Comisia Europeana 2023 - 07 - 24 - With - Taxes - 2161
Comisia Europeana 2023 - 07 - 24 - With - Taxes - 2161
Comisia Europeana 2023 - 07 - 24 - With - Taxes - 2161
Prices in force on
Prix à la consommation des produits pétroliers droits et taxes compris Preise geltend am
Consumer prices of petroleum products inclusive of duties and taxes
Verbraucherpreise für Mineralölerzeugnisse einschließlich Abgaben 7/24/23
und Steuern
In national currency
European Commission - Energy Policy Prix en vigueur au
Prices in force on
Prix à la consommation des produits pétroliers droits et taxes compris Preise geltend am
Consumer prices of petroleum products inclusive of duties and taxes
Verbraucherpreise für Mineralölerzeugnisse einschließlich Abgaben 7/24/23
und Steuern
European Commission - Energy Policy Prix en vigueur au
Prices in force on
Prix à la consommation des produits pétroliers droits et taxes compris Preise geltend am
Consumer prices of petroleum products inclusive of duties and taxes
Verbraucherpreise für Mineralölerzeugnisse einschließlich Abgaben 7/24/23
und Steuern
European Commission - Energy Policy Prix en vigueur au
Prices in force on
Prix à la consommation des produits pétroliers droits et taxes compris Preise geltend am
Consumer prices of petroleum products inclusive of duties and taxes
Verbraucherpreise für Mineralölerzeugnisse einschließlich Abgaben 7/24/23
und Steuern
In National
Other petroleum products In/En EURO
In National
Other petroleum products In/En EURO
European Commission - Energy Policy Prix en vigueur au
Prices in force on
Prix à la consommation des produits pétroliers droits et taxes compris Preise geltend am
Consumer prices of petroleum products inclusive of duties and taxes
Verbraucherpreise für Mineralölerzeugnisse einschließlich Abgaben 7/24/23
und Steuern
European Commission - Energy Policy Prix en vigueur au
Prices in force on
Prix à la consommation des produits pétroliers droits et taxes compris Preise geltend am
Consumer prices of petroleum products inclusive of duties and taxes
Verbraucherpreise für Mineralölerzeugnisse einschließlich Abgaben 7/24/23
und Steuern
European Commission - Energy Policy Prix en vigueur au
Prices in force on
Prix à la consommation des produits pétroliers droits et taxes compris Preise geltend am
Consumer prices of petroleum products inclusive of duties and taxes
Verbraucherpreise für Mineralölerzeugnisse einschließlich Abgaben 7/24/23
und Steuern
The prices communicated by the Member States are the prices most frequently charged,
based on a weighted average.
Comparisons between prices and price trends in different countries shall be carefully
made. They are of limited validity because of differences in product quality, in
marketing practices, in market structures, and to the extent that standard categories are
representative of the total sales of a given product.
For Greece the disposal period of heating gas oil begins mid-October and ends in April.
As from 26/03/18 only one company in Ireland reports Residual fuel Oil –LS which is
significantly cheaper.
This oil bulletin prepared by the European Commission aims at enhancing public access
to information about petroleum product prices within the Members States of the
European Union. Our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate. If errors are
brought to our attention, we will try to correct them.