Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Student Teacher
Checked by:
Cooperating Teacher
Approved by:
Principal II
Noted by:
I. Objectives
III. Procedure
Pupil’s Activity
Teacher’s Activity
A. Preparation
Passing of Assignment
B. Review
Cycle of a Frog.
Paste the picture in the correct order on (First student stand and paste one picture on the
the life cycle chart and label them.
Another please go to the board.
(Second student stand and paste one picture on the
Next please stand.
(Third student stand and paste one picture on the
Yes teacher!
C. Motivation
Today we will proceed to our next topic. But before Butterfly Cycle
that let’s sing a song (to the tune of Row, Row,
(to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat”)
Row Your Boat”) eggs,
Hatch, hatch little
I am so very small
Crawl, , ,crawl,
Munching on a leaf,
Form, form,
chrysalis ,
I’m a different shape,
To be a .
D. Presentation
The head has six small eyes on its side that function
in light detection but not in image formation. Its
special features are long body shape and fleshy
horns. The caterpillar is the feeding and growing
stage. Most caterpillars molt four or five times
before, they are fully-grown.
1. Ho w d o e s a b utte rfly b e g in
its life ?
2. Wh a t is th e o th e r n a m e fo r
a c a te rp illa r?
3. Wh a t e m e rg e s fro m th e
c h rysa lis?
4. Ho w m a n y sta g e s a re
th e re in th e life c yc le o f a
b utte rfly?
5. Wh a t a re th e se sta g e s?
E. Generalization
V. Assignment
1. Are butterflies part of our environment? As a child, what can you do to protect them?
2. How are butterflies beneficial to our environment?
3. How are the stages of your life similar to the stages of butterflies?
F. Application
Materials :
Dire c tio n :
C ut a n d Pa ste th e Life C yc le
o f a Butte rfly in to th e c o rre c t
o rd e r.
Write a fe w se n te n c e s a b o ut
th e life C yc le o f a Butte rfly.