Sociology Book
Sociology Book
Sociology Book
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page v
page vi
page vii
2020 Edition
1 The Sociological Imagination 1
2 Sociological Research 23
3 Culture 46
4 Socialization 69
6 Deviance 124
7 Families 147
10 Social Class 222
11 Global Inequality 246
15 Social Change 364
Glossary 383
References 393
Name Index 434
Subject Index 437
page viii
page ix
Here are some of the media-rich activities that will help your students succeed in the
introductory sociology course:
appropriate perspective.
Concept Clips. Concept Clips are animations designed to engage students and walk
them through some of the more complex concepts in the course and conclude with
assessment questions to demonstrate their understanding. Topics include research
variables, functions of religion, and power and authority.
page x
Put students first with Connect’s intuitive mobile interface, which gives students and
instructors flexible, convenient, anytime-anywhere access to all components of the
Connect platform. It provides seamless integration of learning tools and places the most
important priorities up front in a new “to-do” list with a calendar view across all Connect
courses. Enjoy on-the-go access with the new mobile interface designed for optimal use
of tablet functionality.
SmartBook builds an optimal, personalized learning path for each student, so students
spend less time on concepts they already understand and more time on those they
don’t. As a student engages with SmartBook, the reading experience continuously
adapts by highlighting the most impactful content a student needs to learn at that
moment in time. This ensures that every minute spent with SmartBook is returned to the
student as the most value-added minute possible. The result? More confidence, better
grades, and greater success.
New to this edition, SmartBook is now optimized for phones and tablets and accessible
for students with disabilities using interactive features.
Aimed at the higher level of Bloom’s taxonomy, Power of Process for Sociology helps
students improve critical thinking skills and allows instructors to assess these skills
efficiently and effectively in an online environment. Available through Connect, pre-
loaded readings are available for instructors to assign. Using a scaffolded framework
such as understanding, synthesizing, and analyzing, Power of Process moves students
toward higher-level thinking and analysis.
page xi
A Revision Informed by Student Data
From the start, Connect Sociology has collected data anonymously on students’
performance on specific learning objectives. These aggregated data, displayed in the
form of heat maps, graphically identify challenging “hot spots” in the text, helping guide
the revision of both core content and assessment activities for the Sixth Edition. This
student-directed revision is reflected primarily in Chapters 9, 11, 13, and 15.
Chapter Changes
The following is a list of chapter-by-chapter content changes:
New Did You Know? feature on polling projections and the 2016 page xii
presidential election
Revised the section on common sense to more clearly identify four of its limitations
Added a consideration of the danger of common sense including a reference to
Lazarsfeld’s example of the limits of “obvious” explanations for human behavior
Updated the Did You Know? feature on degree attainment percentages
Updated the Degree Attainment and Income graph to include new data and a third
column representing those whose highest degree attainment is some
college/associate’s degree
Updated the Presidential Approval Ratings graph with new data
Updated the Going Global: Research Abroad feature on the annual Afghanistan
national survey with new data
Updated data on popular baby names as a sign of cultural shifts
Updated the 5 Movies feature to include Science Fair and Monrovia, Indiana
CHAPTER 3: Culture
Updated the opening vignette Improv Everywhere and breaking norms to include the
most recent No Pants Subway Ride event and other updated missions from Improv
Moved the introduction of the three-step model of the social construction of reality
from Chapter 5 to Chapter 3 in order to set the stage for the next three chapters as
corresponding to the three stages of that model
Added social construction of reality as a key term
Edited the PopSoc feature on Columbusing for greater clarity
Updated section on diffusion regarding the number of McDonald’s and Starbucks
locations around the world
New Did You Know? feature on the invention of the steam engine
Updated data from Ethnologue on the number of living, endangered languages, and
extinct languages
Updated the Going Global feature on the region of origin of the world’s living
languages and contrasted that with the number of speakers
Updated examples of new words for 2018 added to the Merriam-Webster Collegiate
Revised the discussion on invented languages for the sake of clarity and to
emphasize the three different eras
Updated the PopSOC feature on Dothraki and the increasing popularity of the name
Revised the discussion of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis for greater clarity
Revised and updated data and graph regarding the values of first-year college
students using data from the annual HERI survey
Updated the 5 Movies feature on U.S. culture feature to include Sorry to Bother You,
If Beale Street Could Talk, En el Séptimo Día (On the Seventh Day), and The Rider
Revised the discussion of sanctions to clarify the distinction between internal and
external policing
Updated the 5 Movies feature on cultures outside the United States to include the
films Roma and Shoplifters
Revised the discussion of subcultures to include a consideration of divisions
between Republicans and Democrats in the United States
Edited the discussion of ethnocentrism
CHAPTER 4: Socialization
Added a discussion linking this chapter to the three-step model of world construction
which was introduced in Chapter 3
Updated the discussion of Dani’s story in the Extreme Childhood Isolation section
Revised and streamlined the discussion of Mead’s theory on I, Me, significant other,
and generalized other
Revised the definition of Mead’s generalized other
New J. K. Rowling feature quote on the importance of agency
Added a new subsection on W. I. Thomas in the Sociological Approaches to the Self
New graph showing average media use time per week by age groups
Updated the SOCthink to focus on smartphone use among young adults
Updated the Telephones and Cell Phones by Country per 100 People graph
Updated data on mobile phone ownership in Africa and added the term leapfrogging
Updated data on the number of jobs held between 18 and 50
Revised the 5 Movies feature on socialization to include the films Eighth Grade,
Welcome to Marwen, and Three Identical Strangers
Updated data on U.S. and global life expectancy
New graph on living arrangements by age for those 65 and older
Updated data on Social Security and poverty for those over 65
Revised the 5 Movies feature on aging to include Beginners and Our Souls at Night
Updated the Going Global feature on Internet access and social networking use in
various countries around the world
Revised the discussion of images under Postmodern Life to increase clarity
Updated the Going Global feature on U.S. favorability ratings around the world
Updated the 5 Movies feature to include The Greatest Showman, District 9, and The
Green Book
Updated the Pop Quiz feature
CHAPTER 6: Deviance
Revised and updated the chapter opening on mass shootings to include the Marjory
Stoneman Douglas high school shooting in Parkland, Florida, and the Las Vegas
concert shooting
Updated and revised the Binge Drinking on Campus graphs
Updated data on the correctional population in the United States including page xiii
updating the U.S. Incarceration Rates graph
Moved the discussion of marijuana to the Crime section where it was also discussed
Updated data on piracy as a form of deviance
Updated the 5 Movies feature on deviance to include The Purge, Liar, Liar, and I Am
Not a Witch
Updated data on cosmetic surgery by both women and men in the United States
Revised the discussion of crime for the sake of greater clarity and accessibility
Updated the data on trends in crime including the crime clock
Updated the FBI Uniform Crime Reports Data table with latest UCR data on crime
rates and trends along with clearance rates
Revised the definition of victimization surveys
Updated data and graph on victimization survey data showing percentage of crimes
reported to police
Updated the 5 Movies feature on crime to include Three Billboards Outside Ebbing,
Missouri, Charm City, and The Shawshank Redemption
Revised the definition of white-collar crime and streamlined the discussion of the
Revised the discussion of victimless crimes
Updated the Marijuana Laws by State map
Updated and moved the Marijuana Legislation graph to the victimless crimes
New PopSOC on films dealing with Wall Street
Updated Going Global graph on international incarceration rates
Updated the Did You Know? feature on drug arrests in the United States
Added broken window hypothesis as a new key term
Added a new featured quote from Dostoevsky and prisons
Updated data on death penalty cases, DNA exonerations, and race in the United
Updated map with latest data on executions in the United States
Updated the gender discussion to include changes internationally regarding the
loophole in which rapists can avoid prosecution by marrying their victims
CHAPTER 7: Families
Updated the chapter opening on online dating apps/sites including Jessica Carbino,
Bumble’s in-house sociologist
Updated Did You Know? feature on U.S. marriage rate compared to Las Vegas and
Revised the substantive definition of families
Revised the definition of extended families
Updated and streamlined the discussion of family types, marriage types, and kinship
patterns under the substantive definition of families
Updated the U.S. Households by Family Type graph
Updated data on the number and ratio of stay-at-home moms to stay-at-home dads
Updated graph showing median age for first marriage for women and men from 1890
to 2018
Updated data on age differences between marital partners
Updated data, table, and graph on interracial marriage
Revised the definition of homogamy
Revised the discussion of parenting and social class
Made concerted cultivation and accomplishment of natural growth key terms
Updated the Living Arrangements of Children graph on the percentage of children
living with two parents versus one parent by race and ethnicity and over time
Revised and expanded the discussion on parenting, race, and ethnicity
Updated the 5 Movies feature to include Instant Family, Leave No Trace, and
Reorganized and retitled sections for better flow including Dating, Mating, and
Parenting and Modern Families
Added a new section covering birth rates and average number of children including a
discussion of the impact education and geographic region have on age prior to the
section on parenting
Updated data on international adoption by U.S. parents including overall numbers,
top three source nations, and median cost of adoptions from China
Updated data on the number of children in foster care and awaiting adoption
Updated data on dual-income families
Updated data on attitudes regarding same-sex marriage
Updated the Approval of Same-Sex Marriage by Age graphs showing differences by
Updated data on single-parent families
Updated data on stepfamilies
Updated data on multigenerational families
New graph showing percentage of multigenerational families over time
Revised the definition of cohabitation to make it more inclusive
Updated data on cohabitation page xiv
Updated data on remaining single
Updated data on remaining child-free
Updated data on divorce
Updated the Trends in Marriage and Divorce in the United States graph to reflect
recent rate changes
New feature quote from Malcolm X on education
Updated data for Did You Know? feature regarding family income level and
likelihood of going directly to college after high school
Restructured the Sociological Perspectives on Education section including the
addition of a new interactionist perspective subsection
Revised the discussion of the correspondence principle and hidden curriculum and
made them part of their own subsection
Updated Did You Know? regarding Harvard’s acceptance rate
Updated data on student loan debt
Updated the College Majors by Gender, Percent Female graph to show the
percentage of female bachelor’s degree recipients for a variety of majors
Revised 5 Movies feature on education to include Dead Poets Society, Night School,
and The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Updated SOCthink on women’s participation levels in high school and college
Revised the discussion of a substantive definition to enhance clarity
Revised the discussion of the functional definition of religion to highlight three
functions: encouraging social integration, enforcing existing beliefs and practices,
and providing a sense of meaning and purpose
Added a new subheading for functional equivalents of religion and revised the
discussion for greater clarity
Updated the Major World Religions graph and table with current data
Revised 5 Movies feature on religion to include First Reformed and Noah
Updated the data on women clergy and theological students
Short and The Price of Everything
Introduced polity as a key term in place of political system to describe that social
Added a new Did You Know? feature on the most admired man and woman in
America to go along with charismatic authority
Added a new 5 Movies feature focusing only on politics, and added RBG, The Post,
and Cold War
Created a new subsection focusing on the relationship between capitalism and
democracy including an enhanced discussion of Okun’s tension between equality
and efficiency and Marshall’s discussion of social rights
Updated the Public Trust in Government graph
Added a discussion on voter identification
Updated the What’s Your Party? graph on political party identification
Updated data on voter participation, including a consideration of the 2018 midterm
Updated the Voter Turnout Worldwide graph
Updated the Reasons for Not Voting graph
Updated the (Under)Representation in Congress graph to reflect the 2018 midterm
results for the 116th Congress
Added a discussion about the increasing diversity of Congress due to the 2018
Updated the Women in National Legislatures graph
Updated the U.S. Public Opinion on Defense Spending graph
Updated data on terrorist attacks in 2017
Updated and revised the Pop Quiz to reflect the new structure and content
Updated data on wealth distribution and added the Gini index for wealth
Updated the Did You Know? feature on consumer expenditures by the top quintile
Updated the Child Poverty Rates around the World graph
Updated data for table Who Are the Poor in the United States? percentage of
population overall versus percentage of poverty population
Updated the People below Poverty Level map showing variation in poverty levels by
Updated data on percentage of health care spending provided by government for
select nations
Revised the discussion on the importance of parents’ resources when it comes to
children’s mobility
Updated the Education Pays graph of the relationship between education and
income for full-time, year-round workers
Revised and updated the Did You Know? feature on the highest-paid CEOs
Updated the 5 Movies feature on Social Class to include The Florida Project and
Generation Wealth
Added a new feature quote on wealth
Updated data on income inequality
Updated the Quintile Distribution of Income graph showing percentage of income
earned by the top and bottom quintiles
Updated data on wealth inequality
Updated and revised the Global Wealth Distribution graph
Updated the Wealth Concentration graph
Updated data on poverty around the world
Updated the Living on Less Than $1.90 a Day graph regarding extreme poverty
Updated the Share of Global Poor graph showing the distribution based on region
Streamlined the discussion of the Millennial and Sustainable Development Goals
Revised the Did You Know? feature about what women garment workers in
Bangladesh earn compared to CEOs of garment companies
Updated the discussion of Mexico as a case study, including providing historical
context for Mexico
Revised the discussion of Mexico’s income, wealth, and poverty data to bring it into
alignment with the previous section and added more data regarding each
Updated the Did You Know? feature on the number of undocumented workers
entering Mexico
Revised the discussion of indigenous people in Mexico with additional context and
Updated data on the status of women in Mexico
Updated data for the Borderlands map showing apprehensions and remittances
Revised the discussion regarding emigration to the United States from Mexico with
additional information and context
Updated the 5 Movies feature on Global Inequality to include Icebox, On Her
Shoulders, and Capernaum
Connected the discussion of human rights to the earlier points about
Updated the Human Trafficking Report table showing tiers for countries
New example of Yemen as a challenging context for human rights abuses
Updated information on Doctors Without Borders to include statistics on various
procedures performed
Updated the Pop Quiz
Updated data on gender representation in children’s books
Updated data on stay-at-home moms and dads
Updated data on educational participation and attainment for women
Updated data on Americans’ attitudes regarding abortion
Created a new subsection highlighting intersectionality
Added a new photo with caption tying the #MeToo movement to intersectionality
Updated the U.S. Attitudes about Homosexuality graph
Updated data on sexual orientation hate crime statistics
Updated data on teens’ age at first sexual intercourse experience and added
information on the nature of their relationship with their first partner and reasons for
those not having had sex
Updated data on international contraception use rates
Updated the Labor Force Participation Rates graph for men and women
Updated the Women’s Representation in U.S. Occupations table showing
underrepresentation and overrepresentation in occupations
Updated data for men and women on median income for full-time, year-round
Updated data on occupational segregation and its relationship to the wage gap
Updated the Gender Wage Gap by Education table
Updated data on the gender wage gap by age
Updated discussion on housework to include its impact on relationship satisfaction
and sexual intimacy
Updated data on women’s representation in government after the 2018 midterm
Updated the 5 Movies on gender and sexuality to include Love, Simon, page xvii
What Men Want, and Transformer
Updated the criminal victimization rates on rape and sexual violence
Updated the data on high school girls’ experience of violence and physical coercion
Revised the definition of ethnicity
Updated statistics in the Racial and Ethnic Groups in the United States table
including both numbers and percentage of population
New PopSOC feature on the work of Brazilian artist Angélica Dass matching
Pantone color codes to skin tone to highlight the gradational nature of human
Added a discussion of the role the Plessy v. Ferguson case to show its significance
in the maintenance of systemic racial inequality
Added a new PopSOC feature on Denmark’s “Do It for Denmark” campaign
designed to increase birthrates in the country
Added a discussion of the eugenics movement in the United States
Added a Did You Know? feature linking a Frederick Douglass quote regarding the
biology of race from the 1850s to the civil rights movement claims 100 years later
Added a discussion of the UNESCO statement after World War II, led by
anthropologist Ashley Montague, advocating the use of ethnicity in place of race
Added a discussion on the Most Recent Common Ancestor research which shows
the degree of shared human ancestry
Revised the Sociological Perspectives section to include a more fully developed
discussion of the role theories can play in our understanding of issues related to race
and ethnicity and also made the links to the three perspectives more explicit
Added a discussion of Roth’s multidimensional typology to highlight the complexity of
race in practice
Updated the 5 Movies feature to include Get Out, The Hate U Give, and Crazy Rich
Added passing as a key term to highlight the multidimensionality of race
Added a discussion of transracial adoption to highlight the multidimensionality of
Added a discussion on the function of racial distinction as a foundation for group
Revised the definition of contact hypothesis
Modified the definition of affirmative action
Updated the PopSOC feature on racial and ethnic representation in films
Updated the Median Income by Race, Ethnicity, and Gender graph
Revised the definition of institutional discrimination
Revised the discussion of racism, including a new definition, to highlight the fact that
racism involves more than just how people think and linked it to systemic patterns of
Updated the Hate Crime Offenses graphic
New PopSOC feature on Colin Kaepernick’s NFL protest regarding racial injustice
Streamlined and reorganized the discussion on patterns of intergroup relations
Updated the Racial and Ethnic Groups in the United States graph
Streamlined the discussion of various racial and ethnic groups in the United States
to highlight the consequences of difference and updated data for all groups on
income, education, poverty, and so on along with emphasizing degrees of difference
within each race/ethnicity category
Updated the Poverty by Race and Ethnicity graph
Updated the discussion on African Americans to highlight distinctions within this
community, including more recent immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean
Updated the Age Variation by Race and Ethnicity graph
Updated the Major Hispanic Groups in the United States graph
Updated data on immigration, including the Legal Immigration to the United States
Updated the discussion of immigration policies
Moved the discussion of privilege to the end of the chapter
Updated the Pop Quiz
United States for both income and race/ethnicity
Updated the Infant Mortality Rates in the United States graph showing rates by
Updated life expectancy by race and gender
Updated the Smoking Rates by Gender graph showing smoking percentages for
men and women over time
Updated data on prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease
Updated the Health Insurance Rates by Age graph
Updated the Availability of Physicians by State graph
Updated data on health care expenditures, including the Total Health Care
Expenditures graph
Updated data on Medicare and Medicaid recipients
Updated the current state of the Affordable Care Act
Updated the U.S. Uninsured Rate, 1997–2018 graph
Updated the Did You Know? feature on bottled water consumption in the United
Updated the Did You Know? feature on the amount of Brazilian rain forest lost each
Updated the Public Perception of Environmental Issues graph
Updated data on air pollution deaths
Updated the 5 Movies on the Environment feature to include Anthropocene and
Rodents of Unusual Size
Updated data on access to safe drinking water and modern sanitation facilities
Updated the Global Temperature graph showing the recorded history of average
global temperature per year
Updated the CO2 Emissions per Capita graph with data for select nations
Updated the Threatened and Endangered Species graph
Updated the environmental issues survey results for whether or not they should be a
top priority for Congress
Updated the Perceptions of Global Climate Change among select nations graph
Updated U.S. policy regarding the Paris Agreement regarding climate change
Revised the definition of resource mobilization along with the discussion of the
theory including a consideration of the importance of mobilizing media resources and
using technology to do so
New discussion of the role emotions play in people’s participation based on recent
sociology of emotions theories
New feature quote from Anna Lappe page xix
Revised the structure of the discussion of social change based on three parts:
material, social, and cultural resources
Updated the Social Change in the USA table to include recent data
Streamlined the discussion on technology to fit it into the context of social change
Updated the Internet Use and Penetration by World Region graph
Updated the cloning milestones to include monkeys
New section on social networks and social change with an emphasis on the
importance of diversity
New section on cultural resources and social change with an emphasis on the
importance of expanding knowledge
Updated the 5 Movies feature to include BlacKkKlansman and An Inconvenient
Sequel: Truth to Power
New Personal Sociology feature on living in the past, present, and future
Revised and updated the Pop Quiz to match the new structure and content
page xx
Table of Contents
A Hamburger Is a Miracle 5
Defining Sociology 6
A Science of Society 8
Theory and Research 9
Personal Sociology 17
Academic Sociology 18
James Kirkikis/Shutterstock
2 > Sociological Research 23
Sociology and the Scientific Method 26
Surveys 32
Observation 35
Experiments 35
Confidentiality 40
Research Funding 40
Value Neutrality 41
Feminist Methodology 42
page xxi
©Emmanuele Contini/NurPhoto/Getty Images
3 > Culture 46
Cultural Universals 49
Innovation 50
Diffusion 51
Material Culture 52
Cognitive Culture 53
Normative Culture 59
Dominant Ideology 64
Understanding Others 65
Marco Secchi/Awakening/Corbis/Getty Images
4 > Socialization 69
Internalizing Culture 70
Us Versus Them 76
Family 78
School 79
Peer Groups 80
Mass Media 81
The Workplace 84
Anticipatory Socialization and Resocialization 87
Adjusting to Retirement 89
Disengagement Theory 90
Activity Theory 91
Groups 103
Social Networks 106
Social Institutions 109
Postmodern Life 114
Characteristics of a Bureaucracy 115
page xxii
6 > Deviance 124
White-Collar Crime 133
Victimless Crimes 134
Organized Crime 135
International Crime 135
Yu Chun Christopher Wong/S3studio/Getty Images
7 > Families 147
Marriage Trends 154
Dual-Income Families 161
Same-Sex Marriage 161
Single-Parent Families 162
Stepfamilies 163
Multigenerational Families 164
Cohabitation 164
Remaining Single 165
Remaining Child-Free 165
Educational Attainment 172
Community Colleges 174
Teaching as a Profession 174
Home Schooling 175
Functions of Education 176
Education and the Conflict Perspective 178
page xxiii
Beliefs 185
Rituals 186
Experience 186
Community 187
Bill Sikes/AP Images
Capitalism 199
Socialism 200
Mixed Economies 201
Economic Globalization 203
Monarchy 205
Oligarchy 206
Democracy 206
Power 208
Types of Authority 208
Race and Gender in Politics 215
War 216
Terrorism 218
Peace 218
10 > Social Class 222
Systems of Stratification 223
Social Mobility 226
Poverty 232
The American Dream 235
11 > Global Inequality 246
page xxiv
Income 255
Wealth 256
Poverty 257
Sex 269
Gender 271
The Second Wave 277
Intersectionality 279
Sexuality in Action 282
Racism 309
Immigration 324
Privilege 327
page xxv
Birth 334
Death 335
Migration 335
Demographic Transition 337
Negotiating Cures 345
Social Class 347
Gender 349
Age 350
A Historical View 351
Human Ecology 354
Environmental Justice 356
Air Pollution 357
Water Pollution 358
15 > Social Change 364
Relative Deprivation 366
Normative Culture and Change 375
Personal Sociology 377
Practicing Sociology 378
Glossary 383
References 393
Name Index 434
Subject Index 437
page xxvi
page 1
The Sociological Imagination
Sarah Smarsh was born in the middle of nowhere, smack dab in
the heartland of the USA. Raised mostly by her grandmother, Betty, who was
herself only 34 when Sarah was born, hers is a tale of opportunity and obstacle,
success and failure, hope and despair.
The women and men in her life constantly struggled to find a stable financial
footing while maintaining their dignity. Day after day and year after year, Sarah’s
family members worked to the point of exhaustion and physical frailty, but when it
was all said and done, most had little to show for it.
Sarah’s story, by contrast, represents the embodiment of the American Dream.
Born into a world of rural Kansas poverty, she might have expected little more than
to share the fate of her mother, grandmother, and many other women in her life.
These women became mothers in their teens, faced limited opportunities, dealt
with various addictions, and experienced persistent discrimination. Sarah, on the
other hand, overcame numerous obstacles to become the first in her family to go
to, and graduate from, college. She went on to work in a series of professional
jobs, including, for a time, as a college professor. Sarah tells her story in her book
Heartland: A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on
Earth (Smarsh 2018).
But Smarsh refuses to let the American Dream narrative alone win the day. She
fully affirms that hers is the story of an outlier, the exception to the rule, in which
the luck of having the right person intervene at the right times significantly boosted
her odds. Just as important to her, if not more important, is the dominant narrative
of those in her family and community. They, too, were smart, innovative,
entrepreneurial, passionate, and, perhaps most of all, hardworking. Yet they never
experienced the social mobility that she did.
Lack of opportunity due to larger economic trends explains much of what made
life difficult for so many in her community. In the 1980s, for example, the farm crisis
resulted in many farm foreclosures. Starting in 2008, more people were forced out,
or gave up, as a result of the global recession. Crises such as these just
exacerbated the general economic decline these communities faced. As Smarsh
puts it, “All around us things were closing: the small-town department store, the
hardware store with its tiny drawers stretching to the ceiling, the local page 2
restaurant. Lawyers took down their small-town shingles and doctors
moved to cities” (2018:88). Rural and small-town life became less and less viable.
Many people who had invested their lives in the land over multiple generations
wanted to make it work. But their economic success seemed beyond their control.
Sociology enables us to better understand the interplay between individual
initiative and structural obstacles. Success does depend on the choices we make,
but the opportunities to succeed are not equally distributed among us all. When it
comes to understanding our outcomes, we must take seriously the ways in which
the positions we occupy in society impact the ways we think, act, and feel.
What is sociology?
As You READ >> How do sociologists look at the world?
How might someone practice sociology?
individualism is made possible by our interdependence. We praise the Olympic gold
medalist for her impressive skill, dedicated training, and single-minded determination.
Yet, if it hadn’t been for her mom driving her to the pool every day, for the building
manager waking up at 4:00 a.m. to make sure the pool is open, for the women working
overnight to make sure the locker room is clean and safe, and so many others who fade
into the background in such moments of glory, she would never have had that chance to
The people on whom we depend are often unknown and invisible to us. Even though
we may never meet them, we rely on farmers, truck drivers, secretaries, store clerks,
custodians, software engineers, scientists, assembly-line workers, teachers, police
officers, inventors, politicians, CEOs, and a whole host of others. Yet we mostly take
their contributions for granted without fully appreciating the degree to which they make
our lives possible.
Sociologists seek to reveal the full extent of our interdependence. They explore the
intimate connection between self and society, placing that relationship at the heart of
sociology’s definition. Sociology is the systematic study of the relationship between the
individual and society and of the consequences of difference. We examine the various
components of that definition in the “Defining Sociology” section, after first considering
ways in which the sociological imagination shapes how we see the world.
Sociology The systematic study of the relationship between the individual and
society and of the consequences of difference.
it’s also possible for a worker to lose their job due to social forces beyond their control,
regardless of how effective they may be as a worker. Using the sociological imagination
enables us to recognize that our likelihood of keeping our job rises and falls depending
on what is happening in the larger economy. For example, when the economy
nosedived in the 2000s, the unemployment rate rose from 4.8 percent in February 2008
to a peak of 10.1 percent in October 2010. Many wise, dedicated, and careful workers
lost their jobs in the process.
Analyzing how rates change over time allows us to see patterns we might miss when
focusing only on individuals. The sociological imagination enables us to see page 3
that people in similar positions experience similar outcomes. Sticking with
the unemployment example, as the “U.S. Employment Trends” map and graphs
demonstrate, a person’s likelihood of experiencing unemployment varies by the
person’s social location, which includes geographic location, age, gender, race, and
ethnicity. Geographically, for example, unemployment was more likely in the Southwest
than in the upper Midwest. The level for young people was, and continues to be,
substantially higher than for those who are older. Men experienced a more significant
jump in joblessness during 2008’s Great Recession than did women. Rates for African
Americans and Latinos were, and are, significantly higher than those for Whites.
Note: The unemployment rate includes people 16 years and older who are available for work but do not have a job
and who have actively looked for work within the previous four weeks.
Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics 2016a and 2016b.
To assist us in understanding the role social forces can play, Mills distinguished
between private troubles and public issues. Private troubles are problems we face in
our immediate relationships with particular individuals in our personal lives.
Explanations for such troubles are particular to the individuals involved. For example,
you lose your job because you failed to show up for work, disobeyed direct orders from
your boss, took money from the cash register, and so forth. The sociological imagination
focuses instead on the importance of analyzing public issues which are problems we
face as a consequence of the positions we occupy within the larger social structure.
Private troubles are personal problems, but public issues are social problems. Analyzing
data—such as unemployment rates, divorce rates, and poverty rates—enables us to
see influences that might otherwise be invisible to us.
Public issues Problems we face as a consequence of the positions we occupy
within the larger social structure.
12 Years a Slave
An 1840s African American man is kidnapped and sold into slavery.
Children of Men
A dystopian vision of society where humans can no longer reproduce.
Black Panther
The African civilization of Wakanda might just save the world.
A mother’s search for the child she gave up for adoption.
Lady Bird
On the path to adulthood, a young woman navigates the obstacles life puts in
her way.
This public example of unequal pay mirrors the wage gaps in the United States.
When comparing average earnings for full-time, year-round workers, women earn 80¢
for every $1 men earn (Fontenot, Semega, and Kollar 2018). Race and ethnicity also
shape likely outcomes. Being born into a White family in the United States significantly
increases your odds of having access to money. In a study on the page 5
distribution of wealth, researchers found that median wealth of $171,000 for
White, non-Hispanic households was 9.7 times greater than the $17,600 for African
American households and 8.3 times greater than the $20,700 for Hispanic households
(Bricker et al. 2017).
Women actors, such as Claire Foy, regularly receive less pay than do their male
counterparts. Left Bank Pictures/Sony Pictures TV Prod UK/Album/Newscom
Place is important because it shapes how we think, act, and even feel. For example,
when computer giant Hewlett-Packard was trying to figure out ways to get more women
into upper-level management positions, it found that women applied for promotion only
when they thought they met 100 percent of the qualifications for the position, whereas
men applied when they believed they met 60 percent (Kay and Shipman 2014). When
asked, at the end of his presidency, how Barack Obama would go down in history, 75
percent of African Americans said Obama would be remembered as outstanding or
above average, compared to 38 percent among Whites (Pew Research Center 2016f).
When it comes to analyzing such patterns, our tendency is to take sides, but the
interesting sociological question is why such significant differences form in the first
To more fully appreciate how dependent we are on others, imagine that you have to
make something completely from scratch but that you must do so without relying on any
knowledge, skills, tools, or resources obtained from anyone else. How hard could that
possibly be? Let’s take a hamburger for example. First, you’ll need beef to make the
burger, which means you’ll need to find a cow. But buying one from a farmer is off limits
because doing so means relying on the efforts and abilities of others. So a wild cow it is.
Assuming you can find one roaming around somewhere, you need to kill it, perhaps by
bashing it over the head with a large rock or running it off a cliff.
Once you’ve got yourself a dead cow, you need to butcher it, but cowhide is tough.
Imagine what it takes to produce a metal knife (finding ore, smelting, forging, tempering,
and so on). Perhaps a sharp rock will do. Assuming you come up with a cutting tool, you
can carve out a chunk of raw meat. Given that it’s hamburger you’re after (though you
might be ready to settle for steak at this point), you’ll need to grind up the meat. You
might use a couple of those rocks to pulverize it into something of a meat mash. A meat
grinder would work better, if only it weren’t so hard to make one. In any event, at last
you have a raw hamburger patty.
To cook your burger, you will need fire. But where does fire come from? Perhaps
you could strike two rocks together or rub two sticks together. After trying this for a
while, you may decide it would be easier to wait around for lightning to strike a nearby
tree. However you accomplish it, after you get fire, you still have to cook the meat. No
frying pans are available, so either you make one or perhaps cook it on that handy rock
you used to kill the cow.
Assuming you are successful, you now have a cooked hamburger patty. But you
aren’t close to done. You still need to complete many other steps. You need to bake a
bun, which involves figuring out how to come up with flour, water, salt, oil, sugar, yeast,
and an oven. What about condiments such as ketchup, mustard, pickles, and onions?
What if at the end of all that you decide to make it a cheeseburger? You killed the cow!
Did you remember to milk her first?
Making something that seems so simple—that we can get for a dollar at McDonald’s
—turns out to be quite complicated. The resourcefulness necessary to acquire and
prepare all the ingredients in a hamburger are beyond the capacity of most of us. Yet if
we eat a burger, we seldom consider its complexity. If, instead, we exercise the
sociological imagination, we may come to see that a hamburger is a miracle. page 6
Not literally, of course, because nothing supernatural is happening, but
figuratively, as a symbolic representation of all the knowledge and skill that come
together in this one meal. And it’s not just hamburgers. All the products we make and
use—veggie burgers, books, backpacks, shirts, cars, houses, smartphones—point
toward a hidden infra-structure comprising our collective wisdom and ability.
The irony of modern society is that we depend on one another now more than ever,
but we realize it less. We embrace individualism, and think we are masters of our own
fates. Yet we lack the basic skills necessary for self-sufficiency. Sociology provides us
with tools that enable us to more fully understand and appreciate our interdependence.
The function of sociology, as of every science, is to
reveal that which is hidden.
Pierre Bourdieu (1998b)
Sociologists are committed to investigating, describing, and explaining such
interrelationships. A more detailed breakdown of the four components of the definition of
sociology helps reveal how they go about doing so.
Systematic Study Sociologists are engaged with the world, collecting empirical data
through systematic research. Relying on such data means that sociologists draw their
conclusions about society based on experiences or observations rather than beliefs or
the authority of others. If they want to understand why the average age for first marriage
keeps rising or why people commit crimes, they must gather data from those involved in
these activities and base their conclusions on that information.
Sociological research historically has involved both quantitative and qualitative
approaches to data collection. Quantitative approaches emphasize counting things and
analyzing them mathematically or statistically to uncover relationships between
variables. The most common way to collect this type of data is through surveys. In
contrast, qualitative approaches focus on listening to and observing people and allowing
them to interpret what is happening in their own lives. The most common way to collect
this type of data is through participant observation, in which the researcher interacts
with those she or he studies. In practice, sociologists often draw on both techniques in
conducting their research. We investigate these research techniques, along with others,
in more detail in Chapter 2.
What do you see as your biggest accomplishment in life so far? What people in
your life were most directly responsible for helping make it happen? Given that we
rely on others who are often unknown and invisible to us, what other people made
indirect but essential contributions to your success?
The Individual Although sociology is most commonly associated with the study of
groups, there is no such thing as a group apart from the individuals who compose it. As
individuals we are constantly choosing what to do next. Most of the time, we follow
guidelines for behavior we have learned from others, but we have the ability to reject
those guidelines at any time. A term sociologists use to describe this capacity is
agency, meaning our freedom as individuals to think and act as we choose. In
professional sports, for example, we use the term free agent to describe a player who
has the power to negotiate with whatever team he or she wishes. We, too, have such
freedom. We could choose not to go to class, not to go to work, not to get out of bed in
the morning, not to obey traffic signals, not to respond when spoken to, not to read the
next sentence in this book, and on and on.
As we saw with the significance of place, the positions we occupy relative to others
shape the choices we make. In the NBA, LeBron James has repeatedly exercised his
right as a free agent to move from NBA team to NBA team: from Cleveland, to Miami,
back to Cleveland, and then to Los Angeles. Signing with the NFL’s Green Bay Packers
or Major League Baseball’s Chicago Cubs was not really an option for him because he
lacked the kinds of skills those organizations reward. His choices, like ours, were
constrained by both his abilities and the opportunities available to him. The value of the
skills and abilities we have depends on our being in a social context that recognizes and
rewards them. When we choose, we usually follow “paths of least resistance”—
accepted and expected actions and beliefs—but the choice of whether to continue to
follow them is ours every second of our lives (A. Johnson 1997).
Society The study of society is at the heart of sociology. Although we will spend most
of this book describing various aspects of society, we can begin by thinking of it as our
social environment. Society consists of the structure of relationships within which
culture is created and shared through regularized patterns of social interaction. page 7
The framework it provides is analogous to a building: The structure of a building
both encourages and discourages different activities in different rooms (such as
kitchens, bedrooms, and bathrooms), and many of the most essential operations of a
building (such as heating and air conditioning) are mostly invisible to us. In the same
way, the structure of our institutions—a term sociologists use to describe some of the
major components of social structure, including economy, family, education,
government, and religion—shapes what is expected of us. For example, the choices
that are available to us in the context of the modern family, such as to go off and pursue
our own education and career, are much different from the obligations we would face in
more traditional family contexts. Nested within institutions are the groups, subgroups,
and statuses that we occupy. We look at the details of these institutions in coming
chapters, but it is helpful to remember that, in order to provide clear pathways for action,
we construct culture and inhabit society.
Society The structure of relationships within which culture is created and shared
through regularized patterns of social interaction.
As an NBA free agent, LeBron James moved from the Cleveland Cavaliers to the
Miami Heat, back to Cleveland, and then on to the Los Angeles Lakers. Harry How/Getty
Social inequality A condition in which members of society have different amounts of
wealth, prestige, or power.
In combination, these four aspects of sociology help us understand the things that
influence our beliefs and actions. Coming to terms with the reality that our choices are
constrained by the positions we occupy can seem depressing, but sociology actually
empowers us by providing a more complete picture of the worlds within which we live.
French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu (1998a) put it this way: “Sociology teaches how
groups function and how to make use of the laws governing the way they function so as
to try to circumvent them” (p. 57). In other words, understanding the ways in which our
thoughts and actions are determined enhances our freedom to make more effective and
informed choices.
Science provided the foundation upon which sociology was built. Early scientists, such
as Francis Bacon, Robert Boyle, and Isaac Newton, challenged conventional ideas
about how the world worked. They didn’t accept something as fact simply because
others in authority said so, They questioned the authority of politicians, priests, and
philosophers, viewing them as insufficient sources of truth. This sometimes got them in
trouble, as Galileo learned in the 1600s. He claimed that observations he’d made using
his telescope, a recent invention, supported Copernicus’s heliocentric theory that the
Earth revolved around the sun. However, because this theory contradicted the Catholic
Church’s geocentric teaching that the Earth was the center of the universe, he was
charged with heresy and kept under house arrest until his death.
Through meticulous observation and experimentation, these and other early
scientists uncovered fundamental truths about the natural world. The scientific method
they developed follows what we might now call the Missouri principle: Don’t just tell me,
show me. Missouri’s nickname as the “show-me state” reportedly traces its roots back to
Missouri Congressman Willard Duncan Vandiver’s 1899 speech in which he stated,
“Frothy eloquence neither convinces nor satisfies me. I am from Missouri. You have got
to show me” (March 1998:167).
In previous eras, it may have been sufficient to rely on the authority of priests or
philosophers who argued that things happen due to other-worldly forces such as God’s
will or fate. The scientific method insists on this-worldly, empirical investigation that can
be measured using our senses. If we can’t see it, touch it, smell it, or in some way
measure it, we shouldn’t accept it as a fact. And even then we should engage in
repeated experiments to protect against the possibility that our senses are fooling us.
The laws of nature that resulted from these early scientific experiments, such as
Newton’s F = ma, held firm across time and place, thus providing universally true
explanations about how nature operates.
The explanatory power of these laws of nature led others to explore the possibility of
uncovering equally powerful laws of society. It was in this mid-1800s context that French
social philosopher Auguste Comte (1798–1857) made three significant contributions to
the founding of sociology. First, in his quest to uncover the laws of society, he identified
two important societal forces worthy of in-depth study: social stability and social change.
He used the expressions “social statics” to refer to the principles by which societies hold
together and order is maintained and “social dynamics” to describe the factors that bring
about change and shape the nature and direction of that change. Second, to give this
new discipline a name, Comte coined the term sociology—which literally means “the
study of the processes of companionship” (Abercrombie, Hill, and Turner page 9
2006:367). And third, he argued that sociologists should serve in a
leadership role, as something akin to a new priesthood of humanity, using their
knowledge of the laws of society to advance policies that would enhance social stability
while also working toward positive social change (Gane 2006; A. Wilson 1999).
English-speaking scholars learned of Comte’s work largely through translations by
another of sociology’s founders, the English sociologist Harriet Martineau (1802–1876).
We can also single out three significant contributions Martineau made to the founding of
sociology. First, seeking to systematize the research essential to conducting a science
of society, Martineau ([1838] 1989) wrote the first book on sociological methods.
Second, as a path-breaking theorist in her own right, she introduced the significance of
inequality and power into the discipline. Martineau’s book Society in America ([1837]
1962) examined religion, politics, child rearing, and immigration in the young nation. It
gave special attention to social class distinctions and to such factors as gender and
race. Third, Martineau ([1837] 1962) maintained that intellectuals and scholars should
not simply offer observations of social conditions; they should act on their convictions in
a manner that would benefit society. Martineau spoke out in favor of the rights of
women, the emancipation of slaves, and religious tolerance.
These two themes—social order and social inequality—have shaped the theoretical
and research paths sociologists have pursued since sociology’s founding as a
discipline. In early sociological theory, they find their fullest development in the works of
Émile Durkheim and Karl Marx, respectively. As we will see throughout this book, they
continue to be primary concerns for sociologists.
conversation between theory and research. Unlike Comte, however, Durkheim gathered
data to test basic sociological theories about social order. A theory is a set of
statements that seeks to explain problems, actions, or behavior. Theories represent our
attempts to make the best possible sense of the world around us. They often start out
general and vague, but over time and informed by research, theories provide richer,
more complete interpretations of the worlds in which we live. Durkheim provided an
early model of the interplay between theory and research with his work on the impact
our social connectedness has on the choices we make.
Harriet Martineau argued that we could learn a lot about a culture by analyzing the
ideas, images, and themes reflected in its popular songs. She wrote, “The Songs of
every nation must always be the most familiar and truly popular part of its poetry. . . .
They present also the most prevalent feelings on subjects of the highest popular
interest. If it were not so, they would not have been popular songs” ([1838] 1989).
What might we learn about American culture based on analysis of the lyrics of the
current top-10 songs? What themes, ideas, images, and expectations are prevalent?
(Lists are available at “The Billboard Hot 100” or
Photo: Brian Ach/Getty Images
page 10
Durkheim set out to prove that social facts exist and affect what we do. He defined
social facts as manners of acting, thinking, and feeling external to the individual that
have coercive power to shape how we act, think, and feel. In other words, how we act,
think, and feel is both enabled and constrained by social forces outside of us. But a
social fact is kind of like gravity. We can’t really see it or measure it directly, but we can
observe its effects. Proving the power of social facts depends on demonstrating the
impact they have on the choices we make.
Social facts Manners of acting, thinking, and feeling external to the individual with
coercive power to shape how we act, think, and feel.
To make the strongest case possible, Durkheim chose to study what he saw as the
ultimate individual choice: suicide. He theorized that people choose suicide because
they lack the social connections and obligations that prevent them from taking their own
life. His hypothesis was as follows: “Suicide varies inversely with the degree of
integration of the social groups of which the individual forms a part” ([1897] 1951:209).
Durkheim chose religious affiliation as an indicator of social integration, arguing that
Protestants are less socially integrated than Roman Catholics. He claimed that
Catholicism is a traditional faith with a hierarchical system of authority in which variation
in belief (on such topics as birth control, abortion, and women priests) is not up to the
individual. Protestantism, in contrast, gives individual believers more power to interpret
the Bible for themselves. As a result, when disagreement arises, Protestants feel freer
to form new churches. Whereas there is only one Roman Catholic Church,
Protestantism includes Baptist, Methodist, Reformed, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, and
many other denominations. Protestants’ increased individual autonomy reflects reduced
levels of social integration, leading Durkheim to predict that Protestants would be more
likely to die by suicide than Catholics.
Testing Sociological Theories To test his theory, Durkheim gathered data from
different countries to see if suicide rates varied. Looking at France, England, and
Denmark, he found that England had 67 reported suicides per million inhabitants,
France had 135 per million, and Denmark had 277 per million. Durkheim concluded that
Denmark’s comparatively high suicide rate was due to the fact that Denmark was a
more Protestant nation than either France or England. In other words, it was the social
makeup of these nations that shaped their suicide rates. More recent research focusing
on individual rather than national rates continues to find this same relationship (Torgler
and Schaltegger 2014).
In extending his analysis to look at other indicators of social integration, Durkheim
continued to obtain results that confirmed his underlying theory: the unmarried had
much higher rates of suicide than married people; and people without children were
more likely to take their lives than people with children. In addition, there were higher
rates in times of economic instability and recession than in times of prosperity.
Durkheim concluded that his theory was correct: the suicide rate of a society reflects the
extent to which people are or are not integrated into the group life of the society.
Durkheim presented his results in his landmark work Suicide, published in 1897.
cannot consider what it means to be an individual apart from our position in society. This
social dimension of individual behavior is what Durkheim wants sociology to explore,
elaborate, and explain.
What Makes a Country Happy?
As a flip side to the suicide research, sociologists have also shown that happiness rates
vary from country to country. The five nations that score highest according to the “World
Happiness Report” are Finland, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, and Switzerland. The
bottom five are Yemen, Tanzania, South Sudan, Central African Republic, and Burundi.
The United States ranks 18th out of 156 nations (Helliwell, Layard, and Sachs 2018).
The index considers indicators of both subjective well-being (“Were you happy
yesterday?”) and life satisfaction (“Are you happy with your life as a whole?”).
Greetings from Denmark, one of the happiest nations on the planet. ©Rafael
Elias/Moment Open/Getty Images
Suicide has become a significant public health concern in the United States. In 2016,
44,965 people died as a result of suicide, which represents an increase of 30 percent
since 1999. The rates of emergency room visits for nonfatal suicide attempts rose even
more. People aged 45–64 had the highest rate of increase of any age group. Overall,
48.5 percent of those who died due to suicide, died by firearm (Stone et al. 2018; Xu et
al. 2018). Sociologists and others continue to explore the contextual elements that
influence likelihood of suicide, including factors such as relative social well-being and
relative income (Daly, Oswald, Wilson, and Wu 2011; Daly, Wilson, and Johnson 2013).
Sociologists weren’t the only ones who sought to apply the scientific method to
social behavior. A number of additional disciplines emerged around the same time
giving rise to social science—the systematic study of human behavior, interaction, and
change—as an umbrella term to distinguish these fields of study from natural science,
which involves the systematic study of the physical features of nature and the ways in
which they interact and change. Social sciences include sociology, anthropology,
psychology, economics, political science, and history. Each of these disciplines carved
out its own subject matter niche and applied its version of the scientific method
accordingly. Sociology’s boundaries emerged over time as sociologists explored new
questions about why we think and act as we do.
Social science The systematic study of human behavior, interaction, and change.
Natural science The systematic study of the physical features of nature and the
ways in which they interact and change.
page 12
Suicide Rates
If Durkheim is correct and the level of social integration influences the likelihood
of suicide, why do rates vary for the groups listed in the “Suicide Rates” figure?
Why is the rate for men so much higher than that for women? Why are the rates
for non-Hispanic Whites and non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native’s
higher than that for other racial/ethnic groups? Why is there a midlife suicide
peak? Why do rates vary by state and region? What might these patterns suggest
about the social integration of people in these categories?
Given the complexity of human life, sociologists have developed a wide range of
theories in which they describe and explain the diversity of social behavior. Sometimes
their theories can be grand in scope, seeking to encompass the “big picture”; other
times they can be more personal, intimate, and immediate. Although we spend most of
the rest of this book investigating the insights sociological theories provide, here we will
briefly address five big sociological questions. Each represents a significant door
sociologists have opened in their quest to understand why we think and act as we do.
The questions are these: How is social order maintained? How do power and inequality
shape outcomes? How does interaction shape our worlds? How does group
membership (especially class, race, and gender) influence opportunity? How should
sociologists respond?
Anomie A weak sense of social solidarity due to a lack of agreed-upon rules to guide
Émile Durkheim. (Durkheim): ©Bettmann/Getty Images; (frame): ©Wrangel/iStock/Getty Images
Karl Marx. (Marx): Source: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division [LC-USZ62-16530]; (frame):
©Peter Zelei/iStock/Getty Images
Social inequality for Marx, then, is determined by ownership, or lack thereof, of key
material resources. The ruling class is defined by its ownership and control of the
means of production—the tools and resources necessary for that transformation to
happen. Members of the working class, in contrast, own only their capacity to transform
raw materials into products, which requires access to the means of production
controlled by the ruling class. Whereas Durkheim was concerned with anomie, Marx
was concerned with alienation, by which he meant loss of control over our creative
human capacity to produce, separation from the products we make, and isolation from
our fellow workers. We consider Marx’s work as it relates to capitalism as an economic
system in more detail in Chapter 9’s “Economic Systems” section. His influence on
sociological theory, however, extends beyond social class to an analysis of additional
forms of inequality, such as how gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, and age influence
individual opportunity.
Alienation Loss of control over our creative human capacity to produce, separation
from the products we make, and isolation from our fellow producers.
Max Weber. (Weber): ©HultonArchive/Getty Images; (frame): ©Visivasnc/iStock/Getty Images
We act on the basis of perception, and our perception is a consequence of the
interactions we have had with others.
W. E. B. Du Bois. (Du Bois): Source: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division [LC-USZ62-
16767]; (frame): ©Visivasnc/iStock/Getty Images
Chicago settlement, Hull House, which provided social, educational, and cultural
programs for recent immigrants. Addams and other pioneering female sociologists
commonly combined intellectual inquiry, social service work, and political activism—all
with the goal of assisting the underprivileged and creating a more egalitarian society.
Working with Ida Wells-Barnett, Addams su-ccessfully prevented racial segregation in
the Chicago public schools, and her efforts to establish a juvenile court system and a
women’s trade union reflect the practical focus of her work (Addams 1910, 1930;
Lengermann and Niebrugge-Brantley 1998).
Jane Addams. (Addams): ©Hulton Archive/Getty Images; (frame): ©Andrea Gingerich/iStock/Getty Images
This commitment to positive social change was not unique to Addams and her
colleagues. From the very beginning to the present, sociologists have recognized an
obligation to go beyond explaining how the world works and become actively engaged
in making the world a better place. In the words of French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, “I
have come to believe that those who have the good fortune to be able to devote their
lives to the study of the social world cannot stand aside, neutral and indifferent, from the
struggles in which the future of that world is at stake” (1998a:11).
Photo: ©David Paul Morris/Bloomberg/Getty Images
For some sociologists, working toward change has meant publishing the results of
their work so that it might enhance our understanding and inform our decisions; for
others it has meant active engagement in establishing social policy or assisting in the
lives of others. For example, Durkheim, who considered an educated citizenry essential
to democratic success, used his appointment to the Department of Science of Education
and Sociology at the Sorbonne in Paris, along with his political connections and
appointments, to shape French educational policy and practice. Du Bois cofounded the
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, better known as the
NAACP. In fact, one of the dominant reasons students choose to major in sociology is
that they want to make a difference, and sociology provides a pathway to do just that.
different ways. Or, to put it another way, it is like three people standing on the edge of a
circle looking in at the same thing but each seeing it from a different point of view, able
to recognize things that others might not even see.
According to the functionalist perspective, society is like a living organism with its
various parts working together (or functioning) for the good of the whole. Functionalists
posit that society and its parts are structured to provide social order and maintain
stability. Aspects of society that may appear dysfunctional, such as crime or poverty,
either contribute some hidden benefits that researchers have not yet uncovered or will
wither away over time. Durkheim’s research into social order and its challenges,
especially within modern societies, is a classic example of the functionalist perspective.
Durkheim assumed that, over time, society would progress toward greater order as it
came to terms with apparent threats or challenges.
conflict perspective focuses on power and the allocation of valued resources in
society. According to conflict theorists, social order cannot be fully understood apart
from an analysis of how the status quo is established and maintained by those who
control key resources. Such resources include material resources (such as money, land,
and property), social resources (such as family connections, social networks, and
prestige), and cultural resources (such as education, beliefs, knowledge, and taste). The
existing social structure helps maintain the privileges of some groups and page 17
keep others in inferior positions. Marx’s work on inequality, social class, and
alienation provides a classic example of the conflict perspective.
From a functionalist approach, to what extent was your decision to go to college
driven by a desire to fit in and contribute to society? From a conflict approach,
how might access to resources have shaped your decisions about going to
college? From an interactionist approach, what specific individuals influenced
your decision and how did they do so?
Finally, whereas functionalist and conflict theorists both analyze large-scale, society-
wide patterns of behavior, theorists who take the interactionist perspective maintain
that society is the product of our everyday encounters (with parents, friends, teachers,
or strangers) through which we establish shared meanings and thus construct order.
Because it emphasizes the role we play in making sense of our interactions, this
approach highlights our agency as humans. Society is dependent on this ongoing
construction, making it fluid and subject to change. Goffman’s research focusing on life
as a performance provides an example of the interactionist perspective.
>> Sociology Is a Verb
One of the questions that students frequently ask about sociology is “What can I do with
it?” This query often comes from students who really like sociology, and might want to
pursue it further, but are uncertain where it leads. The good news is that there are many
ways people can practice sociology.
We don’t have to become professional sociologists to apply what we have learned. The
sociological imagination can help all of us better understand our beliefs and actions and
make more informed choices. We can all practice personal sociology by recognizing
the impact the positions we occupy have on who we are and how we think and act. For
example, by drawing on insights gained from sociological theory and research, we might
watch the news and ask whose interests are being represented. When we walk through
the mall, we might observe how people display their social status and how they are
treated accordingly. When we go in for a job interview, we might abide by the largely
unspoken norms of conduct that shape interaction and influence our likelihood for
success. Personal sociology empowers us by allowing us to see things that were
previously invisible and to act on those insights.
Personal sociology The practice of recognizing the impact the positions we occupy
have on who we are and how we think and act.
Personal Sociology
Introducing Sociology
I still remember my first sociology class. At first, I felt overwhelmed. I tried hard to
memorize all the terms and concepts, yet I still ended up getting a D on the first exam. It
wasn’t until later that I realized that the main reason I struggled was that I couldn’t see
how all the pieces fit together. Once I internalized the sociological imagination as a way
of seeing, it became easier to put the various facts, figures, and key terms together into
a coherent whole. So my advice to you is this: Look for ways that the ideas of sociology
help us better understand the ways in which the positions we occupy, whether as
student, daughter, coworker, or soldier, shape how we think, act, and feel.
Source: National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics—Most Current Digest Tables.
Washington, DC: Institute of Education Services, U.S. Department of Education, September 6, 2016. Photo: ©Maria Suleymenova/Shutterstock
Many students opt to take their sociology education further, and the number of U.S.
college students who have graduated with a degree in sociology has risen steadily, as
the “Sociology Degrees Conferred in the United States, by Gender” graph
demonstrates. The American Sociological Association (ASA) conducted research on
recent sociology graduates and discovered that the top reasons for choosing sociology
as a major are because students found the sociological concepts interesting, sociology
helped them understand the impact society has on individuals, they particularly enjoyed
their first sociology course, sociology helped them understand themselves better, and
they wanted to make a difference in the world (Senter, Spalter-Roth, and Van Vooren
2015). As part of their sociology education, sociology majors cultivate a variety of skills,
such as using the sociological imagination, conducting data analysis, working in teams,
writing reports, creating presentations, analyzing social problems, and addressing
diversity. Sociology graduates who later use these skills in their jobs express the highest
levels of job satisfaction (Senter 2016; Spalter-Roth and Van Vooren 2015).
The jobs that sociology majors find shortly after graduation, according to the ASA
study, are in a range of fields. The most common occupational category is social
services. Examples of jobs include domestic violence victims advocate, residential crisis
counselor, justice and peace liaison, and teen court case manager. Researchers also
found that graduates were employed in a variety of other positions, including teacher,
librarian, paralegal, immigration specialist, office manager, quality assurance manager,
crime scene investigator, police officer, probation officer, social media/marketing
analyst, research assistant, program evaluator, statistician, and editor (Senter et al.
2015; Spalter-Roth and Van Vooren 2008).
In another ASA study looking at longer-term outcomes of sociology majors who
pursued graduate school degrees, only about one-quarter did so in sociology. Instead,
most used their sociology major as a stepping-stone to graduate study in social work,
education, law, psychology, engineering, and business management (Spalter-Roth and
Van Vooren 2009:9). Overall, 51.9 percent of the majors completed a graduate degree
within four years of college graduation. Of those who pursued advanced degrees in
sociology, the majority enrolled in some form of an applied sociology program (Spalter-
Roth and Van Vooren 2010). page 19
Note: Percentage based on sociology majors attending graduate school 18 months after graduation. Source:
Spalter-Roth, Roberta, and Nicole Van Vooren. 2009. “Idealists vs. Careerists: Graduate School Choices of
Sociology Majors.” American Sociological Association Department of Research and Development. Washington,
DC: American Sociological Association. Photo: ©Stockbyte/PunchStock
to the federal government significantly increased the vendors’ honesty in what they
reported. In another case, the SBST used empirical data to create a reentry handbook
to increase the odds of successful outcomes for those who leave prison (Applebaum
2015; Shankar 2016). Sociologists are often asked to apply their expertise to studying
such issues as violence, pornography, crime, immigration, and population.
Applied sociology The use of the discipline of sociology with the specific intent of
yielding practical applications for human behavior and organizations.
The growing popularity of applied sociology has led to the rise of the specialty of
clinical sociology. Whereas applied sociology may involve simply evaluating social
issues, clinical sociology is dedicated to facilitating change by altering organizations
(as in family therapy) or restructuring social institutions (as in the reorganization of a
medical center). Urban sociologist Louis Wirth (1931) wrote about clinical sociology
more than 85 years ago, but the term itself has become popular only in recent years.
The Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology was founded in 1978 to promote the
application of sociological knowledge in interventions for individual and social change.
This professional group has developed a procedure for certifying clinical sociologists—
much as physical therapists or psychologists are certified.
Clinical sociology The use of the discipline of sociology with the specific intent of
altering social relationships or restructuring social institutions.
The Ties That Bind
Pick an object you own—maybe a pencil, a pair of shoes, or a cell phone—
and trace its history. Include a diagram or map of all the people and
processes it took for it to come into your possession. What is it made of?
Where did all its components come from? Who contributed to its production?
After it was made, who was involved in getting it into your hands? What story
does it tell?
I. What is sociology?
Sociology is a way of seeing that joins theory and research to
investigate the relationship between the individual and society
and the impact unequal distribution of resources has on
II. How do sociologists look at the world?
Sociologists developed theories to provide windows into our
For lives, including three primary perspectives: functionalist
(emphasizing social order), conflict (focusing on inequality), and
REVIEW interactionist (highlighting the significance of our everyday
relationships and exchanges).
III. How might someone practice sociology?
Sociology can provide a pathway to a career in a related
applied, clinical, or academic context. But more than that, we
can practice sociology in our everyday lives by utilizing the
sociological imagination to better understand ourselves and
page 21
After reviewing the chapter, answer the following questions:
Why might having multiple theoretical perspectives help us when we practice the
sociological imagination?
How might each perspective differ in how it looks at what it takes to produce
something (such as a hamburger, a house, a book, and so on)?
How might each perspective approach the study of unemployment? Of suicide?
How does each perspective enable you to see the way you participate in sports,
either as a fan or as an athlete, in a different light?
page 22
Pop Quiz
1. Sociology is
a. the analysis of individual motivations and internal struggles.
b. concerned with predicting what particular individuals do or do not do.
c. the systematic study of the relationship between the individual and society and
of the consequences of difference.
d. the integration of government policies, cultures, social movements, and
financial markets through trade and the exchange of ideas.
2. According to C. Wright Mills, the sociological imagination focuses on the
intersection between
a. natural science and social science.
b. power and access to resources.
c. theory and research.
d. history and biography.
3. What is the primary sociological lesson we learn from the hamburger-as-a-
miracle example?
a. We take our interdependence and the knowledge we collectively share for
b. An individual could easily survive on his or her own without assistance from
c. Modern technology makes it difficult for us to provide for our individual needs.
d. Interdependence is no longer necessary because we can provide for our
needs through modern technology.
4. What do sociologists mean by the term agency?
a. a company that provides clients with a particular service
b. our freedom as individuals to think and act as we choose
c. an organization devoted to collecting and processing information
d. the constraints we face as a consequence of the positions we occupy in
5. Émile Durkheim’s research on suicide found that
a. Catholics had much higher suicide rates than Protestants.
b. the more socially integrated someone is the less likely he or she is to die by
c. married people are more likely to take their lives than single people.
d. suicide is a solitary act, unrelated to group life.
6. What is the sociological term for the weak sense of social solidarity that
arises due to a lack of agreed-upon rules to guide behavior?
a. suicide
b. alienation
c. anomie
d. agency
7. Karl Marx argued that to understand social order we must include analysis
a. suicide.
b. ownership of the means of production.
c. the sociological imagination.
d. microsociology.
8. Which sociologist made a major contribution to society through his in-
depth studies of urban life, including both Blacks and Whites?
a. W. E. B. Du Bois
b. Émile Durkheim
c. Auguste Comte
d. Erving Goffman
9. Thinking of society as a living organism in which each part of the
organism contributes to its survival is a reflection of which theoretical
a. the functionalist perspective
b. the conflict perspective
c. the Marxist perspective
d. the interactionist perspective
10. The career path with the specific intent of altering social relationships or
restructuring organizations is known as
a. dramaturgical sociology.
b. applied sociology.
c. academic sociology.
d. clinical sociology.
1. (c), 2. (d), 3. (a), 4. (b), 5. (b), 6. (c), 7. (b), 8. (a), 9. (a), 10. (d)
Design Elements: Going Global (Earth): ©Studio Photogram/Alamy Stock Photo; Personal Sociology (drawing of
author): McGraw-Hill Education; 5 Movies (popcorn): ©D. Hurst/Alamy Stock Photo; Sociology Is a Verb (overlapping
hands): ©Jeff DeWeerd/Imagezoo/Getty Images
page 23
Sociological Research
James Kirkikis/Shutterstock
grandchildren of her cafeteria boss, an African American woman in her 60s who
lived in a poor Philadelphia neighborhood. Through those grandchildren, Goffman
made contacts with others, and before long, a second research project was born.
She moved into the neighborhood during her sophomore year to better observe
and understand their social world. She became so committed to the project and
connected to the people that she continued her research work through college and
graduate school and ultimately published a book telling their stories.
Goffman gained a much deeper understanding of the challenges faced by
young African American males living in the neighborhood. As boys, they get told to
run from police because, “even if it’s not you [they are looking for], nine times out
of ten, they’ll probably book you” (Goffman 2014a:24). According to Goffman,
these young men get taken away for what they see as petty offenses, contributing
to suspicions that police are targeting them. Those with legal entanglements—
missed court dates, unpaid court fees, parole curfew violations—face the threat of
warrants for their arrest. Their fear of capture and confinement leads them to avoid
beneficial social connections—visiting family, getting a job, going to the hospital
when sick or injured. Such conventional social connections can be used against
them, as happens when girlfriends or moms are pressured by police to inform on
them. Goffman describes the resulting social fabric as “one woven in page 24
suspicion, distrust, and the paranoiac practices of secrecy, evasion,
and unpredictability” (2014a:8).
At the same time, Goffman noticed that her fellow college students, who were
often White and from financially secure backgrounds, engaged in similar activities
—drinking, doing drugs, getting into fights—but no police raided their parties, and
they walked away from their adolescence with college diplomas and good jobs
instead of jail time and permanent police records (Goffman 2014b). As the
sociological imagination suggests, if a lot of people in similar positions experience
the same result, it likely says more about the position than the person. Through
sociological research we can see patterns shaping people’s outcomes that might
otherwise be invisible to us.
Researchers have explored all three of these claims and found each wanting.
1994; Wolraich, Wilson, and White 1995).
And when it comes to “menstrual synchrony,” a reanalysis of the data used in the
original scientific study to “prove” its existence showed no statistically significant
relationship. Since then, additional, more rigorous, studies have found that any
apparent menstrual overlap that does occur is more likely due to chance than any
biological shifts over time (Fahs et al. 2014; Pettit and Vigor 2015; Strassmann
1999; Yang and Schank 2006; Ziomkiewicz 2006).
When confronted with empirical research demonstrating that each of these claims is
false, however, people still tend to trust what they call their own common sense.
Common sense can and does serve a useful function. The knowledge it provides
enables us to make it through each day. Sociologist Duncan Watts (2011) page 25
defines common sense as “the loosely organized set of facts, observations,
experiences, insights, and pieces of received wisdom that each of us accumulates over
a lifetime, in the course of encountering, dealing with, and learning from, everyday
situations” (p. 8). Watts argues that common sense is practical and concrete. It enables
us to navigate our way through our day without having to work so hard, without doubting
every thought or anguishing over every action. Its primary appeal is that, on an
everyday level, it just works.
As a way of knowing, however, we seldom take the time to consider the four related
limitations of such particularistic and improvisational knowledge. First, commonsense
claims are not subject to empirical testing. Instead, it is enough for us to know that it
works in particular times and places without careful consideration of the times and
places it fails us. Second, commonsense claims may be incompatible with each other.
For example, when two people who are very different from each other marry, we say
something like “opposites attract,” yet when two people who are quite similar get
married, we say “birds of a feather flock together.” But which is more likely? Common
sense can’t say for sure, and doesn’t really try to, but sociology can and does, as we will
see in Chapter 7.
Related to this is a third limitation, referred to as hindsight bias, which is our
tendency to apply commonsense reasoning after the fact rather than before. Once we
know what we are seeking to explain, we pick an appropriate nugget of commonsense
wisdom out of our toolkit of possible explanations and apply it. For example, in the case
of explaining why couples who are similar marry, as opposed to those who are different,
our tendency is to invoke our commonsense explanation after the fact because, at that
time, it seems obvious. We typically do so without critically assessing which possible
alternative explanations might be refuted had we picked those instead.
Confirmation bias represents the fourth limitation of common sense, which involves
our tendency to favor evidence that supports our existing beliefs while minimizing or
ignoring contrary evidence. Psychologist Raymond Nickerson describes confirmation
bias as “unwitting selectivity in the acquisition and use of evidence” (1998:175). The
research on the impact sugar has on children, cited above, provides a classic example.
Because parents believe that consuming sugar leads to hyperactivity, they notice when
the two seem to occur together and conclude that it proves the theory. But they fail to
recognize the disconfirming times—that is, when their children consumed sugar but did
not become hyperactive or when they became hyperactive without consuming sugar
(Hoover and Millich 1994; Wolraich, Wilson, and White 1995).
The danger of common sense is that we overestimate its ability to know something
for sure. Human behavior is complex involving many factors influencing why we think
and act as we do. That very complexity ironically makes it more likely that we will reach
for simple explanations because the complexity of human behavior makes multiple
explanations seem plausible. Years ago, sociologist Paul Lazarsfeld, based on
extensive research on U.S. soldiers, presented six straightforward claims that he said
could all be explained using common sense. But in each case, the research they
conducted concluded the exact opposite. But, had these incompatible claims been
initially stated instead, they, too, could be validated using common sense. If
contradictory claims can equally be justified as obviously true, in the words of
Lazarsfeld, “Obviously something is wrong with the entire argument of ‘obviousness’”
(1949:380). Sociology provides us with the tools necessary to test the validity of one
claim over another.
We often make decisions based on common sense, but doing so can result in errors.
Analyzing data reveals underlying patterns we might otherwise miss, enabling us to
make more effective decisions. In the film Moneyball, and in the book it’s based on,
Michael Lewis (2003) tells the story of general manager Billy Beane, whose Oakland
A’s team lacked the money to afford big-money free agents. Beane goes against
baseball’s conventional wisdom and uses statistical analyses to make decisions
about how best to produce runs; by bringing the nonobvious patterns to the surface,
he turns the team into a winner. Ironically, Beane’s statistical analytics has become
the norm, as professional teams in all sports now utilize such data to inform their
Photo: Jane Tyska/Digital First Media/The Mercury News/Getty Images
page 26
In conducting their research, sociologists face a challenge quite different from that of
researchers in the natural sciences. Even though both rely on the scientific method to
guide them, the objects each studies differ greatly. Humans have agency in a way that
molecules or rocks do not. Humans can choose to act in any number of ways under a
variety of circumstances, whereas we can reliably predict that two atoms of hydrogen
will always bond with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water given the
appropriate conditions. To put it simply, explaining human behavior is a far more
complex undertaking than deriving the physical laws of nature. And yet, behavioral
patterns do exist in which we can identify causal factors influencing how we think and
act. By collecting and analyzing data, we can observe such patterns and draw informed
conclusions about their significance (as Durkheim’s research on suicide demonstrated
in the “Theory and Research” subsection in Chapter 1). Throughout this book we will
encounter a multitude of sociological insights derived from empirical research.
Sometimes sociology confirms what we all take for granted as true. Other times it
clarifies the circumstances under which one thing is true as opposed to another. Yet
other times, it reveals new, unanticipated truths about why we think and act as we do.
Sometimes it explains what has happened in the past, whereas at other times it predicts
what might happen in the future. Sociology does all this through meticulous empirical
investigation, with each new investigation seeking to expand, clarify, and refine what we
integration shapes individual action. He set out to test this theory by conducting
research on suicide as an example of the most extreme individual action he could
imagine. By clarifying possible factors to consider, existing theories help us define the
new problem we want to explore, especially when we come up against something we do
not yet understand.
track down existing research in the review of the literature, the next stage in the
research process.
Finding Information
Begin with material you already have, includingthis text and others.
Beware of using online sources such as Wikipedia; they can be a helpful place to start,
but always double-check claims with an authoritative source.
Search using the library catalog and databases to find related academic journal
Sociological journals provide the most reliable source of existing research.
Examples, among many others, include American Sociological Review, Social
Problems, Gender and Society, and Sociology of Education. Most academic libraries
have access to such journals in print, via digital access, or through interlibrary loan.
Academic books written by recognized sociologists and published by respected presses
also serve as valuable resources. Such books provide a more comprehensive account
of the author’s research, as Alice Goffman’s does in On the Run: Fugitive Life in an
American City (2014a).
Secondary sources, in which others report on existing sociological research, can
also be valuable. In fact, they are often the places where we encounter the research to
begin with. Stories with a sociological twist frequently appear in newspapers and
magazines such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, The New Yorker, The
Atlantic, and Contexts. Such accounts are often more accessible, both easier to find and
easier to understand, and because they may mention numerous studies, can connect us
to additional research we might not otherwise know about. We can use the information
included in these accounts to trace back to the original and related research.
Online sources can present a challenge for academic research because anyone
anywhere can post anything without regard for the truth. The most important principle?
Consider the source. Online academic databases provide perhaps the best way of
tracking down existing research. Most academic libraries provide links to page 28
databases, such as Academic Search, JSTOR, and SocINDEX. The U.S.
Census Bureau makes available numerous reports along with access to a wealth of
data on income, education, gender, race, and so on. Many other sites provide annual
reports and access to data, including the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD), and the World Bank.
Source: National Center for Education Statistics 2018:Table 104.10. Photo: ©Laura Doss/Fancy
among numerous possible values within each of these variables, you might be rich or
poor, Buddhist or Christian, female or male, a music teacher or an astrophysicist.
Within a hypothesis, we distinguish between cause and effect variables. The causal
variable that brings about change is called the independent variable (often referred to
in equations as x). The variable that is affected is known as the dependent variable,
because change in it depends on the influence of the independent variable (typically
represented in equations as y). For example, as we saw in the “Sociology’s Roots”
section of Chapter 1, Durkheim hypothesized that a cause-and-effect relationship
existed between religious affiliation (his independent variable) and suicide rates (his
dependent variable).
To what extent do you think each of the independent variables listed in the
“Causal Logic” figure would help explain variation in college grade point average?
Can you think of any additional independent variables that would help explain
page 29
A generic hypothesis statement would look something like this: knowledge of the
independent variable (x) allows us to better explain or predict the value or position of the
dependent variable (y). We could then place variables we are interested in studying,
such as those in the “Causal Logic” figure, into this statement to clearly present what we
expect to find. For example, we could hypothesize that knowledge of a person’s
education level allows us to better explain or predict his or her level of income.
Causal Logic
Photo: ©fStop Images GmbH/Shutterstock
design they select.
Selecting the Sample One of the most basic questions sociologists must answer is,
“From whom shall I gather data?” For the most part, especially in the case of large-scale
research projects, sociologists cannot gather information from everyone in the
population they want to study. As a result, they typically include only a subset of people
from that population. A sample is a selection from a larger population that is
representative of that population. To ensure that a sample is representative, sociologists
typically use some form of a random sample, in which every member of the entire
population being studied has an equal chance of being selected. In conducting polls by
telephone, for example, polling organizations often use a random digit dialing system to
ensure all numbers, including those that are unlisted, have an equal likelihood of being
provocative, there is no way to tell if they are representative.
page 30
the phenomenon under study. A valid measure of income, for example, would
accurately represent how much money a person earned in a given time period, such as
per hour or per year. For example, if a survey question about income is not written
clearly, some respondents might interpret it as asking about earnings from a job; others
might add income from other sources, such as investments; and others might report
household income, including earnings from children or a spouse.
Validity The degree to which a measure or scale truly reflects the phenomenon
under study.
Reliability refers to the extent to which a measure produces consistent results. That
is, using the same instrument to collect data from the same people in similar
circumstances should provide the same results. For example, if you give people the
same questionnaire about income and education at two different times, unless
something significant has changed between times, the responses should be
approximately the same. Together, reliability and validity enable us to move on to the
next stage with confidence in our findings.
low-income group.
Note: Data include those aged 25–64 working full-time, year-round. High school category includes those with
some college but no degree.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2018b:Table PINC-03.
Assuming we find that our variables are correlated, the second decision we must
make is whether that relationship is causal. One fundamental truth when interpreting
results is that correlation does not equal causation. It may well be that the apparent
relationship is due to chance or to the influence of some other factors. It is the task of
the researcher to demonstrate—drawing on time-ordering, logical reasoning, and theory
—that variation in the independent variable caused change in the dependent variable.
Statistics alone are not enough.
Take, for example, the effect that divorce has on the well-being of children. Studies
have shown that the two variables are correlated—children of divorce exhibit long-term
adverse effects—but is that relationship causal? Before reaching a conclusion, we
should consider other factors. Perhaps negative outcomes for children are due to levels
of parental conflict rather than divorce itself, or to the nature of the relationship between
the parents and the children, or to contextual factors such as unemployment or
geographic mobility (Bhrolcháin 2001; Sun and Li 2008). In other words, we must
consider the possibility that other variables besides divorce may be involved.
factors the researcher holds constant to test the relative impact of an independent
Control variable A factor that is held constant to test the relative impact of an
independent variable.
In exploring the relationship between education and income, for example, we should
consider the possibility that variables such as parents’ income or social network
connections account for the correlation. In this case, perhaps “who you know” matters
more than “what you know.” The introduction of the control variables allows us to test
how much of the variation in income that was initially assumed to be due to education is
actually due to the influence of parents’ income or social network connections. In later
chapters we consider such additional background factors that help explain income
differences, including gender, race, ethnicity, and social class.
Although education plays a significant role in explaining income, some people
with minimal education earn high incomes, and some with advanced degrees
earn relatively little. What additional social factors do you think might explain a
person’s income? What effects might a person’s gender, race, ethnicity, religion,
age, and social background have on income?
Research is cyclical. Having drawn our conclusions about our hypotheses, we use
those results to refine our initial theories about why we think and act as we do. And the
process starts again. We generate new ideas that lead to new hypotheses, which in turn
lead to more data collection. In the end we find answers, but we also have new
questions, and the wheel of science continues to turn.
national mood about issues such as education, politics, or religion; other times they
want to tell the stories of individuals and groups who are often left out of such large-
scale accounts, as we saw Alice Goffman (2014a) do with her research in inner-city
Philadelphia. To collect the information necessary to tell these tales, sociologists follow
the guidelines set forth in a given research design, which is a detailed plan or method
for obtaining data scientifically. There are four primary research designs in sociology:
surveys, observation, experiments, and use of existing sources.
Surveys represent the most commonly used research design. All of us have likely been
surveyed about something: which presidential candidate we intend to vote for, what our
favorite television program is, or how much time we spent studying for a course. A
survey is a predefined series of questions designed to collect information about
people’s particular attributes, beliefs, and actions. Surveys become particularly
commonplace during election seasons in the form of political polls. Major polling
organizations include Gallup, Pew Research, SurveyUSA, ABC News/Washington Post,
and Quinnipiac University. All these firms use careful techniques to ensure the accuracy
of their results.
©Bettmann/Getty Images
population. We might be skeptical that feedback from just a few hundred people can
provide an accurate picture of how more than 300 million people think, but properly run
surveys can do just that. When it comes to presidential polling, for example, we can
compare the results of such polls against actual election results. In a study of the
historical accuracy of presidential polls, political scientist Costas Panagopoulos reports
that the polls from 1956 to 2012 were, on average, within 2 percentage points of
accurately predicting the final result (Panagopoulos 2009; Panagopoulos and Farrer
2014). Even in the 2016 presidential election, in which pollsters incorrectly predicted
that Hillary Clinton would defeat Donald Trump, their projection of the popular vote was
not far off. On the eve of the election, the national polling average showed Clinton 3.1
percentage points ahead of Trump and the final vote tally showed her receiving 2.1
percent more votes nationally than did Trump (Andrews, Katz, and Patel 2016;
Wasserman 2016). Although pollsters sometimes fail to “get it right” (for example,
mistakenly predicting that Dewey would defeat Truman in the 1948 presidential
election), most often they do, and with amazing precision.
In recent years, analysts have taken to aggregating poll results, meaning they
produce a single score based on averaging the results of numerous individual polls. The
graph “Presidential Approval and Disapproval Ratings for Donald Trump” provides an
example. Each individual dot represents a single poll result, and the line represents the
average. With graphs such as these, we can see that although any individual poll can
vary significantly from the average, taken together they provide a much page 33
better measure of the likely result. Sites regularly producing up-to-date
polling results include,, and
Note: Each point represents a single poll measuring Donald Trump’s presidential approval or disapproval ratings
throughout his administration. The lines represent the polling averages for approval and disapproval.
Source: Based on data from FiveThirtyEight 2019.
In addition to ensuring samples are representative, sociologists must exercise great
care in the wording of questions when conducting surveys. Failure to do so threatens
the reliability and validity of their results. An effective survey question must be simple
and clear enough for people to understand. It must also be specific enough that
researchers have no problems interpreting the results. Open-ended questions (“What do
you think of the programming on educational television?”) must be carefully phrased to
solicit the type of information desired. Surveys can be indispensable sources of
information, but only if the sampling is done properly and the questions are worded
accurately and without bias.
Another concern involves the possible impact an interviewer’s characteristics can
have on survey results. For example, female interviewers tend to receive more feminist
responses from female subjects than do male researchers, and African American
interviewers tend to receive more detailed responses about race-related issues from
Black subjects than do White interviewers. The possible impact of gender and race
indicates again how much care social research requires (Chun et al. 2011; Davis and
Silver 2003).
Types of Surveys When it comes to administering surveys, there are two primary
options: interviews and questionnaires. In an interview, a researcher obtains
information through face-to-face or telephone questioning. With a questionnaire, a
respondent completes a printed or computerized form and returns it to the researcher.
Each of these has its advantages. An interviewer can obtain a higher response rate
because people find it more difficult to turn down a personal request for an interview
than to throw away a printed questionnaire. In addition, a skillful interviewer can follow
up on questions to clarify a subject’s underlying feelings and reasons for responding.
For their part, questionnaires have the advantage of being cheaper and easier to
distribute to large numbers of people. Either way, what we can learn from surveys can
be amazing.
it to the researcher.
Researchers used surveys, for example, to better understand how perceptions vary
between countries. They administered it to a representative sample of 11,527 people in
14 nations, asking questions about a variety of topics (Ipsos MORI 2014). For example,
regarding teenage pregnancy they asked, “In your opinion, what percentage of girls
aged between 15 and 19 years in [name of country] give birth each year?” page 34
In the United States, the average answer was 24 percent, whereas in Great
Britain people guessed 16 percent and in Sweden it was 7. Regarding immigration they
asked, “What percentage of the [name of country] population do you think are
immigrants to this country?” In the United States, the average guess was 32 percent
compared to guesses of 24 percent in Great Britain and 23 percent in Sweden. In
addition, they asked about religion, elderly people, voting rates, unemployment rates,
homicide rates, and life expectancy. The answers varied significantly from country to
Researchers then compared the perceptions to the actual rates for each question
asked (Ipsos MORI 2014). They wondered if the degree of difference between the two
varied by country. On the question of teenage pregnancy, the actual U.S. rate is 3
percent, a 21-point difference from the perceived rate. People in all 14 countries
overestimated their teenage pregnancy rates. The actual percentage of immigrants in
the United States is 13 percent, a 19-point difference from the perceived rate. Again,
people in all 14 countries overestimated the percentage of their immigrant population.
They then ranked each country based on how close their perception was to the actual
data. The country that came out on top as the most accurate was Sweden. The country
in last place was Italy. The United States finished in 13th place. Understanding
perception is important because, as we learned from the Thomas theorem, we act on
the basis of what we think is true, rather than what is true. And if our perceptions are
inaccurate, our corresponding actions may prove less effective.
central tendency, are more familiar and are still quite helpful. The mean, or average, is
a number calculated by adding a series of values and then dividing by the number of
values. The median, or midpoint, is the number that divides a series of values into two
groups of equal numbers of values. The median is most often used when there are
extreme scores that would distort the mean. The mode is the most common value in a
series of scores and is seldom used in sociological research. As measures of central
tendency, the mean, median, and mode all provide a single score that serves as a
simple summary for the whole distribution of scores.
Quantitative research Research that collects and reports data primarily in numerical
Mean A number calculated by adding a series of values and then dividing by the
number of values.
Median The midpoint, or number that divides a series of values into two groups of
equal numbers of values.
Mode The most common value in a series of scores.
Source: Ipsos MORI 2014.
Investigators who collect information by participating directly and/or by closely watching
a group or community are engaged in observation. This research design allows
sociologists to examine behaviors and communities in greater depth than is possible
using other methods. Though observation may seem a relatively informal method
compared to surveys, researchers are careful to take detailed notes and follow
appropriate procedures while observing their subjects.
This is the approach Alice Goffman (2014a) took in her study in Philadelphia. As a
result of embedding herself in the community, she was able to portray a fuller
description of the lives of the young African American males who lived there. In addition,
she describes the experience of the women in their lives (their wives, sisters, and
girlfriends); the underground marketplace that emerges in which local entrepreneurs
provide goods and services, such as clean urine for drug tests, faked documents, and
prison guards who provide cell phones to inmates; and the lives of those living in the
inner city who keep their distance from illegal activity and those involved in it. Because
she used participant observation, her descriptions are deep and rich and she includes
many extended quotes from the individuals involved.
Research Abroad
Researchers now regularly gather data from around the world, even under difficult
circumstances. Since 2004, for example, researchers have conducted an annual
national survey in Afghanistan. In 2017, they sent out 929 Afghani interviewers who
conducted 10,012 face-to-face interviews with Afghans throughout the country. They
learned people’s opinion about the overall direction of the country remains low with 61
percent saying Afghanistan was moving in the wrong direction. If given the opportunity
to do so, 39 percent of Afghans would leave the country with fear for their safety a major
reason for wanting to emigrate. At the same time, 77 percent of those interviewed said
they are generally happy with their lives (Akseer et al. 2017).
What social group or setting (such as a religious group, political organization,
sorority/fraternity, laboratory, or office) might you want to learn more about
through in-depth participant observation? How would you go about making
contact? How would you gain members’ trust?
expense of breadth.
Experiments represent the third major research design for collecting data. An
experiment is a controlled procedure in which researchers assess the effect
independent variables have on dependent variables. As much as possible, the goal is to
isolate the dependent variable from any other influences so that any change in the
dependent variable can be attributed only to the independent variable. In a classic
experiment, researchers begin by dividing subjects with similar characteristics page 36
into two groups. Those in the experimental group are exposed to an
independent variable; those in the control group are not. Thus, if scientists were
testing a new type of antibiotic, they would administer the drug to an experimental group
but not to a control group and compare the outcomes for both groups.
Employees at a Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company in 1925. ©Topical
Press Agency/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
Why did the plant’s employees work harder even under less favorable conditions?
The researchers initially concluded that the workers modified their behavior because
they knew they were being studied. They responded positively to the novelty of being
subjects in an experiment and to the fact that researchers were interested in them.
Since that time, sociologists have used the term Hawthorne effect to describe the
unintended influence that observers of experiments can have on their subjects, even
though later studies show the situation in the plant was more complex (Brannigan and
Zwerman 2001). It highlights the difficulties experiments present in seeking to
understand how people behave in their real-world environments.
Hawthorne effect The unintended influence that observers of experiments can have
on their subjects.
page 37
Sociologists sometimes conduct what are called natural experiments, which seek to
approximate experimental conditions in the field. For example, sociologist Devah Pager
(2003, 2007) devised an experiment to assess the impact a job applicant’s criminal
background might have on an individual’s employment opportunities. In addition, she
introduced race as a control variable. She sent four polite, well-dressed young men out
to look for an entry-level job in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All four were 23-year-old college
students, but they presented themselves as high school graduates with similar job
histories. Two of the men were Black and two were White. One Black applicant and one
White applicant claimed to have served 18 months in jail for a felony conviction—
possession of cocaine with intent to distribute.
Imagine you are a researcher interested in the effect playing computer or console
games has on a college student’s grades. How might you go about setting up an
experiment to measure this effect?
The experiences of the four men with 350 potential employers were vastly different.
The White applicant with a purported prison record received only half as many callbacks
as the other White applicant—17 percent compared to 34 percent. But as dramatic as
the effect of his criminal record was, the effect of his race was more significant, as is
evident in the “White Privilege in Job Seeking” graphic. Despite his prison record, the
White ex-con received slightly more callbacks than the Black applicant with no criminal
record, 17 percent compared to 14 percent. To assess the validity of her findings, Pager
and colleagues later conducted a similar experiment in New York City, and the results
were the same (Pager and Pedulla 2015; Pager and Western 2012; Pager, Western,
and Bonikowski 2009; Pager, Western, and Sugie 2009). This experiment revealed that
when it comes to getting a job, race matters.
major research design, secondary analysis, refers to a variety of research techniques
that make use of existing data for new analysis. The two major categories of secondary
analysis are use of existing data sets and analysis of existing documents.
Secondary analysis A variety of research techniques that make use of existing data
for the purpose of new analysis.
Existing data sets consist of data collected by researchers, often for other purposes,
that other researchers can then use to investigate their own hypotheses. Existing data
sets provide a simple record of the responses the original investigators gathered before
they conducted their analysis. The U.S. Census Bureau provides a treasure trove of
such data. Every 10 years, as required by the U.S. Constitution, the Bureau attempts to
collect data from every household in the United States. In 2010, it ultimately gathered
information from 99.62 percent of the nation’s housing units. In addition to their
decennial census, Census researchers also regularly collect data using representative
samples of the U.S. population. Gathering data on that scale is very expensive and
time-consuming, so the information the Census provides is extremely valuable to
Another invaluable existing data set comes from NORC (National Opinion Research
Center) in the form of its General Social Survey (GSS). First administered in 1972, the
GSS is a national survey conducted every other year, administered in both English and
Spanish, of a representative sample of the U.S. adult population who are interviewed in
depth on a variety of topics, including employment history, education, page 38
political preferences, religious beliefs, gun ownership, abortion rights, and
more. NORC surveyors frequently ask the same questions over multiple years, allowing
for analysis of how responses change over time. The GSS Data Explorer is available
online for anyone to use.
Using existing data sets can allow us to see trends or patterns that the original
researchers might have never considered. For example, every year the Social Security
Administration’s Popular Baby Names site updates its data on the thousands of
registrations it receives for newborn babies. Using these data, we can recognize shifts
in cultural trends. The name John was in the top five for boys from 1900 until 1972 but
has since fallen to 27th. The name Mary ranked number one or two from 1900 through
1965 and now ranks 126th. By contrast, the name Juan was ranked 215th in 1900,
peaked at 46th in 1999, and now ranks 137th. Maria went from 150th in 1900, peaked at
31st from 1973 to 1975, and now ranks 111th (Social Security Administration 2018).
These shifts reflect the growing influence of the Latinx population in the United States.
Existing data from another source, the U.S. Census Bureau, confirm this shift.
Analysis of these data revealed that although Smith remained the most common
surname in the United States, Garcia and Rodriguez rose into the top 10 starting in
2007 (Chalabi and Flowers 2014). This marked the first time in the nation’s history that a
non-Anglo name had been counted among the most common names. Such name
changes reflect an overall shift in the U.S. population from a nation composed primarily
of European descendants to one that is more globally diverse, a trend sociologists
expect will continue (Word et al. 2007). In a statistical analysis seeking to combine first
and last names, researchers estimate that James Smith is the most common name in
the United States. Maria Garcia comes in at 15th (Chalabi and Flowers 2014).
In addition to using existing data sets, secondary analysis can also involve existing
documents. Studying newspapers, periodicals, diaries, songs, radio and television
recordings, websites, legal papers, and many other possible types of documents
provides insight into how people think and act. Even better is that documents can come
not only from the present, but also from the past, making historical sociology possible.
We cannot conduct surveys, interviews, participant observation, or experiments with
people in the 1860s, for example, but we can still learn valuable sociological lessons
about them by analyzing the records they left behind.
One of the most frequently used techniques when conducting such research is
content analysis, which is the systematic coding and objective recording of data,
guided by a given rationale. Erving Goffman (1979) used content analysis when he
conducted a pioneering exploration of how advertisements portray women. The ads he
studied typically showed women in secondary and dependent roles. Ads portrayed
women using caressing and touching gestures more than men. Even when presented in
leadership roles, women were likely to be shown striking seductive poses or gazing out
into space. Jeanne Kilbourne’s content analysis of ads in her film Killing Us Softly 4:
Advertising’s Image of Women (2010) demonstrates that women continued to be
portrayed as objects. She found that advertisers’ primary message is that women
should spend their time, energy, and money trying to attain the idealized, airbrushed
image of female beauty achievable only with the assistance of Photoshop. She quotes
supermodel Cindy Crawford as saying, “I wish I looked like Cindy Crawford” (Kilbourne
Content analysis The systematic coding and objective recording of data, guided by
some rationale.
“Name Voyager” at is an application that allows you
to type in any name to trace its popularity over time. Go there and enter several
names to see how their use has changed. Considering some of the names you
tried, what factors might have contributed to their rise and fall? How popular is
your first name? How and why has its popularity changed over time?
In addition to allowing for historical research, one of the appeals for sociologists of
secondary analysis is that it is nonreactive—that is, doing this type of study does not
influence how people respond. For example, Émile Durkheim’s statistical analysis of
existing suicide data had no impact on people’s likelihood of dying by suicide. In other
words, secondary analysis enables researchers to avoid the problems associated with
the Hawthorne effect.
wish I looked like Cindy Crawford.” ©Chirag Wakaskar/Getty Images
page 39
Secondary analysis can also be much cheaper, both in terms of time and money,
than the other research designs. But that works only if access to the data exists. The
biggest challenge secondary analysis faces is that the researcher relies on data
collected by someone else. As a result, researchers using existing sources may not find
exactly what they want or need. For example, sociologists who study family violence
use data from police and social service agencies on reported cases of spouse abuse
and child abuse, but not all incidents get reported to authorities. As a result, important
information from nonreporters gets left out of the analysis.
Personal Sociology
Questions & Answers
Have you ever asked yourself, “What were they thinking?” Maybe it’s the music people
like, the clothes they wear, the major they choose, the job they get, the person they
date, the religion they practice, or the candidate they support. Although sociology
cannot provide specific answers for why particular individuals think and act the way they
do, it does offer insight into the social factors that influence our choices. Imagine that
you had the chance to answer a specific question such as those above. Which would
you choose? What independent and dependent variables might you identify? What
would your hypothesis be? What research design might you select? What makes
sociology fun is that we get to ask questions we are curious about and then go find
answers through research.
Each of these research designs provides sociologists with data they need to conduct
their analyses and draw their conclusions. Although most studies rely on only one type,
others use a combination. By conducting both surveys and participant observation, for
example, researchers benefit from the advantages both provide. In all cases, however,
availability of resources, in terms of both time and money, constrain what is possible.
Depth and
Observation Ethnography Time and access
page 40
Over time, these general principles have given rise to some concrete practices for
researchers to follow. For example, researchers should secure informed consent from
subjects, meaning that, if at all possible, the people being studied should be aware of
any possible risks of participation and explicitly agree to participate. To confirm that the
research does not place subjects at an unreasonable level of risk, researchers typically
submit their proposals to an institutional review board.
One of the most common techniques used to protect subjects is to promise them
confidentiality, shielding their identity so that others cannot know who participated.
Ensuring the privacy of subjects helps protect them from potential negative effects of
participation. Sometimes participation can be totally anonymous, so that not even the
researcher knows who provided which responses.
Promising confidentiality may seem clear-cut in the abstract but can be difficult to
adhere to in practice. For example, should a sociologist who is engaged in participant
observation research protect the confidentiality of subjects who break the law? What if
the sociologist is interviewing political activists and is questioned by government
authorities about the research?
Like journalists, sociologists occasionally find themselves facing the ethical dilemma
of whether to reveal their sources to law enforcement authorities. In May 1993
sociologist Rik Scarce was jailed for contempt of court because he declined to tell a
federal grand jury what he knew—or even whether he knew anything—
about a 1991 raid on a university research laboratory by animal rights activists. At the
time, Scarce was doing research for a book about environmental protesters and knew at
least one suspect in the break-in. Although he was chastised by a federal judge, Scarce
won respect from fellow prison inmates, who regarded him as a man who “won’t snitch”
(Monaghan 2012; Scarce 2005b).
Under what circumstances might researchers need to deceive subjects, even if it
might result in their emotional harm, in order to get genuine responses?
An additional concern of the ASA’s Code of Ethics is the possibility that funding sources
could influence research findings. Accepting funds from a private organization or even a
government agency that stands to benefit from a study’s results can clash with page 41
the ASA’s first principle of maintaining objectivity and integrity in research. As
such, all sources of funding should be disclosed.
The Exxon Valdez case raised ethical questions about research funding for social
scientists. Bob Hallinen/Anchorage Daily News/MCT/Tribune News Service/Getty Images
The ethical considerations of sociologists lie not only in the methods they use and the
funding they accept but also in the way they interpret their results. Sociologist Max
Weber ([1904] 1949) recognized that personal values would influence the topics that
sociologists select for research. In his view, that was perfectly acceptable, but he
argued that researchers should not allow their personal feelings to influence the
interpretation of data. In Weber’s phrase, sociologists must practice value neutrality in
their research. As part of this neutrality, investigators have an ethical obligation to
accept research findings even when the data run counter to their own personal views, to
theoretically based explanations, or to widely accepted beliefs. One concern raised
about Alice Goffman’s research on inner-city Philadelphia was that she got too close to
her subjects and lost her objectivity. The presupposition in this critique is that taking
sides might undercut a researcher’s capacity to accurately describe what is going on.
Value neutrality Max Weber’s term for objectivity of sociologists in the interpretation
of data.
Some sociologists believe that such neutrality is impossible. They worry that
Weber’s insistence on value-free sociology may lead the public to accept sociological
conclusions without exploring researchers’ biases. Others have suggested that
sociologists may use objectivity as a justification for remaining uncritical of existing
institutions and centers of power (Gouldner 1970). Despite the early work of W. E. B. Du
Bois and Jane Addams, for example, sociologists still need to be reminded that the
discipline often fails to adequately consider all people’s social behavior.
Sociologists should not focus only on those in the majority but must also seek out
the stories of those who are often invisible due to their relative lack of power and
resources. In fact, sociologists have learned much about society by listening to the
voices of those who are excluded from mainstream sources of power and denied
access to valuable resources. In her classic book The Death of White Sociology (1973),
Joyce Ladner called attention to the tendency of mainstream sociologists to investigate
the lives of African Americans only in the context of social problems. Similarly, feminist
sociologist Shulamit Reinharz (1992) has argued that sociological research should not
only include the research of sociologists who are outside the mainstream but should
also be open to drawing on relevant research by nonsociologists who might provide
additional depth and understanding of social life. The issue of value neutrality does not
mean that sociologists can’t have opinions, but it does mean that they must work to
overcome any biases, however unintentional, that they may bring to their analysis of
To what extent is it possible to maintain value neutrality when studying a social
group with which you might disagree (such as White supremacists or convicted
child molesters)? Why might sociologists choose to study such groups?
The father of modern sexual research employs individual case studies.
Science Fair
An exploration of geek culture at the International Science and Engineering
Fair for high schoolers.
Fair for high schoolers.
Monrovia, Indiana
Up close and personal in small-town America.
56 Up
Documentary following 14 children as their lives progress from age 7 to 56.
Devil’s Playground
Amish teens experiment with drinking, drugs, and sex before committing to a
lifetime within the Amish community.
page 42
Although researchers must be objective, their theoretical orientation necessarily
influences the questions they ask—or, just as important, the questions they fail to ask.
Because their contributions have opened up so many new lines of inquiry, sociologists
using the feminist perspective have had perhaps the greatest impact on the current
generation of social researchers. Until the 1960s, for example, researchers frequently
studied work and family separately, as if they were two discrete institutions. Feminist
theorists, however, reject the notion that these are separate spheres. They were the first
sociologists to look at housework as real work and to investigate the struggles people
face in balancing the demands of work and family (Hochschild 1989; Lopata 1971).
People Watching
As a mini-observation project, do some intentional people watching. Pick a
public place, such as a mall, where people frequently walk by, and record
what you observe. What characteristics stick out? How do people vary by
gender, age, race, or ethnicity? To what extent do they travel individually or in
groups? Record all your observations and then use your data to write up a
summary of what you have learned.
page 43
think and act the way they do?
They need to define the problem, review existing literature,
For formulate a hypothesis, collect and analyze data, and develop a
REVIEWIII. What techniques do sociologists use to collect data?
Research designs used to collect data include surveys,
observation, experiments, and use of existing sources.
IV. What ethical concerns must sociologists consider while conducting
They have a responsibility to follow the ASA Code of Ethics,
particularly respecting confidentiality, revealing research funding,
maintaining value neutrality, and overall, treating their subjects with
page 44
After reviewing the chapter, answer the following questions:
Which perspective did Alice Goffman use in her research? Why?
How might each perspective study the relationship between education and
income in a slightly different way?
How might a researcher’s perspective influence the research design he or she
picks? Give an example for each perspective.
How might each perspective interpret Devah Pager’s findings in her experiment
about race and job seeking?
page 45
Pop Quiz
1. One limit of common sense as a way of knowing is its tendency to favor
evidence that supports our existing beliefs while minimizing or ignoring
contrary evidence, which is known as
a. operationalization.
b. confirmation bias.
c. correlation.
d. value neutrality.
2. An explanation of an abstract concept that is specific enough to allow a
researcher to measure the concept is a(n)
a. hypothesis.
b. correlation.
c. operational definition.
d. variable.
3. In sociological and scientific research, a hypothesis
a. is an educated guess.
b. is a testable statement about the relationship between two or more variables.
c. insists that science can deal only with observable entities known directly to
d. ensures that the people being studied are representative of the population as
a whole.
4. The variable hypothesized to cause or influence another is called the
a. dependent variable.
b. hypothetical variable.
c. correlation variable.
d. independent variable.
5. The degree to which a measure or scale truly reflects the phenomenon
under study is known as
a. reliability.
b. sampling.
c. validity.
d. control.
6. Which research technique do sociologists use to ensure that data are
statistically representative of the population being studied?
a. sampling
b. experiment
c. correlation
d. control variables
7. Ethnography is an example of which type of research design?
a. surveys
b. observation
c. experiment
d. use of existing resources
8. When Devah Pager did her studies analyzing the relationship between
race, criminal records, and job callbacks, which research technique did
she use?
a. experiment
b. survey
c. secondary analysis
d. participant observation
9. The unintended influence that observers of experiments can have on their
subjects is known as
a. the correlation effect.
b. confidentiality.
c. validity.
d. the Hawthorne effect.
10. According to Max Weber, researchers should not allow their personal
feelings to influence the interpretation of data. He referred to this as
a. the code of ethics.
b. content analysis.
c. value neutrality.
d. secondary analysis.
1. (b), 2. (c), 3. (b), 4. (d), 5. (c), 6. (a), 7. (b), 8. (a), 9. (d), 10. (c)
Design Elements: Going Global (Earth): ©Studio Photogram/Alamy Stock Photo; Personal Sociology (drawing of
author): McGraw-Hill Education; 5 Movies (popcorn): ©D. Hurst/Alamy Stock Photo; Sociology Is a Verb (overlapping
hands): ©Jeff DeWeerd/Imagezoo/Getty Images
page 46
On January 13, 2019, Charlie Todd took a train ride on the New
York City subway. He wasn’t wearing any pants. Charlie was not
alone. In fact, he was joined by thousands of other pantsless riders
in New York City that day. They gathered in six locations around the city,
boarded numerous different subway lines, and headed toward a rendezvous at
Union Station. They spaced themselves out across many subway cars, had
minimal interaction with one another, and acted as normally as possible. The event
was all part of the now-annual No Pants Subway Ride coordinated by Improv
Everywhere, a self-described “prank collective that causes scenes of chaos and
joy in public places,” which Charlie Todd founded in 2001.
Improv Everywhere has sponsored more than 160 missions, some of which
may be familiar because its videos have often gone viral. The No Pants event
started in 2002 with just seven participants and grew larger and larger, celebrating
its 18th anniversary in 2019 with thousands of participants worldwide in dozens of
cities, including Amsterdam, Buenos Aires, and Prague. One of Improv
Everywhere’s most popular viral videos came from its 2008 mission in New York
City’s Grand Central Station when more than 200 participants (“agents”) converged
on Grand Central Station and simultaneously froze in place for five minutes, after
which they resumed what they were doing as if nothing had happened. In 2017,
Improv Everywhere threw a pretend Sweet 16 surprise birthday party on a subway
car, complete with balloons, streamers, and cupcakes, to see if it could get a car
full of random strangers to play along. In 2018, it staged a bar trivia contest
surprise, complete with a gameshow host, cheering audience, and confetti and
cash for the win. (Videos for these and many other missions are available at
The scenes that Improv Everywhere creates help reveal our taken-for-granted
rules for behavior. In our daily lives we follow routines that are largely page 47
invisible to us, and we expect others to do likewise. When people do
things differently, we tend to get uncomfortable. It disrupts our sense of order. One
of the best parts of the Improv Everywhere videos is watching how people
respond. Initial confusion and nervousness are often followed by smiles as people
realize they are participating in a performance. We want and need the actions of
others to be predictable, so we create both formal and informal rules to guide our
behaviors. Such rules are an important component of culture.
three-step model of world construction includes the following elements.
Constructing culture. Our actions are not strictly determined by biological instincts.
To survive, we must establish a relationship to nature and with one another. We do
so by creating tools, language, ideas, beliefs, rules for behavior, and so on to
establish order and meaning. Culture enables us to make sense of our experiences
and to pattern our actions. (See the section “Constructing Culture” for more on this.)
Constructing the self. Through socialization, we become products of the worlds we
create. Anytime we enter into a new social world (for example, at birth, going away
to college, the first day at a new job, marriage) we do not begin from scratch. We
are shaped by the tools, ideas, and rules for action that have been constructed by
others who have gone before us. We learn how we should think and act through
our interactions with others, sharing ideas and experiences. Through socialization,
we are constrained by the very culture we construct. (See Chapter 4 on
Constructing society. Between these first two steps is an intervening stage in which
we share the culture we create with others. After it is shared, we lose control over it
as individuals. It is no longer something “I” control; it is now in “our” hands. As a
result of our shared acceptance, it comes to feel solid, real, or natural, even though
we created it in the first place. One way to think of it is as an environment, a social
world, or a structure within which we live. We come to take for granted that it simply
“is.” (See Chapter 5 on society and social structure.)
World Construction
How does social context influence how we relate to others? If you were asked
about how school is going, how might you respond differently at home with your
parents compared to in a dorm with friends or at work with colleagues?
Culture mediates between individuals and the external world. While we experience
the natural world through our senses—hearing, sight, touch, smell, and taste—we
depend on culture to interpret those sensations. Our retinas may send nerve impulses
to our brains, but culture gives our brains the ability to transform those nerve signals into
meaningful patterns. For example, we might fail to see an image in an optical illusion
until someone nudges us to “look at it this way.” Nothing about the physical image
changed, but our perspective on it, with the help of others, has. We do not perceive
nature directly; we perceive the world around us through the lens of culture.
Through interactions with others, we develop and share perceptions of what the
world is like and how we should act within it. The shared culture that results provides us
with a tool kit of similar habits, skills, and styles (Swidler 1986). For example, when
someone says hello, we know how to respond. When we show up for the first day of
class, we know where to sit or stand depending on whether we are the student or
professor. Culture facilitates social interaction.
Over time, we take shared culture for granted. The ways we think, the rules we
follow, the things we have created all seem natural to us. We pass along these
expectations to others within the contexts of families, schools, places of worship, and
workplaces. As a result, we know what to do, when to do it, and with whom. In so doing,
we create society. Society consists of the structure of relationships within which culture
is created and shared through regularized patterns of social interaction. Society
provides the taken-for-granted structure within which we interact. It both enables and
constrains the culture we construct. In a given society, some ways of thinking, acting,
and making seem inevitable, whereas other ways may not even be conceivable. For
example, the way our society organizes government determines our rights and
responsibilities, and the way we organize education shapes how and what we learn.
Society The structure of relationships within which culture is created and shared
through regularized patterns of social interaction.
Sometimes we can see something over and over and still not recognize patterns
until someone points them out, such as the arrow in the FedEx logo. (Hint: It’s
between the E and the x.) What might this tell us about the importance of
authorities for recognition?
Societies construct cultures in different ways, which results in significant cross-
cultural variation. People often confront this reality when they travel abroad and find
their taken-for-granted ideas and actions to be out of place and inappropriate.
Language, gestures, marriage ceremonies, and religious doctrines vary significantly. In
India, parents are accustomed to arranging marriages for their children, but in the
United States, parents typically leave such choices up to their children. Lifelong
residents of Cairo consider it natural to speak Arabic, whereas most Buenos Aires
natives feel the same way about Spanish.
page 49
Is Success in Life Determined by Forces Outside Our Control?
As the graph illustrates, perceptions about the degree to which we control our fates vary
by country. In a survey of 44 nations, only Venezuelans (62 percent) were more likely
than people in the United States to disagree. The global median was 38 percent.
Early sociologists explored the possibility that natural or social forces might determine
what human culture would look like. Auguste Comte, for example, suggested that
fundamental laws of society, equivalent to the laws of nature, might dictate the essential
elements of all human cultures. Such patterns were referred to as cultural universals
—common beliefs and practices shared by all societies. Anthropologist George Murdock
(1945) compared results from studies of hundreds of cultures and concluded that,
although there are common denominators shared by all cultures, how cultures go about
addressing each varies significantly. Included among his list of 70 categories were
athletic sports, community organization, dancing, division of labor, folklore, funeral rites,
housing, incest taboos, marriage, personal names, property rights, religious ritual,
sexual restrictions, and trade. The degree of human variation we see in how we
organize such activities suggests that we do not have universal laws strictly determining
human behavior.
The debate about the degree to which our behavior is determined harkens back to
philosophical questions regarding nature versus nurture. According to the “nature”
argument, the genes we inherit determine our outcomes, as if our fates were
programmed by computer code over which we have limited control. Sociobiology is a
discipline dedicated to the systematic study of how biology affects human social
behavior. On the other side, “nurture” means that our destiny is shaped primarily by the
social influences that others, especially parents and early childhood caregivers, have on
us. From the nurture perspective, human nature is malleable, and we become who we
are in the contexts of the societies we create.
Sociobiology The systematic study of how biology affects human social behavior.
responses at predetermined times (Rutter 2010; Rutter, Moffitt, and Caspi 2006; Shenk
page 50
In Guatemala, Tanzania, and around the world, material culture varies across time
and place. (left): ©Chris Rennie/Robertharding/Getty Images; (right): ©Judy Bellah/Lonely Planet
Images/Getty Images
Because our genes do not narrowly determine our behavior, humans have the freedom
and ability to create new things. Whereas a robin’s nest in the year 2020 looks very
much like one in 1920 or 1020 because robins act on a nest-building instinct, human
abodes vary widely. We can live in a cave, a castle, a sod house, a pueblo, a high-rise
apartment, a McMansion, or a dorm room. Such variation is possible because we are
free to innovate. Innovation is the process of introducing a new idea or object to a
culture. There are two main forms of innovation: discovery and invention.
whom is this news?” and “How much does it matter to them?” For example, the notion
that Columbus was the one who “discovered” America would come as a surprise to the
people already living there, not to mention the many generations of their ancestors who
preceded them.
