Subhead-8 Lift & Escalator
Subhead-8 Lift & Escalator
Subhead-8 Lift & Escalator
, ,r.
l,ift & Escalator
l!enr \o. Descri ion of ltcnrs t nit [init Rate for All Zoncs
6.1 Supply of following I ili complete lvilh car. Ill\4S conlpatihle
control pancl, tmction tnachine(flermancnt magnet synchronous
molor t)pc). gearless, oil free, steel suspcnsion mpes. safety
devices. guide rails. push buttons, with other necessary-
accessodes etc. complete including counter weight as rcquired.
suitable for installation & use in rropical counrr) like
Bangladesh (considcrinB ambicnt tenlperalurc from 0,,C to
460C and relatirc humidit) li.()m ,10?6 to 98"%) & as ocr
detailed specilications and standards as mcntioned belotr
here\vith :
r. t. t.l t.i
8.l.l.l Pnssen ger l.ilt
('{pxritr (lig) (llirimu[r) { nil Pricc ( I k)
Spccd l'assengcr l-itl
(m/sec) I tr) l'rice
E.r.t.t.2 I
630 kg
8. t. t. t.6
- li r.r.r.7 9
.1.t., _
3. t.t. I
t) .1
l000l,g I
V t,. 7
'* 61/ \L{ +,\ 1 &. g/4^
PWD SoR 2022 For E/M&orks .i11.
Suhhead ll
t.l 00
'I k. 2
I 2l
8. 9
I .l
I 00
I T l
I T t2 0,t
I )
t I
a lt.l.l.2.2l
I .30{,0{t8 0
I 0, l{6.5{ I .00
216 20.1.00
219 1?{.00
't k. .?96.756.0 lL. I 19.00
ti. r.1.2.28 I
tk. 9.99(,,69 I 1.. 7i1 36.00
A-& 1
-&l )(-
. Srhhead t P\\'D!oR 2022 For E/ltt }Vorks
t. r
tk. 10,696.{5tt. fk. 2t 0J.00
200{lk,l 2.5 k. I .J0Ii.00 rL 2r9 t 7.1.00
I'k. t0,996..158J0 Ik. r{6.00
.'t.i TL I1,670,68{.00 'rk. 27.00
8.1.!.2..15 t
-t Ik r2,.u5. t0.00 Tk. l0li.00
'tk. l I.266, 70.00 'rk
E.1.1.2.J7 052.00
5 Tk. I I,{96.1 'Ik.
8. t. t.2.Jt 2.]
l T I 00,927 rk.
8.I. t.2.{0
2500ks 2.5 Tk. t2 ,J6l)
Tk. lllr
ti.t.l.2.4t Tk. t2,6.15 t2.00 Tk.
.'t.5 I ,.t2 t.28 .00 'Ik. 716.00
l Tk. I I 161 rk. J.00
8.l.l.J Pa CaDsule l-ifr
The panorama/capsule IiR shall have the
following features -
(i)Lift car shall have tempercd and fire proofglass
in three sides (including cabin & landing door)
(ii)The car shape may be cusromizcd
as per direction ofthe Engineer.
I l
li I
800kg I
E. I l0{}0kg
-l 9
I 1
lir0(lkg {,0
(rr p
*5c v$ 1?^-k
I -,\- )-
7. .-
PwD SoR 2022 For E/M \''orks 1
\ubhcad 8
of 0.'c lo 65 'c or be made non'
un1t i?n, i",rlp"rulure range
desiened to funclion correclly in un
';';;ii,;;ii"" nor prevent
ot a"'i""t tt'n't'ng indicators and push buttons' shall
operation ofthc lift wder lire fighting conditions:
accumulating water and facilitate
controllcd dmining
iitThe car roof shall be designed to prevent to ar least
'ii.l'Jr#'ti."tt""' *i*i' in" toof oni out"t
*ullt shall bc classified
lPX3 according to EN 60529'
iii; en emergencv trap *:'*:'l !: iT:.i"it""il#,1#1,['l;]i::r""':il ff]::,:'ffi:,ff'
0.5 m x 0.7 m. Clear opening dimenslons
to EN 8l-20:2014
iv) The emergency trap door shall conlbrm firc sen ice
sralt ue ro"*'r"ln salc arca intended ro bc used at the
i1';H;ili;;;iJ 'r'"
t'" f()*t"a *i'ftlt' 2 m hotizomully
from firclighters' lifl at a
access level The s\ritch 'thc \rith a firefighters' lift
hpiphr bet\r,een 1.4 m and 2 0 m above
ti*t i.'""i' int -" thall be ntarked
indicatea ro *hich lill it is associated
key, which fits the
shall be by means of the unlocking
.i\ o.efation of the l.irel.ighters lilt switch
EN 8l-20:2014'
,nfo"' niungf" ut aefined in
access level'
th" a*rs irnd travel nonstop to th€
:1iffirH:iX*a'il'; 'hurr "ro'"
i"'rt" *"'ll'tlr'il"
a**-o u-'"-tr*"a et trte laresl$hen
the actual door
An audible signal shall deviccs shall be made inactive
t' urf ft"u' tlnli"'*"'ni"t a(,"t
-a nt""ion
d\ ell time exceeds poulr:
tn"tt to close under reduced
make a nonnal stop and reverse its
""0-,i" ""mpt
iilA lifi tmvelling awa] fr" th" fi*;;;" n"""t' l"t"l shall o*' and rcrum ro the fire service
fin*;;:;;"u t*
direction at rhe nearest possiblc
the fire
continue'its'tralel norr-stop to
;;T'f;:,"'t, t-.rds the fire scrvice access level sltall ut a lt'vel"it is acccptable to make a
scftice access level lf the rin
"i*"iv ""."a 'topping
doors to conlinuc to firc
servicc access lc\el:
l'j"r'"i .ai""i Jtt"ut opening
with thc car
access level' thc nrefighters
lifl shallbe rctaircd there
iv) On arriving at the fire service
unOlunaing a*tt ltpr in the open posilion'
;ffi :1#:l:'Jil':"J"*
smoke' waler #i,l','#1"+,:
or nrc Xf ;Hi:J :::L:ffit':iil*::'f:l: lfr
effects of heal.
indicator. "i;
ii) rhe car conrrors. *.:l:" 'l1f:i:l,'ll'li,llljJl;l,llllll,lll'f"J"X'"I'l'l
j'[*'li]ii """""
letel and fie firelighters litl
sw(cn s
access level
other levels than lire service
and landing indiccton on
iiilThe landing conrol pancls EN 6052 s";n;,.,h.v *t
tr"t'rically disconnected
i;:,i ; fi;;i"il"t r;asr rPxs accordins ro
on initiation of$e firefighlers
litl swrtcn'
q/ G(- $^1
-w @
. Subherd ti' P\\'D(oR 2022 ['or E/\t \1'orks {12
l IL. 9.50S.658.00 tk 255 156.00
Tk. E.62t.t{6.00 'rk. 22r,052.00
1.5 TK 8,79?.087.00
8. t. t.{.10 'rk. lk. 00
8.1.1.{.1 I
9.-ll:.t t{.00 fL 2{ti 6JJ.00
l250kg rk.
2.5 9,5{{,8.1t.00 lk. 00
Tk 9,676,197.t0 Ik.
6.l.l..t. tJ 'Ik.
1.5 10,270.202.00 Ik. 7{6.0u
1 Ik. t0,86J.609.00 't k. 260,02{.00
8. t.t.{. t6
I t'k. t)
.69ti,71t9.00 Ik. 22t .lXJ
t.5 'I-k. 9,1r96.72{.00
8. t.1.t. t7 1k.
E.l.l.{. rk. t0,5E9,t95.00 IK
tE l600kg 2.1 6J3.00
1.5 Tk. !0,737,9{6.00 Ik.
E.r.r..l.t9 252 0s0.00
TK, 10.ItE6.J98.00 Ik.
8.t. r..t.20
-'1.5 Tk. I 1.55J.978.00 IK 7{6.00
..t Ik. 12,22 t,560.00 't k. .lt{t
'Ik. 10,237.6t 0.00
8. r.t..t.21
1[. 221 00
I lk. t0,.1{6,5.lI.00 'I
k. lJ2 6It6.00
t.t.t.{.25 IL I t.177,800.00 Tk.
llt00kg 'rk.
8. t.t.t.26
2.5 I I,JJ{ .{97-00rk. IXI
8.t.t..1.27 I t,{9t.t96.00 1k.
3.5 'rk.
8.t.t.{.28 t2,t95,866.00 lk. 257,7.t6.00
E.t.1.J.29 l fL. t2,900,5J5.00 lL. 260.02{.00
't k. t0,776,{.I.00
8.t.1..t.30 Ik. 221
8. t.t.l.J I
t.5 Ik. 10,996.f,57.00 .l k. 2J2
.rk. {,{t
2 I t.766.103Jm 1k.
E. r.l..l.-t2 2000k9 .rk. 2{lt .00
8.1.1.{.3-1 I I,9J 1.0.{9.00 lk.
8.1.1.{.J{ l rk. l2,ltt) 5.995.00 tL. {6ti.00
-t.5 'rk t 2,lt-t7.752-{m
t.t. r..t.J5 tk. 716.00
E.t. t.1.36
I 1k. IJ,5 79,509.00 1-k. 2 {.lt{l
E. t.t..t..t7 Ik. t2,J92.lJ95.00 lk 25{ 209.00
8. t.1.{.J8 t.5 1k. t2 ,6{5.8 t 1.00 lk. 261 .0(,
8. t.1..1.J9
2 fk. I J,5J |,0t 8.00 1k.
25{}0kg 92E.rl0
8. t.1..t.{0 2.5 rk. 1J.720.707.00 1k.
'tk. 289.It58.00
8.t.1.4.41 l tJ.9 t 0.J9{.00 Tk. 29 7l J.00
i.5 'rk.
8. t.1..t.{2 t.t,76J,{ I{.00 lk. 296 {{t8.00
l Tk. 1s,6 t6,t15.00 'I t.
u 1
t\ (tN
v j(-
&- rN l'.4
\| rI
P$'D SoR 2022 i'or E/lUforks
.l l3
suhhcad 8
li.l.l.5 ('r fl
Spccd argo
( apacil\ (Kg)(llinimum)
(nr/set) - I ptrr 3-stop Pricc \c\l r slo
-Tk. 10.255.1u.I.1,u Tk.
