Journal of Primary Education: Tunggu Ica Giwanti, Andreas Priyono Budi Prasetyo & Eva Banowati

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Journal of Primary Education

10 (3) (2021) : 242 – 247

Science Literacy Ability and Student Learning Outcomes On Project Based

Learning (PjBL)

Tunggu Ica Giwanti1, Andreas Priyono Budi Prasetyo2 & Eva Banowati3

Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang, Indonesia
Biology Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Geography, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Article Info Abstract

________________ ___________________________________________________________________
History Articles This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of Project Based Learning in the
ability of science literacy and student learning outcomes in science teaching. The
September 2019
Accepted: research method used is quantitative in the form of an experimental quasy design
October 2019 with an unequal control group design. The sample in this study were fifth grade
Published: students at SDN Jambu 4 and fifth grade students at SDN 3 Sobrong. The
December 2021
sampling of this research used the purpose random sampling technique.
Quantitative data were analyzed by t-test and gain test based on the value of
project based learning, scientific literacy abilities and student learning outcomes. The results showed
science literacy ability, that the average difference in students' scientific literacy skills in classes that
student learning outcome apply the Project Based Learning model is better than classes that apply
expository model (tvalue= 3.559 > ttable= 2.479); the average difference in student
DOI learning outcomes in classes that apply the Project Based Learning model is better than classes that apply the expository model (tvalue= 3.848 > ttable= 2.479);
/jpe.v10i3.34897 the results of increasing students' scientific literacy skills in classes that apply the
Project Based Learning model are better than classes that apply expository
model; the results of improved student learning outcomes in classes that apply
the Project Based Learning model are better than classes that apply the
expository model. The Project Based Learning model is very effective in
improving the ability of scientific literacy and student learning outcomes.

© 2021 Universitas Negeri Semarang

Correspondence address: p-ISSN 2252-6404
Kaligawe Raya KM. 4, Terboyo Kulon, Genuk,
e-ISSN 2502-4515
Semarang, Jawa Tengah, 50112

Tunggu Ica Giwanti, Andreas Priyono Budi Prasetyo & Eva Banowati
Journal of Primary Education 10 (3) (2021) : 242 – 247

INTRODUCTION of student scores is 41 from the maximum score

100 with the percentage of scientific literacy
Science education encourages students to ability in the aspect of the body of knowledge by
think in understanding natural phenomena or 39%, in the aspect of ways of thinking by 50%, in
events with scientific methods as practiced by the aspects of how to investigate by 37%, and in
scientists (NRC, 1996). At the elementary school the aspects of SETS (Sciene, Environment,
level, natural science or science has an important Technology, and Society) by 36%. The results of
role in education because it can be a provision for the study showed that students' scientific literacy
students to face various global challenges. The skills were still low.
science learning process is carried out through Low scientific literacy ability affects
scientific activities that provide direct experience cognitive learning outcomes of students.
so students can solve problems and make Therefore, innovation is needed in learning. The
decisions, have a positive attitude towards application of innovative learning models can
technology and society, instill knowledge and increase student motivation to follow the learning
understanding of scientific concepts, and are able process. Applying the right learning model can
to develop science process skills to investigate the improve scientific literacy skills and student
natural environment so that learning outcomes learning outcomes. The application of innovative
Science increases. learning models that can explore and engage
The ability of scientific literacy is the students actively and creatively (student center) is
ability to apply scientific knowledge, identify needed to develop scientific literacy skills and
questions to gain new knowledge, and explain an student learning outcomes. One learning model
event scientifically, so that it gets a conclusion that can develop scientific literacy skills and
based on scientific facts (OECD, 2013). Science student learning outcomes is the Project Based
literacy is not only an understanding of scientific Learning (PjBL) learning model
knowledge, but also the ability to apply scientific The PjBL model is a learning model that
processes and scientific attitudes in real uses projects (activities) as the core of learning.
situations, both for oneself and for society at According to Kizkapan & Bektas (2017), the
large. PjBL model has an important role in increasing
The ability of scientific literacy has an students' scientific literacy because it can provide
important role to prepare students in facing the meaningful learning for students. Afriana (2016)
rapidly changing daily social life. According to explained that learning with the PjBL model can
Mahardika, et al (2016), the problems found in increase student creativity. Hosnan (2016)
everyday life are very related to science, so it is explained that project based learning or learning
important to develop students' scientific literacy models that invite students to be active with
abilities. According to Chiapetta (Rusilowati et al, activities to create a project that is used as a
2015) suggested that, the characteristics of medium to explore the abilities of students.
scientific literacy are characterized by four Implementing project-based learning
categories, namely: (1) science as the body students will practice planning, carrying out
knowladge; (2) science as the investigative of activities according to plan and displaying or
nature; (3) science as a way of thinking; reporting the results of activities. The character of
(4) interaction of science, environtment, the Project Based Learning model begins with the
technology, and society. existence of a product at the end, which is based
Data from the PISA (Program for on the topic at the beginning to be solved and to
International Student Assessment) in 2012 shows find a solution (Ngalimun, 2016).
the achievements of Indonesian students in Based on the description above, this study
science ranked 64 out of 65 countries with an aims to analyze how the effectiveness of learning
average score of 382. Rusilowati & Basam (2017) by applying the Project Based Learning learning
research results show that the average acquisition

