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Submitted to
MIT ADT University
in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of


Submitted by
Group Code: ME2122UGP-07

Under the Guidance of



JUNE 2022
PUNE – 412201


This is to certify that the Project Report entitled

Submitted by


is a bonafide work carried out by us, under the supervision of Prof. Ajaykumar Ugale,
and it is submitted towards the partial fulfilment of the requirement of MIT Art,
Design and Technology University, Pune for the award of the Bachelor of
Technology in Mechanical Engineering.

Prof. Ajaykumar Ugale Prof. Dr. Nitin Pagar

Guide UG Project Co-ordinator

Prof. Dr. Sudarshan Sanap Prof. Dr. Kishore Ravande

Professor & Head Mechanical Principal, MIT-SOE

External Examiner
Place: Pune
Date: 20/06/2022

We hereby declare that the UG project entitled “Design, Analysis, and Prototyping of
Floating Trash Collecting Machine” submitted towards the partial fulfilment of the
requirement of MIT-ADT University, Pune for the award of the Bachelor of
Technology in Mechanical Engineering is a record of bonafide work carried out by us
under the supervision of Prof. Ajaykumar Ugale, Associate Professor, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, MIT School of Engineering, Pune.
We further declare that the work reported in this report has not been submitted and
will not be submitted, either in part or in full, for the award of any other degree or
diploma in this institute or any other institute or university.

Prince Parsad

Ria Malhotra

Rithwik Pawar

Sourabh Borse

Place: Pune

Date: 20/06/2022
We express our profound thanks to Guide Prof. Ajaykumar Ugale, Associate
Professor, Mechanical Engineering MIT School of Engineering, MIT-ADT
University, Pune for his expert guidance, encouragement, and inspiration during this
Project work.
We are very thankful to Prof. Dr. Nitin Pagar, UG Project Co-ordinator,
Mechanical Engineering Department for their guidance and all kinds of help to
complete our work.
We also express thanks to Prof. Dr. Sudarshan Sanap, Head, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, for being a constant source of inspiration throughout the
We are grateful to Prof. Dr. Kishore Ravande, Principal, MIT School of
Engineering, MIT-ADT University, Pune, for providing us with the facilities to carry
out our project work.
We also thank all the faculty members in the department for their support and
advice. We are very much grateful to our parents for their immense love, affection,
help, cooperation, and encouragement to complete this course.
Finally, a special thanks to all our classmates and friends who helped and
encouraged us to complete successfully our UG project work.

Prince Parsad

Ria Malhotra

Rithwik Pawar

Sourabh Borse

As water pollution has become a serious issue, this project focuses on the design and
manufacture of river trash cleaning equipment. National rivers are currently polluted,
contaminated, and full of debris and toxins because they are being pumped full of
sewage and other waste. Because of the harm, it is causing to aquatic life, this
pollution must be minimized. As a result, the preservation of natural resources is
imperative in light of current circumstances. With the help of the Indian government,
the Namami Ganga and Narmada Bacho river-cleaning programs, as well as a slew of
other big and medium-sized river-cleaning initiatives, have been launched in cities
across the country. Unfortunately, conventional methods like the manual method
prove to be risky, time-consuming, and require a lot of manpower. Hence by keeping
this in mind and eliminating drawbacks of such methods, a semi-automatic machine
has been designed to clean the river water surface, to provide an alternative to manual
and existing machine operating water cleaning which is best suitable to the Indian
context and also a cost-effective solution. This project, “Design, Analysis and
Prototyping of Floating Trash Collecting Machine”, aims at the removal and safe
disposal of solid waste floating on the river bodies having a capacity of one tonne. It
will be efficient and eco-friendly, with the main aim being to cut down the manpower,
and time consuming and increase the efficiency. This particular system works towards
the social aim of cleaning the water. The design has been carried out on the software
Solid Works (2020) and Blender. The calculations have been verified by software
analysis using ANSYS Fluent. A prototype was designed after getting positive results
from software calculations. After that, it was tested to check its performance in a
suitable environment. Hence, this machine will successfully be able to clean the river

Keywords: floating trash, water pollution, cleaning machine

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine


Fig: Animated View of Proposed Model

Fig: Prototype Model of Proposed Machine

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine


ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………………...i
PHOTOGRAPH OF THE PROJECT ............................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………………….iii
LIST OF FIGURES …………………………………………………………………..vi

LIST OF TABLES …………………………………………………………………..vii

ABBREVIATIONS …………………………………………………………………vii

NOMENCLATURE ………………………………………………………………..viii

Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Types of River Cleaning Methods ....................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Mannual River Cleaning ................................................................................ 2
1.2.2 Machine River Cleaning ................................................................................ 3
1.3 Organization of the Report ................................................................................... 4
1.4 Closure ................................................................................................................. 5
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 6
2.2. Review of Literature............................................................................................ 6
2.3 Product Survey ..................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Customer Survey .................................................................................................. 9
2.5 Summary of Literature ......................................................................................... 9
2.6 Identification of Gaps ......................................................................................... 10
2.7 Problem Statement ............................................................................................. 10
2.8 Objectives ........................................................................................................... 10
2.9 Closure ............................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 12
3.2 Methodology Details .......................................................................................... 12

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

3.3 Conceptual Model .............................................................................................. 13

3.4 Rendering ........................................................................................................... 15
3.5 Assumptions for Calculations ............................................................................ 16
3.6 Closure ............................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 4
4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 18
4.2 Center of Gravity of Machine ............................................................................ 18
4.3 Buoyancy ............................................................................................................ 19
4.4 Metacentric Height ............................................................................................. 21
4.5 Conveyor Belt .................................................................................................... 22
4.6 Garbage Collecting Box ..................................................................................... 25
4.7 Closure ............................................................................................................... 26
5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 27
5.2 CFD Analysis ..................................................................................................... 27
5.2.1 Geometry Insertion ...................................................................................... 27
5.2.2 Meshing ....................................................................................................... 28
5.2.3 Processing .................................................................................................... 29
5.2.4 Post Processing ............................................................................................ 30
5.3 Closure ............................................................................................................... 33
6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 34
6.2 Procurement of Materials and Standard Components ........................................ 34
6.3 Manufacturing and Assembly ............................................................................ 35
6.4 Prototype Testing ............................................................................................... 38
6.5 Closure ............................................................................................................... 38


7.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 39
7.2 CFD Results ....................................................................................................... 39

