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Botanical Survey of India was located at?

a. Calcutta
b. Orissa
c. Delhi
d. Madhya Pradesh
2. WII was located at?
a. New Delhi
b. Chennai
c. Dehradun
d. Ahmedabad
3. Who was the Environmental lawyer
a. MC Mehta
b. Anil Agar wal
c. Medha Patkar
d. M.S.Swaminathan
4. Chipko movement was started by
a. Sunderlal Bahuguna’s
b. Madhav Gadgil
c. Salim Ali
d. M.C.Mehta
5. World Ozone day was celebrated on?
a. 16 th September
b. 28th September
c. 2rd February
d. 28 th February
6. In which year Bombay Natural History society was established
a. 1880
b. 1974
c. 1883
d. 1987
7. Biogas was produced from
a. Domestic waste
b. Nuclear waste
c. Thermal waste
d. All the above
8. Extraction of minerals from mines is called
a. Prospecting
b. Exploration
c. Development
d. Exploitation
9. Current forest cover in India is around
a) 33%
b) 21.5%
c) 28%
d) 31%

10. In which place waste water is used to grow vegetables

a. Kolkata
b. Pune
c. Delhi
d. Chenni
11. A Solar cell is an the energy of that converts the energy of Light directly into
electricity by the ------?
a. Photovolatic effect
b. Chemical effect
c. Atmospheric effect
d. Physical effect
12. The main composition of Biogas is ----------------
a. Methane
b. Nitrogen
c. CO2
d. Hydrogen
13. Which of the following is a disadvantage of renewable energy?
a. High pollution
b. Available only in few places
c. High running Cost
d. Unreliable supply
14. Which is the major source of animal protein in the Earth?
a. Milk
b. Egg
c. Fat
d. Fish
15. The concentration of which gas is highest in our environment?
a. Oxygen
b. Nitrogen
c. Hydrogen
d. Carbondioxide
16. The pollutant free energy resource are ?
a. Coal
b. Petroleum
c. Nuclear enrgy
d. Solar energy
17. Which of the following is a non-renewable resource?
a. Coal
b. Water
c. Forest
d. Wild life
18. Gaseous nitrogen can be used by plants only after the process of
a. Nitrogen cycling
b. Nitrogen fixation
c. Ammonification
d. Nitrification
19. Area of land , water and air where the life exists is called
a. Biosphere
b. Atmosphere
c. Lithosphere
d. Hydrosphere
20. Nutrients are recycled in ecosystem by
a. Bigeochemical cycle
b. Producers
c. Energy flow
d. Consumers.
21. Fossil fuel and metallic minerals are
a. Renewable resources
b. Non-renewable
c. Inexhaustible
d. None of the above
22. Afforestation is necessary for
a. Soil conservation
b. Soil erosion
c. Well control
d. Low humidity
23. When trees are cut, amount of oxygen
a. Decreases
b. Increases
c. Both a and b
d. Remain same
24. Process of conversion of productive land to arid or semi arid lands is known as
a. Deforestation
b. Deformation
c. Land form
d. Desertification
25. Among the following which is not a organic farming
a. Compost
b. Crop rotation
c. Chemical fertilizers
d. Green manures
26. Sardar Sarovar project was constructed on
a. Narmada river
b. Krishna river
c. Curvey river
d. Godavari river
27. Water user Act was formulated in
a. 1962
b. 1964
c. 1965
d. 1987
28. Which is a non-metallic resource
a. Iron
b. Aluminum
c. Zinc
d. Coal
29. Which one is a Renewable energy source
a. Coal
b. Oil
c. Both a and b
d. Solar energy.
30. Energy is released from fossil fuels when they are-----?
a. Pumped
b. Cooled
c. Burned
d. Pressurized

31. Earthworms and bacteria are called?
a. Producers
b. Consumers
c. Decomposers
d. None of these
32. Food chain always starts with?
a. Respiration
b. Transpiration
c. Nitrogen fixation
d. Photosynthesis

