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1 s2.0 S0926580517309512 Main
1 s2.0 S0926580517309512 Main
WOODHEAD, Roy, STEPHENSON, Paul <http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4875-
8887> and MORREY, Denise
Available from Sheffield Hallam University Research Archive (SHURA) at:
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Published version
WOODHEAD, Roy, STEPHENSON, Paul and MORREY, Denise (2018). Digital
construction: From point solutions to IoT ecosystem. Automation in Construction, 93,
Automation in Construction
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/autcon
Keywords: This paper takes a longitudinal view of literature to explain the current period as disruptive technology drives an
Internet of Things evolutionary adaptation of the construction industry in a historical socio-technological process. The authors
IoT argue the way Internet of Things (IoT) solutions are conceived as singularly focused “point solutions” undermine
Digital construction future opportunities. An evolutionary view is overlooked because extant literature describes technology in a
Digital innovation
particular epoch. An ecosystem perspective needs to influence IT strategy as an emerging “digital layer”
Digital transformation
transcends a smart city and continues to function long after a traditional construction project completes. We
Industry 4.0
Industrial Internet describe innovation as a succession of transformational waves in an evolutionary process that is currently
manifesting as “Industry 4.0” and changing expectations for the construction industry. The paper concludes by
listing emerging trends and warns existing UK construction companies must understand the transformational
process they are in and learn how to adapt with a stronger drive for R&D.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: r.m.woodhead@shu.ac.uk (R. Woodhead).
Received 24 October 2017; Received in revised form 24 March 2018; Accepted 5 May 2018
0926-5805/ Crown Copyright © 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Woodhead et al. Automation in Construction 93 (2018) 35–46
industries such as the Oil & Gas industry where the “Baby Boomers” construction industry to extend its role in the built environment with
of the 1960s reach the end of their working careers and the “Big data driven services.
Crew change” [6] becomes an issue because succession planning has It is important to recognise a recurrent theme which is not explicitly
not been managed well. This represents a potentially significant loss called out in the literature that comprise a series of technology epochs.
of expertise and experience for those companies that have not An underlying pattern reflects an evolutionary process between tech-
planned for it. We see a risk hollowing out presenting itself in the nology and society, each shaping the needs and expectations for the
construction industry but would be less risky for companies that other. By seeing our current position in the context of an evolutionary
have embraced digital transformation as new ways of working be- process we can begin to glimpse emerging trends [13].
come possible, such using collaboration tools and “distributed lea- The search for new opportunities begins by recognising technology
dership” [7]. as a key disrupter of societies over thousands of years so that what is
4. With Brexit in mind, the Governor of the Bank of England, Mark happening today is viewed as a “natural” progression humanity has
Carney, warned that uncertainty is holding back investment [8] on a experienced many times before.
number of fronts which either directly impacts construction through With billions of low cost sensors becoming available, data will flow
cancelled projects or indirectly through stalled business strategies from “information blind spots” to augment and improve decision
that could eventually become construction projects. making. This focus on sensor networks, especially wireless sensor net-
5. Perhaps even more worrying are claims that Brexit could mean a works, is what is typically referred to as “The Internet of Things”. A
loss of 8% of its workforce, meaning some 175,000 vacancies [9] “thing” being an object that has a sensor on it or in it, within a trans-
might need to be filled, but from where if EU migration is curbed? cending heterogeneous computing “ecosystem”.
We argue that a key step for construction companies is to recognise
From this view of the situation in 2017 faced by the UK construction a “planned IoT ecosystem” has a long term advantage over trying to
industry three significant contradictions stand out clearly: combine many “point solutions”. By ecosystem we mean an integrated
“layer” of hardware, software, connectivity, and information flows
1. The Government needs to build more but for less cost linked to key decision making activities. This “layer” is much wider
2. The construction industry needs to deliver more with less skills than the construction industry itself and includes all industries that play
available some kind of role in a continually adapting built environment such as a
3. The private sector needs to invest in projects (i.e. Increase CAPEX) smart city. This definition is necessary to show a glimpse of future states
whilst uncertainty makes the evaluation of Return On Investment a construction industry of today will need to adapt towards, or be left
difficult to quantify. behind by new entrants.
By “point solution” we mean an IT offering that has a singular focus
These three contradictions are calling for growth and shrinkage at on one problem, or one use-case, in a stove pipe type of solution. An
the same time and so represent very difficult challenges to overcome. example could be a typical Project Planning application used today that
Given a labour intensive construction industry of today relies heavily is disconnected from what is happening in the supply chain, on site,
on cash flow portfolio, this “squeeze” is most likely to heighten a desire meteorological risks etc. This “singular” focus usually leads to silo-so-
for short term success criteria, the very opposite of what the long term lutions that make real-time data inaccessible to other solutions.
needs for a slow and managed adaptation to new ways of working and a By understanding we are in a period that has been seen in history
more capital intensive construction industry. many times, we argue that failure to recognise the need to transform
The Farmer Report [10] outlines a case for digital disruption in the will present significant risk to the long term viability of “change re-
UK construction industry. It sees the following “critical symptoms of sistant” construction companies. In the next section we explain this
failure and poor performance” as: repeating pattern throughout history.
R. Woodhead et al. Automation in Construction 93 (2018) 35–46
capabilities that cause the construction industry to adapt as new in- data conversion to information offers a source of advantage to com-
stitutional requirements shape demand. At its root is the availability of panies willing and able to ride these new waves of change [26].
information from sensors to improve decision quality as has never been
previously possible at such a scale. 3. IoT and digital transformation
The pace of an industrial transformation is hard to predict and af-
fects whether established companies can take their time and adapt How can UK construction companies learn from digital disrupters?
slowly or need to adapt quickly or be displaced. Indeed, the move from If we examine the rise of companies such as Netflix, Uber, Airbnb etc.,
hand craft to mechanical processes in the First Industrial Revolution we can see their advantage. Netflix made it easier for people to
took about seventy years from 1760 to about 1830 [16]. The Second download a movie rather than travel to a video store such as
Industrial Revolution, driven amongst other things by the telephone Blockbusters. Uber reworked information flows and payment mechan-
and the internal combustion engine, lasted about 96 years from 1870, isms to make ordering a taxi that arrived when and where a customer
interrupted by the First and Second World War, then continued up to needed it easier than standing in line at the taxi rank or trying to flag a
about 1970 [17]. The Third Industrial Revolution, predominantly a cab on the street. Airbnb opened ways for people to be a pop-up hotel
digital revolution, is viewed by some as starting in about 1980 as and make low cost accommodation much easier than was the case
Personal Computers became affordable, and is still unfolding some previously; Airbnb is now the largest hotel chain in the world but does
38 years later [18]. A parallel story of the evolution of algorithms and not own a single hotel. All end up with a better value proposition for
IoT uses a notion of information value to highlight significant academic customers willing and able to pay for something because of new in-
papers and makes an argument that RFID was the seminal idea for IoT formation flows.
