oSIST prEN IEC 60060 1 2023
oSIST prEN IEC 60060 1 2023
oSIST prEN IEC 60060 1 2023
Technique des essais à haute tension - Partie 1: Définitions et exigences générales
17.220.20 Merjenje električnih in Measurement of electrical
magnetnih veličin and magnetic quantities
19.080 Električno in elektronsko Electrical and electronic
preskušanje testing
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
oSIST prEN IEC 60060-1:2023
2023-03-24 2023-06-16
42/403/CD, 42/409/CC
The attention of IEC National Committees, members of
CENELEC, is drawn to the fact that this Committee Draft
for Vote (CDV) is submitted for parallel voting.
The CENELEC members are invited to prEN the
vote through IEC 60060-1:2023
CENELEC online voting system.
This document is still under study and subject to change. It should not be used for reference purposes.
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oSIST prEN IEC 60060-1:2023
1 FOREWORD ................................................................................................................ 5
2 1 Scope ................................................................................................................... 7
3 2 Normative references ........................................................................................... 7
4 3 Terms and definitions ........................................................................................... 7
5 3.1 Definitions related to characteristics of discharges ....................................... 8
6 3.2 Definitions related to characteristics of the test voltage ................................ 8
7 3.3 Definitions related to tolerance and uncertainty ............................................ 9
8 3.4 Definitions related to statistical characteristics of disruptive discharge
9 voltage values .............................................................................................. 9
10 3.5 Definitions related to classification of insulation in test objects................... 11
11 4 General requirements ......................................................................................... 11
12 4.1 General requirements for test procedures .................................................. 11
13 4.2 Arrangement of the test object in dry tests ................................................. 12
14 4.3 Atmospheric corrections in dry tests .......................................................... 12
15 4.3.1 Standard reference atmosphere .......................................................... 12
16 4.3.2 Atmospheric correction factors for air gaps ......................................... 13
17 4.3.3 Application of correction factors .......................................................... 13
18 4.3.4 Correction factor components ............................................................. 14
19 4.3.5 Measurement of atmospheric parameters ........................................... 16
Conflicting requirements for testing internal and external insulation .... 18
Wet tests ................................................................................................... 18
Wet test procedure ............................................................................. 18
Atmospheric corrections for wet tests ................................................. 19
24 4.5 Artificial pollution tests ............................................................................... 20
25 5 oSIST prEN IEC 60060-1:2023
Tests with direct voltage ..................................................................................... 20
26 5.1 Definitions for direct voltage tests .............................................................. 20
27 5.2 Test voltage ............................................................................................... 20
28 5.2.1 Requirements for the test voltage ....................................................... 20
29 5.2.2 Generation of the test voltage ............................................................. 21
30 5.2.3 Measurement of the test voltage ......................................................... 21
31 5.2.4 Measurement of the test current ......................................................... 21
32 5.3 Test procedures ......................................................................................... 22
33 5.3.1 Withstand voltage tests....................................................................... 22
34 5.3.2 Disruptive discharge voltage tests ...................................................... 22
35 5.3.3 Assured disruptive discharge voltage tests ......................................... 22
36 6 Tests with alternating voltage ............................................................................. 22
37 6.1 Definitions for alternating voltage tests ...................................................... 22
38 6.2 Test Voltage .............................................................................................. 23
39 6.2.1 Requirements for the test voltage ....................................................... 23
40 6.2.2 Generation of the test voltage ............................................................. 24
41 6.2.3 Measurement of the test voltage ......................................................... 25
42 6.2.4 Measurement of the test current ......................................................... 25
43 6.3 Test procedures ......................................................................................... 25
44 6.3.1 Withstand voltage tests....................................................................... 25
45 6.3.2 Disruptive-discharge voltage tests ...................................................... 26
46 6.3.3 Assured disruptive-discharge voltage tests ......................................... 26
47 7 Tests with lightning impulse voltage ................................................................... 26
48 7.1 Definitions for lightning impulse voltage tests ............................................. 26
oSIST prEN IEC 60060-1:2023
159 Table 1 – Values of exponents, m for air density correction and w for humidity
160 correction, as a function of the parameter g ............................................................... 16
161 Table 2 – Precipitation conditions for standard procedure .......................................... 19
162 Table A.1– Discharge probabilities in up-and-down testing ........................................ 56
Table E.1 – Altitudes and air pressure of some locations ........................................... 67
Table E.2 – Initial K t and its sensitivity coefficients with respect to U 50 for the example
of the standard phase-to-earth AC test voltage of 395 kV .......................................... 67
Table E.3 – Initial and converged K values for the example of the standard phase-to-
167 earth AC test voltage of 395 kV ................................................................................. 72
oSIST prEN IEC 60060-1:2023
168 https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/60fb6796-48e8-49d7-9088-
oSIST prEN IEC 60060-1:2023
211 International Standard IEC 60060-1 has been prepared by IEC Technical Committee 42: High-
212 voltage and high-current test techniques.