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

7.3 Prototype Testing Results................................................................................... 39

7.4 Result Analysis................................................................................................... 39
7.5 Closure ............................................................................................................... 40
8.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 41
8.2 Conclusion.......................................................................................................... 41
8.3 Future Scope ....................................................................................................... 41
8.4 Closure ............................................................................................................... 42
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 43
COST SHEET ………………………………………………………………….........46
PROJECT-BASED OUTCOMES …………………………………………………...48
PLAGIARISM REPORT ……………………………………………………………49

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine


Fig 1.1 Manual River Cleaning …………………………………………….....3

Fig 1.2 Machine River Cleaning ……………………………………………...4

Fig 3.1 Methodology Flowchart …………………………...………………...13

Fig 3.2 Conceptual Model of River Cleaning Machine ……………………...14

Fig 3.3 Blending Animated views ……………….…………………………..16

Fig 4.1 CG of Machine….…………………….……………………………...18

Fig 4.2 Buoyant Force Acting on Floating Body ………………………........19

Fig 4.3 Buoyancy of Floating Body ………………………………………....19

Fig 4.4 Concept of Metacentric Height ………………………………….…..21

Fig 4.5 Finding Metacentric Height of The Body …………………………...22

Fig 4.6 Conveyor Belt …………………………………………………….....23

Fig 4.7 Hydraulic Lifter ……………………………………………….…….25

Fig 5.1 2d Geometry of Hull ............................................................................28

Fig 5.2 Meshed Geometry................................................................................29

Fig 5.3 Flow Direction.....................................................................................29

Fig 5.4 Volume Contraction……………………………………………….....30

Fig 5.5 Velocity Magnitude…………………………………………………..31

Fig 5.6 Strain Rate............................................................................................31

Fig 5.7 Kinetic Energy vs Position…………………………………………...32

Fig 5.8 Static Pressure vs Position…………………………………………...33

Fig 6.1 Different Stages of Manufacturing Process…………………….…36-37

Fig 6.2 Prototype Testing ……….…....…………...………………………....38

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Table 2.1 Comparison Between Existing Products……………………………....8

Table 3.1 Methodology Details ……………………………………………...…12


CAD Computer–Aided Designing

M/C Machine

R/C River Cleaner

CFD Computation Fluid Dynamics

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine


Α Flowability Factor

b Breadth

B Width of Conveyor Belt

CG Centre of Gravity

D Diameter of Pulley

F Force

g Acceleration Due to Gravity

GM Metacentric Height

h Height

I Moment of Inertia

K Material Factor

l Length

Lp Length of Pulley

M Mass Flow Rate of Belt Conveyor

N Newton

Q Capacity of Belt Conveyor

V Volume

w Width

Zp Number of Plies

𝜌 Density

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
Water is life and life is water. Nearly 70% of the earth is covered with water,
about 97% of it is in the form of oceans and is therefore unfit for human
consumption. The remaining i.e., 3% is stored in various sources like glaciers,
rivers, lakes, and other water bodies. The rivers and lakes that are found on the
earth’s surface are crucial for mankind. The river water is used for irrigation
which in return gives food to the people. The rivers also maintain the ecology and
biodiversity of the region and bring prosperity. Unfortunately, most of the rivers
and lakes are becoming more and more polluted. This is due to human actions like
letting domestic and industrial wastes seep into such water bodies, not realizing
the water is precious to all living organisms, which is slowly resulting in the death
of aquatic life. The rivers like Ganges, Yamuna, and Narmada have become
highly polluted.[2] Humans are dependent on rivers for their survival. Many
people are unaware of its significance. However, the evidence is clear: our rivers
and creeks are littered with rubbish, giving off an unpleasant odour and giving the
appearance of a dumpsite. Garbage in rivers is more than just an eyesore; it poses
a threat to our health and the health of our loved ones, as well as to the
environment. It doesn't matter how small the piece of trash is; it all contributes to
the accumulation of trash in our rivers and creeks. Water from rivers continues to
be vital for many towns and cities. For us to drink clean water, it first undergoes
purification. The water cannot be cleansed to the point of any longer being fit for
human consumption if our rivers remain filthy. To ensure that our tap water
remains clean, we must take care of our rivers and safeguard them from pollution.
A wide variety of animal and plant species can be found along rivers. However,
due to the rapid deterioration of our rivers, these species are already at risk of
extinction. There are only a few of these indigenous species left in the world, and
they could be rescued if we protect our rivers. Rivers that are clean and healthy
minimize the danger of disease and increase the quality of life for humans. Less
rubbish means more opportunities for the community to enjoy walking and

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 1

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

running beside rivers in a clean and safe environment. Tourists will be drawn to
the area as leisure activities expand. The economics and the well-being of the
community are both impacted by this. Iloilo City could serve as a source of
inspiration. A beautiful Esplanade is the first of its sort in the United States
because of its guiding ideals of unity and strategic planning, as well as political
will. All of it is in our hands now. We can all do our part to assist reduce river
pollution by reducing the amount of human and industrial trash and debris we
dump into it. The proposed model of the machine consists of an IC engine-driven
conveyer mechanism that collects and removes wastage, thereby preventing the
entry of garbage and plastic waste into water bodies and reducing the difficulties
which are faced when the collection of debris takes place. This project also
consists of a belt-drive mechanism that propels the conveyer driving shaft which
in turn runs the conveyer and it collects the waste from the sewage stream. Thus,
preventing the waste from entering the water bodies. This model is a standstill
machine, with the conveyer belt waste collection action as the only motion
assembly of the mechanism, and makes the process of waste collection more
efficient and hassle-free in terms of getting a floating machine to the bank and
cleaning it.

1.2 Types of River Cleaning Methods

There are mainly two types of river cleaning techniques

• Manual river cleaning

• Machine river cleaning

1.2.1 Manual River Cleaning

It is a conventional method of river cleaning in which human efforts are
involved to clean the river. Here water is clean by personally picking the trash
which is floating on the surface of the river. A lot of human effort is required to
clean the river manually. The cleaning of the river can be done manually only on
the banks of the river or depending upon the situation cleaning can be possible by

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 2

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

other means like collecting the waste physically on the boat. Fig 1.1 shows the
collection of garbage from the river manually.

Fig. 1.1 Manual River Cleaning

Advantages of manual river cleaning:

 Can clean even parts where machines are unable to access
 Less costly compared to the machine as it offers maintenance
 A skilled operator is not required.
 Anyone can do this job.

Disadvantages of manual river cleaning:

 Time-consuming
 A lot of manpower required
 Unhygienic, prone to diseases.
 Not practical for very small particles.