[19]. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is where compute power be- The key insight is to recognise that digital disrupters rework in-
comes more embedded within society and even inside human beings formation flows to reduce customer uncertainties and so improve the
[20]; Tesla are currently working on implants that would be inserted customer experience of a service being offered. By doing this they can
into a human brain to overcome problems such as enabling blind people move economic power in an established value chain such has been the
to see with a Brain Computer Interface (BCI). case with Netflix, Uber, Airbnb etc. For construction, this can be about
Schumpeter [21] explained the challenges when new ideas smash sensors attached to “things” such as sensors in the building fabric to
into established structures as “Creative Destruction”. Just as the day monitor interstitial condensation and consequential corrosion.
Samuel Morse invented the telegraph was a bad day for the horse back Gartner [27], a key commentator in the IT Industry, say there will
messenger, significant technological disruptions can be destructive for be 8.4 billion connected “things” in 2017, up 31% on 2016. We have
older more established workflows that do not adapt. Christensen [22] already seen companies such as British Gas offering home IoT solutions
borrowed and extended Schumpeter's core ideas to explain how the such as “Hive” and Google offering “Nest”. Home IoT is entering many
Western World would adapt through a period of “technological dis- houses, but again, they are usually single point solutions that rarely
ruption”. In a similar theme, Leonard-Barton [23], explained why many integrate to give any notion of a transcending intelligence. If data was
organisations fail to adapt during such periods of structural change due shared amongst different home IoT solutions then it would be closer to
to early successes becoming rigidified in their operations and how they an ecosystem view of IoT. For example, the opening and closing of
see the world (e.g. Blockbuster Video were unable to adapt to the di- windows influenced by temperature and humidity as well as antici-
gital challenge Netflix posed, partly because they did not believe it pating the temperature in say the next 5 min and automatically ad-
would be successful until it was too late). Core rigidities are a particular justing settings for the heating system, all with Machine to Machine
risk for the UK construction industry today as demonstrated by the poor (M2M) interactions. The reason this is not easy is because data gets
uptake of R&D Tax Credits provided by the UK Government to stimulate trapped inside an application's solution boundary. Service Oriented
innovation. Architecture (SOA) offers a way to mitigate this but assumes all the
Technologically originated change and its consequential effects is a different solution providers are working to the same SOA ideals and
complex blend of many socio and technological variables that are standards. Wireless Sensor Networks added a need for a new layer in
confounding until they stabilise in a new kind of equilibrium, a SOA models [28] as evolutionary waves moved from narrow require-
homeostasis. Heilbroner [24], a Nobel Prize winning economist ques- ments to much broader ones. This is in part assisted by scenario based
tioned whether we actually control technological progress or if tech- approaches to functional and non-functional requirements [29]. Even
nological progress controls us. This is a view of technological de- approaches like SOA are themselves evolving.
terminism that forces us to question what technology is itself [25]. To Most people have experienced the Internet but a “thing” is often not
shape societies over millennia suggests “technology” is far more than a understood. It is simply any object that has an Internet Protocol (IP)
physical device (e.g. a stone-age axe made from wood and flint or a address and sends data about its state and its immediate environment
modern mobile phone). It seems we confuse an instance of technology (e.g. temperature sensors inside a specific car's engine). A thing can also
with waves of technological progress and so lose sight of an underlying receive data linked to actions (e.g. trigger an actuator to open a valve
evolutionary process. For example, when Henry Ford started to mass that allows more coolant to flow around the engine). Examples of
produce the Model T the need for roads, road signs, car parks, traffic “things” could be a (i) concrete mixer at the base of a skyscraper, (ii) a
police and so on, rippled outwards as humans and technical systems “smart” pipe measuring concrete flow rates as gas is introduced to
started doing things in new ways, but with some unanticipated side temporarily reduce concrete density without compromising integrity,
effects. The Model T was an instance of technology but the rippling (iii) a human operative having their health assessed whilst working in a
waves of progress are a transcending phenomenon. We argue, tech- dangerous location such as pouring concrete on the top floor of a sky-
nology is a gestalt relationship between the technological-instance and scraper during winter. Collectively the individual tasks become an end-
transcendent effects [25]. This outward ripple of ‘invention stimulating to-end process, a workflow that can be managed better through real-
invention’ takes on a momentum of its own. When undesirable side time data.
effects become apparent, such as car pollution becoming a problem, it is From not knowing if the concrete trucks have really left the
difficult to stop the innovation wave. batching plant to being able to track them in real-time helps site staff be
At the heart of this paper is a realisation that we are living in a better prepared for their arrival. Using such an approach on other
period where adaption, necessitated by disruptive technology, is itself stages of a workflow means productivity improvements are more fea-
an evolution of the Internet and will cause the next evolution of society sible. It also offers an opportunity to develop different relationships
and its institutions. We will limit our consideration to construction with customers so the work is done “with” them rather than “to” them.
companies and how reducing uncertainty through data acquisition and The use of “distributed apps” in a peer to peer architecture, rather than
R. Woodhead et al. Automation in Construction 93 (2018) 35–46
say a client-server architecture, that take advantage of Blockchain are perform supporting processes, faster, better, cheaper and the IT in-
available to us now and used in some supply chain solutions. It is the dustry saw opportunity. This desire to reduce the cost of indirect costs
distribution of multiple copies of a single block of validated transac- also led to the idea of Outsourcing as a way to reduce costs that offered
tions that ensures a “single version of the truth” persists in many places. no competitive advantage. The world of Outsourcing, which had to
Trustable data is the primary advantage of Blockchain technology and justify value for money in competitive markets, triggered the emer-
can be used in new applications that seek to improve situations were gence of Enterprise Systems (ES). ES is an evolution of the old IT De-
low levels of trust exist. For example, in supply chains [30] this means partment responding to IT problems and attempts to link IT investment
we can integrate electronic “proof of delivery” and track supplier to value creation.
payments throughout the supply network to make sure everyone is The IT industry has, by and large, focused on secondary supporting
paying on time. Construction companies that currently exploit com- activities with large payroll systems, enterprise resource planning sys-
mercial power today should start to think about their reputations as tems and so on, because they could become scaled solutions generating
“transparency” becomes the norm. The internet will increasingly pro- large revenue as pricing models were often based on the number of end
mote trust. Those companies that treat other companies fairly would be users (i.e. seats). As web applications opened ways for end-users to
expected to enjoy opportunities that will be denied to less trustable engage with many of these enterprise solutions we also saw the role of
rivals [31]. the Internet evolve, especially with the Mobile Internet.