Comedy often draws inspiration from the sociological imagination. The website
College Humor, for example, coined the term Columbusing to describe the process of
White people taking credit for discovering things others have known about for a long
time. In its satirical video, a young, White man claims to have “discovered” a bar,
despite the fact that his African American friend has been going there for some time.
Debates about what counts as Columbusing can divide people. For instance, some
people argue that “color runs,” in which participants get their shirts splashed with
various colors along the running route, derive their inspiration from Holi, the Hindu
spring festival of colors without any recognition of, or respect for, this foundation.
Others view such runs as harmless fun (Agrawal 2013; Salinas 2014).
page 51
such as Protestantism and democracy. Inventors are often portrayed as solitary
geniuses who experience “Eureka!” moments of inspiration, but research on
technological innovation, for example, reveals just how social the process is. To invent
something, we must take into account existing social networks, available resources,
possible sponsors, potential consumers, probable critics, and so much more. A great
idea or object alone is not enough (Bijker, Hughes, and Pinch 2012). Neither discovery
nor invention should be divorced from the social context within which it arises. Existing
culture can both facilitate and impede possible innovation.
For innovation to succeed, others must recognize and accept the new discovery or
invention. Sociologists use the term diffusion to refer to the process by which some
aspect of culture spreads within and between societies. Historically, diffusion between
societies occurred primarily through deliberate cross-cultural contact, often in the form
of exploration, war, and missionary work. Today, societal boundaries that were once
relatively closed have become more permeable, largely as a result of innovations in
transportation and communication. Through the mass media, the Internet, immigration,
and tourism, we regularly confront the people, beliefs, practices, and artifacts of other
Diffusion The process by which a cultural item spreads within and between
page 52
Technology makes it possible for us to keep in touch with almost anyone anywhere, as these numbers showing
the explosion in the number of wireless device subscriptions since 1985 demonstrate.
Source: CTIA 2018.
Because we lack complex instincts that determine our behavior, we must establish a
relationship to the natural world in order to survive. We do so by creating material
culture, our physical modification of the natural environment to suit our purposes.
Material culture includes the clothes we wear, the books we read, the chairs we sit in,
the carpets we walk on, the lights we use, the buildings we live in, the cars we drive, the
roads we drive on, and so much more.
Material culture Our physical modification of the natural environment to suit our
Once created, such objects become part of our lives. We lose sight of the fact that
we made them, thinking of them as just natural. Take cell phones, for example. As we
can see in the “U.S. Wireless Subscriptions” graph, back in 1985 there were only
340,213 total cell phone subscribers in the United States. By the end of 2017, that
number rose to 400,205,829 including 273 million smartphones (CTIA 2018). There are
now more wireless device subscriptions than people in the United States. What was
once a luxury item for elites has become something that many of us can’t imagine living
©Sam74100/iStock/Getty Images
Technology enhances our human abilities, giving us powers we often associate with
superheroes, including X-ray vision, healing powers, flight, and more. A pivotal moment
in the development of such power was the invention of the steam engine during the
Industrial Revolution. It provided us with historically unprecedented strength and
stamina—the ability to lift and move extremely heavy objects and to do so over
sustained periods of time. It made modern coal mining practical, provided manufacturing
machinery with the power needed for early factories, and powered early tractors and
locomotives, setting the stage for modern global mobility (Rosen 2010).
Advances in technology, especially when it comes to the revolutions in
communication and transportation, have linked more individuals in a global network than
was ever possible in the past. Cell phones enable us to stay in touch with friends and
family from almost anywhere. Planes, trains, and automobiles allow us to travel over
long distances in almost no time at all, reducing the historic significance of geographic
separation and isolation. And laptops and iPads allow us to bring the workplace with us
wherever we go.
Our knowledge, beliefs, values, and laws—core elements of cognitive and normative
culture described in more detail below—cannot always keep up with the pace at which
we invent new things. Sociologist William F. Ogburn (1922) coined the term cultural lag
to describe the general principle that technological innovation occurs more page 53
quickly than does our capacity to perceive, interpret, and respond to that
change. For example, the nine-month school calendar was designed with an agricultural
economy in mind so that children would be home to help families in the fields during the
summer months. Even though only a small percentage of jobs remain agricultural, most
schools still adopt it. Another example is that global climate change has become a
pressing concern. Scientists overwhelmingly point to the role carbon dioxide plays, yet
we find it difficult to make the kinds of lifestyle changes that might be called for, such as
driving smaller cars, using more public transportation, or reducing consumption.
Cultural lag The general principle that technological innovation occurs more quickly
than does our capacity to perceive, interpret, and respond to that change.
The second component of culture, cognitive culture, consists of our mental and
symbolic representations of reality. It is the part of culture that includes values, beliefs,
knowledge, and all other ideas we construct to make sense of the world around us. Its
most basic component, and perhaps the most important human cultural creation of all, is
Photo: Marvel Enterprises/Album/Alamy Stock Photo
Photo: Album/Alamy Stock Photo
page 54
Language is fundamentally social in nature. Together we agree that certain sounds
or shapes mean certain things, and then we act based on those shared meanings. What
matters most is our shared perception rather than the actual sound or image we use.
We could, for example, teach a dog the wrong meanings of commands (fetch means
stay, roll over means shake, and so on). The dog would never know the difference, but
we would laugh because its responses would clash with our expectations. When we
start to learn a new language, we are at the mercy of those who teach us. We rely on
their authority, and the only way to test our fluency is through interactions with other
Because language is socially constructed, it is open to change. We create new
words and modify existing ones to suit our needs—especially in our modern global
culture where innovation seems never-ending. Dictionaries are regularly modified in an
effort to keep up. In 2018, the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary added more than
800 new words and phrases, including bougie, hangry, Latinx, bingeable, tl;dr, and
GOAT as in greatest of all time (Debczak 2018). At the other end of the spectrum,
words also disappear over time. The six-volume Dictionary of American Regional
English documents words with meanings that seldom extend beyond their local U.S.
context. Among many possible candidates are 50 words and phrases in danger of
extinction, including bonnyclabber, fleech, frog strangler, popskull, and winkle-hawk
(LaFrance 2016).
Some linguists, including amateurs, have seized on the socially constructed nature
of language in hopes of creating whole new languages from scratch, with varying
motivations (Peterson 2015). Linguist Arika Okrent (2009) has identified three eras of
invented languages. In the first, language creators, sought to establish a more logical
system of communication. Inspired by the scientific revolution, they were appalled by
the inefficiencies and irregularities of existing languages. They invented new languages
in the 17th and 18th centuries (such as Francis Lodwick’s Common Writing or John
Wilkins’s Philosophical Language) in hopes of providing us with a language in which the
relationships between concepts were rational and all the pieces fit together into a
coherent whole. They didn’t want words to be arbitrary sounds we attach to things,
hoping instead to map the essence of things through language. Even though they
succeeded in creating coherent systems, the languages they created were difficult to
use and failed to attract widespread acceptance.
During the 20th century, the second era of language inventors were motivated by the
desire to construct a relatively easy-to-learn, universally accepted language that would
transcend national and ethnic differences. They believed that lowering language barriers
between nations increased the prospects for world peace. Rather than focus on purity of
representation, such inventors emphasized pragmatic communication (Okrent 2009;
Peterson 2015). The most successful language of this type was Esperanto, which
continues to be used today. It was originally created by Ludwik Zamenhof in 1887 and
literally means “one who hopes.” Esperanto was intended as a second language,
something that people across the world would learn in addition to their native language.
It combined various aspects of existing languages in a simplified form to make it easier
to learn. Free Esperanto lessons are available on the language learning site Duolingo.
More recently, the third era of constructed languages comes mostly from hobbyists,
known as “conlangers,” who invent languages for fun and profit. Most undertake the
construction of a complete, functioning language as a challenge. The inspiration for
these attempts often traces back to J. R. R. Tolkien’s creation of Elvish for the Lord of
the Rings book trilogy. Tolkien was a philologist—one who studies the history, structure,
and criticism of language—and he used this knowledge to ensure that his constructed
languages followed common linguistic patterns and practices. Due to the level of
technical detail required, many recent conlangers are often similarly trained, such as
Marc Okrand who created Klingon for the Star Trek movie franchise (see
and Paul Frommer who created the Na’vi language used in the film Avatar (see For those who’d like to learn, Duolingo also offers free language
instruction in Star Trek’s Klingon along with High Valyrian, one of many constructed
languages used in the Game of Thrones series (Sperling 2016).
page 55
Distribution of the World’s Living Languages by Region of Origin
Of the 7,097 living languages around the world today, 2,143 originated in Africa. Even
though 30 percent of current languages come from Africa, only 15 percent of the world’s
speakers use those languages as their first language. European-based languages claim
26 percent of the world’s speakers, despite the fact that only 4 percent of the world’s
total languages originated there. This difference is due primarily to the global spread of
English and Spanish (Simons and Fennig 2018).
Note: A total of 7,097 languages are represented.
Source: Simons and Fennig 2018.
Personal Sociology
Inventing New Words
I was reminded of our ability to create new words while on a family hiking trip near
Ashland, Oregon. Eleanor, who was four at the time, was riding on my shoulders while
on a hike in the mountains. Her sister, Emily, and my wife, Lori, were falling behind.
Eleanor turned and yelled to them as loud as she could, “Stop chickenjagging!” We
knew immediately what she meant and have used this word ever since. In order for a
sound to become a word, its meaning must be shared by others. For Eleanor’s new
word to receive formal recognition as a word, in a dictionary, for example, the meaning
of chickenjagging must be understood and used beyond our immediate family. Have
you ever created words and phrases that have meaning only among your friends or
In spite of the relative success of Esperanto, none of these invented languages has
achieved widespread adoption. Part of what such attempts seem to miss is that
language is a community endeavor built up over generations of shared experiences that
lead to common understandings of how the world works. Though it is technically
possible to create a language from scratch, doing so undercuts the importance that
such experiences have in shaping who we are. As linguist Arika Okrent put it in her
history of invented languages, “[Languages] are the repositories of our very identities. . .
. [Esperanto, along with other invented languages,] asks us to turn away from what
makes our languages personal and unique and choose one that is generic and
universal. It asks us to give up what distinguishes us from the rest of the world for
something that makes everyone in the world the same” (Okrent 2009:112). To the
extent that languages such as Esperanto, Klingon, or High Valyrian have succeeded,
they do so by creating a community of shared participants who are committed to
keeping the language alive.
Once created and shared, the languages we use influence what we see in the world
around us. This insight was captured by linguists Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf.
According to their Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, the structure and vocabulary of language
shapes our perception of reality and therefore also our actions. Also known as the
linguistic relativity hypothesis, it suggests that our conception of reality is not strictly
determined by nature, but more so by the words, syntax, and semantics available to us
in the languages we use. For example, in a literal sense language may color how we
see the world. Anthropologist Brent Berlin and linguist Paul Kay (1991) noted that
humans possess the physical ability to make millions of color distinctions, yet languages
differ in the number of colors they recognize. The English language distinguishes
between yellow and orange, but some other languages do not. In the Dugum Dani
language of New Guinea’s West Highlands, there are only two basic color terms
—modla for “white” and mili for “black” (Roberson, Davies, and Davidoff 2000;
Wierzbicka 2008).
page 56
The HBO series Game of Thrones utilizes multiple constructed languages. One of
them, Dothraki, was created by linguist David J. Peterson, who was a founder of the
Language Creation Society. Using just a handful of words and names coined by
George R. R. Martin, the author of the book series the show is based on, Peterson
built a complete language system (including grammar, syntax, and vocabulary). In
2017, according to the Social Security Administration, 466 parents named their
daughters Khaleesi, the Dothraki word for “queen.” An introduction to the language is
available at Athchomar chomakaan!
In Japan, what people in the United States would call a green light is often called a
blue light, even though it is the same color there as it is here. This practice derives from
an earlier time in Japan when there was only one word, ao ( ), to describe both green
and blue (Backhaus 2013). The more recent practice of making a clear distinction
between the two colors in Japan has been tied to the importation of crayons into Japan
starting in 1917, which distinguished between midori ( ) for green and ao for blue. The
Allied occupation of Japan after World War II reinforced this distinction in educational
materials distributed throughout the country (Bhatia 2012). And yet remnants of the
earlier linguistic pattern remain in the form not only of “blue” traffic lights, but also of
“blue” vegetables, “blue” apples, and “blue” leaves.
Feminists have noted that gender-related language can reinforce the stereotype that
some jobs are more appropriate for men than women. Each time we use a term such as
mailman, policeman, or fireman, we are implying (especially to young children) that
these occupations can be filled only by males. Yet many women work as letter carriers,
police officers, and firefighters—a fact that has been legitimized through the increased
use of such nonsexist language (Eckert and McConnell-Ginet 2003; McConnell-Ginet
Linguist Suzette Haden Elgin went so far as to invent a new language that gives
voice to women’s experience (Elgin 1984). She argued that “existing human languages
are inadequate to express the perceptions of women,” which leads to inadequate
perception of critical issues in the lives of women (Elgin 1988). Drawing on her expertise
in the Navajo language (Diné bizaad), she created Láadan as a test of the Sapir-Whorf
hypothesis. She argued that using Láadan would open up new dimensions of reality that
are not easily accessible using such languages as English. Láadan lessons for
beginners are available at www.Lá
What are some of the slang terms we use to refer to men and to women? Are
there more for one gender than the other? What images do such terms convey for
what it means to be male or female?
Language can also transmit stereotypes related to race. Look up the meanings of
the adjective black in dictionaries published in the United States, and you will find
“dismal, gloomy or forbidding, destitute of moral light or goodness, atrocious, evil,
threatening, clouded with anger.” By contrast, dictionaries list “pure” and “innocent”
among the meanings of the adjective white. Through such patterns of language, our
culture reinforces positive associations with the term (and skin color) white and negative
associations with black. Is it surprising, then, that a list meant to prevent people from
working in a profession is called a “blacklist,” and a fib that we think of as page 57
somewhat acceptable is called a “white lie”? Such examples demonstrate
that language can shape how we see, taste, smell, feel, and hear (Henderson 2003;
Moore 1976; Reitman 2006).
Of course, we communicate using more than just words. If you do not like the way a
meeting is going, you might suddenly sit back, fold your arms, and turn down the
corners of your mouth. When you see a friend in tears, you may give them a quick hug.
After winning a big game, you may high-five your teammates. These are all examples of
nonverbal communication—the use of gestures, facial expressions, and other visual
images to communicate. We are not born with these expressions. We learn them, just
as we learn other forms of language, from people who share our culture. We learn how
to show—and to recognize—happiness, sadness, pleasure, shame, distress, and other
emotional states (Burgoon, Guerrero, and Floyd 2010).
Like other forms of language, nonverbal communication is not the same in all
cultures. For example, people from various cultures differ in the degree to which they
touch others during the course of normal social interactions. Even experienced travelers
are sometimes caught off guard by these differences. In Saudi Arabia a middle-aged
man may want to hold hands with a male partner after closing a business deal. The
gesture, which would surprise most Americans, is considered a compliment in that
culture. The meaning of hand signals is another form of nonverbal communication that
can differ from one culture to the next. For instance, in both Australia and Iraq, the
thumbs-up sign is considered crude (Koerner 2003; Lefevre 2011).
The classic adolescent eye roll communicates a clear nonverbal message.
©Echo/Cultura/Getty Images
The values of a culture may change, but most remain relatively stable during any
one person’s lifetime. Socially shared, intensely felt values are a fundamental part of our
lives in the United States. Sociologist Robin Williams (1970) offered a list of U.S. basic
values. These include freedom, equality, democracy, morality, conformity, progress,
humanitarianism, and material comfort. Obviously, not all 329 million people in the
United States agree on all these values, but such a list serves as a starting point in
defining America’s national character.
Each year more than 135,000 first-year college students at more than 180 of the
nation’s four-year colleges fill out a questionnaire asking them which values are most
important to them. Because of its coverage, content, and scope, this survey provides a
kind of barometer of the nation’s values. The top value of the first-year class of 1966,
the year the survey was first conducted, was “developing a meaningful philosophy of
life,” with 80 percent of the new students identifying it as either essential or very
important. By contrast, only 44 percent chose “being very well-off financially.” Since that
time, the relative position of these two values has flipped, as the “Life Goals” graph
demonstrates. Among the first-year class of 2017, for example, 82.5 percent identified
“being very well-off financially” as a significant value compared to 48.1 percent who
selected “developing a meaningful philosophy of life” (Stolzenberg et al. 2019).
page 58
In Arab cultures, men sometimes hold hands as a sign of affection and friendship.
©Dbimages/Alamy Stock Photo
Consider Williams’s list of basic values. Do you think most people value these
things? How might some values, such as freedom and conformity, conflict? How
do we resolve such conflicts?
©Ballyscanion/PhotoDisc/Getty Images
Source: Stolzenberg et al. 2019. Photo: ©Carson Ganci/Design Pics
Researchers have also studied other family and community values among first-year
students. After “being very well-off financially,” the second-highest-rated value identified
by the 2017 class was “raising a family,” at 73.1 percent. “Helping others in difficulty”
came in third at 72 percent. The proportion that identified “helping promote racial
understanding” rose over the previous year to 49.7 percent (Stolzenberg at al. 2019). As
these numbers demonstrate, a nation’s values can fluctuate over time.
Because it challenges honesty as a shared value, cheating is a significant concern
on college campuses. Professors who take advantage of computerized services that
can identify plagiarism, such as the search engine Google or, page 59
have found that many of the papers their students hand in are plagiarized,
in whole or in part. When high school students were asked about academic honesty, 32
percent admitted to copying an Internet document for a classroom assignment, 51
percent said they’d cheated during a test at school, and 74 percent had copied
someone’s homework, all within the past year. At the same time, 86 percent agreed that
“it’s not worth it to lie or cheat because it hurts your character” (Josephson Institute of
Ethics 2012). Perhaps cheating has become a normal part of student culture even if it is
at odds with dominant school values.
Whereas cognitive culture highlights what we think or believe, normative culture, the
third element of culture, focuses on how we act. Normative culture consists of the
ways we establish, abide by, and enforce principles of conduct. In our everyday lives,
we typically abide by norms—the established standards of behavior maintained by a
society—both big and small, from “Thou shalt not kill” to “Chew with your mouth closed.”
For a norm to become significant, people must widely recognize and obey it. Most of the
time, we follow norms without thinking much about them. Their power derives from our
Normative culture Consists of the ways we establish, abide by, and enforce
principles of conduct.
Norm An established standard of behavior maintained by a society.
American Dream.
En el Séptimo Día (On the Seventh Day)
There’s power in community.
If Beale Street Could Talk
A young couple’s love runs up against society’s injustice.
The Rider
A rodeo champion’s riding accident shatters his dreams.
Revolutionary Road
When living the American Dream becomes a nightmare.
Types of Norms Sociologists classify norms into three primary categories: centrality,
formality, and adherence. Each represents a continuum along which particular norms
fall. First, norms are grouped by their centrality to society. Mores (pronounced “MOR-
ays”) are norms deemed highly necessary to the welfare of a society, often because
they embody core values. Each society demands strict obedience to its mores; violation
can lead to significant penalties. Thus, the United States has strong mores against
murder, treason, and child abuse, and punishes each severely. Folkways are norms
governing everyday behavior. When we are polite—saying please and thank you, not
cutting in line, and so on—we are following folkways. Such norms are less rigid in their
application, and their violation raises comparatively little concern. Fashion usually
represents a folkway. We have some freedom in what we choose to wear. But choosing
not to wear clothes, except in clearly defined situations, violates a norm.
Norms are also classified based on levels of formality. Formal norms generally
have been written down and specify strict punishments for violators. In the United States
we often formalize norms into laws, which are formal norms enforced by the state. But
laws are just one example of formal norms. Any systematized set of guidelines, such as
the requirements for a college major set forth in a college catalog or the rules of a card
game, are also considered formal norms. By contrast, informal norms are generally
understood but not precisely recorded. We follow largely unspoken rules for all kinds of
everyday interactions, such as how to ride on an elevator, how to pass someone on a
sidewalk, and how to behave in a college classroom. Knowledge of such norms is often
taken for granted.
Formal norm A norm that generally has been written down and that specifies strict
punishments for violators.
Laws Formal norms enforced by the state.
Informal norm A norm that is generally understood but not precisely recorded.
The third category of norms relates to expected adherence. Ideal norms are those
guidelines for behavior that people agree should be followed. Real norms are rules of
conduct generated from people’s actual behavior. Ideal norms reflect what we
collectively say ought to be, and real norms reflect what actually is. Speeding provides a
classic example of the contrast between the two. The posted speed limit reflects the
ideal norm, but the truth is that most people exceed that limit regularly, which is a
reflection of the real norm. In a bid to show the difference between the two, page 60
students for their film festival entry, 55: A Meditation on the Speed Limit,
stuck to the speed limit while driving side-by-side on the freeway, and blocked traffic for
miles with nearly disastrous results. They referred to it as “an extraordinary act of public
obedience” (Five Year Plan 2006).
Ideal norms Guidelines for behavior that people agree should be followed.
Real norms Rules of conduct generated from people’s actual behavior.
The speed limit represents one of the most widely violated ideal norms. The posted
speed limit makes the law clear, but in practice most people follow the real norm of
driving several miles per hour faster. Rob Byron/Shutterstock
Breaking Norms Although norms provide us with guidelines on how to act, we can
choose not to abide by them. Sometimes we violate a norm because we face a choice
between conflicting ones. For example, suppose you live in an apartment building and
one night hear the screams of the woman next door, who is being beaten by her
husband. If you decide to intervene by knocking on your neighbors’ door or calling the
police, you are violating the norm of minding your own business while at the same time
following the norm of assisting a victim of domestic violence.
Sometimes we violate a norm because we belong to different societal subgroups
that have clashing norms. For example, teenage drinkers may rebel against parental
norms by conforming to the standards of their peer group. Similarly, business
executives may reject the norms they learned in their graduate school training and
choose shady accounting techniques in response to a corporate culture that demands
the maximization of profits at any cost, including the deception of investors and
government regulatory agencies.
Even if norms do not conflict, there are exceptions to any norm. The same action,
under different circumstances, can cause one to be viewed as either a hero or a villain.
For instance, secretly taping telephone conversations is normally considered not just
intrusive but illegal. However, it can be done with a court order to obtain valid evidence
for a criminal trial. We would heap praise on a government agent who used such
methods to convict an organized crime figure. In our culture we tolerate killing another
human being in self-defense, and we actually reward killing in warfare, as was evident in
the celebrations that followed the death of Osama bin Laden.
Improv Everywhere’s No Pants Subway Ride calls people to do something
outside their comfort zone. What factors might influence someone’s decision to
participate? What would it take to get you to participate?
Violating norms can also serve as a foundation for social change. Until the 1960s, for
example, formal norms throughout much of the United States prohibited the marriage of
people from different racial groups. Same-sex marriage wasn’t a formally recognized
right until a 2014 Supreme Court decision. In most struggles for social change, people
who fight against existing norms face ridicule, scorn, and even death threats. It’s not
until after the fact that such innovations become the new norm. Yet if it wasn’t for
trailblazing norm-breakers who fought to legitimize an alternative set of norms, change
would not occur.
Sanctions When we violate a norm, we can usually expect a response designed to
bring our behavior back into line. Sanctions are penalties and rewards for conduct
concerning a social norm. Sanctions can be applied both externally and internally.
Through external policing we use both positive and negative sanctions to influence the
behavior of others. Examples of positive sanctions include a pay raise for strong
performance, a medal for winning a race, a word of gratitude for a kind deed, or a pat on
the back for a job well done. Negative sanctions include fines for overdue library books,
imprisonment for a crime, and stares of contempt for texting in a movie theater. Most of
the time we do not even need the external enforcement others provide to sanction our
acts. Through internal policing, we reward or punish ourselves in ways that encourage
or constrain our actions. The anticipation of joy or pride, or the desire to avoid guilt or
shame, can serve as powerful motivations for regulating our behavior.
page 61
Break-a-Norm Day
Norms provide us with rules that guide our everyday behavior. All we need to do is
step outside the lines even a little bit to see the influence they have over our lives.
These are some examples of how people violate norms. How would you feel about
violating any of these norms? How might others respond to you? Photos: (dress):©C
Squared Studios/Photodisc/Getty Images; (jeans): ©Gordana Sermek/iStock/Getty Images
Sometimes it’s better to choose your own family.
Embrace of the Serpent
Worlds collide when an Amazonian shaman, the last of his tribe, encounters
two scientists.
A year in the life of a family living in Mexico City.
An animated coming-of-age film set during the Iranian Revolution.
An unemployed man violates Japanese norms by becoming an undertaker.
Agricultural strikes and boycotts in the 1960s and 1970s alerted the nation to the
harsh economic plight of migrant workers. ©Rob Crandall/The Image Works
page 62
Subculture Slang
Graffiti Writers
bite: to copy another graffti writer’s work
burner: a stylistically impressive, brilliantly colored piece of graffti, usually written in
a complex pattern of interlocking letters and other visual elements
toy: an inexperienced or unskilled graffti writer
kill: to saturate an area with one’s graffti
Bikers (Motorcyclists)
brain bucket: a helmet
ink slinger: a tattoo artist
pucker factor: the degree of panic felt during a near-accident
yard shark: a dog that races out to attack passing motorcyclists
deck: a skateboard platform
face plant: a face-first crash
sketchy: in reference to a trick, poorly done
Subcultures often produce their own unique jargon. The words may be appropriate in
those subcultures, but they draw a line between insiders and the rest of us.
Source: Reid 2006. Photo: RubberBall Productions/Photodisc/Getty Images
What subcultures are common on college and university campuses? What
indicators make them recognizable? Why might such subcultures be more likely
to form there?
and social media world. There, abbreviations come fast and furious, from the well
known, such as lol (laughing out loud), smh (shaking my head), tbt (throwback
Thursday), and 143 (I love you), to the more obscure, such as 1337 (meaning “elite” and
referring to symbolic language, or “leet-speak”) or pwned (leet term meaning
In recent years, the growing divide between political subcultures in the United States
has led to increased concern about its possible societal consequences. Republicans
and Democrats differ on issues such as whether or not immigration is good for America,
how commonplace sexual harassment is, whether or not discrimination against Muslims
gets taken seriously enough, the degree to which police are mostly fair to people of
every race, the likelihood of saying “I’m proud to be an American,” and more (Hawkins,
Yudkin, Juan-Torres, and Dixon 2018). As everyday encounters between members of
the opposite parties decline, as especially evidenced in recent years in social media,
misperceptions have grown on both sides of this divide. For example, Republicans think
that 38 percent of Democrats are gay, lesbian, or bisexual, when in fact it’s 6 percent.
On the other hand, Democrats think that 44 percent of Republicans earn over $250,000
per year, when only 2 percent earn that much (Ahler and Sood 2018; Bacon 2018).
Such subcultural divisions can reduce trust between the groups which may undercut
faith in the common culture presumed to be shared by all (Mason 2018).
page 63
an alternative to the dominant culture. When a subculture conspicuously and
deliberately opposes certain aspects of the larger culture, it is known as a
counterculture. Countercultures typically thrive among the young, who have the least
investment in the existing culture.
The 1960s, now often characterized by the phrase “sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll,”
provide a classic case of an extensive counterculture. Largely composed of young
people, members of this counterculture were turned off by a society they believed was
too materialistic and technological. It included many political radicals and “hippies” who
had “dropped out” of mainstream social institutions, but its membership was extensive
and diverse. The young people expressed in their writings, speeches, and songs their
visions, hopes, and dreams for a new society. As was reflected in the 1966 “Life Goals”
graph, these young women and men rejected the pressure to accumulate more
expensive cars, larger homes, and an endless array of material goods. Instead, they
expressed a desire to live in a culture based on more humanistic values, such as
sharing, love, and coexistence with the environment. As a political force, they worked for
peace—opposing U.S. involvement in the war in Vietnam and encouraging draft
resistance—as well as racial and gender equality (Anderson 2007; Gitlin 1993).
In the wake of the attacks of September 11, 2001, people around the United States
learned of the existence of terrorist groups operating as a counterculture within their
own country. Many nations have had to deal with internal counterculture groups—often
rooted in long-standing national, ethnic, or political differences—whose members
strongly disagree with the values and norms of the dominant culture. In most cases this
does not result in violence, but in some cases, as in Northern Ireland, Israel, and
France, groups have used attacks, including suicide bombings, to make a statement,
both symbolic and real, seeking to bring attention to their situation and an end to their
repression (Juergensmeyer 2003). Terrorist cells are not necessarily fueled only by
outsiders. Frequently, people become disenchanted with the policies of their own
country, and a few take very violent steps (Juergensmeyer 2003).
Culture Shock Today we are more and more likely to come into contact with and
even immerse ourselves in cultures unlike our own. For example, students increasingly
study abroad. Even those who go through predeparture orientation sessions often have
a difficult time adjusting once they arrive in-country because so many of the little things
that they took for granted, things they barely noticed before, no longer apply. Anyone
who feels disoriented, uncertain, out of place, or even fearful when encountering
unfamiliar cultural practices may be experiencing culture shock. For example, a
resident of the United States who visits certain areas in Cambodia and wants meat for
dinner may be stunned to learn that a local specialty is rat meat. Similarly, someone
from a strict Islamic culture may be shocked upon first seeing the comparatively
provocative dress styles and open displays of affection that are common in the United
States and other Western cultures.
Culture shock The feelings of disorientation, uncertainty, and even fear that people
experience when they encounter unfamiliar cultural practices.
Women in the Suri and Mursi ethnic groups in Ethiopia use lip plates to enhance their
beauty. ©Gavin Hellier/Robertharding/Getty Images
page 64
We now take women’s right to vote for granted, but it exists only because women
challenged the dominant ideology. ©George Rinhart/Corbis Historical/Getty Images
Interestingly, after students who study abroad return home, they may experience a
kind of reverse culture shock. Their time away has changed them, often in ways they
were unaware of, and they find that they cannot so easily slip back into the old routines
that those who remained at home expect of them. Culture shock reveals to us both the
power and the taken-for-granted nature of culture. The rules we follow are so ingrained
that we barely notice that we were following them until they are no longer there to
provide the structure and order we assume as a given.
When it comes to gaining cultural acceptance, a group’s relative power can determine to
what extent it will succeed. One way culture maintains the privileges of certain groups is
through the establishment of a dominant ideology—the set of cultural beliefs and
practices that legitimates existing powerful social, economic, and political interests. The
dominant ideology, which is part of cognitive culture, helps explain and justify who gets
what and why in a way that justifies and maintains the status quo. Dominant ideas can
even squelch alternative expressions of what might be, casting such alternatives as
threats to the existing order. Karl Marx argued that the dominant ideas in society
maintain the interests of the ruling class. This idea was picked up and developed by
sociologists Georg Lukács (1923) and Antonio Gramsci (1929), who argued that the
dominant ideology can be used as an instrument of power.
Dominant ideology A set of cultural beliefs and practices that legitimates existing
powerful social, economic, and political interests.
A society’s most powerful groups and institutions control wealth and property. They
can use their control over these resources to influence religion, education, and the
media, thus providing support for the dominant ideology. Feminists argue that if all of
society’s most important institutions send the message that women should be
subservient to men, this dominant ideology helps control and subordinate women
(Kleinman 2002). Images of boys and girls in toy ads typically reinforce gender
stereotypes, with girls playing with pink and pastel kitchen toys while boys play with
pretend power tools and video games. Similarly, women seen in magazine ads reinforce
unrealistic (and usually Photoshopped) images of feminine beauty that affect how
women see themselves and how men see and treat women.
page 65
As sociologists, we have a responsibility to seek to understand others from their
perspective. This represents a challenge because our natural inclination is to prefer our
own material, cognitive, and normative culture. When we encounter those whose beliefs
and practices are significantly different than our own, it is easy to judge their culture as
inferior to our own.
Ethnocentrism The tendency to assume that one’s own culture and way of life
represent what’s normal or is superior to all others.
common good. In a country in which almost half of all people, even those in the cities,
marry a first or second cousin, citizens are predisposed to favor their own kin in
government and business dealings. Why trust a stranger from outside the family? What
Westerners would criticize as nepotism, then, is actually an acceptable, even admirable,
practice to Iraqis (Tierney 2003).
Cultural relativism The viewing of other people’s behavior from the perspective of
those other people’s culture.
Cultural relativism stresses that different social contexts give rise to different norms
and values. Thus, we must examine practices such as polygamy, bullfighting, and
monarchy within the particular contexts of the cultures in which they are found. Cultural
relativism is not the same as moral relativism, which implies that no ultimate normative
standards exist. Sociologists do not have to abandon their own morals and
unquestionably accept every cultural variation. But cultural relativism does require a
serious and unbiased effort to evaluate norms, values, and customs in light of their
distinctive culture.
Practicing the sociological imagination calls for us to be more fully aware of the
culture we as humans have created for ourselves and to be better attuned to the
varieties of culture other people have established for themselves. Culture shapes our
everyday behaviors all the time, and we select from the tools it provides. For the most
part, we are not aware of the degree to which we are immersed in a world of our own
making. Whether that includes the capacity to read a book, make a meal, or hug a
stranger on the street, it is through culture that we establish our relationship to the
external world and with one another.
Break a Norm
Choose some minor norm of face-to-face interaction (rather than disrupting a
group) and violate it. Avoid anything that would harm another person, violate
policies, or break the law. Be sure to give the impression that what you are
doing is perfectly normal, and record how others respond to you. In what
ways do they seek to make sense of your behavior or to restore order? How
did breaking the norm affect you? What lessons did you learn about our
everyday actions?
page 66
For consists of our modification of the physical environment.
Cognitive culture is the thinking part of culture, including
language, values, beliefs, and knowledge. Normative culture
REVIEW provides rules for behavior.
III. How does culture both enable and constrain?
Although culture provides us with the knowledge, rules, and
artifacts we need to survive, it also limits our options. Words
enable us to see, and tools enable us to make things, but both
are designed for particular purposes and shield us from
alternative possibilities. Further, with ethnocentrism, we cut
ourselves off from new possibilities from different cultures.
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
page 67
SOC on Culture
After reviewing the chapter, answer the following questions:
How would each of the three perspectives describe the lessons learned from the
No Pants Subway Ride?
How would each perspective explain the role material, cognitive, and normative
culture plays in our lives?
How would each perspective approach the role that dominant ideology performs
in a culture?
How would you use the perspectives to describe one of the subcultures at your
page 68
Pop Quiz
1. _____ consists of everything humans create in establishing our
relationships to nature and with each other.
a. Innovation
b. Society
c. Ethnocentrism
d. Culture
2. What expression did George Murdock introduce to refer to common
practices and beliefs shared by all societies?
a. norms
b. folkways
c. cultural universals
d. cultural practices
3. What is an invention?
a. introducing a new idea or object to a culture
b. combining existing materials to create something new
c. making known or sharing the existence of an aspect of reality
d. establishing the legitimacy of a new knowledge claim
4. What term do sociologists use to refer to the process by which a cultural
item spreads within and between societies?
a. diffusion
b. globalization
c. innovation
d. cultural relativism
5. Which of the following statements is true according to the Sapir-Whorf
a. Language simply describes reality.
b. Language legitimates existing social, economic, and political interests.
c. Language shapes our perception of reality.
d. Language formation is constrained by cultural universals.
6. What do norms provide for us that we need?
a. shared beliefs that unite us as one
b. established standards of behavior
c. a system of shared symbols enabling us to communicate with each other
d. justification of existing inequality through shared beliefs and practices
7. What type of norms are deemed highly necessary to the welfare of a
society, often because these norms embody the most cherished principles
of a people?
a. formal norms
b. informal norms
c. mores
d. folkways
8. Terrorist groups are examples of
a. cultural universals.
b. subcultures.
c. countercultures.
d. dominant ideologies.
9. Which of the following terms describes the set of cultural beliefs and
practices that help maintain powerful social, economic, and political
a. mores
b. dominant ideology
c. consensus
d. values
10. What is the term used when one seeks to understand another culture from
its perspective, rather than dismissing it as “strange” or “exotic”?
a. ethnocentrism
b. culture shock
c. cultural relativism
d. cultural value
1. (d), 2. (c), 3. (b), 4. (a), 5. (c), 6. (b), 7. (c), 8. (c), 9. (b), 10. (c)
Design Elements: Going Global (Earth): ©Studio Photogram/Alamy Stock Photo; Personal Sociology (drawing of
author): McGraw-Hill Education; 5 Movies (popcorn): ©D. Hurst/Alamy Stock Photo; Sociology Is a Verb (overlapping
hands): ©Jeff DeWeerd/Imagezoo/Getty Images
page 69
massive sales is hardly unique. Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, George Orwell’s
Animal Farm, Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl, Madeleine L’Engle’s A
Wrinkle in Time, Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar, Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Left Hand of
Darkness, and Meg Cabot’s The Princess Diaries were all initially rejected by
publishers. How is it possible that the widespread appeal of such works was not
obvious to experts in the field who are paid to recognize such things?
Sociologist Duncan Watts, along with two colleagues, conducted an online
experiment to measure the power of inherent quality versus social influence in
determining artistic success (Salganik, Dodds, and Watts 2006). They presented
each of their 14,341 online participants with a list of 48 new songs by unknown
artists, asking them to listen to the songs, rate them, and then, if they wanted,
download them for free. To test their variables, the researchers divided the
participants into nine groups. One of the groups, the control group, was presented
only with the name of the artist and title of the song. Participants of the eight other
groups, the experimental groups, saw not only the artist and title, but also how
many times each song had been downloaded by people within their group. If
quality alone mattered, then the same songs should rise to the top or sink to the
bottom in all nine groups. But that’s not what happened. Knowing how page 70
often songs had been downloaded by others affected which songs
participants in the experimental groups favored. Songs that were preferred early
varied significantly between experimental groups. As a result, the songs that rose
to the top also varied (D. Watts 2007, 2011). These results suggest that the
popularity of songs, novels, and works of art is not determined by inherent quality
alone. Social influence plays a substantial role in determining artistic success.
Change that influence, especially early on, and a different outcome is likely.
“World Construction” graphic introduced in Chapter 3. In the first stage, we construct
culture to establish a relationship to nature and with each other. In this second stage,
we become products of the worlds we create.
Baltskars/iStock/Getty Images
What skills that you learned before age two do you now take for granted? From
whom did you learn them? In what contexts?
Through interactions with others, we learn what we need to know to survive and thrive.
Sociologists refer to this practice of internalizing culture as socialization, the lifelong
process through which people learn the attitudes, values, and behaviors appropriate for
members of a particular culture. We absorb culture through interactions with parents,
teachers, friends, coworkers, and many others. We are exposed to it in formal contexts,
such as schools and workshops, and informal contexts, such as the playground or
Instagram. We become who we are through our encounters with others.
Socialization The lifelong process through which people learn the attitudes, values,
and behaviors appropriate for members of a particular culture.
Language is perhaps the most basic element of culture we need to learn. We begin
teaching it to infants long before they can even understand what we are saying. We
start by using baby talk with its higher and more varied pitch, longer vowel sounds, and
slower speech. Infants prefer baby talk, also known as infant-directed speech, until they
are about eight months old. Such speech provides important building blocks page 71
for what will later become a child’s native language (Soderstrom 2007).
We can see this process at work when babies begin experimenting with sounds,
mimicking what they hear even before they know any words. This was evident when a
video of chattering twins went viral. In the video, available on YouTube as “Talking Twin
Babies—Part 2,” the two 17-month-olds “talked” back and forth, saying little more than
“da da da.” But they did so with expression, hand gestures, turn taking, and laughter in
what seemed like all the right places. They knew what language sounded like—they’d
learned that through interactions with family, friends, and others—and it was only a
matter of time until they also learned the words that go with it.
Even though baby talk is a near cultural universal, the frequency of sounds, including
both vowels and consonants, and the relationships between them vary from culture to
culture. An infant in an English-speaking environment hears different combinations than
one in a Swedish- or Japanese-speaking context. Such variation provides the
foundation for children learning the particulars of their native tongue. For example,
English has 10 vowel sounds, whereas Swedish has 16 and Japanese has 5. Baby talk
in these different contexts varies accordingly, opening some linguistic pathways while
closing others (Kuhl 2004).
Genie at age 13. Bettmann/Getty Images
Sources: Keith 2008; Newton 2002; Photos: Child: Denis Gukov/AFP/Getty Images; Book:
Preto Perola/Shutterstock
In a similar, more recent case, police were called to investigate a child abuse claim
in Plant City, Florida, in 2005. In a trash-filled house overrun with roaches and reeking
of urine and feces, they discovered an emaciated girl whose hair was crawling with lice
and who had rashes and sores all over her body. She was in a room piled high with her
dirty diapers. Her name was Danielle. She was almost seven years old and weighed
only 46 pounds. She couldn’t eat solid food. She wouldn’t make eye contact. She didn’t
react to pain. She couldn’t talk. In terms of her social, psychological, and intellectual
development, she was no further along than a six-month-old baby. After running medical
tests on Dani, doctors determined that nothing was wrong with her physically that would
explain her condition. Instead, they attributed her condition to extreme neglect
(DeGregory 2008, 2011; Lierow 2011).
The long-term consequences of extreme isolation can be substantial. Danielle was
adopted in 2007 and eventually learned basic self-care skills, including how to go to the
bathroom and how to feed herself using a fork and spoon, but she barely speaks and
cannot read. For 10 years her family worked with her in hopes that she would learn to
dress herself, brush her own teeth, make a sandwich, and recognize classmates. As
often happens for couples who face the challenge of raising a child with special needs,
Dani’s adoptive parents ended up divorcing. When she turned 18, her adoptive father
moved Dani into a group home in Tennessee. He continues to visit her monthly
(DeGregory 2017; OWN 2015).
Cases of extreme isolation demonstrate the importance of the earliest socialization
experiences for children. We now know that it is not enough to attend only to an infant’s
physical needs; parents must also concern themselves with children’s social
development. If parents severely limit their children’s interaction with family, friends, and
others, including strangers—even as infants and toddlers—those children miss out on
social interactions with people that are critical for their social, psychological, and
emotional development.
Medioimages/Glow Images
Primate Studies Our need for early socialization is reinforced by studies of animals
raised in isolation. Because it would violate ethical standards of research to conduct
such experiments on human babies, psychologist Harry Harlow (1971) conducted tests
with rhesus monkeys so he could better understand the importance of early
socialization. By studying monkeys that had been raised away from their mothers and
away from contact with other monkeys, he uncovered long-term effects of extreme
isolation. As was the case with Genie and Danielle, the rhesus monkeys raised in
isolation were fearful and easily frightened. They did not mate, and the females, who
were artificially inseminated, became abusive mothers.
A cloth-covered “artificial mother” of the type used by Harry Harlow. Nina Leen/The Life
Picture Collection/Getty Images
What we learn from cases of extreme childhood isolation and research on primates
is that we lack complex instincts that will ensure our survival. Instead, we rely on the
care and concern provided by others, especially when we are young. Without that early
childhood socialization, we would struggle to establish working relationships with the
outside world. Biology alone is not enough. The culture we create provides us with the
tools we need. And through socialization, we share those tools with others.
Self Our sense of who we are, distinct from others, and shaped by the unique
combination of our social interactions.
Looking-glass self A theory that we become who we are based on how we think
others see us.
In Cooley’s model, our sense of self results from our “imagination” of how others
view us. Because we never truly know what others think, we can develop self-identities
based on often incorrect perceptions of how others see us. Imagine you are on a first
date or a job interview. All the cues you receive throughout the interaction are positive—
your date or interviewer smiles, laughs, and nods at all the right times. You go home
feeling happy, confident that things went really well. But your date never returns your
call, or the expected job offer never comes. You go from a feeling of elation and
confidence to a sense of disappointment, doubt, and recrimination, asking yourself,
“What’s wrong with me?” without ever really knowing what the date or interviewer truly
thought about you. In Cooley’s world, who we are is very much dependent on our
interpretations of the interactions we have with others.
What cues do you rely on to know if things are going well on a first date? How
about on a job interview? To what extent do you think people can fake such
Mead: Self and the Generalized Other George Herbert Mead (1863–1931),
another American sociologist and advocate of the interactionist perspective, sought to
expand on Cooley’s theory. Mead (1934, 1964a, 1964b) especially sought to clarify the
relationship between our self and our environment. He argued that there are two core
components of the self: “I” and “Me.” The I is our acting self. It is the part of us page 74
that walks, reads, sings, smiles, speaks, and performs any other action we
might undertake. The Me is our socialized self. It draws on all our previous training and
experience to plan our actions and then uses these standards to judge our performance
Our Me may plan to walk a straight line, but when our I acts, our results may vary.
Our Me then uses knowledge gained from that experience to guide future action.
Eugene Sergeev/123RF
For Mead our self emerges through the ongoing interaction between the socialized
self and the acting self. The Me plans. The I acts. The Me judges. For example, in a
classroom discussion, our Me knows, based on past experience, that the professor
expects participation and will reward it when it comes to grade time. So, our I gathers up
the courage and offers a contribution. After speaking, our Me assesses how it went,
using available feedback to guide future participation.
In all our interactions, we rely on a feedback loop in which we gather information,
process it, and use it to guide our reaction. In some respects, this relationship is not
unlike the technique math teachers turn to when using the “guess and check” problem-
solving strategy for certain types of story problems. In this approach, we try a solution to
see if it works out, and if it doesn’t, we try again. With each successive attempt, we use
the information we’ve gained to make more informed guesses and in so doing find the
appropriate pathway to the correct solution. Similarly, in our interactions with others,
pathways of appropriate action emerge over time. We become more confident that
certain responses are appropriate, making our decisions about how to act in the future
easier and providing us with greater self-confidence.
According to Mead, our Me develops as we generalize from our particular
experiences to understand that similar people in similar circumstances act, and expect
others to act, in similar ways. Mead used the expression significant others to describe
the particular individuals we interact with who are most important in the development of
our self. This includes encounters with our parents, our friends, our coworkers, our
coaches, and others. Over time, however, we begin to see that the position these
significant others occupy are part of a larger social network.
Significant other An individual who is most important in the development of the self,
such as a parent, friend, or teacher.
Generalized other The attitudes, viewpoints, and expectations of society as a whole
that individuals take into account when interacting with others.
Preparatory Stage When they are young, during what Mead refers to as the
preparatory stage, children merely imitate the people around them, especially family
members with whom they continually interact. That can take the form of babbling
babies, who internalize language before they even know the words, or a small child who
bangs on a piece of wood while a parent is engaged in carpentry work or tries to throw a
ball if an older sibling is doing so nearby. This imitation is largely mindless—simple
parroting of the actions of others.
As they grow older, children begin to realize that we attach meanings to our actions,
and they become more adept at using symbols to communicate with others. Symbols
are the gestures, objects, and words that form the basis of human communication. By
interacting with family and friends, as well as by watching cartoons on television and
looking at picture books, children in the preparatory stage begin to develop interaction
skills they will use throughout their lives. They learn that they can use symbols to get
their way, such as saying please and thank you, or perhaps throwing a tantrum in the
candy aisle of the local supermarket.
Symbol A gesture, object, or word that forms the basis of human communication.
Play Stage As children develop skill in communicating through symbols, they gradually
become more aware of social relationships out of which those symbols grow. During the
play stage, from about ages three through five, they begin to pretend to be other people:
a doctor, parent, superhero, or teacher. Such play need not make a lot of sense page 75
or be particularly coherent to adults; children, especially when they are young,
are able to move in and out of various characters with ease. For Mead, playing make-
believe is more than just fun; it is a critical part of our self-development.
It is our choices . . . that show what we truly are, far
more than our abilities.
J. K. Rowling (2014)
Mead, in fact, noted that an important aspect of the play stage is role playing. He
used the expression role taking to describe the the process of mentally assuming the
perspective of another and responding from that imagined viewpoint. Through this
process a young child imagines how others might respond in particular situations and
gradually learns, for example, when it is best to ask a parent for favors. If the parent
usually comes home from work in a bad mood, the child might wait until after dinner,
when the parent is more relaxed and approachable.
Role taking The process of mentally assuming the perspective of another and
responding from that imagined viewpoint.
Game Stage In Mead’s third stage, the game stage, the child of about six to nine years
of age learns to more fully appreciate that he or she is involved in interconnected and
interdependent relationships. Success depends on each person playing his or her
appropriate part, and each individual must often submit to the expectations of the group.
The transition from play to game is evident when teaching kids to play team sports such
as T-ball or soccer. When they are little, you will often see a clump of kids chasing after
a ball or moving up the field together. They have yet to learn that different people play
different positions and that they will be more successful as a team if everyone plays the
position to which they are assigned. When they do, they can take for granted that
someone will be covering a base so they can throw a runner out or that a goalie will be
there to make a save if the ball gets behind them. Visualizing the map of who should be
where and who should do what enables us to see a kind of blueprint for society, and
internalizing it represents the final stage of development in Mead’s model.
At this stage, children begin to see that there really is something like a game going
on with an underlying logic and shared rules and expectations for its various players.
They may know their principal, Ms. Sanchez, as a significant other, but also see that the
position of principal exists independent of Ms. Sanchez and that it carries with it certain
expectations that make sense in the context of a school in which other positions include
teacher, custodian, aide, and student. And if the individuals who come to occupy the
various positions in the game fail to act accordingly, the whole thing falls apart.
example, if we are taught to see outsiders as threats, we may limit our contacts with
them or their contacts with us, even if they aren’t really threats. We might even go to
war with them.
If perception shapes action, then an important corollary to the Thomas theorem is
that position shapes perception. We create culture in order to establish a relationship to
nature and with each other, as we saw in Chapter 3. Through socialization, we
internalize perceptions of nature and of other people based on that culture. What we
learn depends on the positions we occupy relative to others. A person socialized in
21st-century U.S. culture will think and act quite differently than someone raised in 14th-
century Japan. Their sense of self will be shaped by the social context within which they
develop. Change the context, change the self.
Goffman: Presentation of Self The idea that we must all play our roles based on
the context within which we find ourselves led Canadian sociologist Erving Goffman
(1922–1982) to establish what he called the dramaturgical approach, which studies
interaction as if we were all actors on a stage seeking to put on a successful
performance. He was inspired, in part, by William Shakespeare’s lines from his play As
You Like It, “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They
have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts” (act 2,
scene 7). As we perform our roles, according to Goffman, each of us seeks to convey
impressions of who we are to others, even as those others are doing the same with us.
page 76
According to Erving Goffman, we can analyze all interaction as if we were actors
staging a performance. Robbie Jack/Corbis Entertainment/Getty Images
Imagine that going to class is like performing in a play. Who are the key players?
What are some of their most-used lines? What props do people use to be
convincing? How might the performance break down, and what steps might be
taken to save the show?
well as we might have hoped, we try to “save face.” Goffman refers to this process as
face-work meaning we alter our presentation of self in order to maintain a proper image
and avoid public embarrassment. We often initiate some kind of face-saving behavior
when we are feeling flustered or rejected. In response to a rejection at a bar, a person
may engage in face-work by saying, “This place is full of losers. I’m out of here.” Or, if
we do poorly on an exam, we may say to a friend who did likewise, “This professor
sucks.” We feel the need to maintain a positive self-image if we are to continue social
For Cooley, Mead, Thomas, and Goffman, our self is fundamentally social. Each
encounter we have provides opportunities for self-assessment. Even though our sense
of self may seem relatively fixed over time, it is always subject to revision as we move
into and out of relationships with others. A novel interaction or experience is often all it
takes to get us to question things we have taken for granted, leading to new
understandings of who we really are.
Through socialization, we internalize the culture of the groups to which we belong. We
learn to think of our groups’ norms, values, beliefs, and technology as not only page 77
normal for us but somewhat superior to those of others. Such ethnocentrism is
a natural response, as we saw in the “Understanding Others” section in Chapter 3. We
draw lines between ourselves and others and then use those lines to define who we are
in opposition to those we are not. We see such divisions in sports (Green Bay Packers
fans versus Minnesota Viking fans versus New England Patriot fans), politics
(Democrats versus Republicans), high school (jocks versus brains versus populars
versus burnouts), the workplace (sales staff versus marketing division), religion
(Christians versus Muslims versus Buddhists), and more. Such divisions solidify our
identities, but they frequently do so at the expense of how we view others.
ZUMA Press, Inc./Alamy Stock Photo
Group membership itself shapes how we think and act. Social psychologist Henri
Tajfel conducted a series of experiments in which he randomly distributed people into
groups. He found that even when people have no group history or common group
culture, just being a member leads them to identify with each other, privilege each other,
and seek to deny benefits to people in other groups (Tajfel 1981).
Tajfel identified three core elements at work in creating us versus them mentalities
(Tajfel and Turner 1979). First, social categorization involves the simple recognition of
differences between groups. Any marker can serve as the foundation for such
difference, such as taste, occupation, or age. Sociologists pay particular attention to
categorization based on gender, race, ethnicity, and class. Second, social identification
occurs when we tie our sense of self with a particular group as opposed to others. We
adopt the group’s expected cultural practices by following its norms, embracing its
beliefs, using appropriate language, and otherwise seeking to fit in. By absorbing the
culture of the group, membership becomes part of our identity. And, third, social
comparison involves ranking groups in relation to each other, drawing a contrast
between “us” and “them” in a way favorable to our group. In other words, we build
ourselves up or show favoritism toward our group while putting down or denigrating
other groups. Enhancing the status of the groups to which we belong elevates both our
identity and our self-esteem by answering the questions “Who am I?” and “What am I
worth?” Patriotism, which calls forth pride in flag and country, finds its roots here.
On the flip side, privileging the culture of the groups to which we belong creates a
foundation for prejudice, which is a preconceived and unjustified judgment of
individuals, whether positive or negative, based on their membership in a particular
group. We elevate ourselves by viewing those who do not think or act like us as
somehow lesser. Our tendency is to think of prejudice as explicit bias, in which
individuals voice their opinions about “them,” making the bias easy to spot. But because
we are socialized to make positive and negative distinctions between groups, we
become largely unaware of the degree to which we do so. Theorists refer to such
judgments as implicit bias, the automatic and unconscious association of value,
whether positive or negative, with particular groups, subgroups, or characteristics of
people. Researchers have uncovered ways to measure implicit bias using a variety of
assessment tools including implicit association tests (Banaji and Greenwald page 78
2013; Staats, Capatosto, Wright, and Jackson 2016).
Go to the Project Implicit site and take one of the tests. To what extent do your
results match your self-assessment? What factors might influence someone’s
score? What steps might we take to alter our implicit biases?
Patriotism represents a call to unity, but can also be used as a form of exclusion.
Michael B. Thomas/Getty Images
Implicit association tests measure participants’ reaction time when presented with
images, in an attempt to detect positive and negative associations. Researchers have
constructed tests to assess implicit bias with regard to race, gender, age, weight,
sexuality, disability, and more. Researchers can then compare results based on the
test-takers’ race, gender, age, region, or any other variable researchers have collected
information about. A variety of these tests are available online—for example, Harvard’s
Project Implicit has several—for anyone to take.
When considering socialization, it is easy to focus on its more positive dimensions—
learning how to speak, act, and create. But through our interactions with others, we also
learn how to hate and discriminate. Developing an appreciation for where such attitudes
come from and why we have them, including the degree to which we may be unaware
of them, enables us to take steps to change them.
>> Agents of Socialization
Sociologists refer to the various contexts within which individuals and groups shape our
social identity as agents of socialization. Primary examples include family, school, peer
groups, the mass media, the workplace, religion, and the state.
Our families are our most important agent of socialization. Research shows that the role
of the family in socializing a child cannot be overestimated (McDowell and Parke 2009).
Babies are born with certain innate abilities—most can hear, see, smell, and taste, and
can feel heat, cold, and pain—but they would not survive without assistance from
others. Responsibility for feeding, cleaning, carrying, and comforting babies falls
primarily to family members. In the context of families, we learn to talk, walk, feed
ourselves, go to the bathroom, and so on—basic skills that we take for granted as
natural but that we learn within families. As children grow up, they observe parents
expressing affection, taking care of finances, quarreling, dealing with work stress, and
so forth, which prepares them for what family life might be like in their future. We
explore definitions and functions of families more fully in Chapter 7.
Children do not play a passive role in their socialization. As Mead’s I implies, they
choose, sometimes to the disappointment of their parents. In so doing, they are active
participants in their self-creation. We can see the power of family socialization among
the Amish. Children in Amish communities are raised in a highly structured and
disciplined manner, but they are not immune to the temptations posed by their peers in
the non-Amish world. Around the time they turn 16, Amish teens begin dating, or
courtship. They refer to this phase of their lives as rumspringa, a word roughly
translated as “running around,” which lasts until they get married, usually by their early
20s. During this transitional time between childhood and adulthood, they have greater
freedom and can experiment with activities that would otherwise be forbidden, ranging
from wearing non-Amish clothes, owning a cell phone, buying a TV and DVD player,
driving cars, smoking, drinking, even doing drugs (though most don’t go that far). During
this time, they must also decide whether to commit to being Amish for the rest of their
lives by taking a vow and getting baptized or to pursue life outside the Amish
community. Parents often react by looking the other way, sometimes literally, pretending
not to notice. They remain secure in the knowledge that, after a lifetime of Amish
socialization, their children almost always return to the traditional Amish lifestyle.
Research shows that only about 20 percent of Amish youths leave the fold, and most of
them join one of the only somewhat more modern Mennonite groups. Rarely does a
baptized adult leave (Kraybill, Johnson-Weiner, and Nolt 2013; Schachtman 2006).
In the United States, whether out of fear for their child’s safety or concern about
being charged with child endangerment, few parents would consider giving their young
child this much independence. Parenting norms in the United States have shifted in
recent decades, resulting in greater oversight and involvement in children’s lives.
Reflecting on the question of whether or not parents have become overprotective,
journalist Hanna Rosin (2014) points out, “Actions that would have been considered
paranoid in the 70s—walking third-graders to school, forbidding your kid to play ball in
the street, going down the slide with your child in your lap—are now routine.” The
variety of parenting practices across cultures and across time provides additional
evidence that our actions are not narrowly determined by our genes.
The Influence of Race and Gender In the United States, social development
within families includes exposure to cultural assumptions regarding gender and race.
African American parents, for example, have learned that children as young as two
years old can absorb negative messages about African Americans in children’s books,
toys, and television shows—the vast majority of which are designed primarily for White
consumers. At the same time, as we will see in Chapter 13, African American families
own less wealth and are more likely to experience poverty, which limits their children’s
access to resources such as extracurricular programs, summer camps, and specialized
tutors and coaches. Because most U.S. neighborhoods are racially segregated, African
American families often live in or near poor neighborhoods. As a result, their children
are susceptible to exposure to gangs and drugs, despite their parents’ strong family
values (Benhorin and McMahon 2008; Friend, Hunter, and Fletcher 2011; Kliewer and
Sullivan 2009).
masculine—and desirable only in men—while associating “tenderness” as feminine. As
we will see in Chapter 12, not all societies share this model, allowing for a wider range
of roles. Some societies have three or more gender categories. In the United States,
people have increasingly come to see gender as a fluid concept allowing for a variety of
expressions. Socialization experiences within the families play a major role in both our
personal and societal acceptance of such variety.
Gender roles The normative expectations regarding proper behavior, attitudes, and
activities associated with maleness and femaleness.
In school we typically move beyond the more sheltered confines of our family and learn
to become members of the larger social groups to which we belong. Schools in the
United States, for example, teach students the taken-for-granted knowledge of the
broader society—not only basic skills such as reading, writing, and ’rithmatic but also
shared cultural knowledge, such as the national anthem, the heroes of the American
Revolution, and the pillars of good character. Like the family, schools have an explicit
mandate to socialize people—and especially children—into the norms and values of the
society to which they belong.
Schools teach children the values and customs of the larger society because that
shared culture provides the glue that holds us together as a society. If we page 80
did not transmit our knowledge and skills from one generation to the next,
society would collapse. The knowledge we gain at school, however, goes beyond the
official curriculum to include the more informal lessons we learn on the playground. We
do learn the facts and figures of history, science, reading, math, and more, but we also
learn how to stand up for ourselves when our parents or teachers are not there to hover
over us or to bail us out.
Although schools provide both social order and individual opportunity, they can also
reinforce existing inequality through the ways students are socialized. As economists
Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis (1976) have observed, schools produce teachable
students who become manageable workers. They argue that schools’ primary function
has less to do with transmitting academic content and more to do with socializing
students to conform to, and accept, workplace authority. Schools teach students how to
work for rewards, how to work in teams, how to meet deadlines, how to comply with
instructions, and so on. The students who internalize these skills best are rewarded with
opportunities in the workplace, whereas those who challenge authority and call for
change are punished. We more fully explore various elements of education in Chapter
As we grow older, and especially in our adolescent years, our friends, schoolmates, and
other peers become increasingly important in shaping how we think and act. To
understand the role peers play at a relatively young age, sociologists Patricia and Peter
Adler conducted observation research at elementary schools with fourth- through sixth-
grade students. They found that, even this early, a pecking order is established, ranging
from the “popular clique” at the top that includes the “cool kids” on down to what they
call the “social isolates” at the bottom, whom other kids sometimes call “dweebs” or
“nerds” (Adler and Adler 1996). Children get the message about where they fit and how
they should behave. In another study of elementary schoolchildren, the Adlers page 81
found that popularity reinforces gender stereotypes. To be popular as a boy is
to be athletic, tough, and not too academic. To be popular as a girl is to be attractive, to
be able to manipulate others using social skills, and to come from a family wealthy
enough to permit shopping for the latest cool stuff (Adler, Kless, and Adler 1992).
Note: Actual represents the average of self-reported practices for students within that peer group; Perceived
represents responses from students outside the group.
Source: Helms et al. 2014.
The impact of peer groups among high schoolers has become a pop culture staple,
perhaps best captured in the classic film The Breakfast Club, in which “a brain, an
athlete, a basket case, a princess, and a criminal” were forced together during Saturday
morning detention. In the end, the five students got past their stereotypical perceptions
of each other to find common ground.
To better understand peer group culture in the real world, researchers from the
University of North Carolina explored how high school peer groups were perceived by
nonmembers and contrasted those perceptions with the actual, self-reported behaviors
of members within each group. Based on interviews with high school students, they
focused on four groups: populars, jocks, brains, and burnouts. They found a whole
series of misperceptions, such as:
For most of human history, socialization came primarily in the form of person-to-person
contact, and we had limited exposure to what was going on in the wider world. We now
receive immediate accounts of incidents around the globe as they are happening.
Technological innovations leading to the rise of the mass media made that possible.
The word media is plural for medium, and a medium is something or someone capable
of conveying or transmitting ideas or objects. For example, language, as a system of
shared symbols, provides the medium through which we communicate. The term mass
media refers to the variety of technologies that provide the capacity to easily transmit
large quantities of information to large groups of people.
If we think of a mass medium as the vessel through which information passes, we
can identify seven types of major media (Ahonen 2008). Print, the first type, took off as
a mass medium with Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of a printing press using movable
type in 1439. His press made printing many copies of materials possible, facilitating a
publication explosion that continues to this day in the form of books, pamphlets,
billboards, newspapers, and magazines. Access to books and pamphlets has played a
significant role in historic events ever since, including the Protestant Reformation, which
started in 1517, and the American Revolution, which began in 1776 (Edwards 1994;
Humphrey 2013).
The second mass media type, recordings, got their start in the late 1800s. Since
then, recordings have provided mass access to musical performances from classical
music to rock and roll and beyond. In time, as a result of technological innovation, video
recordings became possible. At various points, recording technology included wax
cylinder recordings, vinyl records, magnetic recordings (such as reel-to-reel tape, 8-
track cartridges, audio cassettes, and VHS tapes), CDs, and DVDs. Magnetic
recordings were particularly transformative due to the inclusion of the “record” button,
which opened the door for almost anyone to produce their own recordings, an ability we
take for granted today (Marlow and Secunda 1991; Millard 2005; Milner 2009).
Cinema represents the third type of mass media. Starting in the early 1900s, movie
theaters were established all over the United States. Pittsburgh’s “Nickelodeon,” one of
the earliest, opened in 1905 with a 5 cent admission fee. Movie theaters became a
shared space where people in local communities gained more immediate visual access
to popular stories, news accounts, fads, and fashion from the wider world (Charney and
Schartz 1995; Sklar 1994).
The fourth type, radio, brought mass media broadcasts directly into the home.
Pittsburgh’s KDKA became the first licensed commercial broadcasting station in the
United States in 1920, and stations quickly spread across the country. Programming
included music, news, sports, and episodic stories (soap operas, with their open and
ongoing storylines originated here). Radio enabled the rapid and widespread
dissemination of breaking news to entire populations, including the possibility of direct
communication by political leaders. Herbert Hoover was the first presidential candidate
to reach a mass audience via radio in 1928, and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
used radio to great effect with his “fireside chat” broadcasts to the nation during the
Great Depression and World War II (Brands 2008; Marquis 1984).
Television, the fifth type of mass media, combined the immediacy and reach of radio
with the video element of cinema. The world became a smaller place because now it
was possible to bring breaking news, sporting events, variety shows, musical concerts,
and more into people’s living rooms. Television stations began popping up around the
United States during the 1940s, and people widely adopted television as a medium in
the 1950s (Edgerton 2007). The first broadcast of a presidential debate occurred in
1960 between John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon. Kennedy, with a bronzed tan
from campaigning in California, came across as more telegenic, and Nixon, with a pale
complexion and visible sweat, appeared uncomfortable on the screen, a difference that
might have swayed the election (Druckman 2003; Kraus 1996). Ever since then,
candidates and campaigns have been keenly aware of the importance of optics in
shaping potential outcomes. With the expansion of cable and satellite television came
an explosion of available channels, though the major television networks (including
ABC, CBS, FOX, and NBC), along with a select number of major cable channel
corporations (especially ESPN), wield significant influence over what gets covered and
how, and perhaps just as important, what gets left out.
page 82
The sixth type of mass media is referred to generally as the Internet, access to which
expanded significantly throughout the 1990s. By linking computers through a series of
networks, the World Wide Web facilitated connections between computers via web
browsers (Isaacson 2014). Two core elements distinguish the Internet as a mass
medium. The first is information retrieval, which provides us with access to untold
amounts of data. Whether searching for sources when writing a college paper or looking
for pictures of rainbows and unicorns, individuals now have more power to find
information than ever before. The second core element is social networking, which
provides us with historically unprecedented access to people. Sites such as Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat provide almost constant access to close friends,
continued connections to old friends, and even connections with the rich, powerful, and
famous. Getting a “like” or retweet from a celebrity can be cause for significant
celebration because the distance between you and them suddenly seems so small.
The average 18- to 34-year-old in the United States spends 2 hours and 42
minutes each day using apps or surfing the web on a smartphone (Nielsen 2017).
Does that total seem high or low to you? What are possible effects, both positive
and negative, of such use?
page 83
Video game designer Mike Mika’s three-year-old daughter enjoyed playing the classic
arcade game Donkey Kong. In it, a King Kong–like ape kidnaps Pauline, and Mario’s
task is to save her. One day Mika’s daughter asked, “How can I play as the girl? I
want to save Mario!” After days spent hacking the Donkey Kong ROM, Mika (2013)
fulfilled his daughter’s wish to make the princess the hero.
According to Anita Sarkeesian (2013), “Damsel in Distress” plot devices are
exceedingly common in video games. She concludes, “Distilled down to its essence,
the plot device works by trading the disempowerment of female characters for the
empowerment of male characters.” With the help of more than 6,000 Kickstarter
backers, she has produced a series of videos investigating the portrayal of women in
video games, which are available at her website, Feminist Frequency.
Mobile phones represent the final mass media type. Although mobile phones were
originally invented solely for the purpose of making calls, we now use them to send
texts, take photos, access the Internet, record videos, play games, read books, get
directions, listen to radio, watch movies, access our music collection, and a whole host
of other actions. Smartphones can take the place of numerous devices, including
watches, fitness trackers, calculators, voice recorders, compasses, flashlights, levels,
alarm clocks, calendars, portable gaming devices, and more (Agar 2013; Klemens
2010). The intersection of all these elements into a single device provides the possibility
to draw on various elements of each to create something new. The game Pokémon Go,
for example, utilized elements of the smartphone’s camera, GPS, fitness tracker,
gyroscope, and social networking software to create a whole new augmented reality
gaming universe. Exploring the possible health benefits of such augmented reality
games, researchers at Microsoft found that Pokémon Go increased physical page 84
activity among users by almost 1,500 steps per day, with a particular impact
among low-activity populations (Althoff, White, and Horvitz 2016).
Many developing nations have essentially skipped over the use of landlines and
have gone directly to mobile technology. This process is referred to as leapfrogging
because it bypasses an entire generation of technology. In doing so, it saves all the
infrastructure costs that the installation of land lines entails (Bauer 2015). In Kenya,
Ghana, and Nigeria, for example, 80 percent of the adult population now own a cell
phone (Silver and Johnson 2018). Mobile phone access enables people to maintain
contact with family, provides access to jobs, and expands social networks. Having a
phone can be especially important to families, for example, when children leave the
local village to pursue opportunities in urban areas or abroad (Sullivan 2006).
The key element with agents of socialization, including mass media, is that they
change how we think and act. With the exposure to new cultural beliefs and practices
that media have brought, we may become more accepting of others and gain a deeper
understanding of ourselves. Of course, such exposure can also challenge the culture we
hold dear, and the kinds of filters that might have been provided by time and distance
are a thing of the past. We can see such effects in the hostility sometimes expressed in
online forums and Twitter feeds. Given that these outlets for expression are relatively
recent mass media creations, perhaps we will develop more effective norms for
constructive exchanges in the future.
Photos: family: Ariel Skelley/Blend Images/Getty Images; laptop: D. Hurst/Alamy Stock Photo
Learning to behave appropriately in an occupation is a fundamental aspect of human
socialization. Employers and coworkers want to be confident that you know what to do
and when to do it. As we saw with Mead’s concept of the generalized other, the
teamwork necessary for successful completion of tasks depends on everyone playing
his or her part, and the workplace functions as an agent of socialization to make sure
that happens.
It used to be that workplace socialization started young. Generations ago, most
children began working at a young age, primarily to provide assistance with farm labor.
That practice carried over past the Industrial Revolution, though laws were eventually
enacted to limit child labor. Now, rates of employment for high school age students
hover around 25 percent, with a peak during summer months of about 33 percent
(DeSilver 2015). Adolescents generally seek jobs to earn spending money; 80 percent
of high school seniors say that little or none of what they earn goes to family expenses.
Moreover, these teens rarely look on their employment as a means of exploring
vocational interests or getting on-the-job training (Hirschman and Voloshin 2007).
Socialization in the workplace changes when it involves a more permanent shift to
full-time employment. Occupational socialization can be most intense during the
transition from school to job, but it continues throughout one’s work history.
Technological advances and corporate reorganization may alter the requirements of the
position and necessitate new training. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics
(2017d), between the ages of 18 and 50, the typical person held 11.9 different jobs. We
can no longer assume that we will have a job-for-life, so whether by choice or by
necessity, we must be open to ongoing occupational socialization.
celebrate meaningful ritual events—such as baptism, bismillah, or bar/bat mitzvah—that
often bring together all the members of an extended family, even if they never meet for
any other reason. Government regulations stipulate the ages at which a person may
drive a car, drink alcohol, vote in elections, marry without parental permission, work
overtime, and retire. Although these regulations do not constitute strict rites of passage
—most 18-year-olds choose not to vote, and most people choose their age of retirement
without reference to government dictates—they do symbolize the fact that we have
moved on to a different stage of our life, with different expectations regarding our
Rite of passage A ritual marking the symbolic transition from one social position to
another, dramatizing and validating changes in a person’s status.
In the Kota rite the color blue—the color of death—symbolizes the death of
childhood and the passage to adulthood. For adolescent girls in Miami’s Cuban
American community, the quinceañera ceremony celebrating the attainment of
womanhood at age 15 supports a network of party planners, caterers, dress designers,
and the Miss Quinceañera Latina pageant. For thousands of years, Egyptian mothers
have welcomed their newborns to the world in the Soboa ceremony by stepping over
the seven-day-old infant seven times. And Naval Academy seniors celebrate their
graduation from college by hurling their hats skyward.
Life course approach A research orientation in which sociologists and other social
scientists look closely at the social factors that influence people throughout their
lives, from birth to death.
Although participation rates vary from year to year, election turnout for the 2018
midterms was higher than for any midterm election dating all the way back to 1912
(McDonald 2018). Autumn Payne/Sacramento Bee/Tribune News Service/MCT/Getty Images
In the transition from childhood to adulthood, we can identify certain markers that
signify the passage from one life stage to the next. These milestones vary from one
society, and even one generation, to the next. In the United States, according to one
national survey, completion of formal schooling has risen to the top, with 90 percent of
people identifying it as an important rite of passage. On average, Americans expect this
milestone to be attained by a person’s 23rd birthday. Other major events in the life
course, such as getting married or becoming a parent, are expected to follow three or
four years later. Interestingly, the significance of these markers has declined, with only
about one-third of survey respondents identifying marriage and less than one-third
identifying parenthood as important milestones representing adulthood (Furstenberg
2010; Smith 2004).
Body painting is a ritual marking the passage to puberty in some cultures. Thomas S.
England/Science Source
Source: Smith 2004.
One result of these staggered steps to independence is that in the United States,
unlike some other societies, no clear dividing line exists between adolescence and
adulthood. Nowadays, the number of years between childhood and adulthood has
grown, and few young people finish school, get married, and leave home at about the
same age, clearly establishing their transition to adulthood. The term page 87
youthhood has been coined to describe the prolonged ambiguous status
that young people in their 20s experience (Côté 2000; Roberts and Côté 2014).
To what extent do you feel like an adult (regardless of your age)? What markers
or moments would you identify as significant in your transition to adulthood? What
characteristics of our society contribute to ambiguity in our passage into
positions, occupations, and social relationships. A culture can function more efficiently
and smoothly if members become acquainted with the norms, values, and behavior
associated with a social position before actually assuming that status. Preparation for
many aspects of adult life begins with anticipatory socialization during childhood and
adolescence and continues throughout our lives as we prepare for new responsibilities
(Levine and Hoffner 2006).
High school students experience a bit of anticipatory socialization when they prepare
for college. They begin to imagine what college life will be like and what kind of person
they will be when they get there. They may seek out information from friends and family
to get a better sense of what to expect, but increasingly, they also rely on campus
websites and Facebook entries. To assist in this process and to attract more students,
colleges are investing more time and money in websites through which students can
take “virtual” campus tours, listen to podcasts, and stream videos of everything from the
school song to a sample zoology lecture.
Occasionally, assuming a new social or occupational position requires that we
unlearn an established orientation. Resocialization refers to the process of discarding
old behavior patterns and accepting new ones as part of a life transition. Often,
resocialization results from explicit efforts to transform an individual, as happens in
reform schools, therapy groups, prisons, religious conversion settings, and political
indoctrination camps. The process of resocialization typically involves considerable
stress for the individual—much more so than socialization in general, or even
anticipatory socialization (Hart, Miller, and Johnson 2003).
Total institution An institution that regulates all aspects of a person’s life under a
single authority, such as a prison, the military, a mental hospital, or a convent.
Life in prison is highly regulated—even recreation time. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
All aspects of life are conducted in the same place under the control of a single
Any activities within the institution are conducted in the company of others in the
same circumstances—for example, army recruits or novices in a convent.
The authorities devise rules and schedule activities without consulting the
All aspects of life within a total institution are designed to fulfill the purpose of the
organization. Thus, all activities in a monastery might be centered on prayer and
communion with God (Malacrida 2005; Mapel 2007; Williams and Warren 2009).
People often lose their individuality within total institutions. For example, a person
entering prison may experience the humiliation of a degradation ceremony as he or
she is stripped of clothing, jewelry, and other personal possessions. From that point on,
scheduled daily routines allow for little or no personal initiative. The individual becomes
secondary and rather invisible in the overbearing social environment (Garfinkel 1956).
institutions, in which people are subjected to humiliating rituals.
To what extent is summer camp, a cruise, or even life at a residential college
similar to a total institution? In what ways is it different?
Midlife crisis A stressful period of self-evaluation that begins at about age 40.
Eighth Grade
Being yourself can be hard.
Welcome to Marwen
A man retreats from reality after a violent assault.
The Jungle Book
The live-action remake tells the fictional story of a boy raised by animals.
Don’t Think Twice
Friends in an improv group learn to adjust when one of them makes it big.
Three Identical Strangers
Identical triples who never knew each other existed learn a surprising secret
about why.
generation which describes adults who simultaneously try to meet the competing needs
of their parents and their children. Their caregiving goes in two directions: to children,
who even as young adults may still require significant support and direction; and to
aging parents, whose health and economic problems may demand intervention by their
adult children. Among adults aged 40–59, 47 percent report having both a parent 65
years old or older and a minor child or are supporting a grown child (Parker and Patten
Sandwich generation The generation of adults who simultaneously try to meet the
competing needs of their parents and their children.
Like the role of caring for children, that of caring for aging parents falls
disproportionately on women. Overall, women provide 60 percent of the care their
parents receive, and even more as the demands of the role grow more intense and
time-consuming. Increasingly, middle-aged women and younger are finding themselves
on the “daughter track,” as their time and attention are diverted by the needs of their
aging mothers and fathers (Dotinga 2014; Gross 2005; Taylor et al. 2009).
page 89
Understandably, all societies have some system of age stratification that associates
certain social roles with distinct periods in life. In the United States, children are denied
certain rights, such as voting or alcohol consumption, until they reach an age when they
are deemed sufficiently mature. Some of this age differentiation seems inevitable; it
would make little sense to send young children off to war or to expect older citizens to
handle physically demanding tasks, such as loading freight at shipyards.
Making the role transition into retirement can be a difficult process. Retirement is a rite
of passage that typically marks a transition out of active participation in the full-time
labor market. Symbolic events are associated with this rite of passage, such as
retirement gifts, a retirement party, and special moments on the last day on the job. The
preretirement period itself can be emotionally charged, especially if the retiree is
expected to train his or her successor (Reitzes and Mutran 2004).
Aging Around the World
The Sherpas in Nepal show significant respect for their elderly members.
Paula Bronstein/Getty Images
page 90
Sources: He et al. 2005:9; Ortman et al. 2014; Werner 2011. Photo: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock
Gerontologist Robert Atchley (1976) has identified several phases of the retirement
Preretirement, a period of anticipatory socialization as the person prepares for
The near phase, when the person establishes a specific departure date from his or
her job.
The honeymoon phase, an often euphoric period in which the person pursues
activities that he or she never had time for before.
The disenchantment phase, in which retirees feel a sense of letdown or even
depression as they cope with their new lives, which may include illness or poverty.
The reorientation phase, which involves the development of a more realistic view of
retirement alternatives.
The stability phase, in which the person has learned to deal with life after retirement
in a reasonable and comfortable fashion.
The termination phase, which begins when the person can no longer engage in
basic, day-to-day activities such as self-care and housework.
Retirement is not a single transition, then, but a series of adjustments that varies
from one person to another. The length and timing of each phase will differ for each
individual, depending on such factors as financial and health status. In fact, a person will
not necessarily go through all the phases identified by Atchley. For example, people
who are forced to retire or who face financial difficulties may never experience a
honeymoon phase. And many retirees continue to be part of the paid labor force of the
United States, often taking part-time jobs to supplement their pensions, either because
they want to or because they need to.
Gerontology The study of the sociological and psychological aspects of aging and
the problems of aging adults.
What age do you think counts as getting “old”? What factors influence our
conception of what counts as old?
After studying elderly people in good health and relatively comfortable economic
circumstances, Elaine Cumming and William Henry (1961) introduced their
disengagement theory, which implicitly suggests that society and the aging individual
mutually sever many of their relationships. Highlighting the significance of social order in
society, disengagement theory emphasizes that passing social roles on from one
generation to another ensures social stability.
Disengagement theory A theory of aging that suggests that society and the aging
individual mutually sever many of their relationships.
page 91
According to this theory, the approach of death forces people to drop most of their
social roles—including those of worker, volunteer, spouse, hobby enthusiast, and even
reader. Younger members of society then take on these functions. The aging person, it
is held, withdraws into an increasing state of inactivity while preparing for death. At the
same time, society withdraws from aging adults by segregating them residentially (in
retirement homes and communities), educationally (in programs designed solely for
senior citizens), and recreationally (in senior citizens’ centers). Implicit in
disengagement theory is the view that society should help older people withdraw from
their accustomed social roles.
Disengagement theory has generated considerable controversy. Some
gerontologists have objected to the implication that older people want to be ignored and
put away—and even more to the idea that they should be encouraged to withdraw from
meaningful social roles. Critics of disengagement theory insist that society forces elderly
people into an involuntary and painful withdrawal from the paid labor force and from
meaningful social relationships. Rather than voluntarily seeking to disengage, older
employees find themselves pushed out of their jobs—in many instances, even before
they are entitled to maximum retirement benefits (Boaz 1987).
Often seen as the opposite of disengagement theory, activity theory suggests that
those elderly people who remain active and socially involved will have an improved
quality of life. Proponents of this perspective acknowledge that a 70-year-old person
may not have the ability or desire to perform various social roles that he or she had at
age 40. Yet they contend that older people have essentially the same need for social
interaction as any other group.
Activity theory A theory of aging that suggests that those elderly people who remain
active and socially involved will have an improved quality of life.
How important is it for older people to stay actively involved, whether at a job or in
other pursuits? A tragic disaster in Chicago in 1995 showed that it can be a matter of life
and death. An intense heat wave lasting more than a week—with a heat index
exceeding 115 degrees on two consecutive days—resulted in 733 heat-related deaths.
About three-fourths of the deceased were 65 or older. Subsequent analysis showed that
older people who lived alone had the highest risk of dying, suggesting that support
networks for older adults literally help save lives. Older Hispanics and Asian Americans
had lower death rates from the heat wave than other racial and ethnic groups. Their
stronger social networks probably resulted in more regular contact with family members
and friends (Klinenberg 2002; Schaefer 1998a).
The improved health of older people—sometimes overlooked by social scientists—
has strengthened the arguments of activity theorists. Illness and chronic disease are no
longer quite the scourge of aging adults that they once were. The recent emphasis on
fitness, the availability of better medical care, greater control of infectious diseases, and
the reduction in the number of fatal strokes and heart attacks have combined to reduce
the traumas of growing older.
Accumulating medical research also points to the importance of remaining socially
involved. Among those who decline in their mental capacities later in life, deterioration is
most rapid in those who withdraw from social relationships and activities. Fortunately,
aging adults are finding new ways to remain socially engaged, as evidenced by their
increasing use of the Internet, especially to keep in touch with family and friends (Taylor
et al. 2009; Williams et al. 2010).
Older individuals continue to be involved both as volunteers and in the workforce.
Many activities involve unpaid labor, for which younger adults may receive salaries.
Unpaid elderly workers include hospital volunteers (versus aides and orderlies), drivers
for charities such as the Red Cross (versus chauffeurs), tutors (in contrast to teachers),
and craftspeople for charity bazaars (in contrast to carpenters and dressmakers).
Continued engagement in the workforce has been a growing trend. In 2014, for
example, 18.6 percent of those aged 65 and older worked full- or part-time (Toossi
2015:Table 3). Though many continue to work because they enjoy the social
engagement work provides, others do so out of financial necessity.
page 92
Note: Data for 2024 are projections.
Source: Toossi 2015:Table 3. Photo: laflor/Getty Images
during which the U.S. economy entered into a deep economic recession, complaints of
age discrimination filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission rose by 49
percent (EEOC 2014).
As a whole, elderly people in the United States enjoy a standard of living that is
much higher now than at any point in the nation’s past. To some extent, older people
owe their overall improved standard of living to a greater accumulation of page 93
wealth—in the form of home ownership, private pensions, and other
financial assets. But much of the improvement is due to more generous Social Security
benefits. Although modest when compared with other countries’ pension programs,
Social Security nevertheless provides 33 percent of all income received by older people
in the United States. Still, in 2017, 9.2 percent of people aged 65 or older lived below
the poverty line (Fontenot, Semega, and Kollar 2018; Social Security Administration
A cranky old man and a young boy embark on an unusual adventure.
Our Souls at Night
Two elderly neighbors find comfort, companionship, and love.
45 Years
On the brink of their 45th wedding anniversary, a couple confronts the past.
Love lessons learned from an elderly father.
The Bucket List
Two men confront death by ticking off items on their to-do list.
Members of groups who face a greater likelihood of income inequality earlier in their
lives, including women and members of racial and ethnic minorities, continue to do so
when they are older. For women aged 65 or older, the poverty rate is 10.5 percent
compared to the rate for elderly men of 7.5 percent. Considering race and ethnicity, the
19.3 percent poverty rates for African Americans and 17 percent for Hispanics aged 65
or older was more than twice the 7 percent rate for non-Hispanic Whites of the same
age (U.S. Census Bureau 2018c:Table 3 & Table 7).
They make a list of all the things they would like to do before they “kick the bucket.” On
the list are things they had never dared to do, such as traveling the world and skydiving,
but it also includes reconciling broken relationships.
Until recently, death was a taboo topic in the United States. Death represents a
fundamental disruption that cannot be undone, so we often find it easier to live with a
sense of denial about our mortality. In the words of sociologist Peter Berger, “Death
presents society with a formidable problem . . . because it threatens the basic
assumptions of order on which society rests” (1969:23). However, psychologist
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1969), through her pioneering book On Death and Dying, greatly
encouraged open discussion of the process of dying. Drawing on her work with 200
cancer patients, Kübler-Ross identified five stages of the experience: denial, anger,
bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance.
Although we may still be uncomfortable with the topic, The Bucket List’s portrayal of
a “good death” represents one of the ways we have become more open about it.
Gerontologist Richard Kalish (1985) laid out some of the issues people must face to
prepare for a “good death.” These included completing unfinished business, such as
settling insurance and inheritance matters; restoring harmony to social relationships and
saying farewell to friends and family; dealing with medical needs; and making funeral
plans and other arrangements for survivors. In accomplishing these tasks, the dying
person actively contributes to smooth intergenerational transitions, role continuity,
compliance with medical procedures, and minimal disruption of the social system,
despite the loss of a loved one.
We have also begun to create institutions to facilitate our wishes for a good death.
The practice of hospice care, introduced in England in the 1960s, is devoted to easing
this final transition. Hospice workers seek to improve the quality of a dying person’s last
days by offering comfort and by helping the person remain at home, or in a homelike
setting at a hospital or other special facility, until the end. In 2016, there were 4,382
Medicare-certified hospice programs in operation serving 1.43 million Medicare
beneficiaries (NHPCO 2018).
Hospice care Treatment of terminally ill individuals in their own homes, or in special
hospital units or other facilities, with the goal of helping them die comfortably, without
Recent changes in the United States suggest additional ways in which people have
broken through the historical taboos about death. For example, bereavement practices
—once highly structured—are becoming increasingly varied and therapeutic. More and
more people are actively addressing the inevitability of death by making wills,
establishing “living wills” (health care proxies that explain their feelings about the use of
life support equipment), donating organs, and providing instructions for family members
about funerals, cremations, and burials. Given medical and technological advances and
increasingly open discussion and negotiation regarding death and dying, it is possible
that good deaths may become a social norm in the United States (Meier et al. 2016;
Solomon 2016).
We encounter some of the most difficult socialization challenges (and rites of
passage) in these later years of life. Retirement undermines the sense of self we had
that was based in our occupation, a particularly significant source of identity in the
United States. Similarly, taking stock of our accomplishments and disappointments,
coping with declining physical abilities, and recognizing the inevitability of death may
lead to painful adjustments. Part of the difficulty is that potential answers to the “Now
what?” question that we might have asked in previous life stages are dwindling, and we
begin to face the end of our days.
page 94
And yet, as we reflect on the story of our lives, we can look back to see all the
people who shaped us into becoming who we are. Such relationships play a crucial role
in our overall self-concept and self-satisfaction. As we have already seen, we are
interdependent. And, though the influences of others on our life can be both a blessing
and a curse, we wouldn’t be who we are without them.
Technology Fast
To learn more about how much we take technology and its impact for granted, go
on a “technology fast.” In other words, give up your cell phone, computer,
television, Internet access, and so on for some preset period of time, such as a
day, several days, or a week. Keep a journal. What did you miss most? What did
you find yourself doing instead? How difficult was it? Did it get any easier over
time? What lessons did you learn?
II. Who shapes our socialization?
For Although almost anyone with whom we interact can have a
significant influence on us, particularly important to our
REVIEW development are family, school, peer group, mass media,
religion, and the state.
III. How does our development change over time?
We learn new things at various stages of our life course,
experiencing significant transitions as we pass from childhood to
adulthood and again from adulthood into old age. At each stage,
the kinds of things expected of us by others shift significantly.
page 95
After reviewing the chapter, answer the following questions:
How would each perspective describe the impact that extreme isolation has on
How would each perspective explain the role socialization performs among
How would a functionalist look at anticipatory socialization? How might this view
differ from a conflict approach?
Which agents of socialization have been most influential in your life? How does
each perspective help shed light on those influences?
page 96
Pop Quiz
1. Babies learn to imitate the sounds of the language they hear even before
they know the words. What term do sociologists use to describe the
process of internalizing culture?
a. socialization
b. culturalization
c. symbolization
d. degradation
2. Which of the following terms does Charles Horton Cooley use for his
model of the self as a product of how we imagine others see us?
a. socialization
b. the looking-glass self
c. the I and the Me
d. internalization
3. What term does George Herbert Mead use to refer to the attitudes,
viewpoints, and expectations of society as a whole that a child takes into
account in his or her behavior?
a. play
b. role taking
c. dramaturgical analysis
d. the generalized other
4. Suppose a clerk tries to appear busier than he or she actually is when a
supervisor happens to be watching. Erving Goffman would say this is a
form of what?
a. degradation ceremony
b. impression management
c. resocialization
d. looking-glass self
5. Which social institution is considered to be the most important agent of
socialization in the United States, especially for children?
a. family
b. school
c. peer group
d. mass media
6. Which of the following terms describes the variety of technologies that
provide the capacity to easily transmit large quantities of information to
large groups of people?
a. the Internet
b. material culture
c. print
d. mass media
7. On the first day of basic training in the army, a male recruit has his civilian
clothes replaced with army “greens,” has his hair shaved off, loses his
privacy, and finds that he must use a communal bathroom. All these
humiliating activities are part of
a. becoming a significant other.
b. impression management.
c. a degradation ceremony.
d. face-work.
8. What do sociologists call the symbolic representations of major change in
a person’s status throughout his or her life course?
a. rites of passage
b. anticipatory socialization
c. impression management
d. role taking
9. The process of discarding former behavior patterns and taking on new
ones is known as
a. resocialization.
b. impression management.
c. anticipatory socialization.
d. the I.
10. Which theory argues that elderly people have essentially the same need
for social interaction as any other group and that those who remain active
and socially involved will be best adjusted?
a. disengagement theory
b. institutional discrimination theory
c. activity theory
d. ageism theory
1. (a), 2. (b), 3. (d), 4. (b), 5. (a), 6. (d), 7. (c), 8. (a), 9. (a), 10. (c)
Design Elements: Going Global (Earth): ©Studio Photogram/Alamy Stock Photo; Personal Sociology (drawing of
author): McGraw-Hill Education; 5 Movies (popcorn): ©D. Hurst/Alamy Stock Photo; Sociology Is a Verb (overlapping
hands): ©Jeff DeWeerd/Imagezoo/Getty Images
page 97
Social Structure and Interaction
odds, but the presupposition is that winners and losers are determined more by
skill than by anything else. In some games, however, the structure of the game
itself shapes likely outcomes. One example is the traditional Chinese card game
Zheng Shangyou meaning “struggling upstream.” Many variations of this
game exist, including Dai Hin Min in Japan and Tiên Lên in Vietnam. In the
United States, adaptations include Kings and Servants, the Great Dalmuti,
President, and Scum.
What makes such games distinctive is that the position each player occupies
conveys advantages or disadvantages. In one six-player version, positions include
king, queen, jack, merchant, peasant, and servant. After all the cards have been
dealt, the servant gives the king his or her best three cards, receiving the king’s
three worst cards in return. The peasant and queen similarly exchange two cards
and the merchant and jack exchange one. Play then commences with people
seeking to get rid of their cards by playing higher cards than those played by the
person with the lead. At the end of each hand, after all the cards have been
played, players change seats: The first person to go out, having played all his or
her cards, becomes the new king, continuing until the last one out becomes the
new servant. Because of the card exchanges, people at the top tend to page 98
stay at the top and those at the bottom stay at the bottom.
As a player at the top, you can easily feel good about yourself and chalk up
your success to skill. As a player at the bottom, you can get discouraged, doubt
your skill, and resent the unfair advantages of those at the top. There’s nothing like
having to give up two aces and a king only to receive worthless cards in return to
make transparent the consequences of the game’s unequal structure.
The choices we make do not occur in a vacuum. What these games suggest for
those at the bottom is that, even if you play your cards right, you can still lose. In
these games, as in life, our structural positions shape the options and opportunities
available to us.
order to establish a relationship to nature and with each other, as we saw in Chapter 3.
During the second stage, through socialization, our selves become products of culture
we’ve created, as explored in Chapter 4. Turning now to the third stage, we focus on
social structure, which provides the underlying framework of society, consisting of the
positions people occupy and the relationships between them. We can think of structure
as a kind of social geography or environment. When sociologists ask questions about
the significance of place, they look at the ways in which the positions we occupy shape
how we think and act.
In this chapter we explore the core elements that make up society. Elements include
statuses, groups, and networks, along with institutions such as family, education, and
religion. We will go on to explore those institutions and others in greater depth in the
chapters that follow.
Social interaction A reciprocal exchange in which two or more people read, react,
and respond to each other.
Our daily encounters with others—whether going to class, working on the job, or
driving in traffic—shape who we become. Our self, as we saw in Chapter 4, must be
understood as an ongoing project, constantly created and revised through our
exchanges with others. Society provides the context within which that dynamic process
of self-creation occurs. In the words of George Herbert Mead, “Selves can only exist in
definite relationships to other selves. No hard-and-fast line can be drawn between our
own selves and the selves of others” (1934:164). This social or relational conception of
the self runs counter to the dominant sense of the self in the United States expressed in
phrases such as “rugged individualism” or “I did it my way.”
Over time, through interactions with others, we develop routine patterns of behavior
that we take for granted—sitting at the same desk, having lunch with the same
coworkers, traveling the same route. We do the same things and think many of the
same thoughts, day after day. And so do others. Eventually such repeated practices can
solidify into formal and informal norms, or become institutionalized in the form of laws.
The resulting predictability allows us to know what to do most of the time.
In time, the positions we occupy relative to others (such as student, boss, or traffic
cop) also solidify, and we develop mutual expectations of how people in such positions
should act. As these perceptions are shared with others beyond our immediate sphere
of experience, it becomes possible to talk about the positions themselves— page 99
and the various relationships between them—apart from the individuals who
occupy them. The end result is society—the structure of relationships within which
culture is created and shared through regularized patterns of social interaction.
Photo: John Rooney/AP Images
Though the interaction between individuals provides the foundation upon which society
exists, social structure transcends the particular people who populate it. In a college
classroom, for example, from a structural perspective, the specific individuals who play
the parts of student and professor matter less than the parts they play. To better
understand how this works, we can begin by looking at both statuses and roles.
page 100
Achieved and Ascribed Status In sociology, status, which refers to the social
positions we occupy relative to others, is the most basic component of social structure.
In the context of families we might occupy the status of daughter, grandmother, or
nephew; within the workplace, we might be an assistant manager, CEO, or salesperson.
Because they emphasize the position rather than the person, statuses exist
independent of the individuals who occupy them. We can occupy multiple statuses at
the same time and move between a variety of statuses over the course of our lives.
Ascribed status A social position assigned to a person by society without regard for
the person’s unique talents or characteristics.
Social Statuses
Because statuses are social constructions we create, they are subject to change,
and the line between them can become fuzzy. We see that happening now with regard
to definitions of sex, gender, and sexuality. For a long time in the United States, people
assumed that our sex was determined at conception, that there are only two distinct
sexes, and that the one you belong to is patently obvious, a topic we will explore in
more detail in Chapter 12. Furthermore, they assumed that how you think and act was
largely determined by which category you were in, and that there was nothing you could
do about it.
Americans have increasingly come to believe that biology is not destiny. People can
make choices about what career they pursue, whether they want to have and raise
children, what emotions they exhibit, what they wear, or how they express their
sexuality. For example, until very recently, most Americans assumed that people’s
ascribed status as “male” or “female” limited their choice in marriage partners to
members of the opposite sex. In 1996, 27 percent of U.S. adults thought same-sex
marriage should be legal, but by 2018 that number rose to 67 percent. Perceptions vary
based on political party affiliation, with 83 percent of Democrats supporting the right of
same-sex couples to marry compared to 44 percent of Republicans (McCarthy 2018).
The 2015 Supreme Court decision to recognize the legal right of same-sex couples to
marry reflected changing public sentiment on the matter.
Master Status Not all statuses are created equal. Whether achieved or ascribed,
some statuses are seen as having greater significance in defining who we are than are
others (Hughes 1945). Sociologists use the term master status to describe a status
that dominates others and thereby determines a person’s general position in society.
This status serves as the primary lens through which people view other page 101
characteristics someone might have. Persons with disabilities frequently
observe that nondisabled individuals see them only as blind, or only as wheelchair
users, and so on, rather than as complex human beings with individual strengths and
weaknesses whose disability is merely one aspect of their lives. In other words, their
status as “disabled” receives undue weight, overshadowing their ability to hold
meaningful employment and contributing to widespread discrimination (Banks and
Lawrence 2006). In the United States, race, sex, and class often serve as master
Master status A status that dominates others and thereby determines a person’s
general position in society.
In a 2015 decision, the Supreme Court opened up a new status for same-sex
couples: married. Rob Melnychuk/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Master status has consequences for opportunity. The African American activist
Malcolm X (1925–1965), an eloquent and controversial advocate of Black power and
Black pride in the 1960s, recalled that his feelings and perspectives changed
dramatically in eighth grade. At that time, his English teacher, a White man, advised him
that his goal of becoming a lawyer was ridiculous and suggested he become a
carpenter instead. As a result, Malcolm X (1964) realized that, in America, being Black
represented a master status that created an obstacle to his dream of achieving the
status of lawyer. He spent the rest of his life challenging that assumption. Taken-for-
granted conceptions of master status shape perceptions of what’s possible, which can
lead to systematic denial of opportunities for those in the negatively stigmatized status.
Throughout his life, Malcolm X worked to redefine the significance of race as master
status. Burt Shavitz/Pic Inc/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images
Roles Each status you occupy, whether it be parent, college student, social worker, or
Muslim, comes with a set of actions expected of people in that status. If you are a
parent, you are expected to provide food, clothes, and shelter for your child. If you are a
student, you should go to class, study, and more. Sociologists use the term social role
to describe the set of expected behaviors for people who occupy a given social status.
To distinguish between the two, a status is something you are, and a role is something
you do. You occupy a status and play a role.
Social role A set of expected behaviors for people who occupy a given social status.
In some roles, our performance feels perfectly natural. We feel comfortable just
being ourselves. This occurs most frequently when the status we occupy provides a
clear sense of what others expect of us and what we can expect of them. For example,
we might feel this way while hanging out with close friends who can even finish our
sentences. Other times, especially when we move into a new status, our actions can
seem forced. The first semester at college, a first date, or the first week at a new job are
all awkward times when people often fear they are going to be unmasked as frauds.
As we learned with Erving Goffman’s dramaturgical approach, we are, all of us,
always performing roles regardless of how we feel. Bruce Springsteen, reflecting back
on his career as a rock and roll superstar, addressed the seeming conflict between his
onstage persona as a hard-rocking hero who’s having nothing but a good time and the
bouts of depression he experienced throughout his adult life. “I had plenty of days,” he
said, “where I’d go, ‘Man, I wish I could be that guy.’ And there’s a big difference
between what you see on stage and then my general daily, my daily existence”
(Springsteen 2016). The same might be said for most of us, most of the time. What we
see when we interact with others represents the external presentation of self as dictated
by the statuses we occupy.
page 102
Our status as teacher or child shapes what we do. ImageDJ/Alamy Stock Photo
Changing our status changes how we act, think, and feel. All of us encounter times
when we feel awkward and uncomfortable. In Goffman’s words, “Behind many masks
and many characters, each performer tends to wear a single look, a naked unsocialized
look, a look of concentration, a look of one who is privately engaged in a difficult,
treacherous task” (Goffman 1959:235). The task of effectively carrying out a successful
performance is compounded by the fact that we must perform for multiple, sometimes
conflicting, audiences.
List several social statuses you occupy. Which ones are ascribed, and which are
achieved? What roles are you expected to play as a consequence of the positions
you occupy?
Role Strain and Role Conflict Given that roles involve expected behaviors,
tension can develop when we encounter role expectations that seem at odds with each
other. Sociologists explore two types of such tensions: role strain and role conflict. Role
strain occurs when role expectations within the same social status clash. For example,
as a college student, it can be a challenge to balance the time you must spend studying
for a sociology exam, writing a paper for a literature class, going to a work-study job
washing dishes in the cafeteria, practicing clarinet for the college band, attending the big
game, and managing roommate drama. Role conflict occurs when incompatible
expectations arise from two or more social statuses held by the same person. For
example, a working mom with kids at home who has returned to school to get her
degree might struggle to balance the expectations tied to her multiple statuses as
employee, parent, and college student. To keep the difference between strain and
conflict clear, remember that role strain addresses tension within a single status, and
role conflict deals with tension between statuses.
Role strain The difficulty that arises when role expectations within the same social
status clash.
Role conflict The situation that occurs when incompatible expectations arise from
two or more social statuses held by the same person.
Role strain and role conflict both produce stress. They challenge our capacity to
efficiently allocate our time, attention, and resources. We find ourselves forced to
calculate the relative costs and benefits of fulfilling one role obligation while neglecting
another. In doing so, we weigh how important each role is to us along with the possible
rewards or punishments we might receive from others (Goode 1960).
Provide an example of both role strain and role conflict from your experience.
What changes in the social structure might you propose to help alleviate each?
One way to alleviate role strain and role conflict is modify existing status
relationships and role expectations. Doing so is difficult. Lack of power to alter
expectations, relationships, and access to valued resources limits an individual’s
opportunity to bargain with others. As we will see in Chapter 12, for example, women
fought hard to alter the social structure that denied them equal access to education,
jobs, promotions, and more. Any group working for change but lacking access to power
in society faces an uphill challenge to revise the structure because the status quo seeks
to reproduce itself.
Role Exit In addition to having to learn the social roles expected of us as we enter into
new statuses, there are also steps we go through when we are leaving a status.
Sociologist Helen Rose Fuchs Ebaugh (1988) used the term role exit to describe the
process of disengagement from a role that is central to one’s self-identity in page 103
order to establish a new role and identity. Drawing on interviews—with, among
others, ex-convicts, divorced men and women, recovering alcoholics, ex-nuns, former
doctors, retirees, and transgender individuals—Ebaugh (herself a former nun) studied
the process of voluntarily exiting from significant social roles.
Role exit The process of disengagement from a role that is central to one’s self-
identity in order to establish a new role and identity.
Personal Sociology
Structure Matters
Although I love teaching, I hate grading. When I mention that to students, they say I
have no one to blame but myself; if I didn’t assign things, I wouldn’t have to grade them.
But I don’t teach in a vacuum. If I didn’t assign papers and tests, students would focus
their time and energy on their looming chemistry test or their literature paper instead of
reading for, participating in, or even attending my course. It is not that students aren’t
interested or sincere; it’s that they are forced to budget their time for which professors
compete using assignments. Because we exist in social systems, the expectations of
those systems limit the amount of innovation we might desire. In what ways might the
structures we are embedded within—school, work, recreation—inhibit us from making
changes even if we would like to do so?
Ebaugh has offered a four-stage model of role exit. The first stage begins with doubt.
The person experiences frustration, burnout, or simply unhappiness with an accustomed
status and the roles associated with that social position. The second stage involves a
search for alternatives. A person who is unhappy with their career may take a leave of
absence; an unhappily married couple may begin what they see as a trial separation.
The third stage is the action stage: leaving. Ebaugh found that the vast majority of her
respondents could identify a clear turning point when it became essential to take final
action and quit their jobs, end their marriages, or engage in some other type of role exit.
Only 20 percent of respondents saw their role exit as a gradual, evolutionary process
that had no definitive turning point.
The last stage of role exit involves the creation of a new identity. College students,
for example, may experience role exit as they transition from their high school identity,
going from a mostly dependent child living at home to a somewhat independent college
student living with peers in a dorm. In doing so, they may leave behind the objects
associated with their prior identities, such as trophies, letter jackets, or stuffed animals
(Silver 1996). In their place they may fill their dorm room with objects symbolizing how
they wish to be perceived. Clothes, posters, and room decorations, for example, are
calculated to say, “This is me.”
Whether from a sports team, a religious group, the military, or some other close-
knit group, what experience, if any, have you had with role exiting? To what
extent does your experience match the four stages Ebaugh describes?
The statuses we occupy, along with their corresponding social role expectations, are
linked with other statuses to form groups, the second element of social structure. In
sociological terms, a group consists of two or more people, united by a shared sense of
identity or purpose, who interact with each other over time in ways that distinguish them
from outsiders. The members of a women’s softball team, a hospital’s page 104
business office, a synagogue, or a symphony orchestra constitute a group. A
group can be distinguished from an aggregate, which consists of a collection of people
who happen to be in the same place at the same time but who do not interact regularly
or have a shared sense of purpose or common practices. Examples of aggregates
include people waiting to cross the street at a busy intersection or riding together in an
Group Two or more people, united by a shared sense of identity or purpose, who
interact with each other over time in ways that distinguish them from outsiders.
Given the amount of time and dedication teammates share, teams can serve as
primary groups. Courtesy of Central College, photographer Dan Vander Beek
We spend much of our time interacting in group settings. The type of group we are in
influences our level of commitment and participation. Some groups demand our almost
undivided attention and shape our core identity; others allow us to more easily
accomplish specific goals.
Primary and Secondary Groups Charles Horton Cooley (1902), whose theory of
the looking-glass self we encountered in Chapter 4, coined the term primary groups to
refer to small groups characterized by intimate, face-to-face association and
cooperation. Such groups often entail long-term commitment and involve more of what
we think of as our whole self. Families constitute primary groups for many, although
people also build close-knit, in-depth relationships with teammates, like-minded religious
believers, coworkers, and fellow street gang members. In sports, for example,
commitment to the cliché that there is “no ‘I’ in ‘team’” often leads to a sense that
teammates are “like family.” As they work together, their level of trust and
interdependence grows. Teammates come to know that the pitcher, outfielder, or
catcher on the team not only will be there for them on the field, but will also have their
backs when they need it off the field as well.
In-Groups and Out-Groups The shared norms, values, and goals of group
members, along with their common experiences, create a boundary distinguishing
insiders and outsiders. The resulting us–them divide can lead to a strong sense of group
identity, but it often does so at the expense of others, frequently serving as a basis for
exclusion, especially if “they” are perceived as different either culturally or racially.
Sociologists use the terms in-group and out-group to identify these two classifications.
An in-group consists of a category of people who share a common identity and
sense of belonging. Members differentiate between themselves and everybody else
(Sumner 1906). The in-group may be as narrow as a teenage clique or as broad as an
entire nation. An out-group is defined, relative to the in-group, as a category of people
who do not belong or do not fit in. Among an in-group of high school “populars” or
“jocks,” for example, a science “brain” might be considered an out-group member, and
vice versa.
In-group A category of people who share a common identity and sense of belonging.
Out-group A category of people who do not belong or do not fit in.
actions that hurt civilians, which the first group will then condemn as terrorist acts
(Juergensmeyer 2003).
College clubs provide many options for students to find others who share common
How do in-groups and out-groups function in a typical U.S. high school? What
groups are common? How are boundaries separating insiders and outsiders
Reference Groups Both in-groups and primary groups can dramatically influence
the way an individual thinks and behaves. Sociologists call any group that individuals
use as a standard for evaluating themselves and their own behavior a reference group.
Such groups can have a significant impact on a members identity or sense of self. For
example, a college student who joins a sorority or fraternity may pattern their behavior
after their fellow Greeks. They may begin dressing like members, listening to the same
music, sharing “tags” on Instagram, and hanging out at the same stores and clubs.
Reference group Any group that individuals use as a standard for evaluating
themselves and their own behavior.