8rl5l 1600
-T[. 11.39{.5s9.0u Tk. 2T l2{.00
2000 k
t.0 Tk. 13,'107'0EU.UU Tk. 121.00
fl.t. t _s-3 2500
-Tr 15,??l,0ls.uu Tk. 275 l2{.00
1.0 Ttr-rr,55{rt{s[
-T[. Tk. 2 l2{.00
*I t.5.5 3500
1.0 2l,t2E,J9.l.UU Ik. l2{.00
n. t - l_5-6
1000 r Tk. 25,6110,.16{.UU Ik. 215 l2{.00
rrl5.7 5000
Specd rt.
( (KgXllinimum) m/sec) pto I er(
'l li. 129 -t6?.00
0.5 IL 20,5{i7 ?8ri.00
t500 k 1k. {29,{67.00 0.5 I li. 22,J05 ,656.00
5000 k
6J0 kg
4 c(&
q^1 G.J/
'..Subhcrd E t- PwD SfR 2022 l'or E/M rvorks {t{
,t r ? r 16
I L I t'
IE II-]E!E!II|Urr-llirErir
l000ks IL
lt: <' ,,.ll
t 5t lr)ti oo
Tk. 5,86t,272.00
l k. 5,9r.t,u76,0u
1 'Ir2
r k,
I 15 rlltoo
,tl2r2s l250ks
I k,
6.Jt 6,6J0.0{t
|5t It7flO
I k. 6!.luJ,956.UU lk.
f..Irlil -i.5
I k.
r k.
6,{62,17,1.00 't!
,t8 t o0
I r k. 6,z22,uz1,lo
t.5 I k. 6,549,501.00 .t-k.
tt2 1r{ oo
t I r lr :, l 1'h tlt Rt7no
rrrr17 I600kg 2.5 l k. 7,tu6,20E.{t{t 'rt I
2. l k. 7,20.t,45t.00 .tk. !55 rtl00
ti. | 2 r 1r 1.5 r k. 7,269.9{6.00 l-L r57 zlO nO
I .l rk. 7,J,]5,{{t.00 TL I
{i. I Tk. 6,567,69{.00 rL. t35,210.0{l
ll. t.2- l_3? 1k.
1.5 6,9tJ,162.00 rk. l{2,125.00
8.1.2.t..18 l 't k. 7,J97,297.00 TK t5t.tit 7.00 I800kg 2.5 t k. 7.500.991i.00 tk. 15.].lt50.00
8.1.2.t.{0 3
k. 7,601,698.00 Tk. 155.1 t3.00 i.5 Tk. 7,67J,8J1.00
4.t.2.t.42 1 k.
1 7.7{2.966.00 fk. t5{t.595.00
8.r.2.t.{J Tk.
I 6.91J,J6 t.00 It 1Js.210.00
li.l.2.l.l{ I-k. 1,277,222.0[ 'rk. t{2.J25.00
t.l.2. t _{5 l k. 7,7116,628.01 TL. t5t,8t?.00
ft.r.2.t.{6 2000kg 2.5 't'k. 7,895,787.00 1-k. r5J.Ii50.00
8.1.2.t.11 1k. tt,01l{,9.t5.00
Ik. l55,t tJ.00
8.r.2.t.{8 Tk
1.5 8,077,7t8.00 'tk. t57.2J9.00
8.1.2. t.J9 .l 1k. 'rk.
8.t 50.t89.00 158,595.00
1'k. 6,{03,956.00 Tk. 155.t8J.00
3.5 Tk. 6,.t62,t7.t.00 Tk. 157,2Jr.00
E. t4
'rk. 6.520,19t.00 Tk. 15tt.595.00
I Ik. 6,222,021.00IL 1J5,2llr.00
I 5 t k. 6,5{9,50Hm 'fk. t{2.32s.00
E.t.2.2.17 'l k. 7,007,966.00 IL. l5t,tit 7.00
8. t.2.2.18 l600kg 'r k.
2.5 ?,t06.201iJ0 Ik. 15.3.1r50.0{t
.,] Tk. 7,204,.t5t.00 IK 155.1i81.00
3.5 1k. 'tk. t57.239.00
8.t.2.2.21 .l 't'k. 7,33s,44r.00 tL. 158,595.00
E.t.2.2.22 'fk.
6.567.69.1J0 Tk. r35.2 t 0.00
't k. 6,9!J.J62.00
I 5 I tr. l{l.t:s.00
rk. 7,J97,297.00 tk. l5 t,ti t 7.00
lE00kg 2.5 1k. 7,s00,99{tJ0 Ik. 15J.850.00
1i. t .2.2.16
4( 'fk.
e rk. 155u98J.00
A- rst {*f".1 vl
Subherd 8 P$ D Solt 2022 l.or EAil$ orks 4i5 -
I 3.5 Tk. 7,673,832.00 'I k. 157.2J9.00
8.t.2.2.28 -l l k. 1,742,966.0t tk. 158,595.00
8.t.2.2.29 I
't'k. 6,98,361.00 Tk. 1t5.210.00
't k. 1,211,227.00 Ih.
8.t.2.2..10 5
.l 1k. E,150,t89.00 Tk. 158,595.00
8. r.2.J.r
I 1',k. 3.510.722.00 'rk. ll0,0l L00
I 5
'l k. 1,695,,197.00 1k. l{7,3E1.00
Tk. 1,951,182.00 tk. 157 00
t.5 't t . {.lo2,oo2.oo 'tk. l6l .00
.t Tk. ,1,138,95?.00 rk. r65,066.00
't k. 4,263,184.00 tt l.l0.0l t.00
tt.t.2.1.8 'th.
1.5 Tk. 4.4E7,562.00 t47.J81.00
8.1.2.J.9 'tk.
Tk. 4.801.691.00 r s7.698.00
1k. ,1,936,31E.00 tk 162,119.00
t.5 Tk. 5,768,861.00 I li. 15J,317.00
Ir. 6.1?2,6t3.00 'rk. t6{.080.00
l{}00krl 2.5 Tk. 6,259,217.00 Ik. 166,1110.00
8.1.2..1.18 'I k. 6,3.15,?51.00 'tk. t6lt,6{t0.00
3.5 lk. 6.J0J,1t0.00 1k. 170.21{.00
,t- r -2.J.20
I Tk. 6,.16r,r 28.00 'tk. 171,7.t6.00
I ar. 6.0{2.279.00 TK l{7,717.00
t.5 Tk. 6,360,293.00 I-k 155.{92.00
It.r.2.J.23 tk.
l 1k. 6,805,512.00 165 59.00
l250ks 2.5 tk. 6.900.917.00 rk. r6tt.081.00
Tk. 6,996J21.00 tk. r70,302.00
't'k. ?,059,924.00 1k. 17 t.7E,t.00
Ir.1.2.J.27 .l tk. 7.123,527.00 Tk. l?J.265.00
I Tk. 6.797,56,1.00 'tk. 147.717.00
{,t.1.2..1.29 'l k. t55.,t92.00
t.5 1k. 7.155,331.00
n. 't-k.
lk. 7.656.201.00 165,859.00
{t.1.2.3.J1 r.rol,slr.oo tL. 168.081.00
l600kg 2.5
t.t.2.3.f,2 '| k. ?,870,t62.00 tk. t70,302.00
t.5 'rk. ?,942,416.00 Ik. 17t.78,1.00
{t.1.2.J.3{ .t rk 8,013.969.00 Ik. r71.265.00
lt.l.2.l.J5 Tk. E,100,6{.1.00 tk. l{7.717.00
1.5 Tk. t.73?,520.00 'tk. 155,,r92.00 'l k. 165,859.00
2 1k. 9,J19,118.00
l[ 'tk
8.t.2.3..18 9.{80,2lo.oo 16E.0tI.00
2000kg 2.5
8.1.2.J.39 tk. t70.302.00
1k. 9.611.272.00
8.t.2.3.{0 -rk. 171.78{.00
i.5 1k. 9.7{2.JJ{.00
1t.r.2..]..11 ,l tk. 9,li?J T[aI t7J,26s.oo
*x *"-1
e/-/ y,
v- +&
'..Subhesd I ,' P\lD:t*R 2022 For u/\l Norks Jt6
ii)The car roof shall be designed to prevent accumulating water and facilitate controlled draining
fiom the roof. Electical equipment \ryithin the car roof and ourer walls shall be classified to at least
IPX3 according to EN 60529.
iii) An emergency trap door shall be fitted to the car roof with minimum clear opening dimensions of
0,5 m x 0,7 m. Clear opening dimensions shall be measured with the ladder in the rescue position.
ii) A lift tmvelling away flom the fire service access level shall make a normal stop and its
direction at the nearest possible landing without opening rhe doors and rctum to the rire service
access level:
iii) A lifl travelling towards the fire service access level shall continue its rravel non-stop ro the fire
service access level. If the lift has already staned stopping at a level. il is acceptable to make a
normal stop and without opening doors to continue to fire service access leveli
iv)) On adving at the fire service access Ievel, the firefighte.s lifi shall be retained there wilh the car
and landing doors kept in the open position.
iv) ln case offire hazard , the control panel shal have the capability to receive signal from fire alam
control panel (FACP detectors and accordingly, the car shall not stop al the particular floor where
fire incident occurred.
{' a 0
b s t-A -*
)L- a-" N
Subhcad 8 - P\ D SoR 2022 For u/trf\'orks 4t7
ll.l.2.l l'ire Fighters t-ift
lrnit Price (Tk) for All Zones
( apacir] ( Kg)(ll inimum ) Speed Fire Fighl€rs t-ift
(m/scc) t pto J-stoD Price \ext Der ston
ta.l.2.{.1 I rk. s.768.863.00 't k. 151.3{7.00
8.r.2.{.2 l._i
'rk. 6,072,{EE.00 Tk. l6l.{ 17.00
't'k. 6,.197,562.00 Ik. | 72.716.00
ti.l.2.{.{ l000kg 2.5 'tk. 6,58E,6,r9.00 Tk. 175,137.00
'rk. 6,679.738.00 'rk. t 77.559.00
It.t.2.{.6 i.5 l'k. 6,7.10,.161.00 1k. I ?9.172.00
8.r.2.1.7 .l 1k. 6,801,1 87.00 Tk. 180.?86.00
8.t.2.1.8 I t k. 6,f,60,293.00 Tk. t55.{92.00
8.r.2.{.9 1.5 1k. 6,695,045.00 'Ik. t61.675.00
8.1.2.{. t 0 : 1k. 7,163,/197.00 t-k l7{.589.00
ti.t.2..l.ll l250kg 2.5 'tk. 7,26t,123.00 rk I 927.00
'rk 7.36{,550.00 'rk. 179.266.00
.tk 7,{J1,500.00 Tk.
