Geopetroleum Notes (Midterm)

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Chapter 2: Basic Concept of Petroleum Geology

Basic geology required in petroleum geology

Predicts location of facies in sedimentary basins

Sedimentology Presence of source, reservoir and cap rocks

Stratigraphy & biostratigraphy Provides better stratigraphic resolution than macrofossils

Determines porosity & permeability of sandstone & limestone

Diagenesis reservoirs
Chemical processes controlling mineral reactions

Studies the organic matter in sediments

Organic geochemistry Transformation of organic matter into hydrocarbon

Formation of geological structures - subsidence, folding and uplift

Structural & historical geology Dynamic history of basin
Timing of folding & faulting- migration of HC

Mapping sedimentary facies, stratigraphy & stratigraphic

Geophysics sequence
Geophysical well-logging for rock property studies

Conditions for commercial oil accumulation to occur

1. Presence of organic-rich source rock to generate oil &/or gas

2. Sufficiently heated source rock
3. Presence of reservoirs containing expelled HC  porosity & permeability for fluid flow
4. Impermeable cap rock to seal reservoir
5. Source, reservoir and seal arranged in such way to trap petroleum
6. Favorable sequence of the timing of trap formation, petroleum generation & accumulation.
7. Accumulation must be preserved or protected from breaching, flushing, aerobic bacteria,
thermal degradation, etc. until exploration

General properties of reservoir rock: thick sandstone or limestone (to trap more oil), high porosity
(connected pores)

General properties of cap rock: impermeable, high clay content, shale or mudstone
Chapter 3: Properties of Petroleum (Gas)


- Petroleum – naturally occurring complex mixture of HC  solid, liquid, gas depending on

- Liquid HC – oil, crude oil, crude
- Plastic HC – asphalt
- Solid HC – coal, kerogen
- Gas hydrates – methane, other gases

Natural gases – organic & inorganic origin

- Hydrocarbon gases
o Paraffin series (alkane) – methane, ethane, butane, propane, pentane
o Methane
 Most abundant
 Colorless
 Flammable gas
 First member of paraffin series
 Chemically non-reactive
 Sparingly soluble in water
 Lighter than air
o Formation of methane
1. Derived from mantle
2. Formed from thermal maturation of buried organic matter
3. Formed by bacterial degradation of organic matter at shallow depths at normal T&P
o Heavier members of the paraffin series do not form biogenically  only by the
thermal maturation of organic matter
o Often indicates proximity to a significant petroleum accumulation or source rock if
presence recorded by a gas detector during the drilling of a well
- Non-hydrocarbon gases
o Inert gases – helium, argon, radon, nitrogen
o Hydrogen
o Carbon dioxide
o Hydrogen sulfide
- Gas hydrates
o Compounds from frozen water that contains gas molecules  clathrates
o Two types of unit structures:
1. Small structure
 May contain methane, ethane, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide
2. Large structure
 Can hold larger HC molecules of pentanes and n-butanes
o Stable at high P & low T
o Occur in arctic sediments & deep oceanic deposits

Chapter 4: Properties of Petroleum (Crude Oil)

Crude oil

- Mixture of HC
- Existed as liquid in natural underground reservoirs
- Remains liquid at atmospheric pressure after passing through surface separating facilities
- Viscosity of oil: surface > warm subsurface reservoir
- Quality of crude oil can be determined using the formula below (API gravity):
API= −131.5
Specific gravity °F
℉=specific gravity of oil at 60 ℉ compared withthat of water at 60℉

- Lower API, more Sulphur content than light crudes

- API degrees inversely proportional to density
o Light oils  > 40 degrees
o Heavy oils  < 10 degrees
o Heavy oils  oil denser than water
o Oil viscosity inversely proportional to API gravity

Chemistry of crude oil

- Mainly carbon and hydrogen with traces of vanadium, nickel & other elements
- Two major groups of compounds
o Hydrocarbons – paraffins, naphthene, aromatics
o Heterocompounds
- Paraffins
o Alkanes, saturated HC, General formula: C nH2n+2
o n < 5 = gaseous = methane, ethane, propane, butane
o n = 5 (pentane) to n = 15 (pentadecane) = liquid
o n > 15 = viscous liquids to solid waxes
o Two types:
1. One series consists of straight-chain molecules (A)
2. Branched-chain molecules (B)
- Naphthene (aliphatic/cycloalkane)
o General formula: CnH2n
o Consisting of cyclopentanes & cyclohexanes
o Liquid phase
o ~ 40% of both light and heavy crude oil
- Aromatics
o A ring of six carbon, enclosed bond, with double bonds between alternating carbon
o General formula: CnH2n+2
o Another series formed by straight- or branched-chained carbon rings
o Includes asphaltic compounds
o Liquid at normal T & P
o 10% in light oils, up to 30 % in heavy oils
o Common component in crude oil: toluene, xylene, benzene

