Geopetroleum Notes (Midterm)
Geopetroleum Notes (Midterm)
Geopetroleum Notes (Midterm)
Stratigraphy & biostratigraphy Provides better stratigraphic resolution than macrofossils
General properties of reservoir rock: thick sandstone or limestone (to trap more oil), high porosity
(connected pores)
General properties of cap rock: impermeable, high clay content, shale or mudstone
Chapter 3: Properties of Petroleum (Gas)
- Hydrocarbon gases
o Paraffin series (alkane) – methane, ethane, butane, propane, pentane
o Methane
Most abundant
Flammable gas
First member of paraffin series
Chemically non-reactive
Sparingly soluble in water
Lighter than air
o Formation of methane
1. Derived from mantle
2. Formed from thermal maturation of buried organic matter
3. Formed by bacterial degradation of organic matter at shallow depths at normal T&P
o Heavier members of the paraffin series do not form biogenically only by the
thermal maturation of organic matter
o Often indicates proximity to a significant petroleum accumulation or source rock if
presence recorded by a gas detector during the drilling of a well
- Non-hydrocarbon gases
o Inert gases – helium, argon, radon, nitrogen
o Hydrogen
o Carbon dioxide
o Hydrogen sulfide
- Gas hydrates
o Compounds from frozen water that contains gas molecules clathrates
o Two types of unit structures:
1. Small structure
May contain methane, ethane, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide
2. Large structure
Can hold larger HC molecules of pentanes and n-butanes
o Stable at high P & low T
o Occur in arctic sediments & deep oceanic deposits
Crude oil
- Mixture of HC
- Existed as liquid in natural underground reservoirs
- Remains liquid at atmospheric pressure after passing through surface separating facilities
- Viscosity of oil: surface > warm subsurface reservoir
- Quality of crude oil can be determined using the formula below (API gravity):
API= −131.5
Specific gravity °F
℉=specific gravity of oil at 60 ℉ compared withthat of water at 60℉
- Mainly carbon and hydrogen with traces of vanadium, nickel & other elements
- Two major groups of compounds
o Hydrocarbons – paraffins, naphthene, aromatics
o Heterocompounds
- Paraffins
o Alkanes, saturated HC, General formula: C nH2n+2
o n < 5 = gaseous = methane, ethane, propane, butane
o n = 5 (pentane) to n = 15 (pentadecane) = liquid
o n > 15 = viscous liquids to solid waxes
o Two types:
1. One series consists of straight-chain molecules (A)
2. Branched-chain molecules (B)
- Naphthene (aliphatic/cycloalkane)
o General formula: CnH2n
o Consisting of cyclopentanes & cyclohexanes
o Liquid phase
o ~ 40% of both light and heavy crude oil
- Aromatics
o A ring of six carbon, enclosed bond, with double bonds between alternating carbon
o General formula: CnH2n+2
o Another series formed by straight- or branched-chained carbon rings
o Includes asphaltic compounds
o Liquid at normal T & P
o 10% in light oils, up to 30 % in heavy oils
o Common component in crude oil: toluene, xylene, benzene
- Heterocompounds
o Elements other than H & C
o Example: O, N, S, rare metal atoms (Ni, V)
o S occurs in young, shallow oils
o Ni & V present not as contaminant but in porphyrin molecules
o Metals rare in old & deep marine oils, abundant in shallow, young or degraded
Two categories:
Gas chromatography
Iron carbide in mantle
Iron carbide react with percolating water to
from methane and other oil HC
Exhalation of gaseous HC from volcanoes
Commonly associated with igneous rocks &
areas of deep crustal disturbance and faulting
3 genetic types of igneous HC (inorganic)
- Gas chromatography – determine types of organism & depositional environment that forms
- Major groups of organic matter: lignin, carbohydrates, lipid, proteins
- Amount of organic matter buried in sediments related to ratio of organic productivity and
- Deposition of an organic-rich sediment is favored by high rate of production of OM & high
preservation potential