Certificate of Approval No 5/6B/216: Issued by The Chief Metrologist Under Regulation 60 of The
Certificate of Approval No 5/6B/216: Issued by The Chief Metrologist Under Regulation 60 of The
Certificate of Approval No 5/6B/216: Issued by The Chief Metrologist Under Regulation 60 of The
Rev 1
Certificate of Approval
No 5/6B/216
Issued by the Chief Metrologist under Regulation 60
of the
National Measurement Regulations 1999
This is to certify that an approval for use for trade has been granted in respect of
NOTE: This Certificate relates to the suitability of the pattern of the instrument for
use for trade only in respect of its metrological characteristics. This Certificate
does not constitute or imply any guarantee of compliance by the manufacturer or
any other person with any requirements regarding safety.
This approval has been granted with reference to document NMI R 117,
Measuring Systems for Liquids Other than Water, dated June 2011.
This approval becomes subject to review on 14/09/22, and then every
5 years thereafter.
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Instruments purporting to comply with this approval shall be marked with approval
number ‘NMI 5/6B/216’ and only by persons authorised by the submittor.
It is the submittor’s responsibility to ensure that all instruments marked with this
approval number are constructed as described in the documentation lodged with
the National Measurement Institute (NMI) and with the relevant Certificate of
Approval and Technical Schedule. Failure to comply with this Condition may
attract penalties under Section 19B of the National Measurement Act and may
result in cancellation or withdrawal of the approval, in accordance with document
NMI P 106.
Auxiliary devices used with this instrument shall comply with the requirements of
General Supplementary Certificate No S1/0B.
Darryl Hines
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The flowmeter precisely measures the transit times of ultrasonic pulses passing
through the liquid on four parallel planes. The measurement paths (also referred
to as ‘chords’) are angled to the pipe axis, and each chord has two transducers
acting alternately as transmitter and receiver as shown below. This permits the
meter to measure bi-directional flow in that the transit times to be measured both
with and against the flow (upstream and downstream). The transducers are
mounted on the meter body at accurately known locations for each pipe size so
the distance L between opposing transducers and the angle are precisely defined
for the measurement path.
2.04 1.61
2.08 1.70
2.09 1.76
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The calculator/indicator may display volume throughput at observed temperature,
or the volume throughput at 15ºC. In the latter case the display facia is clearly
marked “Volume at 15ºC” or similar wording. The volume conversion calculations
may be performed in the calculator/indicator.
(viii) Checking Facility
When the voltage supply to the transmitter is interrupted, the calculator/indicator is
to stop the delivery.
A transfer device, which defines the start and stop of the quantity measured, is
installed downstream of the flowmeter. The transfer device is in the form of a
positive shut-off component such as a manually or automatically-operated shut-off
valve (e.g. a Daniel model V788B control valve or any other equivalent valve).
The transfer device may also be designed to control the flow rate within the
specified flow rate range of the flowmeter.
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2. Description of Variants
2.1 Variant 1 approved on 07/05/10
A bulk liquid-measuring system using any 3804 Liquid Ultrasonic series flowmeter
and sensors listed in Table 1 and Table 2 respectively.
Minimum Liquid
Meter Nominal Flowrate Range Measured dynamic Notes
type/size bore (L/min) Quantity viscosity
(mm) (L) (mPa.s)
DN100 (4”) 100 600 – 6000 1000 20 max. #1
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4” 36 360 10000 1
6” 82 720 10000 2
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4” 36 360 10000 1
6” 82 720 10000 2
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Instruments shall be tested in accordance with any relevant tests specified in the
National Instrument Test Procedures.
The instrument shall not be adjusted to anything other than as close as practical to
zero error, even when these values are within the maximum permissible errors.
A suitable Test Procedure may be obtained from NMI
Instruments should be tested using a suitable test procedure.
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FIGURE 5/6B/216 – 1
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FIGURE 5/6B/216 – 2
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