- Heterocompounds
o Elements other than H & C
o Example: O, N, S, rare metal atoms (Ni, V)
o S occurs in young, shallow oils
o Ni & V present not as contaminant but in porphyrin molecules
o Metals rare in old & deep marine oils, abundant in shallow, young or degraded

Chemical composition of crude oil

- Can be separated into useful products through distillation (fractional)

- Different petroleum products have different boiling points
- E.g.: naphtha, gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene, liquefied petroleum
gas, etc.)
- Typical oil: more aromatics & asphaltics in residuum; more paraffins in gasoline fraction
- Distillation process of crude oil
o Crude oil heated at very high T until petroleum is converted into gas phase 
contains various HC
o HC gases rise in distillation tower until they reach their unique condensing T
o Vapor distilled from one of the chambers rises to the chamber above
o Vapor phases through condensed liquid of the overlying chamber
o Each overlying chamber condenses smaller and lighter molecules
o Top of distillation tower  light gasoline
Base  residuum
o Products are taken out at various levels in the distillation tower

Two categories:

a. Proposed by chemical engineers interested in refining crude oil

o Concerned with the quantities of the various HC present in a crude oil and their
physical properties (viscosity & boiling point)
o Related to molecular structures of oil  key to source and geological history
o n.d.M scheme  based on r = refractive index, d = density & M = molecular weight)
o Tissot & Welte (1987): ratio between paraffins, naphthenes and aromatics, including
asphaltic compounds
o Advantage: can also be used to demonstrate the maturation and degradation paths
of oil in the subsurface
o Classification of crude oil:
1. Low shrinkage oil – high % of fluid (> 80%) and little gas after production &
separation at normal T & P
2. High shrinkage oil – smaller % of fluid (< 70%) and large amount of gas after
production & separation at normal T & P
3. Condensate – gas which turns into liquid with P reduction; has low density (~ 40 – 60
4. Dry gas – does not form liquid at normal T  methane & other molecules with low
carbon numbers (< 6)
5. Wet gas – methane gas associated with significant number of alkanes with high
carbon numbers; gaseous in reservoir, liquid after processing at normal T & P
6. Undersaturated crude – oil containing less gas than potentially soluble at reservoir T
7. Saturated crude – oil containing as much gas can be dissolved at reservoir T & P
b. Devised by geologists and geochemists as an aid to understand the source, maturation,
history or other geological parameters of crude oil occurrence
o Based more on geological occurrences (Biderman, 1965)
o Empirical classification – based on arbitrarily defined depth and age:
1. Mesozoic and Cenozoic oil at < 600 m  premature
2. Mesozoic and Cenozoic oil at > 3000 m  mature
3. Paleozoic oil at < 600 m  mature
4. Paleozoic oil at > 3000 m  over-mature
o Four classes of oil:
1. Young – shallow
2. Young – deep
3. Old – shallow
4. Old – deep

Gas chromatography

- Determines petroleum composition & structure

Good quality crude oil – low viscosity, high paraffin %, low aromatics %
Chapter 5: Origin of Petroleum

Iron carbide in mantle
Iron carbide react with percolating water to
from methane and other oil HC
Exhalation of gaseous HC from volcanoes
Commonly associated with igneous rocks &
areas of deep crustal disturbance and faulting

3 genetic types of igneous HC (inorganic)

Types Origin Occurences

HC occurring within - Alkaline intrusive penetrating - Precambrian basement
- vesicles a series of volcanic & rocks in Karelia & Kola
- microscopic volcanoclastic sediments Peninsula of Northern
inclusions - Abiogenic HC derived from Russia
as irregular mantle - Gaseous & liquid HC
disseminated masses - Biogenic methane: C12- occur within inclusions
enriched in nepheline crystals
- Abiogenic methane: C13- - 90% nepheline syenite
enriched - 85 – 90% methane
Or - Traces of ethane,
- Metamorphism of late propane, n-butane,
Precambrian organic-rich isobutane, hydrogen &
sediments carbon dioxide
- Contamination of magma 
intruded Phanerozoic organic

HC trapped where - When organic shales intruded - Carboniferous oil shales

igneous rocks intrude by igneous material of the Midland Valley of
sediments - Hydrothermally altered basic Scotland
intrusions - Commercial
- Formed at margin of igneous accumulation in
intrusive  genetically Jatibonico field of
equivocal Jatibonico, Cuba & in the
- Oil either genetically related interior coastal plain of
to magma Texas  oil field lacks
Or water, very high initial
- Formed by thermal production rates due to
metamorphism of kerogen in oil or gas expansion
intruded sediments drive, but depletes
Or rapidly
- Geochemical fingerprinting 
correlated with petroleum
extracted from kerogen in
adjacent sediments