Blockchain has many potential use-cases in construction enabling It is important to recognise IoT is itself an evolution of the Internet.
unique part traceability to smart contracts and documents by com- Before 2010 the Internet was architected around a client (i.e. a GUI or
bining RFID technology. an App on an end user device) that sent data in packets via transport
The strategic advantage of an IoT strategy is to see it as one facet of protocols to a server, typically in a data centre. This “client-server”
a bigger more encompassing Digital Transformation [32]. By in- architecture (which later evolved into “client-server-service” archi-
tegrating different data streams across a number of silo, a clutch of new tecture) had requests originating on an end-user device (e.g. a PC or
insights becomes possible. Mobile Device, that is a ‘client’) used HTTP protocols such as “get” and
As IoT enabled solutions emerge and integrate with other IT in- “post” (and other) commands to send a request to a server. The job of
novations such as Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI), we will see the server was to process the incoming data, and enable an IT service to
new skills emerge as some traditional jobs become digitally displaced calculate some answers with the received data and send it back to the
(e.g. the work of cost estimators could be automated) and new jobs client in a rendered html page.
arise (e.g. Construction Data Science). We should also expect to see new The most common internet transport protocol is TCP/IP (Transition
tasks undertaken such as monitoring the state and health of embedded Control Protocol and Internet Protocol). Transition Control Protocol
sensors on a construction site and beyond, as a service Facility handles the way messages are packaged and sent though the Transport
Management buys from a digitally savvy construction company. Layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) seven layer model.
McKinsey [33] claim the effects of automation will be very sig- Internet Protocol (IP) is an addressing process that is used during
nificant globally so this is wider than the construction industry: routing from A to B. TCP gets receipts from routers and if one fails to
arrive it tries to send the packet again. TCP reliability comes at a price
“On a global scale, we calculate that the adaptation of currently
because it causes problems for real-time requirements due to packet
demonstrated automation technologies could affect 50 percent of
resends. An alternative approach is User Data Protocol (UDP) which is
the world economy, or 1.2 billion employees and USD $14.6 trillion
faster but it does not do error checking so is prone to lost packets (This
in wages. Just four countries—China, India, Japan, and the United
may not matter with some types of streaming data such as video).
States—account for just over half of these totals.”
People soon realised a sensor could be set up to send data over ei-
The digital revolution is here and it is happening. ther TCP/IP or UDP/IP and so new possibilities arose, especially as Web
2.0 enabled dynamic webpages to be built rather than the old approach
3.1. IT evolved independently from Operational Technology and Control which served up static webpages.
Systems Now data from user requests on end-user devices could be mashed
with data from sensors sending more information-rich pages back to the
To better navigate the transformational waves of today, it is im- client. The key issue here though is the quality of connection from the
portant to understand how and why the current landscape has evolved end-user device to the server (i.e. various communication technologies
as it has. In this section we will focus on the evolution of IT in order to based on radio waves, such as Ultra Wideband, Narrowband, LoRA or
see how the current challenge is about converging with Operational others).
Technology (OT) in the next section of this paper. Two other innovations in parallel also changed the IT landscape,
The goal of companies is to reduce the cost of needed functionality Cloud and Virtualisation. Virtualisation is essentially software pre-
which does not differentiate products and services (i.e. overheads). tending to be hardware. This evolved to enable IT services to run
Porter's “Value Chain” [34], insights that have stood the test of time, through software defined versions of networks, storage and so on and
show two key foci: made guaranteed service more reliable because of a reduced de-
pendency on the physical infrastructure. If a service is running in a
1. Primary value adding activities (e.g. inbound logistics, operations, virtual server which itself sits inside two or three physical servers, there
outbound logistics, sales and marketing) is an insurance policy of redundancy. When one of the physical servers
2. Secondary supporting activities (firm infrastructure, human re- breaks the virtualised service continues across other physical servers
source management, corporate IT, and procurement). without the end-user noticing anything went wrong.
We also saw R&D in home compute advance. Games such as
The commercial evolution of Information Technology (IT) based PlayStation wanted players to network in real-time which led to in-
around the desktop PC to Enterprise Systems (ES) began with firms novation in Graphical Process Units (GPUs) and advances in the speed
needing supporting activities that customers did not want to pay for. algorithms could run at. It was not long before ideas in Games and
This saw the emergence of “Systems of Records” solutions such as ERP home automation led to adaptation in Industrial IoT context (e.g.
[35] (e.g. SAP or JD Edwards), MES (e.g. Oracle or IQMS), MRP (e.g. Location Based Services to track assets in a factory).
Maximo) and many other types. This evolution brought disparate data An organisation working across many time zones started to think of
stores together and a move away from MS Excel Spreadsheets which their IT Estate (e.g. a static physical estate) as a dynamic and virtualised
opened the possibility for Big Data. Firms were looking for ways to IT ecosystem. Some technologies such as ERP systems could be leap
R. Woodhead et al. Automation in Construction 93 (2018) 35–46
frogged by a more federated Big Data approach and we also saw the ‘software defined everything’ we saw the emergence of the Industrial
emergence of edge analytics start to question why we send ‘all’ data Internet of Things (IIoT) and from home compute we saw IoT emerge. It
from the edge to the data centre at the core of a private network. The was not long before the agenda was about ‘converging’ them in the
need for integrated project delivery rests on this ability to make data in workplace.
one application available to another. The reality is that challenges such
as common data exchange standards, inconsistent metadata, 3.3. Process Control Systems and Operational Technology (OT)
Application Program Interfaces (API) not working as well as they could,
and asynchronous performance issues are already being grappled with Whilst the evolution of IT is clear to see, Operational Technology
through National BIM Standards (NBIMS), Construction and Operations did not advanced in the same way or pace. It is not unheard of to find
Building Information Exchange (COBie) and National CAD Standard manufacturers running control systems using Windows 98 because it
(NCS) to name a few. The authors experienced a similar situation in the has dcom (Distributed Component Object Model) which enables com-
Digital Oilfield and believe the root problem is a missing data strategy munication between different devices in an operational context such as
that links to a ‘bigger picture’ such as a smart city. The key point here a factory floor. There are other ‘differences’ between IT and OT we will
was an ambition for different company ecosystems to combine into an discuss in this section. Understanding these will help to see some of the
integrated Digital Oilfield ecosystem. With things like Agile Project technical challenges and security concerns as IT and OT converge.
Management we saw new thinking emerge which wanted to erode silo Ironically, IT innovation in the primary activities of Porter's Value
thinking and access more integration and orchestration. This also chain, particularly around operations, did not advance at the same
manifested in the act of IT development as a concept called DevOps. pace. In the main, Operational Technology (OT) was separated from the
TCP/IP centric Information Technology (IT). This is a world of Process
3.2. The emergence of DevOps Control systems comprising equipment (e.g. compressors), process
flows (e.g. production lines), sensors (e.g. vibration sensors) and ac-
An Intellectual property problem was recognised by non-IT custo- tuators (e.g. mechanisms that open and close valves).
mers. The IT firms wanted to develop solutions they can sell to many Where IT advanced with different network technologies based
companies. This represented a potential loss of competitive advantage around unique IP addresses, OT did not in a consistent way. Many
to the prime customer as their rivals could buy an automated solution things (e.g. a pressure sensor) in OT often operated with no unique
and acquire capability it previously lacked (i.e. nullify the prime cus- network address. Equipment in OT typically run inside what is called a
tomer's competitive advantage). Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. In some
A different strategy emerged that seeks to make it easier for custo- industries an OT estate is also called a Process Control Domain (PCD).
