Bioengineering 09 00538 v2
Bioengineering 09 00538 v2
Bioengineering 09 00538 v2
The Scores and Manner of Performing the Stand and Reach Test
in Girls and Boys of Different Body Weight
Agnieszka Jankowicz-Szymańska 1, * , Justyna Kawa 2 , Katarzyna Wódka 1 , Eliza Smoła 1 , Marta A. Bibro 1
and Aneta Bac 3
Abstract: Introduction: Flexibility is one of the components of Health-Related Fitness. The range of
flexion has been the participant of numerous publications, but research into the quality of flexibility
is lacking. The aim of the study has been to compare the scores and the quality of the stand and
reach test in both overweight girls and boys and girls and boys with normal body weight. We have
checked whether the forward bend movement is symmetrically distributed over the hip joints and the
lumbar and thoracic spine and how it influences the position of the knee and ankle joints. Material
and methods: 100 girls and 100 boys aged 10–14 years were examined. Flexibility was measured
using the stand and reach test. The quality of the bend was assessed by examining the range of
movement in individual body segments: the range of flexion of the thoracic and lumbar spine (linear
measurements), the range of flexion of the hip joint, and the position of the knee and ankle joints at
Citation: Jankowicz-Szymańska, A.; maximum flexion (angular measurements). The results were subjected to statistical analysis. Results:
Kawa, J.; Wódka, K.; Smoła, E.; Bibro, The participants, especially boys, had poor flexibility. A poor stand and reach test result correlated
M.A.; Bac, A. The Scores and Manner with a lower range of flexion of the thoracic and lumbar spine, greater flexion of the hip and knee
of Performing the Stand and Reach joints, and greater plantar flexion at maximum torso bend position. Although the mean stand and
Test in Girls and Boys of Different
reach score was slightly greater for the girls, gender did not significantly differentiate the way in
Body Weight. Bioengineering 2022, 9,
which the stand and reach test was performed. Being overweight also did not affect the quantity or
quality of the stand and reach test. Conclusions: Limitation of flexibility is common in 10–14-year-old
children and results mainly from limited mobility of the spine. The compensation for this is excessive
Academic Editor: Aurélien movement in the joints of the lower extremities.
Table 1. The number of girls and boys broken down into age groups.
club. Their physical activity was limited to compulsory PE lessons at school and sponta-
neous sports activities (walking, cycling, etc.).
Bioengineering 2022, 9, 538 3 of 9
The research was conducted in accordance with all the guidelines of the Helsinki
Declaration. All tests and measurements were performed in the nurse’s office by the same
experienced person, using the same research tools. When made readable, the results were
experienced person,
read to another using
person theentered
who same research
them intools. When
a table. The made
rangereadable, the results
of hip flexion and thewere
sition of the knee and ankle joint in the bend were always read on the left side of the
to another person who entered them in a table. The range of hip flexion and the
position of thebody.
participant’s kneeThe
ankle joint in the bend
were were
carried outalways
in the read on theThe
afternoon. leftparticipants
side of the
participant’s body. The measurements were carried out in the afternoon. The participants
were dressed in sports clothes, a T-shirt and shorts, and they were not wearing shoes.
were dressed in sports clothes, a T-shirt and shorts, and they were not wearing shoes.
2.2. Research Procedures
2.2. Research Procedures
2.2.1. Determinationof ofthe
Body heightand
and weight
weight werewere
the the basis
basis for calculating
for calculating the Body
the BMI. BMI. height
Body height was
was tested
with with a calibrated
a calibrated anthropometer
anthropometer (Alumet,
(Alumet, Warsaw,
Warsaw, Poland)Poland)
from from the Basis
the Basis pointpoint
to theto
the Vertex
Vertex pointpoint
with with an accuracy
an accuracy of 1 mm.
of 1 mm. BodyBodyweightweight was tested
was tested on a TANITA
on a TANITA elec-
scale scale (Tanita
(Tanita Corporation
Corporation of America
of America Inc, Arlington
Inc, Arlington Heights, Heights,
IL, USA)IL,withUSA) with an ac-
an accuracy of
0.1 kg. To determine the body weight, we relied on the findings of Cole et al. [13]Cole
curacy of 0.1 kg. To determine the body weight, we relied on the findings of et al.
in which
the in which the authors
propose the BMIpropose
BMI threshold overweight
and obesity valuesandforobesity values
girls and boys for
given and boys at a given age.
