Case Summaries
Case Summaries
Case Summaries
Bid rigging
Marine Hose Cartel
This case involved price fixing, bid rigging and market sharing by four foreign companies that
supplied rubber hosing to transfer oil and gas from production and storage facilities to offshore
tankers. The four companies involved (Dunlop Oil & Marine, Bridgestone Corp., Trelleborg
Industrie SAS and Parker ITR) each appointed members to a committee that allocated jobs and
coordinated bidding and quoting for these jobs. The designated winner of the contract was
referred to as the ‘champion’ and the cartel used such codes and other covert tactics to conceal
their activities.
The cartel was international and the key meetings were held oversees, but the successful court
action was based on the cartel giving effect to their agreement in the Australian market,
following global enforcement action taken by competition authorities in the USA, UK, Europe
and Japan. In 2010 the Federal Court of Australia made orders restraining the parties from
repeating such conduct and imposed penalties exceeding $8 million.
In late 2000, the Commonwealth Department of Defence conducted a tender for demolition and
asbestos removal at its Salisbury site in South Australia. The project was valued at over $2
million. McMahon Services and SA Demolition and Salvage, the two companies bidding for the
job, along with the preferred asbestos removal subcontractor (D&V Services) met to discuss the
tender. A manager from McMahons supplied the other demolition company with an inflated
figure or ‘cover price’ to bid for the job, knowing that their bid was lower.
McMahons consequently won the job and awarded the asbestos removal subcontract to D&V
Services, as agreed at the meeting.
An insider alerted the ACCC and in 2004 the Federal Court penalised the companies and several
key individuals more than $535 000. The companies and individuals also provided undertakings
to the Court not to repeat the conduct and agreed to attend compliance training.
In a remote region of South Australia, a truck and tractor mechanic quoted on the repair to a
front end loader. The customer stated that they would seek a competitive quote. As there was
only one other operator in the region, the mechanic wrote a note on the quote inviting the other
mechanic to ‘cover’ him on this job (quote higher) and that he would return the favour in the
future. He asked his secretary to fax the quote to his competitor. The secretary made an error and
faxed the note to the customer, who promptly informed the ACCC. The matter was settled by the
mechanic giving court enforceable undertakings not to repeat the conduct, among other things.
For about 10 years until 1997 most of the companies in the fire alarm and fire sprinkler
installation industry in Brisbane held regular meetings, at which they agreed to allow certain
tenders to be won by particular competitors.
Calling themselves the ‘Sprinkler Coffee Club’ and the ‘Alarms Coffee Club’, the groups would
meet up over a cup of coffee at hotels, cafes, and various sporting and social clubs. At these
meetings they would share tenders and decide who was to submit ‘cover prices’ to make the
tender process look legitimate, while ensuring the agreed company won the tender.
It has been estimated that this conduct affected contracts worth more than $500 million. The
Federal Court imposed more than $14 million in penalties on the companies and some of their
The Pioneer, Boral and CSR cartel involved bid rigging, price fixing and market sharing in the
pre-mixed concrete market in south-east Queensland from 1989 until 1994. The participants had
more than 50 regular meetings and phone conversations. In addition to fixing prices, they agreed
on market shares and not to compete on specified major projects.
Market shares were maintained by the companies recognising certain customers (referred to as
“pets”) as belonging to certain suppliers and agreeing not to compete for their business. The
participants even engaged an accountant to monitor market shares so they could enforce
compliance with the agreement. The arrangement led to considerable overcharging on major
construction jobs, including federal, state and local government projects.
Penalties of $6.6 million were imposed on each company. Penalties were also imposed on six
executives, the maximum being $100 000. The case demonstrated a blatant disregard for the law,
as each of the corporate groups had previously been found to have engaged in similar conduct.
The tender for the Commonwealth Office at Haymarket, Sydney, in 1988 led to the exposure of
long-term collusive practices by large construction firms. Before the close of tender, the industry
association, the Australian Federation of Construction Contractors, called a meeting of the four
firms bidding for the contract. It was agreed that the winning firm should pay the three losers
$750 000 each, and the AFCC $1 million. The project was worth around $200 million. The
transactions were to be concealed by invoices for consultancy services.