mers to develop their own solutions by pushing IT complexity down The point being made is OT did not evolve in the same way IT did. This
into the IT stack. This was known as ‘DevOps’ where the developer no is important to understand, especially if offsite production uses Process
longer needs to worry about the underlying IT infrastructure as they Control Systems (e.g. Uses OSI Soft's “PI Historian” or GE's “Proficy”)
work in software containers (e.g. Docker) which ‘plugs in’ to a platform. and there is a need for better real-time integration with BIM applica-
Virtualisation and a platform means the developer can focus more on tions.
meeting the business challenges and creating business value than get- The benefit of segregated OT was it offered a sense of security as
ting caught up in infrastructure complexity. people on the Internet could not access it. The problem was other IT
DevOps also challenged an ‘over the wall’ approach to IT project innovations such as virtualisation, Cloud and Big Data were seen as
management where one team passes part of the developing solution to offering valuable outcomes if only they could be deployed in the OT
the next team along with its bugs, defects, and inadequate or missing world [37]. Such benefits required IP addresses and the combination of
documentation. This ‘over the wall’ approach places a need for steep data from different sources in the corporate IT estate (e.g. HR records).
learning curves to be repeated along the life cycle and has been pro- The calls to converge OT and IT began (e.g. ATOS, [38]). IoT is now
blematic for many years. DevOps combines development and opera- driving innovation that links OT and IT with emerging standards called
tions so the same team has through-life responsibility for the applica- “Industry 4.0” in Europe and the “Industrial Internet” in North America.
tion's performance and quality. However, this approach could be used This industrial focus for IoT comes from compute power being
as a way to deliver a ‘point solution’ as a service and so can itself be- embedded inside ‘things’, objects with sensors and compute power in or
come trapped inside a silo mentality and lose ecosystem wide benefits on them. An IoT solution with embedded compute in ‘things’ is part of
such making data available to other DevOps teams building new in- an end to end solution that is often modelled as a workflow. It involves
novative solutions. a network of computing resources such as processors (CPU and GPU),
DevOps is often achieved by breaking applications into composable volatile and persistent memory/storage, networking software, applica-
components (e.g. One team will be responsible for an AI application tions, analytics algorithms and so on. At one end of a spectrum are
that predicts the probability of an accident in the next 10 min and an- dumb sensors embedded into or on to ‘things’ broadcasting data (i.e.
other team will be responsible for a dash board the predicted accident embedded sensors). Next there are smart sensors which have simple
will be presented on, along with outputs from other apps). Key to this is algorithms running such as only broadcasting values in a certain range
the idea of ‘containers’ and ‘microservices’. A microservice is a program to maximise battery life (i.e. smart sensors). Finally we have an em-
targeted at solving ‘one problem’. It is deployed into a ‘container’ (e.g. bedded and autonomous computer in say an engine that uses machine
Docker) which is a self-contained unit with its own data. The beauty of to machine communication to regulate flow rates without any human
a container is it makes putting one on to a cloud platform very easy. It involvement (i.e. embedded compute).
also makes it easy to pull it off and migrate it to another vendor's cloud Sending and receiving data can be automated in IoT solutions.
if needed. We can see how the idea of SOA itself is evolving. Imagine we wanted to know the temperature on site in some ‘cold’
A recent innovation is “Serverless Architecture” [36] which again remote location, every 5 min whilst pouring concrete. The above ap-
removes complexity from application developers. Of course, servers are proach with manual data entry would be labour intensive, error prone
still needed but the developer does not need to worry so much about and tedious. So, innovations have made measuring the physical world
them as cloud services handle that complexity. Yet another idea that and submitting measurement data much easier and automated. It is
evolves out of a subsequent stage of SOA. often possible to do some analytics on the sensor or nearby but the most
The trend in IT innovation is to free developers from IT complexities common approach is to send data to a cloud or to dedicated servers in
so they can focus more on customer centric issues that create business data centre.
value. From the above discussion with evolutions of virtualisation into We still need experienced and knowledgeable staff and have seen
R. Woodhead et al. Automation in Construction 93 (2018) 35–46
other industries try to tackle a similar problem where a combination of 3.5. IoT platforms
domain knowledge and IT knowledge was needed to drive the Digital
Oil Field (DOF) agenda. A similar need will grow for the construction An IoT Platform includes integration of hardware, Operating
industry as the drive for Digital Transformation starts enabling new Systems, virtualisation and often with IoT enablement such as MQTT,
players to dislodge established players in the industry. However, the IT DDS, Kafka, Cassandra, Tensorflow etc., already built in. If real-time
industry typically lacks deep industry domain knowledge and this offers analytics is needed then some of the database (i.e. persistent storage in
opportunities for construction professions to adapt and take advantage a DB) could be of the fast NoSQL variety such as Cassandra or Mongo.
of the industry transformations that are emerging. These NoSQL types of DB are typically columnar database (Neo4J is a
graph DB), as opposed to traditional SQL DB, which is row and column
3.4. Developing in-house capability in affordable ways therefore with slower data indexing and retrieval performance.
In a cloud, it is also possible to access and combine data from other
Given the poor uptake of the UK Government's R&D Tax Credits, the sources such as email, ERP systems and other large data driven appli-
role of Degree Apprenticeships, a new model for undergraduate edu- cations running across an enterprise through data virtualisation and an
cation in the UK, could be a way to bring new digital capability to the Application Programming Interface (API) that lets data from one ap-
construction industry. However, universities have been in a ‘chicken plication be ingested into another.
and egg’ situation as they need to prove demand for new courses exist All these innovations and their combination open the way to valu-
before winning internal funding to develop them, and the evidence so able insights such as ways to achieve productivity improvements by
far has been ‘thin on the ground’. The UK Government is trying to help removing previously unnoticed impediments. Much of the under-
in this with funding being made available for courses that can make a pinning technology comes out of the open source community with most
difference (e.g. Digital Construction). The root problem remains cloud instances running on open source “Cloud Foundry”. Cloud ser-
though, the industry to date has not embraced digital transformation vices bring many advantages to consumers of IT and should be in-
with the same enthusiasm as other industries (e.g. Manufacturing and vestigated by companies considering an IoT strategy.
“Industry 4.0”), as proven by the uptake of R&D Tax Credits. As we have seen a move to converge IT and OT, we have also seen IT
At the same time we are seeing the open source and hacker com- and cloud services mature and IT companies specialising in one or more
munities inventing low cost IoT solutions. The authors are involved layers of:
with the roll out of LoraWAN in Sheffield with the popular open source
approach called The Things Network (TTN) [39]. The theory is that by • Business Process as a Service (BPaaS): applications embedded in
having a free to use low powered radio wave based communication workflows allowing automation to be integrated with physical work.
network across a city, the idea for companies to start developing IoT • Software as a Service (SaaS): software and applications that operate
solutions becomes more feasible. If an open data approach is adopted on top of a platform such as SalesForce.com to manage demand
then new sources of insight might become available such as enabling creation and sales leads across the enterprise.
small construction companies to form real-time buyer clubs and enjoy • Platform as a Service (PaaS): the virtualised infrastructure with
better economy of scales. In a holistic sense, the idea of a smart city's other Middleware offered by IT companies typically trying to sell
digital layer opens possibilities for inquisitive construction companies cloud services.
seeking information advantages but this requires a mind-set that rises • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): the underpinning physical com-
above the pursuit of productivity gains within the context of how things puting resources often including a public or private cloud.
work today.