The first
The first stage before carryingout
before carrying outthethe test
test waswas to mark
to mark fourfour points
points on theonchild’s
the child’s
with awith a marker,
marker, whichwhich were used
were later later for
used thefor thetest
Otto Ottoandtest
theand the Schober
Schober test (seetest
the description
scription below).below).
Then, Then, the participant
the participant was asked was toasked
standtoonstand on a special
a special step withstep with a
a vertical
vertical measuring bar, onthe
which the ‘0 0 point was at the height of the surface on which
measuring bar, on which ‘0′ point was at the height of the surface on which the partic-
the participant
ipant was standing,
was standing, the positive
the positive values increased
values increased towardstowards
the ground the ground
to 25 cm, toand
25 cm,the
and the negative values increased going upwards to − 35 cm (Figure
negative values increased going upwards to −35 cm (Figure 1). The feet were together, 1). The feet were
together, and the
the toes were toes were
aligned with aligned
the edgewith
of thethestep.
edge of participant
The the step. The participant
made made
a free bend a free
bend forward and was asked to keep their legs as straight as possible in
and was asked to keep their legs as straight as possible in the knee joints, the arms hanging the knee joints,
the arms
down andhanging down
straight, andhead
and the straight, and the
as straight ashead as straight
possible. The kneeas possible.
joints were The knee
not joints
were not stabilized on purpose to check if the participants would automatically
on purpose to check if the participants would automatically change their position in the change
bend.position in the bend.
In the position of theInmaximum
the position of thereach,
forward maximum forward read
the examiner reach,thethe examiner
result of the
read the result of the stand and reach bend, i.e., the value on the measuring
stand and reach bend, i.e., the value on the measuring bar, which the participant was bar, which the
participant was reaching with the tip of their longest finger. Subsequent measurements and
reaching with the tip of their longest finger. Subsequent measurements and tests were
tests were performed in the position described above (Figure 1).
performed in the position described above (Figure 1).
Figure Measurementscheme.
In order to perform the test, before the participant began the bend, in a standing
position, the spinous process C7 was marked with a marker, and then 30 cm down the
spine, another point was marked. In the position of the bend, the distance between the
previously marked points was measured again and it was calculated if the distance was
greater than 30 cm. The normal difference should be between 2 and 4 cm [14].
3. Results
The examined girls and boys did not differ significantly in terms of body weight,
height and BMI (Table 2). Correct body weight was diagnosed in 158 (79%) of 200 children,
including 78 boys and 80 girls. Twenty-two boys and twenty girls were overweight. Obesity
was not found in any of the studied children.
Bioengineering 2022, 9, 538 5 of 9
Table 2. Comparison of the physique of girls and boys (differences were considered significant for
p < 0.05).
The overweight and normal-weight children did not differ either in the stand and
reach test scores (which were slightly better in overweight children), or in the range of
flexion of the thoracic (Otto test) and lumbar (Schober test) spine. The position of the hip
and ankle joints in the forward bend also did not differentiate between the groups. The only
examined variable that significantly distinguished overweight children and children with
normal body weight was the position of the knee joint in the bend. Overweight children’s
knee joint was closer to the fully extended position (180◦ ), while children with normal body
weight had greater flexion in the knee joint. The difference was 2.72◦ (Table 3).
Table 3. Comparison of the position of the individual segments of the legs and the spine in the
forward bend.
St. St.
Body Weight Mean Min. Max. p Variable Gender Mean Min. Max. p
Dev. Dev.
