Oil and Gas Glossary

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Oil and Gas

Glossary and
VERSION 1.13: December 2021

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Glossary and Definitions

The Commission produces manuals, guidelines, forms and additional information

to support industry in applying for and operating, oil and gas activities in British
Columbia. The Oil and Gas Activity Application Manual and Oil and Gas Activity
Operations Manual detail application and regulatory requirements with which
applicants and permit holders must comply.

Technical guidance documents detail best practices for operating in the industry.

This Glossary and Definitions is an additional resource to accompany the

manuals, guidelines and forms in applying for a permit and adhering to the
regulatory and reporting requirements during construction and operations.

The Glossary and Definitions is broken down alphabetically, and also by section
relevant to industry activity. An acronym listing provides common abbreviations
used by the Commission and the Regulations and Legislation page echoes the
regulations and legislation applicants and permit holders must comply with
depending on the oil and gas activity.

• Terms Common to Facilities
• Terms Common to LNG Facilities
• Terms Common to Oil and Gas Measurement
• Terms Common to Pipelines
• Terms Common to Roads
• Acronyms
• Regulations and Legislation

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Abandoned well A well permanently closed off when no viable hydrocarbons are discovered or it
is depleted and no longer capable of producing profitably. The well is
permanently plugged downhole, producing subsurface formations have been
isolated and permanently plugged and is basically permanently decommissioned.

Abandonment Converting a drilled well to a condition that can be left indefinitely without further
attention and will not damage freshwater supplies, potential petroleum reservoirs,
or the environment as per Part 5 of the Drilling and Production Regulation.

Acid Gas A natural gas or any other gas mixture containing significant quantities of
hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2), or similar contaminants.

Activity An activity includes: Wells, Pipelines, Facilities, Roads, Geophysical Programs,

Associated Oil & Gas Activities, CER Related Ancillaries, CER Pipeline Rights of
Way, CER Road Rights of Way, Short Term Water Use and Changes In and
About a Stream.

OGAA Activities include Wells, Roads, Facilities, Pipelines, Geophysical


Related Activities include: AOGA (Associated Oil and Gas Activities), Short
Term Water Use and Changes in and about a Stream.

CER Activities include CER Roads, CER Pipeline Rights of Way, and CER
Related Ancillaries.

Administration boundaries Administration boundaries established through consultation agreements guide

consultation for each First Nations community. Where there is no agreement in
place, the boundaries are guided by the Provincial Consultation Boundaries.

Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) A provincial zone where agriculture is recognized as the priority use. Farming is
encouraged and non-agricultural uses are controlled.

Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) The B.C. provincial agency responsible for the administration of the ALR.

Aggregate operations The excavation of clay, gravel, rock, sand or soil used in the construction or
maintenance of oil and gas infrastructure, but not sourced from a borrow pit.
Aggregate operations are a mining activity to which the Mines Act applies.

Oil and Gas Aggregate Operation are defined as the excavation or quarrying of
aggregate that: produces material solely for the construction and maintenance of
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oil and gas infrastructure; is not located within a construction corridor; does not
produce materials for sale to or use by any party other than for the permit holder,
or the holder of an approval referred to in Section 9 of OGAA, with authorization
for its use; does not produce sand for use in hydraulic fracturing; and is subject
to the requirements of the Health, Safety, and Reclamation Code for Mines in
British Columbia.

ALC-OGC Delegation Agreement A signed agreement between the ALC and the Commission. It issues limited
delegated authority to the Commission to authorize non-farm use of agricultural
lands for oil and gas activities within the Northern Rockies and Peace River
Regional Districts.

Amendment An application to add, modify or change a permissioned activity.

Ancillary aquifer The underground layer of water-soaked sand and rock acting as a water source
for a well.

Anomaly investigation Investigative excavations in follow-up areas of interest / concern identified by

inline tool inspection.

Applicant A company or operator is referred to as the applicant prior to and during the
application phase while seeking an oil and gas and associated activity permit.

Application A person can apply to the Commission for an oil and gas permit by submitting an
application in the form and manner the Commission requires. An application can
include one (a single activity) or more activities submitted as a bundle (multi-
activity). The application must include specific legal locations and detailed
technical information with all other required information for all the activities
applied in order for the application to be reviewed and a determination made.
Regardless of the number of activities applied for within one application; one
permit will be issued.

Application Determination Number (AD)

An Application Determination number is assigned to an application upon
determination. Only one AD number is assigned per project. Permit holders
must reference the original AD number when applying for an amendment.

Application Management System (AMS)

The Commission’s online system applicants use to submit oil and gas and
associated activity applications.

Area-Based Analysis (ABA) A framework for managing the cumulative impacts of oil and gas development.
More information available at http://www.bcogc.ca/public-zone/area-based-
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Archaeological Impact Assessment (AIA)
Archaeological field work conducted prior to any development activity.

As-built documents Collection of drawings, or other related material that describes the specifications
of an asset that has been constructed.

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BCGS Maps The name of the complete set of maps and plans illustrating in detail the location
and extent of planned activities at an appropriate scale required by applicants.

Barrel (bbl) A measure of volume for petroleum products. One barrel is the equivalent of 35
imperial gallons or 42 U.S. gallons or 0.15899 cubic metres (9,702 cubic inches).
One cubic metre equals 6.2897 barrels.

Battery site A gas or oil facility with product separation and multiphase delivery point
measurement (as defined in the BCOGC Measurement Requirements for
Upstream Oil and Gas Operations Guideline) for one or more wells.

Drilling & Production Regulation definition: a battery means a system or

arrangement of tanks or other surface equipment receiving the effluents of one or
more wells prior to delivery to market or other disposition, and may include
equipment or devices for separating the effluents into petroleum, natural gas or
water and for measurement. Examples include:

• Single oil well with solution gas flared and oil tanked on site.
• Multi-well battery with a test and group separator.
• Temporary gas well test unit producing marketable hydrocarbons
trucked to a TRD (Treatment, Recovery & Disposal) facility.
• Water source well installation for oil and gas drilling, completions, or
enhanced recovery production operations.

Best practices The management practices or techniques recognized to be the most effective
and practical means to develop an oil and gas resource, while minimizing
adverse environmental and other effects.

Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification (BEC)

An ecological framework and language for ecosystem management in British
Columbia. BEC provides a multi-scale classification framework to describe broad
biogeoclimatic zones used for applications such as protected area and land
management planning, forest pest risk and wildlife habitat management. The
BEC program, managed by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource
Operations (FLNRO), is continually being updated and as such, the
biogeoclimatic zones, names and spatial distribution may change from time to
time. The EPMR references the BEC zones at the time the Regulation was
created; however, the names and distribution of the zones have changed since
then and the new zones should be used when applying the requirements in the
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Blowout An uncontrolled flow of gas, oil, or other fluids from a well.

Blowout preventer (BOP) Equipment installed on the wellhead to prevent the escape of fluids under
pressure from the wellbore during drilling, completion, or workover operations.
The BOP stack incorporates different sets of hydraulic rams enabling the well to
be sealed with or without pipe in the hole, pumping of fluids into the well under
pressure, and controlled release of fluids from the well.

Bog Wetland with organic soils and a water table at or near the surface. Soils are
predominantly poorly to moderately decomposed sphagnum moss peats. The
bog surface is usually unaffected by groundwater and thus waters are generally
acid and low in nutrients. Bogs are usually carpeted by sphagnum mosses and
ericaceous shrubs. They may be treed or treeless. Bogs with an open growth of
scrubby trees are commonly referred to as muskeg.

Bore Trenchless stream crossing method by which a hole is drilled horizontally from
bell hole to bell hole (with or without casing) to allow the installation of a pipeline.

Borehole The wellbore; the hole made by drilling or boring a well.

Borrow pit An area where clay, gravel, rock, sand or soil has been removed/excavated and
used for the construction of oil and gas infrastructure.

Bottom hole assembly The lower portion of the drillstring, consisting of (from the bottom up in a vertical
well) the bit, bit sub, a mud motor (in certain cases), stabilizers, drill collars,
heavy-weight drillpipe, jarring devices (“jars”) and crossovers for various
threadforms. The bottomhole assembly must provide force for the bit to break the
rock (weight on bit), survive a hostile mechanical environment and provide the
driller with directional control of the well.

Bottom hole pressure The pressure in a well at the bottom of the hole, usually measured in pounds per
square inch (psi).

Butane (C4H10) An organic compound found in natural gas. Reported volumes may
contain some propane or pentanes plus.

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CSA Z662 CSA Z662 is the standard developed and maintained by the Canadian Standards
Association covering the design, construction, operation and maintenance of oil
and gas industry pipeline systems conveying liquid hydrocarbons, oilfield water
and/or steam, carbon dioxide, or gas. It is a legal requirement for operators to
meet this standard for pipelines operating under OGAA in B.C.

Casing Pipe or tubing of appropriate material, diameter and weight used to support the
sides of a well hole and prevent the walls from caving, to prevent loss of drilling
mud into porous formations, or to prevent fluid from entering or leaving the well.

CAS number A unique identifier for chemical substances. Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) is
a division of the American Chemical Society responsible for the administration,
quality assurance and maintenance of the CAS registry. A CAS Number itself
has no inherent chemical significance but provides an unambiguous way to
identify a chemical substance or molecular structure when there are many
possible systematic, generic, proprietary or trivial names.

Cavitation Creation of a cavity around the wellbore in a coal formation generally using high
pressure water jets to increase the area of the coal exposed to the wellbore.

Cementing Permanently securing the casing to the wellbore or plugging and sealing the
wellbore with cement.

Cement plug A plug of cement slurry placed in the wellbore to seal the well.

Certificate of Restoration (COR) A document issued by the Commission certifying abandoned wellsite has been
restored to meet regulatory requirements.

Clean snow Snow free of mineral soil, silt, coarse woody debris, or deleterious substances.
When snow is bladed for snowfill construction it is not uncommon for small
amounts of grass and other vegetative matter, which may have fallen on the
snowpack as it accumulated, are in the gathered material. Grass is often present
as it extends well up into the snowpack and may be cut off by the cat blade.

Clearspan bridge A channel spanning structure requiring no in-stream support abutments, footings
or pilings. Clearspan structures include native timber bridges and fabricated
wood, metal and concrete construction mediums.

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Closed bottom structure A tunneled drainage structure for the passage of water. Typically constructed of
metal or concrete and may be box or cylindrical in shape. Closed bottom
structures involve in-stream disturbance of stream channel bed and/or banks.

Coalbed gas (CBG) The natural gas found in most coal deposits. It is formed during coalification, a
process that converts deposits of plant material into coal. It is also referred to as
coalbed methane (CBM) or natural gas in coal (NGC).

Competent Proven qualified, trained, and experienced to perform the required duties.

Completed well A well with the necessary work done to enable production.

Completion The process of finishing a well to produce gas or oil.

Compressor A machine used to boost natural gas pressure to move it through pipelines or
other facilities.

Compressor dehydrator A facility that includes both natural gas compression equipment and dehydration
equipment for one or more wells. A facility that includes both a compressor
station and a gas dehydrator.

Compressor station A facility that includes natural gas compression equipment for one or more
multiple wells from multiple wellsites. This does not include booster compressors
for single wells, or for well pads with more than one well for compressors only
servicing wells on the same wellsite.

Condensate A mixture mainly of pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons (C5+) that may be
contaminated with sulphur compounds. It is recovered at a well or facility from an
underground reservoir and may be gaseous in its virgin reservoir state but is
liquid at the conditions under which its volume is measured.

Construction corridor An additional mapped area and shown spatially around the application area of
the proposed activities that allows a permit holder some flexibility in the
movement, placement and construction of permitted oil and gas activity. Using
this approach can reduce the need for permit amendments, subject to the terms
and conditions of the permit. The width of the construction corridor is left to the
discretion of the applicant. A construction corridor on a construction plan should
include the proposed location of proposed activities being applied for.

Construction Plan A plan required for all oil and gas activity. The plan must include all roads, rights
of way, public utilities, easements, road allowances and places of public
concourse located within 60 metres of storage tanks and production equipment,
and/or within 80 metres of flare stacks and incinerators. The plan must also show
drainages and the proximity to the lease, adjacent surface improvements and
surveyed polygons of facilities.
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Consultation The exchange of information regarding proposed oil and gas activities between
applicants and recipients within the consultation distance. It begins when a
recipient receives an Invitation to Consult from an applicant.

Continuous flaring Uninterrupted flared volumes with a constant and visible flame under routine
operations, and includes fuel gas being burned to maintain a pilot and / or
continuous purge in the flare header.

Conventional natural gas Natural gas consisting of a mixture of hydrocarbon compounds, primarily
methane, and small quantities of various non-hydrocarbons.

Core A cylindrical borehole sample taken from a well or test hole for analysis of
various properties of the formation, including porosity, permeability, fluid content,
and geological age.

Critical fish habitat Habitat critical in sustaining subsistence, commercial, or recreational fishery or
species at risk because of its relative rareness, productivity and sensitivity.
Habitat indicators include the presence of high-value spawning or rearing habitat
(for instance; locations with an abundance of suitably sized spawning gravels,
deep pools, undercut banks, or stable debris, which are critical to the fish
population present).

Crown land Land and land covered by water owned by the province of B.C.

Crude Oil Naturally occurring, unrefined petroleum product composed of hydrocarbon

deposits and other organic materials.

