Data Mining 2020

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2020/ 11 / 18 : ‫التاريخ‬

‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬
Data Mining : ‫المقرر‬
‫ تقنية المعلومات وعلوم‬: ‫القسم‬ ‫جامعة إب‬
‫ الثالث‬:‫ المستوى‬, ‫الحاسوب‬ ‫كلية العلوم‬
‫ ساعتان‬: ‫الزمن‬ ‫دد‬

‫م‬2020/2019 ‫اختبار نهاية الفصل الدراسي الثاني للعام الجامعي‬

‫اجت عن جميع األسئــــــــــلة‬
Classification :)100( ‫السؤال األول‬
‫ من خالل ال‬Decision Tree ‫) جذر شجزة القزار‬Root( ‫ المطلوة ايجبد‬ID3 ‫مستخذمب خوارسمية‬
: ‫ الموضحة ثبلجذول التبلي‬Dataset

Outlook Temperature Humidity Windy Class

1 sunny hot high FALSE no

2 sunny hot high TRUE no
3 overcast hot high FALSE yes
4 rainy mild high FALSE yes
5 rainy cool normal FALSE yes
6 rainy cool normal TRUE no
7 overcast cool normal TRUE yes
8 sunny mild high FALSE no
9 sunny cool normal FALSE yes
10 rainy mild normal FALSE yes
11 sunny mild normal TRUE yes
12 overcast mild high TRUE yes
13 overcast hot normal FALSE yes
14 rainy mild high TRUE no
( clustering) : )100( ‫السؤال الثبني‬
Consider the following distance matrix

a b c d e
a .000 58.310 170.880 184.391 198.494
b 58.310 .000 212.132 240.416 223.607
c 170.880 212.132 .000 101.980 70.711
d 184.391 240.416 101.980 .000 172.627
e 198.494 223.607 70.711 172.627 .000

What could be the distance matrix after each of the first three mergers if single-
link clustering were used?
(Association) : )100( ‫السؤال الثبلث‬
Consider the market basket transactions shown in Table 1. Using the Apriori
algorithm show how frequent item sets can be found in the following dataset. where
the minimum support 22%, threshold is at least 2 transactions.

Table 1. Market basket transactions

Transaction ID Items Bought

1 { D, M, C }
2 { M, U }
3 { M, B }
4 { D, M, U }
5 { D, B }
6 { M, B }
7 { D, B }
8 { D, M, B, C }
9 { D, M, B }

You should explain what happens at each step along with the data produced.

( clustering) : )100( ‫السؤال الزاثع‬

Suppose that the data mining task is to cluster the following Five points (with (x; y)
representing location) into Two clusters.
x y
1 150 200
2 120 250
3 90 40
4 190 20
5 20 50

The distance function is Euclidean distance. Suppose initially we assign 1, 2 as the

center of each cluster, respectively. Use the k-means algorithm to show only
(a) The two cluster centers after the first round of execution and
(b) The final two clusters

: ‫ وضح ( تكلم ) مفهوم التقنيات التالية‬: )100( ‫السؤال الخبمس‬

Text Mining -1
Genetic algorithm -2
. ‫ اكتب ملخص للبحث المقدم كنشاط لمقرر التنقيب في البيانات‬-3

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