Overweight −3.17 −20.00 12.00 5.99 Boys −5.13 −28.00 10.00 7.53
0.150 Stand and reach test [cm] 0.346
Normal −4.69 −28.00 15.00 7.87 Girls −3.61 −28.00 15.00 7.49
Overweight 3.76 1.50 5.00 1.00 Boys 3.67 0.50 6.50 1.13
0.350 Otto test [cm] 0.577
Normal 3.57 0.00 6.50 1.20 Girls 3.55 0.00 5.00 1.20
Overweight 3.58 0.00 7.00 1.43 Boys 3.57 0.00 7.00 1.43
0.320 Schober test [cm] 0.088
Normal 3.77 0.00 7.00 1.30 Girls 3.89 1.20 7.00 1.19
Overweight 115.76 80.00 140.00 11.34 Boys 117.19 80.00 150.00 11.40
0.741 Hip joint position [◦ ] 0.119
Normal 116.85 80.00 150.00 9.55 Girls 116.05 85.00 130.00 8.23
Overweight 177.57 165.00 200.00 6.50 Boys 175.33 160.00 190 5.96
0.010 * Knee joint position [◦ ] 0.986
Normal 174.85 160.00 190.00 5.59 Girls 175.52 164 200 5.83
Overweight 102.50 80.00 125.00 9.89 Boys 102.18 70.00 125.00 9.09
0.576 Ankle joint position [◦ ] 0.245
Normal 103.14 70.00 125.00 8.13 Girls 103.83 85.00 125.00 7.85
Min.—Minimum; Max.—Maximum; St. Dev.—Standard Deviation; *—statistically significant differences.
The girls had slightly better stand and reach test results (the difference was 1.52 cm).
During the forward bend, girls tended to use the flexion of the thoracic spine to a lesser
extent (the difference of 0.12 cm), and the flexion of the lumbar spine to a greater extent
(the difference of 0.32 cm). In the girls’ full bend, the hip and knee joints were less flexed
(difference 1.14◦ and 0.19◦ ), and the ankle joint had greater plantar flexion (difference 1.65◦ )
but the differences were not statistically significant (Table 3).
In the examined children, the quality of flexibility was determined on the basis of the
stand and reach test scores. It was assumed that reaching the surface of the step on which
the child was standing with the tip of their longest finger (value ‘00 on the measuring bar)
means good flexibility, while poor flexibility was diagnosed when the child was unable to
reach this point.
One in four children was diagnosed with good flexibility, of whom girls were found
to have good flexibility slightly more frequently. Among 158 children with normal body
weight, a good stand and reach test result was recorded in 24% of the participants, while
among 42 overweight children, a good stand and reach test result was found in 31% of the
participants (Table 4).
Bioengineering 2022, 9, 538 6 of 9
Children with normal and poor flexibility did not differ in height, weight, or BMI.
In children with normal flexibility, a greater range of flexion of the thoracic and lumbar
spine, less flexion of the hip and knee joints and less plantar flexion of the ankle joint were
observed in the position of a full forward bend (Table 5).
Significant, though weak, correlations were found between the stand and reach test
results and the mobility of the thoracic and lumbar spine as well as the position of the
hip, knee and ankle joint in the bend. The analysis of the same correlations across gender
groups and body weight status confirmed these observations: a better stand and reach
test score was associated with a greater range of movement of the thoracic and lumbar
spine (positive correlations) and less flexion of the hip joint in the bend position (negative
correlation) (Table 6).
Bioengineering 2022, 9, 538 7 of 9
Table 6. Correlations between the stand and reach test results and the studied variables in groups
distinguished by gender and body weight status.
Body Weight Body Height BMI Otto Test Schober test Hip Joint Knee Joint Ankle Joint
[kg] [cm] [kg/m2 ] [◦ ] [◦ ] Position [◦ ] Position [◦ ] Position [◦ ]
Boys −0.107 −0.151 0.118 0.200 * 0.189 −0.298 * 0.120 −0.174
Girls 0.018 0.050 −0.035 0.326 * 0.275 * −0.243 * 0.236 * −0.195
Overweight −0.155 −0.159 −0.017 0.147 0.327 * −0.259 0.230 −0.280
Normal body weight −0.014 −0.014 0.017 0.271 * 0.228 * −0.282 * 0.154 −0.147
All −0.047 −0.061 0.055 0.257 * 0.237 * −0.276 * 0.178 * −0.172 *
*—statistically significant correlations.
4. Discussion
Girls and boys aged between 10 and 14 had poor flexibility. It was found that the
assessment of the stand and reach helped identify children with limited flexibility, but
additional tests were necessary to assess the quality of the bend. Our research showed
significant differences in the method of performing the bend by children with good and
poor flexibility. Girls and boys with a good flexibility test score used more thoracic and
lumbar spine flexion and held the knee and ankle joints closer to the neutral position. In
children with limited flexibility, reduced flexion within the spine joints, greater flexion of
the hip and knee joints and greater plantar flexion of the ankle joint were noted. Moreover,
it was found that gender and also the body weight status had not an influence on the result
of the stand and reach test and the quality of the performance of the bend.
