Khosla 2020
Khosla 2020
Khosla 2020
Abstract—Deep convolutional neural networks have shown role in the performance of deep convolutional neural networks.
impressive results on different computer vision tasks. Nowadays We can enhance the performance of the model by augmenting
machines are fed by new artificial intelligence techniques which the data of the image. Data augmentation is a set of techniques
makes them intelligent enough to cognize the visual world better
than humans. These computer vision algorithms rely heavily on
that are used to increase the size and quality of the image with
large data sets. Having a large training data set plays a very label preserving transformations. It is the method of creating
crucial role in the performance of deep convolutional neural new data by having different data orientations as shown in
networks. We can enhance the performance of the model by Fig. 1. Data augmentation helps the researchers in two ways:
augmenting the data of the image. Data augmentation is a set of first by generating more data from limited amount of data,
techniques that are used to increase the size and quality of the
image with label preserving transformations. This survey paper
secondly it restrains over fitting. It artificially generates new
focuses on different data augmentation techniques based on data data by introducing new data samples [4] [5]. To build a
warping and oversampling. In addition to data augmentation better learning model, the validation error rate should decrease
techniques, this paper gives a brief discussion on different correspondingly with training error. Data augmentation plays
solutions of reducing the overfitting problem. a crucial role in achieving this by inflating data set thereby
decreasing the distance among training, validation and test data
Index Terms—data augmentation, deep learning models, over- sets.
fitting, data warping, synthetic oversampling In this paper we look into different image data augmentation
techniques. We will discuss different technqiues based on
two broad categories: Data Warping and Oversampling. The
The machines nowadays are fed by new Artificial Intel- classification of different augmentation techniques based on
ligence techniques which makes them intelligent enough to data warping and oversampling is shown in Fig. 2.The paper
apprehend and cognize the visual world better than humans. also provides brief discussion on other functional solutions for
This leads to the field of computer vision which is taking a increasing the size of the small data sets like transfer learning,
great leap forward today. The computer vision aspired the re- pre-training, dropout regularization and batch normalization.
searchers to design algorithms for such visual perceptions [1]. Apart from data augmentation techniques there are many other
These visual perceptions include object recognition for identi- techniques which are used for increasing the performance of
fying a specific object in the given image data, object detection the architectures relies on the model of the architecture. This
by doing the semantic analysis and labelling it under a class, has led to the development of complicated architectures like
understanding the scene to parse the image into a meaningful AlexNet [6], VGG-16 [7], ResNet [8], Inception-V3 [9] and
segment [2]. Deep convolutional neural networks have done DenseNet [10].
exceptionally well in the field of computer vision. These neural However, along with the techniques mentioned above, data
networks are showing incredible results in computer vision augmentation inflates the original training dataset size by
tasks. The convolutional neural networks CNN preserves the either oversampling or data warping [11].Different image
features of the image data when complex images are taken datasets are used by many researchers on effectiveness of
into consideration by maintaining their spatial and temporal image data augmentation to benchmark the results. Some of
dependencies. However, when it comes to big data, many of the these datasets include: MNIST, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100,
the applications does not have much access to data like medical ImageNet, SVHN, Caltech101, MIT places, MIT-Adobe 5K
images [3]. Having large training data set plays a very crucial dataset etc. Commonly used datasets are CIFAR-10, CIFAR-
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2020 International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM)
Label Preserving Transformations the different augmentation techniques over AlexNet model
Before any image data augmentation technique is applied, of CNN architecture. The dataset used by the authors were
it is better to endow some time in selecting an appropriate ImageNet and CIFAR10. The authors have compared the per-
set of transformations. Some of these set of transformations formance of different augmentation techniques like Flipping,
also have parameters which can be tuned, and decent set of Rotation, Noise, Shifting, Cropping, PCA jittering GAN and
values for these parameters must be settled. It depends on the WGAN. As per authors, only rotations and WGAN have
dataset that what is included as “decent”. While augmenting shown better results than others.The survey was conducted
the image, one must make sure that its meaning(label) must by [2] for semantic segmentation of image and video using
be preserved. It is called as label-preserving. deep learning techniques. The authors have focused on focused
on the review of deep learning methods for semantic seg-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section II mentation which are applied to various applications. Sematic
we have described brief Related Work on data augmentation segmentation in computer vision is one of the key problems in
techniues. Different Data Augmentation Techniques based on 2D images, videos, or even 3D images and volumetric data.
