Lesson Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

Department of Education
Lucinda Campus

Detailed Lesson Plan in

Science IV
Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher

Approved by:


Principal II

Noted by:


I. Objectives

a. Identify the Life Cycle of the Butterfly.

b. Appreciate the usefulness of animals/insects to other livings in the


c. Enumerate the stages in the Life Cycle of the Butterfly.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Life Cycle of the Butterfly

Reference: Science Watch 4 by Marietta M. De Leon, Ph.D. pg. 92-94.

Science 4 Teacher’s Guide, pg. 159-165.

Science and Health IV Teacher’s Guide by Jessie A.

Villegas, pg. 35-36.

Materials: Power Point Presentation, Videos, Pictures, Tarpapel.

III. Procedure
Pupil’s Activity
Teacher’s Activity

A. Preparation




Passing of Assignment

B. Review

We will have an activity regarding

to our topic last meeting which is the Life

Cycle of a Frog.

Go to the board and paste one picture in the Life

Cycle Chart.

Paste the picture in the correct order on (First student stand and paste one picture on the
the life cycle chart and label them.
Another please go to the board.
(Second student stand and paste one picture on the
Next please stand.
(Third student stand and paste one picture on the

(Fourth student stand and paste one picture on the

The third picture, is this the tadpole with legs?

Yes, it is a tadpole with legs

The fourth picture, is this the young frog?

Yes, fourth picture is the young frog in frog’s life

Excellent! cycle.

The last picture is the Adult Frog. Where does the

adult frog lives?

Excellent! Give yourself a good job clap.

The adult frogs live on the land.
Did you understand the Life cycle of a Frog?

Yes teacher!
C. Motivation

Today we will proceed to our next topic. But before Butterfly Cycle
that let’s sing a song (to the tune of Row, Row,
(to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat”)
Row Your Boat”) eggs,
Hatch, hatch little

I am so very small

Teeny tiny caterpillar,

You can’t see me at all.

Crawl, , ,crawl,

Munching on a leaf,

Crawling, munching, crawling, munching,

Eat and eat and eat.

Form, form,
chrysalis ,
I’m a different shape,

Hanging by a silken thread,

Until I can escape.

Rest, rest, chrysalis,

While I change inside;

Now at last my time has come,

To be a .

Stretch, stretch, pretty wings,

It’s a special day;

Soon they will be strong enough,

For me to fly away.

Awesome! Give yourself a “Cheese Grater Cheer”.

Fly, fly, butterfly,
Do you have any idea what will be our topic for
today? Fly from flower to tree;

Find a place to lay my eggs,

So they can grow like me.

Our topic for today is the Life Cycle of a

D. Presentation

The butterfly is an insect that goes through a

“Complete Metamorphosis” just like the frog.

It has four stages. Do you have any idea what is

the first stage in the Life Cycle of a Butterfly?

In this stage, a female butterfly lays its eggs on or

near plants. These plants will serve as a food
source when the larva hatches. Butterfly eggs can
hatch a few days, a few weeks, or may require

Let us watch a video in connection on the next

stage of the life cycle of a butterfly.

What stage in the life cycle of a butterfly seen in

the video?

The stage of the butterfly seen in the video is the

Caterpillar Stage.
Will you describe its physical appearance?

The picture is a Caterpillar. It is a worm like

shape, it has lines all over her body.

Very good! Great description!

The second stage is the Larval Stage or the

Caterpillar. Most caterpillars have cylindrical lines
in their bodies consisting of multiple segments,
with three pairs of true legs.
When we say segments meaning as if their body is

The head has six small eyes on its side that function
in light detection but not in image formation. Its
special features are long body shape and fleshy
horns. The caterpillar is the feeding and growing
stage. Most caterpillars molt four or five times
before, they are fully-grown.

Do you have any idea what is molting? Anyone

from the class?

To further understand this process I have here a

video clip of a caterpillar molting.

What is molting based on the video?