There was no evidence of an influence of being overweight on the result and quality
of the stand and reach test. Nikoladis’s research also indicates the lack of a relationship
between BMI and body fat and flexibility in adolescents and adults [16]. On the other hand,
Hands et al. [17], different to our study, diagnosed better results of flexibility in teenage
girls compared to boys of the same age.
The average result of the Schober test indicated limited mobility of the lumbar spine
in the examined children. This finding was true for both genders, with the range of lumbar
spine motion being slightly smaller in boys.
According to Kendall et al. [18], the correct range of hip motion in the forward bend (sit
and reach) is around 80◦ (the angle between the sacrum and the horizontal line). Comerford
and Mottram [19] determined the correct range of hip flexion during a forward bend while
standing at 70◦ . Comparing our findings with the conclusions of the above-mentioned
authors, we observed that the examined children used the hip joint excessively. At the
same time, the participants found it difficult to extend the knee joint. The question is: does
this tendency indicate a weakening of the hamstring muscles in the upper segments and
the shortening of these muscles in the lower segments? Perhaps this hypothesis can be
explained by the sedentary lifestyle that is very common today. Of course, our research does
not answer this question, but only motivates the search for the answer. Rakholiya et al. [20]
indicated in their research that a sedentary lifestyle leads to an imbalance of hip extensor.
On the other hand, the influence of the sedentary life on the flexibility of hamstrings is
unclear. One study shows that long-lasting sitting can lead to hamstring tightness [21],
others contradict this thesis [22]. However, the above-mentioned studies investigated the
elasticity of hamstrings as a whole, without taking into account that their proximal and
distal segments, acting on a different joint (as hip extensors or knee flexors), may have
different flexibility.
The stand and reach and sit and reach tests are often used to evaluate the flexibility of
the hamstrings. According to Magnusson et al. [23], the range of the forward bend is a good
measure of the flexibility of these muscles. As Chillon et al. [24] state, the hip angle explains
42% of the sit and reach test result, the lumbar angle-30% and the thoracic angle-just 4%.
The research carried out by Muyor et al. [8] shows, however, that the sit and reach test
correlates poorly or at most moderately with the flexibility of the hamstrings as assessed by
the passive strait leg raise test. It must be remembered that both the sit and reach test and
the stand and reach test are indirect measures and the limitation of flexibility diagnosed by
Bioengineering 2022, 9, 538 8 of 9
one of these tests cannot be a direct indication for stretching the hamstrings [8]. Stretching
the structures that are not shortened leads to hypermobility which, like hypomobility, can
cause injury and reduced sport performance [25].
4.1. Limitations
It seems that in further studies on flexibility, the flexibility of the hamstrings and the
flexibility of the calf muscles should be additionally assessed in an isolated study.
5. Conclusions
1. Children aged from 10 to 14 have poor flexibility.
2. Girls achieve similar results on the flexibility test (stand and reach) than boys at the
same age.
3. Being overweight affects neither the quantity nor the quality of the stand and reach
bend. The only significant difference in the way the bend is done by overweight
children is the more correct (closer to neutral) position of the knee joint.
4. Participants who score poorly in the stand and reach test have a smaller range of
flexion of the thoracic and lumbar spine. When performing the bend, they use the
flexion of the hip and knee joints to a greater extent and place the ankle joint in the
position of greater plantar flexion.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.J.-S.; methodology, A.J.-S. and K.W.; formal analysis,
A.J.-S.; investigation, A.J.-S., J.K. and K.W.; data curation, A.J.-S., J.K., K.W., E.S., M.A.B. and A.B.;
writing—original draft preparation, A.J.-S., J.K. and K.W.; writing—review and editing, A.J.-S., J.K.,
K.W., E.S., M.A.B. and A.B.; visualization, A.J.-S., J.K., K.W., E.S., M.A.B. and A.B.; supervision, A.J.-S.,
J.K., K.W., E.S., M.A.B. and A.B.; project administration, A.J.-S. All authors have read and agreed to
the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: Publication financed under the program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education
under the name “Regional Initiative of Excellence” in 2019–2020. Project number 022/RID/2018/2019
in the amount of PLN 11.919.908.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration
of Helsinki.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study available
from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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