Natural Replacements For Sugar in Beverages

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Natural Replacements for Sugar

in Beverages
Research Support Service
April, 2018

Prepared by: PreScouter

Rachel Murkett | Project Architect
Vasambal Manikkam | Global Scholar

Inquiry Question

Which natural replacements for sugar may be applicable in beverages?

Sugar plays an important role in the food and beverages industry due to its sweetness and sensory
profile (texture, flavor, color and taste). However, sugar is causing severe negative health
consequences in consumers (children and adults) globally; contributing to the increasing rates of
obesity, across all age-groups. Sugar-sweetened beverages, in particular, were recently linked to
obesity1 in both children and adults in a study published by the European Association for the Study of
Obesity (EASO) that included 250,000 people. Artificial sweeteners are not any better and are
increasingly being associated with a long list of equally concerning health claims.2,3

This inquiry highlights potential novel replacements for sugars that are from natural sources, safe,
technologically viable and environmentally sustainable to be incorporated into beverages (e.g. soft
drinks, juices).

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Executive Summary

Well-developed ingredients:
Stevia and monk fruit are the most common natural sugar replacers that are currently being used in
the food industry. Three key players in this category who have developed natural high-intensity
sweeteners that are applicable in beverages are: Tate & Lyle, ED&F Man/Unavoo Food Technologies
Ltd and Cargill.

Emerging ingredients:
Chicory root inulin and “modified” sugar from plant-based sources are the two key innovations in
natural sugar-reduced solutions. Chicory root inulin is a low-intensity sweetener, providing up to 50%
sweetness in the liquid form. Top players include Cargill, CoSucra and Sensus. Modifying sugar is
what Holista Colltech is attempting to do.

Early stage solutions from more basic research:

Studies on the applicability and suitability of date extract (syrup) and date powders as an alternative
to sugar indicated significant potential for use as a natural sweetener ingredient. However, further
research is needed.

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Executive Summary

Nick Henson, Senior Technical Manager, Food Solutions at Covance, highlighted 4 key
considerations when it comes to product reformulation for sugar reduction in beverages: taste,
flavor, texture (most challenging) and calorie management. Solutions that met most or all of these
considerations have been highlighted. A few examples of companies providing such solutions are


We would like to thank Holista Colltech and HEYLO for providing us with supplementary information
to complete this report.

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How many sugar cubes are
required to produce the same
level of sweetness as each
natural alternative?

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The Well-Developed Ingredients

1. Monk fruit sweetener, a high intensity sweetener, contains the basic units of triterpene
glycosides (mogrosides), and is already present on the worldwide market.

2. HEYLO sweeteners, which are already on the market and being utilised by food manufacturers,
are constituted of a patented blend of stevia and dietary fibers.
3. EverSweet™ by Cargill is a “next-gen” sweetener based on a new fermentation process that can
transform simple sugars into some of the better tasting steviol glycosides.

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Monk Fruit Sweetener 4-7

Monk fruit is classified as a high-intensity sweetener. High-intensity sweeteners are defined as sugar
substitutes because they are many times sweeter than sugar but contribute to only a few or no
calories when added to foods. Monk fruit sweetener is generally recognized as safe (GRAS).

There have been over 800 products, including beverages, containing monk fruit sweetener launched
since 2009, as listed on

Advantages of Monk fruit sweetener:

- Monk fruit juice concentrate is 15-20 times sweeter than sugar
- Monk fruit extract is a powdered fruit extract that is 150–200 times sweeter than sugar
- Clean-flavor profile

Some suppliers of Monk fruit extract:

- Van Wankum Ingredients
- BioVittoria Ltd: New Zealand
- Blue California
- U.S. Niutang Chemical Inc.
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PUREFRUITTM - Tate & Lyle - 20118

PUREFRUITTM Monk Fruit Extract can help you deliver low-calorie, premium beverages, with great
taste and mouthfeel.

Reported by Kelli Hardin, global category manager of sweeteners and beverages at Tate & Lyle,
Monk fruit is gaining attention in its application as sugar substitutes in beverages.

Common applications include:

• Dairy and dairy alternative-based beverages (coconut and almond milk)
• Juice
• Flavored water
• Carbonated drinks

Monk fruit performs well in low-acid beverages.

Although, weight-for-weight, monk fruit is more expensive than stevia, cost-in-use continues to
decrease as demand and scaling up continues.

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The HEYLO Revolution - 20179

Unavoo Food Technologies Ltd is an innovative company that was founded with the purpose to
reduce or fully eliminate sugars and artificial sweeteners from food and beverages through better
ingredients. Unavoo and ED&F Man partnered in 2016 to develop HEYLO.