Molting it is the shedding of skin to make way for

new growth.

The caterpillar attaches itself to a twig and forms a

hard outer shell. It forms a covering around itself.
The caterpillar’s skin begins harden into a
chrysalis. The chrysalis is very hard and many
changes take place inside.

This third stage called Pupae Stage.

Let us watch another video of a caterpillar changing

into a Pupa.

Did you understand Pupae Stage?

Can you describe what is a chrysalis?

Yes, Teacher!

Chrysalis is a hard-shelled pupa of a butterfly.

Lastly, I have here a picture, do you know what
stage of the butterfly is this?

Excellent! The last stage in the life cycle of a butterfly is the

Adult Stage.
Finally, when spring arrives the sun warms the
chrysalis and the butterfly breaks out. Adult
butterfly lives only a short term. They cannot eat,
they only drink through their straw-like spiral
proboscis. They will fly, mate, and reproduce.

What can you say/observe about this pictures?

Butterflies are useful to our environment. In

addition butterflies makes the world little more
colourful. Their vivid wing coloration are
fluttering flight path lend a special touch of beauty
to nature. However, butterflies do more than just
paint a pretty picture. They help flowers to
pollinate, eat plenty of weedy plants and provide a
food source for the animals.
Butterflies sips nectar from the flowers.
Did you know that the stages of our life is similar
to the Life Cycle of a Butterfly. It has also four

What is the first stage in the life cycle of a


The second stage in the life cycle of a human?

The third stage in the life cycle of a human is?

The fourth stage in the life cycle of a human is?

The first stage in the life cycle of a human is
The butterfly develops through four main stages:
egg, caterpillar, pupa, and adult butterfly. For
humans they develops through main stages: baby, The second stage in the life cycle of a human is
child, teenager and adult. toddler.

The third stage in the life cycle of a human is


The fourth stage in the life cycle of a human is

Let us watch now a full video of the Life Cycle of
a Butterfly, but before that, I have here some
guide questions for you to answer later on after
are the stages of your life similar to the stages of a butterfly?

Mo tive / G uid e Q ue stio n s:

1. Ho w d o e s a b utte rfly b e g in
its life ?

2. Wh a t is th e o th e r n a m e fo r
a c a te rp illa r?

3. Wh a t e m e rg e s fro m th e
c h rysa lis?

4. Ho w m a n y sta g e s a re
th e re in th e life c yc le o f a
b utte rfly?

5. Wh a t a re th e se sta g e s?
E. Generalization

Did you understand our lesson for today?

Let us see if you truly understand our lesson.

Yes Teacher.

What are the four stages in Life Cycle of a

Butterfly? Will you give the first stage?

How about the second stage?

The first stages is the Egg.

The third stage of the butterfly?
The second stage is the Larva.

The last stage of the butterfly?

The third stage is the Pupae

The last stage is the Adult.

Excellent! Give your classmate a “Cheese Grater
IV. Evaluation

Read each question and choose the best answer.

1. What is the correct order of the butterfly’s life cycle?

a. Egg, caterpillar, pupa, butterfly
b. Egg, pupa, butterfly, caterpillar
c. Pupa , egg, caterpillar, butterfly
2. What type of animal sheds its skin like a caterpillar?
a. Elephant
b. Cat
c. Snake
3. What does a caterpillar eat?
a. Sausages
b. Leaves
c. Bugs
4. What does a butterfly eat?
a. Flowers
b. Crumbs
c. Nectar

V. Assignment

Answer the following questions

1. Are butterflies part of our environment? As a child, what can you do to protect them?
2. How are butterflies beneficial to our environment?
3. How are the stages of your life similar to the stages of butterflies?
F. Application

We will have an individual activity !

Materials :




Dire c tio n :

C ut a n d Pa ste th e Life C yc le
o f a Butte rfly in to th e c o rre c t
o rd e r.

Write a fe w se n te n c e s a b o ut
th e life C yc le o f a Butte rfly.

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