes = (kVA)y Base bllovolts = (V)p Base coment Jy (ay Base ines 24 1O*0™ 2 _ aoc Pe BWA, BVA “ Zs VA), er unit impedance 2 (py = ZAisDCMV Ay “ dane 29) = “o) lo) 8g (697x100 Inadvce pe sym ater than bing the per tvs sng per pase tase quanties, the per an values ean te otgined ely by arog tes ‘phase base quantities. Let yen ‘Tree-phae base megavoltmperes = (MVA)y Line-torline base Kovels = QV)y Assuming star conection (eguivlemt sar can always be fund), 200 %(MVA), ea an ‘ase cument fy = [Base impedance Zy —_, vid 0000095 ‘awn, "ava, an feprostniaton of Power Sytem Components pau erie 2g « ZA « ‘when MVA base is changed fom (MVAYs, 0 (MVADg, we, and KV base ss changed fom (EV)p. ou 0 (kV) ae te EW per unit impedance fom Ea, 149) is given by (NVA Oba Zien = Za Gave” Bem 410) Per Unit Representation of « Transformer thas tee si in Secon 42 that reese unserer fring pat of oe i ee ac reeentel 2 sgl pose tale 8 Suc ate ole ft se Te dela cmmced wig of aan a ya eee str tle tasoratlon a0 ra pte afore ys einen vooge a0 see pe eto aoe ent legs afere in ems of iy and 1c eg cet 2 08 2 onan ir soe eo 1 an roel egiced Lt sea vata ao aan tte san he tos the wafers ace ao transformation... Meet (iy Yee Pe Ra y ae we ‘ ae i paper ee vim won (ey Pe wheat atl angehate taioer Fig. 7 Scanned with CamScanneraan) aang) From Fig. 47a we ean write Mya ho) o~ hey ay We shall conve Ea, (4.12) into per uit frm VADNg = ou ~ oer 20 APM GZ (PUZag Dividing by opto nd wight lain (4a owe et Vape) = Vilpa) ~ I(padzylou) ~ Ay(pu)Z (pu) 13) now adn eg th he « fa i" he Noa) = Hon = 190) uation (1) ean therefore be writen as lp) = Yes) ~ hrezipn uy where gu) = Zen) + Zou Equation (4.14) ean be resented bythe spe equivalence of Fg. 4% ih est eon lfm: Conse ipl 3 herlare hen achieved bythe pra tod with commen volapere tse and volage bases onthe two sides in he ate a tansfommaton, 2p can be deerme erect fo he evan pean primary ‘secondary side of a wansorrer by Wns te apopiasimpence es (On primary side: = = ” 22% 6 ZF Bu Pye ZA = Zon) + Zips) = 2p) ay (On secondary side: a riaton of Power Sytem Vomponents heb ygh ie ln Lae Zn - Zea) = Z{pu) + Z,{pu) = Zipu) 6.16) “Thus the pr unit impedance ofa traafomer eth same whether computed sr pir o secondary side 0 log a the vlogs beso he tw ses frei i ai of tansoraio (equralet pr phe rao of «te pase transformer which she same ate rao of inet voles ating). “Te putansfomec impedance of ee pase afore i conteiealy chen! by diet ee of feepase MA base ad lneo-tine LV bas fenton (42), ay ter impede on ee se of wasfomers convened {epaloe atthe 2 or 2 Per Unit Impedance Diagram of a Power System From one-line diagram of power system we can directly raw the impedance
gn tid Vso tht the generator feds postive resctve Tr at he bus (or dass negative reactive power ffm the bus). Fer he Scanned with CamScanner- Modem Power Sytem Araysis anderecited case (Fig, 423), Le Uj cos 6 < Wik J, leds V, 0 that the seneratr feds negative eatve owe nto the bus (or draws postive reactive ower from the bu) Figure 4.26 shows the overensitd and undrescted cases of synchronous ‘motr(conreted to infinite bus) with constant power draw fom the inte bus. Tate overeeited eae, leat Vp i. the motor draws negative react power (er supplies positive reactive power: while inthe underexited eae J, Is Vie. the movor draws postive reactive power (or supple negative active power i (puntos Fig. 4.24 Phasoe says of eynetvonous mote cawing constant powar a8 ‘tin Is varied From the above dicution we can draw the general conclsion that synchronous machin (eeerting oF motoring) while opening st constant power supplies postive rscve power nt the bes bar (or Saws negalve reactive power rom th bx bt) when overnite, An uindrexcted machine rte ter hand eds sep recive power it he bus bar (re pve reactive power fom te bus bs). Conse now the power delivered byt synbronus gensaor an eine tux From Fg, 419 this power ln Patvsifsco 4 Tee atore expression te witen na moc etl form fom he phasor seomery, Pom Fg. 419 ath ee Hino FH} eos Om am plan a0 ‘The plot of P versus & shown in Fig. 4.25, i clled the power angle curve. “Toe marimm power tat canbe delivered cccurs at 6 90" and is given by (eM For P> Pay for 8> 90° the generate fs out of tp. This problem lhe stabil) will be discussed at length in Chapter 12 Pau (429) Fig. 425 Ponar ange cure ofa eynttenous generator Power Factor and Power Control 4.23 and 4.2 llastate how o synchronous machine power Factor for fixed power exchange thee donot pve ws a ele ive wales of) and This ean easly be sccomplished by recognizing fom Eq. (427) that Ej sin 8= UN, cos 0 7% « constant (for constant exchange of power t0 TM ite tus an 430) Figure 4.26 shows the phasor diagram fora generator delivering constant power tonite bus but wih varying excita, As sin Srenains constant, {hetip of phasor E moves long line parallel to Vas excitation i aie. The izetion of phasor says 90" lagging Xa is magnitae is obtained {oor (UK). Figire 4.27 shows the case of liming excation with 5= 90". Far exiation lower thn tis value the geserater becomes unstable Scanned with CamScanner6 { Modern Power System Analysis ff Fig. 4.26 eto vaning excation ot generator delivering constant power Tosi bos bar ay Fig. 427 Case of tniingexcaton of generator devring constant power fe msi bus ber Similar phasor diagrars can be drawn for synchronous motor as wel for constant ipot power (or constat lad if copper and ron loses are neplected Sd mechanical les i combined with lad. ‘Another ima operating condition i variable power and fied excita tion In ths eve IVa It ae fixe, bile Wand active power vary in tsccordance with Eq. (4.28), The eoresponding paso dagram fr two values Lf is shown in Fig. 428, leis scen from ois agra tt a8 Sincreases, rent mgniude increises and power Factor iayproves twill be shown i Section 510 tha 8. changes, thre is no significant change in the Now of reactive power. a Fig, 428 Operation of syneancus generator wih varate power and fed xan ‘Representation of Power System Components | a7 Salient Pole Synchronous Generator {A salient pole synebronous machine, as shown in Fig. 4.29, is distinguished ftom a round rice machine by constuctionl features of field poles which project with a lage interpola air exp. This ype of construction is commonly Employed in machines coupled to hydroelectric turbines which ar inherently Slowspeed ones so that the synchronous machine bas multiple pole pairs 25, Giffen from machines coupled to high-speed seam turbines (3,000/1 500, ‘pim) which haves two or for-pole stature. Saliat pole machine analysis is ‘ade trough the fvo-reacton theory outlined below. Diectexe Fig. 429 Satent ple eynetvonous machine (¢ pol structure) Ina round rotor machine, armature current im phase wih fel induced ert ‘yor in quadrature (at 0") 0 produces the stm fox lnkspes per ampere ‘the tr gop is uniform so tht ibe armature reaction reactanee offered ti ‘hase or quidratre curent the some X, +X) =X). In salient pole frachine si gap i romuniform along rotor parity. Its the east along the {is of main poles (called direct as) ais the largest slog the ans of imespolarsegion (called quadrature ax) Armatuce eurent in quadrature with produces fut slong the greet axis ad the reluctance of ux path being low (Gecause of smal ir gap) it produces