HEYLO consists of a patented blend of organic stevia (not chemically extracted) and all-natural
dietary fibers (from the Acacia tree). It is readily available as a B2B solution and will be ready for
private consumption in the third quarter of this year.

Characteristics of HEYLO sweetener:

➢ Clean-label profile ➢ 10-15 times sweeter than sugar
➢ Prebiotic benefits ➢ No texture or taste trade-offs
➢ Zero-glycemic index (safe for diabetics) ➢ Can tolerate high temperatures and acidity
and zero calories levels
HEYLO has been successfully implemented in many beverage applications such as flavored water,
non-carbonated drinks, iced tea, chocolate milk powder, and sodas.
➔ According to Lilach Bar Tal, HEYLO’s VP Marketing & Strategy, they have had some very
successful trials with a few beverage-well-known companies.
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EverSweet™ - Cargill - 201810

Cargill recently announced a ‘next-generation’ sweetener called EverSweet™. Their technology is

based on a new fermentation process that extracts large quantities of Reb M and Reb D (some of the
better tasting steviol glycosides) from stevia plants in a sustainable way. Cargill is using ‘specially
crafted baker’s yeast’ that can transform simple sugars into steviol glycosides, mimicking the
process carried out by the stevia plant.

➔ This technology was developed in partnership with Evolva.

EverSweet Properties:

• Sweetness characteristics: high intensity, fast onset, well-rounded and robust

• Improved sweetness quality: No bitterness or aftertaste most commonly associated with using
stevia leaf extracts at high concentrations.
• Zero-calorie and safe for diabetics
• Clean label

Some applications in beverages:

● Soft drinks ● Functional beverages ● Flavored waters
● Iced tea ● Energy drinks ● Chocolate milk
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The Emerging Ingredients

1. Holista CollTech, an Australian biotechnology startup has filed a patent for the first low
GI-sugar with all natural ingredients. They are also working on a reverse-sugar sweetener,
expected to hit the market in mid 2018.
2. Chicory root inulin sounds promising as it can be used in the following products:
a) Smoothies due to its creaminess profile
b) Soy drinks and flavored water due to its high solubility
It is available in liquid form, so it is compatible for beverages. Products from Sensus and
Cargill are highlighted.

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Holista CollTech - 201711,12

Australian (Perth-based) biotech company, known as Holista CollTech is the result of the merger
between Holista Biotech of Malaysia and CollTech Australia. The company is working on two very
promising sugar alternatives, both of plant origin (beetroot and sugarcane):

1) Holista’s Reverse Sugar Sweetener:

✓ Sensory profile completed, to hit market in June 2018.
✓ Can be used in all applications as a 1 to 1 replacement with no aftertaste.
✓ Has no effect on metabolism and passes through the body undigested. Thus, it is a
zero-calorie sweetener and suitable for diabetics.
2) Holista’s Low-GI Sugar:
✓ Patent filed for the world’s first low GI-sugar made completely of all-natural ingredients.
✓ Mimics nature; when consumed, it reduces the rate that glucose is digested throughout
the body.
✓ Can be used in all applications as a 1 to 1.2 replacement with no aftertaste.
✓ Early sensory testing completed, validation of GI studies in progress. Preliminary results
will be available in June 2018.

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Holista CollTech - 201711,12

As reported by Dr. Rajen Manikka, CEO of Holista, both of these sugar replacement innovations are
physically sugar and have the functionality of sugar. They can be cooked, baked, heated, chilled, etc.

The company is working on obtaining a GRAS label for both.

Holista is looking to approach various sugar companies with a B2B strategy and open to
partnerships from all over the world.

➔ Both innovations present a natural, clean-label alternative to sugar and artificial sweeteners for
beverages. The only minor drawback may be price, where early estimates for the reverse sugar
product may be 3-5 times the price of white sugar. However, costs will drop with the scaling up
of production.

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Chicory Root Inulin: Sensus - 201613

Sensus is a company in the Netherlands that produces and markets healthy food ingredients called
Frutafit inulin and Frutalose oligofructose, both derived from natural chicory root.

They are sources of inulin, a soluble dietary fiber which comes from the root of the chicory plant. It
has a beneficial prebiotic effect on human health.

Sensus also reported14 that:

“As a soluble fiber, inulin, is a perfect ingredient for instant beverages, soy drinks, and flavored
waters, particularly those that could be classified as ‘functional’. Inulin is completely soluble
and also gives beverages extra body. Its neutral to sweet taste can strengthen the sweetness
of high intensity sweeteners while masking any after taste. But, inulin is also an ideal sugar
replacer in low-calorie beverages.”

