Working With Superelevations

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Trimble Business Center

Working with Superelevations

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About this tutorial

About this tutorial

"Superelevation" is the banking of a road along a horizontal curve so motorists can
safely and comfortably maneuver the curve at design speed. As speeds increase and
horizontal curves become tighter, a steeper superelevation rate is required.
In this tutorial, you will define a superelevation for an alignment used for a curved road.
You will then apply the superelevation properties to the road as corridor template
instructions. Finally, you will define rollover parameters for the road to ensure that
slope differences between segments (for example, a driving lane and a shoulder in a
superelevated curve) are kept to a minimum for safety and comfort at design speed.
 If you do not already know how to work with corridors and specify corridor
template instructions, it is recommended that you complete the tutorial Working
with Corridors before proceeding with this tutorial.
 If you need additional help at any time you are using the software, press F1 to
display the online help.

Step 1. Open the project

For this tutorial, you will use the project file Working with Superelevations.vce. This
project contains a surface, a horizontal and vertical alignment, and a corridor.

Note: The downloaded WorkingwithSuperelevations folder contains this PDF file and the
Working with Superelevations.vce project file.

1. In TBC, select File > Open.

2. In the Open File dialog, browse to ..\WorkingwithSuperelevations\Working with
Superelevations.vce and click Open.
The project opens in the Trimble Business Center window.

Working with Superelevations 2

Step 2. Apply superelevation to the alignment

The project file is read-only. You can perform the tutorial steps without saving the
project file. However, if you are interrupted while performing the tutorial, you can save
it with a new name by selecting File > Save Project As. Then, you can re-open the
project to continue the tutorial at a later time.

Step 2. Apply superelevation to the alignment

The horizontal alignment in this project includes two arc curves, one of which includes a
spiral in and a spiral out. For this tutorial, you will start by applying a superelevation to
the two curves to define slope changes (banking) through the curve. Later, you will add
superelevation instructions to a corridor template.

Note: For a more detailed description of superelevations, see the "Understanding

Superelevations" topic in the online help.

1. If the Project Explorer is not already displayed, in the TBC ribbon, select Home >
Data > Project Explorer.
2. In the Project Explorer, expand the Alignments node. Then right-click Super Road
and select Edit.

Working with Superelevations 3

Step 2. Apply superelevation to the alignment

The Alignment Editor pane displays in the lower area of the window.

3. Select the Superelevation tab in the left side of the Alignment Editor pane.
If necessary, use the tab scroll control to display the Superelevation tab for

The drop down list located at the top of the tab allows you to select each curve in
the horizontal alignment so that you can define superelevation parameters for it.
For each curve, the start station and radius for the curve are displayed.
You will start by defining superelevation parameters for the first curve in the
alignment, which is a simple arc curve.
4. In the drop-down list, ensure the first curve is selected: 12+00.00, radius =
1000.000. Then enter the following parameters:
a. In the Normal cross slope field, ensure the value is -2.00%.

Working with Superelevations 4

Step 2. Apply superelevation to the alignment

This value represents the normal cross slope of the road when not in
superelevation and is referenced by all of the superelevated curves in the
alignment. Any changes you make to this field affect all of the superelevated
curves. If you delete the normal cross slope, the superelevation is removed from
the alignment.

Note: The normal cross slope value you enter is used in the Superelevation Diagram
view. It does not replace the slope value specified in the corridor template

b. In the Maximum superelevation field, enter 6.

When you move the cursor to another field or press the Tab key, the value 6
changes to 6.00%. This is the maximum rate of superelevation for the curve in
terms of percent slope.
The program automatically enters values for the fields on the right side of the
tab based on a maximum superelevation of 6.00% and the fact that this is a
simple arc curve. Because the arc has no spiral in and spiral out, the program
uses the arc parameters for the superelevation transitions. This means that
there is no transitioning from the normal crown to full superelevation, and back
to the normal crown. The change is abrupt. You will correct this later.

c. In the Vertical curve length field, enter 100.

This value specifies the length of the parabolic vertical curve that will be applied
at each beginning or ending station transition point in the superelevated curve
to smooth the transition. The transition point is the PVI (point of vertical
intersection) for the vertical curve. The software also draws these vertical
curves in the superelevation diagram at these transition points.

Working with Superelevations 5

Step 2. Apply superelevation to the alignment

You are now ready to define parameters for the second curve in the horizontal
alignment, which is an arc curve with a spiral in and a spiral out.
5. In the drop-down list, select the second curve: 34+00.00, radius = 900.000. Then,
enter the following parameters:
a. In the Normal cross slope field, ensure the value is -2.00%.
b. In the Maximum superelevation field, enter 6.
c. In the Vertical curve length field, enter 100.
The values automatically entered in the fields on the right side of the tab are
based on a maximum superelevation of 6.00% and the fact that this is an arc
curve with a spiral in and spiral out. The program uses the spiral in, arc, and
spiral out values to fill-in the superelevation transition station values.