8.t.2.{. rl t.5 180,825.00
8.t.2.{.2.1 7
k. 8,506,892.00 Tk. l?.1,589.00
2 96
4- aN-6. b
,3 "b & )L a
'. Subh€sd t 7- PwD 3;R 2022 For E/lr, lvorks ;. lt8
t.r.J.l t_i
E.l.J.l Pssscnger Lift
t n I nce )
Capschy (KgXNtinimum) Pessenger Lift
t' 3-stop Price r slo
I 2 tk. 92 8.00
tt 99 | 25.00
630 kg Tk. Ir){) 5t {.00
rk. l0t 90.1.00
IL. I .00
7 't
k. I 756.00
tk. llll
tt 92 6JU.00
tk. 99 t25.00
800kg rk. I00 l{.00
Tk. l0l 90{.{t0
tk. I 9.00
tk. I 756.01r
tk txt
. 92 6J8,{t0
tk. 99 r25.00
l000kg t'k. I ll0 I t.00
1k. l0l 90{.00
I 'I k. IO: 9.00
Tk. l0l 756.00
lk 9l l8-1.00
'l k. 98 0,t,{ 00
Ik. I0.1 951.00
I !250k9 5
tk. I {.00
l0? lIt
k. r08 1i77.00
I tk. I09
tk. 9 t8J.00
I th. {t88.t,0
2 l600kg
tk. l(|1 95{.00
1k. I
1k. 107
tk I 7'1.00
1k. I09 ll5lr.0(r
tk. 9J 18J.00
'I k.
I l800lig I 95{.00
lk. I 2.1.{){t
rk. t07 1.|96.00
tk. 77.00
tk. t09 l)l)
lk. 9J 18.).00
tk 081i.00
1k. l0{ 95{.00
lk. I
Ik. 107 00
tk. t8 ti77.00
't k. Ir9
tk. |t7 t6r.00
I 1k. ll2 t.{r0
1k. I20 697.00
tk. I
8.t lk. I [0
tL. t2 08.00
tk. t26 7.00
6.1.J.2 Bed / Srrell: her Lifr
6a 4 a ^l+ #
k- {1,'
\ rtJ
suhhesd It 'a P\\'D Soli 2022 For tl^fi\'orks {19 '
'r'k. 3,929,J31.00 'l k- 101,90.t.00
.l 1k. J.000,773.00 tL. 103.756.00
,1 Tk. 4,968,527.00 tk 109,E58.00
'l k. .1,,148,50?.00 'Lk. 9J,183.00 .fr.
I 5 Tk. ,1,682,639.00 9It.0li8.00
'l k. 5.0t0,12{.00 tk. r0{.951.00
lli00ks 2.5 -k. s,o8o,66l.oo It. l0(r,{2{.00
1k- 5.150,90J.00 rk. 107.896.00
1.5 t k. 5,197,710.00 lk. 108.877.00
.t Tr,..
-tk. 5,21.1,5s6.00 'tk. t09.858.00
.1,682,639.00 Ik. 91.tlu.00
r.1.J.2.29 .rk. 9It,088.00
1.5 1k 1.929,091.00
2 tk. 5.27{,129.00 rk. r0{.95.t.00
20{l0kg 2.5
't k. 5.348,066.00 ft . 106.42,1.00
8.r.1.2.-12 't k. 5.{22,00J.00 rk. 107.896.00
8.1..1.2.33 't k. tk. I 00
3.5 5,171,29{.00
t.t.J.2.J.l ,l IL. 5.520,5E{.00 n. r09.E58.00
8.r.J.2.36 2500kg I ir.. s.3E5,o35.oo 107. t 61.00
I @ -t.)
rr 1],t
q/4- A-, sl 6(- a
& I ,- s&
\uhhcad 8 PwD #R 2022 For u/i\t $orks Y .r20
ii)The car roof shall be designed ro prevent accumurating water and facilitate conrroled
from the rooi Electrical equipment wirhin the car roof anrl ourer ualls shall be classitied
to at leasl
lPX3 according ro EN 60529.
iii ) An emergency trap door shall he liled lo the car rool'with or inimunr clear opcning
dimeDsions ol
0,5 m x 0.7 m. Clear opening dimensions shall bc measured with
iv) fhe emergen door shall conlbmr to EN 8l-20:2014 q-
q/ &
L- )a- #
S hhoad ,l J P\\'l) SoR 2022 [or t]/\\<\\'orks 421_'
v) A firefighter lill switch shall be located in the safe area intended to be used at the fire service
access level. The switch shall be located within 2 m horizontally from the firefighters'Iift, at a
height between 1.4 m and 2.0 m above lloor level. l he switch shall be marked with a firefighters' lift
pictogram and it shall be clearly indicated to which lift it is associaled.
vi) Operation o[ the firefighters lift switch shall be by means of the unlocking key. which fits the
unlockinB triangle as defined in EN 8l-20:2014,
Lift Opcrrtion proccdurc :
i) A lift parked at a landing shall close the doors and travel nonstop to the fire service access level
An audible signal shall sound in the car until the doors are closed. At the lalest when the actual door
dwell time exceeds 15 s, all heat and smokc sensitive door protection devices shall be made inactive
and the doors shall attempt to close under reduced poweri
access lcvel shall make a normal stop and reverse its
ii)A litl travelling away from rhe fire service
direction at the nearest possible landing without opening the doors and retum to the fire service
access level:
acccss level shall continue its travel non-stop to the fire
iii) A lift travelling towards the llre service
service access level. If tie lifl has already snned stopping at a level, it is acceptable to make a
normal stop and withotlt opening doon to contiflue to fire service access leveli
iv) on arriving at the llre seNice access level. the firelighters lifi shall be retained there with the car
and landing doors kept in the open position.
iii)The landing control panels and landing indicators on other levels than fire service
access level
iv) ln case of fire hazard . the control panel shal have the capability to receivc
signal from fire alam
panel (FACP detectors and accordingly. the car shall not stop at the Particular floor where
control )i
fire incident occuned.
l IK 5,22!,J91.00 tk. r ts,{Jlr.00
,a t..l.t _17 I l7 06
kg 2.5
,t I I J.l8
a/ 4_ hX
k ,f \
-Subhead 8 . PwD str,R 2022 tor E/It \\orks * t22
cY- 0,
1 3
4,. N j- .W
suhhcad ll " PwD soR 2022 For Ed?Works I ,t2-1 ',
8- t _{.1.'7
.l 'rk. 2,J51,986.00 tk. 8J.00s.00
'rk. 2.422.481.00 tk ?0.{06.00
I,5 't'k. 2,5{9,9{16.00 ' .. 7{.1 I l 00
E. t.l.l.l0 1k. 2,?28,.186.00 lk. 79,100.00
8.1.{. t.t 3
i.5 Ik. 2,810,,186.00 IL, 82,26{.00
.t 'rk. 2.855,985.00 1k. 8J,005.00
'Ik. 2,714,810.00 1'k. 70..106.00
ll- l.l.l: l6 t.5 1k. 2.857,69.1.00 1k. 7.1.t I 1.00
Ik. 3,057,73,1.00 IL, ?9.J00.00
iJ.t.{. t.20
t.s Ik. I,172,0.12.00 1k. 82.26{.00
.t Tk. 3.200.619.00 1k. E]
I Tk. 2,996,909.00 tk. 7{ 7.00
'rk. J..170,105.00 tk. 86.11?.00
1.5 1k. J.501,652.00 1k. 87.r 0!.00
8.1.{. t.27
.l 'rk. J,533,197.00 lk. 87.886.00
'r'1. J.171.501.00 1k. ?{.5{7.00
'tk. 3.5,1E,94t.00 rk. 78..170.00
8.1.{.1.J0 'rk. 1.797,375.00 tk. 8J,963.00
l600ks 2.5 'r'k. 3,850.60E.00 th. 85,1{0.00
1k- 1.903,813.00 't k. 86.-ll ?.00
ti. 'Ik. 1k.
t5 1.919,132.00 8?.101.00
n.l.l.l.l1 .l -l-k. 3.97,1.822.00 1k 87,Eti6.00
8. t.{.1.35 'Ik. i.7l6,l12.00 tk. ?{,5.1?.00
1.5 Tk. J.94J.275.00 ik. ?t..t70.00
1k. 1,219,30.1.00 1k. 8J.963.00
Strc L i11
li.l.t.2 llcd / Strelcher -ilr
( Capacitt ( Kg)(l\l inimum)
(m/scc) --T,SitlstopTricg er sto
1k. 2.714.810.00 tk. 70.{06.00
8.1.{.2.1 'rk. 2.85?.694.00 11 I I1.00
/ E.!.{.2.2
& aqJ Ji.
t4 /-\ &l -v-_
'tuthc"d 8 -1 PwD sm 2022 For til}| N'orks f .12{
1',k. Er.{32.00
ii.l..l.f,.t9 Tk. .1,.t00,638.00 r
8.r.{.J.20 .r.5
-Ik. J,330. 't k.
E.t..1.J.2t I 'rk. J,360,6.19.00 tk. E7.t55.00
8.t.{.1.22 Ik. J.1.t6.75{.00 tk. 7E.27{.00
E. t.1.l_2-t I 5 'I-k. 1.3 t 2.3?2.rm lk 82.t93.00
./ l 'Ik. J,5.tJ,2.)9.00 tk. ItE.l6
8.1..t.J.25 t2sokg -t-k.
// 1.5 .t,627,0,19.00 'I k.