33. Flow of energy is

a. One way
b. cyclic
c. Linear
d. None of above
34. Ecological pyramid always start with the following at base
a. Producer
b. Consumer
c. Decomposer
d. None of the above
35. What is the role of humans in food chain?
a. Producers
b. Consumers
c. Humans do not involve in food chain
d. Decomposers
36. Which of the following factor diminishing as food chain proceeds?
a. Pressure
b. Energy
c. Nutrition
d. Temperature
37. Which of the following organisms begins marine food chains?
a. Phytoplankton
b. Fishes
c. Zooplankton
d. Corals
38. In which of the following place we can find the cold deserts?
a. Bangalore
b. Chennai
c. Himalayas
d. Rajasthan

39. What kind of climate we can find the thar destert?

a. Cold
b. Dry
c. Moist
d. Cool
40. What makes desert region to become highly unproductive?
a. Salinity
b. Sunlight
c. Temperature
d. Increase in the rain
41. For what purpose areas of scanty vegetation is used?
a. Grazing
b. Framing
c. Water storage
d. To generate wind power
42. Which is the largest ecosystem?
a. Desert
b. Forest
c. Grassland
d. Oceans
43. Where can we see coral reefs?
a. In pond
b. In Desert
c. In shallow tropical seas
d. In dense tropical forest.
44. The most productive ecosystems in terms of Biomass production?
a. Pond ecosystem
b. Lake ecosystem
c. Brackish water ecosystem
d. River ecosystem
45. Which ecosystem is known as giant permanent pond?
a. Lake ecosystem
b. Pond ecosystem
c. Seashore ecosystem
d. Marine ecosystem
46. Simple aquatic ecosystem?
a. Pond
b. Stream
c. Lake
d. Marine
47. Where can we find both running water as well as stagnant water?
a. Marine ecosystem
b. Wet lands
c. Coral reefs
d. Fresh water ecosystems
48. Which one of the following is not a gaseous biogeochemical cycle in an
a. Carbon cycle
b. Phosphorous cycle
c. oxygen cycle
d. nitrogen cycle
49. What flows through the ecosystem while matter cycles within them?
a. Energy
b. Force
c. Pressure
d. Wind
50. ----- Type of grasslands consists of patches on hill slopes that occur in Anamalai
a. Sholes grasslands
b. Terai grasslands
c. Himalayan grasslands
d. Semi- arid grasslands
51. Maharashtra floods are occur in ?
a. 2005
b. 2006
c. 2008
d. 2000
52. Where we can find tracts of tall elephant grass?
a. Terai belt
b. Deccan belt
c. Himalayan pasture belt
d. Gangs belt
53. Which type forests are appearing on river deltas?
a. Evergreen
b. Deciduous
c. Mangrove
d. Coniferous
54. ------- Value which deals with ethical and emotional aspects of ecosystem
a. Consumptive
b. Productive
c. Existence
d. Option
55. In which process breaking down of food yield energy?
a. Oxidation
b. Photosynthesis
c. Cellular respiration
d. Decomposition
56. An organism which get energy by eating dead organisms?
a. Decomposer
b. Producers
c. Consumers
d. Herbivores
57. What is a food chain?
a. A long chain made of food
b. Process of preparing food
c. Food where locked by chain
d. Path way that energy and nutrients flow through the ecosystem
58. Carrot →rabbit→ fox is an example of ---
a. Food web
b. Food chain
c. Food cycle
d. Food round
59. In grassland area how much amount of rainfall is required?
a. Low rainfall
b. High rain fall
c. Moderate rainfall
d. They donot require any rainfall
60. To which category ‘Hawk’ can be classified?
a. Primary consumer
b. Secondary consumer
c. Tertiary consumer
d. Quaternary consumer