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Damage Prevention Plans (DPP) Damage prevention programs are required for all pipeline permit holders.
DPP’s are intended to reduce the frequency of preventable damage by
addressing external/third-party threats to the integrity of pipeline
Dams Some freshwater storage structures used in the oil and gas industry qualify
as damns under the Water Sustainability Act. The Commission regulated
those damns, under B.C.’s Dam Safety Regulation, where live water storage
exceeds 10,000 m3.
Delineation well A well extending the boundary of a previously discovered pool.

Dehydrator Equipment used to remove water from the natural gas.

Dehydrator emission source The location where the still column-vent vapours are released directly to the
atmosphere. For still-column vent vapours routed to a control technology, the
source would be the release point from the technology. Where more than one
technology is in use, the emissions source is the one closest to the surface
development (e.g., exit from a flare, incinerator, burner vent, or condenser

Deleterious substance A substance likely to have a negative impact on water. Defined in Section 34 of
the Fisheries Act.

Desorption The process of detaching methane adsorbed onto coal by de-pressuring the coal
seam through dewatering and other methods.

Development well A well drilled in or adjacent to a proven part of a pool to optimize production.

Dewatering The process of removing water from a coal seam in the vicinity of a producing
gas well. Dewatering is required to reduce pressure within the coal seam, which
in turn allows the methane gas to be released from the coal.

Directional drill Trenchless crossing method utilizing a slant drill to install a pipeline under a

Directional drilling Trenchless crossing method utilizing a slant drill to install a pipeline under a
watercourse A well drilled at an angle from the vertical. This method can be used
when local topography (e.g. river banks or other water bodies) prevents vertical
drilling. Under normal conditions, vertical drilling is used (i.e. the bottom of the
hole is located beneath the drill rig).

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Disposal station A facility that includes equipment handling oil and gas waste. The equipment
may include, but is not limited to the treatment, recovery, storage, or disposal of
drilling or completions waste, well fracture returns/flowback, and acid gas from a
processing plant.

Examples include: Treatment, Recovery & Disposal (TRD) facilities, acid gas
disposal facilities, facilities including deep well disposal for oil and gas waste.

Disposal well A well, commonly a depleted oil or gas well, into which waste fluids can be
injected for safe disposal. Disposal wells require regulatory approvals.

Dispute resolution A process for resolving conflicts between parties. It can include direct
negotiations, facilitated sessions, mediations, or arbitration.

Diversion Map A topographical map must be provided showing the general location of the
property and proposed point(s) of diversion in relation to nearby communities,
highways, railways and other water sources.

Diverter A device used to direct fluids flowing from a well away from the drilling rig.

Drill bit Tools used to crush or cut rock.

Drilling fluid (mud) The circulating fluid used to bring drilling cuttings out of the well bore, cool the
drill bit and provide hole stability and pressure control.

Drill pipe Steel pipe sections of about nine metres in length screwed together to form a
continuous pipe extending from the drilling rig to the drilling bit at the bottom of
the hole. Rotation of the drill pipe and bit causes the bit to bore through the rock.

Drill string Connected sections of drill pipe.

Drilling fluid (mud) The circulating fluid used to bring drilling cuttings out of the well bore, cool the
drill bit and provide hole stability and pressure control.

Drillstem test (DST) A method of gathering data on the potential productivity of a geological formation
before installing casing in a well. A drill stem test records pressure and fluid
recovery data from which formation characteristics can be inferred.

Domestic use water Water intended for direct human contact such as, consumption, food preparation,
utensil washing, and hygiene.

Down-hole disposal The disposal of formation water and drilling and waste fluids down a wellbore in a
deep formation not in communication with an aquifer.

Downstream activity The selling, distributing of natural gas and the refining of petroleum.

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Dugout In some cases, a dugout can defined as a stream and used as a licensed water
source. Refer to the Dam Safety Regulation for detail.

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Easement Any right over private or Crown land associated with a right to use of the land.

Effluent A substance that is introduced into water or onto land and that (a) injures or is
capable of injuring the health or safety of a person, (b) injures or is capable of
injuring property or any life form, (c) interferes with or is capable of interfering
with visibility, (d) interferes with or is capable of interfering with the normal
conduct of business, (e) causes or is capable of causing material physical
discomfort to a person, or (f) damages or is capable of damaging the
environment. Defined in Environmental Management Act.

Emergency Response Plan (ERP) Pre-planned responses to incidents to ensure protection of public health, safety,
property and the environment and quick and effective responses.

Emergency planning zone (EPZ) A geographical area that encompasses all the hazard planning zones for an oil
and gas activity that is the subject of a plan. Defined in Emergency Management

Emergency awareness zone (EAZ) see Hazard Planning Zone

Environmental monitor May be qualified professionals or technologists who have an appropriate

background relevant to the species, feature or value being addressed and a
comprehensive working knowledge and understanding of the principles and
requirements of Provincial and Federal regulatory compliance. The impacts of
construction activities can be either continually monitored or periodically
inspected, depending on the sensitivity of the site to disturbance and the nature
of construction. The environmental monitor should be given authority by the
permit holder to stop operations in the case of non-compliance with approved
conditions, or where it is anticipated that unforeseen circumstances are likely to
cause environmental problems.

eSubmission eSubmission is an online portal to accept direct submission to the

Commission of data and reports required by permit holders. Access to
eSubmission and documentation for using the eSubmission portal is found
on the Online Services page of the Commission’s website.
Estimated ultimate recovery (EUR)
Total volume of oil or gas recoverable under current technology and present and
anticipated economic conditions, specifically proven by drilling, testing, or
production; plus contiguous undeveloped reserves interpreted from geological,
geophysical, and/or analogous production, with reasonable certainty to exist.

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Exemption If an exemption is requested from regulatory requirements, an exemption request
may be requested at the time of application and include:

• Specific regulatory provision requiring an exemption.

• Rationale for exemption (explanation of why an exemption is required).
• Proposed plan showing mitigation strategies to reduce impacts.
If exemptions are approved prior to the application, this approval must be
attached to the application.

Exploratory well A well drilled in an unproven area or geological formation where no oil or gas
production exists nearby.

Exposed pipeline Pipeline without sufficient cover to meet safety and / or company requirements.

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Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNRORD)

Facility A system of vessels, piping, valves, tanks and other equipment used to gather,
pump, compress, process, measure, store or dispose of petroleum, natural gas,
water or a substance.

Fen Wetland with organic soils and a water table at or above the surface. Soils are
primarily moderately to well-decomposed sedge and non-sphagnum moss peats.
Waters are mainly nutrient rich with a near neutral to slightly acid pH. The
vegetation consists primarily of sedges, grasses, reeds, mosses, and some
shrubs. Scattered trees may be present.

Fish Stream Identification Tool A risk management tool developed based on existing fish and fish habitat
information, which allows a limited number of Peace watersheds to be defaulted
to either fish bearing or non-fish bearing. This tool was developed based on the
early LAA works undertaken by Diversified Environmental Services.

Fish salvage Capture of fish species present in an isolated worksite or dewatered area.

Flaring Disposal by combustion of natural gas or gas derived from petroleum.

Flow line A pipeline connecting a well head with a scrubbing, processing or storage facility
and that precedes the transfer of the conveyed substance to or from a
transmission, distribution or transportation line.

Footprint A company or organization’s environmental impact (resource use, waste

generation, physical environmental changes, etc.).

Formation A designated geological subsurface layer composed of substantially the same

kind of rock or rock types.

Fracturing (or fraccing) A method of improving the permeability of a reservoir by pumping fluids such as
water into the reservoir at sufficient pressure to crack or fracture the rock.

Also see, Hydraulic Fracturing or fraccing definition.

Freehold oil and gas rights Mineral rights not owned by the Province. The Federal Government, First
Nations, corporations, or individuals may own these mineral rights.

Fresh water Water of up to 4,000 milligrams per litre of total dissolved solids originating in a
lake, stream, dugout, water source well, or other surface or subsurface water

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body. Only water intended for Domestic Use will be permitted by the Commission
as a fresh water pipeline. Fresh water not for domestic use shall be considered
produced water for all applications.

Fugitive emissions Unintentional releases of gas or fumes resulting from production, processing,
transmission, storage, and delivery of gas. This may occur from breaks or small
cracks in seals, tubing, valves and pipelines, or when lids or caps on equipment
or tanks have not been properly closed or tightened.

Fuel gas Sweet natural gas used for the purpose of running equipment and instruments.

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Gas dehydrator A facility that includes natural gas dehydration equipment for one or more wells.
The molecular sieve and glycol regenerative systems both fit within the scope of
this definition.

Gas sales meter A natural gas metering station. A gas sales meter can be a separate facility
located on its own site, or it can be located on an existing facility site such as a
gas plant or compressor dehydrator site.

Gas plant or Gas processing plant

A facility for the extraction from natural gas of hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide,
helium, ethane, natural gas liquids or other substances, but does not include a
facility that:

• Uses, for the exclusive purpose of processing low-volume fuel gas.

• Regenerative system for the removal of hydrogen sulphide or carbon
dioxide and emits less than 2 tonnes/day of Sulphur.
• Liquid extraction process such as refrigeration to extract hydrocarbon
liquids from a gas stream.
• Uses a non-regenerative system for the removal of hydrogen sulphide
or carbon dioxide.

Gas well A well in which casing is run and that, in the opinion of the Commission, is
producing or is capable of producing from a natural gas bearing zone.

Gathering system The pipelines and other infrastructure moving raw gas from the wellhead to
processing and transmission facilities.

Gathering System Schematic (Gathering block diagram)

A diagram indicating the flow path of oil and/or gas (including liquids) in pipelines
between wells (well site facilities) and central facilities they are physically linked
to (connected by pipelines). Identify the route of the primary product from the
well to the reporting facility, and include the Well Authorization numbers and
Facility Codes that are a part of the new linkage.

Geophysical exploration The investigation of the subsurface by seismic, gravimetric, magnetic, electric
and geochemical operations and by any other method approved by the
commission, but does not include the use of geophysical well logs, vertical
seismic profile surveys or other surveys obtained from a well.

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Good Engineering practice (GEP) scheme
A scheme approved by the Commission under regulation for the exploration,
evaluation and development of petroleum and natural gas.

Government's environmental objectives (GEO)

The prescribed objectives of the government respecting the protection and
effective management of the environment.

Grounding With respect to waterbody crossing structures, a structure depressing and

making contact with the substrate layer while the structure is in use.

Groundwater Water occurring below surface, either in unconsolidated materials (ex. sand and
gravel) or within bedrock.

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HADD An undertaking resulting in the harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish
habitat, under Section 35 of the Fisheries Act.

Hazard planning zone A geographical area (a) determined by using the hazard planning distance as a
radius, and (b) within which persons, property or the environment may be
affected by an emergency. Defined in Emergency Management Regulation.

Heritage Conservation Act (HCA) Protects heritage property in British Columbia. All archaeological sites are
protected under the Heritage Conservation Act whether on private or public

High priority wildlife Species requiring specific management and/or protection, including species
listed as a “Category of Species” under OGAA. High Priority Wildlife are often
species not captured under the zones, areas or ranges designated through other
sections of the EPMR.

High water mark Point on a stream bank usually indicated by a clearly visible change in vegetation
and sediment texture. This border is sometimes shown by the edges of rooted
terrestrial vegetation. Above this border, the soils and terrestrial plants appear
undisturbed by recent stream erosion. Below this border, the banks typically
show signs of both scouring and sediment deposition.

Horizontal well A horizontal extension to the bottom hole well location to facilitate production.

Hydraulic fracturing or fraccing The practice of pumping special fluids down the wellbore under high pressure;
hydraulic fracturing causes the formation to crack open, creating passages for
the reservoir hydrocarbons to more easily flow into the wellbore.

Also see, Fracturing (or fraccing) definition.

Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) Commonly known as sour gas. H2S is colourless and smells like rotten eggs at
low concentrations and is not detectable by odour at high concentrations. It is
heavier than air and is flammable and may pose a public safety hazard if
released at higher concentrations.

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I, J
Ice bridge Stream crossing constructed on the frozen surface of a stream or waterbody,
where snow is removed and water added to strengthen and reinforce the ice

Important fish habitat Habitat used by fish for feeding, growth, and migration, but is not deemed to be
critical. This category of habitat usually contains a large amount of similar habitat
readily available to the stock. Habitat indicators include: important migration
corridors, the presence of suitable spawning habitat, and habitat with moderate
rearing potential for fish species present.

Incident A present or imminent event or circumstance, resulting from an oil and gas
activity that is the subject of an emergency contingency plan, that (a) is outside
the scope of normal operations, and (b) may or may not be an emergency.
Defined in Emergency Management Regulation.

Induced seismicity an event resulting from human activity, and can be caused by industries such as
mining and natural gas development. Induced seismicity is seldom felt at the
surface and in British Columbia events have been recorded at low magnitudes.

Injection station A facility that includes gas compression or fluid pumping equipment to inject the
gas or fluid into underground reservoirs for the purpose of enhancing production.

Integrity management programs (IMP)

Pipeline Integrity Management Programs (IMPs) provide a systematic approach
for assuring pipeline integrity throughout the entire pipeline lifecycle including
design, construction, operation and maintenance. IMPs are a regulatory
requirement and must be prepared in compliance with CSA Z662 including
Annex N.

Integrity works All maintenance works undertaken to maintain pipeline integrity. This may
include pipeline amendments, changes in and about a stream, additional
temporary workspace, or any works not covered by the scope of existing
permissions and authorizations related to the operation of the pipeline.

Isolated crossing Water crossing methods by which stream flow is diverted around a work site.
These methods include: dam and flume, dam and pump, coffer dams and pump

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KERMIT The Commission’s Knowledge, Enterprise, Resource, Management, Information
and Technology data system. KERMIT enables electronic submission of
performance and/or compliance data and accepts various operational
submissions related to oil and gas activities post approval.