Reference groups have two basic purposes. First, they serve a normative function by
setting and enforcing standards of conduct and belief. The new sorority or fraternity
member will have to follow the group’s dictates, at least to some extent, if they want to
fit in. Second, reference groups perform a comparison function by serving as a standard
against which people can measure themselves and others. A fraternity or sorority
member will evaluate themself against a reference group composed of members of their
“Greek” organizations (Merton and Kitt 1950).
page 106
These days, the term social network is primarily associated with our online connections
through Instagram, Twitter, and the like, but it has always been possible to map the links
that connect us with others. Networks represent the third element of social structure. A
social network is a web of relationships through which people interact both directly and
indirectly to accomplish formal and informal goals. Networks consist of two principal
elements: nodes and relationships. In a social network, nodes consist of individuals, and
relationships are the connections between them. The most basic building block of a
social network is a dyad which consists of two connected nodes—for example, a tutor
and a student or a boss and a worker. A triad consists of the relationships among three
nodes, including both direct relationships (relationships between each of the possible
pairs in the group) and indirect relationships (relationships connecting two people
through the link provided by the third person). For example, a friend of a friend would
constitute an indirect relationship. Beyond triads, each additional node to the network
compounds the complexity of the network’s interrelationships, multiplying the number of
possible indirect relationships and increasing the possible distance between any two
individuals to friend of a friend of a friend status and beyond. Centrality measures the
degree to which any particular individual has more direct and indirect relationships than
do others (Fowler and Christakis 2009). As networks become larger, centrality becomes
an important additional dimension.
Social network A web of relationships through which people interact both directly
and indirectly to accomplish formal and informal goals.
Dyad The most basic building block of a social network, it consists of two nodes and
the relationship between them.
Triad Within a social network, it consists of three nodes and the direct and indirect
relationships among them.
Samplers: A diverse array of individual friendships with people who, for the
most part, don’t really know or connect with each other
proofread each other’s papers, and in other ways increase prospects for academic
success. If the group consists primarily of low academic achievers, it may reduce
motivation and decrease likelihoods for academic success.
The second type, compartmentalizers, typically consists of two distinct clusters in
which friends within each cluster know and interact with each other, but very few links
exist between clusters. This model looks something like a bowtie with the person in the
middle providing the primary link between the two groups. Frequently, one group is
academically focused, with whom you might study or exchange ideas, while the other is
socially focused, consisting of friends with whom you’d catch a cup of coffee or go to
parties. This divide might also take the form of college friends versus friends from back
home. The main challenge for this type is that the person in the middle can feel torn
between the two groups. More than two clusters are possible, but more clusters place
even greater stress on the person in the middle both in terms of time and identity.
page 107
Each dot represents a boy or a girl at “Jefferson High.” The lines that link them
represent romantic and sexual relationships that occurred over an 18-month period.
Though most of the teenagers had had just one or two partners, 288 of the 832
students interviewed were linked in a giant sexual network. Another 90 students were
involved in relationships outside the school (not shown on this chart).
Other relationships. (If a pattern was observed more than once, numeral indicates
Source: Bearman, Moody, and Stovel 2004:58. Photo: Stockbyte/Getty Images
The third friendship network type, samplers, includes a diverse array of friends, who,
for the most part, do not socialize with each other. In this case, the person in the middle
is the only link, so it looks something like a daisy, with individual petals radiating away
from the center. Individuals here tend to be academically more self-reliant, seeking out
assistance as needed. Though more independent, those with this type of friendship
network report feeling lonelier and more socially isolated.
Variation in network shapes and sizes became apparent when a group of
sociologists set out to explore what the web of romantic relationships at a typical
American high school might look like (Bearman, Moody, and Stovel 2004). Using careful
data-collection techniques to enhance the validity of their findings, they found that 573
of the 832 students they surveyed had been either romantically or sexually involved in
the previous 18 months. Of these, 63 couples represented dyads, connected only with
each other as pairs with no other partners. Other students connected directly or
indirectly with a handful of partners. As we can see in the “Adolescent Sexual Networks”
graphic, one larger group connected 288 students directly or indirectly into page 108
a single extended network. Their results reinforce the sociological principle
that the people with whom we connect link us together with others who may well be
unknown or invisible to us.
Research on how social networks function has produced some surprising results.
For example, sociologist Scott Feld (1991) discovered that, on average, “most people
have fewer friends than their friends have.” This claim, which has come to be known as
the friendship paradox, is somewhat counterintuitive; most people believe that the
opposite is the case (Zuckerman and Jost 2001). When taking an objective look at the
composition of social networks, however, it turns out that the average number of friends
our friends have is elevated by the fact that, even though the number of people with
many friends is relatively small, those individuals appear repeatedly in our friend’s
networks, driving up their averages. In other words, popular friends have a
disproportionate effect because they are named as friends over and over again.
Researchers at Facebook decided to put the friendship paradox to the test. They found
that 93 percent of active Facebook users had fewer friends than their friends had. On
average, users had 190 friends while their friends averaged 635 friends (Strogatz 2012).
Overall, as mathematician Steven Strogatz (2012) put it, “Our friends are typically more
popular than we are.”
Social network researchers, inspired by the friendship paradox, have explored a
number of related phenomena. For example, in an analysis of Twitter users, and in an
effort to control for the effect that outliers with high numbers of friends can have on the
average, it turns out that, when analyzing the median instead of the mean, it’s not just
that the average number of our friend’s friends is higher, it’s also true that the majority of
our friends have more friends than we do. This holds true for 98 percent of Twitter users
(Kooti, Hodas, and Lerman 2014). Another study found that, if you are a scientist who
has published a journal article, your coauthors will have more coauthors, more
publications, and more citations than you (Eom and Jo 2014). It is hypothesized that the
paradox is likely also true when it comes to wealth and number of sexual partners
(Mullins 2014).
It turns out that the networks we participate in can play a major role in our lives. In
fact, though our closest ties to family and friends represent our strongest relationships,
some of the most valuable connections can come through weaker links we have with
others. Sociologist Mark Granovetter (1973) argued that we can categorize our network
relationships as more or less strong using measures such as time spent together,
emotional intensity, mutual confidences, and a shared sense of reciprocal obligation. In
denser parts of a network, clusters of people are drawn together by strong ties that exist
between them. The connections between such individuals are typically characterized by
homophily, which literally means love of the same, a term sociologists use to describe
our tendency to establish close social network relationships with others who share our
same knowledge, beliefs, practices, and characteristics (McPherson, Smith-Lovin, and
Cook 2001). For example, people tend to associate with others who have the same
jobs, interests, education, race, ethnicity, and more. These dense clusters within a
social network can be linked together through ties between individuals within two
different clusters who have direct ties between each other.
Homophily Our tendency to establish close social network relationships with others
who share our same knowledge, beliefs, practices, and characteristics.
day before (Chenoweth 2017).
page 109
Social Networking
Note: Internet use includes those who use the Internet at least occasionally or report owning a smartphone.
Source: Poushter, Bishop, and Chwe 2018.
Combinations of statuses, groups, and networks can coalesce to address the needs of a
particular sector of society, forming what sociologists refer to as institutions, the fourth
element of social structure. Social institutions are integrated and persistent social
networks dedicated to ensuring that society’s core needs are met. Sociologists have
tended to focus on five major institutions that serve as key elements of the larger social
structure: family, education, religion, economy, and government. Although these
institutions frequently overlap and interact, taking each individually enables us to see
what functions each serves within the larger social structure. We look in depth at all five
in future chapters, but we begin here by considering the functions each serve to society.
these needs. It is within the context of families, for example, that we ensure the society’s
continued existence by producing the next generation. Families carry out both biological
reproduction (having children) and social reproduction (teaching them the culture they
need for survival). Families also provide care and protection for members. Through
education we teach the more formal and public culture necessary to be members of the
larger society. This includes the formal curriculum (history, math, science, and so on)
but also includes learning to interact with others outside our immediate families. We rely
on religion to be the glue that holds society together by establishing a clear identity with
shared beliefs and practices, answering basic questions about meaning, and enforcing
both individual and collective discipline. Government helps maintain internal order
through laws, policing, and punishment and seeks to establish stable relations with
other societies through diplomacy. Finally, the economy regulates the production,
distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
How societies choose to fulfill these functions can vary significantly, as can the
degree to which these institutions overlap. When it comes to family, for example, at one
point in U.S. history, having large, extended families was the norm, but after the
Industrial Revolution, smaller and more diverse families became more common. In
politics, one society may protect itself from external attack by amassing a large arsenal
of weaponry; another may make determined efforts to remain neutral in world politics
and to promote cooperative relationships with its neighbors. According to the
functionalist perspective, no matter what its particular strategy, any society or relatively
permanent group must address all these functional prerequisites for survival.
Focusing on the functions institutions fulfill can help us better understand social
order, but it often implies that the way things are is the way things should be.
Sociologists using the conflict perspective focus more on power, the consequences of
difference, and resource distribution. They suggest that we must also look at the ways
our construction of these institutions reinforces inequality. We can meet these functional
needs in a variety of ways, so we should consider why some groups might seek to
maintain the status quo.
page 110
Institutions, including government, provide the social order societies need. Amble
Major institutions, such as education, help perpetuate the privileges of the most
powerful individuals and groups within a society while contributing to the powerlessness
of others. To give one example, public schools in the United States are financed largely
through property taxes. This arrangement allows more-affluent areas to provide their
children with better-equipped schools and better-paid teachers than low-income areas
can afford. As a result, children from prosperous communities are better prepared to
compete academically than children from impoverished communities. The structure of
the nation’s educational system permits and even promotes such unequal treatment of
schoolchildren (Khan 2011; Kozol 2005).
As an institution, education both provides for opportunity and reproduces inequality.
How is it possible for education to represent both a path for opportunity and an
instrument for maintaining inequality? Where in your experience have you seen
both at work?
Sociologist Ferdinand Tönnies (1855–1936) was appalled by the rise of industrial cities
in his native Germany during the late 1800s. In his view, urban life was inferior to the
close-knit community typical of rural villages. Tönnies ([1887] 1988) used the terms
Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft, typically translated as community and society, to
distinguish the two.
A Gemeinschaft (pronounced “guh-MINE-shahft”) consists of a close-knit
community, often found in rural areas, in which strong personal bonds unite members.
Virtually everyone knows one another, and social interactions are intimate and familiar,
almost like in an extended family. Members feel a strong sense of loyalty to the group
and willingly sacrifice their individual interests for the good of the whole. Social control in
gemeinschaft-dominated societies occurs primarily through informal means, such as
moral persuasion, gossip, and even gestures. These techniques work effectively
because people genuinely care how others feel about them. However, with such
interpersonal intensity comes minimal privacy and a presumption of individual sacrifice.
Social change is relatively limited in societies characterized by gemeinschaft, with very
few differences in the lifestyles from one generation to the next.
Sociologists use these two terms to compare social structures that stress close
relationships with those that feature less personal ties. It is easy to view the
Gemeinschaft with nostalgia, as far better than the rat race of modern life. However, the
more intimate relationships of the Gemeinschaft come at a price. The prejudice and
discrimination found there can be quite confining; ascribed statuses such as family
background often outweigh a person’s unique talents and achievements. In addition, the
Gemeinschaft tends to distrust individuals who are creative or simply different (Garrett
What might be appealing about living in a community characterized by
Gemeinschaft? What are possible drawbacks?
The lifestyles of the Amish change very little from generation to generation. Amy
Sancetta/AP Images
Some sociologists focus more explicitly on technology than on social organization,
expressed as division of labor, to understand distinctions between traditional and
modern societies. In sociologist Gerhard Lenski’s view, a society’s level of technology is
critical to the way it is organized (Nolan and Lenski 2006). As technology changes, new
social forms arise, from preindustrial, to industrial, to postindustrial. Available technology
does not narrowly determine the form that a particular society takes, but a low level of
technology limits the degree to which a society can take advantage of the possibilities
technology provides.
In horticultural societies, people plant seeds and crops rather than merely subsist
on available foods. Members of horticultural societies are much less nomadic than
hunter-gatherers. They place greater emphasis on the production of tools page 113
and household objects. Yet technology remains rather limited in these
societies, whose members cultivate crops with the aid of simple tools such as digging
sticks or hoes (Wilford 1997).
Horticultural society A preindustrial society in which people plant seeds and crops
rather than merely subsist on available foods.
Agrarian societies continue to rely on the physical power of humans and animals (in
contrast to mechanical power). Division of labor increases because technological
advances free up some people from food production to focus on specialized tasks, such
as the repair of fishing nets or blacksmithing. As human settlements become stabler and
more established, social institutions become more elaborate and property rights more
important. The comparative permanence and greater surpluses of an agrarian society
allow members to specialize in creating artifacts such as statues, public monuments,
and art objects and to pass them on from one generation to the next.
Innovations in agricultural technology meant fewer people were needed to work the
land. PhotoDisc/Getty Images
During the Industrial Revolution, many societies underwent an irrevocable shift from
an agrarian-oriented economy to an industrial base. Specialization of tasks and
manufacture of goods increasingly replaced the practice of individuals or families
making an entire product in a home workshop. Workers, generally men but also women
and even children, left their family homesteads to work in central locations such as
urban factories (Allen 2017; Hobsbawm 1999).
The process of industrialization had distinctive social consequences. Families and
communities could not continue to function as self-sufficient units. Individuals, villages,
and regions began to exchange goods and services and to become interdependent. As
people came to rely on the labor of members of other communities, the family lost its
unique position as the main source of power and authority. The need for specialized
knowledge led to formalized schooling, and education emerged as a social institution
distinct from the family. And bureaucracies were established to manage the complex
undertakings of large organizations, which we explore in more detail in the
“Bureaucracy” section.
page 114
Some sociologists, including Bell, view this transition from industrial to postindustrial
society as largely a positive development. Others, however, point to the often hidden
consequences that result from differential access to resources in postindustrial society.
For example, Michael Harrington (1962, 1980), who alerted the nation to the problems
of the poor in his book The Other America, questions the significance that Bell attaches
to the growing class of white-collar workers. Harrington concedes that scientists,
engineers, and economists are involved in important political and economic decisions,
but he disagrees with Bell’s claim that they have a free hand in decision making,
independent of the interests of the rich. Harrington follows in the tradition of Marx by
arguing that conflict between social classes will continue in the postindustrial society.
Some sociologists have gone beyond discussion of the postindustrial society to
contemplate the emergence of postmodern society (Best and Kellner 2001; Susen
2015). A postmodern society is a technologically sophisticated, pluralistic,
interconnected, globalized society. Although it is difficult to summarize what a whole
range of thinkers have said about postmodern life, four elements provide a sense of the
key characteristics of such societies today: stories, images, choices, and networks.
Stories Because postmodern societies are pluralistic and individualistic, people hold
many different, often competing, sets of norms and values. Fewer people assume that a
single, all-inclusive story—whether a particular religious tradition, or an all-
encompassing scientific theory of everything, or even the faith many early sociologists
had in the inevitability of modern progress—can unite us all under a common umbrella.
Instead, we embrace the various individual and group stories that help us make sense
of the world and our place in it. We do so in the full knowledge that others out there are
doing exactly the same thing and often coming to dramatically different conclusions.
This multiplicity of stories undercuts the authority that singular accounts of reality,
whether religious or scientific, have had in the past.
Images Postmodern society is also characterized by the explosion of the mass media,
which emphasizes the importance of images. The average adult in the United States
watches 4 hours and 27 minutes of television per day (Nielsen 2017). This works out to
the equivalent of watching television 24 hours a day for almost 68 days per year. We
are bombarded by images everywhere we turn.
In postmodern theory, the significance of the image goes much deeper than
television and advertisements. Postmodern theorists argue that we do not page 115
confront or interact with the material world directly. Instead, our images or
models of reality come first. Postmodern theorist Jean Baudrillard used a geography
metaphor to illuminate this concept, writing, “The map precedes the territory” ([1981]
1994). In other words, the images we construct draw our attention to certain features
that we might not otherwise notice. A road map, for example, highlights different
features, and for different purposes, than does a topographical map or political map. In
so doing, it shapes what we see. We cannot step around or look through such cultural
constructs to approach the thing itself, and so our knowledge of what is real is always
constrained by the images we construct.
International Favorability Ratings for the United States
Note: The numbers represent the percentage of people in each country who responded with a favorable or
unfavorable opinion of the United States.
Source: Wike et al. 2018.
favorability in Mexico was nearly 70% but has since fallen 34 percent to now place it in
the bottom 5. Conversely, favorability in Russia was 15% under Obama but has risen to
26% under Trump.
>> Bureaucracy
In their efforts to understand and explain the underlying structure of industrial and
postindustrial societies, early sociologists anticipated the rise of bureaucracy, as
evidenced by Tönnies’s description of Gesellschaft and Durkheim’s analysis of organic
solidarity. A bureaucracy is a formal organization built on the principle of maximum
efficiency. As globalization expanded and modern life became increasingly complex, the
principles used to manage social order in pre–Industrial Revolution societies no longer
seemed adequate. Modern society required the more systematic approaches to
governance that bureaucracy provides. According to Max Weber ([1913–1922] 1947),
bureaucracy represents the most rational form of management ever devised.
Bureaucracy A formal organization built on the principle of maximum efficiency.
Bureaucratic success depends on the establishment of rational principles of
organization throughout an organization. As indicated in the “Characteristics of a
Bureaucracy” table, Weber identified five core characteristics of page 116
bureaucracies. He did so by constructing what he called an ideal type, an
abstract model of the essential characteristics of a phenomenon. In actuality, perfect
bureaucracies do not exist. Nonetheless, Weber’s model provided a useful tool for
comparing and contrasting functioning bureaucracies.
Characteristics of a Bureaucracy
experts who create advertising campaigns, salespersons who entice customers to buy,
accountants who do the bookkeeping, mechanics who maintain the machines,
custodians who clean up afterward, and a whole host of others. The justification for such
complexity is that, in the context of a large firm, it would be impossible for one individual
to have sufficient expertise to carry out all those tasks well. The combined expertise that
each specialized worker contributes produces greater efficiency than would exist if all
workers were trained in every skill.
Dividing up labor in this way does have potential disadvantages. Workers who do
routine tasks over and over again can feel like little more than a cog in the machine.
This can produce a sense of alienation in which we experience loss of control over our
creative human capacity to produce, separation from the products we make, and
isolation from our fellow workers. It also can subject workers to greater job page 117
insecurity when jobs are deskilled through simplification and
mechanization, making it easier to find and train a replacement worker. In addition,
bureaucracy can produce what business executives refer to as “silos” in which there are
limited connections between the various parts of a firm, inhibiting possible information
exchange and collaboration between departments, thus resulting in greater
inefficiencies (Lencioni 2006). Further, the frustration we can experience when dealing
with bureaucratic red tape—whether in the workplace, at a university, or with the
government—frequently results from having to deal with different segments of a
bureaucratic machine.
Photo: Rtimages/Alamy Stock Photo
Hierarchy of Authority Bureaucracies follow the principle of hierarchy; that is, each
position is under the supervision of a higher authority. A president heads a college
bureaucracy; he or she selects members of the administration, who in turn hire their
own staff. In the Roman Catholic Church, the pope is the supreme authority; under him
are cardinals, bishops, and so forth. In businesses, the most basic relation is between
boss and worker, but in large corporations there are multiple levels of authority. To track
relationships, such companies map those connections using hierarchical organizational
charts that identify all the links of who answers to whom, ultimately leading up to the
president or CEO at the top.
A chief executive officer (CEO) typically rests atop the pyramid structure of
bureaucratic hierarchy. Mary Barra, pictured here, has served as the CEO for
General Motors since 2014. Bill Pugliano/Getty Images
Of course, rules and regulations can overshadow the larger goals of an organization
to the point that they become dysfunctional. What if a hospital emergency room
physician failed to treat a seriously injured person because he or she had no valid proof
of U.S. citizenship? If blindly applied, rules no longer serve as a means to achieving an
objective but instead become important (perhaps too important) in their own right.
Robert Merton (1968) used the term goal displacement to refer to overzealous
conformity to official regulations of a bureaucracy in which we lose sight of the larger
principle from which the rule was created.
Why do we tend to associate bureaucracies with red tape and inefficiency when
they are explicitly organized to be the opposite? To what extent is our desire to be
treated as an individual at odds with the principles of bureaucracies?
page 118
continue to describe the ideal type. Not every formal organization will fully realize all of
Weber’s characteristics. The underlying logic they represent, however, points toward a
way of doing things that is typical of life in modern societies.
Max Weber ([1922] 1978)
Weber predicted that eventually even the private sphere would become rationalized.
That is, we would turn to rational techniques in an effort to manage our self in order to
handle the many challenges of modern life. A trip to any bookstore would seem to prove
his point: We find countless self-help books, each with its own system of steps to help
us solve life’s problems and reach our goals. One of the possible side effects of this
approach to self-development might be our fear that whatever we do, or whoever we
become, is not good enough, that we could always do more or be better.
Weber was concerned about the depersonalizing consequences of such
rationalization, but he saw no way out. Because it is guided by the principle of maximum
efficiency, the only way to beat bureaucratization, he thought, was to be more
bureaucratic. He argued that, unfortunately, something human gets lost in the process.
Culture critic Mike Daisey describes something like this through his experience working
at His job performance was measured based on five factors: time spent
on each call, number of phone contacts per hour, time spent on each page 119
customer email, number of email contacts per hour, and the sum total of
phone and email contacts per hour. Of these calculations, he writes, “Those five
numbers are who you are. They are, in fact, all you are. . . . Metrics will do exactly what
it claims to do: It will track everything your employees do, say, and breathe, and
consequently create a measurable increase in their productivity” (Daisey 2002:114).
Metrics do work, but they do so by dehumanizing the worker. “The sad thing,” Daisey
continues, “is that metrics work so well precisely because it strips away dignity—it’s that
absence that makes it possible to see precisely who is pulling his weight and who is not”
(p. 114). When workers’ performance is measured only in numbers, the only part of the
self that counts is that part that produces those numbers. Weber predicted that those
parts of the self deemed not necessary to the job, such as emotional needs and family
responsibilities, would be dismissed as irrelevant.
Source: 2011 Alex Culang and Raynato Castro Buttersafe.
Iron law of oligarchy The principle that all organizations, even democratic ones,
tend to develop into bureaucracies ruled by an elite few.
Concerns about oligarchy are often raised when ideologically driven social and
political movements become institutionalized. In U.S. politics, ideologically committed
followers, who often represent their party’s base, frequently complain that elected
leaders become “Washington insiders” who look out only for their self-interests. For
example, during the 2016 presidential race, conservatives on the right criticized elected
Republican leaders for compromising their ideals, which contributed to the selection of
outsider Donald Trump as the Republican presidential nominee. Similarly, progressive
Democrats, ideologically committed to equality and opportunity, supported Bernie
Sanders for president, dismissing the eventual nominee Hillary Clinton as a Wall Street–
friendly, overly militaristic enemy of the progressive cause. On both sides, questions
were raised about whether the craving to stay in office overshadowed politicians’
willingness to do the right thing.
Office Space
The insanity of life in a modern bureaucracy.
The Truman Show
In this postmodern tale, a man unknowingly lives his life on television.
District 9
The power to define who belongs and who does not.
The Greatest Showman
This is me.
Green Book
An African American pianist hires an Italian bouncer to tour the segregated
Not until workers organized unions—and forced management to recognize that they
were not objects—did theorists of formal organizations begin to revise the scientific
management model. Management and administrators, based in part on social scientific
research, became aware that the social dimension of work has an important impact on
organizations (Perrow 1986). An alternative management philosophy arose known as
the human relations approach, which emphasizes the role of people, communication,
and participation in a bureaucracy. In this model, bosses learned that paying attention to
workers’ feelings, frustrations, and emotional need for job satisfaction mattered (Mayo
1933). Today, many workplaces—primarily for those in higher-status occupations—have
been transformed to family-friendly environments (Hochschild 1997). To the extent that
managers are convinced that helping workers meet all their needs increases
productivity, care and concern are instituted as a result of rational calculation.
we become more aware of alternatives ways to think and act, we can use that
knowledge to change our worlds for the better.
The Significance of Place
We occupy many statuses over the course of our lives, and they can both
open and close doors for us. Ask five people in various positions—whether as
parents, professors, child care providers, custodians, managers, religious
leaders, and so on—how they came to be in those positions. How have the
positions they occupy enabled them to accomplish their personal and
collective goals? How have they been constrained by those positions?
page 121
For Sociologists highlight the impact that division of labor and
technological development have on the organization of
community, work, and social interaction in traditional and
REVIEW modern societies.
III. How does social structure shape individual action?
The positions we occupy shape our perceptions, the resources
to which we have access, and the options that are available. For
example, in the context of bureaucracies, our social position,
connections, and performance expectations are clearly defined.
page 122
After reviewing the chapter, answer the following questions:
What insight might each perspective offer regarding the way the structure of
games impacts how we play?
Briefly describe how a functionalist, a conflict theorist, and an interactionist
would view ascribed versus achieved status.
In what ways does education as an institution function to provide for greater
social order and stability?
Have you ever been part of an in- or out-group? If so, how might each perspective
shed light on your experience?
page 123
Pop Quiz
1. What type of status does being a college student represent?
a. an ascribed status
b. a developmental status
c. an achieved status
d. a conflicted status
2. In the United States, we expect that cab drivers know how to get around a
city. This expectation is an example of which of the following?
a. in-group
b. role strain
c. social role
d. status
3. What occurs when incompatible expectations arise from two or more
social statuses held by the same person?
a. role conflict
b. role strain
c. role exit
d. role playing
4. In sociological terms, what do we call any two or more people, united by a
shared sense of identity or purpose, who interact with each other over time
in ways that distinguish them from outsiders?
a. a category
b. a group
c. an aggregate
d. a society
5. Primary groups are characterized by
a. a series of relationships that link individuals directly to others and, through
them, indirectly to still more people.
b. formal, impersonal relationships with minimal social intimacy or mutual
c. social positions that are within our power to change.
d. intimate, face-to-face association and cooperation.
6. What is the definition of a social institution?
a. a series of social relationships that link individuals directly to others, and
through them indirectly to still more people
b. an alliance, whether temporary or permanent, geared toward a common goal
c. an integrated and persistent social network dedicated to ensuring that
society’s core needs are met
d. a component of a formal organization that uses rules and hierarchical ranking
to achieve efficiency
7. What type of society did Ferdinand Tönnies describe as a close-knit
community in which members have strong personal bonds?
a. Gesellschaft
b. mechanical
c. Gemeinschaft
d. organic
8. According to Émile Durkheim, which type of solidarity is characterized by
extensive division of labor?
a. postindustrial
b. mechanical
c. horticultural
d. organic
9. What characteristic of postmodern life emphasizes the importance of
consumption on identity creation?
a. stories
b. images
c. choices
d. networks
10. Which characteristic of bureaucracy is carried out on the basis of
performance rather than personality?
a. impersonality
b. hierarchy of authority
c. written rules and regulations
d. division of labor
1. (c), 2. (c), 3. (a), 4. (b), 5. (d), 6. (c), 7. (c), 8. (d), 9. (c), 10. (a)
Design Elements: Going Global (Earth): ©Studio Photogram/Alamy Stock Photo; Personal Sociology (drawing of
author): McGraw-Hill Education; 5 Movies (popcorn): ©D. Hurst/Alamy Stock Photo; Sociology Is a Verb (overlapping
hands): ©Jeff DeWeerd/Imagezoo/Getty Images
page 124
On October 1, 2017, during country singer Jason Aldean’s
performance at an outdoor country music festival on the Las
Vegas Strip, bullets rained down from above. The shots came from a
32nd floor hotel room in the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino across the street.
People scattered, seeking protection, but in the end, 58 were shot and killed and
another 422 suffered bullet wounds. From start to finish, the gunfire lasted about
10 minutes. It was the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Authorities
found 24 weapons inside the gunman’s hotel suite and calculated that more than
1,100 shots had been fired (Medina 2018).
Just a few months later, near the end of the school day on February 14, 2018, a
fire alarm went off at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
As students streamed into the hallway, a former student, armed with an assault
rifle, started shooting. The whole attack lasted 6 minutes and 20 seconds. When it
was over, 17 people were dead, including 14 students and 3 school staff members,
and 17 others were injured (Fausset, Kovaleski, and Mazzei 2018). In the
aftermath, students expressed outrage at what seemed like the all-too-common
occurrence of mass shootings in America.
Their outrage is warranted. Tragic mass shootings in the United States occur
with alarming frequency. There were a number of mass shootings that grabbed
national headlines after Parkland. On May 18, 2018, at Santa Fe High School in
Texas, 8 students and 2 teachers were shot and killed by a student from the school
who used a shotgun and a revolver. On October 27, 2018, at the Tree of Life
synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a man armed with an AR-15
semiautomatic rifle and three Glock pistols killed 11 people. On November 8, 2018,
at the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, California, a gunman armed with a
Glock semiautomatic pistol killed 12 people. In each case, political officials offered
their thoughts and prayers.
Student survivors from the Stoneman Douglas shooting, however, decided to
act. Within hours of the attack, they began organizing to fight for page 125
change. Their goal: gun-law reform that might reduce the likelihood of
similar attacks. They established Never Again as an organization committed to
legislative action. They organized the March for Our Lives parades held around the
country on March 24, 2018, including a rally in Washington, D.C. Their social
action is beginning to make a difference. Florida, for example, raised the age
required to purchase guns from 18 to 21 and established a three-day waiting
period to purchase guns while background checks could be carried out
(Pazzanese 2018; Witt 2018).
To ensure that such actions are effective, we need to understand why mass
shootings occur. Do they result from unchecked mental illness? A proliferation of
guns? A culture of violence? Through research, sociologists help us better
understand deviance by asking such questions so that we, in turn, can better
understand how to prevent it.
Conformity Abiding by the norms of our peers even though they have no direct
authority over us.
Obedience Doing what a person in a position of authority over you says you should.
James Harrison/Alamy Stock Photo
He set up a scenario in which a volunteer, recruited from the local community, was
told that researchers were investigating the effects of punishment on learning. The
volunteer was then brought into a lab setting and asked to serve as a “teacher” who
would ask questions of a “learner.” If the learner got the question wrong, the teacher
was instructed by a scientist, dressed in a lab coat, to administer an electric shock to the
learner. For each additional question the learner got wrong, the teacher was instructed
to increase the shock’s voltage. Unbeknownst to the volunteer, however, no actual
shock was administered. The real purpose of the study was to see how far the
teacher/volunteer would go before refusing to obey the scientist.
The zombie apocalypse has become a pop culture staple. Examples include George
Romero’s Living Dead films, Max Brooks’s World War Z book and film, and The
Walking Dead graphic novel and TV series. Such accounts often say more about
humans and the breakdown of social order than they do about zombies. In the event
of a zombie apocalypse, how quickly do you think social order would break down?
What factors might minimize social chaos? What steps should people take to enforce
social order?
Photo: Gene Page/AMC/PictureLux/The Hollywood Archive/Alamy Stock Photo
A participant in the Milgram experiment. From the film OBEDIENCE ©1968 by Alexandra Milgram,
©renewed 1993 by Alexandra Milgram. Reprinted by permission of Alexandra Milgram.
page 127
According to the American Sociological Association Code of Ethics, researchers
must “protect subjects from personal harm.” To what extent might Milgram’s
subjects have experienced emotional harm? How and why might a researcher
seek to justify such a risk?
Milgram concluded that we are willing to do things we would otherwise not do,
including inflicting pain, when a person in a position of authority tells us to do so. He
pointed out that, in modern society, we are accustomed to submitting to impersonal
authority figures whose status is indicated by a title (professor, president, doctor) or by a
uniform (police officer, army lieutenant, scientist). Because we defer to authority, we
shift responsibility for our behavior to the authority figure without fully appreciating what
we are doing. Under similar circumstances, otherwise normal people can and do treat
one another inhumanely, as demonstrated by the revealing photos taken at Iraq’s Abu
Ghraib prison in 2004 which showed U.S. military guards humiliating, if not torturing,
Iraqi prisoners (Hayden 2004; Zimbardo 2007).
Reflecting on his research, Milgram wrote, “It may be that we are puppets—puppets
controlled by the strings of society. But at least we are puppets with perception, with
awareness. And perhaps our awareness is the first step to our liberation” (1974b:568).
We do not make choices in a vacuum. Sociology enables us to better recognize the
social forces that shape our actions so that we might choose more wisely.
Do you think a person’s background factors would influence how far he or she
would go in Milgram’s experiment? How might age, gender, religion, or education
make a difference?
Informal social control The use of interpersonal cues through everyday interaction
to enforce norms.
Formal social control The imposition of sanctions, whether positive or negative, by
officially recognized authorities in order to to enforce norms.
The interplay between formal and informal social control can be complicated,
because we sometimes have to balance one source of control against another. College
students, for example, receive conflicting messages about the acceptability of binge
drinking. On the one hand, for most college students, drinking alcohol of any kind is
illegal because they are under age, and for all, binge drinking violates student codes-of-
conduct policies. On the other hand, as the “Binge Drinking on Campus” graphs
demonstrate, those who indulge in binge drinking are conforming with student norms,
which vary based on age, gender, and race/ethnicity (SAMHSA 2018). In response,
colleges and universities are taking steps to exert greater social control by instituting
rules banning kegs, closing fraternities and sororities that violate standards of conduct,
expelling students after multiple alcohol-related violations, and working with local liquor
retailers to discourage high-volume sales to students (Carey et al. 2012).
page 128
Note: Binge drinking was defined as drinking five drinks or more for men, or four drinks or more for women, on the
same occasion at least once in the past 30 days. White, Black, and Asian categories do not include Hispanics.
Source: SAMHSA 2018. Photo: ©Comstock/Jupiter Images
people’s behavior. Laws—formal norms enforced by the state—are a form of
governmental social control. Some laws, such as the prohibition against murder, are
directed at all members of society. Others, such as fishing and hunting regulations, pri-
marily affect particular categories of people. Still others govern the behavior of social
institutions (for instance, corporate law and laws regarding the taxing of nonprofit
Arresting, prosecuting, and convicting a person who breaks the law represents one
of the most powerful means of formal social control available. In the United States, in
2016, 6.6 million adults underwent some form of correctional supervision—jail, prison,
probation, or parole. Put another way, 2.6 percent, or 1 out of every 38 adult Americans,
was subject to this very formal type of social control (Kaeble and Cowhig 2018). As is
evident from the “U.S. Incarceration Rates, 1910–2017” graph, rates of imprisonment
rose rapidly in the United States during the 1980s and remain high. Factors influencing
this dramatic rise included a government crackdown on illegal drug use and the
establishment of mandatory sentences. In the early 1970s, for example, President
Richard Nixon declared a “war on drugs,” a policy President Ronald Reagan expanded
in the 1980s and that continues to shape policy today. As a result, efforts to deal with
drug abuse shifted from prevention and treatment to law enforcement and punishment.
The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, for example, put mandatory minimum sentences in
place for a variety of drugs, including marijuana and cocaine.
In an effort to get tough on crime, this mandatory minimum approach was extended
to other crimes. The Sentencing Reform Act of 1984, for example, created the United
States Sentencing Commission, which establishes sentencing guidelines, including
minimums, for defendants found guilty of any federal statute. Critics of the mass
incarceration that resulted from these policies point out that punishment fell, and
continues to fall, disproportionately on African Americans and other minority groups
(Alexander 2012; Davis 1998; Dufton 2012; United States Sentencing Commission
Note: Incarceration rates represent the number of persons in prison or jail per 100,000 people in the U.S.
Source: Kaeble and Cowhig 2018. Photo: AZemdega/E+/Getty Images
page 129
Each year, millions of people stream or download illegal copies of shows such as
HBO’s “Game of Thrones.” PictureLux/The Hollywood Archive/Alamy Stock Photo
As individuals, each and every moment of our lives we face a choice about whether
to obey or rebel. That choice gets complicated by the fact that we confront competing
and oftentimes incompatible options. Choosing one path may delight some of the
people in our lives and enable us to pursue our own self-interests, but doing so might
disappoint others and cause us to sacrifice benefits we also desire. Obedience to one
group may look like deviance to another.
>> Deviance
The flip side of social control is deviance. Deviance is behavior that violates the
standards of conduct or expectations of a group or society (Wickman 1991:85). Being
late for class is categorized as a deviant act, as is wearing jeans to a formal wedding.
On the basis of the sociological definition, we are all deviant from time to time. Each of
us violates common social norms in certain situations. As a society, we decide how
deviant is too deviant, and sociologists provide us with tools to better understand how
and why we do so.
movies, computer games, books, and almost anything else that can be digitized—
provides an example of how deviance can be in the eye of the beholder. Whenever a
new film or show is released, online piracy groups compete with each other to see who
can be the first to upload a high-definition copy. Competition to upload films nominated
for an Academy Award is even more intense. In 2018, 94 percent of Academy Award–
nominated films were leaked in a high-quality format by Oscar night (Baio 2015, 2016,
2018; Van der Sar 2017).
HBO’s Game of Thrones represents one of the most popular illegally available
shows online. Season seven alone has been illegally streamed or downloaded more
than 1 billion times, and its final episode was pirated more than 120 million times within
its first 72 hours of release. Pirated copies of episodes frequently appear for illegal
streaming before they even premier on the cable network as a result of preview copies
made available to TV critics and reporters getting leaked and uploaded to the Internet
(Holloway 2017a). Film and television studios have responded to such practices by
limiting preview copies of films and television series’ to secure video distribution sites,
such as And yet, online piracy continues to rise. In 2017, more than 10
billion films or TV shows were downloaded globally (Holloway 2017b; Irdeto 2018;
Spangler 2018).
Because the “property” these movie, music, and game files represent is not physical,
it can be copied over and over again for virtually no cost. Anyone with a computer and
an Internet connection can grab the files from people willing to share and pass them
along to others who want them. People find it easy to justify doing so, thinking it does
little harm to anyone. The entertainment companies that produce these page 130
products take a different view. Research projects that $52 billion in
revenues were lost to piracy in 2018 (Bevir 2017). However, the widespread availability
of these files suggests that many people do not view downloading them as particularly
deviant. Some even view it as an act of protest against what they consider unfair prices
charged by big corporations.
numerous examples of this, such as when nonviolent protestors at sit-ins and marches
were met with attack dogs, fire hoses, beatings, and jail time. In the end, however, these
protests led to greater political, legal, and economic opportunity for African Americans
and others. Part of what makes such change difficult is that those with the greatest
status have the capacity to define what is acceptable and what is deviant. It often takes
a concerted effort, and the mobilization of substantial resources, to counteract such
©Comstock/Jupiter Images
Stigma Labeling individuals or members of a group as less than whole persons due
to some attribute that marks them as different in the eyes of others.
The pressure to conform to the norm, and thus avoid stigma, can have powerful
effects. People try not to deviate too far from cultural expectations. Women, for
example, can feel pressured to approximate what Naomi Wolf (1992) refers to as the
“beauty myth,” an exaggerated ideal of beauty, beyond the reach of all but a few
females. In an effort to attain this ideal, many women undergo plastic surgery. In 2017,
300,378 women underwent breast augmentation, 218,174 chose liposuction, 177,290
had eyelid surgery, 166,531 opted for nose reshaping, and 124,869 received a tummy
tuck. When it comes to less invasive procedures, 6.8 million opted for Botox, and 1.3
million received chemical peels. Overall, women received 13 million cosmetic
procedures in 2017 alone. But it wasn’t only women. Men, too, are opting for plastic
surgery and accounted for 13 percent of all cosmetic surgical procedures. Among men,
52,393 opted for nose reshaping, making it their most common surgical procedure. The
estimated total cost of all U.S. cosmetic procedures in 2017 was $16.7 billion (American
Society of Plastic Surgeons 2018). The desire to avoid stigma reinforces the standards
of the status quo.
Often people are stigmatized for deviant behaviors that they may no longer practice.
The labels “ex-convict,” “formerly homeless,” and “recovering alcoholic” can function like
a master status, sticking to a person for life. Goffman draws a useful page 131
distinction between a prestige symbol that calls attention to a positive
aspect of one’s identity, such as a wedding band or a police badge, and a stigma
symbol that discredits or debases one’s identity, such as a conviction for child
molestation. Although stigma symbols may not always be obvious, they can become a
matter of public knowledge. Starting in 1994, many states required convicted sex
offenders to register with local police departments. Some communities publish the
names and addresses and, in some instances, even the pictures, of convicted sex
offenders on the web.
The Purge
Once a year, for 12 hours, all crime is legal.
Liar, Liar
What if honesty was your only option?
When it comes to obedience, how far would you go?
I Am Not a Witch
An eight-year-old girl is accused of being a witch.
Ghost World
A prank by two outcast teenagers takes an unexpected turn.
Being stigmatized can limit a person’s opportunities. For example, even though they
may be fully qualified for a job, people who are homeless often have trouble getting
hired because employers are wary of applicants who cannot provide a home address.
Though many hiring agencies use a telephone for contacts, cell phones are expensive,
and owning one while homeless is often looked at with suspicion by others. If a
homeless person has access to a telephone at a shelter, the staff generally answers by
announcing the name of the institution, which discourages prospective employers from
hiring the applicant. And, even if the person is hired, the stigma attached to
homelessness, should the employee’s past or present situation become known, can
negatively impact opportunities, even in the face of positive work performance.
>> Crime
Crime represents a particular form of deviance in which offenders violate formal norms.
Sociologists define crime as a violation of criminal law for which some governmental
authority applies formal penalties. Crimes that violate the central mores of society, such
as murder, often result in harsh punishments because they constitute attacks on core
social values, such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The consequences of
other crimes, such as burglary, may seem less serious, and, as a result, violators of
such crimes typically receive less severe punishments.
Crime A violation of criminal law for which some governmental authority applies
formal penalties.
Trends in Crime The FBI provides a more detailed account of the frequency of
crimes in its annual Uniform Crime Reports (UCR). These reports focus particular
attention on what have come to be known as index crimes which include page 132
eight types of crime reported on annually: murder, forcible rape, robbery,
aggravated assault, burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. The first four
are categorized as violent crime, and the second four as property crimes. As evidenced
in the “FBI Uniform Crime Reports Data” figure, both the numbers and rates of these
crimes vary significantly.
Index crimes The eight types of crime reported annually by the FBI in the Uniform
Crime Reports: murder, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny-
theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson.
Note: Insufficient data are available on arson to estimate accurate totals. The official definition for rape changed in
2013. The percentage change data for rape uses the legacy definition to provide an appropriate comparison over
time. Clearance rate refers to the percentage of crimes reported to police that were cleared by arrest or
exceptional means.
Source: U.S. Department of Justice 2018a:Tables 1, 1A, & 25. Photo: D. Hurst/Alamy
Crime rates vary over time, and sociologists seek to explain factors that contribute to
these changes. In the past 10 years, as indicated by the percentage change in rate
column in the “FBI Uniform Crime Reports Data” figure, crime rates have fallen in most
major categories. Violent crimes, for example, have declined 10.6 percent since 2008
(U.S. Department of Justice 2018a:Table 1a). To explain these trends, sociologists seek
to identify possible causal factors, including the potential effects of
The overall aging of the population, because people are more likely to commit
crimes when they are young.
Changes in the economy, including the economic downturn starting in 2008 and the
recovery that followed.
The expansion of community-oriented policing and crime prevention programs.
Increased incarceration rates, removing potential offenders from the streets.
New prison education programs designed to reduce the number of repeat
Knowledge of the impact of these and other possible factors would help us establish
more effective policies designed to further reduce the crime rate in the future (Chettiar
2015; Roeder, Eisen, and Bowling 2015).
The likelihood that a crime will be “solved” varies by the type of offense. According to
the FBI, an offense can be “cleared” either though arrest or exceptional means. To be
cleared by arrest, at least one person must be arrested, charged with a crime, and
turned over to the court for prosecution. Clearance by exceptional means includes
examples such as the death of the offender or refusal of the victim to cooperate with
prosecution. As the “FBI Uniform Crime Reports Data” figure shows, violent crimes, at
46 percent, are more likely to be cleared than property crimes, at 18 percent (U.S.
Department of Justice 2018a:Table 25).
Victimization Surveys Because not all crimes that are committed are reported to
the police, the UCR underestimates the frequency of crime. To get a more accurate
count of the actual number of crimes, researchers conduct victimization surveys that
ask representative samples of the population whether or not they have been victims of
crime. The National Crime Victimization Survey, conducted annually by the U.S.
Department of Justice, reveals that some crimes are more likely to be reported than
others. As shown in the “Crimes Reported to Police” graph, motor vehicle theft is the
most likely property crime to be reported, with 73 percent of victims contacting the
authorities. Larceny-theft is the least likely at 30 percent. When it comes to violent
crimes, less than half of victims overall contact the police (Morgan and Kena 2018:Table
4). Because not all crimes get reported, justice does not get served within the U.S. legal
system for many offenses.
page 133
Note: Percentages based on the National Crime Victimization Survey for 2016.
Source: Morgan and Kena 2018:Table 4.
People choose not to report crimes for a variety of reasons. In the case of larceny-
theft, for example, people may conclude that, because there is little chance of getting
stolen items back, it simply isn’t worth the hassle. More significantly, members of racial
and ethnic minority groups often distrust law enforcement agencies and may not contact
the police when they are victimized. Further, many women do not report rape or spousal
abuse out of fear they will be blamed for the crime.
The Clery Act, passed in 1990, requires colleges and universities to provide
students with timely reports of campus crimes. How much do you trust official
campus crime reports? Why might reports of crime on college campuses
underestimate the actual number of incidents?
People generally agree that crimes such as theft, assault, or murder call for serious
punishment, but research shows that crimes committed by well-respected people are
perceived differently. Sociologists define white-collar crime as illegal acts committed
by high-status individuals who use their positions of power and influence for their own
benefit. Examples include tax evasion, embezzlement, stock manipulation, and fraud
(Sutherland 1940, 1949, 1983). Frequently, convicted offenders for these kinds of
crimes receive less harsh punishments than do those for more common street crimes,
even when the dollar values involved in these white-collar crimes is substantially
White-collar crime Illegal acts committed by high-status individuals who use their
positions of power and influence for their own benefit.
Over time, the definition of white-collar crimes has expanded to include offenses by
businesses and corporations. Corporate crime, or any act by a corporation that is
punishable by the government, takes many forms and includes individuals,
organizations, and institutions among its victims. Corporations may engage in
anticompetitive behavior, environmental pollution, medical fraud, tax fraud, stock fraud
and manipulation, accounting fraud, the production of unsafe goods, bribery and
corruption, and health and safety violations (Coleman 2006).
The downfall of Bernie Madoff represented the largest case of white-collar crime of
its type in history. Madoff, an American businessman who managed people’s financial
investments, promised investors annual returns of 15 to 20 percent and delivered on
that promise for years. This enabled him to attract extremely wealthy clients from
around the world, even charitable organizations. In the end, he was just running a scam.
Madoff had provided investors with false statements showing nonexistent trades and
profits. Estimates are that he defrauded his clients out of $65 billion in purported assets.
Life savings and family fortunes were gone in an instant. Madoff ultimately pleaded
guilty to 11 felony counts, including securities fraud, mail fraud, money laundering, and
perjury (Gaviria and Smith 2009; Henriques and Healy 2009).
What is particularly interesting about the Madoff case is that officials at the Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC) were tipped off numerous times to the possibility that
Madoff’s investments were a scam. Finally, after receiving documented accusations that
he was running a Ponzi scheme, the SEC launched an official investigation in 2006.
Two years later it concluded that there was “no evidence of fraud.” The SEC failed to
see what analysts now say should have been obvious. Red flags were ignored, but
why? Sociologists suggest that white-collar criminals are often given the benefit of the
doubt. In fact, during each previous investigation, Madoff deliberately and successfully
used his status as a respected businessman as evidence of his innocence. He might
have avoided detection had it not been for his own confession (Berenson and Henriques
page 134
The 1980s classic film Wall Street tells the story of Gordon Gekko, a high-flying
stockbroker, who became a role model to many real-life brokers. In perhaps its most
famous scene, Gekko gives a speech about what’s good about America, reaching its
pinnacle with the era-defining line “Greed is good.” More recently, the film The Wolf of
Wall Street presents a very different image, lampooning the world of high finance as
one of extreme excess and corruption, as characterized by its takeaway line, “Was all
this legal? Absolutely not.”
Some crimes seem less severe because any negative effects only harm consenting
participants. Sociologists refer to victimless crimes as the willing exchange among
adults of widely desired, but illegal, goods and services. Examples include gambling,
drug use, and prostitution (Schur 1965, 1985). The fact that the parties involved are
willing participants has led some people to suggest that such transactions should not
constitute crimes.
Some activists are working to decriminalize many of these illegal practices. For
example, supporters of decriminalization are troubled by the attempt to legislate a moral
code for adults. In their view, prostitution, drug use, gambling, and other victimless
crimes are expensive to enforce and impossible to prevent. The already overburdened
criminal justice system should instead devote its resources to “street crimes” and other
offenses with obvious victims.
The current debate over the legalization of marijuana illustrates the difficulty of
enforcing laws involving willing participants engaged in private behavior. Even though
marijuana use remains illegal at the federal level, 52 percent of U.S. adults admit to
having tried it and 14 percent use it at least once a month (Marist 2017). Over time,
attitudes regarding marijuana legalization have shifted dramatically. As the “Marijuana
Legalization, 1969–2018” graph illustrates, the percentage of people in the United
States favoring legalization rose from 12 percent in 1969 to 62 percent in 2018 (Hartig
and Geiger 2018).
Laws at the state level have also changed dramatically. As the “Marijuana Laws by
State” map shows, the move to legalize marijuana use has expanded nationally. Thirty-
three states have legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Ten states—
Washington, Colorado, Oregon, Alaska, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, California,
Michigan, and Vermont—took the additional step of legalizing marijuana for personal
recreational use (National Conference of State Legislatures 2018a, 2018b).
Critics of the term victimless crime object to the notion that there is no victim other
than the offender in such crimes. Excessive drinking, compulsive gambling, and illegal
drug use contribute to an enormous amount of personal and property damage. A person
with a drinking problem can become abusive to a spouse or children; a compulsive
gambler or drug user may steal to pursue his or her obsession. Feminist sociologists
contend that prostitution, as well as the more disturbing aspects of pornography,
reinforce the misconception that women are “toys” who can be treated as objects rather
than people. According to critics of decriminalization, society must not give tacit
approval to conduct that has such harmful consequences (Farley and Malarek 2008;
Meier and Geis 1997).
Marijuana Legalization, 1969–2018
Note: Responses are to the question “Do you think the use of marijuana should be made legal, or not?”
Source: Hartig and Geiger 2018. Photo: Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto/Getty Images
page 135
Source: National Conference of State Legislatures 2018a. Photo: Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Should gambling, prostitution, and recreational drugs be legalized? What are the
potential consequences, both positive and negative, of doing so?
When it comes to organized crime, images of pop culture gangsters, such as Tony
Soprano from HBO’s classic series The Sopranos, often come to mind. In real life,
examples of organized crime groups go beyond the Mafia to include the Japanese
Yakuza, the Russian Organization, Colombian drug cartels, and many other
international crime syndicates. Organized crime is the work of a group that regulates
relations among criminal enterprises involved in illegal activities, including prostitution,
gambling, and the smuggling and sale of illegal drugs (National Institute of Justice
Organized crime The work of a group that regulates relations among criminal
enterprises involved in illegal activities, including prostitution, gambling, and the
smuggling and sale of illegal drugs.
Organized crime dominates the world of illegal business, just as large corporations
dominate the conventional business world. It allocates territory, sets prices for goods
and services, and acts as an arbiter in internal disputes. A secret, conspiratorial activity,
organized crime generally evades law enforcement. It takes over legitimate businesses,
gains influence over labor unions, corrupts public officials, intimidates witnesses in
criminal trials, and even “taxes” merchants in exchange for “protection” (Federal Bureau
of Investigation 2016).
Historically, organized crime has provided a means of upward mobility for groups of
people struggling to escape poverty. Sociologist Daniel Bell (1953) used the term ethnic
succession to describe the sequential passage of leadership from Irish Americans in the
early 1900s to Jewish Americans in the 1920s and then to Italian Americans in the early
1930s. Recently, ethnic succession has become more complex, reflecting the diversity
of the nation’s latest immigrants. Colombian, Mexican, Russian, Chinese, Pakistani, and
Nigerian immigrants are among those who have begun to play a significant role in
organized crime activities (Friman 2004; Kleinknecht 1996).
There has always been a global element in organized crime. However, law
enforcement officials and policy makers now acknowledge the emergence of a new form
of organized crime that takes advantage of advances in electronic communications.
International organized crime includes drug and arms smuggling, money laundering,
and trafficking in illegal immigrants and stolen goods (Lumpe 2003; National Institute of
Justice 2007).
In the past, international crime was often limited to the clandestine shipment of goods
across the border between two countries. Increasingly, however, crime is no more
restricted by such borders than is legal commerce. Rather than concentrating on
specific countries, international crime now spans the globe.
page 136
Transnational Crime More and more, scholars and law enforcement officials are
turning their attention to transnational crime, or crime that occurs across multiple
national borders. Historically, probably the most dreaded example of transnational crime
has been slavery. At first, governments did not regard slavery as a crime but merely
regulated it as they would trade in any other good. Examples of transnational crime now
include human trafficking, illicit trade in firearms, sale of fraudulent medicines,
counterfeiting goods, wildlife trafficking, and migrant smuggling (Kelly and Levy 2012;
Ruetschlin and Bangura 2012; UNODC 2018a).
One way to fight such crime has been through multilateral cooperation in which
countries work together to pursue border-crossing crime. The first global effort to control
international crime was the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), a
cooperative network of European police forces founded to stem the movement of
political revolutionaries across borders. Although such efforts to fight transnational crime
may seem lofty—an activity with which any government would want to cooperate—they
are complicated by sensitive legal and security issues. Most nations that have signed
protocols issued by the United Nations, including the United States, have expressed
concern over potential encroachments on their national judicial systems, as well as
concern over their national security. Thus, they have been reluctant to share certain
types of intelligence data. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, increased both
the interest in combating transnational crime and sensitivity to the risks of sharing
intelligence data (Deflem 2005; Felson and Kalaitzidis 2005).
International Incarceration Rates
Source: Institute for Criminal Policy Research 2018. Photo: Trista Weibell/Getty Images
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
A mother demands that a local sheriff do his job.
Charm City
On the frontlines of violence in Baltimore.
Hell or High Water
Two brothers turn to robbing banks to save their family farm.
Incarcerating US
An exploration of mass incarceration in the United States.
The Shawshank Redemption
Some birds aren’t meant to be caged.
higher elsewhere. For example, France, Italy, Sweden, and Greece all have higher rates
of reported car theft than does the United States, and rates for reported thefts are higher
in the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, and France. When it comes to murder, most
South and Central American nations, including Honduras, El Salvador, and Venezuela,
have homicide rates many times higher than does the United States (UNODC 2018b).
But when comparing incarceration rates, the United States has the highest page 137
rate of putting people behind bars of any nation in the world. On a typical
day, the United States imprisons 655 of every 100,000 adults, compared to 397 in
Russia, 164 in Mexico, and 114 in Canada (Institute for Criminal Policy Research 2016).
Why are rates of violent crime so much higher in the United States than in western
Europe? Sociologist Elliot Currie (1985, 1998) has suggested that U.S. society places
greater emphasis on individual economic achievement than other societies. At the same
time, many observers have noted that the culture of the United States has long
tolerated, if not condoned, many forms of violence. Coupled with sharp disparities
between poor and affluent citizens, significant unemployment, and substantial alcohol
and drug abuse, these factors combine to produce a climate conducive to crime.
Violent crime remains a serious problem in nations around the world. In Mexico, for
example, approximately 44 percent of the 27,734 homicides in 2017 were categorized
as organized crime-style killings, involving elements such as group execution, torture,
beheadings, and dismemberment. Attacks have been especially concentrated in the
Mexican states of Guerrero, Chihuahua, Veracruz, and Guanajuato (Calderón, Ferreira,
and Shirk 2018). The violence is a consequence, in part, of governmental attempts to
crack down on the illegal drug trade. After his election in 2006, President Felipe
Calderón sent in tens of thousands of troops to enforce the law. Since then, drug cartels
fought both the authorities and one another in a struggle to maintain their local power
(Camp 2010a, 2010b).
International Gun Homicide Rates
Note: The number represents the percentage of homicides committed using firearms.
Source: UNODC 2014. Photo: ©Stockbyte/PunchStock
as deviant which clarifies our shared beliefs and values and thus brings us closer
together. We say, in effect, “This is who we are, and if you want to be one of us, you
cannot cross this line.” Another positive function occurs through punishment, which
creates solidarity by drawing a group together in opposition to the offender. Punishment
also functions as a deterrent. Seeing violators pay the price for their deviance
discourages others from similar transgressions. When we see a driver receiving a
speeding ticket, a department store cashier being fired for yelling at a customer, or a
college student getting a failing grade for plagiarizing a term paper, we are reminded of
our collective norms and values and of the consequences of their violation. Finally,
Durkheim did recognize that deviant acts might also lead us to recognize the limits of
our existing beliefs and practices, resulting in positive social change in which we revise
existing norms and values.
page 138
Durkheim argues that increased division of labor results in fewer shared
experiences and thus a weakened sense of community. What impact might a
strong commitment to individualism have on our likelihood of committing crime?
Merton’s Strain Theory Sociologist Robert Merton (1968) took Durkheim’s theory a
step further. He suggested that a disconnect can exist between a society’s goals and
the means people have to attain them. By goals he meant the dominant values that
most members of a society share, and by means he meant the material, social, and
cultural resources necessary for success. He did not assume that all people in a society
would be equally committed to those values. He also did not assume that everyone
would have the same opportunity to attain those goals. Putting these together, he
developed the strain theory of deviance, which views deviance as an adaptation of
socially prescribed goals or of the means governing their attainment, or both.
Merton’s Typology of Deviance
organization, such as a militia group, can be categorized as rebels according to
Merton’s model.
Merton’s theory, though popular, does not fully account for patterns of deviance and
crime. Although it is useful in explaining certain types of behavior, such as illegal
gambling by disadvantaged “innovators,” it fails to explain key differences in crime rates.
Why, for example, do some disadvantaged groups have lower rates of reported crime
than others? Why do many people in adverse circumstances reject criminal activity as a
viable alternative? Merton’s theory does not easily answer such questions (Clinard and
Miller 1998). Exploring additional sociological perspectives on crime and deviance helps
us to more fully appreciate such nuances.
page 139
Source: U.S. Department of Justice 2018c:Tables 30 and 69. Photo: ESB Professional/Shutterstock
Hirschi’s Social Control Theory Rather than asking why people do commit
crimes, American sociologist Travis Hirschi (1969) asked why they don’t. He assumed
that, left to their own devices, people would naturally seek their own gratification,
including lying, cheating, and stealing to get their way, even at the expense of others.
Growing out of the functionalist perspective, the theory presupposes that society would
be unable to function if people couldn’t trust others to work toward common goals. As an
answer, he proposed social control theory, which posits that the social bonds we
share with other members of society lead us to conform to society’s norms. According to
Hirschi, deviance occurs due to lack of self-control, and self-control develops as a
consequence of socialization into society’s norms and values through the relationships
we have with others. Even if we are tempted at times, we take into account what family,
friends, and significant others might think should they find out what we did. As a result,
we typically refuse to give in to temptation because we do not want to damage those
Social control theory A theory of deviance that posits that the social bonds we
share with other members of society lead us to conform to society’s norms
Hirschi identified four key elements involved in strengthening those social bonds.
First, attachment refers to the emotional ties and sense of connection individuals feel
toward significant others in their lives. Second, commitment involves the extent to which
individuals view their long-term success as tied to the ongoing success of their society.
In other words, investing one’s time, energy, and resources in the existing system
reduces the likelihood of deviance, which would jeopardize that investment. Third,
involvement means spending time doing what is expected—for a student, that might
include studying for exams, rehearsing lines, going to volleyball practice—which
reduces a person’s availability for deviance. If, as the old proverb goes, “Idle hands are
the devil’s workshop,” involvement prevents deviance by keeping people busy. And
fourth, belief involves buying into the society’s core values by making them one’s own.
Those least integrated into society along these four dimensions are the ones most likely
to commit deviant acts. According to Hirschi’s theory, society can reduce levels of crime
and deviance by socializing children effectively at a young age and building strong
social ties as children develop (Brown and Jennings 2014; Hirschi 1969, 2004).
Cultural transmission A school of criminology that argues that criminal behavior is
learned through social interactions.
Sutherland maintained that through interactions with a primary group and significant
others, people acquire definitions of proper and improper behavior. He used the term
differential association to describe the process through which exposure to attitudes
favorable to criminal acts leads to the violation of rules. For example, people are more
likely to engage in norm-defying behavior if they are part of a group or subculture that
stresses supports and encourages such actions, such as a street gang. Research
suggests that this view of differential association also applies to noncriminal deviant
acts, such as smoking, binge drinking, and cheating (Higgins, Tewksbury, and Mustaine
2007; Nofziger and Hye-Ryeon 2006; Vowell and Chen 2004).
Differential association A theory of deviance that holds that violation of rules results
from exposure to attitudes favorable to criminal acts.
page 140
Personal Sociology
Criminal in the Mirror
The cafeteria at the school where I teach has an all-you-can-eat policy, but you cannot
take food with you when you leave. Most of my students admit they violate this rule.
When I suggest that what they are doing might be criminal, they are offended. They
justify their theft in any number of ways: they pay a lot for their meal plan, they
sometimes miss meals, it wouldn’t make sense to throw the food away, etc. Yet there
are people who are in prison for having taken things costing less than the total value of
food taken by the average student. Why is it that those of us, like me, who are guilty of
having taken food do not view ourselves as criminal?
Sutherland offers the example of a child who is sociable, outgoing, and athletic and
who lives in an area with a high rate of delinquency. The youth is very likely to come into
contact with peers who commit acts of vandalism, fail to attend school, and so forth, and
they may come to adopt such behavior. However, an introverted child who lives in the
same neighborhood may stay away from their peers and avoid delinquency. In another
community, an outgoing and athletic child may join a Little League baseball team or a
scout troop because of their interactions with peers. Thus, Sutherland views improper
behavior as the result of the types of groups to which one belongs and the kinds of
friendships one has (Sutherland, Cressey, and Luckenbill 1992).
Although the cultural transmission approach may not explain the conduct of the first-
time, impulsive shoplifter or the impoverished person who steals out of necessity, it
does help explain the deviant behavior of juvenile delinquents or graffiti artists. It directs
our attention to the paramount role of social interaction and context in increasing a
person’s motivation to engage in deviant behavior (Morselli, Tremblay, and McCarthy
2006; Sutherland, Cressey, and Luckenbill 1992).
Social disorganization theory The theory that attributes increases in crime and
deviance to the absence or breakdown of communal relationships and social
institutions, such as the family, school, church, and local government.
The social disorganization theory gave rise to what is known as the broken
windows hypothesis, which holds that physical signs of decline in a community or
neighborhood indicate a corresponding breakdown of social order within which crime
and deviance are likely to thrive (Wilson and Kelling 1982). Indicators of physical decline
include abandoned cars, litter, graffiti, and drug paraphernalia, The analogy goes
something like this, “If a window in a building is broken and is left unrepaired, all the rest
of the windows will soon be broken” (Wilson and Kelling 1982). The broken window gets
taken as a sign that no one cares, meaning there will be no consequences for breaking
more. As that happens, a perception develops that the community is page 141
unsafe, leading people to action. Many community members who can do
so will move out. As informal social controls break down, others will be more willing to
display deviance publicly, including panhandling, prostitution, public intoxication, drug
use, and mugging (Kelling 2015; Kelling and Coles 1996; Wilson and Kelling 1982).
The broken windows model resulted in a theory of policing premised on the idea that
the metaphorical broken windows must be addressed early on before the domino effect
kicked in and the neighborhood was engulfed in crime. In practice, to prevent this from
happening, police focused less on physical indicators of decline and instead targeted
individuals who might represent early signs of social disorganization. That included
moving homeless people out of areas in an effort to stop the first domino. The challenge
arises, however, when undesirability is linked to race, ethnicity, age, and sex.
A particularly controversial implementation of the broken windows hypothesis came
in the form of “stop and frisk” policing programs. Such policies encourage police to stop
and search individuals for drugs, weapons, or other illegal items, even without probable
cause. This technique has been criticized for unfairly targeting and denying the
constitutional rights of young African American and Latino males (Gelman, Fagan, and
Kiss 2007; Kochel, Wilson, and Mastrofski 2011; Sampson and Raudenbush 2004;
Torres 2015), and its effectiveness in reducing crime has been questioned (Rosenfeld
and Fornago 2014). In spite of the controversy surrounding this approach, Donald
Trump advocated its implementation in Chicago as a way to address the violence in that
city (Gonzales and Holland 2018).
become a classic sociological study of deviance. Using observation research at a
moderate-sized suburban high school, he followed two groups of male students, which
he called the Saints and Roughnecks. Those designated the Saints came from “good
families,” were active in school organizations, planned on attending college, and
received good grades. Those designated the Roughnecks had no such aura of
respectability. They drove around town in beat-up cars, were generally unsuccessful in
school, and aroused suspicion no matter what they did (Chambliss 1973).
Chambliss learned that boys from both groups repeatedly engaged in excessive
drinking, reckless driving, truancy, petty theft, and vandalism. However, students he
identified as Saints were never arrested, whereas Roughnecks were frequently in
trouble with police and townspeople. Even though their acts of deviance were largely
the same, the two groups were not treated equally. The Saints hid behind a facade of
respectability, and people generally viewed their delinquent acts as a few isolated cases
of sowing wild oats. Consistent with the Thomas theorem, Chambliss concluded that
people’s perception of the students, as rooted in their social class positions, played an
important role in the varying fortunes of the two groups.
We can understand such discrepancies by using an approach to deviance known as
labeling theory, which emphasizes how a person comes to be labeled as deviant or to
accept that label. Unlike Sutherland’s work, labeling theory does not focus on why some
individuals come to commit deviant acts. Instead, it attempts to explain why society
views certain people (such as the Roughnecks) as deviants, delinquents, bad kids,
losers, and criminals, while it sees others whose behavior is similar (such as the Saints)
in less harsh terms. Sociologist Howard Becker (1963:9; 1964), who popularized this
approach, summed up labeling theory with this statement: “Deviant behavior is behavior
that people so label.”
aspect of labeling theory is the recognition that some individuals or groups have the
power to define labels and apply them to others. This view ties into the conflict
perspective’s emphasis on the social significance of power.
The practice of racial profiling, in which people are identified as criminal suspects
purely on the basis of their race, frequently occurs in stop-and-frisk policing and has
come under public scrutiny. Studies confirm the public’s suspicion that in some
jurisdictions, police officers are much more likely to stop African American males than
White males for routine traffic violations, in the expectation of finding drugs or guns in
their cars. Civil rights activists refer to these cases sarcastically as DWB (Driving While
Black) violations (Warren et al. 2006). The deaths of numerous young African American
men, including Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida; Michael Brown in Ferguson,
Missouri; Eric Garner in New York City; Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio; page 142
Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota; and, Stephon Clark in
Sacramento, California, raised substantial concerns about the life-and-death
consequences of labeling young African American males as threats.
Although the labeling approach does not fully explain why certain people accept a
label and others manage to reject it, labeling theorists do suggest that the power an
individual has relative to others is important in determining his or her ability to resist an
undesirable label. It opens the door to additional emphasis on the undeniably important
actions of people with power who can shape what counts as deviance.
Before letting them drive, many African American parents have “the talk” with their kids about what to do if they get
pulled over by police. EMPPhotography/E+/Getty Images
points toward the role that having power and control over valued resources can play in
defining deviance. Sociologist Richard Quinney (1974, 1979, 1980) is a leading
proponent of the view that the criminal justice system serves the interests of the
powerful. Consistent with the conflict perspective, this approach maintains that people
with power protect their own interests and define deviance to suit their own needs.
Crime, according to Quinney (1970), is defined as such by legislators who may be
influenced by the economic elites to advance their interests.
Race and Class Looking at crime from this perspective draws our attention to the
effects that power and position might have throughout the criminal justice system in the
United States. Researchers have found that the system treats suspects differently
based on their racial, ethnic, or social class background. In many cases, officials using
their own discretion make biased decisions about whether to press charges or drop
them, whether to set bail and how much, and whether to offer parole or deny it.
Researchers have found that this kind of differential justice, which refers to variations
in the way social control is exercised over different groups, puts African Americans and
Latinxs at a disadvantage in the justice system, both as juveniles and as adults. On
average, White offenders receive shorter sentences than comparable Latinx and African
American offenders, even when prior arrest records and the relative severity of the
crime are taken into consideration (Brewer and Heitzeg 2008; Quinney 1974; Wakefield
and Uggen 2010).
Differential justice Variations in the way social control is exercised over different
We see this pattern of differential justice at work with death penalty cases. Simply
put, poor people cannot afford to hire the best lawyer and often must rely on court-
appointed attorneys, who typically are overworked and underpaid. With capital
punishment in place, these unequal resources may mean the difference between life
and death for poor defendants (Kutateladze et al. 2014; National Center for Access to
Justice 2016; National Center for State Courts 2015). Indeed, the American Bar
Association has repeatedly expressed concern about the limited defense most
defendants facing the death penalty receive. Through the end of 2018, DNA analysis
and other new technologies had exonerated 362 inmates, 20 of whom had served time
on death row, with an average of 14 years served in prison. Forty of the exonerees
pleaded guilty to crimes they did not commit. Overall, 61 percent of those found
innocent were African American (Innocence Project 2018).
Various studies show that defendants are more likely to be sentenced to death if
their victims were White rather than Black. Even though about half of all murder victims
are White, 75 percent of death penalty case victims are White. Some evidence indicates
that Black defendants, who constituted 42 percent of all death row inmates, are more
likely to face execution than Whites in the same legal circumstances. Overall, 70
percent of those who have been exonerated by DNA testing were African American,
Latinx, Native American, or Asian American. Evidence exists, too, that capital
defendants receive poor legal services because of the racist attitudes of their own
defense counsel. Apparently, discrimination and racism do not end even when the
stakes are life and death (Death Penalty Information Center 2018; Innocence Project
2018; Jacobs et al. 2007).
page 143
Note: The death penalty was reinstated by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1976. Data current as of May 2019. New
Mexico abolished the death penalty in 2009. California established a moratorium on the use of the death penalty
in March 2019.
Source: Death Penalty Information Center 2019.
Gender Feminist criminologists such as Meda Chesney-Lind (with Lisa Pasko 2004)
and Gillian Balfour (2006) have suggested that many of the existing approaches to
deviance and crime were developed with only men in mind. For example, in the United
States, for many years any husband who forced his wife to have sexual intercourse—
without her consent and against her will—was not legally considered to have committed
rape. The law defined rape as pertaining only to sexual relations between people who
were not married to each other, reflecting the overwhelmingly male composition of state
legislatures at the time. It took repeated protests by feminist organizations to get
changes in the criminal law defining rape. It was not until 1993 that husbands in all 50
states could be prosecuted under most circumstances for the rape of their wives;
however, significant exceptions remain in no fewer than 30 states (Bergen 2006).
In some parts of the world, laws regarding rape and marriage continue to point
toward inequality for women in the eyes of the law. In various countries in the Middle
East, for example, rapists can avoid prosecution by marrying their victims. Women’s
rights groups have protested by displaying bloodied wedding gowns in public places to
bring attention to the practice. As a result, some countries, including Morocco, Lebanon,
Jordan, and Tunisia, have abolished the marry-your-rapist loophole in recent years
(Raphelson 2017; Sengupta 2017).
From the feminist perspective, we also learn that men’s greater average earning
power disadvantages women. For example, wives may be reluctant to report acts of
abuse to the authorities and thereby lose what may be their primary or even sole source
of income. But as women have taken more active and powerful roles both in the
household and in business, these gender differences in deviance and crime have
narrowed (Chesney-Lind 1989; Kruttschnitt 2013).
Together, sociological perspectives on crime and deviance help us better
understand and explain such acts. No single explanation is sufficient. We must consider
multiple factors from a variety of perspectives, including the extent to which deviance
exists for the sake of social order; the degree of opportunity to attain both means and
ends; the role of socialization in deviance; the strength of local community networks; the
power to administer labels and make them stick; and differential access to valuable
resources based on class, race, and gender. If we are to fully understand crime and
deviance, we need to dig deep enough and consider what is going on from enough
angles and with sufficient care, concern, and curiosity.
page 144
Observing Justice
Visit a local courthouse to observe a trial in action. If possible, stay for several
cases in different courts. What do you observe about the key players,
including the defendants, attorneys, judge, and witnesses? Drawing on
Goffman’s dramaturgical analysis, in what ways are the performances
staged? What scripts and props are used? How does the trial you observed
compare to trials portrayed in television dramas or on cable news channels?
For deviance that involves violating the formal norms administered
by the state for which the offender may receive formal sanctions.
REVIEWIII. How do sociologists explain deviance and crime?
Sociologists offer a number of theories of crime, each of which
provides additional factors to be considered—such as the need
for social order, the significance of interpersonal relationships
and local context, and the importance of power and access to
resources—that help us better understand why deviance and
crime occur.
Arek Malang/Shutterstock
page 145
SOCVIEWS on Deviance
How would each perspective approach, explore, and explain mass public
shootings in the United States?
What perspective do you think provides the best explanation for the results of
Milgram’s experiment on obedience? Why?
Describe victimless crime from the point of view of each of the three
perspectives, using one of the following examples in your response: drug use,
gambling, or prostitution.
Which perspective best describes the way you learned proper social behavior?
Were social norms socialized and internalized (functionalist), imposed by
powerful authority figures (conflict), or learned from observing others
(interactionist)? Provide examples.
page 146
Pop Quiz
1. What term do sociologists use to describe society’s power to limit
deviance by enforcing conformity to expected norms and values?
a. stigmatization
b. labeling
c. law
d. social control
2. The penalties and rewards we face for conduct concerning a social norm
are known as
a. informal social controls.
b. stigmas.
c. sanctions.
d. conformities.
3. What type of compliance do sociologists refer to when using the word
a. going along with peers even though they have no formal authority over us
b. obedience to higher authorities in a hierarchical structure
c. listening to your conscience when it tells you not to do something wrong
d. acceptance of the court system’s right to enforce formal sanctions
4. Which of the following statements is true of deviance?
a. Deviance is always criminal behavior.
b. Deviance is behavior that violates the standards of conduct or expectations of
a group or society.
c. Deviance is perverse behavior.
d. Deviance is inappropriate behavior that cuts across all cultures and social
5. The FBI reports which two major categories of crime in its annual Uniform
Crime Reports?
a. violent crime and property crime
b. organized crime and white-collar crime
c. victimless crime and transnational crime
d. transnational crime and victimization crime
6. Which type of crime involves the willing exchange among adults of widely
desired, but illegal, goods and services?
a. index crimes
b. white-collar crime
c. victimless crime
d. organized crime
7. Which of the following is not one of the basic forms of adaptation specified
in Robert Merton’s strain theory of deviance?
a. conformity
b. innovation
c. ritualism
d. hostility
8. According to Hirschi’s social control theory,
a. deviance involves acceptance and/or rejection of society’s goals and means.
b. our social bonds with members of society lead us to conform to society’s
c. we come to view ourselves as deviant based on how others view us.
d. power and access to resources shape whose norms and values determine
individual action.
9. Which of the following theories gave rise to the “broken windows”
hypothesis that physical decay in a community represents a symbol of
decreasing social order?
a. labeling theory
b. cultural transmission theory
c. social disorganization theory
d. strain theory
10. Even though they committed the same deviant acts, the Saints and the
Roughnecks did not receive the same treatment from authorities.
Sociologist William Chambliss suggests this was due to the fact that
authorities viewed members of the groups differently. Which theory
supports that conclusion?
a. Merton’s strain theory
b. culture transmission theory
c. differential association theory
d. labeling theory
1. (d), 2. (c), 3. (a), 4. (b), 5. (a), 6. (c), 7. (d), 8. (b), 9. (c), 10. (d)
Design Elements: Going Global (Earth): ©Studio Photogram/Alamy Stock Photo; Personal Sociology (drawing of
author): McGraw-Hill Education; 5 Movies (popcorn): ©D. Hurst/Alamy Stock Photo; Sociology Is a Verb (overlapping
hands): ©Jeff DeWeerd/Imagezoo/Getty Images
page 147
Tinder realized early on that it might benefit from the insight sociology can
provide. As a result, it hired Jessica Carbino, who earned her PhD in sociology
from UCLA. Carbino gathered data through surveys, focus groups, and content
analysis for Tinder for almost four years before moving on to Bumble, another
online dating app. Bumble’s claim to fame is that, for heterosexual relationships,
women must make the first move, initiating the contact by swiping right, before a
match can be made.
Carbino argues that online dating apps developed as a consequence of
society’s changing structure. These tools, she claims, have “replaced or
supplemented a very fragmented market by which people meet. Historically,
people have met through family and friends. But now given delays in marriage and
childbearing generally . . . it’s becoming far harder to find someone to ultimately
mate with” (Titlow 2016). Tinder, Bumble, and other online dating options fulfill the
function that those social contacts used to serve.
In her research, Carbino found that 80 percent of Tinder users, and 85 percent
of Bumble users, are looking for steady relationships or marriage rather than a
hookup (Gay 2018; Titlow 2016). By analyzing profiles, she learned that people
who smile in their profile photo are 14 percent more likely to get people to swipe
right. Having a front-facing photo increases the odds by 20 percent, but wearing
glasses or a hat decreases positive responses by 15 percent and 12 page 148
percent, respectively (Lebowitz 2016; Vitto 2017; Yang 2018).
Men and women approach Tinder differently. Men are more likely to swipe right
but not follow up with a message. Women are less likely to swipe right but more
likely to send a message. After a match occurs, meaning both parties “liked” each
other, the median amount of time it took for a man to send a message was 2
minutes compared to 38 minutes for women. The median message length for men
was 12 characters compared to 122 for women (Tyson et al. 2016).
When it comes to love, marriage, sex, kids, and all that, the choices people
make at one time and place differ from those at another. In this chapter we explore
the ways sociology enables us to understand how and why such variations occur.
Madagascar, a man has multiple wives, each one living in a different village where he
cultivates rice. Wherever he has the best rice field, that woman is considered his first or
senior wife. Among the Yanomami of Brazil and Venezuela, it is considered proper to
have sexual relations with one’s opposite-sex cousins if they are the children of one’s
mother’s brother or father’s sister. But if one’s opposite-sex cousins are the children of
one’s mother’s sister or father’s brother, the same practice is considered to be incest
(Haviland et al. 2005; Kottak 2004).
Such cross-cultural variation in family structure supports the sociological principle
that culture, including our beliefs and practices about families, is socially constructed.
There is no singular, universal model determining what families must look like. To deal
with such variation, sociologists have developed two approaches to defining families.
The first is a substantive definition that focuses on what a family is, and the second is a
functional definition that focuses on what families do.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2018a. Photo: ©Brand X Pictures/Jupiter Images
aunts and uncles, and other biological relatives. Law means the socially acknowledged
and normatively accepted affirmation of a bond as family, particularly in the forms of
marriage and adoption.
TV families in the 1950s showed very little diversity in terms of family structure, race,
and ethnicity. Hulton Archive/NBC Television/Getty Images
The primary advantage of this definitional approach is that boundaries are clear; we
can tell who is in and who is out. This makes it easier to count such families, so perhaps
it is no surprise that the U.S. Census, whose definition of family remains largely
unchanged since 1930, relies on a substantive approach: “A family consists of a
householder and one or more other people living in the same household who are related
to the householder by birth, marriage or adoption” (Pemberton 2015). It also allows us to
track who is related to whom over time.
When tracing kinship across generations, thus emphasizing the “blood” portion of the
substantive definition, sociologists have identified three patterns of descent. Families in
the United States typically follow the system of bilateral descent, which means that
both sides of a person’s family are regarded as equally important. For example, no
higher value is typically given to family relations on one’s father’s side compared to
one’s mother’s. Historically, most societies give preference to one side of the family or
the other in tracing descent (Murdock 1957). In patrilineal descent (from the Latin
pater, “father”), only the father’s relatives are significant in terms of property,
inheritance, and emotional ties. Conversely, in societies that favor matrilineal descent
(from the Latin mater, “mother”), only the mother’s relatives are significant.
Bilateral descent A kinship system in which both sides of a person’s family are
regarded as equally important.
Patrilineal descent A kinship system in which only the father’s relatives are
Matrilineal descent A kinship system in which only the mother’s relatives are
How important are intergenerational kinship networks and extended family
members in your family? How has this changed since your parents’ and
grandparents’ generations?
Marriage Types When it comes to the “law” part of the substantive definition of
families, historically, in the United States, the vast majority of marriages are
monogamous. The term monogamy describes a form of marriage in which two people
are married only to each other. That does not necessarily mean a person will ever have
only one marriage partner. Many people in the United States move into and out of a
number of serious romantic relationships over time, what sociologist Andrew Cherlin
(2009) refers to as the “marriage-go-round.” Termed serial monogamy, a person may
have several spouses in his or her lifetime, but only one spouse at a time.
Monogamy A form of marriage in which two people are married only to each other.
Serial monogamy A form of marriage in which a person may have several spouses
in his or her lifetime, but only one spouse at a time.
man to more than one woman at the same time. Less common is polyandry, in which a
woman may have more than one husband at the same time. Although polygamy
declined steadily through most of the 20th century, in 28 sub-Saharan African countries,
at least 10 percent of men still have polygamous marriages (Fenske 2013; Tertilt 2005).
In a U.S. national survey, researchers found that 19 percent of adults find polygamy to
be morally acceptable, up from 7 percent in 2001 (Jones 2018; Newport 2015).
page 150
Why do you think that polygamy was the most common form of marriage
historically? Why has it given way to monogamy in modern societies?
Family Networks The substantive approach also calls attention to who we count as
close family members. Historically, family connections served as a valuable resource,
providing us with access to material, social, and cultural resources. As a result, the
extended family, a family in which relatives—such as grandparents, aunts, or uncles—
live in the same or adjacent households as parents and their children was more
common. We depended on relatives for food, shelter, opportunities, and knowledge. In
fact, historian Stephanie Coontz (2005) argues that, historically, the primary reason to
get married was to obtain not a partner but in-laws, thus extending one’s network of
cooperative relationships. This was the logic of the matchmaker tradition in which
resource distribution mattered more than romantic love. The matchmaker, as a member
of the community, sought to maximize social network connections for the good of the
Definitions of families have become more inclusive over time to encompass
relationships that are heterosexual, same-sex, married, cohabitating, single-parent,
stepfamilies, child-free, and more. ©Creatas Images/Jupiter Images
With the advent of the Industrial Revolution, a large family went from being an asset
to something of a liability. Rather than serving as workers who assisted parents on
farms in agricultural communities, children primarily became consumers in cities whom
parents had to feed, clothe, and shelter, which represented a significant expense. In
addition, jobs were less place specific, so having fewer children made it easier for
workers to be mobile, an advantage if the company wanted to transfer them to another
location. As a result, families became smaller. The dominant family form transitioned
from the extended family to the nuclear family which includes a married couple and
their unmarried children living together. The concept of nuclear family builds on the
essence or nucleus of the substantive definition of blood and law, including as it does
both the parent-to-child and the marriage relationship.
Nuclear family A married couple and their unmarried children living together.
stepparent, who might have played a vital role in child rearing, no longer related? What
about close friends who are very much part of the family? Does Dad’s college friend
“Uncle” Bob count? New forms of reproductive technology, involving donated sperm and
eggs and surrogate parents, also challenge the biological preconditions of this
approach. Any substantive definition we might come up with runs the risk of excluding
those whom we think of as family members. In response, sociologists turn toward the
more inclusive functionalist definition of families to address these limitations.
Note: Male and female householders include men and women living alone or exclusively with people to whom they
are not related, including those in a college dormitory, homeless shelter, or military base.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2018d:Table HH-1. Photo: S. Greg Panosian/Getty Images
Ariel Skelley/Blend Images
Affection and companionship. Ideally, families provide members with warm and
intimate relationships, helping them to feel satisfied and secure. Of course, a family
member may find such rewards outside the family—from peers, in school, at work
—and may even perceive the home as an unpleasant or abusive setting.
Nevertheless, we expect our relatives to understand us, to care for us, and to be
there for us when we need them.
Provision of social status. We inherit a social position because of the family
background and reputation of our parents and siblings. For example, the race,
ethnicity, social class, education level, occupation, and religion of our parents all
shape the material, social, and cultural resources to which we have access and
therefore the options we might have.
From this functionalist approach, no matter how it is composed, any group that fulfills
these functions is family to us. For example, members of a sports team can be family to
us, as can a group of college friends who remain close for life. They are people we can
count on in times of trouble, people who will have our backs. We turn to them for all
kinds of support, including care and affection, guidance in how to think and act or who to
date, and sometimes even for material support, whether borrowing a car or money for
Increasingly, people even pets count as family. In the United States, 95 percent of
pet owners think of their pets as family members, and 64 percent buy them Christmas or
holiday presents. Some couples go so far as to include dogs as participants in their
wedding ceremonies (Shannon-Missal 2015; Stoeckel et al. 2014; Walsh 2009a,
2009b). Pets can be especially important to people who might otherwise live alone,
providing them with mutual care and affection.
Personal Sociology
When we discuss families in terms of what they do instead of what they are, my
students inevitably ask, “Do pets count as family?” Some strongly agree, while others
think it is the most ridiculous thing they have ever heard. Over time, more and more
students have begun coming down on the side of pets as family. When Lori and I
“adopted” Jessie, our Pembroke Welsh corgi, I better understood why. People develop
strong emotional bonds with their pets and some refer to them as their “fur kids.” Pets
provide a source of comfort and companionship. When Jessie began to show symptoms
of degenerative myelopathy, an inherited genetic disorder, we didn’t hesitate to provide
her with medical care and a set of wheels to help her get around. Pets give us someone
to care about, and they care for us in their own ways. Isn’t that what family is all about?
We may find ourselves saying that friends, teammates, “Uncle” Bob, and pets are
“like family” to convey the close bond that we have with them. We may even refer to the
significant people in our lives as sister, brother, mom, or dad. We do so because, to us,
they function like family. For many people, a family is what a family does.
Courtesy of Jon Witt
page 153
More than a century ago, Friedrich Engels ([1884] 1959), a colleague of Karl Marx
and advocate for the conflict perspective, went so far as to say that the family is the
ultimate source of social inequality because of its role in the transfer of power, property,
and privilege. Historically, he argues, the family has legitimized and perpetuated male
dominance. It has contributed to societal injustice, denied women opportunities that are
extended to men, and limited freedom in sexual expression and mate selection. In the
United States, it was not until the first wave of contemporary feminism, in the mid-
1800s, that there was a substantial challenge to the historical status of wives and
children as the legal property of husbands and fathers.
In the United States, the responsibility for raising children and maintaining the home
continues to fall largely on women. Sociologists have found that, in heterosexual
relationships, fathers have increased their involvement in child care, however, moms
still spend more than twice as much time per week on child care and housework than do
dads (Parker and Livingston 2018). Furthermore, with 5.1 million married stay-at-home
moms versus 190,000 married stay-at-home dads, a ratio of 27 to 1, the dominant
practice reinforces normative expectations (U.S. Census Bureau 2018e:Table SHP-1).
Partly because of the efforts of women and men in similar movements over the
years, we have seen the rise of a third type of authority pattern, in addition to patriarchy
and matriarchy. In the egalitarian family, spouses are regarded as equals. This shift
has been driven at least in part by occupational and financial opportunities for women
that previously had been denied them (Wills and Risman 2006). In practice, this does
not mean that all decisions and duties in all spheres are equally shared in page 154
such families. Wives may hold authority in some spheres, and husbands in
others. For example, sociologists have found that, in terms of both paid and unpaid
labor in two-parent families, the total hours worked by mothers and fathers is roughly
equal at about 65 hours per week, though the distribution of tasks varies (Bianchi,
Robinson, and Milkie 2006).
Another issue raised by conflict theorists involves the role families play in
maintaining the existing system of inequality. Although the United States is widely
viewed as a land of opportunity, access to valued resources is not evenly distributed to
all. Family serves as the basis for transferring material, social, and cultural resources
from one generation to the next. Children inherit the privileged or less-than-privileged
social and economic status of their parents (and in some cases, of earlier generations
as well). The socioeconomic status of a child’s family has a substantial influence on
their chances as an adult because it influences access to nutrition, health care, housing,
educational opportunities, and more (Lareau 2011; Pew Research Center 2015d;
Putnam 2015; Shipler 2004).
Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2018f:Table MS-2. Photo: Janis Christie/Photodisc/Getty Images
People continue to say “yes” to marriage. Currently, almost 80 percent of adults aged 25
and older are, or have been, married. Among never-married adults, 58 percent say they
want to get married someday. At the same time, it is also true that the marriage rate in
the United States is actually at or near a record low (Parker and Stepler 2017; Wang
and Parker 2014).
Marriage rates are so low in part because people are waiting longer to get married.
In the United States, the median age of first marriage in 2018 was 27.8 for women and
29.8 for men. Contrast that with the medians in 1960, which were 20.3 for women and
22.8 for men (U.S. Census Bureau 2018f:Table MS-2). Rates also vary based on a
variety of factors, including income, education, race, ethnicity, and nationality.
The increased likelihood of delaying marriage is shaped by one’s perception of
marriage, as the “Milestones in the Transition to Adulthood” feature in Chapter 4
demonstrated. Sociologist Andrew Cherlin (2009) argues that the symbolic significance
of marriage shifted as a result. Historically, in the United States, especially in the 1950s,
many saw marriage as a cornerstone, something that happens relatively early in
adulthood, providing the foundation on which other adult relationships and
responsibilities are built. Today, people are more likely to view marriage as a capstone,
something that happens later as a sign we have our act together. From this perspective,
people want to complete their educational degrees and establish themselves in a career
before settling into marriage and adulthood.
page 155
Marriage practices, including ceremonial customs, vary significantly across cultures.
(hands): ©Erica Simone Leeds; (carriage): Don Tremain/Photodisc/Getty Images
Some well-off professionals in the United States pay huge fees to enlist the help
of matchmakers. Why might people choose to do so? What are the
disadvantages of relying on one’s own contacts and judgment when it comes to
finding a romantic partner?
The use of online dating apps represents the latest in our individualistic quest to pick
just the right person for ourselves. We swipe right or left based on how people represent
themselves on the screen, hoping that others will pick us based on our presentation of
self. Yet research reveals that we aren’t always honest in how we present ourselves in
these online interactions. We seek to make ourselves seem more appealing by
exaggerating our interests, experiences, and abilities. We also avoid interactions by
claiming to be busy when we are not, we put people off by suggesting we will contact
them later, and we justify a lack of communication by suggesting that we forgot even
though we didn’t. Oftentimes we use such techniques in order to let people down gently,
and others do the same with us (Markowitz and Hancock 2018).
Though online dating opens up new possibilities, in practice, our pool of potential
partners is substantially reduced by our social location. Sociology enables us to better
recognize three basic partner selection principles that inevitably narrow our choices
(Kalmijn 1998):
We are limited to those who are available and with whom we have contact.
We are heavily influenced by opinions of family, friends, and the organizations to
which we belong (including schools, religious groups, and the workplace).
We are most attracted to people like ourselves.
In the first case, our geographic location and our position in the social structure
influences the degree to which we have the opportunity to establish a relationship with
someone. Second, our friends, family, fellow believers, coworkers, and more can play a
significant role in shaping our dating and mating choices, sometimes even exercising
effective veto power, whether formal or informal, about whether a relationship should
continue or not. Finally, as the saying goes, like attracts like (or at least it tends to).
Romantic comedies are a dime a dozen, and it’s easy to see why. There’s the thrill of
the chase and the hoped-for, and almost inevitable, happy ending. But how will the
contented couple come to terms with the mundane reality of everyday life together?
Film historian Jeanine Basinger (2012) argues that films about marriage are a
tougher sell because marriage is more like a merry-go-round than a roller-coaster
ride. To make films about marriage viable, filmmakers use a predictable plot: They
begin by showing the happy couple facing the promise of eternal bliss, disrupt the
relationship using one of seven common threats (money, infidelity, in-laws/children,
incompatibility, class, addiction, and murder), and finally, restore order by overcoming
the threat and recommitting to living happily ever after.
page 156
When sociologists analyze social factors that shape our selection of partners, they
pay particular attention to the balance between endogamy and exogamy. Endogamy
(from the Greek endon, “within”) specifies the groups within which a spouse must be
found and prohibits marriage with outsiders. For example, in the United States, many
people are expected to marry within their own racial, ethnic, or religious group and are
strongly discouraged or even prohibited from marrying outside the group. Endogamy is
intended to reinforce the cohesiveness of the group by suggesting that we should marry
someone “of our own kind.”
Endogamy The restriction of mate selection to people within the same group.
In contrast, exogamy (from the Greek exo, “outside”) requires mate selection
outside certain groups, usually one’s own family or certain kinfolk. Rules for how close is
too close vary across cultures and over time. The incest taboo, a social norm common
to virtually all societies, prohibits sexual relationships between certain culturally
specified relatives. In the United States, this taboo means that we must marry outside
the nuclear family. We cannot marry our siblings, and in most states, we cannot marry
our first cousins.
Exogamy The requirement that people select a mate outside certain groups.
Incest taboo The prohibition of sexual relationships between certain culturally
specified relatives.
“Mr. Cohen, tell the Court I love my wife, and it is just unfair that I can’t live with her in
Virginia.” As a result of their case, the Supreme Court overturned laws banning
interracial marriage in the United States (Wallenstein 2014). Since then, interracial
marriages in the United States have become more common. Now, 3.2 million married
couples, or 5.1 percent of the total, include partners from different racial groups (U.S.
Census Bureau 2018g:Table FG3). Among newlyweds in the United States, 17 percent
had a spouse of a different racial or ethnic background, suggesting that the overall rate
will continue to climb in the future (Livingston and Brown 2017).
Source: The New York Times 2006. Photo: ©Jasper White/Image Source
Despite the overall increase in the acceptance and practice of interracial marriage,
most married people continue to select a partner of the same race. As we can see from
the accompanying “Patterns of Interracial Marriage” table, however, there is some
variation both by race and by gender. Those who are White are the most page 157
likely to practice racial endogamy; approximately 97 percent of both men
and women select a marital partner of the same race. Among African Americans, men
are more likely than women to be involved in interracial marriages. For those who are
Asian, however, there is an even larger gender difference; women are much more likely
to be in an interracial marriage than men. Still, more than 80 percent of Asian women
select a partner of the same race. Such patterns demonstrate the continued significance
endogamy plays in partner selection (U.S. Census Bureau 2018g:Table FG3; Wang
Note: Numbers in thousands. Table does not show data for “Other” race husbands and wives.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2018g:Table FG3. Photo: Alexandre Zveiger/Shutterstock
Even within these broader endogamous social categories, we tend to pick people
like ourselves. This is known as homogamy—the conscious or unconscious tendency
to select a mate with personal and social characteristics similar to one’s own. We tend,
for example, to partner with people who have similar educational, occupational, and
income characteristics to ourselves (Mare 2016; Qian 2018).
Most online dating services use the homogamy principle to help couples make
matches. Long before Tinder enlisted the help of sociologist Jessica Carbino, an early
online dating service hired sociologist Pepper Schwartz (2006) as a consultant to
develop a 48-question survey that covered everything from background characteristics
to decision-making style to degree of impulsivity. Based on that kind of matching,
Internet dating site eHarmony claims that its site is responsible for more than 2 million
marriages. Overall, researchers estimate that between a quarter and a third of couples
meet online. The rate is even higher for those whose immediate pool of potential
partners is smaller, including gays, lesbians, and middle-aged heterosexuals. And some
evidence indicates that couples who meet online experience greater marital satisfaction
and are slightly less likely to divorce (Cacioppo et al. 2013; eHarmony 2014; Rosenfeld
and Thomas 2012).
In theory, Cupid’s arrow could strike anyone on our behalf. But love is not blind. Love
is a product of the social and cultural forces that shape the choices we make. Of course,
in keeping with the sociological imagination, knowing the ways our choices are
patterned frees us to decide whether to continue in those ways or decide to follow
different paths.
How important are factors such as age, education, race, ethnicity, social class,
gender, and religion in your choice of someone for a serious relationship? To
what extent are (were) you conscious of such influences when you pick (picked)
someone to date?
page 158
Births Overall, in the United States, a mother’s average age at first birth was 26.3 in
2016. A woman’s education plays an important role in her decision about when to have
a baby. Women with at least a college degree have an average age of 30.3 at first birth
compared to 23.8 years old for women without a college degree, a difference of six-and-
a-half years. Geographic location also has a significant impact. First-time mothers tend
to be older in big cities and in both the Northeast and far West. In Manhattan, New York,
for example, the average age is 31.1 and in San Francisco it is 31.9. By contrast,
average age at first birth is 19.9 in Todd County, South Dakota, and 20.5 in Kimble
County, Texas (Bui and Miller 2018).
The average number of babies a woman gives birth to has declined significantly both
in the United States and around the world. In 1960, the average number of births a
woman had by the end of her childbearing years was 3.65 in the United States. By
2016, the average fell to 1.8 births. Globally, in 1960 the average was 4.98, which fell to
2.44 in 2016 (World Bank 2018c). Many factors account for these declines, including
better educational and occupational opportunities for women, improved health care,
access to birth control, and delayed age of first marriage.
The relationship between marriage and birth has shifted over time. In the United
States, it is now the case that a woman’s median age at first birth is younger than her
median age at first marriage. This crossover happened around 1988 (Hymowitz et al.
2013). Overall, in 2016, 39.8 percent of births were to unmarried women in the United
States, though the birthrate for both unmarried mothers and teens declined (Martin et al.
Hollywood star Sandra Bullock and her son, the result of a domestic adoption. Marcel
Thomas/FilmMagic/Getty Images
Photo: Asia Images Group/Shutterstock
Adoption Adoption involves the socially recognized and affirmed transfer of the legal
rights, responsibilities, and privileges of parenthood. It fits with the “law” part of the
substantive definition of the family. In most cases, parental rights are transferred from
the biological or birth parents to the adoptive parents. Approximately 2.3 percent of U.S.
children live in a household with at least one adoptive parent (U.S. Census Bureau
2018a:Table B09019).
Adoption The socially recognized and affirmed transfer of the legal rights,
responsibilities, and privileges of parenthood.
There are two legal methods of adopting an unrelated person: (1) the adoption may
be arranged through a licensed agency, or (2) in some states it may be arranged
through a private agreement sanctioned by the courts. Adopted children may come from
the United States or from abroad. In 2017, parents in the United States adopted 4,714
children from other countries. The top three nations of origin for U.S. adoptions were
China with 1,905, Ethiopia with 313, and South Korea with 276. The page 159
median fee for adopting a child from China was $16,610. Although the
number of international adoptions remains substantial, it has declined substantially
since it peaked in 2004, when 23,000 such adoptions occurred (U.S. Department of
State 2018a).
In the United States, one of the limitations historically was that only married couples
could adopt. In 1995 an important court decision in New York held that a couple does
not have to be married to adopt a child. Under this ruling, unmarried heterosexual
couples, lesbian couples, and gay couples can all legally adopt children in New York.
Writing for the majority, Chief Justice Judith Kaye argued that by expanding the
boundaries of who can be legally recognized as parents, the state may be able to assist
more children in securing “the best possible home.” At the time, New York became the
third state (after Vermont and Massachusetts) to recognize the right of unmarried
couples to adopt children. Now adoption by unmarried persons is legal in all 50 states
(Dao 1995; Human Rights Campaign 2009).
For every child who is adopted, many more remain the wards of state-sponsored
child protective services. In 2017, 442,995 children in the United States were living in
foster care. Of these children, 123,437 were waiting for adoption (U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services 2016).
Parenting The family represents the primary agent of socialization in our lives. In the
contexts of families we learn the most basic skills and knowledge necessary for survival,
including how to walk, talk, feed ourselves, interact with others and much more. And yet,
when it comes to parenting, we receive little to no formal training on how to be effective
(Rossi 1968, 1984). We mostly rely on the parenting we received during our own
childhoods and on our observations of the parenting practices of family and friends
around us. In the 20th century, a whole publishing industry developed offering expert
advice to help parents know what to expect when expecting (Fass 2016; Hulbert 2003).
The upper- and middle-class parenting approach differed from that found in working-
class and poor families. These parents see their primary responsibility as ensuring that
their children’s material needs are met and then granting their children greater freedom
to navigate the world on their own. Lareau calls this approach accomplishment of
natural growth, which refers to a style of parenting that provides broad guidelines for
behavior, allowing children greater freedom to navigate the world on their own. Parents’
instructions to children are more directive—do this, don’t do that—rather than viewing
encounters as teachable moments. Children in these families are more like seeds that
have been thrown to the wind and grow to be wildflowers. Parents relying on
accomplishment of natural growth presume that children will spontaneously grow and
thrive. They believe that children will learn more responsibility if they face challenges on
their own rather than having a hovering helicopter parent there to bail them out. Lareau
found that these children, much like their parents, were less likely to engage with
authority figures such as teachers or doctors.
Because children are taught interpersonal skills that grow out of their social class
positions, the social class of their childhood is a strong predictor of their social class as
adults. Lareau (2011) confirmed as much when she checked back with the children and
their families 10 years after her initial research. Working-class kids tended to become
working-class adults, and children of professional parents tended to become
professionals themselves.
Parenting, Race, and Ethnicity Parenting also varies by race and ethnicity. Among
Mexican American families, for example, placing the interests of the family before those
of the individual, also known as familism, is a core value. The importance of the
extended family is manifested through the maintenance of close ties and strong
obligations to kinfolk outside the immediate family. Research suggests that a
commitment to familism increases closeness within families which contributes to better
psychological health (Campos et al. 2014). One possible consequence, however, is that
this commitment to family may reduce the likelihood that Latinx students apply to,
attend, and graduate from college (Desmond and Turley 2009).
Familism Placing the interests of the family before those of the individual.
Within African American families, too, strong kinship networks matter. Kinship ties,
especially through mothers, grandmothers, and aunts, serve as valuable conduits for
sharing material, social, and cultural resources (Goffman 2014a; Stack 1974).
Researchers found that African American kinship networks provide reciprocal support
when it comes to childcare, financial assistance, advice and emotional page 160
support, and resolving interfamilial conflict (Cross, Taylor, and Chatters
2018; St. Vil, McDonald, and Cross-Barnet 2018).
A couple’s true love conquers all, even the Supreme Court.
Instant Family
The people who take in foster kids are really special.
The Princess Bride
True love will follow you forever.
Leave No Trace
A father and a daughter anchor each other’s lives.
Two families worked the land for generations.
Note: The “No parents” category includes children living with either other relatives or nonrelatives. Persons of
Hispanic origin can be of any race.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2018h:Tables Ch-1, Ch-2, Ch-3, Ch-4.
esteem and focuses more on achievement, especially academic achievement. For
Chua, that meant denying her daughters things other children might take for granted,
such as attending sleepovers, being in school plays, watching television or playing
computer games, playing any instrument other than piano or violin, or getting any grade
less than an A. Research among Chinese American families, however, finds significant
variation in parenting styles and suggests that the tiger mom approach is neither the
most typical nor the most effective. The more common supportive parenting profile
found among these families produced children with better GPAs, higher educational
attainment, less depressive symptoms, and a stronger sense of family obligation (Kim et
al. 2013).
page 161
Television shows and films now present a much more inclusive portrayal of modern
families. Album/20TH CENTURY FOX TV/Alamy Stock Photo
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the dual-income model for
women, for men, for children, and for society as a whole?
The mythical image of the 1950s family, idealized in TV shows such as Father Knows
Best and Leave It to Beaver, portrayed a breadwinner father and a homemaker wife. His
job was to provide for the family’s material needs by earning money, and her job was to
nurture and care for her husband and their children. That image was more legend than
fact for millions of American families at the time (Coontz 1992; Livingston 2015), and
today even fewer families conform to it. For example, among married couples with
children under age 6, 57 percent have both a husband and a wife in the labor force and
among those with children aged 6–17, it is 65.6 percent. Among all married couples,
with or without children, 20 percent of wives make $5,000-plus more than their
husbands (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2018d:Table 4; Pew Research Center 2015a; U.S.
Census Bureau 2018g:Table FG3).
Both opportunity and need have driven the rise in the number of dual-income
couples. Women now have the chance to pursue opportunities in a way that previously
had been closed due to cultural expectations regarding gender. This has resulted in
increased education levels for women and increased participation in occupational fields
that had been largely closed. At the same time, however, couples find it harder to make
it on a single income. Even with more women entering the workforce, average income
per household has remained relatively flat since the early 1970s (Fontenot, Semega,
and Kollar 2018).
One of the more active political debates about how we define family in recent years
involved marriage of same-sex couples. Some argued in favor of a narrow definition that
marriage necessarily involves one man and one woman. Others favored a more
inclusive definition. Over time, attitudes shifted dramatically. In 1996, 27 percent of
Americans favored allowing gays and lesbians to marry. By 2018, support for legalizing
marriage between same-sex couples rose to 67 percent (McCarthy 2018). As the
“Approval of Same-Sex Marriage by Age” graph demonstrates, younger people are
more supportive. Attitudes also vary by religious affiliation, political party, race, and
gender (Pew Research Center 2017a).
Note: Responses are to the question, “Do you favor allowing gays or lesbians to marry legally?”
Source: Pew Research Center 2019b. Photo: Angela Wyant/The Image Bank/Getty Images
page 162
James Obergefell was the lead plaintiff in the Supreme Court case that affirmed
same-sex couples’ constitutional right to marry. Drew Angerer/Bloomberg/Getty Images
The movement to legalize same-sex marriage in the United States crossed its first
major legal hurdle in 2003 when the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled 4–3
that, under the state’s constitution, gay couples have the right to marry. In 2008 the
Connecticut Supreme Court reached the same conclusion, as did Iowa’s in 2009.
Vermont, also in 2009, became the first state to pass a law that legalized same-sex
marriage. By June 2015, 37 states and the District of Columbia provided gay and
lesbian couples the same right to marry as guaranteed to heterosexual couples.
Same-sex couples throughout the United States, including Jack Evans and George
Harris, took advantage of the opportunity to marry as soon as their legal right to do so
was recognized. Tony Gutierrez/AP images
On June 26, 2015, same-sex marriage became legal in all 50 states as a result of a
decision by the United States Supreme Court. In the ruling, Justice Anthony Kennedy,
writing for the majority, declared:
the right to marry is a fundamental right inherent in the liberty of the person,
and under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth
Amendment couples of the same-sex may not be deprived of that right and that
liberty. The Court now holds that same-sex couples may exercise the
fundamental right to marry. (Obergefell v. Hodges 2015)
The decision set off a celebration by same-sex marriage advocates across the land.
Many got married that same day, including Jack Evans, 85, and George Harris, 82, of
Dallas County, Texas, who tied the knot after having been together for 54 years. Within
two years of the Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage, 61 percent of
cohabiting same-sex couples were married (Jones 2017).
Over time, single-parent families, those in which only one parent is present, have
become more common and more accepted in the United States. In 2018, 26.6 percent
of all children lived with only one parent. This varied by race and ethnicity with 19.4
percent of White, non-Hispanic children, 53.2 percent of African American children, 10.8
percent of Asian children, and 28.9 percent of Hispanic children living with one parent
(U.S. Census Bureau 2018g:Table C3).
Single-parent family A family in which only one parent is present to care for the
The life of single parents and their children is not inevitably more difficult than that of
a traditional nuclear family. It is as inaccurate to assume that a single-parent family is
necessarily deprived as it is to assume that a two-parent family is always secure and
happy. Nevertheless, to the extent that such families have to rely on a single income or
a sole caregiver, life in the single-parent family can be stressful. A family headed by a
single mother faces particularly difficult problems when the mother is a teenager,
especially when she lacks access to significant social and economic resources. Since
2007, however, the birthrate for unmarried mothers has declined for all age groups
under 35 while rising for women aged 35 to 44 (Edin and Kefalas 2005; Harris 2015;
Miller 2015; Sawhill 2006).