IoT solutions need not be very expensive and most cities have a At the base of the ecosystem is the foundational infrastructure and
hackspace with enthusiasts who can help. Today, you could buy a physical hardware (i.e. ‘tin and wire’) we think of, such as racks of
temperature sensor for about GBP £1 (e.g. Dallas 18B20), cheaper if you blade servers with lights flashing, cabinets with thousands of wires
buy more than one. The sensor could be managed by a Wi-Fi enabled hanging out of them, Local Area Networks (LAN), antenna etc. This can
“System on a Chip” (SoC) for about GBP £2.50 (e.g. ESP8266) that has be bought as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
about 40 MB memory. On top of this is a platform layer which links all the infrastructure
To get data from the sensor you could download a free open source components together in a virtualised way through software. For ex-
message broker (e.g. MQTT) and install it on a Raspberry Pi which ample, a physical LAN in the infrastructure layer can have a software
would cost about GBP £15. This could act as a gateway for multiple version called a Virtual or vLAN in the platform layer. Whilst the ca-
sensors to link via an internet connection to a server or cloud that has a pacity of the physical foundational hardware cannot be exceeded, the
dedicated database in it. software equivalents enable higher availability through built in re-
The sensor data is published to MQTT and your database subscribes dundancy. The combination of physical and virtualised infrastructure is
to MQTT messages. The free database might be PostgreSQL or MYSQL at the heart of Software Defined Networks, Clouds, Elastic Compute and
and you could run it on a PC if the data volumes are not expected to be so on.
massive. For some applications that sit on top of the Platform layer, you can
Having timestamped data in a database means you can enable buy them as Software as a Service (SaaS). In the past an IT company
analytics such as Machine Learning that continually updates a Linear would get a lot of funding to develop a bespoke application and years
Regression model you've created to predict the temperature later in the later deliver it. We have all heard the stories about a massive new
day (Tensorflow is a popular choice for Machine Learning and Artificial application deployed in the likes of the UK's NHS which failed to live up
Intelligence libraries, which is again free and open source). to expectations. SaaS overcomes such problems but the trade-off is you
The point here is that IoT is accessible to even very low-cost budgets have to work with the imposed logic embedded in the SaaS offering if
depending on basic coding skills being present. A bigger ambition to cost minimisation is a key requirement.
integrate different types of data will probably need a cloud and help BPaaS builds on capability enabled in lower layers and provides a
from an IT company. If a construction company does not have any in- way for developers to build applications that automate and augment
house understanding of even simple IoT solutions then they will prob- workflows. We have experience of solutions that use Augmented Reality
ably struggle to judge value for money from an IT firm. Companies such (AR) to help field operatives fix equipment they have no experience of
as Amazon Web services, IBM, HPE, GE and Microsoft to name a few, by using their mobile phones to overlay real-time diagnostics and in-
have moved much of the IT complexity into a Cloud and have created structions to open machinery and replace defective parts. We also have
IoT platforms as a service model. experience of solutions that use Virtual Reality (VR) to help operatives
R. Woodhead et al. Automation in Construction 93 (2018) 35–46
understand hazards in a physical location they have not yet visited. been exposure to security vulnerabilities and privacy issues.
There are lots of IT companies trying to sell cloud services and IoT
linked to them. There are at least 450 IoT Platforms [40] to choose from
so the buyer has significant economic-bargaining power. This manifests 3.7. Security and privacy
as a problem as each vendor tries to lock customers into their IoT
platform by encapsulating data. In one laser cutting company we visited With millions of sensors, actuators and other devices combining to
they had three machines from different suppliers and were locked out of make an Internet of Things, the role of security and privacy become
data from those machines. We had to investigate developing a video more important for companies and their reputation as trustable entities.
analytics solution to enable better factory floor job scheduling. Key to Eastwood [45] sums this up saying:
advances in analytics has been progress made in Artificial Intelligence
“Ten years ago, most of us had to only worry about protecting our
and Machine learning.
computers. Five years ago, we had to worry about protecting our
smartphones as well. Now we have to worry about protecting our
3.6. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
car, our home appliances, our wearables, and many other IoT de-
A resurgence in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning seems
to have accelerated out of innovations such as “Hadoop” [41] with Some companies have gathered information on their employees and
algorithms such as “Map reduce” [42] becoming available from the sold it on to third parties [45] which not only raises privacy issues, but
open source community. This led to a widespread recognition of value also ethical issues flowing from corporate responsibility. The challenges
from data mining across multiple sources and stimulated the emergence are not singularly technical in nature.
of Big Data [43]. The authors experienced performance issues with Network Authentication and control of who and what is on a net-
Hadoop when used in very large scale Big Data solutions [44] and so work is important as is security and privacy around the data passing
used it as means to store a Data Lake which could function more slowly. through the network and held in storage. Samani [46] told of malware
This performance issue stimulated innovation that also marked an infected high-risk pregnancy monitors at a hospital in Boston, USA. One
evolution of a data warehouse. risk is about proving a device is safe before it is allowed access to OT
The idea of robotics and driverless cars has seen many advances in and another risk is about checking it is still safe once authentication and
Artificial Intelligence (AI). For the purposes of this paper we will con- network access has been achieved. Companies not updating their
sider two classes of AI algorithms: supervised and unsupervised firmware to deal with emergent vulnerabilities is a key concern as they
learning. At the heart of many new AI innovations are Neural Networks could open a door to criminal hackers.
(NN) which can cope with ambiguity such as each brick being a slightly Europol [47] saw threat sources coming from two main origins:
different dimension than the previous one. “Crime-as-a-Service and anonymisation.”
Those NN that need to be supervised require some kind of process Crime-as-a-Service is where criminally-intent software can be pur-
whereby an algorithm predicts an answer, gets feedback on whether it chased such as a “Denial of service” program. Anonymisation is where a
was right or wrong and if wrong tries again. A typical supervised AI TOR (The Onion Router) network hides the IP address of the end-user
algorithm is a Convoluted Neural Network (CNN). These are ideal so they cannot be traced. This is sometimes called “The Dark Web”. It is
where the programmer ‘knows’ what types of outcomes are right or similar to a VPN (Virtual Private network) which first makes a path
wrong and so it becomes a matter of training the neural network. through the internet then notes the router addresses before creating an
Another type of NN are unsupervised AI algorithms. They simply encrypted ‘pipe’ through them.