lager flux linkages per ampere and ence the machine presets larger armature reston restance X, (led det fis reactance) othe ow ofguadrtre component J of amature Curent I (On the otter hand, armature current in psse with Ey pcuces Mx along the (quadrature axis an the reluctance ofthe fx pth being high because of large Scanned with CamScanneroder Power Systom Analysis Inept prodies smallest Unkage pr enpre and hens te tuchne pris snaler amare rotan fesaane (aurea ‘acune oe flo nine component facut Smvssaiemple mtnc ofr ice mateo flow of aed ‘,compmens of ate Cet ace nod cna be Ga The thse gram salt oe eter shown nig 430, eae cy ferve by alowag moe gn baw Fig. 430 Pasar clagam o stint pole synchonaus gonerior 1, Draw Vand fat angle @ 2 Draw [fi Daw CO i, XL. 1) ‘3 Make ICP1= UX, and daw the line OP which gies the deton of F, phasor 4. Draw a4 fom Q othe extends line OP such hat OA = By TWeante shown ty te above tory tat te power ouput of sin poe enero is given by NEA yg MEE Xe) Say 8 8+ SR, “The fin ex sth sea for around rot machine with X= Xy and consti the major prt a power wants. "The second ter quite Small (about 10-20%) compare to the fist term apd is known a reluctance power. P vers 6 ie plotted in Fig. 4.31, Ite noticed thatthe maximam power up occrs at 8-< 90° (about 70°), Pues SP (change In power per wnt ‘change in power angle for small changes in power angle), called the ‘nchronitng power coefficient, nthe operating egion (8 < 70) is ager in {Saliem pole machi than in a round rtor machine. sin26 (4.30) Representation of Power System Components a1) Fig. 431 Power angie cuve for sate pale generator In this book we stall neglect the effec of slency and take Xan in all types of power system stds considered. Daring a machine tansien. the dvect ans reactance changes with time ‘acing the following distnet values daring the complet ansieht subansion direct axe reactance Xj steady sate dget axis reactance ‘The sinicance and use of these te values of dret axis reactance will be elaborated in Chapter 9 ‘Operating Chart of a Synchronous Generator While selecting a Tare generate, besides rated MVA and power factor, the {reatet allowable stator and rotor cients mut also be considered ae they Influence mechanical stresses apd temperatie rs, Such limiting parameters i Se eration are rout ot by meas fn operating chart performance For simplicity of analysis, the stration effects, sllney and resistance ae ored and an unsaturated value of synchronous reactsce is considered. (Consider Fig. 4.32, the phasor diagram of a cylindrical or machine. ‘The Tots of constant VX.) and ence MVA ia circle centered at M, Te tees ‘of constant (excitation isalso a citele centered at 0. As MP is proportional to MVA.OP is proporional w MVAR and MQ to MW, all tothe same seal hic is obtained a follows Scanned with CamScanner120 | Modem Power System Analysis, ~ Looe ocr We, Fig, 432, Phator diagram of syrehronous generator For 2x0 excitation, bi =X, = V 1a sMIN, is Ul = WJM, leading 90° w OM which coresponds to VARipase. ‘Constr now the chart shown in Fig. 4.33 which i raw fora syeetvonous machine having X= La po, Forze excitation, the eurent LOML3 =O. i 0 tat the length MO corresponds to reactive power of 07 pa, fixing both delve and reactive power scales ‘With centre at 03 number of semicircles are dean with ral egal 10 siserent pu MVA loadings, Ccle of pc unit excitation ste drawn from cent ‘seit 10 excitioncorespooding to the Fixed terminal voltage OM. Lines may also be daw from 0 conesponding to various power factors but for ‘leiy nly O85 pt laging line i shower. The operational sae xe as follows “Taking LO per unit active