HC in weathered - Commercially significant - Offshore Vietnam

igneous basement - In fractures & solution pores - Augila-Nafoora fields of
trapped beneath within igneous and Libya
unconformities metamorphic rocks beneath - Northern China
unconformities (Guangming &
- Porosity formed due to Quanheng)
- Basement rocks overlain and
onlapped by sediments that
contains organic-rich clays
- Geochemical fingerprinting 
correlated with petroleum
extracted from kerogen in
adjacent sediments

Theory of petroleum genesis

Based on geological facts:

1. Major accumulations of HC characteristically occur in sedimentary rocks

2. Numerous examples of HC accumulations in sandstone and limestone reservoirs are totally
enclosed above, below and laterally by impermeable rocks
3. Other geological occurrences to consider:
a. Commercial accumulation found in basement rocks
b. Commercial accumulation in basement is always in lateral fluid continuity with
sedimentary rocks
c. Traces of hydrocarbons occur in stony chondritic meteorites

Based on chemical facts

1. Crude oil differs from shallow HC

a. Shows a preference for even-numbered carbon chains modern HC often occur in
odd-numbered chains
b. Contains > 50% light HC  rare or absent in modern HC
2. Crude oil shows the following affinities with modern organic hydrocarbons:
a. Young oils show levorotation  only occur in biosynthetically produced HC
b. Young oils contain certain complex molecules that occur in modern organic matter
or as a product of their degradation (e.g.: porphyrins, steroids)
c. Biomarkers can be used to ‘fingerprint’ the origin of petroleum  depositional
3. Correlation between source rock & reservoir oil can be done by fingerprinting using gas
Modern organic processes on Earth’s surface

- Key reaction: conversion of inorganic carbon into HC by photosynthesis

6 CO2 + 12 H2O  C6H12O6 + 6 H2O + 6O2

- Gas chromatography – determine types of organism & depositional environment that forms
- Major groups of organic matter: lignin, carbohydrates, lipid, proteins

Productivity and preservation of organic matter

- Amount of organic matter buried in sediments  related to ratio of organic productivity and
- Deposition of an organic-rich sediment is favored by high rate of production of OM & high
preservation potential

Organic productivity and processes in seas and oceans

- OM formed from photosynthesis

- Organic productivity is highest in shallow photic zone, decreases rapidly with increasing
water depth & decreasing light & temperature
- Chemical conditions: abundance of phosphates & nitrates  essential for growth of plants &
- Oxygenation  food chain; phytoplankton increases oxygen conc. In the sea
- Total organic carbon (TOC)  increases when sedimentation rate is slow
- Slow sedimentation rates  OM oxidized on or near seabed
- Rapid deposition dilutes organic content of sediment
- Presence of stratification within the waters from which sedimentation occurs favors
- Four major settings for the formation of organic-rich sediments in anoxic environments:
1. Freshwater lake (A)
 Thermally induced stratification of water develops
 Warm water near the surface
 Cooler, denser water deeper down
 Life thrive in upper zone  phytoplankton photosynthesizing & oxygenating the
photic zone
 Oxygen will not be replenished in deeper zone once used up since
photosynthesis does not occur
 Sporadic storms – stipulate water circulation & cause mass extinction 
asphyxiation of life throughout the lake  produce large amount of organic
detritus deposited in lake bed

2. Anoxic environment in barred basins

 Seawater enters semi-restricted lagoons, gulfs & seas
 Arid climates – evaporation causes water level to drop & salinity to
increase  less dense water from open sea enters across the bar &
floats on the denser indigenous water
 Sand bar prevents the escape of denser water to the sea
 Water stratification occurs (such that in freshwater lakes, but layering
caused by density diff.)
 Anoxic bottom developed, OM preserved

3. Western sides of continents in low altitudes

 Upwelling of waters rich in nutrients (phosphates) increases productivity
 Seawater is commonly oxygen-deficient between 200 to 1500 m
 Global temp. rise  sea level rise  deposition of organic-rich sediments 
anoxic zone rises to extend across the continental shelves
 Source rock commonly blankets an unconformity & occurs during high stand
phase of the sequence stratigraphic cycle

4. Anoxic ocean basin

 No Recent instance
 Cold polar waters flow beneath warmer low-latitude waters  deep ocean
circulation  may not have existed in past periods (Earth has equable climate)
 Global anoxic events  deposition of organic-rich sediment
 Extensive Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous black shales  around Atlantic
 85 % of world’s oil was sourced from Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous
formations  supports the hypothesis

* % of organic carbon increases when sea level increases

Organic productivity and preservation in continental environments

- OP of polar regions is low

- OP increases with sufficient humidity & increasing daylight & temp.  toward Equator
- Can only be preserved in swamps
- Rate of production vs decay of organic matter increases from polar temperatures up to
about 25˚C  OP & preservation potential decline after 25˚C
- Rate of decay is more significant than rate of formation

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