Suicidal Thought and Expression Through Art: A Case Report
Suicidal Thought and Expression Through Art: A Case Report
Suicidal Thought and Expression Through Art: A Case Report
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Suicide is a serious psychological problem as social discord, job loss, loved one loss, post-traumatic
that is made worse by psychiatric diseases, personal loss, events, and other associative diseases.
and other stressful life events. Suicidal thoughts and
ideas were conveyed in a variety of ways by clients who II. CASE REPORT
attempted suicide, but noncommunicable ones should be
closely monitored without misunderstanding or A. Method:
misinterpretation to prevent precious human loss. This case study focused on a 17-year-old girl who had
suicidal thoughts and a history of three suicide attempts
This case study was centered on a 17-year-old admitted in female psychiatric ward was assessed by
married girl who had suicidal thoughts and a history of observation and semi-structured interview methods with
three suicide attempts. Suicidal ideation and thoughts open-ended questionnaires that included personal,
were evaluated by observation and semi-structured professional, familial, and socioeconomic variables.
interview methods with open-ended questionnaires that Surprisingly, the client chose not to communicate verbally
included personal, professional, familial, and and instead used a pencil diagram (a diagrammatic art) to
socioeconomic variables. Surprisingly, the client drew explain her suicidal thoughts and the stimuli that prompted
pictures using pencils to describe her suicidal thoughts them.
and the triggers that led to them.
B. Disscusion:
It is quite simple for the medical professional to Numerous clinical investigative techniques, such as
comprehend the etiological variables that significantly the Thematic Apperception Test, BSRS-5, C-SSRS, GSIS,
contribute to the patient's thoughts of suicide and ideas. ISST, and SBQ-R, which all aim to understand psychology
Additionally, art will play a crucial part as a motivator and its limitations, were used in practice to evaluate clients'
to subconsciously communicate their demands and suicidal thoughts and ideas. However, using client
expectations from the family and society, which can information to therapeutic decisions in the treatment plan
inhibit the severity of symptoms by deflecting the mind makes sense.
and meeting their needs. Additionally, it inadvertently
encourages the medical professional, the patient's family, With the use of art, which is regarded as a widespread
and other people to learn about persistent suicidal form of emotional expression, one can effectively share their
thoughts and ideas of clients, suicide warning signals, ideas and imaginary worlds with others. It is relevant when a
and methods for controlling and preventing suicidal client is expressing their emotions and has suicidal thoughts
thoughts. or ideas. Although there are many other visual presentations
in art, such as painting, drawing, sculpture, and theatre
Keywords:- Suicidal thoughts and Ideas, Art, Painting, dance. However, the client with psychological impairment
Drawing, Reducing Symptoms. uses drawing and painting the most frequently to
communicate their emotions.
One can observe that in a client with suicidal ideation,
The most prevalent psychiatric problem is suicidality, the point-to-control and prevention of suicidal thoughts and
and recent years have seen a significant increase in instances ideation plays a crucial role in determining the cause behind
as a result of the stress and expectations of modern life. the suicide thought, ultimately directing healthcare
Nearly 20 times as many individuals attempt suicide each professionals to understand the client's current psychological
year as those who really succeed (WHO, 2019). Nearly health condition and to plan an appropriate treatment
800,000 people worldwide die by suicide each year. In modality. Additionally, the expression of a client's suicidal
addition, if the client does not disclose suicidal ideation and feelings and thoughts by Art is regarded as a therapeutic
thoughts in a suitable manner at the appropriate time, it technique that subtly encourages the client to express their
leads to the client's death. This makes it extremely difficult emotional pain and minimizes emotional distress, which in
for medical experts and family members to identify such turn reduces suicidal thoughts.
thoughts and ideation. Furthermore, it is not consistent and
varies depending on risk exposure and stimulants such
Fig – 1: Picture illustration of symptoms of client expressed her preoccupation Suicidal thoughts and ideas