Development of Iot-Enabled Data Analytics Enhance Decision Support System For Lean Manufacturing Process Improvement

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Original Research Article

Concurrent Engineering: Research

and Applications
Development of IoT—enabled data 1–13
Ó The Author(s) 2021
analytics enhance decision support Article reuse guidelines:

system for lean manufacturing process DOI: 10.1177/1063293X20987911


Mohd Soufhwee Bin Abd Rahman, Effendi Mohamad and Azrul Azwan
Bin Abdul Rahman

For over three decades, production firms have extensively espoused lean manufacturing (LM) approach for constantly
enhancing their operations. Of late, due to the fusion of physical and digital systems within the Industry 4.0 evolution,
production systems can upgrade by applying both notions and lift operational excellence to a new high. This is primarily
the reason why digital business transformation has gained significance. Moreover, Industry 4.0 that is led by data assures
huge strides in output. The sheer volume of pertinent data from the production systems employing servers, sensors,
and cloud computing have made the data exchange procedure more gigantic and intricate. However, conventional sys-
tems do not extensively support LM in the context of Industry 4.0. Moreover, the previous studies by researchers in the
same field, shown that there was no standard platform to manage the new technologies in LM. This study presents a dis-
cussion on the interrelated framework about the way Industry 4.0 has transformed production into an industry focusing
on connective mechanisms and platforms which utilize data analytics from the real world. The theoretical framework
proposed in this paper integrates LM, data analytics, and Internet of Things (IoT) to enhance decision support systems in
process improvement. Data analytics in simulation is employed through Internet of Things to improve bottleneck prob-
lems by maintaining the principle of LM. The main information flow route within LM decision support system is demon-
strated in detail to show how the decision-making process is done. The decision support mechanism has undergone up-
gradation and the suggested framework has shown that the assimilated components could function together to augment
the output.

lean manufacturing, Industry 4.0, decision support system, data analytics, simulation

Introduction as well as Lean Manufacturing (LM). However, LM

has been chosen to conduct the research in this paper
Lean manufacturing and Industry 4.0. for being one of the most popular and extended man-
The world is globally accepted a technological and agement philosophies in different application domains
business transformation toward Industry 4.0 where the among others (Holweg, 2007).
changes will impact the fundamental of the global man- In the manufacturing field, LM has proved that the
ufacturing landscape. The new paradigm urges compa- tools and techniques used were become a success factor
nies over the world to determine and adopt the
most suitable manufacturing strategies for their
business. Therefore, manufacturing firms are needed to Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Melaka, Malaysia
re-evaluate their current manufacturing method such as
Corresponding author:
Concurrent Engineering (CE), Agile Manufacturing Effendi Mohamad, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya,
(AM), Customization (MC), Quick Response Melaka 76100, Malaysia.
Manufacturing (QRM), Flexible Manufacturing (FM) Email:
2 Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications 00(0)

Figure 1. Rising complexity against industrial revolution timeline.