4yr tS {* Ve
4-* J-- 1 $. 4
\uhhcad E '' P\VD SoR 2022 For Edtl'orks .125'
i) Electrical/elect.onic devices on landings. other than at the fir€ service access level' shall be
designed ro function correclly in an ambienl tcmperature range of 0 "C to
65 'C or be made non-
oper-ational. A malfunction ol delices (lalding indicators and push buttons) shall not prevent
operation o, the Iili under fire liEhting conditions:
ii)The car root'shall be designed 1() prelcnt aocumLllaling water and facilitatc conlrolled
rool. Electrical equipment within the car roof and outer walls shall bc classified to at least
Iiom the
IPX3 according to EN 60529.
clear opening dimensions of
iii) An emergency rap door shall be fitted to the car roof with minimum
with the ladder in the rescue position'
O.i rn * o.Z i,r. CL..p"ning dimensions shall be measured
in audible signal shall sound in the car until the doors are closed Al the latest when rhe actual door
protection dcvices shall be made inactive
rlwell time e'leeds l5 s. atl heat and smoke sensitivc d.")r
reduced power:
and the doors slmll attetnpt to close under
a nonnal stop and reverse its
ii)A lift travelling away from the fire service access level shall make
witiout opening the doors and retum to the firc servic€
direcLion at the iearesi possible landing
access levell
travel non-stop to the fire
iii) A lift travelling towards the fire service access level shall continue its
,".i"" u"""." ler-et. tr the lift has already started stopping at a level. is accrptable to make
service access lcveli
no.mat sop ana ,rltttout opening doors to conlinue to fire
shall be retained there with the car
iv) On ariving at the fire service access lelel. the firefighlers lift
and landing doors kept in the open position'
Cir rnd hnding controls
not register false signals ftom the
a ilThe car and landing controls and associated control system shall
.ffects of heat.
.*olk , *ot", or moisture. lte fire service access level shall have a car position
at the lire service access level
ii)The car controls. position indicator inside the car. position indicator
protc cted to at leasl IPX3 according to EN 60529.
and thc fircfighters lifl switch shall be
iii)The landing control panels and landing indicators on other levels than fire service access level
shall be protected to al least IPX3 according to EN 60529 unless they are electncally disconnected
on initiation ofthe firefighters lifl switch.
iv) In case of fire hazard . the control panel shal have the capability to receive signal from fire alam
control panel (FACP )/ detectors and accordingly. the car shall not stop at the panicular floor where
fire incident occurred.
0^t -*-
$ai h& 1 4
Srhh€rd li ' P\\'D Soll2022 Fur EA I \\orLs ) 121.
For the Lifl consists of l0 mm rhick tempered glass doors. price per slop will be increased
according to the table below :
A&u Tk.37-000
C&D 1\.22.000
A&B ft.9s-000
C&D Tk.45-000
Type :Cearless. oil frce. permancnt magnet synchronus motor driven type Passenger/ Bed/ParcramrFirc fighte!'s Lift
xvl. Controlsystem:Col|ectiveselectivewithful|yprogrammablemicroprocessorcontrol.BMScompatible'designedfor
optimum, efficient & energy saving elevator operation. All controls shall alwal's be equipped
with an alarm device in machine
Variation in speed ofthe lifi between no
room, contol room alld other suitable places as per direction ofthe Enginecr-in'chargc.
+/- l07o The control system shall be capable ofcorrecting any tendency to
load & full load conditions shall not tre more than
shallhave safety devices to stop tie car ifit's running speed exceeis it's rated speed by 20olo The car
over speed or under speed.
and rope elongation etc'
.appi'ng a r"""ring.ystem shall be unaffected by extemal influence like variation in load, temperature
the risk ofthe car moving away fmm the landing and the requirement
fnere siatt Ue cnhinced protection mechanism to address
car overspeed.The drive control system with Th)Tistor/ IGBT' (lntegnt.d Gate Bipolar
lbr protection against aicending
shows information & data in LED display'
Transistors; controls acceleration & deceleration getting feedback from encoder and
The conrroller must be manufactured as per drawing & design by tle proposed Brand of Lift manulacturing company Test
for sullicient air flow
'Line flow Firn fitted on drop ceiling
detection system in Lift Shafi Pit
\t\. Trrction Mrchioa : Gearless, oil free. permanent magaet synchronous motor (Class of insulation : F) which
must be manufactured as per drawing & design ofthe lift manufacturing company.
\\. D!iyg_!y$gE I Invener opcrated A.C. Variable Voltage, Variable frequency (AC-VVVF) drive
system with the following features:
' Microprocessor based steepless controlled. electronically
regulated during acceleration& deceleration with floor approach-
' Electromagnet operated holding brake to be applied only aller the
car comes to a stand still.
* The capacity of the VWF drive shall be minimum 20olo higher than
the optimum full load capacity olthe driven moto. ofthe lift.
* The micrcprccessor shall be ofadequate bit data processing
industrial class controller for coounercial/residential/hospital/
observation lifu, with CAN bus serial Communication mode,
suitable for 0.63-4.0 n/s elevator speed for synchronous /
as)nchmnous traction motor. having analoy'digital and multi
speed fuoction, load weighing compensation lirnclion.
strong electromagnetic/ electrostatic anti-lnterl'erence ability.
r The entire cont ol system ofthe lin shall be designed and manul'actured
in such a way that appropriately synchronizes the whole system.
t Test certificate ofthe drive system shall be fumished by Contractor during
execution ofwork.
\\t. Smooth levelins r The lift shall be provided with automatic selfleveling featurc to ensure automatic aligning the car lvith the
floor landing within maximum tolerance of (+/-) 5mm under normal loading & unloading condirions. Scll-loeling * ill be
entirely automatic & independent ofthe operating device & shall correct the over travel. under travel & rope strelch.
xr .
(a) C.bir lloor : Securedly fastened she€t ste€l sound isolated platform made of fire resistant and weather resistant sound
absorbing s)mthetic materials that should be ofas standard french classification l\,13, i.e. firc classification requirement cfl. s2
according to EN I 350 I- I
(b) Cer framc & sefctv r Car body Passcnger type made of entirel) structural sheer sleel (304/441 grade) assembl.v to sa,bl)
suppon the rated load of the cabin & accessories with elastic isolaiors hetween metal pans lo cnsure low vibration & low noisc
during car tmvel with natural ventilation arrangement inceiling& lloor.
(e ) CrbiD w{ll : The material shall be ofstandard as French Classitlcation M2 i.e. iire classilication Cs2.dl as per requiremenr
according to ENl350l-l & it shall be 1.5 mm lhick sheet steel with 0.7mm (minimum) stainless steel sheet walls wirh
stainless ste€l elchitrg hrirline / mirror / hsirline / digitr! print / syntheiic trood /trminrtcd wood finish in sections havinB
in fmnt. rear & side walls as per manufacturcr's standard design to be to be such that thc door shall withstand under an applied
load of 300N without permanent deformation> lmm and without elastic deformatioo>l5mm. l]nder an applied force of
1000N, all types of doors shall withstand without permarent delomation >lomm . The devices providing mechanical linkagc
between Panels shall withstand to the force of 1000N . A mechanical device shall prevent the door panels from disengaging lronl
their guides .
(0 Cabin door : Fully automatic heav) duty centre/side opening horizontat sliding door panel ol'srainless steel etchinB
hairline/hairline/diSital printfinishtobe such lhat the door (both landing and Car doors) shall wirhshnd unrler an applied load
of300N without permanent deformation> I mm and withoul elastic defbrmation> l5mm. Under an applied force of 1000N. all
types of doors shall withstand without permanent delbrmation >lomm. -fhe devices providing mechanical linkage trelween
panels shall withstand to the force of 1000N . A mechanical device shall prevenr the door panels Iiom discngaging rheir
guides .
(s) Crr ceilins :Anodized metal liamed with decorative stainless steel luminous ceiling by LED light of 100 Lux in normal
mode at lm above the floor and 5 Lux in emergency mde for I hour at lm al the center olthe car and near the emergency push
buttons Synthetic glass with diffused motion sensor l,ED lighting / any other oprions selccted by the Engineer in charge.
v ./
tu .)a*-
b 1 b \\$
@ -t^ s,\ iL
Subh(dd 8 P$ D SoR 2022 For E/S, works 429
(h) l,OP & COP: Metallic structures call button LLD panel with indication system on each landing, digital csr position indicators.
arrival gong & direction indicaloryarrows to be installed above or at the side ofthe landing doors at all landing & inside the cat.
Car Operating panel board to be installed inside the car. Manual call cancellation system should be incorporated inside lift car
OPB. The centcr line ofthe hall call buttons shall be at a nominal height ofol meter above the floor.
(i) Othcr ca :
t 3 (Three) hand rails of smooth stainless steel of minimum 100 mm. width &
l2 mm thickness or 30 mm dia round shape.
'I Mirror on full rear wall ofcar fmm top to hand rail.
Re-tractable both safety shoes for the full height ofthe doo. which rcopens the door when it is obsltucted by any object while
' Emergency exit with safety contact in car rool the trap door can be opened from inside and outside the car.
. A feature in case ofobstruclion *Concealed
fan(s) fitted on ceiling lbr adequrte for.ed vcnlihtion of 20 rir chsng. p.r hour for Pandemic or non pandemic situation
with better ventilation (suitable for tropicalised country like Bangladesh) to create comfonable envircnment for the passenger'
Xxtll. ILDggI : Door size, t)?e and dimension will be as per data mentioned above
Ui!S9IC!!b :Doorsills shall be extruded aluminum \rith anti-slip grooving with guiding slos.
For cargo &
c) Door orrrlir)n
High-speed heavy-duty ACvVvF inverter operated door operator *ith adjust able speed for opening and closing. Door rvill be
driven by quiet A.C. motor connected lo an invener operated door operation system. Car and landing doors will be open and
close in full slrrchronization being conneclcd lo each other. The landing doors \\ill have Electro-mechanical locks.
Each landing
door will be provided with positive interlock operaled by a coupling on the car door and shall prevent the movement ofthe car
away from the landing unless both doors are closed and locked. The interlocks will be designed to prevent opening ofthe door
an audible signal
except at the landing. at which the car is stopping or has sropp€d .The door closing speed shall be reduced and
notifies users of a faulr or the elevator will be stopped. A mechanical device prevents the door panels from disengaging from
their guides. Also shall have :
t Door detection system with Cunain oflight Mechanism
* Enhanced control for Lifl Car Door locking s)slem that aims to prevent the doors from being opened from inside when the
car is outside the unlocking zone.