The arrangement was exposed by a New South Wales Royal Commission into the construction
industry. The Federal Court issued penalties of $1.75 million on the companies and individuals
involved. It came out in the case that ‘loser’s fees’ were a common arrangement in the industry.
The court found that there was an expectation (thus an agreement) that these fees were levied in
addition to the contract price. As such, they were an imposition on the developer, in this case the
Commonwealth government, and therefore on the taxpayer.
Market sharing
Power Transformers Cartel
The major Australian suppliers and manufacturers of both power and distribution transformers
were involved in price fixing, bid rigging and market allocation within domestic markets with a
combined value of around $160 million per year. The customers affected by the cartel included
some of the largest electricity transmission and distribution utilities across Australia, many of
them publicly owned, resulting in Australian consumers paying higher electricity bills. A
whistleblower alerted the ACCC to the cartel conduct.
The cartel included the principal manufacturers and suppliers of transformers in Australia and
covered virtually 100% of the industry, including the ABB companies, Schneider Electric (Aust),
Wilson Transformers, Alstom Australia and AW Tyree. The collusion involved executives at the
highest level, and featured secret meetings in hotel rooms, airport lounges and private residences
in various locations across Australia. These meetings rigged the outcomes of multimillion dollar
contracts, with at least 27 tenders being rigged between 1993 and 1999. Some aspects of the
cartel ran from 1989 to 1999. A 2004 study by the Australian National University concluded that
the cartel extracted an extra $70 million to $80 million from its customers between 1994 and
The Federal Court imposed penalties of more than $35 million on the participating companies
and some of their executives. The Court was particularly scathing about the fact that the
arrangement was coordinated by senior executives, including managing directors. Total penalties
imposed on individual executives exceeded one million dollars, with the highest being $200 000.
In 1995 a manager from Simsmetal, the largest scrap metal merchant in the southern hemisphere,
attempted to coerce a South Australian competitor into a market sharing agreement. He proposed
that the two companies would not compete for suppliers of foundry grade scrap steel. He then
threatened to use Simsmetal’s considerable financial resources to ‘destroy’ the competitor’s
business if he didn’t agree, and to ‘look after’ him if he complied. The smaller operator secretly
recorded the demands at the second meeting.
The Federal Court took a dim view of the matter, particularly since it was less than a year after
Simsmetal were penalised for similar conduct in Victoria. The Court made an order restraining
the company from repeating the conduct, applied a penalty of $2 million and awarded $100 000
towards the ACCC’s costs.
Freight cartel
This case involved TNT Australia, Ansett Industries and Mayne Nickless. In five significant
meetings between 1987 and 1990, attended by representatives of each of the companies, a series
of agreements were reached to allocate customers and share the market.
The conduct included agreements between the companies not to poach each other’s customers.
When customers moved from one provider to another, the companies balanced their accounts of
customers lost and gained, and paid or received compensation. The companies also agreed to
‘burn’ switching customers by deliberately providing poor service in order to compel customers
to return to a supplier with which they might have been dissatisfied. In one instance a customer’s
perishable freight was intentionally delayed and eventually kept at the back of the freight facility
and not sent, to drive them back to their previous freight supplier, who in turn charged higher
prices when the customer returned to them.
Each of the companies acted on these agreements on many occasions. The practices were
believed to have been in place for 20 years. In 1995, fines of $11 million were imposed.
Joyce Corporation, Foamlite Australia and Vita Pacific all manufactured and supplied flexible
polyurethane foam for mainly industrial use in the Queensland market. Several employees of the
companies became friends and attended regular luncheons together, where they eventually
formed a series of agreements to maintain market shares and to refrain from competing for
various customers. The lunch meetings and phone calls between these employees enabled the
operation of the cartel. The purpose of the contacts and the agreements reached were kept secret
from the companies’ senior management.
It was complaints of breaches of the cartel agreement that eventually brought the cartel to light.
In 1998/99 the companies and some of the employees were fined a total of $2.9 million with an
additional $150 000 levied for the ACCC’s costs. This case clearly demonstrates that companies
are liable for the conduct of employees and senior managers need to ensure that all staff act
In 2002 the Tasmanian Atlantic salmon industry was in financial difficulty and decided that
supply was outstripping demand. The industry association, the Tasmanian Atlantic Salmon
Growers Association (TSGA), decided that if all members culled stocks by around 10 per cent,
this would meet demand and avoid further price falls.