and adopted by various industries in the world until Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), etc. drives the growth
now (Holweg, 2007; Mostafa et al, 2013; Pearce et al., of the manufacturing system, thus making the data
2018; Schuh et al., 2011; Shah et al., 2003). There were exchange process becomes faster and more complex
supported by successful cases recorded during the (Roblek et al., 2016). Of late, the data volume has gone
implementation period of LM. Founded in 1950 by over 1000 exabytes annually and is projected to rise 20
Ohno at Toyota until 2010, LM is one of the best times in the next 10 years (Tao et al., 2018).
methods used by manufacturers around the world to Furthermore, as per the World Economic Forum, 463
enhance their competitiveness (Kumar and Vaishya, exabytes of data would be produced daily by 2025; this
2018). LM has been described as a novel manufactur- is equal to 463 million terabytes. The overall digital
ing philosophy that aims to improve the production universe is likely to touch 44 zettabytes by 2020
flow by decreasing waste and improving the activities (Ertemel, 2015). Meanwhile, Lee et al. (2014) express
(Shah et al., 2003). Elimination of the waste improved that a large amount of data must be analyzed through
quality while decreasing the costs and the time needed data analytics before an organization fulfills customer
for production (Sundar et al., 2014). needs. The complexity has been found to impact perfor-
However, started the year 2011, when Industry 4.0 mance and behaviour (Hu et al., 2008; Liu and Li
was officially introduced in parallel with global market 2012). Subsequently, the scenario is one of the reasons
competition, it gave a challenge to LM for analysing why decision making in LM is quite intricate.
the complexities issue in the current manufacturing sys-
tem. Researchers reported that the degree of complexity
is increasing in parallel with the growth of Industry 4.0 Combination of LM and Industry 4.0 enhance DSS
(Mayr et al., 2018; Zhou et al. 2015). Figure 1 depicts The development of Industry 4.0 is deliberately and
that the intricacy rises toward the four phases of the efficiently contributing toward greater productivity
timeline of the industrial revolution. through resources. Therefore, with the same aim to
Industry 4.0 is driven by data. The rapid develop- increase productivity, a close correlation exists between
ment of Industry 4.0 technologies has led to the explo- LM and Industry 4.0 to enhance the current manufac-
sive growth of data in almost every industry and turing system. This has led the researcher to investigate
business area. Taking account of the manufacturing more inclusive DSS related techniques, which are
area, the abundance of related data from data decision-making for operations, financial management,
resources such as sensors, Cloud Computing, IoT, and strategy, which are too complex (Moro et al.,
Abd Rahman et al. 3

2014). Intensive simulations were applied in most man- how Industry 4.0 technology can be applied to restruc-
ufacturing companies to create stable and flexible pro- ture their existing system (Sundar et al., 2014).
cesses. Discrete-Event Simulation (DES) is the most Considering the DSS in LM, one more concern cited
popular DSS method to enhance manufacturing by researchers is that decision-makers are not
improvement activities (Jahangirian et al., 2010; acquainted with the LM principles in the course of the
Negahban et al., 2014). Any innovative process, evalu- execution. LM tools and principles are not offered
ated through simulation, could help manufacturers pre- much focus while executing LM in the process industry,
dict the output of their improvement plans. Network leading to incorrect allotment of decision variables
interconnection systems, such as IoT could be used to within the simulation model (Gobinath et al., 2015;
support organization through e-manufacturing concept Panwar et al., 2015). It may lead to obtaining incorrect
(Prasad, 2016a). It could address each phase of the pro- industrial methods in management decisions (Almeida
duction process chain, such as material design (e.g. and Cunha, 2017). This was agreed by Bhamu and
metallurgy simulations), manufacture (e.g. laser cut- Sangwan (2014), recently the implementation of LM
ting, press brake), assembly (e.g. robot-based part han- none of the available framework/model on LM pro-
dling, robot spraying), or logistic management (e.g. vides of the LM concept. Furthermore, to warrant the
shop-floor logistics, supply chain management). Most organizational transformation entailed for collabora-
processes require human interaction with the system tion with LM philosophies, the manufacturer should
(Valdeza et al., 2015). The journey toward technologi- make sure, at least within the LM venture, long-term
cal change is never easy; therefore, in this research, a positioning, and availability of proficiency needed to
new approach incorporating networking and the use of establish and sustain philosophies, procedures, and
data, has a far greater impact on LM than the present tools during the deployment (Moeuf et al., 2016).
conventional method. Both LM and Industry 4.0 prin- Subsequently, to study the effective collaboration
ciples were considered in designing the framework, to between LM and Industry 4.0 is still the main topic of
overcome the drawbacks of their combination, raised research. Therefore, research work has been carried out
by most researchers from the same field. by several authors to identify how simulation having
the same objectives should be combined with LM in the
Problem statements context of Industry 4.0 (Goienetxea Uriarte et al., 2020:
Pinho and Mendes, 2017). Hence, this research aims to
Nowadays, in the transaction period to the new era, develop a framework to integrate LM, data analytics of
shown that LM faces many problems during the imple- simulation modeling (SM), and IoT to support LM
mentation has some drawbacks when it comes to analys- decision support system for process improvement. All
ing complex systems with the variation of the behaviour of them will be interconnected as a platform to enhance
of the manufacturing processes. Manufacturers have LM decision making for process improvement.
realized that the data they possess is not completely used
for improving their existing processes. Hence, they have
used a computer-based information process, called the Preliminaries
Decision Support System (DSS), for making effective
How LM is associated with productivity
decisions (Shim et al., 2002). DSS applies simulation as
a feed of knowledge to analyse the data for users. In the In the recent past, business entities have been dealing
past, owing to the massive technological innovations, with several concerns pertaining to production perfor-
the functionality of the DSS has been improved so that mance like quality, output, and flexibility. These were
it can manage data by facilitating many databases, mod- noted to be the vital primary measures for exhaustive
eling processes, and user interfaces involved in the pro- production performance (Son and Park, 1987). Amid
cess. The data that is transmitted to the DSS is named the business transformation to Industry 4.0, the major-
Data Analytics. The traditional approach is unable to ity of producers are wondering whether LM could be
manage the complexity of the data analytics in the DSS separate or they need to re-mold their business scenario
process, with regards to tasks like storage, completing for competing at the global level. Novel technologies
capture, managing, and analysing the mass data pool. are considered a solution for accelerating consumer
Some researchers used data analytics for tracking pur- deliveries and enhancing production processes, compe-
poses only and not for improving the processes (LaValle tence, management decision making, and consumer
et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2016). Data analytics were not satisfaction (McLeod and Schell, 2007). Thus, Industry
used as an alternative technique for solving problems. It 4.0 as well as LM employ decentralized control and
makes pressure increased on production and some scien- intend to raise output (Buer et al., 2018). The produc-
tists call it the ‘‘productivity paradox’’ (Uriarte et al., tivity, high consumer requirements, and the eruption of
2018). This phenomenon forced manufacturers to study data improvement have caused diversification and a lot
4 Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications 00(0)