1.2.2 Machine River Cleaning

River cleaning by machine uses automation to clean the rivers instead of

cleaning physically. In automatic river cleaning machine, big size machines are used
which works on different principles and cleans the river automatically with the help of
a conveyor system which is mainly operated by the IC engine. To run these machines
a skilled person is required to operate them because it's not as simple as manual river
cleaning which is purely based on human effort. After collecting the waste by the

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 3

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

conveyor again the waste can be disposed off with the help of conveyors or cranes at
the shore of the river.

In Fig 1.2 cleaning of the river is done by a machine that is automatically operated by
a skilled worker with less human effort.

Fig. 1.2Machine River Cleaning

Advantages of machine-operated river cleaning:

• Minimal use of manpower

• Fast and reliable
• No scope of infections/diseases.
• Environmentally friendly system
Disadvantages of machine-operated river cleaning:

• Comparatively costly
• Offers maintenance
• Able to collect only the waste which is floating on the sewage stream surface.
• When the flow of water is limited, the rate of garbage collection is slow, hence
waste collection capacity is limited.
• A skilled operator is required.
1.3 Organization of Work
The report is organized as follows:
In chapter 1, The introduction, a brief background of the report, and an overview of
different types of river cleaning methods.
In chapter 2, A systematic literature review of the existing types of river cleaning
machines, as well as a brief overview of the researcher’s inspiration, goals, and

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 4

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

In chapter 3, the methodology of the work is briefly discussed along with the cad
model of the proposed design.
In chapter 4, the calculation for different parameters is done like buoyancy,
metacentric height, conveyor belt, and garbage box.
In chapter 5, computational fluid dynamic analysis is done using Ansys Fluent
In chapter 6, the manufacturing and development of a prototype floating trash-
collecting machine are explained.
In chapter 7, the software results and prototype testing results are discussed.
In chapter 8, the conclusion and future scope of the project are explained.

1.4 Closure

A brief introduction gives us not only the main idea but also the advantages,
and disadvantages of river cleaning by different methods. The brief organization of
the report is explained here. The next chapter will deal with the literature review.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 5

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Chapter 2

2.1 Introduction
With a reference from different sources, for example, expert interaction,
research papers, journals, and books; the data has been gathered and discussed in this

2.2 Review of Literature

Prof Ketan et al. [2] in his paper had discussed that the river cleanup machine
removes the waste debris from the water surface and safely disposes of it. It works on
hydropower to extract wastewater debris, plastics, and garbage from the Godavari
River at Nashik. In another study by Dr. Imran A. Khanet al. [4], the main aim of the
project was to cut down manpower, and time consumption for cleansing the stream.
Energy stored within the battery is used for the assistance of a motor and conveyor
arrangement [2]. Again, to reduce the manpower, and time consuming and thereby
increase the efficiency of the machine for cleaning the river. The trials for the
operation of river cleaning are carried out remotely with the help of a motor, coupling,
and R/C arrangement by Dharmesh N. Kandare et al [5]. Madhavi N.Wagh et al [6]
experimented and showed the automated operation of river cleaning with help of a
motor and chain drive arrangement. RF transmitter and receiver are to control the
cleaning machine. This is done through computers, hydraulics, pneumatics, robotics,
etc to achieve low cost. Saif Ali Sayyad and Adarsh Dorlikar[7] had carried out a trial
on a machine and lifted the waste surface debris from the water bodies, which
ultimately resulted in a reduction of water pollution and lastly a reduction in the
aquatic animals’ death. It was thought by Prof. Sandesh M Prabhu et al [1] to build a
machine that would be simple and cheap and also not require any external power
source, it, therefore, makes use of hydropower developed by a turbine similar to a
Pelton wheel. M.F. Mukhtar et al [17] had designed on the Solidwork design platform
and using Rapid Prototyping to fabricate a prototype scale model of a physical part or
assembly using a three-dimensional computer-aided design (CAD) system. At the end

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 6

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

of this research, a fully functional trash collector operated along the shoreline of
Malacca River to clean up debris.

Rajendra Patil, et al., ‘Study of River Harvesting and Trash Cleaning Machine’ [18]
Mechanical control methods involve the complete or partial removal of plants by
mechanical means, including harvesting, shredding, mowing, rototilling, rotovating,
and chaining. Mechanical control methods can also be used to expedite manual
harvesting activities, including hand harvesting, raking, and cut stump control, with
the use of motor-driven machinery (Haller 2009; Lembi 2009). These management
techniques for plants rarely result in localized eradication of the species, but rather,
reduce target plant abundance to non-nuisance levels. A range of machinery for
managing and controlling aquatic vegetation is in use today, designed for specific
plant types (floating, submerged, and emergent vegetation) and for operation in
specific aquatic habitats (open water, canals, shorelines, and wetlands). A mechanical
aquatic harvester (harvester) is a type of barge used for a variety of tasks, including
aquatic plant management and trash removal in rivers, lakes, bays, and harbors.
Harvesters are designed to collect and unload vegetation and debris using a conveyor
system on a boom, adjustable to the appropriate cutting height, up to 6 feet below the
surface of the water. Cutter bars cut the material and bring it aboard the vessel using
the conveyor; when the barge has reached capacity, the cut material is transported to a
disposal site and offloaded using the conveyor. Aniket Puthran, et al., ‘Review on
Design and Fabrication of Floating Waste Collector’ [20] Water is the basic need for
all Mankind. However, in recent years various water bodies are being polluted due to
various causes. Either it may be due to human waste or in certain cases; it may be due
to natural waste. These water bodies are polluted and cannot be used directly. The
government has taken up various efforts to clean these water bodies. Huge capital
investment has been made for the clean-up purpose. By considering this, the project
has been made to minimize the government cost of cleaning the lake. The amount can
be used elsewhere for the benefit of the country and its people. This project will
encourage the tourist who while visiting Rivers and Lakes to ride the boat across the
water body and simultaneously clean the lake. Aishwarya N. A., et al., ‘Detection and
Removal of Floating Wastes on Water Bodies’ [19] With the increase in population,
the scenario of cleanliness concerning waste management is degrading tremendously.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 7

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

The overflow of garbage on the riverside creates an unhygienic condition in the

nearby surroundings. The floating bodies on the river water will cause a severe
problem to the environment and is a big risk to the future. These floating wastes will
not be dissolved easily in water. So, these unwanted suspended objects will cut off the
oxygen, hence creating oxygen deficiency which directly affects the marine life. Also,
these wastes are a threat to aquatic animals. Our project aims at detecting floating
wastes in water efficiently using infrared sensors and cleaning. The information of
every action taken will be sent to the corresponding authority through GSM. The
project can be implemented for both flowing and stagnant water. The major advantage
of the project is that the people of the control station need not have to go to every
nook and corner to clean wastes, instead can monitor from one end easily. Finally, the
water bodies will be free of all floating wastes, and the sanity of the river, and its
dependent living beings will be safeguarded.