Kill To prevent the threatened blowout of a well or to stop a blowout in progress,

usually accomplished by the pumping of heavy fluids under pressure into the
wellbore to overbalance (exceed) the formation pressure.

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Lake/Pond A lake/pond is a body of relatively still fresh water of considerable size, localized
in a basin. Lakes can be contrasted with rivers or streams, which normally flow.
Most lakes are filled and drained by rivers and streams.

Land and Resource Management Plan

A strategic approach on how to manage natural resources and maintain
sustainable land.

Land owner A person registered in the land title office as the registered owner of the land
surface or as its purchaser under an agreement for sale, and a person to whom a
disposition of Crown land has been issued under the Land Act. .

Lease A legal document conveying the right to drill for oil and gas, or the tract of land on
which a lease has been obtained where the producing wells and production
equipment are located.

PNG defines as a subsisting lease issued under this Act.

Lease (Land Act) Is issued where long term tenure is required, where substantial improvements
are proposed, and/or where definite boundaries are required in order to avoid
conflicts. The holder has the right to modify the land and/or construct
improvements as specified in the tenure contract and permit. The holder is
granted quiet enjoyment of the area (exclusive use).

Liability Management Rating (LMR)

The LMR is calculated corporately for each permit holder and explained on the
Commission website here.

Licence of Occupation A legal document that conveys non-exclusive use of Crown land for the purpose
described within the document.

Log A detailed depth-related record of geological, formation attribute, and

hydrocarbon potential data obtained by lowering measurement instruments into a

Long term all weather road A road with a continuous raised sub-grade and ditch line (the raised sub-grade
and ditch line may be interrupted for short section <100 m in length (e.g., when
crossing a short section of rock or at the crest of a hill). In flat terrain the ditch
line may simply be the depression created when sub-grade material is excavated
to create a raised sub-grade.

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Marginal well A well that, for reasons of depletion or natural low productivity, is nearing the
limits of viable production and profitability.

Marginal fish habitat Habitat with low productive capacity and contributes marginally to fish
production. Habitat indicators include the absence of suitable spawning habitat,
and habitat with low rearing potential (for instance; locations with a distinct
absence of deep pools, undercut banks, or stable debris, and with little or no
suitably sized spawning gravels for the fish species present).

Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Habitat Enhancement Branch, Interior North

Office further defines marginal habitat as habitat that is:

• Not available to fish due to natural permanent barriers.

• Available to fish, but is documented as supporting only very limited fish
use, for purposes other than spawning, rearing or overwintering.

Marsh Wetland with mineral or sometimes well-decomposed peat soils. When peat soils
are present they are often enriched with mineral materials. Waters are nutrient
rich with near-neutral to basic pH. Surface water levels typically fluctuate
seasonally, with declining levels exposing matted vegetation or mudflats.
Emergent vegetation includes grasses, cattails, sedges, rushes, and reeds which
cover more than 25 per cent of the wetland surface.

Material adverse effect A change to an environmental value established by Government’s Environmental

The objectives are both material (i.e. serious, of consequence) and adverse (i.e.
injurious, damaging, unfavourable). The consideration of material adverse effect
is rooted in what an informed person could reasonably consider based on the
available information. A potential effect must be both material and adverse (i.e.
injurious or damaging, with an appreciable consequence) to be found
inconsistent with Government’s Environmental Objectives.

Master Licence to Cut (MLTC) Required on Crown land where the removal of timber is necessary to conduct an
oil and gas activity. A separate agreement is required for each forest district.

Metering schematic Metering block diagram detailing:

• All Meters (production accounting and non-production accounting).

• Meter type (i.e.: orfice, turbine, ultrasonic, coriolis).
• All production accounting meters on a list of table on the Metering
Schematic. This will typically be a subset of all the meters.

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• Cross reference this list to the meters shown on the metering schematic
by meter number and/or meter description.
• Include types of measuring devices used to determine levels and/or
volumes in tanks or production vessels for production accounting
purposes (i.e.: level gauge, level transmitter, pressure transmitter, inlet
piping header to plant inlet separators).

Methane The most prevalent and common component of most natural gas produced in
British Columbia.

Midstream activity The processing of natural gas or crude oil including transportation by pipeline of
a raw product to a processing facility. The Commission views the midstream
infrastructure as including primarily gas processing plants and major pipelines
transporting raw product (crude oil, natural gas, or natural gas by products) to a
processing facility.

Mitigate The action of reducing the severity or seriousness of the impact.

Migration Movement from one place to another.

Multi-activity application An approved application that includes more than one activity submitted as a
bundle. Approved applications are issued a Permit number comprised of specific
authorization numbers for each approved activity. See “Application”.

Muskwa-Kechika Management Area (MKMA)

Designated geographic area.

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Natural gas PNG defines as all fluid hydrocarbons, before and after processing, that are not
defined as petroleum, and includes hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide and
helium produced from a well.

Natural gas liquids Ethane, propane, butanes, or pentanes plus, or a combination of them, obtained
from the processing of raw gas or condensate.

Natural hazard mitigation project This usually occurs near large streams and involves bank reinforcement (rip-rap)
to support the pipeline.

Natural watercourse Common usage indicates natural watercourse is a natural channel where water
flows over a bed between defined banks. The flow of water does not need to be
constant, but the channel must be a permanent and distinct feature on the
landscape. The watercourse may also, at some point, spread over a level area
without defined banks, before flowing again as a defined channel.

Non-classified drainage (NCD) An ephemeral or intermittent watercourse having a defined channel less than
100m in length, and at some points may spread over a level area without defined
banks, before flowing again as a defined channel. These small watercourses
often do not fall under the S1-S6 stream classification. They are generally
defined as streams but do not meet the criteria for the definition and classification
of stream under the EPMR.

North East British Columbia (NEBC) The geographic region in the northeastern corner of British Columbia consistent
with the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin and Watershed Management
Basins for which the Commission's Area-based Analysis is located and applied.
NEBC is frequently used in other Commission documentation to describe where
specific guidance/requirements apply such as the Environmental Protection and
Management Guideline.

Notification Notification provides written information regarding proposed oil and gas activities
to recipients within the identified notification distance. Where consultation is
conducted with recipients, notification is not required.

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Observation well A non-producing well used to monitor pool pressure, usually included in annual
pressure testing surveys.

Oil A mixture mainly of pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons possibly contaminated

with sulphur compounds, that is recovered or is recoverable at a well from an
underground reservoir, and is liquid at the conditions under which its volume is
measured or estimated, and includes all other hydrocarbon mixtures so
recovered or recoverable except raw gas or condensate.

Oil battery A system or arrangement of tanks or other surface equipment or devices

receiving the effluent of one or more wells for the purpose of separation and
measurement prior to the delivery to market or other disposition.

Oil and Gas Activities Act (OGAA) Regulatory framework used to regulate oil and gas activities in British Columbia.

Oil and gas activity Defined in OGAA.

Oil and gas roads A road or portion of a road constructed or maintained to facilitate the carrying out
of an oil and gas activity. Defined in OGRR.

Open bottom structure Stream crossing structures spanning the entire streambed and minimize impacts
to the natural stream channel.

Open cut Water crossing methods (primarily for pipeline applications) by which an in-
stream work site is exposed to stream flow.

Open hole A wellbore in which casing has not been set.

Operating area An area, identified in a permit, within which a permit holder is permitted to carry
out an oil and gas activity.

Operator The company or individual responsible for managing an exploration,

development or production operation.

Orphan sites Wells are defined as “Orphan Sites” if the operator is either insolvent or cannot
be located.

Overlapping projects Overlaps exist where two or more projects – whether proposed or completed –
cover portions of the same area of land.

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Perforate Make holes through the casing and cement opposite the producing formation to
allow gas to flow into the well.

Permeability The capacity of a reservoir rock of coal seam to transmit fluids; how easily fluids
can pass through rock.

Permanent crossing A stream crossing to be constructed and remain in place for longer than one year
or over at least one spring freshet period.

Permit condition A stipulation added to an Application’s Authorization or Permission by a


Permit Defined in OGAA.

Permit Holder Defined in OGAA.

Pipeline Those items through which oil or gas industry fluids are conveyed, including pipe,
components, and any appurtenances attached thereto, up to and including the
isolating valves and/or pig barrels located at stations and other facilities.

Defined in OGAA.

Pipeline gathering A pipeline that conveys gas from a wellhead assembly to a treatment plant,
transmission line, distribution line, or service line.

Pipeline segment A section of pipeline within the pipeline system.

Pipeline system Pipelines, stations, and other facilities required for the measurement, processing,
gathering, transportation, and distribution of oil or gas industry fluids.

Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)

A detailed diagram for each facility or skid/building identifying all instrumentation
symbols, valves & connections, piping and vessels, line numbering, fuel gas,
flare and vent streams. This drawing must include all safety systems such as
H2S detection, flammable gas detection, and fire detection inside and outside of
buildings. This information, from the individual drawings, can also be
summarized on a separate P&ID. The P&ID must also include the initial high and
low set points of all pressure switches proposed at the facility.

Place of public concourse An area where people can reasonably be expected to gather including, but not
limited to, a school, picnic area, church hall, or medical facility.

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Plot Plan A diagram identifying the surface area required for the facility and the proposed
equipment, including but not limited to, the lease area, the access road point of
entry including proposed fencing and/or access control measures, and how the
access continues past the facility site if applicable, the equipment layout with
distances shown in meters, (for example all storage tanks, buildings,
compressors, flare stacks, flare knock out drums, line heaters, pump jacks, etc),
all wellhead positions (clearly labelled by location), where the riser/pipeline starts
and ends on a site and how it leaves the site going into the right-of-way. Fencing
and/or gates must also be shown on the plot plan.

Pool A natural underground reservoir containing an accumulation of oil or gas or both,

separated or appearing to be separated from any other accumulation.

Porosity The volume of spaces within rock or coal seam possibly containing oil and gas
(like the amount of water a sponge can hold); the open or void space within rock.

Practicable The Commission follows the definition of “practicable” as defined under the
Forest and Range Practices Act and Regulations.

Practicable Capable of being effected, done or put into practice; feasible. An applicant or
permit holder should review and consider the full range of options available in the
context of social, economic and environmental implications. Where it is feasible
to use one of the options in the range then the requirements apply; however, if a
practicable option does not exist then the requirements may not apply. Where it
is not practicable to meet the requirements of the EPMR , it is important for
applicants and permit holders to document considerations, rationale, process
followed, experts and information consulted to demonstrate due diligence.

The Commission follows the definition of “practicable” as defined under the

Forest and Range Practices Act and Regulations.

Preliminary Field Reconnaissance (PFR)

A field inspection where an archaeologist establishes whether or not an area has
archaeological potential. An archaeologist may also down grade an AIA report to
a PFR report if the field inspection revealed no areas of archaeological potential.
Also, see Archaeological Impact Assessment (AIA).

Process Flow Diagram (PFD) A diagram showing all major equipment, vessels, meters, and interconnecting
piping (process, fuel, flare and vent at a minimum) at the facility, or within an
identified skid or building.

Processing battery An oil battery (see battery definition) where additional equipment is added to
process the oil or solution gas such as: compression, gas dehydration, injection,

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or disposal, but not gas processing equipment as the term is defined in the
Drilling & Production Regulation.

Produced water Water flowing or is extracted to the surface from a natural gas or oil well,
including water injected into the formation, and including any chemicals added
during the production/treatment process. This includes flow-back fluids from well
completion and stimulation operations. This also includes any fresh water not
used for domestic purposes.

Propane (C3H8) An organic compound found in natural gas. Reported volumes may contain some
ethane or butane.

Proponent The company applying for or holding an oil and gas permit.

Producer cost of service allowance

An allowance against royalties to cover the costs of gathering and processing
natural gas for sale, and the costs of conserving conservation gas.

Proppant Sand (or ceramic beads) suspended in drilling fluid during fracturing job to keep
(prop) open the cracks in the rock when the fluid is withdrawn.

Proven reserve The quantity of oil or gas proven to be technically and economically feasible to

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Qualified Specialist A member in good standing of a profession regulated in British Columbia and
who is recognized by the profession as being qualified to work in an area of
practice for which an opinion or advice is required. This person possesses an
appropriate combination of formal education, knowledge, skills and experience to
conduct a technically sound and rational assessment for the area of practice, and
is familiar with applicable provincial regulation, policies, protocols and guidelines.

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Reach A relatively homogeneous section of a stream having a sequence of repeating
structural characteristics (or processes) and fish habitat types. The key physical
factors used to determine reaches in the field are channel pattern, channel
confinement, gradient, and streambed and bank materials. Stream reaches
generally show uniformity in those characteristics and in discharge.

Reclamation Process of restoring the surface area of a decommissioned wellsite, access road
and related facilities to pre-operational conditions as is technically and
economically feasible.

Reconnaissance evaluations Observing field conditions is critical, and reconnaissance evaluations are
essential to operational planning and completion of the Geophysical Exploration
Permit Application form. Ideally, site evaluations would be assessed through a
combination of aerial and ground reconnaissance.

Regionally important wildlife A category of species considered important to a region of British Columbia, relies
on habitat not otherwise protected under legislation, and may be adversely
impacted by industrial activity.

Related activity Defined in OGAA.

Remediation Action to eliminate, limit, correct, counteract, mitigate or remove any contaminant
or the adverse effects on the environment or human health of any contaminant.
Further defined in the Environmental Management Act.