of intricacy in the manufacturing environment.

Consequently, the concern of complexity has triggered
a more intricate scenario, particularly in making a pre-
cise decision about output. However, in 1988, Toyota
managers frequently discussed the need to reduce the
waste coming from the so-called three Mu (3Mu),
which are Muda, Muri, and Mura. Muda, refers to the
wastes defined above, while Muri is overburdening peo-
ple and machines beyond their limits, and Mura is to
have unevenness or a lack of consistency in the system
due to variation. Based on the concept of root cause
elements, man, machine, and material, Mura and Muri
have contributed to Muda. Therefore, focusing on Figure 2. The eight types of wastes (Oehmen and Rebentisch
eliminating Muda alone is not sufficient (Liker, 2004). 2010).
This is in line with the definition of Knowledge-Based
Engineering (KBE), which proposes a process manage-
ment cycle, in which knowledge and tool are applied to Lean manufacturing philosophy, principles, and tools
a continuously improving in-process plan, master pro-
duction schedule, manufacturing execution plan, and Nowadays, LM was widely used in several industrial
manufacturing cost estimates (Prasad, 2016b). Based applications in the world (Schuh et al., 2011). LM is
on that, the three of them are related to each other, based on the philosophy which increased productivity
being the root cause of waste is shown in Figure 2. The and eliminated waste. LM includes five steps as a guide-
depiction of the eight kinds of wastes has been deliber- line, called the LM Principles. There are Specify a
ated and approved by several researchers. These are value; Identify the value stream; Establish the flow, pull
over-manufacturing, defects, transportation, waiting, value, and Strive for perfection (Womack and Jones,
needless motion, inventory, underutilized staff, and 2003). LM is having both philosophical and practical
over-processing (Oehmen and Rebentisch, 2010). orientations, which are embedded in three levels of LM
Hence, the impact of LM output is the basis that has to thinking: philosophy, principles and, tools, and tech-
be comprehended in this work. niques (Arlbjørn et al., 2013) as present in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Level of LM thinking: Arlbjørn et al. (2013).

Abd Rahman et al. 5

Table 1. LM tools.