It sought legal advice but did not correctly brief its lawyers. The advice that the cull would not
breach competition laws was consequently flawed. After a meeting of growers approved the
plan, agreements were circulated. One member, Tassal, subsequently culled its stocks.
The ACCC investigated and the cull was stopped. Due to the parlous state of the industry and the
fact that legal advice had been sought and cooperation shown, the ACCC chose not to pursue
penalties. It instead obtained court orders that the industry establish a trade practice compliance
training program and stop any future culls.
Price fixing
International Air Cargo cartel
In June 2006, competition authorities simultaneously raided airline offices in the United States
and Europe, in order to investigate claims that many major airlines had colluded in the setting of
their fuel and security surcharges. German carrier Lufthansa informed the authorities of the
illegal agreements and were granted immunity from prosecution.
Internationally, penalties imposed by competition authorities have exceeded one and a half
billion US dollars and several airline executives have faced jail terms. In addition, several
airlines have faced class actions and have had to compensate customers measuring hundreds of
millions of dollars.
In Australia, the ACCC has pursued 15 local, European and Asian based airlines for price fixing
in the Australian air cargo market. The Federal Court has imposed $58 million in penalties to
date including a $20 million penalty against Qantas, $5 million against British Airways and $5.5
million against each of Japan Airlines and Korean Airlines. Each penalty was reduced depending
on the level of co-operation provided to the ACCC with Qantas receiving the largest discount of
50%. Qantas has also paid several overseas penalties and a senior executive was jailed for 6
months in the United States of America.
Between 2004 and 2007, three construction companies (TF Woollam & Son, JM Kelly and
Carmichael Builders) engaged in cover pricing when bidding on four government projects. The
companies also misled their clients by signing statements that they had not colluded with their
competitors during the bidding process.
Cover pricing is a practice which has developed within the building industry, both in Australia
and abroad. It was alleged by the ACCC to have been used in situations where a construction
company may not have the time, resources or inclination to prepare an accurate tender, but still
wants to be seen as tendering for that project.
In this instance, cover pricing involved discussions between two potential suppliers (builders) in
a tender process. Company A does not want to win the contract for reasons identified above and
so asks company B (who intends to make a genuine tender) to provide them with a ‘cover price’.
Both companies understand that this ‘cover price’ will be higher than company B’s tender price.
Once the cover price has been received from company B, company A (should it choose to
tender) then submits its tender to the client at a price which is at or above the cover price.
This gives the client the impression that both companies are tendering competitively, but the
exchange of the cover price actually ensures that company A's tender price is higher than that of
company B and therefore makes it unlikely that company A will be the successful tenderer.
In 2011 the Federal Court described this cover pricing as ‘illegal price controlling conduct’ and
the making of the false statements as ‘a betrayal of trust’. The three companies were penalised a
total of $1.3 million and two key individuals received penalties totalling $80 000.
Between 2000 and 2004, several international companies that supplied paper products formed a
cartel known as the AAA club. The secret meetings of this ‘club’ were held in south-east Asian
countries, particularly those that had no anti-trust (cartel) laws at the time. The participants made
price fixing agreements for the supply of copy and other papers into various markets including
In 2010 and 2011, several of those companies were penalised more than $8 million by the
Federal Court of Australia. The Court also made injunctions restraining the companies from
repeating their conduct, and ordered them to pay $550 000 towards the ACCC’s legal costs.
Despite the agreements being made outside of the country, Australian laws were breached
because the illegal deal was put into effect in the Australian market and harmed local consumers.
Between them, Visy and Amcor controlled around 90 per cent of the corrugated fibre packaging
market (the humble cardboard carton), which was worth some $1.8 billion to $2 billion per year.
From 2000 to 2004, the two companies conspired to raise the prices of their products while
maintaining their respective market shares.
Both companies nominated executives to consult on and coordinate price rises and collude when
negotiating quotes for customers. These executives met regularly and secretly in public places
such as hotels and parks, and also communicated using public phones and special prepaid
mobiles. When larger customers wished to renegotiate contracts, the two companies swapped
information to ensure that the competitor’s quote was higher than the existing price structure
(this practice is known as cover pricing).