.The door closing speed shall be reduced and an audible signal notifies users of a fault or the elevator will be stopped. There
shall be door pressure limit scnsor.
*A mechanical device prevents the door panels from disengaging from their guides'
+Name ofthe door manufacturer to b€ mentioned in the door.
\\I\: Stf.iv felturcs :Non contact elecronic full height door safety sensor, power supply. auao phrse rcv.Btl co.rccliotr, friction
clutch to avoid passengers to be trapped between doors
al Emergency unlockingofdoor from landing for evacuation as well as for maintenance with a special key'
b) Facilities for opening oldoor fmm inside thc car within the landingduring power failure
c) During porver failure. Manual opening oldoors from inside the car is possible within landing zone.
d) A friction clutch to avoid passengers to be trapped between door'
e) A door reversible feature in case ofobstruction ofdoor.
I)Ifl cases where installstion of a safety hatch on the car roof is required. its dimension shall be of minimum
clear opening
deformation>lmm and without
0.4mx0.5m. where the toe guard shall withstand applied force of 300N without permanent
elastic deformation>35mm.
g)The brakes shall have selfchecking aFangement.
>lmm a.d without elastic
h)Under an applied force of l00ON. the shafl walls shall witistand without permanent deformation
detbrmation l5mm . withoul
> permanent delormation in the case of laminated glass type walls
i.0mx0.5.*0.7m1h*exl) for couching. Additional aurhorised position in the pir shall be 0.5mx0.7mxl.0m
considering laying condition. Car roof iaelfshoutd also have an anti slip working surface'
a minimujm of 50 Lux one meter above the cal roof vertically, I rneter above the
pit floor
j ) shaft lighring should provide
, p.*on stand. work or move between work areas and 20 lux elsewhere excluding any shadorvs
k) The lifi
machine room should have a lighting ofa minimum 200 Lux
l) Emergency lighling on the car roofnust bc sustained at 5 lux lbr one hour
4- 4--
(,/ (ta\
{s* CEJ
-& a U
. Subhead t P\\'D $rrR 2022 For U/\l \\'orks ; 430
\\\: Ggidg 8It :Guide rails shall be continuous throughout the entire length righi from the bottom ofthe pit floor to the top mosr
floor served, plus additional length as may be required for smooth opemtion or equivalenr Iixing devices shall be provided which
are ofsuch design & spacing that rails shall not deflect more than 4mm under normal condition. The relevant fixing devices such
as brackets. clamps etc shall be of such design & spacing that rails shall not dcflect morc than 4mm under normal working
condition. The dimension of the guide rails (bo(h main and counter wcighl guide rails) shall be as per latest version o[
EN-81 standards.
\\\ ll Susocnsion Rope :Main rope shall be ofbriBht steel wires minimum 8mm dia or as per manufacturer's design with fiber/ham
core having a safety factor at least 14 (for l-ift type B & D) / Polyurethrne co.t.d stcel belt (for Lifi typc A& C).
* The mpe suspension is to be constructed to shut the lill down
ifone or more suspension ropes become slack.
'The over Sp€€d Covemor rope shall be ofbrighl steel wires minimum 6mm dia or as per's design having a
safely factor at least 8.
\X\ II: Soccd qovernor &srfetv eear :Cmdual tlpe safety gear actuated by the speed govemor to b€ installed in the machine room
above the hoist way/inside the head room in order to stop the car quickly & safely in case of exceeding 20olo ofdesigned speed
during dowry'up both wards travel lor any reasons (i.e. breakage ofall suspension elements).
-Suilable means will be supplied to cut offpower from the motor aad apply brake on application ofthe safety
XXV|ll: Counler wc condition Car and counter weight guide rails shall be made as per lntemational Srandard and shall have
working surface machined & smooth. There shall be counterwcight safety gear in casc of floating.
i. Egl&! :Energy absorbing oil bullcr for speed more than lm/sec. oil/spring bulTer for speed less rhan I m/sec shall bc
mounted in pit beneath the car & counter tleight with suitable concrete foundation.
ii. Pre & fin.l limit switch :To disconnccl the controller from electric porver supply if thc car over travels higher at the lop
or lower at the botlom terminal landing.
\\I\ Traveline cablc. wirins :Traveling cables having conductors adcquate in size & number.
- All electrical cables shall be firc retardant and shall go through PVC conduits in machine room & shall. The circuil. wirinS
cable oflhe motor shall not run through any pipe used in connection with the wiring lor rhe controt and safety devices.
\\\: AEtomtrlicRescueDevicell\&D:BuilFinAulomalicRescueDcviceser(ARD)selaspercapacitlofliftserwithfollowirts
specification travel height : 1.5 m to 7.0 m. Drive system I min J rimes/h and srarting time afler min 20 sec & max 180 sec thar
can be set manually. Direction : up or down rvhich side is heavier
Battery: Maintenance free Sealed Celled / ACM battcry or equivalent suitable for minimum three rcscua operations wirhour
rEcharging and complete as per direclion of the Engineer-in-Charge
\\\t. Igid!!!g : All exposed ferrous metal patls ofmachine. car, doors and other materials in the hoistrva) including guide rail
lixation brdckets (except guide rails) will have one coat offactory mst prorecrinB painl.
\\II Ooamtion rrd lllxintenarrcc Mrnurls : 4 (Four) scts of detail operation & maintenance manuals . catalogues. spare parts
catalogues with part number. control wirin8 diagmms and sotl copy etc. shall be included to the supply of lift & the languatsc
shall be in English.
\\\t tl Standerd / conformitv I The enlire lill shall be designed & manufactured as per larest veiiion of EN-81 standards. EN-81-20.
EN 8l-50. The safety components, such as! progressive safety geal door locking devices, buffers. or€r speed governor, car over
travel protection system. door intcr-locking device. pre and llnal limit switches of rhe proposed lili shall be in conformiry \irh
latesl veBion ofBNBC, BS EN-81/EN-81(Lili Directive 95/16/EC) / DtN / VDE / ANSt/ASl\,tE At7.t / JIS slandards &
codes. lnstallation, testing and Comnrissioning ofthe lill
shall also be in conformity with rhe above srandards & codes.
Cenificates issued by intemationally rccognizcd authoritics like -l tlv / DNV for rhe producl(s) (At leasl the sal'crv componcnls
such as, progrcssive safety gcar. door locking devices. bul[eni. o\cr specd govenror. car ovcr travel protcction
system. door inter-
locking device. pre and final limit switches) ofthe manufacturc(s) as per above mentioned relevant valid regulations. codes
standards shall have to be submiled by the bidder.
The above certificates shall have to bc authenticated by the Chamber ofcommerce / Ministry ofCommerce / Foreign
of the manufacturin8 Counry. Relevant ISO cenificate(s) ofthe manufacturer including lift ride quality measurcment ISO
18738/5 shall also have to be submitred by rhe bidder.
Detailed Speciricrtion of Csrpo/Coods/Sen ice
Tmval Specd:
b 1 v\a n-S
srops & op.nirgs:- Stops and openings (Both sides/ Single side)
*"r "i"'ir
r*"a golemor trhich ir-i*"i"'a'"i,ir". in machine room or in the hoist
way depending on site conditions.
""#,fr*",;,o ."f",i"i through a continuous steel rope with car frame'
Control P!ncl:
& noiscless operatlon rvith nrarinrum cfficiency and longer
lifc ll should come
Control pancl shall bc dcsiSned l'or trouhle licc VF drive.
phase reversal protection etc. with suitable
with single phasc preventer. overload protection and ?
Door hcks:
4--{9- & $( /*
a @ ,l
Subhcad ll t P$ D loll 2022 t-or U/Nl Works 132
Every landing door shall be fitted with an electric interlock. which prevents the movement ol car from landing b) cutting off the
supply to the control circuil. unless the gate or door is properN closed. I hc k)ck shall be ,itted near top of the door rrack in such
position that retiring cam collapses releasing the lever arm to remake electdc contact and car can then only move fmm landing to
any other floor.
High quality steel ropes suitable fo. elevator application shall be provided with adjustable self-aligning hitches.
C.prcity: _ Kg
Rise i _ meters Up - Down direction indicators, position indicators in car and at all floors, battery operated emergency alarm bell
Crr sizc: mm X stainless sleel cabin with fan LED Panel light, Aluminum checkered 0ooring. voice
Shrft Siz.:
- mm X
-mm, l000mm
structural steel car Frame to suPpon lhe car plalform and enclosure shall be pro\,idcd with
suitable gear lixed undemeath $c
liame The safety. which is actuated by a spee<l govemor. aulomarically and compulsorily.
bring the cai tt, an immediate stop bt
clutching the car mechaoically between the
Suide mils in case thc car spccd excecds a predetemlined limit. A safety swirch shal
be provided to cul offLhe control circuit and apply rhe brakcs as soon as safer] is
acrirared n.r"r.ti
centrifu8al over speed Sovemor which is located cilher in machine .,,om ,,, ,r th. hoist "irii" ip*r,"air,,
wa,- depending on site oonditi().s.
Linkage to safeties connected lirough a continuous steel mpe with car li?me.
Srfcty switchc$
shall be provided on top ofthe cage as well as govemor base as requircd to cut offpower
to the motor before application ofthe
Single worm traction type located directly akrve thc lifi duct. Worm gear with worm
wheel of centrifugally cast bronze and
worm ofspecially forged steel both running in bearing to ensurc vibration
liee travel ially designed high duty lifl moror
with low starting currenl and high starting torque.
Limit srlirchrs:
1 k\
6- qU J- &
L-- \"\
)t 4'
Suhhead tl
PwD SoR 2022 For E/ll ll orks .133
such that the srvitch auromatically cause the power to be removed from the lifl driving
motor and brake and independent of
ofnormal terminal stopping device. operaling device or any emergency terminal stoppinS device aner the car pass a
terminal landing.