Practices LMT Description

Setup time Single-Minute SMED is a technique for dramatically reducing the time it takes to
reduction Exchange complete equipment changeovers. It namely Single-Minute Exchange of
of Dies (SMED) Dies (SMED) because of the goal of reducing changeover times to the
‘‘single’’ digits (i.e. less than 10 minutes) (Rahman et al, 2019).
Visual control ANDON Andon can be defined as a ‘‘sign’’ or ‘‘signal’’ that provides visual
management aid, when highlighting an issue as it occurs, and effectively
improve production efficiency (Shivleel and Anuradha, 2015).
Standardized Line Balancing Line balancing is a technique to minimize imbalance between/among
workflow workers and workloads, where bottleneck always happens, to achieve the
required run rate. Therefore, the line should be analysed in terms of the
assembly process, workstations layout, and workstation cycle time (Lam et
al., 2016).
LM accounting Value Stream Value stream mapping is a widely used and proven method that enables the
practices Mapping (VSM) mapping and analysis of process chains and helps to derive potentials for
improvement (Meudt et al., 2017).
Machine Overall Equipment OEE is one of the approaches in TPM focus on the whole manufacturing
performance Effectiveness (OEE) environment, the equipment availability, as well as, the production
efficiency while the equipment is available to run product, also, the
efficiency loss that results from scrap, rework, and yield losses (Abd
Rahman et al., 2020).
Production layout Cellular Manufacturing Cellular manufacturing is a process of manufacturing which is a subsection
of just-in-time manufacturing group technology. The goal of cellular
manufacturing is to move as quickly as possible, make a wide variety of
similar products while making as little waste as possible (Pattanaik and
Sharma, 2009).
Continuous flow Just in Time The goal of JIT is to produce the necessary items, in the necessary
quantity, at the necessary time, through production and operation’s
management (Monden, 2011).
Continuous flow Bottleneck Analysis The bottleneck process is identified by determining the maximum cycle
time compare to takl time in the production line (Sundar et al., 2014).
Production process flow Spaghetti diagramming A method to view the movement of the object in the system with the help
of a line meir (Senderska et al., 2017).
Production levelling Heijunka Controlling the variability of the job arrival sequence to permit higher
capacity utilization (Hüttmeir et al., 2009).

There are limitations in this research, where not all knowledge in DSS and Industry 4.0 states the use of
LM tools can comply. Only significant LM tools under data management tools through IoT in this concept
the category process and equipment are proposed. The where human factors (user/decision-makers) remained
suggested LM tools are stated in Table 1. in generating innovation to increase productivity
(Prasad, 2014) as present in Figure 4. LM principles
were served as a bridge in the combination.
Integrated concepts
LMDSS framework
The DSS framework is designed to support a decision-
making process related to LM process improvement. Smart production is the result of the integration of vir-
Many approaches exist, especially associated with tual and physical processes (Godfrey, 2002). IoT is
Industry 4.0 technologies; however, the researcher’s using internet networking concept to use sensors for
desire is to design a more robust system to minimize the acquiring data. The data are captured through barcode
possibility of human error; especially during the data sensor. Then, they are installed in the database before
entry phase. However, the main components in DSS it is transmitted to the server via the intranet. The
and the technology used, are (1) data management, (2) MySQL command is given for compiling and coding
communication, (3) user (decision-maker), and (4) the data so that it aligns with the simulation require-
simulation model. Knowledge-Based Engineering ment input. These step procedures are the foundation
(KBE) strategy, which is convenient for lean products, of a networking system aligned with Industry 4.0 prin-
was adopted to design the framework. Besides, the ciples. Data from the system were simulated in a few
6 Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications 00(0)

Lean Manufacturing


DSS Industry 4.0

Connuous Innovaon
Improvement (human) Interoperability

Data Management Virtualizaon

Real me data
Service oriented
LM Principles Integrated business

Figure 4. DSS design concept based on Knowledge-Based Engineering (KBE) (Prasad, 2014).