Although 83 percent of single parents in the United States are mothers, the number
of households headed by single fathers more than quadrupled between page 163
1970 and 2018. Single mothers often develop social networks, but single
fathers are typically more isolated. In addition, they must deal with schools and social
service agencies that are more accustomed to women as custodial parents (U.S.
Census Bureau 2018h:Table CH1).
The most frequent image that comes to mind when thinking about stepfamilies is a
stepparent with young stepchildren. Approximately 4.1 percent of children under 18 live
with at least one stepparent (U.S. Census Bureau 2018a:Table B09019). But sociologist
Susan Stewart (2007) recommends expanding our conception of stepfamilies to include
cohabiting couples with children from previous relationships, families whose
stepchildren do not live with them full-time, gay or lesbian couples with children from
former heterosexual relationships, and stepfamilies with adult children. This expanded
approach highlights the fact that stepfamily membership extends throughout the life
Family members in stepfamilies often deal with resocialization issues when an adult
becomes a stepparent or a child becomes a stepchild and stepsibling. In evaluating
these stepfamilies, some observers have assumed that children would benefit from
remarriage, because they would be gaining a second custodial parent and would
potentially enjoy greater economic security. However, after reviewing many studies of
stepfamilies, sociologist Andrew J. Cherlin (2008:800) concluded that “the well-being of
children in stepfamilies is no better, on average, than the well-being of children in
divorced, single-parent households.”
Stepparents can and do play valuable and unique roles in their stepchildren’s lives,
but their involvement does not guarantee an improvement in family life. In fact,
standards may decline. Studies suggest that children raised in families with stepmothers
are likely to have less health care, education, and money spent on their food than
children raised by biological mothers. The measures are also negative for children
raised by stepfathers, but only half as negative as in the case of stepmothers. This may
be due to the stepmother holding back out of concern for seeming too intrusive or
relying on the biological father to carry out parental duties (Schmeeckle 2007;
Schmeeckle et al. 2006).
page 164
With the rise of the Industrial Revolution and the corresponding spread of the nuclear
family model, the era of multiple generations of families living in the same household
seemed largely to be over. Throughout much of the 20th century that appeared correct.
The percentage of multigenerational households in the United States dropped from 24.7
percent in 1940 to 12.1 percent in 1980. Since that time, however, the percentage of
such households rose to 20 percent. Multigenerational households are defined as
including two or more adult generations (if including parents and children, children must
be 25 and older), or grandparents with grandchildren younger than 25 (Cohn and Passel
2018; Fry and Passel 2014; Pew Research Center 2010:Table 1).
Much of that change can be attributed to the rise in the percentage of younger adults
who either continue to live with, or move back in with, their parents. This represents a
change from what had been the much more common multigenerational pattern of
elderly parents living with their middle-aged adult children. In 1940, 63 percent of adults
aged 85 and older lived in a multigenerational household, which dropped down to 18
percent in 1990, and has since risen to 25 percent. Among young adults aged 25–29,
32 percent lived in multigenerational households in 1940, which fell to 19 percent in
1990, and subsequently rose to 33 percent. As of 2016, 32.3 million people lived in
households with two adult generations, 28.4 million lived in households with three or
more generations, and 3.2 million lived in households composed of grandparents and
grandchildren less than 25 years old (Cohn and Passel 2018).
Population in Multigenerational
Note: Multigenerational households are defined as including two or more adult generations (if including parents
and children, children must be 25 and older), or grandparents with grandchildren younger than 25.
Sources: Cohn and Passel 2018; Fry and Passel 2014; Pew Research Center 2010:Table 1. Photo: Cathy
Limited job opportunities with low starting salaries, especially after the 2007
economic downturn, along with significant amounts of student loan debt, together have
prompted the rise in number of students who are returning home to live with parents,
though 18- to 34-year-old college graduates are half as likely to live with parents than
are high school grads (DeSilver 2016; Fry 2016; Pew Research Center 2014c). In
addition, as we have already seen, the average age of first marriage has gone up, and
for some percentage of young adults, opting to live with family represents a rational
choice to minimize expenses (Casselman 2016). Focusing on the slightly younger 18–
24 age demographic, some percentage of which includes college graduates who return
home, 55 percent now live with their parents compared to 43 percent in 1960 (U.S.
Census Bureau 2018i:Table AD-1). Just as changes in the economy helped drive the
post–Industrial Revolution rise of the isolated nuclear family, these more recent
economic events may well be contributing to the emergence of a new form of the
extended family whose members leverage the material, social, and cultural resource
advantages that such an arrangement provides.
In the United States, testing the relationship waters by living together without being
married is an increasingly common practice. Cohabitation is defined as two adults
living in a committed relationship with an unmarried partner. Overall, 7 percent of U.S.
adults are cohabiting for a total of 18 million, 29 percent more than in 2007. Younger
people are more likely to opt for cohabitation, with 14 percent of adults aged 25–34
choosing this option compared to 4 percent for those 50 and older (Stepler 2017a).
About half of all currently married couples in the United States say that they lived
together before marriage. And this percentage is likely to increase. The number of
unmarried-couple households in the United States rose sixfold in the 1960s and
increased another 72 percent between 1990 and 2000. Adults aged 30–44 without a
college education are more likely to cohabit than those with a college degree.
Cohabitation is more common among African Americans and American Indians than
among other racial and ethnic groups; it is least common among Asian Americans. The
“Unmarried-Couple Households by State” map shows how cohabitation varies by region
(Goodwin et al. 2010; Kreider 2010; Simmons and O’Connell 2003; U.S. Census Bureau
2015b:Table 11009).
page 165
Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2015b:Table 11009.
Increasingly, people are opting to remain single. In 1960, 9 percent of adults aged 25
and older had never married. It has since more than doubled to 20.6 percent (U.S.
Census Bureau 2018g:Table A1; Wang and Parker 2014). When looking more generally
at the share of adults living without a spouse or partner, 42 percent of adults fall in this
category. Of these, 35 percent are living alone and 22 percent are living with others,
including children. When considering age, 61 percent of adults under the age of 25 live
without a spouse or partner (Fry 2017).
A variety of factors help explain the trend toward remaining single, including rising
cohabitation rates and, as we saw earlier, the fact that those who do marry are waiting
longer to do so. Of those who have never married, 14 percent do not want to marry
compared to 58 percent who say they hope to get married someday. When taking age
into account, 32 percent of never-married adults aged 50 and older say they don’t want
to get married compared to 11 percent for those younger than 50 (Parker and Stepler
2017; Vespa 2017).
There are many reasons a person may choose not to marry. Many indicate that they
have never found the right person. Others point to a lack of financial stability. Some
singles do not want to limit their sexual intimacy to one lifetime partner. Some men and
women do not want to become highly dependent on any one person—and do not want
anyone depending heavily on them. In a society that values individuality and self-
fulfillment, the single lifestyle can offer certain freedoms that marriage may not
(Klinenberg 2012; Parker and Stepler 2017).
In contrast with the stereotype that single people are lonely, research shows that
people who remain single have stronger social connections to parents, siblings, friends,
and neighbors than do those who marry. Singles are more likely to stay in touch and to
give and receive help from others in their social networks. Other research suggests that
single people experience more personal growth than do their married counterparts and
have a greater sense of autonomy and self-determination. By culturally privileging
marriage, we may underestimate, and under-research, the benefits of singlehood
(DePaulo 2014; Marks and Lambert 1998; Sarkisian and Gerstel 2016).
In the past, childlessness was often portrayed as a curse. Now, however, thanks in part
to the development of modern birth control, an increasing number of people actively
choose to remain child-free. More and more couples reject the notion that marriage
inevitably leads to a baby carriage. According to census data, 15.9 percent of women
aged 40–50 have never had children. Those with at least a college degree are more
likely to opt out of parenthood than those who have less education. At 22.3 percent, the
childless rate for women aged 40–50 who have graduate or professional degrees is
nearly twice the 11.6 percent rate for those who have not completed high school.
Looking to the future, nearly one-third of millennials report they do not want to page 166
have children (Monte and Ellis 2014; U.S. Census Bureau 2018j:Table 3c).
Economic considerations have contributed to this shift in attitudes; having children
has become quite expensive. Estimates are that middle-income parents of children born
in 2015 can anticipate spending $284,570 to feed, clothe, and shelter a child from birth
to age 18. If the child attends college, that amount could double, depending on the
college chosen. Aware of the financial pressures, some couples are having fewer
children than they otherwise might, and others are weighing the advantages of a child-
free marriage (Lino et al. 2017).
>> Divorce
“Do you promise to love, honor, and cherish . . . until death do you part?” Every year,
people of all social classes and racial and ethnic groups make this legally binding
agreement. Yet a significant number of these promises shatter, ending in divorce.
Just how common is divorce? Surprisingly, this is not a simple question to answer;
divorce statistics are difficult to interpret. The media frequently report that one out of
every two marriages ends in divorce. But that figure is misleading in that many
marriages last for decades. It is based on a comparison of all divorces that occur in a
single year (regardless of when the couples were married) with the number of new
marriages in that same year. Sociologist Philip Cohen projects that based on current
rates, 52.7 percent of people who marry today will divorce before one of the partners
dies. The longer a couple is married, the more that likelihood drops. For example, a
couple that makes it to year 15 has a 30 percent chance of divorcing (Cohen 2016;
Steverman 2016).
Divorce rates in the United States have fallen steadily since the 1980s. As the
“Trends in Marriage and Divorce in the United States” graph represents, there was a
significant spike in divorce rates that started in the 1960s, but since then, the trend has
been downward (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2018a). Rates do vary by
age. For those over the age of 50, divorce rates have doubled since 1990. But divorce
rates among adults aged 25 to 39 fell 21 percent over the same time period (Brown and
Lin 2012; Stepler 2017b). Part of the reason for this decline among millennials,
according to sociologist Philip Cohen (2018), is that marriage is becoming both rarer
and more stable. Young people opt in to marriage more cautiously, but when they do,
they are more likely to stay together.
In 2017, super couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt divorced after a 12-year
relationship and 2 years of marriage. Jaguar PS/Shutterstock
Getting divorced does not necessarily sour people on marriage. About 63 percent of
all divorced people in the United States have remarried. The median time between their
divorce and second marriage is four years. Women are less likely than men to remarry,
because many retain custody of their children after a divorce, which complicates a new
adult relationship (Kreider and Ellis 2011; Saad 2004).
page 167
Trends in Marriage and Divorce in the
United States
Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2018a; Tejada-Vera and Sutton 2010; U.S. Census Bureau
1975:64. Photo: TriggerPhoto/E+/Getty Images
Family Counts
Interview 5 to 10 people (such as classmates) about families. Ask them questions
such as: How do they define family? Does family include only those related by
blood and law or does it include others? Do pets count as family? How many
siblings do they have? How many siblings did their parents have? What role should
parents and friends play in partner selection? Take notes on their responses. Do
any patterns emerge? What conclusions can you draw from such a sample?
page 168
For individuals select. People balance selection, favoring someone
who is from within their group (endogamy) but not too close
REVIEW (exogamy). People tend to pick partners with similar social
characteristics (homogamy), including age, education, class,
race, and ethnicity.
III. How do families vary?
There is significant variation in terms of proximity (extended
versus nuclear), authority (patriarchal, matriarchal, and
egalitarian), duration (divorce), and structure (dual-income,
single-parent, stepfamilies, cohabitation, singlehood, child-free,
and same-sex).
Digital Vision/Getty Images
page 169
SOCVIEWS on Families
After reviewing the chapter, answer the following questions:
How would each perspective shed light on the use of online dating services and
apps such as Tinder and Bumble?
Take a look at the “U.S. Households by Family Type, 1940–2018” graph. What
factors would each perspective focus on to explain the changes over the years?
Why does a functionalist definition of what the family does provide more insight
into families today than trying to define what it is?
Who rules in your family? Would a functionalist, conflict, or interactionist
perspective best describe your family dynamics?
page 170
Pop Quiz
1. Which definition of the family focuses on the importance of blood and law?
a. functionalist
b. matrilineal
c. substantive
d. extended
2. Which system of descent is most typical in the United States?
a. matrilineal
b. patrilineal
c. bilateral
d. unilateral
3. Alice, age seven, lives at home with her parents, her grandmother, and her
aunt. Alice’s family is an example of a(n)
a. nuclear family.
b. patrilineal family.
c. extended family.
d. polygynous family.
4. In which form of marriage may a person have several spouses in his or her
lifetime but only one spouse at a time?
a. serial monogamy
b. monogamy
c. polygamy
d. polyandry
5. The marriage of a woman to more than one man at the same time is
referred to as
a. polygyny.
b. monogamy.
c. serial monogamy.
d. polyandry.
6. In what type of societies do women dominate in family decision making?
a. polygyny
b. egalitarian
c. patriarchy
d. matriarchy
7. Which norm requires mate selection outside certain groups, usually one’s
own family or certain kinfolk?
a. exogamy
b. endogamy
c. matriarchy
d. patriarchy
8. The principle that prohibits sexual relationships between certain culturally
specified relatives is known as
a. monogamy.
b. the incest taboo.
c. polygamy.
d. endogamy.
9. What is the projected cost of raising a child born in 2015 until she or he is
18 years old?
a. $212,300
b. $284,570
c. $454,770
d. $646,465
10. Overall, how has the divorce rate in the United States changed since the
late 1980s?
a. The divorce rate rose dramatically.
b. The divorce rate rose slowly, but steadily.
c. The divorce rate declined steadily after having risen significantly in the 1960s
and 1970s.
d. Change in the divorce rate shows no clear pattern.
1. (c), 2. (c), 3. (c), 4. (a), 5. (d), 6. (d), 7. (a), 8. (b), 9. (b), 10. (c)
Design Elements: Going Global (Earth): ©Studio Photogram/Alamy Stock Photo; Personal Sociology (drawing of
author): McGraw-Hill Education; 5 Movies (popcorn): ©D. Hurst/Alamy Stock Photo; Sociology Is a Verb (overlapping
hands): ©Jeff DeWeerd/Imagezoo/Getty Images
page 171
Education and Religion
Melanie was an extremely bright student who lived in an
impoverished area of the Bronx, New York. She loved reading and
excelled in school. She dreamed of going to college. All her teachers and friends
believed she could accomplish whatever she put her mind to. Her first real sense
that things might not go as planned occurred on her first day of high school. When
Melanie walked through the doors of University Heights, a public school located in
her neighborhood, her dreams of what high school would provide were crushed.
She was an advanced student, but the school lacked basic resources. It offered no
AP courses. It didn’t even have a library. She couldn’t imagine a pathway forward
there (Joffe-Walt 2015; Lovell and Pfluger 2014).
A fieldtrip to a nearby high school provided another turning point in her life. She
visited Fieldston School, located only three miles from her school. Fieldston is an
elite private school located on an 18-acre campus in an exclusive sector of the
Bronx. Tuition at Fieldston in 2018 cost over $50,000 per year. When Melanie got
off the bus at Fieldston, she couldn’t believe her eyes. She saw the school she
always imagined. It wasn’t merely a dream. It really did exist. It just wasn’t
accessible to her. She broke down and cried on the spot (Joffe-Walt 2015; Lovell
and Pfluger 2014).
Still, Melanie had a chance. Her University Heights teachers nominated her for
the prestigious Posse Foundation scholarship, which identifies high school
students with academic and leadership potential who might otherwise be
overlooked and provides them with full-tuition scholarships to elite private colleges.
After a rigorous winnowing process, Melanie made it to the final round. But she
was not selected to receive a scholarship. Again, her dreams were shattered
(Joffe-Walt 2015).
Melanie decided to graduate from high school early and, not seeing any way to
make it work, largely abandoned her college dreams. She got a job working in a
neighborhood supermarket, occasionally taking classes as a part-time student at a
local college. Ten years later, she was still there. She’s angry at herself for having
checked out, wishing that she’d continued to fight for her educational page 172
dreams—but it all seemed so impossible at the time (Joffe-Walt
For Melanie, the issue wasn’t ability. Melanie’s peers described her as “clearly
the smartest person in the room,” an assessment echoed by her teachers who
described her as “very, very, very smart” (Joffe-Walt 2015). She had more than
enough intelligence to excel in college. The challenge she faced was a lack of
economic, social, and culture resources to compete effectively with students who
did have access to such resources, who could, in fact, simply take those resources
for granted.
Melanie’s story is unfortunately not an isolated one. It’s tragically common. In
the United States, education is seen as a pathway to opportunity for all. Yet not all
students have equal access to facilities, staffing, programming, and other
resources. Sociology explores the consequences of such differences.
>> Education in Society
Sociologically, education is a social institution dedicated to the formal process of
transmitting culture from teachers to students. With the advent of the Industrial
Revolution and the rise of globalization, the responsibility of teaching children the
knowledge and skills necessary to operate effectively within society largely transitioned
from families to schools. We now invest a substantial amount of time and money in
education, believing that the individual and collective benefits of doing so are worth it.
should be based on ability and effort rather than inheritance. Jefferson (1787), for
example, maintained that public schools provided a mechanism to identify those with
talent and train them. He argued that society would suffer if young geniuses born into
poor families never received the opportunity to develop their skills because they lacked
the means necessary to afford education. In the same spirit, Horace Mann, sometimes
called the “father of American public education,” wrote in 1848, “Education, beyond all
other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men
([1848]1957). Mann believed that building high-quality, well-staffed public schools would
ensure that children without means would share the same classrooms, curriculum, and
experiences with children of the well-off, thus providing everyone a chance for success.
page 173
The resulting societal commitment to education in the United States led to the
expansion of education as a social institution. The degree of expansion is reflected in
dramatically increased rates of educational attainment over the past 100 years or so. As
the “Educational Attainment in the United States” graph shows, from 1910 to 2017, the
proportion of people with a high school diploma rose from 13.5 to 89.6 percent, and the
number with a college degree increased from 2.7 to 34.2 percent (National Center for
Education Statistics 2018:Table 104.10). As education became both more available and
more expected, more and more people pursued the pathway it provided.
Note: Data are for adults in the United States aged 25 and over.
Source: National Center for Education Statistics 2018:Table 104.10.
This growth is due in part to the fact that education in the United States became
more inclusive over time. Initially, public schools were open only to White males. In the
19th century, education was for the most part racially segregated, a practice that was
affirmed by the 1896 Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson, which reinforced
the principle of “separate, but equal.” Through education reform efforts and legal
decisions over two centuries, public education eventually opened up to include
everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, or national origin. Examples of education
reformers include Emma Hart Willard, who opened the first college-level school for
women in 1821, and sociologists such as W. E. B. Du Bois and Jane Addams, both of
whom fought for racial and gender equality in the late 19th century. Legal decisions,
such as Brown v. Board of Education in 1954, found that separate facilities are
inherently unequal, and laws such as Title IX in 1972 required equal educational
opportunities for both males and females as a requisite for receiving federal funding.
The rise of education as a public institution has not been limited to the United States.
As the “Going Global: Educational Attainment of 25- to 34-Year-Olds” graph shows,
countries all around the world have made a significant commitment to education, though
levels of attainment vary. Increased educational attainment opens doors for individuals
and produces a more educated citizenry for societies. Because education has become
such a significant social institution in the world, sociologists seek to describe and
explain the functions it fulfills.
Educational Attainment of 25- to 34-Year-Olds
Note: Educational systems vary around the world, making exact comparison difficult. Upper Secondary is roughly
equivalent to high school in the United States. Tertiary refers to postsecondary education including associate’s,
bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees.
Source: OECD 2018a:Table A1.2. Photo: McGraw-Hill Education
page 174
Community colleges exist as a testament to the ideals put forth by early education
advocates. The GI bill in the 1940s and Pell Grants in the 1960s provided significant
college financial aid for those with limited means, opening wide the doors to college. But
the cost of higher education continues to rise dramatically. Community colleges,
however, lower the barriers to student success with their relatively low cost and open
enrollment. As the “The Net Price Cost of College” graph shows, community colleges
are significantly less expensive than public in-state four-year or private four-year
colleges or universities. For the sake of comparison, this graph shows the cost of tuition,
fees, and room and board minus any grant aid. Choosing to not live on campus, as
many community college students do, can significantly lower the cost of this option.
In 2016, 6.1 million students in the United States attended community college,
almost three times as many as in 1970. They constitute 31 percent of all enrolled
college students. These students are more likely to be older, female, Black, Hispanic,
low-income, and part-time, compared to their peers at four-year schools. In fact, the
more income and education a student’s parents have, the less likely she or he is to
attend a community college. This highlights the role these schools play in providing
opportunity for those with limited resources. Enrollment at community colleges raises
the aspirations of students. Whether they initially expected to take only a few courses or
to finish with a two-year degree, almost one-half of these students later aspired to more
education, including a four-year degree or beyond (Ginder, Kelly-Reid, and Mann 2014;
National Center for Education Statistics 2018:Table 303.25; Provasnik and Planty
Note: Net price refers to the amount students and/or families must pay for tuition, fees, room, and board after
subtracting federal, state, local, and institutional grant aid, along with education tax credits. Costs for all years are
reported using 2018 dollars. Values for 2017–2018 represent estimates.
Source: College Board 2018b:Table 7. Photo: Purestock/SuperStock
Schools cannot function without teachers. At the primary and elementary level,
however, teachers increasingly encounter the conflicts inherent in serving as a
professional within the context of a bureaucracy. Teachers must work within the system,
submitting to its hierarchical structure and abiding by its established rules. At the same
time, teachers want to practice their profession with some degree of autonomy and
respect for their judgment. Conflicts arise from having to serve simultaneously as
instructor, disciplinarian, administrator, and employee of a school district.
page 175
As professionals, teachers feel pressure from a number of directions. First, the level
of formal schooling required for teaching remains high, and the public has begun to call
for new competency examinations. Second, teachers’ salaries are significantly lower
than those of many comparably educated professionals and skilled workers. Finally,
respect for teachers as competent and responsible professionals has been challenged
in the political arena. Many teachers, disappointed and frustrated, have left the
educational world for careers in other professions. In fact, between a quarter and a third
of new teachers quit within their first three years, and as many as half leave poor urban
schools within their first five years. Even within a single year, teacher turnover is
significant; in high-poverty areas, more than 20 percent of teachers did not teach in the
same school the following year (Goldring et al. 2014; Planty et al. 2008; Wallis 2008).
At the college and university level, having a PhD or similar terminal degree can be a
source of pride, and carry with it significant prestige. But the academic job market for
professors can prove challenging. Tenure-track jobs, which provide better job security,
salaries, and benefits, have become less common. In 2016, 73 percent of instructional
positions at colleges and universities consisted of graduate students, part-time teachers,
and full-time non-tenure-track professors. At two-year schools, including community
colleges, 63 percent of full-time, non-tenure-track faculty are on annual contracts,
making them vulnerable from year to year. Pay for part-time adjunct professors who get
hired by the course is notoriously low and benefits are typically nonexistent (AAUP
Average Salaries for Teachers
The commitment to public education in the United States opened up the doors for
opportunity to a wider array of students. But in recent years, a countertrend developed
in which an increasing number of families decided to opt out of both public and private
schooling and revert to educating their children at home. Almost 1.7 million students are
now being educated at home—about 3.3 percent of the K–12 school population.
Homeschooled families are more likely to be White, have two parents in the household
with only one in the labor force, have parents with a bachelor’s degree, and have three
or more children (National Center for Education Statistics 2018:Table 206.10; Redford,
Battle, and Bielick 2017).
When asked to identify the most important reason for choosing this path, 25 percent
of parents identified “concern about the environment of other schools, such page 176
as safety, drugs, or negative peer pressure” as the most important factor.
Dissatisfaction with the academic instruction at other schools was most important to 19
percent, and 17 percent attributed their decision primarily to a desire to provide religious
instruction (Redford, Battle, and Bielick 2017). In addition, some immigrants choose
homeschooling as a way to ease their children’s transition to a new society. For
example, increasing numbers of the nation’s growing Arab American population have
joined the movement toward homeschooling. Other parents see it as a good alternative
for children who suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and learning
disorders (Cooper and Sureau 2007; MacFarquhar 2008).
The rise in homeschooling points toward a growing dissatisfaction with the
institutionalized practice of education. Early public school advocates argued for the
importance of a common curriculum rooted in a shared sense of values.
Homeschooling, however, points toward pluralism and the desire to retain the unique
subcultural values of a community. Although new forms of schooling may meet the
individual needs of diverse groups in today’s society, they also undermine the historical
commitment to public education as a means of fostering unity within society.
What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of being
homeschooled? How might it contribute to a stronger sense of identity? How
might it threaten the social order?
Society needs to ensure that each generation has the knowledge and skills necessary
to ensure that the society continues to evolve and progress in the future. Individuals
need this know-how to survive and prosper. Schools provide that knowledge by
teaching students how to read, speak foreign languages, repair automobiles, and much
more. Consistent with sociology’s functionalist perspective, sociologists have identified
five functions that education fulfills for both individuals and society.
Social Integration Our shared knowledge also contributes to a sense of common
identity or purpose. Students sometimes wonder why they need to know seemingly
trivial facts about history or mathematical equations such as a2 + b2 = c2. The answer is
simple. The culture we share binds us together. Even if no one individual possesses all
of it—and even if any single item seems necessary only for contestants on Jeopardy!—
such knowledge represents who we are and what we believe is important. To put it in
Durkheim’s terms, it is part of our collective conscience, the social glue that holds us
together; or, in Mead’s terms, the shared culture we learn in schools contributes to our
sense of the generalized other, the map of society we hold in our heads.
Why do students often feel like schools teach a lot of useless facts? What might
this attitude suggest about social integration in modern society?
page 177
Soft Skills and Job Training In addition to the more general knowledge that unites
us, schools also teach more particular skills important for individual success, including
both behavioral norms and job skills. In the early grades in particular, significant time
and effort are spent getting students to do what the teacher wants them to do, when and
how the teacher wants them to do it. By exercising formal social control, schools teach
students to internalize expected behavioral social norms. As a result, students learn
what have come to be called “soft skills,” including manners, punctuality, creativity, self-
discipline, and responsibility. These characteristics play an important role in educational
and employment success (Heckman 2013; Hurrell, Scholarios, and Thompson 2013;
Lareau 2015).
Given modern society’s complex division of labor, we count on schools to teach
students the specific abilities—sometimes called “hard skills"—necessary to become
effective workers in specialized jobs. In a classic study from the functionalist
perspective, sociologists Kingsley Davis and Wilbert E. Moore (1945) argued that all
societies have positions that are more important for society’s survival or that require
greater skill or knowledge to perform and that not everyone has the ability to fill those
jobs. For example, not everyone has what it takes to become a medical doctor,
accountant, or lawyer. Because we value workers’ knowledge, skills, abilities, and
experience, which Davis and Moore referred to as human capital, we collectively pledge
that we will reward those who take the time and effort required to develop those skills
with high incomes and social esteem. We use grades as an indicator of ability and
provide degrees to certify to employers that the graduate has sufficient training to
perform the job well. As the “Education Pays” graph demonstrates for 25- to 34-year-
olds, we deliver on the promise that making the sacrifice of increasing one’s education
leads to higher incomes, even relatively early on in careers.
Education Pays
Note: Includes full-time, full-year wage and salary for workers aged 25–34.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2018b:Table PINC- Photo: Don Farrall/Photodisc/Getty Images
the college and university level where two types of innovation are common. The first
involves pursuing new technologies, techniques, and data. This takes place most
frequently at larger research universities. Professors at such schools frequently see
their primary role as researchers rather than as teachers. Their professional status
typically gets measured based on their success at obtaining research grants, securing
patents, publishing articles in journals, presenting results at professional conferences,
and the like. Research of this type has resulted in cultural innovation in many areas,
including space exploration, medical technology, and consumer products.
A second category of cultural innovation involves the exploration of new ideas.
Colleges and universities provide a kind of protected environment within which
professors and students can challenge existing values and norms and try out new ones.
In the 1960s, for example, students and professors explored questions page 178
involving war and peace, racial inequality, gender norms, the use of
recreational drugs, and more. Professors who engage in such experimentation,
especially if it involves innovative or unpopular ideas, may be accused of being out of
touch or out of line, but we need people to experiment with new ideas so that our culture
does not stagnate.
Child Care Historically, family members had the primary responsibility to teach and
care for their children until adulthood. Increasingly, we expect schools and teachers to
do more of the job—and at younger and younger ages. From 1970 to 2016, the
percentage of 3- to 5-year-olds enrolled in preschool or kindergarten programs rose
from 37.5 percent to 64.6 percent, and the number enrolled in full-day programs rose
from 6.4 percent to 41.9 percent (National Center for Education Statistics 2018:Table
202.10). The movement toward day care and preschool is driven in part by changes in
the economy. Although this shift does provide children with a head start in learning the
skills they will need in a globally competitive world, working parents have come to
depend on schools to essentially babysit their kids, making sure they are cared for and
protected. Because they take responsibility for the children during the school day,
schools effectively free up parents to participate in the paid labor force.
tech labs, athletic facilities, and elective courses in art, music, and languages. This type
of disparity occurs because school funding comes primarily through local property taxes.
As a result, schools in wealthier areas have access to more funds than do schools in
poor communities. In Chicago, for example, the public school district spent $15,412 per
student in 2017. Compare that to the $25,520 per student spent by the wealthy northern
suburban Highland Park/Deerfield district (Illinois State Board of Education 2018). As a
former New York City principal put it, “I’ll believe money doesn’t count the day the rich
stop spending so much on their own children” (quoted in Kozol 2005:59).
Of course, money isn’t the only factor shaping outcomes. We must also take into
account social and cultural resources. Sociologist Annette Lareau, for example, found
that a parent’s level of educational attainment is a strong predictor of his or her child’s
educational outcome (Lareau 2011). This is due, in part, to a cultural divide page 179
created by differing parenting styles that begins at a young age and carries
through students’ school years. For example, as the “Effect of Parents’ Education on
Students’ Test Performance” graph demonstrates, performance on standardized tests,
in this case for math, vary based on the educational attainment of parents. Among high
school seniors whose parents have graduated from college, 37 percent score at
proficient or advanced levels in math. Compare that to 13 percent for those whose
parents have graduated from high school (NAEP 2016). SAT scores are similarly
influenced by factors such as race, ethnicity, family income, and school type (National
Center for Education Statistics 2018:Tables 226.10, 226.30).
Note: Percentage distribution of 12th-grade students across NAEP mathematics achievement levels, by highest
level of parental education, 2015.
Source: NAEP 2016.
The Correspondence Principle Sociologists Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis
(1976) claim that the primary function of education is to serve the interests of the ruling
elite. Capitalism requires a diverse workforce with varieties of skill levels from the simple
to complex. What that means in terms of workers is that a smaller percentage need
advanced skills to handle those complex jobs, and a larger percentage needs only the
skills necessary to serve as effective workers in jobs requiring less skill. Rather than
offering a pathway to opportunity for all, education in the United States follows what
Bowles and Gintis call the correspondence principle, in which schools reproduce the
existing class structure by socializing students to embrace their social class position.
Schools effectively operate like factories, producing the right numbers and kinds of work
to serve the needs of the capitalist economy. Some students, typically from working-
class backgrounds, get taught skills appropriate for subordinate positions, especially
emphasizing acceptance of, and obedience to, authority. Other students, more likely
from upper-middle class backgrounds, learn skills appropriate to their higher level jobs,
which stress leadership, creativity, and decision making.
Source: National Center for Education Statistics 2018:Table 302.30. Photo: Jeremy Baumann/123RF
Bowles and Gintis use the term hidden curriculum to distinguish between the formal
curriculum schools teach students, which include the primary academic content
students learn, and this knowledge associated with the correspondence principle. They
define hidden curriculum as teaching students to submit to authority and accept
society’s dominant ideology. Submitting to authority includes learning to obey orders,
not speaking until called on, providing appropriate answers, regulating their behavior
according to the clock and the like. Accepting the dominant ideology involves taking
capitalism’s superiority for granted and embracing private property as the only
appropriate form of ownership. In ways such as these, schools socialize students to
willingly submit to authority figures and uncritically accept society’s dominant values.
When concerns about inequality arise, education is often presented as a pathway to
opportunity. This works as good advice at the individual level, but there is a structural
problem with that solution. The more people who get degrees, the less valuable those
degrees become. If everyone has a high school diploma, it loses its power as a source
of distinction. As the supply of high school graduates exceeds employers’ demand,
students feel compelled to pursue associate’s or bachelor’s degrees to stand out from
the crowd. This leads to credentialism, the increase in the lowest level of education
needed to enter a field. Many students today fear that such credential inflation means
that even a college degree is not enough to ensure a good job.
Credentialism can reinforce existing patterns of social inequality. Students from poor,
working-class, and middle-class families, including those in minority groups, recognize
that getting ahead increasingly requires a college degree, but because they lack
sufficient resources, they may have to take on significant levels of debt in the form of
student loans to do so (Pew Research Center 2014d). In 2017–2018, students and
parents in the United States took out $105.6 billion in student loans. At public colleges
and universities, 58 percent of graduates who received bachelor’s degrees in 2016–
2017 took out student loans with an average debt of $26,900. At private colleges and
universities, the 61 percent who graduated with loans had an average debt of $32,600.
As you might expect, students from high-income families were more likely to graduate
debt-free than those from lower-income families. Forty-five percent of students from
families in the top 25 percent of income earners graduated with no student debt,
compared to 21 percent of debt-free students in the lowest-income quartile (College
Board 2016a, 2018a).
Dead Poets Society
Night School
Everyone deserves a second chance.
Freedom Writers
Students bond by giving voice to the stories of their lives.
An assistant principal looks out for an oversized teen misfit.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The trials and tribulations of navigating high school.
page 180
Gender Women and girls in the United States experienced a long history of
educational discrimination. But, as noted above, and largely as a consequence of social
action on the part of women fighting for change, opportunities opened up for women and
girls. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 played a pivotal role in expanding
access. It states, “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded
from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under
any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance” (U.S.
Department of Education 1972). Although Title IX is most commonly associated with
equal opportunity for girls and women in athletics, among other things, it also eliminated
sex-segregated classes and prohibited sex discrimination in admissions.
Women’s participation in high school rates rose from 294,015 in 1972 to
3,415,306 in 2018 (NFHS 2018). At the college level, the number of women
participating in NCAA sports increased from 31,852 in 1972 to 216,378 in 2018.
Women now compose 44 percent of NCAA athletes (NCAA 2018). To what extent
would we have seen such an increase had it not been for a law that mandated
increased opportunity? How might increased opportunity for women in athletics
have an impact on increased opportunity in other areas?
Colleges, early on in U.S. history, did not even admit women. Oberlin College was
the first in 1833, but other schools denied entry long after that. Yale, Dartmouth, and
Harvard, for example, didn’t become fully coeducational until the 1960s and 1970s.
Over time, however, the percentage of women going to, and graduating from, college
rose dramatically. In 1900, women received 19 percent of bachelor’s degrees conferred.
Since the 1950s, the percentage has risen dramatically so that by 2016, 57 percent of
bachelor’s degrees went to women. College students are also more likely to be taught
bachelor’s degrees went to women. College students are also more likely to be taught
by women professors, who now compose 49 percent of total faculty compared to 23
percent in 1970 (National Center for Education Statistics 2018:Table 301.20).
When it comes to educational outcomes at the collegiate level, gender shapes the
academic majors college students choose. As the “College Majors by Gender,
Percentage Female” graph demonstrates, women are more likely to graduate with
bachelor’s degrees in elementary education, registered nursing, or psychology than in
philosophy, physics, or aerospace engineering (National Center for Education Statistics
2018:Table 318.30). As we will explore in the “Gender and Inequality” section of
Chapter 12, the selection of a college major has consequences for income differences
between men and women.
Rosenthal and Jacobson informed teachers that they were administering a verbal
and reasoning pretest to children in a San Francisco elementary school. After
administering the tests, the researchers told the teachers that some of the students
were “spurters”—children who showed particular academic potential. However, rather
than using the actual test scores to make this determination, the researchers randomly
selected the 20 percent of the students they identified as spurters. When the students
were later retested, the spurters scored not only significantly higher than they had in
previous tests but also significantly higher than their peers. Moreover, teachers
evaluated the spurters as more interesting, more curious, and better adjusted than their
classmates. As the flip-side to labeling theory in criminology, these results provide a
classic case of a self-fulfilling prophecy at work. Teachers expected some students to
do well, and so they did. Such effects are of particular concern given that factors such
as race, ethnicity, class, and gender shape teachers’ perceptions (McKown and
Weinstein 2008; Rubie-Davies 2010; van den Bergh et al. 2010).
page 181
Note: Each bar represents the percentage of female bachelor’s degree recipients for selected majors.
Source: National Center for Education Statistics 2018:Table 318.30.
Tracking One way schools reproduce the existing system of social inequality is by
categorizing students into ability tracks. The term tracking refers to the practice of
placing students in specific curriculum groups on the basis of their test scores page 182
and other criteria. In theory, tracking is beneficial because it allows students to
be taught at a level and pace most consistent with their abilities. In practice, however,
tracking often starts at a young age, and student selection for low- versus high-ability
groups is often correlated with their social class, race, or ethnicity. In effect, the
differences children bring with them on their first day of kindergarten shape their likely
long-term educational outcomes (Oakes 2008).
Tracking The practice of placing students in specific curriculum groups on the basis
of their test scores and other criteria.
What experiences have you had with tracking? To what extent do you believe it
was effective for both high-track and low-track students? What are its limitations
in terms of equal opportunity?
Personal Sociology
Unearned Advantages
locations. Kids from such families tend to do better in school than children who lack
such opportunities. It’s almost as if Emily and Eleanor were cheating because they
brought more resources to the table. They did nothing to deserve such advantages, and
yet, as a society, we act as if educational outcomes—good or bad—are solely based on
merit. Looking back, what opportunities or resources did you have, or wish you had, that
helped better prepare you for college success?
One consequence of such tracking is that it closes doors to students who might have
the ability to succeed. For example, at a low-income school in California, all interested
students were allowed to enroll in Advanced Placement (AP) courses, not just those
whom the administration deemed academically worthy. Half the open-enrollment
students scored high enough to qualify for college credit—a much higher proportion
than in selective programs, in which only 17 percent of students qualified for college
credit. When given the opportunity, otherwise-excluded students were able to succeed
(Sacks 2007).
Opening up opportunities for students that have historically been blocked or
discouraged from pursuing college degrees has positive outcomes. Even if such
students try and fail, they still benefit from the effort by developing “adaptive resilience,”
allowing them to cope with their lack of college success (Reynolds and Baird 2010).
Plus, aiming high significantly increases students’ chances of getting ahead. In fact,
researchers have found that those with characteristics making them least likely to
pursue a college degree—such as coming from low-income families, having parents
with less education, or being African American or Latinx—are most likely to benefit from
obtaining one (Brand and Xie 2010).
Education does establish social order and provide opportunities for individuals to get
ahead. At the same time, in preserving the existing order, it reproduces existing patterns
of inequality. Sociology allows us to better understand how these seemingly
contradictory outcomes can be accomplished through education. As the experience with
Title IX demonstrates, positive social change is possible. Having a better appreciation of
how education functions enables us to more effectively work toward realizing the initial
goal of education: to provide opportunity and a more open society.
Religion A social institution dedicated to establishing a shared sense of identity,
encouraging social integration, and offering believers a sense of meaning and
Chris Ryan/OJO Images/Getty Images
Sacred Elements beyond everyday life that inspire respect, awe, and even fear.
Profane The ordinary and commonplace elements of life, as distinguished from the
A functional approach to religion focuses less on the substance of what religion is and
more on what religion does. Functional definitions of religion emphasize religion’s
unifying dimension. Religion need not have gods or goddesses, an afterlife, or other
such conventional elements. In fact, any social practices that strongly unite us can
function like religion for the individual and for society.
As we saw with family in Chapter 7, sociologists analyzing institutions identify the
functions that various institutions fulfill for society. When it comes to religion, we can
highlight three core functions. First, religion seeks to secure greater integration within
society. By linking people together through common beliefs and rituals, religion
produces a shared sense of identity. Individuals come to define themselves in terms of
their membership in, and participation with, the group. The result is a stronger sense of
solidarity. When social integration is strong, believers are more likely to make individual
sacrifices for the good of the whole, whether in terms of time, money, or perhaps even
their lives.
Michael Zak/mischoko/123RF
In order to secure the existing social order, religion’s second function is to enforce
existing beliefs and practices, which form the core around which religious identity comes
together. Challenges to those values and norms represent a threat to the group’s
shared identity. To avoid such hazards, religions put mechanisms in place to limit the
likelihood of heresy or deviance. The resulting sanctions can be externally page 184
enforced by religious authorities. For example, violations might lead to
excommunication, shunning, and the like. The sanctions can also be internally enforced.
Guilt, or its anticipation, has served various religious traditions well in inhibiting religious
Gavriel Jecan/The Image Bank/Getty Images
Religion also provides believers and communities with a sense of meaning and
purpose, which represents its third function. When questions arise about the meaning of
life or why seemingly senseless tragedies occur, religions often provide answers to calm
believer’s fears. They do so, in part, because religion provides a sense that there is
order to the universe, that some larger purpose exists that transcends the here-and-now
reality of our mundane existence (Berger 1969).
unite into a single moral community, called a ‘church,’ all those who adhere to them”
([1887] 1972:224). This definition highlights three elements of religion—a unified system
of beliefs and practices, sacred things, and community—and sociologists since
Durkheim have used them to explore the various forms religion might take.
Based on these three elements, religion as conventionally understood may include
beliefs, as recorded in doctrine, dogma, and creeds, and practices, such as attendance
at services, prayer, meditation, and fasting. Examples of religious sacred objects include
the bread and wine of communion for Roman Catholics or the Qur’an for Mulims. And
religious community might take place in a church, mosque, or temple, but what really
matters is the unification of a body of believers into a shared community.
Durkheim’s application of these three elements, however, need not be limited to
conventional conceptions of religion. Functional equivalents to religion include those
things that fulfill the functions of religion, even if they don’t quite look and act like religion
as conventionally understood. Anything that does what Durkheim’s three elements do
can function as religion. For example, fan-followings in popular culture—of musical
groups, television series, film franchises, and more—can be analyzed through the lens
of religious devotion. The same might be said in politics, where rallies can take on a
religious fervor. But perhaps no place has the religious equivalent argument been made
more than in sports (Bain-Selbo 2012; Cusack and Digance 2009; Green 2016; Jindra
When it comes to beliefs and practices, sports fans—short for fanatics, a term that
historically had religious connotations—share beliefs about the superiority of their team
and regularly practice rituals in hopes that it will help their team win. They may wear the
same jersey to watch the game, sit in the same chair, or do a touchdown dance after
their team scores, all out of superstitious fear that failure to do so will make their team
lose. In terms of sacred things, there are autographs, jerseys, balls; and the stadium
where the team plays, often referred to by fans as a shrine, represents a sacred space.
Finally, fans are united into a community with other fans of the team. Being a fan of the
team becomes part of their identity. It provides them with joy, satisfaction, and even a
sense of purpose. In a personal essay recounting his obsession with soccer, journalist
Michael Elliott (2005) put it this way: “What does being a fan mean? It means you will
never walk alone” (p. 76).
page 185
On Sundays each fall, fans gather together to worship at the sacred football shrine of Lambeau Field. Larry
Radloff/Icon Sportswire/Getty Images
Personal Sociology
Victory Dance
I confess to being a Green Bay Packers fan. I follow them religiously. Even though I
know better, I practice superstitions in the hope that they will help, including wearing a
lucky shirt, not talking on the phone during the game, and although I am embarrassed to
admit it, doing a “touchdown dance” around the dining-room table with my wife, Lori,
after the Packers score, with high-fives for everyone including our dog Jessie. Lori is an
even bigger fan. We own stock in the Packers and have season tickets. We’ve made
many pilgrimages to the “frozen tundra of Lambeau Field.” Each time we go to a game,
we follow the same rituals: park in the same spot, eat a pregame meal at the same
restaurant, and enter the stadium early so we can soak it all in. Do you, or does anyone
you know, have any superstitions when it comes to sports?
What other things function like religion for us? How about followers of bands,
celebrities, TV shows, or politics? To what extent might consumerism, or even
work, function as religion?
Some people believe in life after death, in supreme beings with unlimited powers, or in
supernatural forces. Religious beliefs are statements to which members of a particular
religion adhere. They represent the principles believers share through faith. The content
of those beliefs can vary dramatically from religion to religion.
page 186
Source: Pew Research Center 2013. Photo: DAJ/Getty Images
The phrase “religious fundamentalism” was first applied to Protestants in the United
States who took a literal interpretation of the Bible, but fundamentalism is found
worldwide among most major religious groups, including Roman Catholicism, Islam, and
Judaism. Fundamentalists vary immensely in their beliefs and behavior. Some stress
the need to be strict in their own personal faith but take little interest in broad social
issues. Others are watchful of societal actions, such as government policies, that they
see as conflicting with fundamentalist doctrine (Emerson et al. 2006; Juergensmeyer
Like any social institution, religion develops distinctive norms to structure people’s
behavior. Religious rituals are practices required or expected of members of a faith.
Rituals and beliefs generally reinforce each other. Belief in the importance of loving
one’s neighbor, for example, impacts how believers acts toward those around them.
Moreover, sanctions are attached to religious rituals, in the form of either rewards (such
as bar mitzvah gifts) or penalties (such as expulsion from a religious institution for
violation of norms).
How Often Do You Attend Religious Services?
In the sociological study of religion, the term religious experience refers to the feeling
or perception of being in direct contact with the ultimate reality, such as a divine being,
or of being overcome with religious emotion. A religious experience may be rather slight,
such as the feeling of exaltation a person might receive from hearing a choir sing
Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus.” Many religious experiences, however, are more profound,
such as a Muslim’s experience on a hajj. In his autobiography, the late African American
activist Malcolm X (1964:338) wrote of his hajj and how deeply moved he was by the
way that Muslims in Mecca came together across racial and color lines. For Malcolm X,
the color blindness of the Muslim world “proved to me the power of the One God.”
Religious experience The feeling or perception of being in direct contact with the
ultimate reality, such as a divine being, or of being overcome with religious emotion.
For evangelical Christians in the United States, becoming “born again” represents a
profound religious experience. To do so, an unbeliever asks Jesus Christ into their
hearts as their personal Lord and Savior. This emotionally charged experience marks a
turning point in their lives when they became a Christian. According to a national survey,
35 percent of adults in the United States self-identify as “born-again or page 187
evangelical” Christians. Perhaps not surprisingly, 83 percent of Evangelical
Protestants describe themselves in this way, as do 72 percent of those in historically
Black Protestant churches. Only 27 percent of mainline Protestants identify as “born-
again or evangelical,” as do 23 percent of Mormons and 22 percent of Catholics (Pew
Research Center 2015f:31). Such statistics demonstrate that what counts as a
legitimate and significant religious experience, such as becoming born again, varies
from group to group, which highlights the significance of the social context for religious
Religious communities organize themselves in varieties of ways. Sociologists find it
useful to distinguish between four basic forms of organization: the ecclesia, the
denomination, the sect, and the new religious movement, or cult. We can see
differences among these four forms of organization in their size, power, degree of
commitment expected from members, and historical ties to other faiths (Dawson 2009).
Ecclesiae When studying how groups organize their communities, sociologists have
used the term ecclesia (plural, ecclesiae) to describe a religious organization that
claims to include most or all members of a society and is recognized as the national or
official religion. Because virtually everyone belongs to the faith, membership is by birth
rather than conscious decision. The classic example in sociology was the Roman
Catholic Church in medieval Europe. Contemporary examples of ecclesiae include
Islam in Saudi Arabia and Buddhism in Thailand. However, significant differences exist
within this category. In Saudi Arabia’s Islamic regime, leaders of the ecclesia hold vast
power over actions of the state. In contrast, the historical state church in Sweden,
Lutheranism, holds no such power over the Riksdag (parliament) or the prime minister.
Denomination A large, organized religion that is not officially linked to the state or
page 188
Major Religious Traditions in the United
Note: Due to rounding, figures may not add to 100, and nested figures may not add to the subtotal indicated.
Source: Pew Research Center 2015f:21.
Sects A sect can be defined as a relatively small religious group that has broken away
from some other religious organization to renew what it considers the original vision of
the faith. Many sects, such as that led by Martin Luther during the Reformation in the
1500s, claim to be the “true church” because they seek to cleanse the established faith
of what they regard as extraneous beliefs and rituals. Protestant churches continue to
break off existing denominations and establish new sects starts today in their pursuit of
a more pure faith.
Sect A relatively small religious group that has broken away from some other
religious organization to renew what it considers the original vision of the faith.
Sects are often at odds with the dominant society and do not seek to become
established national religions. Unlike ecclesiae and denominations, they typically require
intensive commitments and demonstrations of belief by members. Partly owing to their
outsider status, sects frequently exhibit a higher degree of religious fervor and loyalty
than more established religious groups. Many seek to recruit adults as new members,
and acceptance comes through conversion.
Sects are often short-lived. Those that are able to survive may become less
antagonistic to society over time and begin to resemble denominations. In a few
instances, sects have been able to endure over several generations while remaining
fairly separate from society. Sociologist J. Milton Yinger (1970:
226–73) uses the term established sect to de-scribe a religious group that is the
outgrowth of a sect, yet remains isolated from society. The Hutterites, Jehovah’s
Witnesses, Seventh-Day Adventists, and Amish are contemporary examples of
established sects in the United States.
Established sect A religious group that is the outgrowth of a sect, yet remains
isolated from society.
New Religious Movements Historically, sociologists used the term cult to describe
alternative religious groups with unconventional religious beliefs. Over time, however,
this term has become problematic. Although sociologists used it to categorize particular
kinds of faiths, the term cult has taken on a negative connotation. As a result many
sociologists have abandoned the use of the term. In its place they have adopted the
expression “new religious movement.”
page 189
Bainbridge 1979, 1985).
Most major religions, including Christianity, began as upstart faiths in the context of
their larger societies. Over time, as they grew and their beliefs received greater
legitimacy, they transitioned into other religious types. Existing NRMs may be in the
early stages of developing into a denomination, or they may just as easily fade away
through the loss of members or weak leadership (Schaefer and Zellner 2007). The
boundaries between the four types are somewhat fluid, and it is helpful to view them as
a continuum based on their level of acceptance in the larger society and the
expectations they have in terms of faith and practice for their believers.
million individuals, an increase of 19 million between 2007 and 2015. In fact, the United
States has more “nones” than Catholics (Pew Research Center 2015f; Putnam and
Campbell 2012).
Globally, 1.1 billion people, or 16.4 percent of the world’s population, identify
themselves as religiously unaffiliated. This includes atheists and agnostics along with
religious believers who do not identify with a particular religious group. The size of this
unaffiliated group might suggest that those early sociologists were correct about
secularization and the declining significance of religion in the modern world. Yet
projections to 2050 suggest that the proportion of the global population who identify as
religiously unaffiliated will actually shrink to 13.2 percent (Pew Research Center 2015g).
In the United States and around the world, religion continues to exert a significant
influence both individually and collectively.
Christianity is the largest single faith in the world; the second largest is Islam, as the
accompanying “Major World Religions” graphic shows. Although global news events
often suggest an inherent conflict between Christians and Muslims, the two faiths are
similar in many ways. Both are monotheistic, meaning both claim there is only one god,
and both include a belief in prophets, an afterlife, and a judgment day. In fact, Islam
recognizes Jesus as a prophet, though not as the son of God. Both faiths impose a
moral code on believers, which varies from fairly rigid proscriptions for fundamentalists
to relatively relaxed guidelines for liberals.
The followers of Islam, called Muslims, believe that the prophet Muhammad received
Islam’s holy scriptures from Allah (God) nearly 1,400 years ago. They see Muhammad
as the last in a long line of prophets, preceded by Adam, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.
Islam is more communal in its expression than Christianity, particularly the more
individualistic Protestant denominations. Consequently, in countries that are
predominantly Muslim, the separation of religion and the state is not considered
necessary or even desirable. In fact, Muslim governments often reinforce Islamic
practices through their laws. Muslims do vary sharply in their interpretation of several
traditions, some of which—such as the wearing of veils by women—are more cultural
than religious in origin.
Like Christianity and Islam, Judaism is monotheistic. Jews believe that God’s true
nature is revealed in the Torah, which Christians know as the first five books of the Old
Testament. According to these scriptures, God formed a covenant, or pact, page 190
with Abraham and Sarah, the ancestors of the twelve tribes of Israel. Even
today, religious Jews believe this covenant holds them accountable to God’s will. If they
follow both the letter and the spirit of the Torah, a long-awaited Messiah will one day
bring paradise to earth. Although Judaism has a relatively small following compared to
other major faiths, it forms the historical foundation for both Christianity and Islam. That
is why Jews revere many of the same sacred Middle Eastern sites as Christians and
Religions of the World
Two other major faiths developed in a different part of the world—India. The earliest,
Hinduism, originated around 1500 BCE. Hinduism differs from Judaism, Christianity,
and Islam in that it embraces a number of gods and minor gods, although most
worshipers are devoted primarily to a single deity, such as Shiva or Vishnu. Hinduism is
also distinguished by a belief in reincarnation, or the perpetual rebirth of the soul after
death. Unlike Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which are based largely on sacred texts,
Hindu beliefs have been preserved mostly through oral tradition.
George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Buddhism developed in the sixth century BCE as a reaction against Hinduism. This
faith is founded on the teachings of Siddhartha (later called Buddha, or “The
Enlightened One”). Through meditation, followers of Buddhism strive to overcome
selfish cravings for physical or material pleasures, with the goal of reaching a state of
enlightenment, or nirvana. Buddhists created the first monastic orders, which are
thought to be the models for monastic orders in other religions, including Christianity.
Though Buddhism emerged in India, its followers were eventually driven out of that
country by the Hindus. It is now found primarily in other parts of Asia.
page 191
Sources: Janssen 2019:698; Swatos 2011.
Although the differences among religions are striking, they are exceeded by
variations within faiths. Consider the differences within Christianity, from relatively liberal
denominations such as Presbyterians or Episcopalians to the more conservative
Mormons and Greek Orthodox Catholics. Similar divisions exist within Hinduism, Islam,
and other world religions (Swatos 1998, 2011).
traditional societies, religion served as the social glue holding society together. Religion
legitimized society’s core values and norms in the form of doctrine, statements of faith,
sacraments, and rituals. Violating social norms meant more than just disobeying
societal, political, or familial leaders. It meant going against the will of gods, goddesses,
supernatural beings, or a whole host of other possible forces throughout human history.
In this way, religion helped ensure compliance and minimize deviance.
page 192
For Durkheim, religious unity grew out of shared experiences. The Amish still
provide an example of how living and working in common gives rise to a unified faith
(Kraybill, Johnson-Weiner, and Nolt 2013). With the transition to modern society,
however, especially given the rise of the division of labor, people no longer do all the
same things together. We no longer possess the same knowledge and skill. As a result,
religion’s capacity to provide meaning and a shared sense of purpose is undercut. Yet
we still see evidence of its integrating power in shared rituals today, including
confessions of faith, bar and bat mitzvahs, public prayers, weddings, and funerals.
The integrative power of religion can be seen, too, in the role that churches,
synagogues, and mosques have traditionally played and continue to play for immigrant
groups in the United States. For example, Roman Catholic immigrants may settle near a
parish church that offers services in their native language, such as Polish or Spanish.
Similarly, Korean immigrants may join a Presbyterian church that has many Korean
American members and follows religious practices similar to those of churches in Korea.
Like other religious organizations, these Roman Catholic and Presbyterian churches
help integrate immigrants into their new homeland (Peek 2005; Warner 2007).
Max Weber sought to understand how religion, which so often seems conservative in
that it works to maintain order, might also contribute to social change. To do so, he
focused on the relationship between religious faith and the rise of capitalism. Weber’s
findings appeared in his sociology classic, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of
Capitalism ([1904] 2009), one of sociology’s most well-known works.
Weber’s Protestant Ethic Thesis Weber observed that in the European nations
of his time, an overwhelming number of business leaders, owners of capital, and skilled
workers were Protestant. He set out to discover why. Through his historical research,
Weber concluded that this relationship between religious faith and economic success
was a consequence of what he called the Protestant ethic—a disciplined commitment
to worldly labor driven by a desire to bring glory to God that was shared by followers of
Martin Luther and John Calvin starting with the Protestant Reformation in 1517. Weber
argued that the Protestant combination of hard work and self-denial provided capitalism
with an almost obsessive approach toward worldly labor that was essential to
capitalism’s development.
Protestant ethic Max Weber’s term for the disciplined commitment to worldly labor
driven by a desire to bring glory to God, shared by followers of Martin Luther and
John Calvin.
To explain the impact of the Protestant ethic on the rise of capitalism, Weber
highlights three keys: Luther’s concept of a calling, Calvin’s concept of predestination,
and Protestant believers’ resulting experience of “salvation panic.” According to
Protestant reformer Martin Luther (1483–1546), God called all believers to their specific
vocation in life, whether as peasant, baker, merchant, or priest. Believers wanted to
work hard in their calling so as to bring glory to God, regardless of whether they were
rich or poor. Protestant reformer John Calvin (1509–1564) added to this the concept of
predestination, according to which God, before the beginning of time, chose who would
go to heaven and who would go to hell. Before people were even born, the eternal fate
of their souls was already established. Individuals could not earn salvation through good
works; salvation was totally dependent on the grace of God. Complicating this was that
no individual could ever know for sure that he or she was saved because none could
presume to know the mind of God. Weber concluded that this created a sense of
salvation panic among believers, who wanted assurance that they were going to
The Master
A charismatic religious leader recruits believers into The Cause.
Two priests face a crisis of faith while searching for their apostate mentor in
The Apostle
A Pentecostal preacher in the South seeks redemption from his sins.
First Reformed
The dark night of the soul.
A great flood is coming.
page 193
Weber theorized that believers would seek to resolve this uncertainty by leading the
kinds of lives they thought God would expect godly people to lead. This meant hard
work, humility, and self-denial, not for the sake of salvation or individual gain, but for the
sake of God. Although doing so would not earn them salvation, to do otherwise would
be an almost certain sign that they were not among the chosen. But they could never
fully be sure, so they could never let up in their commitment to do God’s will. Thus they
worked hard not because they had to (either for subsistence or because they were
forced) but because they wanted to in response to the salvation they hoped would come
from God. It was precisely this kind of worker, internally motivated to work hard and
willing to show up every day even after getting paid, that capitalism needed if it was to
engage in rationally planned production. This “spirit of capitalism,” to use Weber’s
phrase, contrasted with the moderate work hours, leisurely work habits, and lack of
ambition that Weber saw as typical of traditional labor.
The curve represents the logarithmic relationship between GDP per capita and the percentage who say that
religion plays a very important role in their lives. Notice that the United States is an outlier, falling far from the
curve, when it comes to people’s continued faith in religion compared to other advanced economies. What factors
do you think might contribute to this difference?
Source: Gao 2015.
In this way, religion, in the form of the Protestant Reformation, contributed to the rise
of capitalism, one of the most significant examples of social change in human history.
Weber’s argument has been hailed as one of the most important theoretical works in the
field and as an excellent example of macrolevel analysis. Like Durkheim, Weber
demonstrated that religion is not solely a matter of intimate personal beliefs. He
stressed that the collective nature of religion has consequences for society as a whole.
Liberation theology Use of a church, primarily Roman Catholic, in a political effort to
eliminate poverty, discrimination, and other forms of injustice from a secular society.
The term liberation theology dates back to the publication in 1973 of the English
translation of A Theology of Liberation. The book was written by a Peruvian priest,
Gustavo Gutiérrez, who lived in a slum area of Lima in the early 1960s. After years of
exposure to the vast poverty around him, Gutiérrez concluded that “in order to serve the
poor, one had to move into political action” (R. M. Brown 1980:23; Gutiérrez 1990).
Eventually, politically committed Latin American theologians came under the influence
of social scientists who viewed the domination of capitalist multinational corporations as
central to the hemisphere’s problems. One result was a new approach to theology that
built on the cultural and religious traditions of Latin America rather than on models
developed in Europe and the United States.
To what extent do you think religion can be a force for positive social change?
What examples have you seen in your lifetime?
Liberation theology is a relatively recent phenomenon that signals a break with the
traditional role of Durkheim envisioned for churches—that is, as guarantors of social
order and stability. Karl Marx opposed this traditional role of religion, which is in keeping
with the conflict perspective he espoused. In his view, religion inhibited positive social
change by encouraging oppressed people to focus on otherworldly concerns rather than
working in the here-and-now to relieve their immediate poverty or exploitation.
Marx on Religion Marx argued that the study of religion provided an important
window into the state of society, calling religion “the sigh of the oppressed creature.”
Yet, in one of his most famous phrases, he also called religion the “opiate of the
masses” ([1843] 1978). He felt that religion often, in essence, drugged the believers into
submission by offering a consolation for their harsh lives on earth: the hope of salvation
in an ideal afterlife. For example, during the period of slavery in the United States, White
masters forbade Blacks to practice native African religions. Instead, they encouraged
slaves to adopt Christianity, which taught that obedience would lead to salvation and
eternal happiness in the hereafter. Viewed from this perspective, Christianity may have
pacified certain slaves and blunted the rage that often fuels rebellion.
For Marx, religion plays an important role in propping up the existing social structure.
The values of religion, as already noted, tend to reinforce other social institutions and
the social order as a whole. From Marx’s perspective, however, religion’s promotion of
social stability only helps perpetuate patterns of social inequality. According to Marx, the
dominant religion reinforces the interests of those in power. page 195
From a Marxist perspective, religion keeps people from seeing their lives and
societal conditions in political terms—for example, by obscuring the overriding
significance of conflicting economic interests. Marxists suggest that by inducing a “false
consciousness” among the disadvantaged, religion lessens the possibility of collective
political action that could end capitalist oppression and transform society. Sociological
analysis in this tradition seeks to reveal the ways in which religion serves the interests of
the powerful at the expense of others.
Gender and Religion Drawing on the feminist approach, researchers and theorists
point to the critical role women play in the functioning of religious organizations. Women
are more likely than men to say religion is important in their lives, more likely to pray
daily, and more likely to attend weekly services. Women also play a vital role as
volunteers, staff, and religious educators. Yet when it comes to positions of leadership,
women have typically been relegated to a subordinate role. Indeed, most faiths have a
long tradition of exclusively male spiritual leadership. Furthermore, because most
religions are patriarchal, religious beliefs tend to reinforce men’s dominance in secular
as well as spiritual matters. Exceptions to this rule, such as the Shakers and Christian
Scientists, as well as Hinduism with its long goddess heritage, are relatively rare (Pew
Research Center 2009a; Schaefer and Zellner 2007).
In the United States, women compose 17 percent of the clergy, even though they
account for 33 percent of students enrolled in theological institutions. Female clerics
typically have shorter careers than men and are often relegated to fields that do not
involve congregational leadership, such as counseling. In faiths that restrict leadership
positions to men, women still serve unofficially. For example, about 4 percent of Roman
Catholic congregations are led by women who hold nonordained pastoral positions—a
necessity in a church that faces a shortage of male priests (J. Adams 2007; Association
of Theological Schools 2019:Table 2.12B; Bureau of Labor Statistics 2018f:Table 11).
In this chapter we have looked at both education and religion. In both cases we find
social institutions that play a powerful role in shaping how we think and act. Each
provides opportunity and reinforces the status quo, including its system of inequality.
Sociologists believe that by having a better appreciation for both the opportunities and
constraints such institutions present, we can better act both individually and collectively
to bring about positive social change.
Exploring Faith
Pick a local religious group that is significantly different from any you may have
experienced in the past. Study their history, beliefs, rituals, expectations, and
structure. Interview one of their local religious leaders to gain a better
understanding of their beliefs and practices from an insider’s point of view. If it’s
okay with them, visit their services at least twice. What were your initial
expectations about the group? How, if at all, did your views change?
training and social control, stimulates cultural innovation, and
provides child care.
II. How does education support the existing system of inequality?
Education reinforces the status quo, and therefore its existing
For inequalities, through the hidden curriculum, teacher expectancy,
bestowal of status, and credentialism.
REVIEWIII. How do sociologists define religion?
One approach focuses on the substance of what religion is,
defining religion as knowledge and beliefs relating to the sacred
realm. The other approach looks at what religions do for society in
terms of social order and integration. Both approaches analyze
common components including belief, ritual, experience, and
page 196
After reviewing the chapter, answer the following questions:
The “Education Pays” graph shows higher income as one benefit of more
education. Using each perspective, how else does education pay? Who benefits?
How do educational institutions bestow status according to both the functionalist
and conflict perspectives?
Using the conflict perspective, describe how women experience (or have
experienced) discrimination in both the educational and religious spheres.
Which perspective do you think best describes the dynamics of a typical
classroom setting? Explain, including examples.
page 197
Pop Quiz
1. According to Horace Mann, often called the “father of American public
education,” what role does education play in society?
a. It is the great equalizer.
b. It is the opiate of the masses.
c. It is an instrument for social control.
d. It is an opportunity engine.
2. Which of the following functions does education fulfill by providing an
environment within which we can challenge existing ideas and experiment
with new norms and values?
a. culture transmission
b. social integration
c. training and social control
d. cultural innovation
3. Which of the following terms do conflict theorists Samuel Bowles and
Herbert Gintis use in support of their argument that capitalism requires a
skilled, disciplined labor force and that the educational system of the
United States is structured primarily to provide companies with the
number and type of workers they need?
a. tracking
b. credentialism
c. the correspondence principle
d. the teacher-expectancy effect
4. Fifty years ago, a high school diploma was often enough to get a good job.
Today it typically takes a college degree or more. This change reflects the
process of
a. tracking.
b. credentialism.
c. the hidden curriculum.
d. the correspondence principle.
5. Which of the following includes the provision “No person in the United
States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be
denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any
education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance”?
a. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
b. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)
c. No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
d. Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008
6. The approach to defining religion that emphasizes the significance of the
sacred, most often supernatural, realm is known as the
a. functionalist approach.
b. conflict approach.
c. substantive approach.
d. ecclesia approach.
7. Religious rituals are
a. statements to which members of a particular religion adhere.
b. the feelings or perceptions of being in direct contact with the ultimate reality,
such as a divine being.
c. the religious structures through which faith communities organize themselves.
d. practices required or expected of members of a faith.
8. Which of the following world religions has the most adherents?
a. Buddhism
b. Islam
c. Judaism
d. Christianity
9. Sociologist Max Weber pointed out that the followers of Martin Luther and
John Calvin emphasized a disciplined work ethic, worldly concerns, and a
rational orientation to life. Collectively, this point of view has been referred
to as
a. capitalism.
b. the Protestant ethic.
c. the sacred.
d. the profane.
10. The use of a church, primarily Roman Catholic, in a political effort to
eliminate poverty, discrimination, and other forms of injustice evident in a
secular society is referred to as
a. creationism.
b. ritualism.
c. religious experience.
d. liberation theology.
1. (a), 2. (d), 3. (c), 4. (b), 5. (a), 6. (c), 7. (d), 8. (d), 9. (b), 10. (d)
Design Elements: Going Global (Earth): ©Studio Photogram/Alamy Stock Photo; Personal Sociology (drawing of
author): McGraw-Hill Education; 5 Movies (popcorn): ©D. Hurst/Alamy Stock Photo; Sociology Is a Verb (overlapping
hands): ©Jeff DeWeerd/Imagezoo/Getty Images
page 198
Economy and Politics
On November 8, 2016, in an election result that surprised even the
winner, Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become the 45th
president of the United States of America. A string of five states—Iowa,
Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania—were decisive in tilting the results
in Trump’s favor. Democrat Barack Obama won all five in 2012, but in 2016 each
flipped its support to the Republican candidate. In seeking an explanation, analysts
pointed to the influence of White working-class (WWC) voters (Cohn 2016; Levitz
2016). But what did these voters want? Years before the 2016 election, sociologist
Arlie Russell Hochschild (2016) had already been pursuing the answer to that
Hochschild had noticed a wide chasm between her sensibilities as a White,
politically liberal, upper-middle-class sociology professor living in Berkeley,
California, and those of rural, White, politically conservative, working-class
Americans. To better understand the world through their eyes, she headed to rural
Louisiana, where over the course of five years, she conducted focus groups,
carried out interviews, attended church services, and went to political rallies. She
concluded that many attempts at understanding WWC voters, including those
focusing narrowly on racism or economic inequality, fall short because they do not
address the emotional foundation of WWC political stances.
Most WWC members, according to Hochschild, accept competition as a normal
part of life and understand that there will be winners and losers. But they also
believe that those who work hard and play by the rules should receive their just
reward. In recent years, however, many WWC’ers claimed that their progress
toward the American Dream had been blocked by various groups of people they
saw as undeserving. Members of such groups broke the rules by cutting in line in
front of them. These groups included poor people who receive government
assistance, African Americans who benefit from affirmative action, immigrants from
Mexico, professionals from India and China, refugees from Syria, and others who
the WWC believe receive unearned advantages, often in the form of government
To make matters worse, the WWC heard voices from America’s cultural elites
dismissing them as ignorant, Bible-thumping, White trash rednecks. page 199
They felt like strangers in their own land and concluded that the
system was rigged. They awaited a champion who would fix things, when along
came Donald Trump.
Donald Trump’s claim that “We’re losing at everything” resonated with their
fears about the economy. His pledge to “Make America Great Again” tapped into
their hope that things can get better. In Trump, they believed they had found a
champion who would restore their honor and ensure their success. And two years
into his presidency, they continued to believe. In 2016, 87 percent of Trump voters
said they had either “very warm” or “somewhat warm” feelings toward him. By
2018, 82 percent of the same set of voters continued to feel that way (Pew
Research Center 2018a).
By drawing on the sociological imagination, Hochschild came to understand her
informants’ perceptions of reality. Her work represents a classic example of
sociology’s fundamental commitment to clarifying why people think and act as they
do. In this chapter, we explore politics and the economy so that we might know
how the positions we occupy within these institutions shape us.
How does power operate?
As You >> How has the economy changed over time?
Throughout history, people have provided for their needs in varieties of ways,
including gift exchange, bartering, and shared ownership of goods. Over time, two
economic systems, capitalism and socialism, rose to prominence as dominant ways to
organize the supply and distribution of goods and services. Analyzing the characteristics
of each allows us to better understand why we think and act as we do.
Capitalism is an economic system in which owners of private property compete in the
marketplace in pursuit of profit. Value under capitalism is determined based on what
people are willing and able to pay for available goods and services. Today, most of us
take capitalism for granted. We consider it normal to get a job so that we might earn
wages with which we can buy the things we want and need. Yet, relative to the full
course of human history, capitalism as we understand it today is a relatively recent
The basic principles of capitalism were laid out in 1776 by Adam Smith in his book
The Wealth of Nations. He identified four key concepts: pursuit of profit, competition in
the market, the law of supply and demand, and laissez-faire.
conversation represents an exchange of symbolic resources such as status or
attention). Under capitalism, humans are seen as naturally competitive, looking out
for their own interests above all others. Pursuit of profit is presented as both morally
acceptable and socially desirable.
Competition in the market. The marketplace is the context in which we exchange
goods and services (such as shoes, cell phones, and college degrees). Producers
try to get the most money possible for their products while consumers seek the best
deal. Competition keeps prices in check. The marketplace must be open to
whoever has the ability to compete so that no individual or firm controls a
disproportionate share of the market.
Law of supply and demand. In a competitive marketplace, a natural balance will be
reached between production and consumption at the appropriate price. If the
demand for a good or service is high and the supply is low, prices will go up, and
vice versa. If a producer charges too much, another producer will step in to provide
the good or service at a more reasonable price. Adam Smith described page 200
this process as the “invisible hand” of the marketplace through which
prices reach their natural level. Companies that don’t respond to the prompting of
the invisible hand—for example, by charging too much or too little—will ultimately
go out of business.
Laissez-faire. The expression laissez-faire means “let them do [as they please],”
and in this context it means that outside entities, especially the government, should
not intervene in the marketplace. Instead, the market should be allowed to function
free from external influence. Ideally, markets self-correct using the invisible hand.
The capitalist model presupposes that, though governments may mean well, they
cannot bring about a better result for society as a whole than can individuals who
are allowed to compete on their own. In capitalism, the greatest social good is
attained through the competition of profit-seeking individuals.
Laissez-faire The principle that people should be able to compete freely, without
government interference, in the capitalist marketplace.
Monopoly Control of a market by a single business firm.
Socialism is an economic system in which the means of production and distribution in a
society are collectively rather than privately owned. Value under socialism is determined
by the amount of work it takes to produce products and the use we get out of those
products rather than by its value in the market. The basic principles of socialism were
laid out by Karl Marx in the middle to late 1800s in a variety of publications, including
The Communist Manifesto, which he coauthored with Friedrich Engels ([1847] 1955).
The following five presuppositions help clarify why he thought socialism would inevitably
succeed capitalism.
Socialism An economic system under which the means of production and
distribution are collectively owned.
Humans must produce. Unlike animals, humans lack the complex instincts that
determine how we provide for our basic human needs (food, shelter, and clothing)
from nature. Therefore, we must meet those basic needs through culture creation
and technological innovation. Because humans aren’t narrowly constrained by our
instincts, how we go about doing so is up to our ingenuity and creativity.
Production makes us uniquely human. Our capacity to produce distinguishes
humans from other animals. It is this free and creative productive ability, what Marx
referred to as labor power, that must be protected, nourished, and valued because
it is at the core of our identity as humans.
We pour ourselves into our products. For Marx, when we make something, we put
part of who we are into each product; this is most apparent in craft labor. For
example, a handmade bookshelf inspires pride because our labor power is the
difference between the original stack of lumber and the finished shelf. To put it in an
equation: Raw materials + Labor power = Products. According to Marx, we naturally
find joy in labor and take pleasure in sharing the process and exchanging the
products with others.
Economy determines society. Marx argued that because our capacity and need to
produce is at the core of who we are, it serves as the foundation for page 201
society. In essence, how we organize the economy determines all other
forms of social relations, such as government, family, education, and religion. In
most agrarian societies production is rooted in the land, so ownership and control of
land becomes the foundation of power. Social institutions may reinforce the
privileged position of landowners, for example, by justifying a king’s “divine right” to
rule using religious authority. Over time, this material foundation shifts as our
capacity to produce evolves through technological innovation. Eventually, the
systems of social relations that grew out of that particular set of economic relations
no longer match the new economic base, and a revolution to a new set of social
relations occurs. Marx contended that this shift brought about the transition from
feudalism to capitalism—when the agricultural power base that gave rise to royalty
gave way to the industrial power base of capitalists and corporations—and he
predicted it will shift again from capitalism to communism.
Scarcity and distribution are obstacles to the good of society. For Marx, the ideal
society is one in which we as humans have control over, and reap the full benefits
of, our labor power. Until this point in history, however, no large-scale society has
fully attained this ideal because we lacked the technological capacity to produce
enough for everyone. This has resulted in social systems that divide the haves and
have-nots: slavery’s separation between masters and slaves, feudalism’s
separation between lords and peasants, capitalism’s separation between owners
and workers. Thanks to technological innovation—a consequence of our creative
capacity to produce—we can eventually solve the problem of inadequate
production. In fact, Marx praised capitalism because it ultimately solves this
problem by placing pressure on producers for constant innovation. After we are
technically capable of producing enough for all, any continued poverty, hunger, or
extreme inequality is due to how we choose to distribute the products we make,
rather than to our inability to produce enough. In other words, it’s a social problem,
solvable by the establishment of a new set of social relations that ensures equitable
distribution. According to Marx, people will eventually decide that it doesn’t make
sense to maintain such economic extremes in the face of material abundance; thus
a revolution in social relations toward socialism is inevitable.
In practice, the socialist ideal of collective ownership has been difficult to attain. The
grand experiment in what was known as the Soviet Union—uniting Russia and
neighboring countries as one large socialist bloc—ultimately collapsed in 1989. It did so
under the weight of bureaucratic inefficiency, political corruption, and insufficient
productivity—problems that seem endemic to socialist states. In addition, past
crackdowns on dissidents by the totalitarian socialist governments in both the Soviet
Union and communist China led to the murders of millions of their own people,
purportedly for the good of the state. Surveys in most of the former Soviet-bloc nations
showed that people there approved of the transition from socialism toward democracy
and free markets (Pew Research Center 2009b).
In practice, no societies conform to the ideal principles of either capitalism or socialism.
It might instead be best to think of capitalism and socialism as two ends of a continuum.
A mixed economy combines elements of both capitalism and socialism. Starting from a
socialist ideal and moving toward a mixed economy involves opening up some aspects
of the state-controlled economy to competition and the free market. Both Russia and
China made this move by incorporating elements of privatization and capitalism into
their socialist economic systems. China’s reforms began in 1978 under Premier Deng
Xiaoping in pursuit of greater economic productivity. Reforms began in agriculture with
the division of collectively owned public lands into private plots. This change established
a precedent for privatizing other sectors of the economy. As a result, China became one
of the world’s fastest-growing and most powerful economies.
In the United States, there has long been a debate about the degree to which the
government should be involved in the economy, but the economic upheaval of 2008’s
Great Recession challenged people’s commitment to laissez-faire principles.
Government officials decided that some companies were “too big to fail,” meaning that
the domino effect of their failure would be greater than the cost of violating the
nonintervention ideal. The George W. Bush administration, itself a strong proponent of
free-market principles, took the first steps toward government intervention in the
economy during this crisis. In September 2008 it pushed the Troubled Assets Relief
Program (TARP) through Congress to provide up to $700 billion to buy mortgage-
backed securities and to prop up the financial sector. The Obama administration
continued along the same lines. For example, in an effort to kick-start the U.S.
economy, Congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in February
2009, providing almost $800 billion for infrastructure projects, education and health care
funding, and tax cuts. And in June 2009, General Motors, which for years was the
world’s largest company, went bankrupt. The U.S. government stepped in and became
its majority stockholder, owning 60 percent of its shares. These funds helped many
firms survive that otherwise would have failed. Now that they are back on their feet,
companies have paid back the loans they received from the government. For example,
General Motors paid back its $8.4 billion of government loans in full, with interest, and
five years early. In 2013, the U.S. Department of Treasury sold off the last of its
remaining shares of GM stock.
Though critics charged that Presidents Bush and Obama were moving the nation
toward socialism, most people hoped that their efforts would minimize the negative
effects the economic downturn had on their lives. The majority of citizens ultimately
accepted these huge government expenditures as a means to save capitalism from its
own excesses. Billionaire investor Warren Buffett later reflected on the government
intervention and concluded, “Only one counterforce was available, and that was you,
Uncle Sam. . . . Well, Uncle Sam, you delivered” (Buffett 2010).
page 202
International Economic Growth, 1980–
Should the U.S. government let companies fail regardless of apparent economic
the value of nothing.
Oscar Wilde (1890)
page 203
As a species, we must provide for our subsistence needs. Without food, clothes, and
shelter we will die. Humans have always ensured our survival by taking from nature the
things that we need. The primary sector of the economy involves activities that extract
products directly from the natural environment. The most important manifestation of this
sector for us historically was the rise of agriculture, but extraction also includes activities
such as fishing, hunting, forestry, and mining. The economies of the hunting-and-
gathering, horticultural, and agrarian societies we encountered in the “Technology and
Society” section of Chapter 5 were characterized primarily by this economic sector.
Primary sector The segment of the economy involving activities that extract
products directly from the natural environment.
became less labor intensive. The mechanization of production meant that fewer workers
were needed in manufacturing, once again freeing them up for new jobs that contributed
to the expansion of a third economic sector. The tertiary sector of the economy
consists of activities that provide services rather than produce tangible goods. Put
simply, the service sector involves doing things for others rather than offering them a
material product. Service-sector occupations include teacher, physician, social worker,
food server, hotel housekeeper, truck driver, data processor, financial adviser,
investment counselor, insurance agent, real estate broker, custodian, actor, personal
trainer, life coach, and more (U.S. Census Bureau 2013a). Most college students today
are pursuing degrees in hopes of obtaining a good job in this sector.
Tertiary sector The segment of the economy consisting of activities that provide
services rather than produce tangible goods.
Les Misérables
A decent man in a time of economic and political crisis.
American Winter
The Great Recession hits home.
Killing Them Softly
A parable about financial crisis and economic collapse.
The Big Short
Investing in failure and winning big.
The Price of Everything
Art as value versus the value of art.
When a society’s economic foundation transitions from one economic sector to another,
significant upheaval occurs. Throughout most of human history, economic exchanges
happened primarily within a community or between neighboring communities.
Technological innovations, such as those in transportation and communication, opened
up wide-ranging possibilities for trade. It became possible to sell products to people
across the continent or on the other side of the world.
The development of capitalism further encouraged such expansion. Karl Marx, for
example, praised capitalism for the impressive technological innovations it helped
produce. Of capitalism, he writes, “It has been the first to show what man’s activity can
bring about. It has accomplished wonders far surpassing Egyptian pyramids, Roman
aqueducts, and Gothic cathedrals” (Marx [1848] 1998:38). As examples of some
innovations that arose as a consequence of capitalism, Marx writes, “The bourgeoisie . .
. has created more massive and more colossal productive forces than have all
preceding generations together. Subjection of nature’s forces to man, machinery,
application of chemistry to industry and agriculture, steam navigation, railways, electric
telegraphs, clearing of whole continents for cultivation of rivers, whole populations
conjured out of the ground–what earlier century had even a presentiment that such
productive forces slumbered in the lap of social labor?” (Marx [1848] 1998: 40–41).
Marx wrote that in 1848. One can only imagine what he might say of the technological
accomplishments that have occurred since then.
Such economic change cannot help but have significant effects on our social
relations. The economy shifted from being primarily agricultural to industrial.
Communities transformed from primarily rural to urban. Politics switched from being
mostly local to national and then international. In a word, economic page 204
globalization altered how people worked, lived, governed, and more. Once
this transformation took place, responding to changing economic conditions far beyond
the local sphere became the norm. And we continue to live in that world.
The United States, along with other countries, experienced a similar disruption
starting in the 1970s when the economy shifted emphasis from the secondary sector,
with its emphasis on manufacturing, to the tertiary sector, with its emphasis on services.
Deindustrialization played a major role in this transition, which refers to the systematic
and widespread reduction of investment in domestic manufacturing and material
production. This transformation hit the Northeast and Midwest parts of the United States
particularly hard. Cities such as Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Detroit, Michigan, and Gary,
Indiana, along with many others that served as centers for many factories that provided
blue-collar workers with good paying jobs in industries such as automobile and steel
production, saw jobs disappear as factories shut down (Bluestone and Harrison 1982;
Goldstein 2017).
Two principal factors played critical roles in the expansion of deindustrialization. The
first involved the mechanization of labor. Through technological innovation, a single
machine can do the job of many workers. The coordination of production in the form of
the assembly line multiplied that effect, and the advent of robots and computers
expanded it even further. Economist John Maynard Keynes (1930a, 1930b) referred to
the resulting loss of jobs as “technological unemployment.” In such a situation,
productivity can remain high while the number of secondary-sector manufacturing jobs,
along with their level of wages, declines (Carr 2014; Rotman 2013; Smith and Anderson
The second factor facilitating deindustrialization involves the globalization of labor. In
the United States, this began with companies moving their industrial production plants
from the nation’s central cities to the suburbs, then to the South where labor laws were
weaker, and finally out of the country to places such as Mexico and China where wages
were lower and health, safety, and environmental regulations were less restrictive. One
form this takes is known as offshoring, which involves outsourcing work to foreign
contractors. This practice hit the manufacturing sector first, as happened when U.S.
television companies contracted with Chinese manufacturing firms to produce their TVs.
But it is increasingly affecting service-sector jobs as well, due to advanced
telecommunications and the growth of skilled, English-speaking workers in developing
nations that have relatively inexpensive labor forces. These jobs can require
considerable training, such as accounting and financial analysis, computer
programming, or radiology. Today, it is increasingly possible that the person reading
your CT scan or MRI is located in another country (Clark, Huckman, and Staats 2013;
Olofsson et al. 2014).
downsizing is to increase efficiency and reduce costs in the face of worldwide
competition. The term right-sizing often gets used to justify this move in which job
responsibilities get collapsed from two or more workers or divisions into one. Another
approach companies use involves outsourcing. For example, companies subcontract,
meaning they hire an external firm to cover jobs, such as security or janitorial services,
that used to be performed by employees inside the firm. Companies do so page 205
primarily because it saves them money. The people working those jobs
typically earn significantly less than was earned by the in-house employees they
If you were the CEO of an American manufacturing company that was facing
declining profits because of international competition, what would you do? Would
you move your production facilities overseas to reduce labor costs? What other
options might exist? To what extent does the system within which companies
operate shape the choices that are available to them?
The development of economic globalization carried with it risks. Because the entire
economic system involves links between financial institutions, multinational
corporations, and national governments around the world, changes in one part of the
system can have a domino effect throughout the economic global network. That is
precisely what happened starting in 2007 when the global financial crisis that led to what
is often referred to as the Great Recession occurred.
The recession hit workers hard. Unemployment became a widespread problem.
Rates more than doubled from February 2008 to October 2010 and did not return to
their pre-recession levels until late 2016. On top of that, increasing numbers of people
experienced long-term unemployment (Pew Charitable Trusts 2012). Among those who
were working, wages were flat for most and fell for many. Average family income fell
17.4 percent from 2007 to 2009, the largest two-year decline since the Great
Depression (Saez 2016).
For many people, the bad news didn’t end there. In the years following the Great
Recession, the number of people who were working yet not earning enough to get out of
poverty increased (Smiley and West 2012), as did the age at which people could expect
to retire (Brandon 2012). Since then, conditions have improved. Average family incomes
rose 13 percent from 2009 to 2015. But not everyone shared the benefits of a stronger
economy. The number of jobs requiring more education, training, and experience has
grown faster than the number requiring less, and wages for jobs requiring higher social
and analytical skills have risen faster than for those requiring physical skills. Income for
the top 1 percent of the population grew 37.4 percent, while the bottom 99 percent saw
only a 7.6 percent increase (Pew Research Center 2016c; Saez 2016). Corporations
also did well, earning record profits in part because they reduced their costs by cutting
their workforce and expecting more productivity from their remaining employees (Tully
What role have larger economic trends, such as rising and falling unemployment
rates, had on you, your friends, and family? How might current economic trends
affect your plans for the future?
Politics The competition between individuals or groups over the allocation of valued
Polity The social institution that establishes and enforces rules within a society and
negotiates relationships with other societies.
A monarchy is a form of government headed by a single member of a royal family,
usually a king, queen, or some other hereditary ruler. In earlier times, many monarchs
Monarchy A form of government headed by a single member of a royal family,
usually a king, queen, or some other hereditary ruler.
Photo: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images
An oligarchy is a form of government in which a few individuals rule. A venerable
method of governing that flourished in ancient Greece and Egypt, oligarchy now often
takes the form of military rule. In developing nations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America,
small factions of military officers may forcibly seize power, either from legally elected
regimes or from other military cliques (Michels [1915] 1949).
Strictly speaking, the term oligarchy is reserved for governments that are run by a
few selected individuals. However, the People’s Republic of China can be classified as
an oligarchy if we stretch the meaning of the term. In China, power rests in the hands of
a large but exclusive ruling group, the Communist Party. In a similar vein, we might
argue that many industrialized nations of the West should be considered oligarchies
(rather than democracies), because only a powerful few—leaders of big business,
government, and the military—actually rule. Later in this chapter, we examine the “elite
model” of the U.S. political system in greater detail.
Dictatorship A government in which one person has nearly total power to make and
enforce laws.
Frequently, dictators develop such overwhelming control over people’s lives that
their governments are called totalitarian. (Monarchies and oligarchies may also achieve
this type of dominance.) Totalitarianism involves virtually complete government control
and surveillance over all aspects of a society’s social and political life. Totalitarian
regimes typically have an all-encompassing ideology which elevates their version of
truth over and against all others, a strong leader who demands adherence to the party
line, and the power to enforce their rule through persuasion, propaganda, and violence if
necessary. Germany during Hitler’s reign, the Soviet Union under Stalin in the 1930s,
and North Korea today are classified as totalitarian states (Arendt 1951; Friedrich and
Brzezinski 1956).
Sudan president Omar al-Bashir is widely considered an authoritarian dictator by the
international community. Ashraf Shazly/AFP/Getty Images
In a literal sense, democracy means government by the people. The word comes from
two Greek roots—demos, meaning “the populace” or “the common people,” and kratia,
meaning “rule.” In a democracy, power is not vested in a particular person or position.
Individual citizens provide the foundation for political authority, and the underlying
principle of power is “one person, one vote.” This principle implies that, in theory at
least, everyone has equal power when it comes to decision making.
Direct democracy, in which all citizens vote on all major decisions and the most
votes win, provides democracy’s purest form. In large, populous nations such as the
United States, direct democracy is impractical at the national level. All page 207
Americans cannot vote on every important issue. Consequently, popular
rule occurs in the form of representative democracy, a system of government in which
citizens elect political leaders to make decisions on behalf of the people.
Early in his presidency, expressing a sentiment shared by some of his
predecessors, George W. Bush joked that when it came to working with
Congress, “a dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier.” In what ways is the
U.S. system of government intentionally inefficient? Why might that be
The way representatives are chosen can vary, and the system used to select them
influences the kind of politics we get. For example, the two-party system that dominates
in the United States is a consequence, in part, of how legislators are selected. To select
members to the House of Representatives, the country is divided into 435
geographically distinct congressional districts. Each district has a single seat. Elections
are held within each, and the winner becomes the representative for that district. As a
result of this winner-take-all system, candidates have an incentive to appeal to a
majority of voters, which tends to result in the creation of two parties, each vying to gain
that majority. The United States has numerous “third parties.” In 2016, for example,
Gary Johnson was on the ballot for Libertarian Party, and Jill Stein ran for the Green
Party. But the winner-take-all system makes it difficult for a minority party to break
through to win a majority of votes, especially against the entrenched power and
influence of the two major parties. For example, in 2016, all the third-party candidates
together received 7.8 million votes, or 5.7 percent of the total.
An alternative system for selecting legislators involves proportional representation,
some form of which exists in Brazil, Israel, the Netherlands, and South Africa. In such
cases, a single district can be represented by multiple seats, and winners are
determined based on the percentage of votes received in that district. For example, if a
party receives 15 percent of the vote, that party would receive approximately 15 percent
of the legislative seats. In such a system, parties that might never be able to win a
majority of votes can still win seats in the legislature. In addition, the likelihood that a
single party secures a majority of seats declines. As a result, parties often need to work
together to create a ruling coalition, which has the effect of giving those minority parties
more power than they might otherwise have.
The United States is commonly classified as a representative democracy because
the elected members of Congress and state legislatures make our laws. However,
critics have questioned how representative our democracy really is. Do Congress
and the state legislatures genuinely represent the masses? Are the people of the
United States legitimately self-governing, or has our government become a forum
for powerful elites?
Source: National Archives and Records Administration
If citizens in a democracy are unhappy with the current direction of things, they can
vote to establish new policies or elect new leaders. Over time, significant changes in
policy can occur in response to the changing will of the people. For example, early on in
U.S. history, the “self-evident” truth that everyone was created equal and endowed with
unalienable rights applied only to White, property-holding men. Slowly the definition of
who counts as a citizen expanded to include others. Debates about who should count
as a citizen in the United States continue to this day as evidenced, for example, in
arguments regarding the rights of children or immigrants.
A record number of women were elected to Congress in the 2018 midterms. Tom
Williams/CQ Roll Call/Getty Images
In the domains of both the economy and politics, power matters. And sociologists have
always been interested in how power is achieved and maintained. In the midst of major
their faith in the legitimacy of the electoral system in place. Weber views authority as
more efficient than force because the motivation to obey comes from inside the follower
rather than having to be externally imposed.
In order to better understand the ways in which authority operates in practice, Weber
identified three major types: traditional, charismatic, and rational-legal. Often, the
legitimacy of leaders depends primarily upon only one, although elements of all three
can be present at the same time.
Personal Sociology
Because I Said So
I am astonished at how often my daughters, Emily and Eleanor, do what I ask. When
they were little, if they disobeyed, they had to “sit in the green chair.” It wasn’t much of a
punishment. The chair was located in our living room in full view of the television and
not isolated from the rest of the family. In time, just the threat of having to sit there was
enough. Eventually they simply accepted the traditional authority of “because I said so”
as sufficient justification. Of course, as they grew, they began to question the legitimacy
of my authority, seeking reasons for why they should obey. As a result, I often came up
with rational justifications for why they should do or not do something. And yet, even
now, they are usually willing to do as I say simply because I am their dad.
their faith in the legitimacy of the electoral system in place. Weber views authority as
more efficient than force because the motivation to obey comes from inside the follower
rather than having to be externally imposed.
In order to better understand the ways in which authority operates in practice, Weber
identified three major types: traditional, charismatic, and rational-legal. Often, the
legitimacy of leaders depends primarily upon only one, although elements of all three
can be present at the same time.
Personal Sociology
Because I Said So
I am astonished at how often my daughters, Emily and Eleanor, do what I ask. When
they were little, if they disobeyed, they had to “sit in the green chair.” It wasn’t much of a
punishment. The chair was located in our living room in full view of the television and
not isolated from the rest of the family. In time, just the threat of having to sit there was
enough. Eventually they simply accepted the traditional authority of “because I said so”
as sufficient justification. Of course, as they grew, they began to question the legitimacy
of my authority, seeking reasons for why they should obey. As a result, I often came up
with rational justifications for why they should do or not do something. And yet, even
now, they are usually willing to do as I say simply because I am their dad.
Charismatic Authority According to Weber’s second type of authority, power can
be legitimized by the charisma of an individual. Charismatic authority refers to power
made legitimate by a leader’s exceptional personal or emotional appeal to his or her
followers. For example, Joan of Arc was a simple peasant girl in medieval France.
Because people believed in her and the causes she represented, she was able to rally
the French people and lead them into major battles against English invaders despite
having no formally recognized position of power.
Charisma lets a person such as Joan of Arc lead without relying on set rules or
traditions. In fact, charismatic authority is derived more from the beliefs of followers than
from the actual qualities of leaders. So long as people perceive a charismatic leader
such as Jesus, Joan of Arc, Mahatma Gandhi, Malcolm X, or Martin Luther King, Jr., as
having qualities that set them apart from ordinary citizens, that leader’s authority will
remain secure and often unquestioned (Adair-Toteff 2005; Potts 2009). That
unfortunately is also the case with malevolent figures such as Adolf Hitler, whose
charismatic appeal turned people toward violent and destructive ends in Nazi Germany.
Religious and political leaders often rely on charismatic authority. For both, the
power of persuasion and the ability to charm can be important assets. Religious leaders,
for example, often make the bold claim that they speak on behalf of higher spiritual
powers, such as gods and goddesses. They frequently call followers to make sacrifices
in terms of time and money and, in extreme cases, even death. Political leaders,
especially in democratic societies where they must persuade citizens to vote for them,
rely on their ability to inspire. As we saw at the beginning of this chapter, a critical
dimension of Donald Trump’s success with White, working-class voters was his capacity
to inspire hope.
People’s faith in Mahatma Gandhi as a charismatic leader contributed to India’s
independence from Britain in 1947. Elliot & Fry/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
Source: Jones 2018b. Photo: Ron Sachs Pool/Getty Images
Which of these three forms of power do parents, bosses, or professors most rely
on? Do individuals in these groups sometimes use each of the three types of
Analyzing power using Weber’s model focuses our attention in a way that allows us
to better understand economic and political relationships. The degree to which we
accept the legitimacy of the people who rule over us shapes the kind of power they are
likely to use. For example, when police confronted civil rights protestors in the 1950s
and 1960s, they sometimes used force. Protestors were made to do things that they did
not otherwise want to do, and failure to do so resulted in physical injury and jail time for
some of those who questioned the legitimacy of the current system. Yet the
presupposition that police and political leaders had the legitimate right to act in this way
was widespread. As Weber suggested, when the legitimacy to rule is internalized in the
form of authority, most people will comply with the wishes of the leader and will expect
others to do likewise.
The notorious Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
The Post
The president, the press, and the people.
Cold War
Finding love in troubled times.
A political campaign on a crash course with destruction.
Eye in the Sky
The dilemma of drone warfare in an age of terrorism.
universal political participation wasn’t always guaranteed. The 15th Amendment to
the U.S. Constitution extended political rights to African Americans in 1870 and the
19th Amendment secured those rights for women in 1920.
Social rights. These rights provide for our welfare and security. They are based on
the presupposition that a minimum standard of living is necessary to ensure the
ability of all to exercise their civil and political rights. To secure these rights, some
goods and services—such as public education or police and fire protection—are
taken out of the marketplace, ensuring that everyone has at least a minimum
amount of access regardless of their ability to pay. Substantial debates exist over
the role government should play in ensuring access to basic material and social
and cultural resources.
Debates over civil and political rights in the United States are largely settled, though
debates about voting rights for convicted felons continue. Political conflict continues,
however, over social rights. Whether or not to guarantee health care coverage to all, for
example, represents perhaps the most hotly debated recent example. At its core, this
debate is about the relative emphasis on the competitive principles inherent in
capitalism versus the egalitarian principles at the heart of democracy.
To what extent do you think that the principles of political equality and economic
competition are at odds with each other in the United States?
The Pluralist Model According to the pluralist approach, power is widely dispersed
throughout society. Though some groups may have more power in certain areas at
particular times, there is no core group at the top that is able to consistently advance its
interests at the expense of others. According to this pluralist model, many competing
groups have access to government so that no single group is dominant.
Pluralist model A view of society in which many competing groups within the
community have access to government so that no single group is dominant.
To support their claims, advocates of the pluralist model point to data gathered from
universal political participation wasn’t always guaranteed. The 15th Amendment to
the U.S. Constitution extended political rights to African Americans in 1870 and the
19th Amendment secured those rights for women in 1920.
Social rights. These rights provide for our welfare and security. They are based on
the presupposition that a minimum standard of living is necessary to ensure the
ability of all to exercise their civil and political rights. To secure these rights, some
goods and services—such as public education or police and fire protection—are
taken out of the marketplace, ensuring that everyone has at least a minimum
amount of access regardless of their ability to pay. Substantial debates exist over
the role government should play in ensuring access to basic material and social
and cultural resources.
Debates over civil and political rights in the United States are largely settled, though
debates about voting rights for convicted felons continue. Political conflict continues,
however, over social rights. Whether or not to guarantee health care coverage to all, for
example, represents perhaps the most hotly debated recent example. At its core, this
debate is about the relative emphasis on the competitive principles inherent in
capitalism versus the egalitarian principles at the heart of democracy.
To what extent do you think that the principles of political equality and economic
competition are at odds with each other in the United States?
The Pluralist Model According to the pluralist approach, power is widely dispersed
throughout society. Though some groups may have more power in certain areas at
particular times, there is no core group at the top that is able to consistently advance its
interests at the expense of others. According to this pluralist model, many competing
groups have access to government so that no single group is dominant.
Pluralist model A view of society in which many competing groups within the
community have access to government so that no single group is dominant.
To support their claims, advocates of the pluralist model point to data gathered from
intensive case studies of communities collected using observation research. One of the
most famous—an investigation of decision making in New Haven, Connecticut—was
reported by Robert Dahl (1961). Dahl found that, although the number of people
involved in any important decision was rather small, community power was nonetheless
diffuse. Few political actors exercised decision-making power on all issues, and no one
group got its way all the time. One individual or group might be influential in a battle over
urban renewal but have little effect on educational policy.
Historically, pluralists have stressed ways in which large numbers of people can
participate in or influence governmental decision making. Communications
technologies, such as Facebook and Twitter, have increased the opportunity to be
heard, not just in countries such as the United States but in developing countries the
world over. The ability to communicate with political leaders via email, for example,
increases the opportunity for the average citizen to have a voice in politics.
The pluralist model has its critics. Sociologist G. William Domhoff (1978, 2014)
reexamined Dahl’s study of decision making in New Haven and argued that Dahl and
other pluralists had failed to trace how local elites who were prominent in decision
making belonged to a larger national ruling class. In addition, studies of community
power, such as Dahl’s work in New Haven, can examine decision making only on issues
that become part of the political agenda. They fail to address the potential power of
elites to keep certain matters entirely out of the realm of political debate.
page 212
Note: The percentage represents those who say they “can trust the government in Washington to do what is right”
either “just about always” or “most of the time.”
Source: Pew Research Center 2017b. Photo: Digital Vision/PunchStock
Power Elite Models Such criticisms lend support for an alternative model of how
power functions. Consistent with the conflict perspective, power elite models trace their
roots back to Karl Marx, who believed that representative democracy contributed to a
shared false consciousness by providing the illusion that power is in the hands of the
people. Like others who hold an elite model of power relations, Marx believed that
society is ruled by a small group of individuals who share political and economic
interests. In Marx’s view, government officials and military leaders essentially do the
bidding of the capitalist class, who own the factories and control natural resources.
Elite model A view of society as being ruled by a small group of individuals who
share a common set of political and economic interests.
Mills’s Model Sociologist C. Wright Mills put forth a model similar to Marx’s in his
pioneering work The Power Elite ([1956] 2000). Mills argued that significant decision-
making power rested in a handful of people, both inside and outside government.
According to Mills, the ruling power elite consists of small group of military, industrial,
and government leaders who control the fate of the United States. A pyramid illustrates
the power structure of the United States in Mills’s model, as illustrated in the “Power
Elite Models” graphic. The power elite rests at the top and includes the corporate rich,
leaders of the executive branch of government, and heads of the military (whom Mills
called the “warlords”). Directly below are local opinion leaders, members of the
legislative branch of government, and leaders of special-interest groups. Mills
contended that these individuals and groups basically follow the wishes of the dominant
power elite. At the bottom of the pyramid are the unorganized, exploited masses.
Power elite A small group of military, industrial, and government leaders who control
the fate of the United States.
A fundamental element in Mills’s thesis is that the power elite not only includes
relatively few members but also operates as a self-conscious, cohesive unit. Although
not necessarily diabolical or ruthless, the elite comprises similar types of people who
interact regularly with one another and have essentially the same political and economic
interests. Mills’s power elite represents not a conspiracy but rather a community of
interest and sentiment among a small number of influential people (Jenness, Smith, and
Stepan-Norris 2006).
page 213
Sources: Left, based on C. W. Mills (1956) 2000; right, Domhoff 2009, 2014.
Domhoff’s Model Sociologist G. William Domhoff (2009, 2014) agrees with Mills that
a powerful elite runs the United States. As the “Power Elite Models” graphic shows,
Domhoff stresses the role played by elites from three social spheres—the corporate
community, the social upper class, and policy-formation organizations such as think
tanks, chambers of commerce, and labor unions. Membership in these groups overlaps,
and members with connections in more than one of these spheres have more power
and influence. Domhoff finds that those in this latter group are still largely White, male,
and upper class, but he notes the presence of a small number of women and minority
men in key positions—groups that were excluded from Mills’s top echelon and are still
underrepresented today (Zweigenhaft and Domhoff 2006).
Although the three groups in Domhoff’s power elite model do overlap, they do not
necessarily agree on specific policies. Domhoff notes that in politics, two different
coalitions have exercised influence. A corporate-conservative coalition has played a
large role in both political parties, generating support for particular candidates through
direct-mail and social media appeals. A liberal-labor coalition is based in unions, local
environmental organizations, a segment of the minority group community, liberal
churches, and the university and arts communities (Zweigenhaft and Domhoff 2006).
The power this coalition wields suggests that the interests of members of the power elite
are not always singular or uniform but that overall they do work together to advance
their larger interests.
Is it possible for a small and unified group of powerful people in the United States
to use their power and influence to, in effect, rule the country? What obstacles
exist to prevent that from happening?
Note: Responses are to the question, “In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, or
Note: Results are for the most recent presidential election. U.S. results are from 2016.
Source: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance 2019a. Photo: Evirgen/E+/Getty Images
page 215
Note: Young adults include 18- to 24-year-olds. Results are for the 2016 presidential election.
Note: Results are for the most recent presidential election. U.S. results are from 2016.
Source: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance 2019a. Photo: Evirgen/E+/Getty Images
page 215
Note: Young adults include 18- to 24-year-olds. Results are for the 2016 presidential election.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2017d:Table 10. Photo: ©Ryan McVay/Getty Images RF
Voting participation rates vary by social group. Younger voters have significantly
lower voter participation rates than do older voters. In the 2016 presidential election, for
example, only 46 percent of people aged 18–29 voted compared to 71 percent of those
aged 65 and older. That difference is important because voter preferences vary by age.
In 2016, 55 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds voted for Clinton and 37 percent supported
Trump. Among voters 65 and older, 45 percent supported Clinton and 53 percent voted
for Trump. If the turnout rate among young people had been higher, Clinton may have
won. In the 2018 midterm elections, however, turnout in this age group rose
substantially compared to previous midterm elections (CIRCLE 2016a, 2018; File 2013).
Among African Americans, from 1996 to 2012, participation rates went up each time
before falling in 2016. In 1996, 53 percent of African Americans voted. In 2012, rates
jumped to 66.6 percent, overtaking non-Hispanic Whites for the first time. Participation
then fell to 59.6 percent in 2016. Among those who did not vote in 2016, 19.6 percent
gave their reason as they “Did not like candidates or campaign issues” and 18.6 percent
said they were “Not interested” (U.S. Census Bureau 2017b, 2017d:Table 10).
(Inter-Parliamentary Union 2018). To remedy this situation, many countries have
adopted quotas for female representatives. In some, the government sets aside a
certain percentage of seats for women. In others, political parties have decided that a
minimum percentage of their candidates should be women. Worldwide, 120 countries
now have some kind of legislated or voluntary quota system in place (International
Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance 2018b).
page 216
(Under)Representation in Congress
Sources: Edmondson and Lee 2019; Jin 2019; U.S. Census Bureau 2018a.
War Conflict between organizations that possess trained combat forces equipped
with deadly weapons.
Sociologists approach war in three ways. Those who take a global view study how and
why two or more nations become engaged in military conflict. Those who take a nation-
state view stress the interaction of internal political, socioeconomic, and cultural forces.
And those who take a micro view focus on the social impact of war on individuals and
the groups to which they belong.
Analysis at the global level focuses on macro issues, such as the distribution of
resources, struggles over political philosophies, and debates about boundaries. Often it
involves nations with competing political and economic systems, as was the case in
World War I, World War II, and the Cold War. Some have argued that the conflict in Iraq
was about bringing freedom and democracy to the Middle East, and others argue it was
motivated by oil and profits.
Sociologists have devoted much effort to studying the internal decision-making
process that leads to war. During the Vietnam War, Presidents Johnson and Nixon both
misled Congress, painting a falsely optimistic picture of the likely outcome. Based on
their intentional distortions, Congress appropriated the military funds the two
administrations requested. However, in 1971, The New York Times published a set of
classified documents now known as “The Pentagon Papers,” which revealed that many
members of both administrations had knowingly distorted the real prospects for the war.
Two years later—over Nixon’s veto—Congress passed the War Powers Act, which
requires the president to notify Congress of the reasons for committing combat troops to
a hostile situation (Patterson 2003).
Women in National Legislatures
Note: Data are for lower legislative houses only, as of November 1, 2018; data for upper houses, such as the U.S.
Senate or the UK House of Lords, are not included.
Source: Inter-Parliamentary Union 2018.
page 217
Note: Respondents replied to the question “There is much discussion as to the amount of money the government
in Washington should spend for national defense and military purposes. How do you feel about this? Do you think
we are spending too little, about the right amount, or too much?”
Source: Gallup 2018a. Photos: (left and right): McGraw-Hill Education
Even though government leaders make the decision to go to war, public opinion
plays a significant role in its execution. By 1971 the number of U.S. soldiers killed in
Vietnam had surpassed 50,000, and antiwar sentiment was strong. Wars conducted by
the United States since that time have tended to follow a similar pattern. Initial support
both for the importance of going to war and for military spending to support it tends to
give way the longer it takes to finish the job. This proved true for the conflicts in both
Iraq and Afghanistan.