Guid. rrils:
Guide rails for car and counter weights shall consist of machined/groundcd mild steel
T' section with rcquired fixing
counter weight'
afimgement. Counter weighs shall consist ot structural steel frame loaded with appropriated
Conlrol Prnel:
elliciency and longer life lt should come
control panel shall be designed for trouble ffce & noiseless operation with nraximum
suitable VFD drive'
with single phase preventer. overload protectioa and phase reversal protection etc with
Door locks:
a*. .litl an electric interlock, which prevenrs ofcaf from landing by cutting offthe
(he movement
erf tunaing ,t ull b€ fitted
shall be fitted near top ofthe door rack in such
supply to the control circ,rit. unles. ttre gate ot door is properly cloied The lock
move from landing to
lever arm to remake electric contact and car can then only
o"!i,i'"" ,i"i*lrr"g *m collapses releasingthe
an) otler lloor.
provided wi$ adjustable self-aligning hilches'
Hijiq,ratity seet ropes suitable for elevator application shall be
i) lnvertcr controlled Automatic & varriable speed
d) Additionel S.fetY Delices:
to stoP the
ii) Emergency stop button(E-Stop) - A button
escalator in emergency situations'
iii) Door Opening Switch (DOS) -A safety switch
escalator when the manhole cover is opened
r (
O verload Dctectioo Device
the escalato, if ore.load
curent or tempelature of
(ODD) - A safety device that
has been detected by abnormal
o u--
>l a
. Suhhcad 8 P\l D StoR 2022 tor E/\l \\ orks t l3.l
viii) Step Level Devicc (SRS) . A safety device that srops rhc
escalalor ilthe horizontal level ol a slep has dropped.
ix) Comb step salety switch lCSS) - A safety device that stops
the escalatorifa foreign object becomes trapped in the gap
beluecn the stop & comb.
xii) Auxiliary brake-A sal'ety device that slops thc escalator il.
llle speed excceds the rated speed or bcfore the Steps traveling
direction changes duc to an abnomlalil) such as breakagc of
the Dri\c (hain. Opcmtion ol emergency brakes everl timc
service brake operales (including operalion of power
cuts) aRer
a shon delay and releases it before staning
\vi) Rollrr Track : Prevcnls wear and lear to thc sides ol thc
\ v i i ) Flft)r coler contacts shou ld s\r irch
oll. the unir rvhcn lloor
sovcr is opened
\viii)Radar Sensor: when not in use escalator comes
to halt lo
rcduce po$cr consumption. Escalatoas start automaticallv
recognising person.
xix) Band Brakc- ro minimize braking torque lbr
upward and
dorrnu'616 1-u.1 for smoolh and satb braling
el Finish snd deaorrlive componcnts
lJnder-tlandrail l_ighring
l'mnsparent tempered glass panel
Stainless steel hairline panel
,v ),(,-
1 (€- &
4--- IN
A" s,
Subhead ll PN l) SoR 2022 t'or E/\l 11orks .135
Skirl Guard
Fluoropollmer Coating
Skin Cuard Lighting Board
Stainless steel hairline
Handrail shall be made of Rubber
(Black or other suihble
*fo.i, i, .ft"ufa f,u," f,andrail brush LED lights shall &
resistant poly eurethane tire
Rollers must be made ofhydrolysis
rolling-contact bearings
1-nning surfacel ana tpecial
( grade : SUS 304/441)
rrJslsr,utt be made otstainless steel
Dircclion Arro$s
d cate dirc ct Ibr pas senSer
l.E l) d rccll
3 phase AC. 50/60 llz for main and phasc. 50/60H2 for
V p
Brend & countr-r oforigin (Typ' A):
o(' qos""
-4=-- aa,
7 4- * c
Sul)hrad tl P\\'D loR 2022 for [./]l \\ orks 7 .rJ6
Stcp widlh (mm) ['loor Height (mm) trnit Pric€ ('I k) for All
(a pprox) Zones
305 l0') 'lk. 10.577,t58.00
3660( r2',) Tk. 10,699,86J.00
li00 1270(t1,) 'tk. ,067,977.00
8.2.1.{ 30"
4880( r6',) Tk. r 1,68 t.502.00
5.r90( I8') Ik. r2,295,026.00
6r00(20') rk. r2,90n,550.00
3050(t0') 'Ik. t,3t {.00
t.2.t.t 10,22 li00
l2') Tk. t0,J4{,0r9.00
l5' 4270( t4'.) 'l k. 10,7t2.tJJ.00
4880( 16',) 1k. I I,J25,658.00
8.2.t.t I
5.190( t8,) rk. I t,9J9,tt2.00
8.2. r.12
E.2. t.13
3050( t0,) Tk. 10,821i.701.00
t.2.l. rJ i660(r2') Tk. t 0,95t,.t08.00
t 000 1270( t4,) Tk. I t.JI9.522.00 30"
li.2.l.t6 1880( l6') Tk. ll 9JJ,0.t7.00
lt.2.l.l7 5190(t8,) Tk. 12,5{6,57t.00
6 00(20,) -Ik.
n.2.r. t 8 r lJ,160,095.00
E.2.t.t9 t0') l-k. t0,J56,289.00
It.2.t.20 llt{It
3660(r2') Tk. t 0.,17ti.99.r.00
i5' 4270(t1') lk. l0,li{7, ,9.00
4880( r6') 'rk. I r,{60.6Jt.00
5.190(t8,) Tk. | 2,071,157.00
,/ v
r\ *
& Il.
={-.. K
P$,1) soR 2022 t-or ltl\I \i or.ks 131
Subhead ll
(TYPe C) :
ti.2.3 Brrnd & country oforigin
ilil;,;;; xiz.t t nir" (chinr)' tuii HD (chins)..' Nt,shibr-
(( hinr)' Aure
iriritandt' Nidcc(( hins)' sisms
iil""ril;.i";;,;, (chirr)' (Chinr) or
Japan s'n!o (chin')' Bester
lcrri"ii. i"r,""ia"t
i,-:;' il;, ;.'.o:' .,:.:':::H#i'JilH':1;"il:;t
L-.,' litl / .\.;rlator manufaclunng exper
and 'lrherc rhe cscararor sharr
:l:J":';:;;;; i v'\1 1\ SlA / THAII'AND/
( [",fr"*.j'""1 tcsred in Clll:'{Aspecitlcatiod standard statcd in the
10" k. 1 1.00
(- 800
tk. 1 11 1' 00
,r' h 4 o *- 6\t^
Subh€rd $" P\\'li\oR 2022 I'or E/iV \,lorks {3lt
2 The bidder shall submit a certificate issued by ntanufacturing Company stating the time
span ol [_ifi
manufacturing experience of the manufaclurer. The cerlificate must be authenticated by
chamber of
commercey'Ministry of Commerce/Ministry of foreign Affairs of Li,l manufacturing Company.
bidder shall submit the detail address ofthe factory, telephone no.. uebsite address. e_rnail
and company profile ofthe lifl manufacturing company.
.] The proposed lifl manufacturing company shall have it's own testing tower
and R&D(Research and
developmenl) wing/centre. related document to be submilted with tender.
5 tN 8l relaled cenificates (EN 8 t-20 & EN 8 t-j0. EN_8 t.77 for a[ types of tins. EN 8 t-?2j20tj
fo. firefighter's lifl. EN-81-3r:2010 for cargo liri) or irs laresr edirion
and srandard lesr cenificares.
Cenified Test Cedficates and 'l ype Test repons (not older than 5 years).
ISO cenilicates for
management, occupationar hearth and safety standard
cenificates. Environmentar safety certificates
obtained by lin manufacrurer shall be submitted by Tenderer.
& #
PWD SoR 2022 !'or E/M $,'orks 439
Subhcad 8
ofthe complete lift sysrem including all control system with ACvvvF
The block diagram
be submi[ed with
R-egen drive 1in required case) on manufacturer's letterhead pad must
the contract.
Procuring Entity
Post landing inspcction lbr imported
lin(s) shall bc done h) represenralivcsil
t5 ca'ried out b) (ontractor /Supplier'
trre tlpJndii"t rrrt ir be
according to thc packing litr und "ifr shall be reached directly to the
Afier Dost landine inspection f'om ttte pon'itri
1 a
@J jl--
1k @
Subhead E r' P\l'D 3gR 2022 for EAI $orLs l {{0
l The proposed escalator manufacturing company shall have their o$r testing l'acility and
R&D(Research and development) wing/ccntre. related document to be submitted with tender.
{ The bidder shall submit a cenificate by manulacturing company stating that minimum 100 Nos. of
the proposed brand of Escalator have been used in minimum l0 (ten) countries of the world
including the manufacturing country for equal to or more lian ten years. The certilicate must be
authenticated by Chamber of Commerce/ Ministry of Commerce/ Ministry olForeign Affairs ofthe
escalator manufactu ng company.
I Latest EN 8l relaled ceniticates IIN 8l-ll5 or laresl c(de for Lscalator and Standard tcst
ce(ificates. Cenified Test Cenificates and Tlpe Test repons (nol older than 5 years), ISO
ce(ificates for management. occupational health and safety standard cenificates. Envimnmental
safely certificates obtained by escalator manufaclurer shall be submitted by lenderer.
6 Each bidder must be the sole agent/representative / Dislributor of the Escalator brand p.oposed in
the tender and the bidder must submit its all valid supporting dmumenrs issued by original
manufacturing company. Manufacturer's cenificate stating that the bidder has sufficient trained and
experienced manpower to install. test and commission the EN 8l-ll5 as per relared code and
relevant standard and conlormiries
'l'he bidder shall have B. C class
7 contractor license provided by the electric licensin8 board. Aller
completion ol the work. the bidder and the manufacturing company shall provide the cenification
about installation. testing and commissioning of lhe Ilscalator and as built drawing of complet€
,t The bidder shall provide the assumnce from the manufacluring company to supply of spare pafls for
Escalator lor minimum 20 years and this assurance must be authenticated by the Chamber of
Commerc€/ Ministry ol Commerce/ MinistD of foreign affairs ol'the concerned manufaquring
9 The bidder shall submit a cenificate by Escalator manul'acturing compan) sraring rhar thc)
manufacture Drive system.Auto-Lubrication Sysrem.Braking system.saGty devices. Landing
Platforms. Truss. Tracks. Steps. Handmil, Escalaror Exterior (Balustrade) in their own factory:.