scenarios for LM process improvement options. balancing is the most significant tool applied to solve
Knowledge-Based Modeling (KBM) using simulation bottleneck problems where it is reflected to total opera-
enables users to predict and make accurate results tion time to the customer. The problem of the study is
based on simulation output (Prasad and Rogers, 2005). related to the customer (specify value). Process
The system could enhance LMDSS in the context of parameters such as cycle times captured digitally from
Industry 4.0 as illustrated in Figure 5. sensors and directly updated to database nearest to
Based on the LMDSS proposed framework, a guideline real-time data. Line balancing technique used to solve
named IMAGE (Identify, Measure, Analyse, Generate, below issues:
and Execute) was established to run the process. The
details of IMAGE were explained in the following topic. (i) balance the operator workload in the workstations.
(ii) to minimize the workload of stations.
Implementation examples (iii) enhance output efficiency
Phase 1: I-identify (specify value)
This study was carried out at the semi-automated LM The production Line TX8 manufacture rear wheel-
production line, wherein the machines were linked to house comp (left side), rear wheelhouse comp (right
the IoT system established by the manufacturers. side), and cross member. All the parts will be assembled
Different kinds of data from LM processes are to be in supporting frame of the automotive model. The
captured in an appropriate way. The knowledge cap- automatic spot-welding machine is utilizing in this pro-
ture and reuse (KCR) technologies can be used to duction line to fabricate the wheelhouse comp and
gather such information. KCR plays an important role cross member. The child parts of each product are
in improving the efficiency and quality of data collec- assembly through three automatic spot weld robots and
tion process (Prasad, 2016a). In this case, production undergo an inspection process before disposing to the
line displays an uneven cycle time, different workloads customer. There are total of twelve stations and eight
at the workstations, and varying capabilities of the operators in this production line to manufacture three
operators which can lead to an unbalanced line. Line types of finished products as illustrates in Figure 6.
Abd Rahman et al. 7

Figure 5. LMDSS proposed framework.

Figure 6. Pictorial diagram of manufacturing process.

Phase 2: Measure (identify the value stream) program, which connected the PHP language, web-
In this study, the researchers collected all data and need based database (MySQL), and a web services provider
to identify the process flow of the production line (iden- (i.e. Kepware). The PHP language + MySQL platform
tify the value stream). With the help of a web-based was a popular database-driven web service that assisted
8 Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications 00(0)

Table 2. Standard time for each workstation.

Process: spot welding Product: right side wheel house comp, left side wheel house comp, cross member
Station Average cycle Range Performance Rating Normal Standard
time (s) rating (%) factor time (s) time (s)

100 RH 280 20 100 1.0 280 322

150 RH 250 19 100 1.0 250 287.5
200 RH 294 11 90 1.1 323.4 371.91
300 RH 271.3 13 110 0.9 244.17 280.8
QG1 273.8 16 110 0.9 246.42 283.4
100 LH 310.6 18 100 1.0 310.6 357.19
200 LH 271.6 25 90 1.1 298.76 243.6
300 LH 31.5 8 110 0.9 28.35 32.6
QG2 67.5 21 100 1.0 67.5 77.6
100 13.6 10 100 1.0 13.6 15.64
Manual welding 90.1 20 90 1.1 99.11 113.9
QG3 93.5 22 100 1.0 93.5 107.5
Total T cycle time = (2247.5s) 2493.64

this framework. All sensors existing in the machines the benefit (establish flow) based on a particular sce-
helped in collecting the data. Data was retrieved by the nario (Mohamad et al., 2016). Before making any deci-
sensors before it was transmitted to the MySQL data- sions, the DES model estimates the system’s ability to
base. By using the SQL command and the intranet ser- optimize the values of the decision variables. However,
vices, the necessary data which was derived by some the decision-makers also define the different definition
machines was compiled into the MySQL database. The scenarios and variables that can be altered based on
data that was compiled at the MySQL database were their acceptable range.
aligned using the simulation input like the numbers of
operators, quantity, cycle time, etc. Table 2 shows the
standard time for every workstation generated through Model translation and verification. The flowchart modeling
the below formula. of the production process can be done easily in Arena
simulation software by drag the model block icon from
Normal timeðNTÞ = Average Time  Rating Factor the template then drop into the graphical model can-
ð1Þ vas. All the relevant data is set accordingly into the sys-
tem as input. A comparison between the simulation
Standard TimeðSTÞ = Normal Time model and the current system is implemented after
ð2Þ modeling to make sure the behaviour of the simulation
 ð1 + Allowance FactorÞ
model builds correctly. The simulation process was
The allowance factor for all inspection stations is pre- used for simulating the production system so that it
sumed to be 15%. determined the actual operational process used in the
production line of a manufacturing system. The
research data was used for creating a simulation model.
Phase 3: A-analyse (establish flow) This model was compared and verified using an actual
In this phase, the innovative KBE was applied where production line. Figure 7 presents this simulation logic
simulation was used to capture the process improve- model which could be used for verification. A verifica-
ment output based on ‘‘what if’’ concepts. In the tion process was carried out for ensuring that the enti-
research, new values (attributes or variables)were set ties entered the system as directed. The process is
and several scenarios can be obtained (Prasad, 2010). initiated by identifying the numbers of workstations,
The simulation inputs measured the resource require- cycle time, numbers of operators, etc. The simulation
ments and performance of every system, before asses- results showed that this production line produced
sing the advantages of using the ‘‘shop-floor’’ principles 121 units within 3 h, whereas, the actual production
related to LM (Mohamad et al., 2017). Thus, research- was seen to be 120 units within 3 h. Thus, the results
ers have applied the LMDSS and used the DES tech- show that this verification process was . 90% accu-
nique as a tool for supporting the organizations that rate; which is higher than the acceptable level (95%
aimed to implement the LM principles by determining confidence interval) (Kasemset et al., 2014).
Abd Rahman et al. 9