213 This fourth edition of IEC 60060-1 cancels and replaces the third edition, published in 2010,
214 and constitutes a technical revision.
215 The significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition are as follows:
216 a) The general layout and text were updated and improved to make the standard easier to use,
217 particularly the chapters for combined and composite test voltages.
218 b) The positive tolerance of the front time of lightning impulse was extended for U m > 800 kV to
219 100 % (= 2,4 µs)
220 c) For switching impulse voltage, a front time was introduced, similar to lightning impulse
221 voltage and with the new front time the standard switching impulse is defined as 170/2500
222 µs.
223 d) The requirements for precipitations were adjusted depending on U m .
224 e) Annex C “Procedure for manual calculation from graphical waveforms” was incorporated.
oSIST prEN IEC 60060-1:2023
225 f) No examples for software were given in Annex D “Guidance for implementing software for
226 evaluation of lightning impulse voltage parameters”
227 g) Annex about “Background to the introduction of the test voltage factor for evaluation of
228 impulses with overshoot” was deleted.
229 h) A new informative Annex F “New definition of the front time of switching impulse voltage”
230 was incorporated.
233 Full information on the voting for the approval of this document can be found in the report on
234 voting indicated in the above table.
235 This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2
236 A list of all the parts in the IEC 60060 series, under the general title High-voltage and high-
237 current test techniques, can be found on the IEC website.
238 The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until the
239 stability date indicated on the IEC website under "http://webstore.iec.ch" in the data related to
240 this specific publication. At this date, the publication will be:
241 • reconfirmed;
replaced by a revised edition or
244 • amended. oSIST prEN IEC 60060-1:2023
oSIST prEN IEC 60060-1:2023
253 1 Scope
259 This part is applicable to tests on equipment having its highest voltage for equipment U m above
260 1 kV AC and 1,5 kV DC.
261 NOTE 1 Alternative test procedures may be required to obtain reproducible and significant results. The choice of a
262 suitable test procedure is considered by the relevant Technical Committee.
NOTE 2 For voltages U m above 800 kV some specified procedures, tolerances and uncertainties may not be
265 2 (standards.iteh.ai)
Normative references
266 The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For
oSIST prEN IEC 60060-1:2023
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
268 https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/60fb6796-48e8-49d7-9088-
the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
269 IEC 60060-2, High-voltage test techniques – Part 2: Measuring systems
271 IEC 60507, Artificial pollution tests on high-voltage insulators to be used on a.c. systems
272 IEC 61083-1, Instruments and software used for measurements in high-voltage and high-
273 current tests - Part 1: Requirements for instruments for impulse tests
274 IEC 61083-2, Instruments and software used for measurement in high-voltage and high-current
275 tests - Part 2: Requirements for software for tests with impulse voltages and currents
276 IEC 61083-3, Instruments and software used for measurement in high-voltage and high-current
277 tests - Part 3: Requirements for software for tests with impulse voltages and currents
278 IEC 62475, High-current test techniques: Definitions and requirements for test currents and
279 measuring systems
281 For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
oSIST prEN IEC 60060-1:2023
283 3.1.1
284 disruptive discharge
285 phenomenon associated with the failure of insulation under electrical stress which includes a collapse
286 of voltage and the passage of current
287 Note 1 to entry: The term applies to electric breakdown in solid, liquid and gaseous dielectrics and combination of
288 these.
289 Note 2 to entry: A disruptive discharge in a solid dielectric produces permanent loss of dielectric strength; in a liquid
290 or gaseous dielectric the loss of dielectric strength can be temporary.