power 25 the maximum allowable powet. a orizetaltimitine abe i drawn trough B at 0 pu I assumed that te machine is ated ta gine 1.0 peru active power at power factor O85 lagging ths ies point. Limitation of the tatr cient fo the coresponding valve oquires the limi o become crea tec shout centre . At pot the ‘rotor hesting becomes mor important and he Sr des fixed by the maxiaum citaton current allowable, in his case assumed 1 be lj = 240 pu (Le. 24 times IV), The remaining limit is decided by los of syebroaisn a! leading ower factors, The theosial imi i he line perpendicular to MO at (iz 15 90°), bot in practice a safery marin is bought i to penta furer small Increase i lod efor iesabliy In Fig 4.3, 0.1 pu margin is employed and ie shown by the curve af whichis dawn in the following wa Represertsion of Power System Components | 124 [1 Aewe rower) ‘ — 20 psectson ual sting a tole” mn Teresa ay fet Fig. 4:33. Operating cha for age enetronous generator Considers pit ho the tres lint on the» 1.0 pestis se, tn pve hie yO pote pring pst however site on the same ear and is proted wo atch the ie pt tebe dese iting cove. T epee for oe exetsins ee ee ‘Sve aft The epics wong tho sated le & weeg eit placed within his ren tone ies the MVA, I. IWAR cores Hover far ind exctatn The adage Sean meade shor ne ewe 4.7 REPRESENTATION OF LOADS Load by consumers sth host praetro asses sina. The !manitude ofthe load, nf changes continously so that te lead fling robles tly satis one. A type daly Tad curve Is shows te Fie 11. The fds are generally composed of indistil and domestic components. Ae edt lad sont my of tage tees ed ‘overs with sulcent fad eonstany nd predictable duty eyce whens omentc load mainly consis of ig. eating snd any slagle phase devices ued inion ayy hance. Te dig an pion of oer systems bth economically an elect are rea infancy ire and magne of na pay ieee Scanned with CamScannerti | ___uaom pour Som ai {fn representation of toads for various sytem studies such a load fw and ‘abil stlies is esential to know the variation of rel apd feactive owe With vaistion of votiage. Normally in such studies the load is of composite nature with Doth ndstal and domestic components. A typical companion of Toad sa bus may be Induction motors 55.75% Synchronous motors 515% Ligh and beating 20-30% ‘Though itis always beter wo consider the P-V and Q-V characteristics of cach of these fonds for simulation, the analytic weatmem would be very cumbersome and complied. In most of the analytical work one ofthe following tvee ways of lod representation is used. () Constant Power Representation (ty) Constant Current Representation Here te ol eres ne by Bah 1-2 eau co wee V= 12a = QF iste pve ar ages aoe ss ont care repetenon es te ag of one S conte say (up Constant tmpedance Representation This is quite often wed instability studies. The load specified in MW and VARs! sil oogessed capi nd imps (4299. Tus zane we T~P=j0~ P= 70°F which tenis regarded 3x constant throughout the sty [sees | a ‘A synetronous generator i ated GES MVA, 24 KV, 0.9 pf lagging. I has a ‘ychronous reactance 12. The generar is feeding full load at 09 Inpzing at ated vag. Caleulte: (2) Excitation emf (,) and power angle 6 (0) Restive ower drawn bythe load {Cary out castltions inp form and conver the result to actual values, epreennion of Power Sytem Components ___[ Solution . Base MVA = 645, 3.phae Base KV = 24, linen Lead votage = 2 tp 1263s ay Fall oad (MVA)= 1 pu, 09 paging ‘oat cure = generator curent 1) 1 pu, 09 pf logging = 09-0436 pu Syelvonous rescance X, = = 1344 pe (@) Excision emt (Fig 19) BVO %y = 120+ / 134 (09 ~ 0436) = 1586-) 121= 199 2 