Figure 7. Simulation logic model.

Phase 4: G-generate (pull value)

After the simulation model was created, the cycle-time
required by each workstation must be determined.
Based on that, the line efficiency (%) was calculated
using the following formula:

Line Efficiencyð%Þ = ðTotal Std TimeÞ=

ðNumber of workstation x takt timeÞ x 100
= 2493:64=ð12 x 336sÞ x 100
Line Efficiencyð%Þ = 61:8%:

Base on the theory, the cycle time required for every

workstation mostly were lower than the takt time, Figure 8. Graph of new line balancing.
which was regarded as the baseline. Only workstations
200 RH and 100 LH are above than talk time.
As a solution, with the aid of the precedence diagram with the Environment (E). A summary of all counter-
technique, the relationship between each process is illu- actions, which were simulated again using the simula-
strated. Consequently, a new workstation arrangement tion model, has been presented in the study. The
will be suggested to solve the bottleneck shown in the researchers noted that two factors, that is, machine and
precedence diagram as well as improve workstation layout, played a vital role in this study. The action was
smoothing. The simulation run to test for a new pro- taken as described below:
duction line design without disturbing the complicated
real-world system. The variables in the simulation (a) Machine: The researchers established a novel
model can keep changing to obtain the desired result. parameter setting for all related machines for
After finish the simulation run, the simulation software ensuring that the cycle time for the machines was
provided the report automatically where allow the decreased.
examination of the performance of the new production (b) Layout: The researchers proposed a novel prece-
line design. dence diagram by combined a few processes so
that the numbers of workstations could be
decreased to eight.
Phase 5: E-execute (strive the perfection)
Improvement plan. The researchers proposed some coun- The line efficiency was calculated for the updated
termeasures for improving the line balancing, based on simulation model based on cycle time, takt time, and
the 4Ms and 1E. They applied the fishbone diagram numbers of workstations. This value significantly
methodology. This process uses many factors like increased from 61.8% to 80.25%. The new line balan-
Man, Machine, Materials, and Method (i.e. 4M) along cing as presents in Figure 8.
10 Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications 00(0)

Table 3. The results of the two simulation models.

ARENA simulation Initial simulation Final simulation

(14 workstations) (8 workstations)

Total operators 17 16
Output (units) 121 149
Line efficiency (%) 61.60% 80.25%
Productivity growth (%) (149–121/121) 3 100% = 23.14%

Table 4. Interconnection between DSS and Industry 4.0 principles in LMDSS framework.

Technologies Industry 4.0 design principles

Interoperability Virtualization Decentralization Real time data Service Integrated business
management oriented process (Modularity)

Sensor, barcode, RFID d d

Data analytics d d d
Simulation d
Communication d d d
and networking (IoT)

