Gabi Balls Final
Gabi Balls Final
Gabi Balls Final
A Research
Presented to
The Faculty of
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements
Rabi, Carla
regarded as one of the world`s most widely grown food crops.Taro is one of
such crops that grows for various purposes and benefit. In fact, taro saves many
filipinos from extreme scarcity of food during World War II (DR Rashimi, 2018).
In the Philippines, Taro also known as Gabi is popular for having acridity
and itchiness reputation. Nevertheless, it is still widely grown in this region for
being the most important food crop. Even if it not may be native to the
archiepelago, some scientist assume that the famous Rice Teracces of the
Philippines situated in the Cordilleras of Luzon Island were initially establish for
gabi planting.
The crop is largely generate in Africa even though the time of its spread to
and Burkina Faso where it has obtained high significance(Chaïr, 2016). It has
been propose that the crop was cultivated to fill seasonal food gaps with other
crops still in the fields so its capacity in giving appropriate yield under conditions
Taro can also be used for capture of flavouring compounds (Tari and Singhal,
2002). It is locally assigned to as brobey and cultivated on livelihood basis for its
cormels and leaves, which are boiled and eaten. In other parts of the world, taro
is made into ice cream and drinks (Qiwei and Qingdian, 2000).
Taro is consider as potential and important because of its nutritional status and
the role it plays in food security, particularly in the rural areas. In many rural
areas, taro industry contribute valid employment and plays an significant part in
the cultural practices and as a vehicle for rural progress (Onwueme, 1999).
from embracing its exotic taste of laing and pinanggat, perhaps the most popular
preparation. The acridity and itchiness of gabi are due to crystal oxalate. When
the plant is damaged or cut, the idioblast are also cut open and shoot the
needles of calcium oxalate, causing the itchiness in the skin or the irritating
gabi as stratch source for snacks, dessert and as vegetable. Because of laing
and pinangat, gabi has obtained a reputation outside its of its traditional culinary
opportunity. Every household in the community is free to harvest enough for its
Taro is prepared in each state in its own special way. Its uniqueness rely on
the fact that all of its parts, from root to shoot, are consumed as each of its own
distinct taste. People usually devour its edible corm and leaves. The corms,
which have a light purple color due to phenolic pigments, are roasted, baked or
boiled.The natural sugars give a sweet and nutty flavor. The starch is easily
absorbable and since the grains are fine and small it is often used for baby
Many of us think that gabi is poisonous and itchy to serve and eat. There are
before cooking is believed to remarkably lessen the risk of an itchy gabi dish.
For the corm, it is advised that the skin is peeled off completely, and the peeled
corm diced and soaked in water with a few drops of vinegar and a pinch of salt.
People became aware that there are many types of gabi with distinct traits for
tannin.Taro worsen quickly as a result of its high moisture and has been
shady area. Taro foods are useful to persons allergic to cereals and can be
B-complex) which is more than that found in whole milk and vitamin A and C.
It is rather low in ascorbic acid and carotene with the amount of carotene being
the same level as that found in cabbage and twice that found in potato.
The researchers focused on how to create food innovative product that gives a
big impact to consumer health which is Gabi Balls. This research is about Gabi
with egg that gives a lot of health benefits that can be tasted in the breakfast,
lunch and dinner. The product contains nutrients which may help reduce free
the right factors considered through its nutrition. We finally made this product
according to its various facts, advantages and benefits that we can gain through
Conceptual Framework
4. Marketing Strategy to
vegetable dish does not exist.With this consideration, this study centered on the
1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
1.3 Section
1.1 Taste
1.2 Smell
1.3 Apperance
The researchers also determine the nutrients and benefits of gabi and egg. Its
role in our body. It is to analyze the good beneficial nuitrients of Gabi Balls
This study confirmed itself to the health benefits and the taste of Gabi Balls. It
To the students, they will be able to taste a different food dish. They
will also be able to get health benefits from it. This study will also encourage
they make a similiar study of food product. They can get additonal information
Definition of Terms
Pinanggat- is a blend of taro leaves, chili, meat and coconut milk wrapped in
reproductive structure.
in the tropics. Taro has a long history in international cuisine: its naturally sweet
and nutty flavor makes it extremely popular across the world and can be found
in a variety of dishes. Many would compare Taro to a potato as they are both
starchy and can be eaten the same ways: fried, mashed, boiled, baked, and
roasted. Its widespread history also comes many different ways of cooking.
Unlike other 'crops which have been kept abreast with more modern and
rural folks. Locally known as "gabi," it can be grown throughout the year in a
wide range of soils. It is a crop the household could turn to whenever shortage
the more expensive and rare vegetables in the market particularly' in the
The Philippines has the largest area devoted to taro in Asia proper, apart
from China. In 1996, about 34,000 hectares of land were devoted to taro,
producing about 117,000 tonnes (FAO, 1997). Still taro is a relatively minor crop
in the Philippines.
There are two main production systems for taro in the Philippines.
Both taro corms and taro leaves are utilised for food in the Philippines.