292 3.1.2
293 sparkover
294 disruptive discharge in a gaseous or liquid insulating material
296 3.1.3
297 flashover
298 electric breakdown between conductors in a gas or a liquid or in vacuum, at least partly along
299 the surface of solid insulation
300 [IEV 212-11-47]
301 3.1.4
302 puncture
303 disruptive discharge occurringoSIST prEN
through a IEC
insulation material, producing a path of
304 https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/60fb6796-48e8-49d7-9088-
permanent damage
305 Note 1 to entry: The term puncture is also used as a synonym for electric breakdown in solids.
307 3.1.5
308 disruptive discharge voltage value
309 value of the test voltage causing disruptive discharge, as specified, for the various tests, in the
310 relevant clauses of the present document
311 3.1.6
312 non-disruptive discharge
313 discharge between intermediate electrodes or conductors where the test voltage does not
314 collapse to zero
315 Note 1 to entry: Such an event is not considered as a disruptive discharge unless so specified by the relevant
316 Technical Committee.
317 Note 2 to entry: Some non-disruptive discharges are termed “partial discharges” and are dealt with in IEC 60270.
319 3.2.1
320 prospective characteristics
321 characteristics which would have been obtained if no disruptive discharge had occurred and
322 when a prospective characteristic is used and this shall always be stated
oSIST prEN IEC 60060-1:2023
323 3.2.2
324 actual characteristics
325 those characteristics which occur during the test at the terminals of the test object
326 3.2.3
327 value of the test voltage
328 as defined in the relevant clauses of this document
329 3.2.4
330 withstand voltage
331 specified prospective voltage value which characterizes the insulation of the object with regard
332 to a withstand test
333 Note 1 to entry: Unless otherwise specified, withstand voltages are referred to standard reference atmospheric
334 conditions (see Clause 4.3.1) which applies to external insulation only.
335 3.2.5
336 assured disruptive discharge voltage
337 specified prospective voltage value which characterizes its performance with regard to a
338 disruptive discharge test
339 3.2.6
340 voltage dip
341 a sudden reduction of the voltage at a point in an electrical system followed by voltage recovery
after a short period of time from a few cycles to a few seconds
348 Note 1 to entry: This difference has to be distinguished from the uncertainty of a measurement.
349 Note 2 to entry: A pass/fail decision is based on the measured value, without consideration of the measurement
350 uncertainty.
351 3.3.2
352 uncertainty (of measurement)
353 parameter, associated with the result of a measurement, that characterizes the dispersion of
354 the values that could be reasonably attributed to the measurand
356 Note 1 to entry: In this document, all uncertainty values are specified at a level of confidence of 95 %.
358 Note 3 to entry: It is not be confused with the tolerance of a test-specified value or parameter.
361 3.4.1
362 disruptive discharge probability
363 p
364 probability that an application of a certain prospective voltage value of a given shape will cause
365 disruptive discharge on the test object
oSIST prEN IEC 60060-1:2023
367 3.4.2
368 withstand probability
369 q
370 probability that an application of a certain prospective voltage value of a given shape does not
371 cause a disruptive discharge on the test object
372 Note 1 to entry: If the disruptive discharge probability is p, the withstand probability q is (1 – p).
373 3.4.3
374 p % disruptive discharge voltage
375 Up
376 prospective voltage value which has p % probability of producing a disruptive discharge on the
377 test object
378 Note 1 to entry: Mathematically the p % disruptive discharge voltage is the quantile of the order p (or p quantile) of
379 the breakdown voltage.
380 Note 2 to entry: U 10 is called the “statistical withstand voltage” and U 90 is called the “statistical assured disruptive
381 discharge voltage”.
382 3.4.4
383 50 % disruptive discharge voltage
384 U 50
386 the test object
prospective voltage value which has a 50 % probability of producing a disruptive discharge on
387 3.4.5
388 arithmetic mean value of the disruptive discharge voltage
389 Ua oSIST prEN IEC 60060-1:2023
U a = 1n ∑ U i b4195bd7d19f/osist-pren-iec-60060-1-2023
390 i =1 (1)
391 where
395 3.4.6
396 standard deviation of the disruptive voltage
397 s
398 a measure of the dispersion of the disruptive discharge voltage estimated by
1 n
∑ (U i − U a )
n − 1 i =1 (2)
400 where
404 Note 1 to entry: It can also be evaluated by the difference between the 50 % and 16 % disruptive discharge voltages
405 (or between the 84 % and 50 % disruptive discharge voltages). It is often expressed in per unit or percentage value
406 referred to the 50 % disruptive discharge voltage.
