Social Skills Goal Bank
Social Skills Goal Bank
Social Skills Goal Bank
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Double check with your district & IEP team.
The ideas in this booklet are all suggestions pulled from best practices in IEP goal
Make sure to double check and refer to your district’s and IEP team’s needs before
making any significant changes.
We have given you a template to make this process easier, but you will still need to
make sure that the goal is appropriate for your student and tailor it to their profile of
needs, strengths, and related goals.
We suggest adding a list of criteria or a checklist for activities. This can help those not
so observable goals become more observable, specific, quantifiable, and
individualized to where the student is now and where they may be in the next year.
When we set the time to collect data vs. think back to maybe get an idea of how
often we do something, we make discoveries.
For example, realizing that you’re actually giving 20+ verbal prompts for X student to
get started with an independent task. Make sure to collect data on how many
prompts you/others give!
Collecting data will also help you with establishing the present level of performance in
the IEP. Which will then help increase clarity and level of understanding from
parents/guardians as well as quality of the IEP – to be able to see currently where your
student is with this area.
*Note: Not all goals need to have all of these ingredients. It depends on the goal,
what you are measuring, and the student baseline.
q Date
q Specific support/accommodation
q # of prompts
q Type of prompts
q Student name
q Goal
q % accuracy (if can be measured)
q In # / # trials, sessions, or opportunities
q Across # days or weeks
q Consecutively
q Settings
q Generalization
q Criteria