320° Elastin) = 199 « 28 = 47.76 KV Cine) = 37.1" (eating) (0) Resetive power dawn by lod = Vissi = 11x 0436 = 0496 pu oF 0436 x = 281 MvAR ‘The zenertor of Example 4.3 is earying fll lod at sted voltage but its excitation emt is (i) increased by 20% ad (i) reduced by 20%. CCaeut in each ease (e) bad pf (©) reactive power drava by load () load angle & Soliton Pull lod, P= 1x09 = 09 po B= 19 Scanned with CamScanner14 | Modu Power Systm Anais ver (By intend by 20% at same real load. Now B= 199% 12 = 2388 As por Ba, (4.28) > o 09 ow sin b= 0.5065 o b= 308" 5089 ~ J079 = L183 2-412" (a) pl = cos 612° = 075 ageing (b) Reactive power dawn by load = Way sin 6 = 1 1189 « 0.659 = 078 pu or $028 MVAR (iy 5 Serene by 20% or 99 x08 = 159 ‘Substituting in Ea.) which gives yaa = 09 0028 n09 21s eneumumon el Fone Sem Consens | as 0) Q= 1x09 x sin 15 = 0024 or Q= 0024 x 64s 52 MVAR PROBLEMS 41 Figure P-4.1 shows the schematic diagam of & radial taasmission system, The ratings and eactances ofthe various commponens ae shoe therin. A load of 0 MW at 0.9 power fcr lagging fs tapped from the 166 KY substation whichis to be mlntined a 6D AV. Caen the {exminal voltage of the syshronous machine, Represent he tansmlsion line andthe transformers by sees tesctances aly view NY ayy o-|- 3 — | come it ae Bae “eee a" amas 44.2 Draw the pu impedance diagram for te power system shown in Fg. P 412, Neglect resistance, and use a se of 100 MVA, 220 Ltn 30 fine ‘The ratings ofthe generator, moor sad transformers ae Generator 40 MVA, 25 KV. X" = 208 Motor 50 MVA, 11 kV, X" YP transformer, 40 MVA, 33 ¥.220 Y AV, X= 15% ¥- wansformer, 30 MVA, 11-220 Y AV, X Fig. P42 43 synchronous geoerator is rated 6O MVA, 11 KV. It has a resistance = 04 pu and y= 1.65 pu Is feng into an infinite bus barat TAY dtivering acest 315 KA et 09 pf lagging, (@) Determine nd ange & (©) Draw a phasor diagram fr this operation. (6) Bus bar voltage falls to 10 KV white the mechanical power input to generator and is excitation remains unchanged. What is te value ‘nd pf ofthe current delivered tothe bu. ththis eae ssn he Scanned with CamScanner126 Moder Power System Anahyie enero resistance to be megs ——_ftzrtaton ot Power sytem Components 12 44 A250 MV, VoL rd ecoregion infinite Bus art RES {sv the ener syochenes eae of 1.02 ps ond RERENGES th te mackie econ td eh ppt ee Books * give #) = 24 RV an poster angle 8 = 3% Ay Hoan pe ke contend ct td eoane pore fod a 1 Naptih 14 and DP Ket. eric Machines 2nd en Tata McGraw Samra Nena. ° {(b) The mechanical power input to the generator is increased by 20% New orks Tag, wt Mechnt Theory fr Power Engineers, Harper td Raw, from tin part (a) bt ie exciton isnot changed. Find the new 3. Dette ecre Machines and Power Sytemt, Pe , tng em tn per es ese, 1985, Somes Peet et (©) With reference ro part (a) cute isto be reduced by 205 atthe 4 Kosa, DP. and 1, tapi, Tear an Problems of Elec Machines, ad same power factor by adjasting mechanical power npit tthe ts Ta McGrail, New Deb 202, * 7 enero adie excitation, Dstemine Ey Sand mechanical power 5. Koda. DP. and LL. Napa. Boie crcl Engines. 256 Edn. Toa as MeGrew il, New Bei 00, (©) Wit te reduced current a in par () tbe power is tobe delivered Paper to bus bas at uniy pf, what are the eoesponding values of Bnd ‘and aso the mechanical power ing othe generat 6 IHRE Conice Repo “The fet of Fesuecy and Vago Powe Stem 445 ‘The generator of Problem si feeding 180 MV at 85 pf lagging to Loa, Prsenel a IEEE Winer Power Mecing. New Yok, ee infrte bs bar 15 hv. (a) Determine &, and forthe above operation. What we P and Q fed to the brs bars? 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