 Begin superelevation transition specifies the station at which the transition

from the normal crown to the maximum superelevation of 6% slope begins.
 Begin maximum superelevation specifies the station at which the maximum
superelevation of 6% slope begins.
 End maximum superelevation specifies the station at which the maximum
superelevation of 6% slope ends and the transition back to the normal
crown begins.
 End superelevation transition specifies the end of the transition from
maximum superelevation of 6% slope back to the normal crown.

Working with Superelevations 6

Step 2. Apply superelevation to the alignment

The following figures show the transition from the normal crown to the
maximum superelevation, and back to the normal crown through a
superelevated curve.
On approach:
Start with normal crown.

Transition to where the outside lane has zero (flat) cross slope.

Transition to where the crown has been removed.

Maximum superelevation.

On departure:
Transition back to where crown has been removed.

Transition back to where the outside lane has zero (flat) cross slope.

Back to normal crown.

You will now take a look at the superelevation you have defined in the
Superelevation Diagram view.
6. Click the Superelevation button located at the top of the Superelevation tab. Then,
right-click the Superelevation Diagram tab and select Move to Previous Tab Group.

Working with Superelevations 7

Step 2. Apply superelevation to the alignment

The diagram includes grid lines against which the superelevation profile is displayed.
Vertical grid lines represent stations in the alignment. Horizontal grid lines represent
degrees of slope. The two colored lines, which make up the superelevation profile,
represent the inside and outside edges of the road. The diagram is updated
automatically as you make changes on the Superelevation tab.

Note: You can change the plot scale and vertical exaggeration for the diagram in the
Project Settings dialog.

You can see in the diagram that the second curve (2 in the following figure), which is
an arc with a spiral in and spiral out, includes a transition from the normal crown to
the maximum superelevation, and back to the normal crown. The first curve (1 in
the following figure) does not include spirals, so the program did not specify
transitions for it. Instead, the curve changes abruptly from normal crown to
maximum superelevation. You will correct this in the next step.

Working with Superelevations 8

Step 3. Add superelevation instructions to a corridor template

7. In the drop-down list on the Superelevation tab, select the first curve: 12+00.00,
radius = 1000.000. Then, enter the following parameters:
a. In the Begin superelevation transition field, enter 900.
b. In the End superelevation transition field, enter 2100.

The first curve now shows a transition from the normal crown to maximum
superelevation, and back to the normal crown.

You are done applying superelevation to the horizontal alignment. Next, you will add
superelevation instructions to a corridor template.

Step 3. Add superelevation instructions to a corridor template

1. In the Project Explorer, expand the Corridors node and the 2 Lane node. Then,
right-click 0+000, Typical and select Edit.

Working with Superelevations 9

Step 3. Add superelevation instructions to a corridor template

The Edit Corridor Template pane displays.

The template includes nine instructions that define nodes for Finish and Subgrade
material layers.

Nodes 2 > EP (1 above) and 5 > EP (2 above), which are the right and left edge-of-
pavement nodes for the Finish layer, need to be superelevated. Therefore, a
Superelevation instruction must be inserted in the Instructions list immediately
following the two instruction(s) that define these nodes. So, to start, you will move
the instruction that defines node 5 > EP to directly beneath the instruction that
defines node 2 > EP.

Working with Superelevations 10

Step 3. Add superelevation instructions to a corridor template

2. In the Instructions list, click and drag the instruction that defines node 5 > EP to
directly beneath the instruction that defines node 2 > EP.
Note that the node name changes from 5 > EP to 3 > EP.

Now you can insert a new Superelevation instruction immediately following the
instruction that defines node 3 > EP.
3. To insert a Superelevation instruction for the Finish layer, do the following:
a. Select the instruction that defines node 3 > EP in the Instructions list.
b. Click the Add instruction icon located at the top of the Edit Corridor Template

c. In the Instruction Type drop-down list, select Superelevation.

d. In the Crown node list, ensure 1 > Super Road is selected.
e. In the Pivot node list, ensure 1 > Super Road is selected.
This is the node about which the superelevated slope will pivot. This node is
automatically added to the Selected nodes list.
f. In the Select node drop down list, select 2 > EP and click the Add button to add
it to the Selected nodes list.
Optionally, click in the Select node field and then select the 2 > EP node in the
template graphic view.
g. In the Select node drop-down list, select 3 > EP and click the Add button to add
it to the Selected nodes list.

Working with Superelevations 11

Step 3. Add superelevation instructions to a corridor template

h. In the bottom of the Edit Corridor Template pane, click the Add button.
The new Superelevation instruction is added to the Instructions list.

4. Use the slide control located beneath the Instructions list to view the template
along the length of the alignment.
At station 9+00.00 the transition toward maximum superelevation for the first curve
begins. Maximum superelevation is reached at station 12+00.00.