data warping and oversampling are discussed in Section III. The problem of semantic segmentation is very well defined
Section IV compares different data augmention technqiues by the authors and reviewed on various deep learning models
and then paper concluds with Conclusion and Future work using different datasets. An augmentation strategy with Perlin
in Section IV noise for image classification was presented by [13].This
II. RELATED W ORK augmentation is applied to pixel-by-pixel and different image
patterns. They have used images of 106 patients. They have
Many researchers have taken steps in this field and have considered 100 regions of interest for each of class of image
identified various techniques for increasing the data sample patterns were selected for deep learning classification. The
size and increasing the generalization of the neural network main problem faced by many researchers in the field of deep
used. The authors in the [12] have discussed and compared learning to maximize its generalization is the availability of
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2020 International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM)
large dataset. There are so many techniques used to increase metric transformations. In this technique, 3 stacked matrix of
the size of data set like image augmentation, dropout, transfer the image is created where each matrix is of size height X
learning etc.In [14] the authors have presented new method width. The matrix represent the pixel values for the individual
called smart augmentation to increase the precision and to RGB color value. The color distributions of the image can be
solve the problem of overfitting of the target network. The altered to overcome the problem of lighting challenges [3].
smart augmentation creates a network which automatically to
generate the augmented data during training process thereby Cropping
reducing network loss.A method is proposed by [15] used Randomly sampling a particular section of the original image
generative adversarial network to train the synthetic MRI is called as cropping. The section is then resized to the size of
images with brain tumors. They have used two public data the original image. It is a part of the original image and then
sets of brain MRI. They have presented two benefits of resizing the image to some scale if necessary. This method
using this synthetic data: 1) efficient performance of tumor is also called as random cropping. The random cropping
segmentation by resisting the synthetic images as a form if and translation are different in the sense that cropping will
image augmentation; 2) they have demonstrated the generative decrease the size of the image while translations preserve
models as a anonymous based tool. its spacial dimensions [12] [18]. The Fig. 3(c) shows how
cropping is applied to the image.
Despite availability of data, fetching the correct information Rotation
which best possible matches with our research and experiment Depending upon the need, the image can be rotated either at
is a challenging task. In addition, the data should be diverse the 90 degrees angles or it can orient at minute angles. When
enough to be presented in varying sizes, poses, colors, lighting the image is rotated at 90 degrees angles, no background
condition for better performance of the model working over noise is added in the image after orientation. But this is not
this data. To overcome this problem of limited amount of data, true in case when rotation is done at minute angles. Also,
data augmentation techniques are applied. These techniques if the background of the image is of black or white color
will help to generate our own data from the existing data then newly added color in the form of noise will blend in
[16]. In follwing section different image data augmentation the image. But if there are different colors present in the
techniques are covered that are categorised under data warping background of the image then it will not blend and the
and oversampling. network will learn it in the form of a feature of the image [3]
[12]. The rotation degree parameter will determine the safety
A. Data Augmentation based on Data Warping of the augmentations. It is useful in digit recognition for
Geometric Transformations slight rotations. When we increase the degree of the rotation,
The following section describes different image augmentation the label of the data is not preserved after transformation.
solutions on the basis of geometric transformations along Fig. 3(d) shows how rotation is applied to an image.