run until they find some kind pattern which links one set of features Europol [47] outline rising sources of cybercrime as:
(i.e. values stored in a column) with another. These are interesting
because they do not need a priori knowledge (i.e. no prior assumption • Criminal marketplaces using anonymous payment mechanisms with
of what is being looked for). They will find associations but the human crypto currencies (e.g. bit coin)
must then find a way to describe them so others understand the implied • Money laundering
causal relationship found in the data. A typical unsupervised AI algo- • Malware that is rapidly increasing in scale and sophistication
rithm is a Recursive Neural Network (RNN) and given sufficient data, • Ransomware
new causal patterns could be recognised. • Banking Trojans
Essentially, a NN is a matrix of nodes in hidden layers each con- • Controlling botnets
taining some form of a differential calculus equation. They have a way
of storing optimised values that associate an input with an output. Once A number of threats, such as “man in the middle” attacks [48] can
this optimised matrix of values is found and proven, then the ‘solution be minimised through security protocols. A man in the middle attack is
matrix’ can be pickled (i.e. frozen so no subsequent calculations are where a criminal mimics your authentication credentials and then in-
needed) and used on edge devices thus minimising the overall cost of teracts with say your bank as if they are you. Public-Private keys in
compute (i.e. Once the compute intensive work is done in a data centre Secure Shell (SSH, [49]) are frequently used to avoid such vulner-
a pickled solution matrix is then deployed to different edge locations). abilities. A popular type of key, which is really an algorithm, in SSH is
From Machine Learning to Convolutional Neural Networks that RSA (stands for the inventors' names, Rivest, Shamir and Adelman).
need supervised learning to Recursive Neural Networks that train Some companies also provide Format Preserving Encryption (FPE,
themselves, the capability of computers available to construction is e.g. Voltage, [50]) This approach keeps the word format, but encrypts it
vastly higher today than say 24 months ago. Companies such as Google and again relies on Public-Private keys to unencrypt it. A trivial ex-
have given advanced Machine Learning and AI libraries to the open ample might be, “Sheffield is great” is encrypted to “X6alu9f5s 7d
source community in products such as Tensorflow. Microsoft have also kwz4p” and sent over insecure communications. If a criminal intercepts
given their Cognitive Toolkit to open source. Because of the open source this message it is of little use to them. This solution is particularly at-
‘gifts’ we can expect to see innovative applications based around pre- tractive for edge devices such as a sensor that needs to broadcast to a
dictive capability to not only grow in number but also tackle challenges gateway over say Wi-Fi.
many of us never thought computers could tackle; for example, With billions of devices seeking access to networks, one promising
matching the complexity of a task to Suitably Qualified and technology to manage network authentication and verification is
Experienced Personnel (SQEP) to better utilise varying levels of scarce “Blockchain” [51] which was discussed above in another use-case.
expertise. A downside to making more and more data available has To conclude this section, we see five key considerations:
R. Woodhead et al. Automation in Construction 93 (2018) 35–46
• All device firmware to be regularly updated to deal with new vul- industry's ‘conservatism’ could be seen as an opportunity for other more
nerabilities. adventurous and technically savvy companies to ‘disrupt’ and those
• Public-Private keys using SSH and something like RSA to check disrupters might come from outside the established players in the in-
authentication and veracity. dustry as manufacturers and offsite construction enter onsite assembly.
• Format Preserving Encryption for edge of network communications Laing O'Rourke is different to most of their peers and investing heavily
so that sensitive data cannot be meaningfully intercepted. in Digital Engineering and offsite construction [54].
• Blockchain to become a way to manage large scale authentication
and verification (A potential business opportunity for a trusted 4.2. An evolutionary view of digital construction solutions
• Ethical standards and Corporate Responsibility to ensure employees An evolution of IT innovation is easy to see in the field of con-
and others can trust employers struction. Zhong et al. [55] used IoT in prefabricated construction.
Comparing this paper to an earlier paper with a similar focus by Yin
4. Innovation adoption in construction et al. [56] we can see an evolutionary process has unfolded from an
RFID centric focus to an IoT focus which combines different sources and
In the previous section we showed many examples of how IT and OT types of data.
are both evolving and converging. In this section, we will bring a keener As data integration holds the key to future value creation, we must
focus on how that might play out for the construction industry. overcome a tendency to prefer point solutions that make data retrieval
Innovative solutions and visions are available to the construction for different applications difficult. In 2007, Tatari et al. [57] reviewed
industry. However, the key challenge the authors infer from the lit- construction enterprise information systems and make the ‘point solu-
erature and conversations with people working in the industry is that tion’ perspective easy to see:
most construction companies do not see themselves in an evolutionary
“A total of 48 per cent of the firms use enterprise resource planning
process and behave as if digital innovation will not really impact them.
packages, but only 4 per cent of these firms chose to implement the
That is, the case for change has not yet been agreed amongst most
project management modules that are commercially available.”
leaders in the UK construction industry, so they are not adapting (the
authors called this a Block Buster strategy). The dominant uncertainties More holistic views of what is possible can also be seen in the lit-
are productivity, costs, quality of work, labour and skills management, erature. Pena-Mora and Dwivedi [58] discussed collaborative messa-
as well as health & safety, are just a few of the opportunities IoT could ging platforms and real-time information sharing was studied by
target. These need to be considered in a longer term strategy so a firm Bowden, Dorr, Thorpe and Anumba [59]. Independently, workflow-
adapts in ways that enable it to prosper in the next phase of the digital management was studied by Son, Park, Kim and Chou [60]. The busi-
evolution that will change many aspects of society. ness value of better decision making on site would now be possible with
It is feasible for new ways of organising skilled labour in flat or- an integrated IoT solution which uses more technically advanced so-
ganisations with low overheads to become economically powerful such lutions (e.g. open source Kafka enables the simultaneous copying of
as demonstrated by neighbourhood nurses called “Buurtzorg” in data streams to multiple destinations such as a data base or analytics
Holland. They started out with 8 nurses and 5 years later had 80% of engine, almost like a software defined message bus).
the Dutch market [52]. A new application that coordinates construction Bar-code and Personal Assistants were studied by Tserng et al. [61],
labour and has a trusted payment mechanism, for example an appli- and Chen and Kamara [62] discussed a framework for mobile com-
cation that uses Blockchain, could present a new way of organising a puting on construction sites. Because of innovations such as Cloud
labour that competes with old fashioned hierarchical firms carrying lots Compute, what was previously only possible through standalone ‘point
of overheads. Trades could start to self-organise with help from such a solutions’ can now be part of a more integrated solution using Appli-
coordinating application that finds the best blend of skills and avail- cation Programming Interface (API) possibilities to share data between
ability, tradesman reputation, materials needed, delivery organised, applications in a SOA design.
automated documentation, automated billing and use their collective RFID was studied by Ju, Kim and Kim [63] as part of a material
economic power to buy materials at a lower cost than builders mer- delivery system. Wang [64] looked at RFID as part a quality manage-
chants typically sell at so they have a cost advantage? That is, have ment system. Montaser and Moselhi [65] used RFID and ‘received
lower overheads than traditional construction firms and enjoy econo- signal strength’ as a proxy for distances to locate people and materials
mies of scale when purchasing materials and equipment. inside buildings using Ultra High Frequency (UHF) radio waves. Cai
et al. [66] achieved a similar ambition using GPS outside a building.
