2 General Terms

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Approved General Manager

OIL TANKER MANUAL Date 01.04.2014

Chapter 2
Revision 0
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1. Oil means petroleum in any form including crude oil, fuel oil, sludge,oil refuse and refined products (other
than petrochemicals which are subject to the provisions of MARPOL Annex II of the present Convention)

2. Oily mixture means a mixture with any oil content.

3. Oil fuel means any oil used as fuel in connection with the propulsion and auxiliary machinery of the ship in
which such oil is carried.

4. Oil tanker means a ship constructed or adapted primarily to carry oil in bulk in its cargo spaces and
includes combination carriers .

5. Clean ballast means the ballast in a tank which since oil was last carried therein, has been so cleaned that
effluent therefrom if it were discharged from a ship which is stationary into clean calm water ona clear day
would not produce visible traces of oil on the surface of the water or on adjoining shorelines or cause a
sludge or emulsion to be deposited beneath the surface of the water or upon adjoiningshorelines. If the
ballast is discharged through an oil discharge monitoring and control system approved by the
Administration,evidence based on such a system to the effect that the oil content of the effluent did not
exceed 15 parts per million shall be determinative that the ballast was clean, notwithstanding the presence
of visible traces.

6. Segregated ballast means ballast water introduced into a tank permanently allocated to the carriage of
ballast or to the carriage of ballast or cargoes other than oil or noxious liquid substances as variously
defined in the Annexes of the present Convention, and variously defined in the Annexes of the present
Convention, and which is completely separated from the cargo and oil fuel system.

7. Nearest land is as defined in regulation 1(9) of Annex II of the present Convention.

8. Liquid substances are those having a vapour pressure not exceeding 0.28 MPa absolute at a temperature
of 37.8 C.

9. Volatile cargo is a cargo having a flashpoint below 60C as determined by the closed cup method of
testing. If a cargo is being handled at a temperature within 10C of its flashpoint, it should be considered

10. PPM – Parts Per Million – The number of parts of the products per million parts of air.

11. TLV – Threshold Limit Value – the maximum amount of harmful product vapour concentration to which a
person may be exposed, without adverse effects, over an 8 hour work day, for an indefinite number of

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