Remote access to archaeological data (RAAD)

A web interface used to access archaeological site data maintained by the
Archaeology Branch at FLNRO. All recorded archaeological sites within the
province of British Columbia are entered into this database. Access to this
information is subject to authorization granted by the Archaeology Branch and is
limited to government agencies with land or resource management
responsibilities, first nation governments, and professional consulting
archaeologists. Site information contained within RAAD can be provided to
clients, agents etc. by the Archaeology Branch, upon request. Coordinates of
sites provided by RAAD should be should be verified using site maps and
location descriptions available via RAAD or from the Archaeology Branch

Replacement structures Proposed stream crossing structures occupying the same riparian management
area and crossing location as the original stream crossing structure.

Reserves Estimated remaining quantities of oil and natural gas and related substances
anticipated to be recoverable from known accumulations, as of a given date,
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based on the analysis of drilling, geological, geophysical, and engineering data;
the use of established technology; and specified economic conditions, which are
generally accepted as being reasonable. Reserves are further classified
according to the level of certainty associated with the estimates and may be sub
classified based on development and production status (from COGEH).

Reservoir (pool) A porous and permeable underground rock formation containing a natural
accumulation of crude oil or natural gas confined by impermeable rock or water
barriers, and is separate from other reservoirs.

Resistivity Means of determining the porosity of rock by measuring its electrical resistance
to the passage of an electrical current.

Resource Quantities of hydrocarbons estimated to be potentially recoverable from

undiscovered accumulations by application of future development projects.
Prospective resources have both an associated chance of discovery and a
chance of development (adapted from COGEH).

Respondent A recipient of Consultation or Notification who provides a written response to the

applicant within 30 days after the service date

Review corridors Review corridors are part of a pipeline application and permit and allow flexibility
during construction for pipeline placement and associated disturbances.

Rights holder A person granted non-intensive occupation or use of Crown land by permit,
licence, or approval.

Riparian Relating to or living or located on the bank of a natural watercourse (as a river) or
sometimes of a lake or a tidewater.

River/Stream A river/stream is a natural watercourse of freshwater flowing towards an

ocean/sea, lake or other river, sometimes flowing towards the ground and drying
up prior to reaching another water body. Small rivers may also be called by
several other names, including stream, creek, brook, rivulet, tributary, rill and

Road allowance A portion of Crown land designated or indicated as a road on a plan of survey, on
the border of or through a section, lot or block, whether or not a road is
constructed on the land.

Royalty The portion of the value of the oil and gas produced by a company paid to the

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Samples The wellbore drill cuttings obtained at definite depth intervals during drilling.
These cuttings can be examined to determine the rock type, the formation being
drilled, and indications of gas content.

Salt water Water of greater than 4,000 milligrams per litre of total dissolved solids
originating from a geologic formation.

Satellite battery A facility for testing oil wells and typically includes a test separator with no oil

Sierra-Yoyo-Desan (SYD) Geographic applicable area comprising parts of the NTS grid 094J, 094I, 094O
and all of 094P. Details are available on Ledcor Groups’ webpage.

Seismic line Linear corridor created to position geophones to facilitate recording geophysical
information. As defined in Environmental Protection and Management
Regulation: the area within which the trees are removed or the vegetation is
modified for the purposes of carrying out geophysical exploration, and includes
any associated access trails and equipment staging areas.

Shale gas Natural gas contained in gas bearing shales.

Shallow open water wetland Wetland intermittently or permanently flooded with open expanses of standing or
moving water up to 2 metres deep. Open water with no emergent vegetation
covers 75 per cent or more of the wetland surface. These wetlands are
commonly termed ponds or pools.

Short term low grade road A road with the stumps removed and a bladed running surface. There may be
elements of ditching and elevated grade, particularly around wet areas but these
features are not continuous.

Snow blown ice bridge Stream crossing constructed on the frozen surface of a waterbody where water
has been added to strengthen and reinforce the ice surface, over top of which
man-made snow is blown in or placed until an appropriate bank height is
achieved. These crossing structures offer the structural integrity of ice bridges
but do not require streambank cutting to construct the approaches.

Snow/ice road A single lane seasonal winter road including turnouts, with a flat road profile built
with a combination of snow, ice and dirt, on a surface that may or may not have
been stumped. The driving surface is built up using multiple layers of snow and
ice so extra stabilizing material costs are not applicable. A flat road profile means
the side slope is less than or equal to 15 per cent and there is minimal side cut.
Minimal cuts means: mineral or organic soil must not exceed 0.5 metre in depth

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for distances up to 0.1 km. Seismic lines being used for roads not previously
been used as roads, will be considered as new construction and qualify as
snow/ice roads provided they fall within the above criteria.

Snowfill Winter stream crossing constructed by depositing clean snow within the stream
channel and compacting it.

Soil The upper layer of earth in which plants grow. A black or dark brown material
typically consisting of a mixture of organic remains, clay, and rock particles.

Solution gas All gas separated from oil production.

Sour gas Sour gas is natural gas that contains measurable amounts of hydrogen sulphide

Sour crude oil Processed and/or dehydrated sales oil for refinery feedstock in which the
effective hydrogen sulphide partial pressure exceeds 0.3kPa at the bubble point
absolute pressure.

Sour oil well effluent Produced oil or emulsion in which the effective hydrogen sulphide partial
pressure exceeds 0.3kPa at the bubble point absolute pressure.

Species at risk A category of species representing those species previously listed as Species At
Risk under the Forest and Range Practices Act, and are designated as Species
at Risk by Order under Section 29 (a) of the EPMR of OGAA.

Spillage Defined in OGAA.

Spring freshet The annual spring rise of streams in cold climates as a result of snowmelt;
freshet also refers to a flood caused by rain or melting snow.

Statutory Right of Way A legal document authorizing long term tenure over the land for a specific
purpose. It does not confer the right to exclusive use and enjoyment of the area.
Issued once a legal survey has been completed.

Stream A natural watercourse or source of water supply, whether usually containing

water or not, and a lake, river, creek, spring, ravine, swamp and gulch.

Streambank Most streams also have definable, visibly continuous banks. However, the banks
of some smaller streams may be discontinuous. In these cases, the banks and
channel bed of short segments of stream may not be visible due to the presence
of bridging or overhanging vegetation, or the stream has scoured a channel
underneath rooted mats of soil. In other cases, segments of the channel might be
filled to the crest of the banks with colluvial deposits as a result of debris jams.

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However, in all cases, the channel should be detectable throughout the length of
the stream being defined so flow is continuous.

Stream channel width The horizontal distance between the streambanks on opposite sides of the
stream, measured at right angles to the general orientation of the banks. The
point on each bank from which width is measured is the high water mark.

Sump Shallow pond lined with plastic adjacent to the drilling rig, used to store drilling

Surface agreement An agreement on private land between the applicant company and a landowner
to permit the construction and operation of oil and gas activities.

Surface casing The first string of casing put into a well; it is cemented into place and serves to
shut out shallow water formations and as a foundation for well control.

Surface Development A permanent dwelling, public facility, or development occupied full time or part time (e.g.,
a private residence, school, hospital, campground, recreation centre, work camp, or
place of work, excluding a neighboring oil and gas site).
Surface lease An area related to oil and gas activity.

Suspended well A well previously completed but is now no longer being produced.

Swamp Wetland with mineral or occasionally peat soils with a water table at or near the
surface. There is pronounced internal water movement from adjacent mineral
areas, making the waters nutrient-rich. If peat is present, it is mainly well-
decomposed wood and occasionally sedges. The vegetation is typically
dominated by coniferous or deciduous trees or dense shrubs and herbaceous

Sweet gas Natural gas with no measurable quantities of hydrogen sulphide (H2S).

Sweet natural gas Natural gas with a partial pressure of H2S Less than 0.3 kPa based on MOP.

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Tank terminal A facility where produced hydrocarbons and/or produced water is delivered by
truck, rail, or pipeline, from or to the facility, and typically includes fluid storage
tanks and/or pumping equipment. This type includes all previously identified
Pipeline Terminal facilities.

Target area Predefined area in a gas spacing area where wells can be located without
incurring a penalty on production for impacting adjacent spacing areas.

Tenure Tenure is a time-limited ownership of the subsurface petroleum and natural gas
(PNG) rights, and confers the right to apply to access, explore and develop oil
and gas according to applicable statutory requirements.

Test facility A facility established for reporting gas production only when a well is being drilled
using the “Gas While Drilling” process.

Test hole A well drilled to shallow depths for evaluation purposes. It can be drilled deeper
in formations with Commission approval and without the requirement of holding
subsurface rights.

Tight gas Natural gas contained in low permeability sandstones and carbonates.

Timing windows Periods of time when oil and gas activities can be conducted with reduced risk to
fish and wildlife, and fish and wildlife habitat. They are also referred to as
“windows of least risk”, and define the period of time when activities may be
permitted to occur. Timing windows are specific to fish and wildlife species and
the geographic area within which the work is conducted.

Temporary crossing A stream crossing in place for no more than one year and not in place over a
spring freshet period.

Trenchless crossing Stream crossing methods not requiring an open trench in order to lay a pipeline.
Examples include bore, directional drill, and others.

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Unconventional gas Natural gas contained in difficult to produce formations requiring special
completion, stimulation and other techniques to produce economically (coalbed
gas, tight gas, shale and hydrates).

Under-balanced drilling Drilling under conditions where the pressure being exerted inside the wellbore
(from the drilling fluids) is less than the pressure of the oil or gas in the formation.

Upstream activity Recovery, production and gathering of natural gas and petroleum.

Venting The intentional controlled release of un-combusted gases directly to the

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W, X, Y Z
Water H\hub A water hub can be a single activity application as a facility, or may exist at the
same site as another facility such as a compressor station or gas processing
plant. It is established only where the produced fluid is stored separate from a
facility used to compress, dehydrate, or process gas or oil. The Commission
assigns a separate water hub facility designation along with the other adjacent
facility type at the same site (i.e.: CS – compressor station & WH – water hub).
These two facilities can co-exist at the same location, and be permitted under the
same facility permit.

Water Management Plan A Water Management Plan is required for any water licence application with a
proposed diversion rate of 200 cubic metres per day or greater, or 10,000 cubic
metres per year or greater, or for the purpose of “oilfield injection” (which
includes hydraulic fracturing). The specific requirements of the plan may vary
depending on the volume of water requested in relation to the volume of water
available in the source. Applicants may wish to contact the Commission’s
Hydrologist to discuss this detail before developing the plan.

All water hub facilities and facilities with excavated ponds and pits or permanent
C-rings must include a water management plan (WMP) with the application. The
water management plan is intended to be a comprehensive plan outlining the
process and inventory of produced and fresh water, as well as preventative
designs and procedures

Water Source Dugout If an area of land previously permitted as a borrow pit is used as a source of
water that has naturally accumulated (from snowmelt, rainfall, or groundwater
inflow), the applicant must ensure appropriate permits are in place to use as a
“water source dugout”.

Wells Wells are an oil and gas activity as defined in the Oil and Gas Activities Act and
are specifically defined in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act.

Well density The concentration of wells on the land surface (per unit area).

Well facility A facility directly associated with one or more wells that typically includes a
simple piping and equipment configuration with equipment such as effluent
(orifice) meters, test and / or group separators, sand separators, emergency shut
down valves, pressure control valves, and can also include production tanks and
flare systems.

Well servicing The maintenance work performed on a well to maintain or improve production
levels. Examples include: repairs to pumps, valves, and tubing.

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Well spacing The distance between wells producing from the same reservoir. Spacing is often
expressed in terms of area and is usually established by regulatory agencies.

Wellbore The hole made by the drilling bit.

Wellhead The equipment used to maintain surface control of a well.

Wildlife tree retention area (WRTA) A forest retention area associated with a silvicultural system where forest
patches or individual trees are retained to provide habitat, biodiversity, scenic or
other values.

Wildcat Exploratory well several kilometres from any known pool.

Windthrow risk The risk that standing timber will succumb to damage from wind events.

Workover Additional work required on a producing well to maintain, restore or improve

production. Examples include wellbore flow stimulation by perforating or
fracturing, removing sand or wax from the wellbore, and installing water pumps.

Written Reply A reply in writing from the applicant to the respondent that is in response to a
proposed activity. The reply is required to include information outlined in the
Requirements for Consultation and Notification Regulation.

Written Response A response in writing from a respondent about a proposed activity. The response
indicates concerns about a proposed a project.

Written Submission Written correspondence addressed to the Commission about a proposed activity.

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Terms Common to Facilities
Battery site A gas or oil facility with product separation and multiphase delivery point
measurement (as defined in the BCOGC Measurement Requirements for
Upstream Oil and Gas Operations Guideline) for one or more wells.

Drilling & Production Regulation definition: a battery means a system or

arrangement of tanks or other surface equipment receiving the effluents of one or
more wells prior to delivery to market or other disposition, and may include
equipment or devices for separating the effluents into petroleum, natural gas or
water and for measurement;

Examples include:

1. Single oil well with solution gas flared and oil tanked on site.

2. Multi-well battery with a test and group separator.

3. A temporary gas well test unit producing marketable hydrocarbons that are
trucked to a TRD (Treatment, Recovery & Disposal) facility.

4. A water source well installation for oil and gas drilling, completions, or
enhanced recovery production operations.

Compressor dehydrator A facility that includes both natural gas compression equipment and dehydration
equipment for one or more wells.

Compressor station A facility that includes natural gas compression equipment for one or more wells.
This does not include booster compressors for single wells, or for well pads with
more than one well.