with other image processing techniques. The image is
transformed on the basis of its similarity, Euclidean, affine, Translation
projectile, etc [17]. Different techniques discussed in this In order to identify the object in any part of the image,
section are: Flipping, Color Space, Cropping, Rotation, then translation concept is applied to image. It involves
Translation, and Noise injection as shown in Fig 3. Different moving of the image along the X or Y direction or both.
geometric augmentations are also described in the context of Left, right, up and down shifting of images is useful in
its probability of preserving the label after transformation. avoiding positional bias in the data. This augmentation
helps the network to look everywhere inside the image
Flipping which may result in the addition of background noise in the
The image can be flipped either horizontally or vertically. It image [16].
produces images by rotating the image at the multiple of 90
degrees. Though there are frameworks which do not support Noise Injection
vertical flipping. Vertical flipping can be done by rotating Noise injection is an important technique of data
the image by 180 degrees and then perform a horizontal augmentation as it helps in preventing overfitting of the
flip [12]. The flipping of image is shown in Fig. 3(b). This neural network model. Generally, salt and pepper noise are
augmentation technique is label preserving on datasets like added to the image. This refers to the addition of white
CIFAR-10 and Imagenet. However the datasets involving and black dots in the image as shown in Fig. 3(e).
recognition of digits, it is not prooved as a label preserving Addition of noise to the image can help the model to learn
transformation. properly [19].
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2020 International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM)
geometric transformations which may include additional in color spaces like RGB and CMYK. Just like geometric
memory and training time, transformation cost etc. Scope of transformations, color transformations increases the memory
usage of geometric transformations is very less. space, transformation cost and training time. Moreover, the
color transformations can result in lossy transformations.
Color Space Transformations There are different color tranformations that can be performed
This technique involves transformation of the first image on an image like RGB, LAB, YCrCb, HSV etc, some of
with first multi-dimension color space RGB to second image which are shown in Fig. 4 where Fig. 4(b) shows LAB color
with second multi-dimensional color space CMYK. The transformation, Fig. 4(c) depicts YCrCb transformation and
image is transformed into 3 stacked matrices. The size of Fig. 4(d) shows HSV transformation.
each matrix is represented as height X width. The matrices
demonstrate the pixel value for an individual RGB color Random Erasing
value. The color distributions of the image can be altered to Occlusion is one of the factors which is critically influencing
overcome the problem of lighting challenges. The color space the generalization ability of Convolutional Neural Networks.
transformations can also be attained by using different image In the cases where, where training samples are clearly visible,
editing applications. A histogram is formed by aggregating i.e. no occlusion is present in the images, the CNN model
the RGB color channel of an image’s pixel value. Then this works well on the testing images. However, it might fail to
histogram is manipulated by applying filters which helps in recognize the object consisting of partial occlusion in them.
changing the color space characteristics of an image [3] [20]. To solve this problem, and to improve the generalization
Just like printers, images in computer systems are represented
Fig. 3. (a) Original Image (b) Flipping (c) Cropping (d) Rotation (e) Noise Injection
Fig. 4. Color Space Transformations (a) Original Image (b) LAB color Transformation (c) YCrCb Transformation (d) HSV Transformation
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2020 International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM)
ability of the CNN model, a new data augmentation technique Generative Adversarial Network
is presented called as random erasing [21]. In random erasing Another form of data augmentation technique is Generative
the image is occluded in a random position and with a Adversarial Network (GAN). Generative adversarial networks
arbitrary-sized patch or a rectangular-region. are used for developing artificial samples from the dataset and
these samples have similar characteristics as that of original
Adversarial Training set. [28] described GANs as the way which unlocks the
It is a technique where we train the neural networks on information from the original dataset by generating synthetic
the basis of adversarial examples. The adversarial training samples. This is an extension to adversarial training networks.
is an algorithm that perceive a highly resembled image They belong to the set of generative models i.e. they have
to cheat the classifier. The researchers have found that the capability to generate or produce the new data. There are
the machine learning models can be easily mis leaded by two models used in GAN; Generator model and Discriminator
slightly perturbated images [22]. These perturbations are model. The generator model will generate new samples and the
determined when we optimize the input. This will maximize discriminator model will take the input from the domain(real
the prediction error. We call these perturbated examples as or generated) and predicts the binary class labels generated
“adversarial examples”. (real or fake).