The scheme was discovered only when Amcor management reported to the ACCC and Amcor
was granted immunity from prosecution. Visy eventually admitted its role in the cartel. It was
fined $36 million by the Federal Court, and fines to individuals totalled $2 million. Thousands of
firms (and ultimately millions of consumers) were significantly overcharged by the cartel. The
Federal Court ordered Visy and Amcor to pay $95 million in damages to a customer class action
involving more than 4500 businesses.
This is what one of our Federal Court judges, Mr Justice Heerey said in November 2007, when
he issued his judgement on this well-known Visy cartel case:
The law, and the way it is enforced, should convey to those disposed to engage in cartel
behaviour that the consequences of discovery are likely to outweigh the benefits, and by a large
Every day every man, woman and child in Australia would use or consume something that at
some stage has been transported in a cardboard box. The cartel in this case therefore had the
potential for the widest possible effect.
The whole point of price fixing and market sharing is to obtain the benefit of prices greater than
those which would be obtained in a competitive market.
The cartel here went on for almost five years. Had it not been accidentally exposed, it would
probably still be flourishing. It was run from the highest level in Visy, a very substantial
company. It was carefully and deliberately concealed. It was operated by men who were fully
aware of its seriously unlawful nature.
Three Australian suppliers of animal vitamins held meetings and telephone conversations during
which they agreed on the prices they would charge for certain vitamins. They were the
Australian subsidiaries of large foreign companies that had also entered into price fixing and
market allocation agreements overseas. The Federal Court imposed penalties of $26 million
against the Australian suppliers.
Several companies, including Tubemakers of Australia Ltd, supplied plastic pipes for water and
sewerage systems and various fittings and valves for ductile iron cement lined pipes. These
products were used, among other things to connect to new housing developments. Officers of the
companies met in a Coolangatta restaurant and agreed to raise prices, limit discounts, rig tenders
and to avoid competing for each other’s customers. They subsequently met at cafes and
restaurants and contacted each other by phone. One of the participants maintained computer
software designed to detect any sales that deviated from the agreement so the deal could be
In 1999 and 2000 the Federal Court imposed penalties of $2.85 million and ordered that $1.23
million be reimbursed to affected customers – mostly local councils. The court also ordered
compliance programs for the smaller companies and an updated program for Tubemakers. Of
note was the fact that a senior sales manager for Tubemakers acted without the knowledge or
approval of the company’s other senior managers and directors.
The Managing Director of a major car rental company rang his regional manager in Alice
Springs and directed him to contact local competitors and propose that they all cease to discount
car rentals during the off-peak tourist season. Covert meetings were held at a restaurant, the golf
course and at other social functions and the local competitors all agreed to the scheme.
It has been estimated that consumers paid an average of $300 extra per rental while the
agreement was in place. In 1998 the companies and some of the individuals involved were
penalised a total of $1.54 million.
The tender for the Commonwealth Office at Haymarket, Sydney, in 1988 led to the exposure of
long-term collusive practices by large construction firms.
Before the close of tender the industry association, the Australian Federation of Construction
Contractors (AFCC), called a meeting of the four firms bidding for the contract. It was agreed
that to enable recovery of overheads associated with preparing tenders the winning firm should
pay the three losers $750 000 each, and the AFCC $1 million. The project was worth around
$200 million. The transactions were to be concealed by invoices for consultancy services.
The arrangement was difficult to detect because it added fixed price components to the final
tender prices, which were otherwise prepared in competition with each other. The competitive
positions of each of these companies were not disturbed.
The arrangement was exposed by a New South Wales Royal Commission into the construction
industry. The Federal Court issued penalties of $1.75 million on the companies and individuals
involved. It came out in the case that ‘loser’s fees’ were a common arrangement in the industry.
The court found that there was an expectation (thus an agreement) that these fees were levied in
addition to the contract price. As such, they were an imposition on the developer, in this case the
Commonwealth government, and therefore on the taxpayer.
The ACCC and the Federal Court took this into account, along with the cooperation shown by
the parties. No penalties were sought but the court ordered that no future culls be attempted, and
that trade practices training be undertaken and compliance programs established. The TSGA and
Tassal, the one company that had begun the cull, were ordered to contribute to the ACCC’s