At the level of interpersonal interaction, war can bring out the worst as well as the
best in people. In 2004, graphic images of the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. soldiers
at Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison shocked the world. For social scientists, the page 218
Terrorist attacks are designed to disrupt people’s daily lives to draw attention to the
attacker’s cause. Sylvain Lefevre/Getty Images
The Boston Marathon bombings in April 2013 were yet another reminder of the ability of
a small number of people with a political agenda to instill fear in the hearts and minds of
millions. Globally, attacks in Brussels, Belgium, where a suicide bombing at an airport
killed 32; in Nice, France, where a truck plowed through a Bastille Day crowd killing 84;
in Madagali, Nigeria, where a suicide bombing killed 57; and in Berlin, Germany, where
a truck tore into a busy Christmas market killing and injuring many, were but a few of the
major attacks of 2016. Acts of terror, whether perpetrated by a few or by many people,
can be a powerful force. Formally defined, terrorism is the use or threat of violence
against random or symbolic targets in pursuit of political aims. For terrorists, the end
justifies the means. They believe that the status quo is oppressive and that desperate
measures are essential to end the suffering of the deprived.
Terrorist attacks are designed to disrupt people’s daily lives to draw attention to the
attacker’s cause. Sylvain Lefevre/Getty Images
The Boston Marathon bombings in April 2013 were yet another reminder of the ability of
a small number of people with a political agenda to instill fear in the hearts and minds of
millions. Globally, attacks in Brussels, Belgium, where a suicide bombing at an airport
killed 32; in Nice, France, where a truck plowed through a Bastille Day crowd killing 84;
in Madagali, Nigeria, where a suicide bombing killed 57; and in Berlin, Germany, where
a truck tore into a busy Christmas market killing and injuring many, were but a few of the
major attacks of 2016. Acts of terror, whether perpetrated by a few or by many people,
can be a powerful force. Formally defined, terrorism is the use or threat of violence
against random or symbolic targets in pursuit of political aims. For terrorists, the end
justifies the means. They believe that the status quo is oppressive and that desperate
measures are essential to end the suffering of the deprived.
Terrorism is a global concern. In 2017, there were 18,814 deaths from terrorist
attacks around the world. It represented the third consecutive year that the number of
deaths due to terrorism declined. More deaths due to terrorism occurred in Afghanistan
than any other country, followed by Iraq, Nigeria, Somalia, and Syria, though the
number of deaths per year fell significantly in both Iraq and Syria (Institute for
Economics & Peace 2018).
Since September 11, 2001, governments around the world have renewed their
efforts to fight terrorism. Even though the public generally regards increased
surveillance and social control as a necessary evil, these measures have nonetheless
raised governance issues. For example, some citizens in the United States and
elsewhere have expressed concern that measures such as the USA PATRIOT Act of
2001 threaten civil liberties. As efforts to combat political violence illustrate, the term
terrorism is an apt one (Howard and Sawyer 2003).
Sociologists have considered peace both as the absence of war and as a proactive
effort to develop cooperative relations among nations. It is important to note, however,
that armed conflict involves more than just warring nations. From 1945 to the end of the
20th century, the 25 major wars that occurred between countries killed a total of 3.3
million people. Although this is significant, the 127 civil wars that occurred in the same
time period resulted in 16 million deaths. In other words, five times as many people died
as a result of conflicts within nations as died in wars between nations (Fearon and Laitin
Peace The absence of war, or, more broadly, a proactive effort to develop
cooperative relations among nations.
Sociologists and other social scientists who draw on sociological theory and
research have tried to identify conditions that deter war. One of their findings is that
international trade may act as a deterrent to armed conflict. As countries exchange
goods, people, and then cultures, they become more integrated and less likely to
threaten each other’s security. Viewed from this perspective, not just trade but also
immigration and foreign exchange programs have a beneficial effect on international
relations (Acemoglu and Robinson 2012).
page 219
Another means of fostering peace is the activity of international charities and activist
groups, or nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). The Red Cross and Red Crescent,
Doctors Without Borders, and Amnesty International donate their services wherever
they are needed, without regard to nationality. Over the past decades, these NGOs
have been expanding in number, size, and scope. By sharing news of local conditions
and clarifying local issues, they often prevent conflicts from escalating into violence and
war. Some NGOs have initiated cease-fires, reached settlements, and even ended
warfare between former adversaries.
Finally, many analysts stress that nations cannot maintain their security by
threatening violence. Peace, they contend, can best be maintained by developing strong
mutual security agreements among potential adversaries (Etzioni 1965; Shostak 2002).
Following this path involves active diplomacy and, to the extent that it involves
negotiations with countries viewed as enemies, can be controversial.
From surprising election outcomes to peace movements, stories such as these
provide hope that people can make a difference. Even though large-scale economic
trends can have negative impacts on companies, communities, and individuals, as well
as shaping political outcomes, positive social change is possible. Sociological analysis
helps us see the underlying processes at work in the economy and politics, and in so
doing can assist us in recognizing places in those systems where opportunities for
bringing about such change exist.
Playing Politics
Identify some elected officials—local, state, or federal—and interview them
about their life in politics. What motivated them to run? What have they been
able to accomplish? What frustrations do they face in getting things done?
What would they change if they could? What advice would they give you?
Keep notes of what they say, and reflect on the lessons learned about
opportunities for, and obstacles to, change.
based on a traditional, rational-legal, or charismatic foundation.
III. How has the economy changed over time?
From the Industrial Revolution through deindustrialization to the
more recent global economic crisis and recovery, the modern
economy is more dynamic and the consequences of change
more far reaching both for nations and for individuals. Through
political engagement people have the potential to influence the
direction of that change.
page 220
After reviewing the chapter, answer the following questions:
How would each perspective explain the political stances of the White working-
class workers Hochschild studied?
How might each perspective seek to explain charismatic authority?
How might theorists from each perspective explain war?
Are you an active or an apathetic voter? What factors influence your approach?
Which perspective best describes the way you participate in the political world?
c. a dictatorship
d. an oligarchy
7. According to Max Weber, what is the definition of power?
a. the recognized set of procedures for implementing and achieving society’s
b. the combination of strength and stamina
c. the mechanical and electrical energy that provided the foundation for the
Industrial Revolution
d. the ability to exercise one’s will over others, even if they resist
8. Which of the following is not part of the classification system of authority
developed by Max Weber?
a. traditional authority
b. pluralist authority
c. rational-legal authority
d. charismatic authority
9. According to the model proposed by C. Wright Mills, power rests in the
hands of
a. the people.
b. the aristocracy.
c. the power elite.
d. a representative democracy.
10. Which of the following terms best describes the threat of violence against
random or symbolic targets in pursuit of political aims?
a. politics
b. power
c. terrorism
d. authority
1. (b), 2. (b), 3. (b), 4. (a), 5. (b), 6. (d), 7. (d), 8. (b), 9. (c), 10. (c)
Design Elements: Going Global (Earth): ©Studio Photogram/Alamy Stock Photo; Personal Sociology (drawing of
author): McGraw-Hill Education; 5 Movies (popcorn): ©D. Hurst/Alamy Stock Photo; Sociology Is a Verb (overlapping
hands): ©Jeff DeWeerd/Imagezoo/Getty Images
page 222
Social Class
Rae McCormick’s father died of a brain aneurysm when she was 11
years old, and her mother abandoned her soon thereafter. Left to
fend for herself, Rae lived on her own for a while in her hometown of Cleveland.
She then moved in with her older sister for a time before Rae’s mom signed
custody over to a family friend. When Rae turned 18 and her Social Security
survivor benefit checks stopped coming, the woman kicked Rae out, and she was
on her own again. At 21, Rae met Donny, and they had a daughter named Azara.
Rae and Donny lived together off and on over the next few years, but he hit her
and cheated on her multiple times, so she left him. She eventually rented a room
from George and Camilla, an older couple who had been friends with her father.
The three of them, together with three additional boarders, pooled all their
resources to get by. The house they rented lacked pipes for running water, so they
hauled water up from the basement in five-gallon buckets to wash dishes, take
baths, and flush toilets. Their kitchen lacked a functioning stove, so they cooked on
a charcoal grill outside (Edin and Shaefer 2015).
What Rae wanted more than anything else was a good job and a place of her
own to raise Azara. Just when things seemed to be looking up, she lost the job she
loved at Walmart, where she’d been named “Cashier of the Month” twice in her first
six months working there. She couldn’t get to work one day because even though
she paid George and Camilla $50 per month for gas and the use of their pickup,
the tank was empty, and she’d used the rest of her paycheck for rent, diapers, and
groceries. Her store manager told her that if she couldn’t find a way to get to work
on time, she shouldn’t bother coming back. Her many attempts to find another job
came up empty (Edin and Shaefer 2015).
Sociologist Kathryn Edin and social work professor Luke Shaefer (2015) told
Rae’s story, along with those of others like her, in their book $2.00 a Day: Living on
Almost Nothing in America. They report that 1.5 million households, including
about 3 million children, live on cash incomes of less than $2 per page 223
person, per day in the United States. Based on their observation
research, the interviews they conducted, and the data they analyzed, Edin and
Shaefer conclude that like millions of others facing extreme poverty, “Rae, in her
current circumstances . . . basically has no shot at achieving [her] dream. . . .
Housing is too expensive, the jobs she might get pay far too little, and there’s too
little help” (2015:91). In this chapter we explore how our position in the social class
system affects our life chances.
matters are shaped by the social positions you occupy.
Life chances The likelihood that our success is shaped by our access to valued
material, social, and cultural resources.
To better understand how our economic position shapes our likely outcomes, we need a
better appreciation of the structures within which we find ourselves. Not all societies
structure themselves in the same way, but difference exists within all societies.
Sociologists call the social inequality that is built into the structure of society
stratification, by which they mean the structured ranking of entire groups of people that
perpetuates unequal economic rewards and power in a society. The strata in
stratification refer to different layers or levels of power and influence built into the
structure of society. Sociologists focus on four major systems of stratification: slavery,
caste, estate, and social class.
Slavery Slavery is a system of enforced servitude in which some people are owned by
others as property. Enslaved people become objects rather than subjects. Owners are
free to treat them in the same way they might their horses or cattle.
Slavery A system of enforced servitude in which some people are owned by others
as property.
The practice of slavery has varied over time. Most of the enslaved people in ancient
Greece, for example, were prisoners of war or individuals captured and sold by pirates,
and slave status was not necessarily permanent. By contrast, slavery in the United
States was an ascribed status, and enslaved people faced racial and legal barriers to
freedom. The first enslaved Africans in what later became the United States were
brought by Dutch traders to Jamestown in 1619 and worked on the recently established
tobacco plantations there (Hashaw 2007). With the founding of the United States as a
new nation, the U.S. Constitution established slave ownership as a legal page 224
right, and numerous founders owned people as slaves, including George
Washington and Thomas Jefferson. It wasn’t until 1865, with the passage of the 13th
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, that slavery was banned throughout the United
States, though the amendment included the clause “except as a punishment for crime
whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.”
Source: Global Slavery Index 2018. Photo: Mahmud Fahm/Moment Open/Getty Images
Today, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is binding on all members
of the United Nations, prohibits slavery in all its forms. According to the United Nations
(2018b), contemporary forms of slavery include debt bondage, forced labor, child labor
and child servitude, sexual slavery, sale of children, forced marriage, and the sale of
wives. In many developing countries, bonded laborers are imprisoned in lifetime
employment. Although slavery is outlawed in the United States and Europe, guest
workers and illegal immigrants have been forced to labor for years under terrible
conditions, either to pay off debts or to avoid being turned over to immigration
authorities. In 2018, the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (2018) reported
5,147 incidents in the United States of potential human trafficking, and of these 3,718
involved sex trafficking.
Castes In a stratification system based on caste, boundaries between strata are clear,
relations between levels are regulated, and social status is ascribed. The caste into
which you are born remains the same until you die. It determines your opportunities
throughout life, including who your friends are, what occupation you will pursue, and
whom you will marry. Caste-based systems are rigid, allowing for limited and formalized
interaction between castes.
Caste A stratification system in which boundaries between strata are clear, relations
between levels are regulated, and social status is ascribed.
The most familiar caste-based system is based primarily in India and is associated
with Hinduism. This system has four major castes, or varnas: priests (Brahman),
warriors (Kshatriya), merchants (Vaishya), and artisans/farmers (Shudra). Within those
four major castes are thousands of subcaste groupings. A fifth category, the Dalit,
referred to in the past as untouchables, is considered to be so lowly and unclean as to
have no place within this system of stratification. In 1950, after gaining independence
from Great Britain, India adopted a new constitution that formally outlawed the caste
system. In addition, economic changes tied to urbanization and the impact of technology
have undercut its taken-for-granted status. Yet caste continues to play a powerful role in
shaping patterns of social interaction throughout India.
Even though individuals can’t change their caste, that doesn’t mean change over
time is impossible. Subcastes within India, for example, have been able to improve their
overall standing by adopting the principles and practices of castes above them. This
process is known as Sanskritization, after the language of ancient India in which most of
the Hindu scriptures are written. Because the priestly Brahman caste page 225
represents the highest class, adopting that lifestyle, including becoming a
vegetarian and giving up alcohol, became a marker of hoped-for higher status for the
group, though this is most successful for groups that are already near the top (Bahadur
2008; Srinivas 1956; Staal 1963). Seeking to look and act like members of a higher
stratum to gain social status is not unique to caste-based systems.
The life chances of families in India continue to be shaped by their caste. Andrew
Aitchison/Alamy Stock Photo
Estates The estate system divides power in society into three primary sectors: the
church, the nobility, and the commoners. This stratification system was characteristic of
medieval Europe, especially in England and France. French bishop Adalbéron de Laon
gave names to these three estates in a poem to French king Robert the Pious around
the year 1030. He identified them as Oratores, Bellatores, and Laboratores, or those
who pray, those who fight, and those who work (Le Goff 1990). Members of the first
estate included bishops, monks, priests, and nuns. The second estate was composed of
knights, lords and ladies, dukes and duchesses, and others of noble birth. Peasants and
serfs were part of the third estate, and their labor produced food for all. In this feudal
system, the ruling monarch, usually the king, ruled over all, but, over time,
representatives from each of these groups were granted some degree of voice in the
political system. Vestiges of the estate system remain in England in the form of the
Church of England, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons.
Estate system A system of stratification that divides power in society into three
primary sectors: the church, the nobility, and the commoners.
The power in this system rested primarily on the nobles’ ownership of land, though
the church had substantial land holdings as well. Peasants provided the nobles with
their income by paying them rents, primarily in the form of produce, in exchange for the
opportunity to work the land. The nobles, with help from the knights among them,
pledged to maintain order and protect the peasants from bandits and rival nobles. As in
the caste system, social status was largely ascribed. The nobles inherited their titles and
property, and there was little commoners could do to change their lot in life. One area
that did provide some degree of opportunity was the church. By the 12th century, the
priesthood emerged as a distinct category in most of Europe. In addition, opportunities
for local merchants and artisans began to expand. For the first time, there were groups
of people whose wealth did not depend on land ownership or agriculture. Their success
ultimately contributed to the demise of feudalism and the rise of capitalism.
Social Class In the final stratification system, social class, social position is
determined primarily by socioeconomic status, both real and perceived. Social class can
be assessed objectively and subjectively. Objective indicators primarily include
education, occupation, and income. A college graduate who is a mechanical engineer
earning $83,000 per year is higher than a high school graduate working as a dental
assistant earning $32,000. Subjective class identification, the degree to which a person
identifies with a particular social class category, also plays a role. It’s entirely possible,
for example, for a person who makes a lot of money to identify with the lower social
class within which she or he was born (Rubin et al. 2014). The perceptions others have
also play a significant role because, as we learned with the Thomas theorem,
perception shapes action, which, in the case of social class, may well affect the degree
to which we are allowed access to valued resources. Because social class can involve
multiple, sometimes contradictory, indicators, settling on a universal, all-purpose model
of social classes is problematic.
Sociologists commonly use a five-class model to describe the class system in the
United States, though many other models are available (Beeghley 2007; Kerbo 2011).
At the top are the upper class, including 1–2 percent of the population who are wealthy,
well-respected, and politically powerful. Just beneath them are the upper-middle class,
which is composed primarily of business executives, doctors, lawyers, architects, and
other professionals; they make up about 15 percent of the population. The next 30–35
percent include members of the middle class, which is composed of less-affluent
professionals, such as school teachers and nurses, along with owners of small
businesses, clerical workers, and others who have decent jobs but a minimal amount of
autonomy—that is, control over what they do and when they do it. The fourth group is
the working class, whose jobs typically involve some degree of manual labor, including
carpenters, plumbers, and factory workers, who make up another 30–35 page 226
percent of the population. The final group is the underclass, commonly
referred to as “the poor,” who make up 15–20 percent of the population. People in this
class have limited and inconsistent access to resources, and membership includes a
disproportionate number of African Americans, Hispanics, immigrants, and single
When asked to identify their social class, people in the United States struggle with
how to respond. One of the difficulties comes from widespread assumption that social
classes do not exist in the United States. Another is the difficulty people have in placing
themselves in relationship to others. In particular, people seem averse to categorizing
themselves as either rich or poor. As a result, as the “What Class Am I?” graphic
demonstrates, 51 percent of people making over $100,000 per year still identify as
middle class, rejecting the available Upper-Middle and Upper options (Pew Research
Center 2015a). Looked at another way, when asked how much money it takes to
consider someone rich, people at different income levels have different perceptions.
Among those earning less than $30,000 per year, 54 percent chose an income level of
less than $100,000 to be considered rich. Among those making $100,000 or more, only
2 percent indicated a threshold that low. At this much higher income level, 46 percent
said it would take $500,000 or more per year to be considered rich (Reeves 2015).
What Class Am I?
Note: Respondents were asked, “Which of the social classes would you say you belong in?” Their answers were
then grouped into categories based on family income.
Source: Pew Research Center 2015a.
A society’s system of stratification significantly shapes one’s life chances. Though the
opportunity for changing position is possible in all, the likelihood of doing so varies
significantly. In most cases, the story of the peasant girl who marries a prince is nothing
more than a fairy tale, which has its roots in the estate system. To better page 227
understand opportunities for social mobility, meaning movement within or
between society’s strata, sociologists investigate the degree to which a society is open
versus closed.
Source: Bivens 2012. Photo: Gilles Mingasson/Getty Images
Open system A society with a system of stratification that allows for social mobility
between strata.
A society with a closed system of stratification does not allow for social mobility
between strata. Social positions are ascribed, so the position into which you are born is
the position within which you remain throughout life. Caste systems are mostly closed
with limited opportunity for movement within one’s lifetime. Societies with barriers to
mobility, whether based on religion, gender, race, ethnicity, class, or any other positional
variables, are more closed than those without such barriers.
Closed system A society with a system of stratification that does not allow for social
mobility between strata.
Sociologists call this kind of movement horizontal mobility. However, if the bus driver
were to become a lawyer, they would experience vertical mobility—the movement of
an individual from one social position to another of a different rank (Sorokin [1927]
1959). Vertical mobility involves moving upward or downward in a society’s stratification
Another contrasting pair of mobility types involves movement that occurs between
generations versus change that occurs within an individual’s career as an adult.
Intergenerational mobility refers to changes in the social position of children relative to
their parents. Thus, a college professor whose father was a printer provides an example
of vertically upward intergenerational mobility. A plumber whose parents were both
physicians illustrates vertically downward intergenerational mobility. Because education
contributes significantly to upward mobility, any barrier to the pursuit of advanced
degrees limits intergenerational mobility (Isaacs, Sawhill, and Haskins 2008).
In the United States one way to define the “American Dream” is as vertically upward
intragenerational mobility. In other words, a person would experience a significant shift
in social class position over the course of her or his career, from a relatively low-level
position to one of significant wealth and power. Although this does happen, the
“American reality” is that we tend to end up in positions relatively close to where we
What is the story of social mobility in your family? To what extent have there been
shifts both across and within generations? What factors, such as family
connections or historical events, contributed to the social mobility that occurred?
page 228
Even though they like to deny that social class exists, Americans have a fascination
with class as portrayed in pop culture. This curiosity is especially apparent with the
appeal of British programs such as Downton Abbey, Masterpiece Classic, Sherlock
Holmes, Doctor Who, and Absolutely Fabulous. Perhaps it’s just the accents, but the
social class dimensions of British society are often core elements of these shows.
Such programs provide a window into how social stratification is practiced differently
in other societies. Downton Abbey, for example, portrays the lives of an aristocratic
family and their servants in the early 20th century.
Photo: PictureLux/The Hollywood Archive/Alamy Stock Photo
Income When considering income, it helps to begin by looking at the average income
for a population. Doing so provides a simple summary of the typical income for the
whole group and establishes a baseline for comparison both within the group and
between groups. In 2017, the median household income in the United States was
$61,372, which represents a 1.8 percent increase in income over the previous year.
Because the median is the middle score in a distribution, half of all households in the
United States had incomes higher than $61,372 that year, and half had incomes lower
than that amount (Fontenot, Semega, and Kollar 2018).
Sociologists explore the degree to which income inequality exists using a variety of
indicators. One way they do so is by highlighting possible differences between the mean
and median. For example, in 2017, the mean household income in the United States
was $86,220, a substantially higher “average” than the median (Fontenot, Semega, and
Kollar 2018). When the mean is significantly higher than the median, it suggests that
there are some extremely high incomes that elevate the mean, thus making it a less
effective indicator of the typical income of a group. The classic example is that
whenever Bill Gates enters a room, the mean income for all individuals in the room
usually skyrockets, unless he is in a room of similarly rich multibillionaires. The
existence of such extremely high incomes, which sociologists refer to as outliers, points
toward significant income inequality.
Another approach sociologists use to explore income inequality involves looking at
quintiles, which provides them with a better sense of the distribution of incomes from
low to high. Rather than breaking the population in half at the median, the quintile
approach creates five groups by lining up all income-earning households, from those
who make the least to those who make the most, and then drawing a line at 20, 40, 60,
and 80 percent. The United States has approximately 126 million households, so each
quintile would include an equal number, or about 25.2 million households. We can then
compare what percentage of total income is earned by each quintile and the average
income people in each quin-tile earn.
Tana Lee Alves/WireImage/Getty Images
page 229
Percentage Share of Total Income by
Note: Each pie represents the share of total household income earned by quintiles.
Source: Fontenot, Semega, and Kollar 2018:Table A-2.
Comparing quintile distributions between 1970 and 2017 allows us to see how
income inequality has changed over time. The size of the slice earned by the top quintile
grew significantly, from 43.3 percent in 1970 to 51.5 percent in 2017. As a result, the
other 80 percent of households now split up a much smaller portion of the overall
income pie. In fact, each of the other income quintiles takes home a smaller slice of the
pie now than in the past. In simple terms, this suggests that perhaps the rich get richer
while the poor get poorer (Fontenot, Semega, and Kollar 2018:Table A-2).
In addition to percentages, sociologists also look at the average income each quintile
earns in dollars. As the “Average Household Income by Quintile” graph shows, saying
that the rich get richer while the poor get poorer needs some refinement. Average
incomes earned by those in the top quintile did go up from 1970 to 2017, but incomes
went up for all groups. Given that income is measured in constant dollars adjusted for
inflation, these increases reflect a real increase. All groups are earning more now than
in the past. But the percentage increase for those at the top grew much faster than for
those at the bottom. For those in the lowest quintile, income increased by 17.8 percent
to $13,258 in 2017, compared to an 81.1 percent increase to $221,848 in 2017 for those
in the top quintile (Fontenot, Semega, and Kollar 2018:Table A-2). Everyone is doing
better, but the gap between the top and the bottom is getting larger.
Note: Income for 1970 shown in 2017 dollars.
Source: Fontenot, Semega, and Kollar 2018:Table A-2.
page 230
Note: Categories represent percentages of U.S. adults aged 20 and over.
Source: Piketty, Saez, and Zucman 2016. Photo: Mmaxer/Shutterstock
To gain a better understanding of how much more money those at the very top earn,
sociologists and others have paid particular attention to the difference between the top 1
percent and the bottom 99 percent. Economists Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez,
for example, found that the average annual income for adults in the top 1 percent was
$1,304,771 in 2014. As the “Income Distribution in the United States” graph
demonstrates, the percentage of income earned by the top 1 percent now exceeds that
earned by the bottom 50 percent (Piketty, Saez, and Zucman 2016, 2018). Even within
this top category, however, substantial income differences exist. For example, according
to the Internal Revenue Service, the average annual income for the top 0.01 percent of
tax returns was $32.7 million dollars, and the 1,409 returns that comprised the top 0.001
percent averaged $145.5 million in 2016. On the other end of the scale, 13.7 million
households reported incomes under $15,000 in 2017 (Fontenot, Semega, and Kollar
2018; Internal Revenue Service 2018).
A final way sociologists assess income inequality involves a single number known as
the Gini index. Italian sociologist and statistician Corrado Gini created this statistic in
order to measure the distribution of anything in a population, including income and
wealth. The Gini coefficient ranges between zero and one, and the larger the Gini
coefficient, the greater the inequality. For example, if everyone in the population earns
the same income, the Gini index equals zero. If one person earns everything and
everyone else earns nothing, the Gini index equals one. The real value of the Gini index
is as a comparative statistic because it allows us to see whether inequality is increasing
or decreasing over time. In the United States, the Gini index for income reached a low of
0.386 in 1968. Since that time it has risen fairly steadily. In 1990 it reached 0.428, and
by 2017 it climbed to 0.482 (Fontenot, Semega, and Kollar 2018:Table A-2). This
upswing indicates that income inequality in the United States has increased significantly
during that time.
Even though income has increased somewhat for all quintiles, income for the
average worker has remained relatively flat for a long time. In fact, the typical worker in
a nonsupervisory role in a private firm makes roughly the same now as they did in the
early 1970s, as portrayed in the “Average Hourly Income, 1964–2018” graph. We
cannot fully appreciate our individual outcomes in life without situating them within the
context of larger structural forces that shape our access to opportunity.
Wealth Wealth in the United States is even more unevenly distributed than income.
The median wealth per adult in 2018 was $61,667, but the mean was $403,974
(Shorrocks, Davies, and Lluberas 2018:Table 2-1). The large difference between the
two is a consequence of the extreme amounts of wealth held by the richest households.
The top 10 percent of households own 77.2 percent of all wealth in the United States
with an average worth of $2.56 million. The bottom 90 percent own the remaining 22.8
percent with a net worth of $84,000 per household (Saez and Zucman 2016). The Gini
index value for wealth of 0.852 provides further evidence of significant wealth inequality
in the United States (Shorrocks, Davies, and Lluberas 2018).
Wealth The total value of all material assets minus debts at a single point in time.
page 231
Note: Data show hourly earnings of production and nonsupervisory employees on private nonfarm payrolls.
Current dollars shows hourly income at that time. Constant dollars reports income calculated in 2018 dollars to
adjust for inflation.
Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics 2019a, 2019b.
Wealth Distribution in the United States
Breaking down that top 10 percent into smaller pieces reveals significant differences
between the wealthy and the very wealthy. As the “Wealth Distribution in the United
States” graph shows, the top 1 percent owns 41.8 percent of U.S. household wealth,
with an average net worth of $13.8 million. At 22.8 percent, the bottom 90 percent of
households collectively own about half as much wealth as that owned by the top 1
percent. Going even higher, households in the top 0.1 percent own 22 percent and are
worth $72.8 million. Put another way, the 160,700 households in the top 0.1 percent
own about as much wealth as do the 144,600,000 households in the bottom 90 percent.
And at the very pinnacle, those in the top 0.01 percent, a total of 16,070 page 232
households, own 11.2 percent of all U.S. wealth and are worth $371
million (Saez and Zucman 2016:Table 1).
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics 2018i. Photo: Brand X Pictures/PunchStock
In 2017, 39.7 million people in the United States—12.3 percent of the population—lived
in poverty. Based on official calculations, a family consisting of two adults and two
children with a combined annual income of $24,858 or less fell below the poverty line.
By contrast, a single person under the age of 65 must earn less than $12,752 annually
to be officially considered poor (Fontenot, Semega, and Kollar 2018).
Defining Poverty Such figures make it seem like a simple matter to define who is
living in poverty: You are either above the threshold or below it. Sociologists have found,
however, that our conceptions of poverty vary. For example, we can define poverty in
either absolute or relative terms.
Absolute poverty refers to a minimum level of subsistence that no family should be
expected to live below. According to this definition, someone who is below the poverty
level ultimately lacks sufficient resources to survive. Many nations, including the United
States, use some form of this criterion as the basis of their definition of poverty. A
comparatively high proportion of children in U.S. households are poor, meaning that
their families are unable to afford necessary consumer goods (food, shelter, and
clothing). Globally, poverty rates in industrialized nations vary significantly, as portrayed
in the “Child Poverty Rates Around the World” graph.
Historically, the poverty line in the United States was first calculated based on a
formula established in 1964. President Lyndon B. Johnson had declared a War on
Poverty, but at the time, no official measure of poverty existed. To enact an official
measure, the Johnson administration turned to the work of Mollie Orshansky, a food
economist at the research bureau of the Social Security Administration. Orshansky
proposed com-bining two facts to establish a general poverty threshold. The first came
from a study that found that families spend approximately one-third of their budget on
food. The second was the estimated cost of a minimally nutritious diet established by
U.S. Department of Agriculture dieticians. Orshansky combined these two pieces of
information to establish the poverty threshold as three times the cost of the USDA diet.
She assumed that families facing poverty would cut back on both food and nonfood
expenditures at approximately the same rate so that the 3-to-1 ratio would hold (Fisher
1992, 2008; Orshansky 1965).
There has been a long-standing debate about whether this approach to defining
poverty in the United States measures the true nature of poverty. For example, critics
argue that the measure is too simplistic, or that the multiplier should now be closer to
five which would have the effect of raising the poverty line. Recognizing the limits of the
official definition, the U.S. government started calculating a supplemental measure of
poverty in the fall of 2011. This more complex measure takes into account the actual
costs of food, clothing, shelter, utilities, taxes, work expenses, and out-of-pocket
medical costs. In addition to income, it counts food stamps and tax credits as available
resources, and is adjusted to reflect price differences across geographic regions (Fox
page 233
Child Poverty Rates Around the World
Source: OECD 2018b:Table CO2.2. Photo: Jason R Warren/E+/Getty Images
Who Are the Poor? One of the lessons we learn by analyzing those who fall below
the poverty line is that our stereotypes about poverty are flawed. For example, many
people in the United States believe that the vast majority of the poor are able to work
but will not. Yet, 44.1 percent of people in poverty are either children under age 18 or
adults 65 years old or older. Many working-age adults who are poor do work outside the
home, although often in part-time positions. In 2017, 2.4 million people who worked full-
time, year-round, and 5.7 million of those who worked part-time, were in poverty. Of
those poor adults who do not work, many are ill or disabled, or are occupied in
maintaining a home (Fontenot, Semega, and Kollar 2018:Table 3).
A person’s likelihood of being in poverty varies based on social status. The “Who Are
the Poor in the United States?” table demonstrates this by contrasting the percentage of
people in a variety of status categories in the U.S. population as a whole versus the
percentage in those same categories who are officially considered poor. For example,
22.7 percent of people in the United States are under 18, but 32.3 percent of people in
poverty are under 18. This suggests that children are overrepresented in the poverty
population when compared to the population as a whole. People who are 65 and older
are underrepresented in the poverty population because their percentage within the
poor population of 11.8 is smaller than their percentage in the population as a whole of
15.8 (Fontenot, Semega, and Kollar 2018:Table 3).
page 234
Note: Age and race/ethnicity percentages are based on total persons. Families percentages are based on total
Source: Fontenot, Semega, and Kollar 2018:Tables 3, 4. Photos: (top right): Wild Horse Photography/Getty
Images (bottom right): David Buffington/Photodisc/Getty Images; (bottom center): Con Tanasiuk/Design Pics;
(bottom left): Jacobs Stock Photography/BananaStock/JupiterImages/PictureQuest; (top left): James
Pauls/eyecrave LLC/Vetta/iStockphoto
The type of community within which people live also plays a role. In 2017, 41 percent
of poor people in the United States lived in big cities within metropolitan areas. But
poverty is not an urban problem alone. Overall, 43 percent of people in poverty live
outside of metropolitan areas (Fontenot, Semega, and Kollar 2018).
Analyses of people who are poor in general reveal that they are not a static group.
The overall composition of the poor changes continually; some individuals and families
move above the poverty level after a year or two, while others slip below it. In a study of
economic insecurity from ages 25 to 60, sociologist Mark Rank found that 79 percent of
the U.S. population experience at least one year in which they are unemployed, receive
welfare benefits, or are officially poor or near poverty. Focusing just on poverty and near
poverty, 54.1 percent spend a year with an income less than 150 percent of the poverty
line at some point during their prime adult working-age lives. Considering long-term
welfare use, only 3.8 percent of that population received such benefits for 10 or more
consecutive years (Rank, Hirschl, and Foster 2014:37).
Should welfare recipients be required to work? If so, should the government
subsidize preschool and afterschool care for their children while they are at work?
page 235
Other countries vary widely in their commitment to social service programs. But most
industrialized nations devote higher proportions of their expenditures to housing, Social
Security, welfare, health care, and unemployment compensation than the United States
does. For example, in Germany, the government pays for 85 percent of health care
expenditures, compared to 80 percent in the United Kingdom, 74 percent in Canada,
and 52 percent in Mexico. The U.S. government pays 50 percent of health care
expenditures, ranking it behind the global average of 59 percent (World Bank 2016b).
The domino effects of a lack of economic resources can be severe, as Rae
McCormick’s experience demonstrated at the beginning of this chapter. Poor people
often also lack the social network connections to help them get good jobs, not to
mention having to overcome the negative status associated with being poor. When it
comes to cultural resources, they also often lack the same kind of educational
credentials that can serve as a valuable asset. Journalist David Shipler (2004), in his in-
depth study titled The Working Poor: Invisible in America, referred to the combination of
factors that poor people must overcome as the “interlocking deficits of poverty.” As
Shipler (2004:4–5) put it,
Breaking away and moving a comfortable distance from poverty seems to require
a perfect lineup of favorable conditions. A set of skills, a good starting wage, and
a job with the likelihood of promotion are prerequisites. But so are clarity of
purpose, courageous self-esteem, a lack of substantial debt, freedom from
mental illness or addiction, a functional family, a network of upstanding friends,
and the right help from private or governmental agencies.
The obstacles that poverty presents, and the advantages that access to wealth
provides, raise questions about the degree to which a person can succeed based on his
or her abilities alone or whether the social position people inherit determines their likely
principle of equality. That value is set forth within the opening lines of the Declaration of
Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” (The U.S. National Archives and
Records Administration 1776). This conviction regarding our fundamental sameness
implies that everyone should have a chance for success regardless of their station in
life. Our outcomes should be based on something other than having had the good
fortune of being born into the right family. Differences in outcomes in terms of income,
wealth, and poverty are accepted, and even valued, because they provide incentives for
hard work and sacrifice, so long as everyone has an opportunity to page 236
succeed (Reeves 2015).
Elnur Amikishiyev/123RF
The desire to put the principle of meritocracy into practice was apparent early on in
American history in the works of people like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. It
provided the justification for Horace Mann’s commitment to public education as the
great equalizer, as we saw in the “Education in Society” section in Chapter 8. One of his
goals was to have schools spread a common American culture through a shared
curriculum. Values, including the importance of meritocracy, were reinforced. Children in
1843, for example, in their McGuffey’s Eclectic Readers, one of the most commonly
assigned textbook series in American history, read passages such as this:
The road to wealth, to honor, to usefulness, and happiness, is open to all, and all
who will, may enter upon it with the almost certain prospect of success. In this
free community, there are no privileged orders. Every man finds his level. If he
has talents, he will be known and estimated, and rise in the respect and
confidence of society. (Quoted in Weiss 1969:33)
Similarly, in the late 1800s, the best-selling books by Horatio Alger, including titles
such as Struggling Upward, Mark the Match Boy, and Rough and Ready, reinforced the
rags-to-riches ideal. In Ragged Dick, for example, the title character is told as a boy,
“You know in this free country poverty in early life is no bar to a man’s advancement”
(Alger [1868] 1985:55). In Alger’s stories, a person’s character and values trump social
position as superior resources all but ensuring certain success (Reeves 2014).
Bettmann/Getty Images
Faith in the American Dream remains strong. Former president Barack Obama
reinforced the U.S. commitment to meritocracy in his second inaugural address. In it he
declared, “We are true to our creed when a little girl born into the bleakest poverty
knows that she has the same chance to succeed as anybody else, because she is an
American; she is free, and she is equal, not just in the eyes of God but also in our own”
(Obama 2013). There is, in the United States, an almost sacred aura that surrounds the
principle of meritocracy. Violation of this principle would represent a betrayal of the
public trust.
In the United States, people are less certain about the degree to which opportunities
for social mobility remain possible. The 61 percent of people who believe that “anyone
can get ahead if they work hard” has declined from 74 percent in 1999, and the
percentage of people who now say that “hard work and determination are no guarantee
of success for most people” rose from 23 to 36 percent (Pew Research Center 2016d).
The likelihood of children doing better than their parents, an important marker for the
American Dream, has decreased, as the “Will You Earn More Than Your Parents?”
graph shows. Comparing incomes for parents and children when each reached age 30,
and using constant dollars to make comparison possible, 92 percent of children born in
1940 earned more than their parents did at the same age. For those born in 1984, only
50 percent outearned their parents. In other words, the odds of doing better than your
parents are now no better than a coin flip (Chetty, Grusky, and Hell et al. 2016).
Resources parents possess play a significant role in shaping outcomes for their
children. A parent’s occupational status is a strong predictor of their children’s
occupational status as adults. Working-class parents, for example, tend to produce
children who become working-class adults themselves (Hout 2018). The amount of
wealth parents own is a significant predictor of how much wealth their children will
possess when they are adults. Mobility can happen, but only 6 percent of children in the
lowest wealth quintile make the rags-to-riches journey to the top wealth quintile (Pfeffer
and Killewald 2016).
page 237
Note: Graph compares pretax income for parents and children when each reached age 30.
Source: Chetty, Grusky, and Hell et al. 2016. Photo: Cecilia Cartner/Cultura/Getty Images
Note: Test performance is for a standardized 8th-grade math test. Family status is based on parent’s education,
occupation, and income. College graduation rate measure is for 12 years after the test.
Source: Putnam 2015:190.
Political scientist Robert Putnam (2015) uses the expression “opportunity gap” to
describe what appears to be a growing divide between the children of the well-to-do
compared to children from working-class and poor families. Increased levels of
neighborhood segregation, educational segregation, and social network segregation,
including the increased likelihood of marrying a same-class spouse, he claims, all
contribute to a growing class divide. Well-off parents provide their children with a whole
host of advantages, including private schools, tutors, educational vacations, and
specialized summer camps, making the divide even wider (Duncan and Murnane 2011;
Finighan and Putnam 2016; Putnam 2015; Thompson 2018).
As we can see from the “Likelihood of Graduating from College” graph, a child from
a high-income family who scores poorly on a standardized 8th-grade math exam is
more likely to graduate from college 12 years later than a child from a low-income family
who scores high on the exam. This suggests that rich kids with poor academic
performance are more likely to graduate than are smart poor kids (Papageorge and
Thom 2018; Putnam 2015). As one report analyzing similar outcomes regarding
academic potential and educational success put it, “being born rich trumps being born
gifted” (Van Dam 2018).
The economic, social, and cultural advantages children at the top receive provide a
cushion that protects these children should failure occur. Putnam writes, “Parental
wealth is especially important for social mobility, because it can provide informal
insurance that allows kids to take more risks in search of more reward” (Putnam
2015:36). Those who do not get the opportunity to fully develop their skills through
education, for example, are less likely to share in the rewards that such accomplishment
conveys, as shown in the “Education Pays” graph. Over time, as those at the top
transmit increased access to resources to their children, the rungs of the mobility ladder
get farther apart, making it difficult for people with limited resources to reach the next
level (Frank 2016; Reeves 2017; Thompson 2018). Yet seeing this reality remains a
challenge, because when a society makes an overt commitment to meritocracy in
principle, it becomes easy to minimize the degree to which inherited resources shape
likely outcomes.
page 238
Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2018b:Table PINC-03. Photo: McGraw-Hill Education
Bourgeoisie The ruling class under capitalism due to their ownership of the means
of production.
Proletariat The working class under capitalism who must sell their labor power in
exchange for a wage because they lack ownership of the means of production.
Marx argues that the logic of capitalism as a system determines how each group
acts. The competition in the marketplace that is at the heart of capitalism initially pits
capitalists against each other in their pursuit of profit. In their desire to gain greater
market share, capitalists attempt to reduce the costs of production in general and labor
costs in particular. They reduce these costs through mechanization (inventing new
machines capable of taking over more of the labor), de-skilling (simplifying the work
process by breaking it down into its most basic steps so that minimal knowledge is
required), and offshoring (finding labor in other parts of the world capable of doing the
work for less money). It’s not that capitalists are necessarily greedier than others or
have a particular desire to exploit their workers; they act based on the principles
inherent in the system.
Marx argued that this downward pressure on workers’ wages and working conditions
is unrelenting. It ultimately leads to the development of a massive global working class
of largely poor, unskilled workers competing against each other for low-wage jobs,
resulting in racial, ethnic, and nationalistic conflict among the proletariat. Ironically, it is
the technological innovation of capitalism that makes a better future possible, as we
explored in Chapter 9. Marx praised this aspect of capitalism because it solves the
problem of production like no other previous economic system. Capitalism, he writes,
was “the first to show what man’s activity can bring about. It has accomplished wonders
far surpassing Egyptian pyramids, Roman aqueducts, and Gothic cathedrals” (Marx and
Engels [1848] 1998:38). As a result, we will eventually eliminate scarcity. Even now we
can produce enough so that no one in the world needs to go hungry.
Once this technological obstacle to providing for all our needs was solved, Marx felt
that the only obstacle to an equitable society would be the capitalist system of social
relations. Its emphasis on private property enabled the few at the top, the bourgeoisie,
to own and control much more than they could ever hope to need or want while the
majority at the bottom, the proletariat, struggled. Eventually, Marx argued, the proletariat
would see that they had no real interest in the existing set of social relations. They
would develop class consciousness—a subjective awareness of common vested
interests and the need for collective political action to bring about social change. This
would lead to the overthrow of capitalism in favor of a system of more equitable
distribution in the form of socialism and then communism.
bring about social change.
page 239
A question that often arises in response to Marx’s work is this: why hasn’t that
revolution happened? One answer is that Marx thought capitalists would work against
the development of such class consciousness by shaping society’s accepted values and
norms. The term dominant ideology describes a set of cultural beliefs and practices that
helps to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests. From this
perspective, one of the possible functions of meritocracy as a value is to reinforce the
belief that mobility is possible even when limited opportunity exists in practice. In
addition, belief in meritocracy reinforces the idea that those at the top belong there as a
consequence of ability and effort and, therefore, deserve whatever riches and power
they can accumulate (Fraser 2015). As a result, workers must overcome what Marx
termed false consciousness—an attitude held by members of a class that does not
accurately reflect their objective position. A worker with false consciousness may adopt
an individualistic viewpoint toward capitalist exploitation (“I am being exploited by my
boss”). In contrast, the class-conscious worker realizes that all workers are being
exploited by the bourgeoisie and have a common stake in revolution.
Because Marx paid attention to the structure of the system itself, he was able to
identify inherent tensions between social classes based on their control over material
resources. Much more recently, economist Thomas Piketty did something similar in his
surprise best seller Capital in the Twenty-First Century (2014). In this expansive
historical overview of economic growth, Piketty maintains that, in the long run, the rate
of return on capital, including profits, rents, interest, and dividends, is greater than
overall economic growth, including increased income and output. Piketty uses the
formula r > g to describe this relationship. One reviewer summarized it this way, “Simply
having money is the best way to get more money” (Doctorow 2014). Yet, in the United
States, the commitment to meritocracy makes it difficult to accept the consequences of
this simple fact. Denial was possible, in part, because, for most of the 20th century, the
economy grew faster than normal due to technological innovation, and wealth grew
more slowly as a consequence of the destructive impact of both world wars and the
Great Depression. According to Piketty, that anomalous period, which helped produce a
prosperous middle class in the middle of the century, has come to an end. In effect,
Piketty is arguing that increasing inequality is an inevitable consequence of the structure
of capitalism, and this, he says, “poses a challenge to the meritocratic model” (2014:27).
What we learn from both Marx and Piketty is that control over material resources
conveys substantial advantages.
Dave Moyer
page 240
Weber used the term class to refer to a group of people who have a similar level of
economic resources. He identified two core elements of class: material resources and
skill knowledge in the marketplace. In the first instance, class is about how much you
own. Like Marx, this included ownership of the means of production, but Weber argued
that ownership of other economic resources, including land, savings, and stocks, also
defined a person’s class position. And, whereas Marx maintained that mechanization
and extreme division of labor would make skilled labor less valuable under capitalism,
Weber argued that, given the complexity of modern society, knowledge would continue
to be a valuable commodity in the labor market, something that employers would
reward. By developing our skill knowledge—for example, by going to college—we
enhance our class position.
including both positive and negative estimations of honor. Prestige refers to the respect
and admiration that a particular status holds in a society. Based on national surveys,
sociologists have produced the “Prestige Rankings of Occupations” table to summarize
people’s perceptions of the relative status of a variety of occupations. We see doctors
and lawyers as more prestigious than librarians and social workers, who are higher than
janitors and maids (Hout, Smith, and Marsden 2015). But prestige in a class-based
system involves more than just occupation. Socioeconomic status (SES) is a measure
of social class position that combines education, occupation, and income. Class and
status are not necessarily linked. It is possible to have significant social prestige along
with a low economic standing, as is the case for many clergy members who are highly
regarded within their faith communities, but who often receive relatively modest
Status group People who share the same perceived level of prestige.
Prestige The respect and admiration that a particular status holds in society.
Socioeconomic status (SES) A measure of social class position based on a
combination of education, occupation, and income.
Class warfare breaks out on a post-apocalyptic train ride.
Winter’s Bone
A teen living in the Ozarks investigates her father’s criminal dealings.
The Florida Project
Growing up in the shadow of the Magic Kingdom.
Rich Hill
Three boys and their families struggle to get by.
Generation Wealth
No matter how much people have, they still want more.
page 241
Note: 100 is the highest and 0 the lowest possible prestige score.
Source: Hout, Smith, and Marsden 2015. Photos: (top): Michael N. Paras/Pixtal/age fotostock; (bottom): James
organized explicitly to maximize available resources and to accomplish their goals in the
most efficient manner possible. For Weber, party was a potential resource, available to
any individuals or groups who would seize it. The civil rights movement in the United
States provides a classic example. With minimal class or status resources as defined by
the larger society, organization was critical to the success of this movement.
Weber maintained that, in practice, these three resources work together to shape
individual and group power. People who are strong in one area can leverage that power
to increase resources in the others. For example, people donate material resources to
political causes in the hope that doing so will advance social and organizational
interests. Those who already possess power in all three areas have advantages over
those who do not.
Cultural capital Our tastes, knowledge, attitudes, language, and ways of thinking
that we exchange in interaction with others.
How might a group coordinate its class, status, and party resources to accomplish
its goals? Pick a group on campus or in your community that is seeking to bring
about social change, and imagine how you might advise group members using
Weber’s principles.
Our things aren’t just things. They are symbols telling stories of who we are, where
we are from, and what is important to us. Whether in the form of shoes, cars, pets, or
smartphones, we choose them because they fit with our tastes which are shaped by the
cultural capital we come to inherit from those around us. From NASCAR to Mozart, for
example, the tastes of the working class typically differ from those of the upper class.
Symphonic concerts, operas, and foreign films, for instance, are considered “high
culture,” whereas “pop culture,” including popular movies, TV shows, and most
streaming music channels, is considered “middle-brow” or below. People draw
distinctions, for example, between watching Masterpiece on PBS versus American Ninja
Warrior and listening to Placido Domingo versus Bruno Mars. Such judgments are
based on a certain level of cultural elitism in which those at the top are able to define
their preferences as apparently superior to those of the masses (Accominotti, Storer,
and Khan 2018; Wilson 2007). The cultural capital of people who are working class,
often disparaged as redneck or ghetto, is valued least of all—until it is claimed by others
as their own, as was the case with jazz, blues, rock and roll, and rap (Gans 1971).
Paul Fussell (1992), in his book Class: A Guide through the American Status
System, argued that the writing on our clothes says a lot about our social class.
What story do the logos, brands, and writing on your clothes tell about you? How
might your clothing choices have differed had you been in a different class
When we interact with others, we draw on the cultural capital resources we possess.
Such interaction is fairly easy with others who share the same basic set of resources.
When interaction occurs with others who possess a different stock of cultural capital,
however, it becomes more complex. We see these kinds of difficulties when executives
try to interact casually with workers on the factory floor or when we find ourselves dining
in a place where we aren’t quite sure what the rules are.
If cultural capital preferences were only a matter of social difference between various
subcultures, it might not be a big deal. But the cultural capital of the elite is also tied to
their control over economic and social resources. As a result, cultural capital can be
used as a form of exclusion from jobs, organizations, and opportunities. For example, a
qualified applicant may not be hired because, during the interview, they used
inappropriate syntax or did not seem adequately familiar with cultural references, such
as current news events or the latest in the world of golf. Employers tend to hire people
they feel comfortable with, and cultural capital plays a significant role in that process
(Kanter 1993).
Compounding this problem of cultural inequality is the fact that our preferences and
perceptions often pass down from parent to child in the same way that material capital is
inherited. Parents teach their children linguistic patterns and cultural tastes, from the
use of double negatives to the appreciation of literature (Lareau 2015; Rothstein 2009).
Cultural capital is also reproduced in the next generation in the context of schools,
where class distinctions within the community shape the curriculum and patterns of
discipline. Sociologist Jessi Streib (2011) found that, already by age four, children had
adopted cultural conventions based on their social class positions. For eight months she
conducted research at a diverse preschool and found that children from upper-middle-
class families were more talkative and demanding of the teacher’s time and attention
than were working-class kids. The linguistic style of the higher-class children was more
consistent with the classroom culture, and, as a result, they were more likely to get their
needs met.
Social mobility from this perspective involves more than just acquiring more money
and better social connections. Winning the lottery, for example, does not transform a
person at the bottom of the hierarchy into one at the top, or, as Bourdieu put it, “Having
a million does not in itself make one able to live like a millionaire” (1984:374). Such
movement requires a social and cultural transformation as well. For mobility to happen,
individuals must earn and learn a different set of knowledge and skills, as well as a
whole new lifestyle: new tastes, attitudes, language, and thoughts.
page 243
Personal Sociology
Cultural Capital
As a professor, I have seen that grades are shaped by more than just effort and
inherent intellectual ability. Students with more cultural capital, including significant
background educational resources, simply do not have to work as hard. Seniors in my
introductory course, for example, know the rules of the game. In comparison, first-year
students often have a hard time distinguishing what is essential versus what is
secondary. Over time, however, most learn how to study effectively. This same principle
is at work before students even arrive on campus. Students who come to college with
the kinds of cultural capital that professors reward have advantages over those who lack
such resources.
When it comes to social order, it is easier for us, and for others, to continue along
the same paths than to carve out new ones. In so doing, the status quo reproduces
itself. Our social resources, including networks of relationships with family, friends, and
coworkers, constrain the kinds of connections that might open up new pathways for us.
Our cultural resources, including preferences, tastes, and knowledge, limit what we
might imagine as possible or desirable. Whereas some at the top look down on those at
the bottom as irresponsible and short-sighted, members of the working class may make
fun of rich people’s hoity-toity preference for opera and ballet and criticize their values
as materialistic and selfish, lacking commitment to family and friends (MacLeod 2009).
As a result of material, social, and cultural resource differences, changing classes
may involve the difficult task of changing identities, leading some to argue that the
United States is more caste-like (Fussell 1992). Mobility would involve new social
networks, new lifestyles, and new tastes. Complicating matters further, changing
classes requires more than just changing ourselves; it also requires recognition and
acceptance by others. Just as there may be interlocking deficits of poverty, there may
also be interlocking advantages of wealth. One of those privileges is exclusion, denying
others access to valuable social network connections. When considering the
consequences of difference, implementing meritocracy and living up to the American
Dream turn out to be challenging undertakings. But an understanding and appreciation
for the challenges involved can empower people to take the steps necessary to
Sociological Autobiography
Write your sociological autobiography through the lens of class. How have
your life chances been shaped by your access to material resources, such as
your family income and wealth? By social resources—namely, your family and
friendship network connections? By cultural resources—including taste,
language, artistic and pop culture preferences, and educational attainment of
family members? How might your life have been totally different if you had
been born into another family with a different stock of resources?
I. What is social class?
Like slavery, caste, and estate, it is a stratification system in
which people and groups are ranked, but it places them based
primarily on economic position.
II. How does social class operate?
Three categories of resources are key: material, including
income and wealth; social, including social networks and
For prestige; and cultural, including tastes, education, and
knowledge. Power is based on access to and control over these
REVIEW resources.
III. What are the consequences of social class?
Although class-based systems are more open than the others,
our life chances are shaped by our inherited class position and
the material, social, and cultural resources that go with it. For
most people, the social mobility that does occur, whether in
terms of occupation, income, or wealth, is of a relatively short
page 244
After reviewing the chapter, answer the following questions:
Analyze social mobility from the point of view of the three perspectives. In what
way might mobility be functional? How would conflict theory explain it? What role
does interaction play in getting ahead?
How do the conflict and the interactionist perspectives intersect in Marx’s
concept of “false consciousness”?
How would a theorist from each perspective explain the distribution of material,
social, and cultural resources in society?
Think about your own “life chances.” Which perspectives help you see factors
that shaped your opportunities and outcomes?
page 245
Pop Quiz
1. What expression did Max Weber coin to describe the fact that our
likelihood for success is shaped by our access to valued material, social,
and cultural resources?
a. verstehen
b. cultural capital
c. social mobility
d. life chances
2. Which of the systems of stratification included “those who pray, those
who fight, and those who work”?
a. slavery
b. caste
c. estate
d. class
3. A college professor whose father was a printer is an example of
a. downward intergenerational mobility.
b. upward intergenerational mobility.
c. downward intragenerational mobility.
d. upward intragenerational mobility.
4. What term describes money received over some period of time?
a. wealth
b. material resources
c. assets
d. income
5. What percentage of total income in the United States did the top quintile
earn in 2017?
a. 17.4 percent
b. 24.5 percent
c. 51.5 percent
d. 77.2 percent
6. What does absolute poverty refer to?
a. income below the 10th percentile as measured globally
b. a minimum level of subsistence that no family should be expected to live
c. income below the 10th percentile within any society
d. a level of deprivation by which people at the bottom of a society are judged to
be disadvantaged in comparison with the nation as a whole
7. Approximately what percentage of the U.S. population lived in poverty in
a. 3.2 percent
b. 8.4 percent
c. 12.3 percent
d. 22.8 percent
8. According to Karl Marx, the class that owns the means of production is the
a. nobility.
b. proletariat.
c. Brahman.
d. bourgeoisie.
9. Which of the following were viewed by Max Weber as distinct components
of stratification?
a. conformity, deviance, and social control
b. class, status, and party
c. class, caste, and age
d. class, prestige, and esteem
10. According to Pierre Bourdieu, our tastes, our education, the way we talk,
and the things we like all represent forms of
a. social capital.
b. esteem.
c. cultural capital.
d. intelligence.
1. (d), 2. (c), 3. (b), 4. (d), 5. (c), 6. (b), 7. (c), 8. (d), 9. (b), 10. (c)
Design Elements: Going Global (Earth): ©Studio Photogram/Alamy Stock Photo; Personal Sociology (drawing of
author): McGraw-Hill Education; 5 Movies (popcorn): ©D. Hurst/Alamy Stock Photo; Sociology Is a Verb (overlapping
hands): ©Jeff DeWeerd/Imagezoo/Getty Images
page 246
Global Inequality
billion to build, likely making it the most expensive home in the world. Named
Antilia, the house contains a library, ballroom, 50-seat theater, swimming pool,
spa, dance studio, terraced gardens, temple, parking garage for 160 vehicles, and
reportedly even an ice-room that produces artificial snow flurries as a place to cool
off on a hot day (Forbes 2019; Magnier 2010; Reginato 2012).
People at the top are doing well in Mumbai. The number of residents worth $30
million or more rose 357 percent from 2005 to 2015, producing a real estate boom
(Knight Frank Research 2016). To meet the increasing demand for luxury
accommodations in that city, developers launched a number of high-cost
residential skyscraper projects. World One, for example, will become the tallest
residential building in the world when completed, with housing units costing from
$2.4 million to $16 million each. Before he became president, Donald Trump, not
wanting to miss out on Mumbai’s high-rise boom, also jumped in. Units at Trump
Tower Mumbai start at $1.6 million apiece (Abkowitz 2015). Explaining the
skyscraper boom, Babulal Varma, the managing director of yet another Mumbai
developer, reports, “Everyone wants to get away from the crowd. . . . People want
to go up. You’re away from the noise, you’re away from the pollution” page 247
(Bundhun 2016). Units in Varma’s project start at $1.9 million, rising
to $44 million for those near the top.
Life at street level looks very different for most people in Mumbai. In order to
get by, many have to scavenge at Deonar, a massive 326-acre garbage dump that
is surrounded on three sides by slums. People do this to find items they might
recycle into something profitable, selling them to people such as Nawab Ali Shaikh,
61, who buys foam rubber collected from the dump, mostly from discarded
furniture, cuts it into cubes, and sells it as stuffing material for toymakers. These
scavenging and recycling jobs offer low pay, no security, and significant health and
safety risks (Bag, Seth, and Gupta 2016; McKirdy and Kapur 2016; Shrivastava
and Antony 2015; Ullah and Phadke 2016).
In India as a whole, the richest 1 percent owns 58.4 percent of the nation’s
wealth. At the other end of the scale, 176 million people live below the international
poverty line of $1.90 per day. Globally, 736 million people live below that poverty
line (Shorrocks, Davies, and Lluberas 2016; World Bank 2018e). In this chapter we
explore various dimensions of such global inequality.
Access to life’s necessities, including clean drinking water, varies substantially around
the world. (Left) Steve Morgan/Photofusion Picture Library/Alamy Stock Photo; (Right) B2M
Productions/Photodisc/Getty Images
Measuring Global Inequality
Note: The Human Development Index combines data on health, education, and income to provide a snapshot for
each of 178 countries. Scores range from 0 to 1. These data are for 2017.
Source: United Nations Development Programme 2018. Photos: (scale): Ryan McVay/Getty Images; (earth):
In order to become more aware of the taken-for-granted knowledge and skill that
make our current consumption possible, American journalist A. J. Jacobs (2018a)
decided to try to thank all the people who contributed to his morning cup of coffee. He
started with the barista at his local coffee shop, who was a bit surprised because she
sometimes feels more like a vending machine than a human being. He thanked the guy
behind the scenes who selected the beans for the shop, the truck drivers who deliver
the beans to the store, and, all the way down the line to the Guarnizo family farm in
Colombia, South America, he thanked the farmers who grow his beans. But he didn’t
stop there. He thanked the workers who paved the roads the trucks drive on, those who
made the asphalt for the road, and others who produce the yellow paint for the lines on
the road. He thanked the miners who gathered the ore which gets made into steel that
goes into making the coffee roasters. He thanked the steelworkers, too. He ultimately
learned that there is no end to this project. Every new link produces many more links
that create a massive, interdependent web of people who contribute to making our
everyday lives what they are. Jacobs recounts his tale in a TED talk, available online
Along the way, Jacobs also learned some difficult lessons. As he put it, “there’s
incredible suffering and horror along the supply chain” (quoted in Lambert 2018). Wages
played an important role in that conclusion. Jacobs concluded that, even though $3
seems like a lot to pay for a cup of coffee, if all the people involved in its production got
paid even minimum wage, it would likely cost much more. The vast majority of such
work takes place outside the United States, beyond the consciousness of most
People’s life chances are very much shaped by the country where they are born. For
example, access to clean water and modern sanitation facilities represents a daily
challenge for millions of people in developing nations. The United Nations created the
Human Development Index (HDI) to assess progress along three key dimensions of
human development: health, measured by life expectancy; knowledge, measured by
average years and expected years of schooling; and standard of living, measured by
gross national income per capita (United Nations Development Programme 2018). As
the “Going Global: Measuring Global Inequality” graph demonstrates, nations differ
significantly along these dimensions. As part of its annual HDI report, the UN also
explores various dimensions within these three areas, including child labor, workplace
safety, labor rights, maternity leave, leisure time, child malnutrition, HIV prevalence,
public expenditures on education, environmental sustainability, and gender inequality
(United Nations Development Programme 2018).
Given the rise of globalization, if we are to understand why we think and act as we
do, we can’t focus only on what’s happening within a single country. We must consider
issues within the larger global context. Economic decisions made in Shenzhen, China,
may well have ripple effects in small towns across America, and policies approved in
corporate board rooms in Chicago may impact indigenous peoples throughout Central
and South America. Sociologists explore the patterns and practices of global inequality,
developing various theories to account for its development and persistence.
Source: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division [LC-DIG-ppmsca-17563]
diversity, as more peoples from different backgrounds come into contact with each
other, and a corresponding growth in egalitarianism as a value that embraces such
diversity (Bruce 2000).
Housing for people living in poverty around the world can be precarious, as shown
here from Manila in the Philippines. John Wang/Getty Images
Early sociologists were optimistic that positive social change was inevitable. To
what extent do you think people today share this vision of the inevitable rise of the
good society? How might cynicism about the possibility for change contribute to
the maintenance of the status quo?
Faith in the modernization model extended well beyond sociology and became a
central premise for much modern economic and political theory. Advocates of free-
market competition, in keeping with the principles of capitalism we explored in the
“Economic Systems” section of Chapter 9, found an ally in modernization theory. The
presupposition that development follows along an inevitable evolutionary path fit well
with capitalism’s laissez-faire commitment to let the economy function freely and
naturally. For both approaches, the greatest good for the greatest number will inevitably
Critics of the modernization perspective do not share this rosy outlook regarding a
singular path toward inevitable progress. They suggest that modernization theory
contains an ethnocentric bias. The modernization perspective portrays countries not as
far along on the evolutionary ladder of modernization as primitive or inferior. The
unstated assumption of the modernization perspective, according to critics, is that the
local, indigenous cultures around the world will die off. In place of their long-standing
beliefs and practices, the peoples of the world would embrace modern, Western
consumer culture, and they would do so gladly. Many groups around the world reject
this modernization narrative, viewing such “development” as an attack on their way of
life and a threat to their core values and norms (Césaire 1972; Hopper 2007).
Dependency theory The theory that poor, less developed nations become
subservient to wealthy industrial nations, which use their economic and political might
to maintain power.
By the 1980s, such global political empires had largely disappeared. Most of the
nations that were colonies before World War I had achieved political independence and
established their own governments. However, for many of these countries, the transition
to genuine self-rule was not yet complete. Colonial domination had established patterns
of economic exploitation that continued even after nationhood was achieved—in part
because the former colonies were unable to develop their own industry and technology
(Acemoglu and Robinson 2012). Their dependence on more industrialized nations,
including their former colonizers, for managerial and technical expertise, investment
capital, and manufactured goods kept the former colonies in a subservient position.
Such continuing dependence and foreign domination are referred to as
Dependency theorists point out that workers in these poor nations become a source
of cheap labor for major corporations based in industrialized nations. At the same time,
these major corporations also exploit the raw materials of the less developed nations by
using their multinational economic might to negotiate advantageous terms. Even when
developing countries advance economically, they remain dependent on powerful nations
and wealthy corporations in an increasingly intertwined global economy. Through
dominance and exploitation, industrialized nations continue to exploit developing
countries for their own gain.
page 252
World Systems Analysis World systems analysis provides a variant of the
dependency theory that emphasizes the importance of taking into account the global
economic system within which nations operate to better understand global inequality.
The world systems analysis model, presents the global economic system as being
divided between industrial nations that control wealth and developing countries that are
controlled and exploited. Sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein (2000, 2004, 2010), the
theorist most identified with this model, distinguished between core, periphery, and
semiperiphery nations. At the core, industrialized nations, such as the United States,
Japan, and Germany, use their economic and political might to their advantage. At the
periphery are poor nations, including the developing countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin
America that lack sufficient power to resist the advances of the core nations. Between
the two are semiperiphery nations, such as China, Ireland, and India, that have
experienced some degree of development but cannot go toe-to-toe with the core
nations. The economic and political power core nations wield make it difficult for nations
on the periphery and semiperiphery to establish and maintain their own economic and
political autonomy (Hardt and Negri 2009).
World systems analysis A view of the global economic system as one divided
between certain industrialized nations that control wealth and developing countries
that are controlled and exploited.
Workers around the world face the prospect of low-wage production jobs. Siqui
Sanchez/The Image Bank/Getty Images
The resulting economic and political conflicts transpire within the context of
globalization—the worldwide integration of government policies, cultures, social
movements, and financial markets through trade and the exchange of ideas. Because
the forces of world financial markets often transcend governance by conventional
nation-states, international organizations such as the World Bank and the International
Monetary Fund have emerged as major players in the global economy. The function of
these institutions, which are heavily funded and influenced by core nations, is to
encourage trade and development and to ensure the smooth operation of international
financial markets. As such, they are seen as promoters of modernization and defenders
primarily of the interests of core nations. Critics call attention to a variety of related
issues, including violations of workers’ rights, the destruction of the environment, the
loss of cultural identity, and discrimination against minority groups in periphery nations.
experienced modern economic development. But, according to this conflict perspective,
it should not get in the way of recognizing the larger struggle between the economically
and politically powerful of the world relative to the poor, regardless of where they live.
We gain a better sense of the economic power of the elites by focusing on the rising
power of multinational corporations whose very existence transcends, and often trumps,
the power of the nation state. The term multinational corporations refers to
commercial organizations that are headquartered in one country but do business around
the world. Such private trade and lending relationships are not new; merchants have
conducted business abroad for hundreds of years, trading gems, spices, garments, and
other goods. Today’s multinational giants are not merely buying and selling overseas;
they are also producing goods all over the world (Wallerstein 1974, 2004).
Multinational corporations have become so big that they have more economic
resources than do some nations. What consequences arise from the fact that they
can relocate their headquarters, offices, and production facilities anywhere in the
world? How might this affect a nation’s political power?
Top 10 Multinational Corporations Compared to National Economies
Note: Corporations are paired with economies of comparably sized countries. Dollar amounts are in millions.
Sources: For corporate data, Fortune 2018; for GDP data, World Bank 2018f.
Workers in these nations, in pursuit of better access to material resources than they
would otherwise have, provide a steady stream of cheap labor for these companies. If
workers or governments become too demanding, companies can up and move again.
As a result, these workers often face dangerous working conditions. One particularly
striking example of how unfettered capitalism can harm developing nations is found in
the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire). Congo has significant deposits of
the metal columbite-tantalite—coltan, for short—which is used in the production of
electronic circuit boards. U.S. manufacturers used to obtain most of their coltan from
Australia, but with increasing demand for electronics, they turned to miners in Congo to
increase their supply.
Predictably, the escalating price of the metal—as much as $400 per kilogram at one
point, or more than three times the average Congolese worker’s yearly wages—
attracted undesirable attention. Soon the neighboring countries of Rwanda, Uganda,
and Burundi, at war with one another and desperate for resources to page 254
finance the conflict, were raiding Congo’s national parks, slashing and
burning to expose the coltan underneath the forest floor. In 2010 the U.S. Congress
passed the Dodd-Frank Act, which included a provision requiring manufacturing
companies to disclose whether they used any “conflict minerals,” including coltan,
cassiterite, gold, wolframite, or their derivatives, originating from the Democratic
Republic of Congo or adjoining nations. According to a UN report, the result has been
reforms in how business and government operate in Congo (Lezhnev 2011; Vigo 2019;
Wyatt 2012).
In the Democratic Republic of Congo, workers mine for coltan, a key ingredient in the
production of electronic circuit boards. Tom Stoddart/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
In an analysis of more than 1,000 U.S. films, communications professor Jack
Shaheen (2006, 2009, 2012) found that only 5 percent of Arab and Muslim characters
were presented in a positive light. Stereotypical portrayals continue today. Arabs are
repeatedly caricatured as Bedouin bandits, seductive belly dancers, villainous oil
tycoons, or fanatical terrorists. Such portrayals reinforce the dominance of the
majority groups at the expense of minorities who may lack the material, social, and
cultural resources to provide alternative, more nuanced narratives to broader
audiences, such as the plight of Arab and Muslim children who face similar social and
economic hardships as children in the West do. (Allam 2016; Choudry and Habib
2018; Curiel 2016).
At the same time the gap between rich and poor nations is widening, so too is the gap
between rich and poor citizens within nations. As the world systems model suggests,
stratification in developing nations is closely related to their relatively weak and
dependent position in the global economy. Local elites work hand in hand with
multinational corporations and prosper from such alliances. As a result, significant
income and wealth differences arise.
One of the most common ways to measure average income in a way that allows for
comparisons across countries is per capita gross national income (GNI)—which
measures the total value of goods and services produced within the country plus net
income from other countries. GNI encompasses all income a country’s residents and
businesses earn, including net income from abroad. In 2017, the global average per
capita, meaning per person, GNI was $10,366. This provides a baseline for comparing
incomes for countries above and below this average.
Gross national income (GNI) A measure of the total monetary value of all goods
and services produced within a country during some specified period of time.
Note: Data are from 2015 with the exception of Andorra, Bermuda, and Venezuela from 2013, and Isle of Man,
Puerto Rico, Gambia, Mauritania, Papua New Guinea, West Bank and Gaza, Vanuatu, and Iran from 2014.
Source: World Bank 2016d.
page 256
Note: Percentage of income earned by the top and bottom quintiles. Data are for the most recent year available.
Sources: World Bank 2018h, 2018i.
Despite this persistent inequality, there has been good news in recent years
regarding global incomes. Because the global income pie grew larger—in other words,
more total income became available—average incomes in real dollars have risen for
each percentile income grouping around the world. According to economist Branko
Milanovic (2013, 2016), after-tax per capita household income rose significantly
between 1988 and 2008 for all groups. But, as Milanovic puts it, “The gains from
globalization are not evenly distributed” (2016:10). Assuming you line up all households
from those earning least to those earning most, those between the 40th and 60th
percentiles did best, as their incomes rose more than 60 percent during that period.
People in this middle quintile, whom Milanovic calls “the emerging global middle class,”
live primarily in rising Asian economies, mostly China, but also India, Thailand, Vietnam,
and Indonesia (2016:19). Another group that did particularly well in terms of percentage
increase included those in the top 1 percent.
While overall income grew for all quintiles, the group that saw the smallest increase
in income—whose income increased less than 10 percent—fell between the 80th and
90th percentiles globally. People in this group live primarily in richer, industrialized
nations, such as the United States, Japan, and Germany, and come from the lower-half
of the income distribution within those nations (Lakner and Milanovic 2015; Milanovic
2013, 2016). Milanovic sums up his findings this way: “the great [globalization] winners
have been the Asian poor and middle classes; the great losers, the lower middle
classes of the rich world,” which would also include most members of the working class
in the United States (2016:20).
Turning to wealth, inequality is even greater than for income. Globally, the median for
household wealth is $4,209 per adult, and the mean is $63,100. The difference between
the two suggests that a relatively small percentage of the world’s adults own a
significant amount of wealth. The data support that conclusion. The top 10 percent own
85 percent of global household wealth, and the top 1 percent own 47 percent. To break
into the top 1 percent globally, a person must be worth a minimum of $871,317. On the
other end of the spectrum, the bottom 50 percent of the world’s adults combined own
less than 1 percent of global wealth (Shorrocks, Davies, and Lluberas 2018).
Focusing on wealth distribution between regions and nations, as portrayed in the
“Global Wealth Distribution” graph, the bulk of the world’s wealth is held by countries in
North America, Europe, and the rich Asia-Pacific nations. North America has 5.4
percent of the world’s adult population but owns 33.6 percent of global household
wealth. The United States alone commands 31 percent of global wealth. Contrast this
with India, which has 16.9 percent of the world’s population but only 1.9 percent of the
world’s wealth. The entire continent of Africa has 12.3 percent of the world’s adult
population but only 0.8 percent of global wealth (Shorrocks Davies, and Lluberas 2018).
Wealth distribution within nations also varies significantly. As the “Wealth
Concentration” graph shows, for example, the top 1 percent of adults in Japan owns 19
percent of total Japanese wealth, while in Russia the top 1 percent owns 82 percent of
Russian wealth (Shorrocks, Davies, and Lluberas 2018:Table 6-5). Ownership of
significant amounts of wealth conveys substantial advantages because those who
possess it do not need to rely only on their labor to produce income. Wealth can be
used to produce income through various forms of investment, which can produce both
more income and more wealth.
Women in developing countries often face significant obstacles, making it difficult for
them to attain economic assets. Karuna Chanana Ahmed, a sociologist from India who
has studied women in developing nations, calls women “the most exploited among the
oppressed” (Anderson and Moore 1993). Access to jobs represents an important
pathway to valuable resources, yet participation in the labor force varies significantly by
nation. In countries such as the United States, Canada, France, Iceland, Russia, and
Sweden, women make up nearly 50 percent of the labor force. In other nations the rate
can be significantly lower. Less than 15 percent of the labor force in in Syria, Qatar,
Oman, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen is female (World Bank 2018j). We explore
more issues related to gender inequality in the next chapter.
page 257
Source: Shorrocks, Davies, and Lluberas 2018:Table 2-4.
Wealth Concentration
Note: Columns represent the percentage of the country’s wealth held by the top 10 percent and top 1 percent.
Source: Shorrocks, Davies, and Lluberas 2018:Table 6-5.
In developing countries, any deterioration in the economic well-being of the least well-off
threatens their very survival. The standardized measure of extreme poverty globally
means living on the equivalent of $1.90 per day or less. In 2015, 10 percent of the
world’s population lived in extreme poverty which represents 736 million people. As the
“Living on Less Than $1.90 a Day” graph shows, poverty rates vary substantially by
The good news globally is that, driven largely by the income increases noted above,
international poverty rates have fallen significantly over recent decades. In 2017, 1.1
billion fewer people lived in extreme poverty around the world than in 1990. This decline
was due primarily to decreased poverty numbers in China and India (World Bank
Geographically speaking, even though poverty affects hundreds of millions of people
worldwide, it is distributed unequally. As the “Share of Global Poor by Region” graph
shows, those falling below the $1.90 per day poverty line are concentrated in two
regions of the world. More than 56 percent of the world’s global poor live in sub-Saharan
Africa, and about one-third live in India (World Bank 2018e:40). That does not mean
poverty is absent from other parts of the world, including the United States. Instead, it
reflects the effect of establishing and using a universal measure of extreme poverty that
can be applied in any country.
page 258
The success in driving down the global poverty rates was due in part to a global
commitment facilitated by the United Nations. In 2000, the UN passed the Millennium
Declaration, promising to “spare no effort to free our fellow men, women, and children
from the abject and dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty” (United Nations 2000).
It established 2015 as a deadline for its Millennium Development Goals and, when 2015
arrived, substantial progress had been made. The goal of reducing extreme poverty by
half was accomplished five years early. The target of cutting in half the proportion of
people without access to improved water sources was also attained. Considerable
progress also occurred in providing access to primary schools, reducing child and
maternal mortality, increasing access to medical treatment for people with HIV or AIDS,
and reducing rates of both tuberculosis and malaria (United Nations 2014a).
Building on the successes of goals met, and challenged by those not yet achieved,
in 2015 the United Nations proposed a new program, the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs), with a deadline of the year 2030 (United Nations 2014a). Its goals are
framed to work toward a more universal and comprehensive vision of development. The
SDGs include 17 goals, such as “no poverty,” “no hunger,” “good health,” and “quality
education,” that in turn include 169 measurable targets to assess progress toward the
goals. The goals are organized around five themes: people, planet, prosperity, peace,
and partnership (L. Ford 2015; World Bank 2018k).
The success represented by both the Millennium and Sustainable Development
Goals programs should provide encouragement to those who think that tackling social
problems is too overwhelming to attempt. The degree of global inequality remains
substantial, but social structures can and do change. And that change occurs only when
people exercise their agency to act differently.
Note: Graph shows the global distribution for the world’s 736 million people living on less than $1.90 per day.
Numbers represent the percentage of people in extreme poverty living in each region.
Source: World Bank 2018e:42.
page 259
Source: Oxfam 2018. Photo: Tomohiro Ohsumi/Bloomberg/Getty Images
Mexico today, with its population of over 125 million people, should not be thought of
in singular, homogeneous terms. Significant variation exists, for example, by region.
Mexico consists of 31 states. Some—especially those near the U.S. border—have many
manufacturing plants and factories, others rely extensively on tourism for their local
economy, and many are quite poor. Mexico City and its surrounding area have a
population of over 21 million people and offer all the amenities any modern urban center
would provide. If you drive the streets of a city like Mérida on the Yucatán Peninsula,
you will find areas that look very much like any U.S. suburb, with shopping malls, fast-
food chains, and residential subdivisions. And in rural areas you can find towns with
relatively limited development and extreme levels of poverty.
in the United States. When looking at the total wealth owned within each nation, the
United States owns 31 percent of global household wealth compared to 0.5 percent by
Mexico. In Mexico, the top 1 percent owns 40 percent of household wealth (Shorrocks,
Davies, and Lluberas 2018). Mexico’s wealthiest individual is Carlos Slim Helú whose
$67 billion make him the seventh-richest person in the world (Forbes 2019).
Even though economic development has improved the lives of many Mexicans,
poverty continues to be a major challenge. According to official statistics, 43.6 percent
of people in Mexico live in poverty. When looking more specifically at extreme poverty,
4.2 million, or 3.3 percent, of Mexico’s population survives on less than $1.90 per day
(World Bank 2018e, 2018l). Poverty rates for the states in Mexico vary significantly. In
Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero, and Veracruz, more than 60 percent live in poverty. But
poverty rates in Baja California Sur, Baja California, and Coahuila are all less than 25
percent with a low of 14.2 percent in Nuevo León (INEGI 2018).
page 260
Central American nations, such as Guatemala, El Salvador, and
How might racial categories in Mexico differ from those in the United States? Why
might such differences arise?
The Status of Women in Mexico Though the United Nations convened the first
international conference on the status of women in Mexico in 1975, and opportunities
there have improved, women still face significant obstacles. Women now constitute 36.5
percent of the labor force—an increase from 29.8 percent in 1990 (World Bank 2018m).
Unfortunately, Mexican women are even more mired in the lowest-paying jobs than their
counterparts in industrial nations, on average earning 50 percent of what men in similar
jobs earn (World Economic Forum 2018:185). Men are still typically viewed as heads of
the household, making it difficult for women to obtain credit and technical assistance in
many parts of the country and to inherit land in rural areas. As for education, the literacy
rate for women in Chiapas (71 percent) and Oaxaca (73 percent), states with high levels
of indigenous populations, is well below the national average (INEGI 2009).
In recent decades, Mexican women have organized to address an array of
economic, political, and health issues. For example, as far back as 1973, women in
Monterrey—the nation’s third-largest city—protested the continuing disruptions of the
city’s water supply. Through coordinated efforts, including delegations of politicians,
rallies, and public demonstrations, they succeeded in improving Monterrey’s water
service, a major concern in developing nations. After being denied the opportunity to run
for mayor in her hometown in 2007, Eufrosina Cruz organized QUIEGO (Queremos Unir
Integrando por la Equidad y Género en Oaxaca), meaning “we want to come together
for equity and gender in Oaxaca”) to raise awareness about political rights for women in
her home state and ultimately throughout Mexico (Bennett, Dávila-Poblete, and Rico
2005; Cevallos 2009).
To ensure greater political representation by women in office, Mexico passed a
series of laws setting gender quotas for candidates. First established in 1996, Mexico
strengthened these laws over time, now requiring that women compose at least 40
percent of the nominees. In 2014, Mexico passed an amendment to article 41 of its
Federal Constitution to cement its commitment to gender parity throughout its political
system. These policy changes worked. In 1990, women accounted for 3.1 percent of
seats in the Senate and 8.8 percent of seats in the Chamber of Deputies. After the 2018
elections, those numbers rose to 49 percent in the Senate and 48 percent in the
Chamber of Deputies. Mexico now ranks 4th among 193 nations in female
representation, substantially higher than 103rd for the United States (Baldez 2004; Inter-
Parliamentary Union 2018; Lucio 2014; QuotaProject 2014).
Borderlands The area of common culture along the border between Mexico and the
United States.
page 261
Personal Sociology
Study Abroad
Central College, where I teach, started its first international program in 1965. It was a
leader in establishing study abroad programs for students. It now operates programs
around the world, in places such as Mérida in Mexico, Bangor in Wales, and Accra in
Ghana. Central instituted these programs to provide students with a prolonged
experience in another country, in hopes that such exposure would enable them to go
beyond being a tourist and to achieve a deep understanding of another culture. Going
abroad really does make a difference. My students are often nervous to go but come
back with great stories. The experience clearly changed how they understand both the
world and themselves. What factors might encourage or discourage students from
studying abroad?
Emigration to the United States The movement of people between Mexico and
the United States significantly affects both nations. In 2017, 118,559 people who were
born in Mexico became naturalized U.S. citizens, more than twice the number from
India, the second-leading country. Another 170,581 gained lawful permanent resident
status in the United States. However, also in 2017, 188,122 individuals from Mexico
were apprehended and classified as “aliens” by U.S. immigration officials, which
constituted 56 percent of those apprehended (U.S. Department of Homeland Security
2018b). This issue became a major factor in the 2016 presidential campaign. Candidate
Donald Trump promised to build a wall between the United States and Mexico and
make Mexico pay for it. Midway through his presidency, approving funding for the wall
became a major political battle, leading to the longest government shutdown in U.S.
Many Mexicans, whether documented or undocumented, come to the United States
in pursuit of economic opportunity. These workers frequently send a portion of their
earnings back across the border to family members in Mexico. This substantial flow of
money, referred to as remittances (or remesas), amounted to $30 billion in 2017. It is
second only to oil as a source of foreign revenue for Mexico. Money also flowed in the
opposite direction, with $1.8 billion going from Mexico to the United States page 262
(World Bank 2018n).
Remittances The monies that immigrants return to their families of origin. Also
known as remesas.
The Borderlands
The perils of being a 12-year-old undocumented immigrant.
Civil war, poachers, oil reserves, and gorillas.
Tomas gets sent to live with his brother in Mexico City.
On Her Shoulders
One woman’s story of surviving genocide.
When life seems like a crime.
The journey to the United States in hopes of a better future can prove deadly. Many
men, women, and children have died attempting to cross into the United States in
search of opportunity. Although solid numbers are difficult to come by, the United States
Border Patrol reported 294 border deaths in 2017. The three areas with the highest
numbers were Rio Grande Valley with 104, Laredo with 83, and Tucson with 72 (U.S.
Customs and Border Protection 2016a).
In the United States, concern about immigration rises and falls, and perceptions of
undocumented immigrants might not match reality. An estimated total of 10.7 million
undocumented immigrants lived in the United States in 2016. Of these, 5.45 million
came from Mexico, which is down from the 7 million living in the United States in 2007.
Overall, 66 percent of undocumented immigrants have been in the United States more
than 10 years compared to 18 percent at 5 years or less. The average undocumented
immigrant from Mexico has lived in the United States for 17 years. A significant portion
of the undocumented immigrants came to the United States legally, but then overstayed
their visas, rather than entering the country without any documentation (Passel and
Cohn 2018).
Overall, 75 percent of Americans say that, on the whole, immigration is a good thing
for the country. This varies somewhat by political party with 85 percent of Democrats
and 65 percent of Republicans agreeing. When asked specifically about legal
immigration, that number rises to 84 percent (Brenan 2018).
From the Mexican point of view, the United States too often regards Mexico simply
as a reserve pool of cheap labor, encouraging Mexicans to cross the border when
workers are needed but discouraging and cracking down on them when they are not.
Some people, then, see immigration more as a labor market issue than a law
enforcement issue. Viewed from the perspective of world systems analysis and
dependency theory, it is yet another example of a core industrialized nation exploiting a
developing country.
first Article proclaims, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”
The declaration prohibits slavery, torture, and degrading punishment; grants everyone
the right to a nationality and its culture; affirms freedom of religion and the right to vote;
proclaims the right to seek asylum in other countries to escape persecution; and
prohibits arbitrary interference with one’s privacy and the arbitrary seizure of a person’s
property. It also emphasizes that mothers and children are entitled to special care and
Human rights Universal moral rights possessed by all people because they are
Ongoing violence in East Timor has driven children like these to seek safety in
refugee camps in the country. Paula Bronstein/Getty Images
Human Trafficking Report
Note: Table does not include all countries; each tier lists only a sampling of nations.
Source: U.S. Department of State 2018b.
In the world today, there are a variety of challenging human rights hotspots. In
Yemen, for example, armed conflict broke out in March 2015, and since that time,
human rights violations abound. As of late 2018, 14 million people are at risk of
starvation and susceptible to diseases such as cholera. Fighters there have used
banned antipersonnel landmines and cluster weapons. They have recruited child
soldiers, including boys as young as 11. They use rape and torture as instruments of
war. Airstrikes have hit homes, schools, hospitals, and mosques. Citizens have been
detained and disappeared. Journalists, lawyers, and aid workers have been harassed,
arrested, and killed. Humanitarian aid, including food and medical supplies, has been
delayed, diverted, and denied (Human Rights Watch 2019). Of the situation there, the
UN Secretary-General said, “Yemen is the world’s worst humanitarian crisis” (UNOG
2018). Many other countries around the world deal with human rights concerns and
violations, including North Korea, South Sudan, and even the United States (Human
Rights Watch 2019).
page 264
The crisis in Yemen led to mass protests as millions faced starvation. Ahmad
Gharabli/AFP/Getty Images
To what extent do you think violations of human rights are excusable in a time of
war? At such times, how might our perception of the balance between rights and
security alter what we think of as universal?
regarding what practices a culture has the right to define for themselves as appropriate
versus when to intervene in an effort to preserve and protect human rights creates real-
world challenges.
In 1993 the United States opted for an absolute definition of human rights, insisting
that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights set a single standard for acceptable
behavior around the world. In practice, however, interpretation still plays a role. Some
human rights activists have argued that the United States practices selective
enforcement of human rights. Critics contend, for example, that officials in the United
States are more likely to become concerned about human rights abuses when oil is at
stake, as in the Middle East, or when military alliances come into play, as in Europe.
How active should the U.S. government be in addressing violations of human
rights in other countries? At what point, if any, does concern for human rights turn
into ethnocentrism through failure to respect the distinctive norms, values, and
customs of another culture?
networks in which decisions and events that happen far away, and about which we may
know little or nothing, shape our daily life experiences. And the choices we make can
have substantial consequences for the lives of others. Ethnic cleansing in South Sudan,
human rights violations in Yemen and North Korea, female genital mutilation and other
forms of violence against women inside and outside the family—all these are vivid
reminders that social inequality can have life-and-death consequences. In each case,
people recognized the consequences of global inequality, and individuals, groups, and
nations took steps to address the problems. By developing a more fully formed
sociological imagination, we can more readily see such issues and take necessary
steps toward addressing them.
page 266
Should other nations and the UN have the power to force the United States to
change its laws to comply with human rights principles?
Global Perspectives
The world is huge, and there are so many places about which we know so
little. Pick a country you are unfamiliar with, perhaps one you didn’t even
know existed. Find out all you can about its history, politics, economy, family
structures, beliefs, and so on. If possible, contact an organization that assists
immigrants from there to learn more about their experiences as first-
generation immigrants here. What might you learn by trying to understand the
world from their perspective?
I. How do sociologists approach modernization?
Theorists emphasizing modernization argue that it is part of the
natural evolution of societies as they pass through the effects of
the Industrial Revolution and beyond. Dependency theorists
argue that it is due to a fundamental power struggle between
wealthy nations at the core and developing nations at the
For periphery.
II. How significant is global stratification?
REVIEW Analyses of wealth, income, poverty, and social mobility
demonstrate a wide gap both within and between nations.
III. Why did the global movement for universal human rights develop?
As global inequality became more apparent, activists worked to
establish a foundational set of human rights that would protect
people regardless of who or where they were.
After reviewing the chapter, answer the following questions:
How might each perspective seek to better understand the situation in cities such
as Mumbai?
How do the modernization and world systems theories fit with the functionalist
and conflict perspectives?
How would each perspective provide insight into the situation of immigration
between the United States and Mexico?
What ties do you have to a developing nation—perhaps as a tourist, or a second-
generation immigrant, or an activist? Which perspective best fits those ties?
page 267
Pop Quiz
1. Which of the following terms is used by contemporary social scientists to
describe the far-reaching process by which nations pass from traditional
forms of social organization toward those characteristic of post–Industrial
Revolution societies?
a. dependency
b. globalization
c. industrialization
d. modernization
2. The maintenance of political, social, economic, and cultural domination
over a people by a foreign power for an extended period of time is referred
to as
a. globalization.
b. government-imposed stratification.
c. colonialism.
d. dependency.
3. The world systems analysis model focuses on
a. the unequal access to and control of resources between core and periphery
b. the natural evolutionary development of all societies toward the modern ideal.
c. the rise of multinational corporations.
d. the global pattern of inequality faced by women.
4. Companies that are headquartered in one country but do business
throughout the world are known as
a. global corporations.
b. multinational corporations.
c. maquiladoras.
d. international agencies.
5. What region of the world owns 34 percent of global household wealth?
a. Asia-Pacific
b. Europe
c. China
d. North America
6. What region of the world is home to 56 percent of the global poor?
a. South Asia
b. East Asia & Pacific
c. Central and South America
d. Sub-Saharan Africa
7. Globally, approximately how many people subsist on less than $1.90 per
a. 736 million
b. 1.53 billion
c. 3.07 billion
d. 5.1 billion
8. What is the term for the monies that immigrants return to their families of
a. migration money
b. remittances
c. assistance
d. pocket money
9. Which of the following terms refers to the foreign-owned factories
established just across the border in Mexico, where the companies that
own them don’t have to pay taxes or high wages, or provide insurance or
benefits for their workers?
a. maquiladoras
b. hombres
c. mujeres
d. remesas
10. What does the acronym NGO stand for?
a. national governance operations
b. normal government options
c. nongovernmental organization
d. necessary good options
1. (d), 2. (c), 3. (a), 4. (b), 5. (d), 6. (d), 7. (a), 8. (b), 9. (a), 10. (c)
Design Elements: Going Global (Earth): ©Studio Photogram/Alamy Stock Photo; Personal Sociology (drawing of
author): McGraw-Hill Education; 5 Movies (popcorn): ©D. Hurst/Alamy Stock Photo; Sociology Is a Verb (overlapping
hands): ©Jeff DeWeerd/Imagezoo/Getty Images
page 268
Gender and Sexuality
When you’re a child, your imagination often runs wild. When
someone asks what you want to be when you grow up, almost
anything seems possible—superhero, jet pilot, ballet dancer,
movie star, secret agent, Olympic athlete, or maybe even
president. As we get older, reality hits, and most of us narrow our choices to
something more realistic. But not everyone.
When Sheryl Sandberg was young, her mom encouraged her to work hard so
she could be whatever she wanted to be. She took her mom’s advice, and it paid
off. She earned an economics degree at Harvard, served as chief of staff at the
U.S. Department of the Treasury, and worked as the vice president of global online
sales and operations at Google. Now Sandberg is second in command at
Facebook, a position she accepted when she was 38 years old. Hers is a classic
tale of upward mobility.
Yet when she reached the top, she found that very few women had made the
journey with her. It didn’t start out that way. In college and in her entry-level jobs,
Sandberg’s peers included equal numbers of men and women. As she climbed
each rung of the career ladder, men increasingly outnumbered women. One of the
most staggering examples of inequity is the disparity at the very top, among
corporate leaders. In fact, only 4.8 percent of CEOs at S&P 500 firms are women
(Catalyst 2019a).
In an effort to understand the challenges women face and help bring about
change, Sandberg (2013), with research assistance from sociologist Marianne
Cooper, wrote Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, and founded
LeanIn.Org. In her work, Sandberg highlights two key factors that have hindered
women’s progress in the workplace. First, women experience consistent patterns
of discrimination. For example, in LeanIn.Org’s 2018 annual report, which
surveyed 279 companies employing 13 million people, researchers found that
when it comes to moving up the ladder early in their careers, for every 100 men
promoted to managerial jobs, 79 women are promoted. Women are less likely than
their male peers to have either substantive or informal interactions page 269
with their senior leaders at work. They are also less likely to socialize
with their manager outside of work. When it comes to everyday interactions,
women workers are more likely to have their judgment questioned in their area of
expertise, be asked to show more evidence of their competence, and be
addressed in a less-than-professional way (LeanIn.Org 2018).
The second obstacle Sandberg highlights involves women’s own creation and
acceptance of internal barriers to their success. In their annual report,
researchers found that fewer women aspire to become top executives. Sandberg
writes, “We hold ourselves back in ways both big and small, by lacking self-
confidence, by not raising our hands, and by pulling back when we should be
leaning in” (2013:8). Whether the barriers are external or internal, being a woman
makes success in business and politics more challenging.
As children, anything may seem possible. The truth is that the positions we
occupy in society shape the choices we make. In this chapter, we explore the ways
in which both gender and sexuality play roles in who we are and what we become.
To what extent does gender still shape access to
Rainer Elstermann/Lifesize/Getty Images
Sex focuses on biological differences between males and females that occur at the
cellular, hormonal, and anatomical levels. Through the lens that sex provides, females
typically have XX chromosome patterns, estrogen hormones, ovaries, and a vagina;
males have XY chromosomes, androgen hormones, testicles, and a penis. The
presupposition is that the dividing line is clear; there is no significant biological overlap
between the sexes. This model is known as a simple two-sex, or dimorphic, model, in
which the line between males and females is distinct and absolute (Fausto-Sterling
2000, 2012; Richardson 2013).
The problem with such a simplistic division is that we find many exceptions to what is
assumed to be the rule. Many people exhibit physical characteristics that page 270
we presume to belong to the “opposite” sex: women with facial hair, men
with high voices, tall women and short men, women with narrow hips and broad
shoulders, men who are slight of build or who have “breasts,” women who experience
“male pattern baldness,” and so on. Differences go beyond these secondary sex
characteristics to include people whose cellular, hormonal, and anatomical
characteristics are sexually ambiguous. As geneticist Anne Fausto-Sterling (2000)
points out in a critique of the simplistic male–female model, “On close inspection,
absolute dimorphism disintegrates even at the level of basic biology. Chromosomes,
hormones, the internal sex structures, the gonads and the external genitalia all vary
more than most people realize” (p. 20). We know, for example, that both males and
females have androgen and estrogen hormones and that sex hormone levels vary by
After she won the gold medal in the 800-meter race at the 2016 Olympics in Rio,
South African runner Caster Semenya again faced questions about her sex. During
her career she has been ordered to submit to various psychological, gynecological,
and endocrine tests (Boren 2016; Karkazis 2016; Karkazis et al. 2012; Maese 2016).
The Asahi Shimbun/Getty Images
Biologically, Fausto-Sterling (1993) suggests we have at least five sexes, not just
two. In addition to male and female, we exhibit at least three intersexual categories. The
first category includes “true hermaphrodites,” who have one testis and one ovary. In
other words, they are theoretically capable of producing both sperm and eggs. The
second category includes “male pseudohermaphrodites.” They have testes and what
appear to be female genitalia, lacking a penis and ovaries. The third category includes
“female pseudohermaphrodites,” who have ovaries along with some male genitalia but
no testes. She later suggested that even these five sexes present an overly simplistic
model of the range of biological diversity, which better resembles a continuum (Fausto-
Sterling 2000, 2012).
Doctors studying what have come to be known medically as disorders of sex
development (DSDs) have discovered that the basic biology of sex extends well beyond
the XX and XY chromosome combinations (Davis 2014; Richardson 2013).
Researchers have identified more than 25 genes involved in the development of these
traits. For example, XY individuals with extra copies of the WNT4 gene, which promotes
ovarian development and suppresses testicular development, can develop a
rudimentary uterus and Fallopian tubes. Individuals who are XX but with the RSPO1
gene can develop ovotestis, a gonad incorporating both ovarian and testicular
development (Ainsworth 2015). When considering the biology of sex, researcher Eric
Vilain, the director of the Center for Gender-Based Biology at the University of
California, Los Angeles, concludes, “Biologically, it’s a spectrum” (Ainsworth 2015).
Because the use of “disorder” implies something negative about people born with these
naturally occurring traits, medical professionals and human rights advocates are
proposing the elimination of the DSD label (Council of Europe 2015; Holmes 2011).
When babies are born presenting ambiguous indicators of maleness or femaleness,
even though such conditions rarely pose a health threat, physicians typically perform
surgery to make the baby fit more neatly into one category or the other. In recent years,
ethical questions have been raised about the appropriateness of doing so, especially
when the person most affected has no voice in the matter (Ainsworth 2015; Karkazis
2008). In 2013, the United Nations issued a statement condemning such nonconsensual
surgeries, and in 2015 Malta became the first nation to ban such surgeries by law
(Larsson 2016; Méndez 2013). Increasingly, countries have adopted policies to
recognize the complexity of sex. In 2011, Australia began allowing people to select a
third sex category on their passports. In 2013, Germany allowed parents to leave the
gender category on their child’s birth certificate blank. In 2015, Thailand began the
process of revising its constitution to formally recognize a third gender category as a
human right. In 2017, Oregon became the first U.S. state to allow people to put an X
when identifying their sex on their driver’s licenses rather than only an M or F, and a
number of other states have since followed suit. Also in 2017, California became the
first state to allow parents to choose a gender-neutral category on their child’s birth
certificate (Commonwealth of Australia 2013; Heine 2013; Katz 2017; Levin 2019; Park
and Dhitavat 2015).
Why do most women in the United States assume that shaving their legs is
natural? What role does it play as a rite of passage?
page 271
Our biological diversity calls for a more complex model of our species than the
dimorphic model of sex supplies. Adding gender to a more comprehensive conception
of sex, enables us to capture a wider range of expressions of our humanity. Social
constructions of gender vary over time and across cultures, suggesting that biology
alone does not narrowly determine maleness and femaleness. Through socialization we
typically internalize the cognitive, normative, and material culture defined as appropriate
or natural for men and women within the context of our societies.
Gender Displays Even before a child’s birth, parents begin the socialization process
that will shape their child’s gender identity. The development of imaging technology,
including ultrasounds and sonograms, enables parents to know the sex of their baby
before birth. Parents today use this knowledge to decide what clothes to buy and how to
decorate their expected baby’s crib. Gender reveal parties rely on the presupposed
association of pink and blue to identify share the news with others (Paoletti 2012).
As children grow, we continue to reinforce male–female differences through our
actions. Even though awareness regarding such expectations has shifted, a trip down
the toy aisle continues to reveal the degree to which toys are gendered. Yet, historical
and sociological research suggest that such preferences are not innate. For example, in
1893, an article on baby clothes in The New York Times reported “Always give pink to a
boy and blue to a girl” (quoted in St. Clair 2017:115). An early 20th-century article in
Ladies’ Home Journal noted, “There has been a great diversity of opinion on the
subject, but the generally accepted rule is pink for the boy and blue for the girl. The
reason is that pink being a more decided and stronger color is more suitable for the boy,
while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl” (quoted in
Frassanito and Pettorini 2008; see also Cohen 2013; Walsh 2016a, 2016b). We learn
such preferences through socialization experiences with others.
Gender socialization never ends. In all our interactions, we receive positive and
negative feedback based on our gender performance. It is not hard to test how rigid
gender-role socialization can be. Just try breaking some gender norm—say, by smoking
a cigar in public if you are female, or wearing a skirt to work if you are male. Corrective
feedback will likely follow. That was exactly the assignment given to sociology students
at the University of Colorado and at Luther College in Iowa. Professors asked students
to behave in ways that they thought violated the norms of how a man or woman should
act. Over the years that this ongoing experiment has been performed, students
consistently received clear signals—ranging from amusement to disgust—that their
actions were inappropriate and that they should instead behave in ways defined as
appropriate by dominant heterosexual gender norms (Nielsen, Walden, and Kunkel
Artist Nickolay Lamm used crowdfunding to release Lammily, a fashion doll matching
the body proportions of an average 19-year-old American woman.
Most of the time we do not actually see the “parts” that biologically define someone
as male or female; we rely instead on other indicators, such as clothes and shapes, to
be sufficient. As sociologist Judith Lorber (1994) put it, “Clothing, paradoxically, often
hides the sex but displays the gender” (p. 22). We depend on established cues (such as
outfits and hairstyles) to recognize someone’s sex when we interact, often taking that
recognition for granted (Butler 1990; West and Zimmerman 1987).
Personal Sociology
Drawing Distinctions
When Emily and Eleanor were little, they covered our refrigerator with pictures they
drew of our family. In the pictures, the girls wore dresses while I wore pants. They had
long eyelashes and I did not. They had long hair, and I had what looked like a plate on
my head. When she was little, I asked Eleanor, “What about the women we know with
short hair and the men we know with long hair?” She replied, “Yeah, but women have
long hair and men have short hair.” She knew there were people who didn’t fit her hair
hypothesis, but she had already come to accept an image in which the line between
men and women was obvious, important, and inevitable. To what extent have your
hairstyles been a fairly predictable indicator of your gender?
page 272
Women’s Gender Roles Parents, schools, friends, and the mass media all
socialize us to internalize dominant gender norms. The positive and negative sanctions
that we experience during such interactions shape the thoughts, actions, and
appearances we accept as appropriate. Women, for example, continue to face pressure
to be thin, beautiful, submissive, sexy, and maternal (Pai and Schryver 2015).
Films, television programs, and magazine ads all contribute to an idealized image of
feminine beauty (H. Brown 2015; Kilbourne 2010, 2014). As we saw in the “Deviance
and Social Stigma” section in Chapter 6, this image, dubbed the “beauty myth” by
Naomi Wolf (1992), is largely unattainable for most women. It contributes to millions of
cosmetic procedures each year for those seeking it. Part of the reason is that these
images are often not real. Instead, they are altered with the assistance of computer
programs such as Photoshop (H. Brown 2015; Grossman 2015; Gurari, Hetts, and
Strube 2006). Attaining an idealized image can be particularly problematic for those who
do not match the White and heterosexual assumptions upon which it is built (Milillo
2008; Reel et al. 2008; Tate 2009).
As we increasingly recognize the impact of such artificial images, attempts have
been made to offer alternative images of women. In Spain, fashion designers have
established a minimum body mass index (BMI) score of 18 for runway models. And
Israel passed a law banning models with a BMI less than 18.5 from fashion runways
and advertisements; for example, a 5-foot, 8-inch-tall model must weigh at least 119
pounds. The law also requires publications to disclose when they have digitally altered
photos to make models appear thinner. Singer Alicia Keys opted to go without makeup
in appearances at the VMA, BET, and Grammy Awards and in her role as a judge/coach
in the NBC talent show The Voice. She did so, she said, because “I don’t want to cover
up anymore. Not my face, not my mind, not my soul, not my thoughts, not my dreams,
not my struggles, not my emotional growth. Nothing” (Keys 2016; see also Izadi 2016;
Park 2018).
Singer Alicia Keys chose not to wear makeup as an expression of freedom and self-
revelation. C Flanigan/Getty Images
Gendered messages about being a woman are about more than just beauty. They
also project idealized images of “women’s proper place,” identifying some social status
positions as more appropriate than others. Studies show that children’s books reinforce
such messages. One study of 5,618 children’s books published throughout the 20th
century found that male characters were represented twice as often as females. The
disparity was greatest when portraying animal characters as males or females. Little
Golden Books were more unequal than other series they studied. Starting in the 1970s
they found a trend toward greater equity, though a significant imbalance remains. The
researchers conclude, “This widespread pattern of underrepresentation of females may
contribute to a sense of unimportance among girls and privilege among boys” (McCabe
et al. 2011:221). Other studies have found similar gendered patterns. Males are more
likely to be portrayed as leading characters, more likely to have speaking roles, and
eight times as likely to be portrayed as villains. Females are more likely to appear as
moms, less likely to appear in science roles, and more likely to not be present at all
(Caldwell and Wilbraham 2018; Ferguson 2018; Filipović 2018; Tilley 2018).
In recent years, companies have begun to respond. Mattel added Curvy Barbie, Tall
Barbie, and Petite Barbie to its lineup along with a wider array of skin tones and hair
types to reflect more racial and ethnic diversity (Bates 2016). Publishers of children’s
literature have produced a wider range of gender portrayals in books such as Robert
Munsch’s The Paper Bag Princess; Steven Lenton’s Princess Daisy, the Dragon, and
the Nincompoop Knights; and Kate Beaton’s The Princess and the Pony. Comic book
company DC Entertainment, as part of its Super Hero Girls Initiative, intends to produce
more toys, TV specials, movies, and apparel for girls, a target demographic that has
been largely ignored in the superhero product category. And Marvel’s film Wonder
Woman was a blockbuster that left women and girls feeling empowered (Brown 2016;
Burton 2018; Watercutter 2017).
Men’s Gender Roles Conventional gender-role expectations also exist for men. For
example, stay-at-home fathers are still relatively uncommon. Among married-couple
families with children under 15, there are 26 times more stay-at-home moms than stay-
at-home dads (U.S. Census Bureau 2018g:Table FG-8). Although it is still rare for men
to stay home to care for their children, in a nationwide survey, 53 percent of
respondents said that if one parent stays home with the children, it makes no difference
whether that parent is the mother or the father. Among the others responding, 45
percent still thought that the mother should be the one to stay home, and only 2 percent
responded that it’s better if the father stays home. Age played a significant role in the
responses, with those over 65 most likely to say that the kids are better off if the mother
stays home (Graf 2016).
page 273
Popular culture representations of women in movies and books show signs of
becoming more diverse. DC Entertainment/Warner Bros./Album/Newscom
There may be a price to pay for such narrow conceptions of manhood. Boys who
successfully adapt to cultural standards of masculinity may grow up to be inexpressive
men who cannot share their feelings with others. They remain forceful and tough, but
they are also closed and isolated. These traditional gender roles may be putting men at
a disadvantage. Today girls outdo boys in high school, grabbing a disproportionate
share of the leadership positions, from valedictorian to class president to yearbook
editor—everything, in short, except captain of the boys’ athletic teams. And their
advantage continues after high school. Starting in the 1980s, girls in the United States
became more likely than boys to go to college. In 2018, women accounted for 57
percent of college students nationwide (National Center for Education Statistics
2018:Table 303.10). And more women than men earned doctoral degrees in the United
States starting in 2006 (National Center for Education Statistics 2018:Table 324.20).
page 274
Thousands of hijras gathered for a festival near Kolkata, India. Saikat Paul/Pacific
Press/LightRocket/Getty Images
Increasing numbers of men in the United States have criticized the restrictive
aspects of the traditional male gender role. Australian sociologist R. W. Connell (2002,
2005) has written about multiple masculinities, meaning that expressions of manliness
can take varieties of forms beyond the culturally dominant, stereotypical construct of
what it means to be a man. This involves the expansion of masculinity to incorporate a
variety of possible expressions, including a nurturing-caring role, an effeminate-gay role,
the more traditional role, and others (Connell and Messerschmidt 2005).
Multiple masculinities The idea that expressions of manliness can take varieties of
forms beyond the culturally dominant, stereotypical construct of what it means to be a
The Bugis people, the largest ethnic group in South Sulawesi, Indonesia, identify five
distinct genders: oroané (masculine man), makkunrai (feminine woman), calabai
(feminine male), calalai (masculine female), and bissu, best described as a transgender
shaman with physical aspects of both sexes (Davies 2007; Guy-Ryan 2016). In these
societies, multiple gender categories are a well-accepted part of their social lives.
Individuals who fill them are not simply tolerated or viewed as deviant. Two-spirit people
and bissu, for example, have high status because they are thought to have special
powers (Davies 2007; Kimmel 2004; Roscoe 1997).
The distribution of power based on gender also varies cross-culturally. In the
Minangkabau society in Indonesia, for example, men and women are not competitors
but partners for the common good. This society is characterized by a nurturing approach
to the environment, blended with Islamic religious ethics. Women control the land
through inheritance; in the event of a divorce, the ex-husband leaves with only his
clothes. The larger community may be governed by men, women, or both men and
women working together (Bhanbhro 2017; Sanday 2002, 2008). The kind of cultural
variation these examples provide reinforces the claim that biology is not destiny. Social
relations within and between the sexes can take many different forms.