4.1. Evolution of IoT in construction The ingredients for an IoT ecosystem are known in the construction
industry. What is often missing is a bold vision that creates a synthe-
Some construction companies are already visionary. For example, sised possibility which stands on top of well curated data that makes
Balfour Beatty [53] recently published their vision for a human-free mining and using it in new applications easy to achieve.
construction site by 2050. It shows a number of technology-instances We have also seen advances in robotics. Chu et al. [67] discuss robot
(e.g. drones, robots, 3D printing etc.) but seemed to lack a view of how based construction of steel beam high rise. Chu et al. also warned of
integrated data could link things together to unlock even more poten- problems from change resistance. As pointed out in earlier sections,
tial. They could have widened their peripheral vision to explore a larger history shows that society is often reconfigured by ‘disruptive tech-
strategic context for buildings in the rise of mega cities as the global nology’ and so any notion of change resistance is inextricably tied to
population nudges closer to 9 billion. How could a construction com- wider societal factors. Both socio and technology is a unified concept,
pany and IoT adapt the way ‘construction’ could interact in this new like different sides of the same coin.
emerging era? We must not forget that IoT also brings advantages to other in-
We believe game changing ideas come out of a gestalt between dustries and so why wouldn't we expect steel makers to also be steel
technology-instances and the transcending technological waves perco- erectors if they can automate work thus making site based coordination
lating outward [25]. However, the few visions we've seen from con- easy to be achieved? Later we saw Tan, Mohan and Watanabe [68]
struction seem to be formed with an awareness of impending ‘change discuss a framework for robot-inclusive environments. Again, the
resistance’ and a need for quick Return on Investment (RoI). That is, the technological evolution is easy to see.
view of 2050 seems ‘safe’ rather than ‘aggressive’ given most of the Lipman [69] studied Virtual Reality Modeling Language on hand-
technology in the visions already exist. We believe the construction held devices. At that time it was hard to ensure smooth visual
R. Woodhead et al. Automation in Construction 93 (2018) 35–46
transitions on an edge device (e.g. a mobile device) as when a complex Whilst this was in of itself a big step forward it was limiting future
CAD model was turned it required millions of calculations that would possibilities and one only has to see new solutions such as Autodesk's
be hard to perform on a thin client (i.e. small compute power available “Dasher 360” to see how sensors and IoT are creeping into the world of
inside a mobile device). The usual way was for an edge device to be BIM.
remote from the main workstations with their own back-end compute By combining IT innovations, it is now possible to create a virtual
cluster in the data centre. If the distances between the edge device and copy, a “Digital Twin”, of a physical ‘thing’. Taking telemetry data from
the data centre were long (we increasingly struggled with distances the sensors at the ‘edge’ of a network that are embedded into a thing, it
over 200 miles) then network lag also led to ‘jitter’ as rendered images is possible to run real-time simulations on a Digital Twin in the ‘core’ of
were presenting on the edge screen. To minimise the network effect the network, if network speeds can deliver the performance needed. We
technologies such as “WAN Accelerators” (e.g. SteelHead) were used to would know a lot about a specific thing (e.g. a power generator) such as
speed up data transmission and caching solutions to hide delay from the what specific parts it is made of, what batch they came out of, when it
end user. Since then, advances in high-end graphic cards, typically was last inspected for maintenance and so on. If we see a problem with
using NVIDIA innovation, have emerged out of the gaming industry and say a bearing, we would know which other things (e.g. other power
technologies such as HPE's “Remote Graphics Software” (RGS, [70]) generators) have a bearing from the same batch that whilst showing no
transmitted changed pixels only, rather than fully rendered frames. problems, might be about to. We are no longer reacting to events, we
What was a big problem say five years ago is no longer the impediment are anticipating them and so can adapt our management plans ac-
it was. cordingly. This possibility needs to be physically ‘built’ into the buil-
Lee et al. [71] used different types of sensor as part of safety ding's components and here is a clue to new service models and new
management solution detecting falling objects. The raw ingredients for service management offerings we might see emerge out of the con-
IoT solutions are in place and have been used. This is important to struction industry.
acknowledge when considering potential change resistance from an The Digital Twin is a revolutionary idea for maintenance as it means
industry that prefers proven technology. they can move from reacting to events to predicting them. Advances in
Wu et al. [72] talk about real-time tracking of near-miss accidents Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence can take this to an even
using RFID and Zigbee as the radio based communication method. This more profound set of possibilities as the implications of one asset failing
is also close to what could be described as an IoT solution; things at the and its consequential effect on other assets, can be modelled and pre-
edge (e.g. humans wearing RFID tags) communicating to a core (i.e. in dicted in order to asses criticality to key strategic objectives. For ex-
their use case the edge nodes talk to a local server and that server could ample, of the 50 things that need fixing today, what one if fixed first
have been integrated with other cloud based solutions such as health would create most value for occupants and other stakeholders?
monitoring). The manufacturing industry have a similar concept to BIM they call
Situational awareness using GPS, wireless and web technologies was Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). As sensors were added we saw
discussed by Oloufa et al. [73]. This has many features that could be PLM [76] evolve to become the Industrial Internet or Industry 4.0
viewed as close to IoT. We only have to look at IoT in the automobile which are collections of standards, some still emerging and evolving.
industry and “Connected Car” [74] to see how ideas like this have The key difference between BIM and PLM is the ability to ‘integrate’
evolved and show the promise of a new computational architecture other data types from Corporate IT's “Systems of Records” such as En-
based around distributed compute, storage and swarm analytics [75]. terprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Manufacturing Execution System
The most important need is to reflect on how the construction in- (MES) data from across the whole lifecycle. This difference probably
dustry has engaged IT led innovation previously. As discussed above, stems from the fact a specific manufacturer owns much more of the end
the story of IT through to IoT is a journey from point solutions (e.g. a to end lifecycle and its data than any single actor in a highly fragmented
material management solution) that independently targets a specific construction industry does.
business problem (e.g. material inventory levels) to one that sees in- If we view Building Information Modeling (BIM) as a type of
tegrated data from many different sources (data linking materials Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) ecosystem, both types of onto-
management to productivity and weather conditions) as the source of logical engineering [76], then we can expect to see closer ties between
valuable insights (i.e. an ecosystem that enables a digital layer). BIM and Industry 4.0. By using common standards, we reduce con-
Those construction companies that do not embrace IoT or Industry nectivity problems and enjoy more choices in the solutions we can se-
4.0 or the Industrial Internet or other digitisation approaches will ex- lect to install in ‘our’ ecosystem as other developers create new offer-
perience increasing levels of competition and profit squeeze as being ings to an Industry 4.0 standard.
undifferentiated they become customers' second choice behind tech
savvy rivals. 5. Future research and discussion
Companies that ignore the digitisation phenomena will be pushed
further into low-tech labour-intensive context and others that also fail By understanding existing literature over time is mapping how a
to adapt will join them to make this a highly competitive, low margin socio-technical complex is itself evolving, we can begin to anticipate
segment. To deny progress is a strategy at odds with the transformation new ways of conceiving an adaptable built environment that is dyna-
of a construction industry set to become a more high-tech capital-in- mically responsive. This responsiveness could be within a building and
tensive industry. based around dynamic usage such as a bedroom being transformed into
A step closer to a digital layer can only be achieved if all partici- a home office at 9.00 am and later reverting back to a bedroom. Such
pating companies in a major capital project shared their data so that the adaptability could also happen outside a building such as hydroponics
construction industry could get closer to the manufacturing industry in combined with moving sun screens to help manage cooling and food
terms of range of data types to feed into AI and ML. For this to happen, production. A smart city with benefits of digital integration and a
new approaches for BIM are necessary as it moves from a federated to transcending digital layer requires construction companies to ‘evolve’ in
an integrated approach to data driven insights. that direction, and so prefer solutions that embed them more in a digital
ecosystem than trap them in silo caused by single point solutions.