Working with Superelevations 12

Step 3. Add superelevation instructions to a corridor template

At station 21+00.00, the template returns to the normal crown. At station 25+60.00,
the transition toward maximum superelevation for the second curve begins.
Maximum superelevation for the second curve is reached at station 34+00.00.

The Finish grade of the template has been successfully superelevated. Next, you will
apply superelevation to the Subgrade layer.

Working with Superelevations 13

Step 3. Add superelevation instructions to a corridor template

5. To insert a Superelevation instruction for the Subgrade layer, do the following:

a. In the Instructions list, double-click the last instruction in the list (the instruction
that defines node 10 > SG-ES).
b. Click the Add instruction icon located at the top of the Edit Corridor Template
c. In the Instruction Type drop-down list, select Superelevation.
d. In the Crown node list, select 8 > SG-CL.
e. In the Pivot node list, select 8 > SG-CL.
This node is automatically added to the Selected nodes list.
f. In the Select node drop down list, select 9 > SG-ES and click the Add button to
add it to the Selected nodes list.
g. In the Select node drop down list, select 10 > SG-ES and click the Add button.
h. In the Selected nodes list, right-click 1 > Super Road and select Delete to
remove it from the list.

i. In the bottom of the Edit Corridor Template pane, click the Add button.
The new Superelevation instruction is added to the Instructions list.

6. Use the slide control located beneath the Instructions list to view the template
along the length of the alignment.

Working with Superelevations 14

Step 4. Define rollover parameters

Note that the superelevated slope of the Subgrade layer now matches that of the
Finish layer.

You are now ready to define rollover parameters for the road to ensure that slope
differences between the driving lanes and shoulders in the superelevated curves are
kept to a minimum for safety and comfort at design speed. For more information on
rollover parameters, see "Rollover Parameter Examples" in the online help.

Step 4. Define rollover parameters

As shown in the following figure, when the road is at maximum superelevation in the
first curve, there is a 10% slope difference between the left lane (the outside lane in the
curve) and the left shoulder. There is a 2% slope difference between the right lane (the
inside lane in the curve) and the right shoulder.

Working with Superelevations 15

Step 4. Define rollover parameters

1. -4% shoulder
2. 10% delta
3. 6% super left lane
4. -6% super right lane
5. 2% delta
6. -4% shoulder
Both of these slope differences are too extreme for the design speed. So, you will
specify a maximum and minimum delta that applies to the corridor that will change
these slope differences. You will start by defining the maximum and minimum allowable
slope differences for the right drive lane and shoulder.
1. In the Instructions list, double-click the instruction that defines the node 4 > ES. Or,
right-click the instruction and select Edit.
This node defines the right shoulder. The properties for the instruction are displayed
in edit mode.

2. Click the Define rollover parameters check box.

Working with Superelevations 16

Step 4. Define rollover parameters

The Maximum delta value specifies the allowable maximum slope difference
between the driving lane and the shoulder on the outside of a curve. The Minimum
delta value specifies the minimum slope difference between the driving lane and
the shoulder on the inside of the curve. Note that for this road, the right lane is the
inside lane in the first curve, and the outside lane in the second curve. So the
Maximum delta value will apply to the right lane and shoulder in the second curve.
The Minimum delta value will apply to the right lane and shoulder in the first curve.
3. In the Maximum delta field, enter 4%. In the Minimum delta field, enter 0%. Then
click the Save button.
4. Use the slide control located beneath the Instructions list to view the template
along the length of the alignment.
Note that when you reach maximum superelevation for the first curve, the
difference between the right (inside) lane and the right shoulder is now 0%, based
on the 0% Minimum delta you specified.

When you reach maximum superelevation for the second curve, the difference
between the right (outside) lane and the right shoulder is now 4%, based on the 4%
Maximum delta you specified.

You are now ready to define the rollover parameters for the left lane and shoulder.
For this road, the left lane is the outside lane in the first curve, and the inside lane in
the second curve.
5. In the Instructions list, double-click the instruction that defines the node 6 > ES. Or,
right-click the instruction and select Edit.

Working with Superelevations 17

Step 5. View the alignment in 3D Drive View

6. Click the Define rollover parameters checkbox.

7. In the Maximum delta field enter 4%. In the Minimum delta field, enter 0%. Then
click the Save button.
8. Use the slide control located beneath the Instructions list to view the template
along the length of the alignment to view the rollover parameters.

Step 5. View the alignment in 3D Drive View

To see a simulation of a drive along the newly superelevated roadway, follow these
1. In the Project Explorer, expand the Alignments node. Then right-click Super Road
and select New 3D Drive View.

Working with Superelevations 18

Step 5. View the alignment in 3D Drive View

2. Use the slide control located along the bottom of the tab to view the roadway along
the length of the alignment.

Note that you can also use the Speed control and Start button to automatically
drive through the view.
This completes the tutorial.

Working with Superelevations 19

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