Design standard The P & ID and PFD (flow schematic) drawings must clearly identify the design
standard (code) used whether CSA Z662 or CSA B51 (ASME B31.3), and
include all code break points. These design codes must also be identified in the
field where it is practical to do so.

Disposal station A facility that includes equipment that handles oil and gas waste. The equipment
may include, but is not limited to the treatment, recovery, storage, or disposal of
drilling or completions waste, well fracture returns/flowback, and acid gas from a
processing plant.

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Gas dehydrator A facility that includes natural gas dehydration equipment for one or more wells.
The molecular sieve and glycol regenerative systems both fit within the scope of
this definition.

Gas plant gas processing plant means a facility for the extraction from natural gas of
hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide, helium, ethane, natural gas liquids or other
substances, but does not include a facility that:

(a) Uses, for the exclusive purpose of processing low-volume fuel gas.

(i) A regenerative system for the removal of hydrogen sulphide or carbon dioxide
and emits less than 2 tonnes/day of Sulphur.

(ii) A liquid extraction process such as refrigeration to extract hydrocarbon liquids

from a gas stream.

(b) Uses a non-regenerative system for the removal of hydrogen sulphide or

carbon dioxide.

Gas sales meter A natural gas metering station. A gas sales meter can be a separate facility
located on its own site, or it can be located on an existing facility site such as a
gas plant or compressor dehydrator site.

Gathering System Schematic (Gathering Block Diagram)

A diagram indicating the flow path of oil and/or gas (including liquids) in pipelines
between wells (well site facilities) and central facilities they are physically linked
to (connected by pipelines). Identify the route of the primary product from the
well to the reporting facility, and include the Well Authorization numbers and
Facility Codes that are a part of the new linkage.

Injection station A facility that includes gas compression or fluid pumping equipment to inject the
gas or fluid into underground reservoirs for the purpose of enhancing production.

IOGC Agreement This document is required if an agreement is required from Indian Oil and Gas
Canada for the project.

NGL fractionation facility A processing facility that receives hydrocarbon liquids for the purpose of
processing off-spec natural gas liquids (NGL) into one or more spec components
such as propane and butane.

Oil sales meter A facility where oil or hydrocarbon liquid (LVP or HVP) is metered, and typically
includes pumping equipment such as a LACT unit transporting the liquid into a
pipeline. An oil sales meter can be a separate facility located on its own site, or it

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can be located on an existing facility site such as a gas processing plant or

P&ID A detailed diagram for each facility or skid/building identifying all instrumentation
symbols, valves & connections, piping and vessels, line numbering, fuel gas,
flare and vent streams. This drawing must include all safety systems such as
H2S detection, flammable gas detection, and fire detection inside and outside of
buildings. This information, from the individual drawings, can also be
summarized on a separate P&ID. The P&ID must also include the initial high and
low set points of all pressure switches proposed at the facility.

Pipeline gathering A facility created internally by Commission staff in collaboration with the permit
holder for reporting production when one or more wells simultaneously flow to
more than one reporting facility.

Plot Plan A diagram identifying the surface area required for the facility and the proposed
equipment, including but not limited to, the lease area, the access road point of
entry including proposed fencing and/or access control measures, and how the
access continues past the facility site if applicable, the equipment layout with
distances shown in meters, (for example all storage tanks, buildings,
compressors, flare stacks, flare knock out drums, line heaters, pump jacks, etc),
all wellhead positions (clearly labelled by location), where the riser/pipeline starts
and ends on a site and how it leaves the site going into the right-of-way. Fencing
and/or gates must also be shown on the plot plan.

Process Flow Diagram (PFD) A diagram showing all major equipment, vessels, meters, and interconnecting
piping (process, fuel, flare and vent at a minimum) at the facility, or within an
identified skid or building.

Processing battery An oil battery (see above definition) where additional equipment is added to
process the oil or solution gas such as: compression, gas dehydration, injection,
or disposal, but not gas processing equipment as the term is defined in the
Drilling & Production Regulation.

Examples include: Treatment, Recovery & Disposal (TRD) facilities, acid gas
disposal facilities, facilities that include deep well disposal for oil and gas waste.

Pump station A facility that includes pumping equipment used to transport hydrocarbon liquid
in a major pipeline, (oil, LVP or HVP), or a facility that is used to pump fresh
water from a major water source. (This does not include LACT units at gas
processing plants and oil batteries, methanol and chemical pumps, truck loading
pumps, and water disposal, transfer, or injection pumps at water hubs and
disposal facilities).

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Satellite battery A facility for testing oil wells and typically includes a test separator with no oil

Shared facilities A facility designated for minor equipment that is shared by more than one well,
and that equipment does not constitute the establishment of a larger facility such
as a compressor, gas dehydrator, or battery. There are no linkages established
between shared facilities and wells, or other facilities.

Examples include: test separator at a multi – well (gas) pad, flare stack and /or
production tanks at a multi-well pad.

Tank terminal A facility where produced hydrocarbons and/or produced water is delivered by
truck, rail, or pipeline, from or to the facility, and typically includes fluid storage
tanks and/or pumping equipment. This type includes all previously identified
Pipeline Terminal facilities.

Test facility A facility established for reporting gas production only when a well is being drilled
using the “Gas While Drilling” process.

Water hub A facility where produced water or well fracture flow back is being stored from
one or more well pads, either in above ground tanks, open top containers, or in
excavated ponds, and utilized for storage and/or well completions operations on
more than one well, or multi-well pad. The associated equipment may include
storage tanks, generators, pumps, piping, meters and filters. The installation
may be temporary or permanent in nature.

A water hub can be a stand-alone facility, or may exist at the same site as
another facility such as a compressor station or gas processing plant. It is
established only where the produced fluid is stored separate from a facility used
to compress, dehydrate, or process gas or oil. Historically, when the water hub
was part of one of these facilities it became integral with the facility, and did not
require the distinct designation of a water hub. The Commission now assigns a
separate water hub facility designation along with the other adjacent facility type
at the same site (i.e.: CS – compressor station & WH – water hub). These two
facilities can co-exist at the same location, and be permitted under the same
facility permit.

Well facility A facility directly associated with one or more wells that typically includes a
simple piping and equipment configuration with equipment such as effluent
(orifice) meters, test and / or group separators, sand separators, emergency shut
down valves, pressure control valves, and can also include production tanks and
flare systems.

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Terms Common to LNG Facilities
Boil off gas (BOG) LNG vaporizes or “boils off” during transfer from the heavily insulated LNG
storage tanks to the LNG tankers and vice-versa. Even during storage LNG is
stored at temperatures close to its boiling point, and small quantities will continue
to boil off. Boil off gas is recovered and re-liquefied or can be utilized in the
facility’s low pressure fuel system. On LNG tankers, powered by steam turbines,
boil off gas is used as fuel.

Cascade Feedstock natural gas is cooled in a heat exchanger in three discrete stages
using propane, ethylene or ethane and methane. Propane is condensed with
cooling water or air, ethylene is condensed with evaporating propane and
methane is condensed with evaporating ethylene.

Compressed natural gas (CNG) CNG is natural gas compressed into gas cylinders, chiefly used as an alternative
for liquid fuels in road vehicles. Unlike LNG where temperature is used to reduce
the volume occupied by natural gas, CNG relies on pressure as the mechanism
to reduce the volume.

Cryogenics The process of producing, maintaining and utilizing very low temperatures.
Although not agreed upon it is suggested the cryogenic temperature begin below
-150ºC or -238ºF. Temperatures needed to liquefy natural gas fall into the range
of cryogenics.

Deflagration A combustion mechanism caused by the reaction of a mixture of a reducing

material such as a combustible gas and an oxidizer such as air or oxygen
transmitting energy in the form of heat to the unreacted medium, this results in
the expansion of reaction products and subsequent compression waves
propagating at speeds usually less than the speed of sound and up to 300 m/s in
gaseous materials.

Deriming (defrosting or de-icing) The removal from low-temperature process equipment by heating and
evaporation, sublimation, or solutions, of accumulated constituents, such as
water, carbon dioxide, etc., forming solids at cryogenic temperatures.

Double containment A single containment container tank system surrounded by, and within 6 m (20 ft)
of, an open-to-the-atmosphere wall (secondary container) designed to contain
LNG in the event of a spill from the primary or inner container.

Emergency shutdown systems (ESD)

These systems are independent of the main control systems and are utilized to
safely shut down operating systems in the event of an emergency.
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Engineering, procurement and construction (EPC)
Phases, specifically the design and allocation of resources and building of an
LNG project.

Expander cycle Refrigeration is provided by compression and expansion of a single component

gas stream. High pressure gas is cooled in a counter-current heat exchanger
with the returning cold gas. The gas is expanded to a low temperature using an
expansion turbine.

Front end engineering design (FEED)

Activities defining the design of a facility to a level where it can be developed into
EPC phases. This occurs after the conceptual design phase of an LNG project.

Fuel gas A process stream which is used in providing energy for facility operations.

Full containment The tank system in which the inner (primary) container is self-standing and is
surrounded by a separate self-standing secondary container designed to contain
LNG in the event of a spill from the inner container, and where the secondary
container is enclosed by a steel or concrete roof designed so excess vapour
caused by a spill of LNG from the primary container will discharge through the
relief valves.

Flammability limits The minimum and maximum percentages of gas in air within which the gas will
ignite. For natural gas these limits lie between 5 per cent and 15 per cent and are
referred to as the lower and upper flammability limits, respectively.

Floating LNG (FLNG) Water based LNG operations employing technologies enabling the development
of offshore natural gas resources.

Gas processing The separation of oil and gas, and the removal of impurities and natural gas
liquids from natural gas to meet the delivery Specification of a gas transportation

Heel The minimum LNG necessary to be retained in the ship or onshore storage tanks
to maintain their cryogenic temperatures.

Hydrocarbon An organic compound containing carbon and hydrogen and includes oil and
natural gas.

Impounding area An area, established by the use of dikes or by site topography, used to contain
an accidental spill of LNG or flammable refrigerants.

Liquefaction The process by which a gas is converted into a liquid.

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Liquefied natural gas (LNG) Natural gas in a liquid state, composed predominantly of methane and possibly
containing minor quantities of ethane, propane, nitrogen, or other components
normally found in natural gas.

Liquefied natural gas facility or LNG facility

A facility whose components are used to store liquefied natural gas and may also
condition, liquefy, transfers or vaporize natural gas.

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) Predominately a mixture of hydrocarbon molecules comprised of 3 and 4 carbon
atoms in a liquid state at storage pressures and temperatures.

Mtpa (millions of tonnes per annum)

Units used to expressed the capacity of an LNG facility.

Mercaptans Chemical compounds of sulphur used as Odorants.

Mixed This process uses mixed refrigerants instead of multiple pure refrigerants. The
liquid refrigerant evaporates over a temperature range. This process had good
thermodynamic efficiency, lower power requirements and uses smaller

Natural gas Gaseous forms of hydrocarbons, principally methane, with minor amounts of
ethane, butanes, pentanes, and hexanes along with non- hydrocarbon impurities
such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide.

Natural gas liquids (NGLs) Components of natural gas in a liquid state at surface and include propane,
butane, pentane and heavier hydrocarbons.

Odorisation The process of giving odourless natural gas a smell for safety reasons by
injecting small quantities of organic sulphur compounds, such as Mercaptans,
typically at the rate of 30 ppm.

Peak shaving The process of drawing gas during peak-use periods from storage or peak-load
plants to supplement the normal amounts delivered to customers. Peak shaving
may be daily or seasonal and may be handled in a variety of ways including
underground storage and peak shaving LNG facilities.

Rapid phase transitions LNG undergoes a rapid transition to vapor especially when spilled on water. The
volume of the LNG instantly expands 600 times resulting in a Rapid Phase
Transition (RPT) or physical explosion which poses a hazard for structures and
people close to the site of the incident. This explosion does not involve
combustion. When LNG is spilled on water, heat is transferred from the water to
the LNG. This results in a rapid transformation of liquid to gas releasing a large
amount of energy.

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Regasification The reconversion of LNG into gas suitable for pipeline transportation.

Refrigerant Natural gas liquefaction requires refrigeration over a broad range of

temperatures requiring the use of refrigerants. The refrigerant is usually a liquid
medium used for removing sensible and latent heat from the natural gas stream.
It may be part of the natural gas stream in an open-cycle process or a separate
fluid continuously re-circulated through the liquefier in a closed-cycle process.
The following are three general types of refrigeration cycle.

Single A single-wall tank system or a double-wall tank system in which only the primary
or inner container is designed to contain LNG. An impoundment system is
required to serve as a secondary containment system in the event of a spill of
LNG from the tank.

Storage tanks The tanks, vessels and impounding systems used for storing and containing
LNG. Based on how the LNG is contained in the event of a breach of the
primary container, a storage tank is classified as one of the following three

Tonne, metric Equals 1000 kilograms or 2204.6 pounds. The capacity of an LNG baseload
facility is typically expressed in tonnes.

Train (liquefaction) An independent unit for gas liquefaction. An LNG facility may comprise one or
more trains.

Transfer area Portion of an LNG facility containing a piping system where LNG, flammable
liquids, or flammable refrigerants are introduced into or removed from the facility,
such as truck loading, or ship unloading areas, or where piping connections are
connected or disconnected routinely.

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Terms Common to Oil and Gas Measurement
Absolute density of gas The gas’ mass per unit volume at a specific pressure and temperature. Absolute
densities are generally expressed in kg/m³ at 101.325kPa(a) and 15°C.

Absolute density of liquid The liquid’s mass per unit volume at a specific pressure and temperature.
Absolute density of a liquid is generally expressed as kg/m³ at 101.325kPa(a)
and 15°C.

