Childcare Monthly - Newsletter - SAMPLE

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We are so proud to announce that we had been recently

assessed over the past couple months and we have received
high ratings across each quality area! I am immensely proud of
each educator on the team for their dedication and hard work
and without them the centre would not be able to run as
effective as it does. Each educator collaborates and works within
the team which what I believe creates a positive environment for Matthew enjoys taking
the entire centre. A big thank you to my educators and you
parents. For your constant involvement within the centre, for
your feedback and your suggestions. Each family has
contributed to our service and I really appreciate it! Thanks!

- Please remember to bring in

a spare change of clothes in Outside gardening with
- 4 November - Carnevale (Italian
your child's bag, labelled. families!
- A fitted bedsheet is needed
--11 November - Remembrance
for all toddlers and
preschoolers, labelled.
--16 November - International
- During the cooler days please
Day Of Tolerance.
layer clothing or add a warm
jacket in the child's bag. Playground time at the
This month in the Nursery we have been exploring animals. The
children have had fun exploring different types of animals, what they
look like and the sounds each one of them make and the foods they
eat. The children have also created animal craft for our zoo display. In
home corner we have set up a vet with the doctors set and soft
animal toys that the children can interact with during the day.

Fine motor activities has been a focus this month, which enables the
toddler children to strengthen their fingers and hand muscles in
order to prepare them for writing in the future. The children have
been involved in play dough experiences using a variety of tools,
constructing with nuts and bolts and screwdrivers, and building with
these as well. These all help in developing the fine motor skills.

Our Preschoolers are getting ready to start school next year with the
School Readiness program starting. The School Readiness program
enables us to prepare the children for school by providing them with
role plays, experiences, discussions on what will happen at school
next year. We will also have lunch box days, school canteen set up
and well as many other activity to promote Kindergarten!
Sally Powers- Sally has been with us for the past 2 years and
has recently obtained her Diploma Qualification. From
working as an Assistant in the Nursery room to now being
the Room Leader, Sally goes above and beyond to make
sure that each baby follows their own individual routine and
enjoys engaging the older ones with play and learning.

Pumpkin Soup - Heat stock, salt, pumpkin, onion, thyme,

garlic, and peppercorns. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low,
and simmer for 30 minutes uncovered. Puree the soup in
small batches (1 cup at a time) using a food processor or
blender. Return to pan, and bring to a boil again. Reduce
heat to low, and simmer for another 30 minutes, uncovered.
Stir in heavy cream. Add parsley to garnish.

A very happy birthday to the following children:

Turning 2 - Rose Smith

Turning 4 - Maddie Phoenix

Garden Wall

We have been lucky enough for some of our grandparents

to come in and create a garden wall for the children. The
children brought in old gum boots to plant the seeds and
each morning children are selected to water them. They are
growing well and are beautiful to look at! Thank you!

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