2.3 Product Survey

Table 2.1 shows the comparison between different factors like price, loading capacity,
and speed for the different existing products in the market and gives a clear idea about
the product [22].

Table 2.1 Comparison Between Existing Products


Dimensions 10.5×4.2×2.5m 10.3×3.4×3.0m 7×2.3×1.6m
Price 40lac – 1.5cr 75lac – 1cr 12lac
Application Aquatic weed, water Aquatic Weed, Aquatic Weed
hyacinth, reed, aquatic Plant,
floating garbage, domestic Garbage,
etc. tree Branch
Driving method Paddle Wheel Paddle Wheel Paddle Wheel
Engine Diesel Engine Diesel Engine Diesel Engine
Weight 8500 Kg 8000kg 3800 Kg
Loading capacity 6t 6t 2t
Speed 6 Km/hr 10 Km/hr 8 Km/hr
Belt velocity 2.5m/s 2.2m/s 1.5m/s
The angle of 30 25 35
inclination of Belt

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 8

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

2.4 Customer Survey

It is required to conduct a customer survey at the start of the design process. It

serves as a mechanism to further define the need statement and provided an
opportunity to review other attempts in solving the problem. Potential Customers
include municipalities, laborers who clean the lake, and private contractors. A survey
had been carried out with some people and their problems and suggestions had been
noted down:

• The kind of wastes collected while cleaning the lake and dangers faced while
cleaning. If any kind of danger was faced while cleaning. This included solid
waste floating on the water. Manual cleaners developed a lot of skin diseases,
hence the need to develop a cost-effective and eco-friendly machine.
• How much time is required to stay in the water and how much waste is
collected in a day? What is the cost of labor and how many laborers are
needed to clean? What cost is expected if a product is made for cleaning the
lake? A few hours, because pollution keeps on increasing day by day. Near
about 400 kgs is collected in a day, but the value is not constant. The proposed
machine can range from ten lacs to two crores.

2.5 Summary of the Literature

• The use of pedal operated boat with a conveyor attached to it for collecting
garbage from the lake was studied. Also because of the help of the conveyor, it
was possible to collect the solid waste/ garbage like plastic bags, plastic
bottles, beverage cans, food wrappers, paper bags, straws, (marine debris), etc.
• The machine consisted of DC motors, RF transmitter and receiver, propeller,
PVC pipes, and a chain drive with the conveyor attached to it for collecting
wastage from water bodies along with a collector plate on which garbage is
thrown away. RF transmitter controlled the electrical drives which made the
overall system simple and easy to operate, which helped clean the river.
• Two water wheels were used for turning motion: one that stopped and the
other that rotated. For example, the right water wheel would be stopped and
the left water wheel would rotate when the system required to turn right. The

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 9

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

main controller box of these water wheels is equipped with a speed control
• A machine that consisted of a chain and sprocket, driven by a motor was used
in the cleaning process. When the motor runs, the chain starts circulating
which moves the lifter in an upward direction. The lifter has teeth which take
the garbage material to the collector box and then finally by manual methods it
was possible to remove it from collector box.

2.6 Identification of Gaps

• Reduce the cost: The main aim of this is to make a simple, low cost and eco-
friendly project.
• Indian river: This project is mainly focused on accordance with Indian rivers.

2.7 Problem Statement

To design, analyze, and develop a prototype of a floating trash collector

machine for the capacity of 10 KG and to do the testing to analyze its performance.
The proposed machine is targeted to maintain the ecosystem and reduced the overall
cost of the product.

2.8 Objectives
1. To study, understand, and analyze different existing methods and exiting
machines that are used for floating trash collection.
2. To design and do analysis of proposed floating trash handling machine with
suitable software.
3. To develop the prototype of the proposed floating trash handling machine.
4. To test and investigate the performance of the proposed floating trash handling

2.9 Closure
In this chapter various machines and studies that have been performed by
various researchers, different types of river cleaning mechanisms, their working,
results, and conclusions have been made. Furthermore, based on the literature review

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 10

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

scope of work or gaps, problem statement and objective had been determined. So, in
the succeeding chapter detailed methodology is explained.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 11

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Chapter 3

3.1 Introduction
This chapter deals with the detailed step-by-step procedure of the work done.
The chapter will provide glimpses of the learning process from the beginning to the

3.2 Methodology Details

The methodology consists of the following parts:

• Analytical
• Software results
• Experimental

Table 3.1 shows the process flow of Analytical in the left section in a downward
direction till the study and understanding of different types of mechanisms for
operation. The process flow for software results begins in the middle section and
flows downwards till the CAD model of the project and the experimental flow is in
the right section and flows downward till testing and interpretation of results.

Table 3.1 Methodology Details

Analytical Software results Experimental

Literature review CG of the body Design and prototype of

floating trash-collecting
Product Survey, CAD model Testing and
Customer Survey interpretation of results
Identification of scope, Stress and force analysis
Problem Statement &
Study and understand Floating conditions
different types of
mechanisms for
Design and calculations

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 12

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Fig. 3.1 describes the flowing points as follows:

• Firstly, do the field observation and identify the problem.

• Carry out an extensive literature survey, customer survey, and field survey
along with a thorough understanding of objectives and model design.
• Design it on a suitable software like Solid works 2020.
• To enhance the view, Blender software was used.
• CFD analysis was carried out to do the analysis and verify the calculations.
• Manufacturing was done on a small scale and model testing was carried out
to check its performance.

Field Observation
CAD modelling and
and Problem CFD Analysis

Conceptual Model Prototyping

Literature Survey Development

Customer Survey Objectives and

Model Testing
and Field survey Problem Statement

Fig 3.1: Methodology Flowchart

3.3 Conceptual Model

The geometry of the trash collecting machine is done on Solid works 2020.
The dimensions were taken based on an existing product in the market.
In fig 3.2 positions of various components of the machine are shown and different
parts are shown like Cutter, Propeller, Deck, and Engine in the below figures.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 13

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

1. Cabin/Deck
2. Flappers
3. Floaters
4. Frame
Collecting Box
7. Engine

(a) Cutter (b) Propeller

(c) Deck (d) Engine

Fig. 3.2 Conceptual Model of River Cleaning Machine

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 14

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Two floaters are placed below the main frame, as seen in Fig 3.2. On the front side of
the frame, a cabin is built through which the machine will be controlled. A conveyor
is positioned just behind the cabin, which is submerged in the water and runs from the
bottom of the cabin. The engine, which is connected to the propeller shaft, will be
situated beneath the conveyor belt. Finally, the garbage box is located at the end of
the machine.