+1.872.222.9225 • 18
Chicory Root Inulin: Cargill15 - 2016

Oliggo–Fiber® Chicory Root, developed by CoSucra and distributed in the North American market by
Cargill, helps beverage manufacturers capitalize on key consumer trends, such as clean label
ingredients and sugar reduction, without impacting the taste of the final food product.

- Functional and flavored waters
- Powdered beverages
- Smoothies
- Chilled juices

- Can be used as a bulking agent in reduced sugar applications
- Modulates flavor of some high intensity sweeteners
- Soluble fiber source
- Adds creaminess, increases body and mouthfeel

Cargill has provided a product portfolio, please refer to this link.

+1.872.222.9225 • 19
Chicory Root Inulin: Cargill - 2016

“At the March’s Natural Products Expo West trade show, Cargill in the USA, sampled a new food
prototype: a vegan, reduced-sugar, non-GMO hazelnut spread. The company created this sample
to demonstrate how it thinks one particular star ingredient, chicory root fiber, can play a greater
role in the sugar-reduction movement.”

Their aim is to promote chicory root fiber as a clean-label ingredient, said Taylor Halstead,
production line manager, Cargill.

He added by saying:

“It’s multifunctional. It provides texture and it can provide some sweetness as well to some
formulations...Chicory root fiber can help with sugar reduction, although it cannot achieve a
total zero-sugar product.

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What is the applicability and suitability of date extract
(syrup) as an alternative natural sweetener ingredient?

To answer this question, the liquid sugar extraction from date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) fruits
was investigated. The study18 looked at whether date extract (syrup) can be utilised in food
industries, such as soft drinks, candy and bakery products, to replace imported and exported
expensive sucrose.

The Riziz date variety was used in this study. The research data indicated a significant potential to
use date syrup in product development and the following conclusions were made:

•Total sugar contents = 83%

•Use of date pulp to water ratio (D/W:1/3) with ultrasonic process at power 25% gave the
highest recovery (please refer to Figure 1).

•Glucose and fructose were the major sugars present in the date syrup.

•Organoleptic evaluation of the date syrups was desirable (please refer to Table 1).

+1.872.222.9225 • 22
Figure 1. Effect of date / water ratio (D/W) on the extraction yield (RSS %)
of soluble solids from Reziz date fruit.

+1.872.222.9225 • 23
Syrup Color Texture Taste Flavor Overall quality
1* 7.78 ±0.43c 7.56±0.51b 7.53±0.55c 7.39±0.53c 7.14±0.45c

2 ** 8.25±0.60b 8.28±0.43a 8.28±0.39b 8.28±0.43b 7.89±0.21b

3*** 8.64±0.38a 8.53±0.32a 8.64±0.33a 8.56±0.34a 8.61±0.32a

Khalas control 7.06± 0.34d 6.78±0.39c 6.69±0.39d 6.97±0.36d 6.75±0.31d

Table 1: Analysis of variance for organoleptic evaluation of date syrup (at ratio 1/3 D/W)

Within same column, means with the same letter are not significantly different *Date Syrup ** Date
Syrup with enzymes 1.0% *** Date Syrup with Sonication 25%

+1.872.222.9225 • 24
What is the possibility of using date powders as a sucrose
replacement in soft drinks’ production?

Sugar plays an important role in the development of beverages, such as soft drinks. Owing to the
worldwide increasing rate of obesity, industries must seek alternative to lower the sugar content or
find natural alternatives that mimic the sweetness presented by sucrose. Therefore, this study
aimed at looking at the possibility to use date powders from Algerian varieties as a replacement
of sucrose during the production of soft drinks.

Four different varieties19 were selected to obtain date powders as seen in Table 2. The H’lowa
variety was selected to be incorporated in soft drinks (please refer to Table 3) based on the
following qualities:
•Optical density (a parameter that analyses browning effect of the product)
•Total and reducing sugars
•Rehydration power
•Sensitivity in temperature
•Organoleptic/rheological properties
•Nutritional quality
+1.872.222.9225 • 25
Date Varieties Good Acceptable Poor Bad
Tefezouine 50 36 14 /
Timjouhart 14 50 22 14
H'loua 79 14 7 /
H'mira 14 22 43 21
Tefezouine 43 36 21 /
Timjouhart 21 44 21 14
H'loua 57 36 7 /
H'mira 7 14 43 36
Tefezouine 57 29 14 /
Timjouhart 36 43 21 /
H'loua 71 21 8 /
H'mira 21 57 22 /

Table 2: Sensory evaluation of date powders of the 4 date varieties studied.