Accuracy The ability of a measuring instrument to indicate values closely approximating

the true value of the quantity measured.

Acid gas A natural gas or any other gas mixture containing significant quantities of
hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2), or similar contaminants.

Allocation factor A factor, that is used to correct the fluid receipt volumes (considered estimates)
to actual volumes based on inventories and disposition measurements at
facilities where only fluids received by truck are handled, such as custom treaters
or terminals.

Analog transmitter A transmitter that utilizes analog circuitry to convert the sensor output to either a
4-20 miliamp or 1-5 volt signal.

Approved Written acceptance by the Regulator that has jurisdiction.

Associated gas Gas produced in association with oil production at oil wells. Commonly known as
solution gas.

Allowable Used in connection with a well, means the amount of oil or gas a well is
permitted to produce, in accordance with an order of the Commission Board for
this purpose, after application of any applicable penalty factor.

Artificial lift A method of producing gas and/or liquids from a gas well that involves the use of
an on/off controller, plunger lift, pump jack, gas lift, submersible pump, screw
pump, or any other method of enhancing production that is a supplement to a
completed wellbore’s ability to flow.

Authorized Commission Employee An employee of the Commission who is designated in writing by the
Commissioner as an authorized Commission employee for the purposes of that

Bias Any influence on a result that produces an incorrect approximation of the true
value of the variable being measured. Bias is the result of a predictable
systematic error.

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Battery / Facility A system or arrangement of tanks or other surface equipment receiving the
effluents of one or more wells prior to delivery to market or prior to other
disposition, and may include equipment or devices for separating the effluents
into oil, gas, or water and for measurement.

Butane (C4H10) An organic compound found in natural gas. Reported volumes may
contain some propane or pentanes plus.

Calibration Procedures or operations that establish the accuracy of the values indicated by a
measuring device as compared to the values indicated by a measuring standard
by making changes or adjustments to the measuring device.

Calibration Standard A certified device used in calibration or proving that has a known value traceable
to national reference standards maintained by the National Research Council in
Ottawa, Ontario.

Central processing facility A battery / facility system or arrangement of tanks or other surface equipment
receiving the effluent of one or more wells or a satellite prior to delivery to market
or other disposition; may include equipment or devices for separating the
effluents into crude oil, gas, or water for the injection and distribution of air,
steam, gas, hydrocarbon, or other materials, for water treatment and recycling,
and for measurement but does not include a processing plant.

Clean Oil Oil with 0.5% S&W or less.

Common Crown or Freehold Royalty When all the wells in a battery/facility are produced under Crown mineral leases
and the Crown receives the same royalty rate for each well, or when under
leases granted by one freehold mineral holder, the freehold mineral holder
receives the same royalty rate for each well. If there is more than one freehold
mineral holder for the wells in a battery/facility, the total royalty rate for each well
is the same.

Common ownership All wells in a battery/facility belong to the same working interest participant, or if
there is more than one working interest participant, each working interest
participant has the same percentage interest in each well in the battery / facility.

Composite meter factor A factor that is calculated by dividing the temperature corrected prover volume by
the indicated meter volume for a prover run. The final CMF is often averaged
from the results of multiple prover runs. The CMF includes corrections for the
effects of any combination of temperature, pressure or shrinkage.

Compressor station A facility that includes natural gas compression equipment for one or more wells.
This does not include booster compressors for single wells, or for well pads with
more than one well.

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Condensate A mixture mainly of pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons (C5+) that may be
contaminated with sulphur compounds. It is recovered at a well or facility from an
underground reservoir and may be gaseous in its virgin reservoir state but is
liquid at the conditions under which its volume is measured

Condensate, Separator liquids Separator liquids are a mixture of hydrocarbon components that remain in a
liquid state under the equilibrium pressure and temperature conditions
established in a two-phase or three-phase separator. The composition and
physical properties of separator liquids are highly variable and are a function of
separator inlet fluid composition and separator pressure and temperature

Condensate, Stock tank liquids Stabilized liquids are a mixture of hydrocarbon components that remain in the
liquid state following single-stage flash evaporation. Stabilized condensate is
expected to have low concentrations of light ends (C1-C4) components. The
composition and physical properties of the stabilized condensate is a function of
the equilibrium pressure and temperature conditions of the stabilizer and the
composition of the stabilizer feed from which it was derived.

Condensate to gas ratio (CGR) A ratio calculated by dividing the total condensate test volumes by the measured
test gas volume. Referenced in m3/e3m3.

Confidence level The degree of confidence that may be placed on an estimated range of

Conservation gas Natural gas produced from an oil well event where the marketable gas is
conserved but does not include gas produced from an oil well event granted
concurrent production status.

Concurrent production Gas produced from an oil well event where the oil well event is part of an
approved concurrent production scheme.

Continuous measurement Uninterrupted measurement.

Correction factor A correction factor is any mathematical adjustment made to take into account
deviations in volume related to temperature or pressure in either the sample or
the measured volume. It must be determined in accordance with API MPMS.

Critical lift Gas wells with liquid loading are incapable of removing the liquid associated with
produced gas from the wellbore (Lea, 2003). This phenomenon is initiated when
the upward gas velocity in the well falls below a critical value, at which point the
liquid that was initially entrained in the gas stream begins to fall back. This liquid
accumulates down hole where it increases the hydrostatic back-pressure on the

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reservoir, destabilizes the multiphase flow in the well (following flow regime
changes), decreases production rate and, in severe cases, kills the well.

Crude oil A mixture mainly of pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons that may be
contaminated with sulphur compounds, that is recovered or is recoverable at a
well from an underground reservoir, and that is liquid at the conditions under
which its volume is measured or estimated; includes all other hydrocarbon
mixtures so recovered or recoverable except raw gas, condensate, or crude oil.

Custom treating plant A system or arrangement of tanks and other surface equipment receiving
oil/water emulsion exclusively by truck for separation prior to delivery to market
or prior to other disposition.

Dead oil Oil containing mainly pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons and is in a stabilized
(degassed) form at atmospheric conditions. Dead oil may be at the wellhead or

Dead oil meters Dead oil meters are typically those used for delivery point or custody transfer
point measurement of hydrocarbon liquids that has been degassed to ambient

Dehydrator Equipment used to remove water from the natural gas.

Delivery point The point at which the delivery of oil or gas production from a battery / facility is
measured. The volumes determined at this point are typically used in royalty
calculations (royalty trigger points), such as sales, cross border, gas plant to
battery/facility, or gas plant to gas plant meters.

Delivery point measurement The level of uncertainty and type of measurement required at a delivery point.

Dew point The temperature at any given pressure at which liquid initially condenses from a
gas or vapour. It is specifically applied to the temperature at which water vapour
starts to condense from a gas mixture (water dew points) or at which
hydrocarbons start to condense (hydrocarbon dew point). (Source AGA

Digital (Smart) Transmitter A transmitter with a microprocessor that is used for digital signal processing and
calculation purposes. The calculations apply factory characterization of the
sensor calibration and dynamic compensation for other process and
environmental effects to the sensor output.

Dilution gas Typically, fuel gas used to provide adequate fuel for incineration or flaring of acid
gas. Dilution gas is used to maintain a minimum heating value of the flared or
incinerated gas, which must report Fuel Gas.

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Disqualifying criteria Criteria that leads to an exception or exemption being revoked.

Dry gas Natural gas without free liquid as per contract conditions. It consists of little more
than methane, producing little condensable heavier hydrocarbon compounds
such as propane and butane when brought to the surface.

Effluent correction factor (ECF) A factor determined from periodic tests conducted at each well whereby a test
separator is connected downstream of the effluent meter and the volumes
measured by the test separator are compared to the volume measured by the
effluent meter.

Electronic flow measurement (EFM) Any flow measurement and related system that collects data and performs flow
calculations electronically.

Emulsion A combination of two immiscible liquids, or liquids that do not mix together under
normal conditions

End device The tertiary device or equipment that records the various values used to
calculate a gas volume. In the case of electronic flow measurement, the end
device may also perform the calculations necessary to arrive at the measured
gas volume.

Enhanced recovery The increased recovery from a pool achieved by artificial means or by the
application of energy extrinsic to the pool; such artificial means or application
includes pressuring, cycling, pressure maintenance, or injection to the pool of a
substance or form of energy but does not include the injection in a well of a
substance or form of energy for the sole purpose of aiding in the lifting of fluids in
the well, or stimulating the reservoir at or near the well by mechanical, chemical,
thermal, or explosive means.

Equilibrium vapour pressure (EVP) The pressure at which a liquid and its vapour are in equilibrium at a given
temperature. When a hydrocarbon liquid has an EVP above the standard
pressure (101.325kPa at 15°C), the EVP at 15°C is the pressure base.

Error The difference between true and observed values.

Error (random) An error that varies in a unpredictable manner when a large number of
measurements of the same variable are made under effectively identical

Error (spurious) A gross error in procedure for example, human errors or machine malfunctions.

Error (systematic) An error that in the course of a number of measurements made under the same
conditions on material having the same true value of a variable either remains

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constant in absolute value and sign or varies in a predictable manner. Systematic
errors result in a bias.

Estimate The approximation of a value based on documented and traceable

methodologies, calculation, based on adequate knowledge of applicable facility
processes, metering technology, measurement principles and hydrocarbon and
water physical properties.

Ethane In addition to its normal scientific meaning, a mixture mainly of ethane that
ordinarily may contain some methane or propane.

Exception Circumstances under which if specific criteria are met or approval is granted,
measurement devices or procedures are allowed to deviate within specified limits
from base measurement requirements.

Exemption If an exemption is requested from regulatory requirements, an exemption request

may be requested at the time of application and include:
- Specific regulatory provision requiring an exemption.
- Rationale for exemption (explanation of why an exemption is required).
- Proposed plan showing mitigation strategies to reduce impacts.
If exemptions are approved prior to the application, this approval must be
attached to the application.

Facility / Battery A gas processing plant, production battery/facility, or any other surface
equipment deemed to be a battery/facility by an authorized Commission

Field data capture system A system collects well and facility data about production activities including:
Meter readings and estimates, production and test hours, calculated proration
factors and metering differences, pressure and temperature readings, downtime
hours and reasons.

Flare gas Any waste gas stream that is burnt or incinerated. For reporting purposes in BC it
also includes purge and pilot gas used to operate a flare system.

Flowmeter primary device The device mounted internally or externally to the fluid conduit which produces a
signal with a defined relationship to the fluid flow in accordance with known
physical laws relating the interaction of the fluid to the presence of the primary
device. The primary device may consist of one or more elements necessary to
produce the primary device signal.

Flowmeter secondary device The device that responds to the signal from the primary device and converts it to
a display or to an output signal that can be translated relative to flow rate or

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Functionality test Refers to procedures or operations performed to metering equipment where
there is no effective means of verifying the equipment using conventional

Gas Raw gas or marketable gas or any constituent of raw gas, condensate, or crude
oil that is recovered in processing and that is gaseous at the conditions under
which its volume is measured or estimated.

Gas battery / Facility A system or arrangement of surface equipment receiving the effluent from one or
more gas wells that might provide compression, separation, dehydration, dew
point control, or other gas handling functions prior to the delivery to market or
prior to other disposition; does not include gas processing equipment.

Gas chromatograph An analytical instrument that separates a gas sample into its components and
then measures the amount of each separated component. This information is
used to determine gas composition for calculating energy content, relative
density (specific gravity), compressibility and other related parameters.

Gas equivalent factor (GEF) A factor based on the composition of a hydrocarbon liquid mixture that is used to
convert the same hydrocarbon liquid mixture to its equivalent gas volume. This
factor is mixture dependent and not a constant for all mixtures. Referenced in

Gas equivalent volume (GEV) The gas volume equivalent determined from the physical properties of liquid at
standard conditions. The volume of gas (e3m3) that would result from converting
1m3 of liquid into a gas by applying a GEF to the liquid volume.

Gas fractionation plant An arrangement of equipment to reprocess an Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) inlet
into one or more in-stream components.

Gas gathering system A battery/facility consisting of pipelines used to move gas production from oil
batteries, gas batteries, and/or other facilities to another battery/facility (usually a
gas plant); may include compressors, line heaters, dehydrators, and other

Gas-in-solution (GIS) Gas dissolved in an oil volume under pressure.

Gas processing plant (gas plant) A facility for the extraction from natural gas of hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide,
helium, ethane, natural gas liquids, or other substances, but does not include a
production battery/facility that: (a) uses, for the exclusive purpose of processing
low-volume fuel gas; (i) a regenerative system for the removal of hydrogen
sulphide or carbon dioxide and emits less than 2 tonnes / day of sulphur, or; (ii) a
liquid extraction process such as refrigeration to extract hydrocarbon liquids from

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a gas stream, or; (b) uses a non-regenerative system for the removal of
hydrogen sulphide or carbon dioxide.

Gas well A well in which casing is run and that, in the opinion of the Commission, is
producing or is capable of producing from a natural gas bearing zone.

Good production practice (GPP) Production of crude oil or raw gas at a rate not governed by a base allowable,
but limited to what can be produced without adversely and significantly affecting
conservation, the prevention of waste, or the opportunity of each owner in the
pool to obtain his share of production.

Group oil Oil that is grouped and measured at a battery/facility where test oil is produced
to, unless at a single well battery/facility where group oil and test oil are one in
the same. Group oil represents the total volume of oil.

Heavy oil Crude oil having a density of 920kg/m3 or greater at 15°C.