The driver will sit in the cabin to operate the machine. Floaters are the part that will
constantly be in contact with the water. So, as the machine moves forward, (steering
takes place through the use of cables) the solid waste that is in the river moves from
the water to the conveyor, the belts carry it, and finally drop it in the garbage box. To
tilt the garbage box from the middle to transfer the garbage, a hydraulic actuator or
lifter has been used. This is the basic functioning of our river cleaner machine.

3.4 Rendering

The rendering was carried out using Blender Software which is open-source software.
Animated films, art, 3D applications 3D-printed models, motion graphics, visual
effects, and interactive, can be created. It is used to enhance the view of the model
that is created.

In Figure 3.4, the different animated views of the prototype are shown.

(a) (b)

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 15

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

(c) (d)

Fig. 3.3 Blending Animated Views

3.5 Assumptions for Calculations

After carrying out such an extensive literature survey, some assumptions about
the machine have been made. It consists of components such as an engine, floaters,
conveyor, deck, garbage collecting box, and the hydraulic lift actuator.
The conceptual model is designed on Solid Works as shown in fig 3.2 according to
the dimensions and then have gone for calculations of the belt conveyor, its capacity,
buoyant force, metacentric height, etc.
Assumptions of the dimensions are considered through existing products in the
• Dimension of the floater: (6 × 3 × 1.2) m
• Belt Velocity = 1 m/s
• Angle of inclination of belt = 25°
• Density of garbage material = 800 kg/m3
• Velocity of Boat = 6 km/hr
• Total Weight = (1.5-2.0) tonnes.

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

3.6 Closure

In this chapter complete workflow of the project is discussed and the design of
the floating river cleaner was done on software called SOLIDWORKS (2020) and for
a better view rendering was done on the blender software. Based on the literature
review some assumptions are made for further calculations in the upcoming chapter.

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Chapter 4

4.1 Introduction
After completing the design on SOLIDWORKS (2020), further calculations of
Buoyancy that includes the center of gravity, Buoyant Force, and Metacentric Height
are done. Also, calculations on the Conveyor Belt that included the total Mass and the
total length of the belt are done.

4.2 Center of Gravity of Machine

Fig 4.1 gives an idea about the center of gravity of the body which is calculated from
Solid Works and found to be 0.53m from the base by giving the whole estimated
weight of the full body as around 2 tonnes.

Fig 4.1: CG of Machine

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

4.3 Buoyancy
According to Archimede’s Principle “The upward buoyant force that is
exerted on a body immersed in a fluid, whether partially or fully submerged, is equal
to the weight of the fluid that the body displaces and acts in the upward direction at
the center of mass of the displaced fluid” [17].

Fig 4.2 Buoyant Force Acting on Floating Body

The notion of the buoyant force is discussed in figure 4.2 to compute the mass of fluid

For the calculation of buoyancy, some assumptions for the length, breadth, and
height of floaters are made to check whether the body will float or not.

The free-body diagram (FBD) of a floater is depicted in fig. 4.3 to determine


Fig 4.3 Buoyancy of Floating Body

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Volume (V) = L × B × H = 6 × 0.6 × 1 = 3.6 m3

Where L is the length, B is the breadth, and H is the height of the Floating
Body [17]

The density of the material (Polyethylene) is taken as 955 kg/m3

Further weight of water displaced can be calculated by the formula

• Weight of water displaced = ρ × V × g (1)

Where 𝜌 is density, V is volume and g is the acceleration due to gravity

= 955 × 9.81 × 3.6

= 33730.218 N

• Weight of water displaced = Weight of the material

Weight of water displaced
The volume of water displaced= (2)
Weight density of water


= 3.4383m3
• The volume of the body in water = Volume of water displaced

6 × 0.6 × ℎ = 3.4383

ℎ = 0.95509 𝑚 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 from (2)

• Depth of immersion of vehicle (h) = 0.4775 m

• Buoyant Force = ρ × V × g from (1)

= 1000 × 9.81 × 3.6

= 35,316 N

• Mass of displaced fluid = ρ × V (3)

= 1000 × 3.6

= 3600 Kg

Hence, by using Archimedes’ principle buoyant force along with other parameters
have been found.

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

4.4 Metacentric Height

A floating body's initial static stability is gauged by its metacentric height
(GM). The distance between the ship's metacenter and the ship's center of gravity
is used to compute it. The metacentric height is a measure of initial stability in the
event of a rollover. When the metacentric height is significant, it has an effect on
the natural roll period of a ship's hull, which can be uncomfortable for passengers.
Thus, a metacentric height that is neither too high nor too low is deemed optimum.

Fig 4.4 Concept of Metacentric Height

Metacentric height (GM) can be calculated by the formula given as [16]:

GM = V
– BG (4)

Where I= moment of inertia of the body

𝑉 = Volume of the body submerged in water

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Fig 4.5 Finding Metacentric Height of the Body

The FBD diagram of the machine is presented in fig. 4.5 to calculate the body's
metacentric height.

• Moment of inertia(I)= 12 × l × b3 (5)

= × 6 × (0.6)3
= 0.108 kg-m2

• Volume of body submerged in water (V) can be calculated by

= 6 × 0.6 × 0.4775 = 1.719 m3

• Metacentric height (GM)

=1.719 − 0.0525

= 0.10344 m3

Since GM is positive, the proposed cleaning machine will float on the water surface.

4.5 Conveyor Belt

Wire mesh belts are ideal metal conveyor belts for light transfers and positive
drive. The large open area makes wire mesh belts the most efficient metal conveyor
belt for many applications and a variety of processes.

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Fig 4.6 Conveyor Belt

Figure 4.6 shows a wire-mesh belt conveyor that will be employed in a machine.

• Width of belt (B) = 1.6 m

• Width of material on belt (b) = (0.9 x B - 0.05)

b = 0.9 x 1.6 - 0.05

b = 1.39 m

• Capacity of belt conveyor(Q):

Q = 𝑘𝑏 2 v (For inclined belt conveyor) (6)

Assuming velocity to be 1 m/s (depends on the nature of the material, weight) and for
the angle of inclination of 25°

Flowability Factor α = 21° to 25°

And, K = 2.35 × 10−4


The capacity of the belt conveyor (Q) = 2.35 × 10−4 × (1.39)2 × 1

= 4.6404 × 10−4 m3/s

To convert to m3/hr, the value can be directly multiplied by 3600. Hence, we get Q as
shown below.

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Q = 1.6345 m3 /hr

• Mass Flow Rate of belt conveyor:

• M = ρ×Q (7)

Where ρ = Density of garbage (plastic, grass, etc)

Assuming average density = 800 kg/ m3

Since water has a density of 1000 kg/ m3

So, the objects which have a density lower than water are going to float on the surface
of the water.