Tunggu Ica Giwanti, Andreas Priyono Budi Prasetyo & Eva Banowati
Journal of Primary Education 10 (3) (2021) : 242 – 247

model to the ability of scientific literacy and sample t-test and an increase in the ability to solve
student learning outcomes. mathematical problem solving in the N-Gain test.


The research method used in this research The results of this study are used to analyze
is quantitative research. The design used is a the effectiveness of the Project Based Learning
sequential explanatory design with a non model for the ability of scientific literacy and
equivalent control group design (Sugiyono, student learning outcomes in sciences learning.
This research was conducted at SDN Science Literacy Ability
UPTD Jepara, Central Java. The population in Before conducted a hypothesis test to
this study were all fifth grade students at SDN determine the effectiveness of the Project Based
UPTD Jepara, while the sample in this study Learning model on the ability of students'
were fifth grade students at SDN Jambu 4 as an scientific literacy, the prerequisite test is
experimental group and fifth grade students at normality test and homogeneity test to determine
SDN 3 Sobrong as a control group. The sampling the distribution of research data.
of this research used the purpose random Normality test aimed to determine the
sampling technique. post-test data on the scientific literacy ability of
The data of this study are the results of students from the experimental class and the
scientific literacy skills and student learning control class with normal distribution or not. The
outcomes. The data obtained were analyzed normality test results of students' scientific
quantitatively. Quantitative data analysis in this literacy abilities were presented in Table 1.
study is a comparative test using independent

Table 1. Normality Test Results

Normality test Signification α Criteria Conclusion
Experiment 0.200 0.05 H0 accepted Normal
Control 0.172 0.05 H0 accepted Normal

Based on Table 1 the normality of the Homogeneity test aimed to determine the
experimental class and the control class are more post-test data from the experimental class and the
than α (sig. > 0.05) so that it can be concluded control class have the same variance or not. The
that the scientific literacy ability of students is results of the normality and homogeneity tests
normally distributed. were presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Homogeneity Test Results

Homogeneity test Signification α Criteria Conclusion
0.453 0.05 H0 accepted Homogeneous

Based on Table 2, the homogeneity test scientific literacy ability of students in the
results of the experimental class and the control experimental class is better than the control class.
class are more than the α value (sig. > 0.05) so The results of the N-Gain analysis showed that
that it can be concluded that the students' the scientific literacy ability of the experimental
scientific literacy ability data has the same class students was 0.61 and included in the
variance or the data is declared homogeneous. medium criteria.
The results of t-test analysis obtained Comparison of the average increase in the
tvalue = 3.559 > ttable = 2.479 at 95% confidence pre-test and post-test results of students' scientific
level, so it can be concluded that the average

Tunggu Ica Giwanti, Andreas Priyono Budi Prasetyo & Eva Banowati
Journal of Primary Education 10 (3) (2021) : 242 – 247

literacy skills between the experimental and literacy is not just knowing, but far from it is how
control classes can be seen in Figure 1. they undrastand to apply the science to
conditions in their surrounding environment
90 79 (how they know and apply in daily life not what
they know).
Average Value

60 50 49
Hapsari (2016) explained that the learning
50 process that runs dynamically and openly from
30 various directions can improve students' scientific
20 literacy abilities. The application of the Project
10 Based Learning model that is applied is very
Pretest Posttest effective in improving students' literacy abilities.
Science Literacy Ability This is evidenced by the enthusiasm of students
Experimentation Class Control class in participating in learning shows that the Project
Figure 1. Results of Increased Science Literacy Based Learning learning model can make
Ability students active in learning.