61. In which year Tiger task force was launched?

a. 2005
b. 2004
c. 1985
d. 1972
62. how many types of biodiversity are classified?
e. One
f. Two
g. Three
h. Four
63. Which are the basic units of hereditary information transmitter from one
generation to other?
a. Genes
b. Cells
c. Bones
d. Blood
64. What are called for the value of nature s products that are consumed directly?
a. Consumptive value
b. Non-consumptive value
c. Indirect value
d. Productive value
65. Which one of the following is a exotic species?
e. Parthenium
f. Rice
g. Babul
h. Tamarind
66. Deforestation leads to
e. Green house effect
f. Low rainfall
g. Soil erosion
h. All the above
67. How many hotspots are occurred all over the world?
a. 18
b. 15
c. 24
d. 20
68. Bears are killed for their-------------
a. Gall bladders
b. kidneys
c. urinary bladder
d. lungs
69. Elephants are killed for their
d) Ivory
e) Gall bladder
f) Skin
d) horns
70. Common name for Parthenium
e. Yellow grass
f. Wheat grass
g. Congress grass
h. All the above
71. Which one of the following values of diversity we can classified for ‘The beauty of
e. Ethical value
f. Social value
g. Option values
h. Aesthetic value
72. ------- is a drug which is used to cure malaria
e. Quinine
f. Reserpine
g. Atropine
h. Taxol
73. Which of the following values of diversity which preserved by traditional socities?
e. Ethical value
f. Option value
g. Aesthetic valve
h. Social value
74. “Flower offered to God” is an example of-----------?
e. Non-Consumptive value
f. Consumptive value
g. Ethical value
h. Social value
75. Rice variety is an example for which of the following Biodiveristy?
e. Genetic bio diversity
f. Species biodiversity
g. Ecosystem biodiversity
h. Community biodiversity
76. Which the largest scale of biodiversity ?
e. Species diversity
f. Cell diversity
g. Genetic diversity
h. Ecological diversity
77. Which of the following is an example for ecosystem diversity?
e. Earth
f. Sun
g. River
h. None of the above
78. What is called for a discrete group of organisms of the same kind?
e. Genes
f. community
g. species
h. column
79. which one of the following diversity boosts the availability of oxygen
e. Ecosystem diversity
f. Species diversity
g. Genetic diversity
h. Cell diversity
80. Gir National park was established in which year
e. 1965
f. 1962
g. 2005
h. 1985
81. What is the backbone of viable ecosystem on which we depend on for basic
e. Pollution
f. Atmosphere
g. Biodiversity
h. Pollination
82. How many biogeographical regions are present in India?
e. 3
f. 4
g. 7
h. 10
83. Which one of the following areas in India is a hotspot of biodiversity?
e. Sunderbans
f. Western Ghats
g. Eastern Ghats
h. Gangetic plain
84. Which one of the following is an example exsitu- conservation?
e. National park
f. Wild life sanctuary
g. Sacred groves
h. Seed bank
85. Which of the following region has maximum diversity?
e. Mangroves
f. Temperature rain forest
g. Coral reefs
h. Taiga
86. Biodiversity
e. Increases towards the equator
f. Decreases towards the equator
g. Remains same throughout the planet
h. Has no effect on change in latitude
87. Ex-situ conservation includes
e. Zoo
f. Botanic garden
g. Germplasm bank
h. All the above
88. Endemic species are
e. Rare species
f. Species localized in a specific region
g. Cosmopolitan in distribution
h. Critically endangered species
89. Conservation within the natural habitat is
e. In-situ conservation
f. Ex-situ conservation
g. Invivo conservation
h. None of the above
90. The most important reason for decrease in biodiversity?
a. Habitat pollution
b. Introduction of exotic species
c. Over -exploitation
d. Habitat destruction


