Order PESO 18may2023

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Rff I /Government of India
qiftlif Td1T4-1 11c1P-1/Ministry of Commerce and Industry
utrr 1c f idrdpal1141 34M/Deptt. for Promotion of Industry & Internal Trade
(1+4)Itct) '3fT-FT/Explosives Section)

Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi, 110011

Dated: 18th May, 2023

Shri P. Kumar,
Chief Controller of Explosives
Petroleum & Explosives Safety Organization
"A" Block, 5 th Floor, CGO Complex
Seminary Hills, Nagpur-440006

Subject: Transfer of Group 'A' officers of PESO-regarding.


I am directed to refer to PESO's letter No. A-22012/1/2022-Exp. dated

16.05.2023 forwarding therewith recommendations of Transfer Committee on the
subject mentioned above and to say that the Competent Authority has approved
transfers of the officers whose name are mentioned in the Annexure - I (Deputy Chief
Controller of Explosives), Annexure - II (Controller of Explosives) and Annexure - Ill
(Deputy Controller of Explosives).

2. CCE is directed to issue necessary orders for implementing transfers in respect

of the officers whose name are mentioned in the Annexure - I, Annexure - II
and Annexure - Ill on immediate basis and confirm compliance to DPIIT.

3. This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

Yours faithfully,

(Pritam Kutn5r)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel: 011-23063148

Copy to:

1. NIC, DPIIT with the request to upload this letter on DPIIT's website
2. All concerned officers through CCE, PESO
3. Vigilance Section, DPIIT
Annexure - I


Sr. No.
Name of officer Present Place of posting Transferred to
1 Shri Ajai Singh Jaipur Kolkata
2 Shri V.B. Minj Ranchi Patna
3 Dr. Birendra Singh Dehradun Nagpur
4 Shri A.K. Meena Bhubaneswar Hyderabad

5 Shri Janardan Kumar Wardha Jaipur

6 Dr. Gajendra Kumar Pandey Jaipur Dehradun
7 Dr. Anuj Kumar West Circle Dts/ Napes
8 Dr. Karunamay Pandey Faridabad Guwahati
9 Dr. Vivek Kumar West Circle Nagpur
10 Shri H.K Sharma North Circle Mumbai
Annexure - II

Sr No Name of officer Present Place Transferred to

of posting
1. Shri S. D. Mishra Nagpur DTS/ NAPES

2. Shri Srinivasa Rao Keta Nagpur Hyderabad

3. Shri S. Kandasamy Jaipur Sivakasi

4. Shri Harshwardhan Pralhad NAPES Nagpur

5. Shri Saravanan S. Ernakulam Chennai

6. Dr. Mahesh Kumar Samota AGRA Jaipur

7. Shri Manoj Dudhe Hyderabad Bhubaneswar

8. Shri Amit Kumar Patna Mumbai

9. Shri Bhupendra Singh Jaipur Faridabad

10. Shri Manoj Nandanwar Chennai Wardha

11. Shri Sandeep Kumar West Circle Faridabad

12. Dr. Dasharath Kamble Vellore Agra

13. Shri Bibhas Ch. Sadhukhan Kolkata Chandigarh

14. Shri Deepak Kumar Kolkata Cochin

15. Shri Arun Kshirsagar West Circle Dehradun

16. Shri Sumiran Kumar North Circle FRDC

Annexure - Ill


Sr. No Name of officer Present Place Transferred to

of posting
1. Shri Nitin Goyal Sivakasi Agra

2. Shri Manmeet Singh Manhas South Circle Hyderabad

3. Dr. Jeevrathinam D. Nagpur Chennai

4. Shri Rahul Kumar Mandloi Allahabad Jaipur

5. Shri Ninad Gawade Nagpur Dts/Napes

6. Shri Nitin Shete Hyderabad Mumbai

7. Shri R. Ganesh Vadodara Vellore

8. Shri Nishanta Mridul Bhubaneswar Nagpur

9. Shri Ahin Nandi South Circle Mangalore

10. Shri Prashant Yadav Mangalore Nagpur

11. Shri Amol J. Sonbarse NAPES Wardha

12. Shri Rameshwar Borkar Raipur Hyderabad

13. Shri Rabindra Jain Biruly Jaipur Kolkata

14. Shri Vijay Kumar South Circle Patna

15. Shri Dinesh Singh Guwahati Jaipur

16. Shri Kunwarpal Singh Vadodara Faridabad

17. Smt. V.S Bardeo Visakhapatanam Raipur

18. Shri B. Ravi Kumar Visakhapatanam Sivakasi

19. Shri Dharamveer Singh Dehradun Allahabad

20. Shri Saumitra Raychaudhuri Chandigarh Bhopal

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