ManciaJHD FS01 PO16

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Activity 16.1 ANALYZE

If there is one philosophy that schools and teachers should give more attention to,
what should that be and why?

I think it should be Progressivism that the schools and teachers have

to focus on. As we are already in the 21st century, it is important that the students will
be able to achieve and gain the skills and knowledge that is crucial in living this era.
Progressivists believe that education should focus on the whole child, rather than on
the content or the teacher. This educational philosophy stresses that students should
test ideas by active experimentation. Learning is rooted in the questions of learners
that arise through experiencing the world. It is active, not passive. The learner is a
problem solver and thinker who makes meaning through his or her individual
experience in the physical and cultural context. I think progressivism will help the
students master the important skills needed once they pursue their career. Students
will be able to learn to cooperate with teams, think critically before doing things and
use creative means to resolve problems. They will also learn to contribute
independently. Moreover, students will become proactive learners with the ability to
solve issues on a team setting or in their own.

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 16: On Teacher’s Philosophy on
Activity 16.1 REFLECT
What is philosophy of teaching? This describes what you believed you should teach,
how you should teach and how you should relate to others in school – with the
learners, your colleagues, your superiors and all other stakeholders. Write them
down. This is your title, “My Philosophy of Teaching.”

My Philosophy of Teaching

A good teacher, in my opinion, has a strong faith in the future. I know I may
never see the fruits of my labors as a teacher, just as the forester planting an oak seedling
knows he or she will never see the tree in all its glory. To plant and nurture seeds that will
grow and shape tomorrow is what I am called to do. An excellent teacher is aware of and
comprehends the development and learning of his or her students. Students, I'm aware,
actively develop and modify their own knowledge based on previous experiences and
expertise. Every student learns in a different way and at different rates, and I am well aware
of this. As a teacher, I believe it is my obligation to be a good diagnostician of students'
interests, abilities, and prior knowledge. In the following weeks, I'll be planning learning
opportunities that will both challenge and allow each student to think and progress. A
competent teacher, in my opinion, must also be aware of motivation and the impact of peer
interactions on learning. I avoid categorizing my pupils and setting them up to compete with
each other because I want all of my students to reach high levels of success. Because I
understand that the majority of learning occurs through social interaction, I plan learning so
that students collaborate and cooperate constructively with one another for the great
majority of class time. A competent teacher must be knowledgeable about her subjects and
how to assist students in learning them. I'm aware that a competent teacher must have a
thorough understanding of how knowledge is formed, organized, and linked to other
disciplines in the field. By exposing my pupils to techniques of critical thinking, I am
encouraging them to analyze, apply, synthesize, and evaluate all they read and hear. I am
passionate about the subjects I teach, and I know how to bring them to life in front of my
students. Without being a student, a good teacher cannot begin or continue to promote
learning. A skilled teacher must be constantly learning about new developments in the
discipline. In reality, a skilled teacher frequently assists in the creation of new information.
To embody this concept, I must constantly study and find fresh teaching approaches. I must
be a student of society and the constantly changing worlds in which students live in order to
remain connected to my students, their lives, and the schools in which they will practice their
professions. As they learn with me, I eagerly and willingly learn from them. Finally, I feel that
a teacher is born to help others. A teacher is committed to learning, discipline, pupils, and
making the world a better place for all of us to live in the future. When I decided to become
a teacher, I embraced these challenges. I'm still devoted to them.

Field Study 1
Learning Episode 16: On Teacher’s Philosophy on

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