1. The zone associated with “ozone hole”?

A. Ionosphere
B. Exosphere
C. Stratosphere
D. Troposphere
2. Sewage is a?
A. Non persistent environmental pollutant
B. Slowly persistent environmental pollutant
C. Persistent environmental pollutant
D. None of the above
3. The amount of air consumed by average human being per day is ?
A. 10 kg
B. 12 kg
C. 14 kg
D. 16 kg
4. Minimata disease is associated with water pollution by ?
A. Arsenic
B. Lead
C. Mercury
D. Uranium
5. Among the following which is the main source of river pollution in India ?
A. Agriculture run off
B. Industrial effluents
C. Vehicle emissions
D. Sewage and municipal waste
6. The chairman of National Disaster management commission is
A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. Vice President
D. Speaker
7. Bhopal gas tragedy occurred on?
A. December 2nd ,1984
B. December 2nd ,1986
C. November 2nd ,1984
D. November 2nd ,1986
8. Root zone technology uses which type of plants?
A. Water plants
B. Wetland plants
C. Desert plants
D. Parasitic plants
9. Seismology is the study of?
A. Earthquakes
B. Floods
C. Cyclones
D. Volcanoes
10. Which among the following is a colorless, odorless toxic gas?
A. NO3
B. SO2
D. CO2
11. Yellow cake consists of
A. Uranium chloride
B. Uranium sulphide
C. Uranium bromide
D. Uranium oxide
12. The culprit gas in Bhopal gas tragedy is
A. Ethyl Isocyanide
B. Methyl Isocyanide
C. Butyl Isocyanide
D. Hexyl Isocyanide
13. The first instance of air pollution is recorded in?
A. Paris
C. Tokyo
D. London
14. Union Carbide company is a?
A. Soft drink manufacturing company
B. Bread manufacturing company
C. Medicine manufacturing company
D. Pesticide manufacturing company
15. Noise pollution causing physical rupture of eardrum occurs at?
A. Exposure to sound up to 80 dB
B. Exposure to sound from 80 dB to 100 dB
C. Exposure to sound from 100 dB to 150 dB
D. Exposure to sound beyond 150 dB
16. Aerosol produced by condensation of hot vapours of heated metals
A. smoke
B. fumes
C .plumes
E. mist
17. Purity of water can be tested by its?
A. IP value
B. BOD value
C. Dipole value
D. Threshold value
18. Ground water pollution may occur due to
A. Excessive use of pesticides
B. Excessive Ozone
C. Excessive use of fossil fuels
D. Excessive co2
19. Accumulation of organic chemicals in the living organism’s body is called
A. Fermentation
B. Decomposition
C. Bioaccumulation
D. Fragmentation
20. Photosynthetic organisms floating on the surface of water are called
A. Nektons
B. Herbivores
C. Phytoplanktons
D. Zooplanktons
21. The coldest point in our atmosphere occurs at?
A. Troposphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Mesosphere
D. Exosphere
22. Green house effect occurs due to the accumulation of which gas in the atmosphere
A. Co2
B. O2
C. N2
D. H2S
23. Loss of chlorophyll from green parts of the plant body is called
A. Necrosis
B. Lesion
C. Discoloration
D. Chlorosis
24. Halons are similar to CFC but contain
A. Necrosis
B. Lesion
C. Discoloration
D. Chlorosis
25. The term ‘tsunami’ is a
A. German word
B. Japanese word
C. Latin word
D. Greek word
26. Friend of Farmer forming vermicompost
A. Earth worm
B. Round worm
C. Lady bug
D. Ribbon worm

27. Chernobyl disaster is a

A. Water pollution
B. Noise pollution
C. Nuclear pollution
D. Thermal pollution
28. Exxon Valdez is a
A. Ship
B. Train
C. Bus
D. Aircraft
29. Extensive growth of algae in water bodies leads to
A. Acidification
B. Nitrification
C. Eutrophication
D. Detrification
30. Which among the following is not a primary air pollutant?
A. Oxides of carbon
B. Oxides of oxygen
C. Oxides of nitrogen
D. Oxides of Sulphur


