Order PESO 18may2023
Order PESO 18may2023
Order PESO 18may2023
Rff I /Government of India
qiftlif Td1T4-1 11c1P-1/Ministry of Commerce and Industry
utrr 1c f idrdpal1141 34M/Deptt. for Promotion of Industry & Internal Trade
(1+4)Itct) '3fT-FT/Explosives Section)
Shri P. Kumar,
Chief Controller of Explosives
Petroleum & Explosives Safety Organization
"A" Block, 5 th Floor, CGO Complex
Seminary Hills, Nagpur-440006
(Pritam Kutn5r)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel: 011-23063148
Copy to:
1. NIC, DPIIT with the request to upload this letter on DPIIT's website
2. All concerned officers through CCE, PESO
3. Vigilance Section, DPIIT
Annexure - I
Sr. No.
Name of officer Present Place of posting Transferred to
1 Shri Ajai Singh Jaipur Kolkata
2 Shri V.B. Minj Ranchi Patna
3 Dr. Birendra Singh Dehradun Nagpur
4 Shri A.K. Meena Bhubaneswar Hyderabad