Given that our understandings of gender vary across time and place, why are we
so committed to the notion that gender differences are narrowly determined by
Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia in 1847, Professor Charles Meigs, in a
famous speech delivered to an all-male class of gynecology students, said of women,
“She has a head almost too small for intellect and just big enough for love. . . . She
reigns in the heart . . . the household altar is her place of worship and service” (quoted
in Collins 2003:89–90). In 1874, at Harvard University, Dr. Edward Clarke, a member of
its board of overseers, wrote that women were too delicate to handle the rigors of
college education. The increased effort needed for thinking would sap energy from a
woman’s uterus and ovaries, leading these reproductive organs to shrink (Clarke 1874).
When women were finally given the opportunity to attend college, a right they had to
fight hard for to win, they excelled. They now have a higher overall grade point average,
and they outnumber men among college graduates. What was once thought to be
natural is now recognized to have been a social construction. It turns out that the
problem wasn’t biology; it was the socially constructed culture that denied opportunity to
women (Chee, Pino, and Smith 2005; National Center for Education Statistics 2018).
It used to be considered unnatural for women to wear pants in the United States, but
times change. Source: Newspaper article “woman may wear trousers,” April 29, 1910
On the flip side, the notion persists that men just aren’t as nurturing as women. It
appears to grow out of the presumption that women, because they give birth and nurse
babies, are naturally better at providing love, care, and protection. Yet research
demonstrates that when men have the primary responsibility for raising children, they do
the same things conventionally associated with “mothering.” Research page 276
shows that single fathers effectively nurture their children, developing
intimate and affectionate relationships with them, even though historically that got
represented as non-masculine. Increasingly, fathers in the United States seek to find
ways to more effectively engage with their children in what used to be seen as
unconventional ways (Marsiglio and Roy 2012; McGill 2014; Risman 1986).
Source: MacNell, Driscoll, and Hunt 2014. Photo: Asia Images/PictureIndia/Getty Images
Caitlyn Jenner’s coming out as a transgender woman in 2015 brought national
attention to transgender issues in the United States. David Livingston/Getty Images
Identifying some aspect of our definitions of sex and gender as artificial reveals the
complex relationship between the two. Questioning our conceptions of the natural,
however, is never easy, as women who have worked for the right to vote and equal
opportunity in the workplace have discovered. Confronting these notions can look like
an attempt to defy reality itself, but such defiance is necessary to enact significant social
expression of a person’s gender, often manifested in terms of clothes, haircuts,
language, and other gendered behaviors. As noted previously, for example, a
transgender person is someone whose gender identity differs from the sex he or she
was assigned at birth. For example, a transgender person may have been born with a
vagina but self-identify as male or masculine. The gender identity of a person who is
cisgender, on the other hand, aligns more closely with the cultural expectations
associated with his or her biological sex at birth. The prefix for the two words come from
Latin, with trans- meaning “across” and cis- meaning “on the same side” (Tate,
Ledbetter, and Youssef 2013; Tate, Youssef, and Bettergarcia 2014; Zimmer 2015).
gender identity A person’s subjective or internal sense of his or her own gender.
Gender expression The outward or public display of a person’s gender.
Transgender A person whose gender identity differs from the sex he or she was
assigned at birth.
Cisgender A person whose gender identity aligns more closely with the cultural
expectations associated with his or her biological sex at birth.
To represent the full range of people’s lived experiences, theorists have pushed
even further, suggesting that we replace the existing either/or gender dimorphism
implicit within conceptions of gender with a new model. The existing gender binary—a
model in which gender roles are represented as either masculine or feminine with a
clear divide between the two—constrained both sexual orientation and gender
expression. The proposed alternative model portrays a gender spectrum, which
presents gender as a continuum that incorporates a full range of possible combinations
involving sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
According to this model, gender is visualized as similar to a color wheel with no clear
dividing lines between shades as opposed to an either/or check box. Many have
adopted the use of the term queer (or genderqueer), because it reflects the rejection of
sexual and gender binaries and highlights the multiple varieties of possible sexual
orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions.
Gender binary A dimorphic model in which gender roles are represented as either
masculine or feminine with a clear divide between the two.
Gender spectrum A model of gender as a continuum that incorporates a full range
of possible combinations involving sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity,
and gender expression.
queer A term that incorporates the multiplicity of possible sexual orientations, gender
identities, and gender expressions.
>> Working for Change: Women’s Movements
One of the lessons we learn from research on gender is that change is possible. As we
saw with college education for women, past norms need not determine future practices.
Change, however, seldom comes without conflict. People have fought against page 277
existing cultural assumptions about what is natural in order to advance
opportunity for women in politics, the economy, and other spheres of public and private
life. Feminism is the term for this belief in social, economic, and political equality for
Feminism The belief in social, economic, and political equality for women.
Source: Fairfield and McLean 2012. Photo: M. Constantini/Photoalto, Inc.
These early feminists won many victories in health care, education, and property
rights. The pinnacle accomplishment of the first wave was the passage and ratification
of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution in 1920, which guaranteed women’s right to
vote in the United States. The amendment was initially introduced to Congress in 1878,
and its wording mirrored that of the 15th Amendment, which prohibits denial of the right
to vote on the basis of race. After gaining this new right, however, the movement lost
momentum because various factions within it disagreed about future goals, and, for a
time, the women’s movement became a much less powerful force for social change
(Dicker 2016; Flexner and Fitzpatrick 1996).
problem, women had to fight against the cultural assumption that the primary and most
“natural” goal for women was to be a wife and mother in the private sphere. As Friedan
put it, “We can no longer ignore that voice within women that says, ‘I want something
more than my husband and my children and my home’” (1963:32).
In 1966, Friedan helped found the National Organization for Women (NOW) to fight
for equality for women; she served as its president until 1970. In addition to political and
legal battles, one of the organization’s tools was “consciousness-raising groups.”
Among other goals, these groups sought to elevate awareness among women
regarding the degree to which they shared “the problem that has no name.” This shared
consciousness could then lead to collective action and the development of a new
structure with enhanced opportunities. Choice was a core value at the center of these
efforts. The existing system limited options for women in many areas of social life.
Feminists fought to open up structural opportunity and to ensure that women could
make choices about going to college, pursuing a career based on ability rather than
gender expectations, getting married or staying single, having children or remaining
childless, and so on.
page 278
Betty Friedan’s work as an organizer played a significant role in the second wave of
feminism in the United States. B. Friedan/MPI/Archive Photos/Getty Images
The question of whether women should have control over their reproductive rights
and their bodies has also played a significant role in this movement. In the United
States, most people support a woman’s right to a legal abortion, but with reservations.
According to a national survey, 58 percent say it should be legal in all or most cases,
while 37 percent argue it should be illegal in all or most cases. When asked about Roe
v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that established the legal right to an abortion in
the United States, 69 percent say it should not be overturned (Fingerhut 2017; Hartig
As more and more women identified existing cultural attitudes and practices as
sexist—including those they themselves had accepted through socialization into
traditional gender roles—they began to challenge male dominance. A sense of
sisterhood, much like the class consciousness that Marx hoped would emerge in the
proletariat, became evident. Individual women identified their interests with women as a
whole, and they rejected the principle that their happiness depended on their
acceptance of submissive and subordinate roles.
Nancy Pelosi, Democrat from California, was the first female Speaker of the U.S.
House of Representatives. Scott J Ferrell/Getty Images
Sources: Wasike 2016; Weber and Carini 2013. Photo: Thomas Coex/Getty Images
The third wave includes a bit of the postmodern idea of self-creation, which we
explored in the “Postmodern Life” section in Chapter 5. According to this idea, we can
choose our identities from a buffet of possibilities and also create our own realities. This
fits with the notion that our sex is not narrowly determined by biology and that our
expression of our gender need not be singular in nature but is open to our creativity and
control. One result is a more playful or ironic element to the movement, especially when
it comes to so-called girlie feminism, which seeks to reclaim things like lipstick, high
heels, and more sexualized images of women as viable emblems of feminist
empowerment. Critics have argued that this rhetoric of choice inappropriately minimizes
the continued power of racial, sexual, and class positions in society (Munford 2007;
Renegar and Sowards 2009; Showden 2009).
The #MeToo movement, which provides support for survivors of sexual violence, was
intentionally intersectional from the very beginning. Mark Ralston/AFP/Getty Images
One of the outgrowths of this new feminist perspective was the recognition that defining
others primarily by any one position may diminish the importance of the multiple
positions we all occupy. To look at the social location of Hispanic women, for example,
we must pay mind to both their gender and their ethnicity (as well as other factors). Two
significant theoretical developments arising out of this multiple-identity approach are
standpoint theory and intersectionality.
According to standpoint theory, our understanding of reality is shaped by the
positions we occupy and the experiences we have. Given that the views of some (based
on their gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, or class) are privileged over others, this theory
emphasizes the importance of listening to the voices of those who are in some way
considered outsiders. Such attention provides a deeper and richer understanding of
social systems (Collins 2000; Harding 2004; Hartsock 1983; Smith 1987).
Standpoint theory Because our social positions shape our perceptions, a more
complete understanding of social relations must incorporate the perspectives of
marginalized voices.
Intersectionality Gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, and class must not be studied in
isolation, because they have intermingled effects on our identity, knowledge, and
U.S. Attitudes about Homosexuality
Note: Responses are to the question “What about sexual relationship between two adults of the same sex—do
you think it is always wrong, almost always wrong, wrong only sometimes, or wrong at all?” Data are from the
General Social Survey, a regularly administered national survey of the U.S. adult population.
Sources: Smith 2011; Smith et al. 2018. Photos: (scale): Comstock Images/Alamy Stock Photo (two grooms):
©IvonneWierink/; (bride and groom): ©Evgenii Zadiraka/123RF
“U.S. Attitudes about Homosexuality” graph displays, the majority of adults surveyed
now believe that homosexuality is not wrong at all.
As an example of heteronormativity, a 1957 survey found that “four out of five people
believed that anyone who preferred to remain single was ‘sick,’ ‘neurotic,’ or ‘immoral’”
(Coontz 2005:230). Additionally, homosexuality was categorized as a psychological
disorder until 1972 in the American Psychiatric Association’s official Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). A new edition, DSM-5, came out in 2013.
The category “gender identity disorders,” which included those who are transgender and
transsexual, was removed and replaced with “gender dysphoria.” The intent was to
minimize the stigma attached to the diagnosis while still recognizing its existence. Some
argue for the importance of maintaining these diagnoses, because transgender people
who seek gender reassignment surgery might not get proper diagnosis and treatment
without such a designation (Drescher 2010, 2011; Melby 2009; Winters 2012).
How is heteronormativity reinforced in the current top-rated songs and television
programs? Can you think of any exceptions?
Socialization plays a key role in determining our sexual identity (Parker 2009). Just
as was the case with gender, we face significant pressure to obey dominant norms for
masculinity and femininity. In her book Dude, You’re a Fag, sociologist C. J. Pascoe
(2011) set out to understand how heteronormativity is reproduced. She conducted an
ethnographic study of boys in a working-class high school. She found that one of the
ways they reinforced existing masculinity norms was by casually using the term fag to
call out anyone who deviates from the dominant masculine ideal. According to Pascoe,
calling someone a fag was not so much an antigay act (though she admits it was that,
too) as it was a means of keeping guys in line. Whereas it was possible to be a
homosexual and still be masculine, being a fag represented a form of failed masculinity.
The threat of being a fag hangs over boys like a specter or ghost that could possess
them at any time; only eternal vigilance keeps it at bay. Pascoe argues that rejecting
this role also represented a repudiation of femininity. So not only did this discourse
support existing heteronormative standards, it also reinforced traditional conceptions of
Actor Neil Patrick Harris (right) along with his husband, David Burtka. Jason
LaVeris/FilmMagic/Getty Images
How does gendered name-calling, such as joking that a guy is a fag, maintain
clear-cut gender boundaries? What consequences does it have for gays,
lesbians, or heterosexual girls?
Such examples point to the fact that differences in sexuality are not just page 282
matters of orientation and alternative preferences; they are connected to
larger systems of power in which some statuses are privileged over others (Brickell
2009). We construct our sexual identities, making sense of who we are, within the
contexts of our social structures. Within these worlds, not all paths are accepted as
equally legitimate. In the United States, establishing a sexual identity as something
other than heterosexual has been difficult owing to the meanings attached to such
identities and the lack of broader cultural support for them. These power differences
contribute to discrimination and threats of violence. According to the FBI, for example,
16.9 percent of the 7,227 hate crime offenses reported in 2016 involved sexual
orientation (U.S. Department of Justice 2017a:Table 1). In an effort to ensure the civil,
political, and social rights of those in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer
(LGBTQ) communities around the world, a group of human rights experts worked to
establish the Yogyakarta Principles ( They identify 29
basic principles, including the right to equality and nondiscrimination, the right to work,
and the right to found a family.
Alfred C. Kinsey, with the help of his team of researchers, provided unprecedented
insight into people’s sexual practices in the United States. Hulton Archive/Getty Images
While our sexuality shapes our conception of who we are, it also has consequences for
what we do. In sociological terms, as suggested by the Thomas theorem, our sexual
identity is shaped by our interactions with others. We then act on the basis of those
perceptions. In our everyday lives, our perceptions of ourselves and our sexual
practices often reinforce each other. Working out our sexuality in practice includes the
types of sex acts we perform and the types of sexual relationships we establish with
Because open discussions about sex are generally considered to be taboo, people
are often both ignorant and curious about actual sexual practices. The Kinsey Reports
(Sexual Behavior in the Human Male [1948] and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female
[1953]) provided the earliest in-depth research studies on people’s sexual practices.
Compiled by American biologist Alfred C. Kinsey and his colleagues, the reports,
particularly their finding that 8 percent of men had been in predominantly homosexual
relationships for at least three years between ages 16 and 55, were considered
shocking at the time. Both volumes became best sellers. Their studies opened the door
for others to conduct additional research (Bullough 1998; Laumann et al. 1994; Smith
The National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) provides updated data and includes
detailed information on sexual practices. The survey is conducted by the National
Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) and is based on a national sample of more than 9,000 respondents (Copen,
Chandra, and Febo-Vazquez 2016). Summarizing the results regarding heterosexual
relationship patterns, the NSFG researchers reported that “94.2% of women and 92.0%
of men aged 18–44 had ever had vaginal intercourse; 86.2% of women and 87.4% of
men had ever had oral sex; and 35.9% of women and 42.3% of men had ever had anal
sex)” (p. 1). In an earlier wave of research they found that the median page 283
number of total opposite-sex partners was 3.6 for women and 6.1 for men
(Chandra et al. 2011).
Over the years, a contentious question in such studies has involved the percentage
of homosexuals in the U.S. population. A commonly reported figure (derived from the
Kinsey Reports) estimates that approximately 10 percent of the population is
homosexual. The NSFG study distinguished between having had same-sex experiences
and identifying with particular sexual orientations. The researchers found that among
adults aged 18–44, 6.2 percent of men and 17.4 percent of women have had same-sex
sexual contact in their lifetime. Likelihoods of engaging in same-sex sexual behavior
varied somewhat by age. Among women, the difference was wider: 19.4 percent of 18-
to 24-year-olds compared to 13.1 percent for 35- to 44-year-olds. Among men, 6.6
percent of 18- to 24-year-olds reported having had same-sex sexual contact compared
to 6.0 percent for 35- to 44-year-olds (Copen, Chandra, and Febo-Vazquez 2016).
Why are younger women more likely to have had same-sex experiences than
either older women or men of any age?
Simply having had same-sex experiences does not necessarily result in a same-sex
identity. The percentage of people who identify as homosexual and bisexual are lower
than the percentage of those who have engaged in such practices. To explore sexual
orientation, the NSFG researchers asked, “Do you think of yourself as a heterosexual,
homosexual, or bisexual?” As the “Sexual Orientation Self-Identification” table indicates,
95.1 percent of men and 92.3 percent of women identify themselves as heterosexual.
Overall, approximately 1.6 percent of men and women aged 18–44 in the United States
identify themselves as homosexual and 3.8 percent as bisexual (Copen, Chandra, and
Febo-Vazquez 2016).
Note: Percentage is in response to the question “Do you think of yourself as a heterosexual, homosexual, or
bisexual?” Age range of respondents was 18–44.
Source: Copen, Chandra, and Febo-Vazquez 2016.
The age at which people have their first sexual experiences has historically been an
additional interest of researchers. In terms of opposite-sex experiences, the percentage
of teens who have had sexual intercourse rises with each subsequent year. At age 15,
11 percent of girls and 16 percent of boys have had vaginal sexual intercourse; by age
17, it is 42 percent for girls and 41 percent for boys; and at age 19, it is 69 percent for
females and 68 percent for males (Abma and Martinez 2017). At the same time, teen
birthrates in the United States have reached record lows, having fallen 51 percent since
2007. Rates are down significantly for all racial and ethnic groups (Martin et al. 2018).
Most teens who have had sex did so for the first time with someone they were in a
steady relationship with. That likelihood varied by gender, however, at 74 percent for
females and 51 percent for males. Among teens who have not had sex, the most
common reason given was that it was against their religion or morals at 35 percent for
girls and 28 percent for boys. The second most common reason for both females and
males was that they hadn’t found the right person yet (Abma and Martinez 2017).
When it comes to sexual activity overall, perhaps no invention in the history of
human sexuality was more important than that of the birth control pill. It page 284
was approved for use in the United States in 1960 and helped spark the
sexual revolution. Together with other modern forms of birth control, the pill made it
possible to engage in sex without significant risk of getting pregnant. It gave women
greater control over their sexuality and their careers by allowing them to control their
fertility. Effective birth control also resulted in debates about how sex should be viewed,
whether primarily for procreation (that is, having babies) or recreation (for pleasure,
love, and commitment) or both. Religious groups, including the Roman Catholic Church,
continue to struggle with these issues (Benagiano and Mori 2009).
A movie poster from 1967. Image Art/Moviepix/Getty Images
In the United States, 61.7 percent of women of childbearing age (15–44) use some
form of contraception. Of these, 26 percent use birth control pills, 25 percent opted for
female surgical sterilization, and 15 percent rely on male condoms. Among those not
using contraception, 11 percent have never had intercourse and 8 percent had no
intercourse recently (Daniels et al. 2015).
Internationally, birth control practices vary significantly from country to country. The
overall global average for use of modern forms of birth control—condoms, the pill, and
sterilization—is 57 percent among women aged 15–49 who are married or in a union.
For Europe as a whole, 60 percent of women use a modern form of birth control. In
Asia, China’s rate is 82 percent, India’s is 51 percent, and Japan’s is 40. Compare these
countries with all of Africa, where the overall rate is 33 percent with substantial variation
between countries. Some African nations have extremely low rates—for example, South
Sudan at 6.5, Chad at 6.3 percent, and Guinea at 8.4 percent. Just as was the case for
women in the United States, greater control over fertility by women internationally
increases their opportunities for self-determination. It also increases the likelihood of
extending basic human rights and protections to women in countries around the world
(Inglehart, Norris, and Welzel 2002; Kristof and WuDunn 2009; United Nations 2018a).
Cathy Yeulet/Shutterstock
How might economic, social, and cultural factors influence a society’s pattern of
birth control use? How might these factors influence a society’s attitudes about
Instrumental leader The person in the family who bears responsibility for the
completion of tasks, focuses on distant goals, and manages the external relationship
between one’s family and other social institutions.
Expressive leader The person in the family who bears responsibility for the
maintenance of harmony and internal emotional affairs.
As we saw earlier with Betty Friedan and the discussion of “The Second Wave” of
women’s movements, a major consequence of this supposed ideal was isolation from
the public sphere’s economy and politics. This separation had the effect of denying
women access to financial resources and political power. Over time, as a direct
consequence of activism, women have gained greater access to educational
opportunities, jobs, and political positions. And yet, as we will see, women still face
significant challenges.
Sexism The ideology that claims one sex is superior to the other.
Labor Force Participation The labor market has opened up significantly since
Betty Friedan published The Feminine Mystique in 1963. Today, millions of women—
married or single, with or without children, pregnant or recently having given birth—are
in the labor force. Overall, as shown in the “Labor Force Participation Rates” graph, the
percentage of U.S. women aged 16 and older in the labor force rose from 33.9 percent
in 1950 to 57 percent in 2017. By contrast, the percentages for men were 86.3 percent
in 1950 and 69.1 percent in 2017. Among women with children under age 6, 39 percent
were in the labor force in 1975 compared to 65.1 percent in 2017 (Bureau of Labor
Statistics 2018g:Tables 2 and 7).
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics 2018g. Photo: kristian sekulic/E Plus/Getty Images
Within the labor force, we see significant differences in the jobs men and women
hold. As is evident in the “Women’s Representation in U.S. Occupations” table,
significant occupational gender segregation exists. For example, women page 286
account for 95 percent of all secretaries and 94.9 percent of all dental
hygienists. Entering such sex-typed occupations often places women in “service” roles
that parallel the traditional gender-role standard. At the same time, women are
underrepresented in occupations historically defined as “men’s jobs,” which often offer
much greater financial rewards and prestige than women’s jobs. For example, women
account for 47 percent of the paid labor force of the United States, yet they constituted
only 6.2 percent of aircraft pilots, 9.2 percent of mechanical engineers, 13.6 percent of
police officers, and 37.4 percent of lawyers (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2018g:Table 11).
Women’s Representation in U.S.
Note: These data are for 2017. The elementary teacher category includes middle school teachers.
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics 2018g:Table 11. Photo: JupiterImage, Creatas Image/Getty Images
Income Today we claim to value “equal pay for equal work,” meaning that someone’s
sex (along with race, ethnicity, or age) shouldn’t matter in determining what the person
earns; the only characteristic that should matter is job performance. But in practice,
women do not earn as much on average as men, even in the same occupations. When
comparing individuals who worked full-time, year-round in 2017, the median income for
men was $52,146 and the median for women was $41,977 (Fontenot, Semega, and
Kollar 2018). In other words, women earned 80.5 cents for every dollar that men earned
Taking occupational segregation into account does not explain away the wage gap.
It’s true, of course, that women are often more concentrated in occupations with lower
average wages than men (child care worker or receptionist versus physician or civil
engineer). However, in 2017, out of 125 specific jobs for which the Bureau of Labor
Statistics provides sufficient data, in only 2 did women earn more on average than men:
“non-farm wholesale and retail buyers” and “dining room and cafeteria attendants and
bartender helpers.” Significant wage gaps exist within occupations across the board. For
example, wage gaps persist in the three occupations for which women receive the
highest average pay: chief executive officer (79.5 percent of men’s earnings),
pharmacist (82.3 percent), and physician (77.3 percent). Of course, in some
occupations the wage gap is significantly wider, including personal financial advisors
(58.9), administrative services managers (62.2), and financial managers (71.1) (Bureau
of Labor Statistics 2018g:Table 2).
Gender Wage Gap by Education
Note: Data based on median earnings for people aged 25–64 who worked full-time, year-round. High school
graduates included those with GEDs.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2018b:Table PINC-03.
Even in occupations where women are more likely to be concentrated, they still earn
less on average than do men in the same field. Examples include secretary (86.3
percent of what male secretaries earn), elementary or middle school teacher (86.7
percent), and registered nurse (90.7 percent). Being a man in a predominantly female
occupation seems to be an asset, whereas the reverse does not appear to be true
(Bureau of Labor Statistics 2018g:Table 2).
Additional factors to explain the wage gap include education and age. When
comparing women and men who have similar levels of education—for example, a
woman whose highest degree is a high school diploma to a man with the same level of
education—the wage gap persists. As is portrayed in the “Gender Wage Gap by
Education” table, women with some college but no degree earn 71.6 percent compared
to men with the same educational attainment. There continues to be a wage gap,
though not as large, for men and women with professional degrees, including medical
doctors and lawyers. Within this group, women earn 78.7 percent of what men earn
(U.S. Census Bureau 2018b:Table PINC-03).
When comparing women and men in similar age groups, a pattern does emerge.
The wage gap between men and women under age 35 averages approximately 90
percent. But then the gap widens for age groups older than that to about 78 percent
(Bureau of Labor Statistics 2018g:Table 1). A major factor suggested to explain this
difference is that women are more likely than men to take time away from the workforce
around that age to raise children. As a result, when they return to the labor force they
have less seniority than men of equal age and thus receive lower wages (England et al.
2016; Erosa, Fuster, and Restuccia 2016; Golan and Hincapié 2016; Jee, Misra, and
Murray-Close 2018).
The Glass Ceiling As we saw with Sheryl Sandberg at the beginning of this chapter,
the higher you look up the corporate ladder, the fewer women you see. These positions
tend to have higher pay and greater power, yet women have often been passed over
when it came to these jobs. The term glass ceiling refers to the invisible barrier that
blocks the promotion of qualified individuals in a work environment because of the
individual’s gender, race, or ethnicity. In 1995, the federal government’s Glass Ceiling
Commission (1995) offered the first comprehensive study of the barriers in page 287
hiring decisions. It concluded that prejudice against women and minority
group candidates plays a substantial role in hiring outcomes. It also concluded that the
supply of qualified top-level candidates is limited by the cumulative effects of similar
practices throughout the career path, limiting access to the training and experiences
necessary to be considered for top-level jobs.
Glass ceiling An invisible barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified individual in
a work environment because of the individual’s gender, race, or ethnicity.
women. To put it another way, men hold 85 percent of the seats on these boards, a
source of a significant amount of power and influence. Board representation varies
significantly between countries. In Norway, women occupy 46.7 percent of board seats;
in the United States it’s 16.6 percent; and in Japan women represent only 3.5 percent of
board members (Dawson, Natella, and Kersley 2016).
Home and Work Today, many women face the challenge of trying to juggle work and
family. Who does the housework when women become productive wage earners? In
dual-income families, fathers do an average of 9.4 hours of housework per week
compared to 15.7 hours for women. Even in households where she works and he does
not, wives still do more housework (Parker and Wang 2013). Researchers have found
that sharing housework equally improves both overall relationship satisfaction and levels
of sexual intimacy. When not shared equally, the task most likely to reduce relationship
satisfaction for women is the mundane daily chore of doing dishes (Carlson, Miller, and
Sassler 2018).
Sociologist Arlie Hochschild (1989, 1990, 2005) has used the phrase second shift
to describe the double burden of working outside the home followed by child care and
housework. On the basis of interviews with and observations of 52 couples over an
eight-year period, Hochschild reported that the wives (and not their husbands) drive
home from the office while planning domestic schedules and play dates for children—
and then begin their second shift. Drawing on national studies, she concluded that
women spend 15 fewer hours each week in leisure activities than their husbands. In a
year, these women work an extra month of 24-hour days because of the second shift;
over a dozen years, they work an extra year of 24-hour days. Hochschild page 288
found that the married couples she studied were fraying at the edges, and
so were their careers and their marriages. With such reports in mind, many feminists
have advocated greater governmental and corporate support for child care, more-
flexible family leave policies, and other reforms designed to ease the burden on the
nation’s families (Mann, Sullivan, and Gershuny 2011; Moen and Roehling 2005).
Second shift The double burden of working outside the home followed by child care
and housework.
Note: Reasons cited as major factors in voluntarily leaving their jobs in a survey of “highly qualified” workers, aged
28–55, defined as those with a graduate degree, a professional degree, or a bachelor’s degree with honors.
Source: Hewlett, Foster, Sherbin, Shiller, and Sumberg 2010. Photo: Narvikk/Getty Images
Politics Turning to political involvement, after years of struggle, women won the right to
vote with the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920. Looking at voter participation
rates, we can see that they have taken advantage of that opportunity. In fact, a higher
percentage of women turn out to vote than do men. This has been true in every
presidential election since 1980 (Center for American Women and Politics 2017).
When it comes to holding elected office, however, we find the same kind of
underrepresentation in positions of power by women as is evident in the workplace.
Even though women make up slightly more than half of the population, they make up a
significantly smaller proportion of elected officials. In 2019, for example, only 9 of the
nation’s 50 states had a female governor. Also at the state level, women make up 28.6
percent of all 7,383 state legislators in the United States (Center for American Women
and Politics 2019).
Women have made slow but steady progress in certain political arenas. In 1971,
only 3 percent of members of Congress were women. By 2019, that number rose to
23.7 percent, a record number of 127 members: 102 in the House and 25 in the Senate.
In 2007, Nancy Pelosi became the first ever woman to serve as Speaker of the House,
a post she returned to in 2019. In the 2018 midterm elections, 4 states elected their first
woman ever to the Senate leaving 18 states never to have done so. In the House, the
number of women of color rose to a record 43 members. Deb Haaland of New Mexico
and Sharice Davids of Kansas became the first Native American women elected to
Congress. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota became the first
Muslim women (Center for American Women and Politics 2018, 2019).
At the Supreme Court, Sandra Day O’Connor became the nation’s first female
justice in 1981 (and retired in 2006). She was joined by Ruth Bader Ginsberg in 1993. In
August 2009, Sonia Sotomayor became the third woman and first Hispanic on the
Court. In August 2010 Elena Kagan was sworn in to the Court, making it the first time
three women have ever served as justices on the Court at the same time. In the
executive branch, no woman has ever been elected either president or vice president of
the United States. Hillary Clinton challenged that barrier in 2016, winning the popular
vote with 2,868,692 more votes but losing the Electoral College vote to Donald Trump
(Wasserman 2016).
Love, Simon
Announcing who you are to the world is pretty terrifying.
The Fits
What does being a girl mean?
An African American man faces questions about love, friendship, and
What Men Want
She knows what men think.
A transgender woman’s journey to acceptance.
Violence against Women Violence against women is a global problem. The full extent
of such violence, both in the United States and abroad, is unknown because such
crimes often go unreported and unrecognized. Globally, the World Health Organization
estimates that 35.6 percent of women have been victims of sexual or physical violence
by an intimate partner. Rates vary significantly by region, including 65.6 percent in
central sub-Saharan Africa and 41.7 percent in South Asia to 16.3 percent in East Asia
and 19.3 percent in western Europe (World Health Organization 2013b).
Violence against women in the United States remains a significant problem.
According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, women were the victims of
298,410 rapes and sexual assaults in 2016. Overall, only 23.2 percent of these rapes
and sexual assaults were reported to police, which works out to 1.3 million rapes and
sexual assaults that year. Other studies suggest that the likelihood of reporting such
acts to police may be significantly lower (Morgan and Kena 2018).
Research shows that women and girls of all ages are subject to acts of violence.
Among high school girls, 9.1 percent had been hit, slapped, or physically hurt on
purpose by their boyfriend or girlfriend in the previous year, and 10.7 percent had been
kissed, touched, or forced to have sexual intercourse when they did not want to (Kann
et al. 2018:Table 38, Table 40). In a survey of college women, 19 percent experienced
either an attempted or completed sexual assault while in college. Overall, 3.4 percent of
college women had been forcibly raped and 8.5 percent had been raped while
incapacitated—drunk, passed out, drugged, or asleep. Among college women who were
victims of a forced sexual assault, only 13 percent reported it to police or campus
security, although 69 percent disclosed the incident to a family member or friend (Krebs
et al. 2007). In a national survey of adult women in the United States, researchers found
that 18 percent had been raped at some point in their lifetime. Only 16 percent of these
women had reported it to law enforcement officials (Kilpatrick et al. 2007). And in the
most extreme form of violence, 549 wives and 488 girlfriends were murdered by their
intimate partners in 2017 according to FBI data (U.S. Department of Justice
2018d:Table 10).
page 289
Nice Nailantei Leng’ete, an advocate for the elimination of female genital mutilation, was one of Time magazine’s
100 Most Influential People in the World in 2018. Taylor Hill/FilmMagic/Getty Images
enslaving village girls for the same reason that people got away with enslaving blacks
two hundred years ago: The victims are perceived as discounted humans” (p. 24).
Increased education and opportunity for women, they suggest, lead to a curtailing of
Women face significant oppression, violence, and discrimination in nations around
the globe. Whether in the form of sex trafficking, socially condoned rape, or denial of
medical services, the simple fact of being a woman is enough to justify such practices in
some countries. In the case of Woineshet Zebene, for example, a group of men came
for her at 11:30 at night. She was in a deep sleep, but they took her from her home in
the Ethiopian countryside and battered and raped her over the next two days. Afterward,
it was expected that she would marry the man who led the assault. When she refused,
she was again kidnapped, beaten, and raped. A court official to whom she pleaded for
help advised her to “get over it” and marry her attacker. She was 13 years old (Kristof
and WuDunn 2009).
Women are particularly vulnerable to sex trafficking, gender-based violence
(including honor killings and mass rape), and death or serious injury during childbirth
due to inadequate medical care. For example, in Ghana, 21 percent of women report
that their first sexual experience was by rape. Regarding inadequate health care, 1 in 7
women in Nigeria, 1 in 22 in sub-Saharan Africa, and 1 in 70 in India die during
childbirth, compared to 1 in 4,800 in the United States (Kristof and WuDunn 2009).
Such practices often go unnoticed because they represent “quotidian cruelties”—the
everyday practice of violence and discrimination that is largely invisible and considered
inevitable or even natural. Fortunately, women around the world have successfully
fought to change local attitudes and practices. In India, for example, Ruchira Gupta
founded Apne Aap Women Worldwide, with its mission to end sex trafficking
( In Pakistan, Mukhtar Mai used settlement money she received
after having been gang raped to establish her School for Girls; she later page 290
expanded it to include a free legal clinic, a public library, and a women’s
shelter. And in Kenya, Myla Rodgers established the organization Mama Hope. In
addition to helping build health clinics, poultry farms, drip irrigation gardens, and other
projects, the group produced a number of viral videos designed to show African people
as active, engaged, intelligent, and multidimensional. The videos portray the people of
Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana, and elsewhere not as objects to be manipulated or
subjects to be studied, but as participants who, when given access to and control over
even limited amounts of economic resources, have the vision and ability to transform
their futures for the better (Kristof and WuDunn 2009).
In Kenya, Myla Rodgers established Mama Hope as an organization to provide girls a
greater sense of agency and opportunity. ©Bryce Yukio Adolphson
Time Spent in Unpaid Labor
Opportunities for women vary significantly around the world. In an attempt to quantify
the degree of global gender inequality, the World Economic Forum releases an annual
report ranking nations in four areas: educational attainment, health and survival,
economic participation and opportunity, and political empowerment. The resulting
Gender Gap Index score for each country ranges from 0 to 1, with a higher score
representing greater gender equality. In 2018 only seven countries—Iceland, Norway,
Sweden, Finland, Nicaragua, Rwanda, and New Zealand—scored at or above 0.8. The
United States ranked 51st, with a score of 0.72, behind nations such as South Africa,
Cuba, Canada, and Bangladesh. Ten nations, among them Yemen, Pakistan, Iraq, and
Syria, scored below 0.6. Countries in the Middle East and Africa had the lowest average
rankings, primarily because of their low scores on economic and political indicators
(World Economic Forum 2018).
Although people in most nations agree that women should have equal rights,
significant variation exists. For example, in Tanzania, 48 percent of men agree,
compared to 73 percent of women, a gap of 25 percent. In Pakistan the gap is 24
percent, and in Uganda it is 23. In Japan the gap is actually reversed, with 67 percent of
men versus 53 percent of women saying that it is very important for women to have the
same rights as men (Zainulbhai 2016).
Change is possible. In an effort to address some of the structural inequality that
exists, legislators in Norway established minimum quotas for the number of female
members of boards of directors for companies. As the architects of the plan put it,
“Instead of assuming what people can’t do at work, provide opportunities for employees
to prove what they can do.” Norway now has the highest average percentage of female
board members of any nation (Dawson, Natella, and Kersley 2016). Setting clear
workplace and political representation goals makes a difference. Looking forward, the
Rockefeller Foundation (2016) has established a goal of 100 women CEOs of Fortune
500 companies by 2025, a significant increase over the current 21.
Sociology often confronts us with things that can make us uncomfortable, such as
gender inequality. The point of doing so is a more complete understanding of what we
do and why we do it. Such knowledge can lead us to new and better practices that
provide greater understanding, fairness, equality, and opportunity. Through practicing
the sociological imagination, as Betty Friedan did in the case of gender, we can make
the world a better place.
The Bechdel Test
According to the Bechdel Test, developed by cartoonist Alison Bechdel, a
movie fails if three criteria are not met: (1) It has to have at least two women
in it, (2) who talk to each other, (3) about something besides a man. Go to to see how some of your favorite movies fared. Pick out a
movie that has not been added to the site; watch and evaluate it according to
the criteria, and upload your results.
page 291
For In the 1950s, women’s primary roles were wife and mother.
Since that time, largely because of the efforts of the second
REVIEW wave of the women’s movement, their labor force participation
and income have risen significantly.
III. To what extent does gender still shape access to resources?
Women continue to be paid less than men in the same
occupations, tend to be segregated into a narrower range of
female-dominated occupations, bear greater responsibility for
housework, and are underrepresented as elected officials,
though outcomes in all areas have improved.
page 292
After reviewing the chapter, answer the following questions:
How would each of the perspectives seek to explain Sheryl Sandberg’s career
How would each of the three perspectives look at the supposition that differences
between men and women are “natural” and always have been?
How would the macro approaches of the conflict and functionalist perspectives
study gender and sexuality differently than the micro approach of the
interactionist perspective?
How does each perspective contribute to your understanding of your own
gender-role socialization?
page 293
Pop Quiz
1. What term do sociologists use to describe the presumed biological
differences between males and females?
a. gender
b. sexism
c. anatomy
d. sex
2. What term does geneticist Anne Fausto-Sterling use to describe those who
have biological characteristics typically associated with both males and
a. sex
b. gender
c. intersexual
d. gender displays
3. When college students conducted an experiment in which they violated
expected gender norms, they demonstrated the power of
a. gender-role socialization.
b. biological determinism.
c. instrumental leadership.
d. the glass ceiling.
4. What is the expression used when claiming that gender for men is not
narrowly limited to traditional conceptions of masculinity?
a. intersexual
b. gender modification
c. sex
d. multiple masculinities
5. What do groups such as the berdaches, hijras, and xanith reveal about the
nature of sex and gender?
a. All societies share the same dimorphic, male–female model of sex.
b. The number of sex and gender categories varies across cultures.
c. Socialization plays a significant role in modern societies, but a more limited
role in traditional societies.
d. Sex categories vary across cultures, but expressions of gender are universal.
6. The primary accomplishment of the first wave of the women’s movement
a. making women citizens.
b. gaining the right to an abortion.
c. earning the right to nondiscrimination in the workplace.
d. winning the right to vote.
7. What term describes the categories of people to whom we are sexually
a. heteronormativity
b. sexual orientation
c. sexuality
d. sexual displays
8. According to early sociologists Talcott Parsons and Robert Bales, which
type of leader bears responsibility for completion of tasks, focuses on
more-distant goals, and manages the external relationship between the
family and other social institutions?
a. expressive
b. charismatic
c. instrumental
d. traditional
9. Overall, when comparing full-time, year-round workers, how much do
women earn compared to every dollar men earn?
a. 42 cents
b. 63 cents
c. 80 cents
d. 94 cents
10. The expression “second shift” refers to
a. doing the emotional work of maintaining family relationships.
b. maintaining the household, including housework in addition to a job outside
the home.
c. having a work shift ranging approximately between 4:00 p.m. and midnight.
d. doing paid labor at the workplace.
1. (d), 2. (c), 3. (a), 4. (d), 5. (b), 6. (d), 7. (b), 8. (c), 9. (c), 10. (b)
Design Elements: Going Global (Earth): ©Studio Photogram/Alamy Stock Photo; Personal Sociology (drawing of
author): McGraw-Hill Education; 5 Movies (popcorn): ©D. Hurst/Alamy Stock Photo; Sociology Is a Verb (overlapping
hands): ©Jeff DeWeerd/Imagezoo/Getty Images
page 294
Race and Ethnicity
Lives Matter movement.
In the years since Michael Brown’s death, there have been many high-profile
incidents involving police officers killing unarmed African American males. On
March 18, 2018, for example, in Sacramento, California, 22-year-old Stephon Clark
was shot and killed by police in the backyard of his grandparents’ home. Two
officers fired a total of 20 rounds at Clark, hitting him 8 times, most of them in the
back. Police were responding to a 911 call regarding a man in a hoodie breaking
car windows in the neighborhood and a helicopter surveillance camera had
seemingly tracked the perpetrator to that yard. According to a police statement, “At
the time of the shooting, the officers believed the suspect was pointing a firearm at
them. After an exhaustive search, scene investigators did not locate any firearms.
The only item found near the suspect was a cell phone” (Sacramento Police
Department 2018). Clark was pronounced dead at the scene.
Tamir Rice, Rumain Brisbon, Walter Scott, Philando Castile, Terence Crutcher,
and Keith Scott are but just a few of the unarmed black men who have suffered the
same fate. Very often the police officers involved in these shootings receive
relatively minor punishment—or no punishment at all.
page 295
African American men between the ages of 15 and 34 are 10 to 15 times more
likely to be killed by police compared to all other races (Fryer 2018). To provide
perspective on the loss that results from deaths such as these, researchers
analyzed each case where a person was killed by police. Based on their age at the
time of death compared to their estimated life expectancy, those who died in 2016
lost an estimated 54,754 years of life. Of these, 51.5 percent were lost by people of
color (Bui, Coates, and Mathay 2018).
When it comes to the consequences of difference, one of the lessons we learn,
over and over again, is that African American men too often pay with their lives.
Perhaps surprisingly, most biologists do not view race as a meaningful scientific concept
when it comes to humans. The Human Genome Project (HGP), the scientific team that
mapped human DNA, found that 99.9 percent of human genetic sequences are identical
(Roth and Ivemark 2018; Venter 2000). Biologist Craig Venter, one of the HGP’s lead
scientists, summarized its findings this way: “Race is a social concept, not a scientific
one” (Angier 2000). Even if those statistical estimates get modified slightly as scientists
come to better understand the complexity of the human genome (Redon et al. 2006),
the underlying premise will remain the same: We humans are vastly more biologically
alike than we are different. And yet, when it comes to race, especially in the United
States, there exists a long history of focusing on difference rather than sameness.
In this chapter, we will explore the way sociologists have come to understand race
and ethnicity as social constructs to which people assign significant meaning. As a
sociological concept, race refers to presumed biological differences between humans to
which people attach meaning resulting in the creation of supposed genetically distinct
subgroups within the population. Racial differences people assign significance to
include variations in skin color, facial features, hair texture, hair color, eye color, and the
like. Ethnicity refers to the presumed cultural differences between humans to which
people attach meaning resulting in the creation of supposed socially distinct subgroups
within the population. Ethnic differences include indicators such as language, customs,
food preferences, religion, and so on. Perception of the existence and significance of
difference, by insiders and outsiders alike, plays an important role in the impact race
and ethnicity have in our lives (Roth & Ivemark 2018).
Tuul/Bruno Morandi/Photolibrary/Getty Images
page 296
Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2018a:Table S0201.
(Koerner 1999; Linnaeus 1758). As part of his system, Linnaeus identified four varieties
of humans that became the foundation for what people now think of as races: Afer
(Native Africans), Americanus (Native Americans), Asiaticus (Native Asians), and
Europeaus (Native Europeans). But Linnaeus didn’t stop at simple classification. In a
controversial move, he went on to attribute essential character traits to each racial
group. He described Africans as slow, relaxed and contented; Native Americans as
energetic, combative, and governed by custom; Asians as gloomy, thoughtful, and
greedy; and Europeans as gentle, inventive, and governed by laws (DeSalle and
Tattersall 2018; Tattersall and DeSalle 2011).
The belief that it was possible to categorize millions, and later billions, of human
beings into a handful of meaningful categories set the stage for debates on how best to
define race. After Linneaus, the chase was on to identify both the number of races and
the possible consequences of those differences. And scientists couldn’t seem to agree.
In Germany, Johann Blumenbach ([1776] 1865) identified 5 races: Caucasians
(Europeans including Lapps), Mongolians (Asians), Ethiopians (Africans), Americans
(Native Americans), and Malaysians (Pacific Islanders); in France, Georges Cuvier
([1817] 1832) said there were 3: Caucasian, Mongolian, and Ethiopian; Swiss American
Louis Agassiz distinguished 11 human types; Louis-Antoine Desmoulins claimed there
were 11 human species which he later raised to 16; Samuel George Morton divided
humans into 5 races which he subdivided into 22 families; and, there were many others
with varying sum totals of categories. Some thought the differences between races were
sharp and uncrossable while others believed them to be ambiguous and transitory.
Historian Nell Irvin Painter points out, “No consensus has ever been formed on the
number of human races or even on the number of white races” (2010a:383). Whole
populations of people, such as the Celts, Italians, or Asian Indians, were placed in
different racial groups according to different racial models (Baum 2006; Jackson and
Weidman 2004; Lurie 1954; Painter 2010a; Tuttle 1866:35).
This lack of consensus in racial categorization highlights the scientific reality that
there are no clear biological dividing lines between racial groups. Rather, race is a
social construction imposed upon the biological data. Whatever number of categories
we might choose, we can then find evidence in the human population to page 297
support that model. We can do so because biological variation is more
continuous than categorical. This is most obvious when it comes to skin color, which
exists as a gradational spectrum with no clear boundaries marking where one category
of skin color ends and another begins. Our continued use of those color categories,
however, results in a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy through which we perpetuate the
myth that they are biologically meaningful.
This map from 1849 portrayed the distribution of races of the world as understood at
that time. Lake Erie Maps and Prints/Alamy Stock Photo
When we look at photos from people around the world, we see a wide spectrum of
physical differences. Brazilian artist Angélica Dass paired more than 4,000 portraits of
people from 18 different countries with the Pantone color code that matched their skin
tone. Collectively, her photos portray a continuous spectrum of human skin colors
with no clear dividing lines at any point. Dass discussed her project, “Humanae,” in an
online TED Talk.
Sources: Dass 2016; Strochlic 2018. Photo: Kivilcim Pinar/iStock/Getty Images
page 298
One-drop rule The principle that, if a person had even one Black African ancestor,
no matter how many generations back, the person was labeled Black—even if he or
she appeared to be White.
After slavery was officially abolished in 1865, the consequences of the one-drop rule
would help institute alternative ways to divide and oppress people of color in the United
States, including the practice known as “Separate but Equal.” The infamous Plessy v.
Ferguson Supreme Court decision in 1896 affirmed the legality of “Separate but Equal”
accommodations for Blacks and Whites based on the premise of biological racial purity.
In that case, Homer Plessy, who under the one-drop rule was classified as Black due to
his one-eighth African American ancestry, could easily pass for White based on his
appearance. Plessy was arrested for sitting in a “Whites-only” train car in Louisiana after
he reportedly revealed to the conductor that he was only seven-eighth’s White and
refused to sit in the “Coloreds-only” car in hopes of challenging such laws in court. In the
end, however, the Supreme Court decided against Plessy (Hoffer 2012; Medley 2003).
This ruling had the effect of legitimizing the practice of racial segregation of public
places including drinking fountains, restrooms, restaurants, buses, and page 299
schools throughout the United States. It took until 1954 for the Supreme
Court to overturn that principle with its Brown v. Board of Education decision in which it
ruled that “separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.”
White nationalist rallies have a long history in the United States, from those of the Ku
Klux Klan, founded in 1865, to 2017’s Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.
(Ku Klux Klan): William Campbell/Sygma/Corbis/Getty Images; (Unite the Right):
Samuel Corum/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
Source: Pew Research Center 2011. Photo: Bruce Roberts/Science
The quest for racial separation in pursuit of biological purity also manifested itself
through bans on interracial marriage, referred to as anti-miscegenation laws. From the
nation’s founding, numerous U.S. states, mostly in the South, banned interracial
marriage. As the United States expanded, so also did the number of states with bans.
As of 1947, 30 states still imposed such laws. It wasn’t until the 1960s that the U.S.
Supreme Court finally banned such laws as unconstitutional in the Loving v. Virginia
case, declaring, “Under our Constitution, the freedom to marry, or not marry, a person of
another race resides with the individual and cannot be infringed by the State” (Pascoe
2009; Romano 2006; Wallenstein 2014).
Source: Sims 2016. Photo: FlamingoImages/iStock/Getty Images
page 300
Source: Douglass 1854. Photo: Bettmann/Getty Images
Martin Luther King Jr. at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August
28, 1963. Francis Miller/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images
After World War II, as part of a team of sociologists and anthropologists, Montagu
helped write the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) statement The Race Question, which asserted, “For all practical social
purposes ‘race’ is not so much a biological phenomenon as a social myth. The myth [of]
‘race’ has created an enormous amount of human and social damage” (UNESCO
1950:8). Because of the problematic use of the term race, the authors went so far as to
recommend “when the term ‘race’ is used in popular parlance, it would be better when
speaking of human races to drop the term ‘race’ altogether and speak of ethnic groups”
(UNESCO 1950:6).
The appeal to take up the use of ethnic groups takes us back to where we started.
The attempts to categorize all of humanity into a handful of racial boxes failed to
adequately account for biological, social, and cultural variety manifested around the
world. Adding ethnicity to the mix creates the possibility that we might move beyond
conceptualizing races as homogeneous groups within which exist a page 301
singular identity or culture. Saying someone is Black means something
different than saying they are from Kenya, and saying someone is from Kenya is
different than saying someone is from the Mbeere ethnic group, which itself is distinct
from the Kikuyu, Embu, or Maasai. In the same way, saying someone is White means
something different than saying they are from the Netherlands, and saying someone is
from the Netherlands is different than saying they are from Zeeland, which is distinct
from Freesland or Groningen. The racial categories we use fail to reflect the degree of
difference that exists within presumed racial groups and sociologists have a
responsibility to reflect the diversity of the world as it is.
Sources: Nobles 2000:1739; U.S. Census Bureau 2010c. Photo: Markus Mainka/Shutterstock
The U.S. Census, reflecting our shifting conceptions of race and ethnicity over time,
has made numerous modifications in the categories it has used to classify the American
population. The “U.S. Race Categories, 1790–2010” table provides a selection of the
models the Census has used over the years. To get an accurate population count, the
Census Bureau needs categories that are both mutually exclusive and exhaustive,
meaning each individual fits in only one and that there’s a place for everyone to fit.
Children with biological parents from two different racial categories proved particularly
challenging to taken-for-granted Census assumptions.
In recognition of the growing diversity of the U.S. population, and the growing
numbers of interracial marriages, for the first time in 2000 and again in 2010 the U.S.
Census allowed people to select more than 1 category when identifying their race.
People can now choose from 5 major race categories—White, Black, Asian, Native
American, and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander—in addition to “Some other
race.” Considering all the combinations people might select, a total of 63 race
categories are now possible (Humes, Jones, and Ramirez 2011). In the 2010 Census
more than 9 million people in the United States, 2.9 percent overall, reported that they
were of 2 or more races. Of these, 20.4 percent chose both Black and White, the most
frequent combination. Within racial categories, more than half of those who chose
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander also selected another race, whereas those
who self-identified as White were least likely to do so (Humes, Jones, and Ramirez
When faced with the decision about which Census category to choose, former
president Barack Obama, who had a Black father, originally from Kenya, and a White
mother, originally from Kansas, chose to self-identify as African American. He could just
as easily have chosen White, both Black and White, or “some other race” (Roberts and
Baker 2010). When asked why he chose African American, Obama responded, “I self-
identify as African American—that’s how I’m treated and that’s how I’m viewed. I’m
proud of it” (Folley 2016). Not everyone with the same genetic ancestry makes the same
choice. In a study of biracial college students, researchers found that 71 percent of
children with a Black–White combination of parents self-identified as multiracial, 25
percent as Black, and 5 percent as White (Davenport 2016).
page 302
The Census Bureau faces additional challenges when dealing with ethnicity, the
resolution of which provide additional support for considering a more multiplex model
than our conventional models of race and ethnicity permit. It treats race and ethnicity as
separate items, but in its ethnicity question, the only category recognized is “Hispanic,
Latino, or Spanish origin.” This situation creates difficulties for groups that see
themselves as a distinct ethnicity and find the race options inadequate to describe who
they are. In such circumstances, many people choose “Some other race” and then write
in an ethnicity or nationality (such as Mexican, Iranian, or Saudi Arabian) as their race.
In the 2010 Census, of those who selected “Other,” 97 percent also selected Hispanic
as their ethnicity. In fact, 41 percent of those who self-identified as Hispanic also
selected “Some other race” (Humes, Jones, and Ramirez 2011; U.S. Commission on
Civil Rights 2009:4).
We now know that the earlier pseudoscientific claims regarding race were wrong.
Today, the science of ancestry enables scientists to explore how far back in time we
need to go to identify what they refer to as our Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA).
Based on informed statistical estimates, and backed up by genetic analysis, researchers
estimate that a person to whom all people alive on earth today can trace their direct
ancestry lived approximately 3,400 years ago. Our MRCA probably lived in east Asia
likely near a port anywhere from the Bering Strait on down to Malaysia, facilitating the
migration of their descendants east to the Americas as well as to remote Pacific Islands.
If we go back just a few thousand years before our MRCA, there even comes a point
when everyone alive then (if they have any descendants alive today) is a direct
descendant to everyone alive today (Chang 1999; Ralph and Coop 2013; Rohde, Olson,
and Chang 2004).
This MRCA research is distinct from, but consistent with, the scientific evidence that
points toward a common maternal ancestor even further back and located in Africa,
frequently referred to as “Mitochondrial Eve,” to whom we can trace specific DNA,
shared by all humans living today (Chang 1999; Lewin 1987). Any biological differences
that have developed between us as a consequence of migration and environmental
adaptation are insufficient to justify any claims of fundamental racial difference. To put it
simply, all are related to all.
of race. As we have already seen, race isn’t simply given. It is a social construction that
varies by both time and place. Because the simplistic biological racial categorization of
the past seems inadequate to the task of describing human diversity, numerous
sociologists and others have moved toward a more nuanced model that presents race
as multidimensional. This involves viewing race not as singular and fixed, but as
something fluid, changing based on when and where people live (Roth 2016;
Saperstein, Kizer, and Penner 2016).
In order to come to terms with the multiple ways in which we conceptualize,
institutionalize, and internalize race, sociologist Wendy Roth (2016) constructed a
multidimensional typology of racial classification. As we learn from the Thomas theorem,
we must take into account both our self-perception along with the perceptions of others
if we are to understand why we act as we do. And our perceptions are shaped by the
cultural expectations we have been socialized to accept as natural.
Roth’s multidimensional typology of race includes the following factors:
Racial Genetic Ancestry: The racial groups of a person’s biological ancestors as
revealed through genetic testing; this has become a significant issue due to the
increased availability of such tests through companies such as and; the results from such tests can come as a surprise.
Get Out
When meeting the parents really is a nightmare.
A bunny and a fox explore whether or not biology is destiny.
Crazy Rich Asians
Race encounters class all in the name of romance.
The Hate U Give
Straddling two worlds, a young African American woman stands up for
what’s right.
Slavery, in the form of imprisonment, remains legal in the United States via
the 13th Amendment.
As is so often the case in sociology, we learn more about how mainstream culture
works by paying attention to people on the margins. For example, there is a long history
in the United States of passing in which people whose genetic ancestry and family
history convey membership in one racial category but who are perceived to belong to
another race in the eyes of others (passing also occurs in other areas, including gender,
sexuality, social class, and so on). In the early to mid-1900s in the United States, an
African American who could pass as White might be able to avoid some of the
consequences of racial discrimination. In the 1940s, sociologist Robert Stuckert (1958)
estimated that each year an additional 15,550 people with African ancestry were added
to the rolls of those who passed as White in the United States. Passing enabled people
to secure access to valued material, social, and cultural resources, but often at the price
of turning their backs on their family, community, and culture (Dawkins 2012; Hobbs
2014; Larsen 1929).
Passing When people whose genetic ancestry and family history convey
membership in one racial category but who are perceived to belong to another race
in the eyes of others.
Another example of conflicting racial dimensions occurs when a person’s racial self-
narrative is at odds with their racial genetic ancestry, family history, and phenotype.
Rachel Doležal presented a controversial and headline-grabbing case of what
sometimes gets called “reverse passing,” which occurs when a member of a majority
group claims membership in a minority group. Doležal’s racial self- page 304
narrative was African American, but her phenotype and ancestry were
White. She successfully passed as African American to coworkers and friends, working
as a civil rights activist, serving as the president of the NAACP chapter in Spokane,
Washington, and teaching a variety of courses in the Africana Studies Program at the
local university. In 2015, her case became national news when reporters uncovered her
racial family history. Even though her parents were of White, European descent, at
some point in her life she had embraced an African American heritage and identity.
Even after her ancestry became known, she continued to assert her African American
identity as part of her racial self-narrative. In a TEDx Talk given after the controversy
erupted, consistent with the multidimensional nature of race, she asserted, “Race is a
political reality, but not a biological one.” She went on to ask, “Is the identity that you
were assigned at birth the best description of who you really are and what your purpose
is for being in this world?” (Doležal 2016). Although her case is more sensational than
most, it did raise important questions about taken-for-granted conceptions of race.
The multidimensionality of race also manifests itself through transracial adoption,
which refers to cases when parents adopt a child from a racial or ethnic background
different than their own. Between 20 and 25 percent of U.S. adoptions among children
aged two and under each year are transracial (Marr 2017). As they grow up, these
children frequently face what psychologist Richard M. Lee calls the transracial adoption
paradox: “[transracial] adoptees are racial/ethnic minorities in society, but they are
perceived and treated by others, and sometimes themselves, as if they are members of
the majority culture (i.e., racially White and ethnically European) due to adoption into a
White family” (2003:711). Transracial adoptive parents must decide whether or not to
expose their children to the culture associated with their child’s birth culture. Although
some parents opt for what they describe as a color-blind approach by minimizing the
significance of their racial differences, the more common practice now involves
enculturation. Through books, culture camps, relationships with same-race mentors,
and so on they provide their children opportunities to explore the culture most
associated with their genetic ancestry. Increasingly, transracial adoptive parents also
explore with their children the racial discrimination they will likely face as they grow up,
seeking to provide them with the coping skills necessary to deal with it (Lindholm 2018;
Reed 2018).
DNF Style/Shutterstock
As they grow into adulthood, transracial adoptees often give voice to a feeling of
cognitive dissonance about who they are and whether or not they fit in. Throughout their
lives they have faced questions about whose family they belong to, whether or not they
are foreign exchange students, or even how much it cost their family to adopt them
(Docan-Morgan 2010; Lee 2003; Lee et al. 2006; Reed 2018). Kaylee Domzalski,
adopted as an infant from South Korea by a White midwestern American couple, very
much loves her adopted parents, but regrets that “They never taught me anything about
my Korean heritage or language or thought to surround me with people who could.
That’s left me with a sense of loss, placelessness” (Domzalski 2018). Chad Goller-
Sojourner, a man of African descent who’d been adopted into a White family in 1972,
highlighting the importance of connecting kids to social networks associated with their
birth culture, advised White parents considering adopting children of African descent,
“Your child should not be your first black friend” (Martin 2014). Examples page 305
such as these highlight the importance of culture, family history, and
identity when it comes to race.
Given the limits of biological definitions of race and the potential a multidimensional
perspective provides, it makes sense to explore the inclusion of even more dimensions.
Political scientists Maya Sen and Omar Wasow (2016) recommend that we
conceptualize race as a composite variable—they use the analogy of a “bundle of
sticks.” Race, they suggest, should be thought of as an aggregate of a number of
distinct elements that come together in varieties of ways. Elements Sen and Wasow
highlight as part of race include, among others, genes, skin color, region of ancestry,
norms, diet, dialect, education, religion, neighborhood, wealth, social status, and class.
Two important functions result from this in-group/out-group process: solidarity and
identity. Identifying more closely with others like ourselves provides in-group members
with an enhanced sense of collective solidarity, a perception of “we”-ness. We see this
process at work in appeals to, and expressions of, patriotism: “We hold these truths to
be self-evident . . .,” or “America, love it or leave it.” This process also provides
individuals with a stronger sense of identity: “I’m a Yankee doodle dandy . . . ,” or “I’m
proud to be an American.” Allegiance to the whole makes it possible for the group to
demand more from individual members.
What’s important about race from this perspective isn’t the biological or physical, it’s
our attribution of significance to such differences in ways that provide us with a sense of
solidarity and identity. In the words of historian Nell Irvin Painter (2010b), “Race
functions to identify difference. . . . It says, ‘These are people who are permanently this
way and these are people who are permanently that way. . . . Race is a tool of
differentiation and separation.” The simple three- or five-category models of race make
drawing the lines between “us” and “them” easier, even if those divisions don’t hold up
well under careful scrutiny.
Civil rights activist Rosa Parks being fingerprinted upon her arrest in 1955 for her act
of civil disobedience in refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a White man. Gene
Herrick/AP Images
When it comes to race, going down this path can get ugly fairly quickly. Choosing to
identify with “your people” routinely turns into prejudice and discrimination. Add power to
the equation, in which one racial group has the capacity to deny access to page 306
resources to others, and the consequences, as we will see below, become
tragic. Historically, racial and ethnic tragedies have played out infamously in the
grotesqueness of systematic slavery and genocide, but we also need to understand the
everyday reality of racial and ethnic discrimination in less obvious ways in the lives of
millions. Examples of everyday indignities racial and ethnic minorities face include being
singled out by police for traffic stops, getting denied a mortgage, being followed by
security while shopping, and a whole host of others.
Sociologists do know that one potential way to reduce in-/out-group tension is
through regularized interaction with others unlike ourselves. According to the contact
hypothesis, interaction with people unlike ourselves decreases negative attitudes we
may have about them. Researchers initially suggested that two characteristics were
necessary for a change in attitudes to occur. First, the context for the interaction had to
be cooperative, rather than competitive. Second, the people interacting needed to be of
relatively equal status (Allport 1979; Fine 2008). Contact hypothesis researchers
assumed that when workers from different racial and ethnic groups compete with each
other for valued resources, rather than cooperate toward shared goals, hostilities would
increase. This was particularly likely in cases when significant power imbalances
existed. More recent research suggests that, even in cases when interaction does not
take place in cooperative circumstances between relative equals, attitudes about, and
actions toward, the “others” often still improves (Pettigrew and Tropp 2006).
Contact hypothesis The theory that interaction with people unlike ourselves
decreases negative attitudes we may have about them.
Affirmative action Positive efforts to recruit minority group members or women for
jobs, promotions, and educational opportunities.
Jim West/The Image Works
What are the costs and benefits of establishing hiring quotas based on race,
ethnicity, or gender to ensure greater opportunity?
refers to the sociohistorical process in which categories are created, page 307
inhibited, transformed, and destroyed.
Omi and Winant argue that race is neither fundamentally biological nor an illusion
that can be simply ignored. To understand race, one must pay careful attention to the
social, economic, and political forces that have established it as a basic distinction
among human beings. Historically, those in positions of power have categorized whole
groups of people as fundamentally distinct from each other (for example, when the one-
drop rule was instituted) and then used their control over resources to treat people
differently based on those distinctions. The result is a social structure that reinforces
presumed racial differences and justifies unequal treatment on the basis of race. The
creation of a reservation system for Native Americans in the late 1800s is one example
of racial formation. Federal officials combined what were distinctive tribes into a single
racial group, which we refer to today as Native Americans.
In the same way that “Native Americans” became a singular category out of what
previously were multiple and diverse tribal ethnic groups, the concept of the White race,
along with who gets included in it, has varied significantly over time. The massive influx
of immigrants in the 19th century complicated the supposed simplicity of the Black–
White divide. Immigrants that were initially counted as members of inferior races,
including Germans, Italians, and the Irish, over time came to be seen as White ethnics.
This was accomplished in part by these groups positioning themselves relative to, and
distinct from, African Americans in order to identify more closely with the White majority
(Guglielmo 2003; Ignatiev 1995; Painter 2010a; Roediger 2005).
Using race to justify the unequal treatment of others becomes a self-fulfilling
prophecy. Identifying a group as biologically inferior leads to that group having unequal
access to valued resources which reduces that group’s opportunities to excel which
reinforces stereotypes regarding that group’s inherent inferiority. Frederick Douglass,
speaking about the African experience of his day, put it this way: “His faculties and
powers, uneducated and unimproved, have been contrasted with those of the highest
cultivation; and the world has then been called upon to behold the immense and
amazing difference between the man admitted, and the man disputed” (1854:7). Lack of
access to resources produces racial and ethnic inequality.
As part of their annual study of the top 100 films, researchers at USC’s Annenberg
School for Communication and Journalism found that out of the 4,454 speaking or
named roles in films released in 2017, 70.7 percent were White characters. The
percentage of Black characters, at 12.1, closely approximated their proportion of the
U.S. population, but Hispanics, at 6.2 percent, were significantly underrepresented in
these films.
Source: Smith, Choueiti, Pieper, Case, and Choi 2018. Photo: Moviestore collection Ltd/Alamy Stock Photo
Federal troops were needed to support the Supreme Court decision that led to the
integration of schools in the 1950s. Bettmann/Getty Images
Race may be a social construct, but its consequences are quite real. In the United
States, a person’s race, in conjunction with their ethnicity, shapes their access to valued
resources. In the words of political scientist Bruce Baum, “Race . . . is an effect of
power” (2006:8). Those in positions of power, both knowingly and unknowingly, have
used their authority to institutionalize persistent patterns of unequal outcomes based on
racial and ethnic categorization. To understand how this happens, we must take into
account both perception and action.
based on their membership in a particular group. In other words, prejudice involves the
belief that the outcomes others experience in life are primarily a consequence of
inherent differences among groups, whether based in race, ethnicity, gender, disability,
age, or other statuses. Frequently, prejudice results from ethnocentrism—the tendency
to assume that one’s own culture and way of life represent the norm or are superior to
all others. Ethnocentric people judge other cultures by the standards of their own group
without taking into account the perspectives and experiences of others. This often leads
to prejudice against cultures they view as inferior.
Prejudicial attitudes often work in conjunction with stereotypes, which are unreliable
generalizations about all members of a group that do not recognize individual
differences within that group. Stereotypes can be applied to members of any out-group
we might define as different than “us,” but they are particularly common with regard to
race because the differences among groups are frequently defined as essential,
meaning that those differences are inherited, immutable, and inevitable (Bastian and
Haslam 2006; Omi and Winant 1994; Painter, Holmes, and Bateman 2015). One of the
challenges we face with regard to stereotypes is that we are frequently unaware of our
underling implicit biases and the consequences they have in our treatment of others
(as we saw in Chapter 4).
Stereotype An unreliable generalization about all members of a group that does not
recognize individual differences within the group.
Implicit bias The automatic and unconscious association of value, whether positive
or negative, with particular groups, subgroups, or characteristics of people.
on the basis of group membership rather than merit or rights.
page 309
Perceptions of Discrimination
Source: Pew Research Center 2007:30.
Institutional discrimination The systematic denial of rights and opportunities to
marginalized groups as part of society’s normal operations.
Why might institutional discrimination be an even greater concern than
interpersonal discrimination?
Addressing institutional discrimination leads directly into a consideration of racism.
When most people think of racism, they do so in terms of negative beliefs individuals
have about racial groups. In other words, we tend to define racism as an extreme form
of an individual’s personal prejudice. Sociologists take a more comprehensive approach
(Clair and Denis 2015; Wellman 1993). Sociologically, racism combines cultural beliefs
regarding inherent racial superiority and inferiority with normative practices of advantage
or disadvantage which get built into a structure that reproduces patterns of unequal
outcomes. Racism both presupposes and reproduces a racial hierarchy. Racism does
not need to involve overt prejudice, deliberate ill-will, or conscious intent. Even if
personal prejudice at an interpersonal level seems low, at a societal level, enduring
inequality based on race can be substantial (DiAngelo 2018; Oluo 2018; Wellman
Racism The combination of cultural beliefs regarding inherent racial superiority and
inferiority with normative practices of advantage or disadvantage which get built into
a structure that reproduces patterns of unequal outcomes.
page 310
Median Income by Race, Ethnicity, and
Note: Data represent people working full-time, year-round in the United States. Race groups do not include
Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2018a:Table S0201. Photo: Comstock Images/Jupiter Images
as a hate crime or the hiring practices of a corporation. And fifth, according to the
ahistorical fallacy, the patterns of the past, especially the legacy of slavery, do not have
any significant impact on the present. But this assertion fails to fully appreciate the
degree to which historical precedents become embedded in the social structure,
shaping opportunities for generations to come. Racism in the United States has deep
historical roots.
The establishment of the first permanent English settlement in the Americas at
Jamestown in 1607 began a long-running rocky relationship between the European
settlers and the already present Native Americans. The settlement would likely not have
survived had it not been for the assistance it received from the Powhatan tribe, including
Pocahontas, the daughter of Chief Powhatan (Price 2003). To make money, the settlers
turned toward planting tobacco—a skill taught them by the Powhatans—which resulted
in their seizing more and more land, leading to a cycle of back-and-forth violence which
continued over the centuries and across the continent (Woolley 2007).
Concurrently, African slaves were brought to Point Comfort, near Jamestown, in
1619. The Africans were purchased from Captain John Colyn Jope, a Calvinist minister
and ship commander, in exchange for food “at the best and easyest rate they could
[obtain]” (Sluiter 1997:396). Jamestown’s labor-intensive tobacco economy required
many workers. It is likely that at least some of these enslaved Africans were treated as
indentured servants who later gained their freedom, whereas others may have been
enslaved for life (Hashaw 2007; Thornton 1998; Wood 1997). The practice of slavery
continued in the United States until 1865, and institutional discrimination against African
Americans continues today.
Despite the very real and profound consequences past injustices have page 311
on present equality and opportunity, many people choose to ignore such
impacts. One way they do so is through the practice of what sociologists call color-
blind racism, in which the principle of race neutrality perpetuates a racially unequal
status quo (Bonilla-Silva 2018). In such cases, commitment to the principle of equality
leads some people to argue that any attempt to address unequal racial outcomes
implies racial bias because such efforts seek to benefit members of disadvantaged
groups at the expense of others. But in a system where inequality based on race and
ethnicity is built into the structure of society, unwillingness to address these issues
explicitly in those terms serves to perpetuate the status quo. Some nations, in pursuit of
equal opportunity, have established quotas in political representation and hiring to
reduce institutional discrimination. Such practices are controversial in the United States
and are subject to charges of reverse discrimination.
Photo: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division [LC-DIG-pga-02419]
Hate crime A criminal offense committed because of the offender’s bias against an
individual based on race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, or sexual orientation.
Before passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964, segregation of public
accommodations was the norm throughout the South. Jack Delano/Library of Congress Prints
and Photographs Division [LC-DIG-ppmsc-00199]
Another form of discrimination involves racial profiling, which is any arbitrary action
initiated by an authority based on race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than on a
person’s behavior. Generally, racial profiling occurs when law enforcement officers,
including customs officials, airport security, and police, assume that people who fit a
certain description are likely to engage in illegal activities. For example, whether in the
form of Driving While Black covered in the “Labeling Theory” section of Chapter 6, or as
we saw with police shootings of African American males at the beginning of this chapter
and the possible life-and-death consequences of an encounter with police that goes
bad, African American males live in fear that police officers are out to get them.
Racial profiling Any police-initiated action based on race, ethnicity, or national origin
rather than on a person’s behavior.
Researchers investigating arrests for marijuana use found that, even when
controlling for factors such as prior arrests, prior hard drug use, prior property crimes,
prior assault, prior gun carrying, and neighborhood reputation, African Americans were
still substantially more likely to be arrested. As the researchers put it, “the racial
disparity in drug arrests between blacks and whites cannot be explained by race
differences in the extent of drug offending or the nature of drug offending. In fact, in this
sample, African-Americans (and Hispanics) were no more, and often less, likely to be
involved in drug offending than whites” (Mitchell and Caudy 2015:22). The strength of
this relationship between race and arrest increased with age, peaking for suspects in
their twenties.
In analyses of the role of skin tone, sociologist Ellis Monk found that the darker a
person’s skin, the more likely he or she is to face unequal outcomes. In other words, in
keeping with the multidimensional model of race, racial inequality involves more than
just membership in either “Black” or “White” categories, as if each is internally
homogeneous. According to Monk (2015), “darker-skinned African Americans have less
income, lower occupational prestige, and even worse mental and physical health
outcomes.” When it comes to encounters with the criminal justice system, Monk (2018)
found that the darker a person’s skin, the more likely he or she was to be both arrested
and incarcerated. This difference exists even after taking into account factors such as
socioeconomic status, neighborhood conditions, drug use, and childhood delinquency.
page 313
Tom Carter/PhotoEdit
After Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, Missouri, the U.S. Justice Department
conducted an investigation of the police department there. In an analysis of traffic stops,
85 percent of the stops, 90 percent of the citations, and 93 percent of the arrests
involved African Americans, even though Blacks represent only 67 percent of the
population. During vehicle stops, Black drivers in Ferguson were more than twice as
likely to be searched, but were 26 percent less likely to have contraband. Based on the
study, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder concluded, “Our investigation showed that
Ferguson police officers routinely violate the Fourth Amendment in stopping people
without reasonable suspicion, arresting them without probable cause, and using
unreasonable force against them” (U.S. Department of Justice 2015a, 2015b).
The protests following the deaths of Michael Brown and others brought attention to
the persistent pattern of differential outcomes for African Americans when encountering
police in the United States. In 2017, 1,147 people were killed by police. Of these 27
percent were African American and 21 percent were Hispanic. Of the total killed, 149
people were unarmed, the majority of whom were people of color, including 49 African
Americans and 34 Hispanics (Mapping Police Violence 2018). In an analysis of FBI
records of deadly police shootings, researchers found that 15- to 19-year-old Black
males were killed at a much higher rate than White males of the same age: 31.17 per
million compared to 1.47 million (Gabrielson, Grochowski Jones, and Sagara 2014).
The nature of relationships among racial and ethnic groups within societies varies
across time and place. Sociologists have identified six characteristic patterns of
intergroup relations. Which type of pattern prevails often depends on the relationship
between dominant groups and minority groups, which refers to subordinate groups
whose members, even if they represent a numeric majority, lack access to and control
over valued resources in society.
page 314
Separation The first three types of intergroup relations focus on difference and
separation between majority and minority groups. Genocide represents perhaps the
most extreme type of dominant versus minority groups relationship. Genocide involves
the systematic killing of an entire group of people or nation. The term is most commonly
associated with Nazi Germany’s murder of 6 million European Jews, along with Slavs,
Romani, gays and lesbians, and others during World War II. The term also describes
the United States’ policies toward Native Americans in the 19th century. In California, for
example, between 1846 and 1873, the Native American population dropped from
approximately 150,000 to about 30,000 as a consequence of state-sanctioned violence
(Madley 2016). Ongoing concerns about genocide persist in nations such as Sudan,
Myanmar, and Syria (Genocide Watch 2018).
In the United States, historically, overt forms of racial segregation took the form of
separate schools, separate washrooms, even separate drinking fountains. Even though
laws now ban these more public forms of segregation, analyses of neighborhood
composition suggest that it continues in practice. According to the index of dissimilarity,
when looking at segregation between Blacks and Whites, Milwaukee was the most
segregated urban area in the United States, with a dissimilarity index of 81.5, meaning
81.5 percent of either Blacks or Whites would have to move to a different neighborhood
to completely eliminate segregation. The next four most segregated large metro areas
were New York City (78.0), Chicago (76.4), Detroit (75.3), and Cleveland (74.1). When
comparing counties across the United States as a whole for Whites versus African
Americans, 47.2 percent of either group would have to move to a different county to
eliminate segregation (Frey 2017; Lichter, Parisi, and De Valk 2016).
Former South African president Nelson Mandela oversaw that country’s transition
from a segregated society. Daniel Berehulak/Getty Images
page 315
Source: Fischer 2011. Photo: Bill Rankin (Yale University), Color version reprinted
with permission of Eric Fisher
Jennifer Aniston changed her name from Jennifer Anastassakis, which represents a
form of assimilation. Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
Assimilation The process through which a person forsakes his or her own cultural
tradition to become part of a different culture.
Assimilation results in the devaluation of minority group culture and the elevation of
the dominant culture. We see such processes at work in the United States when
immigrants change their ethnic-sounding family names to names that fit more easily with
the dominant White Protestant culture. Jennifer Anastassakis, for example, changed her
name to Jennifer Aniston, Ralph Lipschitz became Ralph Lauren, Natalie page 316
Hershlag is now Natalie Portman, and the Academy Award–winning British
actress Helen Mirren gave up her birth name of Ilyena Vasilievna Mironova. Name
changes, switches in religious affiliation, and the dropping of native languages can
obscure one’s roots and heritage. Especially across generations, assimilation can lead
to the virtual death of a culture in that family’s history. For example, many second- or
third-generation western Europeans have little knowledge or understanding of their
roots in Ireland, Italy, or Germany, and so on. In such cases, individuals from these
lineages now may just consider themselves “American.”
Amalgamation occurs when majority and minority groups combine to form a new
group. This pattern can be expressed as A + B + C → D, where A, B, and C represent
different groups in a society, and D signifies the end result, a unique cultural-racial
group unlike any of the initial groups (Newman 1973). In the United States, early
founders gave voice to this ideal by adopting the Latin phrase e pluribus unum, meaning
“out of many, one.” Considered the early motto of the United States, it was approved by
Congress in 1782 and still appears on the Great Seal of the United States. The belief in
the United States as a “melting pot” became compelling in the early 20th century,
particularly since that image suggested that the nation had an almost divine mission to
amalgamate various groups into one people (Zangwill 1909). In actuality, however,
many residents were not willing to include Native Americans, Jews, Blacks, Asians, and
Irish Roman Catholics in the melting pot. Therefore, this pattern does not adequately
describe dominant–subordinate relations in the United States.
Amalgamation The process through which a majority group and a minority group
combine to form a new group.
The final model of intergroup relations maintains group identity within the larger
context of a multicultural society. Pluralism refers to mutual respect for one another’s
culture among the various groups within a society, which allows minority groups to
express their own cultures without experiencing prejudice. This pattern can be
expressed as A + B + C → A + B + C, meaning that all groups coexist within the same
society (Newman 1973). In this case, the analogy of the “melting pot” gets replaced with
that of the “salad bowl.” We see evidence of pluralism in the United States to the extent
that ethnic groups maintain their cultural identity and heritage yet still act as full
participants in the larger society without fear of prejudice or discrimination. One way we
see pluralism expressed is through community events that celebrate ethnic page 317
group culture and tradition.
Pluralism Mutual respect for one another’s cultures among the various groups in a
society, which allows minorities to express their own cultures without experiencing
Personal Sociology
Celebrating Ethnicity
I live in Pella, Iowa, a small town with a strong Dutch heritage. The first weekend each
May, Pella holds its annual Tulip Time festival ( Hundreds of
thousands of tourists come to the three-day celebration to watch the parades, eat the
food, and see people scrub streets in their Dutch costumes. In 2015, my daughter
Eleanor was crowned Pella’s 80th Tulip Queen. She, along with four other girls on the
Royal Court, represented Pella as goodwill ambassadors, performing at numerous
locations around the region to help promote Tulip Time and celebrate Pella’s Dutch
heritage. Like other ethnic celebrations in other communities, Tulip Time plays a
significant role in fostering a sense of community solidarity.
Communities throughout the United States celebrate their ethnic heritage with local
festivals such as Cinco de Mayo, Octoberfest, and Pella’s (Iowa) Tulip Time Festival
(shown here). Cyndi Atkins
outcomes should be based on ability, training, and effort. Where racism exists, life
chances vary significantly among racial groups to the persistent advantage of some and
the detriment of others. Evidence comes in the form of a systemic pattern of unequal
outcomes in access to, and possession of, valued material, social, and cultural
resources on the basis of perceived racial categorization. In the words of sociologist
David Wellman, “racism today remains essentially what it has always been: a defense of
racial privilege” (1993:4). In the battle over resources, when it comes to race, winners
and losers can be found in a wide array of areas including income, wealth, job
opportunities, promotions, criminal justice treatment, housing choices, loan rates, school
quality, medical care, infant mortality, life expectancy, political representation, and more
(Alexander 2012; Oluo 2018).
Comparing relative differences in terms of measurable outcomes allows us to see
the degree to which racial and ethnic categorization impacts our life chances. At the
same time, one of the lessons we learn from the multidimensional model of race is that
significant variation might exist within these broad categories, so we should tend to that
as well. The three largest racial minority groups in the United States currently are
African Americans, Native Americans, and Asian Americans.
African Americans According to the U.S. Census, African Americans comprise 12.3
percent of the total U.S. population. When looking at key indicators of life chances,
African Americans as a group often end up with access to, and possession of, fewer
resources. In terms of educational attainment, 86 percent of African Americans aged 25
and older have attained at least a high school degree compared to 93 percent for non-
Hispanic Whites. The gap widens further when considering college degrees, with 21.4
percent of African Americans possessing a bachelor’s degree or higher compared to
35.8 percent among non-Hispanic Whites (U.S. Census Bureau 2018a). The median
income for African American households is $40,258, compared to $68,145 for non-
Hispanic Whites. In other words, a substantial wage gap exists, with African American
households making 59 percent of what the typical non-Hispanic White household takes
home, a difference of $27,887 per year. When it comes to poverty, 21.2 percent of
African Americans are below the official poverty line, compared to 8.7 percent of non-
Hispanic Whites (Fontenot, Semega, and Kollar 2018).
Note: U.S. Census categories vary over time.
Sources: Colby and Ortman 2015; Gibson and Jung 2002:Table 1; U.S. Census Bureau 2018a:Table S0201.
page 318
Source: Fontenot, Semega, and Kollar 2018:Table 3.
Significant wealth differences between groups also exist. The median for African
American families was $17,600 compared to $171,000 among White families in 2016,
meaning that the typical African American household has wealth worth 10 percent of
that of White households (Bricker et al. 2017). Wealth also varies within the African
American community based on educational level. African American families with a
bachelor’s degree or higher have a median net worth of $68,200 compared to $11,600
for families with less than a bachelor’s degree (Dettling et al. 2017). When it comes to
home ownership, a significant form of wealth in the United States, 41.3 percent of
African American households own their own homes compared to 71.9 percent for
Whites. African Americans are more likely to be turned down for a mortgage and, on
average, pay a higher interest rate for the mortgages they do get (DeSilver and Bialik
2017; Fry and Brown 2016).
Substantial variation exists in the types of occupations African Americans hold.
Overall, African Americans make up 12.1 percent of persons employed in the labor
force. Using this number as a baseline, it is possible to highlight jobs in which African
Americans are underrepresented and overrepresented. For example, African Americans
compose only 2.1 percent of veterinarians, 3.7 percent of dentists, 3.8 percent of chief
executives, and 5.6 percent of lawyers. By contrast, they constitute 24 percent of social
workers, 27 percent of bus drivers, 38 percent of nurses’ aides, and 38 percent of
barbers (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2018a:Table 11).
In politics, the number of African American elected officials has increased over time.
Between 1969 and 2018, the number of African Americans in Congress rose from 6 to
50, and the election of Barack Obama as president in 2008 represented a major
breakthrough in the political glass ceiling. However, even though the 115th Congress
was the most diverse ever, at 9.3 percent of Congress, African Americans remain
underrepresented compared to their proportion in the overall population (Bialik and
Krogstad 2017).
Inequality also exists within the African American population. Focusing on three
major categories highlights these differences. The first group, American African
Americans, trace their heritage back to the transatlantic slave trade’s horrific Middle
Passage in the 17th and 18th centuries, and all that followed after it involving legacy of
slavery in the United States, including the Civil War, Emancipation, Reconstruction, Jim
Crow, Civil Rights, and more. The second group, African African Americans, are more
recent immigrants from African countries such as Kenya, Ghana, Somalia, and Sudan,
with limited cultural identification with the legacy of slavery, identifying instead with the
African culture from which they more recently arrived. There are just under 2.3 million
people born in Africa living in the United States, not all of whom are Black (U.S. Census
Bureau 2018a:Table S0201). The third group, Caribbean African Americans, also
arrived more recently, but mainly from countries such as the Dominican Republic, Haiti,
and Jamaica. There are more than 4.4 million people born in the Caribbean living in the
United States, not all of whom are Black. Populations for these latter two groups spiked
in the United States after U.S. immigration changed in 1965 with the passage of the
Immigration and Nationality Act (U.S. Census Bureau 2018a:Table S0201).
The post-1965 increase in immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean undercuts the
already problematic notion of a homogeneous Black experience in the United States. To
address these differences, political scientist Christina Greer highlights what she calls the
“dual identities of race and ethnicity” (2013:3). In racial terms, these three page 319
groups share a common biological ancestry, but in terms of ethnicity, they
do not share a common cultural history. As a result, they do not see themselves as a
singular people. Not all American African Americans, for example, recognize all Africans
in America as African Americans. Those in the historic African American community
sometimes portray recent African and Caribbean immigrants as fundamentally different
because they lack that defining American heritage rooted in a history of slavery and
oppression (Berlin 2010; Greer 2013).
On the flip side, Greer (2013) argues that these African and Caribbean groups
frequently highlight their “otherness” relative to the historic African American community.
This can take a variety of forms including community ethnic celebrations, such as New
York City’s West Indian American Day Carnival, Houston’s Nigerian Day Festival, or
Chicago’s African/Caribbean International Festival of Life. Many maintain “foreign
markers” including accents and native styles of dress to distinguish themselves from
historic African Americans. In so doing, they are explicitly rejecting assimilation into the
African American community by, as Greer puts it, “remaining perpetual outsiders and
forever foreign” (2013:27). One of their motivations for drawing these lines is their hope,
both for themselves and their children, of avoiding the historic discrimination associated
with being African American in the United States.
Yet, in the United States, because all three groups share a common skin color, all
members still get lumped together by others who assume that those with a common
skin color also share other things in common. This can be a challenge for Africans who
may never have thought about themselves as “Black” before migrating, only to be
confronted with the reality of its significance in the United States where they become
“American with a modifier” (Greer 2013:138). In the words of novelist Chimamanda
Ngozi Adichie, herself a Nigerian immigrant, “Dear Non-American Black, when you
make the choice to come to America, you become black. Stop arguing. Stop saying I’m
Jamaican or I’m Ghanaian. America doesn’t care” (2013). This will likely remain the
case so long as Americans of African descent continue to be seen through the singular
lens of race.
To what extent do race and ethnicity influence the opportunities you have and
obstacles you face? How conscious are you of your race and ethnicity and their
possible influences on your life?
The effects of the racism, displacement, and discrimination suffered by the American
Indians at the hands of European settlers are still apparent today. According to the U.S.
Census, there are 2.1 million American Indian and Alaska Natives who make up 0.7
percent of the total U.S. population (U.S. Census Bureau 2018a:Table S0201). Native
Americans represent a diverse array of cultures distinguishable by language, family
organization, religion, and livelihood. There are 567 federally recognized American
Indian tribal groups in the United States. The 2 largest Native American groupings are
the Navajo and Cherokee. Alaska Native groups include, among others, the Inupiat,
Yup’ik, and Aleut (Department of Interior 2018).
The median household income for American Indian and Alaska Natives is $40,936,
meaning these household earn 60 percent of what the median non-Hispanic White
household takes home. Overall, 26.5 percent of American Indians and Alaska Natives
fall below the official poverty line. When it comes to education, 72 percent of American
Indian and Alaska Native students graduate with a regular diploma within four years of
starting ninth grade, compared to 88 percent among non-Hispanic Whites. When it
comes to higher education, 15.1 percent of Native Americans and Alaska Natives aged
25 and older have at least a bachelor’s degree (National Center for Education Statistics
2018:Table 219.46; U.S. Census Bureau 2018a:Table S0201).
page 320
Asian Americans The Asian population in the United States, including 18 million
people at 5.5 percent of the population, is the fastest-growing major racial or ethnic
group in the country, having grown by 72 percent since 2000 (López, Ruiz, and Patten
2017). Most of that growth is a product of immigration. At 78 percent, the proportion of
Asian adults who are foreign-born exceeds that of any of the other major racial or ethnic
groups, the next closest being Hispanic adults, 47 percent of whom are foreign-born.
Only 5 percent of non-Hispanic Whites are foreign-born. Between 1970 and 2016,
immigrants accounted for 81 percent of the growth in the Asian adult population
(Kochhar and Cilluffo 2018).
Asian Americans are often held up as a model minority group, meaning that their
members supposedly have succeeded economically, socially, and educationally despite
past prejudice and discrimination. For example, the median household income for Asian
Americans is $81,331, the highest income for any racial or ethnic group, which
represents 119 percent of what non-Hispanic White households make. Yet this
representation minimizes the degree of difference that exists within the Asian American
category. For example, the poverty rate for Asian Americans is 10 percent, which is
higher than the 8.7 rate for non-Hispanic Whites (Fontenot, Semega, and Kollar 2018).
The income for Asians at the 90th percentile is 10.7 times greater than those at the 10th
percentile (Kochhar and Cilluffo 2018). This difference is larger than that for Hispanics,
Blacks, or non-Hispanic Whites.
Even though they all fall within the same racial category, groups identifying with
various Asian nationalities have significantly different education and income levels.
Among Asian Indians, 72 percent hold at least a bachelor’s degree as do 60 percent of
Malaysians. This represents a significant contrast with Laotians at 16 percent and
Bhutanese at 9 percent (López, Ruiz, and Patten 2017). And when it comes to income,
Asian Americans who identify their heritage as Indian ($114,261), Filipino ($90,815),
Japanese ($79,504), and Chinese ($77,136) have median household incomes
significantly higher than the incomes reported by those who identify as Bangladeshi
($57,606), Nepalese ($54,853), or Burmese ($39,730) (U.S. Census Bureau
2018a:Table S0201).
page 321
Major Asian American Groups in the
United States
Note: Hispanics are included only in the Hispanic category, even though they can be of any race.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2018a:Table S0201.
Although the growth in the Hispanic population has been a national phenomenon,
the five states with the largest Hispanic population are California, Texas, Florida, New
York, and Illinois. In New Mexico, 47.7 percent of the population is Hispanic (Stepler
and Brown 2016:Table 44). Major urban areas have also experienced substantial
expansion. As the “Hispanic Population and Percent in U.S. Metro Areas” graph depicts,
Los Angeles is home to the largest number of Hispanics. Within the top metro areas,
however, the population of San Antonio, at 55.7 percent, has the highest percentage of
Hispanics (Pew Research Center 2016e).
The educational challenges facing the Latinx population is reflected in the fact that
67 percent of Hispanics aged 25 and older have completed high school, compared to 93
percent for non-Hispanic Whites. At the college level, 16 percent of Hispanics have at
least a bachelor’s degree, whereas 36 percent of non-Hispanic Whites have the same.
Educational attainment of Hispanics is, however, on the rise. Dropout rates for Latinx
youths fell dramatically from 32.4 percent in 1990 to 8.6 percent in 2016. And the
percentage of Hispanics who went directly to college after high school exceeded the
rate for non-Hispanic Whites for the first time in 2012 (Gramlich 2017; National Center
for Education Statistics 2018:Table 219.70).
In economic terms, median household income for Hispanics is $50,486, which
represents 74 percent of what the typical non-Hispanic White household earns. Put
another way, the typical Hispanic household must get by on almost $18,000 less per
year (Fontenot, Semega, and Kollar 2018). In terms of net worth, the median wealth for
Hispanic families is $20,700 compared to a median of $171,000 for non-Hispanic White
families. In other words, the typical Hispanic family owns 11 percent as much wealth as
non-Hispanic White families. Education plays a significant role when it comes to wealth.
Hispanic families with a bachelor’s degree or more have a net worth of $77,900
compared to $17,500 in families with less than a college degree (Dettling et al. 2017).
page 322
Source: Pew Research Center 2016e.
As was the case for the previous race groupings, significant variation exists among
U.S. Hispanic groups. Mexican Americans, for example, make up the largest proportion
of the Hispanic population in the United States, comprising 62.3 percent of the whole.
Their median household income is $49,439 and 19.9 percent fall below the poverty line.
Of the 11 million unauthorized immigrants living in the United States, 50 percent are
from Mexico. The median income levels for Mexican Americans contrasts with those
originally from Honduras, at $41,824, or Dominican Republic, at $43,851, on the lower
end or Costa Rica with $62,769 on the higher end (Passel and Cohn 2018; National
Center for Education Statistics 2018:Table 219.70).
Puerto Ricans, the second-largest segment of the Latinx population in the United
states, are U.S. citizens by birth due to Puerto Rico’s official status as an
unincorporated territory of the United States (a status shared by American Samoa,
Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and others). They make up 9.5 percent of the U.S.
continental Hispanic population. With a median household income of $44,731, those
who live in the continental United States make 68 percent of what non-Hispanic White
households earn. They have a poverty rate of 22.5 percent (National Center for
Education Statistics 2018:Table 219.70). Although there has been much discussion in
Puerto Rico for decades, the question of whether or not to petition for admission to the
United States as the 51st state remains unresolved (Garrett 2017).
page 323
Jewish Americans The Jewish population in the United States includes 6.9 million
people, which represents approximately 2.1 percent of the total U.S. population.
Historically, the Jewish population in the United States centered in New York City, which
remains largely true, though the population is now more dispersed with 26 percent living
in New York, 18 percent in California, and 10 percent in Florida (Sheskin and Dashefsky
2017). Within the Jewish community, commitment to the Jewish faith that provided a
significant cultural foundation is varied. The majority of people in the United States who
identify as Jewish say that being Jewish is mainly a matter of ancestry or culture, which
is significantly more than those who say it is primarily a matter of religion. However, 78
percent of those who self-identify as Jewish also say that they do so on the basis of
religion (Pew Research Center 2013b).
Historically, antisemitism—a form of racism directed toward Jewish people—has
resulted in some of the most horrific acts of persecution and discrimination in modern
history. The most extreme example came in the form the Holocaust, which, as noted
earlier, sought the extermination of the entire Jewish population in and around Germany
as part of World War II. In the United States, until the late 1960s, many prestigious
universities maintained restrictive quotas that limited Jewish enrollment. Private social
clubs and fraternal groups frequently denied membership to Jews, a practice upheld by
the Supreme Court in the 1964 case Bell v. Maryland. The Anti-Defamation League
(ADL) of B’nai B’rith produces an annual report of anti-Semitic incidents in the United
States. In 2017, the total reported incidents of harassment, threats, vandalism, and
assaults came to 1,986, a 164 percent increase from 2013 (Anti-Defamation League
Antisemitism A form of racism directed toward Jewish people.
Arab Americans Arab Americans include those whose ancestors hail from the 22
nations of what’s known as the Arab world. This group highlights the limitations of the
broad geographically based race categories, because these nations include both
northern Africa and western Asia (known as the Middle East) countries. Not all residents
of those countries are Arab; for example, the Kurds of northern Iraq are not Arab. And
some Arab Americans may have immigrated to the United States from non-Arab
countries, such as Great Britain or France, where their families have lived for
generations (Kayyali 2006; Orfalea 2006). Estimates of the size of the Arab American
population vary widely. According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2018a:Table S0201), 2
million people of Arab ancestry reside in the United States. The Arab American Institute
Foundation (2014), building on Census data, places that number at 3.7 million. The top
four Arab countries of origin for the foreign-born population in the United States are Iraq,
Egypt, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia (U.S. Census Bureau 2018a:Table B05006).
A fully functional multiracial society cannot be
achieved without a sense of history and open, honest
Cornel West (2009)
The Arabic language is the single most unifying force among Arabs, although not all
Arabs, and certainly not all Arab Americans, can read and speak Arabic. Moreover, the
language has evolved over the centuries so that people in different parts of the Arab
world speak different dialects. The fact that the Muslim holy book, the Qur’an, was
originally written in Arabic gave the language special importance to page 324
Muslims. Despite this religious cultural foundation, most Arab Americans
are not Muslim and not all practice religion. In fact, the majority of Arab Americans are
Christian (Arab American Institute 2008; David 2004).
Significant differences exist within the Arab American populace when it comes to
economic resources. Overall, the median household income for Arab Americans is
$58,581 and the poverty rate is 22.2 percent. Among those who trace their roots to
Lebanon, the median household income is $76,805 with a poverty rate of 11.3 percent.
This represent a significant difference compared to those from Iraq who have a median
income of $35,421 and a poverty rate of 34.3 percent (U.S. Census Bureau
2018a:Table S0201).
(Dettling et al. 2017).
Many non-Hispanic White ethnics today identify only sporadically with their ethnic
cultural past. They adopt a form of symbolic ethnicity meaning they view their cultural
heritage not as a core part of their identity but as an emblematic marker pointing toward
their family’s ancestral homeland. According to sociologist Herbert Gans (1979, 2009),
the diminishing significance of one’s ethnic heritage occurs over the course of several
generations due to acculturation and assimilation. Over time, the strong attachment to
the homeland culture among first-generation immigrants subsides so that by the third or
fourth generation there is limited firsthand familiarity with the original cultural traditions.
Symbolic ethnicity may manifest itself in occasional home decor choices, ethnic
festivals, or vacation destinations, but it doesn’t appear to shape everyday interactions
or limit opportunities. Those who experience ethnicity in this way treat ethnicity as
optional, paying little heed to possible constraints built into the surrounding social
environment that might limit others from doing the same. The ability to embrace or
distance oneself from ethnicity is not equally available to all (Waters 1990). For
members of the dominant majority, ethnicity is less likely to have negative
consequences when it comes to access to valued economic, social, and material
Symbolic ethnicity An ethnic identity that emphasizes concerns such as ethnic food
or political issues rather than deeper ties to one’s ethnic heritage.
The Multiplicity of Race Diversity within all of these racial and ethnic groups
highlights the limitations of broad racial categories. Within the African American
community, we need to be aware of distinctions among African African Americans,
Caribbean African Americans, and American African Americans (Greer 2013). Within
the Asian American populace, we should recognize that substantial differences exist
among groups based on nation of origin and time of immigration. Technically, Israel is in
Asia, which would make most people of Jewish ancestry Asian American, yet we don’t
typically place them there. The main Arab states are in both Africa and Asia, and again,
we don’t usually refer to Arabs as either African American or Asian American, thinking of
them as a distinct cultural group. No matter which major racial or ethnic group we
consider, we need to be careful about missing out on the fact that differences within
these categories are often as great as, if not greater than, differences among these
There are 258 million immigrants around the world, people who left their country of birth
and now reside in another. The United States is the top destination for these migrants
with 49.8 million, or 19 percent of the world’s total, residing there. Germany and Saudi
Arabia are tied for a distant second place as the destination location for the world’s
immigrants with 12.2 million each. International migrants now account for 15.3 percent
of the total U.S. population. Other countries have a higher percentage of immigrants,
including Austria at 19 percent, Canada at 21.5 percent, and Australia at 28.8 percent.
Globally, the top country of origin, from which immigrants departed, is India, followed by
Mexico, the Russian Federation, and China (United Nations 2017a).
page 325
World Immigration Since 1500
Immigration Trends The migration of people is not uniform across time or space. At
certain times, war or famine may precipitate large movements of people, either
temporarily or permanently. As noted earlier when discussing expulsion, for example,
the civil war in Syria led at least 5.6 million people to leave that country (United Nations
High Commission for Refugees 2018). Temporary dislocations occur when people wait
until it is safe to return to their home areas. However, more and more migrants who
cannot eke out an adequate living at home are making permanent moves to developed
nations. The major migration streams flow into North America, the oil-rich areas of the
Middle East, and the industrial economies of western Europe and Asia. Currently, seven
of the world’s wealthiest nations (including Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and
the United States) shelter about one-third of the world’s migrant population but less than
one-fifth of the world’s total population. As long as disparities in job opportunities exist
among countries, this international trend is not likely to reverse.
Even though the sending nation loses a significant source of labor and talent due to
emigration, the process does contribute to its economy. For example, it reduces the size
of the population that an economy with limited resources has a difficult time supporting,
and it leads to an economic infusion in the form of remittances—monies that immigrants
send back to their home nations. Worldwide, immigrants send more than $581 billion a
year back home to their relatives—an amount that represents a major source of income
for developing nations. In 2017, over $148 billion was sent from the United States to
other countries in the form of remittances. The single largest recipient was Mexico with
$30 billion, followed by China with $16.1 billion, and India at $11.7 billion (World Bank
Immigrants continue to face obstacles owing to their relative lack of resources.
Immigrant women, for example, face all the challenges that immigrant men do, plus
some additional ones. Typically, they bear the responsibility for obtaining services for
their families, particularly their children. Women are often left to navigate the
bureaucratic tangle of schools, city services, and health care, as well as the unfamiliar
stores and markets they must shop at to feed their families. Women who need special
medical services or are victims of domestic violence are often reluctant to seek outside
help. Finally, because many new immigrants view the United States as a dangerous
place to raise a family, women must be especially watchful over their children’s lives
(Ruiz, Zong, and Batalva 2015).
page 326
Legal Migration to the United States, 1820–2017
Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security 2018:Table 2. Photo: pixhook/Getty Images
immigration policy in the United States ever since, though debates continue about how
inclusive policy should be. The principle of not denying entry to those who might face
torture or death was embedded in U.S. amnesty and asylum policies which provide safe
haven for those who face persecution, or its imminent threat, in their home countries.
However, the processes for qualifying for amnesty or asylum are lengthy and involve
significant legal maneuvering (Good 2007; Hamlin 2014; Mahmood 1996).
The United States opened its doors more widely to immigrants with the passage of
the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. Although per-country immigration limits still
existed, this bill abolished the quota system based on national origins. It also instituted a
preferences system which gave priority to relatives of U.S. citizens and to those with
specialized skills. As a result, increased numbers of immigrants arrived from Asia,
Africa, and the Middle East. This inflow of immigrants from places other than Europe
and Canada—portrayed in the “Legal Migration to the United States, 1820–2017” graph
—substantially changed the demographic makeup of the United States (U.S.
Department of Homeland Security 2018).
In many nations, including the United States, people are concerned that the new
arrivals do not reflect and will not embrace their own cultural and racial heritage. Others
fear that immigrants represent an economic threat because they increase the supply of
available workers, which effectively reduces available job opportunities page 327
and depresses wages for natives. In 1986, the U.S. Congress passed the
Immigration Reform and Control Act which outlawed the recruiting and hiring of
undocumented immigrants and subjected employers to fines and even imprisonment if
they violated the law. Under both the George W. Bush and Barack Obama
administrations, significant efforts were made to crack down on those entering the
country illegally (U.S. Department of Homeland Security 2018).
Detention facilities, such as this one in Tornillo, Texas, housed thousands of migrant
children. Andres Leighton/AP Images
Battles over immigration continue. During the second week of his administration,
President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order severely restricting immigration
from seven predominantly Muslim nations, temporarily suspending admission of all
refugees and barring refugees from Syria indefinitely (Calamur 2017). Protesters
streamed into airports around the country to make their displeasure known, and a legal
battle ensued (Dolan 2017). After the Executive Order was reworked so as not to focus
narrowly on Muslim nations, in June 2018 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5–4 that the
president does have the authority to institute such bans. The new policy severely
restricted travel to the United States from Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria,
Venezuela, and Yemen (Liptak and Shear 2018).
The president justified immigration curbs by claiming they were in the interests of
national security—that is, to reduce the likelihood that a terrorist might come to the
United States and stage an attack. Protesters claimed that, instead, it amounted to a
Muslim ban, which ran counter to both U.S. law and values. Corporate executives
claimed that these curbs would create competitive disadvantages by limiting their ability
to hire talented and skilled workers from around the world (Newmeyer 2017). Part of the
reason that such conflicts over immigration continue is that Congress has had difficulty
reaching a bipartisan compromise on how to update and reform immigration policies.
A similar controversy arose over the treatment of undocumented children who, with
or without their parents, crossed the southern border illegally into the United States. As
of September 2018, a total of 12,800 such children were being held in custody
(Dickerson 2018). This number rose significantly due in part to the Trump
administration’s zero tolerance border enforcement policy. In an effort to deter
immigration, this policy separated immigrant children from their parents at the border,
sending the children to detention centers, including the temporary Tornillo, Texas, “Tent
City” facility capable of housing up to 3,800 children, while their parents got sent to
federal jails and faced prosecution and possible deportation (Dickerson 2018). This
policy was later suspended due to the controversy that resulted but may be reenacted in
a different form at a later date.
Topics involving race and ethnicity can challenge our sense of fairness and opportunity.
Yet, in keeping with the sociological imagination, we should recognize that our tendency
to take seriously, or to ignore, issues related to racism is shaped by our relative
positions in the social structure. This is especially challenging for those who may not
have experienced the consequences of racial inequality personally or directly. For
example, we tend to focus more on the difficulty women have balancing career and
family than on the ease with which men avoid household chores and advance page 328
in the workplace. Similarly, we concentrate more on discrimination against
racial and ethnic minorities than on the advantages members of the White majority
enjoy. Indeed, most White people rarely think about their “Whiteness,” taking their status
for granted. However, sociologists and other social scientists are becoming increasingly
interested in what it means to be “White,” because White privilege is the other side of
the proverbial coin of racial discrimination (Painter 2010a).
Feminist scholar Peggy McIntosh (1988) became interested in White privilege after
noticing that most men would not acknowledge the privileges attached to being male—
even if they would agree that being female had its disadvantages. She wondered
whether White people suffer from a similar blind spot regarding their own racial
privilege. Intrigued, McIntosh began to list all the ways in which she benefited from her
Whiteness. She soon realized that the list of unspoken advantages was long and
McIntosh found that as a White person, she rarely needed to step out of her comfort
zone, no matter where she went. If she wished to, she could spend most of her time
with people of her own race. She could find a good place to live in a pleasant
neighborhood, buy the foods she liked to eat from almost any grocery store, and get her
hair styled in almost any salon. She could attend a public meeting without feeling that
she did not belong or that she was different from everyone else.
McIntosh discovered, too, that her skin color opened doors for her. She could cash
checks and use credit cards without suspicion, and she could browse through stores
without being shadowed by security guards. She could be seated without difficulty in a
restaurant. If she asked to see the manager, she could assume he or she would be of
her own race. If she needed help from a doctor or a lawyer, she could get it.
McIntosh also realized that her Whiteness made the job of parenting easier. She did
not need to worry about protecting her children from people who didn’t like them
because of their race. She could be sure that their books would show pictures of people
who looked like them and that their history texts would describe White people’s
achievements. She knew that the television programs they watched would include White
McIntosh’s model implies the possibility of earned and unearned advantages and
disadvantages. What might be an example of an earned advantage? An
unearned advantage? An earned disadvantage? An unearned disadvantage?
Finally, McIntosh had to admit that others did not constantly evaluate her in racial
terms. When she appeared in public, she didn’t need to worry that her clothing or
behavior might reflect poorly on White people. If she was recognized for an
achievement, it was seen as her own accomplishment, not that of an entire race. And no
one ever assumed that the personal opinions she voiced should be those of all White
people. Because McIntosh blended in with the people around her, she wasn’t always
The concept of privilege makes many people uncomfortable, but one of the tasks of
sociology is to explore all elements of our social systems, including those that might
challenge us. Power has consequences. In the words of Max Weber, “The fortunate is
seldom satisfied with the fact of being fortunate. Beyond this, he needs to know that he
has a right to his good fortune. He wants to be convinced that he ‘deserves’ it, and
above all, that he deserves it in comparison with others. Good fortune thus wants to be
‘legitimate’ fortune” ([1922] 1958d: 271). We create racial and ethnic difference in part to
assert superiority and justify existing inequality (Oluo 2018). Sociology calls us to
recognize the consequences of difference we construct. Doing so enables us to better
see and understand such patterns so that we might make more informed decisions
about what to do about them.
As an experiment in personal sociology, and in the spirit of Peggy McIntosh’s
work on privilege, make a list of the unearned advantages and disadvantages
that flow out of your racial and ethnic heritage. Doing so can make us more
aware of both the opportunities and obstacles that are not a consequence of
our individual effort or merit. How and why might such a list be more
challenging for some groups than others?
page 329
For involves actions. In both cases, they represent a negative
response to a group of people that denies them full equality as
persons. Institutional discrimination is built into the structure of
REVIEW society itself, systematically denying some groups access to key
III. What are the consequences of race and ethnicity for opportunity?
Racial and ethnic groups in the United States—including African
Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic
Americans, Jewish Americans, and White ethnic Americans—
face differing levels of opportunity based on their relative
position in society. Groups within each of these categories
continue to face significant structural inequality.
page 330
After reviewing the chapter, answer the following questions:
How would each perspective approach the issue of African American deaths at
the hands of police?