Based on Figure 1 an increase in students'

scientific literacy skills can be seen from the
difference between pre-test and post-test. In
addition, it appears that the results of an increase
in classrooms with the Project Based Learning A B
model are better than the results of improvements
in the classroom with expository model.

Figure 3. Student Literacy Products

Based on Figure 3 students can make water

cycle literacy products on Project Based Learning
model. The picture above show the product that
has been made by students with the composition
is arranged and repeated twice. Glass A show that
if the water looks turbid, when filtered with the
student product the water become glass B. The
picture above proves that the product made by
Figure 2. Students Working on Projects student succeeded in making turbid water clear.

Based on Figure 2 students are seen Student Cognitive Learning Outcomes

actively with their groups in completing projects Before conducted a hypothesis test to
given by the teacher. Learning by doing projects determine the effectiveness of the Project Based
greatly motivates students to learn. In figure 2 Learning model on cognitive learning outcomes
student were making water filter from plastic of students, the prerequisite test is conducted,
bottle, sponges, an cotton as the materials. What namely the normality test and homogeneity test
the student do was part of science literacy to determine the distribution of research data.
implematation. Normality test aims to determine the post-
The ability of scientific literacy emphasizes test data of student learning outcomes from the
students to analyze, predict and apply scientific experimental class and the control class with
concepts in everyday life. Science in the view of normal distribution or not. Normality test results

Tunggu Ica Giwanti, Andreas Priyono Budi Prasetyo & Eva Banowati
Journal of Primary Education 10 (3) (2021) : 242 – 247

of student learning outcomes data were presented

in Table 3.

Table 3. Normality Test Results

Normality test Signification α Criteria Conclusion
Experiment 0.157 0.05 H0 accepted Normal
Control 0.132 0.05 H0 accepted Normal

Based on Table 3, the normality test results Homogeneity test aimed to determine the
of the experimental class and the control class are post-test data from the experimental class and the
more than the α value (sig. > 0.05) so that it can control class have the same variance or not. The
be concluded that the student learning outcomes results of the normality and homogeneity tests are
data are normally distributed. presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Homogeneity Test Results

Homogeneity test Signification α Criteria Conclusion
Experiment Homogeneous
0.366 0.05 H0 accepted

Based on Table 4, the homogeneity test Based on Figure 4, the increase in student
results of the experimental class and the control learning outcomes can be seen from the
class are more than the α value (sig. > 0.05) so it difference in the pre-test and post-test. In
can be concluded that the data have the same or addition, it appears that the results of an increase
homogeneous variance. in class using the Project Based Learning model
The results of the t-test analysis obtained are better than the results of an increase in class
tvalue = 3.848 > ttable = 2.479 at 95% confidence using the expository model.
level, so it can be concluded that the average Based on data analysis the results of the
student learning outcomes in the experimental study indicate that the Project Based Learning
class are better than the control class. model is very effective in improving student
The results of the N-Gain analysis showed learning outcomes in the cognitive realm in
that the learning outcomes of the experimental natural science learning. The increase in student
class students were 0.64 and included in the learning outcomes is due to the Project Based
medium criteria. Comparison of the increase in Learning model providing broad space for
the average pre-test and post-test student learning students so that they are active during the
outcomes can be seen in Figure 3. learning process.
The learning process with the Project
90 85 Based Learning model begins with the
80 75
submission of fundamental questions and ends
70 61 61
with a project created by the students themselves.
Average Value

50 The steps during the learning process take place
40 triggering students' creativity in thinking to
30 produce something tangible, increasing self-
20 management, awareness of attitudes in
themselves, and habits to evaluate themselves.
Pretest Posttest
Learning outcomes CONCLUSION
Experimentation Class Control Class
Figure 4. Student Learning Outcomes Based on the results and discussion, it can
be concluded that learning using the Project
Based Learning model is very effective in

Tunggu Ica Giwanti, Andreas Priyono Budi Prasetyo & Eva Banowati
Journal of Primary Education 10 (3) (2021) : 242 – 247

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