DM No. 283 S. 2023 2

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Republic of the Philippines Department of €ducation REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON July 14, 2023 DIVISION MEMORANDUM. No. 83, s. 2023 ONLINE APPLICATION FOR TEACHER Il AND TEACHER IIL To: Education Program Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors Elementary/Secondary School Heads 1. This Office announces the ranking of qualified applicants for Teacher II and ‘Teacher III positions for the following municipalities: POSITION TITLE MUNICIPALITIES Teacher Il and Teacher Ill Sumilao (Elementary| Impasugong Lantapan Cabanglasan Maramag Pangantucan Kalilangan Don Carlos Kitaotao Dangeagan Kibawe Damutog Quezon | Kadingilan San Fernando __ POSITION TITLE |___ SECONDARY SCHOOLS Teacher Il and Teacher Ill | Apyao NHS (Secondary) Bacusanon NHS | | Bocboc NHS Bugcaon NHS | Bukidnon NSHI Dangcagan NHS Dologon NHS Don Carlos NHS Halapitan NHS. u Impasugong NHS ‘Address: Fortich St, Sumpong, Malaybalay Cty, Bukidnon Telephone No: (088)-813.3634 Emall Address: bukidnon@deped Website: wwn.depedbukidnon, Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X- NORTHERN MINDANAO ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON Kalabugao NHS Kalilangan NHS Kiara NHS Kibatang NHS Kibawe NHS Kiburiao NHS Kimanait NHS Kitaotao NHS Kitubo NHS Kuya NHS Lampanusan NHS Langeataon NHS Lantapan NHS Little Baguio NHS Macapari NHS Malinao NHS, Miaray NHS New Nongnongan NHS Old Damulog NHS Old Nongnongan NHS Pangantucan NHS Quezon NHS Salawagan NHS San Andres NHS | San Nicolas NHS San Vicente NHS Sinuda NHS Sumilao NHS 7 2, Guidelines for ranking shall be based on DepEd Order 66, s. 2007. Performance Rating: 35 points Experience: 5 points Outstanding Accomplishment: 20 points Education: 25 points ‘Training: 5 points Potential: 5 points Psycho-social attributes: 5 points TOTAL: 100 Points ‘Address: Fortich St, Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon Telephone No: (088)-813-3634 Email Address: buiinon@deped ov.nh Website: vow. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X- NORTHERN MINDANAO ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON 3. The CSC minimum qualification standards of the said positions are as follows: POSITION | EDUCATION | EXPERIENCE TRAINING ELIGIBILITY ‘Teacher I | Bachelor of | 1 year of (Elementary | Elementary relevant School) Education experience (BEEd) or bachelor's degree plus 18 professional unite in Education None required RA 1080 (TEACHER) | "Teacher Ill | Bachelor of 2 years of (Elementary | Elementary relevant School) Education experience (BEEd) or bachelor's degree plus 18 professional units in Education None required RA 1080 (TEACHER) Teacher | Bachelor of | 1 year of (Secondary | Secondary relevant School) Education experience (BSEd) or bachelor's degree plus 18 professional Education with appropriate major None required RA 1080 am (TEACHER) Teacher if | Bachelor of | 2 years of (Secondary | Secondary relevant School}, Education experience (BEd) or bachelor's degree plus 18 professional units in Education with appropriate major None required RA 1080 (TEACHER) ‘Address: Fortich St, Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon Telephone No: (088)-£13-3634 Email Address: bukidnon@deped gov. ph Website: www. Republic of the Philippines Department of Cducation REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON 4. All applicants shall prepare a SCANNED COPY (PDF) of their application letter and other pertinent documents as listed: Letter of Intent Notarized Omnibus Certification Duly accomplished Personal Data Sheet (CS Form 212, revised 2017) Photocopy of unexpired PRC License/ Proof of Eligibility Photocopy of Transcript of Records Update Service Record Photocopy of duly signed Individual Performance Rating (IPCRF) for the last three (3) rating period prior to his/her application. Certificates of relevant training/seminars attended at least three (3) days not credited during last promotion. i. Certificates of Outstanding Accomplishments: Pp omnpaoge Outstanding Employee Award Innovations Research and Development Projects Publication/ Authorship Consultant/Resource Speaker in Trainings/Seminars 5. Interested qualified applicants shall upload their application letter and other pertinent documents through this link https: // on or before July 28, 2023. 6. All vacant positions shall be open to all qualified applicants regardless of age, gender, civil status, disability, religion, ethnicity, social status, class, political affiliation, or other similar factors or personal circumstances that run counter to the principles of merit, fitness for the job, and equal employment opportunity. 7. Applicants are advised to bring the original copy of the scanned documents submitted on the scheduled date of comparative assessment, which will be announced in a separate memorandum, VICTORI VSO Schools Divisioh Superinendent ‘Address: Fortich St, Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon Telephone No: (088-813-3634 Email Address: bukicdnon@deped.zov.p! Website: www

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