9. Famous man known for Sustainable Environmental management in India?

E. Nehru
F. V B Patel
G. Gandhi
H. Ambedkar
10. Embodied energy is related to?
E. Gases
F. Metals
G. liquids
H. vapours
11. Pani Panchayat was initiated by Vilasrao Salunkhe at?
E. U.P
F. rajasthan
G. bihar
H. pune
12. BRTS is a system associated with?
E. Water management
F. Land management
G. Traffic management
H. Resource management
13. Indegenous tribes to Andaman Nicobar Islands effected by tourist activities are ?
E. Khasi
F. Chenchus
G. Jarawas
H. Adivasi
14. Bishnoi tribal woman are concerned with?
E. Green revolution
F. Chipko Movement
G. Tribal Conservation movement
H. White revolution
15. Global warming causing melting of Polar ice caps at the rate of?
E. 11.5%/decade
F. 12.5%/decade
G. 10.5%/decade
H. 13.5%/decade
16. Acid rains occur due to the formation of secondary pollutants as
A. H2SO4
C .Both a & b
D. 70-90 %of uranium oxide

9. Corals reefs are the fossil reminents of

E. Animals
F. Plants
G. Fungi
H. Algae
10. Montreal Protocol is an international treaty among UNO nations regarding?
E. Preservation of atomic energy
F. Reduction of co2
G. Reduction of so2
H. Preservation of ozone layer
11. The atmospheric green house effect is produced mainly by
A. Absorption and reemission of visible light by the atmosphere
B. Absorption and reemission of Ultra violet light by the atmosphere
C. Absorption and reemission of visible light by the ground
D. Absorption and reemission of Ultra violet light by the ground

12. Skin cancer is associated with

E. Ozone depletion
F. Ozone accumulation
G. Acid rains
H. Allergens
13. Soil pollution is caused by?
E. Co2
F. Ozone
G. Acid rains
14. . Radiations are harmful as it
E. Causes anemia
F. Is unstable
G. Alters body structure
H. Causes skin cancer
15. CFCs are used in?
F. Refrigerants
G. Air conditioners
H. Aerosol sprays
I. All the above
16. Which of the following gases has an important role in maintaining atmospheric temperature?
A. Nitrogen
B. Carbon dioxide
C .Hydrogen
D. Oxygen
17. Climate includes?
E. Seasonal variation
F. Atmospheric conditions
G. Weather of an area
H. All the above
18. Which scale is useful to record the force of wind?
A. Richter
B. Light year
C. Beau fort
D. Decibel
19. The place where the worst nuclear disaster took place
A. Bhopal
B. Dubai
C. Chernobyl
D. France
20. BOD stands for
A. Biological Oxygen Demand
B. Biological Oxygen Decrease
C. Biotic Oxygen Demand
D. Biotic Oxygen Decrease

21. The main energy source for the environment is?

E. Chemical energy
F. Thermal energy
G. Solar energy
H. Electrical energy
22. Air pollution can be of
A. Natural origin
B. Man made origin
C. Both a & b
D. Only b
23. What is a carcinogen?
A. Drugs curing cancer
B. Cancer causing agents
C. Drugs curing infections
D. Food colourants
24. Most abundant gas in the earth atmosphere
A. Oxygen
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Hydrogen
D. Nitrogen
25. ----------- is the regulatory authority of air quality in India
26. The pollutant that causes hole in the ozone layer is
B. SF6
D. NO2
27. Pick out the potent green house gas
A. SO2
B. N2O
C. CO2
D. O3
28. Air pollution is severe in
A. Cities
B. Industrial areas
C. Densely populated areas
D. All of these
29. Which of the following is mainly responsible for the extinction of wild life?
A. Pollution of air & water
B. Hunting
C. Destruction of Habitats
D. All of these
30. Green revolution is associated with
A. Sericulture
B. Agriculture
C. Pisciculture
D. Apiculture

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