• Mass(M) = 800 × 1.6345

= 1307.645 kg/hr

= 0.3632 kg/s

From assumption, angle is taken as 25° and base length of belt is 3.15m from


• Height = 3.15×tan (25) = 1.46 m

• Inclined length of belt = 3.417 m

• For Pulley:

k1 = 1.56

k2 = 81

Zp = 1

• Dmin = K1.K2. Zp (8)

Where (Zp is the number of plies and K1 and K2 are the material factors)

= 1.56 × 81 × 1

= 0.120 m

Hence minimum diameter of the pulley is 0.120 m.

• To calculate Length of Pulley (Lp):

Lp = B+2S (9)

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

where S= side margin (std. 60mm-75 mm)

= 1.6+2(0.075)

Lp = 1.75 m

• Total length of Conveyor Belt:

(Circumference of pulley) × 2 (length of one side pulley)

= (2 × 3.14× 0.07) +2×(3.417)

= 7.2736 m

4.6 Garbage Collecting Box:

The garbage collecting box is used for collecting the floating river waste that the
conveyor belt constantly carries.

Length(L) = 1.5m

Width(W) = 1.5 m

Height(H) = 0.5 m

• Volume = L × B × H

= 1.5 × 1.5 × 0.5

= 1.125 m3

• Capacity = Volume × Density of material to be collected

= 1.125*800

= 900 Kg

To lift this box, from the middle hydraulic lifter fig 4.7 is used (Linear actuator heavy
duty) for which specifications are as follows

Specifications: -

Power:300 W

Max. Push load: 2300 lbs or 1050 Kg

Fig 4.7 Hydraulic Lifter

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

4.7 Closure
In this chapter calculations for various parameters which were part of the main
design have been found. Software analysis is covered in the next chapter to analyze,
solve and verify the above calculations.

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Chapter 5

5.1 Introduction

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a branch of fluid

mechanics wherein numerical analysis and data structures are used to analyze and
solve problems that take into account fluid flows. Computers are used to do the
complex calculations required to simulate the free-stream flow of the fluid, and the
interaction of the fluid, i.e. the liquids and gases with surfaces defined by boundary
conditions. The stages in CFD mainly include Preprocessing, Processing, and Post
Processing. Preprocessing defines the parameters in simulation and mainly includes
the analysis of the problem, geometry, meshing, setup solver, and results. Processing
is all about the steps that need to be followed in the simulation process through CFD.
Finally, Post Processing analyzes the results that are obtained through CFD. It may be
in the form of graphical representations, data curves, contour plots, streamlines, etc.
Some of the software tools in it include ANSYS, CFD-POST, Para View, etc.

5.2 Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis

The CFD analysis was performed on software called Ansys Workbench. It is an

important step to solve, analyze and verify the calculations that were solved

5.2.1 Geometry Insertion

The geometry exported from Solid Works was converted and was inserted in ANSYS
Workbench (Fluent Module) and the analysis was performed.

Fig. 5.1 illustrates the 2d-geometry of the hull in the Ansys workbench. In this
geometry, the hull is created and the origin is marked at the center to get the overall
average result.

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Fig 5.1: 2d-Geometry of Hull

5.2.2 Meshing

After importing the geometry, the next step is meshing. Meshing was done in which
Quad Mesh was chosen as the Mesh Type. The aspect ratio was taken to be
approximately 1, orthogonal quality greater than 0.01, and skewness less than 0.9. In
the solver, the Velocity of water has been taken as 3.56 m/s. Multiphase is chosen
since 2 phases were required out of which one is air and the other is water. For
boundary conditions, pressure has been taken to be atmospheric and velocity inlets
from top and bottom. Quad meshes have a natural advantage over triangular meshes
when representing the local geometry of a surface; since there are two logically
orthogonal directions (u and v) for the surface, quads can be designed to follow these
isoclines, producing meshes that reflect the underlying geometry. Fig. 5.2 depicts the
meshing geometry which has small quad elements.

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Fig 5.2: Meshed Geometry

5.2.3 Processing

The model has been taken as the k-omega SST model because this gives more
accurate results for hydrodynamics while giving conditions in the solver [2]. Fig.
5.3 shows the setup box through which different conditions are given as per the

Fig:5.3: Flow Direction

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

5.2.4 Post Processing

After running a certain number of iterations, some graphs (contours) were obtained
which are shown below:

Fig 5.4 shows the volume contraction of the body. The following are the findings
concerning the said graph.

• The steep shows that the stability is at the rear.

• No cycles are being formed in front due to which there is no distortion.
• The volume contraction value is approximately 1.

Fig 5.4: Volume Contraction

Below Fig 5.5 shows the Velocity Magnitude of the body. The following are the
findings regarding the said graph.

• The below diagram indicates the effect of air and water on the hull.
• It shows stability in water due to the shape of the body and less contraction on
the surface.
• As per the result, the velocity magnitude close to the machine increases
• The Velocity Magnitude value is approximately 1.7.

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Fig 5.5: Velocity Magnitude

Fig 5.6 shows the Strain Rate. The following are the findings of the said graph.

• The below diagram indicates that ship deformation is very less i.e., 1.7
• It can hence withstand the resistive forces of water.
• The strain rate close to the boat increases.

Fig 5.6: Strain Rate

Fig 5.7 shows the Kinetic Energy vs Position The following are the findings regarding
the said graph.

• The below graph indicates the fluctuation in Kinetic Energy.

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

• It also indicates that turbulent energy is very less which signifies stability
in the water.
• The turbulent kinetic energy increases drastically to about 0.16m/s initially
and then decreases gradually due to the shape of the hull.

Fig 5.7: Kinetic Energy Vs Position

Fig 5.8 shows the Static Pressure vs Position. The following are the findings
concerning the said graph.

• The below graph ‘Static Pressure Vs Position’ signifies that there is a

fluctuation at the beginning which is due to the curve.
• It then becomes constant due to the shape of the body.
• The fluctuation, in the beginning, raises to 30 pascals, drops down to 0
then again raises to 30 and stays constant throughout.

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Fig 5.8: Static Pressure vs Position

5.3 Closure
In this chapter, CFD was carried out, and based on that, different types of
graphs were plotted using different variables. Based on graphs, analytical values are
compared with the software calculated values. These values have shown positive
results. The manufacturing of the prototype is covered in the upcoming chapter.

