Kendex 0834
Kendex 0834
Kendex 0834
Kendex 0834
This resin is known by a number of names including 2600 SUS Resin, Penn Resin, 4554
and Heavy Resin. With excellent film forming characteristics and low asphaltenes,
it is used in high viscosity gear applications and wire rope lubricant formulation. It’s
also used frequently in metalworking as a quench oil. Please note that heat may be
required to remove the Kendex 0834 resin from its container.
LBS/GAL 7.99
Mixing with incompatible chemicals may be hazardous. This product is for industrial use only. Safety data sheets
are available upon request. No warranties expressed or implied, including patent warranties or warranties of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are made by American Refining Group, Inc., with respect to
products described or information set forth herein. Nothing contained herein shall constitute a permission or
recommendation to practice any invention covered by a patent without a license from the owner of the patent. | 814.368.1200
REV 9/3/2021