+1.872.222.9225 • 26
Table 3: The results of the sensory evaluation carried out for soft drinks.

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Supplementary Information

PRESCOUTER +1.872.222.9225 • 28

A comparison of natural sugar substitutes and their
sweetness level20
The aim of this review article was to
explore the health controversy over
perceived benefits of sugar

A list of natural sugar substitutes was

gathered and presented in this inquiry.
A summary can be seen in the
adjacent table.

+1.872.222.9225 • 29
Research Conducted on the Suitability of Natural Sweeteners in

Authors Contact Info Article Journal/Weblink Year

Say goodbye to
Heylo Revolution Industry contact sugar and its old 2017
ED&F Man and
ED&F MAN Contact HEYLO Unavoo launch news/894-ed-f-man-and-u 2017
natural sweetener navoo

Holista CollTech
Collaborates with
Nobel Prize
Nominee to File 2017
Holista CollTech Industry contact asxpdf/20170106/pdf/43
Patent for World’s
First Low GI-Sugar
With All-Natural

+1.872.222.9225 • 30
Research Conducted on the suitability of natural sweeteners in

Authors Contact Info Article Journal/Weblink Year

https://www.inspiredbyin Discover the
Sensus 2017
+31 165 582 578 benefits of inulin
Cargill 1-800-227-4455 ood-bev/na/oliggo-fiber-c 2017
Chicory Root Fiber
Eversweet™ ood-bev/na/eversweet-sw 2018

Tate & Lyle

PUREFRUIT™ https://www.tateandlyle.c
Monk Fruit om/news/tate-lyle-launch
Tate & Lyle Industry contact Extract, the First es-purefruit-monk-fruit-ext 2011
Fruit-Based ract-first-fruit-based-calori
Calorie-Free e-free-sweetening

+1.872.222.9225 • 31
Research conducted on the suitability of natural sweeteners in

Authors Contact Info Article Journal/Weblink Year

Effect of
substitution of
sugars by date Journal of Applied
Hariri A, Ouis, N haririahmed@yah
powders variety Biotechnology & 2017
and Bouhadi, D
H’lowa on the Bioengineering
quality of the soft
Sami Ghnimi*, Date fruit: An
Syed Umer, Sami_ghnimi@ua underutilised food
NFS Journal 2017
Azharul Karim, seeking industrial
Afaf Kamal-Eldin valorization
Roger A.
Clemens*, Julie
M. Jones, Mark
Functionality of Comprehensive Reviews
Kern, Soo-Yeun  clemens@usc.ed
sugars in foods in Food Science and Food 2016
Lee, Emily J. u
and health Safety
Mayhew, Joanne
L. Slavin, Svetlana

+1.872.222.9225 • 32
Research conducted on the suitability of natural sweeteners in

Authors Contact Info Article Journal/Weblink Year

Gamal A
El-Sharnouby*, Liquid sugar
gelsharnoby@kfu. Journal of Food
Salah M Aleid, extraction from 2014 Processing & Technology
Mutlag M date palm fruits

Sugar substitutes:
ni.oc.oohay@ledn Health Journal of Pharmacology
Kirtida R. Tandel 2011
ataditrikrd controversy over & Pharmacotherapeutics
perceived benefits

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About the Authors

Vasambal Manikkam
Victoria University (Australia)

Professional Summary:
Vasambal is a PhD qualified Nutritional Food Scientist, committed to improving people’s
health through education, research and product development. She is currently a member
of the Global Scholar Program at PreScouter.

Research Background:
Vasambal completed her PhD in Food Science and Technology at Victoria University. Her
research described the novel work on endogenous enzymatic degradation of excess or
wasted fish proteins from Australian fish species, to develop bioactive peptides, with
specific antioxidant and metal-chelating properties.

Scientific Interests:
•Food safety & quality across the food & beverages industry •Food security and minimising
food wastage •The effects of food products on gut microbiome/brain axis and metabolic
diseases prevention. •Functional foods to prevent/manage obesity, hypertension and
oxidative stress •Functional properties of plant-based foods.

+1.872.222.9225 • 36
About the Authors

Rachel Murkett
University of Cambridge (UK)

Professional Summary:
Rachel is one of PreScouter's Project Architects. She specializes in the food & beverage industry.

Research Background:
Rachel completed her PhD in Chemistry at the University of Cambridge. Her research was focused around
Photobiology, with research themes including the development of fluorescent proteins for biomedical imaging
applications and the formulation of lutein as a nutritional supplement.

Scientific Interests:
Molecular biology, protein expression and purification, protein and small molecule biophysics, large scale
assays (liquid handling robots), structural characterisation techniques and data analysis.

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