407 Note 2 to entry: For successive disruptive discharge tests the standard deviation s is defined by the formula. For
408 multiple level and up-and-down tests, it is defined by the difference of the quantiles. The methods are equivalent
409 because, between p = 16 % and p = 84 % all distribution functions are nearly identical.
411 3.5.1
412 external insulation
413 air insulation and the exposed surfaces of solid insulation of the equipment, which are subject
414 both to dielectric stresses and to the direct effects of atmospheric and other environmental
415 conditions
416 Note 1 to entry: Examples of environmental conditions are pollution and humidity.
417 3.5.2
418 internal insulation
419 internal solid, liquid or gaseous elements of the insulation of equipment protected from the
420 direct effects of external conditions such as pollution and humidity
421 3.5.3
422 self-restoring insulation
423 insulation which completely recovers its insulating properties within a short time interval after a
disruptive discharge
431 Note 1 to entry: In test objects, parts of both self-restoring and non-self-restoring insulation are always operating in
432 combination and some parts may be degraded by repeated or continued voltage applications. The behaviour of the
433 insulation in this respect should is taken into account by the relevant Technical Committee when specifying the test
434 procedures to be applied.
437 The test procedures applicable to particular types of test objects, for example, the test voltage,
438 the polarity to be used, the preferred order if both polarities are to be used, the number of
439 applications and the interval between applications shall be specified by the relevant Technical
440 Committee, having regard to such factors as:
445 At the time of a test, the test object shall be complete in all essential details, and it should have
446 been processed in the normal manner for similar test objects.
oSIST prEN IEC 60060-1:2023
447 At the time of a test, the test object should have become acclimatised as much as practicable
448 to the ambient atmospheric conditions of the test area. The period allocated to reach equilibrium
449 should be recorded.
451 The disruptive discharge characteristics of a test object with external insulation may be affected
452 by its general arrangement (for example, proximity effects such as distance in air from other
453 live or earthed structures, height above ground level and the arrangement of its high-voltage
454 lead). The general arrangement should be specified by the relevant Technical Committee.
455 NOTE 1 A clearance to extraneous structures not less than 1,5 times the length of the shortest possible discharge
456 path on the test object usually makes such proximity effects negligible. In wet or pollution tests, or wherever the
457 voltage distribution along the test object and the electric field around its energized electrode are sufficiently
458 independent of external influences, smaller clearances may be acceptable, provided that discharges do not occur to
459 extraneous structures.
460 NOTE 2 In the case of AC or positive switching impulse voltage tests above 750 kV (peak) the influence of an
461 extraneous structure may be considered as negligible if its distance from the energized electrode is also not less
462 than the height of this electrode above the ground plane. A guide for recommended minimum clearance is given in
463 Figure 1, as a function of the highest test voltage. Significant shorter clearances may be suitable in individual cases.
464 However, an experimental adaptation or an electric field calculation, taking into account voltage dependent maximum
465 field strength as described in the literature, is recommended.
D (m)
oSIST prEN IEC 60060-1:2023
5 b4195bd7d19f/osist-pren-iec-60060-1-2023
750 1 000 1 250 1 500 1 750 2 000
U peak (kV) IEC 2204/10
467 Figure 1 – Recommended minimum clearance D of extraneous live or earthed objects to
468 the energized electrode of a test object, during an AC or positive switching impulse test
469 at the maximum voltage U applied during test
470 If not otherwise specified by the relevant Technical Committee, the test should be made at
471 ambient atmospheric conditions in the test area without extraneous precipitation or pollution.
472 The procedure for voltage application shall be as specified in the relevant clauses of this
473 document.
480 NOTE 1 An absolute pressure of 1 013 hPa corresponds to the height of 760 mm of the mercury column in a mercury
481 barometer at 0 °C. If the barometer height is H mm of mercury, the atmospheric pressure in hectopascal is
482 approximately