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Chapter 6
6.1 Introduction
This chapter deals with the manufacturing, the kind of materials selected that
were used as the components to construct the river cleaning machine, and the
advantages and reasons behind using such materials has been portrayed. This chapter
also gives a brief description of the various properties of the materials used. Material
selection is a very crucial step in the project as the calculations and entire functioning
of the machine are based upon it. To achieve optimal system performance, the choice
of mechanical properties of such engineering materials should be done very carefully.
The prototype has been scaled down to 0.25 times the full-scale model due to cost and
time constraints. The main focus is to make this project cost-effective and to check
the proof of concept.

6.2 Procurement of Materials and Standard Components

The most important goal in machine development is to choose the right
materials for the various elements of the machine. The manufacturing process and
heat treatment have a significant impact on the characteristics of materials, and an
engineer must be conversant with these effects.

• Frame Materials selected in m/c:

Material used: Mild steel

• Mild steel is readily available in the market.
• It is economical to use.
• It is available in standard sizes
• It has good mechanical properties i.e., it is easily Machinable, has high
tensile strength, and has a low coefficient of thermal expansion.
• However, it has a modest level of safety because it results in unneeded
waste and heavy selection. A low safety factor puts people at risk of injury
or death as a result of accidents.

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Dimension of Prototype
The prototype model is scaled down to 0.25 times the original model. Based
on assumptions, As the prototype should be cost-effective and lightweight to float,
the materials were selected accordingly.
• Floaters Pipe (PVC) dia: 6 inches (15.24 cm)
• Clamp used for dia 6-inch pipe.
• 0.75-inch tube in the frame (Mild Steel)
• P204 bearing in rollers of the conveyor belt.
• 20 mm diameter shaft at cylinder ends of the conveyor belt.
• Cylindrical roller made of 3-inch pipe.
• Conveyor belt – PVC customized belt.
• Fins made from scrap pipe have dia 3 inches for low weight purpose
• Car Wiper Motor used for conveyor belts having torque up to 40Nm runs on
12 volts.
• Propeller made from scrap plates powered from motor attached with coupling
• Angles for conveyor belts and propeller shafts are kept adjustable to change
their angles 20° - 60° concerning the garbage collection and depth of rivers.
• Aluminum sheets are used for flappers.

6.3 Manufacturing and Assembly

As discussed in the above section, suitable materials were chosen for the
development of the prototype. After this, the cutting and welding operations were
performed. As shown below, for instance, PVC floaters needed to be clamped for
support. A conveyor belt was mounted on the frame and in turn, the frame was
mounted on the floaters, which will be partially immersed in the water. A garbage
collecting box was mounted at the back of the conveyor so that floating waste can be
collected as the belt constantly moves. A propeller was fixed at the back of the
machine to propel the machine. Once the entire setup was ready, it was tested in a
swimming pool to check its performance.

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

(a) Conveyor Belt (b) PVC Floaters (c) Deck

(d) Cutting Operation (e) Welding Operation

(f) Mounting Conveyor (g) Mounting Frame on Floater

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

(h) Propeller Mounting (i) Mounting Garbage Collecting Box

(j) Adding Flappers (k) Ready Setup

(m) Testing (n) Painting

Fig 6.1: Different Stages of Manufacturing Process

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

The above figures 6.1 depict the different stages of the entire manufacturing
process, from preparing the base using the welding technique to preparing the
conveyor, the deck, the propeller, and the garbage box.

6.4 Prototype Testing

The testing of the machine was performed in an MIT-ADT University’s
Swimming pool. Waste materials such as plastics and leaves in the water were
collected by the conveyor belt.
Fig. 6.2(a) and 6.2(b) depict the floating and running condition during the testing

Fig: 6.2 (a) Fig: 6.2 (b)

Fig 6.2: Prototype testing.

6.5 Closure
This chapter dealt with a selection of materials, material properties, and
manufacturing & assembly of the prototype. After that testing was done in the
swimming pool. The results are discussed in the upcoming chapter.

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Chapter 7

7.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the CFD results that were computed have been compared with
actual results that were obtained after prototype testing of the machine.

7.2 CFD Results

• The Velocity Magnitude graph indicates the effect of air and water due to
hull. Its value is very low, which shows stability in water due to the shape
of the body.
• The Strain Rate graph depicts the amount of ship deformation. Since the
value is very less, the deformation is very less and hence it can withstand
the resistive forces of water.
• The Turbulent Kinetic Energy vs Position graph indicates stability because
turbulent energy per unit mass is very less. A drastic increase to 0.16m/s
and a gradual decrease occur due to the shape of the hull.
• The Static Pressure vs Position graph initially fluctuates in the beginning
to 30 pascals, drops to 0, then again rises to 30 pascals and remains
constant after that. This fluctuation is due to the shape of the curved body.

7.3 Prototype Testing Results

• The trash-collecting capacity of the prototype is around 10kgs.
• The velocity of the prototype is 0.56 m/s.
• Different types of garbage such as water bottles, leaves, plastics, etc.
were collected.
7.4 Result Analysis
• The design and calculations for the machine were performed on a larger
scale, while the prototype was manufactured on a scale of 1:4.

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

• According to the computational analysis and findings of the center of

gravity and buoyancy force, the prototype had better stability and the
center of gravity is maintained well even with the garbage.
• Overall, the working prototype functioned properly, as it collected the
trash through the conveyor belt that was dumped in the garbage box.
• Software analysis and prototype testing validate the proof of concept.

7.5 Closure

The CFD results and prototype testing results were discussed in this chapter.
The upcoming chapter discusses the conclusion of the project.

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Chapter 8

8.1 Introduction

The chapter below states the conclusion of the above-mentioned analysis of

the machine.

8.2 Conclusion

As cleaning the rivers is a very serious issue in today’s time. With the help of
a customer survey, there were a few problems that they faced while cleaning the river.
From this innovative project “Floating Trash Collecting Machine “is designed
specifically considering the Indian rivers with the hope that it is very much
economical and helpful for river cleaning. Based on the research papers and the
above-mentioned problems, the conceptual design of the machine was done foremost.
After which the design calculations were performed for its buoyancy and center of
gravity, also the calculations of major parts such as conveyor belts, floaters, etc. were

The Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis of the machine was performed on
ANSYS and with convincing results of CFD analysis and design calculations. The
value for the center of gravity was 0.56 from the base and in the middle of the
machine which shows better stability. Also, the buoyancy force calculated was 35,316
N which shows the volume displaced by the fluid body. The prototype of the machine
scaled down to 0.25 times, was manufactured. It was successfully tested in the
swimming pool. The weight carrying capacity of the prototype is 10 kgs. Hence, with
this machine, it will be very useful in cleaning the rivers or any water body and the
time taken will reduce drastically. Based on its design and estimation of the cost and
availability it is very cheap and very useful for society.