The cenificate must be authenticated by Chamber of Commerce / Ministr) of Commerce / Minisrry
of Forcign Affairs ofthe escalator Manufacturing Company.
t{t The block diagram o[ the conrplete Escalator system including all control system with ACVVVF.
power components! on manufbcturer,s letterhead pad must be submitted with lhe conrract.
u The bidder shall submit a work program to complere the Escalator supply and insrallation work
a statcment that before opening LC & procuring entity shall complete selection process
of liscalator
iterns prior to manufacturing.
t2 The successful bidder must submit the detail packing list with sealed and signed
by the Escalator
manufacturing company to the concemed Executive Engineer minimum l5 dals before
shipment and
Escalator equipments shall be lisred packet wise in detail. Thar packing list
must comply the irems
described in the agreement and as per selcction.The manufacturing co-mpany
must cenily that all
pa(vitems arc supplied in rhe packing rist. 'r'he name of lhe proiecr and
Li' no. shal be marked
clearly in the packes. Equipment ol one contract cannot bc packetizcd together
rvith olher
equipment/ other contracts.
13 Before shipmenl, Factory Acceptance Test ( performance test of safety devices of escalator and
Quality assumnce tesrs of the products as per srandards) shall have to be carried out by the
manulacturer in prescnce of nominated engineers of pWD al the Escalator
nanufacturinB factory
premises. One engineer will be nomi[ated for one unit Escalator
lror t$o units l.lscalntors in a single
tender minimum one engineer will accomplish this i nspection and
lcsting. For more than two units of
Escalator in a single tender, the number of nomin atcd coginccrs will bc
incrcascd by onc pcr trro
units of Escalator. All cost related to engineers 'travcl. lircd. accommodation.
ctc. will be bome hv
a$arded organization/Manufacturer. I-he erpendilure lor this will be incorporated
by the biddcr at
the time of participarion. For special ,easons if inspection is not performed
by the engineers of the
PWD. taking prior approval ol the procunng cntity qualily assurance tests will
be carried out b )
Intemationally accepted inspection agencies (home and abroad).
6( @r
& N
4--- h,
Suhhesd 8 P\.\'D SoR 2022 For llllU $'orks 44t
l5 The bidder shall submit a valid statement authenlicated by concemed Executive Engineer of PWD
Bangladesh and out of l5 shall be in the list with location. capacity, rise and year ofinstallation'
t6 The bidder shall certify that all given certificates/ documents/ drawings are complete
and correct lf
will fmm futue
any erTor is found, the contract will be cancelled and $e bidder be disqualified
panicipation of any contract.
Mainteoance engineers ofthe tenderer must receive service level I-2-3 cenilication, employees
thcm musl receile quarterly training
yearly technical clarification audit must be done with mother
tenderer organisation and
P $ 6v-
L* b
-@r )^-
\ubhcrd 8
P\l D SoR 2022 t'or E/u NorksSubhead-8 !1i
Itcm \o. Dcscripti0n of Items I nir llnil Rrle in tlnit Rete in trnil Rste in Khulnt,Barishal linil Rrte in Rrjshahi &
Dheka& lllymensingh Chsttogram & Sylh€l & (ioprlganj Rangpur
Zonc (Tk) 7,one (Tk) (r'k)
lnstallation, lesting and commissioning of the above lift a
including supplying of oecessary fixing materials. Architrave
& transom : Stainless Sheet steel mirror/hairline finish
architrave covering tie door enlrances sides and fansom
covering the top about 400mm for main entry & Narrow
archilrave Mirror/Hairline finish for typical floor_ Stainless
steel (Steel grade : SUS 304/441) mirror/Hairtine finish
\ Transom Panel shall be provided at main entry.
\ Architrave for Ground Floor :
Made ofhairline or mirror polished stainless steel (Steel gadc :
stjS 304/441).
@- 1
fi a fr+ u
% \
\ \
lbr t7U \\ orks {ll
St'hhexrl S
I'\\D SoR 2022
A--- S t^ 1
t.-l..t.J Next per stop ( I I stops & above) Job
Item \o. I)€scription of ltems t nit Linit Rate in flnit Rote in llnil Ralc in Khulns,Bsrishsl tlnit Rste in Rajshahi &
Dhrk.& Mymersingh Chittogrrm & Sylhct & Copalssnj R.ngpur
Zone (Tk) Z,one ('rk) (rk)
8.3.6 For 1600 kg. - 5000 kg. c.prcity Cargo/ Coody Senice lifl
ti.l.(r.l Upto 3-stop Job Tk. 269,951.00'Ik. 265.092.00 TK 246,715.00 ',tk. 2.16,7J5.00
1r.3.6.2 Nexl p€r stop (up to l0 stops) Job 'rk. .19.0t2.00 Tk. .r8,198.00 Tlc ,11.861.00 Tk. 11.86r.00
{t.3.6.J Next per stop (l I stops & above) Job 1'k s3,990.00 Tk. 53,0t8.00 'fk 49J17.00 1'k. {9,347.00
lnstallation. testing and commissioning of the above escalator
unit including supplying of fixing materials.
additional works on base foundation (if necessar)) for
machineries and painting of all parts and initial hbrication
shall be carried out as per EN-lls/DlN/ VDFT ANSI /ASl ll -(i
\ A l7.l/ JIS .The supplier / Installer shall carry our l6hoursper
da) lrial run operation for 30 (lhirty) days before handing over
the l]scalalor to the competent authority.
Repulations & P\lD specification. All non-current canJ.inp
metallic enclosure of electical materials/equipment viz.
electric motor frames, conllol panel. other metallic cases. steps.
handrail. junction boxes & similar electic fittings shall b€
properly connected to the earthing system. AII the works in this
regard shall conform to general standards. codes and
specifications ofPWD. The biddcr shall ensure to use steel
scaflolding items (preferably) avoiding bamboo. barricade.
lifeloine. safely shoes, Helmets. Gloves, Goggles and all the
safety measure as per inlemational safety codes for the
workers. supervisors and others during the installation period.
Job per
Itcm No. l)escriplir)n of Itenls I nil I nil R$lc in []nit Rste ill [Inil Rrte in Khulna,liarishsl tlnil Rate in Rsjshrhi&
I)haka& \l) mcnsingh Chsttogr{m & S}lher & (;opalSsni Rrngpur
Zonc ( ! k) Lone (Tk) (Tk)
(l.i)r rcpla(ing the cristing used unservicerble ARt) only)
Drive systcm : min 3 times/h and starting time after min 20 sec
& max 180 sec that can be set manually
Dircction : up or dolr'n which side is hearier
Battery: Maintenance free Sealed Gelled / ACM banery or
equivalent as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
8.5.1 Capacity : 630 kg to 800 kg lifi P/Job tk. 22J.026.00 Tk. 22J,026.00 Tk. 223.026.00 rk. 22t.026.00
8.5.2 Capacily : 1000 kg and obove l'lJob 'lk. 291.520.00 rk. 29.t.520.00 l'k. 29.t,520.00 'l k. 29.t.520.00
It.6 AVR
Supply, installation. testing & commissioning of following
415v, 3-phase, 50llz electronically conrolled. automatic
voltage stabilizer/regulator locally assembled in metallic
painted cabinel suitable lbr infut vohage range 300 - 460V.
output stepless continuous \'olta8,c 400V I37o. correclion
spced 20V/sec. (minimum) complete with phase failure and
spike & surge.fluctuation voltage protcction, auto shut oll at
high & low voltage with auto resel syslem. overload &
instantancous short circuit prolcction by MCCB & relay.
transicnt supprcssion circuil. ON-OFF"TRIP indicators.
lollmcler & arnmeter, bypass circuit etc. )
't k.
8{.850.00 1k.
9J,t0.1.00 Tk.
n{,850.00 Tk.
9.1,10J.00 Tk.
8.t,1t50.00 l k.
9J.r03.00 r'k.
'rk. -rk- r0t.50tt.00 Tk. 10E.508.00 lk. t08.506.00
8.6.3 20 KVA AVR l'-ach 108.50!i.00
'I k. 126.{21.00 Tk. t26..t2t.00 1k. 126.{2r.00 1k. 126.{21.00
A) Each
t 77,E9f.00
t?7.89.t.00 Tk.
230.{66.00 Tk.
r77.{t91.00 lk.
2-10.{66.00 I k.
230 00
>? &=1 s ]t* td.-
1 ue1 ft8
Suhhcad ti P\\ l) soR 2(122 l or l./u $ orks {.1(;
Itcm No. Descriplion of ltems I lnir tinit Rrle in UDil Rrte in tJnil Rrte in Khulna,Barishrl linil Rete in Rsjshahi&
Dhaka& 1\lymensingh Ch.ttogrr]n & Sylhcl & Copalganj Rangpur
Zone (Tk) 'l,one (Tk) (Tk)
t.6.7 6OKVA AVR Each
'rk. 218.047.00 Tk. 2J8,047.00 TL 2f,E,0,t7.00 Tk. 238,0.17.00
t.6.E 75KVA AVR Each Tk. .108,592.00 Tk. .t08,592.00 tk 30E,592.00 Tk. J01i,592.00 -l
tt.6.9 IOOKVA AVR Each Tk. ,15E.279.00 Tk 158,279.00 Tk t58,279.00 Tk. 458,279.00
8.6.10 I5OKVA AVR llach Tk. 550.887.00 'rk. 550,887.00 Tk. 550,887.00 Tk. 550,887.00
8.6.1I 2OOKVA AVR Each Tk. 668,615.00 Tlc 66E,615.00 'tk 666,6t5.00 Tk. 666,615.00
I lt.9
acceptcd,/approved by the Engineer in charge.
l'er mcter Tk. 6.E2{.00 Tk. 6.1t2{.00 t k. 6.82{.00 t-k. 6.82{.00
r- 6T'
@ 4_
1 4- fl4 o )
4 L--
Srhhe"d I l'\\'l) solt 2022 l.or 1../\l \\orks 117
Description of ltems I nit llnit Rate in Unit Rrte in IiI it Rale in Khulnr,B.rirhal llnit Rate in Rajshahi &
Dhs13& IUymcnsingh Chottogrsn| & Sylhet & Gopslgrnj Rtngpur
7,on. (Tk) Zanc (Tk) (rk)
't 8.t 0.1 Size :6/8 mm dia P/mtr TL 2r 2.00 tk. 212.00 Tlr 212.00 Tk. 212.00
E.t0.2 Siz€ : l0 run dia P/mtr Tk. 290.00 't k. 290.00 1k. 290.00'tk. 290.00
: l2 mm dia 'fk. .rk.