High vapour pressure liquids Fluids extracted from raw gas that has been processed at a gas battery / facility,
such as ethane, propane, butane, NGL, and in some cases pentanes plus.

Hydrocarbon liquid A fluid in the liquid state that may consist of one or more of the following: oil,
bitumen, condensate, ethane, propane, butane, pentane plus, or other heavier
hydrocarbon compounds.

Initial qualifying criteria Criteria that must be met to qualify for an exception, testing frequency reduction,
or exemption. If the initial qualifying criteria have been met and the exception,
reduction, or exemption is implemented, it may remain in place indefinitely, as
long as the wells do not meet any of the disqualifying criteria and there are no
physical additions to the battery/facility (e.g., new wells or zones). If additions or
changes are made to the battery/facility, the initial qualifying criteria must be met
for all the wells or zones added to the battery/facility for the exception, reduction,
or exemption to remain in place.

Injection / Disposal facility A system or arrangement of surface equipment associated with the injection or
disposal of any substance through one or more wells.

Innage gauge The depth of liquid in a tank as measured from the surface of the liquid to the
tank bottom or to a fixed datum plate.

K-factor A term in pulses per unit volume determined during a factory or field proving. The
number of pulses generated by a linear meter divided by the k-factor will
determine the indicated volume.

Lease automatic custody transfer (LACT) An arrangement of equipment that measures the net volume and quality
of liquid hydrocarbons. This system provides for the automatic measurement,
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sampling, and transfer of oil from the lease location into a pipeline. A system of
this type is applicable where larger volumes of oil are being produced and must
have a pipeline available in which to connect.

Linearity The ideal accuracy curve of a volume meter is a straight line denoting a constant
meter factor. Meter linearity is expressed as the total range of deviation of the
accuracy curve from such a straight line between the minimum and maximum
recommended flow rates.

Liquid-gas ratio (LGR) A ratio calculated by dividing the total water and/or condensate test volumes by
the measured test gas volume.

Live oil Oil containing mainly pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons that may also contain
lighter hydrocarbons, and is not in a stabilized form. Live oil is commonly
measured at the wellhead or battery/facility.

Liquid petroleum gas (LPG) LPG consists primarily of propane (C3) and butane (C4) in a mixture or
essentially pure form, with minor components ranging from ethane (C2) to
normal hexane (C6). It is produced either as a by-product of natural gas
processing or during refining and processing operations.

Maintenance Maintenance is any process of conducting a calibration, verification, diagnostic,

proving, internal inspection or repair to a meter to ensure it is operating in the
correct manner to meet the expected uncertainty requirements.

Master meter A meter of known accuracy that is connected in series with another meter for the
purpose of checking the accuracy of that meter and providing a meter factor.

Maximum uncertainty of monthly volume Relates to the limits applicable to equipment and/or procedures used to
determine the total monthly volume.

Mean A value in the middle of two extremes (the two values farthest apart in a group of

Measured gas source(s) Single-phase measured gas source(s) downstream of separation and removal of
liquids; also includes the gas equivalent volume (GEV) of measured condensate
if the condensate is recombined after measurement with the gas downstream of
the separator.

Measured oil Oil measured using equipment and/or procedures meeting delivery point
measurement requirements and/or uncertainty limits. For emulsion, the delivery
point measurement uncertainty limits apply to the total volume determination

Measurement A method, process, or procedure, for determining a value for a physical variable.
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Measurement by difference Any situation where an unmeasured volume is determined by taking the
difference between two or more measured volumes.

Measuring standard A device used in calibration or proving that has a known value traceable to
national reference standards maintained by the National Research Council in
Ottawa, Ontario.

Meter element A meter element refers to any device associated with the meter (e.g., a
differential, static, or temperature-sensing element, chart recorder pen, or
electronic transmitters). There are three types of meter elements:
1) primary – the internal components of the meter and associated meter tube that
establishes the flow variables (e.g. orifice, meter plate, shedder bar, Venturi,
2) secondary – the part of the meter that senses and records the flow variables,
(e.g. chart recorded or transmitter).
3) tertiary – flow computer that calculates the flow and volume.

Meter factor A dimensionless number used to correct indicated meter volumes to adjusted
volumes if the two volumes differ due to operational conditions (e.g., gas
entrained in liquids, meter slippage, meter wear). It is not to be confused with the
“K Factor,” which is used to convert the number of pulses generated by a meter
into units of volume (where electronic pulse technology is the basis of the meter
operation). The K Factor is typically determined by the meter manufacturer and
does not take into consideration all of the specific operational conditions the
meter may be subjected to

Metering difference The volume used to balance, on a monthly basis, any difference that occurs
between the measured inlet/receipt volumes and the measured outlet/disposition
volumes at a battery/facility.

Methane In addition to its normal scientific meaning, a mixture mainly of methane that
ordinarily may contain some ethane, nitrogen, helium, or carbon dioxide.

Multiwell group gas battery / Facility Each well must have its own separation and measurement equipment, similar to
a single-well battery/facility, and all wells in the battery/facility must be connected
by flow line and delivered to the same battery/facility.

Multiwell group oil battery / Facility Each well must have its own separation and measurement equipment, similar to
a single-well battery / facility, and all equipment for the wells in the battery /
facility must share a common surface location.

Natural gas PNG defines all fluid hydrocarbons, before and after processing, that are not
defined as petroleum, and includes hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide, and
helium produced from a well.

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LNGR defines gaseous forms of hydrocarbons, principally methane, with minor
amounts of ethane, butanes, pentanes, and hexanes along with non-
hydrocarbon impurities such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide.

Natural gas liquid (NGL) Ethane, propane, butanes, or pentanes plus, and any other condensates, or any
combination of them, recovered from natural gas.

Non-conservation Gas Natural gas produced from a well event other than conservation gas.

Oil A mixture mainly of pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons possibly contaminated

with sulphur compounds, that is recovered or is recoverable at a well from an
underground reservoir, and is liquid at the conditions under which its volume is
measured or estimated, and includes all other hydrocarbon mixtures so
recovered or recoverable except raw gas or condensate.

Oilfield waste A substance unwanted by the generator substance or a mixture of substances

that results from the construction, operation, abandonment or reclamation of a
well site, oil and gas battery/facility, gas plant, compressor station, crude oil
terminal, pipeline, gas gathering system or related battery/facility.

Oil well Petroleum well (see Petroleum).

Operator The company or individual responsible for managing an exploration,

development or production operation.

Outage gauge The distance from a reference point at the top of a tank to the surface of the
liquid. This “gauge” is then subtracted from the full height gauge (from the same
reference point) of the tank to determine the depth of the liquid.

Pentanes plus A mixture mainly of pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons, which ordinarily may
contain some butanes, that is obtained fom the processing of raw gas,
condensate, or crude oil.

Petroleum Crude petroleum and all other hydrocarbons, regardless or gravity, that are or
can be recovered in liquid form from a pool through a well by ordinary production
methods or that are or can be recovered from oil sand or oil shale.

Pipeline Those items through which oil or gas industry fluids are conveyed, including pipe,
components, and any appurtenances attached thereto, up to and including the
isolating valves and/or pig barrels located at stations and other facilities.

Defined in OGAA.

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Pool An underground reservoir containing an accumulation of petroleum or natural
gas, or both, separated or appearing to be separated from another reservoir or

Primary measurement element A primary measurement element refers to the part of the meter that provides an
indication of flow (e.g., an orifice plate, venturi, or vortex shedder bar).

Production battery / Facility A battery/facility, oil treater, pumping station, compressor station, dehydrator, gas
injection station, line heater, waste disposal facility, waste processing facility,
water disposal facility, water injection station, or, on designation of an authorized
Commission employee, any other system of vessels and equipment designed to
accommodate production or disposal, or both production and disposal, of well
effluent products and by-products, but does not include a gas processing plant.

Propane (C3H8) An organic compound found in natural gas. Reported volumes may
contain some ethane or butane.

Proration An accounting procedure or system in which the total actual monthly

battery/facility production is equitably distributed among the wells in the

Proration battery / Facility A battery/facility for which all well production is commingled prior to the total
battery/facility production volumes being separated and measured (or estimated
where appropriate) as single phases. Individual monthly well production volumes
are estimated based on periodic well tests and are corrected to the actual
monthly volumes through the use of proration factors.

Prover A device used to collect and determine the volume of a sample of fluid that has
passed through a meter. Provers typically use volumetric or gravimetric means to
determine the quantity of the sample.

Prover run The operation of a prover or master meter whereby a representative volume is
sampled and measured, and that sample volume is compared to the volume
indicated by a meter through which the same sample has passed to determine a
meter factor.

Proving The procedures or operations whereby a prover volume is compared to an

indicated meter volume (both corrected to applicable pressure and temperature
conditions). The prover volume divided by the indicated meter volume yields a
meter factor. The meter factor is subsequently applied to indicated meter
volumes to determine the adjusted or corrected volume. If the meter is connected
to an electronic readout, the meter factor may be incorporated into the software
such that the indicated meter volume is already corrected to read the adjusted
volume. Care should be taken in such cases not to apply the meter factor again,

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in such cases the meter factor should be indicated on the tag or label as being

Raw gas A mixture containing methane, other paraffinic hydrocarbons, nitrogen, carbon
dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, helium, and minor impurities, or some of these, that
is recovered or is recoverable at a well from an underground reservoir and is
gaseous at the conditions under which its volume is measured or estimated.

Relative density of gas The ratio of the mass of the gas to the mass of an equal volume of air. It is also
referred to as gas gravity or specific gravity of gas.

Representative flow When stabilized flow is not achievable, such as for wells with artificial lift systems
and wells with slugging characteristics then representative flow is required for
testing purposes. The test volumes of gas, condensate, or water must be
representative of the well’s production capability under normal operating
conditions. Wells must be tested for a minimum duration that completes multiple
flow cycles to accurately determine a representative volume of gas, condensate,
or water. These representative production volumes are then extrapolated to
accurately reflect the wells’ production over an extended period of time.

Revocation of exemption Criteria that leads to an exception, testing frequency reduction, or exemption
being revoked and baseline requirements reinstated.

Sediments and water (S&W) Commonly refers to settled solid and / or semi-solid components and water in
tanks and other containment vessels. S&W was formerly referred to as BS&W
(basic sediments and water).

Sales gas (marketable gas) Natural gas that is available for sale for direct consumption as a domestic,
commercial or industrial fuel, or as an industrial raw material, or is delivered to a
storage battery/facility, whether this gas occurs naturally or results from the
processing of natural gas. A mixture mainly of methane originating from raw gas,
if necessary through the processing of the raw gas for the removal or partial
removal of some constituents, and that meets specifications for use as a
domestic, commercial, or industrial fuel or as an industrial raw material.

Satellite or Satellite battery / Facility Surface equipment (located between a number of wells and the main
battery/facility) intended to separate and measure the production from each well,
after which the fluids are recombined and piped to the main battery/facility for
separation/treating, measurement, and storage or delivery.

Segregate To confine each fluid in a well to its proper pool or flow channel so that it is
separate from the fluid in or passing from or to any other pool.

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Separator An unfired apparatus specifically designed and used for separating fluids
produced from a well into two or more streams; does not include a dehydrator.

Single point measurement uncertainty Relates to the limits applicable to equipment and/or procedures used to
determine a specific volume at a single measurement point.

Solid A substance that does not contain free liquids and is not gaseous at standard

Solution gas Volatile hydrocarbons that are dissolved in solution with produced oil or bitumen.

Stabilized flow Indicates a point at which flowing parameters of gas, condensate, or water are
producing under normal operating conditions and represent production levels
equal to the well’s normal average flow rate. Stabilized flow can only be achieved
when all testing equipment associated in determining an actual volume has
reached equilibrium (i.e., liquid levels in test separator, pressure and temperature
stabilization to normal operating conditions).

Stock tank vapours The solution gas present in the oil/bitumen storage tanks that may be released
from the tanks.

Synthetic crude oil A mixture mainly of pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons, which may also contain
sulphur compounds, that is derived from crude bitumen and is liquid at the
conditions under which its volume is measured or estimated; includes all other
hydrocarbon mixtures so derived.

Tank A device designed to contain materials produced, generated, and used by the
upstream petroleum industry that is constructed of impervious materials to
provide structural support; may include such materials as concrete, plastic,
fiberglass reinforced plastic, or steel.

Test oil Oil that is measured at a test separator, treater, or test tank. Test oil is usually
measured as live oil. Test oil is an estimate of a well’s production based on the
test to test method.

Thief An industry term for a bottom closure, core-type sampling device used to secure
samples from storage tanks.

Treater A fired apparatus specifically designed and used for separating gas and water
from crude oil.

Truck terminal A system or arrangement of tanks and other surface equipment that receives
hydrocarbon liquids by truck for the purpose of delivering those liquids into a

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Verification Procedures or operations that establish the accuracy of the values indicated by a
measuring device as compared to the values indicated by a measuring standard
without making any changes or adjustments to the measuring device.

Waste processing and disposal battery / Facility A system or arrangement of tanks or other surface equipment
receiving waste material for processing and disposition from any gas, oilfield, or
oil sands operations.

Water to gas ration (WGR) A ratio calculated by dividing the total water test volumes by the measured test
gas volume. Referenced in m3/e3m3.