8.3 Future Scope

• Currently, it is limited to a small scale. If it is made on a bigger scale, it can be

aimed at cleaning Indian rivers like Ganga, etc.

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

• Sensors can be used for measuring the depth of water. It can have an inbuilt
GPS to know the location of garbage in the river.

8.4 Closure

The conclusion for the river cleaning machine is detailed in this chapter. Next,
the references are listed down that have helped us in making the project more
successful by allowing us to explore more innovatively.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 42

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

[1] Prof. Sandesh M Prabhu, Mohammad Irshad K, Mujeeb Rahman, Muhammed
Shahil, Prajwal (2019) “Design and Fabrication of River Cleaning Machine”
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume:
06 Issue: 07, July 2019.

[2] Prof Ketan, Mr. Abhijeet. M. Ballade, Mr. Vishal S. Garde, Mr. Akash. S. Lahane
and Mr. Pranav. Boob “Design and fabrication of the river cleaning system”,
IJMTER Volume 04, Issue2, 2017.

[3] Dr. Imran A. Khan, Prafful B. Dandare, “Design and Fabrication of River
Cleaning Machine” International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Volume
8, Issue 3 March 2020.

[4]. Dharmesh N. Kandare, Aniket N. Kalel, “Design & Construction of River

Cleaning Mechanism” International Journal of Innovative Science and Research
Technology, Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2018.

[5] Madhavi N. Wagh, Kashinath Munde, “Design and Analysis of River Water
Cleaning Machine” IJSDR, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2018.

[6] Saif Ali Sayyad, Adarsh Dorlikar, “Design and Fabrication of River Cleaning
Machine” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology
(IRJET), volume: 06 Issue: 05, May 2019.

[7] S. Arun Kumar, S. Shashikala “Effective Aquatic Waste Removal through Lake
Cleaning Robot for Smart city Environment” International Journal of Innovative
Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9
Issue-4, February 2020.

[8] Ankita B. Padwal, Monica S. Tambe, Pooja S. Chavare, Reshma K. Manahawar,

Mital S. Mhatre, “Review Paper on Fabrication of Manually Controlled Drainage
Cleaning System”, IJSER Volume 8, Issue 3, 2017.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 43

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

[9] Pankaj Singh Sirohi, Rahul Dev, Shubham Gautam, Vinay Kumar Singh, and
Saroj Kumar “Advance River Cleaner”, Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary
Research, 3(4), pp. 1689-1691, 2017.

[10] Sheikh Md. Shahid and Dr. AkashLangde “Design and Fabrication of River
Cleaning Machine”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering
Research, 3(11) pp. 8-18, 2017.

[11] Mr. P. M. Sirsat, Dr. I. A. Khan, Mr. P. V. Jadhav, Mr. P.T. Date “Design and
Fabrication of River Waste Cleaning Machine” pp.8- 18, 2017.

[12] M. Monish Kumar, et. Al. “Design of River Waste Collector Machine Using
Arduino” IJRAR Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2019.

[13] Rajendra Patil, et al; “Study of River Harvesting and Trash Cleaning Machine”,
International Conference on Emerging Trends and Management Research,
ISBN: 978- 81-932074-7-5, 2016.

[14] Aishwarya N A, et al; “Detection and Removal of Floating Wastes on Water

Bodies”, International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI),
Vol.4, Issue-6, June 2017.

[15] Aniket Puthran, et. al.; “Review on Design and Fabrication of Floating Waste
Collector”, IJARIIE, Vol.5, Issue-2, 2019.

[16] Pravin S. Magdum, et al; “Solar Based River Cleaning Machine” The
International Journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, ISSN

[17] Bhandari V B, “Design of Machine Elements”, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill, pp.
pp. 330-341,544-562, 571-58, 2010.

[18] Murthy S. Trymbaka. “Elements of Mechanical Engineering”,1st edition, I.K

International Publishing House, 2010.

[19] https://nmcg.nic.in – ‘National Mission for Clean Ganga’ Ministry of water

resources, Government of India, 2011.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 44

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

[20] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamuna_Action_Plan – Bilateral project between

GOI & Japan, 1993.

[21] https://www.statista.com/chart/20360/premature-pollution-related-deaths

[22] https://www.alibaba.com/search=river+cleaning+machine

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Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine



S. No. Particular Amount (₹)

1 PVC Pipes 1000

2 P204 bearing 1200

3 MS tube (20feet*2) 2000

4 Belt 2500

5 Welding and fabrication 1000

6 Wiper motor 1500

7 PVC sheet 1200

8 PVC pipe holder (6 inch*4) 850

9 555 motor coupling 800

10 12v DC adapter 650

11 Hole pass and bracket for 775 motor 580

12 Shaft (20mm*2) 560

13 Waste Container 550

14 Wires 500

15 Aluminum sheet 450

16 Cabin 450

17 775 motor shaft holder and bearing 350

18 Adhesive 450

19 Dc motor 775 450

20 Boat propeller 450

21 12v 10-amp dptt switch 250

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 46

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

22 M6 Nut bolts 200

23 M4 Nut bolts 150

24 Paint 100

25 Insulation 80

26 Remote 70

27 Battery clips 40

28 Transportation 1500

29 Oil allowance 1000

Total 20880

Twenty Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 47

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine


Outcomes Agree Moderately Highly Agree

(1) (2) (3)
1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics ✓
science engineering fundamentals and mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the
solution of complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identity, formulate, review research ✓
literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching
substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics,
natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for ✓
complex engineering problems and design system components or
processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural,
societal, and environmental considerations
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research- ✓
based knowledge and research methods including design of
experiments, analysis, and interpretation of data, and synthesis of
the information to provide valid conclusions
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate ✓
techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools
including and modeling complex engineering activities with an
understanding of the limitations
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the ✓
contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and
cultural issues, and the consequent responsibilities legal and
cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the
professional engineering practice
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the ✓
professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental
contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for
sustainable development and need for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ✓
ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice
9. Individual and teamwork: Function effectively as an ✓
individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and
individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and
multidisciplinary settings
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex ✓
engineering activities with the engineering community and with
society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write
effective reports and design documentation, and write effective
report and design documentation, make effective presentations,
and give and receive clear instructions
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge ✓
and understanding of the engineering and knowledge and
understanding of the engineering and management principles and
apply these to one’s work, as a member and leader in a team, to
manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for and have the ✓
Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadest
context of technological change.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 48

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine


Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 49

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 50

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 51

Design, Analysis and Prototype of Floating Trash Collecting Machine

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITSOE 52

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