Some stolon-producing cultivars are grown for the stolons which are used for
food. Most of the corm harvest is marketed as the fresh product, although some
amount goes into the making of taro chips. Kalpao is one of the recommended
local varieties (Pardales & Villanueva, 1984), but more recently, cultivar Iniito
has become the most popular. It has purplish flesh, is fairly tolerant to the taro
leaf blight, and is strictly for upland cultivation. Other cultivars include
corms and leaves are used in traditional medicine, evidence of the long
Present Uses
A. Food.
tracts of land no greater than a few' hundred square meters. However, there are
some , areas in the Bicol region, Negros Oriental and Cavite where the crop is
cultivat~d in commercial scale although the individual farrnholdings are still less
the Bicol Region and in Eastern Visayas, the leaves and petioles are just as
important, if not more important, than the corms for vegetable. There are
varieties specifically grown for the leaves and petioles, for corms, and for both.
many families particularly those living in the hinterlands where growing rice is
less feasible. Likewise, they are served as snack item in fom1 of boiled whole
3. Other Food Uses. Taro flour has been reportedly lIsed for special baked
products, beverages, baby food and others. However, they have not reached
B. Feed.
The use of farm by-products from taro harvests for animal feed is a
common practice in the rural areas. The leaves, petioles and peelings are
normally chopped, cooked and fed directly to hogs. Feeding the corms to hogs
for food.
Taro production in the Philippines is still low compared to sweet potato and
cassava that the crop has been classified under "other" roots, bulbs andtubers.
It ranks far third in production and heetarage among the root crops grown in the
Philippines (Table I). This is rather unfortunate considering the nutritional value
and market potential of this crop. Nevertheless, recent survey shows that a
considerable increase in the overall production has taken place from 1975 to
Research Design
The purpose of this study was to determine the health advantages of Gabi
Balls as an innovative food product for students at Cuenca Senior High School.
The focus of this study was to figure out how this product could benefit our
In this study, the independent variable is the impact benefits of Gabi Balls
through the health of the students of Cuenca Senior High School. The outcome
of this depends on the effectiveness of Gabi Balls. The dependent variable will
The participants for this study were the Cuenca Senior High School Students.
The Senior High School Students provided the necessary data for the study to
The sampling technique used has random sampling which is limited to only 30
select a group of subjects for study from a larger group. Every chosen individual
Research Instrument
guaranteed, and the data was discussed during the data collection procedure
and informed consent was obtained. Afther conducting the study, the findings
will be shared with the participants as well as the school where the research was
Ethical Consideration
The researchers wrote an approval letter that included the title of the study,
objectives of the study, the benefits of the study and the proposed time for the
Data Analysis
The Figure 2 shows the graph about the sex of female and male
15-20 14 47%
20-25 8 27%
25-30 8 27%
The Figure 3 shows that 47% random respondents are having an age of
15-20 years old which is the blue.The red color represented that of the pie graph
has the age of 20-25 years old and the green represent the 25-30 years old and
above which is 27%
Presented in table 1 factors that the affect the quality of the product in terms of
appearance.The table 1 shows that the respondents strongly agree on the color
complements of whole product (wam=3.3),there is no unnecessary color seen in
the product (wam=3.26),the size or serving of the product from the packaging is
good (wam=3.4),the product is palatably appealing (wam=3.2),the form/structure
of the food product is appealing (wam=3.26). In this factor tells that the total
average weighted arithmetic mean is strongly agree.
Table2:The factors that affect the quality of the product in terms os taste
Table 3 are factors that affect the quality of the product in terms of texture.The
respondents who rate our product where the statement is easy to bite
(wam=3.5),The gabi balls is crispy on the outside (wam=3.5),the gabi is soft on
the inside (wam=3.5),the crust is crunchy (wam=3.5),the gabi balls is chilli
Summary of Findings
1.The respondents ages range from 15-20 years old and above. The majority of
the respondents are 15-20 years old which equivalent to 47%. There are 30
respondents who ages 20-25 years old and 25-30 years old which is equivalent
to 27%.
2.On the factors that affecting the quality of the product in terms of the
appearance,taste and the texture.
Rashmi D.R, Anitha B, Anjum Sahair R., Raghu N., Gopenath T.S,
Chandrashekrappa G.K and Kanthesh M. Basalingappa (October,2018) An
overview of Taro (Colocasia esculenta): A review
Daniel Preiato, RD, CSCS (2020) Taro Leaves: Nutrition, Benefits, and Uses
Appendix A
Ingredients Procedure
Taro (Gabi) 1. Prepare the ingredients.
Garlic 2. Peel the taro (gabi).
3. Grater the taro (gabi).
Pepper 4. Mix together all ingredients taro
Eggs (gabi), garlic, pepper, eggs, salt,
Salt magic sarap.
Magic Sarap 5. Cook in deep fry until golden
6. Strain until the oil disappears then
1.1. Improve the function of your digestive system and can contribute to
healthy weight loss.
1.2. This product is high in vitamins and nutrients.
1.3. Help to maintain a healthy immune system and may eliminate free
1.4. Source of dietary fiber and good carbohydrates.
1. Prepare the ingredients.
2. Peel the taro (gabi).
3. Grater the taro (gabi).
4. Mix together all ingredients taro (gabi), garlic, pepper, eggs, salt, magic
5. Cook in deep fry until golden brown.
6. Strain until the oil disappears then serve.
Eggs 2 _ 8 16
TCPI = 45.93