E.10.3 Size P/mtr TK J75.00 .t?5.00 375.00 Tk. .t75.00
It. t l.l Upto 3 stop lin Each Tk. t 5.J6.t.00 t k. t5.J6,1.00 'rk. 15.f,6.t.00 Tk. 15,3(,.1.00 {
8.1 r.2 Add Tk.2800.00 per lill per stop (afier 3 stops)
ti.r2 N10N .\ SERvt( tN(; & \l \tN I lt\.\\(
E Ot; t.ll;t'
\- \
$- & s..
subherd {l P$ D SoR 2022 for [/iU \\ orks .l{8
Itcm No. l)cscriplion of llem\ I nit t nit ltate in lini( Rete in llnil Rate in Khulnr.Brrishsl tlnit RNlc in R{jshshi &
l)h$kr& lll.,mcnsingh (lhattogram & S) lhel & Gopalganj Rsngpur
Zone ('l k) 7,one (Tk) (Tk)
Monthly servicing and maintenance of lift slch as cleaning,
checking. trouble shooting, adjusting. balancing, greasing.
oiling fixing of spares etc. as described in details by Engineer
in Cha-rge rcquired for trouble free operation of lift.
Month Tk. 20.656.00
For Chattogram. Khulna. Rajshali.Sylhet. Pcr
r Othcr
Month r8.920.00 'l'k. t8.920.00'lk. Itt.r)20.00
J k. r8,920.00'Ik.
As per circular issued by Finance Division. l\4inistry of
Finance. No- Dale: l0/06/2019)
+ L---
r' PWD 361{ 2022 For E/M works -ll q
. Subhead E
Table 8.1
Hoistway & Power Configurations for Passenger Lift According to Various Speed and Capacity
Persons Rated Rated Net size of Net size of lloistwa! Siz. Motor Machine Maximum
Cxpacity Speed Car Door Capacity Room Current &
(Kc) & (m/s) (Width r (Width x (Width x Overhead Pit Head (Kw) Dimension lRunning
Depth) Height) Depth) (rnm) Height (mm) (mm) currentl
(mm) (mm) (mm) (Anp)
per EN El
Table 8.2
Hoishf,ry & Power Configurations for Bed & Firefight€r's Lift According to Various Speed and Csprcity
1tt 2000 2.5 1750\2100 lJ(X)\2 I0i) 1000\1000 5100 t900 3 5.2 3200r4500 It2.4
3.0 5250 2100 44.'7 98.0
1.5 5.1t)0 2200 57.0 t25.0
1.0 5500 2:100 69.8 149.1
1.0 4500 1500 t 5.7 46.9
1.5/1.6 1600 I600 25.3 75.5
2.0 1850 1800 32.3 7t.13
3l 2500 2.5 2000x2500 l1()0\2 100 3000x31()0 5100 t900 1.1.0 1200\4500 98.0
3.0 5250 2 t00 7.0
_s t26.0
1.5 5J00 2200 10.1 t50.-l
500 2100 860 l60 2
1.0 5
$ 4/
t'. g
M + acr
A- u- * / @)
) Subhead E PWD Sf R 2022 For E/M Works .t5l
Tablc 8.J
Hoist*ry & Power Configurations for Observation/Prnoram, Lift According to Various Speed rnd Capacity
( For Rectangulsr Shaped Car)
Net size of Net size of Machine Marimum
Hoistway Size
Rated Rated Cer Door Motor Room Current &
Persons Cipacity Speed (width x (Width x Overhead Capacity Dimension lRunning
(N',idth x Pit He.d
(Kc) (m/s) Depth) Height) Height (Kw) (mm) currentl
Deplh) (mm) (mm)
(mm) (mm) (mm) (Amp)
t.0 4500 t500 4.0 11.819.2.
t.5/t.6 .1600 r600 6.{ 23.'7 t t 3.8
2.0 4 ti50 Ill00 8.3 30.9/ t7. l
ll 630 2.5 I I50\ I'100 800x2100 I800\ l9(l{) 5 t00 I900 t2.3 2000x3500 48.2t28.4
3.0 5250 2 r00 t4.l 57.3/32.8
1.5 5100 1200 t 8.l 71t39
1.0 5500 23 00 2.1.0 96/5:
t.0 1500 t500 5.0 t 5.1|0.1
L5it.6 t600 t600 8.t 25.8 6.2
2.0 {850 lll00 t0.5 14.3t20.5
t0 8()(l 2.5 1250r1600 900x2100 2000x2150 5100 t900 15.0 2200\1700 55.7 t34.4
1.0 5250 2100 t7.t 65.8/39.5
1.5 5400 2200 22.7 86.4/,16.1
.1.0 5 500 2100 29.5 t 15.2t63
I,O 1500 1500 6.1 20/t3
1.5/ r.6 -t600 1600 t0.2 32.9t20.3
2.0 1850 llr00 13. r 13.1t25.6
l3 1000 2.5 1500x 1600 1000x2100 220012150 5100 I900 18.6 2400x1850 68.9/.12..1
1.0 5250 2 t00 2t.2 8t. t/48.7
1.5 5400 2200 21.6 106.4/59.2
.1.0 5 50t) 2300 36.0 135t17.5
1.0 .1500 1500 8.0 28.'t 9.4
1.5/t.6 -1600 1600 8.0 46.8/30.2
2.0 J850 1800 t6.7 6t.t /37.1
t6 t250 )l 1600\ 1800 I 100\2100 2400x2400 5 t00 t900 2.',t.8 2700x.1200 63.6/40.2
3.0 5250 2t00 21.2 14.4146.2
1.5 5100 2200 3 5.0 t23.8t61
.1.0 5500 2100 45.0 158.2/85
1.0 .1500 r500 l0. t 35.5t24.4
t.5/t.6 ,1600 r600 t 6.2 s',t.9t3't.8
2.0 1850 1800 20.8 15. | 146.9
2l 1600 1750x2000 I 100x2100 2^100x2600 5100 I900 2ti.9 2900:i4300 11.1t19
3.0 5250 1100 I2.9 90.4/56.2
3.5 5{00 2200 42.5 125t12
1.0 5 500 2300 5 3.0 t40t92
t.0 1500 1500 I t.3 37.6t21.5
1.5 .6 .1600 1600 llt.2 60.1t42.6
2.0 4850 t800 11.'152.8
21 t800 2.5 I 800x2100 1200x2100 2(r00x2700 5100 1900 32.0 3100\4.100 80/51.6
3.0 5250 2 t00 36.4 92.8162.4
3.5 5J00 2200 17.0 t30!16
4.0 5500 2100 58.0 t50/t00
t.0 1500 t500 t2.6 18.9/2{t.8
t.5/l .6 {600 r600 20.2 62.7t41.,1
2.0 ,1850 I 80t) 25.8 8l ..1r 55.9
26 2000 2.5 1550x27{)0 | 300x2100 2800x1300 5 t00 I900 3 5.2 1300x,1500 82.4t56.1
3.0 5250 2 t00 44.1 126t70
3.5 5J00 2200 57.0 r4lt/96
4.0 5500 2300 69.8 200/t10
1.0 ,1500
1.5/t.6 .1600
2.0 41150 I8(,1) I2..',] 71.8/50.8
_t3 2500 2.5 1850x2700 1400\2100 1000\1300 5 r00 t900 1,1.0 3300x4500 98.6/69.8
3.0 5250 2100 570 t.lll/96
3.5 5100 2200 10.7 205?I 15
4o - 5500 2100 86.t) 250/165
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Subhearl E-' PWD SoR 2022 For E/l\-iaVorks v 452
Table 8.,1
Hoistway & Power Configurations for Obscrvrtion/Panorama Lift (Her.) According to Various Specd and Cspacity
( For Her, / Semicircle Shaped Car)
Net size of Net size of Mschine
Hoistraay Size Mrximum
Car Door Room
Rrted Rated Motor Cuff€nt &
(Width x Dimension
I'ersons Cipacity Speed (width x Capacity lRunning
Dcpth) (width x Overhead Pit He.d (KW)
(Kc) (m/s) ]lcight) lleighr
(mm) Depth) (mm) (mm) (Amp)
(mm) (mm)
t.0 1500 1500 l.(l A.Ar9.t
l.5il.6 1600 t6(x) 2J. /n3_A
2.t) 1850 1800 li.3 JU.9/t /.1
IJ 630 1.5 ll00rl550 800\2100 Itl00r2l00 5100 I900 12.3 2100x3500 .r Il .2/21r. +
5500 2300 86.0
k {.(}
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Subhead 8 PWD SoR 2022 For E/M Works {5.t
Tablc 8.7
\laximum Available Car Arca As Per E\ E1
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lln ndr ,t ,l.i
!. cLfria lEn I rr rft-r,qr5 bhe h rEffigrang bs,
tntrc&otr |*tlrgb.n,p
!hth!r! 1rr!, (r (ITrrn bl
2 $tofa cdid tlq,ts !. !.Evldad h EdrE I ag S5C+S2Sa c.. rrri ta.hjt ol, slc b. !. ,rg!S.
,d 3rrote carrlol (|lv5 rr ,'rglh 2 26 mry ba ioSfcd ,-e.d
td 3 A l.lng rp n a riq..E I fr. h.rEp ls . tb.. ttur ttu trn aD6a. d ,rEe !r| ton bato*. io trar t.aEa
a Dr oacrrn I dt, to a.atrra ttE bc coripqrir rE B rEt ,n ..t to nD.E ! !a dty Eacaa arou- Iha
ar!'t tl|u! b..O.'f 'E €strry ar -(o.Orta .l, 7 iiat ! d Gg SOIE Glola
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Subh€ad 8 PWD SoR 2022 For f,/M Works J53
Tablc 8.5
Hoistlray & Power Configurations for Cargo Lift According lo Various Capacit)
'Iable 8.6
Hoistway & Power Configurations for Cor Lift According to Various Capacity
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