Well Wells are an oil and gas activity as defined in the Oil and Gas Activities Act and
are specifically defined in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act.
A hole in the ground, other than a water source well, that is:
a) Made or being made by drilling, boring, or any other method to obtain
petroleum or natural gas,
b) made or being made by drilling, boring or any other method to explore for,
develop or use a storage reservoir for the storage or disposal of petroleum,
natural gas, water produced in relation to the production of petroleum or natural
gas, waste or any other prescribed substance,
c) used, drilled or being drilled to inject natural gas, water produced in relation to
the production of petroleum or natural gas or other substances into an
underground formation in connection with the production of petroleum or natural
d) used to dispose of petroleum, natural gas, water produced in relation to the
production of petroleum or natural gas, waste or any other prescribed substance
into a storage reservoir, or
e) used, drilled or being drilled to obtain geological or geophysical information
respecting petroleum or natural gas,
and includes a water source well.

Well event A unique identifier code for an interval, zone, pool, or horizon in a well. A well
may be completed in multiple intervals, zones, pools, or horizons, each of which
is identified as a well event.

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Terms Common to Pipeline Activities

Cathodic protection A technique to prevent the corrosion of a metal surface by making the surface
the cathode of an electrochemical cell.

Class location A geographical area classified according to its approximate population density
and other characteristics are considered when designing and operating a

Design pressure The maximum pressure to which the pipeline and its appurtenances were
designed to, including all safety factors.

Engineering assessment A documented assessment of the effect of relevant variables upon fitness for
service or integrity of a pipeline system, using engineering principles, conducted
by, or under the direct supervision of, a competent person with demonstrated
understanding and experience in the application of the engineering and risk
management principles related to the issue being assessed. Note: General
requirements for engineering assessment are specified in CSA Z662.

High vapour pressure Hydrocarbons or hydrocarbon mixtures in the liquid or quasi-liquid state with a
vapour pressure greater than 110 kPa absolute at 38 °C, as determined using
the Reid method (see ASTM D323).

Isolating valve A valve for isolating laterals, stations, pressure-relieving installations, and other
pipeline segments or facilities.

Low-pressure distribution system A pipeline system operating at less than 700kPa for the distribution of sweet
natural gas. These pipelines are currently regulated by the BC Safety Authority.

Low vapour pressure Hydrocarbons or hydrocarbon mixtures in the liquid or quasi-liquid state with a
vapour pressure of 110 kPa absolute or less at 38 °C, as determined using the
Reid method (see ASTM D323).

Maximum operating pressure (MOP)

The maximum pressure at which piping pipeline is licensed to be operated.

Miscellaneous gases Air, ammonia, carbon dioxide, ethane, helium, hydrogen, H2S, nitrogen, and

Miscellaneous liquids Produced water and sulphur slurry.

Multiphase fluid Oil, gas, and water in any combination produced from one or more oil wells, or
recombined oil well fluids possibly separated in passing through surface facilities.

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Oil well effluent Produced oil or emulsion in which the effective hydrogen sulphide partial
pressure is less than 0.3kPa at the bubble.

Product The substance contained within the pipeline.

Terms Common to Roads

Road permit Is a permit that includes permission to construct or maintain an oil and gas road.

Road Permit Holder Is a permit holder of a road permit and a person who is otherwise required to
maintain an oil and gas road or was required, immediately before the coming into
force of this regulation, to maintain an oil and gas road.

Road prism In relation to a road, means an area consisting of the road surface and any cut
slope, ditch and road fill.

Road right of way In relation to an oil and gas road, means:

(a) the area that is shown or described in the permit as the road corridor within
which the oil and gas road may be constructed or modified, or
(b) if the permit does not show or describe the area within which the oil and gas
road may be constructed or modified, the area 17.5 m of either side of the
center line of the oil and gas road.

Roadwork area In relation to an oil and gas road, means any of the following:
(a) the road right of way;
(b) an area that is adjacent to the road right of way and has been used for
construction, operation or maintenance of the road under a permit or
authorization held by the road permit holder.

Maintain In relation to an oil and gas road, means maintain in accordance with Part 4 of
the OGRR.

Modification In relation to an oil and gas road, means the widening of the running surface of
the road, the realigning of a portion of the road or the reconstructing of a
portion of a road, and includes the installing or replacing of a bridge or major
culvert associated with the road.

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Major culvert Is a culvert crossing a stream or wetland that
(a) is one of the following:
(i) A pipe having a diameter of 2000 mm or greater,
(ii) A pipe arch having a span greater than 2130 mm,
(iii) An open bottom arch having a span greater than 2130 mm, or
(b) has a design discharge rate of 6 m3 per second or greater.

Temporary access Is a trail, shoe-fly or a means of accessing a related activity that is required during
the construction of that related OGAA or related CER activity. Temporary access
cannot be constructed to the standards identified within Part 3 of OGRR,
otherwise the applicant should be advised to apply for an road permit under
OGAA or a CER road..

CER Related Road Right of Way

A ‘Road’ applied for as an CER Related Road Right of Way, must be related to an CER project as per
s.9 of the OGAA under a specified enactment.

AAIF Archaeology Assessment Information Form
AAP Archaeology Audit Program
ABA Area-based Analysis
ADR Appropriate Dispute Resolution
AER Alberta Energy Regulator
AEUB Alberta Energy and Utilities Board
AIA Archaeological Impact Assessment
ALC Agricultural Land Commission
ALR Agricultural Land Reserve
AMS Application Management System
ANSI American National Standards Institute

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AOA Archaeological Overview Assessment
AOF All Open Flow Test or Absolute Open Flow
AOFP Absolute Open Flow Potential
APEGBC Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC
API American Petroleum Institute
APR Petroleum Access Roads
ARD Average Replacement Depth
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
AWS Acoustic Well Sounder
AWSBU Acoustic Well Sounder Build-up
BBL Barrel
BCAA British Columbia Assessment Authority
BCGS BC Geographic System
BEC Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification
BHL Bottom Hole Location
BHT Bottom Hole Temperature
BMP Best Management Practices
BOP Blowout Prevention
BTU British Thermal Unit
C Celsius (temperature)
C&E Compliance and Enforcement
CAGC Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors
CAODC Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors
CAPP Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
CAS Chemical Abstracts Service
CBG Coal Bed Gas
CBM Coal Bed Methane
CBS Closed Bottom Structure
CDC British Columbia Conservation Data Centre
CEA Cumulative Effects Assessment
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CEAA Canadian Environmental Assessment Act
CER Canada Energy Regulator
CERPPA Canada Energy Regulator Pipeline Provincial Authorization
CIAS Changes In and About a Stream
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
CNR Consultation and Notification Regulation
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
COR Certificate of Restoration
CP Cutting Permit
CPA Consultation Process Agreements
CPSC Canadian Petroleum Safety Council
CSA Canadian Standards Association
CSR Contaminated Sites Regulation
DDP Damage Prevention Plan
DEOS Dehydrator Engineering & Operations Sheet
DFO Department of Fisheries and Oceans
DGA Daily Gas Allowance
DLS Dominion Land Survey
DPR Drilling and Production Regulation
DOA Daily Oil Allowable
DVI District Value Index
DST Drillstem Test
EAA Environmental Assessment Act (Government of Canada statute)
EAO Environmental Assessment Office
EAZ Emergency Awareness Zone
EC Environment Canada or Electrical Conductivity
ECD Equivalent Circulating Density
EMA Environmental Management Act
EMLI Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation
EPMR Environmental Protection and Management Regulation
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EMR Emergency Management Regulation
EMS Electromagnetic Survey
EPC Engineering, Procurement and Construction
EPMG Environmental Protection and Management Guideline
EPZ Emergency Planning Zone
ESD Emergency Shutdown systems
ESDV Emergency shutdown valve
FACID Facility Identification Code
FEED Front End Engineering Design
FLNG Floating LNG
FLNRORD Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development
FN First Nations
FOI Freedom of Information
FOIPPA Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
FPC Forest Practices Code
FSR Forest Service Road
FTD Final Total Depth
GEP Good Engineering Practice
GER Geophysical Exploration Regulation ()
GHG Greenhouse Gas
GIS Geographical Information Systems
GOR Gas to Oil Ratio
ha hectares (unit of area = 10,000 m2, or roughly 2.48 ac
H2S Hydrogen Sulphide
HCA Heritage Conservation Act
HLSD High-level Shutdown
HP Hydrostatic Pressure
HWR Hazardous Waste Regulation
IMP Integrity Management Programs
IMS Integrity Management System
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INDB Industry Bulletin
IOGC Indian Oil and Gas Canada
IOP Individual Ownership Plan
IRP Industry Recommended Practice
IUP Investigative Use Permit
km kilometre (unit of lineal measure = 1,000 m, or roughly 0.6 miles)
kPa kilopascals
kW kilowatt
LiDAR Light Detection and Ranging
LIS Low Impact Seismic
LL Liquid Level (in a reservoir)
LMR Liability Management Rating
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LRMP Land and Resource Management Plan
LSD Legal Subdivision (one sixteenth of a section)
LTO Leave to Open
m metres
MD Measured Depth
mm millimetres
MIRR Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation
MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (components, including valves and well heads)
MEM Ministry of Energy and Mines
MEMPR Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
MJ Megajoule
MJ/m3 Megajoule per cubic metre
MKMA Muskwa-Kechika Management Area
MLTC Master Licence to Cut
MOA Ministry of Agriculture
MOE Ministry of Environment
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MOF Ministry of Finance
MOP Maximum Operating Pressure
Mol% Mole Per Cent
MOTI Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MPD Managed pressure drilling
MPP Midpoint of Perforations
Mtpa Millions of tonnes per annum
MW Megawatt
MWD-Gr Measurement While Drilling Gamma Ray
NCS Notice of Construction Start
NCD Non-Classified Drainages
NEBC North East British Columbia
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NGLs Natural Gas Liquids
NOI Notice of Intent
NPT Notice of Pressure Test
NTS National Topographic Survey
OGAA Oil and Gas Activities Act
OGC (BC) Oil and Gas Commission
OGMA Old Grown (grown or growth?) Management Areas
OGRR Oil and Gas Road Regulation
OGWR Oil and Gas Waste Regulation
OHSReg Occupational Health and Safety Regulation
PA Production Accounting
PDR Petroleum Development Road
PFR Preliminary Field Reconnaissance
P&ID Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
PIPA Personal Information Protection Act
PNG Act Petroleum and Natural Gas Act
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P.Eng Professional Engineer
PEP Provincial Emergency Program
PFD Process Flow Diagram
PFR Preliminary Field reconnaissance
PG Bottom Hole Pressure Gauge
PGBU Bottom Hole Pressure Gauge Build-up
PGFU Bottom Hole Pressure Gauge Fall-off
PIT Packer Isolation Tests
PPM Parts Per Million
PRRD Peace River Regional District
PSI Preliminary Site Investigation (Environmental Management Act- Contaminated Sites
PST Pressure Survey Test
PSV Pressure Safety Valve
PTP Pre-Tenure Plan
PVT Pressure Volume Temperature
RMA Resource Management Area (sometimes refers to a Riparian Management Area)
RMZ Riparian Management Zone * (this is also stated as Resource Management Zone)
ROW Right of Way
RPT Rapid Phase Transition
RRA Riparian Reserve Area
RRD Required Replacement Depth
RUP Road Use Permit
SMP Sand Management Plan
SMZ Special Management Zone
SO2 Sulphur Dioxide
SRDO Summary Report of Drilling Operations
SRR Spill Reporting Regulation
SRW Statutory Right of Way
SYD Sierra-Yoyo-Desan
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t/d total per day
TCF Trillion Standard Cubic Feet
TDS Totally Dissolved Solids
TRD Treatment, Recovery & Disposal
TSR Timber Supply Review
TVD True Vertical Depth (of a well)
UBD Underbalanced Drilling
UDGA Unadjusted Daily Gas Allowable
UDOA Unadjusted Daily Oil Allowable
USMP Upper Sikanni Management Plan (see under Pre-Tenure Plan)
UWI Unique Well Identifier
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
UWR Ungulate Winter Range
WA Well Authorization
WSBC Work Safe B.C. (formerly Workers’ Compensation Board)
WHA Wildlife Habitat Area
WTRAA Wildlife Tree Retention Area
WHMIS Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
WHP Wellhead Pressure
WMA Wildlife Management Area
WTP Wildlife Tree Patch
XREF Cross Reference

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Regulations and Legislation
All oil and gas and related activities require permits applied for and approved by the Commission. Some activities
may require additional applications, approvals from other regulators or create obligations under other statutes
and it is the applicants’ and permit holder’s responsibility to know and uphold all legal obligations.

BC Laws provides free public access to the current laws of British Columbia mentioned in manuals, documents,
directives and other pieces produced by the Commission. Applicants and permit holders can access any of the
listed Acts and Regulations listed below from the Commission website and/or www.bclaws.ca. This list includes
commonly used acronyms for each.

Agricultural Land Commission Act (ALCA)
Environmental Management Act (EMA)
Forest Act
Heritage Conservation Act (HCA)
Land Act
Canada Energy Regulator Act (CERA)
Oil and Gas Activities Act (OGAA)
Petroleum and Natural Gas Act (PNG)
Water Sustainability Act (WSA)
Administrative Penalties Regulation
Drilling and Production Regulation (DPR)
Emergency Management Regulation (EMR)
Environmental Protection and Management Regulation (EPMR)
Fee, Levy and Security Regulation
Geophysical Exploration Regulation (GER)
Hazardous Waste Regulation (HWR)
Liquefied Natural Gas Facility Regulation (LNGFR)

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Oil & Gas Activities Act General Regulation
Oil and Gas Road Regulation (OGRR)
Oil and Gas Waste Regulation (OGWR)
Pipeline Crossings Regulation
Pipeline Regulation
Requirements for Consultation and Notification Regulation (RCNR)
Service Regulation

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