4.3. The evolution of BIM We believe construction companies need help to better understand
the issues and opportunities with various technologies in the context of
Interestingly, Building Information Modeling (BIM) with its origins an evolving and strategically wider Enterprise Architecture strategy
in CAD evolved in parallel to IoT. BIM is essentially an object-oriented [32,77]. We also believe more research is needed into the numerous
software approach to data exchange through federated databases. issues (i.e. socio-technical, organisation design, change management,
R. Woodhead et al. Automation in Construction 93 (2018) 35–46
etc.) construction companies will face if they decide their long term process automation. We are seeing the manufacturing industry moving
survival is contingent on digital transformation. We believe this large into the construction industry such as the Semi-Automated-Machine
agenda is necessary to explore because the Fourth Industrial Revolution (SAM) made by Construction Robotics of New York, which claims to lay
is already established in many manufacturing industries (e.g. the au- about 3000 bricks per day for USD $3300 per month [78]. As SAM
tomotive industry and ‘connected car’) and its influence will enter the exists today, this is a reality and not some fanciful aspiration of the
construction industry in one form or another. We see the following future.
areas for future research: Another key insight is that new skills are needed and should be
encouraged to evolve. Construction professional with IT knowledge will
• A deeper understanding of why the UK construction industry is not be differentiated from those that have none. This represents both an
more active in digital R&D. opportunity if adaptation is favoured and a threat if stuck in old ways
• The role professional bodies play in building digital skills as part of that become uncalled for. It is not clear where these new skills will
their accreditation processes. come from and perhaps this is an opportunity for the UK Government to
• A needs analysis of smart cities that translates into creative solutions incentivise academia to develop courses ahead of clearly defined de-
the construction industry could provide. mand signals from an intransigent industry.
• A digital strategy review based around the possibilities enabled by It would be easy to infer a lack of change in the UK construction
open source, open data with links to open technology and how the industry is due to a culture of “risk aversion”. The reasons must be
construction industry could enable it deeper and should be researched to untangle what is holding the ma-
jority of UK construction companies back from trying digital experi-
Our insight from the literature review is that we are in an evolu- ments that shed light on the possibility of new business models and new
tionary process. Our discussion of Kondratieff and Schumpeter, helped sources of revenue. The point is, the case for change is here whether it is
us to see there is a repeating pattern throughout history, much older recognised or not.
than any notion of four waves encapsulated within the idea of “Industry
4.0”. Schumpeter's idea of ‘Creative destruction’ also helps us under- 6. Conclusions
stand why many established organisations fail to make the leap to new
societal configurations, most downfalls driven by some form of dis- In this paper we set out to achieve a number of objectives.
ruptive technology or other that was underestimated.
Just as Uber and Airbnb used creativity to see how new information • We have set the scope of this paper as a wider view of transforma-
flows can move economic power in an established value chain, seeing tional socio-technological processes in society.
the construction industry in the context of an ever adapting smart city • Within this we have established a link from the evolution of the UK
driven by a digital layer opens new strategic possibilities through data construction industry to the evolution of the Built Environment and
and information flows. A concern here is that given a lack of wide- used the idea of a ‘digital layer’ in a smart city to argue away from
spread R&D activity in the UK construction industry, despite the gov- ‘point solutions’ to an ‘ecosystem’ view.
ernment offering R&D Tax Credits, suggests most construction industry • We explained how the IT industry evolved faster than the OT in-
leaders have yet to deeply believe the case for digital transformation dustry and that their convergence is the frontier of new socio-
exists. technical challenges and opportunities.
Even if leaders do realise now is a time to adapt and evolve, • We explained how low level protocols present technical challenges
transformational change for large established companies is not easy as as not all OT devices are “IP Addressable” and introducing TCP/IP
remuneration systems are often locked into old ways of thinking. or UDP/IP protocols presents security risks as Process Control
Smaller and younger companies with access to funding may be able to Domain firewalls can be circumvented.
adapt and adopt new ways of thinking much easier than established, • We also outlined the contradicting outcomes of increased security as
older and more rigid hierarchical companies that tend to struggle with sharable data becomes more challenging from a security perspec-
disruptive innovations. tive.
The leap from ‘low-tech labour intensive approaches’ to ‘high-tech • We have shown how future directions for digital construction need
capital intensive approaches’ in construction will be difficult. Notions to evolve in an ecosystem architecture as is emerging in smart cities
such as “Return on Investment” are surrounded by a lot of uncertainty as a ‘digital layer’.
which makes investment appraisals hard to reliably quantify. This too • We discussed the evolution of point solutions drawn from the lit-
has been played out in other industries as our discussion of Netflix and erature and used this to explain implications for an IoT enabled UK
Blockbuster Video points out. Those construction firms which do not construction industry
invest in developing the capability to transform are at a higher risk of • We made the case that IoT and digital construction itself will evolve
not making the leap to a future which is connected to digital layers that in the context of smart cities or other transcending digital layers, as
overarch smart cities. has been achieved in UK Defence.
To better navigate an evolving context driven by disruptive tech- • We also outlined future research directions as well as providing
nologies, it is also important to see current behaviours may be under- conclusions in this section to help construction companies to review
mining the ability to adapt and take advantage of new possibilities such how they currently view digital transformation.
as seen by an IT firm that owns Google, Alphabet, becoming a property
developer. Whilst it is hard to predict how the future will unfold we can see
Many companies simply try to ‘tweak’ what they do today using some trends that map a journey from today's ‘point solutions’ to a
innovative automation to make the same things in the same ways transcending digital layer that encompasses a large urban area's eco-
‘faster, better, cheaper, and safer’ which reinforces a preference to buy system:
point solutions. The main problem that follows from the procurement of
disparate point solutions is the data becomes inaccessible to other so- •A digital layer will emerge based around ‘open data’ and
lutions in an era where we are heading towards data driven decision transcend the built environment and all industries that play some
making. To minimise this risk an enterprise architecture strategy and kind of role in it such as will be the case for Smart Cities.
road map become even more important and they too must see their own • New entrants will disrupt established players through a reworking
evolution in a digital layer that transcends smart cities. of information flows (e.g. Uber). Many will emerge out of the
The future may see new entrants to the industry pursuing ideas of manufacturing industry as they invent machines that replace scarce
R. Woodhead et al. Automation in Construction 93 (2018) 35–46
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