C. Other Overfitting Solutions
Neural Style Transfer Apart from data augmentation, there are other solutions as
It is ability of the neural network to transform images in style well which are used to solve the problem of overfitting. These
of another image thereby forming an aesthetic imagery by solutions also increase the generalization performance of the
separating and recombining image content and style [23]. It model. Some of these solutions to overfitting are discussed in
is an image optimization technique which takes three images, this section.
first the content image, second the type of style that we want
to incorporate as an image and the input image. Then these Transfer Learning
three images are combine together in such a way that the input Conventional machine learning and data mining techniques
image is modified so that it looks like the content image, but make the predictions on the data the are trained on collected
“painted” in the style of the style image [24] labelled and unlabelled data. The training and test data have
same distributions and feature space. However, with data
B. Data Augmentation based on Oversampling
deluge from wide variety of sources, we find heterogeneity
Mixing Images in the collected data. The concept of transfer learning is
Mixing images also called as Sample Pairing, in which a new proposed to tackle this issue. Transfer Learning makes use
sample is synthesized by overlaying one image with another of knowledge acquired while solving one problem to solve
image which is randomly chosen from the training data. The another similar kind of problem. It is considered as an
resultant image after mixing is used to train a classification important paradigm to reduce the problem of overfitting.A
model. Using these two randomly selected images from model is trained on a large data suing some weights. In
the training set, we can generate N 2 new samples from N Transfer learning these weights are resued as initial weights
training samples [25]. This technique is further improved by for trainig new model.
[26] by creating more generalized form of mixing images.
They have used a non-linear way to integrate images into Drop-out
new training instances. Mixing of images can also be done Dropout is a regularization technique in which the hidden
through random cropping and patching. units are dropped randomly during training time. It is
considered as solution to reduce overfitting by using a single
Feature-Space Augmentations model to simulate different network architechtures by
The neural networks are remarkably good at mapping randomly removing some features at each iteration during
images which are high-dimensional in nature into their training process .By doing this, the network will become more
low-dimensional representations. The mapping of the robust by learning feature [29].
images by networks is done either to binary classes or to n Ӓ
1 vectors. These lower-level representations in the higher- Batch Normalization
level layers are called as feature space. As per DeVries and Batch normalization is also a regularization technique. It is
Taylor, used to normalize the activations in a layer. The batch mean is
noise, interpolation, and extrapolation are types of feature subtarcted from the each activation and then dividing batch
space augmentations [27]. standard standardizes the inputs given to the
layer for each batch. This technique is in addition with
standardization is also used preprocessing the pixel values.
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2020 International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM)
Pretraining is similar to transfer learning. In transfer learning
we tranfer both weights as well as the network, however in I. C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE W ORK
pretraining, it allows the initialization of weights over large This paper presents the survey on the different image data
datasets. augmentation solutions which are used to reduce the problem
of overfitting in deep learning models. To give better results,
deep learning models rely on large data sets.Different data
As far as comparison of different augmentations is con- augmentation techniques are discussed under data warping
cerned, there are not many comparative studies which com- and oversampling. These solution of increasing data set size
pares these image augmentation techniques on different pa- increases the generalization degree of the learning model
rameters. The study of comparison depends on data sizes from .Data augmentation is one of the prominent ways to increase
small, medium to large data sets. Also it depends on different the accuracy of classification tasks.The survey paper mainly
levels of augmentations applied. One study of comparison was discuss the techniques for image data augmentation. However
conducted by [12] which compared GANs, WGANs, crop- many of these solutions can also be applied to other domains
ping, rotation, flipping, translations, jittering (PCA and color), like videos data augmentation domains.
adding noise on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets. They found
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