How would each perspective explain the pseudoscientific attempts to use race to
justify inequality?
How do the functionalist and conflict perspectives intersect in both color-blind
racism and affirmative action?
Using the interactionist perspective, describe an example of interracial contact
you have experienced along with its consequences.
page 331
Pop Quiz
1. According to the findings of the Human Genome Project, race
a. determines intellectual ability.
b. is a biological, not a social, concept.
c. explains significant social outcomes.
d. has no genetic or scientific basis.
2. How do sociologists define race?
a. genetic differences between categories of humans based on clear
chromosomal markers that specify a person’s race
b. the presumed biological differences between humans to which people attach
meaning resulting in the creation of supposed genetically distinct subgroups
within the population
c. the presumed cultural differences between humans to which people attach
meaning resulting in the creation of supposed socially distinct subgroups
within the population
d. levels of melatonin, which shape skin color and divide the human population
into distinct groups
3. How did the scientific community respond in the years after Linnaeus
created his model defining the biological categorization of racial groups?
a. Scientists reached widespread consensus that his four-category model
accurately captured human racial differences.
b. Scientists revised his model and reached widespread agreement that a three-
category model was best.
c. Scientists revised his model and reached widespread agreement that a five-
category model was best.
d. Scientists could not reach widespread consensus regarding how many
biologically based human races exist.
4. What legal principle regarding race was reaffirmed in the 1896 Plessy v.
Ferguson Supreme Court decision?
a. equal voting rights
b. anti-miscegenation
c. separate but equal
d. expulsion
5. Starting with the 2000 U.S. Census, there were a total of _____ possible
race combinations you could choose from to identify yourself.
a. 3
b. 6
c. 42
d. 63
6. According to Roth’s multidimensional typology of race, which category
focuses on a person’s subjective sense of which race he or she identifies
a. racial self-classification
b. racial self-narrative
c. reflected race
d. racial family history
7. Working together as computer programmers for an electronics firm, a
Hispanic woman and a Jewish man overcome their initial prejudices and
come to appreciate each other’s strengths and talents. This scenario is an
example of
a. the contact hypothesis.
b. a self-fulfilling prophecy.
c. amalgamation.
d. reverse discrimination.
8. What term do sociologists use to describe the combination of cultural
beliefs regarding inherent racial superiority and inferiority with normative
practices of advantage or disadvantage that get built into a structure that
reproduces patterns of unequal outcomes?
a. prejudice
b. segregation
c. racism
d. discrimination
9. Which of the following is the largest overall minority group in the United
a. African Americans
b. Asian Americans
c. Latinx Americans
d. Arab Americans
10. What term does Peggy McIntosh use to describe the unearned advantages
that those in the majority take for granted?
a. privilege
b. discrimination
c. racism
d. institutional discrimination
1. (d), 2. (b), 3. (d), 4. (c), 5. (d), 6. (b), 7. (a), 8. (c), 9. (c), 10. (a)
Design Elements: Going Global (Earth): ©Studio Photogram/Alamy Stock Photo; Personal Sociology (drawing of
author): McGraw-Hill Education; 5 Movies (popcorn): ©D. Hurst/Alamy Stock Photo; Sociology Is a Verb (overlapping
hands): ©Jeff DeWeerd/Imagezoo/Getty Images
page 332
Population, Health, and Environment
In fall of 2016, approximately 10,000 people made their way to the
Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota to stand in
solidarity against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline
(DAPL). The proposed 1,172-mile-long, $3.8 billion pipeline project would carry
over 500,000 barrels of crude oil per day from North Dakota’s Bakken oil fields to
southern Illinois, where it would be refined and distributed. The two primary
concerns for the Standing Rock Sioux were that the pipeline represented a
potential threat to the reservation’s water supply and that construction would
desecrate ancestral lands, including tribal burial grounds and sacred cultural
artifacts (Allard 2016; Bengal 2016; Healy 2016).
The protest started small. In February 2016, Jasilyn Charger, Joseph White
Eyes, and a handful of friends heard about DAPL and headed to Standing Rock to
see if they could make a difference. They lived about two hours away and had
already founded a youth group to provide counseling, organize events, and build
solidarity around issues their fellow Native American teens faced. In their meeting
with representatives from Standing Rock, Ladonna Brave Bull Allard, who owned
property adjacent to the pipeline project, volunteered her land and herself to the
cause (Elbein 2017; Goodman 2017; Merlan 2016). Together they established
Sacred Stone Camp ( on Allard’s property as a prayer camp
focused on ceremony and activism. In July, after the Army Corps of Engineers
approved the easement that would allow the pipeline to cross under the Missouri
River just upriver of the reservation, word spread about both the protest and the
camp, and people streamed in (Elbein 2017).
The movement’s rallying cry became “Mni wiconi!” (pronounced “mini we-choh-
nee”) which means “Water is life,” and the protesters referred to themselves as
water protectors (Healy and Fandos 2016). Although water served as a unifying
symbol, the group conceived of this fight as part of a larger struggle for Native
American culture, environmental sustainability, and the survival of the planet
(Elbein 2017). As fall turned to winter, through back-and-forth legal page 333
maneuverings along with protests in which participants were
subjected to tear gas, pepper spray, and rubber bullets, President Obama directed
the Army Corps of Engineers on December 4, 2016, to deny the easement
necessary for the project to move forward (Healy and Fandos 2016). The Standing
Rock Sioux effectively declared victory and encouraged the protesters to go home.
Some stayed, in part to continue the larger fight, but also because they feared that
although the battle was won, the war was not over. On February 7, 2017, President
Trump, just weeks after his inauguration, announced that the deputy secretary of
the army, who oversees the Army Corps of Engineers, would approve the
easement enabling the project to move forward (Eilperin and Dennis 2017).
Such battles—of local versus corporate interests or cultural tradition versus
social change—highlight the interdependent nature of people and interests in our
world today. For the sake of our public health, we must understand the web of
relationships between our natural and social environments. In this chapter we
explore such interconnections in the areas of population, health, and environment.
>> Population
One strength of the sociological imagination is that it helps us understand the big picture
of society and where we fit in it. It does so by contextualizing our beliefs and practices
within a larger social framework, one that is often invisible to us. We have already seen
this at work with regard to various components of social structure, including family,
religion, education, economy, and politics. In sociology, place matters. This is no less
true when it comes to the topics of population, health, and environment. Approaching
these issues with a big-picture perspective allows us to see how the positions we
occupy shape our individual outcomes.
Today, more than 7.5 billion people live on Earth, a number that goes up by 212,587
each day and 148 every minute, as the “World Population Clock” shows (U.S. Census
Bureau 2017a, 2019a). Every one of us must live off the limited resources the planet
provides. To better understand our life chances, as well as those of others, we must
take into account the direction of population trends. Demography—the statistical study
of population dynamics—is the discipline committed to studying such patterns. It
focuses on how populations change over time, with particular attention to whether they
are growing, shrinking, or staying the same. It also includes analysis of the composition
of those populations—particularly age and sex, with special emphasis on the degree to
which a group’s makeup influences its likelihood for population change. For example, if
the population is young, there is more potential for women to bear children, increasing
the possibility for future population growth.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2017a. Photos: (clock): Dimedrol68/Shutterstock; (Earth): Source: NOAA/NASA
GOES Project
Births are the primary means by which a population replaces its members from one
generation to the next. Yet the likelihood of each of our births was shaped by population
dynamics above and beyond the desires of our biological parents. The rate at which
women give birth varies significantly over time and place. To better understand these
patterns—whether studying England in the Middle Ages, the United States in the late
19th century, or Afghanistan today—demographers analyze trends in fertility, the
number of children born in a given period of time. The two primary measures they use to
do so are the crude birthrate and the total fertility rate.
A population’s crude birthrate refers to the number of live births per 1,000 people in
the population in a given year. It is described as crude because it provides a simple
measure, without taking additional factors into consideration, thus allowing for
straightforward comparisons between populations. In the United States, for example,
the crude birthrate dropped from 23.7 in 1960 to 15.7 in 1985 to 12.4 in 2016,
suggesting the long-term possibility of declining population size. Contrast this with the
2016 rates in a variety of other nations, such as Niger at 49.1, Afghanistan at 33.2,
China at 12, Germany at 9.3, and a global rate of 18.9 (World Bank 2018o). One
variable in isolation, however, is not sufficient to understand the full scope of population
Crude birthrate The number of live births per 1,000 people in the population in a
given year.
A second indicator is a population’s total fertility rate, which measures the average
number of children a woman would have during her lifetime given current birthrates and
assuming she survives through her childbearing years. This indicator is, in some ways,
easier to understand because we may already be familiar with the notion that “the
average family has 2.5 children.” To provide a more precise count, rather than tying the
indicator to particular family situations that are subject to change, this benchmark
measures it per woman regardless of her family status. Doing so provides a more
universally comparable statistic. As the “Total Fertility Rates” graph portrays, especially
in the case of Iran and China, rates can vary significantly over time. In the United States
in 1960, the average number of children a woman had in her lifetime was 3.65. The rate
fell to 1.74 in 1976 before rising again to 1.8 in 2016. This rate varies widely by country,
with Niger at 7.24, Somalia at 6.27, Iraq at 4.37, and Bosnia and Herzegovina at 1.36 in
2016 (World Bank 2018p).
Total fertility rate The average number of children a woman would have during her
lifetime given current birthrates and assuming she survives through her childbearing
To sustain a population over time—apart from the addition of immigrants who join
from the outside—the total fertility rate must fall no lower than approximately 2.1, which
is known as the replacement fertility rate. This is considered the minimum number of
children a woman would need to average in her lifetime to reproduce the population in
the next generation. The reason for this number is fairly simple. Because men can’t
have babies, the average woman must have at least two children so that two parents
are replaced in the next generation by two children. The number is boosted a bit to
account for the fact that not all females survive through their childbearing years and
because the ratio between males and females is not exactly 50–50. The global total
fertility rate fell from 4.98 in 1960 to the point where the average woman now has 2.44
children in her lifetime. This decline suggests a slowing in the overall population growth
rate and, if trends continue, the possibility of zero population growth, or even global
population decline, at some point in the future (World Bank 2018p).
Replacement fertility rate The minimum number of children a woman would need to
average in her lifetime to reproduce the population in the next generation.
page 335
Just as new arrivals occur through birth, departures occur through death. And just as
with birth, demographers use a simple measure of mortality to allow for comparisons
between populations. The crude death rate is a measure of the number of deaths per
1,000 people in a population in a given year. In the United States the crude death rate
fell from 9.5 in 1960 to 8.4 in 2016. That rate compares with a high of 15.1 in Bulgaria
and a low of 1.59 in Qatar (World Bank 2018q). Overall, this measure is more difficult to
interpret because it is influenced by the age composition of the population. For example,
in a society in which the population is on average older, the death rate may be higher,
even though people are living longer. Because of this, demographers often turn to two
additional measures: infant mortality and life expectancy.
Crude death rate The number of deaths per 1,000 people in a population in a given
A population’s infant mortality rate measures the number of deaths in infants less
than one year old per 1,000 live births per year. It is considered a major indicator of the
overall well-being of a population, because it is a reflection of available health care,
economic opportunity, and inequality. The fact that the numbers vary substantially also
suggests that actions can be taken to improve the likelihood that a baby survives
infancy. The rate in the United States in 1960 was 25.9. It fell to 10.6 by 1985 and then
to 5.7 in 2016 owing to improved prenatal care and medical innovations. Internationally,
the global rate fell from 121.9 in 1960 to 29.4 in 2016. Central African Republic had the
highest rate in 2016 at 87.6, followed by Sierra Leone (81.7) and Somalia (79.7). At the
other end of the scale, Iceland has the lowest rate at 1.6, followed by Slovenia at 1.7
and Japan at 1.9 (World Bank 2018r).
Infant mortality rate The number of deaths of infants under one year old per 1,000
live births in a given year.
The mortality statistic that is perhaps easiest for us to identify with is life
expectancy, the projected number of years a person can expect to live based on his or
her year of birth. It represents an often unwelcome reminder that factors beyond our
individual control influence our life chances. For example, a baby born in Sierra Leone
in 2016 has an average life expectancy of 51.8 years, but one born in Japan at the
same time can anticipate living until the age of 84. The global average in 2016 was 72
years, a significant increase from 1960, when it was 52.5. Again, such differences point
to the sociological fact that place matters. The same is true of time. In the case of
Cambodia and Rwanda, for example, specific historical events, such as war and ethnic
cleansing, can dramatically affect outcomes, as the “Life Expectancy” graph shows. In
the United States life expectancy has increased from 69.8 in 1960 to 78.7 in 2016,
owing to such factors as advances in health care, reductions in smoking rates, and
increases in exercise and fitness (World Bank 2018s). As life expectancy expands,
population size typically increases, because the number of people departing in any
given year goes down.
Life expectancy The projected number of years a person can expect to live based
on his or her year of birth.
Life Expectancy
Source: Google 2018b.
In addition to birth and death, arrivals and departures occur through migration, the
movement of people from one population group to another. Immigration occurs when
someone joins a population group of which they were not previously a member.
Emigration occurs when a member of a population leaves that group. In other words,
an immigrant is someone who arrives, and an emigrant is someone who departs.
What factors may have influenced those in your family to migrate (whether
recently or generations ago)? What roles did push and pull play?
percent, and Philippines at 4.5 percent (U.S. Census Bureau 2018a:Table S0201).
California is the most common destination for these immigrants, with 10.7 million, or
23.9 percent, of the foreign-born population living there. Texas, New York, and Florida
come next, each accounting for approximately 10 percent of the foreign-born population
in the United States (U.S. Census Bureau 2018a:Table S0201).
Immigrants in the United States are classified into four major categories by the
Department of Homeland Security (U.S. Department of Homeland Security 2018).
Lawful permanent residents, as the name suggests, are those who have been granted
lawful permanent residence in the United States. Sometimes referred to as having
received their “Green Card,” they can legally get a job, attend public schools or colleges,
and even join the military. In 2017, of the 1,127,167 such recipients, 66 percent were
either immediate relatives of U.S. citizens, including spouses, children under 21 years
old, and parents, or they were family-sponsored immigrants, including adult siblings,
adult children and their spouses, and others (U.S. Department of Homeland Security
2018:Table 6).
Naturalized citizens, the second category of immigrants, include foreign citizens who
have become U.S. citizens. In 2017 there were 707,265 new naturalized citizens. North
America accounted for 36.5 percent, making it the most common region of origin,
followed closely by Asia. Mexico was the most common country of origin, accounting for
16.8 percent of new naturalized citizens (U.S. Department of Homeland Security
2018:Table 21).
The third immigrant category consists of those seeking residence in the United
States because they face persecution, or its imminent threat, in their home country. The
two subgroups here are refugees and people seeking asylum. Refugees make their
request for protection while located outside the United States, and those seeking
asylum make the request while located within some U.S. territory. In 2016, 84,989
people living outside the country were granted refugee status, enabling admission into
the United States, and another 11,729 were granted asylum status. The three top
countries from which refugees came were Democratic Republic of Congo, Syria, and
Burma. The leading sources of asylees were China, El Salvador, Guatemala, and
Honduras (U.S. Department of Homeland Security 2017:Tables 14, 17, 19).
The final category of immigrants includes people entering the United States in
violation of U.S. immigration laws. In 2016, a total of 530,250 individuals were
apprehended by U.S. immigration officials and barred from entering the United States.
Of these, 265,747 arrived from Mexico and another 84,649 came from Guatemala. U.S.
Border Patrol agents apprehended 78 percent of these immigrants, and Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials apprehended the rest (U.S. Department of
Homeland Security 2016:Tables 33, 34, 35).
page 337
Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2018a:Table S0201.
By combining data on births, deaths, and migration, we can create a single indicator
that provides a more complete picture of population dynamics. One such measure is a
population’s growth rate, which represents the overall percentage change in a
population per year. It is important to consider this overall rate in conjunction with the
other measures, because the internal population dynamics at any given time can vary.
For example, birthrates and death rates might both rise or fall over a given time period,
or one might go up while the other goes down, and migration rates can be similarly
variable. The growth rate measure provides a snapshot of whether the population as a
whole is growing or shrinking. Growth rates can vary significantly from country to
country. From 2010 to 2015, Qatar grew by an average of 6.7 percent per year followed
by Oman at 6.5 percent and Lebanon at 6 percent. At the other end of the scale, the
population of some nations actually shrunk, including Syria, which lost 2.3 percent per
year, followed by Andorra at 2.1 percent and Georgia at 1.6 percent (United Nations
Globally, the world’s population increases each year, because the overall birthrate
rate exceeds the overall death rate. From 2010 to 2015, the world’s population grew an
average of 1.2 percent per year. This rate represents a decline from the 2.1 percent
annual increase during the late 1960s, but it is still significantly higher than the projected
annual rate of 0.1 percent by the year 2100. In other words, even though the population
will continue to rise by several billion over the next several decades, projections show a
substantial decline in the rate of the overall population increase (United Nations 2017c).
This prediction of a leveling off of total population after generations of growth is
consistent with the population model known as the demographic transition.
The most defining characteristic of population dynamics in the past 100 years or so is its
explosive growth. Throughout most of human history, global population levels were
relatively stable. The world’s total population 2,000 years ago was approximately 300
million people. It took 1,500 years for it to reach the 500 million mark and another 300
years to surpass 1 billion in 1804. At that point, population growth began accelerating
rapidly, as the “World Population Growth” graph demonstrates, from 2 billion in 1927, 3
billion in 1960, to 7 billion in 2011. According to projections, it will top the 10 billion mark
in 2055 (United Nations 1999, 2017d).
Perhaps the best-known attempt to come to terms with the population explosion was
offered early on by English economist Thomas Malthus (1766–1834). In 1798 he
published the first edition of his book An Essay on the Principle of Population, in which
he argued that there are natural limits to the number of people the environment can
sustain. He claimed that, even though total food production expands to provide for a
growing population, it does so at an arithmetic rate (1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 5). The problem
is that population grows at a geometric rate (1 → 2 → 4 → 8 → 16). Ultimately,
population will grow so fast there won’t be sufficient land to provide enough food for
everyone. Crises would inevitably occur—including poverty, famine, disease, and war—
and people would die as a result, reducing the population size to a more sustainable
For Malthus, history is a never-ending struggle over resources in which people
attempt to escape want, a battle that those who control resources are page 338
more likely to win. As a result, the burden of this misery falls more heavily
on the poor. Though he did argue that people could and should exercise moral restraint
to rein in population growth by delaying marriage and practicing celibacy, ultimately,
Malthus’s emphasis was on control of population through the increased mortality rates
that result from crises over resources (Malthus 1878).
An alternative, and somewhat less dismal, model of population change is known as
the demographic transition. According to this model, as societies transform from
preindustrial to postindustrial, their population size shifts from small but stable, with high
birthrates and death rates, through a period of significant population growth, to large but
stable, when both birthrates and death rates are low (Notestein 1945; Thompson 1929,
1948). Unlike Malthus, theorists here do not see elevated death rates through disease
and war as inevitable checks on population growth. Instead, they argue that a natural
decline in fertility rates occurs owing to technological, social, and economic changes. In
basic terms, they portray the transition from a population with large families but short life
spans to one with small families and long life spans as virtually inevitable (Bongaarts
2009; Kirk 1996; Myrskylä, Kohler, and Billari 2009). This transition has four primary
Stage 2: Early Industrial Society In this stage, death rates fall while birthrates
remain high. More babies survive infancy and additional children make it to adulthood.
Because there are more young adults, and the birthrate stays high, even more babies
are born. On top of that, overall life expectancy increases. The result is a population
explosion. This occurs as a consequence of innovations taking place in the society.
Advances in technology lead to increased food supplies, cleaner water, improved
sanitation, and better medical care. Developments in agricultural technology and
techniques, such as crop rotation, are particularly important. In population pyramid
terms, the base widens as the total number of children grows and the top both expands
and gets taller owing to more people living longer. Historically, nations that entered this
phase early on in the Industrial Revolution, such as the United States or Germany, saw
slower population growth rates during this stage than have more recent developing
nations. Gaining access to existing advances in medical technology often plays a critical
role for developing nations because it can dramatically decrease death rates (Bongaarts
page 339
Population Pyramids
Source: United Nations 2017e.
Stage 3: Late Industrial Society Over time, fertility rates also begin to drop.
People start to realize that, with mortality rates falling, having many children is no longer
necessary to ensure that some survive into adulthood. Additionally, as the economy
transitions away from agriculture, children are no longer needed as workers to assist in
food production. In fact, especially with the establishment of child labor laws, children
can become a liability rather than an asset. They are no longer primarily producers who
contribute, becoming instead consumers whose needs must be met. Advances in
contraception technology facilitate this choice to have fewer children. One effect of
declining fertility rates is increased opportunity for women. As they spend less time
bearing children, women have more opportunity to play expanded roles in the public
spheres of politics and the economy. Because the adult population is relatively young,
without an overwhelming number of children or elderly people to support, the economy
often thrives, creating what is sometimes referred to as a demographic dividend
(Bongaarts 2009).
to be extended to include additional stages to adequately describe recent demographic
trends. In a possible Stage 5, fertility rates would continue falling below replacement
levels, contributing to population decline. This has already occurred in numerous
nations, including Germany and China (Bloom et al. 2010; Hvistendahl 2010; Myrskylä,
Kohler, and Billari 2009). In such cases, as the number of people who retire increases
relative to the working-age population, questions arise about how to care for the needs
of an aging population. In the United States, ongoing political struggles over health care
are driven, to some extent, by concerns about the ability to pay for increased Medicare
costs caused by the demographic surge in retirees in the coming years (OASDI 2018).
Some countries, such as Japan, have begun taking steps to boost fertility by
establishing programs, such as extended paid maternity leave and subsidized day care,
that encourage people to have more children (Suzuki 2009).
page 340
*Numbers for 2050 and 2100 are projections based on existing birthrate and death rate trends.
Source: United Nations 2017e.
with an HDI score of greater than 0.86, such as Norway, the Netherlands, and the
United States, are most likely to experience this rebound (Myrskylä, Kohler, and Billari
2009; United Nations Development Programme 2018). Parents in such countries can
worry less about having sufficient individual and collective resources to provide for the
needs of their children.
What factors do you think might explain the fertility rebound in countries with high
HDI scores?
Studying population dynamics is important because the world into which we are born
is not of our own choosing, yet it shapes our life chances. When we were born, how
long we live, and our likelihood for migration are all part of larger social trends.
Understanding the nature and direction of these patterns can empower us to create new
pathways in hopes of a better future. Such informed innovation has contributed to
advances in health care, education, and environmental protection, substantially
improving the life chances of people all around the world.
an attempt to provide a more universally applicable definition, the World Health
Organization (WHO), in the preamble to its constitution, defined health as a “state of
complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence page 341
of disease and infirmity” (World Health Organization 1948). Based on this
absolute standard, most of us are probably not fully healthy most of the time. In practice,
people fall somewhere along a continuum between this ideal at one extreme and death
on the other.
Researchers have shown that diseases and disorders are rooted in the shared
meanings of particular cultures. The term culture-bound syndrome refers to a disease
or illness that cannot be understood apart from some specific social context. This
means that there is something particular about the culture—how it is organized, what it
believes, what is expected of members—that contributes to that malady (Burns 2013;
Romans et al. 2012; Wedge 2012). Examples include amok in Malaysia, in which a
knife- or spear-wielding male goes on a seemingly random and totally unanticipated
rampage followed by amnesia about doing so (Carr and Tan 1976; Saint Martin 1999;
Spores 1988; Williamson 2007). Another is koro, in countries such as China, India, and
Malaysia, in which men come to believe their penis is shrinking and that after it fully
retracts into their body, they will die (Garlipp 2008; Kumar, Phookun, and Datta 2014).
In our globalized world, the lines between societies have become increasingly
permeable so that culture-bound syndromes can now cross boundaries, where they can
transform local conceptions of disease (Ventriglio, Ayonrinde, and Bhugra 2016). This
seems to have occurred with anorexia nervosa. Formally named as a medical disorder
in 1873 by English physician William Gull, people in the United States now commonly
associate anorexia with the fear of being fat and a misperception of one’s actual body
weight. But in the 1990s, psychiatrist Sing Lee wondered why he didn’t see such
manifestations in Hong Kong. Cases of anorexia were exceedingly rare, and when they
did appear, the patients did not exhibit the same kinds of symptoms as in the West.
Most did not express a fear of fatness or misperceive themselves to be overweight. In
fact, they expressed a desire to return to a normal body weight. They did not obsess
over food portions or suppress a strong desire to eat. They weren’t enamored with pop
culture visions of thinness or hooked on diet books or exercise fads. They just didn’t feel
hungry or said they had an upset stomach (Lee 1991; Lee, Chiu, and Chen 1989; Lee,
Ho, and Hsu 1993; Watters 2010a, 2010b).
This Chinese manifestation of anorexia changed quickly, however, after 14-year-old
Charlene Hsu Chi-Ying passed out and died on a busy street in downtown Hong Kong
on her way home from school in 1994. She weighed 75 pounds. In an effort to make
sense of what had happened, the media covering her death paid significant attention to
the way anorexia nervosa was diagnosed in the West, including its emphasis on the fear
of fatness and body misperception. Not long after Charlene’s death, the number of Lee’s
patients who exhibited the symptoms more typical of the Western diagnosis rose
dramatically. By the late 1990s, as many as 3 to 10 percent of Hong Kong’s young
women exhibited symptoms and, by 2007, 90 percent of Lee’s anorexia patients
reported a fear of getting fat (Watters 2010a, 2010b). Lee attributes this shift largely to
the dominant power the Western medical model has attained in matters of health and
illness. The legitimacy of medical books and diagnostic manuals overwhelms alternative
conceptions of health and illness. In turn, such models affect what doctors perceive and
what patients describe (Watters 2010a).
The fact that culture affects how anorexia nervosa presents itself doesn’t make the
disease any less real; people die from it. But what it does suggest is that diseases and
disorders get manifested, identified, and treated through the lenses culture provides. As
noted in the “Constructing Culture” section of Chapter 3, we never interact with nature
directly. Culture always mediates, even when it comes to how we understand our
bodies. Psychological or physical distress gets manifested through culture-specific
symptoms recognized as available within a culture (Watters 2010a). We have no choice
but to express things through culture, but we should remember that culture not only
enables us to see—and Western medicine’s way of seeing has produced amazing
results—it also limits what we can see, or give voice to, when it comes to health and
page 342
When people cross the line into illness, they take on what sociologists call the sick
role, a form of legitimate deviance in which the person who becomes ill has a
corresponding set of rights and responsibilities associated with that status. A sick
person can violate the norms that regularly guide their everyday actions, whether as
student, parent, or employee. They have a right to expect that others will not blame
them for failure to conduct their usual responsibilities and that they will be given space
and time to recover. That does not mean they are exempt from social obligations. Those
who are deemed legitimately sick have a responsibility to get better as soon as possible,
which includes seeking competent professional care. Failure to do so can result in
negative sanctions (Parsons 1951, 1975). In fact, especially in the context of
competitive work environments, we often look down on those who seem to get sick too
easily or frequently, suspecting that they are either lazy or weak. Such attitudes present
significant difficulties for those facing chronic health problems.
Sick role A form of legitimate deviance in which the person who becomes ill has a
corresponding set of rights and responsibilities associated with that status.
What factors shape your likelihood of doing all you can to avoid “being sick”? How
might the power others have over you influence your actions? What positions do
they occupy relative to you?
Physicians and nurses have the power to label people as healthy or sick and, thus,
to function as gatekeepers for the sick role. For example, instructors often require
students to get a note from a health care professional to verify a claim of illness as a
legitimate excuse for missing a paper or an exam. The ill person becomes dependent
on the doctor or nurse, because physicians and nurses control the resources that
patients need, whether it be a note for a professor or a prescription for medication. We
look to such professionals to solve our health care needs, trusting that page 343
they have sufficient expertise and experience to diagnose and treat our
Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock
Medicalization The process of redefining new areas of social life as the legitimate
domain for medical expertise by converting them into treatable medical conditions.
certified to practice medicine. One of the effects historically was to place some
practitioners, such as chiropractors and nurse-midwives, outside the domain of
legitimate medicine. Despite the fact that midwives first brought professionalism to child
delivery, they have been portrayed by doctors as having invaded the “legitimate” field of
obstetrics, in both the United States and Mexico. Nurse-midwives have sought licensing
as a way to achieve professional respectability, but physicians continue to exert power
to ensure that midwifery remains a subordinate occupation (Scharnberg 2007; Shaw
Inequities in Health Care Another serious concern regarding power and resources
in the context of contemporary medicine involves the glaring inequities that exist in
health care. In 1978, at the International Conference on Primary Health Care, convened
by WHO and UNICEF, global health leaders reaffirmed their commitment to health as “a
fundamental human right” in the Alma-Ata Declaration. In doing so, they called on all
nations to provide sufficient primary health care for all people of the world, a goal that in
many respects remains aspirational (Gillam 2008; Hall and Taylor 2003). Around the
world, poor areas tend to be underserved because medical services concentrate where
the wealth is. The United States, for example, has 117.3 skilled health care
professionals, including physicians, nurses, and midwives, per 10,000 people, whereas
other nations have much lower rates, such as Sierra Leone with 3.4 per 10,000,
Ethiopia with 2.8, Niger with 1.6, and Somalia with 1.1 (World Health Organization
Personal Sociology
Health Care Fortunes
While working on revisions for this chapter, my retina detached, and I went blind in one
eye. Fortunately, I had access to experts, especially my retina specialist Dr. Heilskov, all
of whom provided me with the best possible advice and care. Three operations later, my
sight has largely been restored. And (again) fortunately, I had health insurance to help
pay those sizable medical bills. Had I been in the position of the majority of the world’s
population—lacking access to such care and coverage—I would have remained blind in
that eye for life. To me, this ordeal affirmed one of the most basic lessons of sociology:
The social positions we occupy shape our life chances. In what ways has your life been
shaped by access, or lack thereof, to medical care?
The supply of health care in poorer countries is further reduced by what is referred to
as brain drain—the immigration to the United States and other industrialized nations of
skilled workers, professionals, and technicians who are needed in their home countries.
As part of this brain drain, physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals have
come to the United States from developing countries such as India, Pakistan, and
various African states. Their emigration represents yet another way in which the world’s
core industrialized nations enhance their quality of life at the expense of developing
countries (Firsing 2016; List 2009).
Brain drain The immigration to the United States and other industrialized nations of
skilled workers, professionals, and technicians who are needed in their home
page 344
Infant Mortality Rates in Selected Countries
Source: World Bank 2018r.
Such inequities in health care have clear life-and-death consequences. For example,
as the “Going Global: Infant Mortality Rates in Selected Countries” graph depicts, infant
mortality rates in developing countries, such as Central African Republic, Sierra Leone,
and Somalia, differ dramatically from those in industrialized nations, such as Iceland,
Japan, and France. Such differences reflect unequal distribution of health care
resources based on the wealth or poverty of various nations as seen, for example, in
prenatal nutrition, delivery procedures, and infant screening measures. An additional
way that developing countries suffer the consequences of health care inequality is in
reduced life expectancy. Average life expectancy in sub-Saharan African nations is 60
compared to 81 in European Union nations. By comparison, in the United States it is 79
years (World Bank 2018r, 2018s).
Labeling and Power Sometimes the power to label and the power to oppress go
hand in hand. A historical example illustrates perhaps the ultimate extreme in labeling
social behavior as a sickness. As enslavement of Africans in the United States came
under increasing attack in the 19th century, medical authorities provided new
rationalizations for the oppressive practice. Noted physicians published articles stating
that the skin color of Africans deviated from “healthy” white skin coloring because
Africans suffered from congenital leprosy. Moreover, physicians classified the continuing
efforts of enslaved Africans to escape from their White masters as an example of the
“disease” of drapetomania (or “crazy runaways”). In 1851 the prestigious New Orleans
Medical and Surgical Journal suggested that the remedy for this “disease” was to treat
slaves kindly, as one might treat children. Apparently, these medical authorities would
not entertain the view that it was healthy and sane to flee slavery or join in a slave revolt
(Szasz 1971).
When AIDS first emerged on the national stage, being labeled “HIV positive”
functioned as a master status that overshadowed other aspects of a person’s life,
creating a stigma for the person diagnosed. Ignorance about its underlying biological
causes and fear of catching the deadly disease only made things worse. The fact that a
significant proportion of AIDS patients were homosexuals or drug users led critics to say
that those who came down with the disease got what they deserved. People wanted to
isolate and quarantine patients to keep the disease from spreading (France 2016; Shilts
1987). As a result, a person with AIDS had to deal not only with the serious medical
consequences of the disease, but also with the distressing social consequences of the
Over time, as medical knowledge increased and social perceptions changed, the
stigma associated with AIDS decreased. Today, drugs can reduce the likelihood that the
disease progresses from the initial stage of HIV infection to the stage known as AIDS, in
which the immune system is badly compromised (Hardin 2012). People’s perceptions
about its symbolic significance have also shifted. This happened in part due to public
figures whose very existence called into question the stereotypes of AIDS page 345
patients, such as NBA superstar Magic Johnson who was diagnosed in
1991 and Ryan White, a 13-year-old with hemophilia who contracted HIV as a result of
a blood transfusion in 1984. Attitudes also changed as a result of grassroots activists
who worked hard to change the narrative, education campaigns in schools, a change in
media coverage, and an overall shift in cultural values regarding homosexuality (France
2016; Shilts 1987). Our perceptions shape the labels we use to define others. As we
learned with the Thomas theorem, as those perceptions change, the ways we respond
also change. AIDS represents a case where its medicalization as primarily a biological
contagion, along with its humanization, reduced the stigma attached to the disease
(Drescher 2015).
According to labeling theorists, we can choose whether to view a variety of life
experiences as illnesses. The medical community now recognizes premenstrual
syndrome, posttraumatic stress disorder, and hyperactivity as medical disorders.
Homosexuality represents perhaps the most noteworthy medical example of labeling.
For years, psychiatrists classified being gay or lesbian as a mental disorder subject to
treatment. This official diagnosis by the psychiatry profession became an early target of
the growing gay and lesbian rights movement in the United States. In 1974 members of
the American Psychiatric Association voted to drop homosexuality from their standard
diagnostic manual on mental disorders (Drescher 2015).
Ryan White’s public battle with AIDS in the late 1980s changed perceptions regarding
the disease. Bettmann/Getty Images
When doctors have no answers, where do you turn?
Head Full of Honey
What to do when the past disappears.
How to Survive a Plague
Grassroots activists transform our approach to AIDS.
In practice, we seek to strike a balance between the authority of the physician and the
agency of the patient. Physicians use cues to reinforce their prestige and power.
According to medical sociologist Brenda Beagan (2001, 2003), and consistent with
Goffman’s dramaturgical approach, the technical language students learn in medical
school becomes the basis for the script they follow as novice physicians. The familiar
white coat and stethoscope is their costume—one that helps them appear confident and
professional at the same time that it identifies them as doctors to patients and other staff
members. Beagan found that many medical students struggle to project the appearance
of competence they think their role demands, but over time most become accustomed
to expecting respect and deference.
page 346
Patients, however, are not passive. Active involvement in health care can have
positive or negative consequences. Sometimes, patients play an active role in health
care by choosing not to follow a physician’s advice. For example, some patients stop
taking medications long before they should. Some decrease or increase the dosage on
purpose (because they think they know better what they need), and others never even
fill their prescriptions. Such noncompliance results in part from the prevalence of self-
medication in our society; many people are accustomed to self-diagnosis and self-
Patients’ active involvement in their health care can have very positive
consequences. Some patients consult books, magazines, and websites about
preventive health care techniques, attempt to maintain a healthful and nutritious diet,
carefully monitor any side effects of medication, and adjust the dosage based on
perceived side effects. Recognizing this change, pharmaceutical firms are advertising
their prescription drugs directly to potential customers. For their part, medical
professionals are understandably suspicious of these new sources of information.
Studies, including one published in the Journal of the American Medical Association,
found that health information on the Internet can be incomplete and inaccurate, even on
the best sites. Nevertheless, there is little doubt that Internet research is transforming
patient–physician encounters (Adams and de Bont 2007; Arora et al. 2008; Fox and
Duggan 2013).
Social epidemiology The study of the role social factors play in the development
and distribution of disease throughout the population.
Prevalence The total number of cases of a specific disorder that exist at a given
Incidence The number of new cases of a specific disorder that occur within a given
population during a stated period.
To better understand and measure the prevalence and incidence of disease within
and between cultures, researchers rely on rates to provide standardized measures. Two
indicators they use to do so include morbidity and mortality. Morbidity rates measure
the occurrences of illness in a given population over some period of time. These rates
can be calculated for both prevalence and incidence. For example, when considering
prevalence of HIV infections, the HIV morbidity rate is 306.6 per 100,000 people in the
United States at the end of 2016. When considering incidence, the morbidity rate was
11.8 new HIV diagnoses per 100,000 people in 2017 (Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention 2018b:Tables 1a, 22a). Globally, by the end of 2017, an estimated 59
percent of HIV-infected patients around the world were receiving antiretroviral therapy
compared to 22.5 percent in 2010 (UNAIDS 2018a).
Morbidity rate The occurrences of illness in a given population over some period of
HIV Prevalence and Mortality
Note: Total number of HIV-infected adults and children in 2017, 36.9 million; total number of AIDS-related deaths
during 2017, 940,000.
Source: UNAIDS 2018b.
Whereas morbidity focuses on illness, mortality deals with death. The mortality rate
refers to the incidence of death in a given population over some period of time. In 2016,
12,287 people in the United States who had been diagnosed with AIDS died, a rate of
3.8 per 100,000 people in the population. The morbidity and mortality rates for both HIV
and AIDS in the United States have declined in recent years (Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention 2018b:Table 19a). Globally, as depicted in the “Going Global:
HIV Prevalence and Mortality” graph, 940,000 AIDS-related deaths occurred in 2017,
and the distribution of those deaths varied significantly by region (UNAIDS 2018b).
Mortality rate The incidence of death in a given population over some period of time.
Morbidity and mortality rates vary significantly based on one’s social positions, including
factors such as social class, race, ethnicity, gender, and age (Barr 2014; National
Center for Health Statistics 2018a). When it comes to social class, for example, studies
in the United States and other countries have consistently shown that people in the
lower classes have higher rates of mortality and disability than those in higher classes.
And studies of educational attainment, an indicator of both income and class, show that
those with with more education have significantly lower mortality rates than do those
with less (Buckles et al. 2016).
page 348
Note: Numbers represent the percentage of people without health insurance for the full calendar year.
Source: Berchick, Hood, and Barnett 2018:Tables 4, 5.
A number of factors appear to influence the effect class has on health. Crowded
living conditions, substandard housing, poor diet, and stress all contribute to the ill
health of many low-income people in the United States. In certain instances, poor
education may lead to a lack of awareness of measures necessary to maintain good
health. Financial strains are certainly a major factor in the health problems of less-
affluent people.
Source: Lareau 2003, 2011. Photo: UpperCut Images/SuperStock
People who are poor—many of whom belong to racial and ethnic minorities—are
less able than others to afford quality medical care, as the “People without Health
Insurance” graph portrays. Not surprisingly, those with high incomes are significantly
more likely to have health insurance, either because they can afford it or because they
have jobs that provide it (Berchick, Hood, and Barnett 2018). The ultimate price to pay
for a lack of health insurance is the increased risk of early death.
Income level also affects likely life expectancy. Researchers found that the life
expectancy for men in the top 1 percent was 14.6 years longer than men in the bottom 1
percent. For women, those in the top 1 percent lived 10.1 years longer on average.
Between 2000 and 2014, life expectancy went up for virtually all income groups, but it
went up faster for those nearer the top, so the life expectancy gap between the top and
bottom income groups got wider over that time (Chetty, Stepner, and Abraham et al.
Coming from the conflict perspective, Karl Marx would have argued that capitalist
societies such as the United States care more about maximizing profits than they do
about the health and safety of workers. As a result, government agencies in the United
States do not take forceful action to regulate conditions in the workplace, and workers
suffer many preventable job-related injuries and illnesses (Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention 2018c; Rest 2018). As we will see later in this chapter, research also
shows that the lower classes are more vulnerable to environmental pollution, another
consequence of capitalist production, than are the affluent, not only where they work but
where they live as well.
The health profiles of many racial and ethnic minorities reflect the social inequality
evident in U.S. society. The poor economic and environmental conditions of groups
such as African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans are manifested in high
morbidity and mortality rates for these groups. It is true that some afflictions, such as
sickle cell disease among African Americans, are influenced by genetics, but in most
instances, environmental factors contribute to the differential rates of disease and death.
As noted in the “Population” section earlier in this chapter, infant mortality is
regarded as a primary indicator of health care. There is a significant gap in the United
States between the infant mortality rates of African Americans and Whites. As the
“Infant Mortality Rates in the United States” graph depicts, on average, the rate of infant
death is more than twice as high among African Americans. Lack of adequate medical
coverage among African Americans, which contributes to low birth weight, plays a major
part in that difference (Ely, Driscoll, and Mathews 2018).
page 349
Note: Rates represent the number of infant deaths per 1,000 live births.
Source: Ely, Driscoll, and Mathews 2018.
Considering mortality rates, African Americans have higher death rates from heart
disease, strokes, pneumonia, and diabetes than do Whites (Xu et al. 2018:Table B).
Such epidemiological findings are related to the social class effects noted previously—
the fact that average income for African Americans is lower than that for Whites. The
effect of these factors can be seen in terms of life expectancy. According to statistics
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for babies born in 2016, the life
expectancy for non-Hispanic Whites is 78.5 years compared to 74.8 years for non-
Hispanic Blacks (National Center for Health Statistics 2018b:Table 15).
The medical establishment is not exempt from institutional discrimination. There is
evidence that minorities receive inferior care even when they are insured. Despite
having access to care, African Americans, Latinxs, and American Indians are treated
unequally as a result of differences in the quality of various health care plans.
Furthermore, national clinical studies have shown that even allowing for differences in
income and insurance coverage, racial and ethnic minorities are less likely than other
groups to receive both standard health care and life-saving treatment (Benjamins and
Whitman 2013; Cooper et al. 2012; Schroeder 2016).
Mexican Americans and many other Latinx populations adhere to cultural beliefs that
make them less likely to use the established medical system. They may interpret their
illnesses according to traditional Latinx folk medicine, or curanderismo—a form of
holistic health care and healing. Curanderismo influences how one approaches health
care and even how one defines illness. Although most Hispanics use folk healers, or
curanderos, infrequently, perhaps 20 percent rely on home remedies. Some define such
illnesses as susto (fright sickness) and atague (fighting attack) according to folk beliefs.
Because these complaints often have biological bases, sensitive medical practitioners
need to deal with them carefully to diagnose and treat illnesses accurately (Hendrickson
2014; Sanchez 2018; Tafur, Crowe, and Torres 2009).
Also affecting Latinx morbidity rates is the fact that Latinx individuals are much more
likely to wait to seek treatment. This may be due in part, as the previous “People without
Health Insurance” graph demonstrates, to their relative lack of health insurance. As a
result, Hispanics often seek treatment for pressing medical problems at clinics and
emergency rooms rather than receiving regular preventive care through a family
physician. Such delays in treatments increase the severity of the consequences of
illness and disease (Berchick, Hood, and Barnett 2018).
Men and women do differ in their overall health. For example, women live longer than
men. Girls born in 2016 can anticipate an average life expectancy of 81.1 years,
compared to 76.1 for boys. The good news for men is that, although life expectancy
continues to rise for both men and women, rates have been rising even faster for men.
As a result, the life expectancy gap between men and women has declined from 7.6
years for those born in 1970 to 5 years in 2016 (National Center for Health Statistics
2018b:Table 15).
page 350
Source: National Center for Health Statistics 2018b:Table 47. Photo: Dan Brandenburg/Getty Images
Greater longevity for women appears to be tied to lifestyle differences between men
and women that grow out of gendered norms. Historically, women’s lower rate of
cigarette smoking (reducing their risk of heart disease, lung cancer, and emphysema),
lower consumption of alcohol (reducing the risk of auto accidents and cirrhosis of the
liver), and lower rate of employment in dangerous occupations explain about one-third
of their greater longevity than men. Researchers argue that women are much more
likely than men to seek treatment, to be diagnosed as having a disease, and thus to
have their illnesses reflected in the data examined by epidemiologists (National Center
for Health Statistics 2018a). Changes in lifestyle do matter. As the “Smoking Rates by
Gender” graph shows, the gap in smoking rates between men and women has declined,
accounting for some of the reduction in the difference in life expectancy between men
and women.
With everything from birth to beauty being treated in an increasingly medical context,
women have been particularly vulnerable to the medicalization of society. Ironically,
even given the increased power of the medical establishment in women’s lives, medical
researchers have often excluded them from clinical studies. Female physicians and
researchers charge that sexism lies at the heart of such research practices and insist
there is a desperate need for studies of female subjects (Johnson et al. 2014; Pinnow et
al. 2009).
Health is the overriding concern of older adults. Most older people in the United States
report having at least one chronic illness, but only some of those conditions are
potentially life threatening or require medical care. The quality of life among older
people is of particular concern in the face of potentially escalating health problems. A
substantial number of older people in the United States are troubled by arthritis and
other chronic diseases, and many have visual or hearing impairments that can interfere
with the performance of everyday tasks (Hootman et al. 2006; National Center for
Health Statistics 2018a).
Older people are also especially vulnerable to certain mental health problems.
Alzheimer’s disease, the leading cause of dementia in the United States, afflicts 10
percent of people aged 65 years and older. In terms of prevalence, that works out to 5.7
million Americans in 2018. That number is projected to grow to 13.8 million in 2050 as
the U.S. population ages (Alzheimer’s Association 2018).
Because of their increased health risks, the rate at which older people in the United
States (aged 75 and older) use health services is more than three times greater than
that for younger people (aged 15–24). This heightened use level is tied to health
insurance coverage, with people over age 65 the most likely to be covered, as the
“Health Insurance Rates by Age” graph portrays. The disproportionate use of the U.S.
health care system by older people is a critical factor in all discussions about the cost of
health care and possible reforms of the health care system. Many younger people
choose not to purchase health insurance in order to save money, and their decision to
opt out means fewer people paying in, which means higher costs. The Affordable Care
Act, also known as Obamacare, sought to make participation mandatory for this reason
(Berchick, Hood, and Barnett 2018:Table 2).
Note: Numbers represent the percentage of people without health insurance for the full calendar year.
Source: Berchick, Hood, and Barnett 2018:Table 2.
page 351
A person’s odds of good health are shaped by her or his class, race and ethnicity,
gender, and age. Even geography matters, because there are significant differences in
the number of physicians from one state to the next. Health care professionals and
program advisers need to take such differential effects into account when considering
what constitutes equitable health care coverage. Any attempts to do so, however, are
constrained by the cost of health care.
Today, state licensing and medical degrees confer a widely recognized level of authority
on medical professionals. This was not always the case. The “popular health
movement” of the 1830s and 1840s emphasized preventive care and what is termed
“self-help.” It voiced strong criticism of “doctoring” as a paid occupation. New medical
philosophies or sects established their own medical schools and challenged the
authority and methods of traditional doctors. By the 1840s most states had page 352
repealed medical licensing laws, and the health care field was largely
unregulated (Porter 1998, 2004).
Sources: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 2018a, 2018b. Photo: Comstock Images/Alamy Stock Photo
Jules Frazier/Getty Images
In terms of its structure, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also referred to as
Obamacare, has three main elements and has been described as a three-legged stool,
meaning if you remove any of the three, the whole thing will collapse. The first leg is
known as a community rating, which means that premiums customers pay will be based
on age, geographic location, size of family, and tobacco use rather than their underlying
physical condition. In other words, insurance companies cannot discriminate against
people with preexisting conditions by refusing them coverage or charging them higher
rates. To compensate for the increased insurance costs that result from this, the second
leg mandates that everyone must obtain insurance, whether through their employer, the
government, or the marketplace. Those who don’t would have to pay a penalty. The
third leg involves providing subsidies to those who cannot afford to purchase insurance
on their own. The combination of all three elements distributes the costs of health care
across a larger pool of participants while assisting those who would otherwise lack the
means to pay for it (Gruber 2010).
President Barack Obama signs the Affordable Care Act into law. Chip Somodevilla/Getty
page 353
To ensure that all three elements were provided for, the Affordable Care Act
contained the following provisions:
Young adults may stay on their parents’ health care plans until age 26.
Coverage for checkups and other preventive care does not require copays.
Annual caps and lifetime limits on the cost of benefits patients can receive were
People with preexisting conditions cannot be denied coverage, and companies are
no longer able to cut employees from a plan when they get sick.
Most Americans are required to purchase some form of health insurance.
Tax credits for the purchase of insurance are available for individuals and families
between 100 and 400 percent of the poverty level.
Companies with more than 50 employees are required to provide an employer-
sponsored health plan that provides a mandated level of minimal coverage.
Small businesses are eligible to receive tax credits to assist them in providing
State-based insurance exchanges offer a choice of plans for small businesses and
people who lack employer-supplied coverage.
Insurance companies are required to provide greater transparency regarding
spending on overhead costs.
After the Affordable Care Act was fully implemented, the rate of Americans without
insurance began to fall, as the “U.S. Uninsured Rate, 1997–2018” graph shows. This
was true for people at all income levels and from all racial and ethnic groups (Berchick,
Hood, and Barnett 2018). In spite of this, however, many Republicans continued to
prefer market-based solutions, arguing that free-market capitalism would lead to greater
efficiency and cost control.
In 2016, Republicans running for Congress, along with presidential candidate Donald
Trump, pledged to repeal and replace Obamacare on the first day of the new term.
Once elected, however, they ran into the challenge presented by the three-legged stool.
The first leg, which ensured people with preexisting conditions would not be
discriminated against, was quite popular. Elimination of the second leg, the mandate
requiring the purchase of insurance, a particularly unpopular element of the ACA, meant
fewer people paying into the system, which would mean higher prices for those who
remain. Elimination of the subsidies, the third leg, meant those without means to afford
insurance drop out, again reducing the number of people participating in the system and
raising costs (Gruber 2010). Efforts at outright repeal failed, but the requirement that
people pay a penalty if they lack some form of insurance coverage, the second leg of
the stool, was eliminated effective January 1, 2019. This change raised questions about
the stability of the overall system moving forward. As noted in the discussion regarding
citizenship rights in the “Balancing Economic and Political Power” section of Chapter 9,
the questions regarding how best to approach health insurance hinge on the question of
whether health should be considered a social right, something guaranteed for all
(Marshall 1950).
Note: Percentage of all persons without health insurance at the time of the interview. Data come from the National
Health Interview Survey.
Sources: Martinez, Zammitti, and Cohen 2018:Table 1; Ward et al. 2016:Table 1.1b. Photo: Cathy
Holistic medicine Therapies in which the health care practitioner considers the
person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual characteristics.
Use” graph demonstrates, examples include natural dietary supplements (such as fish
oil, glucosamine, echinacea, or ginseng), deep breathing, and meditation. When private
or communal prayer was included as part of the NIH-sponsored 2002 study, the number
rose to 62.1 percent (Barnes et al. 2004; Clarke et al. 2015).
Note: Dietary supplements include nonvitamin and nonmineral supplements such as fish oil, glucosamine, and
probiotics. Special diets include vegetarian, vegan, macrobiotic, and others.
Source: Clarke et al. 2015. Photo: Anthony Saint James/Photodisc/Getty Images
On the international level, the World Health Organization (WHO) has begun to
monitor the use of alternative medicine around the world. According to the WHO, 80
percent of people in some African and Asian countries use alternative medicine, from
herbal treatments to the services of a faith healer. In most countries, these treatments
are largely unregulated, even though some of them can be fatal. For example, kava
kava, an herbal tea used in the Pacific Islands to relieve anxiety, can be toxic to the liver
in concentrated form. Other alternative treatments have been found to be effective in the
treatment of serious diseases, such as malaria and sickle-cell anemia. WHO’s goal is to
compile a list of such practices, as well as to encourage the development of universal
training programs and ethical standards for practitioners of alternative medicine (World
Health Organization 2005, 2013a).
Sociological analysis of health and illness suggests that if we are to understand
sickness we must look beyond biology. Society and culture, family and friends, the
medical profession, and social position all help shape medical outcomes. Given the
increasing costs of health care, and the fact that different groups experience different
outcomes, this issue becomes one of equality and fairness. Lives are at stake. It is
precisely such concerns that drive debates about the expansion of health care coverage
as a social right.
Human ecology is an area of study that is concerned with interrelationships between
people and their environment. As biologist and environmentalist Barry Commoner
(1971:39) put it during the early stages of the modern environmental movement,
“Everything is connected to everything else.” Human ecologists focus on how page 355
the physical environment shapes people’s lives and on how people influence
the surrounding environment.
Human ecology The area of study concerned with the interrelationships between
people and their environment.
The environment provides the resources essential for life. These include air, water,
and materials used to create shelter, transportation, and needed products. If human
societies exhaust these resources—for example, by polluting the water supply or
cutting down rain forests—the consequences could be dire.
The environment serves as a waste repository. More so than other living species,
humans produce a huge quantity and variety of waste products—bottles, cans, boxes,
paper, sewage, garbage, and so on. Various types of pollution have become more
common because human societies are generating more wastes than the environment
can safely absorb.
The environment “houses” our species. It is our home, our living space, the place
where we reside, work, and play. At times we take this truism for granted, but not
when day-to-day living conditions become unpleasant and problematic. If our air is
polluted, if our tap water turns brown, or if toxic chemicals seep into our neighborhood,
we remember why it is vital to live in a healthful environment.
the environmental challenges of the 21st century, government policy makers and
environmentalists must determine how they can fulfill humans’ pressing needs for food,
clothing, and shelter while preserving the environment as a source of resources, a
waste repository, and a home.
page 356
Did You Know?
. . . An average of 14,085 square kilometers (3.48 million acres) of
Brazilian rain forest was lost each year from 1988 to 2018. That
represents a total of 436,621 square kilometers (108 million acres) lost
to deforestation over that time.
The rise in global consumption is tied to a capitalist system that depends on growth
for its survival. Capitalism creates a “treadmill of production” (Baer 2008; Gould, Pellow,
and Schnaiberg 2008). Cutting back on consumption means cutting back on purchases,
which leads to reduced production and the loss of profits and jobs. This treadmill
necessitates creating an increasing demand for products, obtaining natural resources at
minimal cost, and manufacturing products as quickly and cheaply as possible—no
matter what the long-term environmental consequences.
In the autumn of 1982, nearly 500 African Americans participated in a six-week protest
against a hazardous waste landfill containing cancer-causing chemicals in Warren
County, North Carolina. Their protests and legal actions continued until 2002, when
decontamination of the site finally began. This 20-year battle can be seen as yet another
“not-in-my-backyard” (NIMBY) event in which people desire the benefits of growth but
want someone else to pay for its negative effects. In any event, the Warren County
struggle is viewed as a transformative moment in contemporary environmentalism: the
beginning of the environmental justice movement (Hager 2017; McGurty 2007; Wong
Environmental justice is a legal strategy based on claims that racial minorities are
subjected disproportionately to environmental hazards. Some observers have heralded
environmental justice as the “new civil rights of the 21st century” (Kokmen 2008:42).
Since the advent of the environmental justice movement, activists and scholars have
identified other environmental disparities that break along racial and social class lines.
In general, poor people and people of color are much more likely than others to be
victimized by the everyday consequences of economic development, including air
pollution from expressways and incinerators (Sandler and Pezzullo 2007; Schlosberg
Environmental justice A legal strategy based on claims that racial minorities are
subjected disproportionately to environmental hazards.
Sociologists Paul Mohai and Robin Saha (2007) examined more than 600 hazardous
waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities in the United States. They found that
non-Whites and Latinxs make up 43 percent of the people who live within one mile of
these dangerous sites. There are two possible explanations for this finding. One is that
racial and ethnic minorities possess less political power than others, so they cannot
prevent toxic sites from being located in their backyards. The other is that they end up
settling near the sites after they are constructed, because economics and the forces of
discrimination push them into the least desirable living areas (Collins, Munoz, and JaJa
page 357
Note: When asked to identify priorities for Congress and the president, response options included top priority,
important but lower priority, not too important. After 2014, wording changed from “global warming” to “global
climate change.”
Source: Pew Research Center 2019a.
When it comes to public concern about the environment, as the “Public Perception of
Environmental Issues” graph shows, attitudes have shifted over time. People distinguish
between general concern about environmental issues and global climate change more
specifically. In surveys asking about future development of U.S. energy supplies,
Americans showed stronger support for alternative sources than conventional ones.
Given the option, 65 percent preferred wind, solar, and the like compared to 27 percent
who preferred expanding production of oil, coal, and natural gas. A clear political divide
existed in their responses, with 81 percent of Democrats preferring alternative sources
compared to 45 percent of Republican (Kennedy 2017; Pew Research Center 2019a).
Worldwide, an estimated 4.2 million premature deaths occurred due to outdoor air
pollution in 2016. Of these, 91 percent lived in low- and middle-income countries.
Another 3.8 million died due to household air pollution (World Health Organi-zation
2018d). Unfortunately, in cities around the world, residents have come to accept
polluted air as normal. Urban air pollution is caused primarily by emissions from
automobiles and secondarily by emissions from electric power plants and heavy
industries. Air pollution not only limits visibility, but also can lead to health problems as
uncomfortable as eye irritation and as deadly as lung cancer. Such problems are
especially severe in developing countries (United Nations Environment Programme
2014, 2018).
People are capable of changing their behavior, but they are also often unwilling to
make such changes permanent. During the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles, authorities
asked residents to carpool and stagger their work hours to relieve traffic page 358
congestion and improve the quality of the air athletes would breathe.
These changes resulted in a remarkable 12 percent drop in ozone levels. After the
Olympics ended, however, people reverted to their normal behavior, and the ozone
levels climbed again. Similarly, China took drastic action to ensure that Beijing’s high
levels of air pollution did not mar the 2008 Olympic Games. Construction work in the city
ceased, polluting factories and power plants closed down, and workers swept roads and
sprayed them with water several times a day. This temporary solution, however, has not
solved China’s ongoing pollution problem (The Economist 2008).
Consequences of human environmental domination.
A robot in the year 2700 discovers his destiny.
Age of Consequences
The intersection of climate change, resource scarcity, migration, and conflict.
Rodents of Unusual Size
The nutrias are taking over but not without a fight.
Chasing Ice
A climate change skeptic’s doubts melt through the lens of his camera.
Throughout the United States, waste materials dumped by industries and local
governments have polluted streams, rivers, and lakes. Consequently, many bodies of
water have become unsafe for fishing and swimming, let alone drinking. Around the
world, pollution of the oceans is an issue of growing concern. For example, when the
Deepwater Horizon oil-well explosion occurred in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, 4.2 million
barrels of oil poured into the water. The spill affected birds, fish, mammals, and their
habitats. In the two years following its occurrence, 675 dolphins were stranded in the
northern Gulf of Mexico compared to an annual average of 74 before the spill; deep-
water corals experienced significant stress; the nitrogen cycle for microorganisms was
inhibited; and 102 species of birds were harmed (Cornwall 2015; National Geographic
China Photos/Getty Images
This incident is one among many water-based accidents that have resulted in
significant environmental harm. When the oil tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground in Prince
William Sound, Alaska, in 1989, its cargo of 11 million gallons of crude oil spilled into the
sound and washed onto the shore, contaminating 1,285 miles of shoreline. Altogether,
about 11,000 people joined in a massive cleanup effort that cost more than $2 billion.
Globally, oil spills occur regularly. In 2002 the oil tanker Prestige spilled twice as much
fuel as the Valdez, greatly damaging coastal areas in Spain and France (ITOPF 2006).
Less dramatic than large-scale accidents or disasters, but more common in many
parts of the world, are problems with the basic water supply. Worldwide, more than 844
million people lack safe and adequate drinking water, and 2 billion rely on a drinking
water source contaminated with feces. When it comes to sanitation facilities, 2.3 billion
lack access—a problem that further threatens the quality of water supplies. The health
costs of unsafe water are enormous (World Health Organization 2018e, 2018f).
Given such water concerns, it should not come as a surprise that water is now a
highly contested commodity in many parts of the world. In the United States,
competition over water is intense, especially in the Southwest including cities such as
Las Vegas. In the Middle East, the immense political challenges posed by ethnic and
religious conflict are often complicated by battles over water. There, competing nations
accuse each other of taking unfair advantage of existing water supplies, and water tanks
are a likely target for both military forces and terrorists (Carmichael 2007; Scott 2018).
The scientific evidence for global climate change is clear, consistent, and compelling,
yet public opinion polls show that people remain skeptical. Global warming, one of the
key indicators of global climate change, refers to the significant rise in the Earth’s
surface temperatures that occurs when industrial gases such as carbon dioxide turn the
planet’s atmosphere into a virtual greenhouse. As the “Global Temperature, 1850–2018”
graph shows, the warmest global temperatures in the era for which we have detailed
meteorological measurements around the world have all come in the most recent
decades. Globally, 8 of the warmest years on record occurred in the last 10 years. Even
one additional degree of warmth in the planet’s average temperature increases the
likelihood of wildfires, shrinking rivers and lakes, desert expansion, and torrential
downpours, including typhoons and hurricanes (Climatic Research Unit, University of
East Anglia 2019).
page 359
Note: The base line (0°C) is the average global air temperature from 1961 to 1990. Temperatures beneath that
line are below that average and temperatures above that line are above that average. The hottest years on record
have all occurred within the past two decades.
Source of data: Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia 2019.
Scientists now track carbon dioxide emissions around the world and can map the
current and projected contribution each country makes. As the “Going Global: CO2
Emissions per Capita” graph portrays, the United States produces a sizable amount of
carbon dioxide per person relative to other nations, ranking 11th of 250 nations for
which there are data (World Bank 2016r). Data on temperature and carbon dioxide
emissions contribute to the scientific consensus regarding global climate change. In a
study of 24,210 articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals from 2013 to 2014
and written by a total of 69,406 authors, only 5 articles with a total of 4 authors rejected
the conclusion that human-caused global warming is happening (Powell 2015). By
contrast, when looking at public opinion, only 48 percent of Americans think that global
climate change is due to human activity, and another 31 percent attribute climate
change to natural causes (Funk and Kennedy 2016).
We can again draw on world systems analysis when it comes to seeing who pays
the highest price for global climate changes. Historically, core nations have been the
major emitters of greenhouse gases. Today, much manufacturing has moved to
semiperiphery and periphery nations, where greenhouse gas emissions are escalating.
Ironically, many of those who are now calling for a reduction in the human activity that
contributes to global climate change are located in core nations, which have contributed
disproportionately to the problem. We want our hamburgers, but we decry the
destruction of the rain forests to create grazing land for cattle. We want inexpensive
clothes and toys, but we condemn developing countries for depending on coal-fired
power plants, the number of which are expected to increase 46 percent by 2030. The
challenge of global climate change, then, is closely tied to global inequality (Jenkins
2008; Leonard 2010; Roberts, Grines, and Manale 2003).
Of course, the consequences of environmental change, whether in the form of
pollution or climate change, are extensive. The impacts of plastics, detergents, synthetic
fibers, pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers challenge the ecosystems
necessary for the survival of some species. Some environmentalists express concern
that we may be entering a new age of extinction (Kolbert 2014). As the “Threatened and
Endangered Species” graph shows, fish and amphibians are particularly vulnerable.
CO2 Emissions Per Capita
Note: Annual emissions per capita measured in metric tons.
Source: World Bank 2018u.
page 360
Source: IUCN 2018:Table 2. Photos: (panda): Fuse/Getty Images; (fish): Source: Bart Gammet/USFWS; (toad):
Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Charles H. Smith
Yet globalization can have a positive impact as well. As barriers to the international
movement of goods, services, and people fall, multinational corporations have an
incentive to carefully consider the cost of natural resources. The Kyoto Protocol, for
example, demonstrated that countries around the world can come together to take
action that makes a significant difference. Established in 1997 and enacted in 2005, the
Kyoto Protocol intended to provide a unified response to reducing global emissions of
greenhouse gases. Nearly 200 countries ratified the accord. Collectively, the Kyoto
Protocol nations met their emissions goal by the target year of 2012, and in December
of that year some of the nations agreed to the Doha Amendment, which established a
new set of goals to be met by 2020. The United States did not ratify the Kyoto Protocol,
because U.S. political leaders feared that doing so would place the nation at a
disadvantage in the global marketplace (Clark 2012; United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change 2015a,2015b).
In Paris, on December 12, 2015, 195 countries agreed to a new international climate
pact. Known as the Paris Agreement, it went into effect on November 4, 2016. The
agreement commits the nations of the world to limiting the global temperature increase
to less than 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) when compared to pre–
Industrial Revolution temperatures. To accomplish this goal, it includes a variety of
provisions. For example, it encourages and rewards the reduction of deforestation. The
nations also agreed to provide sufficient funding, including public funds, to make
progress possible. Further, they agreed to transparency in how progress page 361
would be measured. And they affirmed that it will take developing nations
longer to reduce their emissions, but it did not exempt such nations from moving in that
direction (as occurred with the Kyoto Protocol). Overall, the nations committed to
minimizing the loss and damage that results from climate change, noting that such
losses are inevitable even with this agreement in place, especially for vulnerable
nations. And they committed to meeting every five years to review progress and
establish new emission-reduction targets.
Note: Percentage of people responding that global climate change represents a “major threat” to their country.
Source: Poushter and Manevich 2017. Photos: (top): Kim Steele/Photographer’s Choice/Getty Images; (bottom):
Stockbyte/Punchstock/Getty Images
Jonas Marcos B. San Luis/Cutcaster
Health and Environment
Conduct a mini-survey of 10 friends, family members, and/or classmates.
How concerned are they about global climate change? How concerned are
they about health care? What do they think are the major issues in each?
What are the obstacles to positive change in each? Record their responses.
How did answers vary depending on how old they are, how much education
they have, whether they are male or female, or other possible variables?
For shaped by the society to which we belong. Similarly, our social
position and control over resources shape our likelihood of
REVIEW exposure to illness and our access to health care.
III. What environmental lessons do we learn from sociology?
The natural environment represents our human home, within
which all social interaction occurs, and the way we organize our
social relations influences the effects we have on the
environment. Countries that control a larger amount of resources
have a bigger impact and therefore bear a greater responsibility
for those effects.
page 362
After reviewing the chapter, answer the following questions:
How would each perspective approach the study of the protests over the Dakota
Access Pipeline?
How would each of the perspectives approach the demographic transition model,
and how would their insights differ?
What insights would we gain from each perspective regarding the current state of
health care in the United States, including recent health care reform efforts?
Look at your experience with the medical world from an interactionist
perspective. What were your interactions with the doctors and nurses like? Have
you taken an active role or a passive role as a patient?
page 363
Pop Quiz
1. How is the total fertility rate defined?
a. number of children born over a given period of time
b. number of live births per 1,000 people in the population in a given year
c. average number of children a woman would have during her lifetime given
current birthrates and assuming she survives through her childbearing years
d. minimum number of children a woman would need to average in her lifetime to
reproduce the population in the next generation
2. What term is used when people leave a population group to which they
had belonged?
a. immigration
b. replacement
c. emigration
d. transition
3. What was the relationship between birthrates and death rates throughout
most of human history as described by the demographic transition model?
a. Both were low.
b. Death rates were low; birthrates were high.
c. Birthrates were low; death rates were high.
d. Both were high.
4. A disease that cannot be understood apart from its specific social context
is an example of
a. human ecology.
b. culture-bound syndrome.
c. the sick role.
d. holistic medicine.
5. Which of the following represents a form of legitimate deviance in which
the person who becomes ill has a corresponding set of rights and
responsibilities associated with that status?
a. medicalization
b. the sick role
c. brain drain
d. social epidemiology
6. In the area of social epidemiology, what does prevalence refer to?
a. the rate at which key indicators change over time
b. the total number of cases of a specific disorder that exist at a given period of
c. the likelihood that a disease or illness will be labeled as such in a given
cultural context
d. the number of new cases of a specific disorder that occur within a given
population during a stated period
7. The age group that is most likely to be covered by some form of health
insurance is
a. under 18.
b. 18–34.
c. 35–64.
d. 65 and older.
8. Which of the following is not one of the three main elements of the
Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare)?
a. a mandate requiring coverage
b. subsidies for those who cannot afford insurance
c. community rating pricing
d. Medicare for all
9. What is the term used for the geological epoch in which human actions
affect the environment on a global scale?
a. Jurassic
b. Homocene
c. demographic
d. Anthropocene
10. What is the international treaty that sought to reduce global emissions of
greenhouse gases?
a. Valdez Treaty
b. Paris Agreement
c. Port Huron Statement
d. Gore Accord
1. (c), 2. (c), 3. (d), 4. (b), 5. (b), 6. (b), 7. (d), 8. (d), 9. (d), 10. (b)
Design Elements: Going Global (Earth): ©Studio Photogram/Alamy Stock Photo; Personal Sociology (drawing of
author): McGraw-Hill Education; 5 Movies (popcorn): ©D. Hurst/Alamy Stock Photo; Sociology Is a Verb (overlapping
hands): ©Jeff DeWeerd/Imagezoo/Getty Images
page 364
Social Change
participating in many other activities. Their primary mission was to move people
from feelings of compassion to acts of justice, including the passage of laws, so
that no shooting like that would happen ever again.
Throughout American history, over and over again, people have stood up for
what they believed was right. Individuals came together to march in hopes of
bringing attention to their concerns. Examples abound of people committed to
causes and working hard to bring about substantial change, some of which we
have explored in other chapters: the antislavery movement of the 1800s; the
woman’s suffrage movement, resulting in women’s right to vote in 1920; the civil
rights movement that fought for political, social, and economic rights for African
Americans; the student-led protests over the Vietnam War; the 1960s women’s
rights movement that sought equality and respect; the pro-life and pro-choice
movements that followed, battling over the question of abortion; the Tea Party
movement that raised concerns about the encroaching size and power of
government. More recent examples include the Black Lives Matter movement
concerned about life, liberty, and justice for African Americans; the Women’s
March and #MeToo movement that continue to fight against sexual page 365
violence and unequal treatment of women; the school walkouts
around the country in response to the Parkland shootings; and, along the way,
many other movements and moments in which individuals acted together to fight
for change.
Students often find sociology appealing because they feel that it can help them
make a difference in the world. And it can. Since sociology’s founding, sociologists
have been committed to understanding social change. We learn, for example, that
when we act the ways we always have, we reproduce the status quo. By acting
differently, we have the power to change the world. We can use the knowledge we
gain from sociology to improve our odds for bringing about the kind of change we
hope to see.
or resisting, fundamental societal change in a systematic way.
The power to change is rooted in our agency. Most of the time, the choices we make
are predictable based on the social positions we occupy, and the socialization we have
experienced. We take in information from a variety of sources, and then we make a
judgment about which pathway we prefer. In doing so, however, we typically do what is
expected of us. We follow established norms, both big and small, primarily because it is
much easier to do so. Yet, in each and every moment of our lives, we can choose to act
Social movements are committed to providing us with information so that we can
better understand the consequences of the choices we make. They seek to convince
people to choose a new path. And the more people that do so, the more viable that new
pathway becomes for others. Initially, for example, people viewed the ideas of Margaret
Sanger and other early advocates of birth control as radical, yet contraceptives are now
widely available in the United States.
When it comes to better understanding social change through collective action,
sociologists have pursued a variety of theoretical pathways. Starting in the 1890s, when
social scientists considered social movements, they tended to focus on rallies and the
crowds that attended them, with a particular emphasis on emotional manipulation of
crowds by leaders, rather than focusing on movement organizations dedicated to
bringing about significant social change. In the 1950s, theorists focused on the impact
people’s perceptions of their own situation might have on their willingness to participate
in social movements. Starting in the 1960s, in part due to the many page 366
movements active at the time, sociologists’ focus shifted from the
characteristics of the participants to how the movements operated and the factors that
were more or less influential in determining success. More recently, sociologists have
explored the motivations of the individuals involved in the organizations to better
understand why people devote their time and energy to such movements, with particular
attention paid to the role of sympathy and compassion. We will explore all four of these
approaches in this section.
Photo: Source: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division [LC-USZ62-29808]
whether religious or political, who critics accuse of manipulating, deceiving, or
brainwashing their followers into belief.
With its focus on crowds and manipulation, this theory especially appealed to people
in positions of power who sought to delegitimize the claims of participants. When the
woman’s suffrage movement held rallies to fight for women’s right to vote or labor
unions gathered to demand fair pay and better working conditions, this theory provided
those in power with a tool enabling them to dismiss those claims. Those in power
instead blamed a few rabble-rousers for riling up the crowds. Rather than focusing on
the legitimacy of the protestors claims, they accused the leaders of being spinsters or
radicals, and sometimes even used violence to break up their rallies and did so in the
name of social order (Dray 2010; McConnaughy 2013; O’Neill 1969).
Sociologists today largely reject this theory because it does not appear compatible
with what they found when studying how social movements operate in practice. Starting
especially in the 1960s, due to their research on, and sometimes their participation in,
the movements at that time, sociologists recognized that the people who engaged in
those movements were no more irrational or susceptible than those who did not. These
researchers turned their attention toward the ways in which control over resources
impacted social movement failure or success (Beckford 1985; Goodwin, Jasper, and
Polletta 2000; Lofland and Stark 1965; Stark and Bainbridge 1980).
To better understand why people might participate in social movements, sociologists
began focusing on people’s perceptions. They found that those members of society who
feel most frustrated with and disgruntled by social and economic conditions are not
necessarily the worst off in an objective sense. Social scientists have long recognized
that people’s perceptions of their situation are often more important than their actual
objective situation.
The theory known as relative deprivation refers to people’s perception that they
lack the resources necessary to lead the kind of life they believe they deserve. The
relative part refers to comparing one’s self to others, and the deprivation part involves
lack of resources such as money, property, or power. A relatively deprived person is
dissatisfied because he or she feels unfortunate relative to some appropriate reference
group. They have a desire for more, but can’t get what they want. And even if they try,
just getting what they need is not enough. Thus, blue-collar workers who live in modest
homes on small plots of land—though hardly destitute—may nevertheless feel deprived
in comparison to corporate managers and professionals who live in lavish homes in
exclusive suburbs (Stewart 2006).
Relative deprivation People’s perception that they lack the resources necessary to
lead the kind of life they believe they deserve.
In addition to the feeling of relative deprivation, however, two other elements must
be present before discontent will be channeled into a social movement. First, people
must feel that they have a right to their goals, that they deserve better than what they
have. For example, the struggle against European colonialism in Africa intensified when
growing numbers of Africans decided that it was legitimate for them to have political and
economic independence. Second, the disadvantaged group must perceive that its goals
cannot be attained through conventional means. This belief may or may not be correct.
In any case, the group will not mobilize into a social movement unless there is a shared
perception that members can end their relative deprivation only through collective action
(Walker and Smith 2002).
One of the challenges this perspective faced was explaining why some people who
feel discontent or deprived do not take action or join social movements, page 367
while others do. And then there are those who feel no significant
deprivation yet still act. As a result of such issues, in the 1960s, emphasis shifted away
from attempts to explain internal motivations and focused more on how access to
resources affected social movement outcomes.
2 Fists Up
Students fight for racial equality at the University of Missouri.
The power of activism at a micro level.
Freedom Riders
Young activists challenge segregation in the American South.
An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power
Global climate change motivates people to act.
Beasts of the Southern Wild
When you’re small, you gotta fix what you can.
movement must be able to both access valued resources and activate potential
followers (McCarthy and Zald 1977, 2002).
Max Weber laid a foundation for this model with his work on social power. As we
explored in the “Weber and Social Resources” section in Chapter 10, Weber argued that
class, status, and party represent three types of resources. Access to each shapes
relative social power within society. Class involves ownership and control of material
resources. Status entails control over social resources, including both the relative
perception people have of an individual or group’s prestige and the power of social
network connections. And party refers to the capacity to organize to accomplish some
specific goal. According to Weber, groups can utilize their relative power in one of these
areas to gain greater power in another. In the United States, for example, the civil rights
movement effectively used its organizational power to alter the relative standing of
African Americans in terms of both class and status (Ling 2006).
Sociologist Anthony Oberschall (1973:199) argued that to sustain social protest or
resistance, there must be both an “organizational base and continuity of leadership.” As
people become part of a social movement, norms develop to guide their behavior.
Members of the movement may be expected to attend regular meetings of
organizations, pay dues, recruit new adherents, and boycott “enemy” products or
speakers. Leadership is a central factor in the mobilization of the discontented into
social movements. Often, a movement will be led by a charismatic figure, such as
occurred in the civil rights movement with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Charismatic
authority alone, however, may not be enough.
Online sites such as serve as information clearinghouses and
networking hubs for social activists. How might the existence of such online
resources shape social activism both positively and negatively?
The Women’s March on Washington drew more than 500,000 participants in January
2017. Many others marched at alternative locations around the country and around
the world. (left): Amanda Edwards/FilmMagic/Getty Images; (right): Jenny Anderson/FilmMagic/Getty Images
page 368
One of the key resources social movements need to mobilize involves media
exposure. Innovations in social networking technologies, including Instagram, Twitter,
Facebook, and a variety of messaging apps, can serve as important resources,
facilitating the organization and success of mass movements. The capacity to capture
and share video of apparent brutality played an important part in the development and
expansion of the Black Lives Matter movement. Social networking apps made it
possible to successfully organize and carry out the March for Our Lives events, held
around the country, only five-and-a-half weeks after the Parkland school shootings.
Such technologies continue to play a role in the ongoing activities of these movements
and others.
Are there any issues on your campus or in your community that people
persistently complain about? If so, what factors might inhibit them from organizing
to bring about social change?
wise” (2018:1).
According to this perspective, people will fight for the things they believe in, not just
because they are focused on the instrumental rationality tied to access to resources, but
because they believe it is right to do so. Their sense of justice, along with an almost
guttural response when they see someone treated unfairly, provide important
motivations. To see their values put into practice provides a sense of pride,
accomplishment, and worth (Jasper 2014, 2018).
When it comes to social movements, the range of emotions involved varies.
Sometimes the most important emotions are the visceral reactions people have to a
tragic event. We’ve seen this over and over again when it comes to school shootings. In
the words of Parkland shooting survivor Delaney Tarr, “This movement, created by
students, led by students, is based in emotion. It is based in passion. It is based in pain”
(Burke 2018). One of the things that made the Parkland case different was the fact that
the students involved began to organize right away, enabling them to draw on these
immediate emotions in a way that led to action. But movements cannot rely on these
types of emotions alone (Jasper 2018).
At their heart, reactions such as these are rooted in more fundamental emotional
commitments tied to people’s sense of morality. We often express these commitments
in the forms of narratives, such as morality plays or fairy tales, that can help us to better
articulate what we believe. These stories often include victims, villains, heroes, and
minions. And when some event comes along that challenges our sense of social justice,
we can more easily identify who is who in the current crisis. Effective social movements
will often find ways to tell such tales (Jasper 2014).
page 369
Moral emotions get to the very heart of what we believe is true, just, good, and right.
Sociologist James Jasper (2018) high-lights three categories of moral emotions. The
first, pride, highlights the importance we attach to the reputation of our group and
ourselves. We want to be able to feel good about those whom we consider our people.
An attack against any of them can feel like on attack on ourselves. A shameful action by
one of our own can also bring shame to us. The second, compassion, involves our
capacity for both empathy and sympathy. Empathy means we can understand what
others are feeling. Sympathy goes beyond empathy to affirm and support the others,
caring about the fact that they are feeling bad. Third, justice, means that we care about
how people are treated. It is from here that a sense of indignation, or righteous anger,
grows. Jasper uses the expression “indignation gap” to describe the difference between
how things are and how they should be according to our beliefs (2018:158).
Did You Know
. . . Women played an active role in the antiwar and civil rights
movements but were often blocked from positions of leadership.
Symbolizing this exclusion perhaps better than any other example was
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee leader Stokely
Carmichael’s infamous line: “The only position for women in SNCC is
prone.” Such sexism and discrimination led women to start their own
organizations to fight for women’s rights.
When the Columbine school shootings happened in 1999, long before hashtags
were created, the slogan “We are Columbine” became a rallying cry, giving voice to the
sense of pride and identity present in that community. One of the reasons people
participate in social movements is to feel that sense of connection to something bigger
and more important than themselves. Perhaps because the scale of the shooting was
unprecedented at the time, the outpouring of compassion toward the Columbine
community came from all corners of the country. And, in keeping with the principle of
justice, and the deep-in-the-marrow sense of unfairness this act provoked, people said
“Never again” (Cullen 2009). Sadly, that plaintive cry has since been heard many times
after repeated mass shootings, including those at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the
Pulse nightclub in Orlando, and the Harvest Music Festival in Las Vegas.
Combining elements of the resource mobilization perspective with these more
compassion-based models enables us to better understand what makes a social
movement work. If a movement is to succeed, it must tend to people’s sense of social
justice and their perception of possibility. Asking people to sacrifice their time, money,
and effort should invoke both their emotional sense of right and wrong and their rational
sense about the most efficient and effective pathways forward.
Social change Shifts in how humans think and act within society that alter material,
cognitive, and normative culture.
page 370
Note: Data are comparable, although definitions vary somewhat across time. Earliest birthrate is from 1905.
Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics 2019c; Carter et al. 2006:vol. 1: 28–29, 401–402, 440, 541, 685, 697, 709,
vol. 2: 441–442, vol. 3: 422–425, 427–428; National Center for Health Statistics 2018a:Tables 3, 15, 83; National
Center for Education Statistics 2018:Tables 104.10, 302.60; U.S. Census Bureau 2010a:Table 80, 2016e:Table
MS-2, 2018a:Table S0201; U.S. Copyright Office 2016; U.S. Patent and Trademark Office 2016. Photo: Nisian
Hughes/Getty Images
emerging and being accepted with remarkable speed. And there are many ways in
which technology makes our lives better. The list of possible examples seems page 371
endless, but would certainly include innovations in health and health care.
Examples might include pacemakers, contact lenses, defibrillators, insulin pumps, robot-
assisted surgery, vaccines, and a whole host of others.
In our Internet age, digital technologies have transformed how we live. Driven in part
by the spread of mobile phones around the world, for example, Internet access has
gone global. In 2018, the Internet reached 4.2 billion users, or 55.1 percent of the
world’s population. If we look at global Internet use, Asia alone represents more than 2
billion users. However, in terms of access, as the “Internet Use and Penetration by
World Region” graph shows, a larger proportion of the population in North America—95
percent—can connect to the Internet than on any other continent. Contrast that with
Africa where only 36 percent have access (Internet World Stats 2018).
In developing nations, whole populations can move quite rapidly from having limited
access to technologies to adopting them in their more advanced forms. An example of
such leapfrogging occurs when countries skip landlines, with all the wiring infrastructure
installation that entails, and move directly to widespread access to cell phones. Or when
they go straight to e-commerce for financial transactions, such as those provided by the
M-Pesa app in places such as Kenya, Afghanistan, and India (Harford 2017).
Technological change does not come without costs. Already in the mid-1800s, for
example, Karl Marx predicted that technological innovation would cost people their jobs
as machines took over work previously done by humans. Concerns about
mechanization, computerization, and robotization continue today. Technology analysts
Thomas Davenport and Julia Kirby (2016) suggest that jobs particularly susceptible to
automation include those that have clearly delineated rules for performance, involve
simple content transmission, require quantitative analysis, or necessitate page 372
little face-to-face contact with customers or coworkers. For example,
radiologists who read x-ray images and CT scans to diagnose tumors are susceptible to
replacement by technology that can draw on pattern-recognition databases to do the
job. This kind of social change raises economic concerns about what happens if the
supply of workers looking for good jobs exceeds the demand of employers looking to
hire them (M. Ford 2015; Frey and Osborne 2017).
Source: Internet World Stats 2018.
Lo and Behold
Is the Internet a force for good, evil, or both?
The Martian
Stranded on Mars and only technological ingenuity can save him.
Ex Machina
What happens when the line between humans and robots blurs?
The Road
Human survival in a post-apocalyptic world.
A way of life that calls for another way of living.
As technology spreads, we may also lose control over other areas of our lives,
including our privacy. In 2019, Marriott International reported the theft of 383 million of
its guests’ private data, including 5 million unencrypted passport numbers. In 2017,
Equifax, a credit reporting agency, reported a data breach affecting 148 million
customers. And in 2016, FriendFinder reported the theft of usernames, passwords, and
email addresses for 339 million users of its AdultFriendFinder site—which describes
itself as “the world’s largest sex & swinger community” (Greenberg 2016).
Scientific research provides another area of concern when it comes to technological
innovation. Genetic modification of plants, animals, and microorganisms leads people to
raise questions about how much change here is appropriate. For example, many people
fear that genetically modified food may result in unintended consequences in terms of
both health and the environment. Yet, genetically modified food, because it can be
adapted to challenging environmental contexts, can help alleviate hunger and starvation
in countries around the world (Jenkins 2018). Balancing the advantages and
disadvantages of such changes involves exercising critical judgment and adequate
When it comes to genetic modifications of animals, the first major milestone occurred
in 1997 when scientists in Scotland announced that they had cloned a page 373
sheep, which they named Dolly. Since then many other species have been
successfully cloned, as can be seen in the “Cloning Milestones” timeline. It is now
possible to get your pet cat or dog cloned, though doing is costly. Scientists have even
begun work on “de-extinction,” the cloning of extinct species such as the woolly
mammoth and passenger pigeon (McCauley et al. 2016; Schultz 2016).
Cloning Milestones
Photos: (sheep): PA Images/Getty Images; (goat): G.K.&Vikki Hart/Photodisc/Yuri Kevhiev/Getty Images; (cat):
G.K.&Vikki Hart/Photodisc/Getty Images; (pig): Image Source/PunchStock; (monkeys): Jin Liwang/Xinhua News
Agency/Getty Images
In 2015, scientists announced that they had succeeded in genetically modifying
human embryos, though none were brought to term. In 2017, scientists successfully
cloned the first primates ever, a pair of macaque monkeys named Zhong Zhong and
Hua Hua. And in 2018, the first gene-edited human babies were born making them less
susceptible to contracting HIV (Cyranoski and Reardon 2015; Greshko 2018). When
asked, 81 percent of Americans responded that cloning humans is morally wrong. And,
even though cloning nonhuman mammals has become routine, 51 percent reject it as
morally wrong (Gallup 2018b).
Sociologist Jacques Ellul (1964, 1980, 1990) argued that the key factor to consider
when analyzing our modern technological society is not simply the technology, by which
he meant the physical tools we create as we modify our material environment, but what
he referred to more generally as technique. By this he meant our systemic commitment
to maximizing efficiency and increasing productivity in all areas of human endeavor.
Success, whether in business, education, or love, is increasingly measured in
quantitative terms. That which cannot be measured is suspect. For example, we see
evidence of this at work in the No Child Left Behind education reforms. Performance on
particular kinds of tests, in a narrow range of subjects, is becoming the primary indicator
of learning. Although living in a technique-focused system has the advantage of
technical progress, we lose something human in the process—art, beauty, and
qualitative, as opposed to quantitative, values. Ellul’s concerns echo those of Max
Weber about the dehumanizing consequences of bureaucracy.
Most of us today automatically adopt the latest technologies without taking time to
step back and ask what consequences they might have for social order and meaning.
On the one hand, smartphones facilitate the establishment and success of social
movements, as we saw after the Parkland shootings. On the other hand, they impact
our everyday interactions with others. Communications professor Neil Postman (1988,
1993, 1999) argues that, instead of passively accepting technological innovations, we
should critically examine whether we really need them and investigate what
consequences adoption might have on ourselves, our relationships, and our society. He
identified five questions we should ask whenever we consider adopting a new
technology or technique—when buying a new smartphone or car, or when implementing
a new management or organizational plan, for example—which are highlighted in the
“Five Questions to Ask When Adopting New Technology” feature.
The Evolution of Societies Some sociologists argue that change in society follows
a fairly predictable path. We’ve already encountered one version of this approach in the
form of modernization theory in Chapter 11. Inspired in part by Charles Darwin’s (1859)
evolutionary model of nature, and rooted in the functionalist perspective, these
sociologists proposed a social evolution model of social change, according to which
societies progress from simple to complex over time. This approach encourages a
certain level of passivity. Change is inevitable and follows a predictable path, which
reduces the perceived need to fight for positive social change.
social evolution A theory of social change that holds that societies progress from
simple to complex over time.
Knowledge is advanced by studying the fundamental essence of things. In Comte’s
positive stage, knowledge is built on facts revealed using the scientific method. Natural
and social scientists seek to uncover the underlying laws that govern the universe.
Empirical investigation trumps philosophical reflection, and researchers adhere to the
Missouri principle of “don’t just tell me, show me.” During this stage, according to
Comte, people are rational, guided by logic and reason, making progress not only
possible, but inevitable. Most sociologists today have rejected the simplistic and
ethnocentric elements of this model, but most also affirm the importance of
understanding how past developments shape future outcomes.
page 374
Equilibrium model The theory that society’s natural tendency is toward social order
with change in one part of society counterbalanced by adjustments in others.
Parsons (1966) maintained that four processes of social change are inevitable. The
first, differentiation, refers to the division of society, into specialized subsystems, such
as institutions, as occurs when the overlapping functions associated with family,
education, religion, politics, and the economy in traditional societies become
increasingly separate in modern times. The second process, adaptive upgrading, refers
to increased specialization of tasks, also known as the division of labor. Such
specialization allows for greater productivity and efficiency. The third process, inclusion,
ensures that the various elements of the social system work together by building links
between those elements. Finally, value generalization, involves the development of new
values to legitimate the broader range of activities that arose within the system. All four
processes identified by Parsons stress consensus—societal agreement on the nature of
social organization and values (Gerhardt 2002).
Why might the equilibrium model have a difficult time addressing such issues as
inequality and poverty as social problems to be solved?
Resources, Power, and Change Karl Marx, who utilized the conflict perspective,
accepted elements of an evolutionary argument, believing that societies develop along
predictable paths. But Marx argued that people with power and control over valued
resources play a pivotal role in shaping the direction of social change, at least in the
short term. Major social change happens, according to Marx, when a revolution in social
relations occurs, leading to a new stage of economic and social development.
Ultimately, as we saw in the “Economic Systems” section of Chapter 9, Marx predicted
that, after the problem of production is solved—meaning we had the technological
capacity to produce enough enough for everyone to survive and thrive—human society
would move toward the final stage of social development: a classless communist
society, or “community of free individuals” who control their own labor power and are
able to exercise it freely (Marx [1867] 2000:478).
Marx argued that conflict is a normal and desirable aspect of social page 375
change. In fact, change must be encouraged if social inequality is to be
eliminated. In his view, people are not restricted to a passive role in responding to
inevitable cycles or changes in the material culture. Rather, Marxist theory offers a tool
for those who want to seize control of the historical process and gain their freedom from
injustice. Social movements today continue to maintain this same hope. Efforts to
promote social change are, however, likely to meet with resistance. Battles over
resources, which can involve government, unions, social movement organizations, and
more, all shape likely outcomes.
Individuals and groups in positions of power have a stake in maintaining the status
quo. Social economist Thorstein Veblen (1857–1929) coined the term vested interests
to refer to those people or groups who benefit most from the existing social, political,
and economic system. They are the ones who have the most to lose should social
change take place. For example, historically the American Medical Association (AMA)
has taken strong stands against universal health insurance and the professionalization
of midwives. National health insurance was seen as a threat to physicians’ income and
authority, and a rise in the status of midwives could undercut the doctors’ expertise, and
therefore also their authority and prestige, as deliverers of babies. In general, people
with a disproportionate share of society’s wealth, status, and power have a vested
interest in preserving the status quo (Furedi 2006; Scelfo 2008; Veblen 1919).
Vested interests Those people or groups who benefit most from the existing social,
political, and economic structure.
Communities also work to protect their vested interests, often in the name of
“protecting property values.” As noted in Chapter 14, the abbreviation NIMBY stands for
“not in my backyard,” a cry often heard when people protest landfills, prisons, nuclear
power facilities, and even bike trails and group homes for people with developmental
disabilities. The targeted community may not challenge the need for the facility, but may
simply insist that it be located elsewhere. The NIMBY attitude has become so common
that it is almost impossible for policy makers to find acceptable locations for facilities
such as hazardous waste dumps. Unfortunately, it is often those with the fewest
resources who end up on the losing end of such battles (Scally 2015; Wonjun et al.
David Crigger/Bristol Herald Courier/AP Images
groups can be quite smart. As he put it, “under the right circumstances, groups are
remarkably intelligent, and are often smarter than the smartest people in them”
(2004:xiii). The diversity of perspectives in the group represents one of the most
important factors. People drawing on alternative experiences are also more likely to see
limitations or holes in the plans and programs we propose. Existing in groups and
networks of only like-minded people creates the danger of living in an echo chamber or
bubble in which the only perspectives we hear are those with which we already agree.
Even though social media provide us with the potential to interact with a wide variety
of others, one of their unintended consequences has been to reinforce our preconceived
notions about what count as facts. Political discourse today seems more divided than
ever. Analysis of interaction patterns on Twitter, Facebook, and a variety of other
platforms confirms that the political social network worlds people occupy have become
quite distinct and disconnected. People in these social network bubbles do not hear the
same facts or narratives, and as a result can come to very different conclusions about
what is wrong and what should be done to fix it (Kahn and Bowyer 2018; Kelly and
François 2018; Pew Research Center 2018c).
In terms of new norms, embracing diversity has clear advantages, even if
implementing it can prove challenging in practice. One of the benefits of taking
intersectionality seriously is that it enables us to more fully recognize and affirm the
varieties of backgrounds and experiences the people around us have. Early on, for
example, the students organizing the March for Our Lives events recognized that the
mainstream media seemed to give more time and attention to gun violence victims who
were mostly White and upper-middle class. In response, at the rally that preceded the
March, the organizers were intentional about giving opportunities to speak to those who
might not otherwise be heard, especially young Black women. Doing so provides more
people access to the kinds of diverse voices necessary for more informed decision
making (Grinberg and Muaddi 2018; Johnson 2018; Talbot 2018).
In today’s world, change is inevitable. From sociology we learn that we should
challenge ourselves to continually expand our ideas about what’s possible. As we better
understand factors influencing the nature and direction of changes in technology, ideas,
and norms, we can use that knowledge to make more informed choices as we move
into the future. After all, the choices we make today establish the foundation for the
society we will live in tomorrow.
material resources gives advantage to some and disadvantage to others. It helps us
understand whether the things we do are consistent with what we claim to believe. It
can inform our conversation of whether we are headed where we want to go. It does
these things by getting us to pay attention to the world around us in a new way.
We need to move from thinking of sociology as only something we learn about to
thinking of sociology as something we do. In our daily lives, sociology can help us better
understand our own individual actions and the actions of those around us. In the context
of our larger society and the world, it also enables us to better appreciate the forces at
work shaping outcomes—knowledge that we can then use to act in ways that make the
world a better place. In both our personal and public lives, we need to practice sociology
in the same way that doctors practice medicine.
page 377
Sociology can help us in our everyday lives to better understand our beliefs and actions
and to make more informed choices. We learn from sociology that we are in society and
society is in us. Self and society are not two separate things. Being an individual
necessitates understanding the importance of place, of position, of connection, and of
interaction. Though we like to believe that any choice is available to us, in reality, our
options are limited.
Practicing sociology means asking uncomfortable questions and not settling for easy
answers. It means taking into account the significance of both the individual and society,
of both action and structure, of both freedom and constraint. It means recognizing the
significance of power and the impact that access to material, social, and cultural
resources has on the choices available to us. In short, as we saw in Chapter 1, doing
personal sociology means recognizing the impact our individual position has on who
we are and how we think and act, and then taking responsibility for the impacts our
actions have on others.
Personal sociology The practice of recognizing the impact the positions we occupy
have on who we are and how we think and act.
Public sociology The process of bringing the insights gained through sociological
observation and analysis into the public sphere, thereby seeking to bring about
positive social change.
Personal Sociology
Past, Present, and Future
Each year, on our road trip to Wisconsin to visit family for the holidays, we listen to
Charles Dickens’s classic tale, A Christmas Carol. Near the end, after Ebenezer
Scrooge, a miserly businessman, has been visited by the Ghosts of Christmas Past,
Present, and Yet to Come, he repents of having selfishly cut himself off from everyone.
At that moment he says, “I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future! The Spirits
of all Three shall strive within me.” This is the sociological imagination in a nutshell. We
need to learn from the past, understanding that the choices made then, by ourselves
and others, shape options available to us in today’s social structure, while at the same
time looking forward to the future, envisioning the world we hope is to come, knowing
that the choices we make today shape the structure of tomorrow.
Because we construct the existing social structures through our collective and
recurring actions, we bear responsibility for their consequences. Existing systems—the
structure and culture we create—are not inevitable. We can choose to change them; we
can act differently, as the accompanying table “Citizen Activities in a Democratic
Society” suggests. It can be difficult to step off the “paths of least resistance” that
support the existing system (Johnson 1997), and the consequences for action and belief
that run counter to the status quo can be severe. But we can do so.
What we cannot do is absolve ourselves of responsibility for the systems we end up
with. In fact, to not act differently is to support the existing system of inequality. As
sociologist Scott Schaffer (2004) points out, we can no longer ignore practices that
violate our basic beliefs, trying to wash our hands of responsibility. Writes Schaffer: “Our
hands are already dirty; the question I leave here is whether our hands will be dirtied
through action intended to bring concrete, actual, enacted freedom into the world, or
through our choice to preserve ourselves at the cost of all others in the page 378
here and now and in the future” (pp. 271–272). Our cynicism and
resignation only reinforce systems of oppression and violence. To not act to bring about
positive change still represents a choice, and we bear responsibility either way.
By helping us see why we think and act as we do, by helping us clarify the
relationship between belief and practice, and by helping us better understand the
consequences of difference, personal and public sociology can encourage discussion
that can lead to a better future. We can use the tools of sociology to allow ourselves to
enter into conversations in which we share our stories with others (both positive and
negative), clarifying places where we agree and disagree, and opening ourselves up to
our blind spots. We often want to avoid uncomfortable conflict, opting instead for polite
discourse, but to fail to be more genuinely engaged in our cultural and structural
differences virtually ensures a lack of progress toward implementing our core principles
(Schaffer 2004).
Before his current role as host of the Late Show on CBS, Stephen Colbert became
famous for spoofing TV talking heads on his Comedy Central show, The Colbert
Report. He was quite serious, however, when he gave advice in a 2006
commencement speech at Knox College. He challenged students not to give in to
cynicism, telling them, “Cynicism masquerades as wisdom, but it is the farthest thing
from it. Because cynics don’t learn anything. Because cynicism is a self-imposed
blindness, a rejection of the world because we are afraid it will hurt us or disappoint
us. Cynics always say ‘no.’ But saying ‘yes’ begins things. Saying ‘yes’ is how things
grow. Saying ‘yes’ leads to knowledge. ‘Yes’ is for young people. So for as long as
you have the strength to, say ‘yes.’”
Source of quote: Stephen Colbert. Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images
Change comes because people continue not only to believe that it is possible but also to
act on their hopes and dreams. As ethnographer Studs Terkel (2003) put it, “In all
epochs, there were at first doubts and the fear of stepping forth and speaking out, but
the attribute that spurred the warriors on was hope. And then act” (p. xviii). We can
change the world for the better. We can do so by becoming more informed about
ourselves and others and then acting on that knowledge. Here are some possibilities for
Practice personal sociology. Become more conscious of the factors that shape your
beliefs and actions.
Become more aware of privilege. Identify the advantages you have, especially relative
to the rest of the world; you likely have sufficient food, clothes, and shelter; you can
read this; you can plan for the future; and so on.
Become more informed. We have access to more information about our world now
than ever. Seek it out; find out what’s going on.
Interpret what you learn. Analyze the information you receive. Remember that data
never speak for themselves; they aren’t just facts but are embedded in networks and
systems that have their own interests.
Vote. Elected leaders in a democracy, whether local, state, or national, are chosen by
voters. It may not seem like your individual vote is significant, but the simple page 379
fact is that all those votes still add up to a winner. And even if your
candidate cannot win, you can still make a statement; for example, if you don’t think
any of the candidates would make a good choice, write in someone who would.
Participate in local politics. Think of politics as a contact sport: Go to rallies, protests,
school board meetings, city council meetings, and more. You might be surprised how
much of a difference a single voice can make, especially on the local level.
Run for office. Don’t assume that such positions of leadership are only for others who
are somehow better or more informed than you. We need more people to believe that
they can lead so that we get more diversity in our leaders.
Volunteer. There are local organizations in every community seeking to bring about
positive social change. You might contact a local school to see if you can read to kids,
work at a homeless shelter, or help build houses with Habitat for Humanity.
Join. There are many organizations that provide long-term outreach opportunities,
such as AmeriCorps, the Peace Corps, and the American Red Cross, in which you
provide assistance to people with varieties of needs, in communities near and far.
Organize. Work to bring about the world you envision; there are undoubtedly others
out there who share your views. Find them and work with them, both inside and
outside existing institutions, to bring about change.
Fight for change. Regardless of where you are, whether in your relationships, your
family, your workplace, your community, or elsewhere, work to bring about positive
social change. We have the power to change the world; we can’t do so in a vacuum,
but if sociologists are at all correct about the social construction of reality, things could
be otherwise.
Sociology as a Way of Life
Sociology is a rich and complex discipline with so much more than can
possibly be covered in an introductory course. Consider exploring what else is
out there and take another sociology course in an area that sparks your
interest. Even if you don’t, try to engage your sociological imagination every
day. Investigate. Learn. Vote. Organize. Run for office. Fight for change.
Practice sociology. Make a difference.
page 380
For culture. By paying attention to technological innovation, shifts in
knowledge, and diverse social networks we can better
REVIEW understand, and engage with, social change today.
III. What does it mean to practice sociology?
Personal sociology involves better understanding the influence
social factors have on our thoughts and actions and using this
information to our advantage. Public sociology means taking
responsibility for the collective impacts our individual actions
have in shaping society and opportunity and working for positive
social change.
page 381
Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock
After reviewing the chapter, answer the following questions:
How would each perspective explain the activism in the varieties of social
movements described in the opening vignette?
How might an interactionist approach a study of the importance of pride,
compassion, and justice in social movements?
According to each perspective, what effects have new communication
technologies (for example, the Internet, cell phones, and so on) had on our
interactions, relationships, and communities?
How would drawing an insight from each perspective enable you to more
effectively bring about social change?
page 382
Pop Quiz
1. What term do sociologists use to describe “groups of individuals and
organizations collectively committed to bringing about, or resisting,
fundamental societal change in a systematic way”?
a. engaged action
b. social movements
c. mobility organizations
d. social change
2. What three categories of moral emotions did sociologist James Jasper
identify as important when studying the role of emotions in social
a. life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
b. pride, compassion, and justice
c. material, social, and cultural
d. joy, fear, and hope
3. It takes more than desire to start a social movement; it helps to have
money, political influence, access to the media, and workers. The ways in
which a social movement uses such things are referred to collectively as
a. relative deprivation.
b. false consciousness.
c. resource mobilization.
d. economic independence.
4. You are a student and do not own a car. All your close friends who are
attending your college or university have vehicles of their own. You feel
downtrodden and dissatisfied. You are experiencing
a. relative deprivation.
b. resource mobilization.
c. false consciousness.
d. depression.
5. According to the definition, what is social change?
a. tumultuous, revolutionary alterations that lead to changes in leadership
b. shifts in how humans think and act within society that alter material, cognitive,
and normative culture
c. regular alterations in a consistent social frame of reference
d. subtle alterations in any social system
6. What percentage of the world’s population now has Internet access?
a. 36.1 percent
b. 55.1 percent
c. 68.9 percent
d. 95.0 percent
7. What name was given to the rebellious craftworkers in 19th-century
England who destroyed new factory machinery as part of their resistance
to the Industrial Revolution?
a. traitors
b. Marxists
c. technophobes
d. Luddites
8. According to Talcott Parsons’s equilibrium model, during which process
do social institutions become more specialized to improve performance?
a. differentiation
b. adaptive upgrading
c. inclusion
d. value generalization
9. What term did sociologist Jacques Ellul use to describe our systematic
commitment to maximizing efficiency and increasing human productivity
in all areas of human life?
a. technology
b. management
c. technique
d. kaizen
10. Recognizing the impact our individual position has on who we are and how
we think and act and then taking responsibility for the effects our actions
have on others is known as
a. resource mobilization.
b. false consciousness.
c. public sociology.
d. personal sociology.
1. (b), 2. (b), 3. (c), 4. (a), 5. (b), 6. (b), 7. (d), 8. (b), 9. (c), 10. (d)
Design Elements: Going Global (Earth): ©Studio Photogram/Alamy Stock Photo; Personal Sociology (drawing of
author): McGraw-Hill Education; 5 Movies (popcorn): ©D. Hurst/Alamy Stock Photo; Sociology Is a Verb (overlapping
hands): ©Jeff DeWeerd/Imagezoo/Getty Images
page 383
Absolute poverty A minimum level of subsistence that no family should be expected
to live below.
Activity theory A theory of aging that suggests that those elderly people who remain
active and socially involved will have an improved quality of life.
Anomie A weak sense of social solidarity due to a lack of agreed-upon rules to guide
Anthropocene A geological epoch in which human actions, even at a micro level,
have global environmental consequences.
Applied sociology The use of the discipline of sociology with the specific intent of
yielding practical applications for human behavior and organizations.
Ascribed status A social position assigned to a person by society without regard for
the person’s unique talents or characteristics.
Assimilation The process through which a person forsakes his or her own cultural
tradition to become part of a different culture.
Bilateral descent A kinship system in which both sides of a person’s family are
regarded as equally important.
Bisexual A category of sexual orientation that includes those who are attracted to
both men and women.
Borderlands The area of common culture along the border between Mexico and the
United States.
Bourgeoisie The ruling class under capitalism due to their ownership of the means of
Brain drain The immigration to the United States and other industrialized nations of
skilled workers, professionals, and technicians who are needed in their home countries.
increasingly relies on technical-rational decision making in the pursuit of efficiency.
Capitalism An economic system in which owners of private property compete in the
marketplace in pursuit of profit.
Caste A stratification system in which boundaries between strata are clear, relations
between levels are regulated, and social status is ascribed.
Causal logic A relationship exists between variables in which change in one brings
about change in the other.
Cisgender A person whose gender identity aligns more closely with the cultural
expectations associated with his or her biological sex at birth.
Clinical sociology The use of the discipline of sociology with the specific intent of
altering social relationships or restructuring social institutions.
Closed system A society with a system of stratification that does not allow for social
mobility between strata.
page 384
Concerted cultivation A style of parenting that involves active engagement with, and
sustained supervision over, children in order to foster their growth and development.
Conformity Abiding by the norms of our peers even though they have no direct
authority over us.
Control variable A factor that is held constant to test the relative impact of an
independent variable.
Crime A violation of criminal law for which some governmental authority applies formal
Crude birthrate The number of live births per 1,000 people in the population in a
given year.
Crude death rate The number of deaths per 1,000 people in a population in a given
Cultural capital Our tastes, knowledge, attitudes, language, and ways of thinking that
we exchange in interaction with others.
Cultural lag The general principle that technological innovation occurs more quickly
than does our capacity to perceive, interpret, and respond to that change.
Culture shock The feelings of disorientation, uncertainty, and even fear that people
experience when they encounter unfamiliar cultural practices.
Degradation ceremony An aspect of the socialization process within some total
institutions, in which people are subjected to humiliating rituals.
Denomination A large, organized religion that is not officially linked to the state or
influence of another variable.
Dictatorship A government in which one person has nearly total power to make and
enforce laws.
Differential association A theory of deviance that holds that violation of rules results
from exposure to attitudes favorable to criminal acts.
Diffusion The process by which a cultural item spreads within and between societies.
page 385
Disengagement theory A theory of aging that suggests that society and the aging
individual mutually sever many of their relationships.
Dominant ideology A set of cultural beliefs and practices that legitimates existing
powerful social, economic, and political interests.
Dyad The most basic building block of a social network, it consists of two nodes and
the relationship between them.
Ecclesia A religious organization that claims to include most or all members of a
society and is recognized as the national or official religion.
from teachers to students.
