Cat Race Hombrew
Cat Race Hombrew
Cat Race Hombrew
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Charisma by 1.
Age. Cats can live to their mid to late 20’s, with the average lifespan being 15-17 years.
Alignment. Most cats are chaotic in alignment if they have any moral standing at all. Loyalties to humanoids
may alter the cat’s alignment.
Size. Cats, even at their largest size, are considered tiny creatures. Your size is tiny.
Darkvision. Stealthy night hunters, cats can see 60 ft in darkness. They can’t discern colors in darkness, only
shades of gray.
Keen Smell You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Nimble. You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
Paws & Claws. Because of your claws, you have a climbing speed of 30 feet. In addition, your claws are
natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them you deal slashing damage
equal to 1d4 + Dex Modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. A cat’s paws are
designed perfectly for scratching and climbing, but not for holding. As a cat, you cannot use any weapon that is
not magical or designed specifically to be held by your little paws.
Always Land on all fours. Your cat's nimbleness causes you to always fall on fours. When you take fall
damage, you can use your reaction to roll a number of d6's equivalent to your level. Add your proficiency bonus
to the number rolled, and reduce the damage you take by an amount equal to that total (minimum of 0 damage).
In addition, make an athletics (Str) or acrobatics (Dex) check DC 10. On a success you don't fall prone.
Power Nap. Due to your cat-like tendencies you tend to rest longer than the average humanoid. The cat's short
rest has been extended to two hours and long rest to nine hours during which the cat sleeps or performs a light
activity: reading, talking, eating, or standing watch for no more than 1 hour.
Cat Talents. You have proficiency in the Perception and Stealth skills.
Language. You understand common and one other language of your choice, but cannot speak any language
without the aid of magical means.
Racial feats
Domesticated Cat
Prerequisite Cat
Your experiences along with humanoid companions have caused you to evolve interesting features. You
understand how your humanoid companions work and are able to exploit them for your own profit. You gain the
following benefits:
Farm Cat
Prerequisite Cat
You tolerate the humanoids you work alongside. You get a free meal and shelter and they have no critters
infesting their pastures. This unique relationship has caused you to evolve to become a great hunter. You gain
the following benefits:
Feral Cat
Prerequisite Cat
The wilderness is harsh and often unforgiving for small predators such as yourself. Due to that your body has
adapted to fully live in the wild away from the comfortable life of an indoor cat. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisite Cat
Whether you angered Lady Luck or made a deal with Lady Misfortune you have been blessed or cursed with
unique abilities. You gain the following benefits:
● Choose Luck or Misfortune when you take this feat. Based on the choice the effect differs and you can
only take this feat once.
● You learn the Bless spell. You can cast this spell without expending a spell slot. Once you cast this spell
in this way, you can't cast that spell in this way again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast this
spell using spell slots you have of the appropriate level. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
● When a target you can see within 30 feet of you rolls a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, an ability check,
or a saving throw, you can use your reaction to let the target reroll the die. The target must use the new
roll. Once you use this feature you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
● You learn the Bane spell. You can cast this spell without expending a spell slot. Once you cast this spell
in this way, you can't cast that spell in this way again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast this
spell using spell slots you have of the appropriate level. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
● When a target you can see within 30 feet of you rolls a 20 on the d20 for an attack roll, an ability check,
or a saving throw, you can use your reaction to let the target reroll the die. The target must use the new
roll. Once you use this feature you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Nine Lives
You have walked this earth and survived long enough to unlock the true potential of your cat spirit. It sings the
song of your people. You understand how the world works and where you fit in the grand scheme of things. You
gain the following benefits.