Line Efficiencyð%Þ = ðTotal Std:TimeÞ= the category process and equipment are proposed to be
ðNumber of workstation x takt timeÞx100 used in the framework. However, through the KBE
concepts, LM principles have been adopted to combine
= 2696:6=ð10 x 336Þ x 100 = 80:25% them (DSS and Industry 4.0 technologies). Since this
research involves IoT and is related to IoTs environ-
From the research, the simulation of the initial
mental, seven influencing agents need to be considered
model included 17 operators, while it produced
(Prasad, 2016b). There are talents, tools, time, technol-
121 units in 3 h, with a production line efficiency value
ogy, techniques domain of influence, teamwork, and
of 61.6%. Thereafter, the line balancing succeeds in
task which the application aligns with Muda, Muri,
decreasing the number of workstations from 14 to 10
and Mura. The combination of knowldege between
workstations. They used a precedence diagram for
LM, DSS, Industry 4.0 technologies creating a signifi-
combining the assembly items. The new model, con-
cant relationship between them though LMDSS frame-
taining 10 workstations, was simulated using the soft-
work. Interconnection each element in DSS and
ware simulation and it required 16 operators, that is, 1
Industry 4.0 principles can be translated in Table 4
less the number of the operator than the initial simula-
thorugh the symbols (d).
tion model. The output of this model was also higher,
All the principles from both sides are integrated into
that is, 149 units within 3 h. It showed significantly
the LMDSS framework. LMDSS framework revealed
higher line efficiency, that is, 80.25%. Hence, the new
that LM thinking can be adopted without changing the
model showed a productivity growth of 23.14%, when
basic concepts of LM. In LMDSS, humans are still the
it reduced the number of operators and decreased the
bearers of this new technology and drivers of innova-
number of workstations in the production line. The
tion. The role of human beings in technological devel-
comparison data is shown in Table 3.
opment is indeed inseparable. Aligned with the KBE
approach, where humans play a role innovatively in
Conclusion and future work decision making, it continues deployed in the LMDSS
framework. Based on the vision and mission of the
In this research, a digital platform was created which organization, decision-makers are responsible to aug-
the combination of LM principles, data analytics, simu- ment their company’s performance.
lation, and IoT were upgraded DSS for process For future work, Industry 4.0 principles related to
improvement. The LMDSS framework has highlighted the service-oriented and integrated business process,
significant technologies involved in the system for pro- can be expanded; since IoT and IoS were defined as
cess improvement. However, it is quite crucial to take parts of the manufacturing process that have ignited
into account the LM philosophy, principles, and tools the fourth industrial revolution. However, technologi-
at all stages of IMAGE procedures. LM tools under cal needs related to IoS are a window of opportunity to
Abd Rahman et al. 11

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The authors are grateful to the Malaysian Government and
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this research via Grant (FRGS/1/2020/TK0/UTEM/02/42). Hüttmeir A, De Treville S, Van Ackere A, et al. (2009) Trad-
ing off between heijunka and just-in-sequence. Interna-
tional Journal of Production Economics 118(2): 501–507.
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Abd Rahman et al. 13

Author biographies
Ts. Mohd Soufhwee Abd Rahman received his Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
(Industrial) in 1999 and has 10 years’ experiences in manufacturing industries before joined the
university as academia in 2009. His research interest is in lean manufacturing, quality engineering
and management systems related to Industry 4.0.

Associate Professor Ts. Dr. Effendi Mohamad received Bachelor of Engineering in

Manufacturing from University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur in 2001, Master of Science in
Engineering Business Management from Coventry University United Kingdom in 2007 and
Doctor of Engineering in Intelligent Structures and Mechanics Systems Engineering from
University of Tokushima, Japan in 2013. He has been serving as academician at Universiti
Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) since 2005 and is currently the Director of Centre For
Community Development and I-COE, Office of Assistant Vice Chancellor (Industry and
Community Network). He is active in consultation and research works particularly in Lean
Manufacturing, Industrial Engineering, technology management and simulation of manufactur-
ing system.

Ir.Dr.-Ing. Azrul Azwan Rahman received his Bachelor of Engineering (with honours) in
Mechanical Engineering from the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, in 2002, Master of Science in
Global Production Engineering from the Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, in 2005, and
Doctor of Engineering in Assembly Technology and Factory Management from the Technische
Universität Berlin, Germany in 2013. Since 2003, he has been with the Faculty of Manufacturing
Engineering at the Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), where he is currently the
operational manager at the UTeM Teaching Factory. His research interests lie in the area of inte-
grated manufacturing systems, ranging from the theory of design to implementation, cyber physi-
cal system, manufacturing automation and simulation of manufacturing system.

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