Elite model A view of society as being ruled by a small group of individuals who share
a common set of political and economic interests.
Environmental justice A legal strategy based on claims that racial minorities are
subjected disproportionately to environmental hazards.
Equilibrium model The theory that society’s natural tendency is toward social order
with change in one part of society counterbalanced by adjustments in others.
Established sect A religious group that is the outgrowth of a sect, yet remains
isolated from society.
Estate system A system of stratification that divides power in society into three
primary sectors: the church, the nobility, and the commoners.
Ethnocentrism The tendency to assume that one’s own culture and way of life
represent what’s normal or is superior to all others.
Expressive leader The person in the family who bears responsibility for the
maintenance of harmony and internal emotional affairs.
—live in the same or adjacent households as parents and their children.
Face-work Altering our presentation of self in order to maintain a proper image and
avoid public embarrassment.
Formal norm A norm that generally has been written down and that specifies strict
punishments for violators.
Gemeinschaft A close-knit community, often found in rural areas, in which strong
personal bonds unite members.
Gender The social and cultural significance that we attach to the biological differences
of sex.
page 386
Gender binary A dimorphic model in which gender roles are represented as either
masculine or feminine with a clear divide between the two.
gender identity A person’s subjective or internal sense of his or her own gender.
Gerontology The study of the sociological and psychological aspects of aging and the
problems of aging adults.
Glass ceiling An invisible barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified individual in
a work environment because of the individual’s gender, race, or ethnicity.
Gross national income (GNI) A measure of the total monetary value of all goods and
services produced within a country during some specified period of time.
Hate crime A criminal offense committed because of the offender’s bias against an
individual based on race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, or sexual orientation.
Heterosexual A category of sexual orientation that includes those who are sexually
attracted to members of the opposite sex.
Homosexual A category of sexual orientation that includes those who are attracted to
members of the same sex.
Horticultural society A preindustrial society in which people plant seeds and crops
rather than merely subsist on available foods.
Human rights Universal moral rights possessed by all people because they are
Hunting-and-gathering society A preindustrial society in which people rely on
whatever foods and fibers are readily available in order to survive.
I The acting self that exists in relation to the Me.
In-group A category of people who share a common identity and sense of belonging.
page 387
Incidence The number of new cases of a specific disorder that occur within a given
population during a stated period.
Index crimes The eight types of crime reported annually by the FBI in the Uniform
Crime Reports: murder, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny-
theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson.
Industrial society A society that depends on mechanization to produce its goods and
Infant mortality rate The number of deaths of infants under one year old per 1,000
live births in a given year.
Informal norm A norm that is generally understood but not precisely recorded.
Instrumental leader The person in the family who bears responsibility for the
completion of tasks, focuses on distant goals, and manages the external relationship
between one’s family and other social institutions.
Iron law of oligarchy The principle that all organizations, even democratic ones, tend
to develop into bureaucracies ruled by an elite few.
Kinship The state of being related to others.
Labeling theory An approach to deviance that attempts to explain why certain people
are viewed as deviants while others engaged in the same behavior are not.
Life chances The likelihood that our success is shaped by our access to valued
material, social, and cultural resources.
Life course approach A research orientation in which sociologists and other social
scientists look closely at the social factors that influence people throughout their lives,
from birth to death.
Life expectancy The projected number of years a person can expect to live based on
his or her year of birth.
Looking-glass self A theory that we become who we are based on how we think
others see us.
Macrosociology Sociological investigation that concentrates on large-scale
phenomena or entire civilizations.
Master status A status that dominates others and thereby determines a person’s
general position in society.
Matrilineal descent A kinship system in which only the mother’s relatives are
predictability, and control shape organization and decision making, in the United States
and around the world.
Me The socialized self that plans actions and judges performances based on the
standards we have learned from others.
Mean A number calculated by adding a series of values and then dividing by the
number of values.
page 388
Median The midpoint, or number that divides a series of values into two groups of
equal numbers of values.
Midlife crisis A stressful period of self-evaluation that begins at about age 40.
Mixed economy An economic system that combines elements of both capitalism and
Monogamy A form of marriage in which two people are married only to each other.
Morbidity rate The occurrences of illness in a given population over some period of
Mortality rate The incidence of death in a given population over some period of time.
Natural science The systematic study of the physical features of nature and the ways
in which they interact and change.
New religious movement (NRM) A small, alternative faith community that represents
either a new religion or a major innovation in an existing faith.
Nuclear family A married couple and their unmarried children living together.
Obedience Doing what a person in a position of authority over you says you should.
One-drop rule The principle that, if a person had even one Black African ancestor, no
matter how many generations back, the person was labeled Black—even if he or she
appeared to be White.
Open system A society with a system of stratification that allows for social mobility
between strata.
Party The capacity to organize to accomplish some particular goal.
Passing When people whose genetic ancestry and family history convey membership
in one racial category but who are perceived to belong to another race in the eyes of
Patrilineal descent A kinship system in which only the father’s relatives are
Peace The absence of war, or, more broadly, a proactive effort to develop cooperative
relations among nations.
Pluralism Mutual respect for one another’s cultures among the various groups in a
society, which allows minorities to express their own cultures without experiencing
page 389
Pluralist model A view of society in which many competing groups within the
community have access to government so that no single group is dominant.
Politics The competition between individuals or groups over the allocation of valued
Polity The social institution that establishes and enforces rules within a society and
negotiates relationships with other societies.
Polyandry A form of polygamy in which a woman may have more than one husband
at the same time.
Polygyny A form of polygamy in which a man may have more than one wife at the
same time.
Power The ability to exercise one’s will over others even if they resist.
Power elite A small group of military, industrial, and government leaders who control
the fate of the United States.
Prevalence The total number of cases of a specific disorder that exist at a given time.
Primary sector The segment of the economy involving activities that extract products
directly from the natural environment.
Proletariat The working class under capitalism who must sell their labor power in
exchange for a wage because they lack ownership of the means of production.
Protestant ethic Max Weber’s term for the disciplined commitment to worldly labor
driven by a desire to bring glory to God, shared by followers of Martin Luther and John
Qualitative research Descriptive research that relies on narrative accounts rather
than statistical procedures.
Queer A term that incorporates the multiplicity of possible sexual orientations, gender
identities, and gender expressions.
Race Presumed biological differences between humans to which people attach
meaning resulting in the creation of supposed genetically distinct subgroups within the
Random sample A sample for which every member of an entire population has the
same chance of being selected.
rules, principles, and procedures of conduct that are established in order to accomplish
goals in the most efficient manner possible.
page 390
Remittances The monies that immigrants return to their families of origin. Also known
as remesas.
Rite of passage A ritual marking the symbolic transition from one social position to
another, dramatizing and validating changes in a person’s status.
Role conflict The situation that occurs when incompatible expectations arise from two
or more social statuses held by the same person.
Role exit The process of disengagement from a role that is central to one’s self-
identity in order to establish a new role and identity.
Role strain The difficulty that arises when role expectations within the same social
status clash.
Sacred Elements beyond everyday life that inspire respect, awe, and even fear.
Second shift The double burden of working outside the home followed by child care
and housework.
Secondary analysis A variety of research techniques that make use of existing data
for the purpose of new analysis.
Sect A relatively small religious group that has broken away from some other religious
organization to renew what it considers the original vision of the faith.
Self Our sense of who we are, distinct from others, and shaped by the unique
combination of our social interactions.
Serial monogamy A form of marriage in which a person may have several spouses in
his or her lifetime, but only one spouse at a time.
Sick role A form of legitimate deviance in which the person who becomes ill has a
corresponding set of rights and responsibilities associated with that status.
Significant other An individual who is most important in the development of the self,
such as a parent, friend, or teacher.
Single-parent family A family in which only one parent is present to care for the
Slavery A system of enforced servitude in which some people are owned by others as
Social change Shifts in how humans think and act within society that alter material,
cognitive, and normative culture.
Social control theory A theory of deviance that posits that the social bonds we share
with other members of society lead us to conform to society’s norms
Social epidemiology The study of the role social factors play in the development and
distribution of disease throughout the population.
Social evolution A theory of social change that holds that societies progress from
simple to complex over time.
Social facts Manners of acting, thinking, and feeling external to the individual with
coercive power to shape how we act, think, and feel.
Social interaction A reciprocal exchange in which two or more people read, react,
and respond to each other.
Social network A web of relationships through which people interact both directly and
indirectly to accomplish formal and informal goals.
Social role A set of expected behaviors for people who occupy a given social status.
Socialism An economic system under which the means of production and distribution
are collectively owned.
Socialization The lifelong process through which people learn the attitudes, values,
and behaviors appropriate for members of a particular culture.
Society The structure of relationships within which culture is created and shared
through regularized patterns of social interaction.
Sociology The systematic study of the relationship between the individual and society
and of the consequences of difference.
Stereotype An unreliable generalization about all members of a group that does not
recognize individual differences within the group.
Symbol A gesture, object, or word that forms the basis of human communication.
Symbolic ethnicity An ethnic identity that emphasizes concerns such as ethnic food
or political issues rather than deeper ties to one’s ethnic heritage.
Teacher-expectancy effect The impact that a teacher’s expectations about a
student’s performance may have on the student’s actual achievements.
Technology A form of material culture in which humans convert natural resources into
tools to accomplish practical ends.
Total fertility rate The average number of children a woman would have during her
lifetime given current birthrates and assuming she survives through her childbearing
page 392
Total institution An institution that regulates all aspects of a person’s life under a
single authority, such as a prison, the military, a mental hospital, or a convent.
Transgender A person whose gender identity differs from the sex he or she was
assigned at birth.
Triad Within a social network, it consists of three nodes and the direct and indirect
relationships among them.
Validity The degree to which a measure or scale truly reflects the phenomenon under
Vested interests Those people or groups who benefit most from the existing social,
political, and economic structure.
Victimless crime A term used by sociologists to describe the willing exchange among
adults of widely desired, but illegal, goods and services.
War Conflict between organizations that possess trained combat forces equipped with
deadly weapons.
Wealth The total value of all material assets minus debts at a single point in time.
World systems analysis A view of the global economic system as one divided
between certain industrialized nations that control wealth and developing countries that
are controlled and exploited.
page 393
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Name Index
Addams, J., 15, 41, 173
Adichie, C. N., 319
Adler, P. and P., 80–81
Agassiz, L., 296, 298
Ahmed, K. C., 257
Aldean, J., 124
Alger, H., 236
Ali, M., 99
Allah, 189
Allard, L., 332
Amato, P. R., 167
Ambani, N. and M., 246
Aniston, J., 315
Anthony, S. B., 277
Atchley, R., 90
Bacon, F., 8
Baldwin, J. A., 232
Bales, R., 284
Balfour, G., 143
Barra, M., 117
al-Bashir, O., 206
Basinger, J., 155
Baudrillard, J., 115
Baum, B., 308
Beagan, B., 345
Beane, B., 25
Beaton, K., 272
Becker, H., 141
Bell, D., 114, 135
Berger, P., 47, 93, 183
Berlin, B., 56
Beyoncé, 310
bin Laden, O., 60, 217
Blumenbach, J., 296
Boas, F., 299
Boorstin, D., 42
Booth, A., 167
Bourdieu, P., 6, 8, 15, 241–242, 377
Bowles, S., 80, 179
Boyle, R., 8
Brisbon, R., 294
Brooks, M., 126
Brown, M., 141, 294, 313
Buddha, 190
Buffett, W., 202
Bullock, S., 158
Burawoy, M., 27, 377–378
Burger, J., 127
Burtka, D., 281
Bush, G. W., 202, 206, 327, 352
Butler, R., 92
Cabot, M., 69
Calderón, F., 137
Calvin, J., 192
Caplow, T., 216
Carbino, J., 147, 157
Carmichael, S., 369
Castile, P., 142, 294
Cavalli-Sforza, L., 297
Chambliss, W., 141
Charger, J., 332
Cherlin, A., 149, 154, 163
Chesney-Lind, M., 143
Chhaidy, N., 71
Chi-Ying, C. H., 341
Chua, A., 160
Clark, S., 142, 294
Clarke, E., 275
Clay, C., 99
Clinton, H., 30, 32, 119, 198, 208, 215, 288
Cohen, P., 166
Colbert, S., 378
Commoner, B., 354–355
Comte, A., 8–9, 49, 191, 373–374, 379
Connell, R. W., 274
Cooley, C. H., 16, 73, 104
Coontz, S., 150, 154
Cooper, M., 268
Copernicus, N., 8
Cortés, H., 258
Crawford, C., 38, 39
Crenshaw, K., 280
Crutcher, T., 294
Cruz, E., 260
Cumming, E., 90–91
Currie, E., 137
Cuvier, G., 296
Dahl, R., 211–212
Daisey, M., 118–119
Dalai Lama, 265
Darwin, C., 373
Dass, A., 297
Davenport, T., 371–372
Davids, S., 288
Davis, K., 177
de Beauvoir, S., 277
Deere, J., 203
Deitsch, Ryan, 364
de Laon, A., 225
Deng Xiaoping, 201
Desmond, M., 310
Desmoulins, L.-A., 296
Dewey, T. E., 32, 33
Disney, W., 51, 318
Doležal, R., 303–304
Dolly (cloned sheep), 373
Domhoff, G. W., 211, 213
Domingo, P., 242
Domzalski, K., 304
Dostoevsky, F., 141
Douglass, F., 299, 300, 307, 308
Du Bois, W. E. B., 14–16, 41, 173
Durkheim, É., 9–16, 27–29, 38, 111–113, 115, 137–138, 176, 184, 191, 192, 249, 361
Ebaugh, H. R. F., 102–103
Edin, K., 222–223
Elgin, S. H., 56
Eliot, G., 163
Elizabeth II (England), 205, 206
Elliott, M., 184
Ellul, J., 373
Emerbayer, M., 310
Engels, F., 153, 200
Evans, J., 162
Faulkner, W., 60
Fausto-Sterling, A., 270
Feld, S., 108
Findlen, B., 278
Fischer, E., 315
Flynt, L., 212
Foy, C., 4
Francis (pope), 319
Frank, A., 69
Franklin, B., 236
Freeman, M., 93
Friedan, B., 277, 278, 284, 285, 290
Frommer, P., 55
Fussell, P., 242
Gage, Z., 99
Galilei, G., 8
Gandhi, M., 209
Gans, H., 324
Garner, E., 142
Gekko, G., 134
George, A., 5
Georgiadis, M., 239
Gilman, C. P., 284
Gini, C., 230
Ginsberg, R. B., 288
Gintis, H., 80, 179
Goffman, A., 23–24, 27, 32, 35, 41
Goffman, E., 14, 16, 17, 38, 75–76, 87–88, 101, 102, 130–131, 345
Goller-Sojourner, C., 304–305
Gramsci, A., 64
Granovetter, M., 108
Greer, C., 318–319
Gull, W., 341
Gupta, R., 289
Gutenberg, J., 81
Gutiérrez, G., 193, 194
Haaland, D., 288
Harlow, H., 72–73
Harrington, M., 114
Harris, G., 162
Harris, N. P., 281
Helú, C. S., 259
Henry, W., 90–91
Hero of Alexandria, 53
Hicks, L., 216
Hirschi, T., 139
Hitler, A., 206, 209, 299, 366
page 435
Jacobs, A. J., 248
Jacobson, L., 180–181
James, L., 6, 7
Jarvis, D. C., 346
Jasper, J., 368, 369
Jefferson, T., 172, 224, 236
Jenner, C., 276
Jesus Christ, 186, 189, 194, 209
Joan of Arc, 209
Johnson, G., 207
Johnson, L. B., 216, 232
Johnson, M., 345
Jolie, A., 166
Jope, J. C., 310
Kaepernick, C., 313
Kafka, F., 119
Kagan, E., 288
Kalish, R., 93
Kay, P., 56
Kaye, J., 159
Kennedy, A., 162
Kennedy, J. F., 82
Keynes, J. M., 204
Keys, A., 272
Kilbourne, J., 38
King, M. L., Jr., 209, 300, 367, 376
Kinsey, A. C., 282
Kirby, J., 371–372
Kozol, J., 178
Kristof, N., 289
Kübler-Ross, E., 93
Ladner, J., 41
Lamm, N., 271
Lappé, A., 369
Lareau, A., 159, 178–179, 348
Lauren, R., 315
Lazarsfeld, P., 25
LeBlanc, M., 71
Le Bon, G., 60, 366
Lee, H., 65
Lee, R. M., 304
Lee, S., 341
Le Guin, U. K., 69, 328
Leng’ete, N. N., 289
L’Engle, M., 69
Lenski, G., 112
Lenton, S., 272
Lewis, M., 25
Li Keqiang, 201
Lincoln, A., 314
Linnaeus, C., 296
Little, O., 135
Lodwick, F., 54
Lorber, J., 271, 274
Loving, M. and R., 156
Luckmann, T., 47
Lukács, G., 64
Luther, M., 188, 192
Madoff, B., 133
Mai, M., 289–290
Malaya, O., 71
Malcolm X, 101, 177, 186, 209
Malthus, T., 337–338
Mandela, N., 314
Mann, H., 172, 236
Mars, B., 242
Marshall, T. H., 211
Martin, G. R. R., 56
Martin, T., 141
Martineau, H., 9, 14, 284, 306
Marx, K., 9, 13, 14, 16, 64, 113, 194–195, 200–201, 203, 212, 238–239, 251, 278, 348,
370, 371, 374–375
Maugham, W. S., 93
McCabe, J., 106
McCormick, C., 203
McCormick, R., 222, 223, 235
McIntosh, P., 328
Mead, G. H., 16, 74–75, 78, 84, 98, 176
Mead, M., 274
Meigs, C., 275
Melville, H., 69, 375
Menozzi, P., 297
Merton, R., 16, 105, 117, 138
Michels, R., 119
Mika, M., 83
Mikhailova, N., 71
Milanovic, B., 256
Milgram, S., 125–127
Millett, K., 277
Mills, C. W., 2, 3, 212–213, 308
Mirren, H., 316
Mohai, P., 356
Monk, E., 312–313
Montagu, A., 299–300
Moore, W. E., 177
Morton, S. G., 296
Mott, L., 277
Muhammad, 189
Munsch, R., 272
Murdock, G., 49
Newcomen, T., 53
Newton, I., 8, 27
Newton, N., 69
Nicholson, J., 93
Nickerson, R., 25
Nixon, R. M., 82, 128, 216, 217
Obama, B., 5, 198, 202, 209, 236, 301, 302, 310, 327, 333, 352
Obama, M., 15, 209
Obergefell, J., 162
Oberschall, A., 367
Ocasio-Cortez, A., 215
O’Connor, S. D., 288
Ogburn, W. F., 52–53, 151
Okrand, M., 55
Okrent, A., 54, 55
Okun, A., 210
Omar, I., 288
Omi, M., 306–307
Orshansky, M., 232
Orwell, G., 69
Pager, D., 37, 311
Painter, N. I., 296, 305
Panagopoulos, C., 32
Parks, R., 305
Parsons, T., 16, 284, 374
Pascoe, C. J., 281
Peattie, L., 274
Pelosi, N., 278, 288
Peterson, D. J., 56
Piazza, A., 297
Piketty, T., 230, 239
Pitt, B., 166
Plath, S., 69
Platt, M., 54
Plessy, H., 298, 299
Portman, N., 316
Postman, N., 373
Putnam, R., 237
Quinney, R., 142
Rank, M., 234
Reagan, R., 128
Rein, M., 274
Reinharz, S., 41
Rice, T., 142, 294
Ritzer, G., 118
Robert the Pious (France), 225
Rodgers, M., 289, 290
Rodriguez, R., 57
Romero, G., 126
Roosevelt, F. D., 81
Rosenthal, R., 180–181
Rosin, H., 79
Roth, W., 302–303
Rowling, J. K., 69, 75
Roy, A., 379
Saez, E., 230
Saha, R., 356
page 436
Smith, M., 4
Sotomayor, S., 288
Springsteen, B., 101
Ssebunya, J., 71
Stalin, J., 206
Stanton, E. C., 277
Stein, J., 207
Stephens, A. H., 298
Stewart, M., 242
Stewart, S., 163
Streib, J., 242
Strogatz, S., 108
Stuckert, R., 303
Sumner, W. G., 65
Surowiecki, J., 375
Sutherland, E., 139–140
Tajfel, H., 77, 305
Talackova, J., 103
Tan, H., 239
Tarr, D., 368
Taylor, F. W., 119–120
Terkel, S., 378
Thomas, F., 310
Thomas, W. I., 14, 75
Tlaib, R., 288
Todd, C., 46–47
Tolkien, J. R. R., 54–55
Tönnies, F., 111–113, 115
Truman, H. S., 32
Trump, D., 30, 32, 33, 119, 141, 198–199, 208, 209, 215, 246, 261, 288, 317, 327, 333,
353, 361
Twain, M., 142
Twitchell, J. B., 115
Tyson, N., 26
Vandiver, W. D., 8
Varma, B., 246–247
Vaughn, B., 356
Veblen, T., 375
Venter, C., 295
Vilain, E., 270
Walker, R., 278
Wallerstein, I., 251
Walton, S., 226
Washington, G., 224, 311
Wasow, O., 305
Watt, J., 53
Watts, D., 25, 69
Weber, M., 13–14, 41, 65, 115, 116, 118, 119, 192–193, 208–210, 223, 239–241, 328,
367, 373
Wellman, D., 317
Wells-Barnett, I., 14–16, 284
West, C., 323
White, R., 345
White Eyes, J., 332
Whitney, E., 203
Whorf, B., 55–56
Wilde, O., 202
Wilkins, J., 54
Willard, E. H., 173
Williams, R., 57
Wilson, D., 294
Wilson, W. J., 106
Winant, H., 306–307
Winfrey, O., 209, 310
Wirth, L., 19
Woineshet, Z., 289
Wolf, N., 130, 272
Wong, B., 51
WuDunn, S., 289
Yinger, J. M., 188
Yudin, V., 71
Zamenhof, L., 54
Zebene, W., 289
Zhong Zhong (cloned monkey), 373
Zimbardo, P., 140, 218
page 437
Subject Index
ABC News, 32
abortion, 278
Absolutely Fabulous (television show), 228
absolute poverty, 232
Abu Ghraib prison (Iraq), 127, 217–218
academic databases, 27–28
Academic Search database, 28
academic sociology, 18–19
accomplishment of natural growth approach, 159
acculturation, 324
achieved status, 100
action stage of role exit, 103
activism. See also social change
civil rights, 142
by high school students, 364
human rights, 264–265
social movements and, 365–369
activity theory, 91–92
acupuncture, 354
adaptive resilience, 182
adaptive upgrading, 374
Addams, Jane, 15, 41, 173
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), 176
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi, 319
ADL (Anti-Defamation League), 323
Adler, Patricia and Peter, 80–81
adolescents. See children and adolescents
adoption, 158–159, 304–305
AdultFriendFinder, 372
adulthood, milestones in transition to, 86, 154
advanced placement (AP) courses, 171, 178, 182
affection function of family, 152
affirmative action, 306
Affordable Care Act of 2010, 351–353
African Americans. See also segregation; slaves and slavery
binge drinking among, 128
civil rights movement and, 130, 241, 364, 367, 369
cohabitation among, 164
college education and, 174
color line and, 14
in Congress, 215, 216
differential justice for, 142
DNA testing for exoneration of, 142
educational levels for, 317–318
employment of, 318
friendship networks of, 315
Goffman’s study of, 23–24, 35
incarceration of, 128, 142, 312
income among, 318
infant mortality rates among, 348–349
in-group differences among, 318–319, 324
interracial marriage among, 157
interview responses and, 33
kinship networks among, 159–160
life expectancy for, 349
living arrangements for children of, 160
lynching of, 14
median household wealth of, 5
as movie characters, 307
parenting practices among, 159–160
percentage of U.S. population, 317
perceptions of discrimination, 309
police shootings of, 294–295, 312, 313
policing strategies targeting, 23–24, 141, 142, 312
politics and, 214, 318
poverty among, 93, 234, 318
single-parent families among, 162
socialization among, 79
in sports, 99
suicide rate for, 12
unemployment rate for, 3
voter participation among, 215
voting rights for, 211, 215
wealth among, 318
White working-class view of, 198
Agassiz, Louis, 296, 298
age. See also aging populations
binge drinking by, 128
capitalism as viewed by, 200
at childbirth, 158
crime rates and, 132
divorce rates and, 166
educational attainment by, 173
at first marriage, 154
health insurance rates by, 350
living arrangements by, 91
media use by, 82
political party affiliation by, 214
poverty and, 233, 234
racial and ethnic variations in, 321
same-sex marriage approval by, 161
sexuality and, 283
socialism as viewed by, 200
suicide rate and, 11, 12
unemployment rate by, 3
voter participation by, 215
wage gap and, 286
ageism, 92
agency, 6, 17, 26
Age of Consequences (film), 357
aging populations, 89–94
activity theory on, 91–92
disengagement theory on, 90–91
growth of, 89, 90
health and, 350–351
Internet use among, 91
in labor force, 91–92
in poverty, 233, 234
retirement and, 90
society and, 89–90
standard of living for, 92–93
volunteer work among, 91–92
agnostics, 187, 189
agrarian societies, 113
ahistorical fallacy, 310
Ahmed, Karuna Chanana, 257
AIDS/HIV, 344–345, 347, 373
air pollution, 357–358
Alaska Natives. See Native Americans and Alaska Natives
alcohol, 80, 127–129
Aldean, Jason, 124
Alger, Horatio, 236
Ali, Muhammad, 99
alienation, 13, 116–117, 138
Allah (God), 189
Allard, Ladonna “Brave Bull,” 332
Alma-Ata Declaration, 343
alternative energy sources, 357
alternative medicine, 353–354
Alzheimer’s disease, 350
AMA (American Medical Association), 352, 375
amalgamation, 316
Amato, Paul R., 167
Ambani, Nita and Mukesh, 246
American Bar Association, 142
American Dream, 1, 100, 198, 227, 235–237, 277
American Indians. See Native Americans and Alaska Natives
American Medical Association (AMA), 352, 375
American Ninja Warrior (television show), 242
American Psychiatric Association, 281, 345
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, 202
American Sociological Association (ASA), 18, 40–41, 127, 377
American Sociological Review (journal), 27
American Sociological Society, 15
American Winter (film), 203
AmeriCorps, 379
Amish communities, 78, 112, 188, 192, 373
Amnesty International, 219, 264
amok, 341, 303
Animal Farm (Orwell), 69
anime slang, 62
Aniston, Jennifer, 316
anomie, 13, 138
anorexia nervosa, 341
Anthony, Susan B., 277
anthropocene, 354
Anthropocene (film), 357
anticipatory socialization, 87
Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 323
Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, 128
anti-miscegenation laws, 299
antisemitism, 323
AP (advanced placement) courses, 171, 178, 182
apartheid, 314
Apne Aap Women Worldwide, 289
The Apostle (film), 192
appearance-based race, 303
applied sociology, 19
Arab American Institute Foundation, 323
Arab Americans, 176, 323–324
argot, 62
aristocracy, 178, 236–237
Army Corps of Engineers, 332, 333
page 438
ascribed status, 100, 223–225, 227, 236
Asians and Pacific Islanders
binge drinking among, 128
cohabitation among, 164
in Congress, 215, 216
DNA testing for exoneration of, 143
income among, 320
infant mortality rates among, 349
in-group differences among, 320, 324
interracial marriage among, 157
parenting practices among, 160
percentage of U.S. population, 320, 321
poverty among, 234, 320
single-parent families among, 162
social support networks for, 91
suicide rate for, 12
unemployment rate for, 3
voting rights for, 215
aspects of performance, 76
assimilation, 316, 324
Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology, 19
asylum seekers, 336
atague (fighting attack), 349
Atchley, Robert, 90
atheists, 187, 189
athletics. See sports
The Atlantic, 27
attachment, social bonds and, 139
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 176
audience, in presentation of self, 76
authority, 117, 125, 127, 208–210, 367
Avatar (film), 55
baby names, 38, 56
baby talk, 70–71
backstage, in presentation of self, 76
Bacon, Francis, 8
Baldwin, James A., 232
Bales, Robert, 284
Balfour, Gillian, 143
Barbie dolls, 272
Barra, Mary, 117
al-Bashir, Omar, 206
Basinger, Jeanine, 155
Batman, 53
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (Chua), 160
Baudrillard, Jean, 115
Baum, Bruce, 308
Beagan, Brenda, 345
Beane, Billy, 25
Beasts of the Southern Wild (film), 367
Beaton, Kate, 272
beauty myth, 130, 272
Becker, Howard, 141
Beginners (film), 92
behavior. See also deviance
face-saving, 76
in high school, 80, 81
nature vs. nurture debate and, 49
patterns of, 26
reference groups and, 105
beliefs, religious, 185–186
beliefs, social bonds and, 139
Bell, Daniel, 114, 135
The Bell Jar (Plath), 69
Bell v. Maryland (1964), 323
berdaches, 274
bereavement practices, 93
Berger, Peter, 47, 93, 183
Berlin, Brent, 56
Betsileo people, 148
Beyoncé, 310
bias, 25, 77–78, 250, 308. See also prejudice
The Big Short (film), 203
The Big Sick (film), 345
biker slang, 62
bilateral descent, 149
Bill of Rights, 211
Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk (film), 217
binge drinking, 127–128, 140
bin Laden, Osama, 60, 217
biracial identity, 301–302
birth control, 284, 339, 365
The Birth of a Nation (film), 217
birthrates, 334, 338–340
bisexuals. See lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) persons
bissu, 274
BlacKkKlansman (film), 367
Black Lives Matter movement, 294, 364, 368
Black Panther (film), 4
blacks. See African Americans
Blumenbach, Johann, 296
Boas, Franz, 299
body mass index (BMI), 272
body painting, 85, 86
Boorstin, Daniel, 42
Booth, Alan, 167
borderlands, 260–261
Borderline Bar & Grill shooting (2018), 124
“born again” experience, 186–187
Boston Marathon bombings (2013), 218
Bourdieu, Pierre, 6, 8, 15, 241–242, 377
bourgeoisie, 238, 239
Bowles, Samuel, 80, 179
boycotts, 61
Boyle, Robert, 8
Brahman caste (priests), 224, 225
brain drain, 343–344
Break-a-Norm Day, 61
The Breakfast Club (film), 81
Brisbon, Rumain, 294
Broadcom, 239
broken window hypothesis, 140–141
Brooks, Max, 126
Brown, Michael, 142, 294, 313
Brown v. Board of Education (1954), 173, 299, 310
The Bucket List (film), 92, 93
Buddhism, 187, 190–191
Buffett, Warren, 202
Bugis people, 274
Bullock, Sandra, 158
Bumble, 147
Burawoy, Michael, 27, 377–378
bureaucracy, 115–120
characteristics of, 115–118
defined, 115
dehumanizing consequences of, 373
division of labor and, 116–117
in education, 174
hierarchy of authority in, 117
impersonality of, 118
organizational culture and, 119–120
rational-legal authority in, 209–210
rules and regulations of, 117
technical qualifications for employment in, 118
as way of life, 118–119
bureaucratization, 118–119
Burger, Jerry, 127
Burtka, David, 281
Bush, George W., 202, 206, 327, 352
Butler, Robert, 92
Cabot, Meg, 69
calabai, 274
calalai, 274
Calderón, Felipe, 137
Calvin, John, 192
Capernaum (film), 262
Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Piketty), 239
American views of, 200
defined, 199
democracy and, 210–211
environmental consequences of, 356
inequality in, 210
Marx on, 203, 238–239
in mixed economies, 201
principles of, 199–200
Protestant ethic and, 192–193
reduction of costs in, 238
social mobility in, 227
spirit of, 193
transition from feudalism to, 201, 225
workforce requirements in, 179
capital punishment, 142–143
Caplow, Theodore, 216
capstones of adulthood, 154
Carbino, Jessica, 147, 157
carbon dioxide emissions, 358, 359
CARE International, 264
Carmichael, Stokely, 369
car-window sociologists, 14
caste systems, 224–225, 227, 264
Castile, Philando, 142, 294
Catholic Church
apology to Native Americans, 319
as community, 187
contraception and, 284
female leadership in, 195
hierarchy of authority in, 117
immigrants and, 192
sacred objects in, 184
scientific teachings of, 8
social integration within, 10
page 439
causal factors, 26, 31
causal logic, 28, 29
causal relationships, 31
Cavalli-Sforza, Luca, 297
cell phones, 52, 83–84, 147, 371, 373
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 282, 349
centrality of social networks, 106
CEOs (chief executive officers), 4, 117, 268, 286, 287, 290
Chambliss, William, 141
Charger, Jasilyn, 332
charismatic authority, 209, 367
Charm City (film), 136
Chasing Ice (film), 357
cheating, 58–59
Cherlin, Andrew, 149, 154, 163
Cherokee tribal group, 319
Chesney-Lind, Meda, 143
Chhaidy, N., 71
chief executive officers (CEOs), 4, 117, 268, 286, 287, 290
child-free lifestyle, 165–166
child labor laws, 339
child protective services, 159
children and adolescents. See also education; family
adoption of, 158–159
age of mother at childbirth, 158
divorce, impact on, 167
feral, 71
in foster care, 159
labor of, 84
living arrangements for, 160
parenting practices for, 78–79, 157–160, 272–273, 275–276
parents’ income vs. income of, 236, 237
pecking order in schools, 80
in poverty, 232–234
rites of passage for, 85
sexuality and, 283
sexual networks among, 107–108
socialization of, 78–81, 84–85
undocumented, 327
Children of Men (film), 4
adoption of children from, 158–159
air pollution in, 358
Communist Party in, 206
contraception in, 284
crude birthrate in, 334
culture-bound syndromes in, 341
economic reforms in, 201
immigrants from, 325, 336
one-child policy in, 340
outsourcing to, 204
status symbols in, 51
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, 326
chiropractic medicine, 354
Chi-Ying, Charlene Hsu, 341
choices, in postmodern societies, 115
Christianity, 183, 186–187, 189, 194, 324
Christian Scientists, 187, 195
Chua, Amy, 160
Church of England, 225
Church of Scientology, 189
cigarette smoking, 350
cinema. See movies
cisgender persons, 276
citizenship rights, 211
civil rights, defined, 211
civil rights activists, 141, 210
Civil Rights Act of 1964, 310, 312
civil rights movement, 130, 241, 364, 367, 369
Clark, Stephon, 142, 294
Clarke, Edward, 275
class. See also social class; working class
access to resources and, 4, 13
defined, 240
education and, 179
middle, 159, 225
parenting practices and, 159
ruling, 13, 64
social power and, 367
underclass, 226
upper, 225
upper-middle, 159, 179, 225
Class: A Guide through the American Status System (Fussell), 242
class consciousness, 239, 278
Clay, Cassius, 99
clergy, female, 195
Clery Act of 1990, 133
climate change, 53, 357–361
clinical sociology, 19
Clinton, Hillary
criticisms of, 119
defeat in presidential election, 198
polling projections for, 30, 32
votes received by, 208, 215, 288
cloning, 372, 373
closed systems of stratification, 227
coalitions, 106
cocaine, 128
Code of Ethics (American Sociological Association), 18, 40–41, 127
coercive power, 10
cognitive culture, 53–59, 64, 373–375
cognitive dissonance, 304
cohabitation, 164–165
Cohen, Philip, 166
Colbert, Stephen, 378
Cold War (film), 210
collective action, 108, 365
collective conscience, 176
collective ownership, in socialism, 201
college and college students
binge drinking among, 127–128
cheating in, 58–59
community colleges, 174
crime reports and, 133
cultural innovation at, 177–178
factors influencing enrollment, 179
friendship networks among, 106–107
gender differences and, 273
group membership in, 105
life goals of first-year students, 57–58
likelihood of graduating from, 237
majors by gender, 180, 181
net price cost of, 174
role exit experienced by, 103
role strain of, 102
women as graduates from, 49
College Humor (website), 50
colonialism, 251, 258, 366
color-blind racism, 311
color line, 14
color runs, 50
colors, linguistic variations for, 56
coltan (columbite-tantalite), 253–254
Columbine school shooting (1999), 369
Columbusing, 50
commitment, social bonds and, 139
Commoner, Barry, 354–355
common sense, 24–25
Common Writing (Lodwick), 54
communication, nonverbal, 57
communism, 374
The Communist Manifesto (Marx & Engels), 200
Communist Party, 206
community colleges, 174
companionship function of family, 152
compartmentalizers, 106
compassion, power of, 368–369
competence, professional, 40
competition, in capitalism, 199, 210
complementary and alternative medicine, 353–354
Compliance (film), 131
Comte, Auguste, 8–9, 49, 191, 373–374, 379
con artist slang, 62
concerted cultivation, 159
conclusions, in research process, 30–31
confidentiality, 40, 372
confirmation bias, 25
conflict materials, 254
conflict perspective
characteristics of, 16–17
on crime and deviance, 142–144
on education, 178–180
elite models of power in, 212
on family, 153–154
on health and health care, 348
power differentials in, 99
on race and ethnicity, 306–307
on religion, 194–195
research questions based on, 27
social institutions in, 109
structural inequality and, 250–255
conformists, in typology of deviance, 138
conformity, 125, 127, 138
Confucianism, 183
Congress, U.S., 207, 215, 216, 288
conlangers, 54
Connell, R. W., 274
consent, informed, 40
contact hypothesis, 306
content analysis, 38
Contexts (magazine), 27
contraception, 284, 339, 365
control groups, 36
control variables, 31
Cooley, Charles Horton, 16, 73, 104
Coontz, Stephanie, 150, 154
Cooper, Marianne, 268
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 8
page 440
cornerstones of adulthood, 154
corporate crime, 133
corporations, multinational, 252–255
correlations, 31
correspondence principle, 179
Cortés, Hernán, 258
cosmetic surgery, 130
countercultures, 63
courtship, 154
Crawford, Cindy, 38, 39
Crazy Rich Asians (film), 303
creative capacity, 13
credentialism, 179
creeds, 184
Crenshaw, Kimberlé, 280
crime, 131–144
conflict perspective on, 142–144
defined, 131
functionalist perspective on, 16, 137–139
hate crimes, 282, 311–312
interactionist perspective on, 139–142
international, 135–137
movies on, 136
official reports on, 131–133
organized, 135
transnational, 136–137
victimless, 134
white-collar, 133
“Crime Clock” (FBI), 131
The Crowd (Le Bon), 366
crowd psychology, 366
The Crown (Netflix series), 4
crude birthrate, 334
crude death rate, 335
Crutcher, Terence, 294
Cruz, Eufrosina, 260
Cuban Americans, 85
cults, 188, 189
cultural capital, 241–243
cultural domination, 51
cultural elitism, 242
cultural imperialism, 51
cultural inequality, 242
cultural innovation, 177–178
cultural lag, 52–53
cultural relativism, 65
cultural resources, 7, 16, 227, 235, 241–243
cultural transmission theory, 139–140
cultural universals, 49–50
culture, 47–65
cognitive, 53–59, 64, 373–375
construction of, 47–52, 98
countercultures, 63
defined, 48
diffusion of, 51
education in transmission of, 176
elements of, 51–61
family and, 148
gender and, 274
gene-culture coevolution, 49
health and, 340–341
innovation and, 50–51
internalizing, 70–71
material, 50, 52–53, 370–373
movies on, 59, 61
native, 51
normative, 59–61, 375–376
organizational, 119–120
subcultures, 62
variations in, 48–49, 61–65
culture-bound syndromes, 341
culture shock, 63–64
Cumming, Elaine, 90–91
curanderismo (Latino folk medicine), 349
Currie, Elliot, 137
Cuvier, Georges, 296
Dahl, Robert, 211–212
Dai Hin Min (Japanese card game), 97
Daisey, Mike, 118–119
Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), 332–333
Dakota War of 1862, 314
Dalai Lama, 265
Dalit caste (untouchables), 224
Dartmouth University, 180
Darwin, Charles, 373
Dass, Angélica, 297
databases, academic, 27–28
data collection and analysis, 29–30
Davenport, Thomas, 371–372
Davids, Sharice, 288
Davis, Kingsley, 177
day care programs, 178
Dead Poets Society (film), 180
death and dying, 93
The Death of White Sociology (Ladner), 41
death penalty, 142–143
death rates, 335, 338, 339
de Beauvoir, Simone, 277
Declaration of Independence, 235, 285, 298
Declaration of Sentiments, 277
decriminalization efforts, 134
Deepwater Horizon explosion (2010), 358
Deere, John, 203
de-extinction, 373
defense spending, U.S. public opinion on, 217
defining problems, in research process, 26–27
deforestation, 355, 356, 360
degradation ceremonies, 88
deindustrialization, 204, 252
Deitsch, Ryan, 364
de Laon, Adalbéron, 225
capitalism and, 210–211
citizen activities in, 377
direct, 206–207
education and, 172
representative, 207, 212
spread of, 8
Democratic Party
on alternative energy sources, 357
on immigration, 262
misperceptions regarding, 62
progressives within, 119
on reverse discrimination, 324
same-sex marriage and, 100
tax policies of, 211
voter identification with, 214
Democratic Republic of Congo, coltan from, 253–254
demographic dividend, 339
demographic transition model, 338–340
demography, 333–334
Deng Xiaoping, 201
denominations, 187–188
Departures (film), 61
dependency theory, 250–251
dependent variables, 28–29, 31, 35
descent patterns, 149
descriptive statistics, 34
Desmond, Matthew, 310
Desmoulins, Louis-Antoine, 296
deviance, 129–144
conflict perspective on, 142–144
crime as, 131–137
defined, 125, 129
functionalist perspective on, 137–139
interactionist perspective on, 139–142
movies on, 131
social stigma and, 130–131
strain theory of, 138
typology of, 138
Devil’s Playground (film), 41
Dewey, Thomas E., 32, 33
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), 281
The Diary of a Young Girl (Frank), 69
dictatorships, 206
Dictionary of American Regional English, 54
dietary supplements, 354
difference, consequences of, 7–8
differential association, 139–140
differential justice, 142
differentiation process, 374
diffusion, 51
dimorphic model of sex, 269, 280
direct democracy, 206–207
disabled persons, 101
discoveries, 50
discrimination. See also prejudice; segregation
ageism, 92
antisemitism, 323
defined, 308
disabled persons and, 101
institutional, 285, 309–310, 349
interpersonal, 309, 311
LGBTQ persons and, 282
racial, 303–306, 308–313
reverse, 311, 324
sexism, 180, 285, 350, 369
us vs. them in justification of, 130
disenchantment phase of retirement, 90
disengagement theory, 90–91
Disney, Walt, 51, 318
disorders of sexual development (DSDs), 270
District 9 (film), 120
diversity. See culture; race and ethnicity
division of labor, 111–113, 116–117, 249
The Division of Labor in Society (Durkheim), 111
divorce, 3, 166–167
DNA testing, 142–143
Dr. Strangelove (film), 217
page 441
on deviance, 137–138
French educational policy and practice shaped by, 15
functionalist perspective of, 16
on interdependence and social change, 361
macrosociology and, 14
on mechanical solidarity, 111–112
on modernization, 249
operationalization of abstract concepts by, 29
on organic solidarity, 112, 115
on religion, 184, 191, 192
on social facts, 10–12
on social order, 12–13, 16
sociological theory and, 9, 113
suicide studies by, 10–11, 27, 28, 38
DWB (Driving While Black), 141, 312
dyads, 106, 107
dying considerations, 93
earnings. See income
Ebaugh, Helen Rose Fuchs, 102–103
ecclesia, 187
economic inequality, 255–262
income and, 228, 230, 255–256
poverty and, 257–258
wealth and, 256–257
economic power, 210–211, 252
economic resources, 7
economy, 199–205. See also capitalism
changes in, 202–205
crime rates and, 132
defined, 199
function in society, 109
globalization of, 203–205
international growth, 202
mixed, 201–202, 210
movies on, 203
sectors of, 114, 202–204
socialism and, 200–201
U.S. vs. Mexico, 259
Edin, Kathryn, 222–223
education, 171–182. See also college and college students; high school and high school
advanced placement courses, 171, 178, 182
age at childbirth and, 158
attainment of, 172–173
bureaucracy in, 174
conflict perspective on, 178–180
correspondence principle in, 179
cultural innovation through, 177–178
culture transmission through, 176
defined, 172
functionalist perspective on, 176–178
function in society, 109, 110
gender and, 180, 273–274, 277
history in U.S., 172
homeschooling, 175–176
income and level of, 177, 238
inequality in, 171–172, 178–179, 182
interactionist perspective on, 180–182
job training through, 177
meritocracy and, 236
movies on, 180
parental education and student performance, 178–179
political party affiliation and, 214
in prisons, 132
race/ethnicity and, 317–321, 324
school calendar, 53
social integration and, 176
socialization and, 79–80
social order and, 176, 182
teaching profession, 174–175, 180–181
tracking and, 181–182
for women, 173, 180, 275
Education Amendments of 1972, 180
EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission), 92
egalitarian family, 153
egalitarianism, 249
eHarmony, 157
18th Amendment, 129
Eighth Grade (film), 88
elderly. See aging populations
electoral votes, 208
Elgin, Suzette Haden, 56
Eliot, George, 163
elite models of power, 212–213
Elizabeth II (England), 205, 206
Elliott, Michael, 184
Ellul, Jacques, 373
Elvish language, 54
Embrace of the Serpent (film), 61
Emerbayer, Mustafa, 310
emigration, 261–262, 335–336
empathy, 369
employee handbooks, 117
gender norms and, 273
globalization of, 204
hard and soft skills for, 177
for homeless persons, 131
metrics in, 118–119
occupational prestige, 240, 241
occupational status, 236–237
for older adults, 92
pregnancy and, 158
race/ethnicity and, 313, 318
socialization and, 84
for sociology majors, 18, 19
technical qualifications for, 118
technological innovation and, 203, 371–372
of undocumented immigrants, 327
U.S. trends in, 3
of white-collar workers, 114
white privilege and, 37
of women, 257, 259, 260, 285–287
enculturation, 304
endangered species, 360
endogamy, 156, 157
En el Séptimo Día (film), 59
Engels, Friedrich, 153, 200
environmental justice, 356–357
environment and environmental issues, 354–361
climate change, 53, 357–361
globalization and, 359–361
health and, 355
human interrelationship with, 355
movies on, 357
pollution, 355, 357–358
power and resources related to, 355–356
public perception of, 357
sociological perspectives on, 354–357
Episcopalians, 187
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 92
equality, 14, 210. See also inequality
Equifax, 372
equilibrium model, 374
Esperanto language, 54, 55
An Essay on the Principle of Population (Malthus), 337
established sects, 188
estate system, 225
ethics, 40–42, 127
ethnic cleansing, 265
ethnicity. See race and ethnicity
ethnic neighborhoods, 320
ethnic succession, 135
ethnocentrism, 65, 77, 250, 281, 308, 355–356
ethnography, 23, 35, 42
Ethnologue database, 53
eugenics, 299, 306
page 442
evangelical Christians, 186–187
Evans, Jack, 162
evolution of societies, 373–374
Ex Machina (film), 372
exogamy, 156
experimental groups, 36
experimental research, 35–37, 39
explicit bias, 77
expressive leaders, 284
expulsion, 314
extended family, 150, 159, 164
extinction, 359
ExxonMobil, 41
Exxon Valdez oil spill (1989), 40, 41, 358
Eye in the Sky (film), 210
CEO of, 268
friendship paradox and, 108
online polls on, 30
participation in government through, 211
politics and, 376
relationship formation on, 108
social movements and, 368
social networking through, 83
face-work, 76
facial expressions, 57
faith healers, 354
false consciousness, 195, 239
familism, 159
family, 148–167. See also children and adolescents; marriage
child-free, 165–166
cohabitation, 164–165
conflict perspective on, 153–154
cross-cultural variations, 148
divorce and, 3, 166–167
dual-income, 161, 287
egalitarian, 153
extended, 150, 159, 164
functionalist definition of, 150–152
function in society, 109
kinship patterns and, 149, 159–160
movies on, 160
multigenerational, 164
networks and, 150
nuclear, 150, 164
parenting practices and, 78–79, 157–160
poverty and, 234
power in, 152–154
as primary group, 104
single-parent, 162–163
socialization by, 78–79, 151
stepfamilies, 163
substantive definition of, 148–150, 158
U.S. households by family type, 151
family networks, 150
family trees, 150
fanatics, 184
fasting, 184
Father Knows Best (television show), 161, 280
Faulkner, William, 60
Fausto-Sterling, Anne, 270
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 131–132, 139, 282, 289, 313
Federal Reserve System, 200
feedback loops, 74
Feld, Scott, 108
female genital mutilation, 264, 265, 289
The Feminine Mystique (Friedan), 277, 285
femininity, 269, 281
feminism, defined, 277
feminist movement, 153, 277–279
feminist perspective. See also gender; women
crime and deviance in, 143
on dominant ideology, 64
on emotions, 368
religion in, 195
research methodology in, 42
in sociological theory, 14–15
feral children, 71
fertility rates, 334, 338–340
feudalism, 201, 225, 238
Fieldston School (New York), 171
Fifteenth Amendment, 211
55: A Meditation on the Speed Limit (film), 60
56 Up (film), 41
films. See movies
Findlen, Barbara, 278
First Reformed (film), 192
first wave of feminism, 277
Fischer, Eric, 315
The Fits (film), 288, 30, 32
fixed fallacy, 310
The Florida Project (film), 240
Flynt, Larry, 212
folk medicine, 349
folkways, 59
food, genetically modified, 372
food stamps, 233
force, defined, 208
formal norms, 59
formal social control, 127, 177
45 Years (film), 92
foster care, 159
Foy, Claire, 4
Francis (pope), 319
Frank, Anne, 69
Franklin, Benjamin, 236
fraternities, 105
free agents (sports), 6
Freedom Riders (film), 367
Freedom Writers (film), 180
Freeman, Morgan, 93
free-market principles, 201, 202, 250
Friedan, Betty, 277, 278, 284, 285, 290
FriendFinder, 372
friendship networks, 106–107, 315
friendship paradox, 108
Frommer, Paul, 55
front stage, in presentation of self, 76
Fulani people, 89
functionalist perspective
characteristics of, 16
on crime and deviance, 16, 137–139
on education, 176–178
family as defined by, 150–152
on gender, 284
modernization and, 249–250
on race and ethnicity, 305–306
on religion, 183–184, 191–192
research questions based on, 27
social institutions in, 109
on social order, 16, 342
fundamentalism, 185–186
funding for research, 40
Fussell, Paul, 242
Gage, Zach, 99
Galilei, Galileo, 8
Gallup, 32
gambling, 134
Game of Thrones (television show), 55, 56, 129
games, 97–99
game stage of self, 75
Gandhi, Mahatma, 209
Gans, Herbert, 324
Garner, Eric, 142
Gay Activist Alliance, 280
Gay Liberation Front, 280
gays. See lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) persons
Gekko, Gordon, 134
Gemeinschaft, 111
gender. See also women
binge drinking and, 128
college majors by, 180, 181
culture and, 274
defined, 269
displays of, 271
education and, 180, 273–274, 277
functionalist perspective on, 284
health and, 349–350
housework and, 287–288
interracial marriage by, 157
labor force participation by, 285–287
life expectancy by, 349–350
movies on, 288
norms related to, 271–273
parenting practices and, 272–273, 275–276
political party affiliation and, 214
power in family and, 153
religion and, 195
smoking rates by, 350
social construction of, 271, 274–275
socialization and, 79, 271, 272
sociology degrees conferred by, 18
stereotypes related to, 81
suicide rate and, 12
unemployment rate and, 3
wage gap and, 4
Gender and Society (journal), 27
gender binary model, 276
gender dysphoria, 281
gender expression, 276
Gender Gap Index score, 290
gender identity, 276, 311–312
page 443
interdependence and, 247–248
of labor, 204
social order management and, 115
sociological perspectives on, 248–255
global recession (2008), 1
Global Slavery Index, 224
global warming, 358–359
GNI (gross national income), 248, 255, 259
goal displacement, 117
goals, defined, 138
Goffman, Alice, 23–24, 27, 32, 35, 41
Goffman, Erving
content analysis studies by, 38
dramaturgical approach of, 75–76, 101, 345
interactionist perspective of, 14, 16, 17
on life as performance, 17, 102
on stigma, 130, 131
on total institutions, 87–88
Goller-Sojourner, Chad, 304–305
Google, 28, 59
government. See also democracy; politics
dictatorships, 206
function in society, 109
in health care, 352–353
military rule, 206
monarchies, 65, 205–206
monopolies and intervention by, 200
oligarchies, 119, 206
public trust in, 212
social control by, 128
socialization and, 84–85
totalitarianism, 206
graffiti artists/writers, 62, 140
Gramsci, Antonio, 64
Granovetter, Mark, 108
Great Dalmuti (card game), 97
Great Depression, 205, 239
The Greatest Showman (film), 120
Great Recession, 3, 201–202, 205
Green Book (film), 120
Green Cards, 336
greenhouse gases, 358, 359
Green Party, 207
Greer, Christina, 318–319
gross national income (GNI), 248, 255, 259
groups and group membership
coalitions, 106
defined, 103
in-groups and out-groups, 105, 305–306
intergroup relations, 313–317
opportunity influenced by, 14–15
peer groups, 80–81
power and, 99
primary and secondary groups, 104
reference groups, 105
socialization and, 77, 80–81
growth rate, 337
GSS (General Social Survey), 37–38
Güeros (film), 262
Gull, William, 341
gun homicide rates, 137
gun-law reform, 125
Gupta, Ruchira, 289
Gutenberg, Johannes, 81
Gutiérrez, Gustavo, 193, 194
Haaland, Deb, 288
Habitat for Humanity, 379
hajj (Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca), 186
Half the Sky (Kristof & WuDunn), 289
happiness, 10, 11
hard skills, 177
Harlow, Harry, 72–73
Harrington, Michael, 114
Harris, George, 162
Harris, Neil Patrick, 281
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (Rowling), 69
Harvard University, 78, 180, 181, 275
hate crimes, 282, 311–312
Hate Crime Statistics Act of 1990, 311
The Hate U Give (film), 303
Hawthorne effect, 36, 38
HDI (Human Development Index), 248, 340
Head Full of Honey (film), 345
Head Start program, 85
health and health care, 340–354
aging populations and, 350–351
complementary and alternative medicine, 353–354
costs of, 351
cultural and social influences on, 340–341
defined, 340–341
environment and, 355
gender and, 349–350
government coverage of expenditures, 235
illness and social order, 342–343
inequality in, 343–344
institutionalization of, 352
movies on, 345
negotiating cures, 345–346
patient involvement in, 346
power and resources related to, 343–345
racial/ethnic issues and, 348–349
reform efforts, 352–353
role of government in, 352–353
significance of place and, 346–351
social class and, 347–348
in social rights debate, 211
sociological perspectives on, 340–346
universal health coverage, 351, 352, 375
in U.S., 351–354
Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, 352
health care professionals, 342–346, 348, 351–352
health insurance, 348, 350–353, 375
Heartland: A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on Earth
(Smarsh), 1
Hell or High Water (film), 136
Helú, Carlos Slim, 259
Henry, William, 90–91
herbal remedies, 354
hermaphrodites, 270
Hero of Alexandria, 53
heteronormativity, 281
heterosexuality, 280, 281, 283
HGP (Human Genome Project), 295, 299
Hicks, Louis, 216
hidden curriculum, 179
hierarchy of authority, 117
high culture, 242
high school and high school students
activism by, 364
in-groups and out-groups in, 105
leadership positions by gender in, 273
perception vs. reality of behavior in, 80, 81
High Valyrian language, 55
hijras, 274
Hill-Burton Act of 1946, 352
hindsight bias, 25
Hinduism, 65, 187, 190, 195, 224–225
hippies, 63
Hirschi, Travis, 139
Hispanics. See Latinos/Latinas
Hitler, Adolf, 206, 209, 299, 366
HIV/AIDS, 344–345, 347, 373
Hochschild, Arlie Russell, 198, 199, 287–288
Holder, Eric, 313
Holi (Hindu spring festival of colors), 50
page 444
homelessness, 131
homeschooling, 175–176
homogamy, 157
homophily, 108
homosexuality. See lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) persons
honesty, as shared value, 58
honeymoon phase of retirement, 90
Hoover, Herbert, 81
horizontal mobility, 227
hormones, 269, 270
horticultural societies, 112–113
hospice care, 93
House of Commons (England), 225
House of Lords (England), 225
House of Representatives, U.S., 207, 214, 215, 288
housework, 287–288
“How to Make Things Happen” (YouTube series), 5
How to Survive a Plague (film), 345
Hua Hua (cloned monkey), 373
Hubbard, L. Ron, 189
Hull House, 15
human capital, 177
Human Development Index (HDI), 248, 340
human ecology, 354–355
Human Genome Project (HGP), 295, 299
human relations approach, 120
human rights, 262–265
Human Rights Watch, 264–265
human trafficking, 136, 224, 262–263
hunting-and-gathering societies, 112
Hurston, Zora Neale, 34
Hutterites, 188
acceptance or rejection of, 30–31
broken window, 140–141
contact, 306
defined, 28
formulation of, 28–29
linguistic relativity, 56
Sapir-Whorf, 55–56
I (acting self), 74, 78
I Am Not a Witch (film), 131
Icebox (film), 262
ICE (Immigration Customs and Enforcement), 337
ideal norms, 59–60
ideal type, 116, 118
If Beale Street Could Talk (film), 59
illness and social order, 342–343
images, in postmodern societies, 114–115
immigrants and immigration
assimilation and acculturation of, 315, 324
brain drain and, 343–344
categorization of, 336
defined, 335
forced labor of, 224
global trends in, 324–326, 336
homeschooling by, 176
identification with White majority, 307
motivations for, 335–336
opposition to, 326–327
in organized crime, 135
percentage of U.S. population, 324, 325, 336, 337
perception vs. reality regarding, 34
policies on, 326–327
preferences system for, 326
quota system for, 326
religion and, 187, 192
remittances and, 261–262, 325
societal boundaries affected by, 51
undocumented, 261–262, 327, 336–337
White working-class view of, 198
women as, 325–326
Immigration Act of 1924, 326
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, 318, 326
Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE), 337
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, 327
imperialism, cultural, 51
impersonality, 118
implicit association tests, 78
implicit bias, 77–78, 308
impression management, 76
Improv Everywhere, 46–47, 60
Incarcerating US (film), 136
education programs during, 132
guard-prisoner relationships, 218
international rates of, 136–137
of minority groups, 128, 142, 312
U.S. rates of, 128, 136–137
incest taboo, 156
incidence, defined, 346–347
inclusion process, 374
defined, 228
degree attainment and, 31
distribution of, 228–230
education level and, 177, 238
gender and, 286
during Great Recession, 205
gross national, 248, 255, 259
health insurance and, 348
hourly, 230, 231
household income by quintile, 228–229
life expectancy and, 348
parents’ vs. child’s projected income, 236, 237
quintile distribution of, 255–256
race/ethnicity and, 309–310, 318–321, 324
social class and, 228–230
of teachers, 175
total income by quintile, 228–229
wage gap and, 4, 286, 309, 318
income inequality, 228, 230, 255–256, 259, 309
An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power (film), 367
independent variables, 28–29, 31, 35
index crimes, 132
arranged marriages in, 48
caste system in, 224–225, 264
colonialism in, 251
contraception in, 284
culture-bound syndromes in, 341
festivals in, 274
immigrants from, 325, 336
inequality in, 246–247
religion in, 190, 191
wealth concentration in, 256
Indians. See Native Americans and Alaska Natives
indignation gap, 369
individualism, 2, 6, 57, 98, 112
individualistic fallacy, 310
Industrial Revolution
changes resulting from, 8, 12–13, 113, 249
child labor in, 84
educational changes and, 172
environmental changes resulting from, 354
family structure after, 109, 150
population growth during, 339
resistance to, 373
technological developments in, 52, 113, 202, 203
urban population growth during, 114
industrial societies, 113, 338–339
in capitalism, 210
cultural, 242
economic, 255–262
in education, 171–172, 178–179, 182
gender, 284–290
in health care, 343–344
income, 228, 230, 255–256, 259, 309
movies on, 262
racial and ethnic, 317–324
reinforcement in schools, 80
social, 7, 9, 13, 223
structural, 250–255, 290
infant-directed speech, 70–71
infant mortality rates, 335, 338, 344, 348–349
informal norms, 59
informal social control, 127
information, methods for finding, 27
informed consent, 40
in-groups, 105, 305–306
innovation, 50–51, 177–178, 202–203
innovators, in typology of deviance, 138
Instagram, 70, 83, 105, 368
Instant Family (film), 160
institutional discrimination, 285, 309–310, 349
institutional specialization, 249
defined, 7
social, 109–111, 128, 172, 182, 199
total, 87–88
page 445
internalization of culture, 70–71
International Conference on Primary Health Care, 343
international crime, 135–137
International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), 136
international favorability ratings for U.S., 115
International Monetary Fund, 252
aging population’s usage of, 91
collection action through, 108
global use of, 109, 371
health information on, 346
as mass media, 82–83
privacy issues and, 372
social networking potential of, 108
societal boundaries and, 51
internment camps, 314
interpersonal discrimination, 309, 311
interracial marriage, 60, 156–157, 299
intersectionality, 279–280, 376
interviews, 33
intragenerational mobility, 227
inventions, 51
involvement, social bonds and, 139
Iran, patriarchy in, 153
Iraqi government, democratic reform of, 65
Irish Americans, 135
iron law of oligarchy, 119
Ironman, 53
Islam and Muslims
comparison with Christianity, 189
in Congress, 215, 288
conversion of Muhammad Ali to, 99
immigration of, 187, 327
pilgrimage to Mecca in, 186
Qur’an and, 184, 323
stereotypical portrayals of, 254
isolation, impact on socialization, 71–73
Italian Americans, 135
Jacobs, A. J., 248
Jacobson, Lenore, 180–181
jail. See incarceration
James, LeBron, 6, 7
Jamestown settlement, 310
colors in, 56
contraception in, 284
fertility promotion in, 340
infant mortality rate in, 335
life expectancy in, 89, 335
organized crime in, 135
socialization practices in, 78
wealth concentration in, 256
Jarvis, DeForest Clinton, 346
Jasper, James, 368, 369
Jefferson, Thomas, 172, 224, 236
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 188
Jenner, Caitlyn, 276
Jesus Christ, 186, 189, 194, 209
Jews and Judaism
antisemitism and, 323
comparison with Christianity, 189–190
Holocaust and, 126, 314, 323
immigration of, 326
organized crime and, 135
percentage of U.S. population, 323
sacred objects in, 183
Joan of Arc, 209
jobs. See employment
Johnson, Gary, 207
Johnson, Lyndon B., 216, 232
Johnson, Magic, 345
Jolie, Angelina, 166
Jope, John Colyn, 310
Journal of the American Medical Association, 346
JSTOR database, 28
The Jungle Book (film), 88
Kaepernick, Colin, 313
Kafka, Franz, 119
Kagan, Elena, 288
Kalish, Richard, 93
kava kava, 354
Kay, Paul, 56
Kaye, Judith, 159
Kennedy, Anthony, 162
Kennedy, John F., 82
Keynes, John Maynard, 204
Keys, Alicia, 272
Kilbourne, Jeanne, 38
Killing Them Softly (film), 203
Killing Us Softly 4: Advertising’s Image of Women (film), 38
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 209, 300, 367, 376
Kings and Servants (card game), 97
Kinsey, Alfred C., 282
Kinsey (film), 41
Kinsey Reports, 282
kinship patterns, 149, 159–160
Kirby, Julia, 371–372
Klingon language, 55
Koreatown, 320
koro, 341
Kota people, 85
Koyaanisqaatsi (film), 372
Kozol, Jonathan, 178
Kristof, Nicholas, 289
Kshatriya caste (warriors), 224
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 93
Ku Klux Klan, 298
Kurds, 323
Kyoto Protocol, 360
Láadan language, 56
labeling, 141–142, 344–345
labor. See employment
labor unions, 119, 120
Ladner, Joyce, 41
Lady Bird (film), 4
laissez-faire, 200, 201, 250
La La Land (film), 54
Lamm, Nickolay, 271
Lammily, 271
language, 53–57
baby talk, 70–71
defined, 53
gender-related, 56
nonsexist, 56
nonverbal communication, 57
origins of living languages, 55
perception of reality influenced by, 56
social construction of, 54–56
stereotypes and, 56–57
symbolic, 62
Language Creation Society, 56
Lappé, Anna, 369
Lareau, Annette, 159, 178–179, 348
Las Vegas shooting (2017), 124
binge drinking among, 128
classification of, 302
coalition building among, 106
college education and, 174
in Congress, 215, 216
differential justice for, 142
DNA testing for exoneration of, 142
education levels among, 321
folk medicine of, 349
incarceration of, 128, 142
income among, 321
infant mortality rates among, 349
in-group differences among, 322
living arrangements for children of, 160
median household wealth of, 5
as movie characters, 307
parenting practices among, 159
percentage of U.S. population, 320–322
perceptions of discrimination, 309
policing strategies targeting, 141
political party affiliation among, 214
poverty among, 93, 234
proximity to environmental hazards, 356
single-parent families among, 162
social support networks for, 91
suicide rate for, 12
unemployment rate for, 3
wealth among, 321
Lauren, Ralph, 315
lawful permanent residents, 336
page 446
defined, 59, 128
divorce, 166
as formal norms, 59, 98, 128
Law of Three Stages, 373–374
of nature, 8, 26, 49
social control and, 128–129
of society, 8, 9, 49
of supply and demand, 199–200
Lazarsfeld, Paul, 25
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Cooper), 268, 268–269
leapfrogging, 84, 371
learning disorders, 176
Leave It to Beaver (television show), 161, 280
Leave No Trace (film), 160
LeBlanc, M., 71
Le Bon, Gustave, 60, 366
Lee, Harper, 65
Lee, Richard M., 304
Lee, Sing, 341
The Left Hand of Darkness (Le Guin), 69
legalistic fallacy, 310
legalization of marijuana, 134–135
Legally Blonde (film), 54
Le Guin, Ursula K., 69, 328
Leng’ete, Nice Nailantei, 289
L’Engle, Madeleine, 69
Lenski, Gerhard, 112
Lenton, Steven, 272
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) persons
adoption rights of, 159
definitions of terms, 280–281
hate crimes against, 282
HIV/AIDS and, 344, 345
medicalization of, 345
same-sex marriage and, 60, 100, 101, 161–162
self-identification of, 283
stereotypes against, 273
U.S. attitudes regarding, 280, 281
Yogyakarta Principles for, 282
Les Misérables (film), 203
Lewis, Michael, 25
LGBTQ persons. See lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer persons
Liar, Liar (film), 131
liberation theology, 193–194
Libertarian Party, 207
Life, Animated (film), 345
life chances, 223–227, 248, 333, 340
life course approach, 85–88
life expectancy
defined, 335
gender differences in, 349–350
global comparisons, 89, 335, 344
income and, 348
in industrial societies, 338
in preindustrial societies, 338
racial/ethnic differences in, 349
life goals of first-year college students, 57–58
life satisfaction, 10
Li Keqiang, 201
Lincoln, Abraham, 314
linguistic relativity hypothesis, 56
Linnaeus, Carolus, 296
Listen Up: Voices from the Next Feminist Generation (Findlen), 278
literature reviews, 27–28
Little, Omar, 135
Little Golden Books, 272
Living Dead films, 126
living wills, 93
Lo and Behold (film), 372
Lodwick, Francis, 54
looking-glass self, 73, 104
Lorber, Judith, 271, 274
Lord of the Rings (Tolkien), 54
Love, Simon (film), 288
Loving, Mildred and Richard, 156
Loving (film), 160
Loving v. Virginia (1967), 299
Luckmann, Thomas, 47
Luddites, 373
Lukács, Georg, 64
Luther, Martin and Lutherans, 187, 188, 192
lynching, 14
macrosociology, 14
Madoff, Bernie, 133
Mai, Mukhtar, 289–290
makkunrai, 274
malaria, 354
Malaya, O., 71
Malcolm X, 101, 177, 186, 209
Malthus, Thomas, 337–338
Mama Hope, 289, 290
mandatory sentences, 128
Mandela, Nelson, 314
Mann, Horace, 172, 236
Man’s Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race (Montagu), 299
maquiladoras, 260–261
March for Our Lives (2018), 125, 364, 368, 376
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (1963), 300
marijuana, 80, 128, 134–135, 312
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting (2018), 124–125, 364
Mark the Match Boy (Alger), 236
marriage. See also family
age at first marriage, 154
arranged, 48, 154
courtship and, 154
global views of, 148
interracial, 60, 156–157, 299
mate selection, 154–157
movies on, 160
questions to ask prior to, 156
remarriage, 166
same-sex, 60, 100, 101, 161–162
trends in, 154, 167
types of, 149
U.S. marriage rates, 148
Marriott International, 372
Mars, Bruno, 242
Marshall, T. H., 211
The Martian (film), 372
Martin, George R. R., 56
Martin, Trayvon, 141
Martineau, Harriet, 9, 14, 284, 306
Marx, Karl
on alienation, 13
on bourgeoisie and proletariat, 238–239, 251
on capitalism, 203, 238–239
on class consciousness, 239, 278
conflict perspective of, 16, 17, 348
on dominant ideology, 64
on elite model of power, 212
on false consciousness, 239
macrosociology and, 14
on power and inequality, 13
on religion, 194–195
on social change, 374–375
on socialism, 200–201
sociological theory and, 9, 13, 113
on technological innovation, 370, 371
Mary Poppins Returns (film), 54
masculinity, 269, 273, 274, 281
M*A*S*H (film), 217
massage, 354
mass media, 51, 81–84, 114–115
mass shootings, 124–125
The Master (film), 192
Masterpiece Classic (television show), 228
Masterpiece (television show), 242
master status, 100–101, 130–131, 282, 344
matchmakers, 150, 154
material culture, 50, 52–53, 370–373
material resources, 4, 7, 13, 16, 227, 238–241
mate selection, 154–157
matriarchy, 153
matrilineal descent, 149
Maugham, W. Somerset, 93
McCabe, Janice, 106
McCormick, Cyrus, 203
McCormick, Rae, 222, 223, 235
McDonaldization, 118
McDonald’s, 51, 115, 118
McGuffey’s Eclectic Readers, 236
McIntosh, Peggy, 328
Me (socialized self), 74
Mead, George Herbert, 16, 74–75, 78, 84, 98, 176
Mead, Margaret, 274
mean, 34, 108
means, defined, 138
means of production, 13, 238
mechanical solidarity, 111–112
mechanization, 238
Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), 219, 265
median, 34, 108
Medicaid, 352
medicalization of society, 343, 345, 350
Medicare, 93, 340, 352
meditation, 354
Meigs, Charles, 275
melanin, 297
melting pot, 316
Melville, Herman, 69, 375
Menozzi, Paolo, 297
page 447
stratification in, 258–262
wealth concentration in, 259
women in, 260
Michels, Robert, 119
microsociology, 14
middle-brow, 242
middle class, 159, 225
midlife crisis, 88
midwives, 343, 375
migration, 335–337. See also emigration; immigrants and immigration
Mika, Mike, 83
Mikhailova, N., 71
Milanovic, Branko, 256
Milgram, Stanley, 125–127
military rule, 206
Millennium Development Goals, 258
Millett, Kate, 277
Mills, C. Wright, 2, 3, 212–213, 309
Minangkabau society, 274
minority groups, defined, 313. See also race and ethnicity
Mirren, Helen, 316
Missouri principle, 8, 29, 374
Mitochondrial Eve, 302
mixed economies, 201–202, 210
mobility. See social mobility
Moby Dick (Melville), 69
mode, 34
modernization, 249–250, 252
Mohai, Paul, 356
monarchies, 65, 205–206
monastic orders, 190–191
Moneyball (film), 25
Monk, Ellis, 312–313
monogamy, 149
monogenesis model of race, 298
monopolies, 200
monotheistic religions, 189
Monrovia, Indiana (film), 41
Montagu, Ashley, 299–300
Moonlight (film), 288
Moore, Wilbert E., 177
moral emotions, 369
moral relativism, 65
morbidity rates, defined, 347
mores, 59
Mormons, 187
mortality rates, defined, 347
Morton, Samuel George, 296
Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA), 302
Mott, Lucretia, 277
movies. See also specific movies
on aging, 92
on crime, 136
on culture, 59, 61
on deviance, 131
on economy, 203
on education, 180
on environment, 357
on gender and sexuality, 288
on health and medicine, 345
on inequality, 262
as mass media, 81
on politics, 210
on race and ethnicity, 303
on religion, 192
on social change, 367
on social class, 240
on socialization, 88
on social structure, 120
on sociological imagination, 4
on sociological research, 41
on technology, 372
M-Pesa app, 371
MRCA (Most Recent Common Ancestor), 302
Mudbound (film), 160
Muhammad (prophet), 189
multiculturalism. See culture; race and ethnicity
multidimensional typology of race, 302–303
multigenerational families, 164
multinational corporations, 252–255
multiple masculinities, 274
multiracial identity, 302
Mumbai (India), inequality in, 246–247
Munsch, Robert, 272
murder, 124–125, 137, 289. See also genocide
Murdock, George, 49
Mursi ethnic group, 63
Muslims. See Islam and Muslims
name-calling, 273, 282
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 15
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 354
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), 282
National Crime Victimization Survey, 132–133, 288
National Day of Unplugging, 84
National Human Trafficking Resource Center, 224
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 354
National Opinion Research Center (NORC), 37–38
National Organization for Women (NOW), 277–278
National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), 282–283
Native Americans and Alaska Natives
cohabitation among, 164
in Congress, 215, 288
Dakota Access Pipeline opposition by, 332–333
DNA testing for exoneration of, 142–143
education levels among, 319–320
European settlements and, 310, 319
gender among, 274
income among, 319
infant mortality rates among, 349
in-group differences among, 320
matriarchy among, 153
percentage of U.S. population, 319
poverty among, 319
reservation system for, 307
suicide rate for, 12
U.S. genocide of, 314
voting rights for, 215
native cultures, 51
natural experiments, 37
naturalized citizens, 336
natural sciences, 11, 26, 49
nature, laws of, 8, 26, 49
nature-nurture debate, 49
Navajo tribal group, 319
Na’vi language, 55
Nayar people, 157
Nazi Germany, 125–126, 209, 299, 314, 326
NCHS (National Center for Health Statistics), 282
near phase of retirement, 90
neocolonialism, 251
family, 150
friendship, 106–107, 315
sexual, 107–108
social, 91, 106–108, 115
Never Again MSD political action committee, 125, 367
Newcomen, Thomas, 53
New Deal programs, 200
new religious movements (NRMs), 188–189
Newton, Isaac, 8, 27
Newton, Nigel, 69
New Yorker, 27
New York Times, 27
NGOs (nongovernmental organizations), 219, 264–265
Nicholson, Jack, 93
Nickerson, Raymond, 25
Night School (film), 180
NIH (National Institutes of Health), 354
NIMBY (not-in-my-backyard), 356, 375
Nineteenth Amendment, 211, 277, 288
9/11 terrorist attacks (2001), 136
nirvana, 183, 190
Nixon, Richard M., 82, 128, 216, 217
Noah (film), 192
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, 373
no-fault divorce laws, 166
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 219, 264–265
page 448
nonsexist language, 56
nonverbal communication, 57
No Pants Subway Ride, 46, 47, 60
NORC (National Opinion Research Center), 37–38
normative culture, 59–61, 375–376
conformity to, 125, 127
defined, 59
exceptions to, 60
experimentation with, 177–178
formalization as laws, 59, 98, 128
formation of, 98
gender, 271–273
internalization of, 177
religious, 186
types of, 59–60
violation of, 60–61, 137
not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY), 356, 375
NOW (National Organization for Women), 277–278
NRMs (new religious movements), 188–189
NSFG (National Survey of Family Growth), 282–283
nuclear family, 150, 164
nurture-nature debate, 49
Obama, Barack
admiration for, 209
Affordable Care Act and, 352
African American vs. White views of, 5
commitment to meritocracy, 236
Dakota Access Pipeline and, 333
election of, 198
glass ceiling and, 318
immigration policies under, 327
racial self-identification by, 301, 302
response to Great Recession, 202
tokenistic fallacy and, 310
Obama, Michelle, 15, 209
ObamaCare (Affordable Care Act), 351–353
obedience, 125–127
Obergefell, James, 162
Oberlin College, 180
Oberschall, Anthony, 367
observation research, 6, 35, 39, 80, 141, 211
Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria, 215
occupational gender segregation, 285–286
occupational prestige, 240, 241
occupational socialization, 84
occupational status, 236–237
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 288
OECD (Organisation for Economic
Co–operation and Development), 28
Office Space (film), 120
offshoring, 204, 238, 252
Ogburn, William F., 52–53, 151
oil spills, 358
Okrand, Marc, 55
Okrent, Arika, 54, 55
Okun, Arthur, 210
older adults. See aging populations
oligarchies, 119, 206
Omar, Ilhan, 288
Omi, Michael, 306–307
On Death and Dying (Kübler-Ross), 93
one-child policy, 340
one-drop rule, 298, 307
On Her Shoulders (film), 262
online dating services, 147–148, 155, 157
online piracy, 129
online polls, 30
online sources, 27–28
On the Run: Fugitive Life in an American City (Goffman), 27
open systems of stratification, 227
operational definitions, 29
opportunity gap, 237
organic solidarity, 112, 115
Organisation for Economic Co–operation and Development (OECD), 28
organizational culture, 119–120
organizational resources, 14
organized crime, 135
oroané, 274
Orshansky, Mollie, 232
Orwell, George, 69
The Other America (Harrington), 114
Our Souls at Night (film), 92
out-groups, 105, 305–306
outsourcing, 204
Oxfam, 264
Pacific Islanders. See Asians and Pacific Islanders
Pager, Devah, 37, 311
Painter, Nell Irvin, 296, 305
Panagopoulos, Costas, 32
The Paper Bag Princess (Munsch), 272
parenting practices, 78–79, 157–160, 272–273, 275–276
Paris Agreement, 360–361
Parks, Rosa, 305
Parsons, Talcott, 16, 284, 374
participant observation, 6, 35
party, defined, 241, 367
Pascoe, C. J., 281
passing, 303–304
paths of least resistance, 6
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, 351–353
patriarchy, 153, 195
patrilineal descent, 149
patriotism, 77, 305
peace, 218–219
Peace Corps, 379
Peattie, Lisa, 274
peer groups, 80–81
Pell Grants, 174
Pelosi, Nancy, 278, 288
“The Pentagon Papers,” 217
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (film), 180
Persepolis (film), 61
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, 234–235
personal sociology, 17–18, 377, 378
Peterson, David J., 56
pets, as part of family, 152
Pew Research Center, 32
phenotype, 303, 304
Philomena (film), 4
Philosophical Language (Wilkins), 54
physical violence, 288
physicians, 342–346, 348, 351–352
Piazza, Alberto, 297
Piketty, Thomas, 230, 239
piracy, online, 129
Pitt, Brad, 166
place, significance of, 4–5, 24, 346–351
plagiarism, 59
Plath, Sylvia, 69
Platt, Marc, 54
play stage of self, 74–75
Plessy, Homer, 298, 299
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), 173, 298
pluralism, 316–317
pluralist model, 211–212
Pocahontas, 310
Pokémon Go (game), 83–84
police shootings of African Americans, 294–295, 312, 313
policing strategies, 23–24, 141, 142, 308
political power, 210–211
political rights, 211
politics. See also government
defined, 205
movies on, 210
participation in, 213–216, 379
race/ethnicity and, 214–216, 318
social order and, 110
us vs. them mentality in, 77
women in, 215–216, 260, 288
polity, defined, 205, 32
polls, 30, 32, 32
pollution, 355, 357–358
polyandry, 149
polygamy, 65, 149
polygenesis model of race, 298
polygyny, 149
Ponzi schemes, 133
pop culture, 126, 242
population dynamics, 333–340
birthrates, 334, 338–340
death rates, 335, 338, 339
demographic transition model of, 338–340
global trends, 337, 338
growth rate, 337
Malthus on, 337–338
migration, 335–337
study of, 333–334
population pyramids, 338–340
population transfer, 314
Portman, Natalie, 316
The Post (film), 210
postindustrial societies, 114, 338–340
Postman, Neil, 373
postmodern societies, 114–115
absolute, 232
of aging populations, 93
page 449
The Power Elite (Mills), 212
Powhatan tribe, 310
predestination, 192
preexisting conditions, 353
preferences system for immigrants, 326
Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, 158
preindustrial societies, 112–113, 338
prejudice, 77, 92, 305, 306, 309. See also bias; discrimination; segregation; stereotypes
preparatory stage of self, 74
preretirement phase, 90
President (card game), 97
presidential debates, 81–82
presidential elections, 30, 32, 214–215
prestige, 240, 241
Prestige oil spill (2002), 358
prevalence, defined, 346
The Price of Everything (film), 203
primary groups, 104
primary sector of economy, 202, 203
The Princess and the Frog (film), 318
The Princess and the Pony (Beaton), 272
The Princess Bride (film), 160
Princess Daisy, the Dragon, and the Nincompoop Knights (Lenton), 272
The Princess Diaries (Cabot), 69
Princeton University, 181
print media, 81
prison. See incarceration
privacy, 40, 372
private troubles, 3, 277
privilege, 37, 327–328, 378
profane experience, 183
professional competence, 40
professional responsibility, 40
profit, in capitalism, 199
Prohibition, 129
proletariat, 238–239
proportional representation, 207
props, in presentation of self, 76
prostitution, 134, 141
protection function of family, 151
Protestant ethic, 192–193
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (Weber), 192
evangelical, 187
fundamentalism and, 186
individual autonomy within, 10
sects within, 188
Protestant Reformation, 81, 188, 192, 193
protests/riots, 366, 374
pseudoscientific racism, 298–299
public issues, 3, 277, 308
public sociology, 377–378
pull factors for immigration, 336
The Purge (film), 131
push factors for immigration, 336
Putnam, Robert, 237
qualitative research, 6, 34–35
quantitative research, 6, 34
queer, use of term, 276
questionnaires, 33
quinceañera ceremonies, 85
Quinney, Richard, 142
Quinnipiac University, 32
quota system for immigrants, 326
quotidian cruelties, 289
Qur’an, 184, 323
race and ethnicity, 295–324. See also immigrants and immigration; specific racial and
ethnic groups
age variations by, 321
binge drinking by, 128
classifications of, 296–297, 301–303
class status and, 259–260
coalition building and, 106
definitions of, 295–296
differential justice based on, 142
discrimination and, 303–306, 308–313
education levels and, 317–321, 324
employment and, 313, 318
environmental hazards and, 356
health disparities and, 348–349
health insurance and, 348
incarceration and, 128, 142, 312
income and, 308–310, 318–321, 324
inequality and, 317–324
infant mortality rates and, 348–349
intergroup relations, 313–317
interracial marriage, 60, 156–157, 299
language stereotypes and, 56–57
life expectancy and, 349
master status and, 101
movies on, 303
multidimensional typology of, 302–303
parenting and, 159–160
politics and, 214–216, 318
poverty and, 234, 318–320, 324
as social construction, 295, 296, 299, 302
socialization and, 79
sociological perspectives on, 302–307
suicide rate by, 12
unemployment rate by, 3
in U.S., 317–324
wage gap and, 4
wealth and, 5, 318, 321, 324
The Race Question (UNESCO), 300
racial formation, 306–307
Racial Integrity Act of 1924 (Virginia), 156
racial profiling, 141, 312
racial self-classification, 302
racial self-narrative, 303–304
racism, 298–299, 309–313, 317
radio, 81
Ragged Dick (Alger), 236
rain forests, 355, 356
random samples, 29–30
Rank, Mark, 234
rape, 143, 288–290
rational-legal authority, 209–210
RBG (film), 210
Reagan, Ronald, 128
Really Bad Chess (game), 99
real norms, 59–60
rebels, in typology of deviance, 138
recordings, 81
Red Crescent, 219
Red Cross, 219, 264, 379
redneck, 242
red tape, bureaucratic, 117
reference groups, 105
reflected race, 303
refugees, 198, 314, 336
Rein, Martin, 274
reincarnation, 190
Reinharz, Shulamit, 41
relative deprivation, 366–367
relative poverty, 232
reliability, 30, 32
religion, 182–195. See also specific religions
attendance at services, 186
beliefs in, 185–186
communities in, 187–189
components of, 185–189
conflict perspective on, 194–195
definitions of, 182–183
economic well-being and, 193
functionalist perspective on, 183–184, 191–192
function in society, 109
gender and, 195
global, 189–191
movies on, 192
rituals in, 186
social change and, 192–194
social control through, 194–195
page 450
economic, 7
environment and, 355–356
health and, 343–345
material, 4, 7, 13, 16, 227, 238–241
organizational, 14
ownership of, 13
social, 7, 14, 16, 227, 239–241, 367
respect, 40
retirement, 90
retreatists, in typology of deviance, 138
reverse culture shock, 64
reverse discrimination, 311, 324
reverse passing, 303–304
Revolutionary Road (film), 59
Rice, Tamir, 142, 294
Rich Hill (film), 240
The Rider (film), 59
riots/protests, 366, 374
rites of passage, 85, 90
ritualists, in typology of deviance, 138
rituals, 186
Ritzer, George, 118
The Road (film), 372
Robert the Pious (France), 225
Rockefeller Foundation, 290
Rodents of Unusual Size (film), 357
Rodgers, Myla, 289, 290
Rodriguez, Richard, 57
Roe v. Wade (1973), 278
role conflict, 102
role exit, 102–103
roles, social, 101–103
role strain, 102
role taking, 75
role transitions, 88, 90
Roma (film), 61
Roman Catholic Church. See Catholic Church
Romero, George, 126
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 81
Rosenthal, Robert, 180–181
Rosin, Hanna, 79
Roth, Wendy, 302–303
Rough and Ready (Alger), 236
Rowling, J. K., 69, 75
Roy, Arundhati, 379
ruling class, 13, 64
rumspringa, in Amish communities, 78
favorable views of U.S. in, 115
immigrants from, 325
incarceration rates in, 137
organized crime in, 135
socialism in, 201
wealth concentration in, 256
sabotage, 373
sacred objects, 184
sacred realm, 183
Sacred Stone Camp, 332
Saez, Emmanuel, 230
Saha, Robin, 356
salary. See income
salvation panic, 192
same-sex marriage, 60, 100, 101, 161–162
samplers, 106, 107
sample selection, 29–30, 32
defined, 60–61
gender roles and, 272
in religion, 183–184, 186
sick role and, 342
as social control, 125, 127
Sandberg, Sheryl, 268, 269, 286
Sanders, Bernie, 119
sandwich generation, 88
Sanger, Margaret, 365
Sanskritization, 224–225
Santa Fe High School shooting (2018), 124
Sapir, Edward, 55
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, 55–56
Sarkeesian, Anita, 83
SBST (Social and Behavioral Sciences Team), 19
Scarce, Rik, 40
Schaffer, Scott, 378
school. See education
school shootings, 124–125, 364, 369
Schwartz, Pepper, 157
Science Fair (film), 41
scientific management, 119–120
scientific method, 8, 11, 26, 191
scientific responsibility, 40
Scott, Keith, 294
Scott, Walter, 294
scripts, in presentation of self, 76
Scum (card game), 97
SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), 258
secondary analysis, 37–39
secondary groups, 104
secondary sector of economy, 202–204
secondary sex characteristics, 270
secondary sources, 27
The Second Sex (de Beauvoir), 277
second shift, 287–288
second wave of feminism, 277–278
SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), 133
sects, 188
secularization, 189
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 133
segregation, 173, 237, 285–286, 298–299, 312, 314–315. See also discrimination;
selective breeding, 299
connection between society and, 2
construction of, 47
defined, 73
looking-glass self, 73, 104
Mead’s stages of, 74–75
perception and, 75
presentation of, 75–76
socialization and, 47, 73–78, 98
society and, 98–99
self-fulfilling prophecy, 181, 297, 307
self-help, 351
Semenya, Caster, 270
Sen, Maya, 305
Senate, U.S., 215, 288
seniors. See aging populations
Sentencing Reform Act of 1984, 128
“separate but equal” principle, 173, 298–299
September 11 terrorist attacks (2001), 136
serial monogamy, 149
service sector, 114, 203, 204
SES (socioeconomic status), 240–241
settlement houses, 15
Seventh-Day Adventists, 188
sex (biological), 100, 269–270
sexism, 180, 285, 350, 369
sex offenders, 131
sex trafficking, 224, 289
sexual ambiguity, 270
sexual behavior, regulation of, 151–152
sexuality, 280–284. See also lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ)
defined, 280
identity and, 280–282
movies on, 288
practice of, 282–284
socialization and, 281
sexual networks, 107–108
sexual orientation. See lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ)
Sexual Politics (Millett), 277
sexual violence, 288–289
Shaefer, Luke, 222–223
Shaheen, Jack, 254
Shaikh, Nawab Ali, 247
Shakers, 195
Shakespeare, William, 75–76
The Shawshank Redemption (film), 136
Sherlock Holmes (television show), 228
Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890, 200
page 451
Sherpas, 89
Shipler, David, 235
Shirky, Clay, 108
Shiva, 190
Shoplifters (film), 61
Shudra caste (artisans/farmers), 224
sickle cell disease, 348, 354
sick role, 342
Siddhartha, 190
significant others, 74
Silence (film), 192
silos, 117
Silver, Nate, 30
single-parent families, 162–163
single persons, 165
Sioux Indians, 314, 332–333
skateboarder slang, 62
skin color, 297, 312–313, 328, 344
slang, 62
slaves and slavery
emancipation and, 9
in fixed fallacy of racism, 310
justification of, 298, 306, 344
religion and, 194
as stratification system, 223–224
as transnational crime, 136
Washington (George) and, 312
slums, 246, 247
Smarsh, Sarah, 1–2
smartphones. See cell phones
Smith, Adam, 194, 199–200
Smith, Matt, 4
smoking, 350
Snapchat, 83
SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee), 369
Snowpiercer (film), 240
Soboa ceremony, 85
Social and Behavioral Sciences Team (SBST), 19
social behavior, 11, 12
social bonds, 139
social categorization, 77, 305
social change. See also activism
cognitive culture and, 373–375
collective action and, 365
commitment to, 15
defined, 370
education and, 177
material culture and, 370–373
movies on, 367
normative culture and, 375–376
norm violations and, 60
power and resources for, 374–375
religion and, 192–194
role of sociologists in, 9, 15
as social force, 8
U.S. timeline of, 370
social class, 225–237
access to resources and, 4
American Dream and, 235–237
health and, 347–348
income and, 228–230
indicators of, 225
movies on, 240
parenting and, 159
poverty and, 232–235
power and, 13
self-identification of, 226
socioeconomic status and, 240–241
U.S. system of, 225–227
wealth and, 230–232
social coherence, 61
social comparison, 77, 305
social construction of reality, 47–48
social control, 125–129
conformity and, 125, 127
defined, 125
formal, 127, 177
informal, 127
laws and, 128–129
name-calling and, 273
obedience and, 125–127
religion and, 194–195
social control theory, 139
social disorganization theory, 140–141
social disruption, norm violations and, 60–61
social dynamics, 8
social environment, 6
social epidemiology, 346
social evolution, 373–374
social facts, 10–12
social forces, 2, 3, 8–10, 12, 14
social identification, 77, 305
social inequality, 7, 9, 13, 223
social influence, artistic success and, 69–70
social institutions, 109–111, 128, 172, 182, 199
social integration, 10, 138, 176, 183, 191–192
social interaction, 98–99. See also interactionist perspective
socialism, 200–201
socialization, 70–88
agents of, 78–85
anticipatory, 87
of children, 78–81, 84–85
cross-cultural variations in, 78–79
defined, 70
by family, 78–79, 151
gender and, 79, 271, 272
government and, 84–85
internalization of culture and, 70–71
isolation, impact on, 71–73
in life course, 85–88
mass media in, 81–84
movies on, 88
peer groups in, 80–81
racial influences on, 79
religion and, 84–85
resocialization, 87–88
role of, 70–73
in schools, 79–80
self and, 47, 73–78, 98
sexuality and, 281
us vs. them mentality and, 76–78
in workplace, 84
social location, 7, 155, 156
social media, 62, 82–83, 109, 368, 376
social mobility, 226–227, 236–237, 242
social movements, 365–369. See also specific movements
social networking. See social media
social networks, 91, 106–108, 115, 237
social order
conflict perspective on, 16
culture and, 61
education and, 176, 182
equilibrium and, 374
functionalist perspective on, 16, 342
illness and, 342–343
maintenance of, 12–13
theories of, 9
social power, 7, 367
Social Problems (journal), 27
social reformers, role of sociologists as, 15
social resources, 7, 14, 16, 227, 239–241, 367
social responsibility, 40
social rights, 211
social roles, 101–103
social sciences, 11, 26
Social Security Administration, 38, 56, 232
social separation, 14
social service programs, 234–235
social stability, 8, 9, 374
social statics, 8
social status, 13–14, 152, 233
social stigma, 130–131
social structure, 99–120
bureaucracy and, 115–120
conflict perspective on, 16–17
defined, 98
elements of, 99–111
Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft, 111
groups in, 103–106
institutions and, 7
movies on, 120
social institutions in, 109–111
social networks in, 106–108
solidarity and, 111–112
statuses and roles in, 99–103
technology and, 112–115
societal-reaction approach, 141–142
aging and, 89–90
boundaries within, 51
construction of, 47
defined, 6–7, 48, 99
demographic transition of, 338–340
evolution of, 373–374
health and, 340–341
industrial, 113, 338–339
laws of, 8, 9, 49
matriarchal, 153
medicalization of, 343, 345, 350
patriarchal, 153
postindustrial, 114, 338–340
postmodern, 114–115
preindustrial, 112–113, 338
science of, 8–9
self and, 98–99
technology and, 112–114
Society in America (Martineau), 9
SocINDEX database, 28
sociobiology, 49
socioeconomic status (SES), 240–241
sociological imagination
big picture of society and, 333
comedy and, 50
culture and, 65
page 452
on globalization, 248–255
on health and wellness, 340–346
interactionist (See interactionist perspective)
on race and ethnicity, 302–307
on religion, 191–195
on stratification, 238–243
sociological research, 26–42
design of, 32–39
ethics in, 40–42, 127
ethnography, 23, 35, 42
experimental, 35–37, 39
feminist methodology in, 42
funding for, 40–41
movies on, 41
observation, 6, 35, 39, 80, 141, 211
presentation of findings, 31–32
qualitative, 6, 34–35
quantitative, 6, 34
scientific method and, 8, 11, 26, 191
steps in research process, 26–32
surveys, 6, 32–35, 39
use of existing sources for, 37–39
value neutrality in, 41
sociological theory, 9–15, 26–27
sociologists, 6, 9, 14, 15, 19
academic, 18–19
applied, 19
clinical, 19
common sense and, 24–25
defining, 2, 6–8
degrees conferred by gender, 18
employment for majors in, 18, 19
empowerment through, 8
first university department of, 11
functions of, 6, 7, 376
history of, 8–11
macrosociology, 14
microsociology, 14
origins of term, 8
personal, 17–18, 377, 378
practicing, 378–379
public, 377–378
as science, 8–9, 24–26
theory and research in, 9–11
Sociology of Education (journal), 27
soft skills, 177
solidarity, 111–112, 115, 183, 305
songs, study of culture through, 9
The Sopranos (television show), 135
sororities, 105
Sorry to Bother You (film), 59
Sotomayor, Sonia, 288
South Africa, apartheid in, 314
speed-limit policies, 129
spirit of capitalism, 193
sports, 77, 99, 104, 118, 180, 184–185
Springsteen, Bruce, 101
Ssebunya, J., 71
stability phase of retirement, 90
Stalin, Joseph, 206
Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, 332–333
standpoint theory, 279
Stanford University, 181
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 277
Starbucks, 51
Star Trek (film), 55
statistics, use of, 34
achieved, 100
ascribed, 100, 223–225, 227, 236
defined, 100
master, 100–101, 130–131, 282, 344
occupational, 236–237
social, 13–14, 152, 233
social power and, 367
status groups, 240
status quo, 130, 375
steam engine, 52, 53
Stein, Jill, 207
stepfamilies, 163
Stephens, Alexander H., 298
stereotypes. See also bias; prejudice
of Arabs and Muslims, 254
defined, 308
gender, 81
HIV/AIDS and, 345
language and, 56–57
LGBTQ persons and, 273
poverty and, 233
racial, 99, 307, 308
us vs. them mentality and, 130
Stewart, Matthew, 242
Stewart, Susan, 163
stigma, 130–131, 344, 345
stop-and-frisk policing, 141
stories, in postmodern societies, 114
strain theory of deviance, 138
castes and, 224–225, 227, 264
closed systems of, 227, 242
defined, 223
estate system and, 225
in Mexico, 258–262
open systems of, 227
slavery and, 223–224
social class and, 225–226
sociological perspectives on, 238–243
Streib, Jessi, 242
“strength of weak ties” argument, 108
strikes, 61
Strogatz, Steven, 108
structural inequality, 250–255, 290
Struggling Upward (Alger), 236
Stuckert, Robert, 303
student loans and debt, 179. See also education
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 369
subcultures, 62
substantive definition of family, 148–150, 158
success, 49, 69–70
suicide, 10–13, 27, 28, 38
suicide bombings, 63
Suicide (Durkheim), 10
Sumner, William Graham, 65
Super Hero Girls Initiative, 272
Superman, 53
supplements, dietary, 354
Suri ethnic group, 63
surnames, 38
Surowiecki, James, 376
surveys, 6, 32–35, 39, 132–133
SurveyUSA, 32
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 258
susto (fright sickness), 349
Sutherland, Edwin, 139–140
symbolic ethnicity, 324
symbolic language, 62
symbols, 74, 131
sympathy, 369
Syrian civil war, 314, 325
Tajfel, Henri, 77, 305
Talackova, Jenna, 103
Tan, Hock, 239
Taoism, 183
TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program), 200, 202
Tarr, Delaney, 368
Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 119–120
teacher-expectancy effect, 180–181
teaching profession, 174–175, 180–181. See also education
Tea Party movement, 364
technological unemployment, 204
technology. See also Internet; social media
benefits and costs of, 370–373
defined, 52
dehumanizing consequences of, 373
genetic modification, 372–373
innovations in, 202–203
leapfrogging and, 84, 371
material culture and, 52–53, 370
modification of nature through, 354
movies on, 372
privacy issues and, 372
questions to ask prior to adoption of, 373, 374
resistance to, 373
social movements and, 368
society and, 112–115
page 453
social disorganization, 140–141
sociological, 9–15, 26–27
standpoint, 279
strain, 138
third wave of feminism, 278–279
Thirteenth Amendment, 224
13th (film), 303
This Is the Army (film), 217
Thomas, Franklin, 310
Thomas, W. I., 14, 75
Thomas theorem
defined, 14
labeling theory and, 141
on perception and action, 75, 81, 308, 345
self-perception and, 302
sexual identity and, 282
social class and, 225
sociological research and, 34
stigma and, 130
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (film), 136
Three Identical Strangers (film), 88
Three Kings (film), 217
Tibet, marriage practices in, 148
Tiên Lên (Vietnamese card game), 97
tiger moms, 160
tight-knitters, 106
time-motion studies, 120
Tinder, 147–148, 157
Title IX (Education Amendments of 1972), 173, 180, 182
Tlaib, Rashida, 288
To Be Real: Telling the Truth and Changing the Face of Feminism (Walker), 278
Todd, Charlie, 46–47
tokenistic fallacy, 310
Tolkien, J. R. R., 54–55
Tönnies, Ferdinand, 111–113, 115
Torah, 189–190
total fertility rate, 334
total institutions, 87–88
totalitarianism, 206
tracking, 181–182
traditional authority, 208–209
trafficking, 136, 224, 262–263, 289
Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, 262
Transformer (film), 288
transgender persons, 103, 269, 276, 281. See also lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,
and queer (LGBTQ) persons
transnational crime, 136–137
transracial adoption, 304–305
Tree of Life synagogue shooting (2018), 124
triads, 106
Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), 200, 202
Truman, Harry S., 32, 33
The Truman Show (film), 120
Trump, Donald
admiration for, 209
on Affordable Care Act, 353
Dakota Access Pipeline and, 333
election of, 198–199, 208, 288
immigration policies under, 327
“Make America Great Again” pledge by, 199
polling projections for, 30, 32
presidential approval and disapproval ratings for, 33
selection as presidential nominee, 119
on stop-and-frisk policing, 141
Trump Tower Mumbai and, 246
U.S.–Mexico border wall and, 261, 317
votes received by, 208, 215
White working-class voters and, 198–199, 209
withdrawal from Paris Agreement, 361
Women’s March in protest of, 108, 59
Twain, Mark, 142
12 Years a Slave (film), 4, 303
Twitchell, James B., 115
Twitter, 30, 83, 84, 108, 211, 368, 376
$2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America (Edin & Shaefer), 222–223
2 Fists Up (film), 367
Tyson, Neil de Grasse, 26
underclass, 226
undocumented immigrants, 261–262, 327, 336–337
unemployment, 2–3, 204, 205
Uniform Crime Reports (UCR), 131–132
unions, labor, 119, 120
United Nations
Human Development Index, 248, 340
Millennium Declaration, 258
on nonconsensual surgeries, 270
on slavery, 224
Sustainable Development Goals, 258
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 224, 262, 264
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 343
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 300
United States Climate Alliance, 361
Unite the Right rally (2017), 298
universal health coverage, 351, 352, 375
University Heights High School (New York), 171
University of Chicago, 181
unmarried couples, 159, 164–165
Unrest (film), 345
Up (film), 92
upper class, 225
upper-middle class, 159, 179, 225
U.S. Border Patrol, 262, 337
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 28, 84, 286
U.S. Census Bureau, 28–31, 37–38, 117, 149, 151, 301–302, 323
U.S. Constitution, 211, 223–224, 277
U.S. Department of Agriculture, 232
U.S. Department of Education, 28
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 336
U.S. Department of Justice, 133, 313
U.S. Sentencing Commission, 128
U.S. Supreme Court
Bell v. Maryland, 323
Brown v. Board of Education, 173, 299, 310
draft evasion of Muhammad Ali, 99
eugenics and, 299
on immigration bans, 327
interracial marriage and, 156, 299
Loving v. Virginia, 299
Plessy v. Ferguson, 173, 298
on pregnancy and employment, 158
refusal to hear Rik Scarce case, 40
Roe v. Wade, 278
on same-sex marriage, 100, 101, 162
women on, 288
USA PATRIOT Act of 2001, 218
us vs. them mentality, 76–78, 130, 305
Vaishya caste (merchants), 224
validity, 30, 32
value generalization, 374
value neutrality, 41, 65
values, 57–59, 177
Vandiver, Willard Duncan, 8
variables, 28–29, 31, 32, 35
Varma, Babulal, 246–247
varnas (castes), 224
Vaughn, Bill, 356
Veblen, Thorstein, 375
Venter, Craig, 295
vertical mobility, 227
vested interests, 375
victimization surveys, 132–133
victimless crimes, 134
video games, 83
Vietnam War, 216–217, 364
Vilain, Eric, 270
violence against women, 288–289
Virunga (film), 262
Vishnu, 190
volunteering, 91–92, 379
voter participation, 85, 211, 213–215, 277, 288, 379
page 454
wage gap, 4, 286, 309, 318
wages. See income
Walker, Rebecca, 278
The Walking Dead (television show), 126
WALL-E (film), 357
Wallerstein, Immanuel, 251
Wall Street (film), 136
Walton, Sam, 226
war, defined, 216
war on drugs, 128
War on Poverty, 232
War Powers Act of 1973, 217
Washington, George, 224, 312
Washington, Martha, 312
Washington Post, 27, 32
Wasow, Omar, 305
water consumption, 355
“water is life” protest, 332–333
water pollution, 355, 358
Watt, James, 53
Watts, Duncan, 25, 69
of aging populations, 93
concentration in nations, 256, 257, 259
defined, 228
distribution of, 5, 230–232, 256, 257
race/ethnicity and, 5, 318, 321, 324
social class and, 230–232
social mobility and, 237
The Wealth of Nations (Smith), 199–200
Weber, Max
on authority, 208–210
on bureaucracy, 115, 116, 118, 119, 373
force as defined by, 208
on life chances, 223
macrosociology and, 14
power as defined by, 208
on privilege, 328
on Protestant ethic, 192–193
on social power, 367
on social status, 13–14
on spirit of capitalism, 193
stratification model from, 239–241
on value neutrality, 41, 65
Weiner (film), 210
Welcome to Marwen (film), 88
welfare programs, 234–235
Wellman, David, 317
Wells-Barnett, Ida B., 14–16, 284
West, Cornel, 323
Western Electric Company, Hawthorne plant of, 36
Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, 36
What Men Want (film), 288
wheel of science, 26, 32
White, Ryan, 345
White Americans
binge drinking among, 128
coalition building among, 106
education levels among, 324
friendship networks of, 315
income among, 324
infant mortality rates among, 349
interracial marriage among, 157
life expectancy for, 349
living arrangements for children of, 160
median household wealth of, 5
as movie characters, 307
percentage of U.S. population, 324
perceptions of discrimination, 309
political party affiliation among, 214
poverty among, 93, 234, 324
single-parent families among, 162
suicide rate for, 12
unemployment rate for, 3
wealth among, 324
in working class, 198–199, 209
white-collar crime, 133
white-collar workers, 114
White Eyes, Joseph, 332
white nationalism, 298
white privilege, 37, 328
Whitney, Eli, 203
Whorf, Benjamin, 55
WHO (World Health Organization), 288, 340–341, 343, 354
Wicked (play), 54
Wikipedia, 28
Wilde, Oscar, 202
Wilkins, John, 54
Willard, Emma Hart, 173
Williams, Robin, 57
wills, 93
Wilson, Darren, 294
Wilson, William Julius, 106
Winant, Howard, 306–307
Winfrey, Oprah, 310
Winter’s Bone (film), 240
wireless device subscriptions, 52
Wirth, Louis, 19
The Wisdom of Crowds (Surowiecki), 376
Wolf, Naomi, 130, 272
The Wolf of Wall Street (film), 136
women. See also feminist perspective; gender
age at childbirth, 158
beauty myth for, 130, 272
blockage from leadership positions, 369
care for aging parents by, 88
as CEOs, 268, 287, 290
clothing sizes worn by, 342
as college graduates, 49
in Congress, 207, 215, 216
in developing countries, 256–257
education for, 173, 180, 275
exclusion from clinical trials, 350
female genital mutilation and, 264, 265
gender roles for, 272
housework and, 287–288
as immigrants, 325–326
interview responses and, 33
in labor force, 257, 259, 260, 285–287
in politics, 215–216, 260, 288
poverty among, 93
religion and, 195
reproductive rights for, 278
rights of, 9, 14
as sociologists, 15
unpaid labor of, 287–288, 290
in U.S., 285–289
violence against, 288–289
voting rights for, 211, 215, 277, 288
Women’s March on Washington (2017), 108, 364–365, 368
women’s movements, 276–280, 364
Wonder Woman (film), 272, 273
Wong, Belinda, 51
working class
alienation of, 13
children in, 237
cultural capital of, 242
educational opportunities for, 179
occupations associated with, 225–226
parenting approaches of, 159
proletariat as, 238–239
White Americans in, 198–199, 209
working mothers, 102
The Working Poor: Invisible in America (Shipler), 235
workplace socialization, 84
World Bank, 28, 252
World Economic Forum, 290
World Health Organization (WHO), 288, 340–341, 343, 354
World One skyscraper (Mumbai), 246
world population clock, 333
world systems analysis, 251–252, 255, 262, 355, 359
World War Z (Brooks), 126
World Wide Web. See Internet
A Wrinkle in Time (L’Engle), 69
WuDunn, Sherly, 289
xanith, 274
X-Men, 53
Yakuza, 135
Yale University, 180, 181
Yanomami people, 148
Yinger, J. Milton, 188
Yogyakarta Principles, 282
youthhood, use of term, 87
Yudin, V., 71
Zamenhof, Ludwik, 54
Zebene, Woineshet, 289
Zero Dark Thirty (film), 217
Zheng Shangyou (Chinese card game), 97
Zhong Zhong (cloned monkey), 373
Zimbardo, Philip, 140, 218
zombie apocalypse, 126
Zootopia (film), 303